From 562b5ed17b17cb727e248d28b5c6324d10392b22 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jan at TU-Delft <>
Date: Fri, 24 Nov 2017 08:15:29 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] added SI appplication for the calculation of virtual sources
 on receiver postions 3D

 corrvir/Makefile            |  47 +++
 corrvir/atopkge.c           |   1 +
 corrvir/corr.h              |  26 ++
 corrvir/correlate.c         |  97 +++++
 corrvir/corrvir.c           | 703 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 corrvir/demo/ |  20 +
 corrvir/docpkge.c           |   1 +
 corrvir/getFileInfo.c       |  43 +++
 corrvir/getpars.c           |   1 +
 corrvir/par.h               |   1 +
 corrvir/segy.h              | 326 +++++++++++++++++
 corrvir/wallclock_time.c    |   1 +
 12 files changed, 1267 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 corrvir/Makefile
 create mode 120000 corrvir/atopkge.c
 create mode 100644 corrvir/corr.h
 create mode 100644 corrvir/correlate.c
 create mode 100644 corrvir/corrvir.c
 create mode 100755 corrvir/demo/
 create mode 120000 corrvir/docpkge.c
 create mode 100644 corrvir/getFileInfo.c
 create mode 120000 corrvir/getpars.c
 create mode 120000 corrvir/par.h
 create mode 100644 corrvir/segy.h
 create mode 120000 corrvir/wallclock_time.c

diff --git a/corrvir/Makefile b/corrvir/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d39cd50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corrvir/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+# Makefile for corrvir
+include ../Make_include
+ALLINC  = -I.
+LIBS    += -L$L -lgenfft -lm 
+#OPTC += -g
+all: corrvir
+PRG = corrvir
+SRCC	= $(PRG).c \
+		getFileInfo.c \
+		correlate.c \
+		atopkge.c \
+		docpkge.c \
+		wallclock_time.c  \
+		getpars.c
+OBJC	= $(SRCC:%.c=%.o)
+$(PRG):	$(OBJC) corr.h
+	$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(OPTC) -o $(PRG)  $(OBJC) $(LIBS)
+install: $(PRG) 
+	cp $(PRG) $B
+		rm -f core $(OBJC) $(OBJM) $(PRG)
+		rm -f core $(OBJC) $(OBJM) $(PRG) $B/$(PRG) 
+print:	Makefile $(SRC)
+	$(PRINT) $?
+	@touch print
+	@wc $(SRC)
+	@tar cf $(PRG).tar Makefile $(SRC) && compress $(PRG).tar
diff --git a/corrvir/atopkge.c b/corrvir/atopkge.c
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..5107e2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corrvir/atopkge.c
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/corrvir/corr.h b/corrvir/corr.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9030ee5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corrvir/corr.h
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+typedef struct _tracePos { /* Type */
+	int gx;
+	int gy;
+	int gelev;
+} tracePos;
+typedef struct _traceCoord { /* Type */
+	int x;
+	int y;
+	int peg;
+	int fpos;
+} traceCoord;
+typedef struct _crgPos { /* Type */
+	int gx;
+	int gy;
+	int rpeg;
+	int gelev;
+	int nsrc;
+	traceCoord *src;
+} crgPos;
diff --git a/corrvir/correlate.c b/corrvir/correlate.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a4ae8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corrvir/correlate.c
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#ifndef MAX
+#define MAX(x,y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
+double wallclock_time(void);
+typedef struct { /* complex number */
+	float r,i;
+} complex;
+int correlate(complex *cmaster, complex *cslaves, int nfreq, int ncor, double *tcorr, int verbose)
+	int j, istation, icc;
+	double  t0, t1;
+	complex cC;
+	t0 = wallclock_time();
+	for (istation=0; istation<ncor; istation++) {
+		icc = istation*nfreq;
+#pragma ivdep
+		for (j=0; j<nfreq; j++) {
+			/* A*B */
+			cC.r = cmaster[j+icc].r*cslaves[icc+j].r+cmaster[j+icc].i*cslaves[icc+j].i;
+			cC.i = cmaster[j+icc].r*cslaves[icc+j].i-cmaster[j+icc].i*cslaves[icc+j].r;
+			/* AB* */
+//			cC.r = cmaster[j+icc].r*cslaves[icc+j].r+cmaster[j+icc].i*cslaves[icc+j].i;
+//			cC.i = -cmaster[j+icc].r*cslaves[icc+j].i+cmaster[j+icc].i*cslaves[icc+j].r;
+			/* A*B + AB* */
+//			cC.r = cmaster[j+icc].r*cslaves[icc+j].r+cmaster[j+icc].i*cslaves[icc+j].i;
+//			cC.i = 0.0;
+			cslaves[icc+j] = cC;
+		}
+	}
+	t1 = wallclock_time();
+	*tcorr += t1-t0;
+	return 0;
+int coherence(complex *cmaster, complex *cslaves, int nfreq, int ncor, float reps, float epsmax, double *tcorr, int verbose)
+	int j, istation, icc;
+	float maxden, *den, leps, am1, am2, scl;
+	double  t0, t1;
+	complex cC;
+	t0 = wallclock_time();
+    den = (float *)malloc(nfreq*ncor*sizeof(float));
+    assert(den != NULL);
+	for (istation=0; istation<ncor; istation++) {
+		icc = istation*nfreq;
+		for (j=0; j<nfreq; j++) {
+			am1 = sqrt(cmaster[j+icc].r*cmaster[j+icc].r+cmaster[j+icc].i*cmaster[j+icc].i);
+			am2 = sqrt(cslaves[j+icc].r*cslaves[j+icc].r+cslaves[j+icc].i*cslaves[j+icc].i);
+			den[j+icc] = am1*am2;
+		}
+	}
+    leps = reps*maxden;
+	for (istation=0; istation<ncor; istation++) {
+		icc = istation*nfreq;
+		maxden=0.0;
+		for (j=0; j<nfreq; j++) {
+			maxden = MAX(maxden, den[j+icc]);
+		}
+    	leps = reps*maxden;
+#pragma ivdep
+		for (j=0; j<nfreq; j++) {
+			/* A*B */
+	        if (den[j+icc]>epsmax*maxden) scl = 1.0/(den[j+icc]); 
+			else if (den[j+icc]<epsmax*maxden && den[j+icc]!=0) scl = 1.0/(den[j+icc]+leps);
+   	        else if (den[j+icc]==0) scl = 1.0;
+			cC.r = (cmaster[j+icc].r*cslaves[icc+j].r+cmaster[j+icc].i*cslaves[icc+j].i)*scl;
+			cC.i = (cmaster[j+icc].r*cslaves[icc+j].i-cmaster[j+icc].i*cslaves[icc+j].r)*scl;
+			cslaves[icc+j] = cC;
+		}
+	}
+	free(den);
+	t1 = wallclock_time();
+	*tcorr += t1-t0;
+	return 0;
diff --git a/corrvir/corrvir.c b/corrvir/corrvir.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10bf294
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corrvir/corrvir.c
@@ -0,0 +1,703 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "par.h"
+#include "corr.h"
+#include "segy.h" 
+#define MIN(x,y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
+#define MAX(x,y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
+double wallclock_time(void);
+typedef struct { /* complex number */
+        float r,i;
+} complex;
+void read_sutrace_at_position(FILE *fp, int itrace, complex *tracedata, complex *tracebuffer, int *trace_in_buffer, size_t *nbuffer, int ntfft, int nt, int nfreq, size_t nbufmax, size_t trace_sz, double *tread, double *tfft);
+int optncr(int n);
+void cr1fft(complex *cdata, float *data, int n, int sign);
+int getFileInfo(char *file_name, int *n1, int *n2, float *d1, float *d2, int verbose);
+int computeFFT(float *datain, int ld1, int nStart, int ntfft, int nfreq, int nstation, complex *cA, complex *cB, double *tfft, int verbose);
+int correlate(complex *cmaster, complex *cslaves, int nfreq, int ncor, double *tcorr, int verbose);
+int coherence(complex *cmaster, complex *cslaves, int nfreq, int ncor, float reps, float epsmax, double *tcorr, int verbose);
+* ntc output samples of correlation result
+* note that nt (the number of samples read by the IO routine)
+* should be 2*ntc and a number efficient for FFT's
+/*********************** self documentation **********************/
+char *sdoc[] = {
+" ",
+" corrvir - correlation to compute virtual shot records",
+"  ",
+" corrvir file_shots= file_out= [optional parameters]",
+"  ",
+" Required parameters: ",
+" ",
+"   file_shots= ....... filename of shots used to calculate virtual shots",
+"   file_out= ......... filename of the output file with the virtual shot records",
+"   nsources= ......... maximum number of actual shots in a common-receiver gather",
+"   nreceivers= ....... maximum number of receiver positions",
+"   xsrcv= ............ defines virtual-source x-positions",
+"   ysrcv= ............ defines virtual-source y-positions",
+" ",
+" Optional parameters: ",
+" ",
+"   derr = 0 ............ maximum tolerated error distance (m) between defined virtual-source position and receiver positions",
+"   fmax = 70 ........... maximum frequency to use in correlation",
+"   nbm = 4 ............. amount of memory (in GB) to buffer traces for reusage",
+"   nsrc_ctr = 1 ...... . minumum number of sources to contribute to Fresnel stack",
+"   normsrc = 0 ....... . normalize each correlated trace (before source summation)",
+"   normalize = 1 ....... normalize the virtual trace with the number of contributing sources",
+"   cohr = 0 ............ use cross-coherence:  {f1(w)*f2(w)/(|f1(w)|*|f2(w)|+eps)} ",
+"   reps = 0.0 .......... relative stabilization factor for cohr; eps=reps*|f1(w)|*|f2(w)|",
+"   epsmax = 0.1 ........ cut off range above which spectrum is flattened",
+"   src_sel = 0 ......... use all sources that are contributing ",
+"           = 1 ......... use only sources that are outside square area enclosing master and slave positions",
+"           = 2 ......... use only sources that are in donut",	
+"   bmin = 1 ............ define inner circle of donut",
+"   bmax = 4 ............ define outer circle of donut",
+" ",
+"   causal=1 .......... output causal(1), non-causal(2), both(3), or summed(4)",
+"   verbose=0 ......... silent option; >0 displays info",
+" ",
+" Notes: ",
+"    ntc is the number of output samples of correlation result",
+"    nt  is the number of samples per trace read by the IO routine, should be 2*ntc and a number efficient for FFT's",
+"    For causal=3: t=0 is sample nt/2 and trace goes from [-nt/2*dt - 0 - nt/2*dt]",
+" ",
+" Authors  : Jan Thorbecke : 2013 (",
+"            Boris Boullenger : 2015 (",
+" ",
+/**************** end self doc ***********************************/
+int main (int argc, char **argv)
+	int	i, j, k, ret, nshots, maxnfiles, nfiles;
+	int	size, n1, n2, ntfft, nf, ifreq, nfreq;
+	int     verbose, causal;
+	int     nt, nstation, ntc, nb, istation, jstation;
+	int     pgsz, istep, nsrc_ctr, nsrc, nsrcMaster, nsrcSlave;
+	size_t  outputSize, nwrite, cdatainSize, datainSize, cdataoutSize;
+	size_t  jstep, lsz, offset, trace_sz, nread;
+	int     ierr, itrace_out, done, cohr, normalize, normsrc;
+	int	storedrcv, storedsrc, src_sel, read_trace;
+	int 	nsources, nreceivers, jsource, ivirtual, ivrcv, ivsrc, isrcs, isrcm, ivs;
+	int	sxv, syv, sx, sy, svelev, sxm, sym, sxs, sys;
+	int	cx3, cy3, gxv, gyv, gvelev, gx, gy, gelev;
+	double	cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2;
+	int	distmc2, distsc2, distsc2min, distsc2max;
+	int 	bmin, bmax;  
+	int 	rpeg, speg, vrpeg, vspeg;
+	int	xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax;
+	int     *trace_in_buffer;
+	size_t  nbuffer, nbufmax, nbufmemory;
+	size_t ntrace;
+	int nbm;
+	crgPos *rcvSrc;
+	int ircv, *isrc, *nsrc_crg, *vsrc;
+	float	dx, fmax, df, d1, d2, scl, fscalco, sclfft;
+	float   dt, reps, epsmax;
+	float 	derr;
+	float	*r, *vtrace;
+	float 	diffx, diffy, dd, ddmin, ddtol;
+	float   *xsrcv, *ysrcv;
+	float   rms2, sclrms;
+	complex tmpcc; 
+	int     nxsrcv, nysrcv, nvsrc;
+	int	 	scalco;
+	complex *c, *cmaster, *cslaves, *tracebuffer;
+	double  t0, t1, t2, t3, tinit, tread, tfft, tcorr, twrite, tlogic, trdloc, tftloc, tcorrloc;
+	double  tread_ivs, tfft_ivs, tcorr_ivs, twrite_ivs, tlogic_ivs;
+	char	*file_shots, *file_out, filename[1024], basename[1200], base[1200], *pbase;
+	int     pe=0, root_pe=0, npes=1, ipe, size_s;
+	FILE *fpin, *fpout;
+	segy hdr;
+	segy *segy_hdrs;
+	segy outputhdr;
+	t0 = wallclock_time();
+	tinit = twrite = tread = tcorr = tfft = tlogic = 0.0;
+	initargs(argc, argv);
+	requestdoc(1);
+	if (!getparint("verbose", &verbose)) verbose = 0;
+	if (!getparstring("file_shots", &file_shots)) file_shots=NULL;
+	assert(file_shots != NULL);
+	if (!getparstring("file_out", &file_out)) file_out=NULL;
+	if (!getparint("nsources", &nsources)) nsources = 0;
+	assert(nsources!=0);
+	if (!getparint("nreceivers", &nreceivers)) nreceivers = 0;
+	assert(nreceivers!=0);
+	if (!getparint("nbm", &nbm)) nbm = 4;
+	nbufmemory=nbm;
+	if (!getparint("nsrc_ctr", &nsrc_ctr)) nsrc_ctr = 1;
+	if (!getparint("normsrc", &normsrc)) normsrc = 0;
+	if (!getparint("causal", &causal)) causal = 1;
+	if (!getparint("normalize", &normalize)) normalize = 1;
+	if (!getparint("cohr", &cohr)) cohr = 0;
+	if (!getparint("src_sel", &src_sel)) src_sel = 0;
+	if (!getparint("bmin", &bmin)) bmin = 1;
+	if (!getparint("bmax", &bmax)) bmax = 4;
+	if (!getparfloat("reps", &reps)) reps = 0.0;
+	if (!getparfloat("epsmax", &epsmax)) epsmax = 0.1;
+	if (!getparfloat("fmax", &fmax)) fmax = 70;
+	if (!getparfloat("derr", &derr)) derr = 0;
+	nxsrcv = countparval("xsrcv");
+	nysrcv = countparval("ysrcv");
+	if (nxsrcv != nysrcv) {
+		verr("Number of sources in array xsrcv (%d), ysrcv(%d) are not equal",nxsrcv, nysrcv);
+	}
+	xsrcv = (float *)malloc(nxsrcv*sizeof(float));
+	ysrcv = (float *)malloc(nxsrcv*sizeof(float));
+	getparfloat("xsrcv", xsrcv);
+	getparfloat("ysrcv", ysrcv);
+	getFileInfo(file_shots, &n1, &n2, &d1, &d2, verbose);
+	ntrace = n2;
+	nt = n1;
+	dt = d1;
+	fpin = fopen(file_shots, "r");
+	assert( fpin != NULL);
+	nread = fread( &hdr, 1, TRCBYTES, fpin );
+	assert(nread == TRCBYTES);
+	fpout = fopen(file_out, "w+");
+	fprintf(stderr,"nt=%d dt=%f ntrace=%ld\n",nt, dt, (long) ntrace);
+	t1 = wallclock_time();
+	tinit += t1-t0;
+	/*================ Read geometry of all traces in file_shots ================*/
+    	trace_sz = sizeof(float)*(n1)+TRCBYTES;
+	segy_hdrs = (segy *)calloc(ntrace,sizeof(segy));
+	assert(segy_hdrs != NULL);
+	for (i=0; i<ntrace; i++) {
+		offset = i*trace_sz;
+		ret = fseeko(fpin , offset, SEEK_SET);
+		if (ret<0) perror("fseeko");
+    		nread = fread( &segy_hdrs[i], 1, TRCBYTES, fpin );
+		assert(nread == TRCBYTES);
+	}
+	t2 = wallclock_time();
+	tread += t2-t1;
+	/*================ Sort traces in common receiver gathers ================*/
+	/* nreceivers is total number of receiver positions which is (much) smaller than the number of traces in the file */
+	/* Every receiver position has a number of sources: common receiver gather */
+	rcvSrc = (crgPos *)calloc(nreceivers,sizeof(crgPos));
+	for (i=0; i<nreceivers; i++) {
+		rcvSrc[i].src = (traceCoord *)calloc(nsources,sizeof(traceCoord));
+	}
+	rcvSrc[0].gx = segy_hdrs[0].gx;
+	rcvSrc[0].gy = segy_hdrs[0].gy;
+	rcvSrc[0].rpeg = segy_hdrs[0].gdel;
+	rcvSrc[0].gelev = segy_hdrs[0].gelev;
+	rcvSrc[0].src[0].x = segy_hdrs[0].sx;
+	rcvSrc[0].src[0].y = segy_hdrs[0].sy;
+	rcvSrc[0].src[0].peg = segy_hdrs[0].sdel;
+	scalco = segy_hdrs[0].scalco;
+	rcvSrc[0].src[0].fpos = 0;
+	rcvSrc[0].nsrc = 1;
+	ircv=1;
+	if (scalco < 0) fscalco = 1.0/(-1.0*scalco);
+	else fscalco = (float)scalco;
+	for (jstation=0; jstation<ntrace; jstation++) {
+		gx = segy_hdrs[jstation].gx;
+		gy = segy_hdrs[jstation].gy;
+		rpeg = segy_hdrs[jstation].gdel;
+		gelev = segy_hdrs[jstation].gelev;
+		sx = segy_hdrs[jstation].sx;
+		sy = segy_hdrs[jstation].sy;
+		speg = segy_hdrs[jstation].sdel;
+		/* bookkeeping: find out how many sources are contributing to each receiver position */
+		storedrcv = 0;
+		for (i=0; i<ircv; i++) {
+			if ( (rcvSrc[i].gx == gx) && (rcvSrc[i].gy == gy) ) {
+				storedrcv = 1;
+				storedsrc = 0;
+				for (j=0; j<rcvSrc[i].nsrc; j++) {
+					if ( (rcvSrc[i].src[j].x == sx) && (rcvSrc[i].src[j].y == sy) ) {
+						storedsrc=1;
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+				if ( !storedsrc ) {
+					rcvSrc[i].src[rcvSrc[i].nsrc].x = sx;
+					rcvSrc[i].src[rcvSrc[i].nsrc].y = sy;
+					rcvSrc[i].src[rcvSrc[i].nsrc].peg = speg;
+					rcvSrc[i].src[rcvSrc[i].nsrc].fpos = jstation;
+					rcvSrc[i].nsrc += 1;
+				}
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+		if ( !storedrcv ) {
+			if (verbose>=2) fprintf(stderr,"for jstation = %d  number of receiver positions %d\n",jstation, ircv+1);
+			rcvSrc[ircv].gx = gx;
+			rcvSrc[ircv].gy = gy;
+			rcvSrc[ircv].rpeg = rpeg;
+			rcvSrc[ircv].gelev = gelev;
+			rcvSrc[ircv].src[0].x = sx;
+			rcvSrc[ircv].src[0].y = sy;
+			rcvSrc[ircv].src[0].peg = speg;
+			rcvSrc[ircv].src[0].fpos = jstation;
+			rcvSrc[ircv].nsrc = 1;
+			ircv++;
+		}
+	}
+	fprintf(stderr,"number of receiver positions in file = %d \n",ircv);
+	nreceivers=ircv;
+	nsources = 0;
+	nsrc_crg = (int *)calloc(nreceivers,sizeof(int));
+	for (i=0; i<nreceivers; i++) {
+		nsrc_crg[i] = rcvSrc[i].nsrc;
+		nsources = MAX(nsources,rcvSrc[i].nsrc);
+        	if(verbose>=2) fprintf(stderr,"number of sources in receiver position %d = %d \n",i+1, rcvSrc[i].nsrc);
+	}
+	/*================ Find receiver positions corresponding to requested virtual-sources ================*/
+	if (nxsrcv) {
+		nvsrc = nxsrcv;
+		vsrc = (int *)malloc(nvsrc*sizeof(int));
+		ddtol= derr*derr;
+		for (j=0; j<nxsrcv; j++) {
+			diffx = xsrcv[j]- rcvSrc[0].gx*fscalco;
+			diffy = ysrcv[j]- rcvSrc[0].gy*fscalco;
+			ddmin = diffx*diffx+diffy*diffy;
+			vsrc[j] = 0;
+			for (i=1; i<nreceivers; i++) {
+				diffx = xsrcv[j]- rcvSrc[i].gx*fscalco;
+				diffy = ysrcv[j]- rcvSrc[i].gy*fscalco;
+				dd = diffx*diffx+diffy*diffy;
+				if (dd < ddmin ) {
+					ddmin = dd; 
+					vsrc[j] = i;
+				}
+			}
+			fprintf(stderr,"ddmin for requested vsrc position (%.2f,%.2f) = %.2f\n",xsrcv[j],ysrcv[j],ddmin);
+			if (ddmin <= ddtol) {
+				xsrcv[j]=rcvSrc[vsrc[j]].gx*fscalco;
+				ysrcv[j]=rcvSrc[vsrc[j]].gy*fscalco;
+				fprintf(stderr,"Found vsrc position: (%.2f,%.2f)\n",xsrcv[j],ysrcv[j]);		 	
+			}
+			else {
+			fprintf(stderr,"Error: Requested vsrc position (%.2f,%.2f) do not coincide with a rcv position\n",xsrcv[j],ysrcv[j]);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	else { /* all receivers are made virtual sources */
+		nvsrc = nreceivers;
+		vsrc = (int *)malloc(nvsrc*sizeof(int));
+		for (i=0; i<nreceivers; i++) {
+			vsrc[i] = i;
+		}
+	}
+	/*================ initializations ================*/
+	ntfft = optncr(2*nt);
+	nf    = ntfft/2+1;
+	df    = 1.0/(ntfft*dt);
+	nfreq = MIN(nf,(int)(fmax/df)+1);
+	sclfft= 1.0/((float)ntfft);
+//	for (j=0; j<MIN(rcvSrc[0].nsrc,rcvSrc[1].nsrc); j++) fprintf(stderr,"before allocs sx=%d sy=%d +1 sx=%d sx=%d\n",rcvSrc[0].src[j].x, rcvSrc[0].src[j].y, rcvSrc[1].src[j].x, rcvSrc[1].src[j].y);
+	nbuffer = 0;
+	nbufmax = (nbufmemory*1024*1024*1024/(nfreq*sizeof(complex))); /* number of traces in buffer */
+	tracebuffer = (complex *)malloc(nbufmax*nfreq*sizeof(complex));
+	trace_in_buffer = (int *)malloc(nbufmax*sizeof(int));
+	for (i=0; i<nbufmax; i++) trace_in_buffer[i] = -1;
+	/*================ for nvirtual shots find suitable receivers ================*/
+	cmaster = (complex *)malloc(nsources*nfreq*sizeof(complex));
+	cslaves = (complex *)malloc(nsources*nfreq*sizeof(complex));
+	vtrace = (float *)malloc(nt*sizeof(float));
+	r = (float *)malloc(ntfft*sizeof(float));
+	c = (complex *)malloc(nf*sizeof(complex));
+	t1 = wallclock_time();
+	tinit += t1-t2;
+	itrace_out=0;
+	for (ivs=0; ivs<nvsrc; ivs++) {/* loop over the number of virtual source positions to be created */
+		t1 = wallclock_time();
+		tread_ivs = tfft_ivs = tcorr_ivs = twrite_ivs = tlogic_ivs = 0.0;
+		ivsrc=vsrc[ivs];
+		sxv = rcvSrc[ivsrc].gx;
+		syv = rcvSrc[ivsrc].gy;
+		vspeg = rcvSrc[ivsrc].rpeg;
+		svelev = rcvSrc[ivsrc].gelev;
+		nsrcMaster = nsrc_crg[ivsrc];
+		for (ivrcv=0; ivrcv<nreceivers; ivrcv++) {
+			gxv = rcvSrc[ivrcv].gx;
+			gyv = rcvSrc[ivrcv].gy;
+			vrpeg = rcvSrc[ivrcv].rpeg;
+			gvelev = rcvSrc[ivrcv].gelev;
+			nsrcSlave = nsrc_crg[ivrcv];
+			if (src_sel == 1) {
+				xmin = MIN(gxv,sxv);
+				ymin = MIN(gyv,syv);
+				xmax = MAX(gxv,sxv);
+				ymax = MAX(gyv,syv);
+			}
+			if (src_sel == 2) {
+				cx1 = 0.5*(sxv+gxv);
+				cy1 = 0.5*(syv+gyv);
+				cx2 = ceil(cx1);
+				cy2 = ceil(cy1);
+				cx3 = cx2;
+				cy3 = cy2;
+				distmc2 = (sxv-cx3)*(sxv-cx3)+(syv-cy3)*(syv-cy3);
+				distsc2min = distmc2+bmin*bmin*distmc2;
+				distsc2max = distmc2+bmax*bmax*distmc2;
+				distsc2 = (sxv-cx3)*(sxv-cx3)+(syv-cy3)*(syv-cy3);
+			}
+			//fprintf(stderr,"ivsrc=%d sxv=%d nsrcMaster=%d ivrcv=%d gxv=%d nsrcSlave=%d\n", ivsrc, sxv, nsrcMaster, ivrcv, gxv, nsrcSlave);
+			nsrc = 0;
+			memset(cslaves,0,nfreq*nsources*sizeof(complex));
+			trdloc = tftloc = tcorrloc = 0.0;
+			for (isrcm=0; isrcm<nsrcMaster; isrcm++) { /* for all traces find which traces are recorded by both virtual source and receiver position */
+				sxm = rcvSrc[ivsrc].src[isrcm].x;
+				sym = rcvSrc[ivsrc].src[isrcm].y;
+				for (isrcs=0; isrcs<nsrcSlave; isrcs++) {
+					sxs = rcvSrc[ivrcv].src[isrcs].x;
+					sys = rcvSrc[ivrcv].src[isrcs].y;
+					if ( (sxm == sxs) && (sym == sys) ) { /* master and slave have same contributing source */
+						/* if the source is outside the inclosing area of the virtual-receiver and virtual-source coordinates 
+				 		   then the source is accepted for contribution to the final summation */
+						if (src_sel == 0) {
+							read_trace=1;
+						}
+						else if (src_sel == 1) {
+							read_trace = 0;
+							if ( !( (sxs>xmin) && (sxs<xmax) ) ) {
+								if ( !( (sys>ymin) && (sys<ymax) ) ) {
+									read_trace=1;
+								}
+							}
+						}
+						else if (src_sel == 2) {
+							read_trace = 0;
+							if ( !( (distsc2 < distsc2min) && (distsc2 > distsc2max) ) ) {
+								read_trace = 1;
+							}
+						}
+						else if (src_sel == 3) {
+							read_trace = 0;
+							if ( (sxv < gxv) && (syv < gyv) ) {
+								if ( (sxm < sxv) && (sym < syv) ) {
+									read_trace = 1;
+								}
+							}
+							else if ( (sxv < gxv) && (syv > gyv) ) {
+								if ( (sxm < sxv) && (sym > syv) ) {
+									read_trace = 1;
+								}
+							}
+							else if ( (sxv > gxv) && (syv < gyv) ) {
+								if ( (sxm > sxv) && (sym < syv) ) {
+									read_trace = 1;
+								}
+							}
+							else if ( (sxv > gxv) && (syv > gyv) ) {
+								if ( (sxm > sxv) && (sym > syv) ) {
+									read_trace = 1;
+								}
+							}
+						}
+						else if (src_sel == 4) {
+							read_trace = 0;
+							if ( (sxv < gxv) && (syv < gyv) ) {
+								if ( (sxm < gxv) && (sym < gyv) ) {
+									read_trace = 1;
+								}
+							}
+							else if ( (sxv < gxv) && (syv > gyv) ) {
+								if ( (sxm < gxv) && (sym > gyv) ) {
+									read_trace = 1;
+								}
+							}
+							else if ( (sxv > gxv) && (syv < gyv) ) {
+								if ( (sxm > gxv) && (sym < gyv) ) {
+									read_trace = 1;
+								}
+							}
+							else if ( (sxv > gxv) && (syv > gyv) ) {
+								if ( (sxm > gxv) && (sym > gyv) ) {
+									read_trace = 1;
+								}
+							}
+						}
+						/* read data from file for sources that passed the tests above */
+						if (read_trace) {
+							/* read master trace */
+							read_sutrace_at_position(fpin, rcvSrc[ivsrc].src[isrcm].fpos, &cmaster[nsrc*nfreq], tracebuffer, trace_in_buffer, &nbuffer, ntfft, nt, nfreq, nbufmax, trace_sz, &trdloc, &tftloc);
+							/* read slave trace */
+							read_sutrace_at_position(fpin, rcvSrc[ivrcv].src[isrcs].fpos, &cslaves[nsrc*nfreq], tracebuffer, trace_in_buffer, &nbuffer, ntfft, nt, nfreq, nbufmax, trace_sz, &trdloc, &tftloc);
+							nsrc++;
+						}
+					} /* end of if test that slave and master have same contributing source */
+				} /* end of nsrcSlave loop */
+			} /* end of nsrcMaster loop */
+			tread_ivs += trdloc;
+			tread += trdloc;
+			tfft_ivs += tftloc;
+			tfft += tftloc;
+			if (nsrc < nsrc_ctr) nsrc = -1; /* only compute virtual receiver when there are sufficient active sources contributing */
+			/* correlation of virtual source ivsrc with virtual receiver ivcrv */
+			if (cohr) {
+				coherence(cmaster, cslaves, nfreq, nsrc, reps, epsmax, &tcorrloc, verbose);
+			}
+			else {
+				correlate(cmaster, cslaves, nfreq, nsrc, &tcorrloc, verbose);
+			}
+			tcorr_ivs += tcorrloc;
+			tcorr += tcorrloc;
+			/* summation over the contributing sources */
+			memset(c,0,nf*sizeof(complex));
+			for (jsource=0; jsource<nsrc; jsource++) {
+				if (normsrc == 1) {
+					rms2 = 0.0;
+					for (ifreq=0; ifreq<nfreq; ifreq++) {
+						tmpcc = cslaves[jsource*nfreq+ifreq];
+						rms2 += tmpcc.r*tmpcc.r+tmpcc.i*tmpcc.i;
+					}
+					if (rms2 > 0) sclrms = 1.0/sqrt(rms2);
+					else sclrms = 1.0;
+				}
+				else (sclrms = 1.0);
+				for (ifreq=0; ifreq<nfreq; ifreq++) {
+					c[ifreq].r += cslaves[jsource*nfreq+ifreq].r*sclrms;
+					c[ifreq].i += cslaves[jsource*nfreq+ifreq].i*sclrms;
+				}
+			}
+			t2 = wallclock_time();
+			cr1fft(&c[0],r,ntfft,1); /* transform virtual trace back to time */
+			t3 = wallclock_time();
+			tfft_ivs += t3-t2;
+			tfft += t3-t2;
+			if (normalize && nsrc>0) scl=sclfft/nsrc; /* normalize by the number of contributing sources */
+			else scl = sclfft;
+			if (causal==1) {
+				for (j=0;j<nt; j++) {
+					vtrace[j] = r[j]*scl;
+				}
+			}
+			else if (causal==2) {
+				vtrace[0] = r[0]*scl;
+				for (j=1;j<nt; j++) {
+					vtrace[j] = r[ntfft-j]*scl;
+				}
+			}
+			else if (causal==3) {
+				for (j=1;j<=(nt/2); j++) {
+					vtrace[nt/2-j] = r[ntfft-j]*scl;
+				}
+				for (j=nt/2;j<nt; j++) {
+					vtrace[j] = r[j-nt/2]*scl;
+				}
+			}
+			else if (causal==4) {
+				vtrace[0] = r[0]*scl;
+				for (j=1;j<nt; j++) {
+					vtrace[j] = 0.5*(r[ntfft-j] + r[j])*scl;
+				}
+			} /* one virtual source and virtual receiver are now calculated; write the common virtual shot gather to disk */
+			t2 = wallclock_time();
+			memcpy(&outputhdr,&segy_hdrs[(rcvSrc[ivrcv].src[0].fpos)],TRCBYTES);
+			outputhdr.fldr = ivsrc+1;
+			outputhdr.tracl = itrace_out+1;
+			outputhdr.tracf = ivrcv+1;
+ = sxv;
+ = syv;
+			outputhdr.selev = svelev;
+			outputhdr.gx = gxv;
+ = gyv;
+			outputhdr.sdel = vspeg;
+			outputhdr.gdel = vrpeg;
+			outputhdr.gelev = gvelev;
+			outputhdr.ns = nt;
+			// outputhdr.offset = (gxv - sxv)/1000;
+			nwrite = fwrite( &outputhdr, 1, TRCBYTES, fpout );
+			assert (nwrite == TRCBYTES);
+			nwrite = fwrite( &vtrace[0], sizeof(float), nt, fpout );
+			assert (nwrite == nt);
+			fflush(fpout);
+			t3 = wallclock_time();
+			twrite_ivs += t3-t2;
+			twrite += t3-t2;
+			itrace_out++;
+		} /* end of virtual receiver loop */
+		if (verbose>=3) {
+			t3 = wallclock_time();
+			tlogic_ivs = ((t3-t1)-tread_ivs-tfft_ivs-tcorr_ivs-twrite_ivs);
+			fprintf(stderr,"************* Timings ************* vshot= %.d \n", vspeg);
+			fprintf(stderr,"CPU-time read data         = %.3f\n", tread_ivs);
+			fprintf(stderr,"CPU-time FFT's             = %.3f\n", tfft_ivs);
+			fprintf(stderr,"CPU-time correlation       = %.3f\n", tcorr_ivs);
+			fprintf(stderr,"CPU-time write data        = %.3f\n", twrite_ivs);
+			fprintf(stderr,"CPU-time logic             = %.3f\n", tlogic_ivs);
+			fprintf(stderr,"Total CPU-time this shot   = %.3f\n", t3-t1);
+		}
+	} /* end of virtual source loop */
+	fclose(fpin);
+	fclose(fpout);
+	if (verbose) {
+		t3 = wallclock_time();
+		tlogic = ((t3-t0)-tread-tfft-tcorr-twrite);
+		fprintf(stderr,"************* Total Timings ************* \n");
+		fprintf(stderr,"CPU-time initilization     = %.3f\n", tinit);
+		fprintf(stderr,"CPU-time read data         = %.3f\n", tread);
+		fprintf(stderr,"CPU-time FFT's             = %.3f\n", tfft);
+		fprintf(stderr,"CPU-time correlation       = %.3f\n", tcorr);
+		fprintf(stderr,"CPU-time write data        = %.3f\n", twrite);
+		fprintf(stderr,"CPU-time logic             = %.3f\n", tlogic);
+		fprintf(stderr,"Total CPU-time             = %.3f\n", t3-t0);
+	}
+	free(cmaster);
+	free(cslaves);
+	free(vtrace);
+	free(c);
+	free(r);
+/*================ end ================*/
+	return 0;
+void read_sutrace_at_position(FILE *fp, int itrace, complex *tracedata, complex *tracebuffer, int *trace_in_buffer, size_t *nbuffer,
+int ntfft, int nt, int nfreq, size_t nbufmax, size_t trace_sz, double *tread, double *tfft)
+	static size_t freebuffer=0;
+	size_t i, inbuffer, offset, nread, nwrite;
+	int ret;
+	float *trace;
+	float	*r;
+	double  t0, t1, t2, t3;
+	complex *c;
+	FILE *fpt;
+	char filename[1024];
+	inbuffer = -1;
+//	fprintf(stderr,"reading trace %d\n", itrace);
+	for (i=0; i<nbufmax; i++) {
+		if (itrace == trace_in_buffer[i]) {
+			inbuffer = i;
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+//	fprintf(stderr,"inbuffer = %d bufmax=%d\n", inbuffer,nbufmax);
+	if (inbuffer == -1) {
+		t0 = wallclock_time();
+		trace = (float *)calloc(nt, sizeof(float));
+		r = (float *)malloc(ntfft*sizeof(float));
+		c = (complex *)malloc((ntfft/2+1)*sizeof(complex));
+	/* read trace from file */
+        offset = itrace*trace_sz+TRCBYTES;
+        ret = fseeko(fp , offset, SEEK_SET);
+        if (ret<0) perror("fseeko");
+        nread = fread( trace, sizeof(float), nt, fp );
+        assert(nread == nt);
+		/* transform to frequency domain */
+		memset(r,0,ntfft*sizeof(float));
+		memcpy(r,&trace[0],nt*sizeof(float)); /* might not be needed if segy_read_traces_c is nice */
+		t1 = wallclock_time();
+		*tread += t1-t0;
+		rc1fft(r,c,ntfft,-1);
+		t2 = wallclock_time();
+		*tfft += t2-t1;
+		/* reset buffer counter when buffer is full */
+		if (freebuffer<nbufmax-1) {
+			freebuffer++;
+		}
+		else freebuffer=0;
+//	fprintf(stderr,"freebuffer = %d\n", freebuffer);
+//	fprintf(stderr,"nbuffer = %d\n", *nbuffer);
+		memcpy(&tracebuffer[freebuffer*nfreq].r,&c[0].r,nfreq*sizeof(complex));
+		memcpy(&tracedata[0].r,&tracebuffer[freebuffer*nfreq].r,nfreq*sizeof(complex));
+		trace_in_buffer[freebuffer]=itrace;
+		free(trace);
+		free(r);
+		free(c);
+		t1 = wallclock_time();
+		*tread += t1-t2;
+	}
+	else {
+		/* read trace from buffer */
+		t0 = wallclock_time();
+//		tracedata = (complex *)&tracebuffer[inbuffer*nfreq]; /* this is better, but need some more changes TODO */
+//	fprintf(stderr,"read from inbuffer = %d bufmax=%d\n", inbuffer,nbufmax);
+		memcpy(&tracedata[0].r,&tracebuffer[inbuffer*nfreq].r,nfreq*sizeof(complex));
+		t1 = wallclock_time();
+		*tread += t1-t0;
+	}
+	return;
diff --git a/corrvir/demo/ b/corrvir/demo/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..08c66a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corrvir/demo/
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ulimit -c unlimited
+../corrvir \
+	file_shots=${filename_in} \
+	file_out=${filename_out} \
+	nsources=908 \
+	src_sel=0 \
+	fmax=160 \
+	nbm=1 \
+	nreceivers=2685 \
+	normsrc=0 \
+	normalize=0 \
+	cohr=0 \
+	causal=1 \
+	verbose=4
diff --git a/corrvir/docpkge.c b/corrvir/docpkge.c
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..5384bb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corrvir/docpkge.c
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/corrvir/getFileInfo.c b/corrvir/getFileInfo.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..152c5e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corrvir/getFileInfo.c
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include "par.h"
+#include "segy.h"
+#define MAX(x,y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
+#define MIN(x,y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
+#define NINT(x) ((int)((x)>0.0?(x)+0.5:(x)-0.5))
+int getFileInfo(char *file_name, int *n1, int *n2, float *d1, float *d2, int verbose)
+    FILE    *fp;
+    size_t  nread;
+	off_t bytes, ret, trace_sz, ntraces;
+    int i, itrace, one_shot, igath;
+    float *trace, cmin;
+    segy hdr;
+    fp = fopen( file_name, "r" );
+    assert( fp != NULL);
+    nread = fread( &hdr, 1, TRCBYTES, fp );
+    assert(nread == TRCBYTES);
+    ret = fseeko( fp, 0, SEEK_END );
+	if (ret<0) perror("fseeko");
+    bytes = ftello( fp );
+	*n1 = hdr.ns;
+	*d1 =1e-6*hdr.dt;
+	*d2 = hdr.d2;
+    trace_sz = sizeof(float)*(*n1)+TRCBYTES;
+    ntraces  = (int) (bytes/trace_sz);
+	*n2 = ntraces;
+	if (verbose) {
+		fprintf(stderr,"file_base=%s has nt=%d dt=%f and %d traces\n", file_name, *n1, *d1, *n2);
+	}
+    return 0;
diff --git a/corrvir/getpars.c b/corrvir/getpars.c
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..fa7dc33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corrvir/getpars.c
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/corrvir/par.h b/corrvir/par.h
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..0fa273c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corrvir/par.h
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/corrvir/segy.h b/corrvir/segy.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..326f285
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corrvir/segy.h
@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
+/* Copyright (c) Colorado School of Mines, 2001.*/
+/* All rights reserved.                       */
+/* segy.h - include file for SEGY traces
+ *
+ * declarations for:
+ *	typedef struct {} segy - the trace identification header
+ *	typedef struct {} bhed - binary header
+ *
+ * Note:
+ *	If header words are added, run the makefile in this directory
+ *	to recreate hdr.h.
+ *
+ * Reference:
+ *	K. M. Barry, D. A. Cavers and C. W. Kneale, "Special Report:
+ *		Recommended Standards for Digital Tape Formats",
+ *		Geophysics, vol. 40, no. 2 (April 1975), P. 344-352.
+ *	
+ * $Author: john $
+ * $Source: /usr/local/cwp/src/su/include/RCS/segy.h,v $
+ * $Revision: 1.23 $ ; $Date: 1998/03/26 23:48:18 $
+ */ 
+#define TRCBYTES                240
+typedef struct {	/* segy - trace identification header */
+	int tracl;	/* trace sequence number within line */
+	int tracr;	/* trace sequence number within reel */
+	int fldr;	/* field record number */
+	int tracf;	/* trace number within field record */
+	int ep;	/* energy source point number */
+	int cdp;	/* CDP ensemble number */
+	int cdpt;	/* trace number within CDP ensemble */
+	short trid;	/* trace identification code:
+			1 = seismic data
+			2 = dead
+			3 = dummy
+			4 = time break
+			5 = uphole
+			6 = sweep
+			7 = timing
+			8 = water break
+			9---, N = optional use (N = 32,767)
+			Following are CWP id flags:
+			 9 = autocorrelation
+			10 = Fourier transformed - no packing
+			     xr[0],xi[0], ..., xr[N-1],xi[N-1]
+			11 = Fourier transformed - unpacked Nyquist
+			     xr[0],xi[0],...,xr[N/2],xi[N/2]
+			12 = Fourier transformed - packed Nyquist
+	 		     even N:
+			     xr[0],xr[N/2],xr[1],xi[1], ...,
+				xr[N/2 -1],xi[N/2 -1]
+				(note the exceptional second entry)
+			     odd N:
+			     xr[0],xr[(N-1)/2],xr[1],xi[1], ...,
+				xr[(N-1)/2 -1],xi[(N-1)/2 -1],xi[(N-1)/2]
+				(note the exceptional second & last entries)
+			13 = Complex signal in the time domain
+			     xr[0],xi[0], ..., xr[N-1],xi[N-1]
+			14 = Fourier transformed - amplitude/phase
+			     a[0],p[0], ..., a[N-1],p[N-1]
+			15 = Complex time signal - amplitude/phase
+			     a[0],p[0], ..., a[N-1],p[N-1]
+			16 = Real part of complex trace from 0 to Nyquist
+			17 = Imag part of complex trace from 0 to Nyquist
+			18 = Amplitude of complex trace from 0 to Nyquist
+			19 = Phase of complex trace from 0 to Nyquist
+			21 = Wavenumber time domain (k-t)
+			22 = Wavenumber frequency (k-omega)
+			23 = Envelope of the complex time trace
+			24 = Phase of the complex time trace
+			25 = Frequency of the complex time trace
+			30 = Depth-Range (z-x) traces
+			43 = Seismic Data, Vertical Component 
+			44 = Seismic Data, Horizontal Component 1 
+			45 = Seismic Data, Horizontal Component 2 
+			46 = Seismic Data, Radial Component
+			47 = Seismic Data, Transverse Component  
+			101 = Seismic data packed to bytes (by supack1)
+			102 = Seismic data packed to 2 bytes (by supack2)
+			*/
+	short nvs;	/* number of vertically summed traces (see vscode
+			   in bhed structure) */
+	short nhs;	/* number of horizontally summed traces (see vscode
+			   in bhed structure) */
+	short duse;	/* data use:
+				1 = production
+				2 = test */
+	int offset;	/* distance from source point to receiver
+			   group (negative if opposite to direction
+			   in which the line was shot) */
+	int gelev;	/* receiver group elevation from sea level
+			   (above sea level is positive) */
+	int selev;	/* source elevation from sea level
+			   (above sea level is positive) */
+	int sdepth;	/* source depth (positive) */
+	int gdel;	/* datum elevation at receiver group */
+	int sdel;	/* datum elevation at source */
+	int swdep;	/* water depth at source */
+	int gwdep;	/* water depth at receiver group */
+	short scalel;	/* scale factor for previous 7 entries
+			   with value plus or minus 10 to the
+			   power 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 (if positive,
+			   multiply, if negative divide) */
+	short scalco;	/* scale factor for next 4 entries
+			   with value plus or minus 10 to the
+			   power 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 (if positive,
+			   multiply, if negative divide) */
+	int  sx;	/* X source coordinate */
+	int  sy;	/* Y source coordinate */
+	int  gx;	/* X group coordinate */
+	int  gy;	/* Y group coordinate */
+	short counit;	/* coordinate units code:
+				for previous four entries
+				1 = length (meters or feet)
+				2 = seconds of arc (in this case, the
+				X values are longitude and the Y values
+				are latitude, a positive value designates
+				the number of seconds east of Greenwich
+				or north of the equator */
+	short wevel;	/* weathering velocity */
+	short swevel;	/* subweathering velocity */
+	short sut;	/* uphole time at source */
+	short gut;	/* uphole time at receiver group */
+	short sstat;	/* source static correction */
+	short gstat;	/* group static correction */
+	short tstat;	/* total static applied */
+	short laga;	/* lag time A, time in ms between end of 240-
+			   byte trace identification header and time
+			   break, positive if time break occurs after
+			   end of header, time break is defined as
+			   the initiation pulse which maybe recorded
+			   on an auxiliary trace or as otherwise
+			   specified by the recording system */
+	short lagb;	/* lag time B, time in ms between the time break
+			   and the initiation time of the energy source,
+			   may be positive or negative */
+	short delrt;	/* delay recording time, time in ms between
+			   initiation time of energy source and time
+			   when recording of data samples begins
+			   (for deep water work if recording does not
+			   start at zero time) */
+	short muts;	/* mute time--start */
+	short mute;	/* mute time--end */
+	unsigned short ns;	/* number of samples in this trace */
+	unsigned short dt;	/* sample interval; in micro-seconds */
+	short gain;	/* gain type of field instruments code:
+				1 = fixed
+				2 = binary
+				3 = floating point
+				4 ---- N = optional use */
+	short igc;	/* instrument gain constant */
+	short igi;	/* instrument early or initial gain */
+	short corr;	/* correlated:
+				1 = no
+				2 = yes */
+	short sfs;	/* sweep frequency at start */
+	short sfe;	/* sweep frequency at end */
+	short slen;	/* sweep length in ms */
+	short styp;	/* sweep type code:
+				1 = linear
+				2 = cos-squared
+				3 = other */
+	short stas;	/* sweep trace length at start in ms */
+	short stae;	/* sweep trace length at end in ms */
+	short tatyp;	/* taper type: 1=linear, 2=cos^2, 3=other */
+	short afilf;	/* alias filter frequency if used */
+	short afils;	/* alias filter slope */
+	short nofilf;	/* notch filter frequency if used */
+	short nofils;	/* notch filter slope */
+	short lcf;	/* low cut frequency if used */
+	short hcf;	/* high cut frequncy if used */
+	short lcs;	/* low cut slope */
+	short hcs;	/* high cut slope */
+	short year;	/* year data recorded */
+	short day;	/* day of year */
+	short hour;	/* hour of day (24 hour clock) */
+	short minute;	/* minute of hour */
+	short sec;	/* second of minute */
+	short timbas;	/* time basis code:
+				1 = local
+				2 = GMT
+				3 = other */
+	short trwf;	/* trace weighting factor, defined as 1/2^N
+			   volts for the least sigificant bit */
+	short grnors;	/* geophone group number of roll switch
+			   position one */
+	short grnofr;	/* geophone group number of trace one within
+			   original field record */
+	short grnlof;	/* geophone group number of last trace within
+			   original field record */
+	short gaps;	/* gap size (total number of groups dropped) */
+	short otrav;	/* overtravel taper code:
+				1 = down (or behind)
+				2 = up (or ahead) */
+	/* local assignments */
+	float d1;	/* sample spacing for non-seismic data */
+	float f1;	/* first sample location for non-seismic data */
+	float d2;	/* sample spacing between traces */
+	float f2;	/* first trace location */
+	float ungpow;	/* negative of power used for dynamic
+			   range compression */
+	float unscale;	/* reciprocal of scaling factor to normalize
+			   range */
+	int ntr; 	/* number of traces */
+	short mark;	/* mark selected traces */
+        short shortpad; /* alignment padding */
+	short unass[14];	/* unassigned--NOTE: last entry causes 
+			   a break in the word alignment, if we REALLY
+			   want to maintain 240 bytes, the following
+			   entry should be an odd number of short/UINT2
+			   OR do the insertion above the "mark" keyword
+			   entry */
+} segy;
diff --git a/corrvir/wallclock_time.c b/corrvir/wallclock_time.c
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..0bd00b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corrvir/wallclock_time.c
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file