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Fast spherical bead localization using C++/CUDA, Labview plugin provided.
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Code for geophysical 3D/2D Finite Difference modelling, Marchenko algorithms, 2D/3D x-w migration and utilities.
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NOMAD is an open-source microscopic pedestrian simulation model developed at the department of Transport & Planning at Delft University of Technology
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Python program to collect serial and rotation electron diffraction data
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Parallel solvers for sparse linear systems featuring multigrid methods. This repository houses releases and test releases. Pull requests can still be addressed. LLNL users should use the main repository on MyStash.
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Exercises for the course 'Introduction to High Performance Computing'
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The implemented OpenFoam-v1806 boundary condition provides a total pressure condition limited by the Hertz-Knudsen-Langmuir relation.
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