diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/defineSource3D.c b/fdelmodc3D/defineSource3D.c
index 01cc29b40617b99b454f8f3d9a53bfb85244f4fa..3f5d89ab290db022a87a2a151c170270b0898f77 100644
--- a/fdelmodc3D/defineSource3D.c
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/defineSource3D.c
@@ -28,17 +28,17 @@ typedef struct _dcomplexStruct { /* complex number */
 } dcomplex;
 #endif/* complex */
-int optncr(int n);
+long loptncr(long n);
 void rc1fft(float *rdata, complex *cdata, int n, int sign);
 void cr1fft(complex *cdata, float *rdata, int n, int sign);
-int writesufile(char *filename, float *data, int n1, int n2, float f1, float f2, float d1, float d2);
-int writesufilesrcnwav(char *filename, float **src_nwav, wavPar wav, int n1, int n2, float f1, float f2, float d1, float d2);
+long writesufile3D(char *filename, float *data, long n1, long n2, float f1, float f2, float d1, float d2);
+long writesufilesrcnwav3D(char *filename, float **src_nwav, wavPar wav, long n1, long n2, float f1, float f2, float d1, float d2);
 float gaussGen();
 float normal(double x,double mu,double sigma);
-int comp (const float *a, const float *b);
+long comp (const float *a, const float *b);
 void spline3(float x1, float x2, float z1, float z2, float dzdx1, float dzdx2, float *a, float *b, float *c, float *d);
-int randomWavelet(wavPar wav, srcPar src, float *trace, float tbeg, float tend, int verbose);
+long randomWavelet(wavPar wav, srcPar src, float *trace, float tbeg, float tend, long verbose);
 /* random number generators */
 double dcmwc4096();
@@ -50,14 +50,14 @@ void seedCMWC4096(void);
 #define     MAX(x,y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
 #define     MIN(x,y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
-#define NINT(x) ((int)((x)>0.0?(x)+0.5:(x)-0.5))
+#define NINT(x) ((long)((x)>0.0?(x)+0.5:(x)-0.5))
-int defineSource(wavPar wav, srcPar src, modPar mod, recPar rec, float **src_nwav, int reverse, int verbose)
+long defineSource3D(wavPar wav, srcPar src, modPar mod, recPar rec, float **src_nwav, long reverse, long verbose)
     FILE    *fp;
     size_t  nread;
-    int optn, nfreq, i, j, k, iwmax, tracesToDo;
-    int iw, n1, namp, optnscale, nfreqscale;
+    long optn, nfreq, i, j, k, iwmax, tracesToDo;
+    long iw, n1, namp, optnscale, nfreqscale;
     float scl, d1, df, deltom, om, tshift;
     float amp1, amp2, amp3;
     float *trace, maxampl, scale;
@@ -72,7 +72,6 @@ int defineSource(wavPar wav, srcPar src, modPar mod, recPar rec, float **src_nwa
         for (i=0; i<8192; i++) {
             amp1 = dcmwc4096();
     else {
@@ -100,12 +99,12 @@ int defineSource(wavPar wav, srcPar src, modPar mod, recPar rec, float **src_nwa
-    optn = optncr(n1);
+    optn = loptncr(n1);
     nfreq = optn/2 + 1;
     if (wav.nt != wav.ns) {
 		vmess("Sampling in wavelet is %e while for modeling is set to %e", wav.ds, mod.dt);
 		vmess("Wavelet sampling will be FFT-interpolated to sampling of modeling");
-		vmess("file_src Nt=%d sampling after interpolation=%d", wav.ns, wav.nt);
+		vmess("file_src Nt=%li sampling after interpolation=%li", wav.ns, wav.nt);
 		optnscale  = wav.nt;
 		nfreqscale = optnscale/2 + 1;
@@ -113,7 +112,7 @@ int defineSource(wavPar wav, srcPar src, modPar mod, recPar rec, float **src_nwa
 		optnscale  = optn;
 		nfreqscale = optnscale/2 + 1;
-//	fprintf(stderr,"define S optn=%d ns=%d %e nt=%d %e\n", optn, wav.ns, wav.ds, optnscale, wav.dt);
+//	fprintf(stderr,"define S optn=%li ns=%li %e nt=%li %e\n", optn, wav.ns, wav.ds, optnscale, wav.dt);
     ctrace = (complex *)calloc(nfreqscale,sizeof(complex));
     trace = (float *)calloc(optnscale,sizeof(float));
@@ -192,7 +191,7 @@ int defineSource(wavPar wav, srcPar src, modPar mod, recPar rec, float **src_nwa
 					maxampl = MAX(maxampl,fabs(src_nwav[i][j]));
-			if (verbose > 3) vmess("Wavelet sampling (FFT-interpolated) done for trace %d", i);
+			if (verbose > 3) vmess("Wavelet sampling (FFT-interpolated) done for trace %li", i);
 	/* set values smaller than 1e-5 maxampl to zero */
@@ -212,12 +211,12 @@ int defineSource(wavPar wav, srcPar src, modPar mod, recPar rec, float **src_nwa
         for (i=0; i<wav.nx; i++) {
             if (src.distribution) {
                 scl = gaussGen()*src.amplitude;
-                k = (int)MAX(MIN(namp*(scl+5*src.amplitude)/(10*src.amplitude),namp-1),0);
+                k = (long)MAX(MIN(namp*(scl+5*src.amplitude)/(10*src.amplitude),namp-1),0);
                 d1 = 10.0*src.amplitude/(namp-1);
             else {
                 scl = (float)(drand48()-0.5)*src.amplitude;
-                k = (int)MAX(MIN(namp*(scl+1*src.amplitude)/(2*src.amplitude),namp-1),0);
+                k = (long)MAX(MIN(namp*(scl+1*src.amplitude)/(2*src.amplitude),namp-1),0);
                 d1 = 2.0*src.amplitude/(namp-1);
@@ -229,41 +228,21 @@ int defineSource(wavPar wav, srcPar src, modPar mod, recPar rec, float **src_nwa
                 src_nwav[i][j] *= scl;
-        if (verbose>2) writesufile("src_ampl.su", trace, namp, 1, -5*src.amplitude, 0.0, d1, 1);
-        qsort(trace,wav.nx,sizeof(float), comp);
-        for (i=0; i<wav.nx; i++) {
-            scl = trace[i];
-            trace[i] = normal(scl, 0.0, src.amplitude);
-        }
-        if (verbose>2) writesufile("src_ampl.su", trace, wav.nx, 1, -5*src.amplitude, 0.0, d1, 1);
+        if (verbose>2) writesufile3D("src_ampl.su", trace, namp, 1, -5*src.amplitude, 0.0, d1, 1);
-    if (verbose>3) writesufilesrcnwav("src_nwav.su", src_nwav, wav, wav.nt, wav.nx, 0.0, 0.0, wav.dt, 1);
-/* set maximum amplitude in source file to 1.0 */
-    assert(maxampl != 0.0);
-    scl = wav.dt/(maxampl);
-    scl = 1.0/(maxampl);
-    for (i=0; i<wav.nx; i++) {
-        for (j=0; j<n1; j++) {
-            src_nwav[i*n1+j] *= scl;
-        }
-    }
+    if (verbose>3) writesufilesrcnwav3D("src_nwav.su", src_nwav, wav, wav.nt, wav.nx, 0.0, 0.0, wav.dt, 1);
     return 0;
-int randomWavelet(wavPar wav, srcPar src, float *trace, float tbeg, float tend, int verbose)
+long randomWavelet3D(wavPar wav, srcPar src, float *trace, float tbeg, float tend, long verbose)
-    int optn, nfreq, j, iwmax;
-    int iw, n1, itbeg, itmax, nsmth;
+    long optn, nfreq, j, iwmax;
+    long iw, n1, itbeg, itmax, nsmth;
     float df, amp1;
     float *rtrace;
     float x1, x2, z1, z2, dzdx1, dzdx2, a, b, c, d, t;
@@ -271,7 +250,7 @@ int randomWavelet(wavPar wav, srcPar src, float *trace, float tbeg, float tend,
     n1 = wav.nt; /* this is set to the maximum length (tlength/dt) */
-    optn = optncr(2*n1);
+    optn = loptncr(2*n1);
     nfreq = optn/2 + 1;
     ctrace = (complex *)calloc(nfreq,sizeof(complex));
     rtrace = (float *)calloc(optn,sizeof(float));
@@ -322,7 +301,6 @@ int randomWavelet(wavPar wav, srcPar src, float *trace, float tbeg, float tend,
     dzdx1 = 0.0;
     x2 = nsmth;
     z2 = rtrace[itbeg+nsmth];
-//    dzdx2 = (rtrace[itbeg+(nsmth+1)]-rtrace[itbeg+(nsmth-1)])/(2.0);
     dzdx2 = (rtrace[itbeg+nsmth-2]-8.0*rtrace[itbeg+nsmth-1]+
     spline3(x1, x2, z1, z2, dzdx1, dzdx2, &a, &b, &c, &d);
@@ -333,19 +311,16 @@ int randomWavelet(wavPar wav, srcPar src, float *trace, float tbeg, float tend,
     x1 = 0.0;
     z1 = rtrace[itmax-nsmth];
-//    dzdx1 = (rtrace[itmax-(nsmth-1)]-rtrace[itmax-(nsmth+1)])/(2.0);
     dzdx1 = (rtrace[itmax-nsmth-2]-8.0*rtrace[itmax-nsmth-1]+
     x2 = nsmth;
     z2 = 0.0;
     dzdx2 = 0.0;
-//    fprintf(stderr,"x1=%f z1=%f d=%f x2=%f, z2=%f d=%f\n",x1,z1,dzdx1,x2,z2,dzdx2);
     spline3(x1, x2, z1, z2, dzdx1, dzdx2, &a, &b, &c, &d);
     for (j=0; j<nsmth; j++) {
         t = j;
         rtrace[itmax-nsmth+j] = a*t*t*t+b*t*t+c*t+d;
-//        fprintf(stderr,"a=%f b=%f c=%f d=%f rtrace%d=%f \n",a,b,c,d,j,rtrace[itmax-nsmth+j]);
     for (j=itbeg; j<itmax; j++) trace[j-itbeg] = rtrace[j];
@@ -361,7 +336,7 @@ float normal(double x,double mu,double sigma)
     return (float)(1.0/(2.0*M_PI*sigma*sigma))*exp(-1.0*(((x-mu)*(x-mu))/(2.0*sigma*sigma)) );
-int comp (const float *a, const float *b)
+long comp (const float *a, const float *b)
     if (*a==*b)
         return 0;
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/fdelmodc3D.c b/fdelmodc3D/fdelmodc3D.c
index 559849883a79b92d43b0294ca8a122e831e5db11..a79ede1973ad96f941f5eeb096f8486954c7a5d2 100644
--- a/fdelmodc3D/fdelmodc3D.c
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/fdelmodc3D.c
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ long getParameters3D(modPar *mod, recPar *rec, snaPar *sna, wavPar *wav, srcPar
 long readModel3D(modPar mod, bndPar bnd, float *rox, float *roy, float *roz, float *l2m, float *lam, float *muu, float *tss, float *tes, float *tep);
-long defineSource(wavPar wav, srcPar src, modPar mod, recPar rec, float **src_nwav, long reverse, long verbose);
+long defineSource3D(wavPar wav, srcPar src, modPar mod, recPar rec, float **src_nwav, long reverse, long verbose);
 long writeSrcRecPos(modPar *mod, recPar *rec, srcPar *src, shotPar *shot);
@@ -111,11 +111,6 @@ char *sdoc[] = {
 "   bottom=4 .......... type of boundary on bottom edge of model",
 "   front=4 ........... type of boundary on front edge of model",
 "   back=4 ............ type of boundary on back edge of model",
-//"   tapleft=0 ......... =1: taper left edge of model",
-//"   tapright=0 ........ =1: taper right edge of model",
-//"   taptop=0 .......... =1: taper top edge of model",
-//"   tapbottom=0 ....... =1: taper bottom edge of model",
-//"   cfree=0 ........... 1=free surface",
 "   grid_dir=0 ........ direction of time modeling (1=reverse time)",
 "   Qp=15 ............. global Q-value for P-waves in visco-elastic (ischeme=2,4)",
 "   file_qp= .......... model file Qp values as function of depth",
@@ -135,8 +130,6 @@ char *sdoc[] = {
 "                     - 1=monopole",
 "                     - 2=dipole +/- vertical oriented",
 "                     - 3=dipole - + horizontal oriented",
-//"                     - 4=dipole +/0/-",
-//"                     - 5=dipole + -",
 "   dip=0 ............. dip for double-couple source",
 "   strike=0 .......... strike for double-couple source",
 "   xsrc=middle ....... x-position of (first) shot ",
@@ -221,7 +214,6 @@ char *sdoc[] = {
 "   zrcv2=zrcv1 ....... last z-position of linear receiver array(s)",
 "   dzrcv=0.0 ......... z-position increment of receivers in linear array(s)",
 "   dtrcv=.004 ........ desired sampling in receiver data (seconds)",
-//"   max_nrec=15000 .... maximum number of receivers", not needed anymore 
 "   xrcva= ............ defines receiver array x-positions",
 "   yrcva= ............ defines receiver array y-positions",
 "   zrcva= ............ defines receiver array z-positions",
@@ -231,11 +223,8 @@ char *sdoc[] = {
 "   ozrcv=0.0 ......... z-center position of circle",
 "   dphi=2 ............ angle between receivers on circle ",
 "   rcv_txt=........... text file with receiver coordinates. Col 1: x, Col. 2: z",
-//"   largeSUfile=0 ..... writing large SU file (nt > 64000)",
 "   rec_ntsam=nt ...... maximum number of time samples in file_rcv files",
 "   rec_delay=0 ....... time in seconds to start recording: recorded time = tmod - rec_delay",
-//"   dxspread=0 ........ if nshot > 1: x-shift of rcv spread",
-//"   dzspread=0 ........ if nshot > 1: z-shift of rcv spread",
 "   rec_type_p=1 ...... p registration _rp",
 "   rec_type_vz=1 ..... Vz registration _rvz",
 "   rec_type_vy=0 ..... Vy registration _rvy",
@@ -303,7 +292,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
 	float sinkvel, npeshot;
 	double t0, t1, t2, t3, tt, tinit;
 	size_t size, sizem, nsamp;
-	long n1, ix, iy, iz, ir, ishot, i;
+	long n1, n2, ix, iy, iz, ir, ishot, i;
 	long ioPx, ioPy, ioPz;
 	long it0, it1, its, it, fileno, isam;
 	long ixsrc, iysrc, izsrc, is0, is1;
@@ -331,6 +320,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
 	/* allocate arrays for model parameters: the different schemes use different arrays */
 	n1 = mod.naz;
+	n2 = mod.nax;
 	rox = (float *)calloc(sizem,sizeof(float));
@@ -386,44 +376,56 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
-	defineSource(wav, src, mod, rec, src_nwav, mod.grid_dir, verbose);
+	defineSource3D(wav, src, mod, rec, src_nwav, mod.grid_dir, verbose);
 	/* allocate arrays for wavefield and receiver arrays */
 	vx  = (float *)calloc(sizem,sizeof(float));
+	vy  = (float *)calloc(sizem,sizeof(float));
 	vz  = (float *)calloc(sizem,sizeof(float));
 	tzz = (float *)calloc(sizem,sizeof(float)); /* =P field for acoustic */
 	if (mod.ischeme>2) {
 		txz = (float *)calloc(sizem,sizeof(float));
+		txy = (float *)calloc(sizem,sizeof(float));
+		tyz = (float *)calloc(sizem,sizeof(float));
 		txx = (float *)calloc(sizem,sizeof(float));
+		tyy = (float *)calloc(sizem,sizeof(float));
 	size = rec.n*rec.nt;
 	if (rec.type.vz)  rec_vz  = (float *)calloc(size,sizeof(float));
+	if (rec.type.vy)  rec_vy  = (float *)calloc(size,sizeof(float));
 	if (rec.type.vx)  rec_vx  = (float *)calloc(size,sizeof(float));
 	if (rec.type.p)   rec_p   = (float *)calloc(size,sizeof(float));
 	if (rec.type.txx) rec_txx = (float *)calloc(size,sizeof(float));
+	if (rec.type.tyy) rec_tyy = (float *)calloc(size,sizeof(float));
 	if (rec.type.tzz) rec_tzz = (float *)calloc(size,sizeof(float));
 	if (rec.type.txz) rec_txz = (float *)calloc(size,sizeof(float));
+	if (rec.type.txy) rec_txy = (float *)calloc(size,sizeof(float));
+	if (rec.type.tyz) rec_tyz = (float *)calloc(size,sizeof(float));
 	if (rec.type.pp)  rec_pp  = (float *)calloc(size,sizeof(float));
 	if (rec.type.ss)  rec_ss  = (float *)calloc(size,sizeof(float));
     if (rec.type.ud) { 
 		rec_udvz  = (float *)calloc(mod.nax*rec.nt,sizeof(float));
 		rec_udp   = (float *)calloc(mod.nax*rec.nt,sizeof(float));
-	/* get velcity and density at first receiver location */
-	ir = mod.ioZz + rec.z[0]+(rec.x[0]+mod.ioZx)*n1;
+	/* get velocity and density at first receiver location */
+	ir = mod.ioZz + rec.z[0]+(rec.x[0]+mod.ioZx)*n1+(rec.y[0]+mod.ioZy)*n1*n2;
 	rec.rho = mod.dt/(mod.dx*roz[ir]);
 	rec.cp  = sqrt(l2m[ir]*(roz[ir]))*mod.dx/mod.dt;
 	if(sna.beam) {
 		size = sna.nz*sna.nx;
 		if (sna.type.vz)  beam_vz  = (float *)calloc(size,sizeof(float));
+		if (sna.type.vy)  beam_vy  = (float *)calloc(size,sizeof(float));
 		if (sna.type.vx)  beam_vx  = (float *)calloc(size,sizeof(float));
 		if (sna.type.p)   beam_p   = (float *)calloc(size,sizeof(float));
 		if (sna.type.txx) beam_txx = (float *)calloc(size,sizeof(float));
+		if (sna.type.tyy) beam_tyy = (float *)calloc(size,sizeof(float));
 		if (sna.type.tzz) beam_tzz = (float *)calloc(size,sizeof(float));
 		if (sna.type.txz) beam_txz = (float *)calloc(size,sizeof(float));
+		if (sna.type.txy) beam_txy = (float *)calloc(size,sizeof(float));
+		if (sna.type.tyz) beam_tyz = (float *)calloc(size,sizeof(float));
 		if (sna.type.pp)  beam_pp  = (float *)calloc(size,sizeof(float));
 		if (sna.type.ss)  beam_ss  = (float *)calloc(size,sizeof(float));
@@ -446,52 +448,67 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
 	   of the first receiver to sink through to the next layer. */
+    ioPy=mod.ioPy;
     if (bnd.lef==4 || bnd.lef==2) ioPx += bnd.ntap;
+    if (bnd.fro==4 || bnd.fro==2) ioPy += bnd.ntap;
     if (bnd.top==4 || bnd.top==2) ioPz += bnd.ntap;
-	if (rec.sinkvel) sinkvel=l2m[(rec.x[0]+ioPx)*n1+rec.z[0]+ioPz];
+	if (rec.sinkvel) sinkvel=l2m[(rec.y[0]+ioPy)*n1*n2+(rec.x[0]+ioPx)*n1+rec.z[0]+ioPz];
 	else sinkvel = 0.0;
 /* sink receivers to value different than sinkvel */
 	for (ir=0; ir<rec.n; ir++) {
 		iz = rec.z[ir];
+		iy = rec.y[ir];
 		ix = rec.x[ir];
-		while(l2m[(ix+ioPx)*n1+iz+ioPz] == sinkvel) iz++;
+		while(l2m[(iy+ioPy)*n1*n2+(ix+ioPx)*n1+iz+ioPz] == sinkvel) iz++;
-//		rec.zr[ir]=rec.z[ir]*mod.dz;
-		if (verbose>3) vmess("receiver position %d at grid[ix=%d, iz=%d] = (x=%f z=%f)", ir, ix+ioPx, rec.z[ir]+ioPz, rec.xr[ir]+mod.x0, rec.zr[ir]+mod.z0);
+		if (verbose>3) vmess("receiver position %li at grid[ix=%li, iy=%li iz=%li] = (x=%f y=%f z=%f)", ir, ix+ioPx, iy+ioPy, rec.z[ir]+ioPz, rec.xr[ir]+mod.x0, rec.yr[ir]+mod.y0, rec.zr[ir]+mod.z0);
 /* sink sources to value different than zero */
 	for (ishot=0; ishot<shot.n; ishot++) {
 		iz = shot.z[ishot];
+		iy = shot.y[ishot];
 		ix = shot.x[ishot];
-		while(l2m[(ix+ioPx)*n1+iz+ioPz] == 0.0) iz++;
+		while(l2m[(iy+ioPy)*n1*n2+(ix+ioPx)*n1+iz+ioPz] == 0.0) iz++;
 	/* scan for free surface boundary in case it has a topography */
-	for (ix=0; ix<mod.nx; ix++) {
-		iz = ioPz;
-		while(l2m[(ix+ioPx)*n1+iz] == 0.0) iz++;
-		bnd.surface[ix+ioPx] = iz;
-		if ((verbose>3) && (iz != ioPz)) vmess("Topgraphy surface x=%.2f z=%.2f", mod.x0+mod.dx*ix, mod.z0+mod.dz*(iz-ioPz));
+	for (iy=0; iy<mod.ny; iy++) {
+		for (ix=0; ix<mod.nx; ix++) {
+			iz = ioPz;
+			while(l2m[(iy+ioPy)*n1*n2+(ix+ioPx)*n1+iz] == 0.0) iz++;
+			bnd.surface[(iy+ioPy)*n2+ix+ioPx] = iz;
+			if ((verbose>3) && (iz != ioPz)) vmess("Topgraphy surface x=%.2f y=%.2f z=%.2f", mod.x0+mod.dx*ix, mod.y0+mod.dy*iy, mod.z0+mod.dz*(iz-ioPz));
+		}
-	for (ix=0; ix<ioPx; ix++) {
-		bnd.surface[ix] = bnd.surface[ioPx];
+	for (iy=0; iy<ioPy; iy++) {
+		for (ix=0; ix<ioPx; ix++) {
+			bnd.surface[iy*n2+ix] = bnd.surface[ioPy*n2+ioPx];
+		}
+		for (ix=ioPx+mod.nx; ix<mod.iePx; ix++) {
+			bnd.surface[iy*n2+ix] = bnd.surface[ioPy*n2+mod.iePx-1];
+		}
-	for (ix=ioPx+mod.nx; ix<mod.iePx; ix++) {
-		bnd.surface[ix] = bnd.surface[mod.iePx-1];
+	for (iy=ioPy+mod.ny; iy<mod.iePy; iy++) {
+		for (ix=0; ix<ioPx; ix++) {
+			bnd.surface[iy*n2+ix] = bnd.surface[(mod.iePy-1)*n2+ioPx];
+		}
+		for (ix=ioPx+mod.nx; ix<mod.iePx; ix++) {
+			bnd.surface[iy*n2+ix] = bnd.surface[(mod.iePy-1)*n2+mod.iePx-1];
+		}
-	if (verbose>3) writeSrcRecPos(&mod, &rec, &src, &shot);
+	if (verbose>3) writeSrcRecPos3D(&mod, &rec, &src, &shot);
 	/* Outer loop over number of shots */
 #ifdef MPI
     npeshot = MAX((((float)shot.n)/((float)npes)), 1.0);
     is1=MIN(ceil((pe+1)*npeshot), shot.n);
-    if (verbose>1) vmess("MPI: pe=%d does shots is0 %d - is1 %d\n", pe, is0, is1);
+    if (verbose>1) vmess("MPI: pe=%li does shots is0 %li - is1 %li\n", pe, is0, is1);
@@ -500,10 +517,12 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
 	for (ishot=is0; ishot<is1; ishot++) {
 		izsrc = shot.z[ishot];
+		iysrc = shot.y[ishot];
 		ixsrc = shot.x[ishot];
 		fileno= 0;
+		memset(vy,0,sizem*sizeof(float));
 		if (mod.ischeme==2) {
@@ -511,7 +530,10 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
 		if (mod.ischeme>2) {
+			memset(txy,0,sizem*sizeof(float));
+			memset(tyz,0,sizem*sizeof(float));
+			memset(tyy,0,sizem*sizeof(float));
 		if (mod.ischeme==4) {
@@ -520,12 +542,14 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
 		if (verbose) {
 			if (!src.random) {
-				vmess("Modeling source %d at gridpoints ix=%d iz=%d", ishot, shot.x[ishot], shot.z[ishot]);
-				vmess(" which are actual positions x=%.2f z=%.2f", mod.x0+mod.dx*shot.x[ishot], mod.z0+mod.dz*shot.z[ishot]);
+				vmess("Modeling source %li at gridpoints ix=%li iy=%li iz=%li", ishot, shot.x[ishot], shot.y[ishot], shot.z[ishot]);
+				vmess(" which are actual positions x=%.2f y=%.2f z=%.2f", mod.x0+mod.dx*shot.x[ishot], mod.y0+mod.dy*shot.y[ishot], mod.z0+mod.dz*shot.z[ishot]);
-			vmess("Receivers at gridpoint x-range ix=%d - %d", rec.x[0], rec.x[rec.n-1]);
+			vmess("Receivers at gridpoint x-range ix=%li - %li", rec.x[0], rec.x[rec.n-1]);
 			vmess(" which are actual positions x=%.2f - %.2f", mod.x0+rec.xr[0], mod.x0+rec.xr[rec.n-1]);
-			vmess("Receivers at gridpoint z-range iz=%d - %d", rec.z[0], rec.z[rec.n-1]);
+			vmess("Receivers at gridpoint y-range iy=%li - %li", rec.y[0], rec.y[rec.n-1]);
+			vmess(" which are actual positions y=%.2f - %.2f", mod.y0+rec.yr[0], mod.y0+rec.yr[rec.n-1]);
+			vmess("Receivers at gridpoint z-range iz=%li - %li", rec.z[0], rec.z[rec.n-1]);
 			vmess(" which are actual positions z=%.2f - %.2f", mod.z0+rec.zr[0], mod.z0+rec.zr[rec.n-1]);
@@ -548,13 +572,13 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
 		for (it=it0; it<it1; it++) {
 #pragma omp parallel default (shared) \
-shared (rox, roz, l2m, lam, mul, txx, txz, tzz, vx, vz) \
+shared (rox, roy, roz, l2m, lam, mul, txx, tyy, tzz, txz, tyz, txy, vx, vy, vz) \
 shared (tss, tep, tes, r, q, p) \
 shared (tinit, it0, it1, its) \
-shared(beam_vx, beam_vz, beam_txx, beam_tzz, beam_txz, beam_p, beam_pp, beam_ss) \
-shared(rec_vx, rec_vz, rec_txx, rec_tzz, rec_txz, rec_p, rec_pp, rec_ss) \
+shared(beam_vx, beam_vy, beam_vz, beam_txx, beam_tyy, beam_tzz, beam_txz, beam_tyz, beam_txy, beam_p, beam_pp, beam_ss) \
+shared(rec_vx, rec_vy, rec_vz, rec_txx, rec_tyy, rec_tzz, rec_txz, rec_tyz, rec_txy, rec_p, rec_pp, rec_ss) \
 shared (tt, t2, t3) \
-shared (shot, bnd, mod, src, wav, rec, ixsrc, izsrc, it, src_nwav, verbose)
+shared (shot, bnd, mod, src, wav, rec, ixsrc, iysrc, izsrc, it, src_nwav, verbose)
 			if (it==it0) {
@@ -618,7 +642,7 @@ shared (shot, bnd, mod, src, wav, rec, ixsrc, izsrc, it, src_nwav, verbose)
 #pragma omp master
 			if ( (((it-rec.delay) % rec.skipdt)==0) && (it >= rec.delay) ) {
-				int writeToFile, itwritten;
+				long writeToFile, itwritten;
 				writeToFile = ! ( (((it-rec.delay)/rec.skipdt)+1)%rec.nt );
 				itwritten   = fileno*(rec.nt)*rec.skipdt;
@@ -673,14 +697,14 @@ shared (shot, bnd, mod, src, wav, rec, ixsrc, izsrc, it, src_nwav, verbose)
 		if (rec.scale==1) { /* scale receiver with distance src-rcv */
 			float xsrc, zsrc, Rrec, rdx, rdz;
-			int irec;
+			long irec;
 			for (irec=0; irec<rec.n; irec++) {
 				Rrec = sqrt(rdx*rdx+rdz*rdz);
-				fprintf(stderr,"Rec %d is scaled with distance %f R=%.2f,%.2f S=%.2f,%.2f\n", irec, Rrec,rdx,rdz,xsrc,zsrc);
+				fprintf(stderr,"Rec %li is scaled with distance %f R=%.2f,%.2f S=%.2f,%.2f\n", irec, Rrec,rdx,rdz,xsrc,zsrc);
 				for (it=0; it<rec.nt; it++) {
 					rec_p[irec*rec.nt+it] *= sqrt(Rrec);
diff --git a/marchenko3D/Makefile b/marchenko3D/Makefile
index 415254f5306f8a774072bb3d0eaf79cc84e867a5..691bfc1ff3a2456edec0b0b0480d989e8853b4ea 100644
--- a/marchenko3D/Makefile
+++ b/marchenko3D/Makefile
@@ -17,7 +17,10 @@ SRCT	= marchenko3D.c \
 		synthesis3D.c \
 		applyMute3D.c \
 		writeData3D.c \
+		makeWindow3D.c \
 		ampest3D.c \
+		imaging3D.c \
+		readSnapData3D.c \
 		writeDataIter.c \
 		wallclock_time.c \
 		name_ext.c  \
diff --git a/marchenko3D/ampest3D.c b/marchenko3D/ampest3D.c
index 820c720ae374f2f49f33eeeecb16445917487cf3..d6c6984e8af602880f8234bd2ca60282c0d7a344 100644
--- a/marchenko3D/ampest3D.c
+++ b/marchenko3D/ampest3D.c
@@ -22,94 +22,43 @@ void scl_data(float *data, long nsam, long nrec, float scl, float *datout, long
 void pad_data(float *data, long nsam, long nrec, long nsamout, float *datout);
 void corr(float *data1, float *data2, float *cov, long nrec, long nsam, float dt, long shift);
 void convol(float *data1, float *data2, float *con, long nrec, long nsam, float dt, long shift);
+void deconv(float *data1, float *data2, float *decon, long nrec, long nsam, 
+		 float dt, float eps, float reps, long shift);
 void AmpEst3D(float *f1d, float *Gd, float *ampest, long Nfoc, long nxs, long nys, long ntfft, long *ixpos, long npos,
     char *file_wav, float dx, float dy, float dt)
 	long 	l, i, ix, iw, nfreq;
-	float 	scl, sclt, *wavelet, *scaled, *conv, *f1dsamp;
-	float   dtm, dxm, cpm, rom, *trace;
+	float 	scl, sclt, *f1dsamp;
+	float   dtm, dxm, cpm, rom, *trace, eps, reps;
 	FILE 	*fp_wav;
 	segy 	*hdrs_wav;
+	if(!getparfloat("eps", &eps)) eps=0.01;
+	if(!getparfloat("reps", &reps)) reps=0.0;
 	scl = dx*dy;
     sclt = 1.0*dt/((float)ntfft);
-	conv	= (float *)calloc(nys*nxs*ntfft,sizeof(float));
-	wavelet	= (float *)calloc(ntfft,sizeof(float));
-	scaled	= (float *)calloc(ntfft,sizeof(float));
 	f1dsamp	= (float *)calloc(nys*nxs*ntfft,sizeof(float));
-	for (i=0; i<npos; i++) {
-		ix = ixpos[i];
-		for (iw=0; iw<ntfft; iw++) {
-			f1dsamp[i*ntfft+iw] = f1d[l*nxs*nys*ntfft+ix*ntfft+iw];
-		}
-	}
-	if (file_wav==NULL){
-		corr(f1dsamp, f1dsamp, conv,  nxs*nys, ntfft, dt, 0);
-		for (i=0; i<nxs*nys; i++) {
-			for (iw=0; iw<ntfft; iw++) {
-				wavelet[iw] += scl*conv[i*ntfft+iw];
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	else {
-		trace	= (float *)calloc(ntfft,sizeof(float));
-		hdrs_wav = (segy *)calloc(1, sizeof(segy));
-    	fp_wav = fopen(file_wav, "r");
-    	readData3D(fp_wav, trace, hdrs_wav, 0);
-    	fclose(fp_wav);
-		corr(trace, trace, wavelet,  1, ntfft, dt, 0);
-		free(hdrs_wav); free(trace);
-		if (!getparfloat("dtm", &dtm)) dtm = 0.004;
-		if (!getparfloat("dxm", &dxm)) dxm = 1.0;
-		if (!getparfloat("cpm", &cpm)) cpm = 1000.0;
-		if (!getparfloat("rom", &rom)) rom = 1000.0;
-		vmess("dtm:%f dxm:%f cpm:%f rom:%f",dtm,dxm,cpm,rom);
-		/* For a monopole source the scaling is (2.0*dt*cp*cp*rho)/(dx*dx) */
-		for (iw=0; iw<ntfft; iw++){
-			wavelet[iw] *= dt*(2.0*dtm*cpm*cpm*rom)/(dx*dx);
-		}
-	}
 	for (l=0; l<Nfoc; l++) {
-		memset(&conv[0],0.0, sizeof(float)*ntfft*nxs*nys);
-		convol(f1dsamp, &Gd[l*nxs*nys*ntfft], conv, nxs*nys, ntfft, dt, 0);
-		for (i=0; i<nxs*nys; i++) {
-			for (iw=0; iw<ntfft; iw++) {
-				scaled[iw] += dt*scl*conv[i*ntfft+iw];
+		for (i=0; i<npos; i++) {
+			ix = ixpos[i];
+			iw = 0;
+			f1dsamp[i*ntfft+iw] = f1d[l*nxs*nys*ntfft+ix*ntfft+iw];
+			for (iw=1; iw<ntfft; iw++) {
+				f1dsamp[i*ntfft+iw] = f1d[l*nxs*nys*ntfft+ix*ntfft+ntfft-iw];
-		ampest[l] = (wavelet[0]/scaled[0]);
-		vmess("wavelet[0]=%f scaled[0]=%f",wavelet[0],scaled[0]);
-		memset(&conv[0],0.0,    sizeof(float)*ntfft*nxs*nys);
-		memset(&wavelet[0],0.0, sizeof(float)*ntfft);
-		memset(&scaled[0],0.0,  sizeof(float)*ntfft);
+		deconv(&f1dsamp[0], &Gd[l*nxs*nys*ntfft], &ampest[l*nxs*nys*ntfft], nxs*nys, ntfft, dt, eps, reps, 0);
-	free(wavelet);free(scaled);free(conv);free(f1dsamp);
+	free(f1dsamp);
-long maxest3D(float *data, long nt)
-	float maxt;
-	long it;
-	maxt = data[0];
-	for (it = 0; it < nt; it++) {
-		if (fabs(data[it]) > fabs(maxt)) maxt=data[it];
-	}
-	return maxt;
 * Calculates the time convolution of two arrays by 
 * transforming the arrayis to frequency domain,
@@ -305,4 +254,112 @@ void scl_data(float *data, long nsam, long nrec, float scl, float *datout, long
 		for (it = 0 ; it < nsamout ; it++)
 			datout[ix*nsamout+it] = scl*data[ix*nsam+it];
+* Calculates the time deconvolution of two arrays by 
+* transforming the arrayis to frequency domain,
+* divides the arrays and transform back to time.
+void deconv(float *data1, float *data2, float *decon, long nrec, long nsam, 
+		 float dt, float eps, float reps, long shift)
+	long 	i, j, n, optn, nfreq, sign;
+	float  	df, dw, om, tau, *den, scl;
+	float 	*qr, *qi, *p1r, *p1i, *p2r, *p2i, *rdata1, *rdata2, maxden, leps;
+	complex *cdata1, *cdata2, *cdec, tmp;
+	optn = loptncr(nsam);
+	nfreq = optn/2+1;
+	cdata1 = (complex *)malloc(nfreq*nrec*sizeof(complex));
+	if (cdata1 == NULL) verr("memory allocation error for cdata1");
+	cdata2 = (complex *)malloc(nfreq*nrec*sizeof(complex));
+	if (cdata2 == NULL) verr("memory allocation error for cdata2");
+	cdec = (complex *)malloc(nfreq*nrec*sizeof(complex));
+	if (cdec == NULL) verr("memory allocation error for ccov");
+	rdata1 = (float *)malloc(optn*nrec*sizeof(float));
+	if (rdata1 == NULL) verr("memory allocation error for rdata1");
+	rdata2 = (float *)malloc(optn*nrec*sizeof(float));
+	if (rdata2 == NULL) verr("memory allocation error for rdata2");
+	den = (float *)malloc(nfreq*nrec*sizeof(float));
+	if (den == NULL) verr("memory allocation error for rdata1");
+	/* pad zeroes until Fourier length is reached */
+	pad_data(data1, nsam, nrec, optn, rdata1);
+	pad_data(data2, nsam, nrec, optn, rdata2);
+	/* forward time-frequency FFT */
+	sign = -1;
+	rcmfft(&rdata1[0], &cdata1[0], optn, nrec, optn, nfreq, sign);
+	rcmfft(&rdata2[0], &cdata2[0], optn, nrec, optn, nfreq, sign);
+	/* apply deconvolution */
+	p1r = (float *) &cdata1[0];
+	p2r = (float *) &cdata2[0];
+	p1i = p1r + 1;
+	p2i = p2r + 1;
+	n = nrec*nfreq;
+	maxden=0.0;
+	for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
+		den[j] = *p2r**p2r + *p2i**p2i;
+		maxden = MAX(den[j], maxden);
+		p2r += 2;
+		p2i += 2;
+	}
+	p1r = (float *) &cdata1[0];
+	p2r = (float *) &cdata2[0];
+	qr = (float *) &cdec[0].r;
+	p1i = p1r + 1;
+	p2i = p2r + 1;
+    qi = qr + 1;
+	leps = reps*maxden+eps;
+	for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
+		if (fabs(*p2r)>=fabs(*p2i)) {
+			*qr = (*p2r**p1r+*p2i**p1i)/(den[j]+leps);
+			*qi = (*p2r**p1i-*p2i**p1r)/(den[j]+leps);
+		} else {
+			*qr = (*p1r**p2r+*p1i**p2i)/(den[j]+leps);
+			*qi = (*p1i**p2r-*p1r**p2i)/(den[j]+leps);
+		}
+		qr += 2;
+		qi += 2;
+		p1r += 2;
+		p1i += 2;
+		p2r += 2;
+		p2i += 2;
+	}
+	free(cdata1);
+	free(cdata2);
+	free(den);
+	if (shift) {
+		df = 1.0/(dt*optn);
+		dw = 2*PI*df;
+		tau = dt*(nsam/2);
+		for (j = 0; j < nrec; j++) {
+			om = 0.0;
+			for (i = 0; i < nfreq; i++) {
+				tmp.r = cdec[j*nfreq+i].r*cos(om*tau) + cdec[j*nfreq+i].i*sin(om*tau);
+				tmp.i = cdec[j*nfreq+i].i*cos(om*tau) - cdec[j*nfreq+i].r*sin(om*tau);
+				cdec[j*nfreq+i] = tmp;
+				om += dw;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/* inverse frequency-time FFT and scale result */
+	sign = 1;
+	scl = 1.0/(float)optn;
+	crmfft(&cdec[0], &rdata1[0], optn, nrec, nfreq, optn, sign);
+	scl_data(rdata1,optn,nrec,scl,decon,nsam);
+	free(cdec);
+	free(rdata1);
+	free(rdata2);
+	return;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/marchenko3D/getFileInfo3D.c b/marchenko3D/getFileInfo3D.c
index 13553faf2f1c4d53f0cd995e6e766e238f3d0209..cdf000077ef7ab7bb5fac24fe6b72c8ea0e28104 100644
--- a/marchenko3D/getFileInfo3D.c
+++ b/marchenko3D/getFileInfo3D.c
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ long getFileInfo3D(char *filename, long *n1, long *n2, long *n3, long *ngath, fl
     /* check to find out number of traces in shot gather */
     one_shot = 1;
-    itrace   = 0;
+    itrace   = 1;
     igy      = 1;
     fldr_shot = hdr.fldr;
     sx_shot  = hdr.sx;
@@ -86,7 +86,6 @@ long getFileInfo3D(char *filename, long *n1, long *n2, long *n3, long *ngath, fl
     while (one_shot) {
         nread = fread( trace, sizeof(float), hdr.ns, fp );
         assert (nread == hdr.ns);
-        itrace++;
         if (hdr.gy != gy_end) {
             gy_end = hdr.gy;
@@ -95,13 +94,24 @@ long getFileInfo3D(char *filename, long *n1, long *n2, long *n3, long *ngath, fl
         nread = fread( &hdr, 1, TRCBYTES, fp );
         if (nread==0) break;
         if ((sx_shot != hdr.sx) || (sy_shot != hdr.sy) || (fldr_shot != hdr.fldr) ) break;
+        itrace++;
     if (itrace>1) {
         *n2 = itrace/igy;
         *n3 = igy;
-        dxrcv  = (float)(gx_end - gx_start)/(float)(*n2-1);
-        dyrcv = (float)(gy_end - gy_start)/(float)(*n3-1);
+        if (*n2>1) {
+            dxrcv  = (float)(gx_end - gx_start)/(float)(*n2-1);
+        }
+        else {
+            dxrcv  = 1.0/scl;
+        }
+        if (*n3>1) {
+            dyrcv = (float)(gy_end - gy_start)/(float)(*n3-1);
+        }
+        else {
+            dyrcv  = 1.0/scl;
+        }
         *d2 = fabs(dxrcv)*scl;
         *d3 = fabs(dyrcv)*scl;
         if (NINT(dxrcv*1e3) != NINT(fabs(hdr.d2)*1e3)) {
@@ -113,7 +123,7 @@ long getFileInfo3D(char *filename, long *n1, long *n2, long *n3, long *ngath, fl
         *n2 = MAX(hdr.trwf, 1);
         *n3 = 1;
         *d2 = hdr.d2;
-        *d3 = 0.0;
+        *d3 = 1.0;
         dxrcv = hdr.d2;
         dyrcv = 0.0;
@@ -135,7 +145,6 @@ long getFileInfo3D(char *filename, long *n1, long *n2, long *n3, long *ngath, fl
         dyrcv = *d3;
         while (!end_of_file) {
-            itrace = 0;
             nread = fread( &hdr, 1, TRCBYTES, fp );
             if (nread != TRCBYTES) { break; }
     		fldr_shot = hdr.fldr;
@@ -146,11 +155,10 @@ long getFileInfo3D(char *filename, long *n1, long *n2, long *n3, long *ngath, fl
             gy_start  = hdr.gy;
             gy_end    = hdr.gy;
-            itrace = 0;
+            itrace = 1;
             igy = 1;
             while (one_shot) {
                 fseeko( fp, data_sz, SEEK_CUR );
-                itrace++;
                 if (hdr.gx != gx_end) dxrcv = MIN(dxrcv,abs(hdr.gx-gx_end));
                 if (hdr.gy != gy_end) {
@@ -165,15 +173,34 @@ long getFileInfo3D(char *filename, long *n1, long *n2, long *n3, long *ngath, fl
         		if ((sx_shot != hdr.sx) || (sy_shot != hdr.sy) || (fldr_shot != hdr.fldr)) break;
+                itrace++;
             if (itrace>1) {
                 *n2 = itrace/igy;
                 *n3 = igy;
-                dxrcv  = (float)(gx_end - gx_start)/(float)(*n2-1);
-                dyrcv = (float)(gy_end - gy_start)/(float)(*n3-1);
+                if (*n2>1) {
+                    dxrcv  = (float)(gx_end - gx_start)/(float)(*n2-1);
+                }
+                else {
+                    dxrcv  = 1.0/scl;
+                }
+                if (*n3>1) {
+                    dyrcv = (float)(gy_end - gy_start)/(float)(*n3-1);
+                }
+                else {
+                    dyrcv  = 1.0/scl;
+                }
                 dxsrc  = (float)(hdr.sx - sx_shot)*scl;
                 dysrc = (float)(hdr.sy - sy_shot)*scl;
+            else {
+                *n2 = MAX(hdr.trwf, 1);
+                *n3 = 1;
+                *d2 = hdr.d2;
+                *d3 = 1.0;
+                dxrcv = hdr.d2/scl;
+                dyrcv = 1.0/scl;
+            }
             if (verbose>1) {
                 fprintf(stderr," . Scanning shot %li (%li) with %li traces dxrcv=%.2f dxsrc=%.2f %li %li dyrcv=%.2f dysrc=%.2f %li %li\n",sx_shot,igath,itrace,dxrcv*scl,dxsrc,gx_end,gx_start,dyrcv*scl,dysrc,gy_end,gy_start);
diff --git a/marchenko3D/marchenko3D.c b/marchenko3D/marchenko3D.c
index ace2b3179f7110a2d0884615c06fefa5ac7096bc..f1b615a9cbdc5d1429c53364ffe77e6761c0af9a 100644
--- a/marchenko3D/marchenko3D.c
+++ b/marchenko3D/marchenko3D.c
@@ -38,12 +38,12 @@ long readShotData3D(char *filename, float *xrcv, float *yrcv, float *xsrc, float
     long nw, long nw_low, long nshots, long nx, long ny, long ntfft, long mode, float scale, long verbose);
 long readTinvData3D(char *filename, float *xrcv, float *yrcv, float *xsrc, float *ysrc, float *zsrc,
     long *xnx, long Nfoc, long nx, long ny, long ntfft, long mode, long *maxval, float *tinv, long hw, long verbose);
-// int writeDataIter(char *file_iter, float *data, segy *hdrs, int n1, int n2, float d2, float f2, int n2out, int Nfoc, float *xsyn,
-//     float *zsyn, int *ixpos, int npos, int iter);
 long unique_elements(float *arr, long len);
 void name_ext(char *filename, char *extension);
+void convol(float *data1, float *data2, float *con, long nrec, long nsam, float dt, long shift);
 void applyMute3D(float *data, long *mute, long smooth, long above, long Nfoc, long nxs, long nt, long *xrcvsyn, long npos, long shift);
 long getFileInfo3D(char *filename, long *n1, long *n2, long *n3, long *ngath, float *d1, float *d2, float *d3, float *f1, float *f2, float *f3,
@@ -56,6 +56,9 @@ double wallclock_time(void);
 void AmpEst3D(float *f1d, float *Gd, float *ampest, long Nfoc, long nxs, long nys, long ntfft, long *ixpos, long npos,
     char *file_wav, float dx, float dy, float dt);
+void makeWindow3D(char *file_ray, char *file_amp, char *file_wav, float dt, float *xrcv, float *yrcv, float *xsrc, float *ysrc, float *zsrc, 
+    long *xnx, long Nfoc, long nx, long ny, long ntfft, long *maxval, float *tinv, long verbose);
 void synthesisPositions3D(long nx, long ny, long nxs, long nys, long Nfoc, float *xrcv, float *yrcv, float *xsrc, float *ysrc,
     long *xnx, float fxse, float fyse, float fxsb, float fysb, float dxs, float dys, long nshots, long nxsrc, long nysrc,
     long *ixpos, long *npos, long reci, long verbose);
@@ -65,6 +68,8 @@ void synthesis3D(complex *Refl, complex *Fop, float *Top, float *iRN, long nx, l
     float dx, float dy, long ntfft, long nw, long nw_low, long nw_high,  long mode, long reci, long nshots, long nxsrc, long nysrc, 
     long *ixpos, long npos, double *tfft, long *isxcount, long *reci_xsrc,  long *reci_xrcv, float *ixmask, long verbose);
+void imaging3D(float *Image, float *Gmin, float *f1plus, long nx, long ny, long nt, float dx, float dy, float dt, long Nfoc, long verbose);
 long linearsearch(long *array, size_t N, long value);
 /*********************** self documentation **********************/
@@ -119,26 +124,27 @@ NULL};
 int main (int argc, char **argv)
-    FILE    *fp_out, *fp_f1plus, *fp_f1min;
-    FILE    *fp_gmin, *fp_gplus, *fp_f2, *fp_pmin;
+    FILE    *fp_out, *fp_f1plus, *fp_f1min, *fp_imag;
+    FILE    *fp_gmin, *fp_gplus, *fp_f2, *fp_pmin, *fp_amp;
     long    i, j, l, k, ret, nshots, nxshot, nyshot, Nfoc, nt, nx, ny, nts, nxs, nys, ngath;
     long    size, n1, n2, n3, ntap, tap, dxi, dyi, ntraces, pad;
     long    nw, nw_low, nw_high, nfreq, *xnx, *xnxsyn;
     long    reci, countmin, mode, n2out, n3out, verbose, ntfft;
     long    iter, niter, tracf, *muteW, ampest;
-    long    hw, smooth, above, shift, *ixpos, npos, ix;
+    long    hw, smooth, above, shift, *ixpos, npos, ix, nzim, nxim, nyim;
     long    nshots_r, *isxcount, *reci_xsrc, *reci_xrcv;
     float   fmin, fmax, *tapersh, *tapersy, fxf, fyf, dxf, dyf, *xsrc, *ysrc, *xrcv, *yrcv, *zsyn, *zsrc, *xrcvsyn, *yrcvsyn;
     double  t0, t1, t2, t3, tsyn, tread, tfft, tcopy, energyNi, energyN0;
     float   d1, d2, d3, f1, f2, f3, fxsb, fxse, fysb, fyse, ft, fx, fy, *xsyn, *ysyn, dxsrc, dysrc;
     float   *green, *f2p, *pmin, *G_d, dt, dx, dy, dxs, dys, scl, mem;
     float   *f1plus, *f1min, *iRN, *Ni, *trace, *Gmin, *Gplus;
-    float   xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, scale, tsq, Q, f0;
-    float   *ixmask, *iymask, *ampscl, *Gd;
+    float   xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, scale, tsq, Q, f0, *tmpdata;
+    float   *ixmask, *iymask, *ampscl, *Gd, *Image, dzim, dyim, dxim;
     complex *Refl, *Fop;
-    char    *file_tinv, *file_shot, *file_green, *file_iter, *file_wav;
+    char    *file_tinv, *file_shot, *file_green, *file_iter, *file_imag, *file_ampscl;
     char    *file_f1plus, *file_f1min, *file_gmin, *file_gplus, *file_f2, *file_pmin;
-    segy    *hdrs_out;
+    char    *file_ray, *file_amp, *file_wav;
+    segy    *hdrs_out, *hdrs_Nfoc;
     initargs(argc, argv);
@@ -148,6 +154,8 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
     if (!getparstring("file_shot", &file_shot)) file_shot = NULL;
     if (!getparstring("file_tinv", &file_tinv)) file_tinv = NULL;
+    if (!getparstring("file_ray", &file_ray)) file_ray = NULL;
+    if (!getparstring("file_amp", &file_amp)) file_amp = NULL;
     if (!getparstring("file_f1plus", &file_f1plus)) file_f1plus = NULL;
     if (!getparstring("file_f1min", &file_f1min)) file_f1min = NULL;
     if (!getparstring("file_gplus", &file_gplus)) file_gplus = NULL;
@@ -157,6 +165,8 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
     if (!getparstring("file_pmin", &file_pmin)) file_pmin = NULL;
     if (!getparstring("file_iter", &file_iter)) file_iter = NULL;
     if (!getparstring("file_wav", &file_wav)) file_wav = NULL;
+    if (!getparstring("file_imag", &file_imag)) file_imag = NULL;
+    if (!getparstring("file_ampscl", &file_ampscl)) file_ampscl = NULL;
     if (!getparlong("verbose", &verbose)) verbose = 0;
     if (file_tinv == NULL && file_shot == NULL) 
         verr("file_tinv and file_shot cannot be both input pipe");
@@ -187,15 +197,28 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
 /*================ Reading info about shot and initial operator sizes ================*/
     ngath = 0; /* setting ngath=0 scans all traces; n2 contains maximum traces/gather */
-    ret = getFileInfo3D(file_tinv, &n1, &n2, &n3, &ngath, &d1, &d2, &d3, &f1, &f2, &f3, &scl, &ntraces);
-    Nfoc = ngath;
-    nxs  = n2; 
-    nys  = n3;
-    nts  = n1;
-    dxs  = d2;
-    dys  = d3; 
-    fxsb = f2;
-    fysb = f3;
+    if (file_ray!=NULL) {
+        ret = getFileInfo3D(file_ray, &n2, &n1, &n3, &ngath, &d2, &d1, &d3, &f2, &f1, &f3, &scl, &ntraces);
+		Nfoc = ngath;
+        nxs  = n2; 
+        nys  = n3;
+        nts  = n1;
+        dxs  = d2;
+        dys  = d3; 
+        fxsb = f2;
+        fysb = f3;
+    }
+    else {
+        ret = getFileInfo3D(file_tinv, &n1, &n2, &n3, &ngath, &d1, &d2, &d3, &f1, &f2, &f3, &scl, &ntraces);
+        Nfoc = ngath;
+        nxs  = n2; 
+        nys  = n3;
+        nts  = n1;
+        dxs  = d2;
+        dys  = d3; 
+        fxsb = f2;
+        fysb = f3;
+    }
     ngath = 0; /* setting ngath=0 scans all traces; nx contains maximum traces/gather */
     ret = getFileInfo3D(file_shot, &nt, &nx, &ny, &ngath, &d1, &dx, &dy, &ft, &fx, &fy, &scl, &ntraces);
@@ -253,12 +276,25 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
 /*================ Read and define mute window based on focusing operator(s) ================*/
 /* G_d = p_0^+ = G_d (-t) ~ Tinv */
-    mode=-1; /* apply complex conjugate to read in data */
-    readTinvData3D(file_tinv, xrcvsyn, yrcvsyn, xsyn, ysyn, zsyn, xnxsyn, Nfoc,
-        nxs, nys, ntfft, mode, muteW, G_d, hw, verbose);
+    if (file_ray!=NULL) {
+        makeWindow3D(file_ray, file_amp, file_wav, dt, xrcvsyn, yrcvsyn, xsyn, ysyn, zsyn, 
+            xnxsyn, Nfoc, nx, ny, ntfft, muteW, G_d, verbose);
+    }
+    else {
+        mode=-1; /* apply complex conjugate to read in data */
+        readTinvData3D(file_tinv, xrcvsyn, yrcvsyn, xsyn, ysyn, zsyn, xnxsyn, Nfoc,
+            nxs, nys, ntfft, mode, muteW, G_d, hw, verbose);
+    }
     /* reading data added zero's to the number of time samples to be the same as ntfft */
     nts   = ntfft;
+    /*Determine the shape of the focal positions*/
+    nzim = unique_elements(zsyn,Nfoc);
+    if (nzim>1) dzim = zsyn[1]-zsyn[0];
+    else dzim = 1.0;
+    nyim = unique_elements(ysyn,Nfoc);
+    nxim = unique_elements(xsyn,Nfoc);
     /* define tapers to taper edges of acquisition */
     if (tap == 1 || tap == 3) {
@@ -619,7 +655,7 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
     applyMute3D(green, muteW, smooth, 4, Nfoc, nxs*nys, nts, ixpos, npos, shift);
     /* compute upgoing Green's function G^+,- */
-    if (file_gmin != NULL) {
+    if (file_gmin != NULL || file_imag!= NULL) {
         Gmin    = (float *)calloc(Nfoc*nys*nxs*ntfft,sizeof(float));
         /* use f1+ as operator on R in frequency domain */
@@ -675,27 +711,92 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
     /* Estimate the amplitude of the Marchenko Redatuming */
 	if (ampest>0) {
         if (verbose>0) vmess("Estimating amplitude scaling");
+        // Create the first arrival data
 		Gd		= (float *)calloc(Nfoc*nxs*nys*ntfft,sizeof(float));
 		applyMute3D(Gd, muteW, smooth, 2, Nfoc, nxs*nys, nts, ixpos, npos, shift);
-		ampscl	= (float *)calloc(Nfoc,sizeof(float));
-		AmpEst3D(G_d,Gd,ampscl,Nfoc,nxs,nys,ntfft,ixpos,npos,file_wav,dxs,dys,dt);
+        // Determine the amplitude
+		ampscl	= (float *)calloc(nxs*nys*ntfft,sizeof(float));
+        tmpdata = (float *)calloc(nxs*nys*ntfft,sizeof(float));
+        // Scale all wavefields
 		for (l=0; l<Nfoc; l++) {
-			for (j=0; j<nxs*nys*nts; j++) {
-				green[l*nxs*nts+j] *= ampscl[l];
-				if (file_gplus != NULL) Gplus[l*nxs*nys*nts+j] *= ampscl[l];
-    			if (file_gmin != NULL) Gmin[l*nxs*nys*nts+j] *= ampscl[l];
-    			if (file_f2 != NULL) f2p[l*nxs*nys*nts+j] *= ampscl[l];
-    			if (file_pmin != NULL) pmin[l*nxs*nys*nts+j] *= ampscl[l];
-    			if (file_f1plus != NULL) f1plus[l*nxs*nys*nts+j] *= ampscl[l];
-    			if (file_f1min != NULL) f1min[l*nxs*nys*nts+j] *= ampscl[l];
-			}
-            if (verbose>1) vmess("Amplitude of focal position %li is equal to %.3e",l,ampscl[l]);
+		    AmpEst3D(&G_d[l*nxs*nys*ntfft],&Gd[l*nxs*nys*ntfft],ampscl,1,nxs,nys,ntfft,ixpos,npos,file_wav,dxs,dys,dt);
+            for (j=0; j<nxs*nys*nts; j++) {
+                tmpdata[j] = green[l*nxs*nys*nts+j];
+            }
+            convol(tmpdata, ampscl, &green[l*nxs*nys*nts], nxs*nys, ntfft, dt, 0);
+            if (file_gplus != NULL) {
+                for (j=0; j<nxs*nys*nts; j++) {
+                    tmpdata[j] = Gplus[l*nxs*nys*nts+j];
+                }
+                convol(tmpdata, ampscl, &Gplus[l*nxs*nys*nts], nxs*nys, ntfft, dt, 0);
+            }
+            if (file_gmin != NULL || file_imag!=NULL) {
+                for (j=0; j<nxs*nys*nts; j++) {
+                    tmpdata[j] = Gmin[l*nxs*nys*nts+j];
+                }
+                convol(tmpdata, ampscl, &Gmin[l*nxs*nys*nts], nxs*nys, ntfft, dt, 0);
+            }
+            //if (verbose>4) vmess("Amplitude of focal position %li is equal to %.3e",l,ampscl[l]);
+        free(tmpdata);
+        // if (file_ampscl!=NULL) { //Write the estimation of the amplitude to file
+        //     hdrs_Nfoc = (segy *)calloc(nxim*nyim,sizeof(segy));
+        //     for (l=0; l<nyim; l++){
+        //         for (j=0; j<nxim; j++){
+        //             hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].ns      = nzim;
+        //             hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].sx      = xsyn[j];
+        //             hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].sy      = ysyn[l];
+        //             hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].sdepth  = zsyn[l];
+        //             hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].f1      = zsyn[0];
+        //             hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].d1      = zsyn[1]-zsyn[0];
+        //             hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].dt      = (int)(hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].d1*(1E6));
+        //             hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].trwf    = nxim*nyim;
+        //         }
+        //     }
+        //     // Write the data
+        //     fp_amp = fopen(file_ampscl, "w+");
+        //     if (fp_amp==NULL) verr("error on creating output file %s", file_ampscl);
+        //     ret = writeData3D(fp_amp, (float *)&ampscl[0], hdrs_Nfoc, nzim, nxim*nyim);
+        //     if (ret < 0 ) verr("error on writing output file.");
+        //     fclose(fp_amp);
+        //     free(hdrs_Nfoc);
+        //     free(ampscl);
+        // }
         if (file_gplus == NULL) free(Gplus);
+    /* Apply imaging*/
+    if (file_imag!=NULL) {
+        // Determine Image
+        Image = (float *)calloc(Nfoc,sizeof(float));
+        imaging3D(Image, Gmin, f1plus, nxs, nys, ntfft, dxs, dys, dt, Nfoc, verbose);
+        if (file_gmin==NULL) free(Gmin);
+        // Set headers
+        hdrs_Nfoc = (segy *)calloc(nxim*nyim,sizeof(segy));
+        for (l=0; l<nyim; l++){
+            for (j=0; j<nxim; j++){
+                hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].ns      = nzim;
+                hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].sx      = xsyn[j];
+                hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].sy      = ysyn[l];
+                hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].sdepth  = zsyn[l];
+                hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].f1      = zsyn[0];
+                hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].d1      = zsyn[1]-zsyn[0];
+                hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].dt      = (int)(hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].d1*(1E6));
+                hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].trwf    = nxim*nyim;
+            }
+        }
+        // Write out image
+        fp_imag = fopen(file_imag, "w+");
+        if (fp_imag==NULL) verr("error on creating output file %s", file_imag);
+        ret = writeData3D(fp_imag, (float *)&Image[0], hdrs_Nfoc, nzim, nxim*nyim);
+        if (ret < 0 ) verr("error on writing output file.");
+        fclose(fp_imag);
+        free(hdrs_Nfoc);
+        free(Image);
+    }
     t2 = wallclock_time();
     if (verbose) {
         vmess("Total CPU-time marchenko = %.3f", t2-t0);
diff --git a/raytime/raytime.c b/raytime/raytime.c
index 532f9c1e692c1a9bf99594caa47d1622580c409a..414673e43627ba094f6f70bd2b34f64c08907ec1 100644
--- a/raytime/raytime.c
+++ b/raytime/raytime.c
@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
     hdr.scalco = -1000;
     hdr.scalel = -1000;
-    hdr.trid   = 1;
+    hdr.trid   = 0;
 	tinit = t1-t0;
diff --git a/utils/green3D b/utils/green3D
index 3513a0edb3c0096f4a53c9e3fa73a5474de53bf5..c2f71642dbc9a737f12146aaac155419fe32ad9c 100755
Binary files a/utils/green3D and b/utils/green3D differ