From 3ffaa66b814c26616a4828c2f69bcdb83b2267e5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: JBrackenhoff <>
Date: Wed, 29 Jul 2020 17:18:55 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] article

 marchenko3D/demo/marchenko3D/oneD/ |  6 ++
 marchenko3D/marchenko3D.c                  | 13 +++-
 raytime3d/Makefile                         |  3 +-
 raytime3d/raytime3d.c                      | 78 +++++++++++-----------
 utils/HomG.c                               | 36 +++++-----
 utils/combine_induced.c                    | 52 ++++++++-------
 utils/getFileInfo3D.c                      |  2 +-
 utils/pwshift.c                            | 43 +++++++++++-
 8 files changed, 146 insertions(+), 87 deletions(-)

diff --git a/marchenko3D/demo/marchenko3D/oneD/ b/marchenko3D/demo/marchenko3D/oneD/
index e31cf34..5476c83 100755
--- a/marchenko3D/demo/marchenko3D/oneD/
+++ b/marchenko3D/demo/marchenko3D/oneD/
@@ -1,5 +1,11 @@
+echo "WARNING! The data size of the 3D reflection data is very large!!!"
+echo "When you are positive your machine has enough memory,"
+echo "delete the exit; statement from"
 #create the reflection data that was modeled in 1 1D medium
 makeR1D verbose=2 nxrcv=201 nyrcv=61 nxsrc=201 nysrc=61
diff --git a/marchenko3D/marchenko3D.c b/marchenko3D/marchenko3D.c
index 1ed3108..4ed77c7 100644
--- a/marchenko3D/marchenko3D.c
+++ b/marchenko3D/marchenko3D.c
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
     float   d1, d2, d3, f1, f2, f3, fxsb, fxse, fysb, fyse, ft, fx, fy, *xsyn, *ysyn, dxsrc, dysrc;
     float   *green, *f2p, *G_d, dt, dx, dy, dxs, dys, scl, mem;
     float   *f1plus, *f1min, *iRN, *Ni, *trace, *Gmin, *Gplus, *HomG;
-    float   scale, *tmpdata, tplmax;
+    float   scale, *tmpdata, tplmax, tshift;
     float   *ixmask, *iymask, *ampscl, *Gd, *Image, dzim;
     float   grad2rad, px, py, src_anglex, src_angley, src_velox, src_veloy, *mutetest;
     complex *Refl, *Fop;
@@ -393,6 +393,12 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
     /* compute time shift for tilted plane waves */
 	if (plane_wave==1) {
+		grad2rad = 17.453292e-3;
+		px = sin(src_anglex*grad2rad)/src_velox;
+		py = sin(src_angley*grad2rad)/src_veloy;
+		tshift = fabs((nys-1)*dys*py) + fabs((nxs-1)*dxs*px);
         for (j = 0; j < Nfoc; j++) {
             itmin[j] = nt;
             for (i=0; i<nys*nxs; i++) itmin[j] = MIN (itmin[j], muteW[j*nxs*nys+i]);
@@ -415,13 +421,13 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
         for (j = ntapx; j < nxs-ntapx; j++)
             tapersx[j] = 1.0;
         for (j = nxs-ntapx; j < nxs; j++)
-            tapersx[j] = (cos(PI*(j-(nxs-ntapx))/ntapx)+1)/2.0;
+            tapersx[j] = (cos(PI*(j+1-(nxs-ntapx))/ntapx)+1)/2.0;
         for (j = 0; j < ntapy; j++)
             tapersy[j] = (cos(PI*(j-ntapy)/ntapy)+1)/2.0;
         for (j = ntapy; j < nys-ntapy; j++)
             tapersy[j] = 1.0;
         for (j = nys-ntapy; j < nys; j++)
-            tapersy[j] = (cos(PI*(j-(nys-ntapy))/ntapy)+1)/2.0;
+            tapersy[j] = (cos(PI*(j+1-(nys-ntapy))/ntapy)+1)/2.0;
     else {
         for (j = 0; j < nxs; j++) tapersx[j] = 1.0;
@@ -883,6 +889,7 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
+            timeShift(Gmin, nts, npos*Nfoc, dt, tshift, fmin, fmax);
         else {
             applyMute3D(Gmin, muteW, smooth, 4, Nfoc, nxs, nys, nts, ixpos, iypos, npos, shift, tsynW);
diff --git a/raytime3d/Makefile b/raytime3d/Makefile
index 1125552..47996e3 100644
--- a/raytime3d/Makefile
+++ b/raytime3d/Makefile
@@ -41,7 +41,8 @@ SRCC	= $(PRG).c \
 		atopkge.c \
 		docpkge.c \
 		threadAffinity.c \
-		getpars.c
+		getpars.c \
+		writeData3D.c
 OBJC	= $(SRCC:%.c=%.o)
diff --git a/raytime3d/raytime3d.c b/raytime3d/raytime3d.c
index f93bb96..a689661 100644
--- a/raytime3d/raytime3d.c
+++ b/raytime3d/raytime3d.c
@@ -35,6 +35,8 @@ void vidale3d(float *slow0, float *time0, long nz, long nx, long ny, float h, lo
 void src3D(float *time0, float *slow0, long nz, long nx, long ny, float h, float ox, float oy, float oz, long xs, long ys, long zs, long *cube);
+int writeData3D(FILE *fp, float *data, segy *hdrs, long n1, long n2);
 /*********************** self documentation **********************/
 char *sdoc[] = {
@@ -287,45 +289,45 @@ private (is,time0,ampl,nrx,nry,nrz,nr,cp_average,i,j,k,ix,iy,iz,hdrs,tmpdata,nwr
 		if (verbose) vmess("Writing src %li of %li sources",is+1,shot.n);
 		if (verbose>1) vmess("xsrc[%li]=%f ysrc[%li]=%f zsrc[%li]=%f",shot.x[is],shot.xs[is],shot.y[is],shot.ys[is],shot.z[is],shot.zs[is]);
-		hdrs = (segy *) calloc(1,sizeof(segy));
-		tmpdata = (float *)malloc((rec.nx)*sizeof(float));
+		hdrs = (segy *) calloc(*rec.ny,sizeof(segy));
+		tmpdata = (float *)malloc((rec.n)*sizeof(float));
+        for (j = 0; j <; j++) {
+            for (i = 0; i < rec.ny; i++) {
+                hdrs[j*rec.ny+i].fldr	= is+1;
+                hdrs[j*rec.ny+i].tracl	= i+1;
+                hdrs[j*rec.ny+i].tracf	= i+1;
+                hdrs[j*rec.ny+i].scalco	= -1000;
+                hdrs[j*rec.ny+i].scalel	= -1000;
+                hdrs[j*rec.ny+i].sx		= (long)(f2+(shot.x[is]-1)*d2)*1000;
+                hdrs[j*rec.ny+i].sy		= (long)(f3+(shot.y[is]-1)*d3)*1000;
+                hdrs[j*rec.ny+i].sdepth	= (long)(f1+(shot.z[is]-1)*d1)*1000;
+                hdrs[j*rec.ny+i].selev	= -(long)(f1+(shot.z[is]-1)*d1)*1000;
+                hdrs[j*rec.ny+i].gy		= (long)(mod.y0+rec.yr[j*rec.ny*rec.nx+i*rec.nx])*1000;
+                hdrs[j*rec.ny+i].gx		= (long)(mod.z0+rec.zr[j*rec.ny*rec.nx])*1000;
+                hdrs[j*rec.ny+i].ns 	= rec.nx;
+                hdrs[j*rec.ny+i].ntr	= rec.ny*shot.n;
+                hdrs[j*rec.ny+i].trwf	= rec.ny*shot.n;
+                hdrs[j*rec.ny+i].f1		= mod.x0+rec.xr[0];
+                hdrs[j*rec.ny+i].f2		= mod.y0+rec.yr[0];
+                hdrs[j*rec.ny+i].dt 	= (long)(d2*1e6);
+                hdrs[j*rec.ny+i].d1 	= rec.xr[1]-rec.xr[0];
+                hdrs[j*rec.ny+i].d2 	= rec.yr[rec.nx]-rec.yr[0];
+				for (k = 0; k < rec.nx; k++) {
+            		tmpdata[j*rec.ny*rec.nx+i*rec.nx+k] = time0[(rec.z[j*rec.ny*rec.nx+i*rec.nx+k]+1)*nxy+(rec.y[j*rec.ny*rec.nx+i*rec.nx+k]+1)*(nx+2)+rec.x[j*rec.ny*rec.nx+i*rec.nx+k]+1];
+        		}
+            }
+        }
+		ret = writeData3D(fpt, &tmpdata[0], hdrs, rec.nx,*rec.ny);
+		if (ret < 0 ) verr("error on writing output file.");
+        if (ray.geomspread==1) {
+			ret = writeData3D(fpt, &ampl[0], hdrs, rec.nx,*rec.ny);
+			if (ret < 0 ) verr("error on writing output file.");
+        }
-		for (i = 0; i < rec.ny; i++) {
-			hdrs[0].fldr	= is+1;
-			hdrs[0].tracl	= i+1;
-			hdrs[0].tracf	= i+1;
-			hdrs[0].scalco	= -1000;
-			hdrs[0].scalel	= -1000;
-			hdrs[0].sx		= (long)(f2+(shot.x[is]-1)*d2)*1000;
-			hdrs[0].sy		= (long)(f3+(shot.y[is]-1)*d3)*1000;
-			hdrs[0].sdepth	= (long)(f1+(shot.z[is]-1)*d1)*1000;
-			hdrs[0].selev	= -(long)(f1+(shot.z[is]-1)*d1)*1000;
-			hdrs[0].gy		= (long)(mod.y0+rec.yr[i*rec.nx])*1000;
-			hdrs[0].ns 		= rec.nx;
-			hdrs[0].ntr		= rec.ny*shot.n;
-			hdrs[0].trwf	= rec.ny*shot.n;
-			hdrs[0].f1		= mod.x0+rec.xr[0];
-			hdrs[0].f2		= mod.y0+rec.yr[0];
-			hdrs[0].dt 		= (long)(d2*1e6);
-			hdrs[0].d1 		= rec.xr[1]-rec.xr[0];
-			hdrs[0].d2 		= rec.yr[rec.nx]-rec.yr[0];
-			for (k = 0; k < rec.nx; k++) {
-				tmpdata[k] = time0[(rec.z[i*rec.nx+k]+1)*nxy+(rec.y[i*rec.nx+k]+1)*(nx+2)+rec.x[i*rec.nx+k]+1];
-			}
-			nwrite = fwrite( &hdrs[0], 1, TRCBYTES, fpt);
-			assert(nwrite == TRCBYTES);
-			nwrite = fwrite( tmpdata, sizeof(float), rec.nx, fpt );
-			assert(nwrite == rec.nx);
-			if (ray.geomspread==1) {
-				nwrite = fwrite( &hdrs[0], 1, TRCBYTES, fpa);
-				assert(nwrite == TRCBYTES);
-				nwrite = fwrite( &ampl[i*rec.nx], sizeof(float), rec.nx, fpa );
-				assert(nwrite == rec.nx);
-			}
-		}
diff --git a/utils/HomG.c b/utils/HomG.c
index 676459e..52cf186 100755
--- a/utils/HomG.c
+++ b/utils/HomG.c
@@ -559,14 +559,16 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
         nzvr = nyvr;
         nyvr = ix;
 	    tmp1 = (float *)calloc(nxvr*nyvr*nzvr,sizeof(float));
-        for (it=0; it<ntr; it++) {
-            for (iy=0; iy<nyvr*nxvr*nzvr; iy++) {
-                tmp1[iy] = Ghom[it*nyvr*nxvr*nzvr+iy];
-            }
-            for (iy=0; iy<nyvr; iy++) {
-                for (ix=0; ix<nxvr; ix++) {
-                    for (ir=0; ir<nzvr; ir++) {
-                        Ghom[it*nyvr*nxvr*nzvr+iy*nxvr*nzvr+ix*nzvr+ir] = tmp1[ir*nxvr*nyvr+ix*nyvr+iy];
+        for (isn=0; isn<nshots; isn++) {
+            for (it=0; it<ntr; it++) {
+                for (iy=0; iy<nyvr*nxvr*nzvr; iy++) {
+                    tmp1[iy] = Ghom[isn*ntr*nyvr*nxvr*nzvr+it*nyvr*nxvr*nzvr+iy];
+                }
+                for (iy=0; iy<nyvr; iy++) {
+                    for (ix=0; ix<nxvr; ix++) {
+                        for (ir=0; ir<nzvr; ir++) {
+                            Ghom[isn*ntr*nyvr*nxvr*nzvr+it*nyvr*nxvr*nzvr+iy*nxvr*nzvr+ix*nzvr+ir] = tmp1[ir*nxvr*nyvr+ix*nyvr+iy];
+                        }
@@ -584,14 +586,16 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
         nzvr = nxvr;
         nxvr = ix;
 	    tmp1 = (float *)calloc(nxvr*nyvr*nzvr,sizeof(float));
-        for (it=0; it<ntr; it++) {
-            for (iy=0; iy<nyvr*nxvr*nzvr; iy++) {
-                tmp1[iy] = Ghom[it*nyvr*nxvr*nzvr+iy];
-            }
-            for (iy=0; iy<nyvr; iy++) {
-                for (ix=0; ix<nxvr; ix++) {
-                    for (ir=0; ir<nzvr; ir++) {
-                        Ghom[it*nyvr*nxvr*nzvr+iy*nxvr*nzvr+ix*nzvr+ir] = tmp1[iy*nzvr*nxvr+ir*nxvr+ix];
+        for (isn=0; isn<nshots; isn++) {
+            for (it=0; it<ntr; it++) {
+                for (iy=0; iy<nyvr*nxvr*nzvr; iy++) {
+                    tmp1[iy] = Ghom[isn*ntr*nyvr*nxvr*nzvr+it*nyvr*nxvr*nzvr+iy];
+                }
+                for (iy=0; iy<nyvr; iy++) {
+                    for (ix=0; ix<nxvr; ix++) {
+                        for (ir=0; ir<nzvr; ir++) {
+                            Ghom[isn*ntr*nyvr*nxvr*nzvr+it*nyvr*nxvr*nzvr+iy*nxvr*nzvr+ix*nzvr+ir] = tmp1[iy*nzvr*nxvr+ir*nxvr+ix];
+                        }
diff --git a/utils/combine_induced.c b/utils/combine_induced.c
index bdb3714..b1c63a8 100755
--- a/utils/combine_induced.c
+++ b/utils/combine_induced.c
@@ -41,21 +41,25 @@ char *sdoc[] = {
 " ",
 " Optional parameters: ",
 " ",
-"   file_out= ................ Filename of the output",
-"   numb= .................... integer number of first file",
-"   dnumb= ................... integer number of increment in files",
-"	nzmax= ................... Maximum number of files read",
+" .......... Filename of the output",
+"   numb=1 ................... integer number of first file",
+"   dnumb=1 .................. integer number of increment in files",
+"   nzmax=0 .................. Maximum number of files read, 0 is no limit",
+"   nshift=0 ................. Sample number shift",
+"   shift=0.0 ................ Base shift in seconds for the data",
+"   dtshift=0.0 .............. Shift per gather in seconds",
+"   verbose=1 ................ Give information about the process (=1) or not (=0)",
 int main (int argc, char **argv)
 	FILE    *fp_in, *fp_out;
 	char    *fin, *fout, *ptr, fbegin[100], fend[100], fins[100], fin2[100], numb1[100];
-	float   *indata, *outdata, shift, dtshift, dt_time;
+	float   *indata, *outdata, *loopdata, shift, dtshift;
 	float   dt, dz, dy, dx, t0, x0, y0, z0, scl, dxrcv, dyrcv, dzrcv;
 	long    nt, nz, ny, nx, nxyz, ntr, ix, iy, it, is, iz, pos, file_det, nxs, nys, nzs;
 	long    numb, dnumb, ret, nzmax, verbose, nt_out, ishift, nshift, *sx, *sy, *sz;
-	segy    *hdr_in, *hdr_bin, *hdr_out;
+	segy    *hdr_in, *hdr_loop, *hdr_out;
 	initargs(argc, argv);
@@ -72,7 +76,6 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
 	if (!getparlong("nshift", &nshift)) nshift=0;
 	if (!getparfloat("shift", &shift)) shift=0.0;
 	if (!getparfloat("dtshift", &dtshift)) dtshift=0.0;
-	if (!getparfloat("dt_time", &dt_time)) dt_time=0.004;
 	if (fin == NULL) verr("Incorrect downgoing input");
@@ -140,15 +143,15 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
     *   Read in a single file to determine if the header values match
     *   and allocate the data
-	hdr_in      = (segy *)calloc(nx*ny,sizeof(segy));
+	hdr_in      = (segy *)calloc(nx*ny*nt,sizeof(segy));
     indata    	= (float *)calloc(nxyz*nt,sizeof(float));
 	readSnapData3D(fin2, indata, hdr_in, nt, nx, ny, nz, 0, nx, 0, ny, 0, nz);
 	dt 		= ((float)hdr_in[0].dt)/1E6;
-    sx    	= (long *)calloc(nx*ny,sizeof(float));
-    sy    	= (long *)calloc(nx*ny,sizeof(float));
-    sz    	= (long *)calloc(nx*ny,sizeof(float));
+    sx    	= (long *)calloc(nx*ny,sizeof(long));
+    sy    	= (long *)calloc(nx*ny,sizeof(long));
+    sz    	= (long *)calloc(nx*ny,sizeof(long));
 	for (ix = 0; ix < nx*ny; ix++) {
 		sx[ix] = hdr_in[0].sx;
@@ -165,14 +168,13 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
     *   Parallel loop for reading in and combining the various shots
-#pragma omp parallel default(shared) \
-  private(indata,hdr_in,fins,fin2,fp_in,is,ix,iy,iz,it,ishift)
-	indata     = (float *)calloc(nxyz*nt,sizeof(float));
-	hdr_in      = (segy *)calloc(nx*ny*nt,sizeof(segy));
+#pragma omp parallel for schedule(static,1) default(shared) \
+  private(loopdata,hdr_loop,fins,fin2,fp_in,is,ix,iy,iz,it,ishift)
-#pragma omp for
 	for (is = 0; is < nzs; is++) {
+		loopdata	= (float *)calloc(nxyz*nt,sizeof(float));
+		hdr_loop	= (segy *)calloc(nx*ny*nt,sizeof(segy));
 		if (verbose) vmess("Depth:%li out of %li",is+1,nzs);
@@ -181,10 +183,10 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
 			verr("Error opening file");
-		readSnapData3D(fin2, indata, hdr_in, nt, nx, ny, nz, 0, nx, 0, ny, 0, nz);
-		sx[is] = hdr_in[0].sx;
-		sy[is] = hdr_in[0].sy;
-		sz[is] = hdr_in[0].sdepth;
+		readSnapData3D(fin2, loopdata, hdr_loop, nt, nx, ny, nz, 0, nx, 0, ny, 0, nz);
+		sx[is] = hdr_loop[0].sx;
+		sy[is] = hdr_loop[0].sy;
+		sz[is] = hdr_loop[0].sdepth;
 		ishift = nshift*is;
 		if (verbose) vmess("Shifting %li timesteps for a total of %.3f seconds",ishift,shift+(dtshift*((float)iz)));
@@ -192,14 +194,14 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
 			for (iy = 0; iy < ny; iy++) {
 				for (ix = 0; ix < nx; ix++) {
 					for (iz = 0; iz < nz; iz++) {
-						outdata[it*nxyz+iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz] += indata[(it-ishift+(nt/2))*nxyz+iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz];
+						outdata[it*nxyz+iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz] += loopdata[(it-ishift+(nt/2))*nxyz+iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz];
+		free(loopdata);free(hdr_loop);
-	free(indata);free(hdr_in);
     *   Write out the data to file
@@ -232,7 +234,7 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
 				hdr_out[iy*nx+ix].offset	= (hdr_out[iy*nx+ix].gx - hdr_out[iy*nx+ix].sx)/1000.0;
-		ret = writeData3D(fp_out, &outdata[is*nxs*nt], hdr_out, nt, nxs);
+		ret = writeData3D(fp_out, &outdata[it*ny*nx*nz], hdr_out, nz, nx*ny);
 		if (ret < 0 ) verr("error on writing output file.");
diff --git a/utils/getFileInfo3D.c b/utils/getFileInfo3D.c
index 7bb6561..f62dd4f 100644
--- a/utils/getFileInfo3D.c
+++ b/utils/getFileInfo3D.c
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ long getFileInfo3D(char *filename, long *n1, long *n2, long *n3, long *ngath, fl
     else scl = hdr.scalco;
     *n1 = hdr.ns;
-    if ( (hdr.trid == 1) && (hdr.dt != 0) ) {
+    if ( (hdr.trid == 101) && (hdr.dt != 0) ) {
         *d1 = ((float) hdr.dt)*1.e-6;
         *f1 = ((float) hdr.delrt)/1000.;
diff --git a/utils/pwshift.c b/utils/pwshift.c
index afbaa72..74ccaa1 100644
--- a/utils/pwshift.c
+++ b/utils/pwshift.c
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
 	FILE	*fp_gmin, *fp_ray, *fp_amp, *fp_out;
 	char	*file_gmin, *file_ray, *file_amp, *file_out, fbr[100], fer[100], fba[100], fea[100], fins[100], fin2[100], numb1[100], *ptr;
 	float	*gmin, *conv, *time, *amp, *image, fmin, fmax;
-	float	dt, dy, dx, dz, t0, y0, x0, scl, *shift;
+	float	dt, dy, dx, dz, t0, y0, x0, scl, *shift, *block;
 	float	dt_ray, dy_ray, dx_ray, t0_ray, y0_ray, x0_ray, scl_ray, px, py, src_velox, src_veloy, src_anglex, src_angley, grad2rad;
 	long	nshots, nt, ny, nx, ntr, delay;
 	long	nray, nt_ray, ny_ray, nx_ray, ntr_ray;
@@ -185,6 +185,8 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
 	gy       	= (long *)calloc(nray*nshots,sizeof(long));
 	gz       	= (long *)calloc(nray*nshots,sizeof(long));
+	block       = (float *)calloc(nray*nshots*nt,sizeof(float));
 	readSnapData3D(file_gmin, gmin, hdr_gmin, nshots, nx, ny, nt, 0, nx, 0, ny, 0, nt);
 	if (verbose) vmess("Read in Gmin data");
@@ -279,7 +281,10 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
 			for (ix = 0; ix < ny*nx; ix++) {
-				image[is*nshots+iy] += conv[ix*nt+delay]*dx*dy*dt;
+				image[is*nshots+iy] += conv[ix*nt+delay+2]*dx*dy*dt;
+				for (it=0; it<nt; it++) {
+					block[is*nshots*nt+iy*nt+it] += conv[ix*nt+it];
+				}
@@ -319,7 +324,39 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
-	free(image); free(hdr_out);
+	fp_out = fopen("", "w+");
+	if (nshots>1) dz = ((float)(gz[1] - gz[0]))/1000.0;
+	else dz = 1.0;
+	for (is = 0; is < nshots; is++) {
+		for (it = 0; it < nray; it++) {
+			hdr_out[it*nshots+is].fldr		= it+1;
+			hdr_out[it*nshots+is].tracl		= it+1;
+			hdr_out[it*nshots+is].tracf		= it+1;
+			hdr_out[it*nshots+is].scalco	= -1000;
+			hdr_out[it*nshots+is].scalel	= -1000;
+			hdr_out[it*nshots+is].trid		= 1;
+			hdr_out[it*nshots+is].ns		= nt;
+			hdr_out[it*nshots+is].trwf		= nray;
+			hdr_out[it*nshots+is].ntr		= nray;
+			hdr_out[it*nshots+is].f1		= (((float)gz[0])/1000.0);
+			hdr_out[it*nshots+is].f2		= (((float)gx[0])/1000.0);
+			hdr_out[it*nshots+is].dt		= ((int)(dt*1E6));
+			hdr_out[it*nshots+is].d1		= roundf(dz*1000.0)/1000.0;
+			hdr_out[it*nshots+is].d2		= roundf(dx*1000.0)/1000.0;
+			hdr_out[it*nshots+is].gx		= gx[it*nshots+is];
+			hdr_out[it*nshots+is].gy		= gy[it*nshots+is];
+			hdr_out[it*nshots+is].sdepth	= gz[it*nshots+is];
+		}
+	}
+	ret = writeData3D(fp_out, &block[0], hdr_out, nt, nray*nshots);
+	if (ret < 0 ) verr("error on writing output file.");
+	fclose(fp_out);
+	free(image); free(hdr_out); free(block);
 	vmess("Wrote data");