diff --git a/.github/next_steps/01_sonarcloud_integration.md b/.github/next_steps/01_sonarcloud_integration.md
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--- a/.github/next_steps/01_sonarcloud_integration.md
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-title: 'Next step: Sonarcloud integration'
-Continuous code quality can be handled by [Sonarcloud](https://sonarcloud.io/). This repository is configured to use Sonarcloud to perform quality analysis and code coverage report on each push.
-In order to configure Sonarcloud analysis [GitHub Action workflow](https://github.com/ChristianDDinga/demoses-distributed-optimization/blob/main/.github/workflows/sonarcloud.yml) you must follow the steps below:
-1. go to [Sonarcloud](https://sonarcloud.io/projects/create) to create a new Sonarcloud project
-1. login with your GitHub account
-1. add Sonarcloud organization or reuse existing one
-1. set up a repository
-1. go to [new code definition administration page](https://sonarcloud.io/project/new_code?id=ChristianDDinga_demoses-distributed-optimization) and select `Number of days` option
-1. To be able to run the analysis:
-   1. a token must be created at [Sonarcloud account](https://sonarcloud.io/account/security/)
-   1. the created token must be added as `SONAR_TOKEN` to [secrets on GitHub](https://github.com/ChristianDDinga/demoses-distributed-optimization/settings/secrets/actions)
diff --git a/.github/next_steps/02_citation.md b/.github/next_steps/02_citation.md
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-title: 'Next step: Citation data'
-It is likely that your `CITATION.cff` currently doesn't pass validation. The error messages you get from the [`cffconvert`](https://github.com/ChristianDDinga/demoses-distributed-optimization/actions/workflows/cffconvert.yml) GitHub Action are unfortunately a bit cryptic, but doing the following helps:
-- [ ] Check if the `given-name` and `family-name` keys need updating. If your family name has a name particle like `von` or `van` or `de`, use the `name-particle` key; if your name has a suffix like `Sr` or `IV`, use `name-suffix`. For details, refer to the schema description: https://github.com/citation-file-format/citation-file-format
-- [ ] Update the value of the `orcid` key. If you do not have an orcid yet, you can get one here [https://orcid.org/](https://orcid.org/).
-- [ ] Add more authors if needed
-- [ ] Update `date-released` using the YYYY-MM-DD format.
-- [ ] Update the `doi` key with the conceptDOI for your repository (see [https://help.zenodo.org](https://help.zenodo.org/) for more information on what a conceptDOI is). If your project doesn't have a DOI yet, you can use the string `10.0000/FIXME` to pass validation.
-- [ ] Verify that the `keywords` array accurately describes your project.
-Afterwards, the `cffconvert` GitHub Action should be green.
-To make sure services like [Zenodo](https://zenodo.org) and the [Research Software Directory](https://research-software-directory.org/) can keep your citation data up to date, the [`cffconvert`](https://github.com/ChristianDDinga/demoses-distributed-optimization/actions/workflows/cffconvert.yml) GitHub Action checks the following:
-1. Whether your repository includes a `CITATION.cff` file.
-    _By including this file, authors of the software can receive credit for the work they put in._
-1. Whether your `CITATION.cff` is valid YAML.
-    _Visit http://www.yamllint.com/ to see if the contents of your CITATION.cff are valid YAML._
-1. Whether your `CITATION.cff` adheres to the schema (as listed in the `CITATION.cff` file itself under key `cff-version`).
-    _The Citation File Format schema can be found [here](https://github.com/citation-file-format/citation-file-format), along with an explanation of all the keys. You're advised to use the latest available schema version._
diff --git a/.github/next_steps/03_readthedocs.md b/.github/next_steps/03_readthedocs.md
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-title: 'Next step: Read the Docs'
-Your Python package should have publicly available documentation, including API documentation for your users.
-[Read the Docs](https://readthedocs.org) can host your user documentation for you.
-To host the documentation of this repository please perform the following instructions:
-1. go to [Read the Docs](https://readthedocs.org/dashboard/import/?)
-1. log in with your GitHub account
-1. find `ChristianDDinga/demoses-distributed-optimization` in list and press `+` button.
-   * If repository is not listed,
-      1. go to [Read the Docs GitHub app](https://github.com/settings/connections/applications/fae83c942bc1d89609e2)
-      2. make sure ChristianDDinga has been granted access.
-      3. reload repository list on Read the Docs import page
-1. wait for the first build to be completed at <https://readthedocs.org/projects/demoses-distributed-optimization/builds>
-1. check that the link of the documentation badge in the [README.md](https://github.com/ChristianDDinga/demoses-distributed-optimization) works
-See [README.dev.md#](https://github.com/ChristianDDinga/demoses-distributed-optimization/blob/main/README.dev.md#generating-the-api-docs) how to build documentation site locally.
diff --git a/.github/next_steps/04_zenodo_integration.md b/.github/next_steps/04_zenodo_integration.md
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-title: 'Next step: Enable Zenodo integration'
-By enabling Zenodo integration, your package will automatically get a DOI which can be used to cite your package. After enabling Zenodo integration for your GitHub repository, Zenodo will create a snapshot and archive each release you make on GitHub. Moreover, Zenodo will create a new DOI for each GitHub release of your code.
-To enable Zenodo integration:
-1. Go to http://zenodo.org and login with your GitHub account. When you are redirected to GitHub, *Authorize application* to give permission to Zenodo to access your account.
-1. Go to <https://zenodo.org/account/settings/github/> and enable Zenodo integration of your repository by clicking on `On` toggle button.
-2. Your package will get a DOI only after you make a release. Create a new release as described in [README.dev.md](https://github.com/ChristianDDinga/demoses-distributed-optimization/blob/main/README.dev.md#33-github)
-3. At this point you should have a DOI. To find out the DOI generated by Zenodo:
-   1. Visit https://zenodo.org/deposit and click on your repository link
-   2. You will find the latest DOI in the right column in Versions box in **Cite all versions?** section
-   3. Copy the text of the link. For example `10.5281/zenodo.1310751`
-4. Update the badge in your repository
-   1. Edit README.md and replace the badge placeholder with the badge link you copied in previous step.
-   The badge placeholder is shown below.
-      `[![DOI](https://zenodo.org/badge/DOI/<replace-with-created-DOI>.svg)](https://doi.org/<replace-with-created-DOI>)`
-For FAQ about Zenodo please visit <https://help.zenodo.org/>.
diff --git a/.github/next_steps/05_linting.md b/.github/next_steps/05_linting.md
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--- a/.github/next_steps/05_linting.md
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-title: 'Next step: Linting'
-Your repository has a [workflow](https://github.com/ChristianDDinga/demoses-distributed-optimization/blob/main/.github/workflows/build.yml) which [lints](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lint_(software)) your code after every push and when creating a pull request.
-Linter workflow may fail if `description` or `keywords` field in [pyproject.toml](https://github.com/ChristianDDinga/demoses-distributed-optimization/blob/main/pyproject.toml) is empty. Please update these fields. To validate your changes run:
-ruff .
-Enabling [githook](https://git-scm.com/docs/githooks) will automatically lint your code in every commit. You can enable it by running the command below.
-git config --local core.hooksPath .githooks
diff --git a/.github/workflows/next_steps.yml b/.github/workflows/next_steps.yml
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--- a/.github/workflows/next_steps.yml
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-on: [push]
-  contents: write
-  issues: write
-name: Create issues for next steps
-  next_steps:
-    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
-    steps:
-      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
-      - name: Create Sonarcloud integration issue
-        uses: JasonEtco/create-an-issue@v2
-        env:
-          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
-        with:
-          filename: .github/next_steps/01_sonarcloud_integration.md
-        id: sonarcloud
-      - name: Create citation data issue
-        uses: JasonEtco/create-an-issue@v2
-        env:
-          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
-        with:
-          filename: .github/next_steps/02_citation.md
-        id: citation
-      - name: Create readthedocs issue
-        uses: JasonEtco/create-an-issue@v2
-        env:
-          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
-        with:
-          filename: .github/next_steps/03_readthedocs.md
-        id: readthedocs
-      - name: Create Zenodo integration issue
-        uses: JasonEtco/create-an-issue@v2
-        env:
-          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
-        with:
-          filename: .github/next_steps/04_zenodo_integration.md
-        id: zenodo
-      - name: Create linting issue
-        uses: JasonEtco/create-an-issue@v2
-        env:
-          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
-        with:
-          filename: .github/next_steps/05_linting.md
-        id: linting
-      - name: List created issues
-        run: |
-          echo 'Created issues that must be completed to have fully working Python package:
-          * Sonarcloud integration ${{ steps.sonarcloud.outputs.url }}
-          * Zenodo integration ${{ steps.zenodo.outputs.url }}
-          * Read the Docs instructions ${{ steps.readthedocs.outputs.url }}
-          * Citation data ${{ steps.citation.outputs.url }}
-          * Linting fixes ${{ steps.linting.outputs.url }}'
-      - name: Cleanup files needed to create next steps issues
-        run: |
-          git config --global user.name 'NLeSC Python template'
-          git config --global user.email 'nlesc-python-template@users.noreply.github.com'
-          git rm .github/workflows/next_steps.yml
-          git rm -r .github/next_steps
-          git commit -am "Cleanup automated next steps issue generator"
-          git push