import geopandas as gpd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import folium
from folium.plugins import HeatMap
from shapely.geometry import Polygon, LineString, Point
import matplotlib as mpl
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import datetime
import os
os.environ["RAY_DEDUP_LOGS"] = "0"
import ray
import multiprocessing
import pickle
from tqdm import tqdm
from scipy import stats, sparse
import as px
import plotly.graph_objs as go
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist

    from config_mapmatch import *
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    raise Warning('config file for map matchingnot found')

def write_log(txt_to_write,txt_file="log.txt", mode="a"):
    with open(txt_file, mode) as file:

def generate_color(nb_color):
    distinct_colors = [] 
    while len(distinct_colors)<nb_color:
        color = tuple(np.random.randint(0, 256, size=3))
        if color not in distinct_colors:
    hex_colors = ['#%02x%02x%02x' % (r, g, b)
                for [r, g, b] in distinct_colors]
    return hex_colors

def get_accurate_start_end_point(df, streetmap, edgesDf):
    # Here direction is not important
    # Because we first projected the points to the edge
    # Then we analyzed the direction of the trip

    coarse2full_edge = {i:[] for i in edgesDf.index}
    full2coarse_edge = dict(streetmap.c_edge)
    for full_edge in full2coarse_edge:
        coarse_edge = full2coarse_edge[full_edge]

    coords = np.asarray([[list(row["geometry"].coords[0]), list(row["geometry"].coords[-1])] for index, row in streetmap.iterrows()])
    start = coords[:,0, :]
    end = coords[:,1, :]

    accu_dist = streetmap["accu_dist"].to_numpy()
    full_edge_km = streetmap["km"].to_numpy()
    coarse_edge = df["edge"].to_numpy()
    travelled_dist = df["km"].to_numpy()*df["frcalong"].to_numpy()

    edge_index = []
    fracs = []
    for i in range(len(coarse_edge)):
        max_dist = -1
        for j in coarse2full_edge[coarse_edge[i]]:
            accu = accu_dist[j]
            if accu<=travelled_dist[i] and accu>max_dist:
                max_dist = accu
                min_edge = j
                frac_ = max(0, min(1, (travelled_dist[i]-accu)/full_edge_km[j]))
    fracs=np.expand_dims(np.asarray(fracs), axis=-1)
    projected_points = start[edge_index]*(1-fracs) + end[edge_index]*fracs
    return edge_index, fracs, projected_points[:, 0], projected_points[:, 1]

def tracetable(tracesTable):
    df = read_h5(tracesTable)
    df = df.sort_values(by=["tripID", "timestamp"])
    df["timestamp"] = (df.timestamp-datetime.datetime(2020, 10, 1)).dt.total_seconds()
    return df

def distanceLL(distance):
    """Geometric log likelihood function for how to penalize edges that are further from the point
    Similar to Newson and Krummer 2009
    This can take a scalar or a numpy array"""
    # return stats.t(df=20, scale=15).logpdf(distance)+(stats.t(df-20, scale))
    # return stats.t(df=20, scale=sigma_z).logpdf(distance)
    return (stats.t(df=20, scale=sigma_z).logpdf(distance)-stats.t(df=20, scale=sigma_z).logpdf(dist_threshold)+stats.t(df=20, scale=20).logpdf(dist_threshold))*(distance>=dist_threshold)+stats.t(df=20, scale=20).logpdf(distance)*(distance<dist_threshold)
    # return (stats.t(df=20, scale=sigma_z).logpdf(distance)-stats.t(df=20, scale=sigma_t).logpdf(dist_threshold)+stats.t(df=20, scale=15).logpdf(dist_threshold))*(distance>=dist_threshold)+stats.t(df=20, scale=15).logpdf(distance)*(distance<dist_threshold)

def temporalLL(travelcostratio):
    """Log likelihood function for the transition between different edges
    Input is ratio of implied speed to speed limit"""
    return stats.t(df=20, scale=sigma_t).logpdf(travelcostratio)

def speedLL(speed):
    """Log likelihood function for the transition between different edges
    Input is ratio of implied speed to speed limit"""
    return stats.norm(loc=6, scale=2).logpdf(speed)*((speed>10).astype(float))#*((speed<3.6).astype(float)+(speed>11).astype(float))

def topologicalLL(distratio):
    """this is the topological log likelihood function, based on the distance ratio between GPS trace and matched line"""
    dr = np.maximum(0, np.array(distratio)-1)    # distratio can be less than 1 if there is a U-turn, so enforce a minimum
    return stats.t(df=20, scale=sigma_topol).logpdf(dr)*topol_weight

# ensures that the two distributions match at 1
temporalLL_ratio = (stats.expon(scale=temporal_scale).logpdf(1)-stats.norm(scale=sigma_t).logpdf(0))

def geo_dist(v1, v2):
    # distance by m
    R = 6371000
    v1, v2 = np.radians(v1), np.radians(v2)
    lon1, lat1 = v1[:, :, 0], v1[:, :, 1]
    lon2, lat2 = v2[:, :, 0], v2[:, :, 1]
    dlat = lat2-lat1
    dlon = lon2-lon1
    a = np.sin(dlat / 2)**2 + np.cos(lat1) * np.cos(lat2) * np.sin(dlon / 2)**2
    c = 2 * np.arctan2(np.sqrt(a), np.sqrt(1 - a)) 
    return R*c

def geo_dist_arr(v1, v2):
    # distance by m
    R = 6371000
    v1, v2 = np.radians(v1), np.radians(v2)
    lon1, lat1 = v1[:, 0], v1[:, 1]
    lon2, lat2 = v2[:, 0], v2[:, 1]
    dlat = lat2-lat1
    dlon = lon2-lon1
    a = np.sin(dlat / 2)**2 + np.cos(lat1) * np.cos(lat2) * np.sin(dlon / 2)**2
    c = 2 * np.arctan2(np.sqrt(a), np.sqrt(1 - a)) 
    return R*c

def geo_dist_single(v1, v2):
    # distance by m
    R = 6371000
    v1, v2 = np.radians(v1), np.radians(v2)
    lon1, lat1 = v1
    lon2, lat2 = v2
    dlat = lat2-lat1
    dlon = lon2-lon1
    a = np.sin(dlat / 2)**2 + np.cos(lat1) * np.cos(lat2) * np.sin(dlon / 2)**2
    c = 2 * np.arctan2(np.sqrt(a), np.sqrt(1 - a)) 
    return R*c

def colorFader(arr, c1="#FFFFFF", c2="#040404"): #fade (linear interpolate) from color c1 (at mix=1) to c2 (mix=0)
    mix = (arr-min(arr))/(max(arr)-min(arr))
    if max(arr)==min(arr):
        mix = np.ones_like(arr)
    return [mpl.colors.to_hex(i*c1 + (1-i)*c2) for i in mix]

def store_h5(file_path, data, key="my_dataframe"):
    store = pd.HDFStore(file_path)
    store[key] = data

def read_h5(file_path, time_converse=True, key="my_dataframe"):
    store = pd.HDFStore(file_path)
    read_data = store[key]
    if time_converse:
        read_data["timestamp"] = pd.to_datetime(read_data["timestamp"])
    return read_data

def get_map_dict(map_, raw_dict_path):
    puntid_dict_path, idpunt_dict_path, punttype_dict_path, roadtype_dict_path=raw_dict_path+"punt_id.json", raw_dict_path+"id_punt.json", raw_dict_path+"punt_type.json", raw_dict_path+"roadtype.json"
    if os.path.exists(puntid_dict_path):
        with open(puntid_dict_path, 'rb') as f:
            puntid_dict = pickle.load(f)
        with open(idpunt_dict_path, 'rb') as f:
            idpunt_dict = pickle.load(f)
        with open(punttype_dict_path, 'rb') as f:
            punttype_dict = pickle.load(f)
        with open(roadtype_dict_path, 'rb') as f:
            roadtype_dict = pickle.load(f)
        print("No new road dictionary is written.")
        return puntid_dict, idpunt_dict, punttype_dict, roadtype_dict
    puntid_dict, punttype_dict = {}, {}
    for index, row in tqdm(map_.iterrows()):
        for j in row.geometry.coords:
            punt = str(j)
            if punt not in puntid_dict:
                puntid_dict[punt] = len(puntid_dict)
            if puntid_dict[punt] not in punttype_dict:
                punttype_dict[puntid_dict[punt]] = [row["type"]]
            elif row["type"] not in punttype_dict[puntid_dict[punt]]:
    idpunt_dict = {puntid_dict[i]:i for i in puntid_dict}
    roadtype_dict = {value:i for i, value in enumerate(map_["type"].unique())}
    with open(puntid_dict_path, 'wb') as f:
        pickle.dump(puntid_dict, f)
    with open(idpunt_dict_path, 'wb') as f:
        pickle.dump(idpunt_dict, f)
    with open(punttype_dict_path, 'wb') as f:
        pickle.dump(punttype_dict, f)
    with open(roadtype_dict_path, 'wb') as f:
        pickle.dump(roadtype_dict, f)
    print("New road dictionary is written.")
    return puntid_dict, idpunt_dict, punttype_dict, roadtype_dict

def add_intermediate_coords(lst, step_size = 1e-4):
    start, end = lst
    # Calculate the number of intermediate points
    num_points = int(np.ceil(np.linalg.norm(end - start) / step_size))
    return [start + i * (end - start) / num_points for i in range(num_points + 1)]

def str2lst(input_string):
    coordinates_str = input_string.strip('()').split(',')
    coordinates_list = np.array([float(coord.strip()) for coord in coordinates_str])
    return coordinates_list

class Plot_html():
    def __init__(self) -> None:

    def shp_plot_box(self, shapefile, colorby="type"):
        geo_list, info, color = [], [], []
        colors_ = generate_color(shapefile[colorby].nunique())
        color_mapping = {value: index for index, value in enumerate(shapefile[colorby].unique())}

        for index, row in shapefile.iterrows():
            for j in row.geometry.coords:
                geo_list += [list(j)]
            geo_list += [[None, None]]
            color = color + [colors_[color_mapping[row[colorby]]] for i in range(len(row.geometry.coords))] + ["#000000"]
            if "osm_id" not in shapefile.columns:
                info = info + ['idx: '+str(index) for i in range(len(row.geometry.coords))] + [' ']
                info = info + ['osm_id: '+str(row["osm_id"])+"<br>Roadtype: "+str(row[colorby]) for i in range(len(row.geometry.coords))] + [' ']

        geo_list = np.asarray(geo_list)
        lons, lats, color, info = geo_list[:,0], geo_list[:,1], color, info
        return lons, lats, color, info
    def shp_plot_selective(self, shapefile, outputfile=None, colorby="type"):
        colors_ = generate_color(shapefile[colorby].nunique())
        color_mapping = {value: index for index, value in enumerate(shapefile[colorby].unique())}

        plot_dict = {}
        for type_ in shapefile[colorby].unique():
            geo_list, info, color = [], [], []
            for index, row in df.iterrows():
                for j in row.geometry.coords:
                    geo_list += [list(j)]
                geo_list += [[None, None]]
                color = color + [colors_[color_mapping[row[colorby]]] for i in range(len(row.geometry.coords))] + ["#000000"]
                info = info + ['Full edge: '+str(row.index)+"<br>Roadtype: "+str(row[colorby]) for i in range(len(row.geometry.coords))] + [' ']

            geo_list = np.asarray(geo_list)
            lons, lats, color, info = geo_list[:,0], geo_list[:,1], color, info
            plot_dict[type_] = [lons, lats, color, info]
        if outputfile:
            self.plot_trace(multipleRoutes=plot_dict, outputpath=outputfile)
        return plot_dict
    def poi_plot_box(self, shapefile):
        geo_list, info = [], []
        for index, row in shapefile.iterrows():
            for j in row.geometry.coords:
                geo_list += [list(j)]
            info = info + ['osm_id: '+str(row["osm_id"])+"<br>Type: "+row["type"]]
        geo_list = np.asarray(geo_list)
        lons, lats,  info = geo_list[:,0], geo_list[:,1], info
        return lons, lats, info
    def plot_map_objs(self, outputpath, line_box=False, marker_box=False, line_width=10, line_color='#6785C0'):
        # if os.path.exists(outputpath):
        #     return
        line_marker_size, marker_size = 20, 10
        zoom_center = {"lat": 51.925818, "lon":4.464207}
        fig = go.Figure()
        if line_box:
            lons, lats, color, info = line_box
            if color == None:
                color = line_color
            line_trace = go.Scattermapbox(      
                        mode = "markers+lines+text",
                        lon = lons, lat = lats,
                        marker = {'size': line_marker_size, 'color': color},line={'width':line_width, 'color':line_color},
                        name = "Line",
        if marker_box:
            lons, lats, info = marker_box
            marker_trace = go.Scattermapbox(      
                        mode = "markers+text",
                        lon = lons, lat = lats,
                        marker = {'size': marker_size, 'color': "#FF0000"},
                        name = "Marker",
        fig.update_layout(margin={"r":0,"t":0,"l":0,"b":0}, mapbox = {
            'center': zoom_center,
            'zoom': 12})
        fig.update_layout(height=1000, width=2500)

    def plot_trace(self, outputpath, line_marker_size=20, marker_size=10, background=None, traces=None, routes=None, multipleTraces=None, multipleRoutes=None, multipleProjection=None):
        # if os.path.exists(outputpath):
        #     return
        zoom_center = {"lat": 51.9248025, "lon":4.5}
        fig = go.Figure()
        if background: 
            lons, lats, color, info = background
            line_trace0 = go.Scattermapbox(      
                        mode = "markers+lines+text",
                        lon = lons, lat = lats,
                        marker = {'size': line_marker_size, 'color': '#CCFFFF'},line={'width':10, 'color':'#CCFFFF'},
                        name = "Background",
        if traces:
            lons, lats, color, info = traces
            line_trace1 = go.Scattermapbox(      
                        mode = "markers+lines+text",
                        lon = lons, lat = lats,
                        marker = {'size': line_marker_size, 'color': color},line={'width':5, 'color':'#FFCCE5'},
                        name = "Trace",
        if routes:
            lons, lats, color, info = routes
            if color is None:
                color, edge_color="#5CA961", "#5CA961"
            line_trace2 = go.Scattermapbox(      
                        mode = "markers+lines+text",
                        lon = lons, lat = lats,
                        marker = {'size': line_marker_size, 'color': color},line={'width':10, 'color':edge_color},
                        name = "Selected_edge",

        if multipleTraces:
            for tripID in multipleTraces.keys():
                lons, lats, color, info, = multipleTraces[tripID]
                line_trace = go.Scattermapbox(      
                            mode = "markers+lines+text",
                            lon = lons, lat = lats,
                            marker = {'size': line_marker_size, 'color': color},line={'width':5, 'color':'#FFCCE5'},
                            name = str(tripID),
        if multipleRoutes:
            for tripID in multipleRoutes.keys():
                lons, lats, color, info, = multipleRoutes[tripID]
                line_trace = go.Scattermapbox(      
                            mode = "markers+lines+text",
                            lon = lons, lat = lats,
                            marker = {'size': line_marker_size, 'color': color},line={'width':5, 'color':'#5CA961'},
                            name = str(tripID),
        if multipleProjection:
            for tripID in multipleProjection.keys():
                lons, lats = multipleProjection[tripID]
                point_trace = go.Scattermapbox(
                            mode = "markers",
                            lon = lons, lat = lats,
                            marker = {'size': marker_size, 'color': "#FF0000"},
                            name = str(tripID))
        fig.update_layout(margin={"r":0,"t":0,"l":0,"b":0}, mapbox = {
            'center': zoom_center,
            'zoom': 13})
        fig.update_layout(height=800, width=2500)
        fig.for_each_trace(lambda trace: trace.update(visible="legendonly"))

    def plot_point(df: pd.DataFrame, outputpath, col_color=None, color_scale=None):
        # if os.path.exists(outputpath):
        #     return
        df = df.copy()
        df["size"] = 0.3
        myzoom = 14 
        # minmaxcolor = [0,30]
        mycenter = {"lat": df["lat"].unique()[0], "lon": df["lon"].unique()[0]}
        fig = px.scatter_mapbox(df, lat="lat", lon="lon", color=col_color, color_continuous_scale=color_scale,
                                size="size", size_max=13, 
                                # range_color=minmaxcolor, 
                                zoom=myzoom, center=mycenter)

        fig.update_layout(height=1000, width=2500)

    def heatmap_plot(self, data:pd.DataFrame, outputpath, min_lat=51.899736, max_lat=51.952686, min_lon=4.430277, max_lon=4.504152):
        if os.path.exists(outputpath):
        map_obj = folium.Map(location = [(min_lat+max_lat)/2, (min_lon+max_lon)/2], zoom_start = 14)
        lats_longs_weight = list(map(list, zip(,
                                [1 for j in range(len(data))])))

class Plot_plt():
    def __init__(self) -> None:

    def count_time_interval(self, data:pd.DataFrame):
        df = data.sort_values(by=['tripID', 'timestamp'])
        df['time_difference'] = df.groupby('tripID')['timestamp'].diff()
        arr =  df["time_difference"].dt.total_seconds().to_numpy()/60
        return arr

    def hist_density_plot(self, data:np.ndarray, x_label, y_label, title, bin=100, outputpath=None):
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
        ax.hist(data, bins=bin, density=True)
        if outputpath: # and not os.path.exists(outputpath):
            plt.savefig(outputpath, dpi=800)
    def bar_plot(self, x_values, y_values, x_label, y_label, title, outputpath=None, show_tick=True):
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1), y_values)
        if show_tick:
            for x, y in zip(x_values, y_values):
                ax.text(x, y, str(y), ha='center', va='bottom')
            ax.tick_params(axis='x', rotation=45, labelsize=8)
        if outputpath and not os.path.exists(outputpath):
            plt.savefig(outputpath, dpi=800)
    def plot_given_area(self, left_top=[51.926018, 4.482589], right_bottom=[51.924060, 4.488257], streetmap="mapMatch_result/full_roads.shp", outputpath=None):
        ## defi1: 51°55'49.1"N 4°29'05.6"E 51°55'46.5"N 4°29'15.3"E
        ## case1: left_top=[51.926026, 4.480273], right_bottom=[51.924508,4.486673]
        up_lat, left_lon=left_top
        down_lat, right_lon=right_bottom
        rotterdam_map = gpd.read_file(streetmap)
        forbidden_type = ["primary", "primary_link"]
        suspicious_type = ["secondary", "secondary_link", "tertiary"]
        puntid_dict, idpunt_dict, punttype_dict, roadtype_dict = get_map_dict(None, "graph/raw/")
        F, S, B = [], [], []
        polygon = Polygon([(left_lon,up_lat), (left_lon,down_lat), (right_lon,down_lat), (right_lon,up_lat)])
        for index,row in rotterdam_map.iterrows():
            # print(LineString([i for i in row.geometry.coords]))
            line = LineString([i for i in row.geometry.coords])
            if line.within(polygon):
                if row["type"] in forbidden_type:
                    F+=[Point(i) for i in row.geometry.coords]
                elif row["type"] in suspicious_type:
                    S+=[Point(i) for i in row.geometry.coords]
                    B+=[Point(i) for i in row.geometry.coords]
        Important=[Point(str2lst(idpunt_dict[3116])), Point(str2lst(idpunt_dict[3498]))]
        I_df = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=Important) = 'EPSG:4326'

        S_df = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=S) = 'EPSG:4326'
        B_df = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=B) = 'EPSG:4326'

        F_df = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=F) = 'EPSG:4326'

        fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 11))
        B_df.plot(ax=ax, alpha=0.4, color='green')
        # all_df.plot(ax=ax, alpha=0.4, color='grey')
        if len(F):
            F_df.plot(ax=ax, alpha=0.4, color='red')
        if len(S):
            S_df.plot(ax=ax, alpha=0.4, color='blue')
        I_df.plot(ax=ax, alpha=0.4, color='red', markersize=200, marker='*')
        if len(F):
            ax.legend(["Bicycle Roads", "Forbidden Roads", "Suspicious Roads"], loc='lower center', ncols=3)
            ax.legend(["Bicycle Roads", "Bicycle Road Node","Suspicious Roads","Suspicious Road Nodes","Considered road"],bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, -0.2), loc='lower center', ncols=5)

        locs, _= plt.xticks()
        # plt.xticks([locs[0],locs[-1]],["4°29'20.9\"E", "4°29'39.9\"E"])
        # locs, _=plt.yticks()
        # plt.yticks([locs[0],locs[-1]],["51°55'34.8\"N", "51°55'32.0\"N" ])
        plt.savefig('/Users/tinggao/Desktop/cplcate3.png', dpi=600)