diff --git a/msg/vehicle_status.msg b/msg/vehicle_status.msg
index f197f2a41ad9a3b988dd2e6e7833ecdc802a93de..9eaabebc04946afbfa58baa7fe9b4eb97cd81740 100644
--- a/msg/vehicle_status.msg
+++ b/msg/vehicle_status.msg
@@ -85,3 +85,11 @@ uint8 failure_detector_status			# Bitmask containing FailureDetector status [0,
 uint32 onboard_control_sensors_present
 uint32 onboard_control_sensors_enabled
 uint32 onboard_control_sensors_health
+# airspeed fault and airspeed use status
+float32 arspd_check_level	# integrated airspeed inconsistency as checked against the COM_TAS_FS_INTEG parameter
+bool aspd_check_failing		# true when airspeed consistency checks are failing
+bool aspd_fault_declared	# true when an airspeed fault has been declared
+bool aspd_use_inhibit		# true if switching to a non-airspeed control mode has been requested
+bool aspd_fail_rtl		# true if airspeed failure invoked RTL has been requested
+float32 load_factor_ratio	# ratio of measured to aerodynamic load factor limit. Greater than 1 indicates airspeed low error condition.
diff --git a/src/modules/commander/Commander.cpp b/src/modules/commander/Commander.cpp
index 3993d5d8efff790b60262b339ede7f79ea6c7c09..3ebfd05a220a98afba81687dfa6ec0e9a873ebc9 100644
--- a/src/modules/commander/Commander.cpp
+++ b/src/modules/commander/Commander.cpp
@@ -596,6 +596,8 @@ Commander::~Commander()
 	if (_iridiumsbd_status_sub >= 0) {
+	delete[] _airspeed_fault_type;
@@ -1649,6 +1651,7 @@ Commander::run()
+		airspeed_use_check();
 		/* Update land detector */
 		orb_check(land_detector_sub, &updated);
@@ -4095,6 +4098,273 @@ void Commander::battery_status_check()
+void Commander::airspeed_use_check()
+	if (_airspeed_fail_action.get() < 1 || _airspeed_fail_action.get() > 4) {
+		// disabled
+		return;
+	}
+	_airspeed_sub.update();
+	const airspeed_s &airspeed = _airspeed_sub.get();
+	_sensor_bias_sub.update();
+	const sensor_bias_s &sensors = _sensor_bias_sub.get();
+	// assume airspeed sensor is good before starting FW flight
+	bool valid_flight_condition = (status.arming_state == vehicle_status_s::ARMING_STATE_ARMED) &&
+				      !status.is_rotary_wing && !land_detector.landed;
+	bool fault_declared = false;
+	bool fault_cleared = false;
+	bool bad_number_fail = !PX4_ISFINITE(airspeed.indicated_airspeed_m_s) || !PX4_ISFINITE(airspeed.true_airspeed_m_s);
+	if (!valid_flight_condition) {
+		_tas_check_fail = false;
+		_time_last_tas_pass = hrt_absolute_time();
+		_time_last_tas_fail = 0;
+		_tas_use_inhibit = false;
+		_time_tas_good_declared = hrt_absolute_time();
+		_time_tas_bad_declared = 0;
+		status.aspd_check_failing = false;
+		status.aspd_fault_declared = false;
+		status.aspd_use_inhibit = false;
+		status.aspd_fail_rtl = false;
+		status.arspd_check_level = 0.0f;
+		_time_last_airspeed = hrt_absolute_time();
+		_time_last_aspd_innov_check = hrt_absolute_time();
+		_load_factor_ratio = 0.5f;
+	} else {
+		// Check normalised innovation levels with requirement for continuous data and use of hysteresis
+		// to prevent false triggering.
+		float dt_s = float(1e-6 * (double)hrt_elapsed_time(&_time_last_aspd_innov_check));
+		if (dt_s < 1.0f) {
+			if (_estimator_status_sub.get().tas_test_ratio <= _tas_innov_threshold.get()) {
+				// record pass and reset integrator used to trigger
+				_time_last_tas_pass = hrt_absolute_time();
+				_apsd_innov_integ_state = 0.0f;
+			} else {
+				// integrate exceedance
+				_apsd_innov_integ_state += dt_s * (_estimator_status_sub.get().tas_test_ratio - _tas_innov_threshold.get());
+			}
+			status.arspd_check_level = _apsd_innov_integ_state;
+			if ((_estimator_status_sub.get().vel_test_ratio < 1.0f) && (_estimator_status_sub.get().mag_test_ratio < 1.0f)) {
+				// nav velocity data is likely good so airspeed innovations are able to be used
+				if ((_tas_innov_integ_threshold.get() > 0.0f) && (_apsd_innov_integ_state > _tas_innov_integ_threshold.get())) {
+					_time_last_tas_fail = hrt_absolute_time();
+				}
+			}
+			if (!_tas_check_fail) {
+				_tas_check_fail = (hrt_elapsed_time(&_time_last_tas_pass) > TAS_INNOV_FAIL_DELAY);
+			} else {
+				_tas_check_fail = (hrt_elapsed_time(&_time_last_tas_fail) < TAS_INNOV_FAIL_DELAY);
+			}
+		}
+		_time_last_aspd_innov_check = hrt_absolute_time();
+		// The vehicle is flying so use the status of the airspeed innovation check '_tas_check_fail' in
+		// addition to a sanity check using airspeed and load factor and a missing sensor data check.
+		// Check if sensor data is missing - assume a minimum 5Hz data rate.
+		const bool data_missing = (hrt_elapsed_time(&_time_last_airspeed) > 200_ms);
+		// Declare data stopped if not received for longer than 1 second
+		const bool data_stopped = (hrt_elapsed_time(&_time_last_airspeed) > 1_s);
+		_time_last_airspeed = hrt_absolute_time();
+		// Check if the airpeed reading is lower than physically possible given the load factor
+		bool load_factor_ratio_fail = true;
+		if (!bad_number_fail) {
+			float max_lift_ratio = fmaxf(airspeed.indicated_airspeed_m_s, 0.7f) / fmaxf(_airspeed_stall.get(), 1.0f);
+			max_lift_ratio *= max_lift_ratio;
+			_load_factor_ratio = 0.95f * _load_factor_ratio + 0.05f * (fabsf(sensors.accel_z) / CONSTANTS_ONE_G) / max_lift_ratio;
+			_load_factor_ratio = math::constrain(_load_factor_ratio, 0.25f, 2.0f);
+			load_factor_ratio_fail = (_load_factor_ratio > 1.1f);
+			status.load_factor_ratio = _load_factor_ratio;
+			// sanity check independent of stall speed and load factor calculation
+			if (airspeed.indicated_airspeed_m_s <= 0.0f) {
+				bad_number_fail = true;
+			}
+		}
+		//  Decide if the control loops should be using the airspeed data based on the length of time the
+		// airspeed data has been declared bad
+		if (_tas_check_fail || load_factor_ratio_fail || data_missing || bad_number_fail) {
+			// either load factor or EKF innovation or missing data test failure can declare the airspeed bad
+			_time_tas_bad_declared = hrt_absolute_time();
+			status.aspd_check_failing = true;
+		} else if (!_tas_check_fail && !load_factor_ratio_fail && !data_missing && !bad_number_fail) {
+			// All checks must pass to declare airspeed good
+			_time_tas_good_declared = hrt_absolute_time();
+			status.aspd_check_failing = false;
+		}
+		if (!_tas_use_inhibit) {
+			// A simultaneous load factor and innovaton check fail makes it more likely that a large
+			// airspeed measurement fault has developed, so a fault should be declared immediately
+			const bool both_checks_failed = (_tas_check_fail && load_factor_ratio_fail);
+			// Because the innovation, load factor and data missing checks are subject to short duration false positives
+			// a timeout period is applied.
+			const bool single_check_fail_timeout = (hrt_elapsed_time(&_time_tas_good_declared) > (_tas_use_stop_delay.get() * 1_s));
+			if (data_stopped || both_checks_failed || single_check_fail_timeout || bad_number_fail) {
+				_tas_use_inhibit = true;
+				fault_declared = true;
+				if (data_stopped || data_missing) {
+					strcpy(_airspeed_fault_type, "MISSING");
+				} else  {
+					strcpy(_airspeed_fault_type, "FAULTY ");
+				}
+			}
+		} else if (hrt_elapsed_time(&_time_tas_bad_declared) > (_tas_use_start_delay.get() * 1_s)) {
+			_tas_use_inhibit = false;
+			fault_cleared = true;
+		}
+	}
+	// Do actions based on value of COM_ASPD_FS_ACT parameter
+	status.aspd_fault_declared = false;
+	status.aspd_use_inhibit = false;
+	status.aspd_fail_rtl = false;
+	switch (_airspeed_fail_action.get()) {
+	case 4: { // log a message, warn the user, switch to non-airspeed TECS mode, switch to Return mode if not in a pilot controlled mode.
+			if (fault_declared) {
+				status.aspd_fault_declared = true;
+				status.aspd_use_inhibit = true;
+				if ((internal_state.main_state == commander_state_s::MAIN_STATE_MANUAL)
+				    || (internal_state.main_state == commander_state_s::MAIN_STATE_ACRO)
+				    || (internal_state.main_state == commander_state_s::MAIN_STATE_STAB)
+				    || (internal_state.main_state == commander_state_s::MAIN_STATE_ALTCTL)
+				    || (internal_state.main_state == commander_state_s::MAIN_STATE_POSCTL)
+				    || (internal_state.main_state == commander_state_s::MAIN_STATE_RATTITUDE)) {
+					// don't RTL if pilot is in control
+					mavlink_log_critical(&mavlink_log_pub, "ASPD DATA %s - stopping use", _airspeed_fault_type);
+				} else if (hrt_elapsed_time(&_time_tas_good_declared) < (_airspeed_rtl_delay.get() * 1_s)) {
+					// Wait for timeout and issue message
+					mavlink_log_critical(&mavlink_log_pub, "ASPD DATA %s - stopping use, RTL in %i sec", _airspeed_fault_type,
+							     _airspeed_rtl_delay.get());
+				} else if (TRANSITION_DENIED != main_state_transition(status, commander_state_s::MAIN_STATE_AUTO_RTL, status_flags,
+						&internal_state)) {
+					// Issue critical message even if already in RTL
+					status.aspd_fail_rtl = true;
+					if (_airspeed_rtl_delay.get() == 0) {
+						mavlink_log_critical(&mavlink_log_pub, "ASPD DATA %s - stopping use and returning", _airspeed_fault_type);
+					} else {
+						mavlink_log_critical(&mavlink_log_pub, "ASPD DATA STILL %s - returning", _airspeed_fault_type);
+					}
+				} else {
+					status.aspd_fail_rtl = true;
+					if (_airspeed_rtl_delay.get() == 0) {
+						mavlink_log_critical(&mavlink_log_pub, "ASPD DATA %s - stopping use, return failed", _airspeed_fault_type);
+					} else {
+						mavlink_log_critical(&mavlink_log_pub, "ASPD DATA STILL %s - return failed", _airspeed_fault_type);
+					}
+				}
+			} else if (fault_cleared) {
+				mavlink_log_critical(&mavlink_log_pub, "ASPD DATA GOOD - restarting use");
+			}
+			// Inhibit airspeed use immediately if a bad number
+			if (bad_number_fail && !status.aspd_use_inhibit) {
+				status.aspd_use_inhibit = true;
+			}
+			return;
+		}
+	case 3: { // log a message, warn the user, switch to non-airspeed TECS mode
+			if (fault_declared) {
+				mavlink_log_critical(&mavlink_log_pub, "ASPD DATA %s  - stopping use", _airspeed_fault_type);
+				status.aspd_fault_declared = true;
+				status.aspd_use_inhibit = true;
+			} else if (fault_cleared) {
+				mavlink_log_critical(&mavlink_log_pub, "ASPD DATA GOOD - restarting use");
+			}
+			// Inhibit airspeed use immediately if a bad number
+			if (bad_number_fail && !status.aspd_use_inhibit) {
+				status.aspd_use_inhibit = true;
+			}
+			return;
+		}
+	case 2: { // log a message, warn the user
+			if (fault_declared) {
+				mavlink_log_critical(&mavlink_log_pub, "ASPD DATA %s", _airspeed_fault_type);
+				status.aspd_fault_declared = true;
+			} else if (fault_cleared) {
+				mavlink_log_critical(&mavlink_log_pub, "ASPD DATA GOOD");
+			}
+			// Inhibit airspeed use immediately if a bad number
+			if (bad_number_fail && !status.aspd_use_inhibit) {
+				status.aspd_use_inhibit = true;
+			}
+			return;
+		}
+	case 1: { // log a message
+			if (fault_declared) {
+				mavlink_log_info(&mavlink_log_pub, "ASPD DATA %s", _airspeed_fault_type);
+				status.aspd_fault_declared = true;
+			} else if (fault_cleared) {
+				mavlink_log_info(&mavlink_log_pub, "ASPD DATA GOOD");
+			}
+			// Inhibit airspeed use immediately if a bad number
+			if (bad_number_fail && !status.aspd_use_inhibit) {
+				status.aspd_use_inhibit = true;
+			}
+			return;
+		}
+	default:
+		// Do nothing
+		return;
+	}
 void Commander::estimator_check(bool *status_changed)
 	// Check if quality checking of position accuracy and consistency is to be performed
diff --git a/src/modules/commander/Commander.hpp b/src/modules/commander/Commander.hpp
index 36700da6dcff879c4191339832705b3c707b129c..10b972a0e1344d54c9a5c08663b96d5bbf761b5e 100644
--- a/src/modules/commander/Commander.hpp
+++ b/src/modules/commander/Commander.hpp
@@ -51,13 +51,16 @@
 // subscriptions
 #include <uORB/Subscription.hpp>
+#include <uORB/topics/airspeed.h>
 #include <uORB/topics/estimator_status.h>
 #include <uORB/topics/iridiumsbd_status.h>
 #include <uORB/topics/mission_result.h>
+#include <uORB/topics/sensor_bias.h>
+#include <uORB/topics/telemetry_status.h>
 #include <uORB/topics/vehicle_command.h>
 #include <uORB/topics/vehicle_global_position.h>
 #include <uORB/topics/vehicle_local_position.h>
-#include <uORB/topics/telemetry_status.h>
 using math::constrain;
 using uORB::Publication;
 using uORB::Subscription;
@@ -118,7 +121,15 @@ private:
 		(ParamFloat<px4::params::COM_DISARM_LAND>) _param_com_disarm_land,
 		(ParamInt<px4::params::COM_OBS_AVOID>) _param_com_obs_avoid,
-		(ParamInt<px4::params::COM_OA_BOOT_T>) _param_com_oa_boot_t
+		(ParamInt<px4::params::COM_OA_BOOT_T>) _param_com_oa_boot_t,
+		(ParamFloat<px4::params::COM_TAS_FS_INNOV>) _tas_innov_threshold,
+		(ParamFloat<px4::params::COM_TAS_FS_INTEG>) _tas_innov_integ_threshold,
+		(ParamInt<px4::params::COM_TAS_FS_T1>) _tas_use_stop_delay,
+		(ParamInt<px4::params::COM_TAS_FS_T2>) _tas_use_start_delay,
+		(ParamInt<px4::params::COM_ASPD_FS_ACT>) _airspeed_fail_action,
+		(ParamFloat<px4::params::COM_ASPD_STALL>) _airspeed_stall,
+		(ParamInt<px4::params::COM_ASPD_FS_DLY>) _airspeed_rtl_delay
@@ -140,6 +151,20 @@ private:
 	bool		_nav_test_passed{false};	/**< true if the post takeoff navigation test has passed */
 	bool		_nav_test_failed{false};	/**< true if the post takeoff navigation test has failed */
+	/* class variables used to check for airspeed sensor failure */
+	bool		_tas_check_fail{false};	/**< true when airspeed innovations have failed consistency checks */
+	hrt_abstime	_time_last_tas_pass{0};		/**< last time innovation checks passed */
+	hrt_abstime	_time_last_tas_fail{0};		/**< last time innovation checks failed */
+	static constexpr hrt_abstime TAS_INNOV_FAIL_DELAY{1_s};	/**< time required for innovation levels to pass or fail (usec) */
+	bool		_tas_use_inhibit{false};	/**< true when the commander has instructed the control loops to not use airspeed data */
+	hrt_abstime	_time_tas_good_declared{0};	/**< time TAS use was started (uSec) */
+	hrt_abstime	_time_tas_bad_declared{0};	/**< time TAS use was stopped (uSec) */
+	hrt_abstime	_time_last_airspeed{0};		/**< time last airspeed measurement was received (uSec) */
+	hrt_abstime	_time_last_aspd_innov_check{0};	/**< time airspeed innovation was last checked (uSec) */
+	char		*_airspeed_fault_type = new char[7];
+	float		_load_factor_ratio{0.5f};	/**< ratio of maximum load factor predicted by stall speed to measured load factor */
+	float		_apsd_innov_integ_state{0.0f};	/**< inegral of excess normalised airspeed innovation (sec) */
 	FailureDetector _failure_detector;
 	bool _failure_detector_termination_printed{false};
@@ -171,6 +196,8 @@ private:
 	void estimator_check(bool *status_changed);
+	void airspeed_use_check();
 	void battery_status_check();
@@ -206,8 +233,10 @@ private:
 	bool _print_avoidance_msg_once{false};
 	// Subscriptions
+	Subscription<airspeed_s>			_airspeed_sub{ORB_ID(airspeed)};
 	Subscription<estimator_status_s>		_estimator_status_sub{ORB_ID(estimator_status)};
 	Subscription<mission_result_s>			_mission_result_sub{ORB_ID(mission_result)};
+	Subscription<sensor_bias_s>			_sensor_bias_sub{ORB_ID(sensor_bias)};
 	Subscription<vehicle_global_position_s>		_global_position_sub{ORB_ID(vehicle_global_position)};
 	Subscription<vehicle_local_position_s>		_local_position_sub{ORB_ID(vehicle_local_position)};
diff --git a/src/modules/commander/commander_params.c b/src/modules/commander/commander_params.c
index f27e9f1883d76a1756237db843d1c4f2e460fed5..c96ee27cfe082ed12fbca38278167bcc73fe59fa 100644
--- a/src/modules/commander/commander_params.c
+++ b/src/modules/commander/commander_params.c
@@ -637,7 +637,7 @@ PARAM_DEFINE_INT32(COM_ARM_MIS_REQ, 0);
  * @value 0 Assume use of remote control after fallback. Switch to Altitude mode if a height estimate is available, else switch to MANUAL.
  * @value 1 Assume no use of remote control after fallback. Switch to Land mode if a height estimate is available, else switch to TERMINATION.
- * @group Mission
+ * @group Commander
@@ -816,4 +816,94 @@ PARAM_DEFINE_INT32(COM_OBS_AVOID, 0);
  * @min 0
  * @max 200
\ No newline at end of file
+ * Airspeed failsafe consistency threshold (Experimental)
+ *
+ * This specifies the minimum airspeed test ratio as logged in estimator_status.tas_test_ratio required to trigger a failsafe. Larger values make the check less sensitive, smaller values make it more sensitive. Start with a value of 1.0 when tuning. When estimator_status.tas_test_ratio is > 1.0 it indicates the inconsistency between predicted and measured airspeed is large enough to cause the navigation EKF to reject airspeed measurements. The time required to detect a fault when the threshold is exceeded depends on the size of the exceedance and is controlled by the COM_TAS_FS_INTEG parameter. The subsequent failsafe response is controlled by the COM_ASPD_FS_ACT parameter.
+ * @min 0.5
+ * @max 3.0
+ * @group Commander
+ * @category Developer
+ */
+ * Airspeed failsafe consistency delay (Experimental)
+ *
+ * This sets the time integral of airspeed test ratio exceedance above COM_TAS_FS_INNOV required to trigger a failsafe. For example if COM_TAS_FS_INNOV is 100 and estimator_status.tas_test_ratio is 2.0, then the exceedance is 1.0 and the integral will rise at a rate of 1.0/second. A negative value disables the check. Larger positive values make the check less sensitive, smaller positive values make it more sensitive. The failsafe response is controlled by the COM_ASPD_FS_ACT parameter.
+ *
+ * @unit s
+ * @max 30.0
+ * @group Commander
+ * @category Developer
+ */
+ * Airspeed failsafe stop delay (Experimental)
+ *
+ * Delay before stopping use of airspeed sensor if checks indicate sensor is bad. The failsafe response is controlled by the COM_ASPD_FS_ACT parameter.
+ *
+ * @unit s
+ * @group Commander
+ * @category Developer
+ * @min 1
+ * @max 10
+ */
+ * Airspeed failsafe start delay (Experimental)
+ *
+ * Delay before switching back to using airspeed sensor if checks indicate sensor is good. The failsafe response is controlled by the COM_ASPD_FS_ACT parameter.
+ *
+ * @unit s
+ * @group Commander
+ * @category Developer
+ * @min 10
+ * @max 1000
+ */
+ * Airspeed fault detection stall airspeed. (Experimental)
+ *
+ * This is the minimum indicated airspeed at which the wing can produce 1g of lift. It is used by the airspeed sensor fault detection and failsafe calculation to detect a significant airspeed low measurement error condition and should be set based on flight test for reliable operation. The failsafe response is controlled by the COM_ASPD_FS_ACT parameter.
+ *
+ * @group Commander
+ * @category Developer
+ * @unit m/s
+ */
+ * Airspeed fault detection (Experimental)
+ *
+ * Failsafe action when bad airspeed measurements are detected. Ensure the COM_ASPD_STALL parameter is set correctly before use.
+ *
+ * @value 0 disabled
+ * @value 1 log a message
+ * @value 2 log a message, warn the user
+ * @value 3 log a message, warn the user, switch to non-airspeed TECS mode
+ * @value 4 log a message, warn the user, switch to non-airspeed TECS mode, switch to Return mode after COM_ASPD_FS_DLY seconds
+ * @group Commander
+ * @category Developer
+ */
+ * Airspeed fault detection delay before RTL (Experimental)
+ *
+ * RTL delay after bad airspeed measurements are detected if COM_ASPD_FS_ACT is set to 4. Ensure the COM_ASPD_STALL parameter is set correctly before use. The failsafe start and stop delays are controlled by the COM_TAS_FS_T1 and COM_TAS_FS_T2 parameters. Additional protection against persistent airspeed sensor errors can be enabled using the COM_TAS_FS_INNOV parameter, but these addtional checks are more prone to false positives in windy conditions.
+ *
+ * @min 0
+ * @max 300
+ * @unit s
+ * @group Commander
+ * @category Developer
+ */
diff --git a/src/modules/fw_att_control/FixedwingAttitudeControl.cpp b/src/modules/fw_att_control/FixedwingAttitudeControl.cpp
index 8c59b5a4bee5411ff3cc00d1ad7df85d1a0eaaf5..e5062095e68523d83bd083677e9079e19d049460 100644
--- a/src/modules/fw_att_control/FixedwingAttitudeControl.cpp
+++ b/src/modules/fw_att_control/FixedwingAttitudeControl.cpp
@@ -472,7 +472,8 @@ float FixedwingAttitudeControl::get_airspeed_and_update_scaling()
 	const bool airspeed_valid = PX4_ISFINITE(_airspeed_sub.get().indicated_airspeed_m_s)
-				    && (hrt_elapsed_time(&_airspeed_sub.get().timestamp) < 1_s);
+				    && (hrt_elapsed_time(&_airspeed_sub.get().timestamp) < 1_s)
+				    && !_vehicle_status.aspd_use_inhibit;
 	if (!airspeed_valid) {
diff --git a/src/modules/fw_pos_control_l1/FixedwingPositionControl.cpp b/src/modules/fw_pos_control_l1/FixedwingPositionControl.cpp
index 6b1709ae46ebeb3d806c12c3b1d129a0639b39c3..735be816a0ad7a76d64b3e005ccf352be647da19 100644
--- a/src/modules/fw_pos_control_l1/FixedwingPositionControl.cpp
+++ b/src/modules/fw_pos_control_l1/FixedwingPositionControl.cpp
@@ -391,7 +391,8 @@ FixedwingPositionControl::airspeed_poll()
 		if (PX4_ISFINITE(as.indicated_airspeed_m_s)
 		    && PX4_ISFINITE(as.true_airspeed_m_s)
-		    && (as.indicated_airspeed_m_s > 0.0f)) {
+		    && (as.indicated_airspeed_m_s > 0.0f)
+		    && !_vehicle_status.aspd_use_inhibit) {
 			airspeed_valid = true;