diff --git a/marchenko_applications/JespersRayTracer.c b/marchenko_applications/JespersRayTracer.c
index bd4f9da25c25868c7655609b6859c943bb25f212..ba6ae35845c1e6260999a0799339a8cc09dd66b5 100644
--- a/marchenko_applications/JespersRayTracer.c
+++ b/marchenko_applications/JespersRayTracer.c
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ int getWaveParameter(float *slowness, icoord size, float dgrid, fcoord s, fcoord
         if (ray.useT2 != 0)
             T2 += getdT2(x, z, so, angle, ds, nRayTmp, s, r, rayReference3D, slowness, size);
-        if (ray.geomspread != 0) {
+        /*if (ray.geomspread != 0) {
             if (so <= 0) {
                 dQdPhi = 0;
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ int getWaveParameter(float *slowness, icoord size, float dgrid, fcoord s, fcoord
                 greentmp = greenIntP(lengthRefRay, so, lengthRefRay, slowness, size, nRayTmp, r, s);
                 dQdPhi += greentmp*secondDerivativeU1(slowness, size, x, z, angle, r, s)*ds/so;
-        }
+        }*/
     if (ray.useT2)
diff --git a/marchenko_applications/Makefile b/marchenko_applications/Makefile
index 4130dd06511833931d999436e2c91bc754e1b3e0..7fbfacafae0f940c08260efef7a6fe3c1b43940d 100644
--- a/marchenko_applications/Makefile
+++ b/marchenko_applications/Makefile
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ LIBS    += -L$L -lgenfft -lm $(LIBSM)
 #ALL: fmute marchenko marchenko2
-ALL: fmute marchenko
+ALL: fmute marchenko_app combine
 SRCJ	= fmute.c \
 		getFileInfo.c  \
@@ -51,7 +51,19 @@ SRCH	= marchenko.c \
 		gaussGen.c \
 		iterations.c \
 		imaging.c \
-		threadAffinity.c
+		threadAffinity.c \
+		makeWindow.c \
+		homogeneousg.c
+SRCC	= combine.c \
+		getFileInfo.c \
+		writeData.c \
+		wallclock_time.c \
+		getpars.c \
+		verbosepkg.c \
+		atopkge.c \
+        docpkge.c \
+		readSnapData.c 
 OBJJ	= $(SRCJ:%.c=%.o)
@@ -60,20 +72,26 @@ fmute:	$(OBJJ)
 OBJH	= $(SRCH:%.c=%.o)
-marchenko:	$(OBJH) raytime.h
-	$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(OPTC) $(CFLAGS) -o marchenko $(OBJH) $(LIBS)
+marchenko_app:	$(OBJH) raytime.h
+	$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(OPTC) $(CFLAGS) -o marchenko_app $(OBJH) $(LIBS)
+OBJC	= $(SRCC:%.c=%.o)
+combine:  $(OBJC)
+	$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(OPTC) $(CFLAGS) -o combine $(OBJC) $(LIBS)
-install: fmute marchenko 
+install: fmute marchenko_app combine
 	cp fmute $B
-	cp marchenko $B
+	cp marchenko_app $B
+	cp combine $B
 #	cp marchenko2 $B
-		rm -f core fmute $(OBJJ) marchenko $(OBJH)
+		rm -f core fmute $(OBJJ) marchenko_app $(OBJH) combine $(OBJC)
 realclean: clean
-		rm -f $B/fmute $B/marchenko
+		rm -f $B/fmute $B/marchenko_app $B/combine
diff --git a/marchenko_applications/marchenko.c b/marchenko_applications/marchenko.c
index 1b26d99fb983051a93897fd26f74329e6604605a..7a975bf02705a4b8778709fa7d22bbd616943ff1 100644
--- a/marchenko_applications/marchenko.c
+++ b/marchenko_applications/marchenko.c
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ typedef struct _complexStruct { // complex number
 int readShotData(char *filename, float *xrcv, float *xsrc, float *zsrc, int *xnx, complex *cdata, int nw, int nw_low, int ngath, int nx, int nxm, int ntfft, int mode, float weight, float tsq, float Q, float f0, int verbose);
 int readSnapData(char *filename, float *data, segy *hdrs, int nsnaps, int nx, int nz, int sx, int ex, int sz, int ez);
 //int readTinvData(char *filename, float *xrcv, float *xsrc, float *zsrc, int *xnx, int Nsyn, int nx, int ntfft, int mode, int *maxval, float *tinv, int hw, int verbose);
-int readTinvData(char *filename, WavePar WP, char *file_ray, char *file_amp, float dt, float *xrcv, float *xsrc, float *zsrc, int *xnx, int Nsyn, int nx, int ntfft, int mode, int *maxval, float *tinv, int hw, int verbose);
+int readTinvData(char *filename, float dt, float *xrcv, float *xsrc, float *zsrc, int *xnx, int Nsyn, int nx, int ntfft, int mode, int *maxval, float *tinv, int hw, int verbose);
 int writeDataIter(char *file_iter, float *data, segy *hdrs, int n1, int n2, float d2, float f2, int n2out, int Nsyn, float *xsyn, float *zsyn, int iter);
 void name_ext(char *filename, char *extension);
 int Cost(float *f1p, float *f1d, float *Gm, float *Gm0, double *J, int Nsyn, int nxs, int ntfft, int *ixpossyn, int npossyn);
@@ -49,10 +49,12 @@ int readData(FILE *fp, float *data, segy *hdrs, int n1);
 int writeData(FILE *fp, float *data, segy *hdrs, int n1, int n2);
 int disp_fileinfo(char *file, int n1, int n2, float f1, float f2, float d1, float d2, segy *hdrs);
 double wallclock_time(void);
-void iterations (complex *Refl, int nx, int nt, int nxs, int nts, float dt, float *xsyn, int Nsyn, float *xrcv, float *xsrc, float fxs2, float fxs, float dxs, float dxsrc, float dx, int ixa, int ixb, int ntfft, int nw, int nw_low, int nw_high,  int mode, int reci, int nshots, int *ixpossyn, int npossyn, float *pmin, float *f1min, float *f1plus, float *f2p, float *G_d, int *muteW, int smooth, int shift, int above, int pad, int nt0, int verbose);
-void imaging (float *Image, float *Gmin, complex *Refl, int nx, int nt, int nxs, int nts, float dt, float *xsyn, int Nsyn, float *xrcv, float *xsrc, float fxs2, float fxs, float dxs, float dxsrc, float dx, int ixa, int ixb, int ntfft, int nw, int nw_low, int nw_high,  int mode, int reci, int nshots, int *ixpossyn, int npossyn, float *pmin, float *f1min, float *f1plus, float *f2p, float *G_d, int *muteW, int smooth, int shift, int above, int pad, int nt0, int *synpos, int verbose);
+int makeWindow(WavePar WP, char *file_ray, char *file_amp, float dt, float *xrcv, float *xsrc, float *zsrc, int *xnx, int Nsyn, int nx, int ntfft, int mode, int *maxval, float *tinv, int hw, int verbose);
+void iterations (complex *Refl, int nx, int nt, int nxs, int nts, float dt, float *xsyn, int Nsyn, float *xrcv, float *xsrc, float fxs2, float fxs, float dxs, float dxsrc, float dx, int ixa, int ixb, int ntfft, int nw, int nw_low, int nw_high,  int mode, int reci, int nshots, int *ixpossyn, int npossyn, float *pmin, float *f1min, float *f1plus, float *f2p, float *G_d, int *muteW, int smooth, int shift, int above, int pad, int nt0, int *first, int verbose);
+void imaging (float *Image, WavePar WP, complex *Refl, int nx, int nt, int nxs, int nts, float dt, float *xsyn, int Nsyn, float *xrcv, float *xsrc, float fxs2, float fxs, float dxs, float dxsrc, float dx, int ixa, int ixb, int ntfft, int nw, int nw_low, int nw_high,  int mode, int reci, int nshots, int *ixpossyn, int npossyn, float *pmin, float *f1min, float *f1plus, float *f2p, float *G_d, int *muteW, int smooth, int shift, int above, int pad, int nt0, int *synpos, int *first, int verbose);
+void homogeneousg(float *HomG, float *green, complex *Refl, int nx, int nt, int nxs, int nts, float dt, float *xsyn, int Nsyn, float *xrcv, float *xsrc, float fxs2, float fxs, float dxs, float dxsrc, float dx, int ixa, int ixb, int ntfft, int nw, int nw_low, int nw_high,  int mode, int reci, int nshots, int *ixpossyn, int npossyn, float *pmin, float *f1min, float *f1plus, float *f2p, float *G_d, int *muteW, int smooth, int shift, int above, int pad, int nt0, int *synpos, int verbose);
-void synthesis(complex *Refl, complex *Fop, float *Top, float *iRN, int nx, int nt, int nxs, int nts, float dt, float *xsyn, int Nsyn, float *xrcv, float *xsrc, float fxs2, float fxs, float dxs, float dxsrc, float dx, int ixa, int ixb, int ntfft, int nw, int nw_low, int nw_high,  int mode, int reci, int nshots, int *ixpossyn, int npossyn, double *tfft, int verbose);
+void synthesis(complex *Refl, complex *Fop, float *Top, float *iRN, int nx, int nt, int nxs, int nts, float dt, float *xsyn, int Nsyn, float *xrcv, float *xsrc, float fxs2, float fxs, float dxs, float dxsrc, float dx, int ixa, int ixb, int ntfft, int nw, int nw_low, int nw_high,  int mode, int reci, int nshots, int *ixpossyn, int npossyn, double *tfft, int *first, int verbose);
 void synthesisPosistions(int nx, int nt, int nxs, int nts, float dt, float *xsyn, int Nsyn, float *xrcv, float *xsrc, float fxs2, float fxs, float dxs, float dxsrc, float dx, int ixa, int ixb,  int reci, int nshots, int *ixpossyn, int *npossyn, int verbose);
@@ -210,18 +212,19 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
     int     size, n1, n2, ntap, tap, di, ntraces, nb, ib;
     int     nw, nw_low, nw_high, nfreq, *xnx, *xnxsyn, *synpos;
     int     reci, mode, ixa, ixb, n2out, verbose, ntfft;
-    int     iter, niter, tracf, *muteW, pad, nt0, ampest;
-    int     hw, smooth, above, shift, *ixpossyn, npossyn, ix;
+    int     iter, niter, tracf, *muteW, pad, nt0, ampest, *hmuteW, *hxnxsyn;
+    int     hw, smooth, above, shift, *ixpossyn, npossyn, ix, first=1;
     float   fmin, fmax, *tapersh, *tapersy, fxf, dxf, fxs2, *xsrc, *xrcv, *zsyn, *zsrc, *xrcvsyn;
+	float	*hzsyn, *hxsyn, *hxrcvsyn, *hG_d, xloc, zloc, *HomG;
     double  t0, t1, t2, t3, tsyn, tread, tfft, tcopy, energyNi, *J;
     float   d1, d2, f1, f2, fxs, ft, fx, *xsyn, dxsrc, Q, f0, *Costdet;
     float   *green, *f2p, *pmin, *G_d, dt, dx, dxs, scl, mem, *Image, *Image2;
     float   *f1plus, *f1min, *iRN, *Ni, *trace, *Gmin, *Gplus, *Gm0;
     float   xmin, xmax, weight, tsq, *Gd, *amp, bstart, bend, db, *bdet, bp, b, bmin;
-    complex *Refl, *Fop;
-    char    *file_tinv, *file_shot, *file_green, *file_iter, *file_wav, *file_ray, *file_amp, *file_img;
-    char    *file_f1plus, *file_f1min, *file_gmin, *file_gplus, *file_f2, *file_pmin, *wavtype, *wavtype2;
-    segy    *hdrs_out, *hdrs_out2;
+    complex *Refl, *Fop, *cshot;
+    char    *file_tinv, *file_shot, *file_green, *file_iter, *file_wav, *file_ray, *file_amp, *file_img, *file_cp;
+    char    *file_f1plus, *file_f1min, *file_gmin, *file_gplus, *file_f2, *file_pmin, *wavtype, *wavtype2, *file_homg;
+    segy    *hdrs_im, *hdrs_homg;
 	WavePar WP,WPs;
 	modPar mod;
     recPar rec;
@@ -235,7 +238,8 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
     tsyn = tread = tfft = tcopy = 0.0;
     t0   = wallclock_time();
-	if (!getparstring("file_img", &file_img)) file_img = "out.su";
+	if (!getparstring("file_img", &file_img)) file_img = "img.su";
+	if (!getparstring("file_homg", &file_homg)) file_homg = NULL;
     if (!getparstring("file_shot", &file_shot)) file_shot = NULL;
     if (!getparstring("file_tinv", &file_tinv)) file_tinv = NULL;
     if (!getparstring("file_f1plus", &file_f1plus)) file_f1plus = NULL;
@@ -249,6 +253,7 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
 	if (!getparstring("file_wav", &file_wav)) file_wav=NULL;
 	if (!getparstring("file_ray", &file_ray)) file_ray=NULL;
 	if (!getparstring("file_amp", &file_amp)) file_amp=NULL;
+	if (!getparstring("file_cp", &file_cp)) file_cp = NULL;
     if (!getparint("verbose", &verbose)) verbose = 0;
     if (file_tinv == NULL && file_shot == NULL) 
         verr("file_tinv and file_shot cannot be both input pipe");
@@ -342,8 +347,9 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
 		xmax = mod.x0+rec.x[rec.n-1]*mod.dx;
 		scl = 0.0010;
 		ntraces = n2*ngath;
-		WPs.wav = 1;
 		WP.wav = 1;
+		WP.xloc = -123456.0;
+		WP.zloc = -123456.0;
 		synpos = (int *)calloc(ngath,sizeof(int));
 		for (l=0; l<shot.nz; l++) {
 			for (j=0; j<shot.nx; j++) {
@@ -417,9 +423,15 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
 	WP.nt = ntfft;
 	WP.dt = dt;
-    mode=-1; /* apply complex conjugate to read in data */
-    readTinvData(file_tinv, WPs, file_ray, file_amp, dt, xrcvsyn, xsyn, zsyn, xnxsyn, 
-		 Nsyn, nxs, ntfft, mode, muteW, G_d, hw, verbose);
+	if (file_ray!=NULL || file_cp!=NULL) {
+		makeWindow(WP, file_ray, file_amp, dt, xrcvsyn, xsyn, zsyn, xnxsyn,
+             Nsyn, nxs, ntfft, mode, muteW, G_d, hw, verbose);
+	}
+	else {
+    	mode=-1; /* apply complex conjugate to read in data */
+    	readTinvData(file_tinv, dt, xrcvsyn, xsyn, zsyn, xnxsyn, 
+			 Nsyn, nxs, ntfft, mode, muteW, G_d, hw, verbose);
+	}
 	/* reading data added zero's to the number of time samples to be the same as ntfft */
     nts   = ntfft;
@@ -554,6 +566,71 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
     //memcpy(Ni, G_d, Nsyn*nxs*ntfft*sizeof(float));
+	if (file_homg!=NULL) {
+		hG_d     = (float *)calloc(nxs*ntfft,sizeof(float));
+    	hmuteW   = (int *)calloc(nxs,sizeof(int));
+		hxrcvsyn = (float *)calloc(nxs,sizeof(float));
+		hxsyn 	 = (float *)calloc(1,sizeof(float));
+		hzsyn    = (float *)calloc(1,sizeof(float));
+		hxnxsyn  = (int *)calloc(1,sizeof(int));
+		cshot 	 = (complex *)calloc(nxs*nfreq,sizeof(complex));
+		if(!getparfloat("xloc", &WPs.xloc)) WPs.xloc = 0;
+    	if(!getparfloat("zloc", &WPs.zloc)) WPs.zloc = 0;
+		xloc = WPs.xloc;
+		zloc = WPs.zloc;
+		ngath = 1;
+		makeWindow(WPs, file_ray, file_amp, dt, hxrcvsyn, hxsyn, hzsyn, hxnxsyn, ngath, nxs, ntfft, mode, hmuteW, hG_d, hw, verbose);
+		WPs.xloc = -123456.0;
+		WPs.zloc = -123456.0;
+		if (tap == 1 || tap == 3) {
+        	if (verbose) vmess("Taper for operator applied ntap=%d", ntap);
+            for (i = 0; i < nxs; i++) {
+                for (j = 0; j < nts; j++) {
+                    hG_d[i*nts+j] *= tapersy[i];
+                }
+            }
+        }
+		ngath   = omp_get_max_threads();
+		synthesisPosistions(nx, nt, nxs, nts, dt, hxsyn, 1, xrcv, xsrc, fxs2, fxs,
+        	dxs, dxsrc, dx, ixa, ixb, reci, nshots, ixpossyn, &npossyn, verbose);
+		iterations(Refl,nx,nt,nxs,nts,dt,hxsyn,1,xrcv,xsrc,fxs2,fxs,dxs,dxsrc,dx,ixa,ixb,
+        	ntfft,nw,nw_low,nw_high,mode,reci,nshots,ixpossyn,npossyn,pmin,f1min,f1plus,
+        	f2p,hG_d,hmuteW,smooth,shift,above,pad,nt0,&first,verbose);
+		/* compute full Green's function G = int R * f2(t) + f2(-t) = Pplus + Pmin */
+        for (i = 0; i < npossyn; i++) {
+            j = 0;
+            /* set green to zero if mute-window exceeds nt/2 */
+            if (hmuteW[ixpossyn[i]] >= nts/2) {
+                memset(&green[i*nts],0, sizeof(float)*nt);
+                continue;
+            }
+            green[i*nts+j] = f2p[i*nts+j] + pmin[i*nts+j];
+            for (j = 1; j < nts; j++) {
+                green[i*nts+j] = f2p[i*nts+nts-j] + pmin[i*nts+j];
+            }
+        }
+		applyMute(green, hmuteW, smooth, 4, 1, nxs, nts, ixpossyn, npossyn, shift, pad, nt0);
+        omp_set_num_threads(ngath);
+        /* Transform the green position to the frequency domain */
+        /*for (i = 0; i < npossyn; i++) {
+        	rc1fft(&green[i*nts],&cshot[i*nfreq],ntfft,-1);
+    	}*/
+		//free(hG_d);free(hmuteW);free(hxrcvsyn);
+		free(hmuteW);free(hxrcvsyn);
+		free(hxsyn);free(hzsyn);free(hxnxsyn);free(cshot);
+	}
     /* dry-run of synthesis to get all x-positions calcalated by the integration */
     synthesisPosistions(nx, nt, nxs, nts, dt, xsyn, Nsyn, xrcv, xsrc, fxs2, fxs, 
@@ -562,119 +639,117 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
         vmess("synthesisPosistions: nshots=%d npossyn=%d", nshots, npossyn);
-/*================ set variables for output data ================*/
-    n1 = nts; n2 = n2out;
-    f1 = ft; f2 = fxs+dxs*ixpossyn[0];
-    d1 = dt;
-    if (reci == 0) d2 = dxsrc;
-    else if (reci == 1) d2 = dxs;
-    else if (reci == 2) d2 = dx;
-    hdrs_out2 = (segy *) calloc(n2,sizeof(segy));
-    hdrs_out = (segy *) calloc(shot.nx,sizeof(segy));
-    if (hdrs_out == NULL) verr("allocation for hdrs_out");
-    size  = nxs*nts;
-    for (i = 0; i < n2; i++) {
-        hdrs_out2[i].ns     = n1;
-        hdrs_out2[i].trid   = 1;
-        hdrs_out2[i].dt     = dt*1000000;
-        hdrs_out2[i].f1     = f1;
-        hdrs_out2[i].f2     = f2;
-        hdrs_out2[i].d1     = d1;
-        hdrs_out2[i].d2     = d2;
-        hdrs_out2[i].trwf   = n2out;
-        hdrs_out2[i].scalco = -1000;
-        hdrs_out2[i].gx = NINT(1000*(f2+i*d2));
-        hdrs_out2[i].scalel = -1000;
-        hdrs_out2[i].tracl = i+1;
-    }
     t1    = wallclock_time();
     tread = t1-t0;
-		f2p,G_d,muteW,smooth,shift,above,pad,nt0,verbose);
-	Image   = (float *)malloc(Nsyn*sizeof(float));
-	Gmin    = (float *)calloc(Nsyn*nxs*ntfft,sizeof(float));
-	imaging(Image,Gmin,Refl,nx,nt,nxs,nts,dt,xsyn,Nsyn,xrcv,xsrc,fxs2,fxs,dxs,dxsrc,dx,ixa,ixb,
-        ntfft,nw,nw_low,nw_high,mode,reci,nshots,ixpossyn,npossyn,pmin,f1min,f1plus,
-        f2p,G_d,muteW,smooth,shift,above,pad,nt0,synpos,verbose);
-/*============= write output files ================*/
-	fp_out = fopen(file_img, "w+");
-    for (i = 0; i < shot.nx; i++) {
-            hdrs_out[i].fldr    = 1;
-            hdrs_out[i].tracl   = 1;
-            hdrs_out[i].tracf   = i+1;
-            hdrs_out[i].scalco  = -1000;
-            hdrs_out[i].scalel  = -1000;
-            hdrs_out[i].sdepth  = 0;
-            hdrs_out[i].trid    = 1;
-            hdrs_out[i].ns      = shot.nz;
-            hdrs_out[i].trwf    = shot.nx;
-            hdrs_out[i].ntr     = hdrs_out[i].fldr*hdrs_out[i].trwf;
-            hdrs_out[i].f1      = zsyn[0];
-            hdrs_out[i].f2      = xsyn[0];
-            hdrs_out[i].dt      = dt*(1E6);
-            hdrs_out[i].d1      = (float)zsyn[shot.nx]-zsyn[0];
-            hdrs_out[i].d2      = (float)xsyn[1]-xsyn[0];
-            hdrs_out[i].sx      = (int)roundf(xsyn[0] + (i*hdrs_out[i].d2)*1000.0);
-            hdrs_out[i].gx      = (int)roundf(xsyn[0] + (i*hdrs_out[i].d2)*1000.0);
-            hdrs_out[i].offset  = (hdrs_out[i].gx - hdrs_out[i].sx)/1000.0;
-    }
-    ret = writeData(fp_out, &Image[0], hdrs_out, shot.nz, shot.nx);
-    if (ret < 0 ) verr("error on writing output file.");
+		f2p,G_d,muteW,smooth,shift,above,pad,nt0,&first,verbose);
-    fclose(fp_out);
+	if (niter==0) {
+		for (l = 0; l < Nsyn; l++) {
+        	for (i = 0; i < npossyn; i++) {
+            	j = 0;
+                ix = ixpossyn[i];
+                f2p[l*nxs*nts+i*nts+j] = G_d[l*nxs*nts+ix*nts+j];
+				f1plus[l*nxs*nts+i*nts+j] = G_d[l*nxs*nts+ix*nts+j];
+				green[i*nts+j] = hG_d[ix*nts+j];
+                for (j = 1; j < nts; j++) {
+                	f2p[l*nxs*nts+i*nts+j] = G_d[l*nxs*nts+ix*nts+j];
+					f1plus[l*nxs*nts+i*nts+j] = G_d[l*nxs*nts+ix*nts+j];
+					green[i*nts+j] = hG_d[ix*nts+nts-j];
+                }
+            }
+    	}
+	}
-	if (file_gmin != NULL) {
-        fp_gmin = fopen(file_gmin, "w+");
-        if (fp_gmin==NULL) verr("error on creating output file %s", file_gmin);
-    }
-	if (file_f1plus != NULL) {
-        fp_f1plus = fopen(file_f1plus, "w+");
-        if (fp_f1plus==NULL) verr("error on creating output file %s", file_f1plus);
-    }
+	if (file_img!=NULL) {
+		/*================ set variables for output data ================*/
-	tracf = 1;
-    for (j = 0; j < Nsyn; j++) {
-		//l = synpos[j];
-		l = j;
-        if (ixa || ixb) f2 = xsyn[l]-ixb*d2;
-        else {
-            if (reci) f2 = fxs;
-            else f2 = fxf;
-        }
+    	hdrs_im = (segy *) calloc(shot.nx,sizeof(segy));
+    	if (hdrs_im == NULL) verr("allocation for hdrs_out");
+		Image   = (float *)calloc(Nsyn,sizeof(float));
-        for (i = 0; i < n2; i++) {
-            hdrs_out2[i].fldr   = l+1;
-            hdrs_out2[i].sx     = NINT(xsyn[l]*1000);
-            hdrs_out2[i].offset = (long)NINT((f2+i*d2) - xsyn[l]);
-            hdrs_out2[i].tracf  = tracf++;
-            hdrs_out2[i].selev  = NINT(zsyn[l]*1000);
-            hdrs_out2[i].sdepth = NINT(-zsyn[l]*1000);
-            hdrs_out2[i].f1     = f1;
-        }
+		first=0;
+		imaging(Image,WPs,Refl,nx,nt,nxs,nts,dt,xsyn,Nsyn,xrcv,xsrc,fxs2,fxs,dxs,dxsrc,dx,ixa,ixb,
+       		ntfft,nw,nw_low,nw_high,mode,reci,nshots,ixpossyn,npossyn,pmin,f1min,f1plus,
+       		f2p,G_d,muteW,smooth,shift,above,pad,nt0,synpos,&first,verbose);
+		/*============= write output files ================*/
+		fp_out = fopen(file_img, "w+");
+    	for (i = 0; i < shot.nx; i++) {
+            hdrs_im[i].fldr    = 1;
+            hdrs_im[i].tracl   = 1;
+            hdrs_im[i].tracf   = i+1;
+            hdrs_im[i].scalco  = -1000;
+            hdrs_im[i].scalel  = -1000;
+            hdrs_im[i].sdepth  = 0;
+            hdrs_im[i].trid    = 1;
+            hdrs_im[i].ns      = shot.nz;
+            hdrs_im[i].trwf    = shot.nx;
+            hdrs_im[i].ntr     = hdrs_im[i].fldr*hdrs_im[i].trwf;
+            hdrs_im[i].f1      = zsyn[0];
+            hdrs_im[i].f2      = xsyn[0];
+            hdrs_im[i].dt      = dt*(1E6);
+            hdrs_im[i].d1      = (float)zsyn[shot.nx]-zsyn[0];
+            hdrs_im[i].d2      = (float)xsyn[1]-xsyn[0];
+            hdrs_im[i].sx      = (int)roundf(xsyn[0] + (i*hdrs_im[i].d2));
+            hdrs_im[i].gx      = (int)roundf(xsyn[0] + (i*hdrs_im[i].d2));
+            hdrs_im[i].offset  = (hdrs_im[i].gx - hdrs_im[i].sx)/1000.0;
+    	}
+    	ret = writeData(fp_out, &Image[0], hdrs_im, shot.nz, shot.nx);
+    	if (ret < 0 ) verr("error on writing output file.");
-        if (file_gmin != NULL) {
-            ret = writeData(fp_gmin, (float *)&Gmin[l*size], hdrs_out2, n1, n2);
-            if (ret < 0 ) verr("error on writing output file.");
-        }
-        if (file_f1plus != NULL) {
-            ret = writeData(fp_f1plus, (float *)&f1plus[l*size], hdrs_out2, n1, n2);
-            if (ret < 0 ) verr("error on writing output file.");
-        }
+    	fclose(fp_out);
-    ret = 0;
-    if (file_gmin != NULL) {ret += fclose(fp_gmin);}
-    if (file_f1plus != NULL) {ret += fclose(fp_f1plus);}
-    if (ret < 0) verr("err %d on closing output file",ret);
+	if (file_homg!=NULL) {
+		/*================ set variables for output data ================*/
+        hdrs_homg = (segy *) calloc(shot.nx,sizeof(segy));
+        if (hdrs_homg == NULL) verr("allocation for hdrs_out");
+        HomG	= (float *)calloc(Nsyn*ntfft,sizeof(float));
+        homogeneousg(HomG,green,Refl,nx,nt,nxs,nts,dt,xsyn,Nsyn,xrcv,xsrc,fxs2,fxs,dxs,dxsrc,dx,ixa,ixb,
+           	ntfft,nw,nw_low,nw_high,mode,reci,nshots,ixpossyn,npossyn,pmin,f1min,f1plus,
+           	f2p,G_d,muteW,smooth,shift,above,pad,nt0,synpos,verbose);
+        /*============= write output files ================*/
+		 fp_out = fopen(file_homg, "w+");
+		for (j = 0; j < ntfft; j++) {
+        	for (i = 0; i < shot.nx; i++) {
+            	hdrs_homg[i].fldr    = j+1;
+            	hdrs_homg[i].tracl   = j*shot.nx+i+1;
+            	hdrs_homg[i].tracf   = i+1;
+            	hdrs_homg[i].scalco  = -1000;
+            	hdrs_homg[i].scalel  = -1000;
+            	hdrs_homg[i].sdepth  = (int)(zloc*1000.0);
+            	hdrs_homg[i].trid    = 1;
+            	hdrs_homg[i].ns      = shot.nz;
+            	hdrs_homg[i].trwf    = shot.nx;
+            	hdrs_homg[i].ntr     = hdrs_homg[i].fldr*hdrs_homg[i].trwf;
+            	hdrs_homg[i].f1      = zsyn[0];
+            	hdrs_homg[i].f2      = xsyn[0];
+            	hdrs_homg[i].dt      = dt*(1E6);
+            	hdrs_homg[i].d1      = (float)zsyn[shot.nx]-zsyn[0];
+            	hdrs_homg[i].d2      = (float)xsyn[1]-xsyn[0];
+            	hdrs_homg[i].sx      = (int)roundf(xsyn[0] + (i*hdrs_homg[i].d2));
+            	hdrs_homg[i].gx      = (int)roundf(xsyn[0] + (i*hdrs_homg[i].d2));
+            	hdrs_homg[i].offset  = (hdrs_homg[i].gx - hdrs_homg[i].sx)/1000.0;
+        	}
+        	ret = writeData(fp_out, &HomG[j*shot.n], hdrs_homg, shot.nz, shot.nx);
+        	if (ret < 0 ) verr("error on writing output file.");
+		}
+        fclose(fp_out);
+    }
     if (verbose) {
         t1 = wallclock_time();
@@ -682,7 +757,6 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
-    free(hdrs_out);
@@ -691,7 +765,7 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
 /*================ Convolution and Integration ================*/
-void synthesis(complex *Refl, complex *Fop, float *Top, float *iRN, int nx, int nt, int nxs, int nts, float dt, float *xsyn, int Nsyn, float *xrcv, float *xsrc, float fxs2, float fxs, float dxs, float dxsrc, float dx, int ixa, int ixb, int ntfft, int nw, int nw_low, int nw_high,  int mode, int reci, int nshots, int *ixpossyn, int npossyn, double *tfft, int verbose)
+void synthesis(complex *Refl, complex *Fop, float *Top, float *iRN, int nx, int nt, int nxs, int nts, float dt, float *xsyn, int Nsyn, float *xrcv, float *xsrc, float fxs2, float fxs, float dxs, float dxsrc, float dx, int ixa, int ixb, int ntfft, int nw, int nw_low, int nw_high,  int mode, int reci, int nshots, int *ixpossyn, int npossyn, double *tfft, int *first, int verbose)
     int     nfreq, size, iox, inx;
     float   scl;
@@ -699,7 +773,7 @@ void synthesis(complex *Refl, complex *Fop, float *Top, float *iRN, int nx, int
     float   *rtrace, idxs;
     complex *sum, *ctrace;
     int     npe;
-	static int first=1, *ixrcv;
+	static int *ixrcv;
     static double t0, t1, t;
     size  = nxs*nts;
diff --git a/marchenko_applications/marchenko.h b/marchenko_applications/marchenko.h
index 7be349d5ef4fd158f467f9dad2707cca8f709b3e..fd627253990f4ff8ea2980be26cc184f786e95ff 100644
--- a/marchenko_applications/marchenko.h
+++ b/marchenko_applications/marchenko.h
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 #define WAVEPAR
 typedef struct WaveParameters {
     int nt, shift, inv, scfft, cm, cn, wav;
-    float dt, fp, fmin, flef, frig, fmax, t0, db, scale, eps;
+    float dt, fp, fmin, flef, frig, fmax, t0, db, scale, eps, xloc, zloc;
     char w[10], *file_wav;
 } WavePar;
diff --git a/marchenko_applications/raytime.c b/marchenko_applications/raytime.c
index 777df3df4450773c0dc81215de444aefedc305b8..a0fa6d0d3a577a0d11fd927fd8b6b28ae176a74a 100644
--- a/marchenko_applications/raytime.c
+++ b/marchenko_applications/raytime.c
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ int defineSource(wavPar wav, srcPar src, modPar mod, float **src_nwav, int rever
 int writeSrcRecPos(modPar *mod, recPar *rec, srcPar *src, shotPar *shot);
-int raytime(float *time, float *ampl, int *xnx, float *xrcv, float *xsrc, float *zsrc)
+int raytime(float *time, float *ampl, int *xnx, float *xrcv, float *xsrc, float *zsrc, float xloc, float zloc)
 	modPar mod;
 	recPar rec;
@@ -70,6 +70,15 @@ int raytime(float *time, float *ampl, int *xnx, float *xrcv, float *xsrc, float
 	if (!getparint("verbose",&verbose)) verbose=0;
 	getParameters(&mod, &rec, &src, &shot, &ray, verbose);
+	if (xloc!=-123456.0 && zloc!=-123456.0) {
+		if (verbose > 3) vmess("Setting source ray to x = %.3f, z = %.3f",xloc,zloc);
+		shot.nx 	= 1;
+		shot.nz 	= 1;
+		shot.n 		= 1;
+		shot.x[0]	= NINT((xloc-mod.x0)/mod.dx);
+		shot.z[0]	= NINT((zloc-mod.z0)/mod.dz);
+	}
 	/* allocate arrays for model parameters: the different schemes use different arrays */
 	n1 = mod.nz;
diff --git a/marchenko_applications/readTinvData.c b/marchenko_applications/readTinvData.c
index bceab866f43e80bc7dc1550471dee92a8f1a83ca..19927fbd3ef859ffa76730fde22fd021c57c68b5 100644
--- a/marchenko_applications/readTinvData.c
+++ b/marchenko_applications/readTinvData.c
@@ -25,276 +25,164 @@ void findShotInMute(float *xrcvMute, float xrcvShot, int nxs, int *imute);
 int readSnapData(char *filename, float *data, segy *hdrs, int nsnaps, int nx, int nz, int sx, int ex, int sz, int ez);
 int raytime(float *amp, float *time, int *xnx, float *xrcv, float *xsrc, float *zsrc);
-int readTinvData(char *filename, WavePar WP, char *file_ray, char *file_amp, float dt, float *xrcv, float *xsrc, float *zsrc, int *xnx, int Nsyn, int nx, int ntfft, int mode, int *maxval, float *tinv, int hw, int verbose)
+int readTinvData(char *filename, float dt, float *xrcv, float *xsrc, float *zsrc, int *xnx, int Nsyn, int nx, int ntfft, int mode, int *maxval, float *tinv, int hw, int verbose)
 	FILE *fp;
-	segy hdr, *hdrs_mute, *hdrs_amp, *hdrs_wav;
+	segy hdr, *hdrs_mute;
 	size_t nread;
-	char *file_cp;
 	int fldr_shot, sx_shot, itrace, one_shot, ig, isyn, i, j;
-	int end_of_file, nt, gx0, gx1, nfreq, geosp;
+	int end_of_file, nt, gx0, gx1;
 	int nx1, jmax, imax, tstart, tend, nwav;
-	float xmax, tmax, lmax, *wavelet, *wavelet2;
-	float scl, scel, *trace, dxrcv, *timeval, dw, *amp;
-	complex *cmute, *cwav;
+	float xmax, tmax, lmax;
+	float scl, scel, *trace, dxrcv;
-	if (!getparstring("file_cp", &file_cp)) file_cp=NULL;
-	if (!getparint("geomspread",&geosp)) geosp=1;
-	if (file_cp==NULL) geosp=0;
-	/*Check wheter the raytime is used or not*/
-	if (file_ray!=NULL || file_cp!=NULL) {
-		/*Define parameters*/
-		nfreq = ntfft/2+1;	
-		wavelet = (float *)calloc(ntfft,sizeof(float));
-		cwav	= (complex *)malloc(nfreq*sizeof(complex));
-		cmute	= (complex *)malloc(nfreq*sizeof(complex));
-		dw  	= 2*M_PI/(ntfft*dt);
+	/* Reading first header  */
-		/*Create wavelet using parameters or read in wavelet*/
-		if (WP.wav) {
-			if (WP.file_wav == NULL) {
-				if (verbose>0) vmess("Modeling wavelet");
-				freqwave(wavelet, WP.nt, WP.dt, WP.fp, WP.fmin, WP.flef, WP.frig, WP.fmax,
-            		WP.t0, WP.db, WP.shift, WP.cm, WP.cn, WP.w, WP.scale, WP.scfft, WP.inv, WP.eps, verbose);
-			}
-			else {
-				if (verbose>0) vmess("Reading in wavelet");
-				fp = fopen( WP.file_wav, "r" );
-        		if ( fp == NULL ) {
-            		perror("Error opening file containing wavelet");
-        		}
-				fclose(fp);
-				wavelet2= (float *)calloc(ntfft,sizeof(float));
-    			hdrs_wav = (segy *)calloc(1, sizeof(segy));
-				readSnapData(WP.file_wav, wavelet2, hdrs_wav, Nsyn, 1, ntfft, 0, 1, 0, ntfft);
-    			nwav = hdrs_wav[0].ns/2;
-    			for (i=0; i<nwav; i++) {
-    				wavelet[i] = wavelet2[i];
-    				wavelet[ntfft-1-i] = wavelet2[hdrs_wav[0].ns-1-i];
-				}
-			}
-			rc1fft(wavelet,cwav,ntfft,-1);
-			free(wavelet);
-		}
-		timeval = (float *)calloc(Nsyn*nx,sizeof(float));
-		amp = (float *)calloc(Nsyn*nx,sizeof(float));
-		if (file_ray!=NULL) {
-			/* Defining mute window using raytimes */
-			vmess("Using raytime for mutewindow");
-        	hdrs_mute = (segy *) calloc(Nsyn,sizeof(segy));
-			fp = fopen( file_ray, "r" );
-        	if ( fp == NULL ) {
-            	perror("Error opening file containing wavelet");
-        	}
-        	fclose(fp);
-        	readSnapData(file_ray, timeval, hdrs_mute, Nsyn, 1, nx, 0, 1, 0, nx);
-			/*Check whether the amplitude is also used*/
-			if (file_amp != NULL) {
-				hdrs_amp = (segy *) calloc(Nsyn,sizeof(segy));
-				fp = fopen( file_amp, "r" );
-            	if ( fp == NULL ) {
-            		perror("Error opening file containing wavelet");
-            	}
-            	fclose(fp);
-        		readSnapData(file_amp, amp, hdrs_amp, Nsyn, 1, nx, 0, 1, 0, nx);
-			}
-			/*Define source and receiver locations from the raytime*/
-			for (isyn=0; isyn<Nsyn; isyn++) {
-           		for (itrace=0; itrace<nx; itrace++) {
-               		xrcv[isyn*nx+itrace] = (hdrs_mute[isyn].f1 + hdrs_mute[isyn].d1*((float)itrace));
-           		}
-           		xnx[isyn]=nx;
-				xsrc[isyn] = hdrs_mute[isyn].sx;
-        		zsrc[isyn] = hdrs_mute[isyn].sdepth;
-        	}
-		}
-		else {
-			raytime(timeval,amp,xnx,xrcv,xsrc,zsrc);
-		}
+	if (filename == NULL) fp = stdin;
+	else fp = fopen( filename, "r" );
+	if ( fp == NULL ) {
+		fprintf(stderr,"input file %s has an error\n", filename);
+		perror("error in opening file: ");
+		fflush(stderr);
+		return -1;
+	}
-		/*Determine the mutewindow*/
-		for (j=0; j<Nsyn; j++) {
-           	for (i=0; i<nx; i++) {
-               	maxval[j*nx+i] = (int)roundf(timeval[j*nx+i]/dt);
-           		if (maxval[j*nx+i] > ntfft-1) maxval[j*nx+i] = ntfft-1;
-				if (WP.wav) { /*Apply the wavelet to create a first arrival*/
-					if (file_amp != NULL || geosp==1) {
-						for (ig=0; ig<nfreq; ig++) {
-                           	cmute[ig].r = (cwav[ig].r*cos(ig*dw*timeval[j*nx+i]-M_PI/4.0)-cwav[ig].i*sin(ig*dw*timeval[j*nx+i]-M_PI/4.0))/amp[j*nx+i];
-                           	cmute[ig].i = (cwav[ig].i*cos(ig*dw*timeval[j*nx+i]-M_PI/4.0)+cwav[ig].r*sin(ig*dw*timeval[j*nx+i]-M_PI/4.0))/amp[j*nx+i];
-                       	}
-					}
-					else { /*Use the raytime only to determine the mutewindow*/
-						for (ig=0; ig<nfreq; ig++) {
-                   			cmute[ig].r = cwav[ig].r*cos(ig*dw*timeval[j*nx+i]-M_PI/4.0)-cwav[ig].i*sin(ig*dw*timeval[j*nx+i]-M_PI/4.0);
-                   			cmute[ig].i = cwav[ig].i*cos(ig*dw*timeval[j*nx+i]-M_PI/4.0)+cwav[ig].r*sin(ig*dw*timeval[j*nx+i]-M_PI/4.0);
-               			}
-					}
-               		cr1fft(cmute,&tinv[j*nx*ntfft+i*ntfft],ntfft,1);
-               		tinv[j*nx*ntfft+i*ntfft] /= ntfft;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-    }
+	fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
+	nread = fread( &hdr, 1, TRCBYTES, fp );
+	assert(nread == TRCBYTES);
+	if (hdr.scalco < 0) scl = 1.0/fabs(hdr.scalco);
+	else if (hdr.scalco == 0) scl = 1.0;
+	else scl = hdr.scalco;
+	if (hdr.scalel < 0) scel = 1.0/fabs(hdr.scalel);
+	else if (hdr.scalel == 0) scel = 1.0;
+	else scel = hdr.scalel;
+	fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
-	if (WP.wav == 0 && file_ray==NULL && filename!=NULL) {
+	nt     = hdr.ns;
+	trace  = (float *)calloc(ntfft,sizeof(float));
-		/* Reading first header  */
+	end_of_file = 0;
+	one_shot    = 1;
+	isyn        = 0;
-		if (filename == NULL) fp = stdin;
-		else fp = fopen( filename, "r" );
-		if ( fp == NULL ) {
-			fprintf(stderr,"input file %s has an error\n", filename);
-			perror("error in opening file: ");
-			fflush(stderr);
-			return -1;
-		}
+	/* Read shots in file */
-		fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
+	while (!end_of_file) {
+		/* start reading data (shot records) */
+		itrace     = 0;
 		nread = fread( &hdr, 1, TRCBYTES, fp );
-		assert(nread == TRCBYTES);
-		if (hdr.scalco < 0) scl = 1.0/fabs(hdr.scalco);
-		else if (hdr.scalco == 0) scl = 1.0;
-		else scl = hdr.scalco;
-		if (hdr.scalel < 0) scel = 1.0/fabs(hdr.scalel);
-		else if (hdr.scalel == 0) scel = 1.0;
-		else scel = hdr.scalel;
-		fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
-		nt     = hdr.ns;
-		trace  = (float *)calloc(ntfft,sizeof(float));
-		end_of_file = 0;
-		one_shot    = 1;
-		isyn        = 0;
-		/* Read shots in file */
+		if (nread != TRCBYTES) { /* no more data in file */
+			break;
+		}
-		while (!end_of_file) {
-			/* start reading data (shot records) */
-			itrace     = 0;
+		sx_shot    = hdr.sx;
+		fldr_shot  = hdr.fldr;
+       	gx0        = hdr.gx;
+		xsrc[isyn] = sx_shot*scl;
+		zsrc[isyn] = hdr.selev*scel;
+		xnx[isyn]  = 0;
+       	ig = isyn*nx*ntfft;
+		while (one_shot) {
+			xrcv[isyn*nx+itrace] = hdr.gx*scl;
+			nread = fread( trace, sizeof(float), nt, fp );
+			assert (nread == hdr.ns);
+			/* copy trace to data array */
+           	memcpy( &tinv[ig+itrace*ntfft], trace, nt*sizeof(float));
+           	gx1 = hdr.gx;
+			itrace++;
+			/* read next hdr of next trace */
 			nread = fread( &hdr, 1, TRCBYTES, fp );
-			if (nread != TRCBYTES) { /* no more data in file */
+			if (nread != TRCBYTES) { 
+				one_shot = 0;
+				end_of_file = 1;
+			if ((sx_shot != hdr.sx) || (fldr_shot != hdr.fldr) ) break;
+		}
+		if (verbose>2) {
+			fprintf(stderr,"finished reading shot %d (%d) with %d traces\n",sx_shot,isyn,itrace);
+			//disp_fileinfo(filename, nt, xnx[isyn], hdr.f1, xrcv[isyn*nxm], d1, d2, &hdr);
+		}
-			sx_shot    = hdr.sx;
-			fldr_shot  = hdr.fldr;
-        	gx0        = hdr.gx;
-			xsrc[isyn] = sx_shot*scl;
-			zsrc[isyn] = hdr.selev*scel;
-			xnx[isyn]  = 0;
-        	ig = isyn*nx*ntfft;
-			while (one_shot) {
-				xrcv[isyn*nx+itrace] = hdr.gx*scl;
-				nread = fread( trace, sizeof(float), nt, fp );
-				assert (nread == hdr.ns);
-				/* copy trace to data array */
-            	memcpy( &tinv[ig+itrace*ntfft], trace, nt*sizeof(float));
-            	gx1 = hdr.gx;
-				itrace++;
-				/* read next hdr of next trace */
-				nread = fread( &hdr, 1, TRCBYTES, fp );
-				if (nread != TRCBYTES) { 
-					one_shot = 0;
-					end_of_file = 1;
-					break;
-				}
-				if ((sx_shot != hdr.sx) || (fldr_shot != hdr.fldr) ) break;
-			}
-			if (verbose>2) {
-				fprintf(stderr,"finished reading shot %d (%d) with %d traces\n",sx_shot,isyn,itrace);
-				//disp_fileinfo(filename, nt, xnx[isyn], hdr.f1, xrcv[isyn*nxm], d1, d2, &hdr);
-			}
-			/* look for maximum in shot record to define mute window */
-        	/* find consistent (one event) maximum related to maximum value */
-			nx1 = itrace;
-			xnx[isyn]=nx1;
-			if (file_ray==NULL) {/*Use the raytime to determine the mutewindow instead of searching*/
-        		/* alternative find maximum at source position */
-        		dxrcv = (gx1 - gx0)*scl/(float)(nx1-1);
-        		imax = NINT(((sx_shot-gx0)*scl)/dxrcv);
-        		tmax=0.0;
-        		jmax = 0;
-        		for (j = 0; j < nt; j++) {
-            		lmax = fabs(tinv[ig+imax*ntfft+j]);
-            		if (lmax > tmax) {
-                		jmax = j;
-                		tmax = lmax;
-                   			if (lmax > xmax) {
-                       			xmax=lmax;
-                   			}
-            		}
-        		}
-        		maxval[isyn*nx+imax] = jmax;
-        		if (verbose >= 3) vmess("Mute max at src-trace %d is sample %d", imax, maxval[imax]);
-        		/* search forward in trace direction from maximum in file */
-        		for (i = imax+1; i < nx1; i++) {
-            		tstart = MAX(0, (maxval[isyn*nx+i-1]-hw));
-            		tend   = MIN(nt-1, (maxval[isyn*nx+i-1]+hw));
-            		jmax=tstart;
-            		tmax=0.0;
-            		for(j = tstart; j <= tend; j++) {
-                		lmax = fabs(tinv[ig+i*ntfft+j]);
-                		if (lmax > tmax) {
-                    		jmax = j;
-                    		tmax = lmax;
-                		}
-            		}
-            		maxval[isyn*nx+i] = jmax;
-        		}
-        		/* search backward in trace direction from maximum in file */
-        		for (i = imax-1; i >=0; i--) {
-            		tstart = MAX(0, (maxval[isyn*nx+i+1]-hw));
-            		tend   = MIN(nt-1, (maxval[isyn*nx+i+1]+hw));
-            		jmax=tstart;
-            		tmax=0.0;
-            		for (j = tstart; j <= tend; j++) {
-                		lmax = fabs(tinv[ig+i*ntfft+j]);
-                		if (lmax > tmax) {
-                    		jmax = j;
-                    		tmax = lmax;
-                		}
-            		}
-            		maxval[isyn*nx+i] = jmax;
-        		}
-			}
-			if (itrace != 0) { /* end of shot record, but not end-of-file */
-				fseek( fp, -TRCBYTES, SEEK_CUR );
-				isyn++;
-			}
-			else {
-				end_of_file = 1;
-			}
+		/* look for maximum in shot record to define mute window */
+       	/* find consistent (one event) maximum related to maximum value */
+		nx1 = itrace;
+		xnx[isyn]=nx1;
+       	/* alternative find maximum at source position */
+       	dxrcv = (gx1 - gx0)*scl/(float)(nx1-1);
+       	imax = NINT(((sx_shot-gx0)*scl)/dxrcv);
+       	tmax=0.0;
+       	jmax = 0;
+       	for (j = 0; j < nt; j++) {
+        	lmax = fabs(tinv[ig+imax*ntfft+j]);
+        	if (lmax > tmax) {
+           		jmax = j;
+           		tmax = lmax;
+           			if (lmax > xmax) {
+               			xmax=lmax;
+           			}
+        	}
+       	}
+       	maxval[isyn*nx+imax] = jmax;
+       	if (verbose >= 3) vmess("Mute max at src-trace %d is sample %d", imax, maxval[imax]);
+       	/* search forward in trace direction from maximum in file */
+       	for (i = imax+1; i < nx1; i++) {
+        	tstart = MAX(0, (maxval[isyn*nx+i-1]-hw));
+        	tend   = MIN(nt-1, (maxval[isyn*nx+i-1]+hw));
+        	jmax=tstart;
+        	tmax=0.0;
+        	for(j = tstart; j <= tend; j++) {
+           		lmax = fabs(tinv[ig+i*ntfft+j]);
+           		if (lmax > tmax) {
+               		jmax = j;
+               		tmax = lmax;
+           		}
+        	}
+        	maxval[isyn*nx+i] = jmax;
+       	}
+       	/* search backward in trace direction from maximum in file */
+       	for (i = imax-1; i >=0; i--) {
+        	tstart = MAX(0, (maxval[isyn*nx+i+1]-hw));
+        	tend   = MIN(nt-1, (maxval[isyn*nx+i+1]+hw));
+           	jmax=tstart;
+           	tmax=0.0;
+           	for (j = tstart; j <= tend; j++) {
+             	lmax = fabs(tinv[ig+i*ntfft+j]);
+               	if (lmax > tmax) {
+                	jmax = j;
+                   	tmax = lmax;
+               	}
+           	}
+           	maxval[isyn*nx+i] = jmax;
+       	}
+		if (itrace != 0) { /* end of shot record, but not end-of-file */
+			fseek( fp, -TRCBYTES, SEEK_CUR );
+			isyn++;
+		}
+		else {
+			end_of_file = 1;
+		}
-			/* copy trace to data array for mode=-1 */
-        	/* time reverse trace */
-			if (mode==-1) {
-				for (i = 0; i < nx1; i++) {
-            		memcpy( trace, &tinv[ig+i*ntfft], ntfft*sizeof(float));
-					j=0;
-					tinv[ig+i*ntfft+j] = trace[j];
-					for (j=1; j<ntfft; j++) tinv[ig+i*ntfft+ntfft-j] = trace[j];
-				}
+		/* copy trace to data array for mode=-1 */
+       	/* time reverse trace */
+		if (mode==-1) {
+			for (i = 0; i < nx1; i++) {
+           		memcpy( trace, &tinv[ig+i*ntfft], ntfft*sizeof(float));
+				j=0;
+				tinv[ig+i*ntfft+j] = trace[j];
+				for (j=1; j<ntfft; j++) tinv[ig+i*ntfft+ntfft-j] = trace[j];
-		free(trace);
+	free(trace);
 	return 0;
diff --git a/marchenko_full/Makefile b/marchenko_full/Makefile
index e76db3ed2377f2a38c261de4e9f2a29812c39529..931555d0562f11bdb186f5b7f00e701ebd9b17f1 100644
--- a/marchenko_full/Makefile
+++ b/marchenko_full/Makefile
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ OPTC += -g -O0 -Wall
 #ALL: fmute marchenko marchenko2
-ALL: fmute marchenko
+ALL: fmute marchenko_full
 SRCJ	= fmute.c \
 		getFileInfo.c  \
@@ -58,20 +58,20 @@ fmute:	$(OBJJ)
 OBJH	= $(SRCH:%.c=%.o)
-marchenko:	$(OBJH) raytime.h
-	$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(OPTC) $(CFLAGS) -o marchenko $(OBJH) $(LIBS)
+marchenko_full:	$(OBJH) raytime.h
+	$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(OPTC) $(CFLAGS) -o marchenko_full $(OBJH) $(LIBS)
-install: fmute marchenko 
+install: fmute marchenko_full
 	cp fmute $B
-	cp marchenko $B
+	cp marchenko_full $B
 #	cp marchenko2 $B
-		rm -f core fmute $(OBJJ) marchenko $(OBJH)
+		rm -f core fmute $(OBJJ) marchenko_full $(OBJH)
 realclean: clean
-		rm -f $B/fmute $B/marchenko
+		rm -f $B/fmute $B/marchenko_full
diff --git a/marchenko_full/marchenko.c b/marchenko_full/marchenko.c
index 197efa3b208c37ca0e29e08dc8062270f7837426..26bf5dd27abfbab6231b94e7e02a66317ea8f916 100644
--- a/marchenko_full/marchenko.c
+++ b/marchenko_full/marchenko.c
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ int readData(FILE *fp, float *data, segy *hdrs, int n1);
 int writeData(FILE *fp, float *data, segy *hdrs, int n1, int n2);
 int disp_fileinfo(char *file, int n1, int n2, float f1, float f2, float d1, float d2, segy *hdrs);
 double wallclock_time(void);
+int getParameters(modPar *mod, recPar *rec, srcPar *src, shotPar *shot, rayPar *ray, int verbose);
 void synthesis(complex *Refl, complex *Fop, float *Top, float *iRN, int nx, int nt, int nxs, int nts, float dt, float *xsyn, int Nsyn, float *xrcv, float *xsrc, float fxs2, float fxs, float dxs, float dxsrc, float dx, int ixa, int ixb, int ntfft, int nw, int nw_low, int nw_high,  int mode, int reci, int nshots, int *ixpossyn, int npossyn, double *tfft, int verbose);
@@ -214,7 +215,7 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
     double  t0, t1, t2, t3, tsyn, tread, tfft, tcopy, energyNi, *J;
     float   d1, d2, f1, f2, fxs, ft, fx, *xsyn, dxsrc, Q, f0, *Costdet;
     float   *green, *f2p, *pmin, *G_d, dt, dx, dxs, scl, mem;
-    float   *f1plus, *f1min, *iRN, *Ni, *trace, *Gmin, *Gplus, *Gm0;
+    float   *f1plus, *f1min, *iRN, *Ni, *Gmin, *Gplus, *Gm0;
     float   xmin, xmax, weight, tsq, *Gd, *amp, bstart, bend, db, *bdet, bp, b, bmin;
     complex *Refl, *Fop;
     char    *file_tinv, *file_shot, *file_green, *file_iter, *file_wav, *file_ray, *file_amp;
@@ -367,7 +368,6 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
     Ni      = (float *)calloc(Nsyn*nxs*ntfft,sizeof(float));
     G_d     = (float *)calloc(Nsyn*nxs*ntfft,sizeof(float));
     muteW   = (int *)calloc(Nsyn*nxs,sizeof(int));
-    trace   = (float *)malloc(ntfft*sizeof(float));
     ixpossyn = (int *)malloc(nxs*sizeof(int));
     xrcvsyn = (float *)calloc(Nsyn*nxs,sizeof(float));
     xsyn    = (float *)malloc(Nsyn*sizeof(float));
@@ -978,7 +978,7 @@ for (ib=0; ib<=nb; ib++) {
         if (file_f1plus != NULL) {
             /* rotate to get t=0 in the middle */
-            for (i = 0; i < n2; i++) {
+            /*for (i = 0; i < n2; i++) {
                 hdrs_out[i].f1     = -n1*0.5*dt;
                 for (j = 0; j < n1/2; j++) {
@@ -987,13 +987,13 @@ for (ib=0; ib<=nb; ib++) {
                 for (j = n1/2; j < n1; j++) {
                     f1plus[l*size+i*nts+j-n1/2] = trace[j];
-            }
+            }*/
             ret = writeData(fp_f1plus, (float *)&f1plus[l*size], hdrs_out, n1, n2);
             if (ret < 0 ) verr("error on writing output file.");
         if (file_f1min != NULL) {
             /* rotate to get t=0 in the middle */
-            for (i = 0; i < n2; i++) {
+            /*for (i = 0; i < n2; i++) {
                 hdrs_out[i].f1     = -n1*0.5*dt;
                 for (j = 0; j < n1/2; j++) {
@@ -1002,7 +1002,7 @@ for (ib=0; ib<=nb; ib++) {
                 for (j = n1/2; j < n1; j++) {
                     f1min[l*size+i*nts+j-n1/2] = trace[j];
-            }
+            }*/
             ret = writeData(fp_f1min, (float *)&f1min[l*size], hdrs_out, n1, n2);
             if (ret < 0 ) verr("error on writing output file.");