diff --git a/extrap3d/lib/dataFileIO.c b/extrap3d/lib/dataFileIO.c
index 84b910c2df5d78198459de67cfc679fb188388d3..4612557c0031fadc4aba670f5ae7465f44e33813 100644
--- a/extrap3d/lib/dataFileIO.c
+++ b/extrap3d/lib/dataFileIO.c
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ int read_FFT_DataFile(FILE *fp, complex *data, Area vel_area, int nfft, int nw,
-int write_FFT_DataFile(FILE *fp, complex *data, Area data_area, int fldr, int nt, int nfft, int nw, int nw_low, float dt, int out_su, int conjg, int verbose)
+int write_FFT_DataFile(FILE *fp, complex *data, Area data_area, int fldr, int nt, int nfft, int nw, int nw_low, float dt, int out_su, int conjg, int freq, int verbose)
 	int ix, iy, iw, i, nx, ny, sxy, nfreq, pos, sign;
 	int xvmin, yvmin;
@@ -142,37 +142,72 @@ int write_FFT_DataFile(FILE *fp, complex *data, Area data_area, int fldr, int nt
 	hdr[0].d2 = dx;
     hdr[0].scalco = -1000;
-    for (iy=0; iy<ny; iy++) {
-        for (ix=0; ix<nx; ix++) {
-			pos = iy*nx+ix;
-			for (i=0; i<nfreq; i++) 
-				ctrace[i].r = ctrace[i].i = 0.0;
-			for (iw=0; iw<nw; iw++) {
-				ctrace[iw+nw_low].r = data[iw*sxy+pos].r;
-				ctrace[iw+nw_low].i = conjg*data[iw*sxy+pos].i;
-			}
-            /* transform back to time */
-            cr1fft(ctrace, trace, nfft, sign);
-            /* write to output file */
-             if (out_su) {
-                hdr[0].gx = (int)(xvmin+ix*dx)*1000;
-                hdr[0].gy = (int)(yvmin+iy*dy)*1000;
-		        hdr[0].f2 = xvmin+ix*dx;
-		        hdr[0].tracf = ix+1;
-		        hdr[0].tracl = iy*nx+ix+1;
-		        nwrite = fwrite(hdr, 1, TRCBYTES, fp);
-		        assert( nwrite == TRCBYTES );
-		        nwrite = fwrite(trace, sizeof(float), nt, fp);
-		        assert( nwrite == nt );
+    if (freq==0) {
+        for (iy=0; iy<ny; iy++) {
+            for (ix=0; ix<nx; ix++) {
+			    pos = iy*nx+ix;
+			    for (i=0; i<nfreq; i++) 
+				    ctrace[i].r = ctrace[i].i = 0.0;
+			    for (iw=0; iw<nw; iw++) {
+				    ctrace[iw+nw_low].r = data[iw*sxy+pos].r;
+				    ctrace[iw+nw_low].i = conjg*data[iw*sxy+pos].i;
+			    }
+                /* transform back to time */
+                cr1fft(ctrace, trace, nfft, sign);
+                /* write to output file */
+                 if (out_su) {
+                    hdr[0].gx = (int)(xvmin+ix*dx)*1000;
+                    hdr[0].gy = (int)(yvmin+iy*dy)*1000;
+		            hdr[0].f2 = xvmin+ix*dx;
+		            hdr[0].tracf = ix+1;
+		            hdr[0].tracl = iy*nx+ix+1;
+		            nwrite = fwrite(hdr, 1, TRCBYTES, fp);
+		            assert( nwrite == TRCBYTES );
+		            nwrite = fwrite(trace, sizeof(float), nt, fp);
+		            assert( nwrite == nt );
+                }
+                else {
+	                nwrite = fwrite(trace, sizeof(float), nt, fp);
+	                assert( nwrite == nt );
+                }
-            else {
-	            nwrite = fwrite(trace, sizeof(float), nt, fp);
-	            assert( nwrite == nt );
+        }
+	}
+	else { /* Frequency output slices */
+    	hdr[0].trid = 122;
+		hdr[0].fldr = fldr;
+		hdr[0].trwf = ny;
+		hdr[0].ntr = nw*ny;
+		hdr[0].ns = nx;
+		hdr[0].dt = 1000000*dt;
+		hdr[0].f1 = 0.0;
+		hdr[0].f2 = yvmin;
+	    for (iw=0; iw<nw; iw++) {
+            for (iy=0; iy<ny; iy++) {
+                /* write to output file */
+                 if (out_su) {
+                    hdr[0].gx = (int)(xvmin)*1000;
+                    hdr[0].gy = (int)(yvmin+iy*dy)*1000;
+		            hdr[0].f1 = xvmin+ix*dx;
+		            hdr[0].f2 = yvmin+iy*dy;
+		            hdr[0].tracf = iy+1;
+		            hdr[0].tracl = iw*ny+iy+1;
+		            nwrite = fwrite(hdr, 1, TRCBYTES, fp);
+		            assert( nwrite == TRCBYTES );
+		            nwrite = fwrite(&data[iw*sxy+iy*nx], sizeof(complex), nx, fp);
+		            assert( nwrite == nx );
+                }
+                else {
+	                nwrite = fwrite(&data[iw*sxy+iy*nx], sizeof(complex), nx, fp);
+	                assert( nwrite == nx );
+                }
-    }
+	}
diff --git a/extrap3d/main/cfpmod3d.c b/extrap3d/main/cfpmod3d.c
index 6882e550f4100f2f1e766f12d684eb44d4f12682..2eb38afd05035008d486a6657c93dbe943fe49f7 100644
--- a/extrap3d/main/cfpmod3d.c
+++ b/extrap3d/main/cfpmod3d.c
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ void cr1fft(complex *cdata, float *rdata, int n, int sign);
 /****** IO routines *******/
 int openVelocityFile(char *file_vel, FILE **fp, Area *vel_area, int verbose);
 void readVelocitySlice(FILE *fp, float *velocity, int iz, int nyv, int nxv);
-int write_FFT_DataFile(FILE *fp, complex *data, Area data_area, int fldr, int nt, int nfft, int nw, int nw_low, float dt, int out_su, int conjg, int verbose);
+int write_FFT_DataFile(FILE *fp, complex *data, Area data_area, int fldr, int nt, int nfft, int nw, int nw_low, float dt, int out_su, int conjg, int freq, int verbose);
 int write_ImageFile(FILE *fp, float *data, Area data_area, int fldr, int d, int out_su, int verbose);
@@ -129,6 +129,7 @@ char *sdoc[] = {
 "   filter_inc=1 ............. the increment in dz for the Li filter (0=off)",
 "   nterms=1 ................. the number of terms in the paraxial expansion",
+"   freq=0 ................... output in frequency slices",
 "   snap=0 ................... snapshots (not yet implemented)",
 "   beam=0 ................... beams ",
 "   verbose=0 ................ >1: shows various parameters and results",
@@ -152,7 +153,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 	FILE    *out_file, *vel_file, *src_file, *beam_file;
 	size_t  nread, size, size_out;
-	int     verbose, method, ntraces, oper_opt, MB, out_su, verb_root;
+	int     verbose, method, ntraces, oper_opt, MB, out_su, out_freq, verb_root;
 	int     nxv, nyv, nzv, dstep, fldr;
 	int     nt, err;
 	int     ntap, tap_opt, order, McC, oplx, oply, fine;
@@ -239,6 +240,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 	if(!getparint("fine", &fine)) fine = 2;
 	if(!getparint("beam", &beam)) beam = 0;
 	if(!getparint("add", &add)) add = 0;
+	if(!getparint("freq", &out_freq)) out_freq = 0;
 	if(!getparint("verbose", &verbose)) verbose = 0;
 	if(!ISODD(oplx)) oplx += 1;
@@ -651,7 +653,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 			fldr = is+1;
 			write_FFT_DataFile(out_file, rec_all, shot_area, fldr,  
-				nt, nfft, nw, nw_low, dt, out_su, conjg, verbose);
+				nt, nfft, nw, nw_low, dt, out_su, conjg, out_freq, verbose);
 			if (verbose) 
diff --git a/extrap3d/main/extrap3d.c b/extrap3d/main/extrap3d.c
index 17f6dab3b55b671f1d4021c07cd18fbef4184e94..6a4d6d3389122f55fbbc0803794c1ec6a1f15c25 100644
--- a/extrap3d/main/extrap3d.c
+++ b/extrap3d/main/extrap3d.c
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ int openVelocityFile(char *file_vel, FILE **fp, Area *vel_area, int verbose);
 void readVelocitySlice(FILE *fp, float *velocity, int iz, int nyv, int nxv);
-int write_FFT_DataFile(FILE *fp, complex *data, Area data_area, int fldr, int nt, int nfft, int nw, int nw_low, float dt, int out_su, int conjg, int verbose);
+int write_FFT_DataFile(FILE *fp, complex *data, Area data_area, int fldr, int nt, int nfft, int nw, int nw_low, float dt, int out_su, int conjg, int freq, int verbose);
 int read_FFT_DataFile(FILE *fp, complex *data, Area vel_area, int nfft, int nw, int nw_low, int *tr_read_in, int *tr_shot, int *ixmin, int *ixmax, int *iymin, int *iymax, int *sx, int *sy, int conjg, int verbose);
@@ -107,6 +107,7 @@ char *sdoc[] = {
 "   filter_inc=1 ............. the increment in dz for the Li filter (0=off)",
 "   nterms=1 ................. the number of terms in the paraxial expansion",
+"   freq=0 ................... output in frequency slices",
 "   snap=0 ................... snapshots (not yet implemented)",
 "   beam=0 ................... beams ",
 "   verbose=0 ................ >1: shows various parameters and results",
@@ -136,7 +137,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 	size_t  nread, bytes, size, trace_sz, size_out;
 	int     verbose,  method, ntraces, verb_root;
 	int     nxv, nyv, nzv, binary_file, dstep, id, id1, id2;
-	int     d, nt, ndepth, i, j, conjg, conjgs, mode, out_su;
+	int     d, nt, ndepth, i, j, conjg, conjgs, mode, out_su, out_freq;
 	int     ntap, tap_opt, order, McC, oplx, oply, fine, MB;
 	int     stackmigr, imc, area, ixmin, ixmax, iymin, iymax, ns;
 	int     nfft, nfreq, nw_high, nw_low, nw, sx, sy, ix, iy;
@@ -206,6 +207,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 	if(!getparfloat("weights", &weights)) weights = 1e-2;
 	if(!getparint("fine", &fine)) fine = 2;
 	if(!getparint("beam", &beam)) beam = 0;
+	if(!getparint("freq", &out_freq)) out_freq = 0;
 	if(!getparint("verbose", &verbose)) verbose = 0;
 	if(!ISODD(oplx)) oplx += 1;
@@ -602,7 +604,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 			assert( out_file );
 			write_FFT_DataFile(out_file, rec_all, shot_area, (is+1),  
-				nt, nfft, nw, nw_low, dt, out_su, conjg, verb_root);
+				nt, nfft, nw, nw_low, dt, out_su, conjg, out_freq, verb_root);
diff --git a/extrap3d/main/zomodel3d.c b/extrap3d/main/zomodel3d.c
index 39f66a2591032f7728c48c8d3d6795d284441fad..1bb9a53509a0b5f72777be8d027e0a30fd952dc1 100644
--- a/extrap3d/main/zomodel3d.c
+++ b/extrap3d/main/zomodel3d.c
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ void cr1fft(complex *cdata, float *rdata, int n, int sign);
 /****** IO routines *******/
 int openVelocityFile(char *file_vel, FILE **fp, Area *vel_area, int verbose);
 void readVelocitySlice(FILE *fp, float *velocity, int iz, int nyv, int nxv);
-int write_FFT_DataFile(FILE *fp, complex *data, Area data_area, int fldr, int nt, int nfft, int nw, int nw_low, float dt, int out_su, int conjg, int verbose);
+int write_FFT_DataFile(FILE *fp, complex *data, Area data_area, int fldr, int nt, int nfft, int nw, int nw_low, float dt, int out_su, int conjg, int freq, int verbose);
 /***** Operator tables *****/
 void tablecalc_2D(int oplx, int oply, int nx, float dx, int ny, float dy, 
@@ -64,7 +64,6 @@ char *sdoc[] = {
 " Optional parameters:",
 " ",
 "   conjg=0 .................. 1: take complex conjugate of input data",
-"   verbose=0 ................ >1: shows various parameters and results",
 "   dxv=dxv .................. stepsize in x-direction of velocity model ",
 "   dyv=dyv .................. stepsize in y-direction of velocity model ",
@@ -113,6 +112,9 @@ char *sdoc[] = {
 "   fine=2 ................... fine sampling in operator table",
 "   filter_inc=1 ............. the increment in dz for the Li filter (0=off)",
 "   nterms=1 ................. the number of terms in the paraxial expansion",
+"   freq=0 ................... output in frequency slices",
+"   verbose=0 ................ >1: shows various parameters and results",
 "  ",
 "   Options for method:",
 "         - 1  = Direct 2D convolution (Walter's scheme)",
@@ -148,7 +150,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 	int     nfft, nfreq, nw_high, nw_low, nw, ix, iy;
 	int     sxy, iw, sign, ixv, iyv; 
 	int     nxy, pos, id, idp, oper_opt;
-	int		out_su, nterms, filter_inc, interpol;
+	int		out_freq, out_su, nterms, filter_inc, interpol;
 	Area    shot_area;
 	float   alpha, weight;
 	float	depth1,depth2;
@@ -217,6 +219,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 	if(!getparint("fine", &fine)) fine = 2;
 	if(!getparfloat("dt", &dt)) dt = 0.004;
 	if(!getparint("nt", &nt)) nt = 512;
+	if(!getparint("freq", &out_freq)) out_freq = 0;
 	if(!getparint("verbose", &verbose)) verbose = 0;
 	if(!ISODD(oplx)) oplx += 1;
@@ -699,7 +702,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 		out_file = fopen( file_out, "w+" ); assert( out_file );
 		write_FFT_DataFile(out_file, rec_field, shot_area, 1,  
-			nt, nfft, nw, nw_low, dt, out_su, conjg, verbose);
+			nt, nfft, nw, nw_low, dt, out_su, conjg, out_freq, verbose);
diff --git a/fdelmodc/Makefile b/fdelmodc/Makefile
index 543b2122ef369771ec9b5466b9bbe304587f42e6..56b3c4db58b1edee66c9341b593d29f36afe820d 100644
--- a/fdelmodc/Makefile
+++ b/fdelmodc/Makefile
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ include ../Make_include
 ALLINC  = -I.
 LIBS    += -L$L -lgenfft -lm $(LIBSM)
 #LIBS    += -L$L -lgenfft -lm -lc
-#OPTC = -g -Wall -fsignaling-nans -O0
+#OPTC = -g -Wall -fsignaling-nans -O0 -fopenmp
 #OPTC += -fopenmp -Waddress
 #OPTC := $(subst -O3 -ffast-math, -O1 -g ,$(OPTC))
 #PGI options for compiler feedback
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ SRCC	= $(PRG).c \
 		acoustic6.c \
 		viscoacoustic4.c \
 		elastic4.c \
+		elastic4dc.c \
 		elastic6.c \
 		viscoelastic4.c \
 		defineSource.c  \
diff --git a/fdelmodc/demo/fdelmodc_doublecouple.scr b/fdelmodc/demo/fdelmodc_doublecouple.scr
index e2eebc45e8bb727b6a94306849af4c3e9e89741b..ffea7d400c08043b744be9e5f73fa048f0f9d309 100755
--- a/fdelmodc/demo/fdelmodc_doublecouple.scr
+++ b/fdelmodc/demo/fdelmodc_doublecouple.scr
@@ -20,12 +20,12 @@ export filero=model_ro.su
 ../fdelmodc \
-	file_cp=$filecp file_cs=$filecs file_den=$filero \
-	ischeme=3 \
+	file_cp=$filecp file_den=$filero \
+	ischeme=5 \
 	src_type=9 dip=0  tmod=2.0  \
 	file_src=wavelet.su verbose=2 \
-	file_rcv=recS.su \
-	file_snap=snapS0.su \
+	file_rcv=rec4S.su \
+	file_snap=snap4S0.su \
 	xrcv1=0 xrcv2=2100 dxrcv=15 \
 	zrcv1=400 zrcv2=400 \
 	rec_type_vx=1 rec_int_vx=1 \
diff --git a/fdelmodc/demo/modelOilGas.scr b/fdelmodc/demo/modelOilGas.scr
index 50055435d7d4cb61e46944c9811a0a899c98f299..5fa26904388a3d67e07cc72a6bc7861d1b5bec16 100755
--- a/fdelmodc/demo/modelOilGas.scr
+++ b/fdelmodc/demo/modelOilGas.scr
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-#export PATH=$HOME/bin:$HOME/src/OpenSource/utils:$PATH:
+export PATH=$HOME/bin:$HOME/src/OpenSource/utils:$PATH:
@@ -16,12 +16,14 @@ makemod sizex=5000 sizez=2500 dx=$dx dz=$dx cp0=$cp ro0=$rho \
 makewave w=g1 fp=20 dt=$dt file_out=wave.su nt=4096 t0=0.1
-~/bin/fdelmodc \
+which fdelmodc
+fdelmodc \
     file_cp=syncl_cp.su ischeme=1 iorder=4 \
     file_den=syncl_ro.su \
     file_src=wave.su \
diff --git a/fdelmodc/demo/staal.scr b/fdelmodc/demo/staal.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a99d0a59fa1444de173a8c3dca12d149049d9712
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc/demo/staal.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+makemod file_base=betonplaat3.su cp0=3700 ro0=2400 cs0=3400 verbose=1 sizex=5000 sizez=300 dx=5.0 dz=5.0
+makewave file_out=betonplaatwave.su dt=1.0e-4 nt=10000 w=g2 shift=1 fp=6 verbose=1
+../fdelmodc file_cp=betonplaat3_cp.su file_cs=betonplaat3_cs.su \
+file_den=betonplaat3_ro.su file_src=betonplaatwave.su \
+file_rcv=betonplaat2recv.su file_snap=betonplaat2snap.su \
+ischeme=3 tmod=5 \
+top=1 left=4 right=1 bottom=1 \
+src_type=3 xsrc=2500 zsrc=0.0 \
+tsnap1=1.0e-2 tsnap2=5 dtsnap=1.0e-2 dxsnap=5.0 dzsnap=5.0 \
+dtrcv=1.0e-2 verbose=1
+!sufrac power=1 < betonplaat3recv_rvz.su > sufracbetonplaat3.su
+!sustrip < sufracbetonplaat3.su | b2a n1=2051 > Sufrac_betonplaat3_Tzz.txt
+!suximage<sufracbetonplaat3.su title="FDM shot record Concrete Slab Sourcetype=Tzz [Left=4 Right=1]" label2="Lateral Position [mm]"
+label1="Time [ms]" wbox=2500 hbox=500 cmap=hsv2 legend=1
diff --git a/fdelmodc/elastic4dc.c b/fdelmodc/elastic4dc.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d119cfb3db178a7f3d5ade881188634191b1c686
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc/elastic4dc.c
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+#define MAX(x,y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
+int applySource(modPar mod, srcPar src, wavPar wav, bndPar bnd, int itime, int ixsrc, int izsrc, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz,
+float *txx, float *txz, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, float **src_nwav, int verbose);
+int storeSourceOnSurface(modPar mod, srcPar src, bndPar bnd, int ixsrc, int izsrc, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, int verbose);
+int reStoreSourceOnSurface(modPar mod, srcPar src, bndPar bnd, int ixsrc, int izsrc, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, int verbose);
+int boundariesP(modPar mod, bndPar bnd, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, float *lam, float *mul, int itime, int verbose);
+int boundariesV(modPar mod, bndPar bnd, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, float *lam, float *mul, int itime, int verbose);
+int elastic4dc(modPar mod, srcPar src, wavPar wav, bndPar bnd, int itime, int ixsrc, int izsrc, float **src_nwav, float *vx,
+float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, float *rox, float *roz, float
+*l2m, float *lam, float *mul, int verbose)
+  The captial symbols T (=Txx,Tzz) Txz,Vx,Vz represent the actual grid
+  The indices ix,iz are related to the T grid, so the capital T 
+  symbols represent the actual modelled grid.
+  one cel (iz,ix)
+       |
+       V                              extra column of vx,txz
+                                                      |
+    -------                                           V
+   | txz vz| txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz txz
+   |       |      
+   | vx  t | vx  t   vx  t   vx  t   vx  t   vx  t  vx
+    -------
+     txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz
+     vx  t   vx  T---Vx--T---Vx--T---Vx--T   vx  t   vx
+                 |   |   |   |   |   |   | 
+     txz vz  txz Vz--Txz-Vz--Txz-Vz  Txz-Vz  txz vz  txz
+                 |   |   |   |   |   |   |
+     vx  t   vx  T---Vx--T---Vx--T---Vx--T   vx  t   vx
+                 |   |   |   |   |   |   |
+     txz vz  txz Vz  Txz-Vz  Txz-Vz  Txz-Vz  txz vz  txz
+                 |   |   |   |   |   |   |
+     vx  t   vx  T---Vx--T---Vx--T---Vx--T   vx  t   vx
+                 |   |   |   |   |   |   |
+     txz vz  txz Vz  Txz-Vz  Txz-Vz  Txz-Vz  txz vz  txz
+                 |   |   |   |   |   |   |
+     vx  t   vx  T---Vx--T---Vx--T---Vx--T   vx  t   vx
+     txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz
+     vx  t   vx  t   vx  t   vx  t   vx  t   vx  t  vx
+     txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz  <--| 
+                                                             |
+                                         extra row of txz/vz |
+           Jan Thorbecke (janth@xs4all.nl)
+           The Netherlands 
+	float c1, c2;
+	float dvx, dvz;
+	int   ix, iz;
+	int   n1;
+	c1 = 9.0/8.0; 
+	c2 = -1.0/24.0;
+	n1  = mod.naz;
+	/* calculate vx for all grid points except on the virtual boundary*/
+#pragma omp for private (ix, iz) nowait schedule(guided,1)
+	for (ix=mod.ioXx; ix<mod.ieXx; ix++) {
+#pragma ivdep
+		for (iz=mod.ioXz; iz<mod.ieXz; iz++) {
+			vx[ix*n1+iz] -= rox[ix*n1+iz]*(
+						c1*(txx[ix*n1+iz]     - txx[(ix-1)*n1+iz] +
+							txz[ix*n1+iz+1]   - txz[ix*n1+iz])    +
+						c2*(txx[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - txx[(ix-2)*n1+iz] +
+							txz[ix*n1+iz+2]   - txz[ix*n1+iz-1])  );
+		}
+	}
+	/* calculate vz for all grid points except on the virtual boundary */
+#pragma omp for private (ix, iz)  schedule(guided,1)
+	for (ix=mod.ioZx; ix<mod.ieZx; ix++) {
+#pragma ivdep
+		for (iz=mod.ioZz; iz<mod.ieZz; iz++) {
+			vz[ix*n1+iz] -= roz[ix*n1+iz]*(
+						c1*(tzz[ix*n1+iz]     - tzz[ix*n1+iz-1] +
+							txz[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - txz[ix*n1+iz])  +
+						c2*(tzz[ix*n1+iz+1]   - tzz[ix*n1+iz-2] +
+							txz[(ix+2)*n1+iz] - txz[(ix-1)*n1+iz])  );
+		}
+	}
+	/* Add force source */
+	if (src.type > 5) {
+		 applySource(mod, src, wav, bnd, itime, ixsrc, izsrc, vx, vz, tzz, txx, txz, rox, roz, l2m, src_nwav, verbose);
+	}
+	/* boundary condition clears velocities on boundaries */
+	boundariesP(mod, bnd, vx, vz, tzz, txx, txz, rox, roz, l2m, lam, mul, itime, verbose);
+	/* calculate Txx/tzz for all grid points except on the virtual boundary */
+#pragma omp	for private (ix, iz, dvx, dvz) nowait schedule(guided,1)
+	for (ix=mod.ioPx; ix<mod.iePx; ix++) {
+#pragma ivdep
+		for (iz=mod.ioPz; iz<mod.iePz; iz++) {
+			dvx = c1*(vx[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - vx[ix*n1+iz]) +
+			      c2*(vx[(ix+2)*n1+iz] - vx[(ix-1)*n1+iz]);
+			dvz = c1*(vz[ix*n1+iz+1]   - vz[ix*n1+iz]) +
+			      c2*(vz[ix*n1+iz+2]   - vz[ix*n1+iz-1]);
+			txx[ix*n1+iz] -= l2m[ix*n1+iz]*dvx + l2m[ix*n1+iz]*dvz;
+			tzz[ix*n1+iz] -= l2m[ix*n1+iz]*dvz + l2m[ix*n1+iz]*dvx;
+		}
+	}
+	/* calculate Txz for all grid points except on the virtual boundary */
+#pragma omp	for private (ix, iz)  schedule(guided,1)
+	for (ix=mod.ioTx; ix<mod.ieTx; ix++) {
+#pragma ivdep
+		for (iz=mod.ioTz; iz<mod.ieTz; iz++) {
+			txz[ix*n1+iz] -= mul[ix*n1+iz]*(
+					c1*(vx[ix*n1+iz]     - vx[ix*n1+iz-1] +
+						vz[ix*n1+iz]     - vz[(ix-1)*n1+iz]) +
+					c2*(vx[ix*n1+iz+1]   - vx[ix*n1+iz-2] +
+						vz[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - vz[(ix-2)*n1+iz]) );
+		}
+	}
+	/* Add stress source */
+	if (src.type < 6) {
+		 applySource(mod, src, wav, bnd, itime, ixsrc, izsrc, vx, vz, tzz, txx, txz, rox, roz, l2m, src_nwav, verbose);
+	}
+	/* check if there are sources placed on the boundaries */
+    storeSourceOnSurface(mod, src, bnd, ixsrc, izsrc, vx, vz, tzz, txx, txz, verbose);
+    /* Free surface: calculate free surface conditions for stresses */
+    boundariesV(mod, bnd, vx, vz, tzz, txx, txz, rox, roz, l2m, lam, mul, itime, verbose);
+	/* restore source positions on the edge */
+	reStoreSourceOnSurface(mod, src, bnd, ixsrc, izsrc, vx, vz, tzz, txx, txz, verbose);
+    return 0;
diff --git a/fdelmodc/fdelmodc.c b/fdelmodc/fdelmodc.c
index d9a70e2b032510457c9c2fbdd15e39b2350515e1..251937797e7baa88cee21af505fd2f286b31b0d0 100644
--- a/fdelmodc/fdelmodc.c
+++ b/fdelmodc/fdelmodc.c
@@ -46,6 +46,8 @@ int viscoacoustic4(modPar mod, srcPar src, wavPar wav, bndPar bnd, int itime, in
 int elastic4(modPar mod, srcPar src, wavPar wav, bndPar bnd, int itime, int ixsrc, int izsrc, float **src_nwav, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, float *lam, float *mul, int verbose);
+int elastic4dc(modPar mod, srcPar src, wavPar wav, bndPar bnd, int itime, int ixsrc, int izsrc, float **src_nwav, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, float *lam, float *mul, int verbose);
 int viscoelastic4(modPar mod, srcPar src, wavPar wav, bndPar bnd, int itime, int ixsrc, int izsrc, float **src_nwav, float *vx, float
 *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, float *lam, float *mul, float *ts, float *tep, float
 *tes, float *r, float *q, float *p, int verbose);
@@ -96,7 +98,7 @@ char *sdoc[] = {
 "   dt= ............... read from file_src: if dt is set it will interpolate file_src to dt sampling",
 "" ,
-"   ischeme=3 ......... 1=acoustic, 2=visco-acoustic 3=elastic, 4=visco-elastic",
+"   ischeme=3 ......... 1=acoustic, 2=visco-acoustic 3=elastic, 4=visco-elastic, 5=double-couple",
 "   tmod=(nt-1)*dt .... total modeling time (nt from file_src)",
 "   ntaper=0 .......... length of taper in points at edges of model",
 "   npml=35 ........... length of PML layer in points at edges of model",
@@ -584,6 +586,10 @@ shared (shot, bnd, mod, src, wav, rec, ixsrc, izsrc, it, src_nwav, verbose)
 						vx, vz, tzz, txx, txz, rox, roz, l2m, lam, mul, 
 						tss, tep, tes, r, q, p, verbose);
+				case 5 : /* Elastic FD kernel with S-velocity set to zero*/
+                     elastic4dc(mod, src, wav, bnd, it, ixsrc, izsrc, src_nwav, 
+                            vx, vz, tzz, txx, txz, rox, roz, l2m, lam, mul, verbose);
+					break;
 			/* write samples to file if rec.nt samples are calculated */
diff --git a/fdelmodc/getParameters.c b/fdelmodc/getParameters.c
index 56fb84d5b177a53d60ec8ec468a13ec3de7c1d73..8200cd644d2af60a57415c7f092050e83cf1ebf3 100644
--- a/fdelmodc/getParameters.c
+++ b/fdelmodc/getParameters.c
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ int getParameters(modPar *mod, recPar *rec, snaPar *sna, wavPar *wav, srcPar *sr
 	if (!getparstring("file_den",&mod->file_ro)) {
 		verr("parameter file_den required!");
-	if (mod->ischeme>2) {
+	if (mod->ischeme>2 && mod->ischeme!=5) {
 		if (!getparstring("file_cs",&mod->file_cs)) {
 			verr("parameter file_cs required!");
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ int getParameters(modPar *mod, recPar *rec, snaPar *sna, wavPar *wav, srcPar *sr
 	if (nz != n1) 
 		vwarn("nz differs for file_cp and file_den!");
-	if (mod->ischeme>2) {
+	if (mod->ischeme>2 && mod->ischeme!=5) {
 		getModelInfo(mod->file_cs, &n1, &n2, &d1, &d2, &zstart, &xstart, &cs_min, &cs_max, &axis, 1, verbose);
 		mod->cs_max = cs_max;
 		mod->cs_min = cs_min;
@@ -123,6 +123,12 @@ int getParameters(modPar *mod, recPar *rec, snaPar *sna, wavPar *wav, srcPar *sr
 		if (nz != n1) 
 			vwarn("nz differs for file_cp and file_cs!");
+	if (mod->ischeme==5) {
+		cs_max=0.0; cs_min=0.0;
+		mod->cs_max = cs_max;
+		mod->cs_min = cs_min;
+	}
 	mod->dz = dz;
 	mod->dx = dx;
 	mod->nz = nz;
@@ -223,6 +229,7 @@ int getParameters(modPar *mod, recPar *rec, snaPar *sna, wavPar *wav, srcPar *sr
 		if (mod->ischeme == 2) vmess("Visco-Acoustic staggered grid, pressure/velocity");
 		if (mod->ischeme == 3) vmess("Elastic staggered grid, stress/velocity");
 		if (mod->ischeme == 4) vmess("Visco-Elastic staggered grid, stress/velocity");
+		if (mod->ischeme == 5) vmess("Acoustic staggered grid, Txx/Tzz/velocity");
 		if (mod->grid_dir) vmess("Time reversed modelling");
 		else vmess("Forward modelling");
@@ -233,7 +240,7 @@ int getParameters(modPar *mod, recPar *rec, snaPar *sna, wavPar *wav, srcPar *sr
 		vmess("zmin    = %8.4f   zmax    = %8.4f", sub_z0, zmax);
 		vmess("xmin    = %8.4f   xmax    = %8.4f", sub_x0, xmax);
 		vmess("min(cp) = %9.3f  max(cp) = %9.3f", cp_min, cp_max);
-		if (mod->ischeme>2) vmess("min(cs) = %9.3f  max(cs) = %9.3f", cs_min, cs_max);
+		if (mod->ischeme>2 && mod->ischeme!=5) vmess("min(cs) = %9.3f  max(cs) = %9.3f", cs_min, cs_max);
 		vmess("min(ro) = %9.3f  max(ro) = %9.3f", ro_min, ro_max);
 		if (mod->ischeme==2 || mod->ischeme==4) {
 			if (mod->file_qp!=NULL) vmess("Qp from file %s   ", mod->file_qp);
diff --git a/fdelmodc/readModel.c b/fdelmodc/readModel.c
index 4fc6d24f2f295de162c793930620505dc198dcf9..a3975ef3cb657a813aeaf0b6b91054b321c94c38 100644
--- a/fdelmodc/readModel.c
+++ b/fdelmodc/readModel.c
@@ -85,8 +85,8 @@ int readModel(modPar mod, bndPar bnd, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, float
    	nread = fread(&hdr, 1, TRCBYTES, fpro);
    	assert(nread == TRCBYTES);
-	if (mod.ischeme>2) {
-		cs = (float *)malloc(nz*nx*sizeof(float));
+	cs = (float *)calloc(nz*nx,sizeof(float));
+	if (mod.ischeme>2 && mod.ischeme!=5) {
 		fpcs = fopen( mod.file_cs, "r" );
    		assert( fpcs != NULL);
    		nread = fread(&hdr, 1, TRCBYTES, fpcs);
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ int readModel(modPar mod, bndPar bnd, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, float
        	assert (nread == hdr.ns);
        	nread = fread(&ro[i*nz], sizeof(float), hdr.ns, fpro);
        	assert (nread == hdr.ns);
-		if (mod.ischeme>2) {
+		if (mod.ischeme>2 && mod.ischeme!=5) {
        		nread = fread(&cs[i*nz], sizeof(float), hdr.ns, fpcs);
        		assert (nread == hdr.ns);
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ int readModel(modPar mod, bndPar bnd, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, float
        	if (nread==0) break;
        	nread = fread(&hdr, 1, TRCBYTES, fpro);
        	if (nread==0) break;
-		if (mod.ischeme>2) {
+		if (mod.ischeme>2 && mod.ischeme!=5) {
        		nread = fread(&hdr, 1, TRCBYTES, fpcs);
        		if (nread==0) break;
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ int readModel(modPar mod, bndPar bnd, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, float
-   	if (mod.ischeme>2) fclose(fpcs);
+   	if (mod.ischeme>2 && mod.ischeme!=5) fclose(fpcs);
 	if (fpqp != NULL) fclose(fpqp);
 	if (fpqs != NULL) fclose(fpqs);
@@ -784,7 +784,7 @@ Robbert van Vossen, Johan O. A. Robertsson, and Chris H. Chapman
-   	if (mod.ischeme>2) free(cs);
+   	free(cs);
     return 0;
diff --git a/marchenko/Makefile b/marchenko/Makefile
index a0017f27943755d76ef6c70647c2e3d282973437..237c134e904d7c4b7311e63065c4c09282ace67f 100644
--- a/marchenko/Makefile
+++ b/marchenko/Makefile
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ LIBS    += -L$L -lgenfft -lm $(LIBSM)
 #ALL: fmute marchenko marchenko2
-ALL: fmute marchenko marchenko_tshift
+ALL: fmute marchenko 
 SRCJ	= fmute.c \
 		getFileInfo.c  \
@@ -37,23 +37,6 @@ SRCH	= marchenko.c \
 OBJJ	= $(SRCJ:%.c=%.o)
-SRCT	= marchenko_tshift.c \
-		getFileInfo.c  \
-		readData.c \
-		readShotData.c \
-		readTinvData.c \
-		applyMute_tshift.c \
-		writeData.c \
-		writeDataIter.c \
-		wallclock_time.c \
-		name_ext.c  \
-		verbosepkg.c  \
-		atopkge.c \
-		docpkge.c \
-		getpars.c
-OBJT	= $(SRCT:%.c=%.o)
 fmute:	$(OBJJ) 
 	$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(OPTC) $(CFLAGS) -o fmute $(OBJJ) $(LIBS)
@@ -62,15 +45,12 @@ OBJH	= $(SRCH:%.c=%.o)
 marchenko:	$(OBJH) 
 	$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(OPTC) $(CFLAGS) -o marchenko $(OBJH) $(LIBS)
-marchenko_tshift:	$(OBJT) 
-	$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(OPTC) $(CFLAGS) -o marchenko_tshift $(OBJT) $(LIBS)
 OBJH2	= $(SRCH2:%.c=%.o)
 marchenko2:	$(OBJH2) 
 	$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(OPTC) $(CFLAGS) -o marchenko2 $(OBJH2) $(LIBS)
-install: fmute marchenko marchenko_tshift
+install: fmute marchenko 
 	cp fmute $B
 	cp marchenko $B
diff --git a/utils/demo/makemodsmooth.scr b/utils/demo/makemodsmooth.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..587e7aa8200cae47b4b735e28b0825fafcc2715d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/demo/makemodsmooth.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+makewave w=fw fmin=0 flef=5 frig=70 fmax=90  dt=$dt file_out=wavefw4.su nt=16384 t0=0.4 scale=0 scfft=1
+makewave w=fw fmin=1.5 flef=4 frig=45 fmax=60  dt=$dt file_out=wavefw4.su nt=16384 t0=0.4 scale=0 scfft=1
+../makemod sizex=12000 sizez=4500 dx=$dx dz=$dx cp0=1654 ro0=1000 \
+    orig=-6000,0 file_base=blind.su reflectivity=1 supersmooth=1 sigma=0.8 \
+    intt=def x=-6000,0,6000 z=450,450,450 poly=0 cp=2316 ro=2500 grad=0 gradcp=0 \
+    intt=def x=-6000,0,6000 z=590,860,980 poly=2 cp=1734 ro=1500  grad=0 gradcp=0 gradt=2 \
+    intt=elipse x=4100 z=1000 poly=0 cp=1022 ro=1911 var=300,900 grad=0 gradcp=500 \
+    intt=rough x=-6000,6000 z=1000,1000 poly=0 cp=2222 ro=1111 var=120,4,13  grad=0 gradcp=0 \
+    intt=def x=-6000,2000 z=490,3000 poly=0 cp=2110 ro=2300  grad=0 gradcp=0 \
+    intt=def x=-6000,2000 z=550,3060 poly=0 cp=2438 ro=1300  grad=0 gradcp=0 \
+    intt=def x=-6000,2000 z=650,3160 poly=0 cp=2106 ro=2300  grad=0 gradcp=0 \
+    intt=def x=-6000,2000 z=880,3390 poly=0 cp=2512 ro=1700  grad=0 gradcp=0 \
+    intt=def x=-6000,2000 z=1200,3710 poly=0 cp=2912 ro=1000   grad=0 gradcp=0 \
+    intt=def x=-1000,6000 z=2700,1710 poly=0 cp=2442 ro=2700   grad=0 gradcp=0 \
+    intt=def x=-1000,6000 z=2900,1910 poly=0 cp=2642 ro=2900   grad=0 gradcp=0 \
+    intt=def x=-1000,6000 z=2960,1970 poly=0 cp=2242 ro=2400   grad=0 gradcp=0 \
+    intt=def x=-1000,6000 z=3400,2410 poly=0 cp=3012 ro=2500   grad=0 gradcp=0 \
+    intt=def x=-1145,2860 z=2015,2150 poly=0 cp=2012 ro=1300   grad=0 gradcp=0 \
+    intt=def x=-1145,2860 z=2215,2350 poly=0 cp=2512 ro=1300   grad=0 gradcp=0 \
+    intt=def x=-1145,2860 z=2315,2450 poly=0 cp=2712 ro=2500   grad=0 gradcp=0 \
+    intt=def x=-6000,-3000,0,2000,6000 z=2000,2500,2600,3000,3100 poly=2 cp=2822 ro=1811 grad=0 gradcp=0 \
+    intt=def x=-6000,6000 z=3500,3500 poly=0 cp=3104 ro=1500  grad=0 gradcp=0 \
+    intt=def x=-6000,2000 z=4000,3500 poly=0 cp=3504 ro=2500  grad=0 gradcp=0 \
+    intt=def x=2000,6000 z=3500,3500 poly=0 cp=3504 ro=2500  grad=0 gradcp=0
+fdelmodc \
+    file_cp=blind_cp.su ischeme=1 iorder=4 \
+    file_den=blind_ro.su \
+    file_src=wavefw4.su \
+    file_rcv=shot_dx${dx}.su \
+    src_type=7 \
+    src_orient=1 \
+    src_injectionrate=1 \
+    rec_type_vz=1 \
+    rec_type_p=1 \
+    rec_int_vz=2 \
+    dtrcv=0.004 \
+    rec_delay=0.4 fmax=40 \
+    verbose=2 \
+    tmod=8.588 \
+    dxrcv=12.5 \
+    xrcv1=-6000 xrcv2=6000 \
+    zrcv1=0 zrcv2=0 \
+    xsrc=0 zsrc=0 \
+    ntaper=400 \
+    dtsnap=0.1 dxsnap=10 dzsnap=10 tsnap2=8.5 snapwithbnd=1 \
+    tapleft=2 tapright=2 taptop=2 tapbottom=2
diff --git a/utils/makemod.c b/utils/makemod.c
index 909a060d4c8e8d47d8ee483f905d996703f35798..d6bfb9782ed83dfbe77ab2b04740e5c539907e85 100644
--- a/utils/makemod.c
+++ b/utils/makemod.c
@@ -966,3 +966,4 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
   return 0;