diff --git a/fdacrtmc/extractMigrationSnapshots.c b/fdacrtmc/extractMigrationSnapshots.c
index 796682146a9df9ab3e819cb0c4fc0e7dbff1430c..18cf7436fd75c5f95a705dd7829f58248d18dc1c 100644
--- a/fdacrtmc/extractMigrationSnapshots.c
+++ b/fdacrtmc/extractMigrationSnapshots.c
@@ -60,7 +60,6 @@ int storeVerticalParticleVelocitySnapshot(modPar *mod, wavPar *wav, migPar *mig)
 	else farr=(float*)malloc(mig->sizem*sizeof(float));
 	// Store Vertical Particle Velocity Field - Interpolate to Tzz(P)-Grid
-	mig->wav[mig->it].vz=(float*)malloc(mig->sizem*sizeof(float));
@@ -77,9 +76,6 @@ int storeVerticalParticleVelocitySnapshot(modPar *mod, wavPar *wav, migPar *mig)
 int extractMigrationSnapshots(modPar *mod, wavPar *wav, migPar *mig, decompPar *decomp){
 	size_t ix, ix1, iz, iz1;
 		case 1: /* Conventional Migration - Store Pressure Field (Tzz) */
 			// P (Tzz)
@@ -90,8 +86,10 @@ int extractMigrationSnapshots(modPar *mod, wavPar *wav, migPar *mig, decompPar *
 			switch(mig->orient){ //Migration Orientation
 				case 0: //Image Wavefields not travelling in the same direction
+					// Vertical Particle Velocity - Interpolate to Tzz(P)-Grid
+					storeVerticalParticleVelocitySnapshot(mod,wav,mig);
 					// Horizontal Particle Velocity - Interpolate to Tzz(P)-Grid
-					storeVerticalParticleVelocitySnapshot(mod,wav,mig); //TODO: What does this case actually do?
+					storeHorizontalParticleVelocitySnapshot(mod,wav,mig); //TODO: What does this case actually do?
 				case 1: //Up-Down Imaging
 					// Vertical Particle Velocity - Interpolate to Tzz(P)-Grid
diff --git a/fdacrtmc/rtmImagingCondition.c b/fdacrtmc/rtmImagingCondition.c
index 01bca46ec6b692263f2afde5468dfed571ea5668..2e07f4c529dc1e4c990729a73b7cf6498c88b42e 100644
--- a/fdacrtmc/rtmImagingCondition.c
+++ b/fdacrtmc/rtmImagingCondition.c
@@ -66,6 +66,8 @@ int rtmImagingCondition(modPar *mod, wavPar *wav, migPar *mig, decompPar *decomp
+					free(mig->wav[mig->it].vx);
+					free(mig->wav[mig->it].vz);
 				case 1: // Up-Down Imaging
@@ -78,6 +80,7 @@ int rtmImagingCondition(modPar *mod, wavPar *wav, migPar *mig, decompPar *decomp
 							if(pzf*pzb>0) mig->image[ix*mig->nz+iz]+=mig->dt*(wav->tzz[ix1*mod->naz+iz1]*mig->wav[mig->it].tzz[ix*mig->nz+iz]);
+					free(mig->wav[mig->it].vz);
 				case 2: // Left-Right Imaging
@@ -90,6 +93,7 @@ int rtmImagingCondition(modPar *mod, wavPar *wav, migPar *mig, decompPar *decomp
 							if(pxf*pxb<0) mig->image[ix*mig->nz+iz]+=mig->dt*(wav->tzz[ix1*mod->naz+iz1]*mig->wav[mig->it].tzz[ix*mig->nz+iz]);
+					free(mig->wav[mig->it].vx);
 				case 3: //Normal Imaging
 					//Not yet implemented
@@ -103,8 +107,6 @@ int rtmImagingCondition(modPar *mod, wavPar *wav, migPar *mig, decompPar *decomp
-			free(mig->wav[mig->it].vx);
-			free(mig->wav[mig->it].vz);
 		case 3: /* Wavefield decomposition zero-lag pressure cross-correlation */
diff --git a/marchenko/Makefile b/marchenko/Makefile
index 7fadd2cca106c94b3ae012eb6aaa78128c749097..848b6a8624741950e794ba9e25da1e43e5ab8213 100644
--- a/marchenko/Makefile
+++ b/marchenko/Makefile
@@ -4,9 +4,10 @@ include ../Make_include
 #LIBS    += -L$L -lgenfft -lm $(LIBSM)
 #OPTC += -g -O0 -Wall 
+#OPTC += -g -traceback #-check-pointers=rw -check-pointers-undimensioned
-ALL: fmute marchenko #marchenko_primaries
+ALL: fmute marchenko marchenko_primaries
 SRCJ	= fmute.c \
 		getFileInfo.c  \
@@ -35,20 +36,20 @@ SRCH	= marchenko.c \
 		docpkge.c \
-#SRCP	= marchenko_primaries.c \
-#		synthesis.c  \
-#		getFileInfo.c  \
-#		readData.c \
-#		readShotData.c \
-#		readTinvData.c \
-#		writeData.c \
-#		writeDataIter.c \
-#		wallclock_time.c \
-#		name_ext.c  \
-#		verbosepkg.c  \
-#		atopkge.c \
-#		docpkge.c \
-#		getpars.c
+SRCP	= marchenko_primaries.c \
+		synthesis.c  \
+		getFileInfo.c  \
+		readData.c \
+		readShotData.c \
+		readTinvData.c \
+		writeData.c \
+		writeDataIter.c \
+		wallclock_time.c \
+		name_ext.c  \
+		verbosepkg.c  \
+		atopkge.c \
+		docpkge.c \
+		getpars.c
 OBJJ	= $(SRCJ:%.c=%.o)
diff --git a/marchenko/demo/oneD/primaries.scr b/marchenko/demo/oneD/primaries.scr
index f5a82f2ebb581b3ad54f6bea1ec0e3e7f0550389..0308f62f8fb23872b18928d039a224dc6316fc55 100755
--- a/marchenko/demo/oneD/primaries.scr
+++ b/marchenko/demo/oneD/primaries.scr
@@ -8,16 +8,18 @@
 export PATH=$HOME/src/OpenSource/bin:$PATH:
-export OMP_NUM_THREADS=20
+export OMP_NUM_THREADS=40
 #shot record to remove internal multiples
 makewave fp=20 dt=0.004 file_out=wave.su nt=2048 t0=0.0 scale=0 scfft=1
 ../../marchenko_primaries file_shot=shotsdx5_rp.su ishot=$select file_src=wave.su \
-	nshots=601 verbose=2 istart=40 iend=500 fmax=90 pad=1024 \
-	niter=25 smooth=10 niterskip=600 shift=20 file_rr=pred_rr.su T=0
+	nshots=901 verbose=2 istart=40 iend=500 fmax=90 pad=1024 \
+	niter=20 smooth=10 niterskip=1 shift=20 file_rr=pred_rr.su T=0
 #for reference original shot record from Reflection matrix
 suwind key=fldr min=$select max=$select < shotsdx5_rp.su itmax=2047 > shotsx0.su
diff --git a/marchenko/marchenko_primaries.c b/marchenko/marchenko_primaries.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ee5c2750d484863ca9d4b1e63727c2dd7d6f003c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/marchenko/marchenko_primaries.c
@@ -0,0 +1,759 @@
+#include "par.h"
+#include "segy.h"
+#include <time.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <genfft.h>
+int omp_get_max_threads(void);
+int omp_get_num_threads(void);
+void omp_set_num_threads(int num_threads);
+#ifndef MAX
+#define MAX(x,y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
+#ifndef MIN
+#define MIN(x,y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
+#define NINT(x) ((int)((x)>0.0?(x)+0.5:(x)-0.5))
+#ifndef COMPLEX
+typedef struct _complexStruct { /* complex number */
+    float r,i;
+} complex;
+#endif/* complex */
+int readShotData(char *filename, float *xrcv, float *xsrc, float *zsrc, int *xnx, complex *cdata, int nw, int nw_low, int nshots, int nx, int nxs, float fxsb, float dxs, int ntfft, int mode, float scale, float tsq, float Q, float f0, int reci, int *nshots_r, int *isxcount, int *reci_xsrc,  int *reci_xrcv, float *ixmask, int verbose);
+int readTinvData(char *filename, float *xrcv, float *xsrc, float *zsrc, int *xnx, int Nfoc, int nx, int ntfft, int mode, int *maxval, float *tinv, int hw, int verbose);
+int writeDataIter(char *file_iter, float *data, segy *hdrs, int n1, int n2, float d2, float f2, int n2out, int Nfoc, float *xsyn, float *zsyn, int *ixpos, int npos, int t0shift, int iter);
+int getFileInfo(char *filename, int *n1, int *n2, int *ngath, float *d1, float *d2, float *f1, float *f2, float *xmin, float *xmax, float *sclsxgx, int *nxm);
+int readData(FILE *fp, float *data, segy *hdrs, int n1);
+int writeData(FILE *fp, float *data, segy *hdrs, int n1, int n2);
+int disp_fileinfo(char *file, int n1, int n2, float f1, float f2, float d1, float d2, segy *hdrs);
+double wallclock_time(void);
+void synthesis(complex *Refl, complex *Fop, float *Top, float *RNi, int nx, int nt, int nxs, int nts, float dt, float *xsyn, int
+Nfoc, float *xrcv, float *xsrc, int *xnx, float fxse, float fxsb, float dxs, float dxsrc, float dx, int ntfft, int
+nw, int nw_low, int nw_high,  int mode, int reci, int nshots, int *ixpos, int npos, double *tfft, int *isxcount, int
+*reci_xsrc,  int *reci_xrcv, float *ixmask, int verbose);
+void synthesisPositions(int nx, int nt, int nxs, int nts, float dt, float *xsyn, int Nfoc, float *xrcv, float *xsrc, int *xnx, float fxse, float fxsb, float dxs, float dxsrc, float dx, int nshots, int *ixpos, int *npos, int *isxcount, int countmin, int reci, int verbose);
+/*********************** self documentation **********************/
+char *sdoc[] = {
+" ",
+" MARCHENKO_primaries - Iterative primary reflections retrieval",
+" ",
+" marchenko_primaries file_tinv= file_shot= [optional parameters]",
+" ",
+" Required parameters: ",
+" ",
+"   file_tinv= ............... shot-record from R to remove internal multiples",
+"   file_shot= ............... Reflection response: R",
+" ",
+" Optional parameters: ",
+" ",
+"   ishot=nshots/2 ........... shot number(s) to remove internal multiples ",
+"   file_src=spike ........... convolve ishot(s) with source wavelet",
+"   file_tinv= ............... use file_tinv to remove internal multiples",
+"   tap=0 .................... lateral taper focusing(1), shot(2) or both(3)",
+"   ntap=0 ................... number of taper points at boundaries",
+"   fmin=0 ................... minimum frequency in the Fourier transform",
+"   fmax=70 .................. maximum frequency in the Fourier transform",
+"   file_src= ................ optional source wavelet to convolve selected ishot's",
+"   niter=22 ................. number of iterations to inialize and restart",
+"   niterec=2 ................ number of iterations in recursive part of the time-samples",
+"   niterskip=50 ............. restart scheme each niterskip time-samples with niter iterations",
+"   istart=20 ................ start sample of iterations for primaries",
+"   iend=nt .................. end sample of iterations for primaries",
+"   shift=20 ................. number of points to account for wavelet (epsilon in papers)",
+"   smooth=shift/2 ........... number of points to smooth mute with cosine window",
+"   tsq=0.0 .................. scale factor n for t^n for true amplitude recovery",
+"   Q=0.0 .......,............ Q correction factor",
+"   f0=0.0 ................... ... for Q correction factor",
+"   scale=2 .................. scale factor of R for summation of Ni with G_d",
+"   pad=0 .................... amount of samples to pad the reflection series",
+"   reci=0 ................... 1; add receivers as shots 2; only use receivers as shot positions",
+"   countmin=0 ............... 0.3*nxrcv; minumum number of reciprocal traces for a contribution",
+"   file_rr= ................. output file with primary only shot record",
+"   file_iter= ............... output file with -Ni(-t) for each iteration",
+"   T=0 ...................... :1 compute transmission-losses compensated primaries ",
+"   verbose=0 ................ silent option; >0 displays info",
+" ",
+" ",
+" author  : Lele Zhang & Jan Thorbecke : 2019 ",
+" ",
+/**************** end self doc ***********************************/
+int main (int argc, char **argv)
+    FILE    *fp_out, *fp_rr, *fp_w;
+	size_t  nread;
+    int     i, j, k, l, ret, nshots, Nfoc, nt, nx, nts, nxs, ngath;
+    int     size, n1, n2, ntap, tap, di, ntraces;
+    int     nw, nw_low, nw_high, nfreq, *xnx, *xnxsyn;
+    int     reci, countmin, mode, ixa, ixb, n2out, verbose, ntfft;
+    int     iter, niter, niterec, recur, niterskip, niterrun, tracf, *muteW;
+    int     hw, ii, ishot, istart, iend;
+    int     smooth, *ixpos, npos, ix, m, pad, T, perc;
+    int     nshots_r, *isxcount, *reci_xsrc, *reci_xrcv, shift;
+    float   fmin, fmax, *tapersh, *tapersy, fxf, dxf, *xsrc, *xrcv, *zsyn, *zsrc, *xrcvsyn;
+    double  t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, tsyn, tread, tfft, tcopy, tii;
+    float   d1, d2, f1, f2, fxsb, fxse, ft, fx, *xsyn, dxsrc;
+    float   *G_d, *DD, *RR, dt, dx, dxs, scl, mem;
+    float   *rtrace, *tmpdata, *f1min, *f1plus, *RNi, *Ni, *trace;
+    float   xmin, xmax, scale, tsq;
+	float   Q, f0, *ixmask, *costaper;
+    complex *Refl, *Fop, *ctrace, *cwave;
+    char    *file_tinv, *file_shot, *file_rr, *file_src, *file_iter;
+    segy    *hdrs_out, hdr;
+    initargs(argc, argv);
+    requestdoc(1);
+    tsyn = tread = tfft = tcopy = tii = 0.0;
+    t0   = wallclock_time();
+    if (!getparstring("file_shot", &file_shot)) file_shot = NULL;
+    if (!getparstring("file_tinv", &file_tinv)) file_tinv = NULL;
+    if(!getparstring("file_src", &file_src)) file_src = NULL;
+    if (!getparstring("file_rr", &file_rr)) verr("parameter file_rr not found");
+    if (!getparstring("file_iter", &file_iter)) file_iter = NULL;
+    if (!getparint("verbose", &verbose)) verbose = 0;
+    if (!getparfloat("fmin", &fmin)) fmin = 0.0;
+    if (!getparfloat("fmax", &fmax)) fmax = 70.0;
+    if (!getparint("reci", &reci)) reci = 0;
+    reci=0; // source-receiver reciprocity is not yet fully build into the code
+    if (!getparfloat("scale", &scale)) scale = 2.0;
+    if (!getparfloat("Q", &Q)) Q = 0.0;
+    if (!getparfloat("tsq", &tsq)) tsq = 0.0;
+    if (!getparfloat("f0", &f0)) f0 = 0.0;
+    if (!getparint("tap", &tap)) tap = 0;
+    if (!getparint("ntap", &ntap)) ntap = 0;
+    if (!getparint("pad", &pad)) pad = 0;
+    if (!getparint("T", &T)) T = 0;
+    if (T>0) T=-1;
+    else T=1;
+    if(!getparint("niter", &niter)) niter = 22;
+    if(!getparint("niterec", &niterec)) niterec = 2;
+    if(!getparint("niterskip", &niterskip)) niterskip = 50;
+    if(!getparint("hw", &hw)) hw = 15;
+    if(!getparint("shift", &shift)) shift=20;
+    if(!getparint("smooth", &smooth)) smooth = shift/2;
+    if(!getparint("ishot", &ishot)) ishot=300;
+    if (reci && ntap) vwarn("tapering influences the reciprocal result");
+	smooth = MIN(smooth, shift);
+    if (smooth) {
+        costaper = (float *)malloc(smooth*sizeof(float));
+        scl = M_PI/((float)smooth);
+        for (i=0; i<smooth; i++) {
+            costaper[i] = 0.5*(1.0+cos((i+1)*scl));
+        }
+    }
+/*================ Reading info about shot and initial operator sizes ================*/
+    if (file_tinv != NULL) { /* G_d is read from file_tinv */
+        ngath = 0; /* setting ngath=0 scans all traces; n2 contains maximum traces/gather */
+        ret = getFileInfo(file_tinv, &n1, &n2, &ngath, &d1, &d2, &f1, &f2, &xmin, &xmax, &scl, &ntraces);
+        Nfoc = ngath;
+        nxs = n2; 
+        nts = n1;
+        dxs = d2; 
+        fxsb = f2;
+	}
+    ngath = 0; /* setting ngath=0 scans all traces; nx contains maximum traces/gather */
+    ret = getFileInfo(file_shot, &nt, &nx, &ngath, &d1, &dx, &ft, &fx, &xmin, &xmax, &scl, &ntraces);
+    nshots = ngath;
+    if (!getparfloat("dt", &dt)) dt = d1;
+    if(!getparint("istart", &istart)) istart=20;
+    if(!getparint("iend", &iend)) iend=nt;
+    iend = MIN(iend, nt-shift-1);
+    istart = MIN(MAX(1,istart),iend);
+    if (file_tinv == NULL) {/* 'G_d' is one of the shot records */
+        if(!getparint("ishot", &ishot)) ishot=1+(nshots-1)/2;
+		ishot -= 1; /* shot numbering starts at 0 */
+        Nfoc = 1;
+        nxs  = nx;
+        nts  = nt;
+        dxs  = dx;
+        fxsb = fx;
+    }
+    assert (nxs >= nshots);
+    ntfft = optncr(MAX(nt+pad, nts+pad)); 
+    nfreq = ntfft/2+1;
+    nw_low = (int)MIN((fmin*ntfft*dt), nfreq-1);
+    nw_low = MAX(nw_low, 1);
+    nw_high = MIN((int)(fmax*ntfft*dt), nfreq-1);
+    nw  = nw_high - nw_low + 1;
+    scl   = 1.0/((float)ntfft);
+    if (!getparint("countmin", &countmin)) countmin = 0.3*nx;
+/*================ Allocating all data arrays ================*/
+    Fop     = (complex *)calloc(nxs*nw*Nfoc,sizeof(complex));
+    f1min   = (float *)calloc(Nfoc*nxs*ntfft,sizeof(float));
+    f1plus  = (float *)calloc(Nfoc*nxs*ntfft,sizeof(float));
+    RNi     = (float *)calloc(Nfoc*nxs*ntfft,sizeof(float));
+    Ni      = (float *)calloc(Nfoc*nxs*ntfft,sizeof(float));
+    G_d     = (float *)calloc(Nfoc*nxs*ntfft,sizeof(float));
+    DD      = (float *)calloc(Nfoc*nxs*ntfft,sizeof(float));
+    RR      = (float *)calloc(Nfoc*nxs*ntfft,sizeof(float));
+    trace   = (float *)malloc(ntfft*sizeof(float));
+    ixpos = (int *)malloc(nxs*sizeof(int));
+    xrcvsyn = (float *)calloc(Nfoc*nxs,sizeof(float));
+    xsyn    = (float *)malloc(Nfoc*sizeof(float));
+    zsyn    = (float *)malloc(Nfoc*sizeof(float));
+    xnxsyn  = (int *)calloc(Nfoc,sizeof(int));
+    Refl    = (complex *)malloc(nw*nx*nshots*sizeof(complex));
+    xsrc    = (float *)calloc(nshots,sizeof(float));
+    zsrc    = (float *)calloc(nshots,sizeof(float));
+    xrcv    = (float *)calloc(nshots*nx,sizeof(float));
+    xnx     = (int *)calloc(nshots,sizeof(int));
+    if (reci!=0) {
+        reci_xsrc = (int *)malloc((nxs*nxs)*sizeof(int));
+        reci_xrcv = (int *)malloc((nxs*nxs)*sizeof(int));
+        isxcount  = (int *)calloc(nxs,sizeof(int));
+        ixmask  = (float *)calloc(nxs,sizeof(float));
+    }
+/*================ Read focusing operator(s) ================*/
+    if (file_tinv != NULL) {  /*  G_d is named DD */
+        muteW   = (int *)calloc(Nfoc*nxs,sizeof(int));
+        mode=-1; /* apply complex conjugate to read in data */
+        readTinvData(file_tinv, xrcvsyn, xsyn, zsyn, xnxsyn, Nfoc, nxs, ntfft, 
+             mode, muteW, DD, hw, verbose);
+        /* reading data added zero's to the number of time samples to be the same as ntfft */
+        nts   = ntfft;
+    	free(muteW);
+        /* check consistency of header values */
+        if (xrcvsyn[0] != 0 || xrcvsyn[1] != 0 ) fxsb = xrcvsyn[0];
+        fxse = fxsb + (float)(nxs-1)*dxs;
+        dxf = (xrcvsyn[nxs-1] - xrcvsyn[0])/(float)(nxs-1);
+        if (NINT(dxs*1e3) != NINT(fabs(dxf)*1e3)) {
+            vmess("dx in hdr.d1 (%.3f) and hdr.gx (%.3f) not equal",d2, dxf);
+            if (dxf != 0) dxs = fabs(dxf);
+            vmess("dx in operator => %f", dxs);
+        }
+	}
+/* ========================= Opening optional wavelet file ====================== */
+    cwave = (complex *)calloc(ntfft,sizeof(complex));
+    if (file_src != NULL){
+        if (verbose) vmess("Reading wavelet from file %s.", file_src);
+        fp_w = fopen(file_src, "r");
+        if (fp_w == NULL) verr("error on opening input file_src=%s", file_src);
+        nread = fread(&hdr, 1, TRCBYTES, fp_w);
+        assert (nread == TRCBYTES);
+        tmpdata = (float *)malloc(hdr.ns*sizeof(float));
+        nread = fread(tmpdata, sizeof(float), hdr.ns, fp_w);
+        assert (nread == hdr.ns);
+        fclose(fp_w);
+        /* Check dt wavelet is the same as reflection data */
+        if ( rint(dt*1000) != rint(hdr.dt/1000.0) ) {
+            vwarn("file_src dt != dt of file_shot %e != %e", hdr.dt/1e6, dt);
+        }
+        rtrace = (float *)calloc(ntfft,sizeof(float));
+        /* add zero's to the number of time samples to be the same as ntfft */
+        /* Add zero-valued samples in middle */
+        if (hdr.ns <= ntfft) {
+            for (i = 0; i < hdr.ns/2; i++) {
+                rtrace[i] = tmpdata[i];
+                rtrace[ntfft-1-i] = tmpdata[hdr.ns-1-i];
+            }
+        }
+        else {
+            vwarn("file_src has more samples than reflection data: truncated to ntfft = %d samples in middle are removed ", ntfft);
+            for (i = 0; i < ntfft/2; i++) {
+                rtrace[i] = tmpdata[i];
+                rtrace[ntfft-1-i] = tmpdata[hdr.ns-1-i];
+            }
+        }
+        rc1fft(rtrace, cwave, ntfft, -1);
+        free(tmpdata);
+        free(rtrace);
+    }
+    else {
+        for (i = 0; i < nfreq; i++) cwave[i].r = 1.0;
+    }
+/*================ Reading shot records ================*/
+    mode=1;
+    readShotData(file_shot, xrcv, xsrc, zsrc, xnx, Refl, nw, nw_low, ngath, nx, nx, fxsb, dxs, ntfft, 
+         mode, scale, tsq,  Q, f0, reci, &nshots_r, isxcount, reci_xsrc, reci_xrcv, ixmask,verbose);
+    if (tap == 2 || tap == 3) {
+    	tapersh = (float *)malloc(nx*sizeof(float));
+        for (j = 0; j < ntap; j++)
+            tapersh[j] = (cos(PI*(j-ntap)/ntap)+1)/2.0;
+        for (j = ntap; j < nx-ntap; j++)
+            tapersh[j] = 1.0;
+        for (j = nx-ntap; j < nx; j++)
+            tapersh[j] =(cos(PI*(j-(nx-ntap))/ntap)+1)/2.0;
+        if (verbose) vmess("Taper for shots applied ntap=%d", ntap);
+        for (l = 0; l < nshots; l++) {
+            for (j = 1; j < nw; j++) {
+                for (i = 0; i < nx; i++) {
+                    Refl[l*nx*nw+j*nx+i].r *= tapersh[i];
+                    Refl[l*nx*nw+j*nx+i].i *= tapersh[i];
+                }   
+            }   
+        }
+    	free(tapersh);
+    }
+    /* check consistency of header values */
+    fxf = xsrc[0];
+    if (nx > 1) dxf = (xrcv[nx-1] - xrcv[0])/(float)(nx-1);
+    else dxf = d2;
+    if (NINT(dx*1e3) != NINT(fabs(dxf)*1e3)) {
+        vmess("dx in hdr.d1 (%.3f) and hdr.gx (%.3f) not equal",dx, dxf);
+        if (dxf != 0) dx = fabs(dxf);
+        else verr("gx hdrs not set");
+        vmess("dx used => %f", dx);
+    }
+    dxsrc = (float)xsrc[1] - xsrc[0];
+    if (dxsrc == 0) {
+        vwarn("sx hdrs are not filled in!!");
+        dxsrc = dx;
+    }
+/*================ Defining focusing operator(s) from R ================*/
+/* G_d = -R(ishot,-t) */
+    /* use ishot from Refl, complex-conjugate(time reverse), scale with -1 and convolve with wavelet */
+    if (file_tinv == NULL) {
+        if (verbose) vmess("Selecting G_d from Refl of %s", file_shot);
+        nts   = ntfft;
+        scl   = 1.0/((float)2.0*ntfft);
+        rtrace = (float *)calloc(ntfft,sizeof(float));
+        ctrace = (complex *)calloc(nfreq+1,sizeof(complex));
+        for (i = 0; i < xnx[ishot]; i++) {
+            for (j = nw_low, m = 0; j <= nw_high; j++, m++) {
+                ctrace[j].r =  Refl[ishot*nw*nx+m*nx+i].r*cwave[j].r + Refl[ishot*nw*nx+m*nx+i].i*cwave[j].i;
+                ctrace[j].i = -Refl[ishot*nw*nx+m*nx+i].i*cwave[j].r + Refl[ishot*nw*nx+m*nx+i].r*cwave[j].i;;
+            }
+            /* transfrom result back to time domain */
+            cr1fft(ctrace, rtrace, ntfft, 1);
+            for (j = 0; j < nts; j++) {
+                DD[0*nxs*nts+i*nts+j] = -1.0*scl*rtrace[j];
+            }
+        }
+        free(ctrace);
+        free(rtrace);
+        xsyn[0] = xsrc[ishot];
+        zsyn[0] = zsrc[ishot];
+        xnxsyn[0] = xnx[ishot];
+        fxse = fxsb = xrcv[0];
+        /* check consistency of header values */
+        for (l=0; l<nshots; l++) {
+            for (i = 0; i < nx; i++) {
+                fxsb = MIN(xrcv[l*nx+i],fxsb);
+                fxse = MAX(xrcv[l*nx+i],fxse);
+            }
+        }
+        dxf = dx;
+        dxs = dx;
+    }
+    /* define tapers to taper edges of acquisition */
+    if (tap == 1 || tap == 3) {
+    	tapersy = (float *)malloc(nxs*sizeof(float));
+        for (j = 0; j < ntap; j++)
+            tapersy[j] = (cos(PI*(j-ntap)/ntap)+1)/2.0;
+        for (j = ntap; j < nxs-ntap; j++)
+            tapersy[j] = 1.0;
+        for (j = nxs-ntap; j < nxs; j++)
+            tapersy[j] =(cos(PI*(j-(nxs-ntap))/ntap)+1)/2.0;
+        if (verbose) vmess("Taper for operator applied ntap=%d", ntap);
+        for (l = 0; l < Nfoc; l++) {
+            for (i = 0; i < nxs; i++) {
+                for (j = 0; j < nts; j++) {
+                    DD[l*nxs*nts+i*nts+j] *= tapersy[i];
+                }   
+            }   
+        }   
+    	free(tapersy);
+    }
+/*================ Check the size of the files ================*/
+    if (NINT(dxsrc/dx)*dx != NINT(dxsrc)) {
+        vwarn("source (%.2f) and receiver step (%.2f) don't match",dxsrc,dx);
+        if (reci == 2) vwarn("step used from operator (%.2f) ",dxs);
+    }
+    di = NINT(dxf/dxs);
+    if ((NINT(di*dxs) != NINT(dxf)) && verbose) 
+        vwarn("dx in receiver (%.2f) and operator (%.2f) don't match",dx,dxs);
+    if (verbose) {
+        vmess("Number of receivers in focusop  = %d", nxs);
+        vmess("number of shots                 = %d", nshots);
+        vmess("number of receiver/shot         = %d", nx);
+        vmess("first model position            = %.2f", fxsb);
+        vmess("last model position             = %.2f", fxse);
+        vmess("first source position fxf       = %.2f", fxf);
+        vmess("source distance dxsrc           = %.2f", dxsrc);
+        vmess("last source position            = %.2f", fxf+(nshots-1)*dxsrc);
+        vmess("receiver distance     dxf       = %.2f", dxf);
+        vmess("direction of increasing traces = %d", di);
+        vmess("number of time samples fft nt nts = %d %d %d", ntfft, nt, nts);
+        vmess("time sampling                   = %e ", dt);
+        vmess("smoothing taper for time-window = %d ", smooth);
+        if (file_rr != NULL) vmess("RR output file                  = %s ", file_rr);
+        if (file_iter != NULL)  vmess("Iterations output file          = %s ", file_iter);
+    }
+/*================ initializations ================*/
+    if (reci) n2out = nxs;
+    else n2out = nshots;
+    mem = Nfoc*n2out*ntfft*sizeof(float)/1048576.0;
+    if (verbose) {
+        vmess("Time-sample range processed     = %d:%d", istart, iend);
+        vmess("number of output traces         = %d", n2out);
+        vmess("number of output samples        = %d", ntfft);
+        vmess("Size of output data/file        = %.1f MB", mem);
+    }
+	ixa=0; ixb=0;
+    synthesisPositions(nx, nt, nxs, nts, dt, xsyn, Nfoc, xrcv, xsrc, xnx, fxse, fxsb,
+        dxs, dxsrc, dx, nshots, ixpos, &npos, isxcount, countmin, reci, verbose);
+    if (verbose) {
+        vmess("synthesisPositions: nshots=%d npos=%d", nshots, npos);
+    }
+/*================ set variables for output data ================*/
+    n1 = nts; 
+	n2 = n2out;
+    f1 = ft; 
+	f2 = fxsb+dxs*ixpos[0];
+    d1 = dt;
+    if (reci == 0) d2 = dxsrc;
+    else if (reci == 1) d2 = dxs;
+    else if (reci == 2) d2 = dx;
+    hdrs_out = (segy *) calloc(n2,sizeof(segy));
+    if (hdrs_out == NULL) verr("allocation for hdrs_out");
+    size  = nxs*nts;
+    for (i = 0; i < n2; i++) {
+        hdrs_out[i].ns     = n1;
+        hdrs_out[i].trid   = 1;
+        hdrs_out[i].dt     = dt*1000000;
+        hdrs_out[i].f1     = f1;
+        hdrs_out[i].f2     = f2;
+        hdrs_out[i].d1     = d1;
+        hdrs_out[i].d2     = d2;
+        hdrs_out[i].trwf   = n2out;
+        hdrs_out[i].scalco = -1000;
+        hdrs_out[i].gx = NINT(1000*(f2+i*d2));
+        hdrs_out[i].scalel = -1000;
+        hdrs_out[i].tracl = i+1;
+    }
+    t1    = wallclock_time();
+    tread = t1-t0;
+    if(verbose) {
+        vmess("*******************************************");
+        vmess("***** Computing Marchenko for all steps****");
+        vmess("*******************************************");
+        fprintf(stderr,"    %s: Progress: %3d%%",xargv[0],0);
+	}
+    perc=(iend-istart)/100;if(!perc)perc=1;
+/*================ start loop over number of time-samples ================*/
+    for (ii=istart; ii<iend; ii++) {
+/*================ initialization ================*/
+        /* once every 'niterskip' time-steps start from fresh G_d and do niter (~20) iterations */
+		if ( ((ii-istart)%niterskip==0) || (ii==istart) ) {
+			niterrun=niter;
+			recur=0;
+			if (verbose>1) vmess("Doing %d iterations to reset recursion at time-sample %d\n",niterrun,ii);
+            for (l = 0; l < Nfoc; l++) {
+                for (i = 0; i < nxs; i++) {
+                    for (j = 0; j < nts; j++) {
+                        G_d[l*nxs*nts+i*nts+j] = DD[l*nxs*nts+i*nts+j];
+                    }
+					/* apply mute window for samples above nts-ii */
+                    for (j = 0; j < MIN(nts, nts-ii+T*shift-smooth); j++) {
+                        G_d[l*nxs*nts+i*nts+j] = 0.0;
+                    }
+                    for (j = nts-ii+T*shift-smooth, k=1; j < MIN(nts, nts-ii+T*shift); j++, k++) {
+                        G_d[l*nxs*nts+i*nts+j] *= costaper[smooth-k];
+                    }
+                }
+                for (i = 0; i < npos; i++) {
+                    ix = ixpos[i];
+                    j = 0;
+                    f1min[l*nxs*nts+i*nts+j] = -DD[l*nxs*nts+ix*nts+j];
+                    for (j = 1; j < nts; j++) {
+                       f1min[l*nxs*nts+i*nts+j] = -DD[l*nxs*nts+ix*nts+nts-j];
+                    }
+					/* apply mute window for samples above nts-ii */
+                    //for (j = 0; j < nts-ii+T*shift; j++) {
+                    //    f1min[l*nxs*nts+i*nts+j] = 0.0;
+                    //}
+			    }
+			}
+        	if (file_iter != NULL) {
+           	    writeDataIter("G_d.su", G_d, hdrs_out, ntfft, nxs, d2, f2, n2out, Nfoc, xsyn, zsyn, ixpos, npos, 0, 1000*ii);
+			}
+		}
+		else { /* use f1min from previous iteration as starting point and do niterec iterations */
+			niterrun=niterec;
+			recur=1;
+			if (verbose>1) vmess("Doing %d iterations using previous result at time-sample %d",niterrun,ii);
+            for (l = 0; l < Nfoc; l++) {
+                for (i = 0; i < npos; i++) {
+					j=0;
+                    ix = ixpos[i];
+                    G_d[l*nxs*nts+i*nts+j] = -DD[l*nxs*nts+ix*nts] - f1min[l*nxs*nts+i*nts+j];
+                    for (j = 1; j < nts; j++) {
+                        G_d[l*nxs*nts+i*nts+j] = -DD[l*nxs*nts+ix*nts+nts-j] - f1min[l*nxs*nts+i*nts+nts-j];
+                    }
+					/* apply mute window for samples above nts-ii */
+                    for (j = 0; j < MIN(nts,nts-ii+T*shift-smooth); j++) {
+                        G_d[l*nxs*nts+i*nts+j] = 0.0;
+                    }
+                    for (j = nts-ii+T*shift-smooth, k=1; j < MIN(nts, nts-ii+T*shift); j++, k++) {
+                        G_d[l*nxs*nts+i*nts+j] *= costaper[smooth-k];
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+/*================ initialization ================*/
+        memcpy(Ni, G_d, Nfoc*nxs*ntfft*sizeof(float));
+/*================ number of Marchenko iterations ================*/
+        for (iter=0; iter<niterrun; iter++) {
+            t2    = wallclock_time();
+/*================ construction of Ni(-t) = - \int R(x,t) Ni(t)  ================*/
+            synthesis(Refl, Fop, Ni, RNi, nx, nt, nxs, nts, dt, xsyn, Nfoc,
+                xrcv, xsrc, xnx, fxse, fxsb, dxs, dxsrc, dx, ntfft, nw, nw_low, nw_high, mode,
+                reci, nshots, ixpos, npos, &tfft, isxcount, reci_xsrc, reci_xrcv, ixmask, verbose);
+        	if (file_iter != NULL) {
+            	writeDataIter(file_iter, RNi, hdrs_out, ntfft, nxs, d2, f2, n2out, Nfoc, xsyn, zsyn, ixpos, npos, 0, 1000*ii+iter);
+        	}
+            t3 = wallclock_time();
+            tsyn +=  t3 - t2;
+            /* N_k(x,t) = -N_(k-1)(x,-t) */
+            for (l = 0; l < Nfoc; l++) {
+                for (i = 0; i < npos; i++) {
+                    j = 0;
+                    ix = ixpos[i];
+                    Ni[l*nxs*nts+i*nts+j]    = -RNi[l*nxs*nts+ix*nts+j];
+                    for (j = 1; j < nts; j++) {
+                        Ni[l*nxs*nts+i*nts+j]    = -RNi[l*nxs*nts+ix*nts+nts-j];
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            if (iter % 2 == 0) { /* even iterations: => f_1^+(t) */
+                /* apply muting for the acausal part */
+                for (l = 0; l < Nfoc; l++) {
+                    for (i = 0; i < npos; i++) {
+						/* apply mute window for samples after ii */
+                        for (j = MAX(0,ii-T*shift+smooth); j < nts; j++) {
+                            Ni[l*nxs*nts+i*nts+j] = 0.0;
+                        }
+                        for (j = MAX(0,ii-T*shift+smooth), k=0; j < ii; j++, k++) {
+                            Ni[l*nxs*nts+i*nts+j] *= costaper[k];
+                        }
+						/* apply mute window for delta function at t=0*/
+                        for (j = 0; j < shift-smooth; j++) {
+                            Ni[l*nxs*nts+i*nts+j] = 0.0;
+                        }
+                        for (j = MAX(0,shift-smooth), k=1; j < shift; j++, k++) {
+                            Ni[l*nxs*nts+i*nts+j] *= costaper[smooth-k];
+                        }
+                        f1plus[l*nxs*nts+i*nts+j] += Ni[l*nxs*nts+i*nts+j];
+                        for (j = 1; j < nts; j++) {
+                            f1plus[l*nxs*nts+i*nts+j] += Ni[l*nxs*nts+i*nts+j];
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+        		if (file_iter != NULL) {
+            		writeDataIter("f1plus.su", f1plus, hdrs_out, ntfft, nxs, d2, f2, n2out, Nfoc, xsyn, zsyn, ixpos, npos, 0, 1000*ii+iter);
+				}
+            }
+            else {/* odd iterations: => f_1^-(t)  */
+                for (l = 0; l < Nfoc; l++) {
+                    for (i = 0; i < npos; i++) {
+                    	ix = ixpos[i];
+						if (recur==1) { /* use f1min from previous iteration */
+                            for (j = 0; j < nts; j++) {
+                                Ni[l*nxs*nts+i*nts+j] += DD[l*nxs*nts+ix*nts+j];
+						    }
+                            j = 0;
+                            f1min[l*nxs*nts+i*nts+j] = -Ni[l*nxs*nts+i*nts+j];
+                            for (j = 1; j < nts; j++) {
+                                f1min[l*nxs*nts+i*nts+j] = -Ni[l*nxs*nts+i*nts+nts-j];
+                            }
+						}
+						else {
+                            j = 0;
+                            f1min[l*nxs*nts+i*nts+j] -= Ni[l*nxs*nts+i*nts+j];
+                            for (j = 1; j < nts; j++) {
+                                f1min[l*nxs*nts+i*nts+j] -= Ni[l*nxs*nts+i*nts+nts-j];
+                            }
+						}
+						/* apply mute window for delta function at t=0*/
+                        for (j = nts-shift+smooth; j < nts; j++) {
+                            Ni[l*nxs*nts+i*nts+j] = 0.0;
+                        }
+                        for (j = nts-shift, k=0; j < MIN(nts, nts-shift+smooth); j++, k++) {
+                            Ni[l*nxs*nts+i*nts+j] *= costaper[k];
+                        }
+						/* apply mute window for samples above nts-ii */
+                        /* important to apply this mute after updating f1min */
+                       	//for (j = 0; j < nts-ii+T*shift; j++) {
+                        //   	Ni[l*nxs*nts+i*nts+j] = 0.0;
+                       	//}
+					    /* apply mute window for samples above nts-ii */
+                        for (j = 0; j < MIN(nts,nts-ii+T*shift-smooth); j++) {
+                            Ni[l*nxs*nts+i*nts+j] = 0.0;
+                        }
+                        for (j = nts-ii+T*shift-smooth, k=1; j < MIN(nts,nts-ii+T*shift); j++, k++) {
+                            Ni[l*nxs*nts+i*nts+j] *= costaper[smooth-k];
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+        		if (file_iter != NULL) {
+            		writeDataIter("f1min.su", f1min, hdrs_out, ntfft, nxs, d2, f2, n2out, Nfoc, xsyn, zsyn, ixpos, npos, 0, 1000*ii+iter);
+				}
+            } /* end else (iter) branch */
+        	if (file_iter != NULL) {
+                writeDataIter("Ni.su", Ni, hdrs_out, ntfft, nxs, d2, f2, n2out, Nfoc, xsyn, zsyn, ixpos, npos, 0, 1000*ii+iter);
+			}
+            t2 = wallclock_time();
+            tcopy +=  t2 - t3;
+            if (verbose>2) vmess("*** Iteration %d finished ***", iter);
+        } /* end of iterations */
+        for (l = 0; l < Nfoc; l++) {
+            for (i = 0; i < npos; i++) {
+                 RR[l*nxs*nts+i*nts+ii] = f1min[l*nxs*nts+i*nts+ii];
+            }
+        }
+        /* To Do? optional write intermediate RR results to file */
+        if (verbose) {
+            if(!((iend-ii-istart)%perc)) fprintf(stderr,"\b\b\b\b%3d%%",(ii-istart)*100/(iend-istart));
+            if((ii-istart)==10)t4=wallclock_time();
+            if((ii-istart)==20){
+                t4=(wallclock_time()-t4)*((iend-istart)/10.0);
+                fprintf(stderr,"\r    %s: Estimated total compute time = %.2fs.\n    %s: Progress: %3d%%",xargv[0],t4,xargv[0],(ii-istart)/((iend-istart)/100.0));
+            }
+            //t4=wallclock_time();
+            tii=(t4-t1)*((float)(iend-istart)/(ii-istart+1.0))-(t4-t1);
+            //vmess("Remaining compute time at time-sample %d = %.2f s.",ii, tii);
+        }
+    } /* end of time iterations ii */
+    free(Ni);
+    free(G_d);
+    free(f1min);
+    free(f1plus);
+    t2 = wallclock_time();
+    if (verbose) {
+        fprintf(stderr,"\b\b\b\b%3d%%\n",100);
+        vmess("Total CPU-time marchenko = %.3f", t2-t0);
+        vmess("with CPU-time synthesis  = %.3f", tsyn);
+        vmess("with CPU-time copy array = %.3f", tcopy);
+        vmess("     CPU-time fft data   = %.3f", tfft);
+        vmess("and CPU-time read data   = %.3f", tread);
+    }
+/*================ write output files ================*/
+    fp_rr = fopen(file_rr, "w+");
+    if (fp_rr==NULL) verr("error on creating output file %s", file_rr);
+    tracf = 1;
+    for (l = 0; l < Nfoc; l++) {
+        if (reci) f2 = fxsb;
+        else f2 = fxf;
+        for (i = 0; i < n2; i++) {
+            hdrs_out[i].fldr   = l+1;
+            hdrs_out[i].sx     = NINT(xsyn[l]*1000);
+            hdrs_out[i].offset = (long)NINT((f2+i*d2) - xsyn[l]);
+            hdrs_out[i].tracf  = tracf++;
+            hdrs_out[i].selev  = NINT(zsyn[l]*1000);
+            hdrs_out[i].sdepth = NINT(-zsyn[l]*1000);
+            hdrs_out[i].f1     = f1;
+        }
+        ret = writeData(fp_rr, (float *)&RR[l*size], hdrs_out, n1, n2);
+        if (ret < 0 ) verr("error on writing output file.");
+    }
+    ret = fclose(fp_rr);
+    if (ret < 0) verr("err %d on closing output file",ret);
+    if (verbose) {
+        t1 = wallclock_time();
+        vmess("and CPU-time write data  = %.3f", t1-t2);
+    }
+/*================ free memory ================*/
+    free(hdrs_out);
+    exit(0);
diff --git a/marchenko/synthesis.c b/marchenko/synthesis.c
index 828da0749d5d9158ad5f14314e999a6437e4c5e6..e975d8746ffa1b44fcf34a15f9b3fa0db03772fb 100644
--- a/marchenko/synthesis.c
+++ b/marchenko/synthesis.c
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ nw, int nw_low, int nw_high,  int mode, int reci, int nshots, int *ixpos, int np
     /* transform muted Ni (Top) to frequency domain, input for next iteration  */
         for (l = 0; l < Nfoc; l++) {
             /* set Fop to zero, so new operator can be defined within ixpos points */
-            memset(&Fop[l*nxs*nw].r, 0, nxs*nw*2*sizeof(float));
+           memset(&Fop[l*nxs*nw], 0, nxs*nw*sizeof(complex));
             for (i = 0; i < npos; i++) {
                 ix = ixpos[i];
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ nw, int nw_low, int nw_high,  int mode, int reci, int nshots, int *ixpos, int np
         for (l = 0; l < Nfoc; l++) {
             /* set Fop to zero, so new operator can be defined within all ix points */
-            memset(&Fop[l*nxs*nw].r, 0, nxs*nw*2*sizeof(float));
+            memset(&Fop[l*nxs*nw], 0, nxs*nw*sizeof(complex));
             for (i = 0; i < nxs; i++) {
                 for (iw=0; iw<nw; iw++) {
diff --git a/marchenko3D/Makefile b/marchenko3D/Makefile
index 303417a0bd011ab60240be798e91db9ea1732c27..800660b3aeb6130fd25017c6244e4192e7b6e5bd 100644
--- a/marchenko3D/Makefile
+++ b/marchenko3D/Makefile
@@ -7,10 +7,11 @@ LIBS    += -L$L -lgenfft -lm $(LIBSM)
 #ALL: fmute marchenko marchenko2
-ALL: marchenko3D fmute3D
+ALL: marchenko3D fmute3D TWtransform
 SRCT	= marchenko3D.c \
 		getFileInfo3D.c  \
+		getFileInfo3DW.c  \
 		readData3D.c \
 		readShotData3D.c \
 		readTinvData3D.c \
@@ -41,6 +42,16 @@ SRCJ3	= fmute3D.c \
 		docpkge.c \
+SRCTW	= TWtransform.c \
+		getFileInfo3D.c  \
+		writeData3D.c \
+		wallclock_time.c \
+		name_ext.c  \
+		verbosepkg.c  \
+		atopkge.c \
+		docpkge.c \
+		getpars.c
 OBJT	= $(SRCT:%.c=%.o)
 marchenko3D:	$(OBJT) 
@@ -51,14 +62,18 @@ OBJJ3	= $(SRCJ3:%.c=%.o)
 fmute3D:	$(OBJJ3) 
 	$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(OPTC) $(CFLAGS) -o fmute3D $(OBJJ3) $(LIBS)
-OBJMS	= $(SRCMS:%.c=%.o)
+OBJTW	= $(SRCTW:%.c=%.o)
+TWtransform:	$(OBJTW) 
+	$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(OPTC) $(CFLAGS) -o TWtransform $(OBJTW) $(LIBS)
-install: marchenko3D fmute3D
+install: marchenko3D fmute3D TWtransform
 	cp marchenko3D $B
 	cp fmute3D $B
+	cp TWtransform $B
-		rm -f core marchenko3D $(OBJT) fmute3D $(OBJJ3)
+		rm -f core marchenko3D $(OBJT) fmute3D $(OBJJ3) TWtransform $(OBJTW)
 realclean: clean
-		rm -f $B/marchenko2 $B/marchenko3D $B/fmute3D
+		rm -f $B/marchenko3D $B/fmute3D $B/TWtransform
diff --git a/marchenko3D/TWtransform.c b/marchenko3D/TWtransform.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4c8dba0b0698e29c93e6f503315c25f68b980bfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/marchenko3D/TWtransform.c
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "segy.h"
+#include <assert.h>
+typedef struct { /* complex number */
+        float r,i;
+} complex;
+#define NINT(x) ((long)((x)>0.0?(x)+0.5:(x)-0.5))
+#define MAX(x,y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
+#define MIN(x,y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
+int optncr(int n);
+void cc1fft(complex *data, int n, int sign);
+void rc1fft(float *rdata, complex *cdata, int n, int sign);
+long writeData3D(FILE *fp, float *data, segy *hdrs, long n1, long n2);
+long getFileInfo3D(char *filename, long *n1, long *n2, long *n3, long *ngath, float *d1, float *d2, float *d3, float *f1, float *f2, float *f3,
+    float *sclsxgxsygy, long *nxm);
+/*********************** self documentation **********************/
+char *sdoc[] = {
+" ",
+" TWtransform - Transform data from uncompressed time domain to compressed frequency domain",
+" ",
+" TWtransform file_T= file_W= [optional parameters]",
+" ",
+" Required parameters: ",
+" ",
+"   file_T= .................. File containing the uncompressed time domain data",
+"   file_W= .................. Output for the compressed frequency domain data",
+" ",
+" Optional parameters: ",
+" ",
+"   verbose=0 ................ silent option; >0 displays info",
+"   fmin=0 ................... minimum frequency in the output",
+"   fmax=70 .................. maximum frequency in the output",
+"   mode=1 ................... sign of the frequency transform",
+" ",
+" ",
+" author  : Joeri Brackenhoff : (j.a.brackenhoff@tudelft.nl)",
+" author  : Jan Thorbecke     : (j.w.thorbecke@tudelft.nl)",
+" ",
+/**************** end self doc ***********************************/
+int main (int argc, char **argv)
+	FILE    *fp, *fp_out;
+	segy    hdr;
+	size_t  nread;
+	long    fldr_shot, sx_shot, sy_shot, itrace, one_shot, igath, iw;
+	long    end_of_file, nt, ntfft, nxy, nx, ny, nshots, ret, ntraces;
+	long    k, l, m, j, nfreq, nw_low, nw_high, nw, mode, verbose;
+	float   scl, scel, *trace, dt, dx, dy, ft, fx, fy, fmin, fmax, *cdata;
+    char    *file_T, *file_W;
+	complex *ctrace;
+    initargs(argc, argv);
+    requestdoc(1);
+    if (!getparstring("file_T", &file_T)) file_T = "in.su";
+        if (file_T==NULL) verr("No file_in is given");
+    if (!getparstring("file_W", &file_W)) file_W = NULL;
+        if (file_W==NULL) verr("No file_W is given");
+    if (!getparfloat("fmin", &fmin)) fmin = 0;
+    if (!getparfloat("fmax", &fmax)) fmax = 70;
+    if (!getparfloat("weight", &scl)) scl = 2.0;
+    if (!getparlong("mode", &mode)) mode = 1;
+    if (!getparlong("verbose", &verbose)) verbose = 1;
+    nshots = 0;
+    ret = getFileInfo3D(file_T, &nt, &nx, &ny, &nshots, &dt, &dx, &dy, &ft, &fx, &fy, &scl, &ntraces);
+    ntfft = loptncr(nt); 
+    nfreq = ntfft/2+1;
+    nw_low = (long)MIN((fmin*ntfft*dt), nfreq-1);
+    nw_low = MAX(nw_low, 1);
+    nw_high = MIN((long)(fmax*ntfft*dt), nfreq-1);
+    nw  = nw_high - nw_low + 1;
+    nxy = nx*ny;
+	/* Reading first header  */
+	if (file_T == NULL) fp = stdin;
+	else fp = fopen( file_T, "r" );
+	if ( fp == NULL ) {
+		fprintf(stderr,"input file %s has an error\n", file_T);
+		perror("error in opening file: ");
+		fflush(stderr);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	if (file_W == NULL) fp_out = stdin;
+	else fp_out = fopen( file_W, "w+" );
+	if ( fp_out == NULL ) {
+		fprintf(stderr,"input file %s has an error\n", file_W);
+		perror("error in opening file: ");
+		fflush(stderr);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
+	nread = fread( &hdr, 1, TRCBYTES, fp );
+	assert(nread == TRCBYTES);
+	fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
+	nt = hdr.ns;
+	dt = hdr.dt/(1E6);
+	trace   = (float *)calloc(ntfft,sizeof(float));
+	ctrace  = (complex *)malloc(ntfft*sizeof(complex));
+    cdata   = (float *)calloc(nw*2,sizeof(float));
+	end_of_file = 0;
+	one_shot    = 1;
+	igath       = 0;
+	/* Read shots in file */
+	while (!end_of_file) {
+		/* start reading data (shot records) */
+		itrace = 0;
+		nread = fread( &hdr, 1, TRCBYTES, fp );
+		if (nread != TRCBYTES) { /* no more data in file */
+			break;
+		}
+		sx_shot  = hdr.sx;
+        sy_shot  = hdr.sy;
+		fldr_shot  = hdr.fldr;
+		while (one_shot) {
+			nread = fread( trace, sizeof(float), nt, fp );
+			assert (nread == hdr.ns);
+			/* transform to frequency domain */
+			if (ntfft > hdr.ns) 
+			memset( &trace[nt-1], 0, sizeof(float)*(ntfft-nt) );
+			rc1fft(trace,ctrace,(int)ntfft,-1);
+			for (iw=0; iw<nw; iw++) {
+				cdata[iw*2]     = scl*ctrace[nw_low+iw].r;
+				cdata[(iw*2)+1] = scl*mode*ctrace[nw_low+iw].i;
+			}
+			itrace++;
+            hdr.ep		= ntfft;
+            hdr.ns      = 2*nw;
+            hdr.unscale = fmin;
+			hdr.ungpow  = fmax;
+			ret = writeData3D(fp_out, (float *)&cdata[0], &hdr, 2*nw, 1);
+            if (ret < 0 ) verr("error on writing output file.");
+			/* read next hdr of next trace */
+			nread = fread( &hdr, 1, TRCBYTES, fp );
+			if (nread != TRCBYTES) { 
+				one_shot = 0;
+				end_of_file = 1;
+				break;
+			}
+			if ((sx_shot != hdr.sx) || (sy_shot != hdr.sy) || (fldr_shot != hdr.fldr)) break;
+		}
+		if (verbose) {
+			vmess("finished reading shot x=%li y=%li (%li) with %li traces",sx_shot,sy_shot,igath,itrace);
+		}
+		if (itrace != 0) { /* end of shot record */
+			fseek( fp, -TRCBYTES, SEEK_CUR );
+			igath++;
+		}
+		else {
+			end_of_file = 1;
+		}
+	}
+	free(ctrace);
+	free(trace);
+	exit(0);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/marchenko3D/getFileInfo3DW.c b/marchenko3D/getFileInfo3DW.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f7e02203f79ac2916a8b0e60646e81f3b0dae161
--- /dev/null
+++ b/marchenko3D/getFileInfo3DW.c
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+#define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "segy.h"
+#define MAX(x,y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
+#define MIN(x,y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
+#define NINT(x) ((long)((x)>0.0?(x)+0.5:(x)-0.5))
+* gets sizes, sampling and min/max values of a SU file
+*   AUTHOR:
+*           Jan Thorbecke (janth@xs4all.nl)
+*           The Netherlands 
+void vmess(char *fmt, ...);
+void verr(char *fmt, ...);
+int optncr(int n);
+long getFileInfo3DW(char *filename, long *n1, long *n2, long *n3, long *ngath,
+    float *d1, float *d2, float *d3, float *f1, float *f2, float *f3, float *fmin, float *fmax,
+    float *sclsxgxsygy, long *nxm)
+    FILE    *fp;
+    size_t  nread, data_sz;
+	off_t   bytes, ret, trace_sz, ntraces;
+    long     sx_shot, sy_shot, gx_start, gx_end, gy_start, gy_end, itrace, one_shot, igath, end_of_file, fldr_shot;
+    long     verbose=1, igy, nsx, nsy;
+    float   scl, *trace, dxsrc, dxrcv, dysrc, dyrcv;
+    segy    hdr;
+    if (filename == NULL) { /* read from input pipe */
+		*n1=0;
+		*n2=0;
+        *n3=0;
+		return -1; /* Input pipe */
+	}
+    else fp = fopen( filename, "r" );
+	if (fp == NULL) verr("File %s does not exist or cannot be opened", filename);
+    nread = fread( &hdr, 1, TRCBYTES, fp );
+    assert(nread == TRCBYTES);
+    ret = fseeko( fp, 0, SEEK_END );
+	if (ret<0) perror("fseeko");
+    bytes = ftello( fp );
+    *n1 = hdr.ep;
+    if ( (hdr.trid == 1) && (hdr.dt != 0) ) {
+        *d1 = ((float) hdr.dt)*1.e-6;
+        *f1 = ((float) hdr.delrt)/1000.;
+    }
+    else {
+        *d1 = hdr.d1;
+        *f1 = hdr.f1;
+    }
+    *f2 = hdr.f2;
+    *f3 = hdr.gy;
+    *fmin = hdr.unscale;
+    *fmax = hdr.ungpow;
+    data_sz = sizeof(float)*(hdr.ns);
+    trace_sz = sizeof(float)*(hdr.ns)+TRCBYTES;
+    ntraces  = (long) (bytes/trace_sz);
+    if (hdr.scalco < 0) scl = 1.0/fabs((float)hdr.scalco);
+    else if (hdr.scalco == 0) scl = 1.0;
+    else scl = hdr.scalco;
+	*sclsxgxsygy = scl;
+    /* check to find out number of traces in shot gather */
+    one_shot = 1;
+    itrace   = 1;
+    igy      = 1;
+    fldr_shot = hdr.fldr;
+    sx_shot  = hdr.sx;
+    sy_shot = hdr.sy;
+    gx_start = hdr.gx;
+    gy_start = hdr.gy;
+    gy_end = gy_start;
+    trace = (float *)malloc(hdr.ns*sizeof(float));
+    fseeko( fp, TRCBYTES, SEEK_SET );
+    while (one_shot) {
+        nread = fread( trace, sizeof(float), hdr.ns, fp );
+        assert (nread == hdr.ns);
+        if (hdr.gy != gy_end) {
+            gy_end = hdr.gy;
+            igy++;
+        }
+        gx_end = hdr.gx;
+        nread = fread( &hdr, 1, TRCBYTES, fp );
+        if (nread==0) break;
+        if ((sx_shot != hdr.sx) || (sy_shot != hdr.sy) || (fldr_shot != hdr.fldr) ) break;
+        itrace++;
+    }
+    if (itrace>1) {
+        *n2 = itrace/igy;
+        *n3 = igy;
+        if (*n2>1) {
+            dxrcv  = (float)(gx_end - gx_start)/(float)(*n2-1);
+        }
+        else {
+            dxrcv  = 1.0/scl;
+        }
+        if (*n3>1) {
+            dyrcv = (float)(gy_end - gy_start)/(float)(*n3-1);
+        }
+        else {
+            dyrcv  = 1.0/scl;
+        }
+        *d2 = fabs(dxrcv)*scl;
+        *d3 = fabs(dyrcv)*scl;
+        if (NINT(dxrcv*1e3) != NINT(fabs(hdr.d2)*1e3)) {
+            if (dxrcv != 0) *d2 = fabs(dxrcv)*scl;
+            else *d2 = hdr.d2;
+        }
+    }
+    else {
+        *n2 = MAX(hdr.trwf, 1);
+        *n3 = 1;
+        *d2 = hdr.d2;
+        *d3 = 1.0;
+        dxrcv = hdr.d2;
+        dyrcv = 0.0;
+    }  
+/* check if the total number of traces (ntraces) is correct */
+/* expensive way to find out how many gathers there are */
+//	fprintf(stderr, "ngath = %li dxrcv=%f d2=%f scl=%f \n", *ngath, dxrcv, *d2, scl);
+    if (*ngath == 0) {
+		*n2 = 0;
+        *n3 = 0;
+        end_of_file = 0;
+        one_shot    = 1;
+        igath       = 0;
+        fseeko( fp, 0, SEEK_SET );
+        dxrcv = *d2;
+        dyrcv = *d3;
+        while (!end_of_file) {
+            nread = fread( &hdr, 1, TRCBYTES, fp );
+            if (nread != TRCBYTES) { break; }
+    		fldr_shot = hdr.fldr;
+            sx_shot   = hdr.sx;
+            gx_start  = hdr.gx;
+            gx_end    = hdr.gx;
+            sy_shot   = hdr.sy;
+            gy_start  = hdr.gy;
+            gy_end    = hdr.gy;
+            itrace = 1;
+            igy = 1;
+            while (one_shot) {
+                fseeko( fp, data_sz, SEEK_CUR );
+                if (hdr.gx != gx_end) dxrcv = MIN(dxrcv,labs(hdr.gx-gx_end));
+                if (hdr.gy != gy_end) {
+                    igy++;
+                    gy_end = hdr.gy;
+                    dyrcv = MIN(dyrcv,labs(hdr.gy-gy_end));
+                }
+                gx_end = hdr.gx;
+                nread = fread( &hdr, 1, TRCBYTES, fp );
+                if (nread != TRCBYTES) {
+                    one_shot = 0;
+                    end_of_file = 1;
+                    break;
+                }
+        		if ((sx_shot != hdr.sx) || (sy_shot != hdr.sy) || (fldr_shot != hdr.fldr)) break;
+                itrace++;
+            }
+            if (itrace>1) {
+                *n2 = MAX(itrace/igy,*n2);
+                *n3 = igy;
+                if (*n2>1) {
+                    dxrcv  = (float)(gx_end - gx_start)/(float)(*n2-1);
+                }
+                else {
+                    dxrcv  = 1.0/scl;
+                }
+                if (*n3>1) {
+                    dyrcv = (float)(gy_end - gy_start)/(float)(*n3-1);
+                }
+                else {
+                    dyrcv  = 1.0/scl;
+                }
+                dxsrc  = (float)(hdr.sx - sx_shot)*scl;
+                dysrc = (float)(hdr.sy - sy_shot)*scl;
+            }
+            else {
+                *n2 = MAX(MAX(hdr.trwf, 1),*n2);
+                *n3 = 1;
+                *d2 = hdr.d2;
+                *d3 = 1.0;
+                dxrcv = hdr.d2/scl;
+                dyrcv = 1.0/scl;
+            }
+            if (verbose>1) {
+                fprintf(stderr," . Scanning shot %li (%li) with %li traces dxrcv=%.2f dxsrc=%.2f %li %li dyrcv=%.2f dysrc=%.2f %li %li\n",sx_shot,igath,itrace,dxrcv*scl,dxsrc,gx_end,gx_start,dyrcv*scl,dysrc,gy_end,gy_start);
+            }
+            if (itrace != 0) { /* end of shot record */
+                fseeko( fp, -TRCBYTES, SEEK_CUR );
+                igath++;
+            }
+            else {
+                end_of_file = 1;
+            }
+        }
+        *ngath = igath;
+        *d2 = dxrcv*scl;
+        *d3 = dyrcv*scl;
+    }
+    else {
+        /* read last trace header */
+        fseeko( fp, -trace_sz, SEEK_END );
+        nread = fread( &hdr, 1, TRCBYTES, fp );
+		*ngath = ntraces/((*n2)*(*n3));
+    }
+//    *nxm = NINT((*xmax-*xmin)/dxrcv)+1;
+	*nxm = (long)ntraces;
+    fclose( fp );
+    free(trace);
+    return 0;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/marchenko3D/marchenko3D.c b/marchenko3D/marchenko3D.c
index 622c5dd6589a4dd4bdf321b5ce0dcdb7fea610ff..02047cb1c5bb45d0209753d62ddfcafe6a347c7f 100644
--- a/marchenko3D/marchenko3D.c
+++ b/marchenko3D/marchenko3D.c
@@ -46,7 +46,11 @@ void convol(float *data1, float *data2, float *con, long nrec, long nsam, float
 void applyMute3D(float *data, long *mute, long smooth, long above, long Nfoc, long nxs, long nys, long nt, long *xrcvsyn, long *yrcvsyn, long npos, long shift);
-long getFileInfo3D(char *filename, long *n1, long *n2, long *n3, long *ngath, float *d1, float *d2, float *d3, float *f1, float *f2, float *f3,
+long getFileInfo3D(char *filename, long *n1, long *n2, long *n3, long *ngath,
+    float *d1, float *d2, float *d3, float *f1, float *f2, float *f3,
+    float *sclsxgxsygy, long *nxm);
+long getFileInfo3DW(char *filename, long *n1, long *n2, long *n3, long *ngath,
+    float *d1, float *d2, float *d3, float *f1, float *f2, float *f3, float *fmin, float *fmax,
     float *sclsxgxsygy, long *nxm);
 long readData3D(FILE *fp, float *data, segy *hdrs, long n1);
 long writeData3D(FILE *fp, float *data, segy *hdrs, long n1, long n2);
@@ -175,7 +179,7 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
     complex *Refl, *Fop;
     char    *file_tinv, *file_shot, *file_green, *file_iter, *file_imag, *file_homg, *file_ampscl;
     char    *file_f1plus, *file_f1min, *file_gmin, *file_gplus, *file_f2, *file_pmin, *file_inp;
-    char    *file_ray, *file_amp, *file_wav;
+    char    *file_ray, *file_amp, *file_wav, *file_shotw;
     segy    *hdrs_out, *hdrs_Nfoc, *hdrs_iter;
     initargs(argc, argv);
@@ -185,6 +189,8 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
     t0   = wallclock_time();
     if (!getparstring("file_shot", &file_shot)) file_shot = NULL;
+    if (!getparstring("file_shotw", &file_shotw)) file_shotw = NULL;
+        if (file_shot==NULL && file_shotw==NULL) verr("No input for the shot data given");
     if (!getparstring("file_tinv", &file_tinv)) file_tinv = NULL;
     if (!getparstring("file_ray", &file_ray)) file_ray = NULL;
     if (!getparstring("file_amp", &file_amp)) file_amp = NULL;
@@ -203,8 +209,8 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
     if (file_homg!=NULL && file_inp==NULL) verr("Cannot create HomG if no file_inp is given");
     if (!getparstring("file_ampscl", &file_ampscl)) file_ampscl = NULL;
     if (!getparlong("verbose", &verbose)) verbose = 0;
-    if (file_tinv == NULL && file_shot == NULL) 
-        verr("file_tinv and file_shot cannot be both input pipe");
+    if (file_tinv == NULL && file_shot == NULL && file_shotw == NULL) 
+        verr("file_tinv, file_shotw and file_shot cannot be both input pipe");
     if (!getparstring("file_green", &file_green)) {
         if (verbose) vwarn("parameter file_green not found, assume pipe");
         file_green = NULL;
@@ -265,9 +271,16 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
         fxsb = f2;
         fysb = f3;
+    if (verbose) vmess("Retrieved file info of the first arrivals");
     ngath = 0; /* setting ngath=0 scans all traces; nx contains maximum traces/gather */
-    ret = getFileInfo3D(file_shot, &nt, &nx, &ny, &ngath, &d1, &dx, &dy, &ft, &fx, &fy, &scl, &ntraces);
+    if (file_shot!=NULL) {
+        ret = getFileInfo3D(file_shot, &nt, &nx, &ny, &ngath, &d1, &dx, &dy, &ft, &fx, &fy, &scl, &ntraces);
+    }
+    else if (file_shotw!=NULL) {
+        ret = getFileInfo3DW(file_shotw, &nt, &nx, &ny, &ngath, &d1, &dx, &dy, &ft, &fx, &fy, &fmin, &fmax, &scl, &ntraces);
+    }
+    if (verbose) vmess("Retrieved file info of the shot data");
     nshots = ngath;
     assert (nxs*nys >= nshots);
@@ -334,6 +347,7 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
         readTinvData3D(file_tinv, xrcvsyn, yrcvsyn, xsyn, ysyn, zsyn, xnxsyn, Nfoc,
             nxs, nys, ntfft, mode, muteW, G_d, hw, verbose);
+    if (verbose) vmess("Read in first arrivals");
     /* reading data added zero's to the number of time samples to be the same as ntfft */
     nts   = ntfft;
@@ -430,9 +444,17 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
 /*================ Reading shot records ================*/
-    mode=1;
-    readShotData3D(file_shot, xrcv, yrcv, xsrc, ysrc, zsrc, xnx, Refl, nw,
+    if (file_shot!=NULL) {
+        mode=1;
+        readShotData3D(file_shot, xrcv, yrcv, xsrc, ysrc, zsrc, xnx, Refl, nw,
         nw_low, nshots, nx, ny, ntfft, mode, scale, verbose);
+    }
+    else {
+        mode=0;
+        readShotData3D(file_shotw, xrcv, yrcv, xsrc, ysrc, zsrc, xnx, Refl, nw,
+        nw_low, nshots, nx, ny, ntfft, mode, scale, verbose);
+    }
+    mode=1;
     tapersh = (float *)malloc(nx*sizeof(float));
     if (tap == 2 || tap == 3) {
@@ -934,12 +956,12 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
             hdrs_Nfoc[0].sx      = xsyn[0]*(1e3);
             hdrs_Nfoc[0].sy      = ysyn[0]*(1e3);
             hdrs_Nfoc[0].sdepth  = zsyn[0]*(1e3);
-            hdrs_Nfoc[0].f1      = roundf(zsyn[0]*100.0)/100.0;
-            hdrs_Nfoc[0].f2      = roundf(xsyn[0]*100.0)/100.0;
-            hdrs_Nfoc[0].ungpow  = roundf(xsyn[0]*100.0)/100.0;
-            hdrs_Nfoc[0].d1      = roundf(dzim*100.0)/100.0;
-            hdrs_Nfoc[0].d2      = roundf(dxs*100.0)/100.0;
-            hdrs_Nfoc[0].unscale = roundf(dys*100.0)/100.0;
+            hdrs_Nfoc[0].f1      = roundf(zsyn[0]*1000.0)/1000.0;
+            hdrs_Nfoc[0].f2      = roundf(xsyn[0]*1000.0)/1000.0;
+            hdrs_Nfoc[0].ungpow  = roundf(ysyn[0]*1000.0)/1000.0;
+            hdrs_Nfoc[0].d1      = roundf(dzim*1000.0)/1000.0;
+            hdrs_Nfoc[0].d2      = roundf(dxs*1000.0)/1000.0;
+            hdrs_Nfoc[0].unscale = roundf(dys*1000.0)/1000.0;
             hdrs_Nfoc[0].dt      = (int)(dt*(1E6));
             if (fp_imag==NULL) verr("error on creating output file %s", file_imag);
@@ -1011,12 +1033,12 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
             hdrs_Nfoc[0].sx      = sx[0];
             hdrs_Nfoc[0].sy      = sy[0];
             hdrs_Nfoc[0].sdepth  = sz[0];
-            hdrs_Nfoc[0].f1      = zsyn[0];
-            hdrs_Nfoc[0].f2      = xsyn[0];
-            hdrs_Nfoc[0].ungpow  = xsyn[0];
-            hdrs_Nfoc[0].d1      = dzim;
-            hdrs_Nfoc[0].d2      = dxs;
-            hdrs_Nfoc[0].unscale = dys;
+            hdrs_Nfoc[0].f1      = roundf(zsyn[0]*100.0)/1000.0;
+            hdrs_Nfoc[0].f2      = roundf(xsyn[0]*1000.0)/1000.0;
+            hdrs_Nfoc[0].ungpow  = roundf(ysyn[0]*1000.0)/1000.0;
+            hdrs_Nfoc[0].d1      = roundf(dzim*1000.0)/1000.0;
+            hdrs_Nfoc[0].d2      = roundf(dxs*1000.0)/1000.0;
+            hdrs_Nfoc[0].unscale = roundf(dys*1000.0)/1000.0;
             hdrs_Nfoc[0].dt      = (int)(dt*(1E6));
             ret = writeData3D(fp_homg, (float *)&HomG[0], hdrs_Nfoc, nzim*nyim*nxim*ntfft, 1);
diff --git a/marchenko3D/readShotData3D.c b/marchenko3D/readShotData3D.c
index 2dc337f5c61b8a4a82fbc4ac7450d12e6bc6e615..3c477da2690f23fe5549defbcfa7b4d0b7e02002 100644
--- a/marchenko3D/readShotData3D.c
+++ b/marchenko3D/readShotData3D.c
@@ -16,7 +16,9 @@ int optncr(int n);
 void cc1fft(complex *data, int n, int sign);
 void rc1fft(float *rdata, complex *cdata, int n, int sign);
-long readShotData3D(char *filename, float *xrcv, float *yrcv, float *xsrc, float *ysrc, float *zsrc, long *xnx, complex *cdata, long nw, long nw_low, long nshots, long nx, long ny, long ntfft, long mode, float scale, long verbose)
+long readShotData3D(char *filename, float *xrcv, float *yrcv, float *xsrc, float *ysrc, float *zsrc,
+	long *xnx, complex *cdata, long nw, long nw_low, long nshots, long nx, long ny, long ntfft,
+	long mode, float scale, long verbose)
 	FILE *fp;
 	segy hdr;
@@ -56,8 +58,14 @@ long readShotData3D(char *filename, float *xrcv, float *yrcv, float *xsrc, float
 	nt = hdr.ns;
 	dt = hdr.dt/(1E6);
-	trace  = (float *)calloc(ntfft,sizeof(float));
-	ctrace = (complex *)malloc(ntfft*sizeof(complex));
+	if (mode==0){
+		trace  = (float *)calloc(2*nw,sizeof(float));
+		ctrace = (complex *)malloc(nw*sizeof(complex));
+	}
+	else {
+		trace  = (float *)calloc(ntfft,sizeof(float));
+		ctrace = (complex *)malloc(ntfft*sizeof(complex));
+	}
 	isx = (long *)malloc((nxy*nshots)*sizeof(long));
 	igx = (long *)malloc((nxy*nshots)*sizeof(long));
 	isy = (long *)malloc((nxy*nshots)*sizeof(long));
@@ -94,17 +102,30 @@ long readShotData3D(char *filename, float *xrcv, float *yrcv, float *xsrc, float
 			xrcv[igath*nxy+itrace] = hdr.gx*scl;
 			yrcv[igath*nxy+itrace] = hdr.gy*scl;
-			nread = fread( trace, sizeof(float), nt, fp );
-			assert (nread == hdr.ns);
+			if (mode==0) {
+				nread = fread( trace, sizeof(float), 2*nw, fp );
+				assert (nread == hdr.ns);
-			/* transform to frequency domain */
-			if (ntfft > hdr.ns) 
-			memset( &trace[nt-1], 0, sizeof(float)*(ntfft-nt) );
-			rc1fft(trace,ctrace,(int)ntfft,-1);
-			for (iw=0; iw<nw; iw++) {
-				cdata[igath*nxy*nw+iw*nxy+itrace].r = scale*ctrace[nw_low+iw].r;
-				cdata[igath*nxy*nw+iw*nxy+itrace].i = scale*mode*ctrace[nw_low+iw].i;
+				for (iw=0; iw<nw; iw++) {
+					cdata[igath*nxy*nw+iw*nxy+itrace].r = trace[(iw*2)];
+					cdata[igath*nxy*nw+iw*nxy+itrace].i = trace[(iw*2)+1];
+				}
+				//nread = fread(&cdata[igath*nxy*nw+iw*nxy+itrace].r, sizeof(float), 2*nw, fp);
+				//assert (nread == hdr.ns);
+			}
+			else {
+				nread = fread( trace, sizeof(float), nt, fp );
+				assert (nread == hdr.ns);
+				/* transform to frequency domain */
+				if (ntfft > hdr.ns) 
+				memset( &trace[nt-1], 0, sizeof(float)*(ntfft-nt) );
+				rc1fft(trace,ctrace,(int)ntfft,-1);
+				for (iw=0; iw<nw; iw++) {
+					cdata[igath*nxy*nw+iw*nxy+itrace].r = scale*ctrace[nw_low+iw].r;
+					cdata[igath*nxy*nw+iw*nxy+itrace].i = scale*mode*ctrace[nw_low+iw].i;
+				}
diff --git a/raytime3d/getParameters3d.c b/raytime3d/getParameters3d.c
index 24c70664c7b9ed01245e4cf9f2444a431c146397..5c5952ee05a3bcfaffdc946259ccd05d33950d74 100644
--- a/raytime3d/getParameters3d.c
+++ b/raytime3d/getParameters3d.c
@@ -346,12 +346,12 @@ long getParameters3d(modPar *mod, recPar *rec, srcPar *src, shotPar *shot, rayPa
 		if (rec->n) {
 			dyrcv = rec->yr[rec->nx]-rec->yr[0];
 			dxrcv = rec->xr[MIN(1,rec->n-1)]-rec->xr[0];
-			dzrcv = rec->zr[MIN(1,rec->n-1)]-rec->zr[0];
+			dzrcv = rec->zr[rec->n-1]-rec->zr[0];
 			vmess("************* receiver info ***************");
 			vmess("ntrcv   = %li nrcv    = %li ", rec->nt, rec->n);
-			vmess("nxrcv   = %li nyrcv   = %li ", rec->nx, rec->ny);
+			vmess("nxrcv   = %li nyrcv   = %li nzrcv   = %li ", rec->nx, rec->ny, rec->nz);
 			vmess("dzrcv   = %f dxrcv   = %f dyrcv   = %f ", dzrcv, dxrcv, dyrcv);
 			vmess("Receiver array at coordinates: ");
 			vmess("zmin    = %f zmax    = %f ", rec->zr[0]+sub_z0, rec->zr[rec->n-1]+sub_z0);
diff --git a/raytime3d/raytime3d.h b/raytime3d/raytime3d.h
index 14867d9687f70841a2e460043d533ae31df8757f..2c9f308e489e23603f3a4d66876cff791273c841 100644
--- a/raytime3d/raytime3d.h
+++ b/raytime3d/raytime3d.h
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ typedef struct _receiverPar { /* Receiver Parameters */
 	long n;
 	long nx;
 	long ny;
+	long nz;
 	long nt;
 	long max_nrec;
 	long *z;
diff --git a/raytime3d/recvPar3D.c b/raytime3d/recvPar3D.c
index 0ceb2dfcfc98b8b61294cbbb1e85c4f8410b5ed4..3065ae6ce64935d9e30c4ae526d17063f9b5f92e 100644
--- a/raytime3d/recvPar3D.c
+++ b/raytime3d/recvPar3D.c
@@ -28,13 +28,13 @@ long recvPar3D(recPar *rec, float sub_x0, float sub_y0, float sub_z0,
 	float dx, float dy, float dz, long nx, long ny, long nz)
 	float   *xrcv1, *xrcv2, *yrcv1, *yrcv2, *zrcv1, *zrcv2;
-	long    i, ix, iy, ir, verbose;
+	long    i, ix, iy, iz, ir, verbose;
 	float   dxrcv, dyrcv, dzrcv, *dxr, *dyr, *dzr;
 	float   rrcv, dphi, oxrcv, oyrcv, ozrcv, arcv;
 	double  circ, h, a, b, e, s, xr, yr, zr, dr, srun, phase;
 	float   xrange, yrange, zrange, sub_x1, sub_y1, sub_z1;
 	long    Nx1, Nx2, Ny1, Ny2, Nz1, Nz2, Ndx, Ndy, Ndz, iarray, nrec, nh;
-	long    nxrcv, nyrcv, nzrcv, ncrcv, nrcv, ntrcv, *nlxrcv, *nlyrcv;
+	long    nxrcv, nyrcv, nzrcv, ncrcv, nrcv, ntrcv, *nlxrcv, *nlyrcv, *nlzrcv;
 	float   *xrcva, *yrcva, *zrcva;
 	char*   rcv_txt;
 	FILE    *fp;
@@ -267,21 +267,45 @@ long recvPar3D(recPar *rec, float sub_x0, float sub_y0, float sub_z0,
 		nrcv = 0;
         nlxrcv=(long *)malloc(Nx1*sizeof(long));
         nlyrcv=(long *)malloc(Nx1*sizeof(long));
+        nlzrcv=(long *)malloc(Nx1*sizeof(long));
 		for (iarray=0; iarray<Nx1; iarray++) {
 			xrange = (xrcv2[iarray]-xrcv1[iarray]); 
 			yrange = (yrcv2[iarray]-yrcv1[iarray]); 
 			zrange = (zrcv2[iarray]-zrcv1[iarray]); 
-			if (dxr[iarray] != 0.0 && dyr[iarray] != 0.0) {
+			if (dxr[iarray] != 0.0 && dyr[iarray] != 0.0 && dzr[iarray] != 0.0) {
 				nlxrcv[iarray] = NINT(fabs(xrange/dxr[iarray]))+1;
 				nlyrcv[iarray] = NINT(fabs(yrange/dyr[iarray]))+1;
+				nlzrcv[iarray] = NINT(fabs(zrange/dzr[iarray]))+1;
+			}
+			else if (dxr[iarray] != 0.0 && dyr[iarray] != 0.0) {
+				nlxrcv[iarray] = NINT(fabs(xrange/dxr[iarray]))+1;
+				nlyrcv[iarray] = NINT(fabs(yrange/dyr[iarray]))+1;
+				nlzrcv[iarray] = 1;
+			}
+			else if (dxr[iarray] != 0.0 && dzr[iarray] != 0.0) {
+				nlxrcv[iarray] = NINT(fabs(xrange/dxr[iarray]))+1;
+				nlyrcv[iarray] = 1;
+				nlzrcv[iarray] = NINT(fabs(zrange/dzr[iarray]))+1;
+			}
+			else if (dyr[iarray] != 0.0 && dzr[iarray] != 0.0) {
+				nlxrcv[iarray] = 1;
+				nlyrcv[iarray] = NINT(fabs(yrange/dyr[iarray]))+1;
+				nlzrcv[iarray] = NINT(fabs(zrange/dzr[iarray]))+1;
 			else if (dxr[iarray] != 0.0) {
 				nlxrcv[iarray] = NINT(fabs(xrange/dxr[iarray]))+1;
 				nlyrcv[iarray] = 1;
+				nlzrcv[iarray] = 1;
 			else if (dyr[iarray] != 0.0) {
 				nlxrcv[iarray] = 1;
 				nlyrcv[iarray] = NINT(fabs(yrange/dyr[iarray]))+1;
+				nlzrcv[iarray] = 1;
+			}
+			else if (dzr[iarray] != 0.0) {
+				nlxrcv[iarray] = 1;
+				nlyrcv[iarray] = 1;
+				nlzrcv[iarray] = NINT(fabs(zrange/dzr[iarray]))+1;
 			else {
 				if (dzr[iarray] == 0) {
@@ -289,11 +313,13 @@ long recvPar3D(recPar *rec, float sub_x0, float sub_y0, float sub_z0,
 				nlxrcv[iarray] = NINT(fabs(zrange/dzr[iarray]))+1;
 				nlyrcv[iarray] = NINT(fabs(zrange/dzr[iarray]))+1;
+				nlzrcv[iarray] = NINT(fabs(zrange/dzr[iarray]))+1;
-            nrcv+=nlyrcv[iarray]*nlxrcv[iarray];
+            nrcv+=nlzrcv[iarray]*nlyrcv[iarray]*nlxrcv[iarray];
+        rec->nz=nlzrcv[0];
         /* Calculate Number of Receivers */
         if (verbose) vmess("Total number of linear array receivers: %li",nrcv);
@@ -309,6 +335,7 @@ long recvPar3D(recPar *rec, float sub_x0, float sub_y0, float sub_z0,
+            free(nlzrcv);
@@ -448,10 +475,12 @@ long recvPar3D(recPar *rec, float sub_x0, float sub_y0, float sub_z0,
 			yrange = (yrcv2[iarray]-yrcv1[iarray]); 
 			zrange = (zrcv2[iarray]-zrcv1[iarray]); 
 			if (dxr[iarray] != 0.0) {
-				nrcv = nlyrcv[iarray]*nlxrcv[iarray];
+				nrcv = nlzrcv[iarray]*nlyrcv[iarray]*nlxrcv[iarray];
 				dxrcv = dxr[iarray];
-				dyrcv = yrange/(nlyrcv[iarray]-1);
-				dzrcv = zrange/(nlxrcv[iarray]-1);
+				if (nlyrcv[iarray]<2) dyrcv=0.0;
+				else dyrcv = yrange/(nlyrcv[iarray]-1);
+				if (nlzrcv[iarray]<2) dzrcv=0.0;
+				else dzrcv = zrange/(nlzrcv[iarray]-1);
 				if (dyrcv != dyr[iarray]) {
 					vwarn("For receiver array %li: calculated dyrcv=%f given=%f", iarray, dyrcv, dyr[iarray]);
 					vwarn("The calculated receiver distance %f is used", dyrcv);
@@ -462,10 +491,12 @@ long recvPar3D(recPar *rec, float sub_x0, float sub_y0, float sub_z0,
             else if (dyr[iarray] != 0.0) {
-				nrcv = nlyrcv[iarray]*nlxrcv[iarray];
-				dxrcv = xrange/(nlxrcv[iarray]-1);
+				nrcv = nlzrcv[iarray]*nlyrcv[iarray]*nlxrcv[iarray];
+				if (nlxrcv[iarray]<2) dxrcv=0.0;
+				else dxrcv = xrange/(nlxrcv[iarray]-1);
 				dyrcv = dyr[iarray];
-				dzrcv = zrange/(nlxrcv[iarray]-1);
+				if (nlzrcv[iarray]<2) dzrcv=0.0;
+				else dzrcv = zrange/(nlzrcv[iarray]-1);
 				if (dxrcv != dxr[iarray]) {
 					vwarn("For receiver array %li: calculated dxrcv=%f given=%f", iarray, dxrcv, dxr[iarray]);
 					vwarn("The calculated receiver distance %f is used", dxrcv);
@@ -479,10 +510,10 @@ long recvPar3D(recPar *rec, float sub_x0, float sub_y0, float sub_z0,
 				if (dzr[iarray] == 0) {
 					verr("For receiver array %li: receiver distance dzrcv is not given", iarray);
-				nrcv = nlyrcv[iarray]*nlxrcv[iarray];
+				nrcv = nlzrcv[iarray]*nlyrcv[iarray]*nlxrcv[iarray];
 				dxrcv = xrange/(nrcv-1);
 				dyrcv = yrange/(nrcv-1);
-				dzrcv = dzr[iarray];
+				dzrcv = zrange/(nrcv-1);
 				if (dxrcv != dxr[iarray]) {
 					vwarn("For receiver array %li: calculated dxrcv=%f given=%f", iarray, dxrcv, dxr[iarray]);
 					vwarn("The calculated receiver distance %f is used", dxrcv);
@@ -494,18 +525,20 @@ long recvPar3D(recPar *rec, float sub_x0, float sub_y0, float sub_z0,
 			// calculate coordinates
-			for (iy=0; iy<nlyrcv[iarray]; iy++) {
-                for (ix=0; ix<nlxrcv[iarray]; ix++) {
-                    rec->xr[nrec]=xrcv1[iarray]-sub_x0+ix*dxrcv;
-                    rec->yr[nrec]=yrcv1[iarray]-sub_y0+iy*dyrcv;
-                    rec->zr[nrec]=zrcv1[iarray]-sub_z0+ix*dzrcv;
-                    rec->x[nrec]=NINT((rec->xr[nrec])/dx);
-                    rec->y[nrec]=NINT((rec->yr[nrec])/dy);
-                    rec->z[nrec]=NINT((rec->zr[nrec])/dz);
-                    nrec++;
-                }
-            }
+			for (iz=0; iz<nlzrcv[iarray]; iz++) {
+				for (iy=0; iy<nlyrcv[iarray]; iy++) {
+					for (ix=0; ix<nlxrcv[iarray]; ix++) {
+						rec->xr[nrec]=xrcv1[iarray]-sub_x0+ix*dxrcv;
+						rec->yr[nrec]=yrcv1[iarray]-sub_y0+iy*dyrcv;
+						rec->zr[nrec]=zrcv1[iarray]-sub_z0+iz*dzrcv;
+						rec->x[nrec]=NINT((rec->xr[nrec])/dx);
+						rec->y[nrec]=NINT((rec->yr[nrec])/dy);
+						rec->z[nrec]=NINT((rec->zr[nrec])/dz);
+						nrec++;
+					}
+				}
+			}
@@ -518,8 +551,9 @@ long recvPar3D(recPar *rec, float sub_x0, float sub_y0, float sub_z0,
+        free(nlzrcv);
 	return 0;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utils/combine.c b/utils/combine.c
index 55f5211c1ad1f4066597bd9bc246bb37173855d3..4c9da58af9762e7123d964c4714d139bb52e4ad4 100755
--- a/utils/combine.c
+++ b/utils/combine.c
@@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ char *sdoc[] = {
 " ",
 " combine - Combine results into a single result ",
 " ",
-" authors  : Joeri Brackenhoff	: (J.A.Brackenhoff@tudelft.nl)",
-"		   : Jan Thorbecke 		: (janth@xs4all.nl)",
+" authors  : Joeri Brackenhoff  : (J.A.Brackenhoff@tudelft.nl)",
+"          : Jan Thorbecke      : (janth@xs4all.nl)",
 " ",
 " Required parameters: ",
@@ -44,10 +44,11 @@ char *sdoc[] = {
 " Optional parameters: ",
 " ",
 "   compact=0 ................ Save format of input data (0=normal), (1=transpose), (2=compact)",
-"   file_out= ................ Filename of the output",
-"   numb= .................... integer number of first file",
-"   dnumb= ................... integer number of increment in files",
-"	nzmax= ................... Maximum number of files read",
+"   file_out=out.su .......... Filename of the output",
+"   numb=0 ................... integer number of first file",
+"   dnumb=1 .................. integer number of increment in files",
+"   nzmax=0 .................. Maximum number of files read",
+"   verbose=1 ................ Give detailed information of process",
 int main (int argc, char **argv)
@@ -69,9 +70,9 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
 	if (!getparstring("file_in", &fin)) fin = NULL;
     if (!getparstring("file_out", &fout)) fout = "out.su";
 	if (!getparlong("numb", &numb)) numb=0;
-	if (!getparlong("dnumb", &dnumb)) dnumb=0;
+	if (!getparlong("dnumb", &dnumb)) dnumb=1;
 	if (!getparlong("nzmax", &nzmax)) nzmax=0;
-	if (!getparlong("verbose", &verbose)) verbose=0;
+	if (!getparlong("verbose", &verbose)) verbose=1;
 	if (!getparlong("compact", &compact)) compact=0;
 	if (fin == NULL) verr("Incorrect downgoing input");
@@ -176,6 +177,9 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
 		if (compact==0) {
 			readSnapData3D(fin2, indata, hdr_in, nt, nx, ny, nz, 0, nx, 0, ny, 0, nz);
+			if (dz == 1.0) {
+				if (is==1) dz = hdr_in[0].f1-z0;
+			}
 			for (it = 0; it < nt; it++) {
 				for (iy = 0; iy < ny; iy++) {
 					for (ix = 0; ix < nx; ix++) {
@@ -188,6 +192,9 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
 		else if (compact==1) {
 			readSnapData3D(fin2, indata, hdr_in, nt, nz, ny, nx, 0, nz, 0, ny, 0, nx);
+			if (dz == 1.0) {
+				if (is==1) dz = hdr_in[0].f1-z0;
+			}
 			for (it = 0; it < nt; it++) {
 				for (iy = 0; iy < ny; iy++) {
 					for (ix = 0; ix < nx; ix++) {
@@ -200,6 +207,9 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
 		else if (compact==2) {
 			readSnapData3D(fin2, indata, hdr_in, 1, 1, 1, nx*ny*nz*nt, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, nx*ny*nz*nt);
+			if (dz == 1.0) {
+				if (is==1) dz = hdr_in[0].f1-z0;
+			}
 			for (it = 0; it < nt; it++) {
 				for (iy = 0; iy < ny; iy++) {
 					for (ix = 0; ix < nx; ix++) {
@@ -239,11 +249,11 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
 				hdr_out[iy*nx+ix].ns		= nz*nzs;
 				hdr_out[iy*nx+ix].trwf		= nx*ny;
 				hdr_out[iy*nx+ix].ntr		= hdr_out[iy*nx+ix].fldr*hdr_out[iy*nx+ix].trwf;
-				hdr_out[iy*nx+ix].f1		= z0;
-				hdr_out[iy*nx+ix].f2		= x0;
+				hdr_out[iy*nx+ix].f1		= roundf(z0*1000.0)/1000.0;
+				hdr_out[iy*nx+ix].f2		= roundf(x0*1000.0)/1000.0;
 				hdr_out[iy*nx+ix].dt		= dt;
-				hdr_out[iy*nx+ix].d1		= dz;
-				hdr_out[iy*nx+ix].d2		= dx;
+				hdr_out[iy*nx+ix].d1		= roundf(dz*1000.0)/1000.0;
+				hdr_out[iy*nx+ix].d2		= roundf(dx*1000.0)/1000.0;
 				hdr_out[iy*nx+ix].sx		= sx;
 				hdr_out[iy*nx+ix].gx		= (int)roundf(x0 + (ix*dx))*1000;
 				hdr_out[iy*nx+ix].sy		= sy;
diff --git a/utils/mutesnap.c b/utils/mutesnap.c
index 8676a680e401b102cd9f37e47d574f711c6e3137..037aae7dbed6892b003d5e2810ed87e979b19834 100644
--- a/utils/mutesnap.c
+++ b/utils/mutesnap.c
@@ -163,8 +163,8 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
     *   Apply the muting to the data
-    for (iy = 0; iy < nyh; iy++) {
-        for (iz = 0; iz < nzh; iz++) {
+    for (iz = 0; iz < nzh; iz++) {
+        for (iy = 0; iy < nyh; iy++) {
             for (ix = 0; ix < nxh; ix++) {
                 if (mode != 2) {
                     for (it = 0; it < nth; it++) {
@@ -183,17 +183,17 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
                 rmt = MAX(MIN(nth-indrcv,indrcv)-shift-smooth,0);
                 for (it = ht-rmt+1; it < ht+1; it++) {
                     if (it-(ht-rmt+1) < smooth) {
-                        homdata[it*nxh*nzh+ix*nzh+iz] *= costaper[it-(ht-rmt+1)];
-                        homdata[(nth-it)*nxh*nzh+ix*nzh+iz] *= costaper[it-(ht-rmt+1)];
+                        homdata[it*nyh*nxh*nzh+iy*nxh*nzh+ix*nzh+iz] *= costaper[it-(ht-rmt+1)];
+                        homdata[(nth-it)*nyh*nxh*nzh+iy*nxh*nzh+ix*nzh+iz] *= costaper[it-(ht-rmt+1)];
-                        homdata[it*nxh*nzh+ix*nzh+iz] = 0.0;
-                        homdata[(nth-it)*nxh*nzh+ix*nzh+iz] = 0.0;
+                        homdata[it*nyh*nxh*nzh+iy*nxh*nzh+ix*nzh+iz] = 0.0;
+                        homdata[(nth-it)*nyh*nxh*nzh+iy*nxh*nzh+ix*nzh+iz] = 0.0;
-            if (verbose) vmess("Muting Homogeneous Green's function at depth %li from %li depths",iz+1,nzh);
+        if (verbose) vmess("Muting Homogeneous Green's function at depth %li from %li depths",iz+1,nzh);
     if (smooth) free(costaper); 
diff --git a/utils/syn2d.c b/utils/syn2d.c
index 2e87e9e328784546ec256521a03703b94ab555a3..f8c01b91e6322445e4a0d7e6f8d4e5b70c6fc68f 100644
--- a/utils/syn2d.c
+++ b/utils/syn2d.c
@@ -242,7 +242,6 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
         if (verbose>=2) vmess("dimensions used: %d x %d",ntmax,nxmax);
 	if (!getparfloat("dt", &dt)) dt = d1;
-	fprintf(stderr,"dt=%e\n", dt);
     size     = ntmax * nxmax;
 	xrcv     = (float *)malloc(nxmax*sizeof(float));
@@ -501,6 +500,7 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
 		for (i = 0; i < n2; i++) {
             hdrs_out[i].ns     = n1;
+            hdrs_out[i].dt     = (unsigned short)(dt*1000000);
             hdrs_out[i].trid   = hdrs_in[i].trid;
             hdrs_out[i].f1     = f1;
             hdrs_out[i].f2     = f2;
@@ -510,7 +510,7 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
 			hdrs_out[i].trwf   = n2out;
 			hdrs_out[i].scalco = -1000;
 			hdrs_out[i].sx = NINT(xsyn[l]*1000);
-			hdrs_out[i].gx = NINT(1000*(f2+i*d2));
+			hdrs_out[i].gx = NINT(1000.0*(f2+i*d2));
 			hdrs_out[i].offset = (long)NINT((f2+i*d2) - xsyn[l]);
 			hdrs_out[i].scalel = -1000;
 			hdrs_out[i].selev  = NINT(zsyn[l]*1000);