diff --git a/marchenko/demo/twoD/marchenko_ray.scr b/marchenko/demo/twoD/marchenko_ray.scr
index 5df653cb6e3016cd3e359aec9ab190fe7ec8eda3..31666a832fd784119efcbe100567edce0ec5638a 100755
--- a/marchenko/demo/twoD/marchenko_ray.scr
+++ b/marchenko/demo/twoD/marchenko_ray.scr
@@ -14,13 +14,13 @@ marchenko3D file_shot=shots/refl_rp.su verbose=1 \
 #Create the homogeneous Green's function
-marchenko3D file_shot=shots/refl_rp.su verbose=1 file_inp=greensrc.su \
+marchenko3D file_shot=shots/refl_rp.su verbose=1 file_inp=greensrc2.su \
     tap=0 niter=6 hw=8 shift=7 smooth=3 geomspread=1 ampest=1 \
     file_ray=rayz_time.su file_amp=rayz_amp.su file_wav=wavefp.su \
     file_homg=homg_rayz.su scheme=0 file_green=green_rayz.su
 #Create the homogeneous Green's function
-marchenko3D file_shot=shots/refl_rp.su verbose=1 file_inp=greensrc.su \
+marchenko3D file_shot=shots/refl_rp.su verbose=1 file_inp=greensrc2.su \
     tap=0 niter=6 hw=8 shift=7 smooth=3 geomspread=1 ampest=1 \
     file_ray=rayz_time.su file_amp=rayz_amp.su file_wav=wavefp.su \
     file_homg=homg_class_rayz.su scheme=1 file_green=green_class_rayz.su
diff --git a/marchenko3D/marchenko3D.c b/marchenko3D/marchenko3D.c
index 47499c1093f2841be9e74670db0e7110cace6da6..0695d33765687efed7a1d0332828eb4dc76e22a0 100644
--- a/marchenko3D/marchenko3D.c
+++ b/marchenko3D/marchenko3D.c
@@ -143,6 +143,8 @@ char *sdoc[] = {
 "   file_homg= ............... output file with homogeneous Green's function ",
 "   file_ampscl= ............. output file with estimated amplitudes ",
 "   file_iter= ............... output file with -Ni(-t) for each iteration",
+"   compact=0 ................ Write out homg and imag in compact format",
+"   .......................... WARNING! This write-out cannot be displayed with SU"
 "   verbose=0 ................ silent option; >0 displays info",
 " ",
 " ",
@@ -160,7 +162,7 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
     long    size, n1, n2, n3, ntap, tap, dxi, dyi, ntraces, pad, *sx, *sy, *sz;
     long    nw, nw_low, nw_high, nfreq, *xnx, *xnxsyn;
     long    reci, countmin, mode, n2out, n3out, verbose, ntfft;
-    long    iter, niter, tracf, *muteW, *tsynW, ampest, plane_wave;
+    long    iter, niter, tracf, *muteW, *tsynW, ampest, plane_wave, compact;
     long    hw, smooth, above, shift, *ixpos, *iypos, npos, ix, iy, nzim, nxim, nyim;
     long    nshots_r, *isxcount, *reci_xsrc, *reci_xrcv;
     float   fmin, fmax, *tapersh, *tapersy, fxf, fyf, dxf, dyf, *xsrc, *ysrc, *xrcv, *yrcv, *zsyn, *zsrc, *xrcvsyn, *yrcvsyn;
@@ -169,7 +171,7 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
     float   *green, *f2p, *pmin, *G_d, dt, dx, dy, dxs, dys, scl, mem;
     float   *f1plus, *f1min, *iRN, *Ni, *Nig, *trace, *Gmin, *Gplus, *HomG;
     float   xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, scale, tsq, Q, f0, *tmpdata;
-    float   *ixmask, *iymask, *ampscl, *Gd, *Image, dzim, dyim, dxim;
+    float   *ixmask, *iymask, *ampscl, *Gd, *Image, dzim;
     float   grad2rad, p, src_angle, src_velo;
     complex *Refl, *Fop;
     char    *file_tinv, *file_shot, *file_green, *file_iter, *file_imag, *file_homg, *file_ampscl;
@@ -225,6 +227,7 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
     if(!getparlong("smooth", &smooth)) smooth = 5;
     if(!getparlong("above", &above)) above = 0;
     if(!getparlong("shift", &shift)) shift=12;
+    if(!getparlong("compact", &compact)) compact=0;
     if (!getparlong("plane_wave", &plane_wave)) plane_wave = 0;
     if (!getparfloat("src_angle",&src_angle)) src_angle=0.;
@@ -551,6 +554,12 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
         vmess("number of output traces        = x:%li y:%li total:%li", n2out, n3out, n2out*n3out);
         vmess("number of output samples       = %li", ntfft);
         vmess("Size of output data/file       = %.1f MB", mem);
+        if (compact>0) {
+            vmess("Save format for homg and imag  = compact");
+        }
+        else {
+            vmess("Save format for homg and imag  = normal");
+        }
@@ -887,37 +896,65 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
         imaging3D(Image, Gmin, f1plus, nxs, nys, ntfft, dxs, dys, dt, Nfoc, verbose);
         if (file_gmin==NULL) free(Gmin);
-        // Set headers
-        hdrs_Nfoc = (segy *)calloc(nxim*nyim,sizeof(segy));
-        for (l=0; l<nyim; l++){
-            for (j=0; j<nxim; j++){
-                hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].ns      = nzim;
-                hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].fldr    = 1;
-                hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].tracl   = 1;
-                hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].tracf   = l*nxim+j+1;
-                hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].trid    = 2;
-                hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].scalco  = -1000;
-                hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].scalel  = -1000;
-                hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].sx      = xsyn[l*nxim+j]*(1e3);
-                hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].sy      = ysyn[l*nxim+j]*(1e3);
-                hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].gx      = xsyn[l*nxim+j]*(1e3);
-                hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].gy      = ysyn[l*nxim+j]*(1e3);
-                hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].sdepth  = zsyn[l*nxim+j]*(1e3);
-                hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].f1      = zsyn[0];
-                hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].f2      = xsyn[0];
-                hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].d1      = dzim;
-                hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].d2      = dxs;
-                hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].dt      = (int)(hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].d1*(1E6));
-                hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].trwf    = nxim*nyim;
-                hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].ntr     = nxim*nyim;
+        // Set headers and write out image
+        fp_imag = fopen(file_imag, "w+");
+        if (compact > 0) {
+            hdrs_Nfoc = (segy *)calloc(1,sizeof(segy));
+            hdrs_Nfoc[0].ns      = nzim*nyim*nxim;
+            hdrs_Nfoc[0].fldr    = 1;
+            hdrs_Nfoc[0].tracr   = nzim;
+            hdrs_Nfoc[0].tracl   = nyim;
+            hdrs_Nfoc[0].tracf   = nxim;
+            hdrs_Nfoc[0].trid    = 2;
+            hdrs_Nfoc[0].scalco  = -1000;
+            hdrs_Nfoc[0].scalel  = -1000;
+            hdrs_Nfoc[0].sx      = xsyn[0]*(1e3);
+            hdrs_Nfoc[0].sy      = ysyn[0]*(1e3);
+            hdrs_Nfoc[0].sdepth  = zsyn[0]*(1e3);
+            hdrs_Nfoc[0].f1      = zsyn[0];
+            hdrs_Nfoc[0].f2      = xsyn[0];
+            hdrs_Nfoc[0].ungpow  = xsyn[0];
+            hdrs_Nfoc[0].d1      = dzim;
+            hdrs_Nfoc[0].d2      = dxs;
+            hdrs_Nfoc[0].unscale = dys;
+            hdrs_Nfoc[0].dt      = (int)(dt*(1E6));
+            if (fp_imag==NULL) verr("error on creating output file %s", file_imag);
+            ret = writeData3D(fp_imag, (float *)&Image[0], hdrs_Nfoc, nzim*nyim*nxim, 1);
+            if (ret < 0 ) verr("error on writing output file.");
+        }
+        else {
+            hdrs_Nfoc = (segy *)calloc(nxim*nyim,sizeof(segy));
+            for (l=0; l<nyim; l++){
+                for (j=0; j<nxim; j++){
+                    hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].ns      = nzim;
+                    hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].fldr    = 1;
+                    hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].tracl   = 1;
+                    hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].tracf   = l*nxim+j+1;
+                    hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].trid    = 2;
+                    hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].scalco  = -1000;
+                    hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].scalel  = -1000;
+                    hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].sx      = xsyn[l*nxim+j]*(1e3);
+                    hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].sy      = ysyn[l*nxim+j]*(1e3);
+                    hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].gx      = xsyn[l*nxim+j]*(1e3);
+                    hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].gy      = ysyn[l*nxim+j]*(1e3);
+                    hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].sdepth  = zsyn[l*nxim+j]*(1e3);
+                    hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].f1      = zsyn[0];
+                    hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].f2      = xsyn[0];
+                    hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].d1      = dzim;
+                    hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].d2      = dxs;
+                    hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].dt      = (int)(dt*(1E6));
+                    hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].trwf    = nxim*nyim;
+                    hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].ntr     = nxim*nyim;
+                }
+            if (fp_imag==NULL) verr("error on creating output file %s", file_imag);
+            ret = writeData3D(fp_imag, (float *)&Image[0], hdrs_Nfoc, nzim, nxim*nyim);
+            if (ret < 0 ) verr("error on writing output file.");
-        // Write out image
-        fp_imag = fopen(file_imag, "w+");
-        if (fp_imag==NULL) verr("error on creating output file %s", file_imag);
-        ret = writeData3D(fp_imag, (float *)&Image[0], hdrs_Nfoc, nzim, nxim*nyim);
-        if (ret < 0 ) verr("error on writing output file.");
@@ -931,45 +968,70 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
         sy = (long *)calloc(nxs*nys,sizeof(long));
         sz = (long *)calloc(nxs*nys,sizeof(long));
-        // Determine Image
+        // Determine Homogeneous Green's function
         HomG = (float *)calloc(Nfoc*ntfft,sizeof(float));
         homogeneousg3D(HomG, green, f2p, zsyn, nxs, nys, ntfft, dxs, dys, dt, Nfoc, sx, sy, sz, verbose);
+        // Set headers and write out the data
         fp_homg = fopen(file_homg, "w+");
         if (fp_homg==NULL) verr("error on creating output file %s", file_homg);
-        hdrs_Nfoc = (segy *)calloc(nxim*nyim,sizeof(segy));
-        for (i=0; i<ntfft; i++) {
-            // Set headers
-            for (l=0; l<nyim; l++){
-                for (j=0; j<nxim; j++){
-                    hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].ns      = nzim;
-                    hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].fldr    = i+1;
-                    hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].tracl   = 1;
-                    hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].tracf   = l*nxim+j+1;
-                    hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].trid    = 2;
-                    hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].scalco  = -1000;
-                    hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].scalel  = -1000;
-                    hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].sx      = sx[l*nxim+j];
-                    hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].sy      = sy[l*nxim+j];
-                    hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].gx      = xsyn[l*nxim+j]*(1e3);
-                    hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].gy      = ysyn[l*nxim+j]*(1e3);
-                    hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].sdepth  = sz[l*nxim+j];
-                    hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].selev   = -sz[l*nxim+j];
-                    hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].f1      = zsyn[0];
-                    hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].f2      = xsyn[0];
-                    hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].d1      = dzim;
-                    hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].d2      = dxs;
-                    hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].dt      = (int)(hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].d1*(1E6));
-                    hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].trwf    = nxim*nyim;
-                    hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].ntr     = nxim*nyim;
-                }
-            }
+        if (compact > 0) {
+            hdrs_Nfoc = (segy *)calloc(nxim*nyim,sizeof(segy));
-            // Write out homogeneous Green's function
-            ret = writeData3D(fp_homg, (float *)&HomG[i*Nfoc], hdrs_Nfoc, nzim, nxim*nyim);
+            hdrs_Nfoc[0].ns      = nzim*nyim*nxim;
+            hdrs_Nfoc[0].fldr    = ntfft;
+            hdrs_Nfoc[0].tracr   = nzim;
+            hdrs_Nfoc[0].tracl   = nyim;
+            hdrs_Nfoc[0].tracf   = nxim;
+            hdrs_Nfoc[0].trid    = 2;
+            hdrs_Nfoc[0].scalco  = -1000;
+            hdrs_Nfoc[0].scalel  = -1000;
+            hdrs_Nfoc[0].sx      = xsyn[0]*(1e3);
+            hdrs_Nfoc[0].sy      = ysyn[0]*(1e3);
+            hdrs_Nfoc[0].sdepth  = zsyn[0]*(1e3);
+            hdrs_Nfoc[0].f1      = zsyn[0];
+            hdrs_Nfoc[0].f2      = xsyn[0];
+            hdrs_Nfoc[0].ungpow  = xsyn[0];
+            hdrs_Nfoc[0].d1      = dzim;
+            hdrs_Nfoc[0].d2      = dxs;
+            hdrs_Nfoc[0].unscale = dys;
+            hdrs_Nfoc[0].dt      = (int)(dt*(1E6));
+            ret = writeData3D(fp_homg, (float *)&HomG[0], hdrs_Nfoc, nzim*nyim*nxim*ntfft, 1);
             if (ret < 0 ) verr("error on writing output file.");
+        else {
+            hdrs_Nfoc = (segy *)calloc(nxim*nyim,sizeof(segy));
+            for (i=0; i<ntfft; i++) {
+                for (l=0; l<nyim; l++){
+                    for (j=0; j<nxim; j++){
+                        hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].ns      = nzim;
+                        hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].fldr    = i+1;
+                        hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].tracl   = 1;
+                        hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].tracf   = l*nxim+j+1;
+                        hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].trid    = 2;
+                        hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].scalco  = -1000;
+                        hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].scalel  = -1000;
+                        hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].sx      = sx[l*nxim+j];
+                        hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].sy      = sy[l*nxim+j];
+                        hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].gx      = xsyn[l*nxim+j]*(1e3);
+                        hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].gy      = ysyn[l*nxim+j]*(1e3);
+                        hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].sdepth  = sz[l*nxim+j];
+                        hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].selev   = -sz[l*nxim+j];
+                        hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].f1      = zsyn[0];
+                        hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].f2      = xsyn[0];
+                        hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].d1      = dzim;
+                        hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].d2      = dxs;
+                        hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].dt      = (int)(hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].d1*(1E6));
+                        hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].trwf    = nxim*nyim;
+                        hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].ntr     = nxim*nyim;
+                    }
+                }
+                ret = writeData3D(fp_homg, (float *)&HomG[i*Nfoc], hdrs_Nfoc, nzim, nxim*nyim);
+                if (ret < 0 ) verr("error on writing output file.");
+            }
+        }
diff --git a/utils/MuteSnap.c b/utils/MuteSnap.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b90681ec6965d7a2ff110c80c1f771ee1aee29fb..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/utils/MuteSnap.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,227 +0,0 @@
-#include "par.h"
-#include "segy.h"
-#include <time.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <genfft.h>
-#ifndef MAX
-#define MAX(x,y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
-#ifndef MIN
-#define MIN(x,y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
-#define NINT(x) ((int)((x)>0.0?(x)+0.5:(x)-0.5))
-#ifndef COMPLEX
-typedef struct _complexStruct { /* complex number */
-    float r,i;
-} complex;
-#endif/* complex */
-int getFileInfo(char *filename, int *n1, int *n2, int *ngath, float *d1, float *d2, float *f1, float *f2, float *xmin, float *xmax, float *sclsxgx, int *nxm);
-int disp_fileinfo(char *file, int n1, int n2, float f1, float f2, float d1, float d2, segy *hdrs);
-double wallclock_time(void);
-int writeData(FILE *fp, float *data, segy *hdrs, int n1, int n2);
-int readSnapData(char *filename, float *data, segy *hdr, int ngath, int nx, int ntfft, int sx, int ex, int sz, int ez);
-int topdet(float *data, int nt);
-int farrdet(float *data, int nt, float tol);
-char *sdoc[] = {
-" ",
-" HomG - Calculate a Homogeneous Green's function ",
-" ",
-" authors  : Joeri Brackenhoff (J.A.Brackenhoff@tudelft.nl)",
-"		   : Jan Thorbecke : (janth@xs4all.nl)",
-" ",
-" Required parameters: ",
-"   fhom= .................... File containing the snapshot data that will be muted",
-"   fsnap= ................... File containing the snapshot data that will determine the mute window",
-" ",
-" Optional parameters: ",
-" ",
-"   fout=out.su .............. Filename of the output",
-"   shift=5 .................. Shift from the maximum",
-"   smooth=5 ................. Length of smoothing taper",
-"   mode=0 ................... Determine first arrival by maximum (mode=0), first event above tol (mode=1) or by raytime (mode=2)",
-"   tol=1 .................... Tolerance for the determination of first arrival if mode=1",
-"   fray ..................... File containing the raytimes of the first arrivals",
-int main (int argc, char **argv)
-	FILE *fp_snap, *fp_hom, *fp_out;
-	char *fhom, *fsnap, *fout, *fray;
-	float *homdata, *snapdata, *outdata, *rtrace, *costaper, scl, tol, *timeval, dt;
-	float dx, dz, z0, x0, xmin, xmax, sclsxgx, f1, f2, dxrcv, dzrcv, dxpos, offset;
-	int nt, nts, nx, nxs, nxh, ntraces, ret, ix, it, is, ir, nzs, nzh, nz, ht, indrcv, shift;
-	int rmt, smooth, mode, nzh1, nzs1, nxh1, nxs1, nts1, nt1;
-	segy *hdr_hom, *hdr_snap, *hdrs_mute;
-	initargs(argc, argv);
-	requestdoc(1);
-	if (!getparstring("fhom", &fhom)) fhom = NULL;
-	if (!getparstring("fsnap", &fsnap)) fsnap = NULL;
-    if (!getparstring("fout", &fout)) fout = "out.su";
-	if (!getparstring("fray", &fray)) fray = NULL;
-	if (!getparint("shift", &shift)) shift = 5;
-	if (!getparint("smooth", &smooth)) smooth = 5;
-	if (!getparint("mode", &mode)) mode = 0;
-	if (!getparfloat("tol", &tol)) tol = 5;
-	if (fhom == NULL) verr("Incorrect G_hom input");
-	if (fsnap == NULL) verr("Incorrect snapshot input");
-	if (mode == 2) {
-		if (fray == NULL) verr("No filename for raytimes given");
-	}
-	if (!getparint("nxs1", &nxs1)) nxs1 = 0;
-	if (!getparint("nxh1", &nxh1)) nxh1 = 0;
-	if (!getparint("nzs1", &nzs1)) nzs1 = 0;
-    if (!getparint("nzh1", &nzh1)) nzh1 = 0;
-	if (!getparint("nts1", &nts1)) nts1 = 0;
-    if (!getparint("nt1", &nt1)) nt1 = 0;
-	if (smooth) {
-        costaper = (float *)malloc(smooth*sizeof(float));
-        scl = M_PI/((float)smooth);
-        for (is=0; is<smooth; is++) {
-            costaper[is] = 0.5*(1.0+cos((is+1)*scl));
-        }
-    }
-	getFileInfo(fsnap, &nzs, &nxs, &nts, &dz, &dx, &z0, &x0, &xmin, &xmax, &sclsxgx, &ntraces);
-	getFileInfo(fhom, &nzh, &nxh, &nt, &dz, &dx, &z0, &x0, &xmin, &xmax, &sclsxgx, &ntraces);
-	if (nxh1 != 0) nxh = nxh1;
-	if (nxs1 != 0) nxs = nxs1;
-	if (nzh1 != 0) nzh = nzh1;
-    if (nzs1 != 0) nzs = nzs1;
-	if (nt1 != 0)  nt  = nt1;
-    if (nts1 != 0) nts = nts1;
-	if (nzs != nzh || nxs != nxh) {
-		verr("sampling in x or z direction is incorrect, nzs=%d nzh=%d, nxs=%d nxh=%d",nzs,nzh,nxs,nxh);
-	}
-	vmess("nzs=%d nzh=%d, nxs=%d nxh=%d, nts=%d nt=%d",nzs,nzh,nxs,nxh,nts,nt);
-	nz = nzh;
-	nx = nxh;
-	snapdata    = (float *)malloc(nz*nx*nts*sizeof(float));
-    hdr_snap    = (segy *)calloc(nx*nts,sizeof(segy));
-	homdata		= (float *)malloc(nz*nx*nt*sizeof(float));
-	hdr_hom		= (segy *)calloc(nx*nt,sizeof(segy));	
-	ht			= (int)ceil(nt/2);
-	rtrace		= (float *)malloc(nts*sizeof(float));
-	if (mode != 2) {
-		readSnapData(fsnap, &snapdata[0], &hdr_snap[0], nts, nx, nz, 0, nx, 0, nz);
-		vmess("Read Snapshot data");
-	}
-	readSnapData(fhom, &homdata[0], &hdr_hom[0], nt, nx, nz, 0, nx, 0, nz);
-	vmess("Read G_hom");
-	if (mode == 0) {
-		vmess("First arrival determined through maximum");
-	}
-	else if (mode == 1) {
-		vmess("First arrival determined through tolerance (=%.4f)",tol);
-	}
-	else if (mode == 2) {
-		vmess("First arrival determined through raytimes");
-		fp_snap = fopen(fray,"r");
-    	if (fp_snap == NULL) {
-        	verr("Could not open file");
-		}
-		fclose(fp_snap);
-		hdrs_mute = (segy *) calloc(nz,sizeof(segy));
-        timeval = (float *)calloc(nz*nx,sizeof(float));
-        readSnapData(fray, timeval, hdrs_mute, nz, 1, nx, 0, 1, 0, nx);
-		dt = hdr_hom[0].dt/1E6;
-	}
-	for (ir = 0; ir < nz; ir++) {
-		for (is = 0; is < nx; is++) {
-			for (it = 0; it < nts; it++) {
-				rtrace[it] = snapdata[it*nxs*nzs+is*nzs+ir];
-			}
-			if (mode == 0) {
-				indrcv = topdet(&rtrace[0],nts);
-			}
-			else if (mode == 1) {
-				indrcv = farrdet(&rtrace[0],nts,tol);
-			}
-			else if (mode == 2) {
-				indrcv = (int)roundf(timeval[ir*nx+is]/dt);
-			}
-            rmt = MIN(nt-indrcv,indrcv)-shift;
-			for (it = ht-rmt+1; it < ht; it++) {
-				if (it-(ht-rmt) < smooth) {
-					homdata[it*nxs*nzs+is*nzs+ir] *= costaper[it-(ht-rmt)];
-				}
-				else {
-					homdata[it*nxs*nzs+is*nzs+ir] = 0.0;
-				}
-			}
-			for (it = ht; it < ht+rmt; it++) {
-				if (it-(ht+rmt)+smooth > 0) {
-					homdata[it*nxs*nzs+is*nzs+ir] *= costaper[smooth-(it-(ht+rmt)+smooth)];
-				}
-				else {
-					homdata[it*nxs*nzs+is*nzs+ir] = 0.0;
-				}
-            }
-		}
-		vmess("Muting Homogeneous Green's function at depth %d from %d depths",ir+1,nzs);
-	}
-	free(snapdata);free(hdr_snap);
-	fp_out = fopen(fout, "w+");
-	for (ir	= 0; ir < nt; ir++) {
-		ret = writeData(fp_out, &homdata[ir*nxs*nzs], &hdr_hom[ir*nx], nz, nx);
-		if (ret < 0 ) verr("error on writing output file.");
-	}
-	fclose(fp_out);
-	vmess("Wrote Data");
-	return 0;
-int topdet(float *data, int nt)
-    int it,ind;
-	float maxval;
-	maxval = data[0];
-	ind = 0;
-	for (it = 1; it < nt; it++) {
-		if (fabs(data[it]) > maxval) {
-			maxval = data[it];
-			ind = it;
-		}
-	}
-    return ind;
-int farrdet(float *data, int nt, float tol)
-    int it,ind;
-    ind = 0;
-    for (it = 0; it < nt; it++) {
-        if (fabs(data[it]) > tol) {
-            ind = it;
-			break;
-        }
-    }
-    return ind;
diff --git a/utils/combine.c b/utils/combine.c
index c08792ec069405fce004eaf74471396895c411c6..55f5211c1ad1f4066597bd9bc246bb37173855d3 100755
--- a/utils/combine.c
+++ b/utils/combine.c
@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ double wallclock_time(void);
 long writeData3D(FILE *fp, float *data, segy *hdrs, long n1, long n2);
 long readSnapData3D(char *filename, float *data, segy *hdrs, long nsnaps, 
     long nx, long ny, long nz, long sx, long ex, long sy, long ey, long sz, long ez);
+void readCompact(char *filename, long *nx, long *ny, long *nz, long *nt, float *dx, float *dy, float *dz, long *dt,
+	float *fx, float *fy, float *fz, long *sx, long *sy, long *sz, float *scl);
 char *sdoc[] = {
 " ",
@@ -41,6 +43,7 @@ char *sdoc[] = {
 " ",
 " Optional parameters: ",
 " ",
+"   compact=0 ................ Save format of input data (0=normal), (1=transpose), (2=compact)",
 "   file_out= ................ Filename of the output",
 "   numb= .................... integer number of first file",
 "   dnumb= ................... integer number of increment in files",
@@ -51,10 +54,10 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
 	FILE	*fp_in, *fp_out;
 	char	*fin, *fout, *ptr, fbegin[100], fend[100], fins[100], fin2[100], numb1[100];
-	float	*indata, *outdata, dt;
+	float	*indata, *outdata;
 	float	dz,  dy,  dx,  z0,  y0,  x0,  scl;
-	long	nt, nz, ny, nx, ntr, ix, iy, it, is, iz, pos, file_det, nzs;
-	long	numb, dnumb, ret, nzmax, transpose, verbose, nxyz, sx, sy, sz;
+	long	nt, nz, ny, nx, ntr, ix, iy, it, is, iz, pos, file_det, nzs, dt;
+	long	numb, dnumb, ret, nzmax, compact, verbose, nxyz, sx, sy, sz;
 	segy	*hdr_in, *hdr_out;
 	initargs(argc, argv);
@@ -69,7 +72,7 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
 	if (!getparlong("dnumb", &dnumb)) dnumb=0;
 	if (!getparlong("nzmax", &nzmax)) nzmax=0;
 	if (!getparlong("verbose", &verbose)) verbose=0;
-	if (!getparlong("transpose", &transpose)) transpose=0;
+	if (!getparlong("compact", &compact)) compact=0;
 	if (fin == NULL) verr("Incorrect downgoing input");
@@ -98,6 +101,8 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
             else if (nzs == 1) { // There is only a single file
                 vmess("1 file detected");
+                file_det = 0;
+                break;
             else { // Stop after the final file has been detected
                 vmess("%li files detected",nzs);
@@ -121,12 +126,18 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
 	nt = 1;
-    if (transpose==0) {
+    if (compact==0) {
+		if (verbose) vmess("Save fomat is normal");
 		getFileInfo3D(fin2, &nz, &nx, &ny, &nt, &dz, &dx, &dy, &z0, &x0, &y0, &scl, &ntr);
-	else {
+	else if (compact==1) {
+		if (verbose) vmess("Save fomat is transpose");
 		getFileInfo3D(fin2, &nx, &nz, &ny, &nt, &dz, &dx, &dy, &z0, &x0, &y0, &scl, &ntr);
+	else if (compact==2) {
+		if (verbose) vmess("Save fomat is compact");
+		readCompact(fin2, &nx, &ny, &nz, &nt, &dx, &dy, &dz, &dt, &x0, &y0, &z0, &sx, &sy, &sz, &scl);
+	}
 	nxyz = nx*ny*nzs*nz;
@@ -143,8 +154,13 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
 	hdr_out     = (segy *)calloc(nx*ny,sizeof(segy));	
 	outdata		= (float *)calloc(nxyz*nt,sizeof(float));
-	hdr_in      = (segy *)calloc(nx*ny*nt,sizeof(segy));
     indata    	= (float *)calloc(nx*ny*nz*nt,sizeof(float));
+	if (compact != 2) {	
+		hdr_in      = (segy *)calloc(nx*ny*nt,sizeof(segy));
+	}
+	else {
+		hdr_in      = (segy *)calloc(1,sizeof(segy));
+	}
     *   Combine the separate files
@@ -158,7 +174,7 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
 			verr("Error opening file");
-		if (transpose==0) {
+		if (compact==0) {
 			readSnapData3D(fin2, indata, hdr_in, nt, nx, ny, nz, 0, nx, 0, ny, 0, nz);
 			for (it = 0; it < nt; it++) {
 				for (iy = 0; iy < ny; iy++) {
@@ -170,7 +186,7 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
-		else {
+		else if (compact==1) {
 			readSnapData3D(fin2, indata, hdr_in, nt, nz, ny, nx, 0, nz, 0, ny, 0, nx);
 			for (it = 0; it < nt; it++) {
 				for (iy = 0; iy < ny; iy++) {
@@ -182,12 +198,26 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
+		else if (compact==2) {
+			readSnapData3D(fin2, indata, hdr_in, 1, 1, 1, nx*ny*nz*nt, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, nx*ny*nz*nt);
+			for (it = 0; it < nt; it++) {
+				for (iy = 0; iy < ny; iy++) {
+					for (ix = 0; ix < nx; ix++) {
+						for (iz = 0; iz < nz; iz++) {
+							outdata[it*ny*nx*nz*nzs+iy*nx*nz*nzs+ix*nz*nzs+iz+is] = indata[it*ny*nx*nz+iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz];
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
-	sx = hdr_in[0].sx;
-	sy = hdr_in[0].sy;
-	sz = hdr_in[0].sdepth;
-	dt = hdr_in[0].dt;
+	if (compact != 2) {
+		sx = hdr_in[0].sx;
+		sy = hdr_in[0].sy;
+		sz = hdr_in[0].sdepth;
+		dt = hdr_in[0].dt;
+	}
@@ -228,4 +258,47 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
 	free(outdata); free(hdr_out);
 	vmess("Wrote data");
 	return 0;
+void readCompact(char *filename, long *nx, long *ny, long *nz, long *nt, float *dx, float *dy, float *dz, long *dt,
+	float *fx, float *fy, float *fz, long *sx, long *sy, long *sz, float *scl) 
+	FILE *fp;
+	segy hdr;
+	size_t nread;
+	fp = fopen( filename, "r" );
+	if ( fp == NULL ) verr("Could not open %s",filename);
+	nread = fread(&hdr, 1, TRCBYTES, fp);
+	if (nread != TRCBYTES) verr("Could not read the header of the input file");
+	*nx	= hdr.tracf;
+	*ny	= hdr.tracl;
+	*nz	= hdr.tracr;
+	*nt = hdr.fldr;
+	*dx	= hdr.d2;
+	*dy	= hdr.unscale;
+	*dz	= hdr.d1;
+	*dt	= hdr.dt;
+	*fx	= hdr.f2;
+	*fy	= hdr.ungpow;
+	*fz	= hdr.f1;
+	*sx = hdr.sx;
+	*sy = hdr.sy;
+	*sz = hdr.sdepth;
+	if (hdr.scalco > 0) {
+		*scl = ((float)hdr.scalco);
+	}
+	else if (hdr.scalco < 0) {
+		*scl = (-1.0/((float)hdr.scalco));
+	}
+	else {
+		*scl = 1.0;
+	}
+	return;
\ No newline at end of file