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Applied large fixes to gpenkfmodel

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@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import scipy.sparse as spsp
import scipy.sparse.linalg as spspla
from jive.solver.jit.cholesky import sparse_cholesky
from jive.names import GlobNames as gn
from names import GPActions as gpact
from names import GPParamNames as gppn
from gpmodel import GPModel
@@ -33,7 +34,7 @@ class GPEnKFModel(GPModel):
super()._configure_prior(params, globdat)
# Define a dictionary with relevant functions
eval_dict = self._get_eval_dict()
eval_dict = self._get_eval_dict(globdat)
# Get the premultiplier matrix (if necessary)
if not self._premultiplier is None:
@@ -51,7 +52,10 @@ class GPEnKFModel(GPModel):
self._sqrtSigma = sparse_cholesky(self._Sigma)
# Set the params for the ensemble samples
ensemble_params = {gppn.NSAMPLE:self._nens, gppn.RNG:np.random.default_rng(self._seed)}
ensemble_params = {}
ensemble_params[gppn.PRIORSAMPLES] = np.zeros((self._dc, self._nens))
ensemble_params[gppn.NSAMPLE] = self._nens
ensemble_params[gppn.RNG] = np.random.default_rng(self._seed)
# Take the GETPRIORSAMPLES action to build the ensemble
self.take_action(gpact.GETPRIORSAMPLES, ensemble_params, globdat)
@@ -68,12 +72,51 @@ class GPEnKFModel(GPModel):
del self._sqrtSigma
# Get the mean of X, and the deviation from the mean
EX = np.mean(self._X, axis=1)
self._A = self._X - np.tile(EX, (self._nens,1)).T
self._m = np.mean(self._X, axis=1)
self._y = self._g - self._H @ self._m
self._A = self._X - np.tile(self._m, (self._nens,1)).T
# Compute the product of H and A (which is nobs x nens)
self._HA = self._H @ self._A
def _get_eval_dict(self, globdat):
# Define a dictionary with relevant functions
eval_dict = {'inv':spspla.inv, 'exp':np.exp, 'norm':np.linalg.norm, 'np':np}
# Check if we have an SPDE covariance
if self._prior == 'SPDE':
nodes = globdat[gn.NSET]
dofspace = globdat[gn.DOFSPACE]
if self._rank >= 1:
x = np.zeros(self._dc)
if self._rank >= 2:
y = np.zeros(self._dc)
for i in range(len(nodes)):
icoords = nodes[i].get_coords()
idofs = dofspace.get_dofs([i], dofspace.get_types())
if self._rank >= 1:
x[idofs] = icoords[0]
if self._rank >= 2:
y[idofs] = icoords[1]
if self._rank >= 1:
eval_dict['x'] = x
if self._rank >= 2:
eval_dict['y'] = y
# Add the mass and stiffness matrices to the dictionary
eval_dict['M'] = self._Mc
eval_dict['K'] = self._Kc
eval_dict['Phi'] = self._Phi
return eval_dict
def _get_prior_covariance(self, params, globdat):
@@ -84,17 +127,62 @@ class GPEnKFModel(GPModel):
Sigma_prior = self._A @ self._A.T / (self._nens - 1)
params[gppn.PRIORCOVARIANCE] = Sigma_prior
def _apply_covariance_bcs(self, Sigma):
def _apply_covariance_bcs(self, Sigma, globdat):
Sigmac = Sigma.copy()
# Set the covariance of the DBCs to 0
Sigmac[self._cdofs,:] *= 0.0
Sigmac[:,self._cdofs] *= 0.0
mc = np.zeros(self._dc)
# Add a tiny noise to ensure Sigma is positive definite rather than semidefinite
Sigmac += self._pdnoise2 * spsp.identity(self._dc)
return Sigmac
# Check if the boundary condition should be applied directly or via dirichlet BCs
if self._bctype == 'dirichlet':
if self._premultiplier != "K":
raise ValueError('With GPEnKFModel, BCs can only be applied if K is the premultiplier')
# Split K along boundary and internal nodes
K_ib = -self._K[:,self._cdofs]
K_ib[self._cdofs] = spsp.identity(len(self._cdofs))
# Decouple the bc covariance from the internal nodes
Sigmac[self._cdofs,:] *= 0.0
Sigmac[:,self._cdofs] *= 0.0
# Get a matrix that defines the constraint equations
conmat = spsp.lil_array((self._dc, len(self._bcgroups)))
ds = globdat[gn.DOFSPACE]
for i, (group, dof) in enumerate(zip(self._bcgroups, self._bcdofs)):
idofs = ds.get_dofs(globdat[gn.NGROUPS][group], [dof])
conmat[idofs, i] = 1
conmat = conmat[self._cdofs,:]
# Get the boundary mean vector
meanvec = np.array(self._bcmeans)
mean_bc = conmat @ meanvec
# Add the boundary mean vector to the prior
mc += K_ib @ mean_bc
# Get the boundary covariance matrix
covmat = spsp.diags(self._bccovs)**2
Sigma_bc = conmat @ covmat @ conmat.T
# Recouple the internal nodes based on the boundary covariance matrix
Sigmac += K_ib @ Sigma_bc @ K_ib.T
elif self._bctype == 'direct':
raise ValueError('With GPfModel, BCs cannot be applied directly')
raise ValueError('boundary has to be "dirichlet" or "direct"')
# Add separate boundary noise to ensure positive definiteness
noisediag = np.zeros(self._dc)
noisediag[self._cdofs] = self._bcnoise2
Sigmac += spsp.diags(noisediag)
return mc, Sigmac
def _get_Sigma_obs(self):