diff --git a/utils/pwshift.c b/utils/pwshift.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..54999a06efd7135edefe7b638bf14c03d58de2d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/pwshift.c
@@ -0,0 +1,374 @@
+#include "par.h"
+#include "segy.h"
+#include <time.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <genfft.h>
+#ifndef MAX
+#define MAX(x,y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
+#ifndef MIN
+#define MIN(x,y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
+#define NINT(x) ((long)((x)>0.0?(x)+0.5:(x)-0.5))
+#ifndef COMPLEX
+typedef struct _complexStruct { /* complex number */
+    float r,i;
+} complex;
+#endif/* complex */
+long getFileInfo3D(char *filename, long *n1, long *n2, long *n3, long *ngath, float *d1, float *d2, float *d3,
+    float *f1, float *f2, float *f3, float *sclsxgxsygy, long *nxm);
+double wallclock_time(void);
+long writeData3D(FILE *fp, float *data, segy *hdrs, long n1, long n2);
+long readSnapData3D(char *filename, float *data, segy *hdrs, long nsnaps, 
+    long nx, long ny, long nz, long sx, long ex, long sy, long ey, long sz, long ez);
+void timeShift(float *data, long nsam, long nrec, float dt, float *time, float *amp, float *delay, float fmin, float fmax);
+void pad_data(float *data, long nsam, long nrec, long nsamout, float *datout);
+void scl_data(float *data, long nsam, long nrec, float scl, float *datout, long nsamout);
+char *sdoc[] = {
+" ",
+" combine - Combine results into a single result ",
+" ",
+" authors  : Joeri Brackenhoff  : (J.A.Brackenhoff@tudelft.nl)",
+"          : Jan Thorbecke      : (janth@xs4all.nl)",
+" ",
+" Required parameters: ",
+"   file_gmin= ................. File containing the G- data",
+"   file_ray= .................. File containing the ray time data",
+"   file_amp= .................. File containing the ray amplitude data",
+" ",
+" Optional parameters: ",
+" ",
+"   file_out=out.su .......... Filename of the output",
+"   verbose=1 ................ Give detailed information of process",
+int main (int argc, char **argv)
+	FILE	*fp_gmin, *fp_ray, *fp_amp, *fp_out;
+	char	*file_gmin, *file_ray, *file_amp, *file_out, fbr[100], fer[100], fba[100], fea[100], fins[100], fin2[100], numb1[100], *ptr;
+	float	*gmin, *conv, *time, *amp, *image, fmin, fmax, *delay;
+	float	dt, dy, dx, dz, t0, y0, x0, scl;
+	float	dt_ray, dy_ray, dx_ray, t0_ray, y0_ray, x0_ray, scl_ray, px, py, src_velox, src_veloy, src_anglex, src_angley, grad2rad;
+	long	nshots, nt, ny, nx, ntr;
+	long	nray, nt_ray, ny_ray, nx_ray, ntr_ray;
+    long    verbose, ix, iy, it, iz, is, *gx, *gy, *gz, numb, dnumb, pos, nzs, file_det;
+    size_t  ret;
+	segy	*hdr_gmin, *hdr_time, *hdr_amp, *hdr_out;
+	initargs(argc, argv);
+	requestdoc(1);
+    /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*
+    *   Get the parameters passed to the function 
+    *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+	if (!getparstring("file_gmin", &file_gmin)) file_gmin = NULL;
+	if (!getparstring("file_ray", &file_ray)) file_ray = NULL;
+	if (!getparstring("file_amp", &file_amp)) file_amp = NULL;
+    if (!getparstring("file_out", &file_out)) file_out = "out.su";
+	if (!getparlong("verbose", &verbose)) verbose=1;
+	if (!getparfloat("fmin", &fmin)) fmin=0.0;
+	if (!getparfloat("fmax", &fmax)) fmax=70.0;
+	if (!getparfloat("src_velox", &src_velox)) src_velox=1500.0;
+	if (!getparfloat("src_veloy", &src_veloy)) src_veloy=1500.0;
+	if (!getparfloat("src_anglex", &src_anglex)) src_anglex=0.0;
+	if (!getparfloat("src_angley", &src_angley)) src_angley=0.0;
+	if (!getparlong("numb", &numb)) numb=0;
+	if (!getparlong("dnumb", &dnumb)) dnumb=1;
+	if (file_gmin == NULL) verr("Incorrect gmin input");
+	if (file_ray == NULL) verr("Incorrect ray time input");
+	if (file_amp == NULL) verr("Incorrect ray amplitude input");
+	/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*
+    *   Determine the position of the number in the string
+    *   and split the file into beginning, middle and end
+    *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+	if (dnumb < 1) dnumb = 1;
+	sprintf(numb1,"z%li",numb);
+	ptr  = strstr(file_ray,numb1);
+    pos = ptr - file_ray + 1;
+    sprintf(fbr,"%*.*s", pos-1, pos-1, file_ray);
+   	sprintf(fer,"%s", file_ray+pos+1);
+	ptr  = strstr(file_amp,numb1);
+    pos = ptr - file_amp + 1;
+    sprintf(fba,"%*.*s", pos-1, pos-1, file_ray);
+   	sprintf(fea,"%s", file_ray+pos+1);
+    /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*
+    *   Determine the amount of files that are present
+    *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+	file_det = 1;
+	nzs=0;
+	while (file_det) { // Check for a file with the filename
+        sprintf(fins,"z%li",nzs*dnumb+numb);
+        sprintf(file_ray,"%s%s%s",fbr,fins,fer);
+        fp_ray = fopen(file_ray, "r");
+        if (fp_ray == NULL) { // If the filename does not exist
+            if (nzs == 0) { // The filename is wrong to begin with
+                verr("error on opening basefile=%s", file_ray);
+            }
+            else if (nzs == 1) { // There is only a single file
+                vmess("1 file detected");
+                file_det = 0;
+                break;
+            }
+            else { // Stop after the final file has been detected
+                vmess("%li files detected",nzs);
+                file_det = 0;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        fclose(fp_ray);
+        nzs++;
+    }
+    /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*
+    *   Read in the first two files and determine the header values
+    *   of the output
+    *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    getFileInfo3D(file_gmin, &nt, &nx, &ny, &nshots, &dt, &dx, &dy, &t0, &x0, &y0, &scl, &ntr);
+	if (verbose) {
+        vmess("************************ Gmin info ************************");
+		vmess("Number of depth levels : %li",nshots);
+		vmess("Number of samples     x: %li,  y: %li,  t: %li",nx,ny,nt);
+		vmess("Starting distance for x: %.3f, y: %.3f, t: %.3f",x0,y0,t0);
+		vmess("Sampling distance for x: %.3f, y: %.3f, t: %.3f",dx,dy,dt);
+        vmess("***********************************************************");
+	}
+    sprintf(fins,"z%li",0);
+    sprintf(file_ray,"%s%s%s",fbr,fins,fer);
+    getFileInfo3D(file_ray, &nx_ray, &nt_ray, &ny_ray, &nray, &dx_ray, &dt_ray, &dy_ray, &x0_ray, &t0_ray, &y0_ray, &scl_ray, &ntr_ray);
+	if (verbose) {
+        vmess("************************ ray info *************************");
+		vmess("Number of depth levels : %li",nzs);
+		vmess("Number of focal points : %li",nray);
+		vmess("Number of samples     x: %li,  y: %li,  t: %li",nx_ray,ny_ray,nt_ray);
+		vmess("Starting distance for x: %.3f, y: %.3f, t: %.3f",x0_ray,y0_ray,t0_ray);
+		vmess("Sampling distance for x: %.3f, y: %.3f, t: %.3f",dx_ray,dy_ray,dt_ray);
+        vmess("***********************************************************");
+	}
+	if (nshots!=nzs) verr("The depth levels of the rays (%li) do not match those of the plane waves (%li)",nzs,nshots);
+	/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*
+    *   Read in a single file to determine if the header values match
+    *   and allocate the data
+    *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+	hdr_gmin    = (segy *)calloc(nshots*nx*ny,sizeof(segy));	
+	gmin        = (float *)calloc(nshots*nx*ny*nt,sizeof(float));
+	hdr_out     = (segy *)calloc(nray*nshots,sizeof(segy));	
+	delay       = (float *)calloc(nx*ny,sizeof(float));
+	image       = (float *)calloc(nray*nshots,sizeof(float));
+	gx          = (long *)calloc(nray*nshots,sizeof(long));
+	gy       	= (long *)calloc(nray*nshots,sizeof(long));
+	gz       	= (long *)calloc(nray*nshots,sizeof(long));
+	readSnapData3D(file_gmin, gmin, hdr_gmin, nshots, nx, ny, nt, 0, nx, 0, ny, 0, nt);
+	/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*
+    *   Add the delay in case the plane wave is at an angle
+    *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+	grad2rad = 17.453292e-3;
+	px = sin(src_anglex*grad2rad)/src_velox;
+	py = sin(src_angley*grad2rad)/src_veloy;
+	if (py < 0.0) {
+		for (iy=0; iy<ny; iy++) {
+			if (px < 0.0) {
+				for (ix=0; ix<nx; ix++) {
+					delay[iy*nx+ix] = fabsf((nx-1-ix)*dx*px) + fabsf((ny-1-iy)*dy*py);
+				}
+			}
+			else {
+				for (ix=0; ix<nx; ix++) {
+					delay[iy*nx+ix] = ix*dx*px + fabsf((ny-1-iy)*dy*py);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	else {
+		for (iy=0; iy<ny; iy++) {
+			if (px < 0.0) {
+				for (ix=0; ix<nx; ix++) {
+					delay[iy*nx+ix] = fabsf((nx-1-ix)*dx*px) + iy*dy*py;
+				}
+			}
+			else {
+				for (ix=0; ix<nx; ix++) {
+					delay[iy*nx+ix] = ix*dx*px + iy*dy*py;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*
+    *   Apply the imaging condition
+    *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#pragma omp parallel for schedule(static,1) default(shared) \
+  private(is,it,ix,fins,fin2,time,amp,hdr_time,hdr_amp,conv)
+    for (iy = 0; iy < nshots; iy++) {
+		hdr_time    = (segy *)calloc(ny*nray,sizeof(segy));	
+		time        = (float *)calloc(nx*ny*nray,sizeof(float));
+		hdr_amp     = (segy *)calloc(ny*nray,sizeof(segy));	
+		amp         = (float *)calloc(nx*ny*nray,sizeof(float));
+		conv        = (float *)calloc(nx*ny*nt,sizeof(float));
+		vmess("Depth level %li out of %li",iy+1,nshots);
+		sprintf(fins,"z%li",iy*dnumb+numb);
+        sprintf(fin2,"%s%s%s",fbr,fins,fer);
+		readSnapData3D(fin2, time, hdr_time, nray, 1, ny, nx, 0, 1, 0, ny, 0, nx);
+        sprintf(fin2,"%s%s%s",fba,fins,fea);
+		readSnapData3D(file_amp, amp,  hdr_amp,  nray, 1, ny, nx, 0, 1, 0, ny, 0, nx);
+		for (is = 0; is < nray; is++) {
+			gx[is*nshots+iy] = hdr_time[is*ny].sx;
+			gy[is*nshots+iy] = hdr_time[is*ny].sy;
+			gz[is*nshots+iy] = hdr_time[is*ny].sdepth;
+			for (it = 0; it < nx*ny*nt; it++) {
+				conv[it] = gmin[iy*nx*ny*nt+it];
+			}
+			timeShift(&conv[0],nt,nx*ny,dt,&time[is*ny*nx],&amp[is*ny*nx],delay,fmin,fmax);
+			for (ix = 0; ix < ny*nx; ix++) {
+				image[is*nshots+iy] += conv[ix*nt]*dx*dy*dt;
+			}
+		}
+		free(hdr_time); free(time); free(hdr_amp); free(amp); free(conv);
+	}
+	free(gmin); free(hdr_gmin);
+	/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*
+    *	Write out the data
+    *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+	fp_out = fopen(file_out, "w+");
+	if (nshots>1) dz = ((float)(gz[1] - gz[0]))/1000.0;
+	else dz = 1.0;
+	for (it = 0; it < nray; it++) {
+		hdr_out[it].fldr		= 1;
+		hdr_out[it].tracl		= it+1;
+		hdr_out[it].tracf		= it+1;
+		hdr_out[it].scalco		= -1000;
+		hdr_out[it].scalel		= -1000;
+		hdr_out[it].trid		= 1;
+		hdr_out[it].ns			= nshots;
+		hdr_out[it].trwf		= nray;
+		hdr_out[it].ntr			= nray;
+		hdr_out[it].f1			= (((float)gz[0])/1000.0);
+		hdr_out[it].f2			= (((float)gx[0])/1000.0);
+		hdr_out[it].dt			= ((int)(dt*1E6));
+		hdr_out[it].d1			= roundf(dz*1000.0)/1000.0;
+		hdr_out[it].d2			= roundf(dx*1000.0)/1000.0;
+		hdr_out[it].gx			= gx[it*nshots];
+		hdr_out[it].gy			= gy[it*nshots];
+	}
+	ret = writeData3D(fp_out, &image[0], hdr_out, nshots, nray);
+	if (ret < 0 ) verr("error on writing output file.");
+	fclose(fp_out);
+	free(image); free(hdr_out);
+	vmess("Wrote data");
+	return 0;
+void timeShift(float *data, long nsam, long nrec, float dt, float *time, float *amp, float *delay, float fmin, float fmax)
+	long 	optn, iom, iomin, iomax, nfreq, ix, sign;
+	float	omin, omax, deltom, om, tom, df, *rdata, scl;
+	complex *cdata, *cdatascl;
+	optn = optncr(nsam);
+	nfreq = optn/2+1;
+	df    = 1.0/(optn*dt);
+	cdata = (complex *)malloc(nfreq*nrec*sizeof(complex));
+	if (cdata == NULL) verr("memory allocation error for cdata");
+	rdata = (float *)malloc(optn*nrec*sizeof(float));
+	if (rdata == NULL) verr("memory allocation error for rdata");
+	/* pad zeroes until Fourier length is reached */
+	pad_data(data,nsam,nrec,optn,rdata);
+	/* Forward time-frequency FFT */
+	sign = -1;
+	rcmfft(&rdata[0], &cdata[0], optn, nrec, optn, nfreq, sign);
+	deltom = 2.*PI*df;
+	omin   = 2.*PI*fmin;
+	omax   = 2.*PI*fmax;
+	iomin  = (long)MIN((omin/deltom), (nfreq));
+	iomax  = MIN((long)(omax/deltom), (nfreq));
+	cdatascl = (complex *)malloc(nfreq*nrec*sizeof(complex));
+	if (cdatascl == NULL) verr("memory allocation error for cdatascl");
+	for (ix = 0; ix < nrec; ix++) {
+		for (iom = 0; iom < iomin; iom++) {
+			cdatascl[ix*nfreq+iom].r = 0.0;
+			cdatascl[ix*nfreq+iom].i = 0.0;
+		}
+		for (iom = iomax; iom < nfreq; iom++) {
+			cdatascl[ix*nfreq+iom].r = 0.0;
+			cdatascl[ix*nfreq+iom].i = 0.0;
+		}
+		for (iom = iomin ; iom < iomax ; iom++) {
+			om = deltom*iom;
+			tom = om*-1.0*(time[ix]+delay[ix]);
+			cdatascl[ix*nfreq+iom].r = (cdata[ix*nfreq+iom].r*cos(-tom) - cdata[ix*nfreq+iom].i*sin(-tom))/(amp[ix]*amp[ix]);
+			cdatascl[ix*nfreq+iom].i = (cdata[ix*nfreq+iom].i*cos(-tom) + cdata[ix*nfreq+iom].r*sin(-tom))/(amp[ix]*amp[ix]);
+		}
+	}
+	free(cdata);
+	/* Inverse frequency-time FFT and scale result */
+	sign = 1;
+	scl = 1.0/(float)optn;
+	crmfft(&cdatascl[0], &rdata[0], optn, nrec, nfreq, optn, sign);
+	scl_data(rdata,optn,nrec,scl,data,nsam);
+	free(cdatascl);
+	free(rdata);
+	return;
+void pad_data(float *data, long nsam, long nrec, long nsamout, float *datout)
+	long it,ix;
+	for (ix=0;ix<nrec;ix++) {
+		for (it=0;it<nsam;it++)
+			datout[ix*nsamout+it]=data[ix*nsam+it];
+		for (it=nsam;it<nsamout;it++)
+			datout[ix*nsamout+it]=0.0;
+	}
+void scl_data(float *data, long nsam, long nrec, float scl, float *datout, long nsamout)
+	long it,ix;
+	for (ix = 0; ix < nrec; ix++) {
+		for (it = 0 ; it < nsamout ; it++)
+			datout[ix*nsamout+it] = scl*data[ix*nsam+it];
+	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utils/zfpmar.h b/utils/zfpmar.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6442357821c1e54a233886c8f02eeb0d377f77f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/zfpmar.h
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+#ifndef ZFPMAR_H
+#define ZFPMAR_H
+#define MARBYTES        48
+#define TOPBYTES        80
+/* Size of the different types
+long    -   8 bytes
+int     -   4 bytes
+char    -   1 byte
+float   -   4 bytes
+typedef struct {	/* zfpmar - headers for the compression and decompression of data for marchenko */
+    long nx; /* Number of samples in x-direction */
+    long ny; /* Number of samples in y-direction */
+    int sx; /* Source coordinate in x-direction */
+    int sy; /* Source coordinate in y-direction */
+    int sz; /* Source coordinate in z-direction */
+    int gx; /* Receiver coordinate in x-direction */
+    long gy; /* Receiver coordinate in y-direction */
+    long compsize; /* Size of the compressed data */
+} zfpmar;
+typedef struct {	/* zfptop - headers for the compression and decompression of data for marchenko */
+    long ndim; /* Number of dimension is between 1 and 4 */
+    long nz; /* Number of samples in z-direction */
+    long ns; /* Number of shots */
+    long nt; /* Number of time samples */
+    float dx; /* Sampling distance in x-direction */
+    float dy; /* Sampling distance in x-direction */
+    float dz; /* Sampling distance in x-direction */
+    float scale; /* Scaling of the coordinates and the sampling */
+    double tolerance; /* Set the tolerance of the zfp (de)compression */
+    float fmin; /* Minimum frequency of the signal */
+    float fmax; /* Maximum frequency of the singal */
+    float fx; /* First location of receiver in x-direction */
+    float fy; /* First location of receiver in y-direction */
+    float fz; /* First location of receiver in y-direction */
+} zfptop;
\ No newline at end of file