diff --git a/FFTlib/cc1fft.c b/FFTlib/cc1fft.c
index dadadc531ae3fc6319dec0a2733ee1ae05cb9d2f..c8bb2e6a88be9b20bfe8505b8778cb299af519bd 100644
--- a/FFTlib/cc1fft.c
+++ b/FFTlib/cc1fft.c
@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ void cc1fft(complex *data, int n, int sign)
     MKL_LONG Status;
 	int id;
 #ifdef _OPENMP
 	id = omp_get_thread_num();
diff --git a/FFTlib/ccmfft.c b/FFTlib/ccmfft.c
index c566f67865ae09048645bac374cc1bc48e87bd7b..cbb0d29dcbf4f15a3762498d5c2f8af11a363145 100644
--- a/FFTlib/ccmfft.c
+++ b/FFTlib/ccmfft.c
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ void ccmfft(complex *data, int n1, int n2, int ld1, int sign)
     MKL_LONG Status;
 	int j;
-    int id;
+	int id;
 #ifdef _OPENMP
 	id = omp_get_thread_num();
diff --git a/FFTlib/cr1fft.c b/FFTlib/cr1fft.c
index 9f20a51c2c025bef5f94491f9db72d77bed260ce..7d7c19e680e37571b5b329a2c5e546107352b670 100644
--- a/FFTlib/cr1fft.c
+++ b/FFTlib/cr1fft.c
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ void cr1fft(complex *cdata, REAL *rdata, int n, int sign)
     MKL_LONG Status;
 	int i;
-    int id;
+	int id;
 #ifdef _OPENMP
 	id = omp_get_thread_num();
diff --git a/FFTlib/crmfft.c b/FFTlib/crmfft.c
index 10ee07b4e0f4c29f0c95e5e5a67e866c180d5794..d628b3e24906b106a4d983f9317fdb615a36e785 100644
--- a/FFTlib/crmfft.c
+++ b/FFTlib/crmfft.c
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ void crmfft(complex *cdata, REAL *rdata, int n1, int n2, int ldc, int ldr, int s
     MKL_LONG Status;
 	int i, j;
-    int id;
+	int id;
 #ifdef _OPENMP
 	id = omp_get_thread_num();
diff --git a/FFTlib/rc1fft.c b/FFTlib/rc1fft.c
index 733786cae3926344349b3d010e02df4f235ca872..f37fb3d5678335aa120b5b8544ae0ee64b2fba0d 100644
--- a/FFTlib/rc1fft.c
+++ b/FFTlib/rc1fft.c
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ void rc1fft(REAL *rdata, complex *cdata, int n, int sign)
     MKL_LONG Status;
 	int i;
-    int id;
+	int id;
 #ifdef _OPENMP
 	id = omp_get_thread_num();
diff --git a/FFTlib/rcmfft.c b/FFTlib/rcmfft.c
index da085ca848abdd80271b114bb7597f52817ebe82..91da4c6ee9d286508ad3051983aded5b72dd004d 100644
--- a/FFTlib/rcmfft.c
+++ b/FFTlib/rcmfft.c
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ void rcmfft(REAL *rdata, complex *cdata, int n1, int n2, int ldr, int ldc, int s
     MKL_LONG Status;
 	int i, j;
-    int id;
+	int id;
 #ifdef _OPENMP
 	id = omp_get_thread_num();
diff --git a/marchenko_applications/HomG_backup21jun2018.c b/marchenko_applications/HomG_backup21jun2018.c
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5ea5136fa41dc7875521c6f443daabc78f6d30f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/marchenko_applications/HomG_backup21jun2018.c
@@ -0,0 +1,428 @@
+#include "par.h"
+#include "segy.h"
+#include <time.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <genfft.h>
+#ifndef MAX
+#define MAX(x,y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
+#ifndef MIN
+#define MIN(x,y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
+#define NINT(x) ((int)((x)>0.0?(x)+0.5:(x)-0.5))
+#ifndef COMPLEX
+typedef struct _complexStruct { /* complex number */
+    float r,i;
+} complex;
+#endif/* complex */
+int getFileInfo(char *filename, int *n1, int *n2, int *ngath, float *d1, float *d2, float *f1, float *f2, float *xmin, float *xmax, float *sclsxgx, int *nxm);
+int disp_fileinfo(char *file, int n1, int n2, float f1, float f2, float d1, float d2, segy *hdrs);
+double wallclock_time(void);
+int writeData(FILE *fp, float *data, segy *hdrs, int n1, int n2);
+int readSnapData(char *filename, float *data, segy *hdr, int ngath, int nx, int ntfft, int sx, int ex, int sz, int ez);
+int topdet(float *data, int nt);
+void scl_data(float *data, int nsam, int nrec, float scl, float *datout, int nsamout);
+void pad_data(float *data, int nsam, int nrec, int nsamout, float *datout);
+void convol(float *data1, float *data2, float *con, int nrec, int nsam, float dt, int shift);
+char *sdoc[] = {
+" ",
+" HomG - Calculate a Homogeneous Green's function ",
+" ",
+" authors  : Joeri Brackenhoff 	(J.A.Brackenhoff@tudelft.nl)",
+"		   : Jan Thorbecke		(janth@xs4all.nl)",
+" ",
+" Required parameters: ",
+"   file_in= ................. First file of the array of receivers",
+"   file_shot= ............... File containing the shot location",
+" ",
+" Optional parameters: ",
+" ",
+"   file_out= ................ Filename of the output",
+"   numb= .................... integer number of first snapshot file",
+"   dnumb= ................... integer number of increment in snapshot files",
+"   zmax= .................... Integer number of maximum depth level",
+"   inx= ..................... Number of sources per depth level",
+"   zrcv= .................... z-coordinate of first receiver location",
+"   xrcv= .................... x-coordinate of first receiver location",
+"   dzrcv= ................... z-spacing of receivers",
+"   dxrcv= ................... x-spacing of receivers",
+int main (int argc, char **argv)
+	FILE *fp_in, *fp_shot, *fp_out;
+	char *fin, *fshot, *fout, *ptr, fbegin[100], fend[100], fins[100], fin2[100];
+	float *indata, *Ghom, *shotdata, *rtrace, *costaper, scl, rho;
+	float dt, dx, t0, x0, xmin, xmax1, sclsxgx, f1, f2, dxrcv, dzrcv, dxpos, offset, dw, *taper;
+	int nshots, nt, nw, nx, ntraces, ret, ix, it, is, ir, pos, ifile, file_det, nxs, nzs, sxmin, sxmax;
+	int pos1, xcount, zcount, npos, zmax, file_cl, ht, inx, numb, dnumb, indrcv, shift;
+	int rmt, smooth, *tol, tolside, tolset, mode, ntap, maxoffset, offset_tmp, count;
+	complex *chom, *cshot, *ctrace;
+	segy *hdr_in, *hdr_out, *hdr_shot;
+	initargs(argc, argv);
+	requestdoc(1);
+	if (!getparstring("fin", &fin)) fin = NULL;
+	if (!getparstring("fshot", &fshot)) fshot = NULL;
+    if (!getparstring("fout", &fout)) fout = "out.su";
+	if (!getparint("zmax", &zmax)) zmax = 0;
+	if (!getparint("inx", &inx)) inx = 0;
+	if (!getparfloat("zrcv", &f1)) f1 = 0;
+    if (!getparfloat("xrcv", &f2)) f2 = 0;
+	if (!getparfloat("dzrcv", &dzrcv)) dzrcv = -1;
+    if (!getparfloat("dxrcv", &dxrcv)) dxrcv = -1;
+	if (!getparfloat("rho", &rho)) rho=1000.0;
+	if (!getparint("numb", &numb)) numb=0;
+    if (!getparint("dnumb", &dnumb)) dnumb=1;
+	if (!getparint("tolset", &tolset)) tolset=10;
+	if (!getparint("mode", &mode)) mode=0;
+	if (!getparint("ntap", &ntap)) ntap=0;
+	if (!getparint("maxoffset", &maxoffset)) maxoffset=0;
+	if (fin == NULL) verr("Incorrect f2 input");
+	if (fshot == NULL) verr("Incorrect Green input");
+	if (dnumb == 0) dnumb = 1;
+	sprintf(fins,"z%d",numb);
+	ptr  = strstr(fin,fins);
+	pos1 = ptr - fin + 1;
+   	sprintf(fbegin,"%*.*s", pos1-1, pos1-1, fin);
+   	sprintf(fend,"%s", fin+pos1+1);
+	file_det = 1;
+	zcount=0;
+	nzs=0;
+	while (file_det) {
+        sprintf(fins,"z%d",nzs*dnumb+numb);
+        sprintf(fin,"%s%s%s",fbegin,fins,fend);
+        fp_in = fopen(fin, "r");
+        if (fp_in == NULL) {
+            if (nzs == 0) {
+                verr("error on opening basefile=%s", fin);
+            }
+            else if (nzs == 1) {
+                vmess("1 file detected");
+				file_det = 0;
+         		break;
+            }
+            else {
+                vmess("%d files detected",nzs);
+                file_det = 0;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        fclose(fp_in);
+        nzs++;
+    }
+	if (inx < 1) { 
+		inx = 1;
+	}
+	if (zmax < 1) zmax=1;
+	if (zmax < nzs) nzs=zmax;
+	nxs = inx;
+	count=0;
+	npos = nxs*nzs;
+	vmess("nxs: %d, nzs: %d",nxs,nzs);
+	nshots = 0;
+    getFileInfo(fshot, &nt, &nx, &nshots, &dt, &dx, &t0, &x0, &xmin, &xmax1, &sclsxgx, &ntraces);
+	if (dxrcv < 0) dxrcv=dx;
+	if (dzrcv < 0) dzrcv=dx;
+	// ngath zijn het aantal schoten
+	shotdata	= (float *)malloc(nt*nx*nshots*sizeof(float));
+	hdr_shot	= (segy *)calloc(nx*nshots,sizeof(segy));
+	fp_shot = fopen(fshot,"r");
+	if (fp_shot == NULL) {
+		verr("Could not open file");
+	}
+	vmess("nt: %d nx: %d nshots: %d",nt,nx,nshots);
+	//nx = readData(fp_shot, shotdata, hdr_shot, nt);
+	fclose(fp_shot);
+	readSnapData(fshot, &shotdata[0], &hdr_shot[0], 1, nx, nt, 0, nx, 0, nt);
+	hdr_out     = (segy *)calloc(nxs,sizeof(segy));	
+	Ghom		= (float *)malloc(nt*npos*sizeof(float));
+	ht			= (int)ceil(nt/2);
+	nw 			= ht+1;
+	dw			= 2.0*(M_PI)/(dt*nt);
+	cshot		= (complex *)malloc(nw*nx*sizeof(complex));
+	tol			= (int *)malloc(nxs*sizeof(float));
+	taper       = (float *)malloc(nx*sizeof(float));
+    /*for (ix=0; ix<nx; ix++) {
+        taper[ix] = 1.0;
+    }
+    if (ntap > 0) {//Create taper
+		vmess("Tapering of %d points applied at edges",ntap);
+        for (ix=0; ix<ntap; ix++) {
+            taper[ix] = (cos((M_PI)*(ix-ntap)/ntap)+1)/2.0;
+            taper[nx-1-ix] = (cos((M_PI)*(ix-ntap)/ntap)+1)/2.0;
+        }
+    }*/
+	for (ix = 0; ix < nx; ix++) {
+		/*for (it=0; it<nt; it++) {
+			shotdata[ix*nt+it] *= taper[ix];
+		}*/
+		if (hdr_shot[ix].scalco < 0) {
+			offset_tmp = (hdr_shot[ix].sx-hdr_shot[ix].gx)/-hdr_shot[ix].scalco;
+		}
+		else if (hdr_shot[ix].scalco == 0) {
+			offset_tmp = hdr_shot[ix].sx-hdr_shot[ix].gx;
+		}
+		else {
+			offset_tmp = (hdr_shot[ix].sx-hdr_shot[ix].gx)*hdr_shot[ix].scalco;
+		}
+		if (maxoffset > 0 ) {
+			if (abs(offset_tmp) > maxoffset) {
+				for (it=0;it<nt;it++) {
+					shotdata[ix*nt+it] = 0.0;
+				}
+				vmess("Removed offset:%d",offset_tmp);
+			}
+		}
+		rc1fft(&shotdata[ix*nt],&cshot[ix*nw],nt,-1);
+	}
+#pragma omp parallel default(shared) \
+  private(offset,ctrace,rtrace,chom,indrcv,rmt,ix,it,is) \
+  private(indata, hdr_in,fins,fin2,fp_in,offset_tmp)
+	chom		= (complex *)calloc(nw,sizeof(complex));
+	ctrace		= (complex *)malloc(nw*sizeof(complex));
+    rtrace		= (float *)malloc(nt*sizeof(float));
+	indata		= (float *)malloc(nt*nx*nxs*sizeof(float));
+    hdr_in 		= (segy *)calloc(nx*nxs,sizeof(segy));
+#pragma omp for 
+	for (ir = 0; ir < nzs; ir++) {
+        sprintf(fins,"z%d",ir*dnumb+numb);
+		sprintf(fin2,"%s%s%s",fbegin,fins,fend);
+        fp_in = fopen(fin2, "r");
+		if (fp_in == NULL) {
+			verr("Danger Will Robinson");
+		}
+		fclose(fp_in);
+		readSnapData(fin2, &indata[0], &hdr_in[0], nxs, nx, nt, 0, nx, 0, nt);
+		for (is = 0; is < nxs; is++) {
+			for (ix = 0; ix < nx; ix++) {
+				/*for (it=0; it<nt; it++) {
+            		indata[is*nt*nx+ix*nt+it] *= taper[ix];
+        		}*/
+				if (hdr_in[is*nx+ix].scalco < 0) {
+            		offset_tmp = (hdr_in[is*nx+ix].sx-hdr_in[is*nx+ix].gx)/-hdr_in[is*nx+ix].scalco;
+        		}
+        		else if (hdr_in[is*nx+ix].scalco == 0) {
+            		offset_tmp = hdr_in[is*nx+ix].sx-hdr_in[is*nx+ix].gx;
+        		}
+        		else {
+            		offset_tmp = (hdr_in[is*nx+ix].sx-hdr_in[is*nx+ix].gx)*hdr_in[is*nx+ix].scalco;
+        		}
+        		if (maxoffset > 0 ) {
+            		if (abs(offset_tmp) > maxoffset) {
+                		for (it=0;it<nt;it++) {
+                    		indata[is*nt*nx+ix*nt+it] = 0.0;
+                		}
+                	//vmess("Removed offset:%d",offset_tmp);
+            		}
+				}
+				rc1fft(&indata[is*nt*nx+ix*nt],ctrace,nt,-1);
+				if (mode==0) { //Single source
+					for (it = 1; it < nw; it++) {
+						//chom[it].r +=  (4/(rho*dw*it))*(ctrace[it].r*cshot[ix*nw+it].i + ctrace[it].i*cshot[ix*nw+it].r);
+						//chom[it].r +=  (4/(rho*dw*it))*2*(ctrace[it].r*cshot[ix*nw+it].r - ctrace[it].i*cshot[ix*nw+it].i);
+						chom[it].r +=  2*(ctrace[it].r*cshot[ix*nw+it].r - ctrace[it].i*cshot[ix*nw+it].i);
+						//chom[it].r +=  ctrace[it].r*cshot[ix*nw+it].r - ctrace[it].i*cshot[ix*nw+it].i;
+						//chom[it].r +=  ctrace[it].r*cshot[ix*nw+it].i + ctrace[it].i*cshot[ix*nw+it].r;
+					}
+				}
+				else { //Multiple sources
+                	for (it = 0; it < nw; it++) {
+                        /*chom[it].r -=  (2/(rho*dw*it))*(ctrace[it].r*cshot[ix*nw+it].i + ctrace[it].i*cshot[ix*nw+it].r);
+						chom[it].i +=  (2/(rho*dw*it))*(ctrace[it].r*cshot[ix*nw+it].r - ctrace[it].i*cshot[ix*nw+it].i);*/
+						chom[it].r -=  (ctrace[it].r*cshot[ix*nw+it].i + ctrace[it].i*cshot[ix*nw+it].r);
+                        chom[it].i +=  (ctrace[it].r*cshot[ix*nw+it].r - ctrace[it].i*cshot[ix*nw+it].i);
+                    }
+				}
+			}
+			cr1fft(&chom[0],rtrace,nt,1);
+			indrcv = 0;
+            rmt = MIN(nt-indrcv,indrcv)-shift;
+			for (it = 0; it < ht; it++) {
+				if (it > ht-rmt) {
+					Ghom[it*nxs*nzs+is*nzs+ir] = 0.0;
+				}
+				else {
+					Ghom[it*nxs*nzs+is*nzs+ir] = rtrace[ht+it];
+				}
+			}
+			for (it = ht; it < nt; it++) {
+				if (it < ht+rmt) {
+					Ghom[it*nxs*nzs+is*nzs+ir] = 0.0;
+				}
+				else {
+					Ghom[it*nxs*nzs+is*nzs+ir] = rtrace[it-ht];
+				}
+            }
+		memset(&chom[0].r, 0, nw*2*sizeof(float));
+		}
+		//vmess("Creating Homogeneous Green's function at depth %d from %d depths",ir+1,nzs);
+		count+=1;
+		vmess("Creating Homogeneous Green's function at depth %d from %d depths",count,nzs);
+	}
+    free(chom);free(ctrace);free(rtrace);
+	free(indata);free(hdr_in);
+	free(shotdata);
+	vmess("nxs: %d nxz: %d f1: %.7f",nxs,nzs,f1);
+	fp_out = fopen(fout, "w+");
+	for (ir	= 0; ir < nt; ir++) {
+		for (ix = 0; ix < nxs; ix++) {
+            	hdr_out[ix].fldr	= ir+1;
+            	hdr_out[ix].tracl	= ir*nxs+ix+1;
+            	hdr_out[ix].tracf	= ix+1;
+				hdr_out[ix].scalco  = hdr_shot[0].scalco;
+    			hdr_out[ix].scalel	= hdr_shot[0].scalel;
+				hdr_out[ix].sdepth	= hdr_shot[0].sdepth;
+				hdr_out[ix].trid	= 1;
+				hdr_out[ix].ns		= nzs;
+				hdr_out[ix].trwf	= nxs;
+				hdr_out[ix].ntr		= hdr_out[ix].fldr*hdr_out[ix].trwf;
+				hdr_out[ix].f1		= f1;
+				hdr_out[ix].f2		= f2/1000;
+				hdr_out[ix].dt      = dt*(1E6);
+				hdr_out[ix].d1      = dzrcv;
+            	hdr_out[ix].d2      = dxrcv;
+				hdr_out[ix].sx      = hdr_shot[0].sx;
+				hdr_out[ix].gx      = (int)roundf(f2 + (ix*hdr_out[ix].d2)*1000.0);
+            	hdr_out[ix].offset	= (hdr_out[ix].gx - hdr_out[ix].sx)/1000.0;
+		}
+		ret = writeData(fp_out, &Ghom[ir*nxs*nzs], hdr_out, nzs, nxs);
+		if (ret < 0 ) verr("error on writing output file.");
+	}
+	fclose(fp_out);
+	return 0;
+void convol(float *data1, float *data2, float *con, int nrec, int nsam, float dt, int shift)
+    int     i, j, n, optn, nfreq, sign;
+    float   df, dw, om, tau, scl;
+    float   *qr, *qi, *p1r, *p1i, *p2r, *p2i, *rdata1, *rdata2;
+    complex *cdata1, *cdata2, *ccon, tmp;
+    optn = optncr(nsam);
+    nfreq = optn/2+1;
+    cdata1 = (complex *)malloc(nfreq*nrec*sizeof(complex));
+    if (cdata1 == NULL) verr("memory allocation error for cdata1");
+    cdata2 = (complex *)malloc(nfreq*nrec*sizeof(complex));
+    if (cdata2 == NULL) verr("memory allocation error for cdata2");
+    ccon = (complex *)malloc(nfreq*nrec*sizeof(complex));
+    if (ccon == NULL) verr("memory allocation error for ccov");
+    rdata1 = (float *)malloc(optn*nrec*sizeof(float));
+    if (rdata1 == NULL) verr("memory allocation error for rdata1");
+    rdata2 = (float *)malloc(optn*nrec*sizeof(float));
+    if (rdata2 == NULL) verr("memory allocation error for rdata2");
+    /* pad zeroes until Fourier length is reached */
+    pad_data(data1, nsam, nrec, optn, rdata1);
+    pad_data(data2, nsam, nrec, optn, rdata2);
+    /* forward time-frequency FFT */
+    sign = -1;
+    rcmfft(&rdata1[0], &cdata1[0], optn, nrec, optn, nfreq, sign);
+    rcmfft(&rdata2[0], &cdata2[0], optn, nrec, optn, nfreq, sign);
+    /* apply convolution */
+    p1r = (float *) &cdata1[0];
+    p2r = (float *) &cdata2[0];
+    qr = (float *) &ccon[0].r;
+    p1i = p1r + 1;
+    p2i = p2r + 1;
+    qi = qr + 1;
+    n = nrec*nfreq;
+    for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
+        *qr = (*p2r**p1r-*p2i**p1i);
+        *qi = (*p2r**p1i+*p2i**p1r);
+        qr += 2;
+        qi += 2;
+        p1r += 2;
+        p1i += 2;
+        p2r += 2;
+        p2i += 2;
+    }
+    free(cdata1);
+    free(cdata2);
+    if (shift) {
+        df = 1.0/(dt*optn);
+        dw = 2*PI*df;
+        tau = dt*(nsam/2);
+        for (j = 0; j < nrec; j++) {
+            om = 0.0;
+            for (i = 0; i < nfreq; i++) {
+                tmp.r = ccon[j*nfreq+i].r*cos(om*tau) + ccon[j*nfreq+i].i*sin(om*tau);
+                tmp.i = ccon[j*nfreq+i].i*cos(om*tau) - ccon[j*nfreq+i].r*sin(om*tau);
+                ccon[j*nfreq+i] = tmp;
+                om += dw;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+        /* inverse frequency-time FFT and scale result */
+    sign = 1;
+    scl = 1.0/((float)(optn));
+    crmfft(&ccon[0], &rdata1[0], optn, nrec, nfreq, optn, sign);
+    scl_data(rdata1,optn,nrec,scl,con,nsam);
+    free(ccon);
+    free(rdata1);
+    free(rdata2);
+    return;
+void pad_data(float *data, int nsam, int nrec, int nsamout, float *datout)
+    int it,ix;
+    for (ix=0;ix<nrec;ix++) {
+       for (it=0;it<nsam;it++)
+        datout[ix*nsamout+it]=data[ix*nsam+it];
+       for (it=nsam;it<nsamout;it++)
+        datout[ix*nsamout+it]=0.0;
+    }
+void scl_data(float *data, int nsam, int nrec, float scl, float *datout, int nsamout)
+    int it,ix;
+    for (ix = 0; ix < nrec; ix++) {
+        for (it = 0 ; it < nsamout ; it++)
+            datout[ix*nsamout+it] = scl*data[ix*nsam+it];
+    }
diff --git a/marchenko_applications/combine_backup4dec2018.c b/marchenko_applications/combine_backup4dec2018.c
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..30d410680817c84562edd3809a36648cbbc74fcc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/marchenko_applications/combine_backup4dec2018.c
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+#include "par.h"
+#include "segy.h"
+#include <time.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <genfft.h>
+#ifndef MAX
+#define MAX(x,y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
+#ifndef MIN
+#define MIN(x,y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
+#define NINT(x) ((int)((x)>0.0?(x)+0.5:(x)-0.5))
+#ifndef COMPLEX
+typedef struct _complexStruct { /* complex number */
+    float r,i;
+} complex;
+#endif/* complex */
+int getFileInfo(char *filename, int *n1, int *n2, int *ngath, float *d1, float *d2, float *f1, float *f2, float *xmin, float *xmax, float *sclsxgx, int *nxm);
+int disp_fileinfo(char *file, int n1, int n2, float f1, float f2, float d1, float d2, segy *hdrs);
+double wallclock_time(void);
+int writeData(FILE *fp, float *data, segy *hdrs, int n1, int n2);
+int readSnapData(char *filename, float *data, segy *hdr, int ngath, int nx, int ntfft, int sx, int ex, int sz, int ez);
+char *sdoc[] = {
+" ",
+" combine - Combine results into a single result ",
+" ",
+" authors  : Joeri Brackenhoff	: (J.A.Brackenhoff@tudelft.nl)",
+"		   : Jan Thorbecke 		: (janth@xs4all.nl)",
+" ",
+" Required parameters: ",
+"   file_in= ................. File containing the first data",
+" ",
+" Optional parameters: ",
+" ",
+"   file_out= ................ Filename of the output",
+"   numb= .................... integer number of first file",
+"   dnumb= ................... integer number of increment in files",
+"	nzmax= ................... Maximum number of files read",
+int main (int argc, char **argv)
+	FILE *fp_in, *fp_out;
+	char *fin, *fout, *ptr, fbegin[100], fend[100], fins[100], fin2[100], numb1[100];
+	float *indata, *outdata, *rtrace, fz, fx;
+	float dt, dx, t0, x0, xmin, xmax, sclsxgx, dt2, dx2, t02, x02, xmin2, xmax2, sclsxgx2, dxrcv, dzrcv;
+	int nshots, nt, nx, ntraces, nshots2, nt2, nx2, ntraces2, ix, it, is, ir, pos, ifile, file_det, nxs, nzs;
+	int xcount, numb, dnumb, ret, nzmax, verbose;
+	segy *hdr_in, *hdr_out;
+	initargs(argc, argv);
+	requestdoc(1);
+	if (!getparstring("file_in", &fin)) fin = NULL;
+    if (!getparstring("file_out", &fout)) fout = "out.su";
+	if (!getparint("numb", &numb)) numb=0;
+	if (!getparint("dnumb", &dnumb)) dnumb=0;
+	if (!getparint("nzmax", &nzmax)) nzmax=0;
+	if (!getparint("verbose", &verbose)) verbose=0;
+	if (fin == NULL) verr("Incorrect downgoing input");
+	if (dnumb < 1) dnumb = 1;
+	sprintf(numb1,"%d",numb);
+	ptr  = strstr(fin,numb1);
+    pos = ptr - fin + 1;
+    sprintf(fbegin,"%*.*s", pos-1, pos-1, fin);
+   	sprintf(fend,"%s", fin+pos);
+	file_det = 1;
+	nzs=0;
+	while (file_det) {
+        sprintf(fins,"%d",nzs*dnumb+numb);
+        sprintf(fin,"%s%s%s",fbegin,fins,fend);
+        fp_in = fopen(fin, "r");
+        if (fp_in == NULL) {
+            if (nzs == 0) {
+                verr("error on opening basefile=%s", fin);
+            }
+            else if (nzs == 1) {
+                vmess("1 file detected");
+            }
+            else {
+                vmess("%d files detected",nzs);
+                file_det = 0;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        fclose(fp_in);
+        nzs++;
+		if (nzmax!=0 && nzs == nzmax) {
+			vmess("%d files detected",nzs);
+            file_det = 0;
+            break;
+		}
+    }
+	sprintf(fins,"%d",numb);
+    sprintf(fin2,"%s%s%s",fbegin,fins,fend);
+	nshots = 0;
+    getFileInfo(fin2, &nt, &nx, &nshots, &dt, &dx, &t0, &x0, &xmin, &xmax, &sclsxgx, &ntraces);
+	sprintf(fins,"%d",numb+dnumb);
+    sprintf(fin2,"%s%s%s",fbegin,fins,fend);
+    nshots = 0;
+    getFileInfo(fin2, &nt2, &nx2, &nshots2, &dt2, &dx2, &t02, &x02, &xmin2, &xmax2, &sclsxgx2, &ntraces2);
+	dxrcv=dx*1000;
+	dzrcv=t02-t0;
+	if (nshots==0) nshots=1;
+	nxs = ntraces;
+	// ngath zijn het aantal schoten
+	hdr_out     = (segy *)calloc(nxs,sizeof(segy));	
+	outdata		= (float *)calloc(nxs*nzs,sizeof(float));
+	hdr_in      = (segy *)calloc(nxs,sizeof(segy));
+    indata    	= (float *)calloc(nxs,sizeof(float));
+	readSnapData(fin2, &indata[0], &hdr_in[0], nshots, nxs, nt, 0, nxs, 0, nt);
+	nshots 	= hdr_in[nxs-1].fldr;
+	nxs		= hdr_in[nxs-1].tracf;
+	for (ir = 0; ir < nzs; ir++) {
+		if (verbose) vmess("Depth:%d out of %d",ir+1,nzs);
+		sprintf(fins,"%d",ir*dnumb+numb);
+        sprintf(fin2,"%s%s%s",fbegin,fins,fend);
+        fp_in = fopen(fin2, "r");
+		if (fp_in == NULL) {
+			verr("Error opening file");
+		}
+		fclose(fp_in);
+		readSnapData(fin2, &indata[0], &hdr_in[0], nshots, nxs, nt, 0, nxs, 0, nt);
+		if (ir==0) fz=hdr_in[0].f1; fx=hdr_in[0].f2;
+		if (ir==1) dzrcv=hdr_in[0].f1-fz;
+		for (is = 0; is < nxs; is++) {
+			for (it = 0; it < nshots; it++) {
+				outdata[it*nxs*nzs+is*nzs+ir] = indata[it*nxs+is];
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	free(indata);
+	fp_out = fopen(fout, "w+");
+	for (is = 0; is < nshots; is++) {
+		for (ix = 0; ix < nxs; ix++) {
+           	hdr_out[ix].fldr	= is+1;
+           	hdr_out[ix].tracl	= is*nxs+ix+1;
+           	hdr_out[ix].tracf	= ix+1;
+			hdr_out[ix].scalco  = -1000;
+   			hdr_out[ix].scalel	= -1000;
+			hdr_out[ix].sdepth	= hdr_in[0].sdepth;
+			hdr_out[ix].trid	= 1;
+			hdr_out[ix].ns		= nzs;
+			hdr_out[ix].trwf	= nxs;
+			hdr_out[ix].ntr		= hdr_out[ix].fldr*hdr_out[ix].trwf;
+			hdr_out[ix].f1		= fz;
+			hdr_out[ix].f2		= fx;
+			hdr_out[ix].dt      = dt*(1E6);
+			hdr_out[ix].d1      = dzrcv;
+           	hdr_out[ix].d2      = dxrcv;
+			hdr_out[ix].sx      = (int)roundf(fx + (ix*hdr_out[ix].d2));
+			hdr_out[ix].gx      = (int)roundf(fx + (ix*hdr_out[ix].d2));
+           	hdr_out[ix].offset	= (hdr_out[ix].gx - hdr_out[ix].sx)/1000.0;
+		}
+		ret = writeData(fp_out, &outdata[is*nxs*nzs], hdr_out, nzs, nxs);
+		if (ret < 0 ) verr("error on writing output file.");
+	}
+	fclose(fp_out);
+	return 0;
diff --git a/marchenko_applications/combine_induced.c b/marchenko_applications/combine_induced.c
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0b7601e48a0c994bdaad6108e90dca1f6ba71492
--- /dev/null
+++ b/marchenko_applications/combine_induced.c
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+#include "par.h"
+#include "segy.h"
+#include <time.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <genfft.h>
+#ifndef MAX
+#define MAX(x,y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
+#ifndef MIN
+#define MIN(x,y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
+#define NINT(x) ((int)((x)>0.0?(x)+0.5:(x)-0.5))
+#ifndef COMPLEX
+typedef struct _complexStruct { /* complex number */
+    float r,i;
+} complex;
+#endif/* complex */
+int getFileInfo(char *filename, int *n1, int *n2, int *ngath, float *d1, float *d2, float *f1, float *f2, float *xmin, float *xmax, float *sclsxgx, int *nxm);
+int disp_fileinfo(char *file, int n1, int n2, float f1, float f2, float d1, float d2, segy *hdrs);
+double wallclock_time(void);
+int writeData(FILE *fp, float *data, segy *hdrs, int n1, int n2);
+int readSnapData(char *filename, float *data, segy *hdr, int ngath, int nx, int ntfft, int sx, int ex, int sz, int ez);
+char *sdoc[] = {
+" ",
+" combine_induced - Combine induced seismicity results together ",
+" ",
+" authors  : Joeri Brackenhoff	: (J.A.Brackenhoff@tudelft.nl)",
+"		   : Jan Thorbecke 		: (janth@xs4all.nl)",
+" ",
+" Required parameters: ",
+"   file_in= ................. File containing the first data",
+" ",
+" Optional parameters: ",
+" ",
+"   file_out= ................ Filename of the output",
+"   numb= .................... integer number of first file",
+"   dnumb= ................... integer number of increment in files",
+"	nzmax= ................... Maximum number of files read",
+int main (int argc, char **argv)
+	FILE *fp_in, *fp_out;
+	char *fin, *fout, *ptr, fbegin[100], fend[100], fins[100], fin2[100], numb1[100];
+	float *indata, *outdata, *rtrace, fz, fx, shift, dtshift, dt_time;
+	float dt, dx, t0, x0, xmin, xmax, sclsxgx, dt2, dx2, t02, x02, xmin2, xmax2, sclsxgx2, dxrcv, dzrcv;
+	int nshots, nt, nx, ntraces, nshots2, nt2, nx2, ntraces2, ix, it, is, iz, pos, ifile, file_det, nxs, nzs;
+	int xcount, numb, dnumb, ret, nzmax, verbose, nshot_out, ishift, nshift;
+	segy *hdr_in, *hdr_bin, *hdr_out;
+	initargs(argc, argv);
+	requestdoc(1);
+	if (!getparstring("file_in", &fin)) fin = NULL;
+    if (!getparstring("file_out", &fout)) fout = "out.su";
+	if (!getparint("numb", &numb)) numb=0;
+	if (!getparint("dnumb", &dnumb)) dnumb=0;
+	if (!getparint("nzmax", &nzmax)) nzmax=0;
+	if (!getparint("verbose", &verbose)) verbose=0;
+	if (!getparint("nshift", &nshift)) nshift=0;
+	if (!getparfloat("shift", &shift)) shift=0.0;
+	if (!getparfloat("dtshift", &dtshift)) dtshift=0.0;
+	if (!getparfloat("dt_time", &dt_time)) dt_time=0.004;
+	if (fin == NULL) verr("Incorrect downgoing input");
+	if (dnumb < 1) dnumb = 1;
+	sprintf(numb1,"%d",numb);
+	ptr  = strstr(fin,numb1);
+    pos = ptr - fin + 1;
+    sprintf(fbegin,"%*.*s", pos-1, pos-1, fin);
+   	sprintf(fend,"%s", fin+pos);
+	file_det = 1;
+	nzs=0;
+	while (file_det) {
+        sprintf(fins,"%d",nzs*dnumb+numb);
+        sprintf(fin,"%s%s%s",fbegin,fins,fend);
+        fp_in = fopen(fin, "r");
+        if (fp_in == NULL) {
+            if (nzs == 0) {
+                verr("error on opening basefile=%s", fin);
+            }
+            else if (nzs == 1) {
+                vmess("1 file detected");
+            }
+            else {
+                vmess("%d files detected",nzs);
+                file_det = 0;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        fclose(fp_in);
+        nzs++;
+		if (nzmax!=0 && nzs == nzmax) {
+			vmess("%d files detected",nzs);
+            file_det = 0;
+            break;
+		}
+    }
+	sprintf(fins,"%d",numb);
+    sprintf(fin2,"%s%s%s",fbegin,fins,fend);
+	nshots = 0;
+    getFileInfo(fin2, &nt, &nx, &nshots, &dt, &dx, &t0, &x0, &xmin, &xmax, &sclsxgx, &ntraces);
+	sprintf(fins,"%d",numb+dnumb);
+    sprintf(fin2,"%s%s%s",fbegin,fins,fend);
+    nshots = 0;
+    getFileInfo(fin2, &nt2, &nx2, &nshots2, &dt2, &dx2, &t02, &x02, &xmin2, &xmax2, &sclsxgx2, &ntraces2);
+	dxrcv=dx*1000;
+	dzrcv=t02-t0;
+	if (nshots==0) nshots=1;
+	nxs = ntraces;
+	// ngath zijn het aantal schoten
+	hdr_bin      = (segy *)calloc(nxs,sizeof(segy));
+    indata    	= (float *)calloc(nxs*nt,sizeof(float));
+	readSnapData(fin2, &indata[0], &hdr_bin[0], nshots, nxs, nt, 0, nxs, 0, nt);
+	nshots 	= hdr_bin[nxs-1].fldr;
+	nxs		= hdr_bin[nxs-1].tracf;
+	nshot_out = nshots/2;
+	free(indata);
+	hdr_out     = (segy *)calloc(nshot_out*nxs,sizeof(segy));	
+	outdata		= (float *)calloc(nshot_out*nxs*nt,sizeof(float));
+	vmess("nshot_out:%d nxs=%d nt:%d",nshot_out,nxs,nt);
+#pragma omp parallel default(shared) \
+  private(indata,iz,hdr_in,fins,fin2,fp_in,is,ix,it,ishift)
+	indata     = (float *)calloc(ntraces*nt,sizeof(float));
+	hdr_in      = (segy *)calloc(ntraces,sizeof(segy));
+#pragma omp for
+	for (iz = 0; iz < nzs; iz++) {
+		if (verbose) vmess("Depth:%d out of %d",iz+1,nzs);
+		sprintf(fins,"%d",iz*dnumb+numb);
+       	sprintf(fin2,"%s%s%s",fbegin,fins,fend);
+       	fp_in = fopen(fin2, "r");
+		if (fp_in == NULL) {
+			verr("Error opening file");
+		}
+		fclose(fp_in);
+		readSnapData(fin2, &indata[0], &hdr_in[0], nshots, nxs, nt, 0, nxs, 0, nt);
+		if (iz==0) fz=hdr_in[0].f1; fx=hdr_in[0].f2;
+		if (iz==1) dzrcv=hdr_in[0].f1-fz;
+		//ishift = (int)((shift+(dtshift*((float)iz)))/dt_time);
+		ishift = nshift*iz;
+		if (verbose) vmess("Shifting %d timesteps for a total of %.3f seconds",ishift,shift+(dtshift*((float)iz)));
+		for (is = ishift; is < nshot_out; is++) {
+			for (ix = 0; ix < nxs; ix++) {
+				for (it = 0; it < nt; it++) {
+					outdata[is*nxs*nt+ix*nt+it] += indata[(is-ishift+(nshots/2))*nxs*nt+ix*nt+it];
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	free(indata);free(hdr_in);
+	fp_out = fopen(fout, "w+");
+	for (is = 0; is < nshot_out; is++) {
+		for (ix = 0; ix < nxs; ix++) {
+           	hdr_out[ix].fldr	= is+1;
+           	hdr_out[ix].tracl	= is*nxs+ix+1;
+           	hdr_out[ix].tracf	= ix+1;
+			hdr_out[ix].scalco  = -1000;
+   			hdr_out[ix].scalel	= -1000;
+			hdr_out[ix].sdepth	= hdr_bin[0].sdepth;
+			hdr_out[ix].trid	= 1;
+			hdr_out[ix].ns		= nt;
+			hdr_out[ix].trwf	= nxs;
+			hdr_out[ix].ntr		= hdr_out[ix].fldr*hdr_out[ix].trwf;
+			hdr_out[ix].f1		= fz;
+			hdr_out[ix].f2		= fx;
+			hdr_out[ix].dt      = dt_time*(1E6);
+			hdr_out[ix].d1      = dzrcv;
+           	hdr_out[ix].d2      = dxrcv;
+			hdr_out[ix].sx      = (int)roundf(fx + (ix*hdr_out[ix].d2));
+			hdr_out[ix].gx      = (int)roundf(fx + (ix*hdr_out[ix].d2));
+           	hdr_out[ix].offset	= (hdr_out[ix].gx - hdr_out[ix].sx)/1000.0;
+		}
+		ret = writeData(fp_out, &outdata[is*nxs*nt], hdr_out, nt, nxs);
+		if (ret < 0 ) verr("error on writing output file.");
+	}
+	fclose(fp_out);
+	return 0;
diff --git a/marchenko_applications/homogeneousg.c b/marchenko_applications/homogeneousg.c
index bdda95beaea96c6779ff0fd30de13007be54329a..3e83ba679e350e85dbbcbccf51e2babcb0a40423 100644
--- a/marchenko_applications/homogeneousg.c
+++ b/marchenko_applications/homogeneousg.c
@@ -115,9 +115,9 @@ void homogeneousg(float *HomG, float *green, complex *Refl, int nx, int nt, int
 #pragma omp for
 	for (l = 0; l < Nsyn; l++) {
-		count+=1;
+		//count+=1;
-		if (verbose > 2) vmess("Creating Homogeneous G at location %d out of %d",count,Nsyn);
+		if (verbose > 2) vmess("Creating Homogeneous G at location %d out of %d",l,Nsyn);
 		if (scheme==3) vmess("Looping over %d source positions",n_source);
 		if (scheme==0) { //Marchenko representation
@@ -166,28 +166,32 @@ void homogeneousg(float *HomG, float *green, complex *Refl, int nx, int nt, int
 			for (is=0; is<n_source; is++) {
             	convol(&green[is*nxs*nts], &f2p[l*nxs*nts], conv, nxs, nts, dt, 0);
             	timeDiff(conv, ntfft, nshots, dt, fmin, fmax, -3);
-				//shift_num = is*((int)(source_shift/dt));
             	if (kxwfilt) {
                 	kxwfilter(conv, ntfft, nshots, dt, dx, fmin, fmax, alpha, cp, perc);
             	for (i=0; i<npossyn; i++) {
-					/*for (j = nts/2+1; j < nts; j++) {
-                    	tmp1[i*nts+j] = 0.0;
-                    }
-					for (j = shift_num; j < nts; j++) {
-                        tmp1[i*nts+j] = conv[i*nts+j-shift_num];;
-                    }
-					for (j = shift_num; j < nts; j++) {
-                        tmp1[i*nts+j] = conv[i*nts+nts-shift_num+j];;
-                    }*/
-					//HomG[(nts/2-1)*Nsyn+synpos[l]] += tmp1[i*nts+nts-1]/rho;
                 	for (j=0; j<nts/2; j++) {
-                    	//HomG[(j+nts/2)*Nsyn+synpos[l]] += tmp1[i*nts+j]/rho;
                     	HomG[is*nts*Nsyn+(j+nts/2)*Nsyn+synpos[l]] += conv[i*nts+j]/rho;
                     	HomG[is*nts*Nsyn+j*Nsyn+synpos[l]] += conv[i*nts+(j+nts/2)]/rho;
+        }
+		if (scheme==4) { //Marchenko representation with multiple shot gathers
+            depthDiff(&f2p[l*nxs*nts], ntfft, nshots, dt, dx, fmin, fmax, cp, 1);
+            for (is=0; is<n_source; is++) {
+                convol(&green[is*nxs*nts], &f2p[l*nxs*nts], conv, nxs, nts, dt, 0);
+                timeDiff(conv, ntfft, nshots, dt, fmin, fmax, -1);
+                if (kxwfilt) {
+                    kxwfilter(conv, ntfft, nshots, dt, dx, fmin, fmax, alpha, cp, perc);
+                }
+                for (i=0; i<npossyn; i++) {
+                    for (j=0; j<nts/2; j++) {
+                        HomG[is*nts*Nsyn+(j+nts/2)*Nsyn+synpos[l]] += conv[i*nts+j]/rho;
+                        HomG[is*nts*Nsyn+j*Nsyn+synpos[l]] += conv[i*nts+(j+nts/2)]/rho;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
diff --git a/marchenko_applications/homogeneousg_backup26nov2018.c b/marchenko_applications/homogeneousg_backup26nov2018.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0fbd59d6a4e39e24b863dcc838f33abc27b323f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/marchenko_applications/homogeneousg_backup26nov2018.c
@@ -0,0 +1,550 @@
+#include "par.h"
+#include "segy.h"
+#include <time.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <genfft.h>
+#include "marchenko.h"
+#include "raytime.h"
+int omp_get_max_threads(void);
+int omp_get_num_threads(void);
+void omp_set_num_threads(int num_threads);
+void applyMute( float *data, int *mute, int smooth, int above, int Nsyn, int nxs, int nt, int *xrcvsyn, int npossyn, int shift, int pad, int nt0);
+int disp_fileinfo(char *file, int n1, int n2, float f1, float f2, float d1, float d2, segy *hdrs);
+double wallclock_time(void);
+int writeData(FILE *fp, float *data, segy *hdrs, int n1, int n2);
+void conjugate(float *data, int nsam, int nrec, float dt);
+void scl_data(float *data, int nsam, int nrec, float scl, float *datout, int nsamout);
+void pad_data(float *data, int nsam, int nrec, int nsamout, float *datout);
+void convol(float *data1, float *data2, float *con, int nrec, int nsam, float dt, int shift);
+void corr(float *data1, float *data2, float *cov, int nrec, int nsam, float dt, int shift);
+void synthesis(complex *Refl, complex *Fop, float *Top, float *iRN, int nx, int nt, int nxs, int nts, float dt, float *xsyn, int Nsyn, float *xrcv, float *xsrc, float fxs2, float fxs, float dxs, float dxsrc, float dx, int ixa, int ixb, int ntfft, int nw, int nw_low, int nw_high,  int mode, int reci, int nshots, int *ixpossyn, int npossyn, double *tfft, int first, int verbose);
+void kxwfilter(float *data, int nt, int nx, float dt, float dx, float fmin, float fmax, float angle, float cp, float perc);
+void timeDiff(float *data, int nsam, int nrec, float dt, float fmin, float fmax, int opt);
+void depthDiff(float *data, int nsam, int nrec, float dt, float dx, float fmin, float fmax, float c, int opt);
+void pad2d_data(float *data, int nsam, int nrec, int nsamout, int nrecout, float *datout);
+void homogeneousg(float *HomG, float *green, complex *Refl, int nx, int nt, int nxs, int nts, float dt, float *xsyn, int Nsyn, float *xrcv, float *xsrc, float fxs2, float fxs, float dxs, float dxsrc, float dx, int ixa, int ixb, int ntfft, int nw, int nw_low, int nw_high,  int mode, int reci, int nshots, int *ixpossyn, int npossyn, float *pmin, float *f1min, float *f1plus, float *f2p, float *G_d, int *muteW, int smooth, int shift, int above, int pad, int nt0, int *synpos, int n_source, int verbose)
+    int     i, j, l, ret, scheme,count=0;
+    int     iter, niter, ix, is, kxwfilt, shift_num;
+	float   scl, *conv, *greenf2, fmin, fmax, alpha, cp, rho, perc;
+	float   *greenjkz, *greenf2jkz, *tmp1, *tmp2, source_shift;
+    double  t0, t2, tfft;
+	FILE	*fp, *fp1, *fp2, *fp3;
+	if (!getparint("scheme", &scheme)) scheme = 0;
+	if (!getparint("kxwfilt", &kxwfilt)) kxwfilt = 0;
+	if (!getparint("niter",&niter)) niter=10;
+	if (!getparfloat("fmin", &fmin)) fmin = 0.0;
+	if (!getparfloat("fmax", &fmax)) fmax = 100.0;
+	if (!getparfloat("alpha", &alpha)) alpha = 65.0;
+	if (!getparfloat("cp", &cp)) cp = 1500.0;
+	if (!getparfloat("rho", &rho)) rho = 1000.0;
+	if (!getparfloat("perc", &perc)) perc = 0.15;
+	if (!getparfloat("source_shift", &source_shift)) source_shift = 0.1;
+	tfft = 0.0;
+	ret = 0;
+    t0   = wallclock_time();
+	if (scheme==1) {
+		if (verbose) vmess("Classical Homogeneous Green's function retrieval");
+		greenf2   	= (float *)calloc(Nsyn*nxs*ntfft,sizeof(float));
+		greenf2jkz	= (float *)calloc(Nsyn*nxs*ntfft,sizeof(float));
+		greenjkz	= (float *)calloc(nxs*ntfft,sizeof(float));
+		if (niter<1) {
+			vmess("Single event");
+		}
+		else {
+			vmess("Multiple events");
+		}
+		for (l = 0; l < Nsyn; l++) {
+            for (i = 0; i < npossyn; i++) {
+               	j = 0;
+               	/* set green to zero if mute-window exceeds nt/2 */
+               	if (muteW[l*nxs+ixpossyn[i]] >= nts/2) {
+                   	memset(&greenf2[l*nxs*nts+i*nts],0, sizeof(float)*nt);
+					memset(&greenf2jkz[l*nxs*nts+i*nts],0, sizeof(float)*nt);
+                   	continue;
+               	}
+               	greenf2[l*nxs*nts+i*nts+j] = f2p[l*nxs*nts+i*nts+j] + pmin[l*nxs*nts+i*nts+j];
+				greenf2jkz[l*nxs*nts+i*nts+j] = f2p[l*nxs*nts+i*nts+j] + pmin[l*nxs*nts+i*nts+j];
+               	for (j = 1; j < nts; j++) {
+                   	greenf2[l*nxs*nts+i*nts+j] = f2p[l*nxs*nts+i*nts+nts-j] + pmin[l*nxs*nts+i*nts+j];
+					greenf2jkz[l*nxs*nts+i*nts+j] = f2p[l*nxs*nts+i*nts+nts-j] + pmin[l*nxs*nts+i*nts+j];
+               	}
+			}
+			depthDiff(&greenf2jkz[l*nxs*nts], ntfft, nshots, dt, dx, fmin, fmax, cp, 1);
+        }
+		for (i = 0; i < npossyn; i++) {
+			for (j = 0; j < nts; j++) {
+				greenjkz[i*nts+j] = green[i*nts+j];
+			}
+		}
+		conjugate(greenjkz, ntfft, nshots, dt);
+		conjugate(green, ntfft, nshots, dt);
+		depthDiff(greenjkz, ntfft, nshots, dt, dx, fmin, fmax, cp, 1);
+	}
+	else if (scheme=2) {
+		if (verbose) vmess("Marchenko Homogeneous Green's function retrieval with multiple sources");
+	}
+	else {
+		if (verbose) vmess("Marchenko Homogeneous Green's function retrieval");
+	}
+#pragma omp parallel default(shared) \
+  private(i,j,is,conv,tmp1,tmp2) 
+	conv	= (float *)calloc(nxs*ntfft,sizeof(float));
+	if (scheme==1) {
+		tmp1	= (float *)calloc(nxs*ntfft,sizeof(float));
+		tmp2	= (float *)calloc(nxs*ntfft,sizeof(float));
+	}
+	if (scheme==3) tmp1 = (float *)calloc(nxs*ntfft,sizeof(float));
+#pragma omp for
+	for (l = 0; l < Nsyn; l++) {
+		count+=1;
+		if (verbose > 2) vmess("Creating Homogeneous G at location %d out of %d",count,Nsyn);
+		if (scheme==3) vmess("Looping over %d source positions",n_source);
+		if (scheme==0) { //Marchenko representation
+			depthDiff(&f2p[l*nxs*nts], ntfft, nshots, dt, dx, fmin, fmax, cp, 1);
+			convol(green, &f2p[l*nxs*nts], conv, nxs, nts, dt, -2);
+			timeDiff(conv, ntfft, nshots, dt, fmin, fmax, -2);
+			if (kxwfilt) {
+				kxwfilter(conv, ntfft, nshots, dt, dx, fmin, fmax, alpha, cp, perc);
+			}
+			for (i=0; i<npossyn; i++) {
+           		for (j=0; j<nts/2; j++) {
+               		HomG[(j+nts/2)*Nsyn+synpos[l]] += conv[i*nts+j]/rho;
+					HomG[j*Nsyn+synpos[l]] += conv[i*nts+(j+nts/2)]/rho;
+           		}
+       		}
+		}
+		else if (scheme==1) { //classical representation
+           	convol(&greenf2jkz[l*nxs*nts], green, tmp1, nxs, nts, dt, 0);
+           	convol(&greenf2[l*nxs*nts], greenjkz, tmp2, nxs, nts, dt, 0);
+			for (i = 0; i < npossyn; i++) {
+				for (j = 0; j < nts; j++) {
+					conv[i*nts+j] = tmp1[i*nts+j]+tmp2[i*nts+j];
+				}
+			}
+			timeDiff(conv, ntfft, nshots, dt, fmin, fmax, -1);
+			for (i=0; i<npossyn; i++) {
+               	for (j=0; j<nts/2; j++) {
+                   	HomG[(j+nts/2)*Nsyn+synpos[l]] += conv[i*nts+j]/rho;
+					HomG[j*Nsyn+synpos[l]] += conv[i*nts+(j+nts/2)]/rho;
+               	}
+           	}
+		}
+		else if (scheme==2) { //Marchenko representation with multiple sources
+			depthDiff(&f2p[l*nxs*nts], ntfft, nshots, dt, dx, fmin, fmax, cp, 1);
+			convol(green, &f2p[l*nxs*nts], conv, nxs, nts, dt, 0);
+			timeDiff(conv, ntfft, nshots, dt, fmin, fmax, -1);
+			for (i=0; i<npossyn; i++) {
+               	for (j=0; j<nts/2; j++) {
+                   	HomG[(j+nts/2)*Nsyn+synpos[l]] += 2*conv[i*nts+j]/rho;
+                   	HomG[j*Nsyn+synpos[l]] += 2*conv[i*nts+(j+nts/2)]/rho;
+               	}
+           	}
+		}
+		if (scheme==3) { //Marchenko representation with multiple shot gathers
+            depthDiff(&f2p[l*nxs*nts], ntfft, nshots, dt, dx, fmin, fmax, cp, 1); 
+			for (is=0; is<n_source; is++) {
+            	convol(&green[is*nxs*nts], &f2p[l*nxs*nts], conv, nxs, nts, dt, -2);
+            	timeDiff(conv, ntfft, nshots, dt, fmin, fmax, -2);
+				shift_num = is*((int)(source_shift/dt));
+            	if (kxwfilt) {
+                	kxwfilter(conv, ntfft, nshots, dt, dx, fmin, fmax, alpha, cp, perc);
+            	}
+            	for (i=0; i<npossyn; i++) {
+					for (j = nts/2+1; j < nts; j++) {
+                    	tmp1[i*nts+j] = 0.0;
+                    }
+					for (j = shift_num; j < nts; j++) {
+                        tmp1[i*nts+j] = conv[i*nts+j-shift_num];;
+                    }
+					for (j = shift_num; j < nts; j++) {
+                        tmp1[i*nts+j] = conv[i*nts+nts-shift_num+j];;
+                    }
+					HomG[(nts/2-1)*Nsyn+synpos[l]] += tmp1[i*nts+nts-1]/rho;
+                	for (j=0; j<nts/2; j++) {
+                    	HomG[(j+nts/2)*Nsyn+synpos[l]] += tmp1[i*nts+j]/rho;
+                	}
+				}
+            }
+        }
+	}
+    free(conv);
+	if (scheme==1) { 
+		free(tmp1);
+		free(tmp2);
+	}
+	if (scheme==3) free(tmp1);
+	if (scheme==1) {
+		free(greenf2);
+		free(greenf2jkz);
+	}
+    t2 = wallclock_time();
+    if (verbose) {
+        vmess("Total Homogeneous G time = %.3f", t2-t0);
+    }
+    return;
+void corr(float *data1, float *data2, float *cov, int nrec, int nsam, float dt, int shift)
+    int     i, j, n, optn, nfreq, sign;
+    float   df, dw, om, tau, scl;
+    float   *qr, *qi, *p1r, *p1i, *p2r, *p2i, *rdata1, *rdata2;
+    complex *cdata1, *cdata2, *ccov, tmp;
+    optn = optncr(nsam);
+    nfreq = optn/2+1;
+    cdata1 = (complex *)malloc(nfreq*nrec*sizeof(complex));
+    if (cdata1 == NULL) verr("memory allocation error for cdata1");
+    cdata2 = (complex *)malloc(nfreq*nrec*sizeof(complex));
+    if (cdata2 == NULL) verr("memory allocation error for cdata2");
+    ccov = (complex *)malloc(nfreq*nrec*sizeof(complex));
+    if (ccov == NULL) verr("memory allocation error for ccov");
+    rdata1 = (float *)malloc(optn*nrec*sizeof(float));
+    if (rdata1 == NULL) verr("memory allocation error for rdata1");
+    rdata2 = (float *)malloc(optn*nrec*sizeof(float));
+    if (rdata2 == NULL) verr("memory allocation error for rdata2");
+    /* pad zeroes until Fourier length is reached */
+    pad_data(data1, nsam, nrec, optn, rdata1);
+    pad_data(data2, nsam, nrec, optn, rdata2);
+    /* forward time-frequency FFT */
+    sign = -1;
+    rcmfft(&rdata1[0], &cdata1[0], optn, nrec, optn, nfreq, sign);
+    rcmfft(&rdata2[0], &cdata2[0], optn, nrec, optn, nfreq, sign);
+    /* apply correlation */
+    p1r = (float *) &cdata1[0];
+    p2r = (float *) &cdata2[0];
+    qr  = (float *) &ccov[0].r;
+    p1i = p1r + 1;
+    p2i = p2r + 1;
+    qi = qr + 1;
+    n = nrec*nfreq;
+    for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
+        *qr = (*p1r * *p2r + *p1i * *p2i);
+        *qi = (*p1i * *p2r - *p1r * *p2i);
+        qr += 2;
+        qi += 2;
+        p1r += 2;
+        p1i += 2;
+        p2r += 2;
+        p2i += 2;
+    }
+    free(cdata1);
+    free(cdata2);
+    /* shift t=0 to middle of time window (nsam/2)*/
+    if (shift) {
+        df = 1.0/(dt*optn);
+        dw = 2*PI*df;
+        tau = dt*(nsam/2);
+        for (j = 0; j < nrec; j++) {
+            om = 0.0;
+            for (i = 0; i < nfreq; i++) {
+                tmp.r = ccov[j*nfreq+i].r*cos(om*tau) + ccov[j*nfreq+i].i*sin(om*tau);
+                tmp.i = ccov[j*nfreq+i].i*cos(om*tau) - ccov[j*nfreq+i].r*sin(om*tau);
+                ccov[j*nfreq+i] = tmp;
+                om += dw;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /* inverse frequency-time FFT and scale result */
+    sign = 1;
+    scl = 1.0/(float)optn;
+    crmfft(&ccov[0], &rdata1[0], optn, nrec, nfreq, optn, sign);
+    scl_data(rdata1,optn,nrec,scl,cov,nsam);
+    free(ccov);
+    free(rdata1);
+    free(rdata2);
+    return;
+void timeDiff(float *data, int nsam, int nrec, float dt, float fmin, float fmax, int opt)
+    int     optn, iom, iomin, iomax, nfreq, ix, sign;
+    float   omin, omax, deltom, om, df, *rdata, scl;
+    complex *cdata, *cdatascl;
+    optn = optncr(nsam);
+    nfreq = optn/2+1;
+    df    = 1.0/(optn*dt);
+    cdata = (complex *)malloc(nfreq*nrec*sizeof(complex));
+    if (cdata == NULL) verr("memory allocation error for cdata");
+    rdata = (float *)malloc(optn*nrec*sizeof(float));
+    if (rdata == NULL) verr("memory allocation error for rdata");
+    /* pad zeroes until Fourier length is reached */
+    pad_data(data,nsam,nrec,optn,rdata);
+    /* Forward time-frequency FFT */
+    sign = -1;
+    rcmfft(&rdata[0], &cdata[0], optn, nrec, optn, nfreq, sign);
+    deltom = 2.*PI*df;
+    omin   = 2.*PI*fmin;
+    omax   = 2.*PI*fmax;
+    iomin  = (int)MIN((omin/deltom), (nfreq));
+    iomin  = MAX(iomin, 1);
+    iomax  = MIN((int)(omax/deltom), (nfreq));
+    cdatascl = (complex *)malloc(nfreq*nrec*sizeof(complex));
+    if (cdatascl == NULL) verr("memory allocation error for cdatascl");
+    for (ix = 0; ix < nrec; ix++) {
+        for (iom = 0; iom < iomin; iom++) {
+            cdatascl[ix*nfreq+iom].r = 0.0;
+            cdatascl[ix*nfreq+iom].i = 0.0;
+        }
+        for (iom = iomax; iom < nfreq; iom++) {
+            cdatascl[ix*nfreq+iom].r = 0.0;
+            cdatascl[ix*nfreq+iom].i = 0.0;
+        }
+        if (opt == 1) {
+            for (iom = iomin ; iom < iomax ; iom++) {
+                om = deltom*iom;
+                cdatascl[ix*nfreq+iom].r = -om*cdata[ix*nfreq+iom].i;
+                cdatascl[ix*nfreq+iom].i = om*cdata[ix*nfreq+iom].r;
+            }
+        }
+        else if (opt == -1) {
+            for (iom = iomin ; iom < iomax ; iom++) {
+                om = 1.0/(deltom*iom);
+                cdatascl[ix*nfreq+iom].r = om*cdata[ix*nfreq+iom].i;
+                cdatascl[ix*nfreq+iom].i = -om*cdata[ix*nfreq+iom].r;
+            }
+        }
+		else if (opt == -2) {
+            for (iom = iomin ; iom < iomax ; iom++) {
+                om = 4.0/(deltom*iom);
+                cdatascl[ix*nfreq+iom].r = om*cdata[ix*nfreq+iom].r;
+                cdatascl[ix*nfreq+iom].i = om*cdata[ix*nfreq+iom].i;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    free(cdata);
+    /* Inverse frequency-time FFT and scale result */
+    sign = 1;
+    scl = 1.0/(float)optn;
+    crmfft(&cdatascl[0], &rdata[0], optn, nrec, nfreq, optn, sign);
+    scl_data(rdata,optn,nrec,scl,data,nsam);
+    free(cdatascl);
+    free(rdata);
+    return;
+void depthDiff(float *data, int nsam, int nrec, float dt, float dx, float fmin, float fmax, float c, int opt)
+    int     optn, iom, iomin, iomax, nfreq, ix, ikx, nkx, ikxmax;
+    float   omin, omax, deltom, df, dkx, *rdata, kx, scl;
+    float   kx2, kz2, kp2, kp;
+    complex *cdata, *cdatascl, kz, kzinv;
+    optn  = optncr(nsam);
+    nfreq = optncr(nsam)/2+1;
+    df    = 1.0/(optn*dt);
+    nkx   = optncc(nrec);
+    dkx   = 2.0*PI/(nkx*dx);
+    cdata = (complex *)malloc(nfreq*nkx*sizeof(complex));
+    if (cdata == NULL) verr("memory allocation error for cdata");
+    rdata = (float *)malloc(optn*nkx*sizeof(float));
+    if (rdata == NULL) verr("memory allocation error for rdata");
+    /* pad zeroes in 2 directions to reach FFT lengths */
+    pad2d_data(data,nsam,nrec,optn,nkx,rdata);
+    /* double forward FFT */
+    xt2wkx(&rdata[0], &cdata[0], optn, nkx, optn, nkx, 0);
+    deltom = 2.*PI*df;
+    omin   = 2.*PI*fmin;
+    omax   = 2.*PI*fmax;
+    iomin  = (int)MIN((omin/deltom), nfreq);
+    iomin  = MAX(iomin, 0);
+    iomax  = MIN((int)(omax/deltom), nfreq);
+    cdatascl = (complex *)malloc(nfreq*nkx*sizeof(complex));
+    if (cdatascl == NULL) verr("memory allocation error for cdatascl");
+    for (iom = 0; iom < iomin; iom++) {
+        for (ix = 0; ix < nkx; ix++) {
+            cdatascl[iom*nkx+ix].r = 0.0;
+            cdatascl[iom*nkx+ix].i = 0.0;
+        }
+    }
+    for (iom = iomax; iom < nfreq; iom++) {
+        for (ix = 0; ix < nkx; ix++) {
+            cdatascl[iom*nkx+ix].r = 0.0;
+            cdatascl[iom*nkx+ix].i = 0.0;
+        }
+    }
+    if (opt > 0) {
+        for (iom = iomin ; iom <= iomax ; iom++) {
+            kp = (iom*deltom)/c;
+            kp2 = kp*kp;
+            ikxmax = MIN((int)(kp/dkx), nkx/2);
+            for (ikx = 0; ikx < ikxmax; ikx++) {
+                kx  = ikx*dkx;
+                kx2 = kx*kx;
+                kz2 = kp2 - kx2;
+                kz.r  = 0.0;
+                kz.i  = sqrt(kz2);
+                cdatascl[iom*nkx+ikx].r = cdata[iom*nkx+ikx].r*kz.r-cdata[iom*nkx+ikx].i*kz.i;
+                cdatascl[iom*nkx+ikx].i = cdata[iom*nkx+ikx].i*kz.r+cdata[iom*nkx+ikx].r*kz.i;
+            }
+            for (ikx = ikxmax; ikx <= nkx-ikxmax+1; ikx++) {
+                cdatascl[iom*nkx+ikx].r = 0.0;
+                cdatascl[iom*nkx+ikx].i = 0.0;
+            }
+            for (ikx = nkx-ikxmax+1; ikx < nkx; ikx++) {
+                kx  = (ikx-nkx)*dkx;
+                kx2 = kx*kx;
+                kz2 = kp2 - kx2;
+                kz.r  = 0.0;
+                kz.i  = sqrt(kz2);
+                cdatascl[iom*nkx+ikx].r = cdata[iom*nkx+ikx].r*kz.r-cdata[iom*nkx+ikx].i*kz.i;
+                cdatascl[iom*nkx+ikx].i = cdata[iom*nkx+ikx].i*kz.r+cdata[iom*nkx+ikx].r*kz.i;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    else if (opt < 0) {
+        for (iom = iomin ; iom < iomax ; iom++) {
+            kp = iom*deltom/c;
+            kp2 = kp*kp;
+            ikxmax = MIN((int)(kp/dkx), nkx/2);
+            for (ikx = 0; ikx < ikxmax; ikx++) {
+                kx = ikx*dkx;
+                kx2  = kx*kx;
+                kz2 = kp2 - kx2;
+                kzinv.r  = 0.0;
+                kzinv.i  = -sqrt(kz2)/kz2;
+                cdatascl[iom*nkx+ikx].r = cdata[iom*nkx+ikx].r*kzinv.r-cdata[iom*nkx+ikx].i*kzinv.i;
+                cdatascl[iom*nkx+ikx].i = cdata[iom*nkx+ikx].i*kzinv.r+cdata[iom*nkx+ikx].r*kzinv.i;
+            }
+            for (ikx = ikxmax; ikx <= nkx-ikxmax+1; ikx++) {
+                cdatascl[iom*nkx+ikx].r = 0.0;
+                cdatascl[iom*nkx+ikx].i = 0.0;
+            }
+            for (ikx = nkx-ikxmax+1; ikx < nkx; ikx++) {
+                kx = (ikx-nkx)*dkx;
+                kx2  = kx*kx;
+                kz2 = kp2 - kx2;
+                kzinv.r  = 0.0;
+                kzinv.i  = -sqrt(kz2)/kz2;
+                cdatascl[iom*nkx+ikx].r = cdata[iom*nkx+ikx].r*kzinv.r-cdata[iom*nkx+ikx].i*kzinv.i;
+                cdatascl[iom*nkx+ikx].i = cdata[iom*nkx+ikx].i*kzinv.r+cdata[iom*nkx+ikx].r*kzinv.i;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    free(cdata);
+    /* inverse double FFT */
+    wkx2xt(&cdatascl[0], &rdata[0], optn, nkx, nkx, optn, 0);
+    /* select original samples and traces */
+    scl = 1.0;
+    scl_data(rdata,optn,nrec,scl,data,nsam);
+    free(cdatascl);
+    free(rdata);
+    return;
+void pad2d_data(float *data, int nsam, int nrec, int nsamout, int nrecout, float *datout)
+    int it,ix;
+    for (ix=0;ix<nrec;ix++) {
+        for (it=0;it<nsam;it++)
+            datout[ix*nsam+it]=data[ix*nsam+it];
+        for (it=nsam;it<nsamout;it++)
+            datout[ix*nsam+it]=0.0;
+    }
+    for (ix=nrec;ix<nrecout;ix++) {
+        for (it=0;it<nsamout;it++)
+            datout[ix*nsam+it]=0.0;
+    }
+void conjugate(float *data, int nsam, int nrec, float dt)
+    int     optn,  nfreq, j, ix, it, sign, ntdiff;
+    float   *rdata, scl;
+    complex *cdata;
+    optn  = optncr(nsam);
+    ntdiff = optn-nsam;
+    nfreq = optn/2+1;
+    cdata = (complex *)malloc(nfreq*nrec*sizeof(complex));
+    if (cdata == NULL) verr("memory allocation error for cdata");
+    rdata = (float *)malloc(optn*nrec*sizeof(float));
+    if (rdata == NULL) verr("memory allocation error for rdata");
+    /* pad zeroes until Fourier length is reached */
+    pad_data(data,nsam,nrec,optn,rdata);
+    /* Forward time-frequency FFT */
+    sign = -1;
+    rcmfft(&rdata[0], &cdata[0], optn, nrec, optn, nfreq, sign);
+    /* take complex conjugate */
+    for(ix = 0; ix < nrec; ix++) {
+        for(j = 0; j < nfreq; j++) cdata[ix*nfreq+j].i = -cdata[ix*nfreq+j].i;
+    }
+    /* Inverse frequency-time FFT and scale result */
+    sign = 1;
+    scl = 1.0/(float)optn;
+    crmfft(&cdata[0], &rdata[0], optn, nrec, nfreq, optn, sign);
+    for (ix = 0; ix < nrec; ix++) {
+        for (it = 0 ; it < nsam ; it++)
+            data[ix*nsam+it] = scl*rdata[ix*optn+it+ntdiff];
+    }
+    //scl_data(rdata,optn,nrec,scl,data,nsam);
+	free(cdata);
+    free(rdata);
+    return;
diff --git a/marchenko_applications/imaging_backup26nov2018.c b/marchenko_applications/imaging_backup26nov2018.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..16185f45fb89bf96001517c405de0b64b5bda088
--- /dev/null
+++ b/marchenko_applications/imaging_backup26nov2018.c
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+#include "par.h"
+#include "segy.h"
+#include <time.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <genfft.h>
+#include "marchenko.h"
+#include "raytime.h"
+int omp_get_max_threads(void);
+int omp_get_num_threads(void);
+void omp_set_num_threads(int num_threads);
+void applyMute( float *data, int *mute, int smooth, int above, int Nsyn, int nxs, int nt, int *xrcvsyn, int npossyn, int shift, int pad, int nt0);
+int disp_fileinfo(char *file, int n1, int n2, float f1, float f2, float d1, float d2, segy *hdrs);
+double wallclock_time(void);
+int writeData(FILE *fp, float *data, segy *hdrs, int n1, int n2);
+void kxwfilter(float *data, int nt, int nx, float dt, float dx, float fmin, float fmax, float angle, float cp, float perc);
+void scl_data(float *data, int nsam, int nrec, float scl, float *datout, int nsamout);
+void pad_data(float *data, int nsam, int nrec, int nsamout, float *datout);
+void convol(float *data1, float *data2, float *con, int nrec, int nsam, float dt, int shift);
+void synthesis(complex *Refl, complex *Fop, float *Top, float *iRN, int nx, int nt, int nxs, int nts, float dt, float *xsyn, int Nsyn, float *xrcv, float *xsrc, float fxs2, float fxs, float dxs, float dxsrc, float dx, int ixa, int ixb, int ntfft, int nw, int nw_low, int nw_high,  int mode, int reci, int nshots, int *ixpossyn, int npossyn, double *tfft, int *first, int verbose);
+void imaging(float *Image, WavePar WP, complex *Refl, int nx, int nt, int nxs, int nts, float dt, float *xsyn, int Nsyn, float *xrcv, float *xsrc, float fxs2, float fxs, float dxs, float dxsrc, float dx, int ixa, int ixb, int ntfft, int nw, int nw_low, int nw_high,  int mode, int reci, int nshots, int *ixpossyn, int npossyn, float *pmin, float *f1min, float *f1plus, float *f2p, float *G_d, int *muteW, int smooth, int shift, int above, int pad, int nt0, int *synpos, int verbose)
+	FILE	*fp, *fp_out;
+    int     i, j, l, ret, count=0, kxwfilt;
+    int     iter, ix, nfreq, first=0, im_shift, im_smooth;
+	float   *iRN, *conv, *Gmin, *wavelet, *wav, fmin, fmax, alpha, cp, rho, perc, *costaper;
+	complex	*Fop;
+    double  t0, t2, tfft;
+	segy	*hdrs;
+	tfft = 0.0;
+	ret = 0;
+    t0   = wallclock_time();
+	nfreq = ntfft/2+1;
+    if (!getparint("kxwfilt", &kxwfilt)) kxwfilt = 0;
+	if (!getparint("im_shift", &im_shift)) im_shift = 0;
+	if (!getparint("im_smooth", &im_smooth)) im_smooth = 0;
+    if (!getparfloat("fmin", &fmin)) fmin = 0.0;
+    if (!getparfloat("fmax", &fmax)) fmax = 100.0;
+    if (!getparfloat("alpha", &alpha)) alpha = 65.0;
+    if (!getparfloat("cp", &cp)) cp = 1500.0;
+    if (!getparfloat("rho", &rho)) rho = 1000.0;
+    if (!getparfloat("perc", &perc)) perc = 0.15;
+	if (im_shift<0) im_shift=0;
+	if (im_smooth<0) im_smooth=0;
+	costaper	= (float *)calloc(nxs,sizeof(float));
+	if (im_shift>0 && im_smooth>0) {
+		vmess("Applying shift of %d samples and taper of %d samples",im_shift,im_smooth);
+	}
+    for (j = 0; j < im_shift; j++) {
+		costaper[j] = 0.0;
+	}
+	for (j = im_shift; j < im_shift+im_smooth; j++) {
+        costaper[j] = (cos(PI*(j-im_shift+im_smooth)/im_smooth)+1)/2.0;
+	}
+    for (j = im_shift+im_smooth; j < nxs-(im_shift+im_smooth); j++) {
+        costaper[j] = 1.0;
+	}
+    for (j = nxs-(im_shift+im_smooth); j < nxs-im_shift; j++) {
+        costaper[j] = (cos(PI*(j-(nxs-(im_shift+im_smooth)))/im_smooth)+1)/2.0;
+	}
+	for (j = nxs-(im_shift); j < nxs; j++) {
+        costaper[j] = 0.0;
+	}
+	//Image   = (float *)malloc(Nsyn*sizeof(float));
+	Fop     = (complex *)calloc(nxs*nw*Nsyn,sizeof(complex));
+	iRN     = (float *)calloc(Nsyn*nxs*ntfft,sizeof(float));
+    Gmin    = (float *)calloc(Nsyn*nxs*ntfft,sizeof(float));
+	if (WP.wav) {
+		wavelet	= (float *)calloc(ntfft,sizeof(float));
+    	if (verbose>3) vmess("Modeling wavelet for Image");
+        freqwave(wavelet, WP.nt, WP.dt, WP.fp, WP.fmin, WP.flef, WP.frig, WP.fmax,
+        	WP.t0, WP.db, WP.shift, WP.cm, WP.cn, WP.w, WP.scale, WP.scfft, WP.inv, WP.eps, verbose);
+	}
+    /* use f1+ as operator on R in frequency domain */
+    mode=1;
+    synthesis(Refl, Fop, f1plus, iRN, nx, nt, nxs, nts, dt, xsyn, Nsyn,
+    	xrcv, xsrc, fxs2, fxs, dxs, dxsrc, dx, ixa, ixb, ntfft, nw, nw_low, nw_high, mode,
+       	reci, nshots, ixpossyn, npossyn, &tfft, &first, verbose);
+    /* compute upgoing Green's G^-,+ */
+	for (l = 0; l < Nsyn; l++) {
+        for (i = 0; i < npossyn; i++) {
+        	j=0;
+			Gmin[l*nxs*nts+i*nts+j] = iRN[l*nxs*nts+i*nts+j] - f1min[l*nxs*nts+i*nts+j];
+            for (j = 1; j < nts; j++) {
+				Gmin[l*nxs*nts+i*nts+j] = iRN[l*nxs*nts+i*nts+j] - f1min[l*nxs*nts+i*nts+j];
+            }
+        }
+	}
+	free(Fop);free(iRN);
+    /* Apply mute with window for Gmin */
+    applyMute(Gmin, muteW, smooth, 4, Nsyn, nxs, nts, ixpossyn, npossyn, shift, pad, nt0);
+	/*fp_out = fopen("Gm.dat","w+");
+	for (i=0; i<nts; i++) {
+		for (j=0; j<npossyn; j++) {
+			fprintf(fp_out,"%.8f\t",Gmin[j*nts+i]);
+		}
+		fprintf(fp_out,"\n");
+	}
+	fclose(fp_out);*/
+#pragma omp parallel default(shared) \
+  private(i,conv,wav) 
+	conv	= (float *)calloc(nxs*ntfft,sizeof(float));
+	if (WP.wav) wav		= (float *)calloc(nxs*ntfft,sizeof(float));
+#pragma omp for
+	for (l = 0; l < Nsyn; l++) {
+		count+=1;
+		if (verbose > 2) vmess("Imaging location %d out of %d",count,Nsyn);
+		if (WP.wav) {
+			for (i=0; i<npossyn; i++) {
+				convol(&Gmin[l*nxs*nts+i*nts], wavelet, &wav[i*nts], 1, nts, dt, 0);
+			}
+			convol(wav, &f1plus[l*nxs*nts], conv, nxs, nts, dt, 0);
+		}
+		else{
+			convol(&Gmin[l*nxs*nts], &f1plus[l*nxs*nts], conv, nxs, nts, dt, 0);
+		}
+		if (kxwfilt) {
+			if (verbose>8) vmess("Applying kxwfilter");
+			kxwfilter(conv, ntfft, nshots, dt, dx, fmin, fmax, alpha, cp, perc);
+		}
+		for (i=0; i<nxs; i++) {
+        	Image[synpos[l]] += costaper[i]*conv[i*nts]/((float)(nxs*ntfft));
+		}
+	}
+    free(conv);
+	if (WP.wav) free(wav);
+	if (WP.wav) free(wavelet);
+	free(Gmin);free(costaper);
+    t2 = wallclock_time();
+    if (verbose) {
+        vmess("Total Imaging time = %.3f", t2-t0);
+    }
+    return;
+void convol(float *data1, float *data2, float *con, int nrec, int nsam, float dt, int shift)
+    int     i, j, n, optn, nfreq, sign;
+    float   df, dw, om, tau, scl;
+    float   *qr, *qi, *p1r, *p1i, *p2r, *p2i, *rdata1, *rdata2;
+    complex *cdata1, *cdata2, *ccon, tmp;
+    optn = optncr(nsam);
+    nfreq = optn/2+1;
+    cdata1 = (complex *)malloc(nfreq*nrec*sizeof(complex));
+    if (cdata1 == NULL) verr("memory allocation error for cdata1");
+    cdata2 = (complex *)malloc(nfreq*nrec*sizeof(complex));
+    if (cdata2 == NULL) verr("memory allocation error for cdata2");
+    ccon = (complex *)malloc(nfreq*nrec*sizeof(complex));
+    if (ccon == NULL) verr("memory allocation error for ccov");
+    rdata1 = (float *)malloc(optn*nrec*sizeof(float));
+    if (rdata1 == NULL) verr("memory allocation error for rdata1");
+    rdata2 = (float *)malloc(optn*nrec*sizeof(float));
+    if (rdata2 == NULL) verr("memory allocation error for rdata2");
+    /* pad zeroes until Fourier length is reached */
+    pad_data(data1, nsam, nrec, optn, rdata1);
+    pad_data(data2, nsam, nrec, optn, rdata2);
+    /* forward time-frequency FFT */
+    sign = -1;
+    rcmfft(&rdata1[0], &cdata1[0], optn, nrec, optn, nfreq, sign);
+    rcmfft(&rdata2[0], &cdata2[0], optn, nrec, optn, nfreq, sign);
+    /* apply convolution */
+    p1r = (float *) &cdata1[0];
+    p2r = (float *) &cdata2[0];
+    qr = (float *) &ccon[0].r;
+    p1i = p1r + 1;
+    p2i = p2r + 1;
+    qi = qr + 1;
+    n = nrec*nfreq;
+    for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
+        *qr = (*p2r**p1r-*p2i**p1i);
+        *qi = (*p2r**p1i+*p2i**p1r);
+        qr += 2;
+        qi += 2;
+        p1r += 2;
+        p1i += 2;
+        p2r += 2;
+        p2i += 2;
+    }
+    free(cdata1);
+    free(cdata2);
+    if (shift==1) {
+		df = 1.0/(dt*optn);
+        dw = 2*PI*df;
+        tau = dt*(nsam/2);
+        for (j = 0; j < nrec; j++) {
+            om = 0.0;
+            for (i = 0; i < nfreq; i++) {
+                tmp.r = ccon[j*nfreq+i].r*cos(om*tau) + ccon[j*nfreq+i].i*sin(om*tau);
+                tmp.i = ccon[j*nfreq+i].i*cos(om*tau) - ccon[j*nfreq+i].r*sin(om*tau);
+                ccon[j*nfreq+i] = tmp;
+                om += dw;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+	if (shift==-2) {
+        for (j = 0; j < nrec; j++) {
+            for (i = 0; i < nfreq; i++) {
+                ccon[j*nfreq+i].r = ccon[j*nfreq+i].i;
+                ccon[j*nfreq+i].i = 0.0;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+        /* inverse frequency-time FFT and scale result */
+    sign = 1;
+    scl = 1.0/((float)(optn));
+    crmfft(&ccon[0], &rdata1[0], optn, nrec, nfreq, optn, sign);
+    scl_data(rdata1,optn,nrec,scl,con,nsam);
+    free(ccon);
+    free(rdata1);
+    free(rdata2);
+    return;
+void pad_data(float *data, int nsam, int nrec, int nsamout, float *datout)
+    int it,ix;
+    for (ix=0;ix<nrec;ix++) {
+       for (it=0;it<nsam;it++)
+        datout[ix*nsamout+it]=data[ix*nsam+it];
+       for (it=nsam;it<nsamout;it++)
+        datout[ix*nsamout+it]=0.0;
+    }
+void scl_data(float *data, int nsam, int nrec, float scl, float *datout, int nsamout)
+    int it,ix;
+    for (ix = 0; ix < nrec; ix++) {
+        for (it = 0 ; it < nsamout ; it++)
+            datout[ix*nsamout+it] = scl*data[ix*nsam+it];
+    }