Roodmus fully refactored into pypi package Roodmus fully refactored into pypi package. Instructions for installation and .ipynb are included
Roodmus is now pip installable via: `python3 -m pip install --extra-index-url https://test.pypi.org/simple/ roodmus --no-cache-dir ! Also requires manual install of pipeliner and parakeet though!` Note that you will have to install ccpem-pipeliner and parakeet using separate commands (please do this after pip installing roodmus! - this helps with package dependencies!)
Python-environment-solved Release: Python-environment-solved
Summary: Setup python env from new - utilities untested. Includes requirements.txt to set up from new python 3.10.4 env. Install via `pip install -r requirements.txt`, followed by installing your local pipeliner version, followed by installing parakeet. Some sorting out of files has been done. Utilities have not yet been tested, except for `python roodmus.py --help`