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Ruben Wiersma / hsn
MIT LicenseCode for SIGGRAPH paper CNNs on Surfaces using Rotation-Equivariant Features
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Kai Liu / Incompatibility stress
MIT LicenseThe intrinsic anisotropy of the crystal leads to an additional stress field near the grain boundary. Here provides a python module to conveniently evaluate the incompatibility stress for given materials and grain orientations.
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Introductory textbook for first year BSc. Covers course content of NB1140 Physics 1A.
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Python for Applied Physics / Introduction to Python for Physicists
Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 4.0 InternationalUpdated -
Max Ramgraber / Jupyter Book Manual with HTML element guide
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterBook describing how to use interactive textbooks, our extensions and our workflow https://teachbooks.tudelft.nl/jupyter-book-manual
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This contains codes and workflows for data analysis regarding SATAY experiments.
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ACS2023 / Lab1-Template
Apache License 2.0Updated -
CME4500 Engineering Systems Optimisation / Lesson material
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalUpdated -
This repository is to brainstorm,and organize ideas to apply machine learning algorithms to meaningful biological problems. One of our focus is predicting genetic/physical interactions between unknown genes pairs in budding yeast. We would like to extend this analysis to multiple knockout mutants.
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Play around with a Jupyter Notebook used with a docker.
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