From 0c6c7716204f46195f7d9edeacde3f503cbd957f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Dennis Mannhart <>
Date: Mon, 5 Mar 2018 10:30:20 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] ControlMath: remove unused methods

 .../mc_pos_control/Utility/ControlMath.cpp    | 115 -----------
 .../mc_pos_control/Utility/ControlMath.hpp    |   2 -
 .../mc_pos_control_tests/test_controlmath.cpp | 194 ------------------
 3 files changed, 311 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/modules/mc_pos_control/Utility/ControlMath.cpp b/src/modules/mc_pos_control/Utility/ControlMath.cpp
index cfc987002c..9235907b7c 100644
--- a/src/modules/mc_pos_control/Utility/ControlMath.cpp
+++ b/src/modules/mc_pos_control/Utility/ControlMath.cpp
@@ -47,121 +47,6 @@
 namespace ControlMath
- * Limit vector based on a maximum tilt.
- *
- * @param vec: 3d vector in N-E-D frame
- * @param tilt_max: maximum tilt allowed
- * @return 3d vector adjusted to tilt
- *
- * Tilt is adjusted such that vector component in D-direction
- * has higher priority.
- */
-matrix::Vector3f constrainTilt(const matrix::Vector3f &vec, const float maximum_tilt)
-	/* We only consider maximum tilt < 90 */
-	float tilt_max = maximum_tilt;
-	if (tilt_max > M_PI_2_F) {
-		tilt_max = M_PI_2_F;
-	}
-	/* Desired tilt is above 90 -> in order to stay within tilt,
-	 * vector has to be zero (N-E-D frame)*/
-	if (vec(2) > 0.0f) {
-		return matrix::Vector3f();
-	}
-	/* Maximum tilt is 0 */
-	if (tilt_max < 0.001f) {
-		return matrix::Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, vec(2));
-	}
-	/* desired and maximum allowed horizontal magnitude */
-	float xy_mag = matrix::Vector2f(vec(0), vec(1)).length();
-	float xy_mag_max = fabsf(vec(2)) * tanf(tilt_max);
-	if (xy_mag_max < xy_mag) {
-		float x0 = vec(0) * xy_mag_max / xy_mag;
-		float x1 = vec(1) * xy_mag_max / xy_mag;
-		return matrix::Vector3f(x0, x1, vec(2));
-	}
-	/* No adjustment: return normal vec */
-	return vec;
- * Constrain output from PID (u-vector) with priority on altitude.
- *
- * @reference param u: PID output in N-E-D frame.
- * @reference param stop_I: boolean for xy and z, indicating when integration for PID
- * 					should stop: true = stop integration, false = continue integration
- * @Ulimits: Ulimits[0] = Umax, Ulimits[1] = Umin
- * @d: direction given by (r - y ); r = reference, y = measurement
- *
- * Saturation strategy:
- * u >= Umax and d >= 0 => Saturation = true
- * u >= Umax and d <= 0 => Saturation = false
- * u <= Umin and d <= 0 => Saturation = true
- * u <= Umin and d >= 0 => Saturation = false
- *
- *
- */
-void constrainPIDu(matrix::Vector3f &u, bool stop_I[2], const float Ulimits[2], const float d[2])
-	stop_I[0] = stop_I[1] = false;
-	float xy_max = sqrtf(Ulimits[0] * Ulimits[0] - u(2) * u(2));
-	float xy_mag = matrix::Vector2f(u(0), u(0)).length();
-	if (u(2) * u(2) >= Ulimits[0] * Ulimits[0]) {
-		/* The desired u in D-direction exceeds maximum */
-		/* Check if altitude saturated */
-		if (d[1] >= 0.0f) {
-			stop_I[1] = true;
-		}
-		stop_I[0] = true;
-		u(0) = 0.0f;
-		u(1) = 0.0f;
-		u(2) = math::sign(u(2)) * Ulimits[0];
-	} else if (u.length() >= Ulimits[0]) {
-		/* The desired u_xy exceeds maximum */
-		if (d[0] >= 0.0f) {
-			stop_I[0] = true;
-		}
-		u(0) = u(0) / xy_mag * xy_max;
-		u(1) = u(1) / xy_mag * xy_max;
-	} else if (u.length() <= Ulimits[1]) {
-		/* The desired u is below minimum */
-		/* Check if z or xy are saturated */
-		if (d[1] <= 0.0f) {
-			stop_I[1] = true;
-		}
-		/* If we have zero vector,
-		 * then apply minimum throttle in D-direction
-		 * since we do not know better. (no direction given)
-		 */
-		if (u.length() < 0.0001f) {
-			u = matrix::Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, -Ulimits[1]);
-		} else {
-			u = u.normalized() * Ulimits[1];
-		}
-	}
 vehicle_attitude_setpoint_s thrustToAttitude(const matrix::Vector3f &thr_sp, const float yaw_sp)
diff --git a/src/modules/mc_pos_control/Utility/ControlMath.hpp b/src/modules/mc_pos_control/Utility/ControlMath.hpp
index ca0058e8bf..c82b5285d0 100644
--- a/src/modules/mc_pos_control/Utility/ControlMath.hpp
+++ b/src/modules/mc_pos_control/Utility/ControlMath.hpp
@@ -46,7 +46,5 @@
 namespace ControlMath
-matrix::Vector3f constrainTilt(const matrix::Vector3f &vec, const float tilt_max);
-void constrainPIDu(matrix::Vector3f &u, bool stop_I[2], const float Ulimits[2], const float d[2]);
 vehicle_attitude_setpoint_s thrustToAttitude(const matrix::Vector3f &thr_sp, const float yaw_sp);
diff --git a/src/modules/mc_pos_control/mc_pos_control_tests/test_controlmath.cpp b/src/modules/mc_pos_control/mc_pos_control_tests/test_controlmath.cpp
index 2facb40fcf..9c092b14d8 100644
--- a/src/modules/mc_pos_control/mc_pos_control_tests/test_controlmath.cpp
+++ b/src/modules/mc_pos_control/mc_pos_control_tests/test_controlmath.cpp
@@ -10,210 +10,16 @@ public:
 	virtual bool run_tests();
-	bool testConstrainTilt();
-	bool testConstrainPIDu();
 	bool testThrAttMapping();
 bool ControlMathTest::run_tests()
-	ut_run_test(testConstrainTilt);
-	ut_run_test(testConstrainPIDu);
 	return (_tests_failed == 0);
-bool ControlMathTest::testConstrainTilt()
-	// expected: return same vector
-	// reason: tilt exceeds maximum tilt
-	matrix::Vector3f v(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.1f);
-	float tilt_max = math::radians(91.0f);
-	matrix::Vector3f vr = ControlMath::constrainTilt(v, tilt_max);
-	ut_assert_true((v - vr).length() < EPS);
-	// expected: return zero vector
-	// reason: v points down, but cone generated by tilt is only
-	// defined in negative z (upward).
-	v = matrix::Vector3f(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.1f);
-	tilt_max = math::radians(45.0f);
-	vr = ControlMath::constrainTilt(v, tilt_max);
-	ut_assert_true((vr).length() < EPS);
-	// expected: length vr_xy same as vr_z
-	// reason: it is a 45 cone and v_xy exceeds v_z
-	v = matrix::Vector3f(1.0f, 1.0f, -0.5f);
-	tilt_max = math::radians(45.0f);
-	vr = ControlMath::constrainTilt(v, tilt_max);
-	float vr_xy = matrix::Vector2f(vr(0), vr(1)).length();
-	ut_assert_true(fabsf(vr(2)) - vr_xy < EPS);
-	// expected: length vr_z larger than vr_xy
-	// reason: it is a 30 cone and v_xy exceeds v_z
-	v = matrix::Vector3f(1.0f, 1.0f, -0.5f);
-	tilt_max = math::radians(20.0f);
-	vr = ControlMath::constrainTilt(v, tilt_max);
-	vr_xy = matrix::Vector2f(vr(0), vr(1)).length();
-	ut_assert_true(fabsf(vr(2)) - vr_xy > EPS);
-	// expected: length of vr_xy larger than vr_z
-	// reason: it is a 80 cone and v_xy exceeds v_z
-	v = matrix::Vector3f(10.0f, 10.0f, -0.5f);
-	tilt_max = math::radians(80.f);
-	vr = ControlMath::constrainTilt(v, tilt_max);
-	vr_xy = matrix::Vector2f(vr(0), vr(1)).length();
-	ut_assert_true(fabsf(vr(2)) - vr_xy < EPS);
-	// expected: same vector is return
-	// reson: vector is within cond
-	v = matrix::Vector3f(1.0f, 1.0f, -0.5f);
-	tilt_max = math::radians(89.f);
-	vr = ControlMath::constrainTilt(v, tilt_max);
-	ut_assert_true((v - vr).length() < EPS);
-	return true;
-bool ControlMathTest::testConstrainPIDu()
-	/* Notation:
-	 * u: input thrust that gets modified
-	 * u_o: unmodified thrust input
-	 * sat: saturation flags
-	 * Ulim: max and min thrust
-	 * d: flags for xy and z, indicating sign of (r-y)
-	 * r: reference; not used here
-	 * y: measurement; not used here
-	 */
-	// expected: same u
-	// reason: no direction change and within bounds
-	bool sat[2] = {false, false};
-	float Ulim[2] = {0.8f, 0.2f};
-	matrix::Vector3f u{0.1f, 0.1f, -0.4f};
-	matrix::Vector3f u_o = u;
-	float d[2] = {1.0f, 1.0f};
-	ControlMath::constrainPIDu(u, sat, Ulim, d);
-	ut_assert_true((u - u_o).length() < EPS);
-	ut_assert_false(sat[1]);
-	ut_assert_false(sat[0]);
-	// expected: u_xy smaller than u_o_xy and sat[0] = true
-	// reason: u_o_xy exceeds Ulim[0] and d[0] is positive
-	sat[0] = false;
-	sat[1] = false;
-	Ulim[0] = 0.5f;
-	Ulim[1] = 0.2f;
-	u = matrix::Vector3f(0.4f, 0.4f, -0.1f);
-	u_o = u;
-	d[0] = 1.0f;
-	d[1] = 1.0f;
-	ControlMath::constrainPIDu(u, sat, Ulim, d);
-	float u_xy = matrix::Vector2f(u(0), u(1)).length();
-	float u_o_xy = matrix::Vector2f(u_o(0), u_o(1)).length();
-	ut_assert_true(u_xy < u_o_xy);
-	ut_assert_true(fabsf(u(2)) - fabsf(u_o(2)) < EPS);
-	ut_assert_true(sat[0]);
-	ut_assert_false(sat[1]);
-	// expected: u_xy smaller than u_o_xy and sat[0] = false
-	// reason: u_o_xy exceeds Ulim[0] and d[0] is negative
-	d[0] = -1.0f;
-	ut_assert_true(u_xy < u_o_xy);
-	ut_assert_true(fabsf(u(2)) - fabsf(u_o(2)) < EPS);
-	ut_assert_true(sat[0]);
-	ut_assert_false(sat[1]);
-	// expected: u_xy = 0  and sat[0] = true
-	// expected: u_z = -0.6 (maximum) and sat[1] = true
-	// reason: u_o_z exceeds maximum and since altitude
-	// has higher priority, u_xy will be set to 0. No direction
-	// change desired.
-	sat[0] = false;
-	sat[1] = false;
-	Ulim[0] = 0.5f;
-	Ulim[1] = 0.2f;
-	u = matrix::Vector3f(0.4f, 0.4f, -0.6f);
-	u_o = u;
-	d[0] = 1.0f;
-	d[1] = 1.0f;
-	ControlMath::constrainPIDu(u, sat, Ulim, d);
-	u_xy = matrix::Vector2f(u(0), u(1)).length();
-	u_o_xy = matrix::Vector2f(u_o(0), u_o(1)).length();
-	ut_assert_true(u_xy < u_o_xy);
-	ut_assert_true(u_o(2) - (-0.6f) < EPS);
-	ut_assert_true(u_xy < EPS);
-	ut_assert_true(sat[0]);
-	ut_assert_true(sat[1]);
-	// expected: u_xy = 0  and sat[0] = true because u_z is saturate
-	// => altitude priority
-	// expected: u_z = -0.6 (maximum) and sat[1] = true
-	// reason: u_o_z exceeds maximum and since altitude
-	// has higher priority, u_xy will be set to 0. Direction
-	// change desired for xy
-	d[0] = -1.0f;
-	ControlMath::constrainPIDu(u, sat, Ulim, d);
-	u_xy = matrix::Vector2f(u(0), u(1)).length();
-	u_o_xy = matrix::Vector2f(u_o(0), u_o(1)).length();
-	ut_assert_true(u_xy < u_o_xy);
-	ut_assert_true(u_o(2) - (-0.6f) < EPS);
-	ut_assert_true(u_xy < EPS);
-	ut_assert_true(sat[0]);
-	ut_assert_true(sat[1]);
-	// expected: nothing
-	// reason: thottle within bounds
-	sat[0] = false;
-	sat[1] = false;
-	Ulim[0] = 0.7f;
-	Ulim[1] = 0.2f;
-	u = matrix::Vector3f(0.3f, 0.3f, 0.0f);
-	u_o = u;
-	d[0] = 1.0f;
-	d[1] = 1.0f;
-	ControlMath::constrainPIDu(u, sat, Ulim, d);
-	ut_assert_true((u - u_o).length() < EPS);
-	ut_assert_false(sat[1]);
-	ut_assert_false(sat[0]);
-	// expected: u_xy at minimum, no saturation
-	// reason: u_o is below minimum with u_o_z = 0, which
-	// 		   means that Ulim[1] is in xy direction.
-	//         No saturation because no direction change.
-	sat[0] = false;
-	sat[1] = false;
-	Ulim[0] = 0.7f;
-	Ulim[1] = 0.2f;
-	u = matrix::Vector3f(0.05f, 0.05f, 0.0f);
-	u_o = u;
-	d[0] = 1.0f;
-	d[1] = 1.0f;
-	ControlMath::constrainPIDu(u, sat, Ulim, d);
-	u_xy = matrix::Vector2f(u(0), u(1)).length();
-	ut_assert_true(u_xy - Ulim[1] < EPS);
-	ut_assert_true(fabsf(u(2)) < EPS);
-	ut_assert_false(sat[1]);
-	ut_assert_false(sat[0]);
-	// expected: u_xy at minimum, saturation in z
-	// reason: u_o is below minimum with u_o_z = 0, which
-	// 		   means that Ulim[1] is in xy direction.
-	//         Direction change in z.
-	d[1] = -1.0f;
-	ControlMath::constrainPIDu(u, sat, Ulim, d);
-	ut_assert_true(u_xy - Ulim[1] < EPS);
-	ut_assert_true(fabsf(u(2)) < EPS);
-	ut_assert_true(sat[1]);
-	ut_assert_false(sat[0]);
-	return true;
 bool ControlMathTest::testThrAttMapping()