diff --git a/fdelmodc/demo/fdelmodc_moving.scr b/fdelmodc/demo/fdelmodc_moving.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..760e0ce0c9b5f7aafa2a6d68c37653ae6527204c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc/demo/fdelmodc_moving.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+#PBS -N fdelmod
+#PBS -q verylong
+#PBS -l nodes=1
+#PBS -k eo
+#PBS -j eo
+# illustrates source and receiver positions, used in Figure 10 of the manual
+export PATH=../../utils:$PATH:
+makewave file_out=wavelet1.su dt=$dt nt=1024 fmax=10 verbose=1 t0=0.1
+makewave file_out=wavelet2.su dt=$dt nt=1024 fmax=10 verbose=1 t0=0.2
+makewave file_out=wavelet3.su dt=$dt nt=1024 fmax=10 verbose=1 t0=0.3
+cat wavelet1.su | sushw key=gx,gelev,scalel a=6000,-1000,1 > src.su
+cat wavelet2.su | sushw key=gx,gelev,scalel a=5000,-500,1 >> src.su
+cat wavelet3.su | sushw key=gx,gelev,scalel a=1000,-1500,1 >> src.su
+# build a model with a steep salt-like flank of the side
+export filecp=grad_salt.su
+export filero=salt_ro.su
+#model sources on an array following the edges of the flank
+../fdelmodc \
+        file_cp=grad_salt.su file_den=salt_ro.su \
+        ischeme=1 \
+        file_src=src.su verbose=4 \
+        file_rcv=rec.su \
+        rec_type_vz=1 rec_int_vx=1 \
+        dtrcv=0.004 \
+        xrcv1=4000 zrcv1=1000 xrcv2=4000 zrcv2=6000 dzrcv=100 dxrcv=0 \
+        src_type=1 tmod=0.001  \
+        npml=100 tmod=0.6 \
+		tsnap1=0 tsnap2=0.5 dtsnap=0.01 \
+	    left=2 right=2 bottom=2 top=2 \
+        fmax=10
+sugain < SrcRecPositions.su scale=5000 > nep.su 
diff --git a/fdelmodc/demo/fdelmodc_visco_acoustic.scr b/fdelmodc/demo/fdelmodc_visco_acoustic.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fcb85073d9366397e61102cb1a2d193ae1851d42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc/demo/fdelmodc_visco_acoustic.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+#PBS -N fdelmod
+#PBS -q verylong
+#PBS -l nodes=1
+#PBS -k eo
+#PBS -j eo
+# wave propagation in visco-elastic medium
+export PATH=.:/home/thorbcke/bin:$PATH
+makewave file_out=wavelet.su dt=0.001 nt=1024 fp=13 shift=1 w=g2 verbose=1
+makemod file_base=model.su \
+        cp0=1500 ro0=1000 cs0=600 sizex=2700 sizez=2700 orig=0,-300\
+        dx=3 dz=3 \
+        intt=def poly=0 cp=1550 ro=2000 cs=1200 \
+        x=0,2700 z=500,500 \
+        intt=def poly=0 cp=1700 ro=2500 cs=1500 \
+        x=1100,1500 z=900,900 \
+		verbose=1
+#viscoelastic Q-values
+makemod file_base=relax.su \
+        cp0=20 cs0=17 ro0=1 sizex=2700 sizez=2700 orig=0,-300 \
+        dx=3 dz=3 \
+        intt=def poly=0 cp=18 cs=21 ro=1 \
+        x=0,2700 z=500,500 \
+        intt=def poly=0 cp=25 cs=26 ro=1 \
+        x=1100,1500 z=900,900 \
+		verbose=1
+export filecp=model_cp.su
+export filecs=model_cs.su
+export filero=model_ro.su
+export fileqp=relax_cp.su
+export fileqs=relax_cs.su
+../fdelmodc \
+	file_cp=$filecp file_cs=$filecs file_den=$filero \
+	ischeme=2 \
+	file_qp=$fileqp file_qs=$fileqs \
+	file_src=wavelet.su verbose=1 \
+	file_rcv=rec.su \
+	fmax=40 \
+	xrcv1=600 xrcv2=2100 dxrcv=15 \
+	rec_type_vx=1 rec_type_vz=1 rec_int_vx=0 \
+	zrcv1=300 zrcv2=300 \
+	dtrcv=0.004 xsrc=1000 zsrc=300 nshot=1 \
+	src_type=1 \
+	npml=100 \
+	left=2 right=2 bottom=2 top=2 \
+	tmod=1.5 dt=0.001 
+#    tsnap1=0 tsnap2=1.5 dtsnap=0.05 \
+#model direct field to subtract from total field
+makemod file_base=model.su \
+        cp0=1500 ro0=1000 cs0=600 sizex=2700 sizez=2700 orig=0,-300\
+        dx=3 dz=3 \
+		verbose=1
+#viscoelastic Q-values
+makemod file_base=relax.su \
+        cp0=20 cs0=17 ro0=1 sizex=2700 sizez=2700 orig=0,-300\
+        dx=3 dz=3 \
+		verbose=1
+export filecp=model_cp.su
+export filecs=model_cs.su
+export filero=model_ro.su
+export fileqp=relax_cp.su
+export fileqs=relax_cs.su
+../fdelmodc \
+	file_cp=$filecp file_cs=$filecs file_den=$filero \
+	ischeme=2 \
+	file_qp=$fileqp file_qs=$fileqs \
+	file_src=wavelet.su verbose=1 \
+	file_rcv=drec.su \
+	fmax=40 \
+	xrcv1=600 xrcv2=2100 dxrcv=15 \
+	rec_type_vx=1 rec_type_vz=1 rec_int_vx=0 \
+	zrcv1=300 zrcv2=300 \
+	dtrcv=0.004 xsrc=1000 zsrc=300 nshot=1 \
+	src_type=1 \
+	npml=100 \
+	left=2 right=2 bottom=2 top=2 \
+	tmod=1.5 dt=0.001 
+# substract mean and plot in eps
+for rectype in rvx rvz ;
+   file_rcv=rec_$rectype.su
+   sudiff $file_rcv d$file_rcv > nep.su
+   supsimage < nep.su hbox=4 wbox=3 titlesize=-1 labelsize=10 titlesize=-1 \
+   perc=99 label1="time [s]" f2=300 d2=15 label2="receiver position in m" > viscodemo_$rectype.eps
diff --git a/raytime/raytime.c b/raytime/raytime.c
index 11dac3eb17c16ffdef0d44c22819d7138858153d..532f9c1e692c1a9bf99594caa47d1622580c409a 100644
--- a/raytime/raytime.c
+++ b/raytime/raytime.c
@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ char *sdoc[] = {
 "   xsrca= ............ defines source array x-positions",
 "   zsrca= ............ defines source array z-positions",
 "" ,
 "   plane_wave=0 ...... model plane wave with nsrc= sources",
 "   nsrc=1 ............ number of sources per (plane-wave) shot ",
@@ -83,6 +84,7 @@ char *sdoc[] = {
 "   distribution=0 .... random function for amplitude and tlength 0=flat 1=Gaussian ",
 "   seed=10 ........... seed for start of random sequence ",
 "" ,
 "   xrcv1=xmin ........ first x-position of linear receiver array(s)",
 "   xrcv2=xmax ........ last x-position of linear receiver array(s)",
diff --git a/raytime3d/getModelInfo3d.c b/raytime3d/getModelInfo3d.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..000200c5cf3bf2d917cfa892b07618aacc6d0d96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/raytime3d/getModelInfo3d.c
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+#define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "par.h"
+#include "segy.h"
+#define MAX(x,y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
+#define MIN(x,y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
+#define NINT(x) ((int)((x)>0.0?(x)+0.5:(x)-0.5))
+*  reads gridded model file to compute minimum and maximum values and sampling intervals
+*   AUTHOR:
+*           Jan Thorbecke (janth@xs4all.nl)
+*           The Netherlands 
+int getModelInfo3d(char *file_name, int *n1, int *n2, int *n3, float *d1, float *d2, float *d3, float *f1, float *f2, float *f3, int *axis, int verbose)
+    FILE    *fp;
+    size_t  nread, trace_sz;
+    off_t   bytes, pos;
+    int     ret, i, one_shot, ntraces, model, i2, i3;
+    float   *trace, scl;
+    segy    hdr, lasthdr;
+    if (file_name == NULL) return;
+    fp = fopen( file_name, "r" );
+    assert( fp != NULL);
+    nread = fread( &hdr, 1, TRCBYTES, fp );
+    assert(nread == TRCBYTES);
+    ret = fseeko( fp, 0, SEEK_END );
+    if (ret<0) perror("fseeko");
+    bytes = ftello( fp );
+	rewind(fp);
+	pos = bytes-hdr.ns*sizeof(float)-TRCBYTES;
+    ret = fseeko( fp, pos, SEEK_SET );
+    if (ret<0) perror("fseeko");
+    nread = fread( &lasthdr, 1, TRCBYTES, fp );
+    assert(nread == TRCBYTES);
+    if (hdr.trid == TRID_DEPTH)  *axis = 1; /* samples are z-axis */
+    else *axis = 0; /* sample direction respresents the x-axis */
+    if (hdr.scalco < 0) scl = 1.0/fabs(hdr.scalco);
+    else if (hdr.scalco == 0) scl = 1.0;
+    else scl = hdr.scalco;
+    *n1 = hdr.ns;
+    *d1 = hdr.d1;
+    *d2 = hdr.d2;
+    *f1 = hdr.f1;
+    *f2 = hdr.gx*scl;
+    *f3 = hdr.gy*scl;
+    if ( NINT(100.0*((*d1)/(*d2)))!=100 ) {
+        verr("dx and dz are different in the model !");
+    }
+    if ( NINT(1000.0*(*d1))==0 ) {
+        if(!getparfloat("dx",d1)) {
+            verr("dx is equal to zero use parameter h= to set value");
+        }
+        *d2 = *d1;
+    }
+    trace_sz = sizeof(float)*(*n1)+TRCBYTES;
+    ntraces  = (int) (bytes/trace_sz);
+	if (ntraces == 1) { /* 1D medium */
+  		model = 1;
+    	*n2 = 1;
+		*n3 = 1;
+		*d2 = *d1;
+		*d3 = *d1;
+	}
+	else { /* find out if this is a 2D or 3D model */
+		if (hdr.gy == lasthdr.gy) { /* assume 2D model */
+			*n3 = 1;
+    		*n2 = ntraces;
+			*d3 = *d1;
+		}
+		else { /* 3D model */
+			/* find the number of traces in the x-direction */
+			rewind(fp);
+    		one_shot = 1;
+			i3=0;
+    		while (one_shot) {
+				i2=0;
+				lasthdr.gy = hdr.gy;
+				while (hdr.gy == lasthdr.gy) { /* number of samples in x */
+					pos = i2*trace_sz;
+    				ret = fseeko( fp, pos, SEEK_SET );
+    				nread = fread( &hdr, 1, TRCBYTES, fp );
+        			if (nread==0) break;
+					i2++;
+				}
+				fprintf(stderr,"3D model gy=%d %d traces in x = %d\n", lasthdr.gy, i3, i2-1);
+        		if (nread==0) break;
+				i3++;
+			}
+			*n3=i3;
+			*n2=ntraces/i3;
+		}
+	}
+    if (verbose>2) {
+        vmess("For file %s", file_name);
+        vmess("nz=%d nx=%d ny=%d ", *n1, *n2, *n3);
+        vmess("dz=%f dx=%f *dy=%f", *d1, *d2, *d3);
+        vmess("zstart=%f xstart=%f ystart=%f", *f1, *f2, *f3);
+        if (*axis) vmess("sample represent z-axis\n");
+        else vmess("sample represent x-axis\n");
+    }
+    return 0;
diff --git a/raytime3d/getParameters3d.c b/raytime3d/getParameters3d.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..10522518777dc64deee8ade8ca0e0f0009936949
--- /dev/null
+++ b/raytime3d/getParameters3d.c
@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
+#define MAX(x,y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
+#define MIN(x,y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
+#define NINT(x) ((int)((x)>0.0?(x)+0.5:(x)-0.5))
+*  The routine getParameters reads in all parameters to set up a FD modeling.
+*  Model and source parameters are used to calculate stability and dispersion relations
+*  Source and receiver positions are calculated and checked if they fit into the model.
+*   AUTHOR:
+*           Jan Thorbecke (janth@xs4all.nl)
+*           The Netherlands
+int getModelInfo3d(char *file_name, int *n1, int *n2, int *n3, float *d1, float *d2, float *d3, float *f1, float *f2, float *f3, int *axis, int verbose);
+int recvPar3d(recPar *rec, float sub_x0, float sub_z0, float sub_y0, float dx, float dz, float dy, int nx, int nz, int ny);
+int getParameters3d(modPar *mod, recPar *rec, srcPar *src, shotPar *shot, rayPar *ray, int verbose)
+	int nx, nz, ny, nsrc, ix, iy, axis, is0;
+	int 	n1, n2, n3; 
+	int idzshot, idxshot, idyshot;
+	int src_ix0, src_iz0, src_iy0, src_ix1, src_iz1, src_iy1;
+	float cp_min, cp_max;
+	float sub_x0,sub_z0,sub_y0;
+	float srcendx, srcendz, srcendy, dy, dx, dz;
+	float xsrc, zsrc, ysrc, dxshot, dzshot, dyshot;
+	float dxrcv,dzrcv,dyrcv,dxspread,dzspread,dyspread;
+	float xmax, zmax, ymax;
+	float xsrc1, xsrc2, zsrc1, zsrc2, ysrc1, ysrc2;
+	float *xsrca, *zsrca, *ysrca;
+	float rsrc, oxsrc, ozsrc, oysrc, dphisrc, ncsrc;
+	size_t nsamp;
+	int nxsrc, nzsrc, nysrc;
+	int is;
+	char *src_positions, *file_cp=NULL;
+	if (!getparint("verbose",&verbose)) verbose=0;
+	if (!getparstring("file_cp", &file_cp)) {
+		vwarn("file_cp not defined, assuming homogeneous model");
+	}
+	if (!getparstring("file_rcv",&rec->file_rcv)) rec->file_rcv="recv.su";
+	if (!getparint("src_at_rcv",&src->src_at_rcv)) src->src_at_rcv=1;
+	/* read model parameters, which are used to set up source and receivers and check stability */
+	getModelInfo3d(mod->file_cp, &n1, &n2, &n3, &dz, &dx, &dy, &sub_z0, &sub_x0, &sub_y0, &axis, verbose);
+	mod->dz = dz;
+	mod->dx = dx;
+	mod->dy = dx;
+	mod->nz = nz;
+	mod->nx = nx;
+	mod->ny = nx;
+    /* origin of model in real (non-grid) coordinates */
+	mod->x0 = sub_x0;
+	mod->z0 = sub_z0;
+	mod->y0 = sub_y0;
+	xmax = sub_x0+(nx-1)*dx;
+	zmax = sub_z0+(nz-1)*dz;
+	ymax = sub_y0+(ny-1)*dy;
+	if (verbose) {
+		vmess("*******************************************");
+		vmess("*************** model info ****************");
+		vmess("*******************************************");
+		vmess("nz      = %8d   nx      = %8d ny      = %8d", nz, nx, ny);
+		vmess("dz      = %8.4f   dx      = %8.4f dy      = %8.4f", dz, dx, dy);
+		vmess("zmin    = %8.4f   zmax    = %8.4f", sub_z0, zmax);
+		vmess("xmin    = %8.4f   xmax    = %8.4f", sub_x0, xmax);
+		vmess("ymin    = %8.4f   ymax    = %8.4f", sub_y0, ymax);
+	}
+	/* define the number and type of shots to model */
+	/* each shot can have multiple sources arranged in different ways */
+	if (!getparfloat("ysrc",&ysrc)) ysrc=sub_y0+((ny-1)*dy)/2.0;
+	if (!getparfloat("xsrc",&xsrc)) xsrc=sub_x0+((nx-1)*dx)/2.0;
+	if (!getparfloat("zsrc",&zsrc)) zsrc=sub_z0;
+	if (!getparint("nyshot",&shot->ny)) shot->ny=1;
+	if (!getparint("nxshot",&shot->nx)) shot->nx=1;
+	if (!getparint("nzshot",&shot->nz)) shot->nz=1;
+	if (!getparfloat("dyshot",&dyshot)) dyshot=dy;
+	if (!getparfloat("dxshot",&dxshot)) dxshot=dx;
+	if (!getparfloat("dzshot",&dzshot)) dzshot=dz;
+	shot->n = (shot->nx)*(shot->nz)*(shot->ny);
+	if (shot->nx>1) {
+		idxshot=MAX(0,NINT(dxshot/dx));
+	}
+	else {
+		idxshot=0.0;
+	}
+	if (shot->nz>1) {
+        idzshot=MAX(0,NINT(dzshot/dz));
+    }
+    else {
+        idzshot=0.0;
+    }
+	if (shot->ny>1) {
+        idyshot=MAX(0,NINT(dyshot/dy));
+    }
+    else {
+        idyshot=0.0;
+    }
+	/* calculate the shot positions */
+	src_iy0=MAX(0,NINT((ysrc-sub_y0)/dy));
+	src_iy0=MIN(src_iy0,ny);
+	src_ix0=MAX(0,NINT((xsrc-sub_x0)/dx));
+	src_ix0=MIN(src_ix0,nx);
+	src_iz0=MAX(0,NINT((zsrc-sub_z0)/dz));
+	src_iz0=MIN(src_iz0,nz);
+	srcendy=(shot->ny-1)*dyshot+ysrc;
+	srcendx=(shot->nx-1)*dxshot+xsrc;
+	srcendz=(shot->nz-1)*dzshot+zsrc;
+	src_iy1=MAX(0,NINT((srcendy-sub_y0)/dy));
+	src_iy1=MIN(src_iy1,ny);
+	src_ix1=MAX(0,NINT((srcendx-sub_x0)/dx));
+	src_ix1=MIN(src_ix1,nx);
+	src_iz1=MAX(0,NINT((srcendz-sub_z0)/dz));
+	src_iz1=MIN(src_iz1,nz);
+	shot->y = (int *)calloc(shot->ny,sizeof(int));
+	shot->x = (int *)calloc(shot->nx,sizeof(int));
+	shot->z = (int *)calloc(shot->nz,sizeof(int));
+	for (is=0; is<shot->ny; is++) {
+		shot->y[is] = src_iy0+is*idyshot;
+		if (shot->y[is] > ny-1) shot->ny = is-1;
+	}
+	for (is=0; is<shot->nx; is++) {
+		shot->x[is] = src_ix0+is*idxshot;
+		if (shot->x[is] > nx-1) shot->nx = is-1;
+	}
+	for (is=0; is<shot->nz; is++) {
+        shot->z[is] = src_iz0+is*idzshot;
+        if (shot->z[is] > nz-1) shot->nz = is-1;
+    }
+	/* check if source array is defined */
+	nysrc = countparval("xyrca");
+	nxsrc = countparval("xsrca");
+	nzsrc = countparval("zsrca");
+	if (nxsrc != nzsrc || nxsrc != nysrc) {
+		verr("Number of sources in array xsrca (%d), zsrca(%d) are not equal",nxsrc, nzsrc);
+	}
+	/* check if sources on a circle are defined */
+	if (getparfloat("rsrc", &rsrc)) {
+		if (!getparfloat("dphisrc",&dphisrc)) dphisrc=2.0;
+		if (!getparfloat("oysrc",&oysrc)) oysrc=0.0;
+		if (!getparfloat("oxsrc",&oxsrc)) oxsrc=0.0;
+		if (!getparfloat("ozsrc",&ozsrc)) ozsrc=0.0;
+		ncsrc = NINT(360.0/dphisrc);
+        src->n = nsrc;
+		src->y = (int *)malloc(ncsrc*sizeof(int));
+		src->x = (int *)malloc(ncsrc*sizeof(int));
+		src->z = (int *)malloc(ncsrc*sizeof(int));
+		for (ix=0; ix<ncsrc; ix++) {
+			src->y[ix] = NINT((oysrc-sub_y0+rsrc*cos(((iy*dphisrc)/360.0)*(2.0*M_PI)))/dy);
+			src->x[ix] = NINT((oxsrc-sub_x0+rsrc*cos(((ix*dphisrc)/360.0)*(2.0*M_PI)))/dx);
+			src->z[ix] = NINT((ozsrc-sub_z0+rsrc*sin(((ix*dphisrc)/360.0)*(2.0*M_PI)))/dz);
+			if (verbose>4) fprintf(stderr,"Source on Circle: ysrc[%d]=%d xsrc[%d]=%d zsrc=%d\n", iy, src->y[iy], ix, src->x[ix], src->z[ix]);
+		}
+	}
+    /* TO DO propagate src_positions parameter and structure through code */
+	if (!getparstring("src_positions",&src_positions)) src_positions="single";
+	src->random=0;
+	src->plane=0;
+	src->array=0;
+	src->single=0;
+	if (strstr(src_positions, "single")) src->single=1;
+	else if (strstr(src_positions, "array")) src->array=1;
+	else if (strstr(src_positions, "random")) src->random=1;
+	else if (strstr(src_positions, "plane")) src->plane=1;
+	else src->single=1;
+	/* to maintain functionality of older parameters usage */
+	if (!getparint("src_random",&src->random)) src->random=0;
+	if (!getparint("plane_wave",&src->plane)) src->plane=0;
+	if (src->random) {
+		src->plane=0;
+		src->array=0;
+		src->single=0;
+	}
+	if (src->plane) {
+		src->random=0;
+		src->array=0;
+		src->single=0;
+	}
+	/* number of sources per shot modeling */
+	if (!getparint("src_window",&src->window)) src->window=0;
+	if (!getparint("distribution",&src->distribution)) src->distribution=0;
+	if (!getparfloat("amplitude", &src->amplitude)) src->amplitude=0.0;
+	if (src->random && nxsrc==0) {
+		if (!getparint("nsrc",&nsrc)) nsrc=1;
+		if (!getparfloat("ysrc1", &ysrc1)) ysrc1=sub_y0;
+		if (!getparfloat("ysrc2", &ysrc2)) ysrc2=ymax;
+		if (!getparfloat("xsrc1", &xsrc1)) xsrc1=sub_x0;
+		if (!getparfloat("xsrc2", &xsrc2)) xsrc2=xmax;
+		if (!getparfloat("zsrc1", &zsrc1)) zsrc1=sub_z0;
+		if (!getparfloat("zsrc2", &zsrc2)) zsrc2=zmax;
+		dyshot = ysrc2-ysrc1;
+		dxshot = xsrc2-xsrc1;
+		dzshot = zsrc2-zsrc1;
+		src->y = (int *)malloc(nsrc*sizeof(int));
+		src->x = (int *)malloc(nsrc*sizeof(int));
+		src->z = (int *)malloc(nsrc*sizeof(int));
+		nsamp = 0;
+	}
+	else if (nxsrc != 0) {
+		/* source array is defined */
+		nsrc=nxsrc;
+		src->y = (int *)malloc(nsrc*sizeof(int));
+		src->x = (int *)malloc(nsrc*sizeof(int));
+		src->z = (int *)malloc(nsrc*sizeof(int));
+		ysrca = (float *)malloc(nsrc*sizeof(float));
+		xsrca = (float *)malloc(nsrc*sizeof(float));
+		zsrca = (float *)malloc(nsrc*sizeof(float));
+		getparfloat("ysrca", ysrca);
+		getparfloat("xsrca", xsrca);
+		getparfloat("zsrca", zsrca);
+		for (is=0; is<nsrc; is++) {
+			src->y[is] = NINT((ysrca[is]-sub_y0)/dy);
+			src->x[is] = NINT((xsrca[is]-sub_x0)/dx);
+			src->z[is] = NINT((zsrca[is]-sub_z0)/dz);
+			if (verbose>3) fprintf(stderr,"Source Array: ysrc[%d]=%f xsrc=%f zsrc=%f\n", is, ysrca[is], xsrca[is], zsrca[is]);
+		}
+		src->random = 1;
+		free(ysrca);
+		free(xsrca);
+		free(zsrca);
+	}
+	else {
+		if (src->plane) { if (!getparint("nsrc",&nsrc)) nsrc=1;}
+		else nsrc=1;
+		if (nsrc > nx) {
+			vwarn("Number of sources used in plane wave is larger than ");
+			vwarn("number of gridpoints in X. Plane wave will be clipped to the edges of the model");
+			nsrc = mod->nx;
+		}
+	/* for a source defined on mutliple gridpoint calculate p delay factor */
+		src->y = (int *)malloc(nsrc*sizeof(int));
+		src->x = (int *)malloc(nsrc*sizeof(int));
+		src->z = (int *)malloc(nsrc*sizeof(int));
+		is0 = -1*floor((nsrc-1)/2);
+		for (is=0; is<nsrc; is++) {
+			src->y[is] = is0 + is;
+			src->x[is] = is0 + is;
+			src->z[is] = 0;
+		}
+	}
+	src->n=nsrc;
+	if (verbose) {
+		if (src->n>1) {
+			vmess("*******************************************");
+			vmess("*********** source array info *************");
+			vmess("*******************************************");
+			vmess("Areal source array is defined with %d sources.",nsrc);
+			vmess("Memory requirement for sources = %.2f MB.",sizeof(float)*(nsamp/(1024.0*1024.0)));
+		}
+		if (src->random) {
+		vmess("Sources are placed at random locations in domain: ");
+		vmess(" x[%.2f : %.2f]  z[%.2f : %.2f] ", xsrc1, xsrc2, zsrc1, zsrc2);
+		}
+	}
+	/* define receivers */
+	if (!getparint("sinkdepth",&rec->sinkdepth)) rec->sinkdepth=0;
+	if (!getparint("sinkdepth_src",&src->sinkdepth)) src->sinkdepth=0;
+	if (!getparint("sinkvel",&rec->sinkvel)) rec->sinkvel=0;
+	if (!getparint("max_nrec",&rec->max_nrec)) rec->max_nrec=15000;
+	if (!getparfloat("dyspread",&dyspread)) dyspread=0;
+	if (!getparfloat("dxspread",&dxspread)) dxspread=0;
+	if (!getparfloat("dzspread",&dzspread)) dzspread=0;
+    if (!getparint("nt",&rec->nt)) rec->nt=1024;
+	/* calculates the receiver coordinates */
+	recvPar3d(rec, sub_x0, sub_z0, sub_y0, dx, dz, dy, nx, nz, ny);
+	if (verbose) {
+		if (rec->n) {
+			dyrcv = rec->yr[MIN(1,rec->n-1)]-rec->yr[0];
+			dxrcv = rec->xr[MIN(1,rec->n-1)]-rec->xr[0];
+			dzrcv = rec->zr[MIN(1,rec->n-1)]-rec->zr[0];
+			vmess("*******************************************");
+			vmess("************* receiver info ***************");
+			vmess("*******************************************");
+			vmess("ntrcv   = %d nrcv    = %d ", rec->nt, rec->n);
+			vmess("dzrcv   = %f dxrcv   = %f dyrcv   = %f ", dzrcv, dxrcv, dyrcv);
+			vmess("Receiver array at coordinates: ");
+			vmess("zmin    = %f zmax    = %f ", rec->zr[0]+sub_z0, rec->zr[rec->n-1]+sub_z0);
+			vmess("xmin    = %f xmax    = %f ", rec->xr[0]+sub_x0, rec->xr[rec->n-1]+sub_x0);
+			vmess("ymin    = %f ymax    = %f ", rec->yr[0]+sub_y0, rec->yr[rec->n-1]+sub_y0);
+			vmess("which are gridpoints: ");
+			vmess("izmin   = %d izmax   = %d ", rec->z[0], rec->z[rec->n-1]);
+			vmess("ixmin   = %d ixmax   = %d ", rec->x[0], rec->x[rec->n-1]);
+			vmess("iymin   = %d iymax   = %d ", rec->y[0], rec->y[rec->n-1]);
+			fprintf(stderr,"\n");
+		}
+		else {
+		 	vmess("*************** no receivers **************");
+		}
+	}
+    /* Ray tracing parameters */
+    if (!getparint("smoothwindow",&ray->smoothwindow)) ray->smoothwindow=0;
+    if (!getparint("useT2",&ray->useT2)) ray->useT2=0;
+    if (!getparint("geomspread",&ray->geomspread)) ray->geomspread=1;
+    if (!getparint("nraystep",&ray->nray)) ray->nray=5;
+	return 0;
diff --git a/raytime3d/raytime3d.c b/raytime3d/raytime3d.c
index 73e57f41822da6bec2322f85b0b943e25afad73f..b1735d85dc72268229f9e5d3e9c0a93329e7b8c2 100644
--- a/raytime3d/raytime3d.c
+++ b/raytime3d/raytime3d.c
@@ -146,46 +146,44 @@ void main(int argc, char *argv[])
     getParameters3d(&mod, &rec, &src, &shot, &ray, verbose);
  *  Open velocity file
-	if (file_cp != NULL) {
+	if (mod.file_cp != NULL) {
 		if (n2==1) { /* 1D model */
 			if(!getparint("nx",&nx)) verr("for 1D medium nx not defined");
 			if(!getparint("ny",&nx)) verr("for 1D medium ny not defined");
 			nz = n1; 
 			oz = f1; ox = ((nx-1)/2)*d1; oy = ((ny-1)/2)*d1;
-			dz = d1; dx = d1; dy = d1;
 		else if (n3==1) { /* 2D model */
 			if(!getparint("ny",&nx)) verr("for 2D medium ny not defined");
 			nz = n1; nx = n2;
 			oz = f1; ox = f2; oy = ((ny-1)/2)*d1;
-			dz = d1; dx = d1; dy = d1;
 		else { /* Full 3D model */
 			nz = n1; nx = n2; nz = n3;
 			oz = f1; ox = f2; oy = f3;
-			dz = d1; dx = d1; dy = d1;
-		h = d1;
+		h = mod.dx;
 		slow0 = (float *)malloc(nz*nx*ny*sizeof(float));
 		if (slow0 == NULL) verr("Out of memory for slow0 array!");
-		readModel3d(file_cp, slow0, n1, n2, n3, nz, nx, ny, h, verbose);
+		readModel3d(mod.file_cp, slow0, n1, n2, n3, nz, nx, ny, h, verbose);
 		if (verbose) vmess("h = %.2f nx = %d nz = %d ny = %d", h, nx, nz, ny);
 	else {
-		nxy = nx * ny;
+        if(!getparfloat("c",&c)) verr("c not defined");
+        if(!getparfloat("h",&h)) verr("h not defined");
 		if(!getparint("nx",&nx)) verr("for homogenoeus medium nx not defined");
 		if(!getparint("ny",&nx)) verr("for homogenoeus medium ny not defined");
 		if(!getparint("nz",&nx)) verr("for homogenoeus medium nz not defined");
+		nxy = nx * ny;
 		oz = 0; ox = ((nx-1)/2)*d1; oy = ((ny-1)/2)*d1;
 		slow0 = (float *)malloc(nx*nz*ny*sizeof(float));
@@ -264,7 +262,6 @@ void main(int argc, char *argv[])
 	for (i = 0; i < ny; i++) {
 		hdrs[i].scalco = -1000;
 		hdrs[i].scalel = -1000;
-/*		hdrs[i].offset = xi[0]*dx + is*ispr*dx - xsrc;*/
 		hdrs[i].sx     = (int)(ox+xs*h)*1000;
 		hdrs[i].sy     = (int)(oy+ys*h)*1000;
 		hdrs[i].gy     = (int)(oy+i*d2)*1000;
diff --git a/raytime3d/raytime3d.h b/raytime3d/raytime3d.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9900d8b13315c9b5ec7662a053d8eb25973e7915
--- /dev/null
+++ b/raytime3d/raytime3d.h
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+#ifndef COMPLEX
+typedef struct _complexStruct { /* complex number */
+    float r,i;
+} complex;
+typedef struct _dcomplexStruct { /* complex number */
+    double r,i;
+} dcomplex;
+#endif/* complex */
+typedef struct _icoord { /* 3D coordinate integer */
+    int z;
+    int x;
+    int y;
+} icoord;
+typedef struct _fcoord { /* 3D coordinate float */
+    float z;
+    float x;
+    float y;
+} fcoord;
+struct s_ecount {
+  int       corner,corner_min,side;
+typedef struct _receiverPar { /* Receiver Parameters */
+	char *file_rcv;
+	int n;
+	int nt;
+	int max_nrec;
+	int *z;
+	int *x;
+	int *y;
+	float *zr;
+	float *xr;
+	float *yr;
+	int scale;
+	int sinkdepth;
+	int sinkvel;
+	float cp;
+	float rho;
+} recPar;
+typedef struct _modelPar { /* Model Parameters */
+	int sh;
+	char *file_cp;
+	float dz;
+	float dx;
+	float dy;
+	float dt;
+	float z0;
+	float x0;
+	float y0;
+	/* medium max/min values */
+	float cp_min;
+	float cp_max;
+	int nz;
+	int nx;
+	int ny;
+} modPar;
+typedef struct _waveletPar { /* Wavelet Parameters */
+	char *file_src; /* general source */
+	int nsrcf;
+	int nt;
+	int ns;
+	int nx;
+	int ny;
+	float dt;
+	float ds;
+	float fmax;
+	int random;
+	int seed;
+	int nst;
+	size_t *nsamp;
+} wavPar;
+typedef struct _sourcePar { /* Source Array Parameters */
+	int n;
+	int type;
+	int orient;
+	int *z;
+	int *x;
+	int *y;
+	int single;	
+	int plane;
+	int circle;
+	int array;
+	int random;
+	int multiwav;
+	float angle;
+	float velo;
+	float amplitude;
+	int distribution;
+	int window;
+    int injectionrate;
+	int sinkdepth;
+	int src_at_rcv; /* Indicates that wavefield should be injected at receivers */
+} srcPar;
+typedef struct _shotPar { /* Shot Parameters */
+	int n;
+	int ny;
+	int nx;
+	int nz;
+	int *z;
+	int *x;
+	int *y;
+} shotPar;
+typedef struct _raypar { /* ray-tracing parameters */
+    int smoothwindow;
+    int useT2;
+    int geomspread;
+    int nray;
+} rayPar;
+#ifndef TRUE
+#  define TRUE 1
+#ifndef FALSE
+#  define FALSE 0
+#define equal(x,y) !strcmp(x,y)
+#define min2(a,b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
+#define max2(a,b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
+#define Infinity FLT_MAX
+#if __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L
+  /* "restrict" is a keyword */
+#define restrict 
diff --git a/raytime3d/readModel3d.c b/raytime3d/readModel3d.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e8f4f9a98148717742210409df1f2d6358982f77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/raytime3d/readModel3d.c
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+#define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "segy.h"
+#include "par.h"
+#include "raytime3d.h"
+#define     MAX(x,y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
+#define     MIN(x,y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
+#define NINT(x) ((int)((x)>0.0?(x)+0.5:(x)-0.5))
+*  Reads gridded model files and compute from them medium parameters used in the FD kernels.
+*  The files read in contain the P (and S) wave velocity and density.
+*  The medium parameters calculated are lambda, mu, lambda+2mu, and 1/ro.
+*   AUTHOR:
+*           Jan Thorbecke (janth@xs4all.nl)
+*           The Netherlands 
+int readModel3d(char *file_name, float *slowness, int n1, int n2, int n3, int nz, int nx, int ny, float h, int verbose)
+    FILE    *fpcp;
+    size_t  nread;
+    int i, j, k, tracesToDo;
+	int nxy, nxz;
+	float *tmp;
+    segy hdr;
+	nxy = nx * ny;
+	tmp = (float *)malloc(n1*sizeof(float));
+/* open files and read first header */
+   	fpcp = fopen( file_name, "r" );
+   	assert( fpcp != NULL);
+   	nread = fread(&hdr, 1, TRCBYTES, fpcp);
+   	assert(nread == TRCBYTES);
+	assert(hdr.ns == n1);
+	if (n2==1) { /* 1D model */
+       	nread = fread(&tmp[0], sizeof(float), hdr.ns, fpcp);
+		for (j = 0; j < nz; j++) {
+			for (k = 0; k < ny; k++) {
+				for (i = 0; i < nx; i++) {
+					slowness[j*nxy+k*nx+i] = h/tmp[j];
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	else if (n3==1) { /* 2D model */
+		for (i = 0; i < nx; i++) {
+       		nread = fread(&tmp[0], sizeof(float), hdr.ns, fpcp);
+			for (j = 0; j < nz; j++) {
+				for (k = 0; k < ny; k++) {
+					slowness[j*nxy+k*nx+i] = h/tmp[j];
+				}
+			}
+       		nread = fread(&hdr, 1, TRCBYTES, fpcp);
+		}
+	}
+	else { /* Full 3D model */
+		/* read all traces */
+		for (k = 0; k < ny; k++) {
+			for (i = 0; i < nx; i++) {
+       			nread = fread(&tmp[0], sizeof(float), hdr.ns, fpcp);
+				for (j = 0; j < nz; j++) {
+					slowness[j*nxy+k*nx+i] = h/tmp[j];
+				}
+       			nread = fread(&hdr, 1, TRCBYTES, fpcp);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+   	fclose(fpcp);
+    return 0;
diff --git a/raytime3d/recvPar3d.c b/raytime3d/recvPar3d.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..65dd258e5c95c0086fbdbf247ecfd084b22647c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/raytime3d/recvPar3d.c
@@ -0,0 +1,616 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "raytime3d.h"
+#include "par.h"
+#define MIN(x,y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
+#define MAX(x,y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
+#define NINT(x) ((int)((x)>0.0?(x)+0.5:(x)-0.5))
+*  Calculates the receiver positions based on the input parameters
+*   AUTHOR:
+*           Jan Thorbecke (janth@xs4all.nl)
+*   Ammendments:
+*           Max Holicki changing the allocation receiver array (2-2016)
+*           The Netherlands 
+void name_ext(char *filename, char *extension);
+int recvPar3d(recPar *rec, float sub_x0, float sub_z0, float sub_y0, float dx, float dz, float dy, int nx, int nz, int ny)
+	float *yrcv1, *yrcv2, *xrcv1, *xrcv2, *zrcv1, *zrcv2;
+	int   i, ix, iy, ir, verbose;
+	float dxrcv, dzrcv, dyrcv, *dxr, *dzr, *dyr;
+	float rrcv, dphi, oxrcv, ozrcv, oyrcv, arcv;
+	double circ, h, a, b, e, s, xr, zr, yr, dr, srun, phase;
+	float xrange, zrange, yrange, sub_x1, sub_z1, sub_y1;
+	int Nx1, Nx2, Nz1, Nz2, Ny1, Ny2, Ndx, Ndz, Ndy, iarray, nrec, nh;
+	int nxrcv, nzrcv, nyrcv, ncrcv, nrcv, ntrcv, *nlrcv;
+	float *xrcva, *zrcva, *yrcva;
+	char* rcv_txt;
+	FILE *fp;
+	if (!getparint("verbose", &verbose)) verbose = 0;
+    /* Calculate Model Dimensions */
+    sub_x1=sub_x0+(nx-1)*dx;
+    sub_z1=sub_z0+(nz-1)*dz;
+    sub_y1=sub_y0+(ny-1)*dy;
+/* Compute how many receivers are defined and then allocate the receiver arrays */
+    /* Receivers on a Circle */
+    if (getparfloat("rrcv",&rrcv)) {
+        if (!getparfloat("dphi",&dphi)) dphi=2.0;
+        ncrcv=NINT(360.0/dphi);
+        if (verbose) vmess("Total number of receivers on a circle: %d",ncrcv);
+    } 
+	else {
+		ncrcv=0;
+	}
+    /* Receivers from a File */
+    ntrcv=0;
+    if (!getparstring("rcv_txt",&rcv_txt)) rcv_txt=NULL;
+    if (rcv_txt!=NULL) {
+        /* Open text file */
+        fp=fopen(rcv_txt,"r");
+        assert(fp!=NULL);
+        /* Get number of lines */
+        while (!feof(fp)) if (fgetc(fp)=='\n') ntrcv++;
+        fseek(fp,-1,SEEK_CUR);
+        if (fgetc(fp)!='\n') ntrcv++; /* Checks if last line terminated by /n */
+        if (verbose) vmess("Number of receivers in rcv_txt file: %d",ntrcv);
+        rewind(fp);
+    }
+    /* Receiver Array */
+    nyrcv=countparval("yrcva");
+    nxrcv=countparval("xrcva");
+    nzrcv=countparval("zrcva");
+    if (nxrcv!=nzrcv) verr("Number of receivers in array xrcva (%d), zrcva(%d) are not equal",nxrcv,nzrcv);
+    if (nxrcv!=nyrcv) verr("Number of receivers in array xrcva (%d), yrcva(%d) are not equal",nxrcv,nyrcv);
+    if (verbose&&nxrcv) vmess("Total number of array receivers: %d",nxrcv);
+    /* Linear Receiver Arrays */
+	Ny1 = countparval("yrcv1");
+	Ny2 = countparval("yrcv2");
+	Nx1 = countparval("xrcv1");
+	Nx2 = countparval("xrcv2");
+	Nz1 = countparval("zrcv1");
+	Nz2 = countparval("zrcv2");
+    if (Ny1!=Ny2) verr("Number of receivers starting points in 'yrcv1' (%d) and number of endpoint in 'yrcv2' (%d) are not equal",Ny1,Ny2);
+    if (Nx1!=Nx2) verr("Number of receivers starting points in 'xrcv1' (%d) and number of endpoint in 'xrcv2' (%d) are not equal",Nx1,Nx2);
+    if (Nz1!=Nz2) verr("Number of receivers starting points in 'zrcv1' (%d) and number of endpoint in 'zrcv2' (%d) are not equal",Nz1,Nz2);
+    if (Nx1!=Nz2) verr("Number of receivers starting points in 'xrcv1' (%d) and number of endpoint in 'zrcv2' (%d) are not equal",Nx1,Nz2);
+    if (Nx1!=Ny2) verr("Number of receivers starting points in 'xrcv1' (%d) and number of endpoint in 'yrcv2' (%d) are not equal",Nx1,Ny2);
+    rec->max_nrec=ncrcv+ntrcv+nxrcv;
+	/* no receivers are defined use default linear array of receivers on top of model */
+    if (!rec->max_nrec && Nx1==0) Nx1=1; // Default is to use top of model to record data
+    if (Nx1) {
+        /* Allocate Start & End Points of Linear Arrays */
+        yrcv1=(float *)malloc(Nx1*sizeof(float));
+        yrcv2=(float *)malloc(Nx1*sizeof(float));
+        xrcv1=(float *)malloc(Nx1*sizeof(float));
+        xrcv2=(float *)malloc(Nx1*sizeof(float));
+        zrcv1=(float *)malloc(Nx1*sizeof(float));
+        zrcv2=(float *)malloc(Nx1*sizeof(float));
+        if (!getparfloat("yrcv1",yrcv1)) yrcv1[0]=sub_y0;
+        if (!getparfloat("yrcv2",yrcv2)) yrcv2[0]=sub_y1;
+        if (!getparfloat("xrcv1",xrcv1)) xrcv1[0]=sub_x0;
+        if (!getparfloat("xrcv2",xrcv2)) xrcv2[0]=sub_x1;
+        if (!getparfloat("zrcv1",zrcv1)) zrcv1[0]=sub_z0;
+        if (!getparfloat("zrcv2",zrcv2)) zrcv2[0]=zrcv1[0];
+		/* check if receiver arrays fit into model */
+		for (iarray=0; iarray<Nx1; iarray++) {
+			yrcv1[iarray] = MAX(sub_y0,      yrcv1[iarray]);
+			yrcv1[iarray] = MIN(sub_y0+ny*dy,yrcv1[iarray]);
+			yrcv2[iarray] = MAX(sub_y0,      yrcv2[iarray]);
+			yrcv2[iarray] = MIN(sub_y0+ny*dy,yrcv2[iarray]);
+			xrcv1[iarray] = MAX(sub_x0,      xrcv1[iarray]);
+			xrcv1[iarray] = MIN(sub_x0+nx*dx,xrcv1[iarray]);
+			xrcv2[iarray] = MAX(sub_x0,      xrcv2[iarray]);
+			xrcv2[iarray] = MIN(sub_x0+nx*dx,xrcv2[iarray]);
+			zrcv1[iarray] = MAX(sub_z0,      zrcv1[iarray]);
+			zrcv1[iarray] = MIN(sub_z0+nz*dz,zrcv1[iarray]);
+			zrcv2[iarray] = MAX(sub_z0,      zrcv2[iarray]);
+			zrcv2[iarray] = MIN(sub_z0+nz*dz,zrcv2[iarray]);
+		}
+        /* Crop to Fit Model */
+/* Max's addtion still have to check if it has the same fucntionality */
+        for (iarray=0;iarray<Nx1;iarray++) {
+            if (yrcv1[iarray]<sub_y0) {
+                if (yrcv2[iarray]<sub_y0) {
+                    verr("Linear array %d outside model bounds",iarray);
+                }
+				else {
+                    vwarn("Cropping element %d of 'yrcv1' (%f) to model bounds (%f)",iarray,yrcv1[iarray],sub_y0);
+                    yrcv1[iarray]=sub_y0;
+                }
+            } 
+			else if (yrcv1[iarray] > sub_y1) {
+                verr("Linear array %d outside model bounds",iarray);
+            }
+            if ( (yrcv2[iarray] < yrcv1[iarray]) ) {
+                verr("Ill defined linear array %d, 'yrcv1' (%f) greater than 'yrcv2' (%f)",iarray,yrcv1[iarray],yrcv2[iarray]);
+            }
+			else if (yrcv2[iarray]>sub_y1) {
+                vwarn("Cropping element %d of 'yrcv2' (%f) to model bounds (%f)",iarray,yrcv2[iarray],sub_y1);
+                yrcv2[iarray]=sub_y1;
+            }
+            if (xrcv1[iarray]<sub_x0) {
+                if (xrcv2[iarray]<sub_x0) {
+                    verr("Linear array %d outside model bounds",iarray);
+                }
+				else {
+                    vwarn("Cropping element %d of 'xrcv1' (%f) to model bounds (%f)",iarray,xrcv1[iarray],sub_x0);
+                    xrcv1[iarray]=sub_x0;
+                }
+            } 
+			else if (xrcv1[iarray] > sub_x1) {
+                verr("Linear array %d outside model bounds",iarray);
+            }
+            if ( (xrcv2[iarray] < xrcv1[iarray]) ) {
+                verr("Ill defined linear array %d, 'xrcv1' (%f) greater than 'xrcv2' (%f)",iarray,xrcv1[iarray],xrcv2[iarray]);
+            }
+			else if (xrcv2[iarray]>sub_x1) {
+                vwarn("Cropping element %d of 'xrcv2' (%f) to model bounds (%f)",iarray,xrcv2[iarray],sub_x1);
+                xrcv2[iarray]=sub_x1;
+            }
+            if (zrcv1[iarray] < sub_z0) {
+                if (zrcv2[iarray] < sub_z0) {
+                    verr("Linear array %d outside model bounds",iarray);
+                }
+				else {
+               		vwarn("Cropping element %d of 'zrcv1' (%f) to model bounds (%f)",iarray,zrcv1[iarray],sub_z0);
+                	zrcv1[iarray]=sub_z0;
+                }
+            }
+			else if (zrcv1[iarray] > sub_z1) {
+                verr("Linear array %d outside model bounds",iarray);
+            }
+            if ( (zrcv2[iarray] < zrcv1[iarray]) ) {
+                verr("Ill defined linear array %d, 'zrcv1' (%f) greater than 'zrcv2' (%f)",iarray,zrcv1[iarray],zrcv2[iarray]);
+            }
+			else if (zrcv2[iarray]>sub_z1) {
+                vwarn("Cropping element %d of 'xrcv2' (%f) to model bounds (%f)",iarray,zrcv2[iarray],sub_z1);
+                zrcv2[iarray]=sub_z1;
+            }
+        }
+        /* Get Sampling Rates */
+		Ndy = countparval("dyrcv");
+		Ndx = countparval("dxrcv");
+		Ndz = countparval("dzrcv");
+		dyr = (float *)malloc(Nx1*sizeof(float));
+		dxr = (float *)malloc(Nx1*sizeof(float));
+		dzr = (float *)malloc(Nx1*sizeof(float));
+		if(!getparfloat("dyrcv", dyr)) dyr[0]=dy;
+		if(!getparfloat("dxrcv", dxr)) dxr[0]=dx;
+		if(!getparfloat("dzrcv", dzr)) dzr[0]=0.0;
+/* TODO logic extended to 3D */
+		if ( (Ndx<=1) && (Ndz==0) ){ /* default values are set */
+			for (i=1; i<Nx1; i++) {
+				dxr[i] = dxr[0];
+				dzr[i] = dzr[0];
+			}
+			Ndx=1;
+			Ndz=1;
+		}
+		else if ( (Ndz==1) && (Ndx==0) ){ /* default values are set */
+			for (i=1; i<Nx1; i++) {
+				dxr[i] = dxr[0];
+				dzr[i] = dzr[0];
+			}
+			Ndz=1;
+			Ndx=1;
+		}
+/* end TODO */
+		else { /* make sure that each array has dzrcv or dxrcv defined for each line or receivers */
+			if (Ndx!=Ndz) {
+				verr("Number of 'dxrcv' (%d) is not equal to number of 'dzrcv' (%d) or 1",Ndx,Ndz);
+			}
+			if (Ndx!=Nx1 && Ndx!=1) {
+				verr("Number of 'dxrcv' (%d) is not equal to number of starting points in 'xrcv1' (%d) or 1",Ndx,Nx1);
+			}
+			if (Ndy!=Ndz) {
+				verr("Number of 'dyrcv' (%d) is not equal to number of 'dzrcv' (%d) or 1",Ndy,Ndz);
+			}
+		}
+		/* check consistency of receiver steps */
+        for (iarray=0; iarray<Ndy; iarray++) {
+            if (dyr[iarray]<0) {
+				dyr[i]=dy;
+				vwarn("'dyrcv' element %d (%f) is less than zero, changing it to %f'",iarray,dyr[iarray],dy);
+			}
+        }
+        for (iarray=0; iarray<Ndx; iarray++) {
+            if (dxr[iarray]<0) {
+				dxr[i]=dx;
+				vwarn("'dxrcv' element %d (%f) is less than zero, changing it to %f'",iarray,dxr[iarray],dx);
+			}
+        }
+        for (iarray=0;iarray<Ndz;iarray++) {
+            if (dzr[iarray]<0) {
+				dzr[iarray]=dz;
+				vwarn("'dzrcv' element %d (%f) is less than zero, changing it to %f'",iarray,dzr[iarray],dz);
+			}
+        }
+        for (iarray=0;iarray<Ndx;iarray++){
+            if (dxr[iarray]==0 && dzr[iarray]==0) {
+                xrcv2[iarray]=xrcv1[iarray];
+				dxr[iarray]=1.;
+                vwarn("'dxrcv' element %d & 'dzrcv' element 1 are both 0.",iarray+1);
+                vmess("Placing 1 receiver at (%d,%d)",xrcv1[iarray],zrcv1[iarray]);
+            }
+        }
+        for (iarray=0;iarray<Ndx;iarray++){
+            if (xrcv1[iarray]==xrcv2[iarray] && dxr[iarray]!=0) {
+                dxr[iarray]=0.;
+                vwarn("Linear array %d: 'xrcv1'='xrcv2' and 'dxrcv' is not 0. Setting 'dxrcv'=0",iarray+1);
+            }
+        }
+        for (iarray=0;iarray<Ndx;iarray++){
+            if (zrcv1[iarray]==zrcv2[iarray] && dzr[iarray]!=0.){
+                dzr[iarray]=0.;
+                vwarn("Linear array %d: 'zrcv1'='zrcv2' and 'dzrcv' is not 0. Setting 'dzrcv'=0",iarray+1);
+            }
+        }
+        /* Calculate Number of Receivers */
+		nrcv = 0;
+        nlrcv=(int *)malloc(Nx1*sizeof(int));
+		for (iarray=0; iarray<Nx1; iarray++) {
+			yrange = (yrcv2[iarray]-yrcv1[iarray]); 
+			xrange = (xrcv2[iarray]-xrcv1[iarray]); 
+			zrange = (zrcv2[iarray]-zrcv1[iarray]); 
+			if (dyr[iarray] != 0.0) {
+				nlrcv[iarray] = NINT(fabs(yrange/dyr[iarray]))+1;
+			}
+			if (dxr[iarray] != 0.0) {
+				nlrcv[iarray] = NINT(fabs(xrange/dxr[iarray]))+1;
+			}
+			else {
+				if (dzr[iarray] == 0) {
+					verr("For receiver array %d: receiver distance dzrcv is not given", iarray);
+				}
+				nlrcv[iarray] = NINT(fabs(zrange/dzr[iarray]))+1;
+			}
+            nrcv+=nlrcv[iarray];
+		}
+        /* Calculate Number of Receivers */
+        nlrcv=(int *)malloc(Nx1*sizeof(int));
+        if (!isnan(*xrcv1)) *nlrcv=MIN(NINT((*xrcv2-*xrcv1)/(*dxr)),NINT((*zrcv2-*zrcv1)/(*dzr)))+1;
+        else *nlrcv=0;
+        nrcv=*nlrcv;
+        if (verbose>4 && nlrcv[iarray]!=0) vmess("Linear receiver array 1 has final bounds: (X: %f -> %f,Z: %f ->
+        if (Ndx>1) {
+            for (iarray=1;iarray<Nx1;iarray++) {
+                if (!isnan(xrcv1[iarray])) {
+					nlrcv[iarray]=MIN(NINT((xrcv2[iarray]-xrcv1[iarray])/dxr[iarray]),NINT((zrcv2[iarray]-zrcv1[iarray])/dzr[iarray]))+1;
+				}
+                else {
+					nlrcv[iarray]=0;
+				}
+                nrcv+=nlrcv[iarray];
+                if (verbose>4&&nlrcv[iarray]!=0) vmess("Linear receiver array %d has final bounds: (X: %f -> %f,Z: %f ->
+            }
+        }
+		 else {
+            for (iarray=1;iarray<Nx1;iarray++) {
+                if (!isnan(xrcv1[iarray])) nlrcv[iarray]=MIN(NINT((xrcv2[iarray]-xrcv1[iarray])/(*dxr)),NINT((zrcv2[iarray]-zrcv1[iarray])/(*dzr)))+1;
+                else nlrcv[iarray]=0;
+                nrcv+=nlrcv[iarray];
+                if (verbose>4&&nlrcv[iarray]!=0) vmess("Linear receiver array %d has final bounds: (X: %f -> %f,Z: %f ->
+            }
+        }
+        if (verbose) vmess("Total number of linear array receivers: %d",nrcv);
+        if (!nrcv) {
+            free(yrcv1);
+            free(yrcv2);
+            free(xrcv1);
+            free(xrcv2);
+            free(zrcv1);
+            free(zrcv2);
+            free(dyr);
+            free(dxr);
+            free(dzr);
+            free(nlrcv);
+        }
+        rec->max_nrec+=nrcv;
+    } 
+	else {
+		nrcv=0;
+	}
+/* allocate the receiver arrays */
+    /* Total Number of Receivers */
+    if (verbose) vmess("Total number of receivers: %d",rec->max_nrec);
+    /* Allocate Arrays */
+    rec->y  = (int *)calloc(rec->max_nrec,sizeof(int));
+    rec->x  = (int *)calloc(rec->max_nrec,sizeof(int));
+    rec->z  = (int *)calloc(rec->max_nrec,sizeof(int));
+    rec->yr = (float *)calloc(rec->max_nrec,sizeof(float));
+    rec->xr = (float *)calloc(rec->max_nrec,sizeof(float));
+    rec->zr = (float *)calloc(rec->max_nrec,sizeof(float));
+/* read in the receiver postions */
+	nrec=0;
+    /* Receivers on a Circle */
+    if (ncrcv) {
+		if (!getparfloat("oyrcv",&oxrcv)) oyrcv=0.0;
+		if (!getparfloat("oxrcv",&oxrcv)) oxrcv=0.0;
+		if (!getparfloat("ozrcv",&ozrcv)) ozrcv=0.0;
+		if (!getparfloat("arcv",&arcv)) {
+			arcv=rrcv; 
+			for (ix=0; ix<ncrcv; ix++) {
+				rec->yr[ix] = oyrcv-sub_y0+rrcv*cos(((iy*dphi)/360.0)*(2.0*M_PI));
+				rec->xr[ix] = oxrcv-sub_x0+rrcv*cos(((ix*dphi)/360.0)*(2.0*M_PI));
+				rec->zr[ix] = ozrcv-sub_z0+arcv*sin(((ix*dphi)/360.0)*(2.0*M_PI));
+				rec->y[ix] = NINT(rec->yr[ix]/dy);
+				rec->x[ix] = NINT(rec->xr[ix]/dx);
+				rec->z[ix] = NINT(rec->zr[ix]/dz);
+				//rec->x[ix] = NINT((oxrcv-sub_x0+rrcv*cos(((ix*dphi)/360.0)*(2.0*M_PI)))/dx);
+				//rec->z[ix] = NINT((ozrcv-sub_z0+arcv*sin(((ix*dphi)/360.0)*(2.0*M_PI)))/dz);
+				if (verbose>4) fprintf(stderr,"Receiver Circle: yrcv[%d]=%f xrcv=%f zrcv=%f\n", ix, rec->yr[ix]+sub_y0, rec->xr[ix]+sub_x0, rec->zr[ix]+sub_z0);
+			}
+		}
+		else { /* an ellipse */
+/*TODO fix for 3D */
+			/* simple numerical solution to find equidistant points on an ellipse */
+			nh  = (ncrcv)*1000; /* should be fine enough for most configurations */
+			h = 2.0*M_PI/nh;
+			a = MAX(rrcv, arcv);
+			b = MIN(rrcv, arcv);
+			e = sqrt(a*a-b*b)/a;
+			//fprintf(stderr,"a=%f b=%f e=%f\n", a, b, e);
+			circ = 0.0;
+			for (ir=0; ir<nh; ir++) {
+				s = sin(ir*h);
+				circ += sqrt(1.0-e*e*s*s);
+			}
+			circ = a*h*circ;
+			//fprintf(stderr,"circ = %f circle=%f\n", circ, 2.0*M_PI*rrcv);
+			/* define distance between receivers on ellipse */
+			dr = circ/ncrcv;
+			ix = 0;
+			srun = 0.0;
+			if (arcv >= rrcv) phase=0.0;
+			else phase=0.5*M_PI;
+			for (ir=0; ir<nh; ir++) {
+				s = sin(ir*h);
+				srun += sqrt(1.0-e*e*s*s);
+				if (a*h*srun >= ix*dr ) {
+					yr = rrcv*cos(ir*h+phase);
+					xr = rrcv*cos(ir*h+phase);
+					zr = arcv*sin(ir*h+phase);
+					rec->yr[ix] = oyrcv-sub_y0+xr;
+					rec->xr[ix] = oxrcv-sub_x0+xr;
+					rec->zr[ix] = ozrcv-sub_z0+zr;
+					rec->y[ix] = NINT(rec->yr[ix]/dy);
+					rec->x[ix] = NINT(rec->xr[ix]/dx);
+					rec->z[ix] = NINT(rec->zr[ix]/dz);
+					if (verbose>4) fprintf(stderr,"Receiver Ellipse: xrcv[%d]=%f zrcv=%f\n", ix, rec->xr[ix]+sub_x0, rec->zr[ix]+sub_z0);
+					ix++;
+				}
+				if (ix == ncrcv) break;
+			}
+		}
+		/* check if receivers fit into the model otherwise clip to edges */
+		for (ix=0; ix<ncrcv; ix++) {
+			rec->y[ix] = MIN(ny-1, MAX(rec->y[ix], 0));
+			rec->x[ix] = MIN(nx-1, MAX(rec->x[ix], 0));
+			rec->z[ix] = MIN(nz-1, MAX(rec->z[ix], 0));
+		}
+		nrec += ncrcv;
+	}
+    /* Receiver Text File */
+    if (ntrcv) {
+		/* Allocate arrays */
+		yrcva = (float *)malloc(nrcv*sizeof(float));
+		xrcva = (float *)malloc(nrcv*sizeof(float));
+		zrcva = (float *)malloc(nrcv*sizeof(float));
+		/* Read in receiver coordinates */
+		for (i=0;i<nrcv;i++) {
+			if (fscanf(fp,"%e %e %e\n",&yrcva[i],&xrcva[i],&zrcva[i])!=3) vmess("Receiver Text File: Can not parse coordinates on line %d.",i);
+		}
+		/* Close file */
+		fclose(fp);
+		/* Process coordinates */
+		for (ix=0; ix<nrcv; ix++) {
+			rec->yr[nrec+ix] = yrcva[ix]-sub_y0;
+			rec->xr[nrec+ix] = xrcva[ix]-sub_x0;
+			rec->zr[nrec+ix] = zrcva[ix]-sub_z0;
+			rec->y[nrec+ix] = NINT((yrcva[ix]-sub_y0)/dy);
+			rec->x[nrec+ix] = NINT((xrcva[ix]-sub_x0)/dx);
+			rec->z[nrec+ix] = NINT((zrcva[ix]-sub_z0)/dz);
+			if (verbose>4) fprintf(stderr,"Receiver Text Array: yrcv[%d]=%f xrcv=%f zrcv=%f\n", ix, rec->yr[ix]+sub_y0, rec->xr[ix]+sub_x0, rec->zr[ix]+sub_z0);
+		}
+		free(yrcva);
+		free(xrcva);
+		free(zrcva);
+		nrec += ntrcv;
+	}
+    /* Receiver Array */
+	if (nxrcv != 0) {
+		/* receiver array is defined */
+		yrcva = (float *)malloc(nxrcv*sizeof(float));
+		xrcva = (float *)malloc(nxrcv*sizeof(float));
+		zrcva = (float *)malloc(nxrcv*sizeof(float));
+		getparfloat("yrcva", yrcva);
+		getparfloat("xrcva", xrcva);
+		getparfloat("zrcva", zrcva);
+		for (ix=0; ix<nxrcv; ix++) {
+			rec->yr[nrec+ix] = yrcva[ix]-sub_y0;
+			rec->xr[nrec+ix] = xrcva[ix]-sub_x0;
+			rec->zr[nrec+ix] = zrcva[ix]-sub_z0;
+			rec->y[nrec+ix] = NINT((yrcva[ix]-sub_y0)/dy);
+			rec->x[nrec+ix] = NINT((xrcva[ix]-sub_x0)/dx);
+			rec->z[nrec+ix] = NINT((zrcva[ix]-sub_z0)/dz);
+			if (verbose>4) fprintf(stderr,"Receiver Array: yrcv[%d]=%f xrcv=%f zrcv=%f\n", ix, rec->yr[ix]+sub_y0, rec->xr[ix]+sub_x0, rec->zr[ix]+sub_z0);
+		}
+		free(yrcva);
+		free(xrcva);
+		free(zrcva);
+		nrec += nxrcv;
+	}
+    /* Linear Receiver Arrays */
+    if (nrcv!=0) {
+		yrcv1 = (float *)malloc(Nx1*sizeof(float));
+		yrcv2 = (float *)malloc(Nx1*sizeof(float));
+		xrcv1 = (float *)malloc(Nx1*sizeof(float));
+		xrcv2 = (float *)malloc(Nx1*sizeof(float));
+		zrcv1 = (float *)malloc(Nx1*sizeof(float));
+		zrcv2 = (float *)malloc(Nx1*sizeof(float));
+		if(!getparfloat("yrcv1", yrcv1)) yrcv1[0]=sub_y0;
+		if(!getparfloat("yrcv2", yrcv2)) yrcv2[0]=(ny-1)*dy+sub_y0;
+		if(!getparfloat("xrcv1", xrcv1)) xrcv1[0]=sub_x0;
+		if(!getparfloat("xrcv2", xrcv2)) xrcv2[0]=(nx-1)*dx+sub_x0;
+		if(!getparfloat("zrcv1", zrcv1)) zrcv1[0]=sub_z0;
+		if(!getparfloat("zrcv2", zrcv2)) zrcv2[0]=zrcv1[0];		
+		Ndy = countparval("dyrcv");
+		Ndx = countparval("dxrcv");
+		Ndz = countparval("dzrcv");
+		dyr = (float *)malloc(Nx1*sizeof(float));
+		dxr = (float *)malloc(Nx1*sizeof(float));
+		dzr = (float *)malloc(Nx1*sizeof(float));
+		if(!getparfloat("dyrcv", dyr)) dyr[0]=dy;
+		if(!getparfloat("dxrcv", dxr)) dxr[0]=dx;
+		if(!getparfloat("dzrcv", dzr)) dzr[0]=0.0;
+		if ( (Ndx<=1) && (Ndz==0) ){ /* default values are set */
+			for (i=1; i<Nx1; i++) {
+				dyr[i] = dyr[0];
+				dxr[i] = dxr[0];
+				dzr[i] = dzr[0];
+			}
+			Ndx=1;
+		}
+		else if ( (Ndz==1) && (Ndx==0) ){ /* default values are set */
+			for (i=1; i<Nx1; i++) {
+				dyr[i] = dyr[0];
+				dxr[i] = dxr[0];
+				dzr[i] = dzr[0];
+			}
+			Ndz=1;
+		}
+		else { /* make sure that each array has dzrcv or dxrcv defined for each line or receivers */
+			if (Ndx>1) assert(Ndx==Nx1);
+			if (Ndz>1) assert(Ndz==Nx1);
+			if (Ndy>1) assert(Ndy==Nx1);
+		}
+		if ( (Ndx!=0) && (Ndz!=0) ) {
+			vwarn("Both dzrcv and dxrcv are set: dxrcv value is used");
+			Ndz=0;
+			for (i=0; i<Nx1; i++) dzr[i] = 0.0;
+		}
+		/* check if receiver arrays fit into model */
+		for (iarray=0; iarray<Nx1; iarray++) {
+			yrcv1[iarray] = MAX(sub_y0,      yrcv1[iarray]);
+			yrcv1[iarray] = MIN(sub_y0+ny*dy,yrcv1[iarray]);
+			yrcv2[iarray] = MAX(sub_y0,      yrcv2[iarray]);
+			yrcv2[iarray] = MIN(sub_y0+ny*dy,yrcv2[iarray]);
+			xrcv1[iarray] = MAX(sub_x0,      xrcv1[iarray]);
+			xrcv1[iarray] = MIN(sub_x0+nx*dx,xrcv1[iarray]);
+			xrcv2[iarray] = MAX(sub_x0,      xrcv2[iarray]);
+			xrcv2[iarray] = MIN(sub_x0+nx*dx,xrcv2[iarray]);
+			zrcv1[iarray] = MAX(sub_z0,      zrcv1[iarray]);
+			zrcv1[iarray] = MIN(sub_z0+nz*dz,zrcv1[iarray]);
+			zrcv2[iarray] = MAX(sub_z0,      zrcv2[iarray]);
+			zrcv2[iarray] = MIN(sub_z0+nz*dz,zrcv2[iarray]);
+		}
+		/* calculate receiver array and store into rec->x,z */
+		for (iarray=0; iarray<Nx1; iarray++) {
+			yrange = (yrcv2[iarray]-yrcv1[iarray]); 
+			xrange = (xrcv2[iarray]-xrcv1[iarray]); 
+			zrange = (zrcv2[iarray]-zrcv1[iarray]); 
+			if (dxr[iarray] != 0.0) {
+				nrcv = nlrcv[iarray];
+				dxrcv=dxr[iarray];
+				dzrcv = zrange/(nrcv-1);
+				if (dzrcv != dzr[iarray]) {
+					vwarn("For receiver array %d: calculated dzrcv=%f given=%f", iarray, dzrcv, dzr[iarray]);
+					vwarn("The calculated receiver distance %f is used", dzrcv);
+				}
+			}
+			else {
+				if (dzr[iarray] == 0) {
+					verr("For receiver array %d: receiver distance dzrcv is not given", iarray);
+				}
+				nrcv = nlrcv[iarray];
+				dxrcv = xrange/(nrcv-1);
+				dzrcv = dzr[iarray];
+				if (dxrcv != dxr[iarray]) {
+					vwarn("For receiver array %d: calculated dxrcv=%f given=%f", iarray, dxrcv, dxr[iarray]);
+					vwarn("The calculated receiver distance %f is used", dxrcv);
+				}
+			}
+			// calculate coordinates
+			for (ir=0; ir<nrcv; ir++) {
+				rec->yr[nrec]=yrcv1[iarray]-sub_y0+ir*dyrcv;
+				rec->xr[nrec]=xrcv1[iarray]-sub_x0+ir*dxrcv;
+				rec->zr[nrec]=zrcv1[iarray]-sub_z0+ir*dzrcv;
+				rec->y[nrec]=NINT((rec->yr[nrec])/dy);
+				rec->x[nrec]=NINT((rec->xr[nrec])/dx);
+				rec->z[nrec]=NINT((rec->zr[nrec])/dz);
+				nrec++;
+			}
+		}
+		free(yrcv1);
+		free(yrcv2);
+		free(xrcv1);
+		free(xrcv2);
+		free(zrcv1);
+		free(zrcv2);
+		free(dyr);
+		free(dxr);
+		free(dzr);
+        free(nlrcv);
+	}
+    rec->n=rec->max_nrec;
+	return 0;
diff --git a/utils/green3D b/utils/green3D
index cc36382df2db967794d33a3b4afe6e4bb4e56e07..3513a0edb3c0096f4a53c9e3fa73a5474de53bf5 100755
Binary files a/utils/green3D and b/utils/green3D differ
diff --git a/utils/green3D.c b/utils/green3D.c
index 69daa8ea3552b7083eb3871d87ac1ee87694fe0a..b31d0c3ee81250acba4d2b471d6a795390f729e5 100644
--- a/utils/green3D.c
+++ b/utils/green3D.c
@@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ void xwgreen3D(float *data, int nt, int nx, int ny, float dt, float fmin, float
 	int    	iomin, iomax, iom, ix, iy, nfreq, i, sign, optn;
 	float  	df, deltom, om, k, r, x, y, invr, phi, phi2, cosphi;
 	float	*rwave, *rdata, cos2, scl, z, kp, ks, sclr;
-	complex	*cwave, *cdata, tmp, tmp2, sum;
+	complex	*cwave, *cdata, tmp, tmp2, ekr, sum;
     complex H02p, H12p, H02s, H12s, Gp, Gs;
 	optn	= optncr(nt);
@@ -391,8 +391,8 @@ void xwgreen3D(float *data, int nt, int nx, int ny, float dt, float fmin, float
 	if (p_vz == 0) {
-		if (far == 0 && dip == 1) {
-			if (verbose) vmess("near and far P field of dipole");
+		if (dip == 1) {
+			if (verbose) vmess("P field of dipole");
 			for (iy = 0; iy < ny; iy++) {
 				for (ix = 0; ix < nx; ix++) {
 					x      = xi[iy*nx+ix] - xsrc;
@@ -404,11 +404,14 @@ void xwgreen3D(float *data, int nt, int nx, int ny, float dt, float fmin, float
 					phi2   = SGN(x)*phi - (dipx*M_PI/180.0);
 					cosphi = 0.25*cos(phi2)*rho;
 					if (fabs(phi) < maxdip*M_PI/180.0) {
+						/* exp(-jkr) = cos(kr) - j*sin(kr) */
 						for (iom = iomin; iom <= iomax; iom++) {
 							om = iom*deltom;
 							k = om/c;
-							tmp.r = -k*cosphi*y1(k*r);
-							tmp.i = -k*cosphi*j1(k*r);
+							ekr.r = cos(k*r)/(r*r);
+							ekr.i = sin(-k*r)/(r*r);
+							tmp.r = cosphi*(ekr.r - k*r*ekr.i);
+							tmp.i = cosphi*(ekr.i + k*r*ekr.r);
 							cdata[iy*nx*nfreq+ix*nfreq+iom].r = tmp.r*cwave[iom].r - 
 							cdata[iy*nx*nfreq+ix*nfreq+iom].i = tmp.r*cwave[iom].i +
@@ -424,6 +427,7 @@ void xwgreen3D(float *data, int nt, int nx, int ny, float dt, float fmin, float
+/* There is no far-field definition 'needed' in 3D 
 		else if (far == 1 && dip == 1){
 			if (verbose) vmess("far P field of dipole");
 			for (iy = 0; iy < ny; iy++) {
@@ -458,8 +462,9 @@ void xwgreen3D(float *data, int nt, int nx, int ny, float dt, float fmin, float
-		else if (far == 0 && dip == 0){
-			if (verbose) vmess("near and far P field of monopole");
+		else if (dip == 0){
+			if (verbose) vmess("P field of monopole");
 			for (iy = 0; iy < ny; iy++) {
 				for (ix = 0; ix < nx; ix++) {
 					x = xi[iy*nx+ix] - xsrc;
@@ -473,8 +478,8 @@ void xwgreen3D(float *data, int nt, int nx, int ny, float dt, float fmin, float
 						for (iom = iomin; iom <= iomax; iom++) {
 							om = iom*deltom;
 							k  = om/c;
-							tmp.r = -scl*y0(k*r);
-							tmp.i = -scl*j0(k*r);
+							tmp.r = scl*cos(k*r)/(r);
+							tmp.i = scl*sin(-k*r)/(r);
 							cdata[iy*nx*nfreq+ix*nfreq+iom].r = tmp.r*cwave[iom].r - 
@@ -491,6 +496,7 @@ void xwgreen3D(float *data, int nt, int nx, int ny, float dt, float fmin, float
+/* There is no far-field definition 'needed' in 3D 
 		else if (far == 1 && dip == 0){
 			if (verbose) vmess("far P field of monopole");
 			for (iy = 0; iy < ny; iy++) {
@@ -524,11 +530,11 @@ void xwgreen3D(float *data, int nt, int nx, int ny, float dt, float fmin, float
 	else if (p_vz == 1) {
 		if (dip == 1) {
-	    	if (far == 0) {
-	    		if (verbose) vmess("near and far Vz field of dipole");
+	    		if (verbose) vmess("Vz field of dipole, this is not yet implemented");
 				for (iy = 0; iy < ny; iy++) {
 					for (ix = 0; ix < nx; ix++) {
 						x = xi[iy*nx+ix] - xsrc;
@@ -566,63 +572,29 @@ void xwgreen3D(float *data, int nt, int nx, int ny, float dt, float fmin, float
-	    	}
-	    	else {
-	    		if (verbose) vmess("far Vz field of dipole");
-				for (iy = 0; iy < ny; iy++) {
-					for (ix = 0; ix < nx; ix++) {
-						x = xi[iy*nx+ix] - xsrc;
-						y = yi[iy*nx+ix] - ysrc;
-						z = fabs(zi[iy*nx+ix] - zsrc);
-						r = sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z);
-						invr   = -0.5/(c*sqrt(r));
-						if (r != 0) phi = acos(z/r);
-						else phi = M_PI/2;
-						phi2   = SGN(x)*phi - (dipx*M_PI/180.0);
-						cosphi = cos(phi2);
-						cos2 = cosphi*cosphi;
-						if (fabs(phi) < maxdip*M_PI/180.0) {
-							for (iom = iomin; iom <= iomax; iom++) {
-								om = iom*deltom;
-								k = om/c;
-								tmp.r = sqrt(k/(2.0*M_PI))*invr*cos2*cos(k*r-M_PI/4.0);
-								tmp.i = -sqrt(k/(2.0*M_PI))*invr*cos2*sin(k*r-M_PI/4.0);
-								cdata[iy*nx*nfreq+ix*nfreq+iom].r = tmp.r*cwave[iom].r -
-												tmp.i*cwave[iom].i;
-								cdata[iy*nx*nfreq+ix*nfreq+iom].i = tmp.r*cwave[iom].i +
-												tmp.i*cwave[iom].r;
-							}
-						}
-						else {
-							for (iom = iomin; iom <= iomax; iom++) {
-								cdata[iy*nx*nfreq+ix*nfreq+iom].r = 0.0;
-								cdata[iy*nx*nfreq+ix*nfreq+iom].i = 0.0;
-							}
-						}
-					}
-				}
-	    	}
 		else {
-	    	if (verbose) vmess("near and far Vz field of monopole");
+	    	if (verbose) vmess("Vz field of monopole");
 			for (iy = 0; iy < ny; iy++) {
 				for (ix = 0; ix < nx; ix++) {
-					x = xi[iy*nx+ix] - xsrc;
-					y = yi[iy*nx+ix] - ysrc;
-					z = fabs(zi[iy*nx+ix] - zsrc);
-					r = sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z);
+					x      = xi[iy*nx+ix] - xsrc;
+					y      = yi[iy*nx+ix] - ysrc;
+					z      = fabs(zi[iy*nx+ix] - zsrc);
+					r      = sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z);
 					if (r != 0) phi = acos(z/r);
 					else phi = M_PI/2;
 					phi2   = SGN(x)*phi - (dipx*M_PI/180.0);
-					cosphi = cos(phi2);
+					cosphi = 0.25*cos(phi2)/c;
 					if (fabs(phi) < maxdip*M_PI/180.0) {
+						/* exp(-jkr) = cos(kr) - j*sin(kr) */
 						for (iom = iomin; iom <= iomax; iom++) {
 							om = iom*deltom;
 							k = om/c;
-							tmp.i = -cosphi*y1(k*r)/(4.0*c);
-							tmp.r = cosphi*j1(k*r)/(4.0*c);
+							ekr.r = cos(k*r)/(r*r);
+							ekr.i = sin(-k*r)/(r*r);
+							tmp.r = cosphi*(ekr.r - k*r*ekr.i);
+							tmp.i = cosphi*(ekr.i + k*r*ekr.r);
 							cdata[iy*nx*nfreq+ix*nfreq+iom].r = tmp.r*cwave[iom].r - 
 							cdata[iy*nx*nfreq+ix*nfreq+iom].i = tmp.r*cwave[iom].i +