From 8133dee18f825e29f8986cf99294dde4a7f0265f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "joeri.brackenhoff" <joeri.brackenhoff@login0.ogun.local>
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2019 08:42:03 -0300
Subject: [PATCH] 3D

 fdelmodc3D/3dfd.c                             | 1221 ++++++++++++
 fdelmodc3D/CMWC4096.c                         |   50 +
 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure10.scr          |  162 ++
 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure10Hom.scr       |  141 ++
 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure11.scr          |   55 +
 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure12.scr          |   46 +
 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure13.scr          |  163 ++
 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure13Amp.scr       |  130 ++
 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure14-15.scr       |  172 ++
 .../FiguresPaper/Figure17_19AppendixA.scr     |   92 +
 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure2.scr           |  104 +
 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure20AppendixA.scr |  148 ++
 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure3.scr           |  106 ++
 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure3_nofree.scr    |   58 +
 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure3_ref.scr       |   55 +
 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure4.scr           |   75 +
 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure5.scr           |   66 +
 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure6.scr           |  102 +
 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure6f.scr          |   59 +
 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure6length.scr     |  100 +
 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure6long.scr       |  126 ++
 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure7.scr           |   98 +
 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure7fmax.scr       |   76 +
 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure7length.scr     |  100 +
 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure7plane.scr      |   95 +
 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure8-9.scr         |  147 ++
 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure8-9Hom.scr      |  142 ++
 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/FigureCCsources.scr   |   69 +
 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/FigureDxAppendixA.scr |  138 ++
 .../FiguresPaper/FigureGreenAppendixA.scr     |  149 ++
 .../FiguresPaper/FigureGreenDxAppendixA.scr   |  146 ++
 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/FigurePres.scr        |  128 ++
 .../FiguresPaper/FigureSourcesAppendixA.scr   |   92 +
 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/MakeGifMovie.scr      |   48 +
 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/README                |  140 ++
 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/SIrand.scr            |   82 +
 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Simple_model_base.scr |   61 +
 .../FiguresPaper/Simple_model_sides.scr       |  101 +
 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/clean                 |    4 +
 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/cross.scr             |   33 +
 .../FiguresPaper/fdelmodc_amplitude.scr       |   72 +
 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/fdelmodc_long.scr     |   65 +
 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/fdelmodc_real.scr     |  136 ++
 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/normalorg.gnp         |   44 +
 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/               |   19 +
 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/plot3d.gnu            |   13 +
 fdelmodc3D/Makefile                           |   88 +
 fdelmodc3D/SUsegy.h                           |  391 ++++
 fdelmodc3D/ToDo/acoustic4Block.c              |  232 +++
 fdelmodc3D/ToDo/acousticPML.c                 |  225 +++
 fdelmodc3D/acoustic2.c                        |  136 ++
 fdelmodc3D/acoustic4.c                        |  156 ++
 fdelmodc3D/acoustic4_qr.c                     |  281 +++
 fdelmodc3D/acoustic6.c                        |  148 ++
 fdelmodc3D/acousticSH4.c                      |  143 ++
 fdelmodc3D/acousticSH4_routine.c              |  347 ++++
 fdelmodc3D/applySource.c                      |  343 ++++
 fdelmodc3D/atopkge.c                          |  444 +++++
 fdelmodc3D/boundaries.c                       | 1682 +++++++++++++++++
 fdelmodc3D/decomposition.c                    |  414 ++++
 fdelmodc3D/defineSource.c                     |  373 ++++
 fdelmodc3D/defineSource3D.c                   |  373 ++++
 fdelmodc3D/demo/FD_elastic.scr                |  167 ++
 fdelmodc3D/demo/README                        |   32 +
 fdelmodc3D/demo/RcvTextInput.scr              |   16 +
 fdelmodc3D/demo/back_injrate_planes.scr       |  170 ++
 fdelmodc3D/demo/back_injrate_planes_1D.scr    |  129 ++
 .../demo/back_injrate_planes_1Dlong.scr       |  131 ++
 fdelmodc3D/demo/benchmark.scr                 |   40 +
 fdelmodc3D/demo/boundaries.scr                |   58 +
 fdelmodc3D/demo/clean                         |    4 +
 .../demo/compare_green_dtxd_invariant.scr     |  204 ++
 fdelmodc3D/demo/compare_green_inmanual.scr    |  216 +++
 fdelmodc3D/demo/decompfree.scr                |   66 +
 fdelmodc3D/demo/decomposition.scr             |   95 +
 fdelmodc3D/demo/demoStaircase.scr             |   85 +
 fdelmodc3D/demo/demo_dissipative.scr          |   42 +
 fdelmodc3D/demo/demo_multiwave.scr            |   64 +
 fdelmodc3D/demo/demo_reciprocity.scr          |  257 +++
 fdelmodc3D/demo/demo_snapshots.scr            |   40 +
 fdelmodc3D/demo/eps_for_manual.scr            |   52 +
 .../demo/   |  168 ++
 fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_circ.scr             |   78 +
 fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_circ_medium.scr      |   93 +
 fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_doublecouple.scr     |   59 +
 .../demo/fdelmodc_elastic_potentialS.scr      |   63 +
 fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_fault.scr            |   48 +
 fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_glacier.scr          |   69 +
 fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_jurg.scr             |   55 +
 fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_multishot.scr        |   66 +
 fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_obc.scr              |   84 +
 fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_obc_deltares.scr     |   65 +
 fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_plane.scr            |   95 +
 fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_plane_txt.scr        |   98 +
 fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_pml.scr              |   54 +
 fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_pmltest.scr          |   52 +
 fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_rand.scr             |   56 +
 fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_sourcepos.scr        |  172 ++
 fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_srcrec.scr           |  120 ++
 fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_stab.scr             |  145 ++
 fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_taper.scr            |  119 ++
 fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_topography.scr       |   80 +
 fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_visco.scr            |  109 ++
 fdelmodc3D/demo/freesurfaceP.scr              |   88 +
 fdelmodc3D/demo/freesurfaceVz.scr             |   88 +
 fdelmodc3D/demo/green_multiwave.scr           |   42 +
 fdelmodc3D/demo/interpolate_wave.scr          |   38 +
 fdelmodc3D/demo/matlab/FD_matlab_interface.m  |   97 +
 fdelmodc3D/demo/matlab/FD_mod_grid.m          |  138 ++
 fdelmodc3D/demo/matlab/ForwardCircle.m        |  152 ++
 fdelmodc3D/demo/matlab/comparison.m           |   83 +
 .../demo/matlab/test_matlab_interface.m       |   47 +
 fdelmodc3D/demo/migrFundamentals.scr          |  165 ++
 fdelmodc3D/demo/migrFundamentalsl2.scr        |  165 ++
 fdelmodc3D/demo/model.scr                     |   52 +
 fdelmodc3D/demo/modelOilGas.scr               |   97 +
 fdelmodc3D/demo/modelOilGas.scr.ok            |   95 +
 fdelmodc3D/demo/model_flank.scr               |   22 +
 fdelmodc3D/demo/modelall.scr                  |   74 +
 fdelmodc3D/demo/modelfast1d.scr               |   46 +
 fdelmodc3D/demo/modelhom.scr                  |  205 ++
 fdelmodc3D/demo/modelling                     |  213 +++
 fdelmodc3D/demo/staal.scr                     |   20 +
 fdelmodc3D/demo/test2.scr                     |   49 +
 fdelmodc3D/demo/testFreeSurface.scr           |   48 +
 fdelmodc3D/demo/test_free_elastic.scr         |   95 +
 fdelmodc3D/demo/virtualshot.scr               |   53 +
 fdelmodc3D/demo/vsp.scr                       |   82 +
 fdelmodc3D/depthDiff.c                        |  307 +++
 fdelmodc3D/docpkge.c                          |  188 ++
 fdelmodc3D/elastic4.c                         |  158 ++
 fdelmodc3D/elastic4dc.c                       |  160 ++
 fdelmodc3D/elastic6.c                         |  182 ++
 fdelmodc3D/fdelmodc.c                         |  743 ++++++++
 fdelmodc3D/fdelmodc.h                         |  190 ++
 fdelmodc3D/fdelmodc3D.c                       |  766 ++++++++
 fdelmodc3D/fdelmodc3D.h                       |  226 +++
 fdelmodc3D/fileOpen.c                         |   48 +
 fdelmodc3D/gaussGen.c                         |   45 +
 fdelmodc3D/getBeamTimes.c                     |  196 ++
 fdelmodc3D/getModelInfo.c                     |  109 ++
 fdelmodc3D/getModelInfo3D.c                   |  127 ++
 fdelmodc3D/getParameters.c                    | 1247 ++++++++++++
 fdelmodc3D/getParameters3D.c                  | 1275 +++++++++++++
 fdelmodc3D/getRecTimes.c                      |  307 +++
 fdelmodc3D/getWaveletHeaders.c                |   52 +
 fdelmodc3D/getWaveletHeaders3D.c              |   53 +
 fdelmodc3D/getWaveletInfo.c                   |  138 ++
 fdelmodc3D/getWaveletInfo3D.c                 |  138 ++
 fdelmodc3D/getpars.c                          |  732 +++++++
 fdelmodc3D/name_ext.c                         |   44 +
 fdelmodc3D/par.h                              |  217 +++
 fdelmodc3D/readModel.c                        |  792 ++++++++
 fdelmodc3D/readModel3D.c                      | 1283 +++++++++++++
 fdelmodc3D/recvPar.c                          |  519 +++++
 fdelmodc3D/recvPar3D.c                        |  626 ++++++
 fdelmodc3D/replacetab.scr                     |    3 +
 fdelmodc3D/segy.h                             |  849 +++++++++
 fdelmodc3D/sourceOnSurface.c                  |  498 +++++
 fdelmodc3D/sourceOnSurface3D.c                |  565 ++++++
 fdelmodc3D/spline3.c                          |   34 +
 fdelmodc3D/threadAffinity.c                   |  109 ++
 fdelmodc3D/verbosepkg.c                       |   77 +
 fdelmodc3D/viscoacoustic4.c                   |  175 ++
 fdelmodc3D/viscoelastic4.c                    |  244 +++
 fdelmodc3D/wallclock_time.c                   |   33 +
 fdelmodc3D/writeRec.c                         |  226 +++
 fdelmodc3D/writeSnapTimes.c                   |  211 +++
 fdelmodc3D/writeSrcRecPos.c                   |  141 ++
 fdelmodc3D/writesufile.c                      |  169 ++
 marchenko3D/ampest3D.c                        |  308 +++
 marchenko3D/ampest3D2.c                       |   94 +
 marchenko3D/synthesis3Dotavia.c               |  319 ++++
 marchenko3D/writeData3D.c                     |   28 +
 174 files changed, 32226 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 fdelmodc3D/3dfd.c
 create mode 100644 fdelmodc3D/CMWC4096.c
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure10.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure10Hom.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure11.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure12.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure13.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure13Amp.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure14-15.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure17_19AppendixA.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure2.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure20AppendixA.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure3.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure3_nofree.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure3_ref.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure4.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure5.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure6.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure6f.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure6length.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure6long.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure7.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure7fmax.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure7length.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure7plane.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure8-9.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure8-9Hom.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/FigureCCsources.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/FigureDxAppendixA.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/FigureGreenAppendixA.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/FigureGreenDxAppendixA.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/FigurePres.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/FigureSourcesAppendixA.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/MakeGifMovie.scr
 create mode 100644 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/README
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/SIrand.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Simple_model_base.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Simple_model_sides.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/clean
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/cross.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/fdelmodc_amplitude.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/fdelmodc_long.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/fdelmodc_real.scr
 create mode 100644 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/normalorg.gnp
 create mode 100644 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/
 create mode 100644 fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/plot3d.gnu
 create mode 100644 fdelmodc3D/Makefile
 create mode 100644 fdelmodc3D/SUsegy.h
 create mode 100644 fdelmodc3D/ToDo/acoustic4Block.c
 create mode 100644 fdelmodc3D/ToDo/acousticPML.c
 create mode 100644 fdelmodc3D/acoustic2.c
 create mode 100644 fdelmodc3D/acoustic4.c
 create mode 100644 fdelmodc3D/acoustic4_qr.c
 create mode 100644 fdelmodc3D/acoustic6.c
 create mode 100644 fdelmodc3D/acousticSH4.c
 create mode 100644 fdelmodc3D/acousticSH4_routine.c
 create mode 100644 fdelmodc3D/applySource.c
 create mode 100644 fdelmodc3D/atopkge.c
 create mode 100644 fdelmodc3D/boundaries.c
 create mode 100644 fdelmodc3D/decomposition.c
 create mode 100644 fdelmodc3D/defineSource.c
 create mode 100644 fdelmodc3D/defineSource3D.c
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/demo/FD_elastic.scr
 create mode 100644 fdelmodc3D/demo/README
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/demo/RcvTextInput.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/demo/back_injrate_planes.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/demo/back_injrate_planes_1D.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/demo/back_injrate_planes_1Dlong.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/demo/benchmark.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/demo/boundaries.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/demo/clean
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/demo/compare_green_dtxd_invariant.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/demo/compare_green_inmanual.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/demo/decompfree.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/demo/decomposition.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/demo/demoStaircase.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/demo/demo_dissipative.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/demo/demo_multiwave.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/demo/demo_reciprocity.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/demo/demo_snapshots.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/demo/eps_for_manual.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/demo/
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_circ.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_circ_medium.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_doublecouple.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_elastic_potentialS.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_fault.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_glacier.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_jurg.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_multishot.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_obc.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_obc_deltares.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_plane.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_plane_txt.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_pml.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_pmltest.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_rand.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_sourcepos.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_srcrec.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_stab.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_taper.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_topography.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_visco.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/demo/freesurfaceP.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/demo/freesurfaceVz.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/demo/green_multiwave.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/demo/interpolate_wave.scr
 create mode 100644 fdelmodc3D/demo/matlab/FD_matlab_interface.m
 create mode 100644 fdelmodc3D/demo/matlab/FD_mod_grid.m
 create mode 100644 fdelmodc3D/demo/matlab/ForwardCircle.m
 create mode 100644 fdelmodc3D/demo/matlab/comparison.m
 create mode 100644 fdelmodc3D/demo/matlab/test_matlab_interface.m
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/demo/migrFundamentals.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/demo/migrFundamentalsl2.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/demo/model.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/demo/modelOilGas.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/demo/modelOilGas.scr.ok
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/demo/model_flank.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/demo/modelall.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/demo/modelfast1d.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/demo/modelhom.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/demo/modelling
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/demo/staal.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/demo/test2.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/demo/testFreeSurface.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/demo/test_free_elastic.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/demo/virtualshot.scr
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/demo/vsp.scr
 create mode 100644 fdelmodc3D/depthDiff.c
 create mode 100644 fdelmodc3D/docpkge.c
 create mode 100644 fdelmodc3D/elastic4.c
 create mode 100644 fdelmodc3D/elastic4dc.c
 create mode 100644 fdelmodc3D/elastic6.c
 create mode 100644 fdelmodc3D/fdelmodc.c
 create mode 100644 fdelmodc3D/fdelmodc.h
 create mode 100644 fdelmodc3D/fdelmodc3D.c
 create mode 100644 fdelmodc3D/fdelmodc3D.h
 create mode 100644 fdelmodc3D/fileOpen.c
 create mode 100644 fdelmodc3D/gaussGen.c
 create mode 100644 fdelmodc3D/getBeamTimes.c
 create mode 100644 fdelmodc3D/getModelInfo.c
 create mode 100644 fdelmodc3D/getModelInfo3D.c
 create mode 100644 fdelmodc3D/getParameters.c
 create mode 100644 fdelmodc3D/getParameters3D.c
 create mode 100644 fdelmodc3D/getRecTimes.c
 create mode 100644 fdelmodc3D/getWaveletHeaders.c
 create mode 100644 fdelmodc3D/getWaveletHeaders3D.c
 create mode 100644 fdelmodc3D/getWaveletInfo.c
 create mode 100644 fdelmodc3D/getWaveletInfo3D.c
 create mode 100644 fdelmodc3D/getpars.c
 create mode 100644 fdelmodc3D/name_ext.c
 create mode 100644 fdelmodc3D/par.h
 create mode 100644 fdelmodc3D/readModel.c
 create mode 100644 fdelmodc3D/readModel3D.c
 create mode 100644 fdelmodc3D/recvPar.c
 create mode 100644 fdelmodc3D/recvPar3D.c
 create mode 100755 fdelmodc3D/replacetab.scr
 create mode 100644 fdelmodc3D/segy.h
 create mode 100644 fdelmodc3D/sourceOnSurface.c
 create mode 100644 fdelmodc3D/sourceOnSurface3D.c
 create mode 100644 fdelmodc3D/spline3.c
 create mode 100644 fdelmodc3D/threadAffinity.c
 create mode 100644 fdelmodc3D/verbosepkg.c
 create mode 100644 fdelmodc3D/viscoacoustic4.c
 create mode 100644 fdelmodc3D/viscoelastic4.c
 create mode 100644 fdelmodc3D/wallclock_time.c
 create mode 100644 fdelmodc3D/writeRec.c
 create mode 100644 fdelmodc3D/writeSnapTimes.c
 create mode 100644 fdelmodc3D/writeSrcRecPos.c
 create mode 100644 fdelmodc3D/writesufile.c
 create mode 100644 marchenko3D/ampest3D.c
 create mode 100644 marchenko3D/ampest3D2.c
 create mode 100644 marchenko3D/synthesis3Dotavia.c
 create mode 100644 marchenko3D/writeData3D.c

diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/3dfd.c b/fdelmodc3D/3dfd.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bfda4b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/3dfd.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1221 @@
+#define MAX(x,y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
+#define MIN(x,y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
+#define NINT(x) ((int)((x)>0.0?(x)+0.5:(x)-0.5))
+#define STRIPE_COUNT "4" /* must be an ascii string */
+#define STRIPE_SIZE "1048576" /* 1 MB must be an ascii string */
+//#define STRIPE_SIZE "268435456" /* 256 MB must be an ascii string */
+#define C1 (9.0/8.0)
+#define C2 (1.0/24.0)
+#define Dx(f,ix,iy,iz,nz) C1*(f[iy+ix*nz+iz] - f[iy+(ix-1)*nz+iz]) - C2*(f[iy+(ix+1)*nz+iz] - f[iy+(ix-2)*nz+iz])
+#define Dy(f,ix,iy,iz,nxz) C1*(f[iy*nxz+ix+iz] - f[(iy-1)*nxz+ix+iz]) - C2*(f[(iy+1)*nxz+ix+iz] - f[(iy-2)*nxz+ix+iz])
+#define Dz(f,ix,iy,iz) C1*(f[iy+ix+iz] - f[iy+ix+iz-1]) - C2*(f[iy+ix+iz+1] - f[iy+ix+iz-2])
+#define Dv(vx,vz,ix,iy,iz,nz,nxz) C1*((vx[iy*nxz+(ix+1)*nz+iz] - vx[iy*nxz+ix*nz+iz]) + \
+				      (vy[(iy+1)*nxz+ix*nz+iz] - vy[iy*nxz+ix*nz+iz]) + \
+				      (vz[iy*nxz+ix*nz+iz+1]   - vz[iy*nxz+ix*nz+iz])) - \
+				  C2*((vx[iy*nxz+(ix+2)*nz+iz] - vx[iy*nxz+(ix-1)*nz+iz]) + \
+				      (vy[(iy+2)*nxz+ix*nz+iz] - vy[(iy-1)*nxz+ix*nz+iz]) + \
+				      (vz[iy*nxz+ix*nz+iz+2]   - vz[iy*nxz+ix*nz+iz-1]))
+int getParameters3D(modPar *mod, recPar *rec, snaPar *sna, wavPar *wav, srcPar *src, shotPar *shot, bndPar *bnd, int verbose);
+int readModel3D(modPar mod, bndPar bnd, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m);
+void vinit();
+int updateVelocitiesHalo(float *vx, float *vy, float *vz, float *p, float *ro, int halo, int npx, int npy, int npz);
+int updateVelocities(float *vx, float *vy, float *vz, float *p, float *ro, int halo, int npx, int npy, int npz);
+int updatePressureHalo(float *vx, float *vy, float *vz, float *p, float *l2m, int halo, int npx, int npy, int npz);
+int updatePressure(float *vx, float *vy, float *vz, float *p, float *l2m, int halo, int npx, int npy, int npz);
+int exchangeHalo(float *leftRecv, float *leftSend, float *rightRecv, float *rightSend, int size, int leftrank, int rightrank, MPI_Request *reqRecv, MPI_Request *reqSend, int tag);
+int newHaloVxVz(float *vx, float *vz, int npx, int npy, int npz, int halo, float *leftRecv, float *rightRecv, float *frontRecv, float *backRecv, float *topRecv, float *bottomRecv);
+int newHaloP(float *p, int npx, int npy, int npz, int halo, float *leftRecv, float *rightRecv, float *frontRecv, float *backRecv, float *topRecv, float *bottomRecv);
+int copyHaloVxVz(float *vx, float *vz, int npx, int npy, int npz, int halo, float *leftSend, float *rightSend, float *frontSend, float *backSend, float *topSend, float *bottomSend);
+int copyHaloP(float *p, int npx, int npy, int npz, int halo, float *leftSend, float *rightSend, float *frontSend, float *backSend, float *topSend, float *bottomSend);
+int waitForHalo(MPI_Request *reqRecv, MPI_Request *reqSend);
+float gauss2time(float t, float f, float t0);
+double wallclock_time(void);
+void name_ext(char *filename, char *extension);
+/* Self documentation */
+char *sdoc[] = {
+" ",
+" .. base name for receiver files",
+" . base name for snapshot files",
+"   nx=256 ............ number of samples in x-direction",
+"   ny=nx ............. number of samples in y-direction",
+"   nz=nx ............. number of samples in z-direction",
+"   dx=5 .............. spatial sampling in x-direction",
+"   dy=5 .............. spatial sampling in y-direction",
+"   dz=5 .............. spatial sampling in z-direction",
+"" ,
+"   verbose=0 ......... silent mode; =1: display info",
+" ",
+"      Jan Thorbecke 2016",
+"      Cray / TU Delft",
+"      E-mail: ",
+int main (int argc, char *argv[])
+	modPar mod;
+	recPar rec;
+	snaPar sna;
+	wavPar wav;
+	srcPar src;
+	bndPar bnd;
+	shotPar shot;
+	float *wavelet;
+	int nx, ny, nz, dims[3], period[3], reorder, coord[3], ndims=3;
+	int npx, npy, npz, halo, nt;
+	int my_rank, size, source, dest, snapwritten;
+	int left, right, front, back, top, bottom;
+	int direction, displ, halosizex, halosizey, halosizez;
+	int ioXx, ioXz, ioYx, ioYz, ioZz, ioZx, ioPx, ioPz;
+	int it, ix, iy, iz, iyp, ixp, izp, isrc, ixsrc, iysrc, izsrc, c1, c2;
+	int sizes[3], subsizes[3], starts[3];
+	int gsizes[3], gsubsizes[3], gstarts[3];
+	int error, rc, verbose;
+	float fx, fy, fz, dx, dy, dz, flx, fly, flz;
+	float *p, *vx, *vy, *vz, *rox, *roz, *roy, *l2m, hcp, hro, fac;
+	float *leftRecv, *leftSend, *rightRecv, *rightSend;
+	float *frontRecv, *frontSend, *backRecv, *backSend;
+	float *topRecv, *topSend, *bottomRecv, *bottomSend;
+	float dt, src_ampl, fmax, fpeaksrc, t0src, time, snaptime;
+	double t00, t0, t1, t2, tcomm, tcomp, thcomp, tcopy, ttot, tio;
+	char err_buffer[MPI_MAX_ERROR_STRING];
+	int resultlen;
+	MPI_Request reqSend[6], reqRecv[6];
+	MPI_Status status[12];
+	MPI_Datatype local_array, global_array;
+	MPI_Offset disp;
+	MPI_Info fileinfo;
+	MPI_File fh;
+	char filename[1000], *file_snap, *file_rcv;
+	MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
+	MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &my_rank);
+	MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size);
+	vinit();
+	t0= wallclock_time();
+	initargs(argc,argv);
+	requestdoc(0);
+	if (!getparint("verbose",&verbose)) verbose=0;
+	if (!getparstring("file_snap",&file_snap)) file_snap="";
+	if (!getparstring("file_rcv",&file_rcv)) file_rcv="";
+	getParameters3D(&mod, &rec, &sna, &wav, &src, &shot, &bnd, verbose);
+	/* divide 3D cube among available processors */
+	dims[0]=0; 
+	dims[1]=0;
+	dims[2]=0;
+	MPI_Dims_create(size, ndims, dims);
+	/* dims contains the number of MPI-tasks in each direction */
+	/* set number of grid points based on number of procs in dims */
+	if (!getparint("nx",&nx)) nx=256;
+	if (!getparint("ny",&ny)) ny=nx;
+	if (!getparint("nz",&nz)) nz=nx;
+	if (!getparfloat("dx",&dx)) dx=5.;
+	if (!getparfloat("dy",&dy)) dy=5.;
+	if (!getparfloat("dz",&dz)) dz=5.;
+	halo = 2;
+	/* new larger dimensions to fit with the domain-decomposition */
+	nz=dims[0]*ceil(mod.naz/dims[0]);
+	nx=dims[1]*ceil(mod.nax/dims[1]); 
+	ny=dims[2]*ceil(mod.nay/dims[2]); 
+//	dt=0.001;
+	nt=4096;
+	t0src=0.50;
+	hcp=2000.0;
+	hro=1800.0;
+	tcomm=tcomp=thcomp=tcopy=tio=0.0;
+	/* for stability 10 points per wavelenght */
+	fmax=hcp/(mod.dx*8);
+	dt=0.295*mod.dx/hcp;
+	fpeaksrc=0.2*fmax; /* Ricker wavelet has peak at 1/3 of fmax */
+	fac = mod.dt/mod.dx;
+	fx=-mod.dx*nx/2; fy=-mod.dy*ny/2; fz=0;
+	npz = 2*halo+nz/dims[0];
+	npx = 2*halo+nx/dims[1];
+	npy = 2*halo+ny/dims[2];
+	wavelet = (float *)calloc(nt,sizeof(float));
+	/* find which MPI-task has the source position */
+	snaptime = t0src+1.80*npx*dx*0.5/hcp;
+	snapwritten=0;
+	nt = (int) 1.1*(t0src+snaptime)/dt;
+	nt = (int) (t0src+1.5)/dt;
+	if (verbose && my_rank==0) {
+		fprintf(stderr,"fmax=%f fpeak=%f dt=%e\n", fmax, fpeaksrc, dt);
+		fprintf(stderr,"nx=%d nprocx=%d ny=%d nprocy=%d nz=%d nprocz=%d\n", nx, dims[1], ny, dims[2], nz, dims[0]);
+		fprintf(stderr,"npx=%d npy=%d npz=%d nt=%d time=%f\n", npx, npy, npz, nt, nt*dt);
+		fprintf(stderr,"source expected at local boundary at %f seconds\n", npx*dx*0.5/hcp);
+		fflush(stderr);
+	}
+	if (my_rank==0) fprintf(stderr,"memory per MPI task is %ld MB\n", (6*npx*npy*npz*4/(1024*1024)));
+	/* allocate wavefields and medium properties for local grid domains */
+	p   = (float *)calloc(npx*npy*npz,sizeof(float));
+	vx  = (float *)calloc(npx*npy*npz,sizeof(float));
+	vy  = (float *)calloc(npx*npy*npz,sizeof(float));
+	vz  = (float *)calloc(npx*npy*npz,sizeof(float));
+    /* read velocity and density files */
+    readModel3D(mod, bnd, rox, roz, l2m);
+/* for 2.5 D model npy=1 */
+	rox = (float *)calloc(npx*npy*npz,sizeof(float));
+	roy= (float *)calloc(npx*npy*npz,sizeof(float));
+	roz= (float *)calloc(npx*npy*npz,sizeof(float));
+	l2m = (float *)calloc(npx*npy*npz,sizeof(float));
+	/* define homogeneus model */
+	for (ix=0; ix<npx*1*npz; ix++) {
+		rox[ix]  = fac/hro;
+		roy[ix]  = fac/hro;
+		roz[ix]  = fac/hro;
+		l2m[ix] = fac*hcp*hcp*hro;
+	}
+	/* create cartesian domain decomposition */
+	period[0]=0; 
+	period[1]=0;
+	period[2]=0;
+	reorder=0;
+	MPI_Cart_create(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 3, dims, period, reorder, &COMM_CART);
+	/* find out coordinates of the rank */
+	MPI_Cart_coords(COMM_CART, my_rank, 3, coord);
+	flz = fz+(dz*nz/dims[0])*coord[0];
+	flx = fx+(dx*nx/dims[1])*coord[1];
+	fly = fy+(dy*ny/dims[2])*coord[2];
+	if (verbose>=2) fprintf(stderr,"Rank %d coordinates are %d %d %d orig=(%5.2F, %5.2f, %5.2f) \n", my_rank, coord[0], coord[1], coord[2], flx, fly, flz);
+	fflush(stderr);
+	/* find out neighbours of the rank, MPI_PROC_NULL is a hard boundary of the model */ 
+	displ=1;
+	MPI_Cart_shift(COMM_CART, 1, 1, &left, &right);
+	MPI_Cart_shift(COMM_CART, 2, 1, &top, &bottom);
+	MPI_Cart_shift(COMM_CART, 0, 1, &front, &back);
+	if (verbose>=2) fprintf(stderr, "Rank %d in direction 0 has LR neighbours %d %d FB %d %d TB %d %d\n", my_rank, left, right, front, back, top, bottom);
+	fflush(stderr);
+	/* allocate of halo areas */
+	halosizex = npy*npz*halo;
+	leftRecv  = (float *)calloc(3*halosizex,sizeof(float));
+	rightRecv = (float *)calloc(3*halosizex,sizeof(float));
+	leftSend  = (float *)calloc(3*halosizex,sizeof(float));
+	rightSend = (float *)calloc(3*halosizex,sizeof(float));
+	halosizey = npx*npz*halo;
+	frontRecv = (float *)calloc(3*halosizey,sizeof(float));
+	backRecv  = (float *)calloc(3*halosizey,sizeof(float));
+	frontSend = (float *)calloc(3*halosizey,sizeof(float));
+	backSend  = (float *)calloc(3*halosizey,sizeof(float));
+	halosizez = npy*npx*halo;
+	topRecv    = (float *)calloc(3*halosizez,sizeof(float));
+	bottomRecv = (float *)calloc(3*halosizez,sizeof(float));
+	topSend    = (float *)calloc(3*halosizez,sizeof(float));
+	bottomSend = (float *)calloc(3*halosizez,sizeof(float));
+	if (my_rank==0) fprintf(stderr,"memory per MPI task for halo exchange is %ld MB\n", ((12*(halosizex+halosizey+halosizez))*4/(1024*1024)));
+	/* create subarrays(excluding halo areas) to write to file with MPI-IO */
+	/* data in the local array */
+	sizes[0]=npz; 
+	sizes[1]=npx; 
+	sizes[2]=npy;
+	subsizes[0]=sizes[0]-2*halo; 
+	subsizes[1]=sizes[1]-2*halo;  
+	subsizes[2]=sizes[2]-2*halo;
+	starts[0]=halo; 
+	starts[1]=halo; 
+	starts[2]=halo; 
+	MPI_Type_create_subarray(3, sizes, subsizes, starts, MPI_ORDER_C, 
+                            MPI_FLOAT, &local_array); 
+	MPI_Type_commit(&local_array);
+	/* data in the global array */
+	gsizes[0]=nz; 
+	gsizes[1]=nx; 
+	gsizes[2]=ny;
+	gsubsizes[0]=subsizes[0]; 
+	gsubsizes[1]=subsizes[1];  
+	gsubsizes[2]=subsizes[2];
+	gstarts[0]=subsizes[0]*coord[0]; 
+	gstarts[1]=subsizes[1]*coord[1]; 
+	gstarts[2]=subsizes[2]*coord[2]; 
+	MPI_Type_create_subarray(3, gsizes, gsubsizes, gstarts, MPI_ORDER_C, 
+                            MPI_FLOAT, &global_array); 
+	MPI_Type_commit(&global_array);
+	/* compute field of the inner grid excluding halo areas */
+	ioXx=2;
+	ioXz=ioXx-1;
+	ioYx=2;
+	ioYz=ioYx-1;
+	ioZz=2;
+	ioZx=ioZz-1;
+	ioPx=1;
+	ioPz=ioPx;
+	t00 = wallclock_time();
+	for (it=0; it<nt; it++) {
+		time = it*dt;
+		wavelet[it] = gauss2time(time,fpeaksrc,t0src);
+	}
+	if (my_rank==0) {
+		FILE *fp;
+		fp = fopen("src.bin", "w+");
+		fwrite( wavelet, sizeof(float), nt, fp);
+		fflush(fp);
+		fclose(fp);
+	}
+	nt =1;
+			sprintf(filename,"snap_nz%d_nx%d_ny%d.bin",nz, nx, ny);
+	for (ix=0; ix<npx*npy*npz; ix++) {
+		p[ix]  = my_rank;
+	}
+			MPI_Info_create(&fileinfo);
+			MPI_Info_set(fileinfo, "striping_factor", STRIPE_COUNT);
+			MPI_Info_set(fileinfo, "striping_unit", STRIPE_SIZE);
+			MPI_File_delete(filename, MPI_INFO_NULL);
+			rc = MPI_File_open(MPI_COMM_WORLD, filename, MPI_MODE_RDWR|MPI_MODE_CREATE, fileinfo, &fh);
+			if (rc != MPI_SUCCESS) {
+  				fprintf(stderr, "could not open input file\n");
+  				MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 2);
+			}
+			disp = 0;
+			rc = MPI_File_set_view(fh, disp, MPI_FLOAT, global_array, "native", fileinfo);
+			if (rc != MPI_SUCCESS) {
+				fprintf(stderr, "error setting view on results file\n");
+				MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 4);
+			}
+			rc = MPI_File_write_all(fh, p, 1, local_array, status);
+			if (rc != MPI_SUCCESS) {
+				MPI_Error_string(rc,err_buffer,&resultlen);
+				fprintf(stderr,err_buffer);
+				MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 5);
+			}
+			MPI_File_close(&fh);
+	/* Main loop over the number of time steps */
+	for (it=0; it<nt; it++) {
+		t0 = wallclock_time();
+		time = it*dt;
+		//fprintf(stderr,"modeling time step %d for time %f\n", it, time);
+		/* define source wavelet */
+		wavelet[it] = gauss2time(time,fpeaksrc,t0src);
+		/* update of grid values on halo areas */
+		updateVelocitiesHalo(vx, vy, vz, p, rox, halo, npx, npy, npz);
+		t1 = wallclock_time();
+		thcomp += t1-t0;
+		/* copy of halo areas  */
+		copyHaloVxVz(vx, vz, npx, npy, npz, halo, leftSend, rightSend, frontSend, backSend, topSend, bottomSend);
+		t2 = wallclock_time();
+		tcopy += t2-t1;
+		/* start a-synchronous communication of halo areas to neighbours */
+		/* this is done first for Vx,Vz fields only */
+		exchangeHalo(leftRecv, leftSend, rightRecv, rightSend, 2*halosizex, left, right, &reqRecv[0], &reqSend[0], 0);
+		exchangeHalo(frontRecv, frontSend, backRecv, backSend, 2*halosizey, front, back, &reqRecv[2], &reqSend[2], 4);
+		exchangeHalo(topRecv, topSend, bottomRecv, bottomSend, 2*halosizez, top, bottom, &reqRecv[4], &reqSend[4], 8);
+		t1 = wallclock_time();
+		tcomm += t1-t2;
+		/* compute update on grid values excluding halo areas */
+		updateVelocities(vx, vy, vz, p, rox, halo, npx, npy, npz);
+		t2 = wallclock_time();
+		tcomp += t2-t1;
+		/* wait for Vx.Vz halo exchange */
+		waitForHalo(&reqRecv[0], &reqSend[0]);
+		t1 = wallclock_time();
+		tcomm += t1-t2;
+		/* copy of halo areas  back to arrays */
+		newHaloVxVz(vx, vz, npx, npy, npz, halo, leftRecv, rightRecv, frontRecv, backRecv, topRecv, bottomRecv);
+		t2 = wallclock_time();
+		tcopy += t2-t1;
+		/* add Force source on the Vz grid */
+		src_ampl = wavelet[it];
+		/* check if source position is in local domain */
+		/* for the moment place a source in the middle of each domain */
+		ixsrc = npx/2;
+		iysrc = npy/2;
+		izsrc = npz/2;
+		isrc  = iysrc*npx*npz+ixsrc*npz+izsrc;
+//		fprintf(stderr,"npz=%d npx=%d npy=%d isrc=%d\n", npz, npx, npy, isrc);
+		/* source scaling factor to compensate for discretisation */
+		src_ampl *= rox[isrc]*l2m[isrc]/(dt);
+		/* Force source */
+		//if (my_rank == 0) vz[isrc] += 0.25*src_ampl*ro[isrc]*dz;
+		vz[isrc] += 0.25*src_ampl*rox[isrc]*dz;
+		/* compute field on the grid of the halo areas */
+		updatePressureHalo(vx, vy, vz, p, l2m, halo, npx, npy, npz);
+		t1 = wallclock_time();
+		thcomp += t1-t2;
+		/* copy p-field and sent to neighbours */
+		copyHaloP(p, npx, npy, npz, halo, leftSend, rightSend, frontSend, backSend, topSend, bottomSend);
+		exchangeHalo(leftRecv, leftSend, rightRecv, rightSend, halosizex, left, right, &reqRecv[0], &reqSend[0], 0);
+		exchangeHalo(frontRecv, frontSend, backRecv, backSend, halosizey, front, back, &reqRecv[2], &reqSend[2], 4);
+		exchangeHalo(topRecv, topSend, bottomRecv, bottomSend, halosizez, top, bottom, &reqRecv[4], &reqSend[4], 8);
+		t2 = wallclock_time();
+		tcomm += t2-t1;
+		/* compute update on grid values excluding halo areas */
+		updatePressure(vx, vy, vz, p, l2m, halo, npx, npy, npz);
+		t1 = wallclock_time();
+		tcomp += t1-t2;
+		/* wait for P halo exchange */
+		waitForHalo(&reqRecv[0], &reqSend[0]);
+		t2 = wallclock_time();
+		tcomm += t2-t1;
+		newHaloP(p, npx, npy, npz, halo, leftRecv, rightRecv, frontRecv, backRecv, topRecv, bottomRecv);
+		t1 = wallclock_time();
+		tcopy += t1-t2;
+//		fprintf(stderr,"rank %d did time step %d in %f seconds\n", my_rank, it, t1-t0);
+//		fflush(stderr);
+		/* write snapshots to file */
+//		if (time >= snaptime && !snapwritten) {
+		if ((it+1)%100==0 ) {
+			t1 = wallclock_time();
+			sprintf(filename,"snap_nz%d_nx%d_ny%d_it%4d.bin",nz, nx, ny, it);
+			MPI_Info_create(&fileinfo);
+			MPI_Info_set(fileinfo, "striping_factor", STRIPE_COUNT);
+			MPI_Info_set(fileinfo, "striping_unit", STRIPE_SIZE);
+			MPI_File_delete(filename, MPI_INFO_NULL);
+			rc = MPI_File_open(MPI_COMM_WORLD, filename, MPI_MODE_RDWR|MPI_MODE_CREATE, fileinfo, &fh);
+			if (rc != MPI_SUCCESS) {
+  				fprintf(stderr, "could not open input file\n");
+  				MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 2);
+			}
+			disp = 0;
+			rc = MPI_File_set_view(fh, disp, MPI_FLOAT, global_array, "native", fileinfo);
+			if (rc != MPI_SUCCESS) {
+				fprintf(stderr, "error setting view on results file\n");
+				MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 4);
+			}
+			rc = MPI_File_write_all(fh, p, 1, local_array, status);
+			if (rc != MPI_SUCCESS) {
+				MPI_Error_string(rc,err_buffer,&resultlen);
+				fprintf(stderr,err_buffer);
+				MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 5);
+			}
+			MPI_File_close(&fh);
+/*			MPI_Info_create(&fileinfo);
+			MPI_File_delete(filename, MPI_INFO_NULL);
+			MPI_File_set_view(fh, 0, MPI_FLOAT, global_array, "native", MPI_INFO_NULL);
+			MPI_File_write_all(fh, p, npz*npx*npy, local_array, status);
+			MPI_File_close(&fh);
+			snapwritten+=1;
+			t2 = wallclock_time();
+			tio += t2-t1;
+		}
+	}
+	ttot = wallclock_time() - t00;
+	if (my_rank == 0) {
+		fprintf(stderr,"rank %d total time in %f seconds\n", my_rank, ttot);
+		fprintf(stderr,"rank %d comm  time in %f seconds\n", my_rank, tcomm);
+		fprintf(stderr,"rank %d comp  time in %f seconds\n", my_rank, tcomp);
+		fprintf(stderr,"rank %d hcomp time in %f seconds\n", my_rank, thcomp);
+		fprintf(stderr,"rank %d copy  time in %f seconds\n", my_rank, tcopy);
+		fprintf(stderr,"rank %d io    time in %f seconds\n", my_rank, tio);
+		fprintf(stderr,"rank %d snaphsots written to file\n", snapwritten);
+	}
+	MPI_Finalize();
+	return 0;
+int updateVelocities(float *vx, float *vy, float *vz, float *p, float *ro, int halo, int npx, int npy, int npz)
+	int ix, iy, iz, iyp, ixp, izp, c1, c2, nxz;
+	int ixs, ixe, iys, iye, izs, ize;
+	float DpDx, DpDy, DpDz;
+	nxz=npx*npz;
+	c1 = 9.0/8.0;
+	c2 = -1.0/24.0;
+	ixs=2*halo; ixe=npx-2*halo;
+	iys=2*halo; iye=npy-2*halo;
+	izs=2*halo; ize=npz-2*halo;
+	/* calculate vx,vy,vz for all grid points except on the virtual boundary*/
+#pragma omp for private (iy, ix, iz) nowait
+#pragma ivdep
+	for (iy=iys; iy<iye; iy++) {
+		iyp=iy*nxz;
+		for (ix=ixs; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+			ixp=ix*npz;
+#pragma ivdep
+			for (iz=izs; iz<ize; iz++) {
+				DpDx = Dx(p,ix,iyp,iz,npz);
+				DpDy = Dy(p,ixp,iy,iz,nxz);
+				DpDz = Dz(p,ixp,iyp,iz);
+				vz[iyp+ixp+iz] += ro[iyp+ixp+iz]*DpDz;
+				vx[iyp+ixp+iz] += ro[iyp+ixp+iz]*DpDx;
+				vy[iyp+ixp+iz] += ro[iyp+ixp+iz]*DpDy;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return 0;
+int updateVelocitiesHalo(float *vx, float *vy, float *vz, float *p, float *ro, int halo, int npx, int npy, int npz)
+	int ix, iy, iz, iyp, ixp, izp, c1, c2, nxz;
+	float DpDx, DpDy, DpDz;
+	nxz=npx*npz;
+	c1 = 9.0/8.0;
+	c2 = -1.0/24.0;
+	/* calculate vx,vy,vz for all halo grid points */
+	/* compute halo areas at left side */
+#pragma omp for private (iy, ix, iz) nowait
+	for (iy=halo; iy<npy-halo; iy++) {
+		iyp=iy*nxz;
+		for (ix=halo; ix<2*halo; ix++) {
+			ixp=ix*npz;
+#pragma ivdep
+			for (iz=halo; iz<npz-halo; iz++) {
+				DpDx = Dx(p,ix,iyp,iz,npz);
+				DpDy = Dy(p,ixp,iy,iz,nxz);
+				DpDz = Dz(p,ixp,iyp,iz);
+				vz[iyp+ixp+iz] += ro[iyp+ixp+iz]*DpDz;
+				vx[iyp+ixp+iz] += ro[iyp+ixp+iz]*DpDx;
+				vy[iyp+ixp+iz] += ro[iyp+ixp+iz]*DpDy;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/* compute halo areas at right side */
+	for (iy=halo; iy<npy-halo; iy++) {
+		iyp=iy*nxz;
+		for (ix=npx-2*halo; ix<npx-halo; ix++) {
+			ixp=ix*npz;
+#pragma ivdep
+			for (iz=halo; iz<npz-halo; iz++) {
+				DpDx = Dx(p,ix,iyp,iz,npz);
+				DpDy = Dy(p,ixp,iy,iz,nxz);
+				DpDz = Dz(p,ixp,iyp,iz);
+				vz[iyp+ixp+iz] += ro[iyp+ixp+iz]*DpDz;
+				vx[iyp+ixp+iz] += ro[iyp+ixp+iz]*DpDx;
+				vy[iyp+ixp+iz] += ro[iyp+ixp+iz]*DpDy;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/* compute halo areas at front side */
+	for (iy=halo; iy<2*halo; iy++) {
+		iyp=iy*nxz;
+		for (ix=2*halo; ix<npx-2*halo; ix++) {
+			ixp=ix*npz;
+#pragma ivdep
+			for (iz=halo; iz<npz-halo; iz++) {
+				DpDx = Dx(p,ix,iyp,iz,npz);
+				DpDy = Dy(p,ixp,iy,iz,nxz);
+				DpDz = Dz(p,ixp,iyp,iz);
+				vz[iyp+ixp+iz] += ro[iyp+ixp+iz]*DpDz;
+				vx[iyp+ixp+iz] += ro[iyp+ixp+iz]*DpDx;
+				vy[iyp+ixp+iz] += ro[iyp+ixp+iz]*DpDy;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/* compute halo areas at back side */
+	for (iy=npy-2*halo; iy<npy-halo; iy++) {
+		iyp=iy*nxz;
+		for (ix=2*halo; ix<npx-2*halo; ix++) {
+			ixp=ix*npz;
+#pragma ivdep
+			for (iz=halo; iz<npz-halo; iz++) {
+				DpDx = Dx(p,ix,iyp,iz,npz);
+				DpDy = Dy(p,ixp,iy,iz,nxz);
+				DpDz = Dz(p,ixp,iyp,iz);
+				vz[iyp+ixp+iz] += ro[iyp+ixp+iz]*DpDz;
+				vx[iyp+ixp+iz] += ro[iyp+ixp+iz]*DpDx;
+				vy[iyp+ixp+iz] += ro[iyp+ixp+iz]*DpDy;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/* compute halo areas at top side */
+	for (iy=2*halo; iy<npy-2*halo; iy++) {
+		iyp=iy*nxz;
+		for (ix=2*halo; ix<npx-2*halo; ix++) {
+			ixp=ix*npz;
+#pragma ivdep
+			for (iz=halo; iz<2*halo; iz++) {
+				DpDx = Dx(p,ix,iyp,iz,npz);
+				DpDy = Dy(p,ixp,iy,iz,nxz);
+				DpDz = Dz(p,ixp,iyp,iz);
+				vz[iyp+ixp+iz] += ro[iyp+ixp+iz]*DpDz;
+				vx[iyp+ixp+iz] += ro[iyp+ixp+iz]*DpDx;
+				vy[iyp+ixp+iz] += ro[iyp+ixp+iz]*DpDy;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/* compute halo areas at bottom side */
+	for (iy=2*halo; iy<npy-2*halo; iy++) {
+		iyp=iy*nxz;
+		for (ix=2*halo; ix<npx-2*halo; ix++) {
+			ixp=ix*npz;
+#pragma ivdep
+			for (iz=npz-2*halo; iz<npz-halo; iz++) {
+				DpDx = Dx(p,ix,iyp,iz,npz);
+				DpDy = Dy(p,ixp,iy,iz,nxz);
+				DpDz = Dz(p,ixp,iyp,iz);
+				vz[iyp+ixp+iz] += ro[iyp+ixp+iz]*DpDz;
+				vx[iyp+ixp+iz] += ro[iyp+ixp+iz]*DpDx;
+				vy[iyp+ixp+iz] += ro[iyp+ixp+iz]*DpDy;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return 0;
+int updatePressure(float *vx, float *vy, float *vz, float *p, float *l2m, int halo, int npx, int npy, int npz)
+	int ix, iy, iz, iyp, ixp, izp, c1, c2, nxz;
+	int ixs, ixe, iys, iye, izs, ize;
+	nxz=npx*npz;
+	c1 = 9.0/8.0;
+	c2 = -1.0/24.0;
+	ixs=2*halo; ixe=npx-2*halo;
+	iys=2*halo; iye=npy-2*halo;
+	izs=2*halo; ize=npz-2*halo;
+/* calculate p/tzz for all grid points except on the virtual boundary */
+#pragma omp for private (ix, iz)
+#pragma ivdep
+	for (iy=iys; iy<iye; iy++) {
+		iyp=iy*nxz;
+		for (ix=ixs; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+			ixp=ix*npz;
+#pragma ivdep
+			for (iz=izs; iz<ize; iz++) {
+				p[iyp+ixp+iz] += l2m[iyp+ixp+iz]*(Dv(vx,vz,ix,iy,iz,npz,nxz));
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return 0;
+int updatePressureHalo(float *vx, float *vy, float *vz, float *p, float *l2m, int halo, int npx, int npy, int npz)
+	int ix, iy, iz, iyp, ixp, izp, c1, c2, nxz;
+	nxz=npx*npz;
+	c1 = 9.0/8.0;
+	c2 = -1.0/24.0;
+	/* calculate p/tzz for all grid points except on the virtual boundary */
+	/* compute halo areas at left side */
+#pragma omp for private (iy, ix, iz) nowait
+	for (iy=halo; iy<npy-halo; iy++) {
+		iyp=iy*nxz;
+		for (ix=halo; ix<2*halo; ix++) {
+			ixp=ix*npz;
+#pragma ivdep
+			for (iz=halo; iz<npz-halo; iz++) {
+				p[iyp+ixp+iz] += l2m[iyp+ixp+iz]*(Dv(vx,vz,ix,iy,iz,npz,nxz));
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/* compute halo areas at right side */
+	for (iy=halo; iy<npy-halo; iy++) {
+		iyp=iy*nxz;
+		for (ix=npx-2*halo; ix<npx-halo; ix++) {
+			ixp=ix*npz;
+#pragma ivdep
+			for (iz=halo; iz<npz-halo; iz++) {
+				p[iyp+ixp+iz] += l2m[iyp+ixp+iz]*(Dv(vx,vz,ix,iy,iz,npz,nxz));
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/* compute halo areas at front side */
+	for (iy=halo; iy<2*halo; iy++) {
+		iyp=iy*nxz;
+		for (ix=2*halo; ix<npx-2*halo; ix++) {
+			ixp=ix*npz;
+#pragma ivdep
+			for (iz=halo; iz<npz-halo; iz++) {
+				p[iyp+ixp+iz] += l2m[iyp+ixp+iz]*(Dv(vx,vz,ix,iy,iz,npz,nxz));
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/* compute halo areas at back side */
+	for (iy=npy-2*halo; iy<npy-halo; iy++) {
+		iyp=iy*nxz;
+		for (ix=2*halo; ix<npx-2*halo; ix++) {
+			ixp=ix*npz;
+#pragma ivdep
+			for (iz=halo; iz<npz-halo; iz++) {
+				p[iyp+ixp+iz] += l2m[iyp+ixp+iz]*(Dv(vx,vz,ix,iy,iz,npz,nxz));
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/* compute halo areas at top side */
+	for (iy=2*halo; iy<npy-2*halo; iy++) {
+		iyp=iy*nxz;
+		for (ix=2*halo; ix<npx-2*halo; ix++) {
+			ixp=ix*npz;
+#pragma ivdep
+			for (iz=halo; iz<2*halo; iz++) {
+				p[iyp+ixp+iz] += l2m[iyp+ixp+iz]*(Dv(vx,vz,ix,iy,iz,npz,nxz));
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/* compute halo areas at bottom side */
+	for (iy=2*halo; iy<npy-2*halo; iy++) {
+		iyp=iy*nxz;
+		for (ix=2*halo; ix<npx-2*halo; ix++) {
+			ixp=ix*npz;
+#pragma ivdep
+			for (iz=npz-2*halo; iz<npz-halo; iz++) {
+				p[iyp+ixp+iz] += l2m[iyp+ixp+iz]*(Dv(vx,vz,ix,iy,iz,npz,nxz));
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return 0;
+int exchangeHalo(float *leftRecv, float *leftSend, float *rightRecv, float *rightSend, int size, int leftrank, int rightrank, MPI_Request *reqRecv, MPI_Request *reqSend, int tag)
+	int error, my_rank, ltag;
+	MPI_Status status;
+    MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &my_rank);
+	if (leftrank != MPI_PROC_NULL) {
+		ltag = tag;
+		error = MPI_Irecv(leftRecv, size, MPI_FLOAT, leftrank, ltag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &reqRecv[0]);
+		assert (error == MPI_SUCCESS);
+//		fprintf(stderr,"rank %d recv data from %d left\n", my_rank, leftrank);
+		ltag = tag+1;
+		error = MPI_Isend(leftSend, size, MPI_FLOAT, leftrank, ltag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &reqSend[0]);
+		assert (error == MPI_SUCCESS);
+//		fprintf(stderr,"rank %d send data to %d left\n", my_rank, leftrank);
+	}
+	else {
+		reqRecv[0] = MPI_REQUEST_NULL;
+		reqSend[0] = MPI_REQUEST_NULL;
+	}
+	if (rightrank != MPI_PROC_NULL) {
+		ltag = tag+1;
+		error = MPI_Irecv(rightRecv, size, MPI_FLOAT, rightrank, ltag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &reqRecv[1]);
+//		fprintf(stderr,"rank %d recv data from %d right\n", my_rank, rightrank);
+		assert (error == MPI_SUCCESS);
+		ltag = tag;
+		error = MPI_Isend(rightSend, size, MPI_FLOAT, rightrank, ltag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &reqSend[1]);
+		assert (error == MPI_SUCCESS);
+//		fprintf(stderr,"rank %d send data to %d right\n", my_rank, rightrank);
+	}
+	else {
+		reqRecv[1] = MPI_REQUEST_NULL;
+		reqSend[1] = MPI_REQUEST_NULL;
+	}
+	return 0;
+int waitForHalo(MPI_Request *reqRecv, MPI_Request *reqSend)
+	int i;
+	MPI_Status status;
+	int error;
+	for (i=0; i<6; i++) {
+		error = MPI_Wait(&reqSend[i], &status);
+		assert (error == MPI_SUCCESS);
+	}
+//	MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD);
+	for (i=0; i<6; i++) {
+		error = MPI_Wait(&reqRecv[i], &status);
+		assert (error == MPI_SUCCESS);
+	}
+	return 0;
+int copyHaloVxVz(float *vx, float *vz, int npx, int npy, int npz, int halo, float *leftSend, float *rightSend, float *frontSend, float *backSend, float *topSend, float *bottomSend)
+	int ix, iy, iz, ih, iyp, ixp, halosizex, halosizey, halosizez, nxz;
+	nxz = npx*npz;
+	/* copy halo areas at left side */
+	halosizex = npy*npz*halo;
+	for (iy=halo; iy<npy-halo; iy++) {
+		iyp=iy*nxz;
+		for (ix=halo; ix<2*halo; ix++) {
+			ixp=ix*npz;
+			ih=(ix-halo)*npz;
+#pragma ivdep
+			for (iz=halo; iz<npz-halo; iz++) {
+				leftSend[iy*npz*halo+ih+iz]             = vx[iyp+ixp+iz];
+				leftSend[halosizex+iy*npz*halo+ih+iz]   = vz[iyp+ixp+iz];
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/* copy halo areas at right side */
+	halosizex = npy*npz*halo;
+	for (iy=halo; iy<npy-halo; iy++) {
+		iyp=iy*nxz;
+		for (ix=npx-2*halo; ix<npx-halo; ix++) {
+			ixp=ix*npz;
+			ih=(ix-(npx-2*halo))*npz;
+#pragma ivdep
+			for (iz=halo; iz<npz-halo; iz++) {
+				rightSend[iy*npz*halo+ih+iz]             = vx[iyp+ixp+iz];
+				rightSend[halosizex+iy*npz*halo+ih+iz]   = vz[iyp+ixp+iz];
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/* copy halo areas at front side */
+	halosizey = npx*npz*halo;
+	for (iy=halo; iy<2*halo; iy++) {
+		iyp=iy*nxz;
+		ih=(iy-halo)*nxz;
+		for (ix=0; ix<npx; ix++) {
+			ixp=ix*npz;
+#pragma ivdep
+			for (iz=halo; iz<npz-halo; iz++) {
+				frontSend[ih+ixp+iz]             = vx[iyp+ixp+iz];
+				frontSend[halosizey+ih+ixp+iz]   = vz[iyp+ixp+iz];
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/* copy halo areas at back side */
+	for (iy=npy-2*halo; iy<npy-halo; iy++) {
+		iyp=iy*nxz;
+		ih=(iy-(npy-2*halo))*nxz;
+		for (ix=0; ix<npx; ix++) {
+			ixp=ix*npz;
+#pragma ivdep
+			for (iz=halo; iz<npz-halo; iz++) {
+				backSend[ih+ixp+iz]             = vx[iyp+ixp+iz];
+				backSend[halosizey+ih+ixp+iz]   = vz[iyp+ixp+iz];
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/* copy halo areas at top side */
+	halosizez = npy*npx*halo;
+	for (iy=0; iy<npy; iy++) {
+		iyp=iy*nxz;
+		for (ix=0; ix<npx; ix++) {
+			ixp=ix*npz;
+#pragma ivdep
+			for (iz=halo; iz<2*halo; iz++) {
+				ih=iz-halo;
+				topSend[iy*npx*halo+ix*halo+ih]             = vx[iyp+ixp+iz];
+				topSend[halosizez+iy*npx*halo+ix*halo+ih]   = vz[iyp+ixp+iz];
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/* copy halo areas at bottom side */
+	for (iy=0; iy<npy; iy++) {
+		iyp=iy*nxz;
+		for (ix=0; ix<npx; ix++) {
+			ixp=ix*npz;
+#pragma ivdep
+			for (iz=npz-2*halo; iz<npz-halo; iz++) {
+				ih=(iz-(npz-2*halo));
+				bottomSend[iy*npx*halo+ix*halo+ih]             = vx[iyp+ixp+iz];
+				bottomSend[halosizez+iy*npx*halo+ix*halo+ih]   = vz[iyp+ixp+iz];
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return 0;
+int copyHaloP(float *p, int npx, int npy, int npz, int halo, float *leftSend, float *rightSend, float *frontSend, float *backSend, float *topSend, float *bottomSend)
+	int ix, iy, iz, ih, iyp, ixp, halosizex, halosizey, halosizez, nxz;
+	nxz = npx*npz;
+	/* copy halo areas at left side */
+	halosizex = npy*npz*halo;
+	for (iy=halo; iy<npy-halo; iy++) {
+		iyp=iy*nxz;
+		for (ix=halo; ix<2*halo; ix++) {
+			ixp=ix*npz;
+			ih=(ix-halo)*npz;
+#pragma ivdep
+			for (iz=halo; iz<npz-halo; iz++) {
+				leftSend[iy*npz*halo+ih+iz]             = p[iyp+ixp+iz];
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/* copy halo areas at right side */
+	halosizex = npy*npz*halo;
+	for (iy=halo; iy<npy-halo; iy++) {
+		iyp=iy*nxz;
+		for (ix=npx-2*halo; ix<npx-halo; ix++) {
+			ixp=ix*npz;
+			ih=(ix-(npx-2*halo))*npz;
+#pragma ivdep
+			for (iz=halo; iz<npz-halo; iz++) {
+				rightSend[iy*npz*halo+ih+iz]             = p[iyp+ixp+iz];
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/* copy halo areas at front side */
+	halosizey = npx*npz*halo;
+	for (iy=halo; iy<2*halo; iy++) {
+		iyp=iy*nxz;
+		ih=(iy-halo)*nxz;
+		for (ix=0; ix<npx; ix++) {
+			ixp=ix*npz;
+#pragma ivdep
+			for (iz=halo; iz<npz-halo; iz++) {
+				frontSend[ih+ixp+iz]             = p[iyp+ixp+iz];
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/* copy halo areas at back side */
+	for (iy=npy-2*halo; iy<npy-halo; iy++) {
+		iyp=iy*nxz;
+		ih=(iy-(npy-2*halo))*nxz;
+		for (ix=0; ix<npx; ix++) {
+			ixp=ix*npz;
+#pragma ivdep
+			for (iz=halo; iz<npz-halo; iz++) {
+				backSend[ih+ixp+iz]             = p[iyp+ixp+iz];
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/* copy halo areas at top side */
+	halosizez = npy*npx*halo;
+	for (iy=0; iy<npy; iy++) {
+		iyp=iy*nxz;
+		for (ix=0; ix<npx; ix++) {
+			ixp=ix*npz;
+#pragma ivdep
+			for (iz=halo; iz<2*halo; iz++) {
+				ih=iz-halo;
+				topSend[iy*npx*halo+ix*halo+ih]             = p[iyp+ixp+iz];
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/* copy halo areas at bottom side */
+	for (iy=0; iy<npy; iy++) {
+		iyp=iy*nxz;
+		for (ix=0; ix<npx; ix++) {
+			ixp=ix*npz;
+#pragma ivdep
+			for (iz=npz-2*halo; iz<npz-halo; iz++) {
+				ih=(iz-(npz-2*halo));
+				bottomSend[iy*npx*halo+ix*halo+ih]             = p[iyp+ixp+iz];
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return 0;
+/* copy communicated halo areas back to compute grids */
+int newHaloVxVz(float *vx, float *vz, int npx, int npy, int npz, int halo, float *leftRecv, float *rightRecv, float *frontRecv, float *backRecv, float *topRecv, float *bottomRecv)
+	int ix, iy, iz, ih, iyp, ixp, halosizex, halosizey, halosizez, nxz;
+	nxz = npx*npz;
+	/* copy halo areas at left side */
+	halosizex = npy*npz*halo;
+	for (iy=halo; iy<npy-halo; iy++) {
+		iyp=iy*nxz;
+		for (ix=0; ix<halo; ix++) {
+			ixp=ix*npz;
+			ih=ixp;
+#pragma ivdep
+			for (iz=halo; iz<npz-halo; iz++) {
+				vx[iyp+ixp+iz] = leftRecv[iy*npz*halo+ih+iz];
+				vz[iyp+ixp+iz] = leftRecv[halosizex+iy*npz*halo+ih+iz];
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/* copy halo areas at right side */
+	halosizex = npy*npz*halo;
+	for (iy=halo; iy<npy-halo; iy++) {
+		iyp=iy*nxz;
+		for (ix=npx-halo; ix<npx; ix++) {
+			ixp=ix*npz;
+			ih=(ix-(npx-halo))*npz;
+#pragma ivdep
+			for (iz=halo; iz<npz-halo; iz++) {
+				vx[iyp+ixp+iz] = rightRecv[iy*npz*halo+ih+iz];
+				vz[iyp+ixp+iz] = rightRecv[halosizex+iy*npz*halo+ih+iz];
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/* copy halo areas at front side */
+	halosizey = npx*npz*halo;
+	for (iy=0; iy<halo; iy++) {
+		iyp=iy*nxz;
+		ih=iyp;
+		for (ix=0; ix<npx; ix++) {
+			ixp=ix*npz;
+#pragma ivdep
+			for (iz=halo; iz<npz-halo; iz++) {
+				vx[iyp+ixp+iz] = frontRecv[ih+ixp+iz];
+				vz[iyp+ixp+iz] = frontRecv[halosizey+ih+ixp+iz];
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/* copy halo areas at back side */
+	for (iy=npy-halo; iy<npy; iy++) {
+		iyp=iy*nxz;
+		ih=(iy-(npy-halo))*nxz;
+		for (ix=0; ix<npx; ix++) {
+			ixp=ix*npz;
+#pragma ivdep
+			for (iz=halo; iz<npz-halo; iz++) {
+				vx[iyp+ixp+iz] = backRecv[ih+ixp+iz];
+				vz[iyp+ixp+iz] = backRecv[halosizey+ih+ixp+iz];
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/* copy halo areas at top side */
+	halosizez = npy*npx*halo;
+	for (iy=0; iy<npy; iy++) {
+		iyp=iy*nxz;
+		for (ix=0; ix<npx; ix++) {
+			ixp=ix*npz;
+#pragma ivdep
+			for (iz=0; iz<halo; iz++) {
+				ih=iz;
+				vx[iyp+ixp+iz] = topRecv[iy*npx*halo+ix*halo+ih];
+				vz[iyp+ixp+iz] = topRecv[halosizez+iy*npx*halo+ix*halo+ih];
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/* copy halo areas at bottom side */
+	for (iy=0; iy<npy; iy++) {
+		iyp=iy*nxz;
+		for (ix=0; ix<npx; ix++) {
+			ixp=ix*npz;
+#pragma ivdep
+			for (iz=npz-halo; iz<npz; iz++) {
+				ih=(iz-(npz-halo));
+				vx[iyp+ixp+iz] = bottomRecv[iy*npx*halo+ix*halo+ih];
+				vz[iyp+ixp+iz] = bottomRecv[halosizez+iy*npx*halo+ix*halo+ih];
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return 0;
+/* copy communicated halo areas back to compute grids */
+int newHaloP(float *p, int npx, int npy, int npz, int halo, float *leftRecv, float *rightRecv, float *frontRecv, float *backRecv, float *topRecv, float *bottomRecv)
+	int ix, iy, iz, ih, iyp, ixp, halosizex, halosizey, halosizez, nxz;
+	nxz = npx*npz;
+	/* copy halo areas at left side */
+	halosizex = npy*npz*halo;
+	for (iy=halo; iy<npy-halo; iy++) {
+		iyp=iy*nxz;
+		for (ix=0; ix<halo; ix++) {
+			ixp=ix*npz;
+			ih=ixp;
+#pragma ivdep
+			for (iz=halo; iz<npz-halo; iz++) {
+				p[iyp+ixp+iz] = leftRecv[iy*npz*halo+ih+iz];
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/* copy halo areas at right side */
+	halosizex = npy*npz*halo;
+	for (iy=halo; iy<npy-halo; iy++) {
+		iyp=iy*nxz;
+		for (ix=npx-halo; ix<npx; ix++) {
+			ixp=ix*npz;
+			ih=(ix-(npx-halo))*npz;
+#pragma ivdep
+			for (iz=halo; iz<npz-halo; iz++) {
+				p[iyp+ixp+iz] = rightRecv[iy*npz*halo+ih+iz];
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/* copy halo areas at front side */
+	halosizey = npx*npz*halo;
+	for (iy=0; iy<halo; iy++) {
+		iyp=iy*nxz;
+		ih=iyp;
+		for (ix=0; ix<npx; ix++) {
+			ixp=ix*npz;
+#pragma ivdep
+			for (iz=halo; iz<npz-halo; iz++) {
+				p[iyp+ixp+iz] = frontRecv[ih+ixp+iz];
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/* copy halo areas at back side */
+	for (iy=npy-halo; iy<npy; iy++) {
+		iyp=iy*nxz;
+		ih=(iy-(npy-halo))*nxz;
+		for (ix=0; ix<npx; ix++) {
+			ixp=ix*npz;
+#pragma ivdep
+			for (iz=halo; iz<npz-halo; iz++) {
+				p[iyp+ixp+iz] = backRecv[ih+ixp+iz];
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/* copy halo areas at top side */
+	halosizez = npy*npx*halo;
+	for (iy=0; iy<npy; iy++) {
+		iyp=iy*nxz;
+		for (ix=0; ix<npx; ix++) {
+			ixp=ix*npz;
+#pragma ivdep
+			for (iz=0; iz<halo; iz++) {
+				ih=iz;
+				p[iyp+ixp+iz] = topRecv[iy*npx*halo+ix*halo+ih];
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/* copy halo areas at bottom side */
+	for (iy=0; iy<npy; iy++) {
+		iyp=iy*nxz;
+		for (ix=0; ix<npx; ix++) {
+			ixp=ix*npz;
+#pragma ivdep
+			for (iz=npz-halo; iz<npz; iz++) {
+				ih=(iz-(npz-halo));
+				p[iyp+ixp+iz] = bottomRecv[iy*npx*halo+ix*halo+ih];
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return 0;
+float gauss2time(float t, float f, float t0)
+    float value, time;
+	time = t-t0;
+    value = ((1.0-2.0*M_PI*M_PI*f*f*time*time)*exp(-M_PI*M_PI*f*f*time*time));
+    return value;
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/CMWC4096.c b/fdelmodc3D/CMWC4096.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69ab1fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/CMWC4096.c
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+/* */
+/* random number generator which can be used as an alternative for drand48() */
+static unsigned long Q[4096],c=362436; /* choose random initial c<809430660 and */
+                                         /* 4096 random 32-bit integers for Q[]   */
+void seedCMWC4096(void)
+	int i;
+	for (i=0; i<4096; i++) {
+		Q[i] = lrand48();
+	}
+	return;
+unsigned long CMWC4096(void)
+	unsigned long long t, a=18782LL;
+	static unsigned long i=4095;
+	unsigned long x,r=0xfffffffe;
+	i=(i+1)&4095;
+	t=a*Q[i]+c;
+	c=(t>>32); 
+	x=t+c; 
+	if(x<c){x++;c++;}
+	return(Q[i]=r-x);    
+/* replace defaults with five random seed values in calling program */
+static unsigned long x=123456789,y=362436069,z=521288629,w=88675123,v=886756453;
+unsigned long xorshift(void)
+{unsigned long t;
+ t=(x^(x>>7)); x=y; y=z; z=w; w=v;
+ v=(v^(v<<6))^(t^(t<<13)); return (y+y+1)*v;}
+double dcmwc4096(void)
+	double rd;
+//	rd = ((double)xorshift())/((double)ULONG_MAX);
+	rd = ((double)CMWC4096())/((double)ULONG_MAX);
+	return rd;
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure10.scr b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure10.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e668e4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure10.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+#PBS -l nodes=1
+#PBS -N InterfModeling
+#PBS -q fourweeks
+#PBS -V
+#reference and 2 SI results for visco-acoustic media, 2x200 s. + 2x1 hours 
+export PATH=../../bin:$PATH
+makewave w=g1 fmax=30 t0=0.10 dt=0.0008 nt=4096 db=-40 verbose=1
+makemod sizex=10000 sizez=4100 dx=10 dz=10 cp0=1500 ro0=1000 \
+	intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=400,400 cp=2000 ro=1400 \
+	intt=def poly=2 x=0,2000,3000,5000,7000,8000,10000 z=1100,1100,1100,1600,1100,1100,1100 cp=4000 ro=2000 \
+	intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=2100,2100 cp=3000 ro=1500 \
+	intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=2600,2600 cp=5500 ro=2200
+../fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=2 \
+    Qp=15 \
+ \
+    file_rcv=${base}.su \
+ \
+	rec_delay=0.1 \
+    dtrcv=0.008 \
+    verbose=3 \
+    tmod=4.108 \
+    dxrcv=50.0 \
+    src_random=0 \
+    wav_random=0 \
+    fmax=30 \
+    xsrc=5000 \
+    zsrc=0.0 \
+    dipsrc=0 \
+    ntaper=45 \
+    left=4 right=4 top=1 bottom=4
+makemod sizex=10000 sizez=5000 dx=10 dz=10 cp0=1500 ro0=1000
+../fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=2 \
+    Qp=15 \
+ \
+    file_rcv=${base} \
+ \
+	rec_delay=0.1 \
+    dtrcv=0.008 \
+    verbose=3 \
+    tmod=4.108 \
+    dxrcv=50.0 \
+    src_random=0 \
+    wav_random=0 \
+    fmax=30 \
+    xsrc=5000 \
+    zsrc=0.0 \
+    dipsrc=0 \
+    ntaper=45 \
+    left=4 right=4 top=1 bottom=4
+suop2 ${base} ${base} >
+suwind s=1 j=1 tmax=4 f1=0.0 < | \
+    sushw key=f1,delrt,d2 a=0.0,0.0,50 | \
+    supsimage perc=99 f1=0 f2=-5000 hbox=4 wbox=3 \
+	label1='time (s)' label2='lateral position (m)' \
+    labelsize=10 f2num=-5000 d2num=2500 > shotRefQ_5000_0.eps
+echo $file_shot
+../fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=2 \
+	Qp=15 \
+ \
+	file_rcv=$file_shot \
+	rec_type_p=0 \
+	dtrcv=0.008 \
+	rec_ntsam=16384 \
+	dt=0.0010 \
+	verbose=1 \
+	tmod=$tmod \
+	dxrcv=10.0 \
+	plane_wave=0 \
+	src_random=1 \
+	wav_random=1 \
+	fmax=$fmax \
+	xsrc1=$xsrc1 \
+	xsrc2=$xsrc2 \
+	zsrc1=$zsrc1 \
+	zsrc2=$zsrc2 \
+	tsrc1=0.0 \
+	tsrc2=$tsrc2 \
+	tlength=$tlength \
+	nsrc=$nsrc \
+	dipsrc=0 \
+	ntaper=45 \
+    left=4 right=4 top=1 bottom=4
+    base=`echo $file_shot | awk 'BEGIN { FS = "." } ; { print $1 }'`
+    echo $base
+    SIrand.scr ${base} 10
+../fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=2 \
+ \
+	Qp=15 \
+	file_rcv=$file_shot \
+	rec_type_p=0 \
+	dtrcv=0.008 \
+	rec_ntsam=16384 \
+	dt=0.0010 \
+	verbose=1 \
+	tmod=$tmod \
+	dxrcv=10.0 \
+	plane_wave=0 \
+	src_random=1 \
+	wav_random=1 \
+	fmax=$fmax \
+	xsrc1=$xsrc1 \
+	xsrc2=$xsrc2 \
+	zsrc1=$zsrc1 \
+	zsrc2=$zsrc2 \
+	tsrc1=0.0 \
+	tsrc2=$tsrc2 \
+	tlength=$tlength \
+	nsrc=$nsrc \
+	dipsrc=0 \
+	ntaper=45 \
+    left=4 right=4 top=1 bottom=4
+    base=`echo $file_shot | awk 'BEGIN { FS = "." } ; { print $1 }'`
+    echo $base
+    SIrand.scr ${base} 10
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure10Hom.scr b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure10Hom.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0946199
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure10Hom.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=2
+#PBS -N InterfModeling
+#PBS -q long
+#PBS -V
+export PATH=../../bin:$PATH
+makewave w=g2 fp=10 t0=0.15 dt=0.0010 nt=4096 verbose=1
+makemod sizex=10000 sizez=4100 dx=10 dz=10 cp0=1500 ro0=1000 
+for wav_random in 0 1;
+echo $file_shot
+../fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+ \
+	file_rcv=$file_shot \
+	rec_type_p=0 \
+	dtrcv=0.008 \
+	rec_ntsam=16384 \
+	dt=0.0010 \
+	verbose=1 \
+	tmod=$tmod \
+	dxrcv=10.0 \
+	plane_wave=0 \
+	src_random=1 \
+	wav_random=${wav_random} \
+	fmax=$fmax \
+	xsrc1=$xsrc1 \
+	xsrc2=$xsrc2 \
+	zsrc1=$zsrc1 \
+	zsrc2=$zsrc2 \
+	tsrc1=0.0 \
+	tsrc2=$tsrc2 \
+	tlength=$tlength \
+	nsrc=$nsrc \
+	dipsrc=0 \
+	ntaper=45 \
+    left=4 right=4 top=1 bottom=4
+    base=`echo $file_shot | awk 'BEGIN { FS = "." } ; { print $1 }'`
+    echo $base
+    SIrand.scr ${base} 10
+fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+ \
+	file_rcv=$file_shot \
+	rec_type_p=0 \
+	dtrcv=0.008 \
+	rec_ntsam=16384 \
+	dt=0.0010 \
+	verbose=1 \
+	tmod=$tmod \
+	dxrcv=10.0 \
+	plane_wave=0 \
+	src_random=1 \
+	wav_random=${wav_random} \
+	fmax=$fmax \
+	xsrc1=$xsrc1 \
+	xsrc2=$xsrc2 \
+	zsrc1=$zsrc1 \
+	zsrc2=$zsrc2 \
+	tsrc1=0.0 \
+	tsrc2=$tsrc2 \
+	tlength=$tlength \
+	nsrc=$nsrc \
+	dipsrc=0 \
+	ntaper=45 \
+    left=4 right=4 top=1 bottom=4
+    base=`echo $file_shot | awk 'BEGIN { FS = "." } ; { print $1 }'`
+    echo $base
+    SIrand.scr ${base} 10
+fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+ \
+	file_rcv=$file_shot \
+	rec_type_p=0 \
+	dtrcv=0.008 \
+	rec_ntsam=16384 \
+	dt=0.0010 \
+	verbose=1 \
+	tmod=$tmod \
+	dxrcv=10.0 \
+	plane_wave=1 \
+	xsrc=5000 zsrc=2700 \
+	src_random=0 \
+	wav_random=${wav_random} \
+	fmax=$fmax \
+	tsrc1=0.0 \
+	tsrc2=$tsrc2 \
+	tlength=$tlength \
+	nsrc=$nsrc \
+	dipsrc=0 \
+	ntaper=45 \
+    left=4 right=4 top=1 bottom=4
+    base=`echo $file_shot | awk 'BEGIN { FS = "." } ; { print $1 }'`
+    echo $base
+    SIrand.scr ${base} 10
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure11.scr b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure11.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..73bb58c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure11.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=2
+#PBS -N InterfModeling
+#PBS -q long
+#PBS -V
+# calls fdelmodc_long.scr, can not be reproduced; software in test phase
+echo " This Figure can not be reproduced completely" 
+echo " The progrom corrsmp used is still in test phase"
+echo " Mail if you want to reproduce this Figure."
+~/src/CorrSMP_FD_Files/corrsmp \
+	file_base=long/ \
+	nc=1 nstation=201 fullcorr=1 dt=0.008 \
+	nt=16384 verbose=1 ntc=4096 causal=1
+#results long recordings and using corrsmp
+suwind s=1 j=1 tmax=4 f1=0.0 key=fldr min=101 max=101 < | \
+    sushw key=f1,delrt,d2 a=0.0,0.0,50 | \
+	sufilter amps=0,0.5,1,1,0 f=0,2,3,50,60 | \
+    supsimage perc=99 f1=0 f2=-5000 hbox=4 wbox=3 \
+	label1='time (s)' label2='lateral position (m)' \
+    labelsize=10 f2num=-5000 d2num=2500 > long_Corr_I.eps
+~/src/CorrSMP_FD_Files/corrsmp \
+	file_base=long/ \
+	nc=1 nstation=201 fullcorr=1 dt=0.008 \
+	nt=16384 verbose=1 ntc=4096 file_out=outII causal=2
+suwind s=1 j=1 tmax=4 f1=0.0 key=fldr min=101 max=101 < | \
+    sushw key=f1,delrt,d2 a=0.0,0.0,50 | \
+	sufilter amps=0,0.5,1,1,0 f=0,2,3,50,60 | \
+    supsimage perc=99 f1=0 f2=-5000 hbox=4 wbox=3 \
+	label1='time (s)' label2='lateral position (m)' \
+    labelsize=10 f2num=-5000 d2num=2500 > long_Corr_II.eps
+~/src/CorrSMP_FD_Files/corrsmp \
+	file_base=long/ \
+	nc=1 nstation=201 fullcorr=1 dt=0.008 \
+	nt=16384 verbose=1 ntc=4096 file_out=outIII causal=4
+suwind s=1 j=1 tmax=4 f1=0.0 key=fldr min=101 max=101 < | \
+    sushw key=f1,delrt,d2 a=0.0,0.0,50 | \
+	sufilter amps=0,0.5,1,1,0 f=0,2,3,50,60 | \
+    supsimage perc=99 f1=0 f2=-5000 hbox=4 wbox=3 \
+	label1='time (s)' label2='lateral position (m)' \
+    labelsize=10 f2num=-5000 d2num=2500 > long_Corr_III.eps
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure12.scr b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure12.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8b74e13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure12.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=2
+#PBS -N InterfModeling
+#PBS -q long
+#PBS -V
+# calls fdelmodc_amplitude.scr, can not be reproduced; software in test phase
+echo " This Figure can not be reproduced completely" 
+echo " The progrom corrsmp used is still in test phase"
+echo " Mail if you want to reproduce this Figure."
+#amplitude distribution of sources
+supsgraph wbox=3 hbox=4 style=seimic < \
+    f1=-250 d1=5.05 linecolor=black labelsize=10 titlesize=10  \
+    label1=amplitude label2=occurence > amplitudeDistr.eps
+~/src/CorrSMP_FD_Files/corrsmp \
+	file_base=long/ \
+	nc=1 nstation=201 fullcorr=1 dt=0.008 \
+	nt=16384 verbose=1 ntc=4096 causal=1
+suwind key=fldr min=101 max=101 < >
+suwind s=1 j=1 tmax=4 f1=0.0 < | \
+    sushw key=f1,delrt,d2 a=0.0,0.0,50 | \
+	sufilter amps=0,0.5,1,1,0 f=0,2,3,50,60 | \
+    supsimage perc=99 f1=0 f2=-5000 hbox=4 wbox=3 \
+	label1='time (s)' label2='lateral position (m)' \
+    labelsize=10 f2num=-5000 d2num=2500 > longA_Corr_I.eps
+suwind s=1 j=1 tmax=4 f1=0.0 < | \
+    sushw key=f1,delrt,d2 a=0.0,0.0,50 | \
+	sufilter amps=0,0.5,1,1,0 f=0,2,3,50,60 | \
+    sunormalize norm=rms | \
+    supsimage perc=99 f1=0 f2=-5000 hbox=4 wbox=3 \
+	label1='time (s)' label2='lateral position (m)' \
+    labelsize=10 f2num=-5000 d2num=2500 > longA_norm_Corr_I.eps
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure13.scr b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure13.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e7a7d10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure13.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=2
+#PBS -N InterfModeling
+#PBS -q long
+#PBS -V
+# amplitude variations on source strength, 3x1500 s.
+export PATH=../../bin:$PATH
+makemod sizex=10000 sizez=4100 dx=10 dz=10 cp0=1500 ro0=1000 \
+	intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=400,400 cp=2000 ro=1400 \
+	intt=def poly=2 x=0,2000,3000,5000,7000,8000,10000 z=1100,1100,1100,1600,1100,1100,1100 cp=4000 ro=2000 \
+	intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=2100,2100 cp=3000 ro=1500 \
+	intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=2600,2600 cp=5500 ro=2200
+#Gaussian amplitude distribution
+fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+    file_rcv=$file_shot \
+    rec_type_p=0 \
+    dtrcv=0.008 \
+    rec_ntsam=16384 \
+    dt=0.0010 \
+    verbose=4 \
+    tmod=$tmod \
+    dxrcv=50.0 \
+    plane_wave=0 \
+    amplitude=$A \
+	distribution=1 \
+    src_random=1 \
+    wav_random=1 \
+    fmax=$fmax \
+    xsrc1=$xsrc1 \
+    xsrc2=$xsrc2 \
+    zsrc1=$zsrc1 \
+    zsrc2=$zsrc2 \
+    tsrc1=0.0 \
+    tsrc2=$tsrc2 \
+    tlength=$tlength \
+    nsrc=$nsrc \
+    dipsrc=0 \
+    ntaper=45 \
+    left=4 right=4 top=1 bottom=4
+    base=`echo $file_shot | awk 'BEGIN { FS = "." } ; { print $1 }'`
+    echo $base
+#use clip=500
+    SIrand.scr ${base} 50
+#amplitude distribution of sources
+f1=`surange < | grep f1 | awk '{print $2 }'`
+d1=`surange < | grep d1 | awk '{print $2 }'`
+supsgraph wbox=3 hbox=1 style=normal < \
+    f1=$f1 d1=$d1 d1num=10000 x1end=50000 d2num=1 linecolor=black labelsize=10 titlesize=10  \
+    label1=amplitude label2=occurence > amplitudeDistrGauss${A}.eps
+#Flat amplitude distribution
+fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+    file_rcv=$file_shot \
+    rec_type_p=0 \
+    dtrcv=0.008 \
+    rec_ntsam=16384 \
+    dt=0.0010 \
+    verbose=4 \
+    tmod=$tmod \
+    dxrcv=50.0 \
+    plane_wave=0 \
+    amplitude=$A \
+	distribution=0 \
+    src_random=1 \
+    wav_random=1 \
+    fmax=$fmax \
+    xsrc1=$xsrc1 \
+    xsrc2=$xsrc2 \
+    zsrc1=$zsrc1 \
+    zsrc2=$zsrc2 \
+    tsrc1=0.0 \
+    tsrc2=$tsrc2 \
+    tlength=$tlength \
+    nsrc=$nsrc \
+    dipsrc=0 \
+    ntaper=45 \
+    left=4 right=4 top=1 bottom=4
+    base=`echo $file_shot | awk 'BEGIN { FS = "." } ; { print $1 }'`
+    echo $base
+#use clip=900
+    SIrand.scr ${base} 50
+#amplitude distribution of sources
+#amplitude distribution of sources
+f1=$(echo "scale=3; -5*$A" | bc -l)
+d1=`surange < | grep d1 | awk '{print $2 }'`
+supsgraph wbox=3 hbox=1 style=normal < \
+    f1=$f1 d1=$d1 d1num=10000 x1end=50000 d2num=1 linecolor=black labelsize=10 titlesize=10  \
+    label1=amplitude label2=occurence > amplitudeDistrFlat${A}.eps
+#No amplitude distribution
+fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+    file_rcv=$file_shot \
+    rec_type_p=0 \
+    dtrcv=0.008 \
+    rec_ntsam=16384 \
+    dt=0.0010 \
+    verbose=3 \
+    tmod=$tmod \
+    dxrcv=50.0 \
+    plane_wave=0 \
+    src_random=1 \
+    wav_random=1 \
+    fmax=$fmax \
+    xsrc1=$xsrc1 \
+    xsrc2=$xsrc2 \
+    zsrc1=$zsrc1 \
+    zsrc2=$zsrc2 \
+    tsrc1=0.0 \
+    tsrc2=$tsrc2 \
+    tlength=$tlength \
+    nsrc=$nsrc \
+    dipsrc=0 \
+    ntaper=45 \
+    left=4 right=4 top=1 bottom=4
+    base=`echo $file_shot | awk 'BEGIN { FS = "." } ; { print $1 }'`
+    echo $base
+#use clip=4e-6
+    SIrand.scr ${base} 50
+suspike nt=1000 ntr=1 nspk=1 ix1=1 it1=500 | sugain scale=$nsrc | \
+supsgraph wbox=3 hbox=1 style=normal \
+    f1=-50000 d1=100.1 d1num=10000 d2num=50 x1end=50000 linecolor=black labelsize=10 titlesize=10  \
+    label1=amplitude label2=occurence > amplitude${A}.eps
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure13Amp.scr b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure13Amp.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..717233b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure13Amp.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=2
+#PBS -N InterfModeling
+#PBS -q long
+#PBS -V
+# computes only the amplitude distributions pictures, 5 s.
+export PATH=../../bin:$PATH
+makemod sizex=10000 sizez=4100 dx=10 dz=10 cp0=1500 ro0=1000 \
+	intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=400,400 cp=2000 ro=1400 \
+	intt=def poly=2 x=0,2000,3000,5000,7000,8000,10000 z=1100,1100,1100,1600,1100,1100,1100 cp=4000 ro=2000 \
+	intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=2100,2100 cp=3000 ro=1500 \
+	intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=2600,2600 cp=5500 ro=2200
+#Gaussian amplitude distribution
+../fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+    file_rcv=$file_shot \
+    rec_type_p=0 \
+    dtrcv=0.008 \
+    rec_ntsam=16384 \
+    dt=0.0010 \
+    verbose=4 \
+    tmod=$tmod \
+    dxrcv=50.0 \
+    plane_wave=0 \
+    amplitude=$A \
+	distribution=1 \
+    src_random=1 \
+    wav_random=1 \
+    fmax=$fmax \
+    xsrc1=$xsrc1 \
+    xsrc2=$xsrc2 \
+    zsrc1=$zsrc1 \
+    zsrc2=$zsrc2 \
+    tsrc1=0.0 \
+    tsrc2=$tsrc2 \
+    tlength=$tlength \
+    nsrc=$nsrc \
+    dipsrc=0 \
+    ntaper=45 \
+    left=4 right=4 top=1 bottom=4
+    base=`echo $file_shot | awk 'BEGIN { FS = "." } ; { print $1 }'`
+    echo $base
+#amplitude distribution of sources
+f1=`surange < | grep f1 | awk '{print $2 }'`
+d1=`surange < | grep d1 | awk '{print $2 }'`
+supsgraph wbox=3 hbox=1 style=normal < \
+    f1=$f1 d1=$d1 d1num=10000 x1end=50000 d2num=1 linecolor=black labelsize=10 titlesize=10  \
+    label1=amplitude label2=occurence > amplitudeDistrGauss${A}.eps
+#Flat amplitude distribution
+fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+    file_rcv=$file_shot \
+    rec_type_p=0 \
+    dtrcv=0.008 \
+    rec_ntsam=16384 \
+    dt=0.0010 \
+    verbose=4 \
+    tmod=$tmod \
+    dxrcv=50.0 \
+    plane_wave=0 \
+    amplitude=$A \
+	distribution=0 \
+    src_random=1 \
+    wav_random=1 \
+    fmax=$fmax \
+    xsrc1=$xsrc1 \
+    xsrc2=$xsrc2 \
+    zsrc1=$zsrc1 \
+    zsrc2=$zsrc2 \
+    tsrc1=0.0 \
+    tsrc2=$tsrc2 \
+    tlength=$tlength \
+    nsrc=$nsrc \
+    dipsrc=0 \
+    ntaper=45 \
+    left=4 right=4 top=1 bottom=4
+    base=`echo $file_shot | awk 'BEGIN { FS = "." } ; { print $1 }'`
+    echo $base
+#amplitude distribution of sources
+#amplitude distribution of sources
+f1=$(echo "scale=3; -5*$A" | bc -l)
+d1=`surange < | grep d1 | awk '{print $2 }'`
+supsgraph wbox=3 hbox=1 style=normal < \
+    f1=$f1 d1=$d1 d1num=10000 x1end=50000 d2num=1 linecolor=black labelsize=10 titlesize=10  \
+    label1=amplitude label2=occurence > amplitudeDistrFlat${A}.eps
+#No amplitude distribution
+base=`echo $file_shot | awk 'BEGIN { FS = "." } ; { print $1 }'`
+echo $base
+suspike nt=1000 ntr=1 nspk=1 ix1=1 it1=500 | sugain scale=$nsrc | \
+supsgraph wbox=3 hbox=1 style=normal \
+    f1=-50000 d1=100.1 d1num=10000 d2num=50 x1end=50000 linecolor=black labelsize=10 titlesize=10  \
+    label1=amplitude label2=occurence > amplitude${A}.eps
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure14-15.scr b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure14-15.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..74d1f37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure14-15.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+#PBS -l nodes=1
+#PBS -N InterfModeling
+#PBS -q fourweeks
+#PBS -V
+# receivers and source placed on model with topography, 161 hours
+echo " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" 
+echo " This Figure can not be reproduced completely" 
+echo " The progrom corrsmp used is still in test phase"
+echo " Mail if you want to reproduce this Figure."
+echo " Only the reference response will be modeled"
+export PATH=../../bin:$PATH
+makemod sizex=10000 sizez=4100 dx=5 dz=5 cp0=0 ro0=1000 \
+    orig=0,-800 gradunit=0 \
+    intt=def poly=2 cp=2450 ro=1000 gradcp=14 grad=0 \
+    x=0,1000,1700,1800,2000,3000,4000,4500,6000,6800,7000,7500,8100,8800,10000 \
+    z=-100,-200,-250,-200,-200,-120,-300,-600,-650,-500,-350,-200,-200,-150,-200  \
+    intt=rough var=200,3.2,1 poly=2 x=0,3000,8000,10000 \
+		z=400,250,300,500 cp=4500,4200,4800,4500 ro=1400 gradcp=5 grad=0 \
+    intt=def poly=2 x=0,2000,3000,5000,7000,8000,10000 \
+        z=1100,1100,1100,1600,1100,1100,1100 cp=4000 ro=2000 gradcp=8 grad=0 \
+    intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=1750,2050 cp=4500,5100 ro=1500 gradcp=13 grad=0 \
+    intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=1850,2150 cp=6000,4200 ro=1500 gradcp=14 grad=0 \
+    intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=1950,2250 cp=4800,4800 ro=1500 gradcp=5 grad=0 \
+    intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=2000,2300 cp=6100,5000 ro=1500 gradcp=13 grad=0 \
+    intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=2100,2400 cp=3800,5000 ro=1500 gradcp=20 grad=0 \
+    intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=2150,2450 cp=5000 ro=1500 gradcp=14 grad=0 \
+    intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=2350,2650 cp=5800 ro=1500 gradcp=5 grad=0 \
+    intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=2600,2600 cp=5500 ro=2200 gradcp=5 grad=0
+sushw key=f1 a=0 < | \
+    sushw key=f1 a=0 | \
+    supsimage hbox=6 wbox=8 labelsize=12 f2num=-5000 d2num=1000 \
+    wrgb=0,0,1.0 grgb=0,1.0,0 brgb=1.0,0,0 legend=1 lnice=1 lstyle=vertright \
+    bclip=7053.02 wclip=0 label1="depth [m]" label2="lateral position [m]" \
+    > model2_cp.eps
+makewave w=g2 fmax=45 t0=0.10 dt=$dt nt=4096 db=-40 verbose=1
+extendModel nafter=$ntap nbefore=$ntap nabove=0 nbelow=$ntap >
+extendModel nafter=$ntap nbefore=$ntap nabove=0 nbelow=$ntap >
+fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+    dtrcv=0.004 \
+    verbose=4 \
+    tmod=3.004 \
+    dxrcv=20.0 \
+    zrcv1=-800 \
+    zrcv2=-800 \
+    xrcv1=0 \
+    xrcv2=10000 \
+    sinkdepth=1 \
+    src_random=0 \
+    wav_random=0 \
+    xsrc1=5000 \
+    xsrc2=5000 \
+    zsrc1=-800 \
+    tsrc1=0.0 \
+    dipsrc=1 \
+    ntaper=$ntap \
+    left=4 right=4 top=1 bottom=4
+sushw key=f1,delrt a=0.0,0.0 < | \
+    basop choice=1 shift=-0.1 | \
+    supsimage clip=2e-12 f1=0 f2=-5000 x1end=3.004 hbox=8 wbox=6 \
+    label1="time (s)" label2="lateral position (m)" \
+    labelsize=10 f2num=-5000 d2num=1000 d1num=0.5 > shot_real2_x5000_topo.eps
+#clip minclip=0 < > 
+#addmul  a=8000 | \
+fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+    file_rcv=$file_shot \
+    dtrcv=0.004 \
+    dt=$dt \
+    verbose=4 \
+    rec_ntsam=15000 \
+    tmod=$tmod \
+    dxrcv=20.0 \
+    zrcv1=-800 \
+    zrcv2=-800 \
+    xrcv1=0 \
+    xrcv2=10000 \
+    sinkdepth=1 \
+    src_random=1 \
+    wav_random=1 \
+    fmax=$fmax \
+    xsrc1=$xsrc1 \
+    xsrc2=$xsrc2 \
+    zsrc1=$zsrc1 \
+    zsrc2=$zsrc2 \
+    tsrc1=0.0 \
+    tsrc2=$tsrc2 \
+    tlength=$tlength \
+    nsrc=$nsrc \
+    dipsrc=0 \
+    ntaper=$ntap \
+    left=4 right=4 top=1 bottom=4
+suop2 w1=8000 w2=1.0 op=sum | \
+	sugain nclip=0 | \
+    supsimage hbox=6 wbox=8 labelsize=10 \
+    f2=-5600 f2num=-5000 d2num=1000 f1num=-500 d1num=500 \
+    x2beg=-5000 x2end=5000 legend=1 \
+    bclip=8200 wclip=0 label1="depth (m)" label2="lateral position (m)" \
+    > real_sources_cp.eps
+supsimage < hbox=6 wbox=8 labelsize=10 \
+    f2=-5600 f2num=-5000 d2num=1000 f1num=-500 d1num=500 \
+    x2beg=-5000 x2end=5000 legend=1 bps=24 lstyle=vertright \
+    bclip=6500 label1="depth (m)" label2="lateral position (m)" \
+	brgb=0.1,0.1,0.1 grgb=0.9,0.9,0.9 wrgb=1.0,1.0,1.0 \
+    curve=SrcPositions1500.txt npair=1500 curvecolor=black curvedash=-1 curvewidth=3 \
+    > real_sources_gray_cp.eps
+supsimage hbox=6 wbox=8 labelsize=12 < \
+    f2=-5600 f2num=50000 d2num=1000 f1num=5000 d1num=500 \
+    legend=1 lnice=1 \
+    label1=" " label2=" " bclip=1 wclip=0 \
+    > rec_pos_real2.eps
+export MKL_SERIAL=yes
+$HOME/src/CorrSMP_FD_Files/corrsmp ntc=2048 fmax=60 \
+	verbose=3 nstation=501 \
+ nc=1 fullcorr=1 dt=0.004 nt=15000
+suwind key=fldr min=251 max=251 < | \
+    supsimage clip=5e-13 f1=0 f2=-5000 d2=20 x1end=3.004 hbox=8 wbox=6 \
+    label1="time (s)" label2="lateral position (m)" \
+    labelsize=10 f2num=-5000 d2num=1000 d1num=0.5 > corr_real2_x5000_topo.eps
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure17_19AppendixA.scr b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure17_19AppendixA.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5a3207c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure17_19AppendixA.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+#PBS -l nodes=1
+#PBS -N InterfModeling
+#PBS -q fourweeks
+#PBS -V
+export PATH=../../bin:$PATH
+which fdelmodc
+makemod sizex=10000 sizez=4100 dx=10 dz=10 cp0=1500 ro0=1000 \
+	intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=400,400 cp=2000 ro=1400 \
+	intt=def poly=2 x=0,2000,3000,5000,7000,8000,10000 \
+		z=1100,1100,1100,1600,1100,1100,1100 cp=4000 ro=2000 \
+	intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=2100,2100 cp=3000 ro=1500 \
+	intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=2600,2600 cp=5500 ro=2200
+makewave w=g2 fmax=45 t0=0.10 dt=0.001 nt=4096 db=-40 verbose=1
+fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+	file_rcv=$file_shot \
+	dtrcv=0.008 \
+	dt=0.0010 \
+	verbose=4 \
+	tmod=10.000 \
+	dxrcv=20.0 \
+	zrcv1=10 \
+	zrcv2=10 \
+	xrcv1=0 \
+	xrcv2=10000 \
+	src_random=1 \
+	wav_random=1 \
+	fmax=30 \
+	xsrc1=$xsrc1 \
+	xsrc2=$xsrc2 \
+	zsrc1=$zsrc1 \
+	zsrc2=$zsrc2 \
+	tsrc1=0.0 \
+	tsrc2=5.0 \
+	nsrc=20 \
+	dipsrc=0 \
+	ntaper=45 \
+	tsnap1=0.1 tsnap2=6.0 dtsnap=0.2 \
+    left=4 right=4 top=1 bottom=4 \
+    nxmax=2500 nzmax=1400 ntmax=10000
+psgraph < srcTimeLengthN\=10001.bin n1=10001 \
+    labelsize=12 d1=0.001 style=normal linecolor=blue \
+    label1="start time (s)" label2="source duration (s)" \
+    d1num=1 d2num=1 wbox=8 hbox=4 x1end=5 > srcTimeLength.eps
+supswigp < \
+	labelsize=10 label1='time (s)' label2='source number' x1end=6 \
+	d2=1 d2num=1 hbox=4 wbox=6 fill=0 \
+	titlesize=-1 > src_nwav.eps
+suwind < key=tracl min=11 max=11 | \
+	supsgraph hbox=2 wbox=4 style=normal \
+	labelsize=10 label2='amplitude' label1='time (s)' \
+	titlesize=-1 d1num=1.0 > src11_wiggle.eps
+suwind < key=tracl min=11 max=11 | \
+	supsgraph hbox=2 wbox=4 style=normal \
+	labelsize=10 label2='amplitude' label1='time (s)' \
+	titlesize=-1 x1end=0.05 > src11_wiggle_zbeg.eps
+suwind < key=tracl min=11 max=11 | \
+	supsgraph hbox=2 wbox=4 style=normal \
+	labelsize=10 label2='amplitude' label1='time (s)' \
+	titlesize=-1 x1beg=3.60 x1end=3.65 > src11_wiggle_zend.eps
+suwind < key=tracl min=11 max=11 | \
+	sufft | suamp| supsgraph hbox=2 wbox=4 style=normal \
+	labelsize=10 label2='amplitude' label1='frequency (Hz)' \
+	titlesize=-1 x1end=100 d1num=10 > src11_ampl.eps
+fconv auto=1 shift=1 mode=cor1 | \
+	sugain qbal=1 | \
+	supswigp x1beg=-1 x1end=1 d2num=1 hbox=4 wbox=6 \
+	labelsize=10 label2='source number' label1='time (s)' \
+	titlesize=-1 fill=0 > src_nwav_autoCorr_Norm.eps
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure2.scr b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure2.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c05fc2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure2.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=2
+#PBS -N InterfModeling
+#PBS -V
+# starts fdelmodc only to compute the source positions, 1 s.
+export PATH=../../bin:$PATH
+makemod sizex=10000 sizez=5000 dx=5 dz=5 cp0=0 ro0=1000 \
+   intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=900,900 cp=1500 ro=1000 \
+   intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=1300,1300 cp=2000 ro=1400 \
+   intt=def poly=2 x=0,2000,3000,5000,7000,8000,10000 \
+   z=2000,2000,2000,2500,2000,2000,2000 cp=4000 ro=2000 \
+   intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=3000,3000 cp=3000 ro=1500 \
+   intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=3500,3500 cp=5500 ro=2200
+suwind itmin=181 < | sushw key=f1 a=0 >
+suwind itmin=181 < | sushw key=f1 a=0 >
+#Figure 2b,c,d,e,f
+echo $file_shot
+#dummy modeling just to generate the source positions to be used in the Figure 
+../fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+    file_rcv=$file_shot \
+    rec_type_p=0 \
+    dtrcv=0.008 \
+    rec_ntsam=16384 \
+    dt=0.0005 \
+    verbose=4 \
+    tmod=$tmod \
+    dxrcv=50.0 \
+    plane_wave=0 \
+    amplitude=0 \
+    xsrc=5000 zsrc=2700 \
+    src_random=1 \
+    wav_random=1 \
+    fmax=$fmax \
+    xsrc1=$xsrc1 \
+    xsrc2=$xsrc2 \
+    zsrc1=$zsrc1 \
+    zsrc2=$zsrc2 \
+    tsrc1=0.0 \
+    tsrc2=$tsrc2 \
+    tlength=$tlength \
+    nsrc=$nsrc \
+    ntaper=45 \
+    left=4 right=4 top=1 bottom=4 
+#Figure 2
+suop2 w1=7000 w2=1.0 op=sum | \
+    sugain nclip=1500 | \
+    sushw key=f1,f2 a=0,-5000 | \
+    supsimage hbox=6 wbox=8 labelsize=10 \
+    f2num=-5000 d2num=1000 f1num=-500 d1num=500 \
+    x2beg=-5000 x2end=5000 x1beg=-900 x1end=4000 \
+    bclip=7000 wclip=0 label1="depth (m)" label2="lateral position (m)" \
+    x2beg=-5000 x2end=5000 \
+    > simple_sources_cp.eps
+# laternative color scheme for above picture
+#    wrgb=0,0,1.0 grgb=0,1.0,0 brgb=1.0,0,0 x2beg=-5000 x2end=5000 \
+supsimage hbox=6 wbox=8 labelsize=18 < \
+    f2=-5000 f2num=-5000 d2num=1000 f1num=-500 d1num=500 \
+    x2beg=-5000 x2end=5000 x1beg=-900 x1end=4000 \
+    label1="depth (m)" label2="lateral position (m)" \
+    wrgb=0,0,1.0 grgb=0,1.0,0 brgb=1.0,0,0 x2beg=-5000 x2end=5000 \
+    > simple_cp.eps
+# use adapted psimage from su to plot points using curve function
+supsimage hbox=6 wbox=8 labelsize=10 < \
+    f1=-900 f2=-5000 f2num=-5000 d2num=1000 f1num=-500 d1num=500 \
+    x2beg=-5000 x2end=5000 x1beg=-900 x1end=4000 \
+    label1="depth (m)" label2="lateral position (m)" \
+    wrgb=0,0,1.0 grgb=0,1.0,0 brgb=1.0,0,0 x2beg=-5000 x2end=5000 \
+	curve=SrcPositions1000.txt npair=1000 curvecolor=black curvedash=-1 curvewidth=1 \
+    > simple_srcpos_cp.eps
+supsimage hbox=6 wbox=8 labelsize=18 <\
+    f2num=50000 d2num=1000 f1num=50000 d1num=500 \
+    bclip=1 wclip=0 label1=" " label2=" "\
+    > sources.eps
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure20AppendixA.scr b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure20AppendixA.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..bf5e23a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure20AppendixA.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=2
+#PBS -N InterfModeling
+#PBS -V
+halfdt=`perl -e "print 0.5*$dt;"`
+export PATH=../../bin:$PATH
+makemod sizex=2000 sizez=2000 dx=$dx dz=$dx cp0=$cp ro0=$rho orig=-1000,0
+makewave fp=15 dt=$dt nt=4096 t0=0.1
+######### MONOPOLE #######
+../fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 iorder=4 \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+    src_type=1 \
+    rec_type_p=1 \
+    rec_int_vz=2 \
+    dtrcv=0.0005 \
+    verbose=2 \
+    tmod=0.5115 \
+    dxrcv=5.0 \
+    xrcv1=-500 xrcv2=500 \
+    zrcv1=500 zrcv2=500 \
+    xsrc=0 zsrc=1000 \
+    ntaper=80 \
+    left=4 right=4 top=4 bottom=4 
+makewave fp=15 dt=0.0005 nt=4096 t0=0.1
+green c=$cp rho=$rho zsrc1=500 xrcv=-500,500 dxrcv=5 nt=4096 dip=0 | suwind nt=1024 >  
+green c=$cp rho=$rho zsrc1=500 xrcv=-500,500 dxrcv=5 nt=4096 dip=0 p_vz=1 | suwind nt=1024 >
+# rp
+(suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < | basop choice=shift shift=$halfdt; suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < ) | basop choice=shift shift=-0.1 | supsgraph style=normal  labelsize=10 wbox=4 hbox=2 label1='time in seconds' label2="Amplitude" linewidth=0.1 d2num=0.04 x2end=0.080 f2num=-0.4 > mon_rp.eps
+(suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < | basop choice=shift shift=$halfdt; suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 <;) | basop choice=shift shift=-0.1 | supsgraph style=normal labelsize=10 wbox=2 hbox=2 label1='time in seconds' label2="Amplitude" linewidth=0.1 linecolor=red,green x1beg=0.255 x1end=0.258 x2beg=0.0785 x2end=0.0797 d2num=0.0002 f2num=0.0786 > mon_zoom_rp.eps
+suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < | basop choice=shift shift=$halfdt >
+suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < >
+sumax < outpar=nep
+Mmax=`cat nep | awk '{print $1}'`
+a=`perl -e "print 100.0/$Mmax;"`
+echo $a
+sudiff | basop choice=shift shift=-0.1 | sugain scale=$a | suop op=abs | supsgraph style=normal labelsize=12 wbox=4 hbox=2 label1='time in seconds' label2="Relative error in percentage of peak" linewidth=0.1 linecolor=red x2beg=0.0 x2end=1.0 f2num=0.0 d2num=0.5  > mon_diff_dx${dx}_rp.eps
+(suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < | basop choice=shift shift=$halfdt; suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < ) | basop choice=shift shift=-0.1 | suxgraph 
+# rvz
+(suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < ; suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < ) | basop choice=shift shift=-0.1 | supsgraph style=normal labelsize=10 wbox=4 hbox=2 label1='time in seconds' label2="Amplitude" linewidth=0.1 d2num=2e-8 f2num=-4e-8 x2end=4e-8 x2beg=-2.7e-8 > mon_rvz.eps
+(suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < ; suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < ) | basop choice=shift shift=-0.1 | supsgraph style=normal labelsize=10 wbox=2 hbox=2 label1='time in seconds' label2="Amplitude" linewidth=0.1 linecolor=red,green d2num=2e-10 f2num=3.86e-8 x2end=3.96e-8 x2beg=3.86e-8 x1beg=0.255 x1end=0.258 > mon_zoom_rvz.eps
+suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < >
+suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < >
+sumax < outpar=nep
+Mmax=`cat nep | awk '{print $1}'`
+a=`perl -e "print 100.0/$Mmax;"`
+echo $a
+sudiff | basop choice=shift shift=-0.1 | sugain scale=$a | suop op=abs | supsgraph style=normal labelsize=12 wbox=4 hbox=2 label1='time in seconds' label2="Relative error in percentage of peak" linewidth=0.1 linecolor=red  x2beg=0.0 x2end=1.0 f2num=0.0 d2num=0.5   > mon_diff_dx${dx}_rvz.eps
+(suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < ; suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < | basop choice=shift shift=-0.1 | suxgraph
+######### DIPOLE #######
+makewave fp=15 dt=$dt nt=4096 t0=0.1
+fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 iorder=4 \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+    src_type=1 \
+    src_orient=2 \
+    rec_type_p=1 \
+    rec_int_vz=2 \
+    dtrcv=0.0005 \
+    verbose=2 \
+    tmod=0.5115 \
+    dxrcv=5.0 \
+    xrcv1=-500 xrcv2=500 \
+    zrcv1=500 zrcv2=500 \
+    xsrc=0 zsrc=1000 \
+    ntaper=80 \
+    left=4 right=4 top=4 bottom=4 
+makewave fp=15 dt=0.0005 nt=4096 t0=0.1
+green c=$cp rho=$rho zsrc1=500 xrcv=-500,500 dxrcv=5 nt=4096 dip=1 | suwind nt=1024 >  
+green c=$cp rho=$rho zsrc1=500 xrcv=-500,500 dxrcv=5 nt=4096 p_vz=1 dip=1 | suwind nt=1024 > 
+shift=`perl -e "print 0.5*$dx/$cp;"`
+# rp
+(suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < | basop choice=shift shift=-$shift; suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < ) | basop choice=shift shift=-0.1 | supsgraph style=normal titlesize=-1 labelsize=10 wbox=4 hbox=2 label1='time in seconds' label2="Amplitude" linewidth=0.1 linecolor=red,green d2num=0.001 x2end=0.004001 f2num=-0.03 > dip_rp.eps
+(suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < | basop choice=shift shift=-$shift; suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < ) | basop choice=shift shift=-0.1 | supsgraph style=normal labelsize=10 wbox=2 hbox=2 label1='time in seconds' label2="Amplitude" linewidth=0.1 linecolor=red,green  x2beg=0.00379 x2end=0.00388 d2num=0.00002 f2num=0.00380 x1beg=0.2430 x1end=0.24601 f1num=0.243 d1num=0.002 > dip_zoom_rp.eps
+suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < | basop choice=shift shift=-$shift >
+suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 <  >
+sumax < outpar=nep
+Mmax=`cat nep | awk '{print $1}'`
+a=`perl -e "print 100.0/$Mmax;"`
+echo $a
+sudiff | basop choice=shift shift=-0.1 | sugain scale=$a | suop op=abs | supsgraph style=normal labelsize=12 wbox=4 hbox=2 label1='time in seconds' label2="Relative error in percentage of peak" linewidth=0.1 linecolor=red  x2beg=0.0 x2end=1.0 f2num=0.0 d2num=0.5 > dip_diff_dx${dx}_rp.eps
+(suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < | basop choice=shift shift=-$shift ; suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < ) |  basop choice=shift shift=-0.1 | suxgraph
+# rvz
+(suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < | basop choice=shift shift=-$shift; suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < ) | basop choice=shift shift=-0.1 | supsgraph style=normal labelsize=10 wbox=4 hbox=2 label1='time in seconds' label2="Amplitude" linewidth=0.1 linecolor=red,green d2num=6e-10 f2num=-1.2e-9 x2end=2e-9 x2beg=-1.3e-9 > dip_rvz.eps
+(suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < | basop choice=shift shift=-$shift; suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < ) | basop choice=shift shift=-0.1 | supsgraph style=normal labelsize=10 wbox=2 hbox=2 label1='time in seconds' label2="Amplitude" linewidth=0.1 linecolor=red,green d2num=2e-11 f2num=1.85e-9 x2end=1.944e-9 x2beg=1.85e-9 x1beg=0.2430 x1end=0.24601 f1num=0.243 d1num=0.002 > dip_zoom_rvz.eps
+suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < | basop choice=shift shift=-$shift >
+suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < >
+sumax < outpar=nep
+Mmax=`cat nep | awk '{print $1}'`
+a=`perl -e "print 100.0/$Mmax;"`
+echo $a
+sudiff | basop choice=shift shift=-0.1 | sugain scale=$a | suop op=abs | supsgraph style=normal labelsize=12 wbox=4 hbox=2 label1='time in seconds' label2="Relative error in percentage of peak" linewidth=0.1 linecolor=red  x2beg=0.0 x2end=1.0 f2num=0.0 d2num=0.5  > dip_diff_dx${dx}_rvz.eps
+(suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < | basop choice=shift shift=-$shift; suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < ) | basop choice=shift shift=-0.1 | suxgraph
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure3.scr b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure3.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1845fe6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure3.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+#Forward model all source positions one by one (this takes a very long time)
+# calls Simple_model_base, and Simple_model_sides.scr, 122 hours!
+export PATH=../../bin:$PATH
+# Correlation horizontal layer 
+export dxsrc=10
+export xsrc1=1000
+export xsrc2=9000
+export xrcv1=0
+export xrcv2=10000
+export file_out=/tmp/
+export dxrcv=50
+(( nshots = ($xsrc2-$xsrc1)/$dxsrc + 1 ))
+(( nrecv  = ($xrcv2-$xrcv1)/$dxrcv + 1 ))
+(( middle = $xsrc1 + (($nshots-1)/2)*$dxsrc ))
+(( xa = ($nrecv+1)/2 ))
+(( xsrc_sim = $xrcv1 + ($xa-1)*$dxrcv ))
+echo xsrc_sim=$xsrc_sim
+echo nshot=$nshots
+echo nrec=$nrecv
+echo xa=$xa
+echo middle=$middle
+# first do the correlation with the middle trace of each shot
+rm -rf $file_out
+for (( xsrc = $xsrc1; xsrc<=$xsrc2; xsrc+=$dxsrc )) do
+  echo $xsrc $middle;
+  sxkey=${xsrc}000
+  suwind key=sx min=$sxkey  max=$sxkey < $file_in >
+  suwind key=tracl min=$xa max=$xa < | \
+  fconv mode=cor2 shift=1 >> $file_out
+#then sort on constant gx values and stack all traces belonging to the same gx (=sum over sx)
+(( f2 = -($middle-$xrcv1) ))
+susort < $file_out gx > /tmp/
+sustack key=gx < /tmp/ | sushw key=f2 a=$f2 > corr_stack${dxrcv}_${xsrc_sim}_${dxsrc}.su
+#Correlation sides 
+export fldr1=902
+export fldr2=1621
+echo $xsrc_sim
+echo $nshots
+echo $nrecv
+echo $xa
+echo $middle
+rm -rf $file_out
+for (( fldr = $fldr1; fldr<=$fldr2; fldr+=1 )) do
+  echo $fldr;
+  suwind key=fldr min=$fldr  max=$fldr < $file_in >
+  suwind key=tracl min=$xa max=$xa < | \
+  fconv mode=cor2 shift=1 >> $file_out
+(( f2 = -($middle-$xrcv1) ))
+susort < $file_out gx >
+sustack key=gx < | sushw key=f2 a=$f2 >  corr_stack${dxrcv}_sides_$
+rm $file_out /tmp/
+# sources at left and right sides of the model receivers on top gray scales dxrc
+cat | \
+    suwind tmax=4 tmin=0 f1=-8.008 | \
+    sushw key=f1,delrt a=0.0,0.0 | \
+    sufilter amps=0,0.5,1,1,0 f=0,2,3,50,60 | \
+    supsimage clip=2e-15 f1=0 f2=-5000 hbox=4 wbox=3 \
+    labelsize=10 f2num=-5000 d2num=2500 \
+    label1='time (s)' label2='lateral position (m)' > SimCorr50_sides_sx5000_simple.eps
+cat | \
+    suwind tmax=4 tmin=0 f1=-8.008 | \
+    sushw key=f1,delrt a=0.0,0.0 | \
+    sufilter amps=0,0.5,1,1,0 f=0,2,3,50,60 | \
+    supsimage clip=2e-15 f1=0 f2=-5000 hbox=4 wbox=3 \
+    labelsize=10 f2num=-5000 d2num=2500 \
+    label1='time (s)' label2='lateral position (m)'> SimCorr50_sx5000_simple.eps
+susum | \
+    suwind tmax=4 tmin=0 f1=-8.008 | \
+    sushw key=f1,delrt a=0.0,0.0 | \
+    sufilter amps=0,0.5,1,1,0 f=0,2,3,50,60 | \
+    supsimage clip=2e-15 f1=0 f2=-5000 hbox=4 wbox=3 \
+    labelsize=10 f2num=-5000 d2num=2500 \
+    label1='time (s)' label2='lateral position (m)'> SimCorr50_add_sides_sx5000_simple.eps
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure3_nofree.scr b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure3_nofree.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..51083b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure3_nofree.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=2
+#PBS -N InterfModeling
+#PBS -V
+# direct modeled reference result Figure 3d, 500 s. 
+export PATH=../../bin:$PATH
+makewave w=g1 fmax=45 t0=0.15 dt=0.0005 nt=4096 db=-40 verbose=1
+fconv mode=cor1 verbose=1 >
+	basop choice=shift shift=0.2 dx=1 >
+makemod sizex=10000 sizez=5000 dx=5 dz=5 cp0=1500 ro0=1000 \
+   intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=1300,1300 cp=2000 ro=1400 \
+   intt=def poly=2 x=0,2000,3000,5000,7000,8000,10000 \
+   z=2000,2000,2000,2500,2000,2000,2000 cp=4000 ro=2000 \
+   intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=3000,3000 cp=3000 ro=1500 \
+   intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=3500,3500 cp=5500 ro=2200 
+sushw key=f1 a=-900 < >
+sushw key=f1 a=-900 < >
+../fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+ \
+    fmax=45 \
+    file_rcv=$file_shot \
+    rec_type_p=0 \
+    dtrcv=0.008 \
+    verbose=4 \
+    rec_delay=0.2 \
+    tmod=4.2 \
+    dxrcv=50.0 \
+	zrcv1=0  \
+	zrcv2=0  \
+	xrcv1=0 xrcv2=10000 \
+    plane_wave=0 \
+    amplitude=0 \
+    xsrc=${xsrc} zsrc=0 \
+    ntaper=45 \
+    left=4 right=4 top=4 bottom=4 
+suwind s=1 j=1 tmax=4.008 f1=0.0 < shotRefNofree_x${xsrc} | \
+    sushw key=f1,delrt,d2 a=0.0,0.0,50 | \
+	sugain scale=-1 | \
+    supsimage f1=0 f2=-5000 hbox=4 wbox=3 x1end=4.0 \
+    labelsize=10 f2num=-5000 d2num=2500 verbose=1 clip=2e-7 \
+    label1='time (s)' label2='lateral position (m)' > shotRefNofree_5000_0.eps
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure3_ref.scr b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure3_ref.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..442210c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure3_ref.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=2
+#PBS -N InterfModeling
+#PBS -V
+# direct modeled reference result Figure 3d, 500 s. 
+export PATH=../../bin:$PATH
+makewave w=g1 fmax=45 t0=0.15 dt=0.0005 nt=4096 db=-40 verbose=1
+fconv mode=cor1 verbose=1 >
+	basop choice=shift shift=0.2 dx=1 >
+makemod sizex=10000 sizez=5000 dx=5 dz=5 cp0=1500 ro0=1000 \
+   intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=1300,1300 cp=2000 ro=1400 \
+   intt=def poly=2 x=0,2000,3000,5000,7000,8000,10000 \
+   z=2000,2000,2000,2500,2000,2000,2000 cp=4000 ro=2000 \
+   intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=3000,3000 cp=3000 ro=1500 \
+   intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=3500,3500 cp=5500 ro=2200
+suwind itmin=181 < | sushw key=f1 a=0 >
+suwind itmin=181 < | sushw key=f1 a=0 >
+../fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+ \
+    fmax=45 \
+    file_rcv=$file_shot \
+    rec_type_p=0 \
+    dtrcv=0.008 \
+    verbose=4 \
+    rec_delay=0.2 \
+    tmod=0.5 \
+    dxrcv=50.0 \
+    plane_wave=0 \
+    amplitude=0 \
+    xsrc=${xsrc} zsrc=5 \
+    ntaper=45 \
+    left=4 right=4 top=1 bottom=4  verbose=1
+suwind s=1 j=1 tmax=4.008 f1=0.0 < shotRef_x${xsrc} | \
+    sushw key=f1,delrt,d2 a=0.0,0.0,50 | \
+	sugain scale=-1 | \
+    supsimage f1=0 f2=-5000 hbox=4 wbox=3 x1end=4.0 \
+    labelsize=10 f2num=-5000 d2num=2500 verbose=1 clip=2e-7 \
+    label1='Time (s)' label2='Lateral position (m)' > shotRef_5000_0.eps
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure4.scr b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure4.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..991f075
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure4.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=2
+#PBS -N InterfModeling
+#PBS -V
+# inside the length loop the script SIrand.scr is called to compute the retrieved response from the modeled data
+# 5 different source signature lengths, 5x3.5 hours
+export PATH=../../bin:$PATH
+makemod sizex=10000 sizez=5000 dx=5 dz=5 cp0=1500 ro0=1000 \
+   intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=1300,1300 cp=2000 ro=1400 \
+   intt=def poly=2 x=0,2000,3000,5000,7000,8000,10000 \
+   z=2000,2000,2000,2500,2000,2000,2000 cp=4000 ro=2000 \
+   intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=3000,3000 cp=3000 ro=1500 \
+   intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=3500,3500 cp=5500 ro=2200
+suwind itmin=181 < | sushw key=f1 a=0 >
+suwind itmin=181 < | sushw key=f1 a=0 >
+#Figure 7b,c,d,e,f
+for tlength in 120 60 30 10 5; 
+    file_shot=shotR_T${tmod}_S${nsrc}_Dt${tlength}_F${fmax}.su
+    echo $file_shot
+    fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+    file_rcv=$file_shot \
+    rec_type_p=0 \
+    dtrcv=0.008 \
+    rec_ntsam=16384 \
+    dt=0.0005 \
+    verbose=2 \
+    tmod=$tmod \
+    dxrcv=50.0 \
+    plane_wave=0 \
+    amplitude=0 \
+    xsrc=5000 zsrc=2700 \
+    src_random=1 \
+    wav_random=1 \
+    fmax=$fmax \
+    xsrc1=$xsrc1 \
+    xsrc2=$xsrc2 \
+    zsrc1=$zsrc1 \
+    zsrc2=$zsrc2 \
+    tsrc1=0.0 \
+    tsrc2=$tsrc2 \
+    tlength=$tlength \
+    nsrc=$nsrc \
+    ntaper=45 \
+    left=4 right=4 top=1 bottom=4 
+	base=`echo $file_shot | awk 'BEGIN { FS = "." } ; { print $1 }'`
+	echo $base
+	SIrand.scr ${base} 50
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure5.scr b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure5.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..414a6d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure5.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=2
+#PBS -N InterfModeling
+#PBS -V
+# simulates 8000 short (2.5 s) sources, 3.5 hours
+export PATH=../../bin:$PATH
+makemod sizex=10000 sizez=5000 dx=5 dz=5 cp0=1500 ro0=1000 \
+   intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=1300,1300 cp=2000 ro=1400 \
+   intt=def poly=2 x=0,2000,3000,5000,7000,8000,10000 \
+   z=2000,2000,2000,2500,2000,2000,2000 cp=4000 ro=2000 \
+   intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=3000,3000 cp=3000 ro=1500 \
+   intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=3500,3500 cp=5500 ro=2200
+suwind itmin=181 < | sushw key=f1 a=0 >
+suwind itmin=181 < | sushw key=f1 a=0 >
+fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+    file_rcv=$file_shot \
+    rec_type_p=0 \
+    dtrcv=0.008 \
+    rec_ntsam=16384 \
+    dt=0.0005 \
+    verbose=2 \
+    tmod=$tmod \
+    dxrcv=50.0 \
+    plane_wave=0 \
+    amplitude=0 \
+    xsrc=5000 zsrc=2700 \
+    src_random=1 \
+    wav_random=1 \
+    fmax=$fmax \
+    xsrc1=$xsrc1 \
+    xsrc2=$xsrc2 \
+    zsrc1=$zsrc1 \
+    zsrc2=$zsrc2 \
+    tsrc1=0.0 \
+    tsrc2=$tsrc2 \
+    tlength=$tlength \
+    nsrc=$nsrc \
+    ntaper=45 \
+    left=4 right=4 top=1 bottom=4 
+	base=`echo $file_shot | awk 'BEGIN { FS = "." } ; { print $1 }'`
+	echo $base
+	SIrand.scr ${base}
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure6.scr b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure6.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0f241a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure6.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=2
+#PBS -N InterfModeling
+#PBS -V
+# 5 different number of random sources, 5x3.5 hours
+export PATH=../../bin:$PATH
+#makewave w=g1 fp=10 t0=0.15 dt=0.0010 nt=4096 verbose=1
+makemod sizex=10000 sizez=5000 dx=5 dz=5 cp0=1500 ro0=1000 \
+   intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=1300,1300 cp=2000 ro=1400 \
+   intt=def poly=2 x=0,2000,3000,5000,7000,8000,10000 \
+   z=2000,2000,2000,2500,2000,2000,2000 cp=4000 ro=2000 \
+   intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=3000,3000 cp=3000 ro=1500 \
+   intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=3500,3500 cp=5500 ro=2200
+suwind itmin=181 < | sushw key=f1 a=0 >
+suwind itmin=181 < | sushw key=f1 a=0 >
+#Figure 6a,b,c,d,e
+for nsrc in 8000 1000 500 100 50; 
+    file_shot=shotR_T${tmod}_S${nsrc}_Dt${tsrc2}_F${fmax}.su
+    echo $file_shot
+    fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+    file_rcv=$file_shot \
+    rec_type_p=0 \
+    dtrcv=0.008 \
+    rec_ntsam=16384 \
+    dt=0.0005 \
+    verbose=2 \
+    tmod=$tmod \
+    dxrcv=50.0 \
+    plane_wave=0 \
+    amplitude=0 \
+    xsrc=5000 zsrc=2700 \
+    src_random=1 \
+    wav_random=1 \
+    fmax=$fmax \
+    xsrc1=$xsrc1 \
+    xsrc2=$xsrc2 \
+    zsrc1=$zsrc1 \
+    zsrc2=$zsrc2 \
+    tsrc1=0.0 \
+    tsrc2=$tsrc2 \
+    tlength=$tlength \
+    nsrc=$nsrc \
+    ntaper=45 \
+    left=4 right=4 top=1 bottom=4 
+	base=`echo $file_shot | awk 'BEGIN { FS = "." } ; { print $1 }'`
+	echo $base
+	SIrand.scr ${base}
+	ntraces=`surange < ${base} | grep traces| awk '{print $1 }'`
+	echo $ntraces
+	middle=$(echo "scale=0; ($ntraces+1)/2"| bc -l)
+	echo $middle 
+	susum | \
+    suwind s=1 j=1 tmax=4 f1=0.0 | \
+    sushw key=f1,delrt,d2,fldr a=0.0,0.0,50,8000 | \
+    suwind key=tracl min=$middle max=$middle >>
+#add reference trace to trace comparison 
+suwind key=tracf min=101 max=101 < | sugain scale=-1 >>
+suwind tmin=1.5 tmax=3.0 f1=0.0 < | \
+    sunormalize norm=max | \
+    supsgraph \
+    hbox=4 wbox=3 labelsize=10 x1beg=1.5 x1end=3.0 \
+    linecolor=red,green,blue,emerald,black f1=1.5 d1num=0.5 \
+	label1='time (s)' > shotTraces_T120_S_Dt120_F30.eps
+suwind tmin=1.5 tmax=3.1 f1=0.0 < | \
+    sunormalize norm=max | \
+    supswigp \
+    hbox=4 wbox=3 labelsize=10 x1beg=1.5 x1end=3.0 \
+    f1=1.5 d1num=0.5 linewidth=1 fill=0 f2=1 d2=1 d2num=1 \
+	label1='time (s)' label2='number of sources' > shotWiggles_T120_S_Dt120_F30.eps
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure6f.scr b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure6f.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0953973
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure6f.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+# make postscript file of middle trace after Figure6.scr, 1 s.
+base=`echo $shot | awk 'BEGIN { FS = "." } ; { print $1 }'`
+echo $base
+ntraces=`surange < $shot | grep traces| awk '{print $1 }'`
+echo $ntraces
+middle=$(echo "scale=0; ($ntraces+1)/2"| bc -l)
+echo $middle 
+./SIrand.scr $shot
+susum | \
+    suwind s=1 j=1 tmax=4 f1=0.0 | \
+    sushw key=f1,delrt,d2,fldr a=0.0,0.0,50,8000 | \
+	suwind key=tracl min=$middle max=$middle >
+./SIrand.scr $shot
+susum | \
+    suwind s=1 j=1 tmax=4 f1=0.0 | \
+    sushw key=f1,delrt,d2,fldr a=0.0,0.0,50,1000 | \
+	suwind key=tracl min=$middle max=$middle >>
+./SIrand.scr $shot
+susum | \
+    suwind s=1 j=1 tmax=4 f1=0.0 | \
+    sushw key=f1,delrt,d2,fldr a=0.0,0.0,50,500 | \
+	suwind key=tracl min=$middle max=$middle >>
+./SIrand.scr $shot
+susum | \
+    suwind s=1 j=1 tmax=4 f1=0.0 | \
+    sushw key=f1,delrt,d2,fldr a=0.0,0.0,50,100 | \
+	suwind key=tracl min=$middle max=$middle >>
+suwind s=1 j=1 tmax=4 f1=0.0 < | \
+    sushw key=f1,delrt,d2,fldr a=0.0,0.0,50,100 | \
+	suwind key=tracl min=$middle max=$middle >>
+suwind tmin=1.5 tmax=3.0 f1=0.0 < | \
+	sunormalize norm=max | \
+	supsgraph \
+    hbox=4 wbox=3 labelsize=10 x1beg=1.5 x1end=3.0 \
+	linecolor=red,green,blue,emerald,black f1=1.5 d1num=0.5 \
+	> shotTraces_T120_S_Dt120_F30.eps
+suwind tmin=1.5 tmax=3.1 f1=0.0 < | \
+    sunormalize norm=max | \
+    supswigp \
+    hbox=4 wbox=3 labelsize=10 x1beg=1.5 x1end=3.0 \
+    f1=1.5 d1num=0.5 linewidth=1 fill=0 f2=1 d2=1 \
+	label1='time (s)' label2='number of sources' > shotWiggles_T120_S_Dt120_F30.eps
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure6length.scr b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure6length.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..20d299b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure6length.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=2
+#PBS -N InterfModeling
+#PBS -V
+# alternative not used in paper, fixed source signature length, 5x3.5 hours
+export PATH=../../bin:$PATH
+#makewave w=g1 fp=10 t0=0.15 dt=0.0010 nt=4096 verbose=1
+makemod sizex=10000 sizez=5000 dx=5 dz=5 cp0=1500 ro0=1000 \
+   intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=1300,1300 cp=2000 ro=1400 \
+   intt=def poly=2 x=0,2000,3000,5000,7000,8000,10000 \
+   z=2000,2000,2000,2500,2000,2000,2000 cp=4000 ro=2000 \
+   intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=3000,3000 cp=3000 ro=1500 \
+   intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=3500,3500 cp=5500 ro=2200
+suwind itmin=181 < | sushw key=f1 a=0 >
+suwind itmin=181 < | sushw key=f1 a=0 >
+#Figure 6a,b,c,d,e
+for nsrc in 8000 1000 500 100 50; 
+    file_shot=shotRVt_T${tmod}_S${nsrc}_Dt${tlength}_F${fmax}.su
+    echo $file_shot
+fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+    file_rcv=$file_shot \
+    rec_type_p=0 \
+    dtrcv=0.008 \
+    rec_ntsam=16384 \
+    dt=0.0005 \
+    verbose=4 \
+    tmod=$tmod \
+    dxrcv=50.0 \
+    plane_wave=0 \
+    amplitude=0 \
+    xsrc=5000 zsrc=2700 \
+    src_random=1 \
+    wav_random=1 \
+    length_random=0 \
+    fmax=$fmax \
+    xsrc1=$xsrc1 \
+    xsrc2=$xsrc2 \
+    zsrc1=$zsrc1 \
+    zsrc2=$zsrc2 \
+    tsrc1=0.0 \
+    tsrc2=$tsrc2 \
+    tlength=$tlength \
+    nsrc=$nsrc \
+    ntaper=45 \
+    left=4 right=4 top=1 bottom=4 
+	base=`echo $file_shot | awk 'BEGIN { FS = "." } ; { print $1 }'`
+	echo $base
+	SIrand.scr ${base}
+	ntraces=`surange < ${base} | grep traces| awk '{print $1 }'`
+	echo $ntraces
+	middle=$(echo "scale=0; ($ntraces+1)/2"| bc -l)
+	echo $middle 
+	susum | \
+    suwind s=1 j=1 tmax=4 f1=0.0 | \
+    sushw key=f1,delrt,d2,fldr a=0.0,0.0,50,8000 | \
+    suwind key=tracl min=$middle max=$middle >>
+suwind tmin=1.5 tmax=3.0 f1=0.0 < | \
+    sunormalize norm=max | \
+    supsgraph \
+    hbox=4 wbox=3 labelsize=10 x1beg=1.5 x1end=3.0 \
+    linecolor=red,green,blue,emerald,black f1=1.5 d1num=0.5 \
+	label1='time (s)' > shotTracesVt_T120_S_Dt120_F30.eps
+suwind tmin=1.5 tmax=3.1 f1=0.0 < | \
+    sunormalize norm=max | \
+    supswigp \
+    hbox=4 wbox=3 labelsize=10 x1beg=1.5 x1end=3.0 \
+    f1=1.5 d1num=0.5 linewidth=1 fill=0 f2=1 d2=1 \
+	label1='time (s)' label2='number of sources' > shotWigglesVt_T120_S_Dt120_F30.eps
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure6long.scr b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure6long.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a51cc1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure6long.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=2
+#PBS -N InterfModeling
+#PBS -V
+export PATH=../../bin:$PATH
+#makewave w=g1 fp=10 t0=0.15 dt=0.0010 nt=4096 verbose=1
+makemod sizex=10000 sizez=5000 dx=5 dz=5 cp0=1500 ro0=1000 \
+   intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=1300,1300 cp=2000 ro=1400 \
+   intt=def poly=2 x=0,2000,3000,5000,7000,8000,10000 \
+   z=2000,2000,2000,2500,2000,2000,2000 cp=4000 ro=2000 \
+   intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=3000,3000 cp=3000 ro=1500 \
+   intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=3500,3500 cp=5500 ro=2200
+suwind itmin=181 < | sushw key=f1 a=0 >
+suwind itmin=181 < | sushw key=f1 a=0 >
+#Figure 6a,b,c,d,e
+for nsrc in 1000; 
+    file_shot=shotR_T${tmod}_S${nsrc}_Dt${tlength}_F${fmax}.su
+    echo $file_shot
+$HOME/bin64/fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+    file_rcv=$file_shot \
+    rec_type_p=0 \
+    dtrcv=0.008 \
+    rec_ntsam=16384 \
+    dt=0.0005 \
+    verbose=1 \
+    tmod=$tmod \
+    dxrcv=50.0 \
+    plane_wave=0 \
+    amplitude=0 \
+    xsrc=5000 zsrc=2700 \
+    src_random=1 \
+    wav_random=1 \
+    fmax=$fmax \
+    xsrc1=$xsrc1 \
+    xsrc2=$xsrc2 \
+    zsrc1=$zsrc1 \
+    zsrc2=$zsrc2 \
+    tsrc1=0.0 \
+    tsrc2=$tsrc2 \
+    tlength=$tlength \
+    nsrc=$nsrc \
+    ntaper=45 \
+    left=4 right=4 top=1 bottom=4 
+#	base=`echo $file_shot | awk 'BEGIN { FS = "." } ; { print $1 }'`
+#	echo $base
+#	SIrand.scr ${base}
+#	ntraces=`surange < ${base} | grep traces| awk '{print $1 }'`
+#	echo $ntraces
+#	middle=$(echo "scale=0; ($ntraces+1)/2"| bc -l)
+#	echo $middle 
+#	susum | \
+#    suwind s=1 j=1 tmax=4 f1=0.0 | \
+#    sushw key=f1,delrt,d2,fldr a=0.0,0.0,50,8000 | \
+#    suwind key=tracl min=$middle max=$middle >>
+#for testing correlation noise 
+$HOME/src/CorrSMP_FD_Files/corrsmp ntc=2048 fmax=60     verbose=3 nstation=201 nc=1 fullcorr=1 dt=0.004 nt=16384
+$HOME/src/CorrSMP_FD_Files/corrsmp ntc=2048 fmax=60     verbose=3 nstation=201 nc=1 fullcorr=1 dt=0.004 nt=16384
+suwind key=fldr min=101 max=101 <  | suximage perc=99 x1end=4 title=all clip=0.003
+suwind key=fldr min=101 max=101 <  | suximage perc=99 x1end=4 title=odd clip=0.003
+suwind key=fldr min=101 max=101 <  | suximage perc=99 x1end=4 title=sum clip=0.003
+#16 sec source length
+$HOME/src/CorrSMP_FD_Files/corrsmp ntc=2048 fmax=60 \
+    verbose=3 nstation=201 nc=1 fullcorr=1 dt=0.004 nt=16384
+suwind key=fldr min=101 max=101 <  | suximage perc=99 x1end=4 title=all clip=0.003
+$HOME/src/CorrSMP_FD_Files/corrsmp ntc=512 fmax=60 \
+    verbose=3 nstation=201 nc=1 fullcorr=1 dt=0.004 nt=16384
+suwind key=fldr min=101 max=101 <  | suximage perc=99 x1end=4 title=sum clip=0.003
+suwind tmin=1.5 tmax=3.0 f1=0.0 < | \
+    sunormalize norm=max | \
+    supsgraph \
+    hbox=4 wbox=3 labelsize=10 x1beg=1.5 x1end=3.0 \
+    linecolor=red,green,blue,emerald,black f1=1.5 d1num=0.5 \
+	label1='time (s)' > shotTraces_T120_S_Dt120_F30.eps
+suwind tmin=1.5 tmax=3.1 f1=0.0 < | \
+    sunormalize norm=max | \
+    supswigp \
+    hbox=4 wbox=3 labelsize=10 x1beg=1.5 x1end=3.0 \
+    f1=1.5 d1num=0.5 linewidth=1 fill=0 f2=1 d2=1 \
+	label1='time (s)' label2='number of sources' > shotWiggles_T120_S_Dt120_F30.eps
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure7.scr b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure7.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f4214fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure7.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=2
+#PBS -N InterfModeling
+#PBS -V
+# as Figure 6, but with 1000 deep sources, 3.5 hours
+export PATH=../../bin:$PATH
+makemod sizex=10000 sizez=5000 dx=5 dz=5 cp0=1500 ro0=1000 \
+   intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=1300,1300 cp=2000 ro=1400 \
+   intt=def poly=2 x=0,2000,3000,5000,7000,8000,10000 \
+   z=2000,2000,2000,2500,2000,2000,2000 cp=4000 ro=2000 \
+   intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=3000,3000 cp=3000 ro=1500 \
+   intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=3500,3500 cp=5500 ro=2200
+suwind itmin=181 < | sushw key=f1 a=0 >
+suwind itmin=181 < | sushw key=f1 a=0 >
+# Figure 7 deep
+#for nsrc in 8000 1000 500 100 50; 
+for nsrc in 1000; 
+fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+    file_rcv=$file_shot \
+    rec_type_p=0 \
+    dtrcv=0.008 \
+    rec_ntsam=16384 \
+    dt=0.0005 \
+    verbose=2 \
+    tmod=$tmod \
+    dxrcv=50.0 \
+    plane_wave=0 \
+    amplitude=0 \
+    xsrc=5000 zsrc=2700 \
+    src_random=1 \
+    wav_random=1 \
+    fmax=$fmax \
+    xsrc1=$xsrc1 \
+    xsrc2=$xsrc2 \
+    zsrc1=$zsrc1 \
+    zsrc2=$zsrc2 \
+    tsrc1=0.0 \
+    tsrc2=$tsrc2 \
+    tlength=$tlength \
+    nsrc=$nsrc \
+    ntaper=45 \
+    left=4 right=4 top=1 bottom=4 
+	base=`echo $file_shot | awk 'BEGIN { FS = "." } ; { print $1 }'`
+	echo $base
+	SIrand.scr ${base}
+	ntraces=`surange < ${base} | grep traces| awk '{print $1 }'`
+	echo $ntraces
+	middle=$(echo "scale=0; ($ntraces+1)/2"| bc -l)
+	echo $middle 
+	susum | \
+    suwind s=1 j=1 tmax=4 f1=0.0 | \
+    sushw key=f1,delrt,d2,fldr a=0.0,0.0,50,8000 | \
+    suwind key=tracl min=$middle max=$middle >>
+suwind tmin=1.5 tmax=3.0 f1=0.0 < | \
+    sunormalize norm=max | \
+    supsgraph \
+    hbox=4 wbox=3 labelsize=10 x1beg=1.5 x1end=3.0 \
+    linecolor=red,green,blue,emerald,black f1=1.5 d1num=0.5 \
+	label1='time (s)' > shotTracesDeep_T120_S_Dt120_F30.eps
+suwind tmin=1.5 tmax=3.1 f1=0.0 < | \
+    sunormalize norm=max | \
+    supswigp \
+    hbox=4 wbox=3 labelsize=10 x1beg=1.5 x1end=3.0 \
+    f1=1.5 d1num=0.5 linewidth=1 fill=0 f2=1 d2=1 \
+	label1='time (s)' label2='number of sources' > shotWigglesDeep_T120_S_Dt120_F30.eps
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure7fmax.scr b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure7fmax.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..141d497
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure7fmax.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=2
+#PBS -N InterfModeling
+#PBS -V
+# alternative not used in paper, varying maximum frequency, 5x3.5 hours
+export PATH=../../bin:$PATH
+makemod sizex=10000 sizez=5000 dx=5 dz=5 cp0=1500 ro0=1000 \
+   intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=1300,1300 cp=2000 ro=1400 \
+   intt=def poly=2 x=0,2000,3000,5000,7000,8000,10000 \
+   z=2000,2000,2000,2500,2000,2000,2000 cp=4000 ro=2000 \
+   intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=3000,3000 cp=3000 ro=1500 \
+   intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=3500,3500 cp=5500 ro=2200
+suwind itmin=181 < | sushw key=f1 a=0 >
+suwind itmin=181 < | sushw key=f1 a=0 >
+# Figure 7 deep
+#for nsrc in 8000 1000 500 100 50; 
+for fmax in 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50; 
+echo fmax=$fmax
+../fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+    file_rcv=$file_shot \
+    rec_type_p=0 \
+    dtrcv=0.008 \
+    rec_ntsam=16384 \
+    dt=0.0005 \
+    verbose=2 \
+    tmod=$tmod \
+    dxrcv=50.0 \
+    plane_wave=0 \
+    amplitude=0 \
+    xsrc=5000 zsrc=2700 \
+    src_random=1 \
+    wav_random=1 \
+    seed=101 \
+    length_random=0 \
+    fmax=$fmax \
+    xsrc1=$xsrc1 \
+    xsrc2=$xsrc2 \
+    zsrc1=$zsrc1 \
+    zsrc2=$zsrc2 \
+    tsrc1=0.0 \
+    tsrc2=$tsrc2 \
+    tlength=$tlength \
+    nsrc=$nsrc \
+    ntaper=45 \
+    left=4 right=4 top=1 bottom=4 
+   mv src_nwav_$
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure7length.scr b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure7length.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b0da0c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure7length.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=2
+#PBS -N InterfModeling
+#PBS -V
+# alternative not used in paper, fixed length deep sources, 3.5 hours
+export PATH=../../bin:$PATH
+makemod sizex=10000 sizez=5000 dx=5 dz=5 cp0=1500 ro0=1000 \
+   intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=1300,1300 cp=2000 ro=1400 \
+   intt=def poly=2 x=0,2000,3000,5000,7000,8000,10000 \
+   z=2000,2000,2000,2500,2000,2000,2000 cp=4000 ro=2000 \
+   intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=3000,3000 cp=3000 ro=1500 \
+   intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=3500,3500 cp=5500 ro=2200
+suwind itmin=181 < | sushw key=f1 a=0 >
+suwind itmin=181 < | sushw key=f1 a=0 >
+# Figure 7 deep
+#for nsrc in 8000 1000 500 100 50; 
+for nsrc in 50; 
+../fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+    file_rcv=$file_shot \
+    rec_type_p=0 \
+    dtrcv=0.008 \
+    rec_ntsam=16384 \
+    dt=0.0005 \
+    verbose=2 \
+    tmod=$tmod \
+    dxrcv=50.0 \
+    plane_wave=0 \
+    amplitude=0 \
+    xsrc=5000 zsrc=2700 \
+    src_random=1 \
+    wav_random=1 \
+    seed=101 \
+    length_random=0 \
+    fmax=$fmax \
+    xsrc1=$xsrc1 \
+    xsrc2=$xsrc2 \
+    zsrc1=$zsrc1 \
+    zsrc2=$zsrc2 \
+    tsrc1=0.0 \
+    tsrc2=$tsrc2 \
+    tlength=$tlength \
+    nsrc=$nsrc \
+    ntaper=45 \
+    left=4 right=4 top=1 bottom=4 
+	base=`echo $file_shot | awk 'BEGIN { FS = "." } ; { print $1 }'`
+	echo $base
+	SIrand.scr ${base}
+	ntraces=`surange < ${base} | grep traces| awk '{print $1 }'`
+	echo $ntraces
+	middle=$(echo "scale=0; ($ntraces+1)/2"| bc -l)
+	echo $middle 
+	susum | \
+    suwind s=1 j=1 tmax=4 f1=0.0 | \
+    sushw key=f1,delrt,d2,fldr a=0.0,0.0,50,8000 | \
+    suwind key=tracl min=$middle max=$middle >>
+suwind tmin=1.5 tmax=3.0 f1=0.0 < | \
+    sunormalize norm=max | \
+    supsgraph \
+    hbox=4 wbox=3 labelsize=10 x1beg=1.5 x1end=3.0 \
+    linecolor=red,green,blue,emerald,black f1=1.5 d1num=0.5 \
+	label1='time (s)' > shotTracesLeng_T120_S_Dt120_F30.eps
+suwind tmin=1.5 tmax=3.1 f1=0.0 < | \
+    sunormalize norm=max | \
+    supswigp \
+    hbox=4 wbox=3 labelsize=10 x1beg=1.5 x1end=3.0 \
+    f1=1.5 d1num=0.5 linewidth=1 fill=0 f2=1 d2=1 \
+	label1='time (s)' label2='number of sources' > shotWigglesLeng_T120_S_Dt120_F30.eps
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure7plane.scr b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure7plane.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..fe52b82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure7plane.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=2
+#PBS -N InterfModeling
+#PBS -V
+export PATH=../../bin:$PATH
+makemod sizex=10000 sizez=5000 dx=5 dz=5 cp0=1500 ro0=1000 \
+   intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=1300,1300 cp=2000 ro=1400 \
+   intt=def poly=2 x=0,2000,3000,5000,7000,8000,10000 \
+   z=2000,2000,2000,2500,2000,2000,2000 cp=4000 ro=2000 \
+   intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=3000,3000 cp=3000 ro=1500 \
+   intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=3500,3500 cp=5500 ro=2200
+suwind itmin=181 < | sushw key=f1 a=0 >
+suwind itmin=181 < | sushw key=f1 a=0 >
+# Figure 7 plane
+for nsrc in 8000 1000 500 100 50; 
+fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+    file_rcv=$file_shot \
+    rec_type_p=0 \
+    dtrcv=0.008 \
+    rec_ntsam=16384 \
+    dt=0.0005 \
+    verbose=4 \
+    tmod=$tmod \
+    dxrcv=50.0 \
+    plane_wave=0 \
+    amplitude=0 \
+    src_random=1 \
+    wav_random=1 \
+    fmax=$fmax \
+    xsrc1=$xsrc1 \
+    xsrc2=$xsrc2 \
+    zsrc1=$zsrc1 \
+    zsrc2=$zsrc2 \
+    tsrc1=0.0 \
+    tsrc2=$tsrc2 \
+    tlength=$tlength \
+    nsrc=$nsrc \
+    ntaper=45 \
+    left=4 right=4 top=1 bottom=4 
+	base=`echo $file_shot | awk 'BEGIN { FS = "." } ; { print $1 }'`
+	echo $base
+	SIrand.scr ${base}
+	ntraces=`surange < ${base} | grep traces| awk '{print $1 }'`
+	echo $ntraces
+	middle=$(echo "scale=0; ($ntraces+1)/2"| bc -l)
+	echo $middle 
+	susum | \
+    suwind s=1 j=1 tmax=4 f1=0.0 | \
+    sushw key=f1,delrt,d2,fldr a=0.0,0.0,50,8000 | \
+    suwind key=tracl min=$middle max=$middle >>
+suwind tmin=1.5 tmax=3.0 f1=0.0 < | \
+    sunormalize norm=max | \
+    supsgraph \
+    hbox=4 wbox=3 labelsize=10 x1beg=1.5 x1end=3.0 \
+    linecolor=red,green,blue,emerald,black f1=1.5 d1num=0.5 \
+	label1='time (s)' > shotTracesPlan_T120_S_Dt120_F30.eps
+suwind tmin=1.5 tmax=3.1 f1=0.0 < | \
+    sunormalize norm=max | \
+    supswigp \
+    hbox=4 wbox=3 labelsize=10 x1beg=1.5 x1end=3.0 \
+    f1=1.5 d1num=0.5 linewidth=1 fill=0 f2=1 d2=1 \
+	label1='time (s)' label2='number of sources' > shotWigglesPlan_T120_S_Dt120_F30.eps
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure8-9.scr b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure8-9.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..db6b97a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure8-9.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=2
+#PBS -N InterfModeling
+#PBS -q long
+#PBS -V
+# for random and ricker wavelet deep, volume and plane sources, 6x3.5 hours
+export PATH=../../bin:$PATH
+makewave w=g2 fp=10 t0=0.15 dt=0.0010 nt=4096 verbose=1
+makemod sizex=10000 sizez=4100 dx=10 dz=10 cp0=1500 ro0=1000 \
+	intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=400,400 cp=2000 ro=1400 \
+	intt=def poly=2 x=0,2000,3000,5000,7000,8000,10000 z=1100,1100,1100,1600,1100,1100,1100 cp=4000 ro=2000 \
+	intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=2100,2100 cp=3000 ro=1500 \
+	intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=2600,2600 cp=5500 ro=2200
+for wav_random in 0 1;
+echo $file_shot
+fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+ \
+	file_rcv=$file_shot \
+	rec_type_p=0 \
+	dtrcv=0.008 \
+	rec_ntsam=16384 \
+	dt=0.0010 \
+	verbose=1 \
+	tmod=$tmod \
+	dxrcv=10.0 \
+	plane_wave=0 \
+	src_random=1 \
+	wav_random=${wav_random} \
+	fmax=$fmax \
+	xsrc1=$xsrc1 \
+	xsrc2=$xsrc2 \
+	zsrc1=$zsrc1 \
+	zsrc2=$zsrc2 \
+	tsrc1=0.0 \
+	tsrc2=$tsrc2 \
+	tlength=$tlength \
+	nsrc=$nsrc \
+	dipsrc=0 \
+	ntaper=45 \
+    left=4 right=4 top=1 bottom=4 
+    base=`echo $file_shot | awk 'BEGIN { FS = "." } ; { print $1 }'`
+    echo $base
+    SIrand.scr ${base} 10
+fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+ \
+	file_rcv=$file_shot \
+	rec_type_p=0 \
+	dtrcv=0.008 \
+	rec_ntsam=16384 \
+	dt=0.0010 \
+	verbose=1 \
+	tmod=$tmod \
+	dxrcv=10.0 \
+	plane_wave=0 \
+	src_random=1 \
+	wav_random=${wav_random} \
+	fmax=$fmax \
+	xsrc1=$xsrc1 \
+	xsrc2=$xsrc2 \
+	zsrc1=$zsrc1 \
+	zsrc2=$zsrc2 \
+	tsrc1=0.0 \
+	tsrc2=$tsrc2 \
+	tlength=$tlength \
+	nsrc=$nsrc \
+	dipsrc=0 \
+	ntaper=45 \
+    left=4 right=4 top=1 bottom=4 
+    base=`echo $file_shot | awk 'BEGIN { FS = "." } ; { print $1 }'`
+    echo $base
+    SIrand.scr ${base} 10
+fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+ \
+	file_rcv=$file_shot \
+	rec_type_p=0 \
+	dtrcv=0.008 \
+	rec_ntsam=16384 \
+	dt=0.0010 \
+	verbose=1 \
+	tmod=$tmod \
+	dxrcv=10.0 \
+	plane_wave=1 \
+	xsrc=5000 zsrc=2700 \
+	src_random=0 \
+	wav_random=${wav_random} \
+	fmax=$fmax \
+	tsrc1=0.0 \
+	tsrc2=$tsrc2 \
+	tlength=$tlength \
+	nsrc=$nsrc \
+	dipsrc=0 \
+	ntaper=45 \
+    left=4 right=4 top=1 bottom=4 
+    base=`echo $file_shot | awk 'BEGIN { FS = "." } ; { print $1 }'`
+    echo $base
+    SIrand.scr ${base} 10
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure8-9Hom.scr b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure8-9Hom.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..fb3a419
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Figure8-9Hom.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=2
+#PBS -N InterfModeling
+#PBS -q long
+#PBS -V
+# for reviewer, same as Fig. 8-9 in homogeneous medium, 6x3.5 hours
+export PATH=../../bin:$PATH
+makewave w=g2 fp=10 t0=0.15 dt=0.0010 nt=4096 verbose=1
+makemod sizex=10000 sizez=4100 dx=10 dz=10 cp0=1500 ro0=1000 
+for wav_random in 0 1;
+echo $file_shot
+../fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+ \
+	file_rcv=$file_shot \
+	rec_type_p=0 \
+	dtrcv=0.008 \
+	rec_ntsam=16384 \
+	dt=0.0010 \
+	verbose=1 \
+	tmod=$tmod \
+	dxrcv=10.0 \
+	plane_wave=0 \
+	src_random=1 \
+	wav_random=${wav_random} \
+	fmax=$fmax \
+	xsrc1=$xsrc1 \
+	xsrc2=$xsrc2 \
+	zsrc1=$zsrc1 \
+	zsrc2=$zsrc2 \
+	tsrc1=0.0 \
+	tsrc2=$tsrc2 \
+	tlength=$tlength \
+	nsrc=$nsrc \
+	dipsrc=0 \
+	ntaper=45 \
+    left=4 right=4 top=1 bottom=4 
+    base=`echo $file_shot | awk 'BEGIN { FS = "." } ; { print $1 }'`
+    echo $base
+    SIrand.scr ${base} 10
+fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+ \
+	file_rcv=$file_shot \
+	rec_type_p=0 \
+	dtrcv=0.008 \
+	rec_ntsam=16384 \
+	dt=0.0010 \
+	verbose=1 \
+	tmod=$tmod \
+	dxrcv=10.0 \
+	plane_wave=0 \
+	src_random=1 \
+	wav_random=${wav_random} \
+	fmax=$fmax \
+	xsrc1=$xsrc1 \
+	xsrc2=$xsrc2 \
+	zsrc1=$zsrc1 \
+	zsrc2=$zsrc2 \
+	tsrc1=0.0 \
+	tsrc2=$tsrc2 \
+	tlength=$tlength \
+	nsrc=$nsrc \
+	dipsrc=0 \
+	ntaper=45 \
+    left=4 right=4 top=1 bottom=4 
+    base=`echo $file_shot | awk 'BEGIN { FS = "." } ; { print $1 }'`
+    echo $base
+    SIrand.scr ${base} 10
+fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+ \
+	file_rcv=$file_shot \
+	rec_type_p=0 \
+	dtrcv=0.008 \
+	rec_ntsam=16384 \
+	dt=0.0010 \
+	verbose=1 \
+	tmod=$tmod \
+	dxrcv=10.0 \
+	plane_wave=1 \
+	xsrc=5000 zsrc=2700 \
+	src_random=0 \
+	wav_random=${wav_random} \
+	fmax=$fmax \
+	tsrc1=0.0 \
+	tsrc2=$tsrc2 \
+	tlength=$tlength \
+	nsrc=$nsrc \
+	dipsrc=0 \
+	ntaper=45 \
+    left=4 right=4 top=1 bottom=4 
+    base=`echo $file_shot | awk 'BEGIN { FS = "." } ; { print $1 }'`
+    echo $base
+    SIrand.scr ${base} 10
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/FigureCCsources.scr b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/FigureCCsources.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8bfccfa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/FigureCCsources.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=2
+#PBS -N InterfModeling
+#PBS -q long
+#PBS -V
+# to compute source signature used in cross.scr, 1600 s.
+export PATH=../../bin:$PATH
+makewave w=g2 fp=10 t0=0.15 dt=0.0010 nt=4096 verbose=1
+makemod sizex=10000 sizez=4100 dx=10 dz=10 cp0=1500 ro0=1000 \
+	intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=400,400 cp=2000 ro=1400 \
+	intt=def poly=2 x=0,2000,3000,5000,7000,8000,10000 z=1100,1100,1100,1600,1100,1100,1100 cp=4000 ro=2000 \
+	intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=2100,2100 cp=3000 ro=1500 \
+	intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=2600,2600 cp=5500 ro=2200
+echo $file_shot
+../fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+ \
+	file_rcv=$file_shot \
+	rec_type_p=0 \
+	dtrcv=0.008 \
+	rec_ntsam=16384 \
+	dt=0.0010 \
+	verbose=4 \
+	tmod=$tmod \
+	dxrcv=10.0 \
+	plane_wave=0 \
+	src_random=1 \
+	wav_random=1 \
+	fmax=$fmax \
+	xsrc1=$xsrc1 \
+	xsrc2=$xsrc2 \
+	zsrc1=$zsrc1 \
+	zsrc2=$zsrc2 \
+	tsrc1=0.0 \
+	tsrc2=$tsrc2 \
+	tlength=$tlength \
+	nsrc=$nsrc \
+	dipsrc=0 \
+	ntaper=45 \
+    left=4 right=4 top=1 bottom=4 
+    mv source_volume_S${nsrc}_Dt${tsrc2}_F${fmax}.su
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/FigureDxAppendixA.scr b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/FigureDxAppendixA.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e6c9e71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/FigureDxAppendixA.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=2
+#PBS -N InterfModeling
+#PBS -V
+halfdt=`perl -e "print 0.5*$dt;"`
+export PATH=../../bin:$PATH
+which basop
+for dx in 5 1.25 1.0 
+makemod sizex=2000 sizez=2000 dx=$dx dz=$dx cp0=$cp ro0=$rho orig=-1000,0
+makewave fp=15 dt=$dt nt=4096 t0=0.1
+######### MONOPOLE #######
+fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 iorder=4 \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+    src_type=1 \
+    rec_type_p=1 \
+    rec_int_vz=2 \
+    dtrcv=0.0005 \
+    verbose=2 \
+    tmod=0.5115 \
+    dxrcv=5.0 \
+    xrcv1=-500 xrcv2=500 \
+    zrcv1=500 zrcv2=500 \
+    xsrc=0 zsrc=1000 \
+    ntaper=80 \
+    left=4 right=4 top=4 bottom=4 
+makewave fp=15 dt=0.0005 nt=4096 t0=0.1
+green c=$cp rho=$rho zsrc1=500 xrcv=-500,500 dxrcv=5 nt=4096 dip=0 | suwind nt=1024 >  
+green c=$cp rho=$rho zsrc1=500 xrcv=-500,500 dxrcv=5 nt=4096 dip=0 p_vz=1 | suwind nt=1024 >
+suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < | basop choice=shift shift=$halfdt >
+suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 <  >
+sumax < outpar=nep
+Mmax=`cat nep | awk '{print $1}'`
+a=`perl -e "print 100.0/$Mmax;"`
+echo $a
+sudiff | basop choice=shift shift=-0.1 | sugain scale=$a | suop op=abs > mon_diff_dx${dx}
+supsgraph < mon_diff_dx${dx} style=normal labelsize=12 wbox=4 hbox=2 label1='time in seconds' label2="Relative error in percentage of peak" linewidth=0.1 linecolor=red x2beg=0.0 x2end=1.0 f2num=0.0 d2num=0.5  > mon_diff_dx${dx}_rp.eps
+# rvz
+suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < >
+suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < >
+sumax < outpar=nep
+Mmax=`cat nep | awk '{print $1}'`
+a=`perl -e "print 100.0/$Mmax;"`
+echo $a
+sudiff | basop choice=shift shift=-0.1 | sugain scale=$a | suop op=abs >mon_diff_dx${dx}
+supsgraph < mon_diff_dx${dx} style=normal labelsize=12 wbox=4 hbox=2 label1='time in seconds' label2="Relative error in percentage of peak" linewidth=0.1 linecolor=red  x2beg=0.0 x2end=1.0 f2num=0.0 d2num=0.5   > mon_diff_dx${dx}_rvz.eps
+######### DIPOLE #######
+makewave fp=15 dt=$dt nt=4096 t0=0.1
+fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 iorder=4 \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+    src_type=1 \
+    src_orient=2 \
+    rec_type_p=1 \
+    rec_int_vz=2 \
+    dtrcv=0.0005 \
+    verbose=2 \
+    tmod=0.5115 \
+    dxrcv=5.0 \
+    xrcv1=-500 xrcv2=500 \
+    zrcv1=500 zrcv2=500 \
+    xsrc=0 zsrc=1000 \
+    ntaper=80 \
+    left=4 right=4 top=4 bottom=4 
+makewave fp=15 dt=0.0005 nt=4096 t0=0.1
+green c=$cp rho=$rho zsrc1=500 xrcv=-500,500 dxrcv=5 nt=4096 dip=1 | suwind nt=1024 >  
+green c=$cp rho=$rho zsrc1=500 xrcv=-500,500 dxrcv=5 nt=4096 p_vz=1 dip=1 | suwind nt=1024 > 
+shift=`perl -e "print 0.5*$dx/$cp;"`
+# rp
+suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < | basop choice=shift shift=-$shift >
+suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 <  >
+sumax < outpar=nep
+Mmax=`cat nep | awk '{print $1}'`
+a=`perl -e "print 100.0/$Mmax;"`
+echo $a
+sudiff | basop choice=shift shift=-0.1 | sugain scale=$a | suop op=abs >dip_diff_dx${dx}
+supsgraph < dip_diff_dx${dx} style=normal labelsize=12 wbox=4 hbox=2 label1='time in seconds' label2="Relative error in percentage of peak" linewidth=0.1 linecolor=red  x2beg=0.0 x2end=1.0 f2num=0.0 d2num=0.5 > dip_diff_dx${dx}_rp.eps
+# rvz
+suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < | basop choice=shift shift=-$shift >
+suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < >
+sumax < outpar=nep
+Mmax=`cat nep | awk '{print $1}'`
+a=`perl -e "print 100.0/$Mmax;"`
+echo $a
+sudiff | basop choice=shift shift=-0.1 | sugain scale=$a | suop op=abs > dip_diff_dx${dx}
+supsgraph < dip_diff_dx${dx} style=normal labelsize=12 wbox=4 hbox=2 label1='time in seconds' label2="Relative error in percentage of peak" linewidth=0.1 linecolor=red  x2beg=0.0 x2end=1.0 f2num=0.0 d2num=0.5  > dip_diff_dx${dx}_rvz.eps
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/FigureGreenAppendixA.scr b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/FigureGreenAppendixA.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..45b1d89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/FigureGreenAppendixA.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=2
+#PBS -N InterfModeling
+#PBS -V
+# source construction shown in Figure A2-A3-A4, 150 s.
+export PATH=../../bin:$PATH
+makemod sizex=2000 sizez=2000 dx=$dx dz=$dx cp0=$cp ro0=$rho orig=-1000,0
+makewave fp=15 dt=$dt nt=4096 t0=0.1
+######### MONOPOLE #######
+../fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 iorder=4 \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+    src_type=1 \
+    rec_type_p=1 \
+    rec_int_vz=2 \
+    dtrcv=0.0005 \
+    verbose=2 \
+    tmod=0.5115 \
+    dxrcv=5.0 \
+    xrcv1=-500 xrcv2=500 \
+    zrcv1=500 zrcv2=500 \
+    xsrc=0 zsrc=1000 \
+    ntaper=80 \
+    left=4 right=4 top=4 bottom=4 
+sugain < scale=0.5 >; mv
+sugain < scale=0.5 >; mv
+makewave fp=15 dt=0.0005 nt=4096 t0=0.1
+green c=$cp rho=$rho zsrc1=500 xrcv=-500,500 dxrcv=5 nt=4096 dip=0 | suwind nt=1024 >  
+green c=$cp rho=$rho zsrc1=500 xrcv=-500,500 dxrcv=5 nt=4096 dip=0 p_vz=1 | suwind nt=1024 >
+# rp
+(suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 <; suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < ) | basop choice=shift shift=-0.1 | supsgraph style=normal  labelsize=10 wbox=4 hbox=2 label1='time in seconds' label2="Amplitude" linewidth=0.1 d2num=0.04 x2end=0.080 f2num=-0.4 > mon_rp.eps
+(suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 <; suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 <;) | basop choice=shift shift=-0.1 | supsgraph style=normal labelsize=10 wbox=2 hbox=2 label1='time in seconds' label2="Amplitude" linewidth=0.1 linecolor=red,green x1beg=0.255 x1end=0.258 x2beg=0.0785 x2end=0.0797 d2num=0.0002 f2num=0.0786 > mon_zoom_rp.eps
+suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < >
+suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < >
+sumax < outpar=nep
+Mmax=`cat nep | awk '{print $1}'`
+a=`perl -e "print 100.0/$Mmax;"`
+echo $a
+sudiff | basop choice=shift shift=-0.1 | sugain scale=$a | suop op=abs | supsgraph style=normal labelsize=12 wbox=4 hbox=2 label1='time in seconds' label2="Relative error in percentage of peak" linewidth=0.1 linecolor=red x2beg=0.0 x2end=1.0 f2num=0.0 d2num=0.5  > mon_diff_dx${dx}_rp.eps
+(suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 <; suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < ) | basop choice=shift shift=-0.1 | suxgraph 
+# rvz
+(suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < ; suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < ) | basop choice=shift shift=-0.1 | supsgraph style=normal labelsize=10 wbox=4 hbox=2 label1='time in seconds' label2="Amplitude" linewidth=0.1 d2num=2e-8 f2num=-4e-8 x2end=4e-8 x2beg=-2.7e-8 > mon_rvz.eps
+(suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < ; suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < ) | basop choice=shift shift=-0.1 | supsgraph style=normal labelsize=10 wbox=2 hbox=2 label1='time in seconds' label2="Amplitude" linewidth=0.1 linecolor=red,green d2num=2e-10 f2num=3.86e-8 x2end=3.96e-8 x2beg=3.86e-8 x1beg=0.255 x1end=0.258 > mon_zoom_rvz.eps
+suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < >
+suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < >
+sumax < outpar=nep
+Mmax=`cat nep | awk '{print $1}'`
+a=`perl -e "print 100.0/$Mmax;"`
+echo $a
+sudiff | basop choice=shift shift=-0.1 | sugain scale=$a | suop op=abs | supsgraph style=normal labelsize=12 wbox=4 hbox=2 label1='time in seconds' label2="Relative error in percentage of peak" linewidth=0.1 linecolor=red  x2beg=0.0 x2end=1.0 f2num=0.0 d2num=0.5   > mon_diff_dx${dx}_rvz.eps
+(suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < ; suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < | basop choice=shift shift=-0.1 | suxgraph
+######### DIPOLE #######
+makewave fp=15 dt=$dt nt=4096 t0=0.1
+fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 iorder=4 \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+    src_type=1 \
+    src_orient=2 \
+    rec_type_p=1 \
+    rec_int_vz=2 \
+    dtrcv=0.0005 \
+    verbose=2 \
+    tmod=0.5115 \
+    dxrcv=5.0 \
+    xrcv1=-500 xrcv2=500 \
+    zrcv1=500 zrcv2=500 \
+    xsrc=0 zsrc=1000 \
+    ntaper=80 \
+    left=4 right=4 top=4 bottom=4 
+makewave fp=15 dt=0.0005 nt=4096 t0=0.1
+green c=$cp rho=$rho zsrc1=500 xrcv=-500,500 dxrcv=5 nt=4096 dip=1 | suwind nt=1024 >  
+green c=$cp rho=$rho zsrc1=500 xrcv=-500,500 dxrcv=5 nt=4096 p_vz=1 dip=1 | suwind nt=1024 > 
+shift=`perl -e "print 0.5*$dx/$cp;"`
+# rp
+(suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < | basop choice=shift shift=-$shift; suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < ) | basop choice=shift shift=-0.1 | supsgraph style=normal titlesize=-1 labelsize=10 wbox=4 hbox=2 label1='time in seconds' label2="Amplitude" linewidth=0.1 linecolor=red,green d2num=0.001 x2end=0.004001 f2num=-0.03 > dip_rp.eps
+(suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < | basop choice=shift shift=-$shift; suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < ) | basop choice=shift shift=-0.1 | supsgraph style=normal labelsize=10 wbox=2 hbox=2 label1='time in seconds' label2="Amplitude" linewidth=0.1 linecolor=red,green  x2beg=0.00379 x2end=0.00388 d2num=0.00002 f2num=0.00380 x1beg=0.2430 x1end=0.24601 f1num=0.243 d1num=0.002 > dip_zoom_rp.eps
+suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < | basop choice=shift shift=-$shift >
+suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 <  >
+sumax < outpar=nep
+Mmax=`cat nep | awk '{print $1}'`
+a=`perl -e "print 100.0/$Mmax;"`
+echo $a
+sudiff | basop choice=shift shift=-0.1 | sugain scale=$a | suop op=abs | supsgraph style=normal labelsize=12 wbox=4 hbox=2 label1='time in seconds' label2="Relative error in percentage of peak" linewidth=0.1 linecolor=red  x2beg=0.0 x2end=1.0 f2num=0.0 d2num=0.5 > dip_diff_dx${dx}_rp.eps
+(suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < | basop choice=shift shift=-$shift ; suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < ) |  basop choice=shift shift=-0.1 | suxgraph
+# rvz
+(suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < | basop choice=shift shift=-$shift; suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < ) | basop choice=shift shift=-0.1 | supsgraph style=normal labelsize=10 wbox=4 hbox=2 label1='time in seconds' label2="Amplitude" linewidth=0.1 linecolor=red,green d2num=6e-10 f2num=-1.2e-9 x2end=2e-9 x2beg=-1.3e-9 > dip_rvz.eps
+(suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < | basop choice=shift shift=-$shift; suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < ) | basop choice=shift shift=-0.1 | supsgraph style=normal labelsize=10 wbox=2 hbox=2 label1='time in seconds' label2="Amplitude" linewidth=0.1 linecolor=red,green d2num=2e-11 f2num=1.85e-9 x2end=1.944e-9 x2beg=1.85e-9 x1beg=0.2430 x1end=0.24601 f1num=0.243 d1num=0.002 > dip_zoom_rvz.eps
+suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < | basop choice=shift shift=-$shift >
+suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < >
+sumax < outpar=nep
+Mmax=`cat nep | awk '{print $1}'`
+a=`perl -e "print 100.0/$Mmax;"`
+echo $a
+sudiff | basop choice=shift shift=-0.1 | sugain scale=$a | suop op=abs | supsgraph style=normal labelsize=12 wbox=4 hbox=2 label1='time in seconds' label2="Relative error in percentage of peak" linewidth=0.1 linecolor=red  x2beg=0.0 x2end=1.0 f2num=0.0 d2num=0.5  > dip_diff_dx${dx}_rvz.eps
+(suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < | basop choice=shift shift=-$shift; suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < ) | basop choice=shift shift=-0.1 | suxgraph
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/FigureGreenDxAppendixA.scr b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/FigureGreenDxAppendixA.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4c416c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/FigureGreenDxAppendixA.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=2
+#PBS -N InterfModeling
+#PBS -V
+# difference with analytical result, used in Figure 21
+# computes difference of FD result with analytical result
+# for three different grid spacings
+export PATH=../../bin:$PATH
+for dx in 5 2.5 1.0
+makemod sizex=2000 sizez=2000 dx=$dx dz=$dx cp0=$cp ro0=$rho orig=-1000,0
+makewave fp=15 dt=$dt nt=4096 t0=0.1
+######### MONOPOLE #######
+fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 iorder=4 \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+    src_type=1 \
+    rec_type_p=1 \
+    rec_int_vz=2 \
+    dtrcv=0.0005 \
+    verbose=2 \
+    tmod=0.5115 \
+    dxrcv=5.0 \
+    xrcv1=-500 xrcv2=500 \
+    zrcv1=500 zrcv2=500 \
+    xsrc=0 zsrc=1000 \
+    ntaper=80 \
+    left=4 right=4 top=4 bottom=4 
+makewave fp=15 dt=0.0005 nt=4096 t0=0.1
+sugain < scale=0.5 >; mv
+sugain < scale=0.5 >; mv
+# rp
+green c=$cp rho=$rho zsrc1=500 xrcv=-500,500 dxrcv=5 nt=4096 dip=0 | suwind nt=1024 >  
+green c=$cp rho=$rho zsrc1=500 xrcv=-500,500 dxrcv=5 nt=4096 dip=0 p_vz=1 | suwind nt=1024 >
+suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < >
+suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 <  >
+sumax < outpar=nep
+Mmax=`cat nep | awk '{print $1}'`
+a=`perl -e "print 100.0/$Mmax;"`
+echo $a
+sudiff | basop choice=shift shift=-0.1 | sugain scale=$a | suop op=abs | supsgraph style=normal labelsize=12 wbox=4 hbox=2 label1='time in seconds' label2="Relative error in percentage of peak" linewidth=0.1 linecolor=red x2beg=0.0 x2end=1.0 f2num=0.0 d2num=0.5  > mon_diff_dx${dx}_rp.eps
+# rvz
+suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < >
+suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < >
+sumax < outpar=nep
+Mmax=`cat nep | awk '{print $1}'`
+a=`perl -e "print 100.0/$Mmax;"`
+echo $a
+sudiff | basop choice=shift shift=-0.1 | sugain scale=$a | suop op=abs | supsgraph style=normal labelsize=12 wbox=4 hbox=2 label1='time in seconds' label2="Relative error in percentage of peak" linewidth=0.1 linecolor=red  x2beg=0.0 x2end=1.0 f2num=0.0 d2num=0.5   > mon_diff_dx${dx}_rvz.eps
+######### DIPOLE #######
+makewave fp=15 dt=$dt nt=4096 t0=0.1
+fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 iorder=4 \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+    src_type=1 \
+    src_orient=2 \
+    rec_type_p=1 \
+    rec_int_vz=2 \
+    dtrcv=0.0005 \
+    verbose=2 \
+    tmod=0.5115 \
+    dxrcv=5.0 \
+    xrcv1=-500 xrcv2=500 \
+    zrcv1=500 zrcv2=500 \
+    xsrc=0 zsrc=1000 \
+    ntaper=80 \
+    left=4 right=4 top=4 bottom=4 
+makewave fp=15 dt=0.0005 nt=4096 t0=0.1
+sugain < scale=0.5 >; mv
+sugain < scale=0.5 >; mv
+green c=$cp rho=$rho zsrc1=500 xrcv=-500,500 dxrcv=5 nt=4096 dip=1 | suwind nt=1024 >  
+green c=$cp rho=$rho zsrc1=500 xrcv=-500,500 dxrcv=5 nt=4096 p_vz=1 dip=1 | suwind nt=1024 > 
+shift=`perl -e "print 0.5*$dx/$cp;"`
+# rp
+suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < >
+basop dx=1 choice=shift shift=-$shift >
+suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 <  >
+sumax < outpar=nep
+Mmax=`cat nep | awk '{print $1}'`
+a=`perl -e "print 100.0/$Mmax;"`
+echo $a
+sudiff >
+basop dx=1 choice=shift shift=-0.1 | sugain scale=$a | suop op=abs >dip_diff_dx${dx}
+supsgraph < dip_diff_dx${dx} style=normal labelsize=12 wbox=4 hbox=2 label1='time in seconds' label2="Relative error in percentage of peak" linewidth=0.1 linecolor=red  x2beg=0.0 x2end=1.0 f2num=0.0 d2num=0.5 > dip_diff_dx${dx}_rp.eps
+# rvz
+suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < >
+basop dx=1 choice=shift shift=-$shift >
+suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < >
+sumax < outpar=nep
+Mmax=`cat nep | awk '{print $1}'`
+a=`perl -e "print 100.0/$Mmax;"`
+echo $a
+sudiff >
+basop dx=1 choice=shift shift=-0.1 | sugain scale=$a | suop op=abs > dip_diff_dx${dx}
+supsgraph < dip_diff_dx${dx} style=normal labelsize=12 wbox=4 hbox=2 label1='time in seconds' label2="Relative error in percentage of peak" linewidth=0.1 linecolor=red  x2beg=0.0 x2end=1.0 f2num=0.0 d2num=0.5  > dip_diff_dx${dx}_rvz.eps
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/FigurePres.scr b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/FigurePres.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f58d727
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/FigurePres.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=2
+#PBS -N InterfModeling
+#PBS -V
+# snapshots for movie usage in presentation to explain SI, 2x800 s.
+export PATH=../../bin:$PATH
+makewave w=g1 fmax=30 t0=1.00 dt=0.0008 nt=4096 db=-40 verbose=1
+makemod sizex=10000 sizez=5000 dx=5 dz=5 cp0=1500 ro0=1000 \
+   intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=1300,1300 cp=2000 ro=1400 \
+   intt=def poly=2 x=0,2000,3000,5000,7000,8000,10000 \
+   z=2000,2000,2000,2500,2000,2000,2000 cp=4000 ro=2000 \
+   intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=3000,3000 cp=3000 ro=1500 \
+   intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=3500,3500 cp=5500 ro=2200
+suwind itmin=181 < | sushw key=f1 a=0 >
+suwind itmin=181 < | sushw key=f1 a=0 >
+#Figure 7b,c,d,e,f
+    file_shot=shot_T${tmod}_S${nsrc}_Dt${tlength}_F${fmax}.su
+    echo $file_shot
+../fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+ \
+    file_rcv=$file_shot \
+    rec_type_p=0 \
+    dtrcv=0.008 \
+    rec_ntsam=16384 \
+    dt=0.0005 \
+    verbose=4 \
+    tmod=$tmod \
+    dxrcv=10.0 \
+    plane_wave=0 \
+    amplitude=0 \
+    xsrc=5000 zsrc=2700 \
+    src_random=1 \
+    wav_random=1 \
+    fmax=$fmax \
+    xsrc1=$xsrc1 \
+    xsrc2=$xsrc2 \
+    zsrc1=$zsrc1 \
+    zsrc2=$zsrc2 \
+    tsrc1=0.0 \
+    tsrc2=$tsrc2 \
+    tlength=$tlength \
+	tsnap1=0.0 \
+	tsnap2=12 \
+    dxsnap=10 \
+    dzsnap=10 \
+	dtsnap=0.08 \
+    nsrc=$nsrc \
+    ntaper=45 \
+    left=4 right=4 top=1 bottom=4 
+    file_shot=shotW_T${tmod}_S${nsrc}_Dt${tlength}_F${fmax}.su
+../fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+    file_rcv=$file_shot \
+    rec_type_p=0 \
+    dtrcv=0.008 \
+    rec_ntsam=16384 \
+    dt=0.0005 \
+    verbose=4 \
+    tmod=$tmod \
+    dxrcv=10.0 \
+    plane_wave=0 \
+    amplitude=0 \
+    xsrc=5000 zsrc=2700 \
+    src_random=1 \
+    wav_random=0 \
+    fmax=$fmax \
+    xsrc1=$xsrc1 \
+    xsrc2=$xsrc2 \
+    zsrc1=$zsrc1 \
+    zsrc2=$zsrc2 \
+    tsrc1=0.0 \
+    tsrc2=$tsrc2 \
+    tlength=$tlength \
+	tsnap1=0.0 \
+	tsnap2=12 \
+    dxsnap=10 \
+    dzsnap=10 \
+	dtsnap=0.08 \
+    nsrc=$nsrc \
+    ntaper=45 \
+    left=4 right=4 top=1 bottom=4 
+#Figure 5b
+suop2 w1=8000 w2=1.0 op=sum | 
+    sugain nclip=1500 | \
+    sushw key=f1,f2 a=-900,-5000 | \
+    supsimage hbox=4 wbox=8 labelsize=10 \
+    f2num=-5000 d2num=1000 f1num=0 d1num=500 \
+    x2beg=-5000 x2end=5000 \
+    bclip=7700 wclip=0 label1="depth (m)" label2="lateral position (m)" \
+    > simple_sources_cp.eps
+#    wrgb=0,0,1.0 grgb=0,1.0,0 brgb=1.0,0,0 x2beg=-5000 x2end=5000 \
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/FigureSourcesAppendixA.scr b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/FigureSourcesAppendixA.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a415f89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/FigureSourcesAppendixA.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+#PBS -l nodes=1
+#PBS -N InterfModeling
+#PBS -q fourweeks
+#PBS -V
+# source construction shown in Figure A2-A3-A4, 150 s.
+export PATH=../../bin:$PATH
+makewave w=g2 fmax=45 t0=0.10 dt=0.001 nt=4096 db=-40 verbose=1
+makemod sizex=10000 sizez=4100 dx=10 dz=10 cp0=1500 ro0=1000 \
+	intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=400,400 cp=2000 ro=1400 \
+	intt=def poly=2 x=0,2000,3000,5000,7000,8000,10000 \
+	z=1100,1100,1100,1600,1100,1100,1100 cp=4000 ro=2000 \
+	intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=2100,2100 cp=3000 ro=1500 \
+	intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=2600,2600 cp=5500 ro=2200
+fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+	file_rcv=$file_shot \
+	dtrcv=0.008 \
+	dt=0.0010 \
+	verbose=4 \
+	tmod=10.000 \
+	dxrcv=20.0 \
+	zrcv1=10 \
+	zrcv2=10 \
+	xrcv1=0 \
+	xrcv2=10000 \
+	src_random=1 \
+	wav_random=1 \
+	fmax=30 \
+	xsrc1=$xsrc1 \
+	xsrc2=$xsrc2 \
+	zsrc1=$zsrc1 \
+	zsrc2=$zsrc2 \
+	tsrc1=0.0 \
+	tsrc2=5.0 \
+	nsrc=20 \
+	dipsrc=0 \
+	ntaper=45 \
+	tsnap1=0.1 tsnap2=6.0 dtsnap=0.2 \
+	left=4 right=4 top=1 bottom=4 \
+    nxmax=2500 nzmax=1400 ntmax=10000
+psgraph < srcTimeLengthN\=10001.bin n1=10001 \
+    labelsize=12 d1=0.001 style=normal linecolor=blue \
+    label1="start time (s)" label2="source duration (s)" \
+    d1num=1 d2num=1 wbox=8 hbox=4 x1end=5 > srcTimeLength.eps
+supswigp < \
+	labelsize=10 label1='time (s)' label2='source number' x1end=6 \
+	d2=1 d2num=1 hbox=4 wbox=6 fill=0 \
+	titlesize=-1 > src_nwav.eps
+suwind < key=tracl min=11 max=11 | \
+	supsgraph hbox=2 wbox=4 style=normal \
+	labelsize=10 label2='amplitude' label1='time (s)' \
+	titlesize=-1 d1num=1.0 > src11_wiggle.eps
+suwind < key=tracl min=11 max=11 | \
+	supsgraph hbox=2 wbox=4 style=normal \
+	labelsize=10 label2='amplitude' label1='time (s)' \
+	titlesize=-1 x1end=0.05 > src11_wiggle_zbeg.eps
+suwind < key=tracl min=11 max=11 | \
+	supsgraph hbox=2 wbox=4 style=normal \
+	labelsize=10 label2='amplitude' label1='time (s)' \
+	titlesize=-1 x1beg=3.60 x1end=3.65 > src11_wiggle_zend.eps
+suwind < key=tracl min=11 max=11 | \
+	sufft | suamp| supsgraph hbox=2 wbox=4 style=normal \
+	labelsize=10 label2='amplitude' label1='frequency (Hz)' \
+	titlesize=-1 x1end=100 d1num=10 > src11_ampl.eps
+fconv auto=1 shift=1 mode=cor1 | \
+	sugain qbal=1 | \
+	supswigp x1beg=-1 x1end=1 d2num=1 hbox=4 wbox=6 \
+	labelsize=10 label2='source number' label1='time (s)' \
+	titlesize=-1 fill=0 > src_nwav_autoCorr_Norm.eps
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/MakeGifMovie.scr b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/MakeGifMovie.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..886b985
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/MakeGifMovie.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+# attempt to make movie from FigurePres.scr snapshots
+# the free program imageJ ( is better to make movies.
+#ls snap_sP* >& Pfiles
+#sed s/".su"/".eps"/ Pfiles 
+rm ${fileshot}
+for (( s=$sbeg; s <= $send; s+=1 )) do
+	time=$(echo "scale=4; $s*0.08"| bc -l)
+	trot=$(echo "scale=4; 12.0-$time"| bc -l)
+    timestr=$(printf %5.3f $time)
+	nump=`printf "%03d" $s`
+    echo s = $s time = $timestr
+	suwind < $fileshot tmax=$time | \
+	suwind itmax=1500 | rotate trot=$trot | \
+	sushw key=fldr a=$s >> ${fileshot} 
+#	supsimage labelsize=12 titlesize=14 title="time = ${timestr}" \
+#    hbox=4.1 wbox=10 d1=5 d2=5 d1num=1000 d2num=2000 clip=12 > snap$nump.eps
+/usr/bin/convert -delay 20 PSsum*.eps PSsummovie.gif
+/usr/bin/convert -delay 20 PSsnap*.eps PSsnapmovie.gif
+/usr/bin/convert -delay 20 Psnap*.eps Psnapmovie.gif
+/usr/bin/convert -delay 20 Ssnap*.eps Ssnapmovie.gif
+basop < choice=4 >
+basop < choice=4 | scale a=-1 >
+susum > 
+supsimage < brgb=0.0,0.0,1.0 grgb=1.0,1.0,1.0 wrgb=1.0,1.0,1.0 perc=99 > rpp.eps
+supsimage < brgb=1.0,1.0,1.0 grgb=1.0,1.0,1.0 wrgb=1.0,0.0,0.0 perc=99 > rss.eps
+supsimage < brgb=0.0,0.0,1.0 grgb=1.0,1.0,1.0 wrgb=1.0,0.0,0.0 perc=99 clip=3e-14 > rs
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/README b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2d2aa5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/README
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+The scripts in this directory reproduce the Figures shown in the paper "Finite-difference modeling experiments for seismic interferometry". Some of those scripts take a very long time to run. In this file some guidelines and runtime indications are given of the scripts to reproduce the Figures. The runtimes are given for a 2.5 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo. OpenMP parallelization is not used.
+All scripts use some commands from Seismic Unix (SU) to plot results or post-process the data. 
+==> Please make sure that SU is compiled without XDR (In $CWPROOT/Makefile.config make sure that XDRFLAG is NOT set). The SU output files of fdelmodc are base on local IEEE data. 
+starts fdelmodc only to compute the source positions, 1 s.
+runtime: 5 seconds
+First the shots along the box-shaped contour are modeled for each shot separately. This takes a very long time. To model these shots two other script are called:
+Simple_model_base.scr, to model 900 shots at level z=3600
+Simple_model_sides.scr, to model 2x360 shots at the sides of the model at x=1000 and x=9000
+runtime one shot: 270 seconds. 
+total runtime modeling: 122 hours.
+direct modeled reference result Figure 3d
+runtime: 500 seconds.
+5 different source signature lengths
+Runtime: 3.5 hours per shot of 120 s. modeling
+simulates 8000 short (2.5 s) sources
+Runtime: 3.5 hours
+5 different number of random sources
+Runtime: 3.5 hours per shot of 120 s. modeling
+make postscript file of middle trace after Figure6.scr, 1 s.
+Runtime: a few seconds to produce the figure.
+The script Figure6.scr must be run first
+NOT used in paper: The same as script Figure6.scr, but a random source signature of a fixed length. 
+as Figure 6, but with 1000 deep sources
+Runtime: 3.5 hours
+NOT used in paper: The same as script Figure7.scr, but a random source signature of a fixed length. 
+NOT used in paper: The same as script Figure7.scr, but with varying maximum frequency in source signature.
+for random and ricker wavelet deep, volume and plane sources
+Runtime: 6 x 3.5 hours
+for reviewer, same as Fig. 8-9 in homogeneous medium
+NOT used in paper: to answers reviewer, same as fig 8-9 in homogeneous medium,
+Runtime: 6 x 3.5 hours
+reference and 2 SI results for visco-acoustic media
+Runtime reference: 2 x 3 minutes 
+Runtime deep and volume: 2 x 1.5 hours  
+Uses the result of fdelmodc_long.scr and produces the postscript figures.
+The program to compute the correlation in a continuous way (corrsmp) is missing and the correlation result can not be reproduced. The program corrsmp is still in a development state and not yet suited for release. 
+The program to compute the correlation in a continuous way (corrsmp) is missing and the correlation result can not be reproduced. The program corrsmp is still in a development state and not yet suited for release. 
+amplitude variations on source strength
+Runtime: 3 x 1500 s.
+The reference shot can be reproduced, together with the long 3600 s modeling. The SI retrieved results can not be reproduced.
+runtime: 161 hours for the 3600 seconds passive measurement
+61 output files will be created each containing 65535 time samples. 
+The program to compute the correlation in a continuous way (corrsmp) is missing and the correlation result can not be reproduced. The program corrsmp is still in a development state and not yet suited for release. 
+source construction shown in Figure A2-A3-A4
+runtime: 150 seconds
+compares FD result with analytical result
+runtime 80 seconds.
+Script used to generate the retrieved reflection from passive measurements.
+This script is used to model the passive measurements and takes ~100 hours. 
+The program to compute the correlation in a continuous way (corrsmp) is missing and the correlation result can not be reproduced. The program corrsmp is still in a development state and not yet suited for release. 
+cross.scr and FigureCCsources.scr
+used to answer a question of reviewer 3
+FigurePres.scr and MakeGifMovie.scr
+Generates snapshots which can be used in a presentation to explain SI
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/SIrand.scr b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/SIrand.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ec7f7d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/SIrand.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+# the middle trace is correlated with all the output traces to compute the SI result
+export PATH=../../bin:$PATH
+echo "SIrand.scr"
+if [[ $2 != "" ]]; then
+    dxrcv=$2
+	dxrcv=50
+base=`echo $shot | awk 'BEGIN { FS = ".su" } ; { print $1 }'`
+echo $base
+suwind s=1 j=1 tmax=4 f1=0.0 < $shot | \
+    sushw key=f1,delrt,d2 a=0.0,0.0,$dxrcv | \
+    supsimage perc=99 f1=0 f2=-5000 hbox=4 wbox=3 \
+	label1='time (s)' label2='lateral position (m)' \
+    labelsize=10 f2num=-5000 d2num=2500 > ${base}.eps
+ntraces=`surange < $shot | grep traces| awk '{print $1 }'`
+echo $ntraces
+middle=$(echo "scale=0; ($ntraces+1)/2"| bc -l)
+echo $middle 
+suwind key=tracl min=$middle max=$middle < $shot >
+fconv verbose=1 file_in1=$shot mode=cor1 shift=1 > 
+#fconv ntfft=16384 file_in1=$shot mode=cor1 shift=1  | \
+#	sufilter amps=0,0.5,1,1,0 f=0,2,3,50,60 > 
+ns=`surange < | grep ns | awk '{print $2 }'`
+odd=$(( ns % 2))
+if [[ $odd == 1 ]]; then
+  ns2=$(echo "scale=0; ($ns-1)/2"| bc -l)
+  ns=$(echo "scale=0; $ns-1"| bc -l)
+  ns2=$(echo "scale=0; ($ns)/2"| bc -l)
+echo $ns $odd
+echo $ns2
+suwind < itmin=0 itmax=$ns2 | suflip flip=3 >
+suwind < itmin=$ns2 itmax=$ns  >
+#susum | \
+#	suwind s=1 j=5 tmax=4 f1=0.0 | \
+#    sushw key=f1,delrt,d2 a=0.0,0.0,250 | \
+#    supswigp perc=99 f1=0 f2=-5000 hbox=8 wbox=6 \
+#    labelsize=10 f2num=-5000 d2num=1000 > ${base}.eps
+#suwind s=1 j=1 tmax=4 f1=0.0 < | \
+#    sushw key=f1,delrt,d2 a=0.0,0.0,50 | \
+#    supsimage perc=99 f1=0 f2=-5000 hbox=4 wbox=3 \
+#    labelsize=10 f2num=-5000 d2num=2500 > ${base}_Causal.eps
+#suwind s=1 j=1 tmax=4 f1=0.0 < | \
+#    sushw key=f1,delrt,d2 a=0.0,0.0,50 | \
+#    supsimage perc=99 f1=0 f2=-5000 hbox=4 wbox=3 \
+#    labelsize=10 f2num=-5000 d2num=2500 > ${base}_NonCausal.eps
+susum | \
+	suwind s=1 j=1 tmax=4 f1=0.0 | \
+    sushw key=f1,delrt,d2 a=0.0,0.0,$dxrcv | \
+    supsimage perc=99 f1=0 f2=-5000 hbox=4 wbox=3 \
+	label1='time (s)' label2='lateral position (m)' \
+    labelsize=10 f2num=-5000 d2num=2500 > ${base}_add.eps
+f1=`surange < | grep f1 | awk '{print $2 }'`
+echo $f1
+suwind s=1 j=1 tmin=-1.0 tmax=1 f1=$f1 < | \
+    sushw key=f1,delrt,d2 a=-1.0,0.0,$dxrcv | \
+    supsimage f1=-1.0 f2=-5000 hbox=3 wbox=3 \
+	label1='time (s)' label2='lateral position (m)' \
+    labelsize=10 f2num=-5000 d2num=2500 > ${base}_corr.eps
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Simple_model_base.scr b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Simple_model_base.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..22bb354
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Simple_model_base.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+#PBS -l nodes=1
+#PBS -N InterfModeling
+#PBS -q fourweeks
+# models sequential 900 shots at level z = 3600, 70 hours
+export PATH=../../bin:$PATH
+#/bin/rm $filout
+makewave w=g1 fmax=45 t0=1.00 dt=0.0005 nt=4096 db=-40 verbose=1
+makemod sizex=10000 sizez=5000 dx=5 dz=5 cp0=1500 ro0=1000 \
+	intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=1300,1300 cp=2000 ro=1400 \
+	intt=def poly=2 x=0,2000,3000,5000,7000,8000,10000 \
+	z=2000,2000,2000,2500,2000,2000,2000 cp=4000 ro=2000 \
+	intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=3000,3000 cp=3000 ro=1500 \
+	intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=3500,3500 cp=5500 ro=2200
+suwind itmin=91 < | sushw key=f1 a=0 >
+suwind itmin=91 < | sushw key=f1 a=0 >
+while (( xsrc <= xsrc2 ))
+echo ' modeling shot at x=' $xsrc
+fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+	verbose=1 \
+	fmax=45 \
+	tmod=16.000\
+	xrcv1=0. \
+	xrcv2=10000. \
+	zrcv1=0. \
+	zrcv2=0. \
+	dxrcv=50.0 \
+	xsrc=$xsrc \
+	zsrc=3600. \
+	ntaper=45 \
+	left=4 right=4 top=1 bottom=4
+(( ishot = $xsrc / $dxsrc ))
+echo ishot=$ishot
+(( xsrc = $xsrc + $dxsrc))
+sushw < key=fldr a=$ishot >> $filout
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Simple_model_sides.scr b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Simple_model_sides.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1e1fa4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/Simple_model_sides.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+#PBS -l nodes=1
+#PBS -N InterfModeling
+#PBS -q fourweeks
+# models sequential 2x360 shots at the sides x=1000,9000, 50 hours
+export PATH=../../bin:$PATH
+#/bin/rm $filout
+makewave w=g1 fmax=45 t0=1.00 dt=0.0005 nt=4096 db=-40 verbose=1
+makemod sizex=10000 sizez=5000 dx=5 dz=5 cp0=1500 ro0=1000 \
+	intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=1300,1300 cp=2000 ro=1400 \
+	intt=def poly=2 x=0,2000,3000,5000,7000,8000,10000 \
+	z=2000,2000,2000,2500,2000,2000,2000 cp=4000 ro=2000 \
+	intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=3000,3000 cp=3000 ro=1500 \
+	intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=3500,3500 cp=5500 ro=2200
+suwind itmin=91 < | sushw key=f1 a=0 >
+suwind itmin=91 < | sushw key=f1 a=0 >
+while (( zsrc <= zsrc2 ))
+echo ' modeling shot at x=' $xsrc1 $zsrc
+fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+	verbose=1 \
+	fmax=45 \
+	tmod=16.000\
+	zrcv1=0. \
+	xrcv1=0. \
+	xrcv2=10000. \
+	zrcv2=0. \
+	dxrcv=50.0 \
+	xsrc=$xsrc1 \
+	zsrc=$zsrc \
+	ntaper=45 \
+	left=4 right=4 top=1 bottom=4
+(( ishot = $ishot + 1))
+echo ishot=$ishot
+(( zsrc = $zsrc + $dzsrc))
+sushw < key=fldr a=$ishot >> $filout
+while (( zsrc <= zsrc2 ))
+echo ' modeling shot at x=' $xsrc1 $zsrc
+fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+	verbose=1 \
+	fmax=30 \
+	tmod=16.000\
+	xrcv1=0. \
+	xrcv2=10000. \
+	zrcv1=0. \
+	zrcv2=0. \
+	dxrcv=50.0 \
+	xsrc=$xsrc1 \
+	zsrc=$zsrc \
+	ntaper=45 \
+	left=4 right=4 top=1 bottom=4
+(( ishot = $ishot + 1))
+echo ishot=$ishot
+(( zsrc = $zsrc + $dzsrc))
+sushw < key=fldr a=$ishot >> $filout
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/clean b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/clean
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..085f055
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/clean
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+rm *.su *.bin *.txt *.eps nep
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/cross.scr b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/cross.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..37473bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/cross.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# calls FigureCCsources.scr and compute cross-correlation used in Figure 10 of manual, 1600 s.
+traclrange=`surange < | grep tracl` 
+trace1=`echo $traclrange | cut -f2 -d" " `
+trace2=`echo $traclrange | cut -f3 -d" " `
+echo "tracerange = $trace1 $trace2"
+rm corr2d.bin
+for (( trace = $trace1; trace<=$trace2; trace+=1 )) do
+	echo $trace
+	suwind < key=tracl min=$trace max=$trace  > 
+	fconv mode=cor1 fmax=31 fmin=0
+	suwind < itmax=0 itmin=0 | sustrip >> corr2d.bin
+suaddhead < corr2d.bin n1=100 | sugain pbal=1 dt=1 | suop op=abs | \
+	sugain scale=0.1005 dt=1 | \
+	supsimage  legend=1 hbox=3 wbox=3 \
+	titlesize=-1 labelsize=10 label1="source number" label2="source number" \
+	d1=1 f1=1 f1num=0 d1num=20 d2num=20 > cross2d.eps
+	supswigb< hbox=3 wbox=8 \
+	titlesize=-1 labelsize=10 label1="time in seconds" label2="source number" \
+	d2num=20 > src_before_cross.eps
+#suaddhead < corr2d.bin n1=100 | sugain pbal=1 dt=1 | suop op=abs | \
+#    sugain scale=0.1005 dt=1 |sustrip > corr2d_scl.bin
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/fdelmodc_amplitude.scr b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/fdelmodc_amplitude.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e77369d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/fdelmodc_amplitude.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=2
+#PBS -N InterfModeling
+#PBS -q oneweek
+#PBS -V
+# models along recording on 3600 s. used in Fig 12, 100 hours
+export PATH=../../bin:$PATH
+#makewave w=g2 fp=10 t0=0.15 dt=0.0010 nt=4096 verbose=1
+makemod sizex=12000 sizez=5000 dx=10 dz=10 cs0=1500 cp0=1900 ro0=1000 \
+    intt=def poly=0 x=0,12000 z=400,400 cp=2100 ro=1400 cs=1600 \
+    intt=def poly=2 x=0,3000,4000,6000,8000,9000,12000 \
+	z=1100,1100,1100,1600,1100,1100,1100 cp=4000 ro=2000 cs=2800 \
+    intt=def poly=0 x=0,12000 z=2100,2100 cp=3000 ro=1500 cs=2000 \
+    intt=def poly=0 x=0,12000 z=2600,2600 cp=5500 ro=2200 cs=3000
+mkdir long
+fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+ \
+    file_rcv=$file_shot \
+    rec_type_p=1 rec_type_vx=1 rec_type_vz=1 \
+    dtrcv=0.008 \
+    rec_ntsam=16384 \
+    dt=0.0010 \
+    verbose=3 \
+    tmod=$tmod \
+    dxrcv=50.0 \
+	xrcv1=1000 \
+	xrcv2=11000 \
+	zrcv1=0 \
+	zrcv2=0 \
+	amplitude=500 \
+	distribution=1 \
+    plane_wave=0 \
+    src_random=1 \
+    wav_random=1 \
+    fmax=$fmax \
+    xsrc1=$xsrc1 \
+    xsrc2=$xsrc2 \
+    zsrc1=$zsrc1 \
+    zsrc2=$zsrc2 \
+    tsrc1=0.0 \
+    tsrc2=$tsrc2 \
+    tlength=$tlength \
+    nsrc=$nsrc \
+    dipsrc=0 \
+    ntaper=100 \
+	left=4 right=4 top=1 bottom=4
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/fdelmodc_long.scr b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/fdelmodc_long.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..db6a321
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/fdelmodc_long.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=2
+#PBS -N InterfModeling
+#PBS -q oneweek
+#PBS -V
+# models along recording on 3600 s. used in Fig 11, 100 hours
+export PATH=../../bin:$PATH
+#makewave w=g2 fp=10 t0=0.15 dt=0.0010 nt=4096 verbose=1
+makemod sizex=10000 sizez=4100 dx=10 dz=10 cs0=1500 cp0=1900 ro0=1000 \
+    intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=400,400 cp=2100 ro=1400 cs=1600 \
+    intt=def poly=2 x=0,2000,3000,5000,7000,8000,10000 \
+        z=1100,1100,1100,1600,1100,1100,1100 cp=4000 ro=2000 cs=2800 \
+    intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=2100,2100 cp=3000 ro=1500 cs=2000 \
+    intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=2600,2600 cp=5500 ro=2200 cs=3000
+mkdir long
+fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+ \
+    file_rcv=$file_shot \
+    rec_type_p=1 rec_type_vx=1 rec_type_vz=1 \
+    dtrcv=0.008 \
+    rec_ntsam=16384 \
+    dt=0.0010 \
+    verbose=3 \
+    tmod=$tmod \
+    dxrcv=50.0 \
+    plane_wave=0 \
+    src_random=1 \
+    wav_random=1 \
+    fmax=$fmax \
+    xsrc1=$xsrc1 \
+    xsrc2=$xsrc2 \
+    zsrc1=$zsrc1 \
+    zsrc2=$zsrc2 \
+    tsrc1=0.0 \
+    tsrc2=$tsrc2 \
+    tlength=$tlength \
+    nsrc=$nsrc \
+    dipsrc=0 \
+    ntaper=45 \
+	left=4 right=4 top=1 bottom=4
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/fdelmodc_real.scr b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/fdelmodc_real.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2106b98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/fdelmodc_real.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+#PBS -l nodes=1
+#PBS -N InterfModeling
+#PBS -q fourweeks
+#PBS -V
+export PATH=../../bin:$PATH
+makemod sizex=10000 sizez=4100 dx=2 dz=2 cp0=0 ro0=1000 \
+	orig=0,-800 gradunit=1 \
+	intt=def poly=2 cp=2450 ro=1000 gradcp=14 grad=0 \
+	x=0,1000,1700,1800,2000,3000,4000,4500,6000,6800,7000,7500,8100,8800,10000 \
+	z=-100,-200,-250,-200,-200,-120,-300,-600,-650,-500,-350,-200,-200,-150,-200  \
+	intt=rough var=200,3.2,1 poly=2 x=0,3000,8000,10000 z=400,250,300,500 cp=4500,4200,4800,4500 ro=1400 gradcp=5 grad=0 \
+	intt=def poly=2 x=0,2000,3000,5000,7000,8000,10000 \
+		z=1100,1100,1100,1600,1100,1100,1100 cp=4000 ro=2000 gradcp=8 grad=0 \
+	intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=1750,2050 cp=4500,5100 ro=1500 gradcp=13 grad=0 \
+	intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=1850,2150 cp=6000,4200 ro=1500 gradcp=14 grad=0 \
+	intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=1950,2250 cp=4800,4800 ro=1500 gradcp=5 grad=0 \
+	intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=2000,2300 cp=6100,5000 ro=1500 gradcp=13 grad=0 \
+	intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=2100,2400 cp=3800,5000 ro=1500 gradcp=20 grad=0 \
+	intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=2150,2450 cp=5000 ro=1500 gradcp=14 grad=0 \
+	intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=2350,2650 cp=5800 ro=1500 gradcp=5 grad=0 \
+	intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=2600,2600 cp=5500 ro=2200 gradcp=5 grad=0 
+sushw key=f1 a=0 < | \
+    sushw key=f1 a=0 | \
+    supsimage hbox=6 wbox=8 labelsize=10 f2num=-5000 d2num=1000 \
+    wrgb=0,0,1.0 grgb=0,1.0,0 brgb=1.0,0,0 \
+    bclip=7053.02 wclip=0 label1="depth [m]" label2="lateral position [m]" \
+    > model_cp.eps
+makewave w=g2 fmax=45 t0=0.10 dt=$dt nt=4096 db=-40 verbose=1
+extendModel nafter=$ntap nbefore=$ntap nabove=0 nbelow=$ntap >
+extendModel nafter=$ntap nbefore=$ntap nabove=0 nbelow=$ntap >
+fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+	dtrcv=0.004 \
+	verbose=4 \
+	tmod=3.000 \
+	dxrcv=20.0 \
+	zrcv1=-800 \
+	xrcv1=0 \
+	xrcv2=10000 \
+	sinkdepth=1 \
+	src_random=0 \
+	wav_random=0 \
+	xsrc1=5000 \
+	xsrc2=5000 \
+	zsrc1=-800 \
+	tsrc1=0.0 \
+	dipsrc=1 \
+	ntaper=$ntap \
+	left=4 right=4 top=1 bottom=4
+fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+	file_rcv=$file_shot \
+	dtrcv=0.004 \
+	dt=$dt \
+	verbose=4 \
+	rec_ntsam=1500 \
+	tmod=$tmod \
+	dxrcv=20.0 \
+	zrcv1=-800 \
+	xrcv1=0 \
+	xrcv2=10000 \
+	sinkdepth=1 \
+	src_random=1 \
+	wav_random=1 \
+	fmax=$fmax \
+	xsrc1=$xsrc1 \
+	xsrc2=$xsrc2 \
+	zsrc1=$zsrc1 \
+	zsrc2=$zsrc2 \
+	tsrc1=0.0 \
+	tsrc2=$tsrc2 \
+	tlength=$tlength \
+	nsrc=$nsrc \
+	dipsrc=0 \
+	ntaper=$ntap \
+	left=4 right=4 top=1 bottom=4
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/normalorg.gnp b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/normalorg.gnp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04843f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/normalorg.gnp
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+unset contour
+load ""
+print ""
+print "Simple Monte Carlo simulation"
+print ""
+print "The first curve is a histogram where the binned frequency of occurence"
+print "of a pseudo random variable distributed according to the normal"
+print "(Gaussian) law is scaled such that the histogram converges to the"
+print "normal probability density function with increasing number of samples"
+print "used in the Monte Carlo simulation.  The second curve is the normal"
+print "probability density function with unit variance and zero mean."
+print ""
+nsamp = 5000
+binwidth = 20
+xlow = -3.0
+xhigh = 3.0
+scale = (binwidth/(xhigh-xlow))
+# A somewhat inelegant way of generating N random data points.  A future
+# non-pressing plot-command feature addition may address this issue.
+set parametric
+set samples nsamp
+set format "%8.5g"
+set table "random.tmp"
+plot invnorm(rand(0)),(1.0*scale/nsamp)
+unset table
+unset format
+unset parametric
+set samples 200
+tstring(n) = sprintf("Histogram of %d random samples from a univariate\nGaussian PDF with unit variance and zero mean", n)
+set title tstring(nsamp)
+set key
+set grid
+set xrange [-3:3]
+set yrange [0:0.45]
+bin(x) = (1.0/scale)*floor(x*scale)
+plot "random.tmp" using (bin($1)):2 smooth frequency with steps \
+                title "scaled bin frequency", \
+                normal(x,0,1) with lines title "Gaussian p.d.f."
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/ b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61ebf31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+from scitools.std import *
+x = y = linspace(1, 100, 100)
+xv, yv = ndgrid(x, y)
+#values = sin(sqrt(xv**2 + yv**2))
+values = fromfile("corr2d_scl.bin", dtype=single, count=-1, sep='')
+#mesh(xv, yv, values)
+surf(xv, yv, values,
+     shading='flat',
+     colorbar='on',
+     colormap=gray(m=1),
+	axis=[1,100,1,100,0,1],
+     view=[35,45])
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/plot3d.gnu b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/plot3d.gnu
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce37661
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/FiguresPaper/plot3d.gnu
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+set terminal png transparent nocrop enhanced  size 500,420 
+set output 'binary.1.png'
+#set key inside right top vertical Right noreverse enhanced autotitles box linetype -1 linewidth 1.000
+#set hidden3d offset 1 trianglepattern 3 undefined 1 altdiagonal bentover
+set style data lines
+#set ticslevel 0
+#set title "Hidden line removal of explicit binary surfaces" 
+#set xrange [ 1.00000 : 100.00000 ] noreverse nowriteback
+#set yrange [ 1.00000 : 100.00000 ] noreverse nowriteback
+set zrange [ 1.00000 : 200000000.00000 ] 
+splot "corr2d.bin" binary array=100x100 format="%float32" endian=little
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/Makefile b/fdelmodc3D/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1820c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+# Makefile
+include ../Make_include
+# define general include and system library
+ALLINC  = -I.
+LIBS    += -L$L -lgenfft -lm $(LIBSM)
+#LIBS    += -L$L -lgenfft -lm -lc
+#OPTC = -g -Wall -fsignaling-nans -O0 -fopenmp
+#OPTC += -fopenmp -Waddress
+#OPTC := $(subst -O3 -ffast-math, -O1 -g ,$(OPTC))
+#PGI options for compiler feedback
+#OPTC += -Mprof=lines
+#OPTC += -qopt-report
+#LDFLAGS += -Mprof=lines
+all: fdelmodc3D
+PRG = fdelmodc3D
+SRCC	= $(PRG).c \
+		acoustic2.c \
+		acoustic4.c \
+		acousticSH4.c \
+		acoustic4_qr.c \
+		acoustic6.c \
+		viscoacoustic4.c \
+		elastic4.c \
+		elastic4dc.c \
+		elastic6.c \
+		viscoelastic4.c \
+		defineSource.c  \
+		getParameters.c  \
+		getWaveletInfo.c  \
+		getModelInfo.c  \
+		applySource.c  \
+		getRecTimes.c  \
+		getBeamTimes.c  \
+		writeSnapTimes.c  \
+		writeRec.c  \
+		writeSrcRecPos.c  \
+		decomposition.c  \
+		fileOpen.c  \
+		recvPar.c  \
+		readModel.c  \
+		sourceOnSurface.c  \
+		getWaveletHeaders.c  \
+		boundaries.c  \
+		verbosepkg.c  \
+		writesufile.c  \
+		gaussGen.c  \
+		spline3.c  \
+		CMWC4096.c  \
+		wallclock_time.c  \
+		name_ext.c  \
+		atopkge.c \
+		docpkge.c \
+		threadAffinity.c \
+		getpars.c
+OBJC	= $(SRCC:%.c=%.o)
+$(PRG):	$(OBJC) fdelmodc.h
+	$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(OPTC) -o fdelmodc3D $(OBJC) $(LIBS)
+install: fdelmodc3D 
+	cp fdelmodc3D $B
+		rm -f core $(OBJC) $(OBJM) fdelmodc3D
+		rm -f core $(OBJC) $(OBJM) $(PRG) $B/fdelmodc3D
+print:	Makefile $(SRC)
+	$(PRINT) $?
+	@touch print
+	@wc $(SRC)
+	@tar cf $(PRG).tar Makefile $(SRC) && compress $(PRG).tar
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/SUsegy.h b/fdelmodc3D/SUsegy.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9133b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/SUsegy.h
@@ -0,0 +1,391 @@
+/* This file is property of the Colorado School of Mines.
+ Copyright © 2007, Colorado School of Mines,
+ All rights reserved.
+ Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or 
+ without modification, are permitted provided that the following 
+ conditions are met:
+ *  Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 
+ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ *  Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above 
+ copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following 
+ disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided 
+ with the distribution.
+ *  Neither the name of the Colorado School of Mines nor the names of
+ its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products 
+ derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+ Warranty Disclaimer:
+ Export Restriction Disclaimer:
+ We believe that CWP/SU: Seismic Un*x is a low technology product that does
+ not appear on the Department of Commerce CCL list of restricted exports.
+ Accordingly, we believe that our product meets the qualifications of
+ an ECCN (export control classification number) of EAR99 and we believe
+ it fits the qualifications of NRR (no restrictions required), and
+ is thus not subject to export restrictions of any variety.
+ Approved Reference Format:
+ In publications, please refer to SU as per the following example:
+ Cohen, J. K. and Stockwell, Jr. J. W., (200_), CWP/SU: Seismic Un*x 
+ Release No. __: an open source software  package for seismic 
+ research and processing, 
+ Center for Wave Phenomena, Colorado School of Mines.
+ Articles about SU in peer-reviewed journals:
+ Saeki, T., (1999), A guide to Seismic Un*x (SU)(2)---examples of data processing (part 1), data input and preparation of headers, Butsuri-Tansa (Geophysical Exploration), vol. 52, no. 5, 465-477.
+ Stockwell, Jr. J. W. (1999), The CWP/SU: Seismic Un*x Package, Computers and Geosciences, May 1999.
+ Stockwell, Jr. J. W. (1997), Free Software in Education: A case study of CWP/SU: Seismic Un*x, The Leading Edge, July 1997.
+ Templeton, M. E., Gough, C.A., (1998), Web Seismic Un*x: Making seismic reflection processing more accessible, Computers and Geosciences.
+ Acknowledgements:
+ SU stands for CWP/SU:Seismic Un*x, a processing line developed at Colorado 
+ School of Mines, partially based on Stanford Exploration Project (SEP) 
+ software.
+ */
+/* segy.h - include file for SEGY traces
+ *
+ * declarations for:
+ *	typedef struct {} segy - the trace identification header
+ *	typedef struct {} bhed - binary header
+ *
+ * Note:
+ *	If header words are added, run the makefile in this directory
+ *	to recreate hdr.h.
+ *
+ * Reference:
+ *	K. M. Barry, D. A. Cavers and C. W. Kneale, "Special Report:
+ *		Recommended Standards for Digital Tape Formats",
+ *		Geophysics, vol. 40, no. 2 (April 1975), P. 344-352.
+ *	
+ * $Author: john $
+ * $Source: /usr/local/cwp/src/su/include/RCS/segy.h,v $
+ * $Revision: 1.23 $ ; $Date: 1998/03/26 23:48:18 $
+ */ 
+/* #define SU_NFLTS	800000	 Arbitrary limit on data array size	*/
+* This segyhdr has been redefined and uses an integer (32 bit) for number of samples (ns) 
+*  Jan Thorbecke 
+typedef struct {	/* segy - trace identification header */
+	int tracl;	/* trace sequence number within line */
+	int tracr;	/* trace sequence number within reel */
+	int fldr;	/* field record number */
+	int tracf;	/* trace number within field record */
+	int ep;	/* energy source point number */
+	int cdp;	/* CDP ensemble number */
+	int cdpt;	/* trace number within CDP ensemble */
+	short trid;	/* trace identification code:
+			1 = seismic data
+			2 = dead
+			3 = dummy
+			4 = time break
+			5 = uphole
+			6 = sweep
+			7 = timing
+			8 = water break
+			9---, N = optional use (N = 32,767)
+			Following are CWP id flags:
+			 9 = autocorrelation
+			10 = Fourier transformed - no packing
+			     xr[0],xi[0], ..., xr[N-1],xi[N-1]
+			11 = Fourier transformed - unpacked Nyquist
+			     xr[0],xi[0],...,xr[N/2],xi[N/2]
+			12 = Fourier transformed - packed Nyquist
+	 		     even N:
+			     xr[0],xr[N/2],xr[1],xi[1], ...,
+				xr[N/2 -1],xi[N/2 -1]
+				(note the exceptional second entry)
+			     odd N:
+			     xr[0],xr[(N-1)/2],xr[1],xi[1], ...,
+				xr[(N-1)/2 -1],xi[(N-1)/2 -1],xi[(N-1)/2]
+				(note the exceptional second & last entries)
+			13 = Complex signal in the time domain
+			     xr[0],xi[0], ..., xr[N-1],xi[N-1]
+			14 = Fourier transformed - amplitude/phase
+			     a[0],p[0], ..., a[N-1],p[N-1]
+			15 = Complex time signal - amplitude/phase
+			     a[0],p[0], ..., a[N-1],p[N-1]
+			16 = Real part of complex trace from 0 to Nyquist
+			17 = Imag part of complex trace from 0 to Nyquist
+			18 = Amplitude of complex trace from 0 to Nyquist
+			19 = Phase of complex trace from 0 to Nyquist
+			21 = Wavenumber time domain (k-t)
+			22 = Wavenumber frequency (k-omega)
+			23 = Envelope of the complex time trace
+			24 = Phase of the complex time trace
+			25 = Frequency of the complex time trace
+			30 = Depth-Range (z-x) traces
+			43 = Seismic Data, Vertical Component 
+			44 = Seismic Data, Horizontal Component 1 
+			45 = Seismic Data, Horizontal Component 2 
+			46 = Seismic Data, Radial Component
+			47 = Seismic Data, Transverse Component  
+			101 = Seismic data packed to bytes (by supack1)
+			102 = Seismic data packed to 2 bytes (by supack2)
+			*/
+	short nvs;	/* number of vertically summed traces (see vscode
+			   in bhed structure) */
+	short nhs;	/* number of horizontally summed traces (see vscode
+			   in bhed structure) */
+	short duse;	/* data use:
+				1 = production
+				2 = test */
+	int offset;	/* distance from source point to receiver
+			   group (negative if opposite to direction
+			   in which the line was shot) */
+	int gelev;	/* receiver group elevation from sea level
+			   (above sea level is positive) */
+	int selev;	/* source elevation from sea level
+			   (above sea level is positive) */
+	int sdepth;	/* source depth (positive) */
+	int gdel;	/* datum elevation at receiver group */
+	int sdel;	/* datum elevation at source */
+	int swdep;	/* water depth at source */
+	int gwdep;	/* water depth at receiver group */
+	short scalel;	/* scale factor for previous 7 entries
+			   with value plus or minus 10 to the
+			   power 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 (if positive,
+			   multiply, if negative divide) */
+	short scalco;	/* scale factor for next 4 entries
+			   with value plus or minus 10 to the
+			   power 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 (if positive,
+			   multiply, if negative divide) */
+	int  sx;	/* X source coordinate */
+	int  sy;	/* Y source coordinate */
+	int  gx;	/* X group coordinate */
+	int  gy;	/* Y group coordinate */
+	short counit;	/* coordinate units code:
+				for previous four entries
+				1 = length (meters or feet)
+				2 = seconds of arc (in this case, the
+				X values are longitude and the Y values
+				are latitude, a positive value designates
+				the number of seconds east of Greenwich
+				or north of the equator */
+	short wevel;	/* weathering velocity */
+	short swevel;	/* subweathering velocity */
+	short sut;	/* uphole time at source */
+	short gut;	/* uphole time at receiver group */
+	short sstat;	/* source static correction */
+	short gstat;	/* group static correction */
+	short tstat;	/* total static applied */
+	short laga;	/* lag time A, time in ms between end of 240-
+			   byte trace identification header and time
+			   break, positive if time break occurs after
+			   end of header, time break is defined as
+			   the initiation pulse which maybe recorded
+			   on an auxiliary trace or as otherwise
+			   specified by the recording system */
+	short lagb;	/* lag time B, time in ms between the time break
+			   and the initiation time of the energy source,
+			   may be positive or negative */
+	short delrt;	/* delay recording time, time in ms between
+			   initiation time of energy source and time
+			   when recording of data samples begins
+			   (for deep water work if recording does not
+			   start at zero time) */
+	short muts;	/* mute time--start */
+	short mute;	/* mute time--end */
+	short igc;	/* instrument gain constant */
+	int ns;	        /* number of samples in this trace */
+	unsigned short dt;	/* sample interval; in micro-seconds */
+	short gain;	/* gain type of field instruments code:
+				1 = fixed
+				2 = binary
+				3 = floating point
+				4 ---- N = optional use */
+	short igi;	/* instrument early or initial gain */
+	short corr;	/* correlated:
+				1 = no
+				2 = yes */
+	short sfs;	/* sweep frequency at start */
+	short sfe;	/* sweep frequency at end */
+	short slen;	/* sweep length in ms */
+	short styp;	/* sweep type code:
+				1 = linear
+				2 = cos-squared
+				3 = other */
+	short stas;	/* sweep trace length at start in ms */
+	short stae;	/* sweep trace length at end in ms */
+	short tatyp;	/* taper type: 1=linear, 2=cos^2, 3=other */
+	short afilf;	/* alias filter frequency if used */
+	short afils;	/* alias filter slope */
+	short nofilf;	/* notch filter frequency if used */
+	short nofils;	/* notch filter slope */
+	short lcf;	/* low cut frequency if used */
+	short hcf;	/* high cut frequncy if used */
+	short lcs;	/* low cut slope */
+	short hcs;	/* high cut slope */
+	short year;	/* year data recorded */
+	short day;	/* day of year */
+	short hour;	/* hour of day (24 hour clock) */
+	short minute;	/* minute of hour */
+	short sec;	/* second of minute */
+	short timbas;	/* time basis code:
+				1 = local
+				2 = GMT
+				3 = other */
+	short trwf;	/* trace weighting factor, defined as 1/2^N
+			   volts for the least sigificant bit */
+	short grnors;	/* geophone group number of roll switch
+			   position one */
+	short grnofr;	/* geophone group number of trace one within
+			   original field record */
+	short grnlof;	/* geophone group number of last trace within
+			   original field record */
+	short gaps;	/* gap size (total number of groups dropped) */
+	short otrav;	/* overtravel taper code:
+				1 = down (or behind)
+				2 = up (or ahead) */
+	/* local assignments */
+	short mark;	/* mark selected traces */
+	float d1;	/* sample spacing for non-seismic data */
+	float f1;	/* first sample location for non-seismic data */
+	float d2;	/* sample spacing between traces */
+	float f2;	/* first trace location */
+	float ungpow;	/* negative of power used for dynamic
+			   range compression */
+	float unscale;	/* reciprocal of scaling factor to normalize
+			   range */
+	int ntr; 	/* number of traces */
+/*        short shortpad;   alignment padding */
+	short unass[14];	/* unassigned--NOTE: last entry causes 
+			   a break in the word alignment, if we REALLY
+			   want to maintain 240 bytes, the following
+			   entry should be an odd number of short/UINT2
+			   OR do the insertion above the "mark" keyword
+			   entry */
+} SUsegy;
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/ToDo/acoustic4Block.c b/fdelmodc3D/ToDo/acoustic4Block.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ba6ed9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/ToDo/acoustic4Block.c
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+#define MAX(x,y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
+#define MIN(x,y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
+int applySource(modPar mod, srcPar src, wavPar wav, bndPar bnd, int itime, int ixsrc, int izsrc, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, float **src_nwav, int verbose);
+int acoustic4Block(modPar mod, srcPar src, wavPar wav, bndPar bnd, int itime, int ixsrc, int izsrc, float **src_nwav, float *vx, float *vz, float *p, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, int verbose)
+  The captial symbols T (=Txx,Tzz) Txz,Vx,Vz represent the actual grid
+  The indices ix,iz are related to the T grid, so the capital T 
+  symbols represent the actual modelled grid.
+  one cel (iz,ix)
+       |
+       V                              extra column of vx,txz
+                                                      |
+    -------                                           V
+   | txz vz| txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz txz
+   |       |      
+   | vx  t | vx  t   vx  t   vx  t   vx  t   vx  t  vx
+    -------
+     txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz
+     vx  t   vx  T---Vx--T---Vx--T---Vx--T   vx  t   vx
+                 |   |   |   |   |   |   | 
+     txz vz  txz Vz--Txz-Vz--Txz-Vz  Txz-Vz  txz vz  txz
+                 |   |   |   |   |   |   |
+     vx  t   vx  T---Vx--T---Vx--T---Vx--T   vx  t   vx
+                 |   |   |   |   |   |   |
+     txz vz  txz Vz  Txz-Vz  Txz-Vz  Txz-Vz  txz vz  txz
+                 |   |   |   |   |   |   |
+     vx  t   vx  T---Vx--T---Vx--T---Vx--T   vx  t   vx
+                 |   |   |   |   |   |   |
+     txz vz  txz Vz  Txz-Vz  Txz-Vz  Txz-Vz  txz vz  txz
+                 |   |   |   |   |   |   |
+     vx  t   vx  T---Vx--T---Vx--T---Vx--T   vx  t   vx
+     txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz
+     vx  t   vx  t   vx  t   vx  t   vx  t   vx  t  vx
+     txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz  <--| 
+                                                             |
+                                         extra row of txz/vz |
+	float c1, c2;
+	float tmps;
+	int   ix, iz, ibnd, store;
+	int   nx, nz, n1;
+	int	  ioXx, ioXz, ioZz, ioZx, ioPx, ioPz;
+	int   bx, bz, ibx, ibz, ixs, ixe, izs, ize;
+	c1 = 9.0/8.0; 
+	c2 = -1.0/24.0;
+	nx  = mod.nx;
+	nz  =;
+	n1  = mod.naz;
+	bx  = 25;
+	bz  = 25;
+	ibnd = mod.iorder/2-1;
+	ioXx=mod.iorder/2;
+	ioXz=ioXx-1;
+	ioZz=mod.iorder/2;
+	ioZx=ioZz-1;
+	ioPx=mod.iorder/2-1;
+	ioPz=ioPx;
+	/* calculate vx for all grid points except on the virtual boundary*/
+	for (ibx=ioXx; ibx<nx+1; ibx+=bx) {
+		ixs = ibx;
+		ixe = MIN(nx+1,ixs+bx);
+		/* for (ibz=ioXz; ibz<nz+1; ibz+=bz) {
+			izs = ibz;
+			ize = MIN(nz+1,izs+bz);
+		 */			for (ix=ixs; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+				for (iz=ioXz; iz<nz+1; iz++) {
+					vx[ix*n1+iz] += rox[ix*n1+iz]*(
+						c1*(p[ix*n1+iz]     - p[(ix-1)*n1+iz]) +
+						c2*(p[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - p[(ix-2)*n1+iz]));
+				}
+			}
+		//}
+	}
+	/* calculate vz for all grid points except on the virtual boundary */
+	for (ix=ioZx; ix<nx+1; ix++) {
+		for (iz=ioZz; iz<nz+1; iz++) {
+			vz[ix*n1+iz] += roz[ix*n1+iz]*(
+										   c1*(p[ix*n1+iz]   - p[ix*n1+iz-1]) +
+										   c2*(p[ix*n1+iz+1] - p[ix*n1+iz-2]));
+		}
+	}
+	/* for (ibx=ioZx; ibx<nx+1; ibx+=bx) {
+		ixs = ibx;
+		ixe = MIN(nx+1,ixs+bx);
+		for (ibz=ioZz; ibz<nz+1; ibz+=bz) {
+			izs = ibz;
+			ize = MIN(nz+1,izs+bz);
+			for (ix=ixs; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+				for (iz=izs; iz<ize; iz++) {
+					vz[ix*n1+iz] += roz[ix*n1+iz]*(
+						c1*(p[ix*n1+iz]   - p[ix*n1+iz-1]) +
+						c2*(p[ix*n1+iz+1] - p[ix*n1+iz-2]));
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	 */
+	/* Add force source */
+	if (src.type > 5) {
+		 applySource(mod, src, wav, bnd, itime, ixsrc, izsrc, vx, vz, p, NULL, NULL, rox, roz, l2m, src_nwav, verbose);
+	}
+	/* rigid boundary condition clears velocities on boundaries */
+	if (bnd.rig[0]) { /* rigid surface at top */
+		for (ix=ibnd; ix<=ibnd+nx-1; ix++) {
+// ToDo			iz = bnd.surface[ix-ibnd];
+			vx[ix*n1+ibnd] = 0.0;
+			vz[ix*n1+ibnd] = -vz[ix*n1+ibnd+1];
+			if (mod.iorder == 4) vz[ix*n1+0] = -vz[ix*n1+3];
+		}
+	}
+	if (bnd.rig[1]) { /* rigid surface at right */
+		for (iz=ibnd; iz<=ibnd+nz-1; iz++) {
+			vx[(nx+ibnd)*n1+iz]   = -vx[(nx+ibnd-1)*n1+iz];
+			vz[(nx+ibnd-1)*n1+iz] = 0.0;
+			if (mod.iorder == 4) vx[(nx+2)*n1+iz] = -vx[(nx-1)*n1+iz];
+		}
+	}
+	if (bnd.rig[2]) { /* rigid surface at bottom */
+		for (ix=ibnd; ix<=ibnd+nx-1; ix++) {
+			vx[ix*n1+nz+ibnd-1] = 0.0;
+			vz[ix*n1+nz+ibnd]   = -vz[ix*n1+nz+ibnd-1];
+			if (mod.iorder == 4) vz[ix*n1+nz+2] = -vz[ix*n1+nz-1];
+		}
+	}
+	if (bnd.rig[3]) { /* rigid surface at left */
+		for (iz=ibnd; iz<=ibnd+nz-1; iz++) {
+			vx[ibnd*n1+iz] = -vx[(ibnd-1)*n1+iz];
+			vz[ibnd*n1+iz] = 0.0;
+			if (mod.iorder == 4) vx[1*n1+iz] = -vx[3*n1+iz];
+		}
+	}
+	/* calculate p/tzz for all grid points except on the virtual boundary */
+	for (ibx=ioPx; ibx<nx+1; ibx+=bx) {
+		ixs = ibx;
+		ixe = MIN(nx+1,ixs+bx);
+		for (ibz=ioPz; ibz<nz+1; ibz+=bz) {
+			izs = ibz;
+			ize = MIN(nz+1,izs+bz);
+			for (ix=ixs; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+				for (iz=izs; iz<ize; iz++) {
+					p[ix*n1+iz] += l2m[ix*n1+iz]*(
+						c1*(vx[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - vx[ix*n1+iz]) +
+						c2*(vx[(ix+2)*n1+iz] - vx[(ix-1)*n1+iz]) +
+						c1*(vz[ix*n1+iz+1]   - vz[ix*n1+iz]) +
+						c2*(vz[ix*n1+iz+2]   - vz[ix*n1+iz-1]));
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/* Add stress source */
+	if (src.type < 6) {
+		 applySource(mod, src, wav, bnd, itime, ixsrc, izsrc, vx, vz, p, NULL, NULL, rox, roz, l2m, src_nwav, verbose);
+	}
+/* Free surface: calculate free surface conditions for stresses */
+	/* check if there are sources placed on the free surface */
+	store=0;
+	if (src.type==1 || src.type==6) {
+		ixs = ixsrc + ibnd;
+		izs = izsrc + ibnd;
+		if (ixs == ibnd) store=1;
+		if (ixs == nx+ibnd-1) store=1;
+		if (izs == ibnd) store=1;
+		if (izs == nz+ibnd-1) store=1;
+		if (store) {
+			if (src.type==1) tmps = p[ixs*n1+izs];
+			else tmps = vx[ixs*n1+izs];
+		}
+	}
+	if ([0]) { /* free surface at top */
+		for (ix=ibnd; ix<=ibnd+nx-1; ix++) {
+			iz = bnd.surface[ix-ibnd];
+			p[ix*n1+iz] = 0.0;
+		}
+	}
+	if ([1]) { /* free surface at right */
+		for (iz=ibnd; iz<=ibnd+nz-1; iz++) {
+			p[(ibnd+nx-1)*n1+iz] = 0.0;
+		}
+	}
+	if ([2]) { /* free surface at bottom */
+		for (ix=ibnd; ix<=ibnd+nx-1; ix++) {
+			p[ix*n1+nz+ibnd-1] = 0.0;
+		}
+	}
+	if ([3]) { /* free surface at left */
+		for (iz=ibnd; iz<=ibnd+nz-1; iz++) {
+			p[ibnd*n1+iz] = 0.0;
+		}
+	}
+	/* restore source positions on the edge */
+	if (store) {
+		if (src.type==1) p[ixs*n1+izs] = tmps;
+		else vx[ixs*n1+izs] = tmps;
+	}
+	return 0;
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/ToDo/acousticPML.c b/fdelmodc3D/ToDo/acousticPML.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40ca117
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/ToDo/acousticPML.c
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+int applySource(modPar mod, srcPar src, wavPar wav, bndPar bnd, int itime, int ixsrc, int izsrc, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, float *src_nwav, int verbose);
+int acousticPML(modPar mod, srcPar src, wavPar wav, bndPar bnd, int itime, int ixsrc, int izsrc, float *src_nwav, float *vx, float
+*vz, float *p, float *px, float *pz, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, int verbose)
+  The captial symbols T (=Txx,Tzz) Txz,Vx,Vz represent the actual grid
+  The indices ix,iz are related to the T grid, so the capital T 
+  symbols represent the actual modelled grid.
+  one cel (iz,ix)
+       |
+       V                              extra column of vx,txz
+                                                      |
+    -------                                           V
+   | txz vz| txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz txz
+   |       |      
+   | vx  t | vx  t   vx  t   vx  t   vx  t   vx  t  vx
+    -------
+     txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz
+     vx  t   vx  T---Vx--T---Vx--T---Vx--T   vx  t   vx
+                 |   |   |   |   |   |   | 
+     txz vz  txz Vz--Txz-Vz--Txz-Vz  Txz-Vz  txz vz  txz
+                 |   |   |   |   |   |   |
+     vx  t   vx  T---Vx--T---Vx--T---Vx--T   vx  t   vx
+                 |   |   |   |   |   |   |
+     txz vz  txz Vz  Txz-Vz  Txz-Vz  Txz-Vz  txz vz  txz
+                 |   |   |   |   |   |   |
+     vx  t   vx  T---Vx--T---Vx--T---Vx--T   vx  t   vx
+                 |   |   |   |   |   |   |
+     txz vz  txz Vz  Txz-Vz  Txz-Vz  Txz-Vz  txz vz  txz
+                 |   |   |   |   |   |   |
+     vx  t   vx  T---Vx--T---Vx--T---Vx--T   vx  t   vx
+     txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz
+     vx  t   vx  t   vx  t   vx  t   vx  t   vx  t  vx
+     txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz  <--| 
+                                                             |
+                                         extra row of txz/vz |
+	float c1, c2;
+	float tmps;
+	int   ix, iz, ixs, izs, ibnd, store;
+	int   nx, nz, n1, n2;
+	int ioXx, ioXz, ioZz, ioZx, ioPx, ioPz;
+	int m, im;
+	float att, aMax, e1, e2, e3, e4, alpha;
+	c1 = 9.0/8.0; 
+	c2 = -1.0/24.0;
+	nx  = mod.nx;
+	nz  =;
+	n2  = mod.nax;
+	n1  = mod.naz;
+/* for PML attenuation factor */
+	att = 0.1; /* must be a variable input parameter */
+	aMax = -1.0*log(att)/(mod.dx*sqrt(rho[]*l2m[]));
+	m = 8;
+	ibnd = mod.iorder/2-1;
+	ioXx=mod.iorder/2;
+	ioXz=ioXx-1;
+	ioZz=mod.iorder/2;
+	ioZx=ioZz-1;
+	ioPx=mod.iorder/2-1;
+	ioPz=ioPx;
+	/* calculate vx for all grid points except on the virtual boundary*/
+	for (ix=ioXx; ix<nx+1; ix++) {
+		for (iz=ioXz; iz<nz+1; iz++) {
+			vx[ix*n1+iz] += rox[ix*n1+iz]*(
+						c1*(p[ix*n1+iz]     - p[(ix-1)*n1+iz]) +
+						c2*(p[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - p[(ix-2)*n1+iz]));
+		}
+	}
+	/* calculate vz for all grid points except on the virtual boundary */
+	for (ix=ioZx; ix<nx+1; ix++) {
+		for (iz=ioZz; iz<nz+1; iz++) {
+			vz[ix*n1+iz] += roz[ix*n1+iz]*(
+						c1*(p[ix*n1+iz]   - p[ix*n1+iz-1]) +
+						c2*(p[ix*n1+iz+1] - p[ix*n1+iz-2]));
+		}
+	}
+	/* Add force source */
+	if (src.type > 5) {
+		 applySource(mod, src, wav, bnd, itime, ixsrc, izsrc, vx, vz, p, NULL, NULL, rox, roz, l2m, src_nwav, verbose);
+	}
+	/* rigid boundary condition clears velocities on boundaries */
+	if (bnd.rig[0]) { /* rigid surface at top */
+		for (ix=ibnd; ix<=ibnd+nx-1; ix++) {
+			vx[ix*n1+ibnd] = 0.0;
+			vz[ix*n1+ibnd] = -vz[ix*n1+ibnd+1];
+			if (mod.iorder == 4) vz[ix*n1+0] = -vz[ix*n1+3];
+		}
+	}
+	if (bnd.rig[1]) { /* rigid surface at right */
+		for (iz=ibnd; iz<=ibnd+nz-1; iz++) {
+			vx[(nx+ibnd)*n1+iz]   = -vx[(nx+ibnd-1)*n1+iz];
+			vz[(nx+ibnd-1)*n1+iz] = 0.0;
+			if (mod.iorder == 4) vx[(nx+2)*n1+iz] = -vx[(nx-1)*n1+iz];
+		}
+	}
+	if (bnd.rig[2]) { /* rigid surface at bottom */
+		for (ix=ibnd; ix<=ibnd+nx-1; ix++) {
+			vx[ix*n1+nz+ibnd-1] = 0.0;
+			vz[ix*n1+nz+ibnd]   = -vz[ix*n1+nz+ibnd-1];
+			if (mod.iorder == 4) vz[ix*n1+nz+2] = -vz[ix*n1+nz-1];
+		}
+	}
+	if (bnd.rig[3]) { /* rigid surface at left */
+		for (iz=ibnd; iz<=ibnd+nz-1; iz++) {
+			vx[ibnd*n1+iz] = -vx[(ibnd-1)*n1+iz];
+			vz[ibnd*n1+iz] = 0.0;
+			if (mod.iorder == 4) vx[1*n1+iz] = -vx[3*n1+iz];
+		}
+	}
+	/* calculate p/tzz for all grid points except on the virtual boundary */
+	for (ix=ioPx; ix<nx+1; ix++) {
+		for (iz=ioPz; iz<nz+1; iz++) {
+			px[ix*n1+iz] += l2m[ix*n1+iz]*(
+						c1*(vx[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - vx[ix*n1+iz]) +
+						c2*(vx[(ix+2)*n1+iz] - vx[(ix-1)*n1+iz]) );
+			pz[ix*n1+iz] += l2m[ix*n1+iz]*(
+						c1*(vz[ix*n1+iz+1]   - vz[ix*n1+iz]) +
+						c2*(vz[ix*n1+iz+2]   - vz[ix*n1+iz-1]));
+		}
+	}
+	/* Add stress source */
+	if (src.type < 6) {
+		 applySource(mod, src, wav, bnd, itime, ixsrc, izsrc, vx, vz, pz, NULL, NULL, rox, roz, l2m, src_nwav, verbose);
+	}
+/* Free surface: calculate free surface conditions for stresses */
+	/* check if there are sources placed on the free surface */
+	store=0;
+	if (src.type==1 || src.type==6) {
+		ixs = ixsrc + ibnd;
+		izs = izsrc + ibnd;
+		if (ixs == ibnd) store=1;
+		if (ixs == nx+ibnd-1) store=1;
+		if (izs == ibnd) store=1;
+		if (izs == nz+ibnd-1) store=1;
+		if (store) {
+			if (src.type==1) tmps = pz[ixs*n1+izs];
+			else tmps = vx[ixs*n1+izs];
+		}
+	}
+	if ([0]) { /* free surface at top */
+		for (ix=ibnd; ix<=ibnd+nx-1; ix++) {
+			iz = bnd.surface[ix-ibnd];
+			px[ix*n1+iz] = 0.0;
+			pz[ix*n1+iz] = 0.0;
+		}
+	}
+	if ([1]) { /* free surface at right */
+		for (iz=ibnd; iz<=ibnd+nz-1; iz++) {
+			px[(ibnd+nx-1)*n1+iz] = 0.0;
+			pz[(ibnd+nx-1)*n1+iz] = 0.0;
+		}
+	}
+	if ([2]) { /* free surface at bottom */
+/******** use to test PML */
+		aMax = -1.0*log(att)/(mod.dx*sqrt(rho[ix*n1+iz]*l2m[ix*n1+iz]));
+		for (iz=nz+1-m, im=0; iz<nz+1; iz++, im++) {
+			alpha  = aMax*((m-im)*(m-im))/(m*m);
+			for (ix=ibnd; ix<=ibnd+nx-1; ix++) {
+				e1 = exp(-1.0*alpha*mod.dx*l2m[ix*n1+iz]);
+				e2 = (1.0-e1)/(mod.dx*alpha);
+				px[ix*n1+nz+ibnd-1] = px[ix*n1+nz+ibnd-1]*e1-e2*
+				pz[ix*n1+nz+ibnd-1] = 0.0;
+		}
+		for (ix=ibnd; ix<=ibnd+nx-1; ix++) {
+			px[ix*n1+nz+ibnd-1] = 0.0;
+			pz[ix*n1+nz+ibnd-1] = 0.0;
+		}
+	}
+	if ([3]) { /* free surface at left */
+		for (iz=ibnd; iz<=ibnd+nz-1; iz++) {
+			px[ibnd*n1+iz] = 0.0;
+			pz[ibnd*n1+iz] = 0.0;
+		}
+	}
+	/* restore source positions on the edge */
+	if (store) {
+		if (src.type==1) pz[ixs*n1+izs] = tmps;
+		else vx[ixs*n1+izs] = tmps;
+	}
+	for (ix=0; ix<mod.nax; ix++) {
+		for (iz=0; iz<mod.naz; iz++) {
+			p[ix*n1+iz] = pz[ix*n1+iz]+px[ix*n1+iz];
+		}
+	}
+	return 0;
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/acoustic2.c b/fdelmodc3D/acoustic2.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..32fa4b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/acoustic2.c
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+int applySource(modPar mod, srcPar src, wavPar wav, bndPar bnd, int itime, int ixsrc, int izsrc, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, float **src_nwav, int verbose);
+int storeSourceOnSurface(modPar mod, srcPar src, bndPar bnd, int ixsrc, int izsrc, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, int verbose);
+int reStoreSourceOnSurface(modPar mod, srcPar src, bndPar bnd, int ixsrc, int izsrc, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, int verbose);
+int boundariesP(modPar mod, bndPar bnd, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, float *lam, float *mul, int itime, int verbose);
+int boundariesV(modPar mod, bndPar bnd, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, float *lam, float *mul, int itime, int verbose);
+int acoustic2(modPar mod, srcPar src, wavPar wav, bndPar bnd, int itime, int ixsrc, int izsrc, float **src_nwav, float *vx, float *vz, float *p, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, int verbose)
+  The captial symbols T (=Txx,Tzz) Txz,Vx,Vz represent the actual grid
+  The indices ix,iz are related to the T grid, so the capital T 
+  symbols represent the actual modelled grid.
+  one cel (iz,ix)
+       |
+       V                              extra column of vx,txz
+                                                      |
+    -------                                           V
+   | txz vz| txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz txz
+   |       |      
+   | vx  t | vx  t   vx  t   vx  t   vx  t   vx  t  vx
+    -------
+     txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz
+     vx  t   vx  T---Vx--T---Vx--T---Vx--T   vx  t   vx
+                 |   |   |   |   |   |   | 
+     txz vz  txz Vz--Txz-Vz--Txz-Vz  Txz-Vz  txz vz  txz
+                 |   |   |   |   |   |   |
+     vx  t   vx  T---Vx--T---Vx--T---Vx--T   vx  t   vx
+                 |   |   |   |   |   |   |
+     txz vz  txz Vz  Txz-Vz  Txz-Vz  Txz-Vz  txz vz  txz
+                 |   |   |   |   |   |   |
+     vx  t   vx  T---Vx--T---Vx--T---Vx--T   vx  t   vx
+                 |   |   |   |   |   |   |
+     txz vz  txz Vz  Txz-Vz  Txz-Vz  Txz-Vz  txz vz  txz
+                 |   |   |   |   |   |   |
+     vx  t   vx  T---Vx--T---Vx--T---Vx--T   vx  t   vx
+     txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz
+     vx  t   vx  t   vx  t   vx  t   vx  t   vx  t  vx
+     txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz  <--| 
+                                                             |
+                                         extra row of txz/vz |
+           Jan Thorbecke (
+           The Netherlands 
+	int   ix, iz;
+	int   n1;
+	int ioXx, ioXz, ioZz, ioZx, ioPx, ioPz;
+	int ieXx, ieXz, ieZz, ieZx, iePx, iePz;
+	n1  = mod.naz;
+	/* Vx: rox */
+	ioXx=mod.ioXx;
+	ioXz=mod.ioXz;
+	ieXx=mod.ieXx;
+	ieXz=mod.ieXz;
+	/* Vz: roz */
+	ioZz=mod.ioZz;
+	ioZx=mod.ioZz;
+	ieZz=mod.ieZz;
+	ieZx=mod.ieZz;
+	/* P, Txx, Tzz: lam, l2m */
+	ioPx=mod.ioPx;
+	ioPz=mod.ioPz;
+	iePx=mod.iePx;
+	iePz=mod.iePz;
+	/* calculate vx for all grid points except on the virtual boundary*/
+	for (ix=ioXx; ix<ieXx; ix++) {
+		for (iz=ioXz; iz<ieXz; iz++) {
+			vx[ix*n1+iz] -= rox[ix*n1+iz]*(p[ix*n1+iz] - p[(ix-1)*n1+iz]);
+		}
+	}
+	/* calculate vz for all grid points except on the virtual boundary */
+	for (ix=ioZx; ix<ieZx; ix++) {
+		for (iz=ioZz; iz<ieZz; iz++) {
+			vz[ix*n1+iz] -= roz[ix*n1+iz]*(p[ix*n1+iz] - p[ix*n1+iz-1]);
+		}
+	}
+	/* Add force source */
+	if (src.type > 5) {
+		 applySource(mod, src, wav, bnd, itime, ixsrc, izsrc, vx, vz, p, NULL, NULL, rox, roz, l2m, src_nwav, verbose);
+	}
+	/* boundary condition clears velocities on boundaries */
+	boundariesP(mod, bnd, vx, vz, p, NULL, NULL, rox, roz, l2m, NULL, NULL, itime, verbose);
+	/* calculate p/tzz for all grid points except on the virtual boundary */
+	for (ix=ioPx; ix<iePx; ix++) {
+		for (iz=ioPz; iz<iePz; iz++) {
+			p[ix*n1+iz] -= l2m[ix*n1+iz]*(
+						(vx[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - vx[ix*n1+iz]) +
+						(vz[ix*n1+iz+1]   - vz[ix*n1+iz]));
+		}
+	}
+	/* Add stress source */
+	if (src.type < 6) {
+		 applySource(mod, src, wav, bnd, itime, ixsrc, izsrc, vx, vz, p, NULL, NULL, rox, roz, l2m, src_nwav, verbose);
+	}
+	/* check if there are sources placed on the free surface */
+    storeSourceOnSurface(mod, src, bnd, ixsrc, izsrc, vx, vz, p, NULL, NULL, verbose);
+	/* Free surface: calculate free surface conditions for stresses */
+	boundariesV(mod, bnd, vx, vz, p, NULL, NULL, rox, roz, l2m, NULL, NULL, itime, verbose);
+	/* restore source positions on the edge */
+	reStoreSourceOnSurface(mod, src, bnd, ixsrc, izsrc, vx, vz, p, NULL, NULL, verbose);
+	return 0;
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/acoustic4.c b/fdelmodc3D/acoustic4.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e5d95f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/acoustic4.c
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+#define MIN(x,y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
+int applySource(modPar mod, srcPar src, wavPar wav, bndPar bnd, int itime, int ixsrc, int izsrc, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, float **src_nwav, int verbose);
+int storeSourceOnSurface(modPar mod, srcPar src, bndPar bnd, int ixsrc, int izsrc, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, int verbose);
+int reStoreSourceOnSurface(modPar mod, srcPar src, bndPar bnd, int ixsrc, int izsrc, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, int verbose);
+int boundariesP(modPar mod, bndPar bnd, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, float *lam, float *mul, int itime, int verbose);
+int boundariesV(modPar mod, bndPar bnd, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, float *lam, float *mul, int itime, int verbose);
+int acoustic4(modPar mod, srcPar src, wavPar wav, bndPar bnd, int itime, int ixsrc, int izsrc, float **src_nwav, float *vx, float *vz, float *p, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, int verbose)
+  The captial symbols T (=P) Txz,Vx,Vz represent the actual grid
+  The indices ix,iz are related to the T grid, so the capital T 
+  symbols represent the actual modelled grid.
+  one cel (iz,ix)
+       |
+       V                              extra column of vx,txz
+                                                      |
+    -------                                           V
+   | txz vz| txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz txz
+   |       |      
+   | vx  t | vx  t   vx  t   vx  t   vx  t   vx  t  vx
+    -------
+     txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz
+     vx  t   vx  T---Vx--T---Vx--T---Vx--T   vx  t   vx
+                 |   |   |   |   |   |   | 
+     txz vz  txz Vz--Txz-Vz--Txz-Vz  Txz-Vz  txz vz  txz
+                 |   |   |   |   |   |   |
+     vx  t   vx  T---Vx--T---Vx--T---Vx--T   vx  t   vx
+                 |   |   |   |   |   |   |
+     txz vz  txz Vz  Txz-Vz  Txz-Vz  Txz-Vz  txz vz  txz
+                 |   |   |   |   |   |   |
+     vx  t   vx  T---Vx--T---Vx--T---Vx--T   vx  t   vx
+                 |   |   |   |   |   |   |
+     txz vz  txz Vz  Txz-Vz  Txz-Vz  Txz-Vz  txz vz  txz
+                 |   |   |   |   |   |   |
+     vx  t   vx  T---Vx--T---Vx--T---Vx--T   vx  t   vx
+     txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz
+     vx  t   vx  t   vx  t   vx  t   vx  t   vx  t  vx
+     txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz  <--| 
+                                                             |
+                                         extra row of txz/vz |
+           Jan Thorbecke (
+           The Netherlands 
+	float c1, c2;
+	int   ix, iz;
+	int   n1;
+	int   ioXx, ioXz, ioZz, ioZx, ioPx, ioPz;
+	c1 = 9.0/8.0; 
+	c2 = -1.0/24.0;
+	n1  = mod.naz;
+	ioXx=mod.iorder/2;
+	ioXz=ioXx-1;
+	ioZz=mod.iorder/2;
+	ioZx=ioZz-1;
+	ioPx=mod.iorder/2-1;
+	ioPz=ioPx;
+	/* calculate vx for all grid points except on the virtual boundary*/
+#pragma omp for private (ix, iz) nowait schedule(guided,1)
+	for (ix=mod.ioXx; ix<mod.ieXx; ix++) {
+#pragma ivdep
+		for (iz=mod.ioXz; iz<mod.ieXz; iz++) {
+			vx[ix*n1+iz] -= rox[ix*n1+iz]*(
+				c1*(p[ix*n1+iz]     - p[(ix-1)*n1+iz]) +
+				c2*(p[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - p[(ix-2)*n1+iz]));
+		}
+	}
+	/* calculate vz for all grid points except on the virtual boundary */
+#pragma omp for private (ix, iz) schedule(guided,1) 
+	for (ix=mod.ioZx; ix<mod.ieZx; ix++) {
+#pragma ivdep
+		for (iz=mod.ioZz; iz<mod.ieZz; iz++) {
+			vz[ix*n1+iz] -= roz[ix*n1+iz]*(
+						c1*(p[ix*n1+iz]   - p[ix*n1+iz-1]) +
+						c2*(p[ix*n1+iz+1] - p[ix*n1+iz-2]));
+		}
+	}
+	/* boundary condition clears velocities on boundaries */
+	boundariesP(mod, bnd, vx, vz, p, NULL, NULL, rox, roz, l2m, NULL, NULL, itime, verbose);
+	/* Add force source */
+	if (src.type > 5) {
+		 applySource(mod, src, wav, bnd, itime, ixsrc, izsrc, vx, vz, p, NULL, NULL, rox, roz, l2m, src_nwav, verbose);
+	}
+	/* this is needed because the P fields are not using tapered boundaries (bnd....=4) */
+    if ( mod.ioPz += bnd.npml;
+    if ( mod.iePz -= bnd.npml;
+    if (bnd.lef==2) mod.ioPx += bnd.npml;
+    if (bnd.rig==2) mod.iePx -= bnd.npml;
+	/* calculate p/tzz for all grid points except on the virtual boundary */
+#pragma omp for private (ix, iz) schedule(guided,1) 
+//#pragma omp for private (ix, iz) schedule(dynamic) 
+#pragma ivdep
+	for (ix=mod.ioPx; ix<mod.iePx; ix++) {
+#pragma ivdep
+		for (iz=mod.ioPz; iz<mod.iePz; iz++) {
+			p[ix*n1+iz] -= l2m[ix*n1+iz]*(
+						c1*(vx[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - vx[ix*n1+iz]) +
+						c2*(vx[(ix+2)*n1+iz] - vx[(ix-1)*n1+iz]) +
+						c1*(vz[ix*n1+iz+1]   - vz[ix*n1+iz]) +
+						c2*(vz[ix*n1+iz+2]   - vz[ix*n1+iz-1]));
+		}
+	}
+    if ( mod.ioPz -= bnd.npml;
+    if ( mod.iePz += bnd.npml;
+    if (bnd.lef==2) mod.ioPx -= bnd.npml;
+    if (bnd.rig==2) mod.iePx += bnd.npml;
+	/* Add stress source */
+	if (src.type < 6) {
+		 applySource(mod, src, wav, bnd, itime, ixsrc, izsrc, vx, vz, p, NULL, NULL, rox, roz, l2m, src_nwav, verbose);
+	}
+/* Free surface: calculate free surface conditions for stresses */
+	/* check if there are sources placed on the free surface */
+    storeSourceOnSurface(mod, src, bnd, ixsrc, izsrc, vx, vz, p, NULL, NULL, verbose);
+	/* Free surface: calculate free surface conditions for stresses */
+	boundariesV(mod, bnd, vx, vz, p, NULL, NULL, rox, roz, l2m, NULL, NULL, itime, verbose);
+	/* restore source positions on the edge */
+	reStoreSourceOnSurface(mod, src, bnd, ixsrc, izsrc, vx, vz, p, NULL, NULL, verbose);
+	return 0;
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/acoustic4_qr.c b/fdelmodc3D/acoustic4_qr.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53da61c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/acoustic4_qr.c
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+#define MIN(x,y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
+int applySource(modPar mod, srcPar src, wavPar wav, bndPar bnd, int itime, int ixsrc, int izsrc, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, float **src_nwav, int verbose);
+int storeSourceOnSurface(modPar mod, srcPar src, bndPar bnd, int ixsrc, int izsrc, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, int verbose);
+int reStoreSourceOnSurface(modPar mod, srcPar src, bndPar bnd, int ixsrc, int izsrc, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, int verbose);
+int boundariesP(modPar mod, bndPar bnd, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, float *lam, float *mul, int itime, int verbose);
+int boundariesV(modPar mod, bndPar bnd, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, float *lam, float *mul, int itime, int verbose);
+int acoustic4_qr(modPar mod, srcPar src, wavPar wav, bndPar bnd, int itime, int ixsrc, int izsrc, float **src_nwav, float *vx, float *vz, float *p, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, int verbose)
+  The captial symbols T (=P) Txz,Vx,Vz represent the actual grid
+  The indices ix,iz are related to the T grid, so the capital T 
+  symbols represent the actual modelled grid.
+  one cel (iz,ix)
+       |
+       V                              extra column of vx,txz
+                                                      |
+    -------                                           V
+   | txz vz| txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz txz
+   |       |      
+   | vx  t | vx  t   vx  t   vx  t   vx  t   vx  t  vx
+    -------
+     txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz
+     vx  t   vx  T---Vx--T---Vx--T---Vx--T   vx  t   vx
+                 |   |   |   |   |   |   | 
+     txz vz  txz Vz--Txz-Vz--Txz-Vz  Txz-Vz  txz vz  txz
+                 |   |   |   |   |   |   |
+     vx  t   vx  T---Vx--T---Vx--T---Vx--T   vx  t   vx
+                 |   |   |   |   |   |   |
+     txz vz  txz Vz  Txz-Vz  Txz-Vz  Txz-Vz  txz vz  txz
+                 |   |   |   |   |   |   |
+     vx  t   vx  T---Vx--T---Vx--T---Vx--T   vx  t   vx
+                 |   |   |   |   |   |   |
+     txz vz  txz Vz  Txz-Vz  Txz-Vz  Txz-Vz  txz vz  txz
+                 |   |   |   |   |   |   |
+     vx  t   vx  T---Vx--T---Vx--T---Vx--T   vx  t   vx
+     txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz
+     vx  t   vx  t   vx  t   vx  t   vx  t   vx  t  vx
+     txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz  <--| 
+                                                             |
+                                         extra row of txz/vz |
+           Jan Thorbecke (
+           The Netherlands 
+	float c1, c2, *timep;
+	int   ix, iz, ib;
+	int   nx, nz, n1;
+	int   ioXx, ioXz, ioZz, ioZx, ioPx, ioPz, ioTx, ioTz;
+	int   ieXx, ieXz, ieZz, ieZx, iePx, iePz, ieTx, ieTz;
+	c1 = 9.0/8.0; 
+	c2 = -1.0/24.0;
+	nx  = mod.nx;
+	nz  =;
+	n1  = mod.naz;
+	timep=(float *) malloc(n1*sizeof(float));
+    /* Vx: rox */
+    ioXx=mod.iorder/2;
+    ioXz=mod.iorder/2-1;
+    /* Vz: roz */
+    ioZx=mod.iorder/2-1;
+    ioZz=mod.iorder/2;
+    /* P, Txx, Tzz: lam, l2m */
+    ioPx=mod.iorder/2-1;
+    ioPz=ioPx;
+    /* Txz: mul */
+    ioTx=mod.iorder/2;
+    ioTz=ioTx;
+    /* Vx: rox */
+    ieXx=nx+ioXx;
+    ieXz=nz+ioXz;
+    /* Vz: roz */
+    ieZx=nx+ioZx;
+    ieZz=nz+ioZz;
+    /* P, Txx, Tzz: lam, l2m */
+    iePx=nx+ioPx;
+    iePz=nz+ioPz;
+    /* Txz: muu */
+    ieTx=nx+ioTx;
+    ieTz=nz+ioTz;
+    if ( || {
+        ieXz += bnd.ntap;
+        ieZz += bnd.ntap;
+        iePz += bnd.ntap;
+        ieTz += bnd.ntap;
+    }
+    if ( || {
+        ieXz += bnd.ntap;
+        ieZz += bnd.ntap;
+        iePz += bnd.ntap;
+        ieTz += bnd.ntap;
+    }
+    if (bnd.lef==4 || bnd.lef==2) {
+        ieXx += bnd.ntap;
+        ieZx += bnd.ntap;
+        iePx += bnd.ntap;
+        ieTx += bnd.ntap;
+    }
+    if (bnd.rig==4 || bnd.rig==2) {
+        ieXx += bnd.ntap;
+        ieZx += bnd.ntap;
+        iePx += bnd.ntap;
+        ieTx += bnd.ntap;
+    }
+     if (itime == 0) {
+     fprintf(stderr,"ioXx=%d ieXx=%d\n", ioXx, ieXx);
+     fprintf(stderr,"ioZx=%d ieZx=%d\n", ioZx, ieZx);
+     fprintf(stderr,"ioPx=%d iePx=%d\n", ioPx, iePx);
+     fprintf(stderr,"ioTx=%d ieTx=%d\n", ioTx, ieTx);
+     fprintf(stderr,"ioXz=%d ieXz=%d\n", ioXz, ieXz);
+     fprintf(stderr,"ioZz=%d ieZz=%d\n", ioZz, ieZz);
+     fprintf(stderr,"ioPz=%d iePz=%d\n", ioPz, iePz);
+     fprintf(stderr,"ioTz=%d ieTz=%d\n", ioTz, ieTz);
+	}
+	/* calculate vx for all grid points except on the virtual boundary*/
+#pragma omp for private (ix, iz) nowait
+	for (ix=ioXx; ix<ieXx; ix++) {
+		for (iz=ioXz; iz<ieXz; iz++) {
+            timep[iz] = vx[ix*n1+iz];
+		}
+#pragma ivdep
+		for (iz=ioXz; iz<ieXz; iz++) {
+			vx[ix*n1+iz] -= rox[ix*n1+iz]*(
+				c1*(p[ix*n1+iz]     - p[(ix-1)*n1+iz]) +
+				c2*(p[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - p[(ix-2)*n1+iz]));
+		}
+		for (iz=ioXz; iz<ieXz; iz++) {
+			vx[ix*n1+iz] += 0.5*(vx[ix*n1+iz]+timep[iz])*mod.qr;
+		}
+	}
+	/* calculate vz for all grid points except on the virtual boundary */
+#pragma omp for private (ix, iz) 
+	for (ix=ioZx; ix<ieZx; ix++) {
+		for (iz=ioZz; iz<ieZz; iz++) {
+            timep[iz] = vz[ix*n1+iz];
+		}
+#pragma ivdep
+		for (iz=ioZz; iz<ieZz; iz++) {
+            //timep = vz[ix*n1+iz];
+			vz[ix*n1+iz] -= roz[ix*n1+iz]*(
+						c1*(p[ix*n1+iz]   - p[ix*n1+iz-1]) +
+						c2*(p[ix*n1+iz+1] - p[ix*n1+iz-2]));
+			//vz[ix*n1+iz] += 0.5*(vz[ix*n1+iz]+timep)*mod.qr;
+		}
+		for (iz=ioZz; iz<ieZz; iz++) {
+			vz[ix*n1+iz] += 0.5*(vz[ix*n1+iz]+timep[iz])*mod.qr;
+		}
+	}
+	/* Add force source */
+	if (src.type > 5) {
+		 applySource(mod, src, wav, bnd, itime, ixsrc, izsrc, vx, vz, p, NULL, NULL, rox, roz, l2m, src_nwav, verbose);
+	}
+	/* boundary condition clears velocities on boundaries */
+	//boundariesP(mod, bnd, vx, vz, p, NULL, NULL, rox, roz, l2m, NULL, NULL, itime, verbose);
+//Tapering top bottom
+#pragma omp for private(ix,iz)
+	for (ix=ioXx; ix<ieXx; ix++) {
+		ib = (bnd.ntap+ioXz-1);
+		for (iz=ioXz; iz<ioXz+bnd.ntap; iz++) {
+			vx[ix*n1+iz]  *= bnd.tapx[ib-iz];
+		}
+		ib = (ieXz-bnd.ntap);
+		for (iz=ib; iz<ieXz; iz++) {
+			vx[ix*n1+iz] *= bnd.tapx[iz-ib];
+		}
+	}
+#pragma omp for private(ix,iz)
+	for (ix=ioZx; ix<ieZx; ix++) {
+		ib = (bnd.ntap+ioZz-1);
+		for (iz=ioZz; iz<ioZz+bnd.ntap; iz++) {
+			vz[ix*n1+iz]  *= bnd.tapz[ib-iz];
+		}
+		ib = (ieZz-bnd.ntap);
+		for (iz=ib; iz<ieZz; iz++) {
+			vz[ix*n1+iz] *= bnd.tapz[iz-ib];
+		}
+	}
+//Tapering left 
+	ib = (bnd.ntap+ioXx-1);
+	for (ix=ioXx; ix<ioXx+bnd.ntap; ix++) {
+		for (iz=ioXz; iz<ieXz; iz++) {
+			vx[ix*n1+iz] *= bnd.tapx[ib-ix];
+		}
+	}
+	ib = (bnd.ntap+ioZx-1);
+	for (ix=ioZx; ix<ioZx+bnd.ntap; ix++) {
+		for (iz=ioZz; iz<ieZz; iz++) {
+			vz[ix*n1+iz] *= bnd.tapz[ib-ix];
+		}
+	}
+//Tapering right
+	ib = (ieXx-bnd.ntap);
+	for (ix=ib; ix<ieXx; ix++) {
+		for (iz=ioXz; iz<ieXz; iz++) {
+			vx[ix*n1+iz] *= bnd.tapx[ix-ib];
+		}
+	}
+	ib = (ieZx-bnd.ntap);
+	for (ix=ib; ix<ieZx; ix++) {
+		for (iz=ioZz; iz<ieZz; iz++) {
+			vz[ix*n1+iz] *= bnd.tapz[ix-ib];
+		}
+	}
+	/* calculate p/tzz for all grid points except on the virtual boundary */
+#pragma omp	for private (ix, iz)
+#pragma ivdep
+	for (ix=ioPx; ix<iePx; ix++) {
+		for (iz=ioXz; iz<ieXz; iz++) {
+            timep[iz] = p[ix*n1+iz];
+		}
+#pragma ivdep
+		for (iz=ioPz; iz<iePz; iz++) {
+			p[ix*n1+iz] -= l2m[ix*n1+iz]*(
+						c1*(vx[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - vx[ix*n1+iz]) +
+						c2*(vx[(ix+2)*n1+iz] - vx[(ix-1)*n1+iz]) +
+						c1*(vz[ix*n1+iz+1]   - vz[ix*n1+iz]) +
+						c2*(vz[ix*n1+iz+2]   - vz[ix*n1+iz-1]));
+			//p[ix*n1+iz] += 0.5*(p[ix*n1+iz]+timep)*mod.qr;
+		}
+		for (iz=ioXz; iz<ieXz; iz++) {
+			p[ix*n1+iz] += 0.5*(p[ix*n1+iz]+timep[iz])*mod.qr;
+		}
+	}
+	/* Add stress source */
+	if (src.type < 6) {
+		 applySource(mod, src, wav, bnd, itime, ixsrc, izsrc, vx, vz, p, NULL, NULL, rox, roz, l2m, src_nwav, verbose);
+	}
+/* Free surface: calculate free surface conditions for stresses */
+	/* check if there are sources placed on the free surface */
+    storeSourceOnSurface(mod, src, bnd, ixsrc, izsrc, vx, vz, p, NULL, NULL, verbose);
+	/* Free surface: calculate free surface conditions for stresses */
+	//boundariesV(mod, bnd, vx, vz, p, NULL, NULL, rox, roz, l2m, NULL, NULL, itime, verbose);
+	/* restore source positions on the edge */
+	reStoreSourceOnSurface(mod, src, bnd, ixsrc, izsrc, vx, vz, p, NULL, NULL, verbose);
+	free(timep);
+	return 0;
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/acoustic6.c b/fdelmodc3D/acoustic6.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1204fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/acoustic6.c
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+int applySource(modPar mod, srcPar src, wavPar wav, bndPar bnd, int itime, int ixsrc, int izsrc, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, float **src_nwav, int verbose);
+int storeSourceOnSurface(modPar mod, srcPar src, bndPar bnd, int ixsrc, int izsrc, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, int verbose);
+int reStoreSourceOnSurface(modPar mod, srcPar src, bndPar bnd, int ixsrc, int izsrc, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, int verbose);
+int boundariesP(modPar mod, bndPar bnd, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, float *lam, float *mul, int itime, int verbose);
+int boundariesV(modPar mod, bndPar bnd, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, float *lam, float *mul, int itime, int verbose);
+int acoustic6(modPar mod, srcPar src, wavPar wav, bndPar bnd, int itime, int ixsrc, int izsrc, float **src_nwav, float *vx, float *vz, float *p, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, int verbose)
+  The captial symbols T (=Txx,Tzz) Txz,Vx,Vz represent the actual grid
+  The indices ix,iz are related to the T grid, so the capital T 
+  symbols represent the actual modelled grid.
+  one cel (iz,ix)
+       |
+       V                              extra column of vx,txz
+                                                      |
+    -------                                           V
+   | txz vz| txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz txz
+   |       |      
+   | vx  t | vx  t   vx  t   vx  t   vx  t   vx  t  vx
+    -------
+     txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz
+     vx  t   vx  T---Vx--T---Vx--T---Vx--T   vx  t   vx
+                 |   |   |   |   |   |   | 
+     txz vz  txz Vz--Txz-Vz--Txz-Vz  Txz-Vz  txz vz  txz
+                 |   |   |   |   |   |   |
+     vx  t   vx  T---Vx--T---Vx--T---Vx--T   vx  t   vx
+                 |   |   |   |   |   |   |
+     txz vz  txz Vz  Txz-Vz  Txz-Vz  Txz-Vz  txz vz  txz
+                 |   |   |   |   |   |   |
+     vx  t   vx  T---Vx--T---Vx--T---Vx--T   vx  t   vx
+                 |   |   |   |   |   |   |
+     txz vz  txz Vz  Txz-Vz  Txz-Vz  Txz-Vz  txz vz  txz
+                 |   |   |   |   |   |   |
+     vx  t   vx  T---Vx--T---Vx--T---Vx--T   vx  t   vx
+     txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz
+     vx  t   vx  t   vx  t   vx  t   vx  t   vx  t  vx
+     txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz  <--| 
+                                                             |
+                                         extra row of txz/vz |
+           Jan Thorbecke (
+           The Netherlands 
+	float c1, c2, c3;
+	int   ix, iz;
+	int   n1;
+	int ioXx, ioXz, ioZz, ioZx, ioPx, ioPz;
+	c1 = 75.0/64.0;
+	c2 = -25.0/384.0;
+	c3 = 3.0/640.0;
+	n1  = mod.naz;
+    /* Vx: rox */
+	ioXx=mod.iorder/2;
+	ioXz=ioXx-1;
+    /* Vz: roz */
+	ioZz=mod.iorder/2;
+	ioZx=ioZz-1;
+    /* P, l2m */
+	ioPx=mod.iorder/2-1;
+	ioPz=ioPx;
+	/* calculate vx for all grid points except on the virtual boundary*/
+#pragma omp for private (ix, iz) nowait
+	for (ix=mod.ioXx; ix<mod.ieXx; ix++) {
+#pragma ivdep
+		for (iz=mod.ioXz; iz<mod.ieXz; iz++) {
+			vx[ix*n1+iz] -= rox[ix*n1+iz]*(
+						c1*(p[ix*n1+iz]     - p[(ix-1)*n1+iz]) +
+						c2*(p[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - p[(ix-2)*n1+iz]) +
+						c3*(p[(ix+2)*n1+iz] - p[(ix-3)*n1+iz]));
+		}
+	}
+	/* calculate vz for all grid points except on the virtual boundary */
+#pragma omp for private (ix, iz) 
+	for (ix=mod.ioZx; ix<mod.ieZx; ix++) {
+#pragma ivdep
+		for (iz=mod.ioZz; iz<mod.ieZz; iz++) {
+			vz[ix*n1+iz] -= roz[ix*n1+iz]*(
+						c1*(p[ix*n1+iz]   - p[ix*n1+iz-1]) +
+						c2*(p[ix*n1+iz+1] - p[ix*n1+iz-2]) +
+						c3*(p[ix*n1+iz+2] - p[ix*n1+iz-3]));
+		}
+	}
+	/* Add force source */
+	if (src.type > 5) {
+		 applySource(mod, src, wav, bnd, itime, ixsrc, izsrc, vx, vz, p, NULL, NULL, rox, roz, l2m, src_nwav, verbose);
+	}
+	/* boundary condition clears velocities on boundaries */
+	boundariesP(mod, bnd, vx, vz, p, NULL, NULL, rox, roz, l2m, NULL, NULL, itime, verbose);
+	/* calculate p/tzz for all grid points except on the virtual boundary */
+#pragma omp for private (ix, iz) 
+	for (ix=mod.ioPx; ix<mod.iePx; ix++) {
+#pragma ivdep
+		for (iz=mod.ioPz; iz<mod.iePz; iz++) {
+			p[ix*n1+iz] -= l2m[ix*n1+iz]*(
+						c1*(vx[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - vx[ix*n1+iz]) +
+						c2*(vx[(ix+2)*n1+iz] - vx[(ix-1)*n1+iz]) +
+						c3*(vx[(ix+3)*n1+iz] - vx[(ix-2)*n1+iz]) +
+						c1*(vz[ix*n1+iz+1]   - vz[ix*n1+iz]) +
+						c2*(vz[ix*n1+iz+2]   - vz[ix*n1+iz-1]) +
+						c3*(vz[ix*n1+iz+3]   - vz[ix*n1+iz-2]));
+		}
+	}
+	/* Add stress source */
+	if (src.type < 6) {
+		 applySource(mod, src, wav, bnd, itime, ixsrc, izsrc, vx, vz, p, NULL, NULL, rox, roz, l2m, src_nwav, verbose);
+	}
+	/* check if there are sources placed on the free surface */
+    storeSourceOnSurface(mod, src, bnd, ixsrc, izsrc, vx, vz, p, NULL, NULL, verbose);
+	/* Free surface: calculate free surface conditions for stresses */
+	boundariesV(mod, bnd, vx, vz, p, NULL, NULL, rox, roz, l2m, NULL, NULL, itime, verbose);
+	/* restore source positions on the edge */
+	reStoreSourceOnSurface(mod, src, bnd, ixsrc, izsrc, vx, vz, p, NULL, NULL, verbose);
+	return 0;
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/acousticSH4.c b/fdelmodc3D/acousticSH4.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..481de47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/acousticSH4.c
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+int applySource(modPar mod, srcPar src, wavPar wav, bndPar bnd, int itime, int ixsrc, int izsrc, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, float **src_nwav, int verbose);
+int storeSourceOnSurface(modPar mod, srcPar src, bndPar bnd, int ixsrc, int izsrc, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, int verbose);
+int reStoreSourceOnSurface(modPar mod, srcPar src, bndPar bnd, int ixsrc, int izsrc, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, int verbose);
+int boundariesP(modPar mod, bndPar bnd, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, float *lam, float *mul, int itime, int verbose);
+int boundariesV(modPar mod, bndPar bnd, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, float *lam, float *mul, int itime, int verbose);
+int acousticSH4(modPar mod, srcPar src, wavPar wav, bndPar bnd, int itime, int ixsrc, int izsrc, float **src_nwav, float *tx, float *tz, float *vz, float *rox, float *roz, float *mul, int verbose)
+  The captial symbols T (=Txx,Tzz) Txz,Vx,Vz represent the actual grid
+  The indices ix,iz are related to the T grid, so the capital T 
+  symbols represent the actual modelled grid.
+  one cel (iz,ix)
+       |
+       V                              extra column of vx,txz
+                                                      |
+    -------                                           V
+   | txz vz| txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz txz
+   |       |      
+   | vx  t | vx  t   vx  t   vx  t   vx  t   vx  t  vx
+    -------
+     txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz
+     vx  t   vx  T---Vx--T---Vx--T---Vx--T   vx  t   vx
+                 |   |   |   |   |   |   | 
+     txz vz  txz Vz--Txz-Vz--Txz-Vz  Txz-Vz  txz vz  txz
+                 |   |   |   |   |   |   |
+     vx  t   vx  T---Vx--T---Vx--T---Vx--T   vx  t   vx
+                 |   |   |   |   |   |   |
+     txz vz  txz Vz  Txz-Vz  Txz-Vz  Txz-Vz  txz vz  txz
+                 |   |   |   |   |   |   |
+     vx  t   vx  T---Vx--T---Vx--T---Vx--T   vx  t   vx
+                 |   |   |   |   |   |   |
+     txz vz  txz Vz  Txz-Vz  Txz-Vz  Txz-Vz  txz vz  txz
+                 |   |   |   |   |   |   |
+     vx  t   vx  T---Vx--T---Vx--T---Vx--T   vx  t   vx
+     txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz
+     vx  t   vx  t   vx  t   vx  t   vx  t   vx  t  vx
+     txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz  <--| 
+                                                             |
+                                         extra row of txz/vz |
+           Jan Thorbecke (
+           The Netherlands 
+	float c1, c2;
+	int   ix, iz;
+	int   n1;
+	int   ioXx, ioXz, ioZz, ioZx, ioPx, ioPz;
+	c1 = 9.0/8.0; 
+	c2 = -1.0/24.0;
+	n1  = mod.naz;
+	ioXx=mod.iorder/2;
+	ioXz=ioXx-1;
+	ioZz=mod.iorder/2;
+	ioZx=ioZz-1;
+	ioPx=mod.iorder/2-1;
+	ioPz=ioPx;
+	/* calculate vx for all grid points except on the virtual boundary*/
+#pragma omp for private (ix, iz) nowait
+	for (ix=mod.ioXx; ix<mod.ieXx; ix++) {
+#pragma ivdep
+		for (iz=mod.ioXz; iz<mod.ieXz; iz++) {
+			tx[ix*n1+iz] -= mul[ix*n1+iz]*(
+						c1*(vz[ix*n1+iz]     - vz[(ix-1)*n1+iz]) +
+						c2*(vz[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - vz[(ix-2)*n1+iz]));
+		}
+	}
+	/* calculate vz for all grid points except on the virtual boundary */
+#pragma omp for private (ix, iz) 
+	for (ix=mod.ioZx; ix<mod.ieZx; ix++) {
+#pragma ivdep
+		for (iz=mod.ioZz; iz<mod.ieZz; iz++) {
+			tz[ix*n1+iz] -= mul[ix*n1+iz]*(
+						c1*(vz[ix*n1+iz]   - vz[ix*n1+iz-1]) +
+						c2*(vz[ix*n1+iz+1] - vz[ix*n1+iz-2]));
+		}
+	}
+	/* Add force source */
+	if (src.type > 5) {
+		 applySource(mod, src, wav, bnd, itime, ixsrc, izsrc, tx, tz, vz, NULL, NULL, rox, roz, mul, src_nwav, verbose);
+	}
+    /* boundary condition clears velocities on boundaries */
+	boundariesP(mod, bnd, tx, tz, vz, NULL, NULL, rox, roz, mul, NULL, NULL, itime, verbose);
+	/* calculate p/tzz for all grid points except on the virtual boundary */
+#pragma omp	for private (ix, iz)
+#pragma ivdep
+	for (ix=mod.ioPx; ix<mod.iePx; ix++) {
+#pragma ivdep
+		for (iz=mod.ioPz; iz<mod.iePz; iz++) {
+			vz[ix*n1+iz] -= rox[ix*n1+iz]*(
+						c1*(tx[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - tx[ix*n1+iz]) +
+						c2*(tx[(ix+2)*n1+iz] - tx[(ix-1)*n1+iz]) +
+						c1*(tz[ix*n1+iz+1]   - tz[ix*n1+iz]) +
+						c2*(tz[ix*n1+iz+2]   - tz[ix*n1+iz-1]));
+		}
+	}
+	/* Add stress source */
+	if (src.type < 6) {
+		 applySource(mod, src, wav, bnd, itime, ixsrc, izsrc, tx, tz, vz, NULL, NULL, rox, roz, mul, src_nwav, verbose);
+	}
+/* Free surface: calculate free surface conditions for stresses */
+	/* check if there are sources placed on the free surface */
+    storeSourceOnSurface(mod, src, bnd, ixsrc, izsrc, tx, tz, vz, NULL, NULL, verbose);
+	/* Free surface: calculate free surface conditions for stresses */
+	boundariesV(mod, bnd, tx, tz, vz, NULL, NULL, rox, roz, mul, NULL, NULL, itime, verbose);
+	/* restore source positions on the edge */
+	reStoreSourceOnSurface(mod, src, bnd, ixsrc, izsrc, tx, tz, vz, NULL, NULL, verbose);
+	return 0;
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/acousticSH4_routine.c b/fdelmodc3D/acousticSH4_routine.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11513f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/acousticSH4_routine.c
@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
+int taperEdges(modPar mod, bndPar bnd, float *vx, float *vz, int verbose);
+int applySource(modPar mod, srcPar src, wavPar wav, bndPar bnd, int itime, int ixsrc, int izsrc, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, float *rox, float *l2m, float **src_nwav, int verbose);
+int acousticSH4_routine_(int *nxf,  int *nzf, int *ldz, int *it0, int *it1, int *src_type, wavPar wav, bndPar bnd, int *ixsrc, int *izsrc, float **src_nwav, float *tx, float *tz, float *vz, float *ro, float *mul, int verbose);
+ The captial symbols T (=Txx,Tzz) Txz,Vx,Vz represent the actual grid
+ The indices ix,iz are related to the T grid, so the capital T 
+ symbols represent the actual modelled grid.
+ one cel (iz,ix)
+ |
+ V                              extra column of vx,txz
+ |
+ -------                                           V
+ | txz vz| txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz txz
+ |       |      
+ | vx  t | vx  t   vx  t   vx  t   vx  t   vx  t  vx
+ -------
+ txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz
+ vx  t   vx  T---Vx--T---Vx--T---Vx--T   vx  t   vx
+ |   |   |   |   |   |   | 
+ txz vz  txz Vz--Txz-Vz--Txz-Vz  Txz-Vz  txz vz  txz
+ |   |   |   |   |   |   |
+ vx  t   vx  T---Vx--T---Vx--T---Vx--T   vx  t   vx
+ |   |   |   |   |   |   |
+ txz vz  txz Vz  Txz-Vz  Txz-Vz  Txz-Vz  txz vz  txz
+ |   |   |   |   |   |   |
+ vx  t   vx  T---Vx--T---Vx--T---Vx--T   vx  t   vx
+ |   |   |   |   |   |   |
+ txz vz  txz Vz  Txz-Vz  Txz-Vz  Txz-Vz  txz vz  txz
+ |   |   |   |   |   |   |
+ vx  t   vx  T---Vx--T---Vx--T---Vx--T   vx  t   vx
+ txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz
+ vx  t   vx  t   vx  t   vx  t   vx  t   vx  t  vx
+ txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz  <--| 
+ |
+ extra row of txz/vz |
+ Jan Thorbecke (
+ The Netherlands 
+ ***********************************************************************/
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+int acousticSH4_routine_(int *nxf,  int *nzf, int *ldz, int *it0, int *it1, int *src_type, wavPar wav, bndPar bnd, int *ixsrc, int *izsrc, float **src_nwav, float *tx, float *tz, float *vz, float *ro, float *mul, int verbose)
+	float c1, c2;
+	float *tmps;
+	int   ix, iz, ixs, izs, ibnd, store;
+	int   nx, nz, n1;
+	int   is0, isrc, ioXx, ioXz, ioZz, ioZx, ioPx, ioPz;
+	c1 = 9.0/8.0; 
+	c2 = -1.0/24.0;
+	nx  = *nxf;
+	nz  = *nzf;
+	n1  = *ldz;
+	ibnd = 1;
+	ioXx=2;
+	ioXz=ioXx-1;
+	ioZz=2;
+	ioZx=ioZz-1;
+	ioPx=1;
+	ioPz=ioPx;
+#pragma omp parallel default (shared) \
+shared (ro, mul, tx, tz, vz) \
+shared (*it0, *it1, c1, c2) \
+shared (shot, bnd, mod, src, wav, rec, ixsrc, izsrc, it, src_nwav, verbose)
+    /* Main loop over the number of time steps */
+    for (it=*it0; it<*it1; it++) {
+	/* calculate vx for all grid points except on the virtual boundary*/
+#pragma omp for private (ix, iz) nowait
+	for (ix=ioXx; ix<nx+1; ix++) {
+#pragma ivdep
+		for (iz=ioXz; iz<nz+1; iz++) {
+			tx[ix*n1+iz] -= mul[ix*n1+iz]*(
+						c1*(vz[ix*n1+iz]     - vz[(ix-1)*n1+iz]) +
+						c2*(vz[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - vz[(ix-2)*n1+iz]));
+		}
+	}
+	/* calculate vz for all grid points except on the virtual boundary */
+#pragma omp for private (ix, iz) 
+	for (ix=ioZx; ix<nx+1; ix++) {
+#pragma ivdep
+		for (iz=ioZz; iz<nz+1; iz++) {
+			tz[ix*n1+iz] -= mul[ix*n1+iz]*(
+						c1*(vz[ix*n1+iz]   - vz[ix*n1+iz-1]) +
+						c2*(vz[ix*n1+iz+1] - vz[ix*n1+iz-2]));
+		}
+	}
+	/* Add force source */
+	if (src.type > 5) {
+		 applySource(mod, src, wav, bnd, itime, ixsrc, izsrc, tx, tz, vz, NULL, NULL, ro, mul, src_nwav, verbose);
+	}
+	/* calculate p/tzz for all grid points except on the virtual boundary */
+#pragma omp	for private (ix, iz)
+#pragma ivdep
+	for (ix=ioPx; ix<nx+1; ix++) {
+#pragma ivdep
+		for (iz=ioPz; iz<nz+1; iz++) {
+			vz[ix*n1+iz] -= ro[ix*n1+iz]*(
+						c1*(tx[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - tx[ix*n1+iz]) +
+						c2*(tx[(ix+2)*n1+iz] - tx[(ix-1)*n1+iz]) +
+						c1*(tz[ix*n1+iz+1]   - tz[ix*n1+iz]) +
+						c2*(tz[ix*n1+iz+2]   - tz[ix*n1+iz-1]));
+		}
+	}
+	/* Add stress source */
+	if (src.type < 6) {
+		 applySource(mod, src, wav, bnd, itime, *ixsrc, *izsrc, tx, tz, vz, NULL, NULL, ro, mul, src_nwav, verbose);
+	}
+/* Free surface: calculate free surface conditions for stresses */
+	/* check if there are sources placed on the free surface */
+	store=0;
+	if (src.type==1 || src.type==6) {
+		tmps = (float *)calloc(1, sizeof(float));
+		is0 = -1*floor((src.n-1)/2);
+		isrc=0;
+        /* calculate the source position */
+        ixs = *ixsrc + ibnd + is0 + isrc;
+        izs = *izsrc + ibnd;
+        if (ixs == 1) store=1;
+        if (ixs == nx) store=1;
+        if (izs == 1) store=1;
+        if (izs == nz) store=1;
+        if (store) {
+            if (src.type==1) tmps[isrc] = vz[ixs*n1+izs];
+            else tmps[isrc] = tx[ixs*n1+izs];
+        }
+	}
+	if ([0]) { /* free surface at top */
+#pragma omp	for private (ix) nowait
+		for (ix=1; ix<=nx; ix++) {
+			iz = bnd.surface[ix-1];
+			vz[ix*n1+iz] = 0.0;
+		}
+	}
+	if ([1]) { /* free surface at right */
+#pragma omp	for private (iz) nowait
+		for (iz=1; iz<=nz; iz++) {
+			vz[nx*n1+iz] = 0.0;
+		}
+	}
+	if ([2]) { /* free surface at bottom */
+#pragma omp	for private (ix) nowait
+		for (ix=1; ix<=nx; ix++) {
+			vz[ix*n1+nz] = 0.0;
+		}
+	}
+	if ([3]) { /* free surface at left */
+#pragma omp	for private (iz) nowait
+		for (iz=1; iz<=nz; iz++) {
+			vz[n1+iz] = 0.0;
+		}
+	}
+	/* restore source positions on the edge */
+	if (src.type==1 || src.type==6) {
+		if (store) {
+#pragma omp	for private (isrc)
+			for (isrc=0; isrc<src.n; isrc++) {
+				/* calculate the source position */
+                ixs = *ixsrc + ibnd + is0 + isrc;
+                izs = *izsrc + ibnd;
+				if (src.type==1) vz[ixs*n1+izs] += tmps[isrc];
+				else tx[ixs*n1+izs] += tmps[isrc];
+			}
+		}
+		free(tmps);
+	}
+    /* taper the edges of the model */
+    taperEdges(mod, bnd, vx, vz, verbose);
+    } /*end of time loop */
+} /* end of OMP parallel */
+	return 0;
+int applySource(modPar mod, srcPar src, wavPar wav, bndPar bnd, int itime, int ixsrc, int izsrc, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, float *ro, float *l2m, float **src_nwav, int verbose)
+    int is0, ibndz, ibndx;
+    int isrc, ix, iz, n1;
+    int id1, id2;
+    float src_ampl, time, scl, dt;
+    static int first=1;
+    else if (src_type==7) {
+        ibndz = mod.iorder/2;
+        ibndx = mod.iorder/2-1;
+    }
+    else {  
+        ibndz = mod.iorder/2-1;
+        ibndx = mod.iorder/2-1;
+    }
+    n1   = mod.naz;
+    dt   = mod.dt;
+#pragma omp     for private (isrc, src_ampl, ix, iz, time, id1, id2, scl) 
+        src_ampl=0.0;
+        ix = ixsrc + ibndx;
+        iz = izsrc + ibndz;
+        time = itime*dt - src.tbeg[isrc];
+        id1 = floor(time/dt);
+        id2 = id1+1;
+        /* delay not reached or no samples left in source wavelet? */
+        if ( (time < 0.0) || ( (itime*dt) >= src.tend[isrc]) ) continue;
+        src_ampl = src_nwav[0][id1]*(id2-time/dt) + src_nwav[0][id2]*(time/dt-id1);
+        if (src_ampl==0.0) continue;
+        if ( ((ix-ibndx)<0) || ((ix-ibndx)>mod.nx) ) continue; /* source outside grid */
+        /* source scaling factor to compensate for discretisation */
+        src_ampl *= (1.0/mod.dx)*l2m[ix*n1+iz];
+        /* Force source */
+        if (src.type == 7) {
+            vz[ix*n1+iz] += src_ampl*ro[ix*n1+iz]/(l2m[ix*n1+iz]);
+        }
+        else if (src.type == 2) {
+            txz[ix*n1+iz] += src_ampl;
+        }
+        /* Tzz source */
+        else if(src.type == 3) {
+            tzz[ix*n1+iz] += src_ampl;
+        } 
+    return 0;
+int taperEdges(modPar mod, bndPar bnd, float *vx, float *vz, int verbose)
+    int   ix, iz, ibnd, ib, ntaper;
+    int   nx, nz, n1;
+    nx  = mod.nx;
+    nz  =;
+    n1  = mod.naz;
+    ibnd = mod.iorder/2-1;
+    /* top */
+    if (bnd.tap[0] > 0) {
+        ntaper = bnd.tap[0];
+        ib = (ntaper+ibnd-1);
+#pragma omp for private(ix,iz)
+        for (ix=ibnd; ix<nx+ibnd; ix++) {
+#pragma ivdep
+            for (iz=ibnd; iz<ibnd+ntaper; iz++) {
+                vx[ix*n1+iz] *= bnd.tapx[ib-iz];
+                vz[ix*n1+iz+1] *= bnd.tapz[ib-iz];
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /* right */
+    if (bnd.tap[1] > 0) {
+        ntaper = bnd.tap[1];
+        ib = (nx+ibnd-ntaper);
+#pragma omp for private(ix,iz)
+        for (ix=nx+ibnd-ntaper; ix<nx+ibnd; ix++) {
+#pragma ivdep
+            for (iz=ibnd; iz<nz+ibnd; iz++) {
+                vx[ix*n1+iz] *= bnd.tapx[ix-ib];
+                vz[ix*n1+iz] *= bnd.tapz[ix-ib];
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /* bottom */
+    if (bnd.tap[2] > 0) {
+        ntaper = bnd.tap[2];
+        ib = (nz+ibnd-ntaper);
+#pragma omp for private(ix,iz)
+        for (ix=ibnd; ix<nx+ibnd; ix++) {
+#pragma ivdep
+            for (iz=nz+ibnd-ntaper; iz<nz+ibnd; iz++) {
+                vx[ix*n1+iz]   *= bnd.tapx[iz-ib];
+                vz[ix*n1+iz+1] *= bnd.tapz[iz-ib];
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /* left */
+    if (bnd.tap[3] > 0) {
+        ntaper = bnd.tap[3];
+        ib = (ntaper+ibnd-1);
+#pragma omp for private(ix,iz)
+        for (ix=ibnd; ix<ntaper+ibnd; ix++) {
+#pragma ivdep
+            for (iz=ibnd; iz<nz+ibnd; iz++) {
+                vx[ix*n1+iz] *= bnd.tapx[ib-ix];
+                vz[ix*n1+iz] *= bnd.tapz[ib-ix];
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return 0;
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/applySource.c b/fdelmodc3D/applySource.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf0d38e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/applySource.c
@@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
+void vmess(char *fmt, ...);
+#define c1 (9.0/8.0)
+#define c2 (-1.0/24.0)
+ * 
+ * Add's the source amplitude(s) to the grid.
+ * 
+ * For the acoustic schemes, the source-type must not be txx tzz or txz.
+ *
+ *   AUTHOR:
+ *           Jan Thorbecke (
+ *           The Netherlands 
+ *
+ **********************************************************************/
+int applySource(modPar mod, srcPar src, wavPar wav, bndPar bnd, int itime, int ixsrc, int izsrc, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, float **src_nwav, int verbose)
+	int is0, ibndz, ibndx;
+	int isrc, ix, iz, n1;
+	int id1, id2;
+	float src_ampl, time, scl, dt, sdx;
+	float Mxx, Mzz, Mxz, rake;
+	static int first=1;
+	if (src.type==6) {
+    	ibndz = mod.ioXz;
+    	ibndx = mod.ioXx;
+	}
+	else if (src.type==7) {
+    	ibndz = mod.ioZz;
+    	ibndx = mod.ioZx;
+	}
+	else if (src.type==2) {
+    	ibndz = mod.ioTz;
+    	ibndx = mod.ioTx;
+    	if (bnd.lef==4 || bnd.lef==2) ibndx += bnd.ntap;
+    	if ( || ibndz += bnd.ntap;
+	}
+	else {	
+    	ibndz = mod.ioPz;
+    	ibndx = mod.ioPx;
+    	if (bnd.lef==4 || bnd.lef==2) ibndx += bnd.ntap;
+    	if ( || ibndz += bnd.ntap;
+	}
+	n1   = mod.naz;
+	dt   = mod.dt;
+	sdx  = 1.0/mod.dx;
+	/* special txz source activated? */
+	if (( && (src.type==2)) {
+		iz = izsrc + ibndz;
+		if (iz==ibndz) {
+            if (src.orient != 1) {
+				if (first) {
+					vmess("Only monopole Txz source allowed at surface. Reset to monopole");
+					first = 0;
+				}
+				src.orient=1;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+* for plane wave sources the sources are placed 
+* around the central shot position 
+* the first source position has an offset in x of is0
+* itime = 0 corresponds with time=0
+* itime = 1 corresponds with time=dt
+* src[0] (the first sample) corresponds with time = 0
+	is0 = -1*floor((src.n-1)/2);
+#pragma omp	for private (isrc, src_ampl, ix, iz, time, id1, id2, scl) 
+	for (isrc=0; isrc<src.n; isrc++) {
+		src_ampl=0.0;
+		/* calculate the source position */
+		if (src.random || src.multiwav) {
+			ix = src.x[isrc] + ibndx;
+			iz = src.z[isrc] + ibndz;
+		}
+		else { /* plane wave and point sources */
+            ix = ixsrc + ibndx + is0 + isrc;
+            iz = izsrc + ibndz;
+		}
+		time = itime*dt - src.tbeg[isrc];
+		id1 = floor(time/dt);
+		id2 = id1+1;
+		/* delay not reached or no samples left in source wavelet? */
+		if ( (time < 0.0) || ( (itime*dt) >= src.tend[isrc]) ) continue;
+//		fprintf(stderr,"isrc=%d ix=%d iz=%d src.x=%d src.z=%d\n", isrc, ix, iz, src.x[isrc], src.z[isrc]);
+		if (!src.multiwav) { /* only one wavelet for all sources */
+			src_ampl = src_nwav[0][id1]*(id2-time/dt) + src_nwav[0][id2]*(time/dt-id1);
+		}
+		else { /* multi-wavelet sources */
+			src_ampl = src_nwav[isrc][id1]*(id2-time/dt) + src_nwav[isrc][id2]*(time/dt-id1);
+		}
+		if (src_ampl==0.0) continue;
+		if ( ((ix-ibndx)<0) || ((ix-ibndx)>mod.nx) ) continue; /* source outside grid */
+		if (verbose>=4 && itime==0) {
+			vmess("Source %d positioned at grid ix=%d iz=%d",isrc, ix, iz);
+		}
+		/* cosine squared windowing to reduce edge effects on shot arrays */
+		if ( (src.n>1) && src.window) {
+            scl = 1.0;
+			if (isrc < src.window) {
+				scl = cos(0.5*M_PI*(src.window - isrc)/src.window);
+			}
+			else if (isrc > src.n-src.window+1) {
+				scl = cos(0.5*M_PI*(src.window - (src.n-isrc+1))/src.window);
+			}
+			src_ampl *= scl*scl;
+		}
+		/* source scaling factor to compensate for discretisation */
+		/* old amplitude setting does not obey reciprocity */
+		// src_ampl *= rox[ix*n1+iz]*l2m[ix*n1+iz]/(dt);
+/* in older version added factor 2.0 to be compliant with defined Green's functions in Marchenko algorithm */
+/* this is now set to 1.0 */
+		src_ampl *= (1.0/mod.dx)*l2m[ix*n1+iz];
+		if (verbose>5) {
+			vmess("Source %d at grid [ix=%d,iz=%d] at itime %d has value %e",isrc, ix,iz, itime, src_ampl);
+		}
+		/* Force source */
+		if (src.type == 6) {
+			vx[ix*n1+iz] += src_ampl*rox[ix*n1+iz]/(l2m[ix*n1+iz]);
+			/* stable implementation from "Numerical Techniques for Conservation Laws with Source Terms" by Justin Hudson */
+			//vx[ix*n1+iz] = 0.5*(vx[(ix+1)*n1+iz]+vx[(ix-1)*n1+iz])+src_ampl*rox[ix*n1+iz]/(l2m[ix*n1+iz]);
+		}
+		else if (src.type == 7) {
+			vz[ix*n1+iz] += src_ampl*roz[ix*n1+iz]/(l2m[ix*n1+iz]);
+			/* stable implementation from "Numerical Techniques for Conservation Laws with Source Terms" by Justin Hudson */
+			/* stable implementation changes amplitude and more work is needed */
+			//vz[ix*n1+iz] = 0.5*(vz[ix*n1+iz-1]+vz[ix*n1+iz+1])+src_ampl*roz[ix*n1+iz]/(l2m[ix*n1+iz]);
+			//vz[ix*n1+iz] = 0.25*(vz[ix*n1+iz-2]+vz[ix*n1+iz-1]+vz[ix*n1+iz]+vz[ix*n1+iz+1])+src_ampl*roz[ix*n1+iz]/(l2m[ix*n1+iz]);
+        } /* src.type */
+		/* Stress source */
+		if (mod.ischeme <= 2) { /* Acoustic scheme */
+			/* Compressional source */
+			if (src.type == 1) {
+				if (src.orient != 1) src_ampl=src_ampl/mod.dx;
+				if (src.orient==1) { /* monopole */
+					tzz[ix*n1+iz] += src_ampl;
+				}
+				else if (src.orient==2) { /* dipole +/- */
+					tzz[ix*n1+iz] += src_ampl;
+					tzz[ix*n1+iz+1] -= src_ampl;
+				}
+				else if (src.orient==3) { /* dipole - + */
+					tzz[ix*n1+iz] += src_ampl;
+					tzz[(ix-1)*n1+iz] -= src_ampl;
+				}
+				else if (src.orient==4) { /* dipole +/0/- */
+					if (iz > ibndz) 
+						tzz[ix*n1+iz-1]+= 0.5*src_ampl;
+					if (iz < 
+						tzz[ix*n1+iz+1] -= 0.5*src_ampl;
+				}
+				else if (src.orient==5) { /* dipole + - */
+					tzz[ix*n1+iz] += src_ampl;
+					tzz[(ix+1)*n1+iz] -= src_ampl;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		else { /* Elastic scheme */
+			/* Compressional source */
+			if (src.type == 1) {
+				if (src.orient==1) { /* monopole */
+					txx[ix*n1+iz] += src_ampl;
+					tzz[ix*n1+iz] += src_ampl;
+				}
+				else if (src.orient==2) { /* dipole +/- */
+					txx[ix*n1+iz] += src_ampl;
+					tzz[ix*n1+iz] += src_ampl;
+					txx[ix*n1+iz+1] -= src_ampl;
+					tzz[ix*n1+iz+1] -= src_ampl;
+				}
+				else if (src.orient==3) { /* dipole - + */
+					txx[ix*n1+iz] += src_ampl;
+					tzz[ix*n1+iz] += src_ampl;
+					txx[(ix-1)*n1+iz] -= src_ampl;
+					tzz[(ix-1)*n1+iz] -= src_ampl;
+				}
+				else if (src.orient==4) { /* dipole +/0/- */
+					if (iz > ibndz) {
+						txx[ix*n1+iz-1]+= 0.5*src_ampl;
+						tzz[ix*n1+iz-1]+= 0.5*src_ampl;
+					}
+					if (iz < {
+						txx[ix*n1+iz+1] -= 0.5*src_ampl;
+						tzz[ix*n1+iz+1] -= 0.5*src_ampl;
+					}
+				}
+				else if (src.orient==5) { /* dipole + - */
+					txx[ix*n1+iz] += src_ampl;
+					tzz[ix*n1+iz] += src_ampl;
+					txx[(ix+1)*n1+iz] -= src_ampl;
+					tzz[(ix+1)*n1+iz] -= src_ampl;
+				}
+			}
+			else if (src.type == 2) {
+				/* Txz source */
+				if ((iz == ibndz) && {
+					txz[(ix-1)*n1+iz-1] += src_ampl;
+					txz[ix*n1+iz-1] += src_ampl;
+				}
+				else {
+					txz[ix*n1+iz] += src_ampl;
+				}
+				/* possible dipole orientations for a txz source */
+				if (src.orient == 2) { /* dipole +/- */
+					txz[ix*n1+iz+1] -= src_ampl;
+				}
+				else if (src.orient == 3) { /* dipole - + */
+					txz[(ix-1)*n1+iz] -= src_ampl;
+				}
+				else if (src.orient == 4) { /*  dipole +/O/- */
+					/* correction: subtrace previous value to prevent z-1 values. */
+					txz[ix*n1+iz] -= 2.0*src_ampl;
+					txz[ix*n1+iz+1] += src_ampl;
+				}
+				else if (src.orient == 5) { /* dipole + - */
+					txz[(ix+1)*n1+iz] -= src_ampl;
+				}
+			}
+			/* Tzz source */
+			else if(src.type == 3) {
+				tzz[ix*n1+iz] += src_ampl;
+			} 
+			/* Txx source */
+			else if(src.type == 4) {
+				txx[ix*n1+iz] += src_ampl;
+			} 
+* pure potential shear S source (experimental)
+* Curl S-pot = CURL(F) = dF_x/dz - dF_z/dx
+			else if(src.type == 5) {
+				src_ampl = src_ampl*rox[ix*n1+iz]/(l2m[ix*n1+iz]);
+				if (src.orient == 3) src_ampl = -src_ampl;
+                /* first order derivatives */
+				vx[ix*n1+iz]     += src_ampl*sdx;
+				vx[ix*n1+iz-1]   -= src_ampl*sdx;
+				vz[ix*n1+iz]     -= src_ampl*sdx;
+				vz[(ix-1)*n1+iz] += src_ampl*sdx;
+                /* second order derivatives */
+                /*
+				vx[ix*n1+iz]     += c1*src_ampl*sdx;
+                vx[ix*n1+iz-1]   -= c1*src_ampl*sdx;
+				vx[ix*n1+iz+1]   += c2*src_ampl*sdx;
+                vx[ix*n1+iz-2]   -= c2*src_ampl*sdx;
+                vz[ix*n1+iz]     -= c1*src_ampl*sdx;
+				vz[(ix-1)*n1+iz] += c1*src_ampl*sdx;
+				vz[(ix+1)*n1+iz] -= c2*src_ampl*sdx;
+				vz[(ix-2)*n1+iz] += c2*src_ampl*sdx;
+                 */
+				/* determine second position of dipole */
+				if (src.orient == 2) { /* dipole +/- vertical */
+					iz += 1;
+                    vx[ix*n1+iz]     -= src_ampl*sdx;
+                    vx[ix*n1+iz-1]   += src_ampl*sdx;
+                    vz[ix*n1+iz]     += src_ampl*sdx;
+                    vz[(ix-1)*n1+iz] -= src_ampl*sdx;
+				}
+				else if (src.orient == 3) { /* dipole - + horizontal */
+					ix += 1;
+                    vx[ix*n1+iz]     -= src_ampl*sdx;
+                    vx[ix*n1+iz-1]   += src_ampl*sdx;
+                    vz[ix*n1+iz]     += src_ampl*sdx;
+                    vz[(ix-1)*n1+iz] -= src_ampl*sdx;
+				}
+            }
+* pure potential pressure P source (experimental)
+* Divergence P-pot = DIV(F) = dF_x/dx + dF_z/dz
+            else if(src.type == 8) {
+			    src_ampl = src_ampl*rox[ix*n1+iz]/(l2m[ix*n1+iz]);
+                if (src.orient == 3) src_ampl = -src_ampl;
+                vx[(ix+1)*n1+iz] += src_ampl*sdx;
+                vx[ix*n1+iz]     -= src_ampl*sdx;
+                vz[ix*n1+iz+1]   += src_ampl*sdx;
+                vz[ix*n1+iz]     -= src_ampl*sdx;
+                /* determine second position of dipole */
+                if (src.orient == 2) { /* dipole +/- */
+                    iz += 1;
+                    vx[(ix+1)*n1+iz] -= src_ampl*sdx;
+                    vx[ix*n1+iz]     += src_ampl*sdx;
+                    vz[ix*n1+iz+1]   -= src_ampl*sdx;
+                    vz[ix*n1+iz]     += src_ampl*sdx;
+                }
+                else if (src.orient == 3) { /* dipole - + */
+                    ix += 1;
+                    vx[(ix+1)*n1+iz] -= src_ampl*sdx;
+                    vx[ix*n1+iz]     += src_ampl*sdx;
+                    vz[ix*n1+iz+1]   -= src_ampl*sdx;
+                    vz[ix*n1+iz]     += src_ampl*sdx;
+                }
+			}
+            else if(src.type == 9) {
+				rake = 0.5*M_PI;
+				Mxx = -1.0*(sin(src.dip)*cos(rake)*sin(2.0*src.strike)+sin(src.dip*2.0)*sin(rake)*sin(src.strike)*sin(src.strike));
+				Mxz = -1.0*(cos(src.dip)*cos(rake)*cos(src.strike)+cos(src.dip*2.0)*sin(rake)*sin(src.strike));
+				Mzz = sin(src.dip*2.0)*sin(rake);
+				txx[ix*n1+iz] -= Mxx*src_ampl;
+				tzz[ix*n1+iz] -= Mzz*src_ampl;
+				txz[ix*n1+iz] -= Mxz*src_ampl;
+			} /* src.type */
+		} /* ischeme */
+	} /* loop over isrc */
+	return 0;
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/atopkge.c b/fdelmodc3D/atopkge.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef0b218
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/atopkge.c
@@ -0,0 +1,444 @@
+ This file is property of the Colorado School of Mines.
+ Copyright (C) 2007, Colorado School of Mines,
+ All rights reserved.
+ Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or 
+ without modification, are permitted provided that the following 
+ conditions are met:
+ *  Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 
+ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ *  Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above 
+ copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following 
+ disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided 
+ with the distribution.
+ *  Neither the name of the Colorado School of Mines nor the names of
+ its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products 
+ derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+ Warranty Disclaimer:
+ Export Restriction Disclaimer:
+ We believe that CWP/SU: Seismic Un*x is a low technology product that does
+ not appear on the Department of Commerce CCL list of restricted exports.
+ Accordingly, we believe that our product meets the qualifications of
+ an ECCN (export control classification number) of EAR99 and we believe
+ it fits the qualifications of NRR (no restrictions required), and
+ is thus not subject to export restrictions of any variety.
+ Approved Reference Format:
+ In publications, please refer to SU as per the following example:
+ Cohen, J. K. and Stockwell, Jr. J. W., (200_), CWP/SU: Seismic Un*x 
+ Release No. __: an open source software  package for seismic 
+ research and processing, 
+ Center for Wave Phenomena, Colorado School of Mines.
+ Articles about SU in peer-reviewed journals:
+ Saeki, T., (1999), A guide to Seismic Un*x (SU)(2)---examples of data processing (part 1), data input and preparation of headers, Butsuri-Tansa (Geophysical Exploration), vol. 52, no. 5, 465-477.
+ Stockwell, Jr. J. W. (1999), The CWP/SU: Seismic Un*x Package, Computers and Geosciences, May 1999.
+ Stockwell, Jr. J. W. (1997), Free Software in Education: A case study of CWP/SU: Seismic Un*x, The Leading Edge, July 1997.
+ Templeton, M. E., Gough, C.A., (1998), Web Seismic Un*x: Making seismic reflection processing more accessible, Computers and Geosciences.
+ Acknowledgements:
+ SU stands for CWP/SU:Seismic Un*x, a processing line developed at Colorado 
+ School of Mines, partially based on Stanford Exploration Project (SEP) 
+ software.
+ */
+/*********************** self documentation **********************/
+ATOPKGE - convert ascii to arithmetic and with error checking
+eatoh		ascii to short
+eatou		ascii to unsigned short
+eatoi		ascii to int
+eatop		ascii to unsigned
+eatol		ascii to long
+eatov		ascii to unsigned long
+eatof		ascii to float
+eatod		ascii to double
+Function Prototypes:
+short eatoh(char *s);
+unsigned short eatou(char *s);
+int eatoi(char *s);
+unsigned int eatop(char *s);
+long eatol(char *s);
+unsigned long eatov(char *s);
+float eatof(char *s);
+double eatod(char *s);
+s		string 
+Returned:	type indicated
+Each of these routines acts like atoi, but has error checking:
+This is a major revision of the tedious code required before
+vendors implemented the ANSI C strtol, strtoul and strtod.
+In addition to the size checks for each integer type, a
+specific test on errno is required.  For example, INT_MAX
+may (and probably does) equal LONG_MAX.  In this case,
+if fed a number exceeding INT_MAX (and LONG_MAX), strtol
+will make a quiet return with the wrong answer and it is up
+to the user to check if errno == ERANGE.
+Size limits are machine dependent and are read from the
+ANSI C include files limits.h and float.h.
+Bug Report: With NeXT c and Gnucc, when x > DBL_MAX (x <-DBL_MAX),
+the return value from strtod was +Infinity (-Infinity), not HUGE_VAL
+and more important, errno was not set to ERANGE.  To cope with this,
+I put explicit size checks in eatod (which would not be needed if
+errno were set as it should be in ANSI C.    jkc 01/29/94
+On IBM RS6000, the return value from strtod was +-Inf on
+overflow, but errno was set correctly.
+For old code:
+Plum: Reliable Data Structures in C, p. 2-17.
+Kernighan and Ritchie: The C Programming Language, p. 58.
+CWP: Jack K. Cohen, Brian Sumner
+For new code:
+ANSI C routines with a little help from Jack
+Author: Jack Cohen, Center for Wave Phenomena, 1994.
+/**************** end self doc ********************************/
+#include "par.h"
+#include <float.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+/* eatoh - convert string s to short integer {SHRT_MIN:SHRT_MAX} */
+short eatoh(char *s)
+	long n = strtol(s, NULL, 10);
+	if ( (n > SHRT_MAX) || (n < SHRT_MIN) || (errno == ERANGE) )
+		err("%s: eatoh: overflow", __FILE__);
+	return (short) n;
+/* eatou - convert string s to unsigned short integer {0:USHRT_MAX} */
+unsigned short eatou(char *s)
+	unsigned long n = strtoul(s, NULL, 10);
+	if ( (n > USHRT_MAX) || (errno == ERANGE) )
+		err("%s: eatou: overflow", __FILE__);
+	return (unsigned short) n;
+/* eatoi - convert string s to integer {INT_MIN:INT_MAX} */
+int eatoi(char *s)
+	long n = strtol(s, NULL, 10);
+	if ( (n > INT_MAX) || (n < INT_MIN) || (errno == ERANGE) )
+		err("%s: eatoi: overflow", __FILE__);
+	return (int) n;
+/* eatop - convert string s to unsigned integer {0:UINT_MAX} */
+unsigned int eatop(char *s)
+	unsigned long n = strtoul(s, NULL, 10);
+	if ( (n > UINT_MAX) || (errno == ERANGE) )
+		err("%s: eatop: overflow", __FILE__);
+	return (unsigned int) n;
+/* eatol - convert string s to long integer {LONG_MIN:LONG_MAX} */
+long eatol(char *s)
+	long n = strtol(s, NULL, 10);
+	if (errno == ERANGE)
+		err("%s: eatol: overflow", __FILE__);
+	return n;
+/* eatov - convert string s to unsigned long {0:ULONG_MAX} */
+unsigned long eatov(char *s)
+	unsigned long n = strtoul(s, NULL, 10);
+	if (errno == ERANGE)
+		err("%s: eatov: overflow", __FILE__);
+	return n;
+/* eatof - convert string s to float {-FLT_MAX:FLT_MAX} */
+float eatof(char *s)
+	float x = strtod(s, NULL);
+	if ( (x > FLT_MAX) || (x < -FLT_MAX) || (errno == ERANGE) )
+		err("%s: eatof: overflow", __FILE__);
+	return (float) x;
+/* eatod - convert string s to double {-DBL_MAX:DBL_MAX} */
+double eatod(char *s)
+	double x = strtod(s, NULL);
+	/* errno == ERANGE suffices if compiler sets errno on overflow */
+	if ( (errno == ERANGE) || (x > DBL_MAX) || (x < -DBL_MAX) )
+		err("%s: eatod: overflow", __FILE__);
+	return x;
+ERRPKGE - routines for reporting errors
+err	print warning on application program error and die
+warn	print warning on application program error
+syserr	print warning on application program error using errno and die
+Function Prototypes:
+void err (char *fmt, ...);
+void warn (char *fmt, ...);
+void syserr (char *fmt, ...);
+Return: void
+fmt		a printf format string ("\n" not needed)
+...		the variables referenced in the format string
+	err("Cannot divide %f by %f", x, y);
+	warn("fmax = %f exceeds half nyquist= %f", fmax, 0.25/dt);
+	if (NULL == (fp = fopen(xargv[1], "r")))
+ 		err("can't open %s", xargv[1]);
+ 	...
+ 	if (-1 == close(fd))
+ 		err("close failed");
+Kernighan and Pike, "The UNIX Programming Environment", page 207.
+Also Rochkind, "Advanced UNIX Programming", page 13.
+Authors:SEP: Jeff Thorson, Stew Levin	CWP: Shuki Ronen, Jack Cohen
+void err(char *fmt, ...)
+	va_list args;
+	if (EOF == fflush(stdout)) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "\nerr: fflush failed on stdout");
+	}
+	fprintf(stderr, "\n%s: ", xargv[0]);
+	va_start(args,fmt);
+	vfprintf(stderr, fmt, args);
+	va_end(args);
+	fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+void warn(char *fmt, ...)
+	va_list args;
+	if (EOF == fflush(stdout)) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "\nwarn: fflush failed on stdout");
+	}
+	fprintf(stderr, "\n%s: ", xargv[0]);
+	va_start(args,fmt);
+	vfprintf(stderr, fmt, args);
+	va_end(args);
+	fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+	return;
+void syserr(char *fmt, ...)
+    va_list args;
+    if (EOF == fflush(stdout)) {
+        fprintf(stderr, "\nsyserr: fflush failed on stdout");
+    }
+    fprintf(stderr, "\n%s: ", xargv[0]);
+    va_start(args,fmt);
+    vfprintf(stderr, fmt, args);
+    va_end(args);
+    fprintf(stderr, " (%s)\n", strerror(errno));
+    exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
+#ifdef TEST
+main(int argc, char **argv)
+	char s[BUFSIZ];
+	short nh;
+	unsigned short nu;
+	int ni;
+	unsigned int np;
+	long nl;
+	unsigned long nv;
+	initargs(argc, argv);
+	/* Test code for eatoh */
+	if (SHRT_MAX == LONG_MAX) {
+	    warn("Warning: eatoh not used on this machine.\n");
+	} else {
+	    warn("\n");
+	}
+	strcpy(s, "0");
+	nh = eatoh(s);
+	warn("eatoh(%s) = %hd\n", s, nh);
+	strcpy(s, "32767");
+	nh = eatoh(s);
+	warn("eatoh(%s) = %hd\n", s, nh);
+	strcpy(s, "-32768");
+	nh = eatoh(s);
+	warn("eatoh(%s) = %hd\n", s, nh);
+	/* Test code for eatou */
+	    warn("Warning: eatou not used on this machine.\n");
+	} else {
+	    warn("\n");
+	}
+	strcpy(s, "0");
+	nu = eatou(s);
+	warn("eatou(%s) = %hu\n", s, nu);
+	strcpy(s, "65535");
+	nu = eatou(s);
+	warn("eatou(%s) = %hu\n", s, nu);
+	/* Test code for eatoi */
+	if (INT_MAX == LONG_MAX) {
+	    warn("Warning: eatoi not used on this machine.\n");
+	} else {
+	    warn("\n");
+	}
+	strcpy(s, "0");
+	ni = eatoi(s);
+	warn("eatoi(%s) = %d\n", s, ni);
+	strcpy(s, "2147483647");
+	ni = eatoi(s);
+	warn("eatoi(%s) = %d\n", s, ni);
+	strcpy(s, "-2147483648");
+	ni = eatoi(s);
+	warn("eatoi(%s) = %d\n", s, ni);
+	/* Test code for eatop */
+	if (INT_MAX == LONG_MAX) {
+	    warn("Warning: eatop not used on this machine.\n");
+	} else {
+	    warn("\n");
+	}
+	strcpy(s, "0");
+	np = eatop(s);
+	warn("eatop(%s) = %lu\n", s, np);
+	strcpy(s, "4294967295");
+	np = eatop(s);
+	warn("eatop(%s) = %lu\n", s, np);
+	/* Test code for eatol */
+	warn("\n");
+	strcpy(s, "0");
+	nl = eatol(s);
+	warn("eatol(%s) = %ld\n", s, nl);
+	strcpy(s, "2147483647");
+	nl = eatol(s);
+	warn("eatol(%s) = %ld\n", s, nl);
+	strcpy(s, "-2147483648");
+	nl = eatol(s);
+	warn("eatol(%s) = %ld\n", s, nl);
+	/* Test code for eatov */
+	strcpy(s, "0");
+	nv = eatov(s);
+	warn("eatov(%s) = %lu\n", s, nv);
+	strcpy(s, "4294967295");
+	nv = eatov(s);
+	warn("eatov(%s) = %lu\n", s, nv);
+	warn("Now we feed in 4294967296, expecting fatal error exit\n");
+	strcpy(s, "4294967296");
+	nv = eatov(s);
+	warn("eatov(%s) = %lu\n", s, nv);
+	return EXIT_SUCCESS;
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/boundaries.c b/fdelmodc3D/boundaries.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ffda5cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/boundaries.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1682 @@
+void vmess(char *fmt, ...);
+int boundariesP(modPar mod, bndPar bnd, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, float *lam, float *mul, int itime, int verbose)
+		   Jan Thorbecke (
+		   The Netherlands 
+	float c1, c2;
+	float dp, dvx, dvz;
+	int   ix, iz, ixs, izs, ibnd, ib, ibx, ibz;
+	int   nx, nz, n1, n2;
+	int   is0, isrc;
+	int   ixo, ixe, izo, ize;
+    int   npml, ipml, pml;
+    float kappu, alphu, sigmax, R, a, m, fac, dx, dt;
+    float dpx, dpz, *p;
+    static float *Vxpml, *Vzpml, *sigmu, *RA;
+	static int allocated=0;
+    float Jx, Jz, rho, d;
+	c1 = 9.0/8.0;
+	c2 = -1.0/24.0;
+	nx  = mod.nx;
+    nz  =;
+    n1  = mod.naz;
+    n2  = mod.nax;
+    dx  = mod.dx;
+    dt  = mod.dt;
+    fac = dt/dx;
+    if ( ( || ( || (bnd.lef==2) || (bnd.rig==2) ) pml=1;
+	else pml=0;
+	ibnd = mod.iorder/2-1;
+	if (mod.ischeme <= 2) { /* Acoustic scheme */
+		if ( { /* free surface at top */
+#pragma omp	for private (ix) nowait
+			for (ix=mod.ioPx; ix<mod.iePx; ix++) {
+				iz = bnd.surface[ix];
+				//fprintf(stderr,"free iz=%d\n", iz);
+				vz[ix*n1+iz]   = vz[ix*n1+iz+1];
+				vz[ix*n1+iz-1] = vz[ix*n1+iz+2];
+			}
+		}
+//		if (bnd.rig==1) { /* free surface at right */
+//#pragma omp	for private (iz) nowait
+//			for (iz=mod.ioPz; iz<mod.iePz; iz++) {
+//				tzz[(mod.iePx-1)*n1+iz] = 0.0;
+//			}
+//		}
+//		if ( { /* free surface at bottom */
+//#pragma omp	for private (ix) nowait
+//			for (ix=mod.ioPx; ix<mod.iePx; ix++) {
+//				tzz[ix*n1+mod.iePz-1] = 0.0;
+//			}
+//		}
+//		if (bnd.lef==1) { /* free surface at left */
+//#pragma omp	for private (iz) nowait
+//			for (iz=mod.ioPz; iz<mod.iePz; iz++) {
+//				tzz[(mod.ioPx-1)*n1+iz] = 0.0;
+//			}
+//		}
+	}
+/* rigid boundary condition clears velocities on boundaries */
+	if ( { /* rigid surface at top */
+#pragma omp for private (ix, iz) nowait
+#pragma ivdep
+		for (ix=1; ix<=nx; ix++) {
+			vx[ix*n1+ibnd] = 0.0;
+			vz[ix*n1+ibnd] = -vz[ix*n1+ibnd+1];
+			if (mod.iorder >= 4) vz[ix*n1+ibnd-1] = -vz[ix*n1+ibnd+2];
+			if (mod.iorder >= 6) vz[ix*n1+ibnd-2] = -vz[ix*n1+ibnd+3];
+		}
+	}
+	if (bnd.rig==3) { /* rigid surface at right */
+#pragma omp for private (ix, iz) nowait
+#pragma ivdep
+		for (iz=1; iz<=nz; iz++) {
+			vz[(nx+ibnd-1)*n1+iz] = 0.0;
+			vx[(nx+ibnd)*n1+iz]   = -vx[(nx+ibnd-1)*n1+iz];
+			if (mod.iorder == 4) vx[(nx+2)*n1+iz] = -vx[(nx-1)*n1+iz];
+			if (mod.iorder == 6) {
+				vx[(nx+1)*n1+iz] = -vx[(nx)*n1+iz];
+				vx[(nx+3)*n1+iz] = -vx[(nx-2)*n1+iz];
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if ( { /* rigid surface at bottom */
+#pragma omp for private (ix, iz) nowait
+#pragma ivdep
+		for (ix=1; ix<=nx; ix++) {
+			vx[ix*n1+nz+ibnd-1] = 0.0;
+			vz[ix*n1+nz+ibnd]   = -vz[ix*n1+nz+ibnd-1];
+			if (mod.iorder == 4) vz[ix*n1+nz+2] = -vz[ix*n1+nz-1];
+			if (mod.iorder == 6) {
+				vz[ix*n1+nz+1] = -vz[ix*n1+nz];
+				vz[ix*n1+nz+3] = -vz[ix*n1+nz-2];
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if (bnd.lef==3) { /* rigid surface at left */
+#pragma omp for private (ix, iz) nowait
+#pragma ivdep
+		for (iz=1; iz<=nz; iz++) {
+			vz[ibnd*n1+iz] = 0.0;
+			vx[ibnd*n1+iz] = -vx[(ibnd+1)*n1+iz];
+			if (mod.iorder == 4) vx[0*n1+iz] = -vx[3*n1+iz];
+			if (mod.iorder == 6) {
+				vx[1*n1+iz] = -vx[4*n1+iz];
+				vx[0*n1+iz] = -vx[5*n1+iz];
+			}
+		}
+	}
+/* PML boundaries : only for acoustic 4th order scheme	  */
+    npml=bnd.npml; /* lenght of pml in grid-points */
+    if ( (npml != 0) && (itime==0) && pml) {
+#pragma omp master
+		if (allocated) {
+            free(Vxpml);
+        	free(Vzpml);
+        	free(sigmu);
+        	free(RA);
+		}
+        Vxpml = (float *)calloc(2*n1*npml,sizeof(float));
+        Vzpml = (float *)calloc(2*n2*npml,sizeof(float));
+        sigmu = (float *)calloc(npml,sizeof(float));
+        RA    = (float *)calloc(npml,sizeof(float));
+		allocated = 1;
+        /* calculate sigmu and RA only once with fixed velocity Cp */
+        m=bnd.m; /* scaling order */
+        R=bnd.R; /* the theoretical reflection coefficient after discretization */
+        kappu=1.0; /* auxiliary attenuation coefficient for small angles */
+        alphu=0.0;   /* auxiliary attenuation coefficient  for low frequencies */
+        d = (npml-1)*dx; /* depth of pml */
+        /* sigmu attenuation factor representing the loss in the PML depends on the grid position in the PML */
+        sigmax = ((3.0*mod.cp_min)/(2.0*d))*log(1.0/R);
+        for (ib=0; ib<npml; ib++) { /* ib=0 interface between PML and interior */
+            a = (float) (ib/(npml-1.0));
+            sigmu[ib] = sigmax*pow(a,m);
+            RA[ib] = (1.0)/(1.0+0.5*dt*sigmu[ib]);
+            if (verbose>=3) vmess("PML: sigmax=%e cp=%e sigmu[%d]=%e %e", sigmax, mod.cp_min, ib, sigmu[ib], a);
+        }
+    }
+#pragma omp barrier
+	if (mod.ischeme == 1 && pml) { /* Acoustic scheme PML */
+        p = tzz; /* Tzz array pointer points to P-field */
+        /* PML left Vx */
+        if (bnd.lef == 2) {
+            /* PML left Vx-component */
+#pragma omp for private (ix, iz, dpx, Jx, ipml, rho)
+            for (iz=mod.ioXz; iz<mod.ieXz; iz++) {
+                ipml = npml-1;
+                for (ix=mod.ioXx-npml; ix<mod.ioXx; ix++) {
+                    rho = (fac/rox[ix*n1+iz]);
+                    dpx = c1*(p[ix*n1+iz]     - p[(ix-1)*n1+iz]) +
+                          c2*(p[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - p[(ix-2)*n1+iz]);
+                    Jx = RA[ipml]*(dpx - dt*Vxpml[iz*npml+ipml]);
+                    Vxpml[iz*npml+ipml] += sigmu[ipml]*Jx;
+                    vx[ix*n1+iz] -= rox[ix*n1+iz]*Jx;
+                    ipml--;
+                }
+            }
+            /* PML Vz-component same as default kernel */
+#pragma omp for private (ix, iz)
+            for (ix=mod.ioZx-npml; ix<mod.ioZx; ix++) {
+#pragma ivdep
+                for (iz=mod.ioZz; iz<mod.ieZz; iz++) {
+                    vz[ix*n1+iz] -= roz[ix*n1+iz]*(
+                                    c1*(p[ix*n1+iz]   - p[ix*n1+iz-1]) +
+                                    c2*(p[ix*n1+iz+1] - p[ix*n1+iz-2]));
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        /* PML corner left-top V */
+        if (bnd.lef == 2 && == 2) {
+            /* PML left Vx-component */
+#pragma omp for private (ix, iz, dpx, Jx, ipml, rho)
+            for (iz=mod.ioXz-npml; iz<mod.ioXz; iz++) {
+                ipml = npml-1;
+                for (ix=mod.ioXx-npml; ix<mod.ioXx; ix++) {
+                    rho = (fac/rox[ix*n1+iz]);
+                    dpx = c1*(p[ix*n1+iz]     - p[(ix-1)*n1+iz]) +
+                          c2*(p[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - p[(ix-2)*n1+iz]);
+                    Jx = RA[ipml]*(dpx - dt*Vxpml[iz*npml+ipml]);
+                    Vxpml[iz*npml+ipml] += sigmu[ipml]*Jx;
+                    vx[ix*n1+iz] -= rox[ix*n1+iz]*Jx;
+                    ipml--;
+                }
+            }
+            /* PML top Vz-component */
+#pragma omp for private (ix, iz, dpz, Jz, ipml, rho)
+            for (ix=mod.ioZx-npml; ix<mod.ioZx; ix++) {
+                ipml = npml-1;
+                for (iz=mod.ioZz-npml; iz<mod.ioZz; iz++) {
+                    rho = (fac/roz[ix*n1+iz]);
+                    dpz = (c1*(p[ix*n1+iz]   - p[ix*n1+iz-1]) +
+                           c2*(p[ix*n1+iz+1] - p[ix*n1+iz-2]));
+                    Jz = RA[ipml]*(dpz - dt*Vzpml[ix*npml+ipml]);
+                    Vzpml[ix*npml+ipml] += sigmu[ipml]*Jz;
+                    vz[ix*n1+iz] -= roz[ix*n1+iz]*Jz;
+                    ipml--;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        /* PML right V */
+        if (bnd.rig == 2) {
+            /* PML right Vx-component */
+#pragma omp for private (ix, iz, dpx, Jx, ipml, rho)
+            for (iz=mod.ioXz; iz<mod.ieXz; iz++) {
+                ipml = 0;
+                for (ix=mod.ieXx; ix<mod.ieXx+npml; ix++) {
+                    rho = (fac/rox[ix*n1+iz]);
+                    dpx = c1*(p[ix*n1+iz]     - p[(ix-1)*n1+iz]) +
+                          c2*(p[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - p[(ix-2)*n1+iz]);
+                    Jx = RA[ipml]*(dpx - dt*Vxpml[n1*npml+iz*npml+ipml]);
+                    Vxpml[n1*npml+iz*npml+ipml] += sigmu[ipml]*Jx;
+                    vx[ix*n1+iz] -= rox[ix*n1+iz]*Jx;
+                    ipml++;
+                }
+            }
+            /* PML Vz-component same as default kernel */
+#pragma omp for private (ix, iz)
+            for (ix=mod.ieZx; ix<mod.ieZx+npml; ix++) {
+#pragma ivdep
+                for (iz=mod.ioZz; iz<mod.ieZz; iz++) {
+                    vz[ix*n1+iz] -= roz[ix*n1+iz]*(
+                                    c1*(p[ix*n1+iz]   - p[ix*n1+iz-1]) +
+                                    c2*(p[ix*n1+iz+1] - p[ix*n1+iz-2]));
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        /* PML corner right-top V */
+        if (bnd.rig == 2 && == 2) {
+            /* PML right Vx-component */
+#pragma omp for private (ix, iz, dpx, Jx, ipml, rho)
+            for (iz=mod.ioXz-npml; iz<mod.ioXz; iz++) {
+                ipml = 0;
+                for (ix=mod.ieXx; ix<mod.ieXx+npml; ix++) {
+                    rho = (fac/rox[ix*n1+iz]);
+                    dpx = c1*(p[ix*n1+iz]     - p[(ix-1)*n1+iz]) +
+                          c2*(p[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - p[(ix-2)*n1+iz]);
+                    Jx = RA[ipml]*(dpx - dt*Vxpml[n1*npml+iz*npml+ipml]);
+                    Vxpml[n1*npml+iz*npml+ipml] += sigmu[ipml]*Jx;
+                    vx[ix*n1+iz] -= rox[ix*n1+iz]*Jx;
+                    ipml++;
+                }
+            }
+            /* PML top Vz-component */
+#pragma omp for private (ix, iz, dpz, Jz, ipml, rho)
+            for (ix=mod.ieZx; ix<mod.ieZx+npml; ix++) {
+                ipml = npml-1;
+                for (iz=mod.ioZz-npml; iz<mod.ioZz; iz++) {
+                    rho = (fac/roz[ix*n1+iz]);
+                    dpz = (c1*(p[ix*n1+iz]   - p[ix*n1+iz-1]) +
+                           c2*(p[ix*n1+iz+1] - p[ix*n1+iz-2]));
+                    Jz = RA[ipml]*(dpz - dt*Vzpml[ix*npml+ipml]);
+                    Vzpml[ix*npml+ipml] += sigmu[ipml]*Jz;
+                    vz[ix*n1+iz] -= roz[ix*n1+iz]*Jz;
+                    ipml--;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        /* PML top V */
+        if ( == 2) {
+            /* PML top Vz-component */
+#pragma omp for private (ix, iz, dpz, Jz, ipml, rho)
+            for (ix=mod.ioZx; ix<mod.ieZx; ix++) {
+                ipml = npml-1;
+                for (iz=mod.ioZz-npml; iz<mod.ioZz; iz++) {
+                    rho = (fac/roz[ix*n1+iz]);
+                    dpz = (c1*(p[ix*n1+iz]   - p[ix*n1+iz-1]) +
+                           c2*(p[ix*n1+iz+1] - p[ix*n1+iz-2]));
+                    Jz = RA[ipml]*(dpz - dt*Vzpml[ix*npml+ipml]);
+                    Vzpml[ix*npml+ipml] += sigmu[ipml]*Jz;
+                    vz[ix*n1+iz] -= roz[ix*n1+iz]*Jz;
+                    ipml--;
+                }
+            }
+            /* PML top Vx-component same as default kernel */
+#pragma omp for private (ix, iz)
+            for (ix=mod.ioXx; ix<mod.ieXx; ix++) {
+#pragma ivdep
+                for (iz=mod.ioXz-npml; iz<mod.ioXz; iz++) {
+                    vx[ix*n1+iz] -= rox[ix*n1+iz]*(
+                                    c1*(p[ix*n1+iz]     - p[(ix-1)*n1+iz]) +
+                                    c2*(p[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - p[(ix-2)*n1+iz]));
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        /* PML bottom V */
+        if ( == 2) {
+            /* PML bottom Vz-component */
+#pragma omp for private (ix, iz, dpz, Jz, ipml, rho)
+            for (ix=mod.ioZx; ix<mod.ieZx; ix++) {
+                ipml = 0;
+                for (iz=mod.ieZz; iz<mod.ieZz+npml; iz++) {
+                    rho = (fac/roz[ix*n1+iz]);
+                    dpz = (c1*(p[ix*n1+iz]   - p[ix*n1+iz-1]) +
+                           c2*(p[ix*n1+iz+1] - p[ix*n1+iz-2]));
+                    Jz = RA[ipml]*(dpz - dt*Vzpml[n2*npml+ix*npml+ipml]);
+                    Vzpml[n2*npml+ix*npml+ipml] += sigmu[ipml]*Jz;
+                    vz[ix*n1+iz] -= roz[ix*n1+iz]*Jz;
+                    ipml++;
+                }
+            }
+            /* PML bottom Vx-component same as default kernel */
+#pragma omp for private (ix, iz)
+            for (ix=mod.ioXx; ix<mod.ieXx; ix++) {
+#pragma ivdep
+                for (iz=mod.ieXz; iz<mod.ieXz+npml; iz++) {
+                    vx[ix*n1+iz] -= rox[ix*n1+iz]*(
+                                    c1*(p[ix*n1+iz]     - p[(ix-1)*n1+iz]) +
+                                    c2*(p[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - p[(ix-2)*n1+iz]));
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        /* PML corner left-bottom */
+        if ( == 2 && bnd.lef == 2) {
+            /* PML bottom Vz-component */
+#pragma omp for private (ix, iz, dpz, Jz, ipml, rho)
+            for (ix=mod.ioZx-npml; ix<mod.ioZx; ix++) {
+                ipml = 0;
+                for (iz=mod.ieZz; iz<mod.ieZz+npml; iz++) {
+                    rho = (fac/roz[ix*n1+iz]);
+                    dpz = (c1*(p[ix*n1+iz]   - p[ix*n1+iz-1]) +
+                           c2*(p[ix*n1+iz+1] - p[ix*n1+iz-2]));
+                    Jz = RA[ipml]*(dpz - dt*Vzpml[n2*npml+ix*npml+ipml]);
+                    Vzpml[n2*npml+ix*npml+ipml] += sigmu[ipml]*Jz;
+                    vz[ix*n1+iz] -= roz[ix*n1+iz]*Jz;
+                    ipml++;
+                }
+            }
+            /* PML left Vx-component */
+#pragma omp for private (ix, iz, dpx, Jx, ipml, rho)
+            for (iz=mod.ieXz; iz<mod.ieXz+npml; iz++) {
+                ipml = npml-1;
+                for (ix=mod.ioXx-npml; ix<mod.ioXx; ix++) {
+                    rho = (fac/rox[ix*n1+iz]);
+                    dpx = c1*(p[ix*n1+iz]     - p[(ix-1)*n1+iz]) +
+                          c2*(p[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - p[(ix-2)*n1+iz]);
+                    Jx = RA[ipml]*(dpx - dt*Vxpml[iz*npml+ipml]);
+                    Vxpml[iz*npml+ipml] += sigmu[ipml]*Jx;
+                    vx[ix*n1+iz] -= rox[ix*n1+iz]*Jx;
+                    ipml--;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        /* PML corner right-bottom */
+        if ( == 2 && bnd.rig == 2) {
+            /* PML bottom Vz-component */
+#pragma omp for private (ix, iz, dpz, Jz, ipml, rho)
+            for (ix=mod.ieZx; ix<mod.ieZx+npml; ix++) {
+                ipml = 0;
+                for (iz=mod.ieZz; iz<mod.ieZz+npml; iz++) {
+                    rho = (fac/roz[ix*n1+iz]);
+                    dpz = (c1*(p[ix*n1+iz]   - p[ix*n1+iz-1]) +
+                           c2*(p[ix*n1+iz+1] - p[ix*n1+iz-2]));
+                    Jz = RA[ipml]*(dpz - dt*Vzpml[n2*npml+ix*npml+ipml]);
+                    Vzpml[n2*npml+ix*npml+ipml] += sigmu[ipml]*Jz;
+                    vz[ix*n1+iz] -= roz[ix*n1+iz]*Jz;
+                    ipml++;
+                }
+            }
+            /* PML right Vx-component */
+#pragma omp for private (ix, iz, dpx, Jx, ipml, rho)
+            for (iz=mod.ieXz; iz<mod.ieXz+npml; iz++) {
+                ipml = 0;
+                for (ix=mod.ieXx; ix<mod.ieXx+npml; ix++) {
+                    rho = (fac/rox[ix*n1+iz]);
+                    dpx = c1*(p[ix*n1+iz]     - p[(ix-1)*n1+iz]) +
+                          c2*(p[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - p[(ix-2)*n1+iz]);
+                    Jx = RA[ipml]*(dpx - dt*Vxpml[n1*npml+iz*npml+ipml]);
+                    Vxpml[n1*npml+iz*npml+ipml] += sigmu[ipml]*Jx;
+                    vx[ix*n1+iz] -= rox[ix*n1+iz]*Jx;
+                    ipml++;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+	} /* end acoustic PML */
+/* Tapered boundaries for both elastic and acoustic schemes */
+/* compute all field values in tapered areas				*/
+	/*********/
+	/*  Top  */
+	/*********/
+	if ( {
+		if (mod.ischeme <= 2) { /* Acoustic scheme */
+			/* Vx field */
+			ixo = mod.ioXx;
+			ixe = mod.ieXx;
+			izo = mod.ioXz-bnd.ntap;
+			ize = mod.ioXz;
+			ib = (bnd.ntap+izo-1);
+#pragma omp for private(ix,iz)
+			for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+#pragma ivdep
+				for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+					vx[ix*n1+iz] -= rox[ix*n1+iz]*(
+									c1*(tzz[ix*n1+iz]	 - tzz[(ix-1)*n1+iz]) +
+									c2*(tzz[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - tzz[(ix-2)*n1+iz]));
+					vx[ix*n1+iz]   *= bnd.tapx[ib-iz];
+				}
+			}
+			/* right top corner */
+			if (bnd.rig==4) {
+				ixo = mod.ieXx;
+				ixe = ixo+bnd.ntap;
+				ibz = (bnd.ntap+izo-1);
+				ibx = (ixo);
+#pragma omp for private(ix,iz)
+				for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+#pragma ivdep
+					for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+						vx[ix*n1+iz] -= rox[ix*n1+iz]*(
+									c1*(tzz[ix*n1+iz]	 - tzz[(ix-1)*n1+iz]) +
+									c2*(tzz[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - tzz[(ix-2)*n1+iz]));
+						vx[ix*n1+iz]   *= bnd.tapxz[(ix-ibx)*bnd.ntap+(ibz-iz)];
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			/* left top corner */
+			if (bnd.lef==4) {
+				ixo = mod.ioXx-bnd.ntap;
+				ixe = mod.ioXx;
+				ibz = (bnd.ntap+izo-1);
+				ibx = (bnd.ntap+ixo-1);
+#pragma omp for private(ix,iz)
+				for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+#pragma ivdep
+					for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+						vx[ix*n1+iz] -= rox[ix*n1+iz]*(
+									c1*(tzz[ix*n1+iz]	 - tzz[(ix-1)*n1+iz]) +
+									c2*(tzz[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - tzz[(ix-2)*n1+iz]));
+						vx[ix*n1+iz]   *= bnd.tapxz[(ibx-ix)*bnd.ntap+(ibz-iz)];
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			/* Vz field */
+			ixo = mod.ioZx;
+			ixe = mod.ieZx;
+			izo = mod.ioZz-bnd.ntap;
+			ize = mod.ioZz;
+			ib = (bnd.ntap+izo-1);
+#pragma omp for private (ix, iz) 
+			for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+#pragma ivdep
+				for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+					vz[ix*n1+iz] -= roz[ix*n1+iz]*(
+								c1*(tzz[ix*n1+iz]   - tzz[ix*n1+iz-1]) +
+								c2*(tzz[ix*n1+iz+1] - tzz[ix*n1+iz-2]));
+					vz[ix*n1+iz] *= bnd.tapz[ib-iz];
+				}
+			}
+			/* right top corner */
+			if (bnd.rig==4) {
+				ixo = mod.ieZx;
+				ixe = ixo+bnd.ntap;
+				ibz = (bnd.ntap+izo-1);
+				ibx = (ixo);
+#pragma omp for private(ix,iz)
+				for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+#pragma ivdep
+					for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+						vz[ix*n1+iz] -= roz[ix*n1+iz]*(
+									c1*(tzz[ix*n1+iz]   - tzz[ix*n1+iz-1]) +
+									c2*(tzz[ix*n1+iz+1] - tzz[ix*n1+iz-2]));
+						vz[ix*n1+iz]   *= bnd.tapxz[(ix-ibx)*bnd.ntap+(ibz-iz)];
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			/* left top corner */
+			if (bnd.lef==4) {
+				ixo = mod.ioZx-bnd.ntap;
+				ixe = mod.ioZx;
+				ibz = (bnd.ntap+izo-1);
+				ibx = (bnd.ntap+ixo-1);
+#pragma omp for private(ix,iz)
+				for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+#pragma ivdep
+					for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+						vz[ix*n1+iz] -= roz[ix*n1+iz]*(
+									c1*(tzz[ix*n1+iz]   - tzz[ix*n1+iz-1]) +
+									c2*(tzz[ix*n1+iz+1] - tzz[ix*n1+iz-2]));
+						vz[ix*n1+iz]   *= bnd.tapxz[(ibx-ix)*bnd.ntap+(ibz-iz)];
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		else { /* Elastic scheme */
+			/* Vx field */
+			ixo = mod.ioXx;
+			ixe = mod.ieXx;
+			izo = mod.ioXz-bnd.ntap;
+			ize = mod.ioXz;
+			ib = (bnd.ntap+izo-1);
+#pragma omp for private(ix,iz)
+			for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+#pragma ivdep
+				for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+					vx[ix*n1+iz] -= rox[ix*n1+iz]*(
+								c1*(txx[ix*n1+iz]	 - txx[(ix-1)*n1+iz] +
+									txz[ix*n1+iz+1]   - txz[ix*n1+iz])	+
+								c2*(txx[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - txx[(ix-2)*n1+iz] +
+									txz[ix*n1+iz+2]   - txz[ix*n1+iz-1])  );
+					vx[ix*n1+iz]   *= bnd.tapx[ib-iz];
+				}
+			}
+			/* right top corner */
+			if (bnd.rig==4) {
+				ixo = mod.ieXx;
+				ixe = ixo+bnd.ntap;
+				ibz = (bnd.ntap+izo-1);
+				ibx = (ixo);
+#pragma omp for private(ix,iz)
+				for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+#pragma ivdep
+					for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+						vx[ix*n1+iz] -= rox[ix*n1+iz]*(
+									c1*(txx[ix*n1+iz]	 - txx[(ix-1)*n1+iz] +
+										txz[ix*n1+iz+1]   - txz[ix*n1+iz])	+
+									c2*(txx[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - txx[(ix-2)*n1+iz] +
+										txz[ix*n1+iz+2]   - txz[ix*n1+iz-1])  );
+						vx[ix*n1+iz]   *= bnd.tapxz[(ix-ibx)*bnd.ntap+(ibz-iz)];
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			/* left top corner */
+			if (bnd.lef==4) {
+				ixo = mod.ioXx-bnd.ntap;
+				ixe = mod.ioXx;
+				ibz = (bnd.ntap+izo-1);
+				ibx = (bnd.ntap+ixo-1);
+#pragma omp for private(ix,iz)
+				for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+#pragma ivdep
+					for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+						vx[ix*n1+iz] -= rox[ix*n1+iz]*(
+									c1*(txx[ix*n1+iz]	 - txx[(ix-1)*n1+iz] +
+										txz[ix*n1+iz+1]   - txz[ix*n1+iz])	+
+									c2*(txx[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - txx[(ix-2)*n1+iz] +
+										txz[ix*n1+iz+2]   - txz[ix*n1+iz-1])  );
+						vx[ix*n1+iz]   *= bnd.tapxz[(ibx-ix)*bnd.ntap+(ibz-iz)];
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			/* Vz field */
+			ixo = mod.ioZx;
+			ixe = mod.ieZx;
+			izo = mod.ioZz-bnd.ntap;
+			ize = mod.ioZz;
+			ib = (bnd.ntap+izo-1);
+#pragma omp for private (ix, iz) 
+			for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+#pragma ivdep
+				for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+					vz[ix*n1+iz] -= roz[ix*n1+iz]*(
+								c1*(tzz[ix*n1+iz]	 - tzz[ix*n1+iz-1] +
+									txz[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - txz[ix*n1+iz])  +
+								c2*(tzz[ix*n1+iz+1]   - tzz[ix*n1+iz-2] +
+									txz[(ix+2)*n1+iz] - txz[(ix-1)*n1+iz])  );
+					vz[ix*n1+iz] *= bnd.tapz[ib-iz];
+				}
+			}
+			/* right top corner */
+			if (bnd.rig==4) {
+				ixo = mod.ieZx;
+				ixe = ixo+bnd.ntap;
+				ibz = (bnd.ntap+izo-1);
+				ibx = (ixo);
+#pragma omp for private(ix,iz)
+				for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+#pragma ivdep
+					for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+					vz[ix*n1+iz] -= roz[ix*n1+iz]*(
+								c1*(tzz[ix*n1+iz]	 - tzz[ix*n1+iz-1] +
+									txz[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - txz[ix*n1+iz])  +
+								c2*(tzz[ix*n1+iz+1]   - tzz[ix*n1+iz-2] +
+									txz[(ix+2)*n1+iz] - txz[(ix-1)*n1+iz])  );
+						vz[ix*n1+iz]   *= bnd.tapxz[(ix-ibx)*bnd.ntap+(ibz-iz)];
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			/* left top corner */
+			if (bnd.lef==4) {
+				ixo = mod.ioZx-bnd.ntap;
+				ixe = mod.ioZx;
+				ibz = (bnd.ntap+izo-1);
+				ibx = (bnd.ntap+ixo-1);
+#pragma omp for private(ix,iz)
+				for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+#pragma ivdep
+					for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+						vz[ix*n1+iz] -= roz[ix*n1+iz]*(
+								c1*(tzz[ix*n1+iz]	 - tzz[ix*n1+iz-1] +
+									txz[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - txz[ix*n1+iz])  +
+								c2*(tzz[ix*n1+iz+1]   - tzz[ix*n1+iz-2] +
+									txz[(ix+2)*n1+iz] - txz[(ix-1)*n1+iz])  );
+						vz[ix*n1+iz]   *= bnd.tapxz[(ibx-ix)*bnd.ntap+(ibz-iz)];
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		} /* end elastic scheme */
+	}
+	/*********/
+	/* Bottom */
+	/*********/
+	if ( {
+		if (mod.ischeme <= 2) { /* Acoustic scheme */
+			/* Vx field */
+			ixo = mod.ioXx;
+			ixe = mod.ieXx;
+			izo = mod.ieXz;
+			ize = mod.ieXz+bnd.ntap;
+			ib = (ize-bnd.ntap);
+#pragma omp for private(ix,iz)
+			for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+#pragma ivdep
+				for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+					vx[ix*n1+iz] -= rox[ix*n1+iz]*(
+								c1*(tzz[ix*n1+iz]	 - tzz[(ix-1)*n1+iz]) +
+								c2*(tzz[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - tzz[(ix-2)*n1+iz]));
+					vx[ix*n1+iz]   *= bnd.tapx[iz-ib];
+				}
+			}
+			/* right bottom corner */
+			if (bnd.rig==4) {
+				ixo = mod.ieXx;
+				ixe = ixo+bnd.ntap;
+				ibz = (izo);
+				ibx = (ixo);
+#pragma omp for private(ix,iz)
+				for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+#pragma ivdep
+					for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+						vx[ix*n1+iz] -= rox[ix*n1+iz]*(
+									c1*(tzz[ix*n1+iz]	 - tzz[(ix-1)*n1+iz]) +
+									c2*(tzz[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - tzz[(ix-2)*n1+iz]));
+						vx[ix*n1+iz]   *= bnd.tapxz[(ix-ibx)*bnd.ntap+(iz-ibz)];
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			/* left bottom corner */
+			if (bnd.lef==4) {
+				ixo = mod.ioXx-bnd.ntap;
+				ixe = mod.ioXx;
+				ibz = (izo);
+				ibx = (bnd.ntap+ixo-1);
+#pragma omp for private(ix,iz)
+				for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+#pragma ivdep
+					for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+						vx[ix*n1+iz] -= rox[ix*n1+iz]*(
+									c1*(tzz[ix*n1+iz]	 - tzz[(ix-1)*n1+iz]) +
+									c2*(tzz[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - tzz[(ix-2)*n1+iz]));
+						vx[ix*n1+iz]   *= bnd.tapxz[(ibx-ix)*bnd.ntap+(iz-ibz)];
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			/* Vz field */
+			ixo = mod.ioZx;
+			ixe = mod.ieZx;
+			izo = mod.ieZz;
+			ize = mod.ieZz+bnd.ntap;
+			ib = (ize-bnd.ntap);
+#pragma omp for private (ix, iz) 
+			for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+#pragma ivdep
+				for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+					vz[ix*n1+iz] -= roz[ix*n1+iz]*(
+								c1*(tzz[ix*n1+iz]   - tzz[ix*n1+iz-1]) +
+								c2*(tzz[ix*n1+iz+1] - tzz[ix*n1+iz-2]));
+					vz[ix*n1+iz] *= bnd.tapz[iz-ib];
+				}
+			}
+			/* right bottom corner */
+			if (bnd.rig==4) {
+				ixo = mod.ieZx;
+				ixe = ixo+bnd.ntap;
+				ibz = (izo);
+				ibx = (ixo);
+#pragma omp for private(ix,iz)
+				for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+#pragma ivdep
+					for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+						vz[ix*n1+iz] -= roz[ix*n1+iz]*(
+									c1*(tzz[ix*n1+iz]   - tzz[ix*n1+iz-1]) +
+									c2*(tzz[ix*n1+iz+1] - tzz[ix*n1+iz-2]));
+						vz[ix*n1+iz]   *= bnd.tapxz[(ix-ibx)*bnd.ntap+(iz-ibz)];
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			/* left bottom corner */
+			if (bnd.lef==4) {
+				ixo = mod.ioZx-bnd.ntap;
+				ixe = mod.ioZx;
+				ibz = (izo);
+				ibx = (bnd.ntap+ixo-1);
+#pragma omp for private(ix,iz)
+				for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+#pragma ivdep
+					for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+						vz[ix*n1+iz] -= roz[ix*n1+iz]*(
+									c1*(tzz[ix*n1+iz]   - tzz[ix*n1+iz-1]) +
+									c2*(tzz[ix*n1+iz+1] - tzz[ix*n1+iz-2]));
+						vz[ix*n1+iz]   *= bnd.tapxz[(ibx-ix)*bnd.ntap+(iz-ibz)];
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		else { /* Elastic scheme */
+			/* Vx field */
+			ixo = mod.ioXx;
+			ixe = mod.ieXx;
+			izo = mod.ieXz;
+			ize = mod.ieXz+bnd.ntap;
+			ib = (ize-bnd.ntap);
+#pragma omp for private(ix,iz)
+			for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+#pragma ivdep
+				for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+					vx[ix*n1+iz] -= rox[ix*n1+iz]*(
+								c1*(txx[ix*n1+iz]	 - txx[(ix-1)*n1+iz] +
+									txz[ix*n1+iz+1]   - txz[ix*n1+iz])	+
+								c2*(txx[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - txx[(ix-2)*n1+iz] +
+									txz[ix*n1+iz+2]   - txz[ix*n1+iz-1])  );
+					vx[ix*n1+iz]   *= bnd.tapx[iz-ib];
+				}
+			}
+			/* right bottom corner */
+			if (bnd.rig==4) {
+				ixo = mod.ieXx;
+				ixe = ixo+bnd.ntap;
+				ibz = (izo);
+				ibx = (ixo);
+#pragma omp for private(ix,iz)
+				for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+#pragma ivdep
+					for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+						vx[ix*n1+iz] -= rox[ix*n1+iz]*(
+								c1*(txx[ix*n1+iz]	 - txx[(ix-1)*n1+iz] +
+									txz[ix*n1+iz+1]   - txz[ix*n1+iz])	+
+								c2*(txx[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - txx[(ix-2)*n1+iz] +
+									txz[ix*n1+iz+2]   - txz[ix*n1+iz-1])  );
+						vx[ix*n1+iz]   *= bnd.tapxz[(ix-ibx)*bnd.ntap+(iz-ibz)];
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			/* left bottom corner */
+			if (bnd.lef==4) {
+				ixo = mod.ioXx-bnd.ntap;
+				ixe = mod.ioXx;
+				ibz = (izo);
+				ibx = (bnd.ntap+ixo-1);
+#pragma omp for private(ix,iz)
+				for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+#pragma ivdep
+					for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+						vx[ix*n1+iz] -= rox[ix*n1+iz]*(
+								c1*(txx[ix*n1+iz]	 - txx[(ix-1)*n1+iz] +
+									txz[ix*n1+iz+1]   - txz[ix*n1+iz])	+
+								c2*(txx[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - txx[(ix-2)*n1+iz] +
+									txz[ix*n1+iz+2]   - txz[ix*n1+iz-1])  );
+						vx[ix*n1+iz]   *= bnd.tapxz[(ibx-ix)*bnd.ntap+(iz-ibz)];
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			/* Vz field */
+			ixo = mod.ioZx;
+			ixe = mod.ieZx;
+			izo = mod.ieZz;
+			ize = mod.ieZz+bnd.ntap;
+			ib = (ize-bnd.ntap);
+#pragma omp for private (ix, iz) 
+			for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+#pragma ivdep
+				for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+					vz[ix*n1+iz] -= roz[ix*n1+iz]*(
+								c1*(tzz[ix*n1+iz]	 - tzz[ix*n1+iz-1] +
+									txz[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - txz[ix*n1+iz])  +
+								c2*(tzz[ix*n1+iz+1]   - tzz[ix*n1+iz-2] +
+									txz[(ix+2)*n1+iz] - txz[(ix-1)*n1+iz])  );
+					vz[ix*n1+iz] *= bnd.tapz[iz-ib];
+				}
+			}
+ 			/* right bottom corner */
+			if (bnd.rig==4) {
+				ixo = mod.ieZx;
+				ixe = ixo+bnd.ntap;
+				ibz = (izo);
+				ibx = (ixo);
+#pragma omp for private(ix,iz)
+				for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+#pragma ivdep
+					for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+						vz[ix*n1+iz] -= roz[ix*n1+iz]*(
+								c1*(tzz[ix*n1+iz]	 - tzz[ix*n1+iz-1] +
+									txz[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - txz[ix*n1+iz])  +
+								c2*(tzz[ix*n1+iz+1]   - tzz[ix*n1+iz-2] +
+									txz[(ix+2)*n1+iz] - txz[(ix-1)*n1+iz])  );
+						vz[ix*n1+iz]   *= bnd.tapxz[(ix-ibx)*bnd.ntap+(iz-ibz)];
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			/* left bottom corner */
+			if (bnd.lef==4) {
+				ixo = mod.ioZx-bnd.ntap;
+				ixe = mod.ioZx;
+				ibz = (izo);
+				ibx = (bnd.ntap+ixo-1);
+#pragma omp for private(ix,iz)
+				for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+#pragma ivdep
+					for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+						vz[ix*n1+iz] -= roz[ix*n1+iz]*(
+								c1*(tzz[ix*n1+iz]	 - tzz[ix*n1+iz-1] +
+									txz[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - txz[ix*n1+iz])  +
+								c2*(tzz[ix*n1+iz+1]   - tzz[ix*n1+iz-2] +
+									txz[(ix+2)*n1+iz] - txz[(ix-1)*n1+iz])  );
+						vz[ix*n1+iz]   *= bnd.tapxz[(ibx-ix)*bnd.ntap+(iz-ibz)];
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		} /* end elastic scheme */
+	}
+	/*********/
+	/* Left  */
+	/*********/
+	if (bnd.lef==4) {
+		if (mod.ischeme <= 2) { /* Acoustic scheme */
+			/* Vx field */
+			ixo = mod.ioXx-bnd.ntap;
+			ixe = mod.ioXx;
+			izo = mod.ioXz;
+			ize = mod.ieXz;
+			ib = (bnd.ntap+ixo-1);
+#pragma omp for private(ix,iz)
+			for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+#pragma ivdep
+				for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+					vx[ix*n1+iz] -= rox[ix*n1+iz]*(
+								c1*(tzz[ix*n1+iz]	 - tzz[(ix-1)*n1+iz]) +
+								c2*(tzz[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - tzz[(ix-2)*n1+iz]));
+					vx[ix*n1+iz]   *= bnd.tapx[ib-ix];
+				}
+			}
+			/* Vz field */
+			ixo = mod.ioZx-bnd.ntap;
+			ixe = mod.ioZx;
+			izo = mod.ioZz;
+			ize = mod.ieZz;
+			ib = (bnd.ntap+ixo-1);
+#pragma omp for private (ix, iz) 
+			for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+#pragma ivdep
+				for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+					vz[ix*n1+iz] -= roz[ix*n1+iz]*(
+								c1*(tzz[ix*n1+iz]   - tzz[ix*n1+iz-1]) +
+								c2*(tzz[ix*n1+iz+1] - tzz[ix*n1+iz-2]));
+					vz[ix*n1+iz] *= bnd.tapz[ib-ix];
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		else { /* Elastic scheme */
+			/* Vx field */
+			ixo = mod.ioXx-bnd.ntap;
+			ixe = mod.ioXx;
+			izo = mod.ioXz;
+			ize = mod.ieXz;
+			ib = (bnd.ntap+ixo-1);
+#pragma omp for private(ix,iz)
+			for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+#pragma ivdep
+				for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+					vx[ix*n1+iz] -= rox[ix*n1+iz]*(
+								c1*(txx[ix*n1+iz]	 - txx[(ix-1)*n1+iz] +
+									txz[ix*n1+iz+1]   - txz[ix*n1+iz])	+
+								c2*(txx[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - txx[(ix-2)*n1+iz] +
+									txz[ix*n1+iz+2]   - txz[ix*n1+iz-1])  );
+					vx[ix*n1+iz]   *= bnd.tapx[ib-ix];
+				}
+			}
+			/* Vz field */
+			ixo = mod.ioZx-bnd.ntap;
+			ixe = mod.ioZx;
+			izo = mod.ioZz;
+			ize = mod.ieZz;
+			ib = (bnd.ntap+ixo-1);
+#pragma omp for private (ix, iz) 
+			for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+#pragma ivdep
+				for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+					vz[ix*n1+iz] -= roz[ix*n1+iz]*(
+								c1*(tzz[ix*n1+iz]	 - tzz[ix*n1+iz-1] +
+									txz[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - txz[ix*n1+iz])  +
+								c2*(tzz[ix*n1+iz+1]   - tzz[ix*n1+iz-2] +
+									txz[(ix+2)*n1+iz] - txz[(ix-1)*n1+iz])  );
+					vz[ix*n1+iz] *= bnd.tapz[ib-ix];
+				}
+			}
+		} /* end elastic scheme */
+	}
+	/*********/
+	/* Right */
+	/*********/
+	if (bnd.rig==4) {
+		if (mod.ischeme <= 2) { /* Acoustic scheme */
+			/* Vx field */
+			ixo = mod.ieXx;
+			ixe = mod.ieXx+bnd.ntap;
+			izo = mod.ioXz;
+			ize = mod.ieXz;
+			ib = (ixe-bnd.ntap);
+#pragma omp for private(ix,iz)
+			for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+#pragma ivdep
+				for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+					vx[ix*n1+iz] -= rox[ix*n1+iz]*(
+								c1*(tzz[ix*n1+iz]	 - tzz[(ix-1)*n1+iz]) +
+								c2*(tzz[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - tzz[(ix-2)*n1+iz]));
+					vx[ix*n1+iz]   *= bnd.tapx[ix-ib];
+				}
+			}
+			/* Vz field */
+			ixo = mod.ieZx;
+			ixe = mod.ieZx+bnd.ntap;
+			izo = mod.ioZz;
+			ize = mod.ieZz;
+			ib = (ixe-bnd.ntap);
+#pragma omp for private (ix, iz) 
+			for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+#pragma ivdep
+				for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+					vz[ix*n1+iz] -= roz[ix*n1+iz]*(
+								c1*(tzz[ix*n1+iz]   - tzz[ix*n1+iz-1]) +
+								c2*(tzz[ix*n1+iz+1] - tzz[ix*n1+iz-2]));
+					vz[ix*n1+iz] *= bnd.tapz[ix-ib];
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		else { /* Elastic scheme */
+			/* Vx field */
+			ixo = mod.ieXx;
+			ixe = mod.ieXx+bnd.ntap;
+			izo = mod.ioXz;
+			ize = mod.ieXz;
+			ib = (ixe-bnd.ntap);
+#pragma omp for private(ix,iz)
+			for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+#pragma ivdep
+				for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+					vx[ix*n1+iz] -= rox[ix*n1+iz]*(
+								c1*(txx[ix*n1+iz]	 - txx[(ix-1)*n1+iz] +
+									txz[ix*n1+iz+1]   - txz[ix*n1+iz])	+
+								c2*(txx[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - txx[(ix-2)*n1+iz] +
+									txz[ix*n1+iz+2]   - txz[ix*n1+iz-1])  );
+					vx[ix*n1+iz]   *= bnd.tapx[ix-ib];
+				}
+			}
+			/* Vz field */
+			ixo = mod.ieZx;
+			ixe = mod.ieZx+bnd.ntap;
+			izo = mod.ioZz;
+			ize = mod.ieZz;
+			ib = (ixe-bnd.ntap);
+#pragma omp for private (ix, iz) 
+			for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+#pragma ivdep
+				for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+					vz[ix*n1+iz] -= roz[ix*n1+iz]*(
+								c1*(tzz[ix*n1+iz]	 - tzz[ix*n1+iz-1] +
+									txz[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - txz[ix*n1+iz])  +
+								c2*(tzz[ix*n1+iz+1]   - tzz[ix*n1+iz-2] +
+									txz[(ix+2)*n1+iz] - txz[(ix-1)*n1+iz])  );
+					vz[ix*n1+iz] *= bnd.tapz[ix-ib];
+				}
+			}
+			for (ix=ixo-5; ix<ixo+5; ix++) {
+				for (iz=0; iz<5; iz++) {
+			fprintf(stderr,"edge ix=%d iz=%d vz=%e roz=%e tzz=%e txz=%e txx=%e lam=%e l2m=%e\n", ix, iz, vz[ix*n1+iz], roz[ix*n1+iz],
+tzz[ix*n1+iz], txz[ix*n1+iz], txx[ix*n1+iz], lam[ix*n1+iz], l2m[ix*n1+iz]);
+				}
+			}
+		} /* end elastic scheme */
+	}
+    if ( (npml != 0) && (itime==mod.nt-1) && pml) {
+#pragma omp master
+		if (allocated) {
+            free(Vxpml);
+        	free(Vzpml);
+        	free(sigmu);
+        	free(RA);
+			allocated=0;
+		}
+	}
+	return 0;
+int boundariesV(modPar mod, bndPar bnd, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, float *lam, float *mul, int itime, int verbose)
+	Jan Thorbecke (
+	 The Netherlands 
+	float c1, c2;
+	float dp, dvx, dvz;
+	int   ix, iz, ixs, izs, izp, ib;
+    int   nx, nz, n1, n2;
+	int   is0, isrc;
+	int   ixo, ixe, izo, ize;
+    int   npml, ipml, pml;
+    float kappu, alphu, sigmax, R, a, m, fac, dx, dt;
+    float *p;
+    static float *Pxpml, *Pzpml, *sigmu, *RA;
+	static int allocated=0;
+    float Jx, Jz, rho, d;
+    c1 = 9.0/8.0;
+    c2 = -1.0/24.0;
+    nx  = mod.nx;
+    nz  =;
+    n1  = mod.naz;
+    n2  = mod.nax;
+    dx  = mod.dx;
+    dt  = mod.dt;
+    fac = dt/dx;
+    if ( ( || ( || (bnd.lef==2) || (bnd.rig==2) ) pml=1;
+	else pml=0;
+/* PML boundaries for acoustic schemes                      */
+/* compute all field values in tapered areas				*/
+    npml=bnd.npml; /* lenght of pml in grid-points */
+    if ( (npml != 0) && (itime==0) && pml) {
+#pragma omp master
+		if (allocated) {
+            free(Pxpml);
+        	free(Pzpml);
+        	free(sigmu);
+        	free(RA);
+		}
+        Pxpml = (float *)calloc(2*n1*npml,sizeof(float));
+        Pzpml = (float *)calloc(2*n2*npml,sizeof(float));
+        sigmu = (float *)calloc(npml,sizeof(float));
+        RA    = (float *)calloc(npml,sizeof(float));
+		allocated = 1;
+        /* calculate sigmu and RA only once with fixed velocity Cp */
+        m=bnd.m; /* scaling order */
+        R=bnd.R; /* the theoretical reflection coefficient after discretization */
+        kappu = 1.0; /* auxiliary attenuation coefficient for small angles */
+        alphu=0.0; /* auxiliary attenuation coefficient  for low frequencies */
+        d = (npml-1)*dx; /* depth of pml */
+        /* sigmu attenuation factor representing the loss in the PML depends on the grid position in the PML */
+        sigmax = ((3.0*mod.cp_min)/(2.0*d))*log(1.0/R);
+        for (ib=0; ib<npml; ib++) { /* ib=0 interface between PML and interior */
+            a = (float) (ib/(npml-1.0));
+            sigmu[ib] = sigmax*pow(a,m);
+            RA[ib] = (1.0)/(1.0+0.5*dt*sigmu[ib]);
+//            if (verbose>=3) vmess("PML: sigmax=%e cp=%e sigmu[%d]=%e %e\n", sigmax, mod.cp_min, ib, sigmu[ib], a);
+        }
+    }
+#pragma omp barrier
+    if (mod.ischeme == 1 && pml) { /* Acoustic scheme PML's */
+        p = tzz; /* Tzz array pointer points to P-field */
+        if ( mod.ioPz += bnd.npml;
+        if ( mod.iePz -= bnd.npml;
+        if (bnd.lef==2) mod.ioPx += bnd.npml;
+        if (bnd.rig==2) mod.iePx -= bnd.npml;
+        /* PML top P */
+        if ( == 2) {
+            /* PML top P-Vz-component */
+#pragma omp for private (ix, iz, dvx, dvz, Jz, ipml) 
+            for (ix=mod.ioPx; ix<mod.iePx; ix++) {
+                ipml = npml-1;
+                for (iz=mod.ioPz-npml; iz<mod.ioPz; iz++) {
+                    dvx = c1*(vx[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - vx[ix*n1+iz]) +
+                          c2*(vx[(ix+2)*n1+iz] - vx[(ix-1)*n1+iz]);
+                    dvz = c1*(vz[ix*n1+iz+1]   - vz[ix*n1+iz]) +
+                          c2*(vz[ix*n1+iz+2]   - vz[ix*n1+iz-1]);
+                    Jz = RA[ipml]*dvz - RA[ipml]*dt*Pzpml[ix*npml+ipml];
+                    Pzpml[ix*npml+ipml] += sigmu[ipml]*Jz;
+                    p[ix*n1+iz] -= l2m[ix*n1+iz]*(Jz+dvx);
+                    ipml--;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        /* PML left P */
+        if (bnd.lef == 2) {
+            /* PML left P-Vx-component */
+#pragma omp for private (ix, iz, dvx, dvz, Jx, ipml) 
+            for (iz=mod.ioPz; iz<mod.iePz; iz++) {
+                ipml = npml-1;
+                for (ix=mod.ioPx-npml; ix<mod.ioPx; ix++) {
+                    dvx = c1*(vx[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - vx[ix*n1+iz]) +
+                          c2*(vx[(ix+2)*n1+iz] - vx[(ix-1)*n1+iz]);
+                    dvz = c1*(vz[ix*n1+iz+1]   - vz[ix*n1+iz]) +
+                          c2*(vz[ix*n1+iz+2]   - vz[ix*n1+iz-1]);
+                    Jx = RA[ipml]*dvx - RA[ipml]*dt*Pxpml[iz*npml+ipml];
+                    Pxpml[iz*npml+ipml] += sigmu[ipml]*Jx;
+                    p[ix*n1+iz] -= l2m[ix*n1+iz]*(Jx+dvz);
+                    ipml--;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        /* PML corner left-top P */
+        if (bnd.lef == 2 && == 2) {
+            /* PML left P-Vx-component */
+#pragma omp for private (ix, iz, dvx, Jx, ipml) 
+            for (iz=mod.ioPz-npml; iz<mod.ioPz; iz++) {
+                ipml = npml-1;
+                for (ix=mod.ioPx-npml; ix<mod.ioPx; ix++) {
+                    dvx = c1*(vx[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - vx[ix*n1+iz]) +
+                          c2*(vx[(ix+2)*n1+iz] - vx[(ix-1)*n1+iz]);
+                    Jx = RA[ipml]*dvx - RA[ipml]*dt*Pxpml[iz*npml+ipml];
+                    Pxpml[iz*npml+ipml] += sigmu[ipml]*Jx;
+                    p[ix*n1+iz] -= l2m[ix*n1+iz]*(Jx);
+                    ipml--;
+                }
+            }
+            /* PML top P-Vz-component */
+#pragma omp for private (ix, iz, dvz, Jz, ipml) 
+            for (ix=mod.ioPx-npml; ix<mod.ioPx; ix++) {
+                ipml = npml-1;
+                for (iz=mod.ioPz-npml; iz<mod.ioPz; iz++) {
+                    dvz = c1*(vz[ix*n1+iz+1]   - vz[ix*n1+iz]) +
+                          c2*(vz[ix*n1+iz+2]   - vz[ix*n1+iz-1]);
+                    Jz = RA[ipml]*dvz - RA[ipml]*dt*Pzpml[ix*npml+ipml];
+                    Pzpml[ix*npml+ipml] += sigmu[ipml]*Jz;
+                    p[ix*n1+iz] -= l2m[ix*n1+iz]*(Jz);
+                    ipml--;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        /* PML right P */
+        if (bnd.rig == 2) {
+            /* PML right P Vx-component */
+#pragma omp for private (ix, iz, dvx, dvz, Jx, ipml) 
+            for (iz=mod.ioPz; iz<mod.iePz; iz++) {
+                ipml = 0;
+                for (ix=mod.iePx; ix<mod.iePx+npml; ix++) {
+                    dvx = c1*(vx[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - vx[ix*n1+iz]) +
+                          c2*(vx[(ix+2)*n1+iz] - vx[(ix-1)*n1+iz]);
+                    dvz = c1*(vz[ix*n1+iz+1]   - vz[ix*n1+iz]) +
+                          c2*(vz[ix*n1+iz+2]   - vz[ix*n1+iz-1]);
+                    Jx = RA[ipml]*dvx - RA[ipml]*dt*Pxpml[n1*npml+iz*npml+ipml];
+                    Pxpml[n1*npml+iz*npml+ipml] += sigmu[ipml]*Jx;
+                    p[ix*n1+iz] -= l2m[ix*n1+iz]*(Jx+dvz);
+                    ipml++;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        /* PML corner right-top P */
+        if (bnd.rig == 2 && == 2) {
+            /* PML right P Vx-component */
+#pragma omp for private (ix, iz, dvx, Jx, ipml) 
+            for (iz=mod.ioPz-npml; iz<mod.ioPz; iz++) {
+                ipml = 0;
+                for (ix=mod.iePx; ix<mod.iePx+npml; ix++) {
+                    dvx = c1*(vx[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - vx[ix*n1+iz]) +
+                          c2*(vx[(ix+2)*n1+iz] - vx[(ix-1)*n1+iz]);
+                    Jx = RA[ipml]*dvx - RA[ipml]*dt*Pxpml[n1*npml+iz*npml+ipml];
+                    Pxpml[n1*npml+iz*npml+ipml] += sigmu[ipml]*Jx;
+                    p[ix*n1+iz] -= l2m[ix*n1+iz]*(Jx);
+                    ipml++;
+                }
+            }
+            /* PML top P-Vz-component */
+#pragma omp for private (ix, iz, dvz, Jz, ipml) 
+            for (ix=mod.iePx; ix<mod.iePx+npml; ix++) {
+                ipml = npml-1;
+                for (iz=mod.ioPz-npml; iz<mod.ioPz; iz++) {
+                    dvz = c1*(vz[ix*n1+iz+1]   - vz[ix*n1+iz]) +
+                          c2*(vz[ix*n1+iz+2]   - vz[ix*n1+iz-1]);
+                    Jz = RA[ipml]*dvz - RA[ipml]*dt*Pzpml[ix*npml+ipml];
+                    Pzpml[ix*npml+ipml] += sigmu[ipml]*Jz;
+                    p[ix*n1+iz] -= l2m[ix*n1+iz]*(Jz);
+                    ipml--;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        /* PML bottom P */
+        if ( == 2) {
+            /* PML bottom P Vz-component */
+#pragma omp for private (ix, iz, dvx, dvz, Jz, ipml)
+            for (ix=mod.ioPx; ix<mod.iePx; ix++) {
+                ipml = 0;
+                for (iz=mod.iePz; iz<mod.iePz+npml; iz++) {
+                    dvx = c1*(vx[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - vx[ix*n1+iz]) +
+                          c2*(vx[(ix+2)*n1+iz] - vx[(ix-1)*n1+iz]);
+                    dvz = c1*(vz[ix*n1+iz+1]   - vz[ix*n1+iz]) +
+                          c2*(vz[ix*n1+iz+2]   - vz[ix*n1+iz-1]);
+                    Jz = RA[ipml]*dvz - RA[ipml]*dt*Pzpml[n2*npml+ix*npml+ipml];
+                    Pzpml[n2*npml+ix*npml+ipml] += sigmu[ipml]*Jz;
+                    p[ix*n1+iz] -= l2m[ix*n1+iz]*(Jz+dvx);
+                    ipml++;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        /* PML corner bottom-right P */
+        if ( == 2 && bnd.rig == 2) {
+            /* PML bottom P Vz-component */
+#pragma omp for private (ix, iz, dvz, Jz, ipml)
+            for (ix=mod.iePx; ix<mod.iePx+npml; ix++) {
+                ipml = 0;
+                for (iz=mod.iePz; iz<mod.iePz+npml; iz++) {
+                    dvz = c1*(vz[ix*n1+iz+1]   - vz[ix*n1+iz]) +
+                          c2*(vz[ix*n1+iz+2]   - vz[ix*n1+iz-1]);
+                    Jz = RA[ipml]*dvz - RA[ipml]*dt*Pzpml[n2*npml+ix*npml+ipml];
+                    Pzpml[n2*npml+ix*npml+ipml] += sigmu[ipml]*Jz;
+                    p[ix*n1+iz] -= l2m[ix*n1+iz]*(Jz);
+                    ipml++;
+                }
+            }
+            /* PML right P Vx-component */
+#pragma omp for private (ix, iz, dvx, Jx, ipml)
+            for (iz=mod.iePz; iz<mod.iePz+npml; iz++) {
+                ipml = 0;
+                for (ix=mod.iePx; ix<mod.iePx+npml; ix++) {
+                    dvx = c1*(vx[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - vx[ix*n1+iz]) +
+                          c2*(vx[(ix+2)*n1+iz] - vx[(ix-1)*n1+iz]);
+                    Jx = RA[ipml]*dvx - RA[ipml]*dt*Pxpml[n1*npml+iz*npml+ipml];
+                    Pxpml[n1*npml+iz*npml+ipml] += sigmu[ipml]*Jx;
+                    p[ix*n1+iz] -= l2m[ix*n1+iz]*(Jx);
+                    //p[ix*n1+iz] -= l2m[ix*n1+iz]*(dvx);
+                    ipml++;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        /* PML corner left-bottom P */
+        if ( == 2 && bnd.lef == 2) {
+            /* PML bottom P Vz-component */
+#pragma omp for private (ix, iz, dvz, Jz, ipml)
+            for (ix=mod.ioPx-npml; ix<mod.ioPx; ix++) {
+                ipml = 0;
+                for (iz=mod.iePz; iz<mod.iePz+npml; iz++) {
+                    dvz = c1*(vz[ix*n1+iz+1]   - vz[ix*n1+iz]) +
+                          c2*(vz[ix*n1+iz+2]   - vz[ix*n1+iz-1]);
+                    Jz = RA[ipml]*dvz - RA[ipml]*dt*Pzpml[n2*npml+ix*npml+ipml];
+                    Pzpml[n2*npml+ix*npml+ipml] += sigmu[ipml]*Jz;
+                    p[ix*n1+iz] -= l2m[ix*n1+iz]*(Jz);
+                    ipml++;
+                }
+            }
+            /* PML left P Vx-component */
+#pragma omp for private (ix, iz, dvx, Jx, ipml)
+            for (iz=mod.iePz; iz<mod.iePz+npml; iz++) {
+                ipml = npml-1;
+                for (ix=mod.ioPx-npml; ix<mod.ioPx; ix++) {
+                    dvx = c1*(vx[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - vx[ix*n1+iz]) +
+                          c2*(vx[(ix+2)*n1+iz] - vx[(ix-1)*n1+iz]);
+                    Jx = RA[ipml]*dvx - RA[ipml]*dt*Pxpml[iz*npml+ipml];
+                    Pxpml[iz*npml+ipml] += sigmu[ipml]*Jx;
+                    p[ix*n1+iz] -= l2m[ix*n1+iz]*(Jx);
+                    ipml--;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if ( mod.ioPz -= bnd.npml;
+        if ( mod.iePz += bnd.npml;
+        if (bnd.lef==2) mod.ioPx -= bnd.npml;
+        if (bnd.rig==2) mod.iePx += bnd.npml;
+    } /* end acoustic PML */
+/* Free surface: calculate free surface conditions for stresses */
+	ixo = mod.ioPx;
+	ixe = mod.iePx;
+	izo = mod.ioPz;
+	ize = mod.iePz;
+	if (mod.ischeme <= 2) { /* Acoustic scheme */
+		if ( { /* free surface at top */
+#pragma omp	for private (ix) nowait
+			for (ix=mod.ioPx; ix<mod.iePx; ix++) {
+				iz = bnd.surface[ix];
+				tzz[ix*n1+iz] = 0.0;
+                //vz[ix*n1+iz] = -vz[ix*n1+iz+1];
+                //vz[ix*n1+iz-1] = -vz[ix*n1+iz+2];
+			}
+		}
+		if (bnd.rig==1) { /* free surface at right */
+#pragma omp	for private (iz) nowait
+			for (iz=mod.ioPz; iz<mod.iePz; iz++) {
+				tzz[(mod.iePx-1)*n1+iz] = 0.0;
+			}
+		}
+		if ( { /* free surface at bottom */
+#pragma omp	for private (ix) nowait
+			for (ix=mod.ioPx; ix<mod.iePx; ix++) {
+				tzz[ix*n1+mod.iePz-1] = 0.0;
+			}
+		}
+		if (bnd.lef==1) { /* free surface at left */
+#pragma omp	for private (iz) nowait
+			for (iz=mod.ioPz; iz<mod.iePz; iz++) {
+				tzz[(mod.ioPx-1)*n1+iz] = 0.0;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	else { /* Elastic scheme */
+/* The implementation for a topgraphy surface is not yet correct */
+		/* Free surface: calculate free surface conditions for stresses 
+		 *	 Conditions (for upper boundary):
+		 *	 1. Tzz = 0
+		 *	 2. Txz = 0
+		 *	 3. Txx: remove term with dVz/dz, computed in e2/e4 routines
+		 *			 and add extra term with dVx/dx,
+		 *			 corresponding to free-surface condition for Txx.
+		 *			 In this way, dVz/dz is not needed in computing Txx
+		 *			 on the upper stress free boundary. Other boundaries
+		 *			 are treated similar.
+		 *			 For the 4th order schemes, the whole virtual boundary
+		 *			 must be taken into account in the removal terms, 
+		 *			 because the algorithm sets
+		 *			 velocities on this boundary!
+		 *
+		 *	Compute the velocities on the virtual boundary to make interpolation
+		 *	possible for receivers. 
+		 */
+		if ( { /* free surface at top */
+			izp = bnd.surface[ixo];
+#pragma omp for private (ix, iz) 
+			for (ix=mod.ioPx; ix<mod.iePx; ix++) {
+				iz = bnd.surface[ix];
+				if ( izp==iz ) {
+					/* clear normal pressure */
+					tzz[ix*n1+iz] = 0.0;
+					/* This update to Vz might become unstable (2nd order scheme) */
+//					vz[ix*n1+iz] = vz[ix*n1+iz+1] - (vx[(ix+1)*n1+iz]-vx[ix*n1+iz])*
+//					lam[ix*n1+iz]/l2m[ix*n1+iz];
+				}
+				izp=iz;
+			}
+			izp = bnd.surface[ixo];
+#pragma omp for private (ix, iz) 
+			for (ix=mod.ioTx; ix<mod.ieTx; ix++) {
+				iz = bnd.surface[ix];
+				if ( izp==iz ) {
+					/* assure that txz=0 on boundary by filling virtual boundary */
+					txz[ix*n1+iz] = -txz[ix*n1+iz+1];
+					/* extra line of txz has to be copied */
+					txz[ix*n1+iz-1] = -txz[ix*n1+iz+2];
+				}
+				izp=iz;
+			}
+			/* calculate txx on top stress-free boundary */
+			izp = bnd.surface[ixo];
+#pragma omp for private (ix, iz, dp, dvx) 
+			for (ix=mod.ioPx; ix<mod.iePx; ix++) {
+				iz = bnd.surface[ix];
+				if ( izp==iz ) {
+					if (l2m[ix*n1+iz]!=0.0) {
+						dp = l2m[ix*n1+iz]-lam[ix*n1+iz]*lam[ix*n1+iz]/l2m[ix*n1+iz];
+						dvx = c1*(vx[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - vx[(ix)*n1+iz]) +
+						  	c2*(vx[(ix+2)*n1+iz] - vx[(ix-1)*n1+iz]);
+						txx[ix*n1+iz] = -dvx*dp;
+					}
+				}
+				izp=iz;
+			}
+			/* if surface has also left or right edges */
+			izp = bnd.surface[ixo];
+#pragma omp for private (ix, iz, dp, dvz) 
+			for (ix=mod.ioPx+1; ix<mod.iePx; ix++) {
+				iz = bnd.surface[ix-1];
+				if ( izp < iz ) { /* right boundary */
+					/* clear normal pressure */
+					txx[ix*n1+iz] = 0.0;
+					if ( (iz-izp) >= 2 ) { /* VR point */
+						/* assure that txz=0 on boundary */
+						txz[(ix+1)*n1+iz] = -txz[ix*n1+iz];
+						txz[(ix+2)*n1+iz] = -txz[(ix-1)*n1+iz] ;
+						/* calculate tzz on right stress-free boundary */
+						if (l2m[ix*n1+iz]!=0.0) {
+							dvz = c1*(vz[ix*n1+iz+1] - vz[ix*n1+iz]) +
+							c2*(vz[ix*n1+iz+2] - vz[ix*n1+iz-1]);
+							dp = l2m[ix*n1+iz]-lam[ix*n1+iz]*lam[ix*n1+iz]/l2m[ix*n1+iz];
+							tzz[ix*n1+iz] = -dvz*dp;
+						}
+					}
+					else {
+							if (izp) { /* IR point */   
+//											  txz[ix*n1+iz] = -txz[ix*n1+iz+1] ;
+//											  txz[ix*n1+iz-1] = -txz[ix*n1+iz+2];
+//						txz[(ix+1)*n1+iz] = -txz[ix*n1+iz];
+//						txz[(ix+2)*n1+iz] = -txz[(ix-1)*n1+iz] ;
+//						tzz[ix*n1+iz] = 0.0;
+						}
+							else { /* OR point */
+//						txz[(ix-1)*n1+iz] = 0.0;
+//						txz[(ix+1)*n1+iz] = -txz[ix*n1+iz];
+//						txz[(ix+2)*n1+iz] = -txz[(ix-1)*n1+iz] ;
+//						if (l2m[ix*n1+iz]!=0.0) {
+//							vz[ix*n1+iz] = vz[ix*n1+iz+1] - (vx[(ix+1)*n1+iz]-vx[ix*n1+iz])*
+//							   lam[ix*n1+iz]/l2m[ix*n1+iz];
+//						}
+							}
+					}
+				} /* end if right */
+				if ( izp > iz ) { /* left boundary */
+					/* clear normal pressure */
+					txx[ix*n1+iz] = 0.0;
+					/* assure that txz=0 on boundary */
+					txz[(ix-1)*n1+iz] = -txz[ix*n1+iz];
+					/* extra line of txz has to be copied */
+					txz[(ix-2)*n1+iz] = -txz[(ix+1)*n1+iz] ;
+					/* calculate tzz on left stress-free boundary */
+					dvz = c1*(vz[ix*n1+iz+1] - vz[ix*n1+iz]) +
+					c2*(vz[ix*n1+iz+2] - vz[ix*n1+iz-1]);
+					if (l2m[ix*n1+iz]!=0.0) {
+						dp = l2m[ix*n1+iz]-lam[ix*n1+iz]*lam[ix*n1+iz]/l2m[ix*n1+iz];
+				   		tzz[ix*n1+iz] = -dvz*dp;
+					}
+				} /* end if left */
+				izp=iz;
+//		fprintf(stderr,"V4 ix=2123 iz=1 tzz=%e\n", tzz[2123*n1+1]);
+				//		  izp=bnd.surface[MAX(ix-2,0)];;
+			} /* end ix loop */
+		}
+		if (bnd.rig==1) { /* free surface at right */
+			ix = mod.iePx;
+#pragma omp for private (iz) 
+			for (iz=mod.ioPz; iz<mod.iePz; iz++) {
+				/* clear normal pressure */
+				txx[ix*n1+iz] = 0.0;
+			}
+#pragma omp for private (iz) 
+			for (iz=mod.ioTz; iz<mod.ieTz; iz++) {
+				/* assure that txz=0 on boundary by filling virtual boundary */
+				txz[(ix+1)*n1+iz] = -txz[(ix)*n1+iz];
+				/* extra line of txz has to be copied */
+				txz[(ix+2)*n1+iz] = -txz[(ix-1)*n1+iz] ;
+			}
+			/* calculate tzz on right stress-free boundary */
+#pragma omp for private (iz) 
+			for (iz=mod.ioPz; iz<mod.iePz; iz++) {
+				dvz = c1*(vz[(ix)*n1+iz+1] - vz[(ix)*n1+iz]) +
+					  c2*(vz[(ix)*n1+iz+2] - vz[(ix)*n1+iz-1]);
+				if (l2m[ix*n1+iz]!=0.0) {
+					dp = l2m[(ix)*n1+iz]-lam[(ix)*n1+iz]*lam[(ix)*n1+iz]/l2m[(ix)*n1+iz];
+					tzz[(ix)*n1+iz] = -dvz*dp;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if ( { /* free surface at bottom */
+			iz = mod.iePz;
+#pragma omp for private (ix) 
+			for (ix=mod.ioPx; ix<mod.iePx; ix++) {
+				/* clear normal pressure */
+				tzz[ix*n1+iz] = 0.0;
+			}
+#pragma omp for private (ix) 
+			for (ix=mod.ioTx; ix<mod.ieTx; ix++) {
+				/* assure that txz=0 on boundary by filling virtual boundary */
+				txz[ix*n1+iz+1] = -txz[ix*n1+iz];
+				/* extra line of txz has to be copied */
+				txz[ix*n1+iz+2] = -txz[ix*n1+iz-1];
+			}
+			/* calculate txx on bottom stress-free boundary */
+#pragma omp for private (ix) 
+			for (ix=mod.ioPx; ix<mod.iePx; ix++) {
+				dvx = c1*(vx[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - vx[ix*n1+iz]) +
+					  c2*(vx[(ix+2)*n1+iz] - vx[(ix-1)*n1+iz]);
+				if (l2m[ix*n1+iz]!=0.0) {
+					dp = l2m[ix*n1+iz]-lam[ix*n1+iz]*lam[ix*n1+iz]/l2m[ix*n1+iz];
+					txx[ix*n1+iz] = -dvx*dp;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if (bnd.lef==1) { /* free surface at left */
+			ix = mod.ioPx;
+#pragma omp for private (iz) 
+			for (iz=mod.ioPz; iz<mod.iePz; iz++) {
+				/* clear normal pressure */
+				txx[ix*n1+iz] = 0.0;
+			}
+#pragma omp for private (iz) 
+			for (iz=mod.ioTz; iz<mod.ieTz; iz++) {
+				/* assure that txz=0 on boundary by filling virtual boundary */
+				txz[(ix)*n1+iz] = -txz[(ix+1)*n1+iz];
+				/* extra line of txz has to be copied */
+				txz[(ix-1)*n1+iz] = -txz[(ix+2)*n1+iz] ;
+			}
+			/* calculate tzz on left stress-free boundary */
+#pragma omp for private (iz) 
+			for (iz=mod.ioPz; iz<mod.iePz; iz++) {
+				dvz = c1*(vz[ix*n1+iz+1] - vz[ix*n1+iz]) +
+					  c2*(vz[ix*n1+iz+2] - vz[ix*n1+iz-1]);
+				if (l2m[ix*n1+iz]!=0.0) {
+					dp = l2m[ix*n1+iz]-lam[ix*n1+iz]*lam[ix*n1+iz]/l2m[ix*n1+iz];
+					tzz[ix*n1+iz] = -dvz*dp;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+    if ( (npml != 0) && (itime==mod.nt-1) && pml) {
+#pragma omp master
+		if (allocated) {
+            free(Pxpml);
+        	free(Pzpml);
+        	free(sigmu);
+        	free(RA);
+            allocated=0;
+		}
+	}
+	return 0;
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/decomposition.c b/fdelmodc3D/decomposition.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..130d52f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/decomposition.c
@@ -0,0 +1,414 @@
+ *  decomposition.c
+ *
+ *  Kees Wapenaar "Reciprocity properties of one-way propagators"
+ *   GEOPHYSICS, VOL. 63, NO. 4 (JULY-AUGUST 1998); P. 1795–1798
+ *
+ *  Created by Jan Thorbecke on 17/03/2014.
+ *
+ */
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "par.h"
+#define MAX(x,y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
+#define MIN(x,y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
+#define NINT(x) ((int)((x)>0.0?(x)+0.5:(x)-0.5))
+#ifndef COMPLEX
+typedef struct _complexStruct { /* complex number */
+    float r,i;
+} complex;
+typedef struct _dcomplexStruct { /* complex number */
+    double r,i;
+} dcomplex;
+#endif/* complex */
+void vmess(char *fmt, ...);
+complex firoot(float x, float stab);
+complex froot(float x);
+complex ciroot(complex x, float stab);
+complex cwp_csqrt(complex z);
+void decudP(float om, float rho, float cp, float dx, int nkx, float kangle, float alpha, float eps, complex *pu);
+void decudVz(float om, float rho, float cp, float dx, int nkx, float kangle, float alpha, float eps, complex *pu);
+int writesufile(char *filename, float *data, int n1, int n2, float f1, float f2, float d1, float d2);
+void kxwfilter(complex *data, float k, float dx, int nkx, 
+			   float alfa1, float alfa2, float perc);
+void kxwdecomp(complex *rp, complex *rvz, complex *up, complex *down,
+               int nkx, float dx, int nt, float dt, float fmin, float fmax,
+               float cp, float rho, int vznorm, int verbose)
+	int      iom, iomin, iomax, ikx, nfreq, a, av;
+	float    omin, omax, deltom, om, df, dkx;
+	float    alpha, eps, *angle, avrp, avrvz, maxrp, maxrvz;
+	float    fangle, pangle, vangle, kangle;
+	complex  *pu;
+	complex  ax, az;
+	df     = 1.0/((float)nt*dt);
+	dkx    = 2.0*M_PI/(nkx*dx);
+	deltom = 2.*M_PI*df;
+	omin   = 2.*M_PI*fmin;
+	omax   = 2.*M_PI*fmax;
+	nfreq  = nt/2+1;
+	eps    = 0.01;
+    alpha  = 0.1;
+	iomin  = (int)MIN((omin/deltom), (nfreq-1));
+	iomin  = MAX(iomin, 1);
+	iomax  = MIN((int)(omax/deltom), (nfreq-1));
+	pu     = (complex *)malloc(nkx*sizeof(complex));
+	angle  = (float *)calloc(2*90,sizeof(float));
+	/* estimate maximum propagation angle in wavefields P and Vz */
+	for (a=1; a<90; a++) {
+		for (iom = iomin; iom <= iomax; iom++) {
+			om  = iom*deltom;
+			ikx = MIN(NINT( ((om/cp)*sin(a*M_PI/180.0))/dkx ), nkx/2);
+			if (ikx < nkx/2 && ikx != 0) {
+				ax.r = rp[iom*nkx+ikx].r + rp[iom*nkx+nkx-1-ikx].r;
+				ax.i = rp[iom*nkx+ikx].i + rp[iom*nkx+nkx-1-ikx].i;
+				angle[a] += sqrt(ax.r*ax.r + ax.i*ax.i);
+				ax.r = rvz[iom*nkx+ikx].r + rvz[iom*nkx+nkx-1-ikx].r;
+				ax.i = rvz[iom*nkx+ikx].i + rvz[iom*nkx+nkx-1-ikx].i;
+				angle[90+a] += sqrt(ax.r*ax.r + ax.i*ax.i);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	avrp  =0.0;
+	avrvz =0.0;
+	maxrp =0.0;
+	maxrvz=0.0;
+	for (a=1; a<90; a++) {
+		avrp += angle[a];
+		maxrp = MAX(angle[a], maxrp);
+		avrvz += angle[90+a];
+		maxrvz = MAX(angle[90+a], maxrvz);
+	}
+	avrp  = avrp/89.0;
+	avrvz = avrvz/89.0;
+	if (verbose>=4)  {
+		writesufile("", angle, 90, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1);
+		writesufile("", &angle[90], 90, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1);
+	}
+	for (av=0; av<90; av++) {
+		if (angle[89-av] <= avrp) angle[89-av] = 0.0;
+		else {
+			pangle=1.0*(90-av);
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	for (av=0; av<90; av++) {
+		 if (angle[179-av] <= avrvz) angle[179-av] = 0.0;
+		else {
+			vangle=1.0*(90-av);
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	if (verbose>=4)  {
+		writesufile("", angle, 90, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1);
+		writesufile("", &angle[90], 90, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1);
+	}
+	fangle=pangle;
+	if (verbose>=2) vmess("Up-down going: P max=%e average=%e => angle at average %f", maxrp, avrp, pangle);
+	if (verbose>=2) vmess("Up-down going: Vz max=%e average=%e => angle at average %f", maxrvz, avrvz, vangle);
+	if (pangle >= 90 || pangle <= 1) { /* use angle in Vz data, P might be placed on free surface */
+		fangle = vangle;
+	}
+	if(!getparfloat("kangle",&kangle)) kangle=fangle;
+	if (verbose>=2) vmess("Up-down going: maximum angle in decomposition= %f", kangle);
+    if (vznorm) { /* Vz normalised decompostion */
+        for (iom = iomin; iom <= iomax; iom++) {
+            om  = iom*deltom;
+            decudVz(om, rho, cp, dx, nkx, kangle, alpha, eps, pu);
+            /*
+             kxwfilter(dpux, kp, dx, nkx, alfa1, alfa2, perc);
+             kxwfilter(dpuz, kp, dx, nkx, alfa1, alfa2, perc);
+             */
+            for (ikx = 0; ikx < nkx; ikx++) {
+                ax.r = 0.5*rvz[iom*nkx+ikx].r;
+                ax.i = 0.5*rvz[iom*nkx+ikx].i;
+                az.r = 0.5*(rp[iom*nkx+ikx].r*pu[ikx].r - rp[iom*nkx+ikx].i*pu[ikx].i);
+                az.i = 0.5*(rp[iom*nkx+ikx].i*pu[ikx].r + rp[iom*nkx+ikx].r*pu[ikx].i);
+                down[iom*nkx+ikx].r = ax.r + az.r;
+                down[iom*nkx+ikx].i = ax.i + az.i;
+                up[iom*nkx+ikx].r   = ax.r - az.r;
+                up[iom*nkx+ikx].i   = ax.i - az.i;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    else { /* P normalised decompostion */
+        for (iom = iomin; iom <= iomax; iom++) {
+            om  = iom*deltom;
+            decudP(om, rho, cp, dx, nkx, kangle, alpha, eps, pu);
+            for (ikx = 0; ikx < nkx; ikx++) {
+                ax.r = 0.5*rp[iom*nkx+ikx].r;
+                ax.i = 0.5*rp[iom*nkx+ikx].i;
+                az.r = 0.5*(rvz[iom*nkx+ikx].r*pu[ikx].r - rvz[iom*nkx+ikx].i*pu[ikx].i);
+                az.i = 0.5*(rvz[iom*nkx+ikx].i*pu[ikx].r + rvz[iom*nkx+ikx].r*pu[ikx].i);
+                down[iom*nkx+ikx].r = ax.r + az.r;
+                down[iom*nkx+ikx].i = ax.i + az.i;
+                up[iom*nkx+ikx].r   = ax.r - az.r;
+                up[iom*nkx+ikx].i   = ax.i - az.i;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+	free(pu);
+	free(angle);
+	return;
+/* Pressure  normalised decompostion */
+void decudP(float om, float rho, float cp, float dx, int nkx, float kangle, float alpha, float eps, complex *pu)
+	int 	 ikx, ikxmax1, ikxmax2, filterpoints, filterppos;
+	float 	 kp, kp2;
+	float 	 kx, kx2, kzp2, dkx, stab;
+	float 	kxfmax, kxnyq, kpos, kfilt, perc, band, *filter;
+	complex kzp,  ckp, ckp2;
+/* with complex frequency
+	wom.r=om; 
+	wom.i=alpha;
+	ckp.r  = wom.r/cp;
+ 	ckp.i  = wom.i/cp;
+ 	ckp2.r = ckp.r*ckp.r-ckp.i*ckp.i;
+ 	ckp2.i = 2.0*ckp.r*ckp.i;
+ 	stab  = eps*eps*(ckp.r*ckp.r+ckp.i*ckp.i);
+	kp  = om/cp;
+	kp2 = kp*kp;
+	dkx = 2.0*M_PI/(nkx*dx);
+ 	stab  = eps*eps*kp*kp;
+	/* make kw filter at maximum angle alfa */
+	perc = 0.15; /* percentage of band to use for smooth filter */
+	filter = (float *)malloc(nkx*sizeof(float));
+	kpos = kp*sin(M_PI*kangle/180.0);
+	kxnyq  = M_PI/dx;
+	if (kpos > kxnyq)  kpos = kxnyq;
+	band = kpos;
+	filterpoints = (int)abs((int)(perc*band/dkx));
+	kfilt = fabsf(dkx*filterpoints);
+	if (kpos+kfilt < kxnyq) {
+		kxfmax = kpos+kfilt;
+		filterppos = filterpoints;
+	}
+	else {
+		kxfmax = kxnyq;
+		filterppos = (int)(0.15*nkx/2);
+	}
+	ikxmax1 = (int) (kxfmax/dkx);
+	ikxmax2 = ikxmax1 - filterppos;
+	// fprintf(stderr,"ikxmax1=%d ikxmax2=%d nkp=%d nkx=%d\n", ikxmax1, ikxmax2, (int)(kp/dkx), nkx);
+	for (ikx = 0; ikx < ikxmax2; ikx++) 
+		filter[ikx]=1.0;
+	for (ikx = ikxmax2; ikx < ikxmax1; ikx++)
+		filter[ikx] =(cos(M_PI*(ikx-ikxmax2)/(ikxmax1-ikxmax2))+1)/2.0;
+	for (ikx = ikxmax1; ikx <= nkx/2; ikx++)
+		filter[ikx] = 0.0;
+	/* end of kxfilter */
+	for (ikx = 0; ikx <= (nkx/2); ikx++) {
+		kx   = ikx*dkx;
+		kx2  = kx*kx;
+		kzp2 = kp2 - kx2;
+		kzp  = firoot(kzp2, stab);
+/* with complex frequency 
+ 		kzp2.r = kp2.r - kx2;
+ 		kzp2.i = kp2.i;
+ 		kzp  = ciroot(kzp2, stab);
+		if (kzp2 != 0) {
+			pu[ikx].r = filter[ikx]*om*rho*kzp.r;
+			pu[ikx].i = filter[ikx]*om*rho*kzp.i;
+//			pu[ikx].r = om*rho*kzp.r;
+//			pu[ikx].i = om*rho*kzp.i;
+		}
+		else {
+			pu[ikx].r = 0.0;
+			pu[ikx].i = 0.0;
+		}
+	}
+/* operators are symmetric in kx-w domain */
+	for (ikx = (nkx/2+1); ikx < nkx; ikx++) {
+		pu[ikx] = pu[nkx-ikx];
+	}
+	free(filter);
+	return;
+/* Particle Velocity normalised decompostion */
+void decudVz(float om, float rho, float cp, float dx, int nkx, float kangle, float alpha, float eps, complex *pu)
+    int      ikx, ikxmax1, ikxmax2, filterpoints, filterppos;
+    float      kp, kp2;
+    float      kx, kx2, kzp2, dkx, stab;
+    float     kxfmax, kxnyq, kpos, kfilt, perc, band, *filter;
+    complex kzp,  ckp, ckp2;
+    kp  = om/cp;
+    kp2 = kp*kp;
+    dkx = 2.0*M_PI/(nkx*dx);
+    stab  = eps*eps*kp*kp;
+    /* make kw filter at maximum angle alfa */
+    perc = 0.15; /* percentage of band to use for smooth filter */
+    filter = (float *)malloc(nkx*sizeof(float));
+    kpos = kp*sin(M_PI*kangle/180.0);
+    kxnyq  = M_PI/dx;
+    if (kpos > kxnyq)  kpos = kxnyq;
+    band = kpos;
+    filterpoints = (int)abs((int)(perc*band/dkx));
+    kfilt = fabsf(dkx*filterpoints);
+    if (kpos+kfilt < kxnyq) {
+        kxfmax = kpos+kfilt;
+        filterppos = filterpoints;
+    }
+    else {
+        kxfmax = kxnyq;
+        filterppos = (int)(0.15*nkx/2);
+    }
+    ikxmax1 = (int) (kxfmax/dkx);
+    ikxmax2 = ikxmax1 - filterppos;
+    for (ikx = 0; ikx < ikxmax2; ikx++)
+        filter[ikx]=1.0;
+    for (ikx = ikxmax2; ikx < ikxmax1; ikx++)
+        filter[ikx] =(cos(M_PI*(ikx-ikxmax2)/(ikxmax1-ikxmax2))+1)/2.0;
+    for (ikx = ikxmax1; ikx <= nkx/2; ikx++)
+        filter[ikx] = 0.0;
+    /* end of kxfilter */
+    for (ikx = 0; ikx <= (nkx/2); ikx++) {
+        kx   = ikx*dkx;
+        kx2  = kx*kx;
+        kzp2 = kp2 - kx2;
+        kzp  = froot(kzp2);
+        pu[ikx].r = filter[ikx]*kzp.r/(om*rho);
+        pu[ikx].i = filter[ikx]*kzp.i/(om*rho);
+    }
+    /* operators are symmetric in kx-w domain */
+    for (ikx = (nkx/2+1); ikx < nkx; ikx++) {
+        pu[ikx] = pu[nkx-ikx];
+    }
+    free(filter);
+    return;
+complex froot(float x)
+    complex z;
+    if (x >= 0.0) {
+        z.r = sqrt(x);
+        z.i = 0.0;
+        return z;
+    }
+    else {
+        z.r = 0.0;
+        z.i = -sqrt(-x);
+        return z;
+    }
+/* compute 1/x */
+complex firoot(float x, float stab)
+    complex z;
+    if (x > 0.0) {
+        z.r = 1.0/sqrt(x+stab);
+        z.i = 0.0;
+    }
+    else if (x == 0.0) {
+        z.r = 0.0;
+        z.i = 0.0;
+    }
+    else {
+        z.r = 0.0;
+        z.i = 1.0/sqrt(-x+stab);
+    }
+    return z;
+complex ciroot(complex x, float stab)
+    complex z, kz, kzz;
+	float kd;
+    if (x.r == 0.0) {
+        z.r = 0.0;
+        z.i = 0.0;
+    }
+    else {
+		kzz = cwp_csqrt(x);
+ 		kz.r = kzz.r;
+ 		kz.i = -fabsf(kzz.i);
+ 		kd = kz.r*kz.r+kz.i*kz.i+stab;
+        z.r = kz.r/kd;
+        z.i = -kz.i/kd;
+ 	}
+     return z;
+complex cwp_csqrt(complex z)
+   complex c;
+    float x,y,w,r;
+    if (z.r==0.0 && z.i==0.0) {
+		c.r = c.i = 0.0;
+        return c;
+    } else {
+        x = fabsf(z.r);
+        y = fabsf(z.i);
+        if (x>=y) {
+            r = y/x;
+            w = sqrt(x)*sqrt(0.5*(1.0+sqrt(1.0+r*r)));
+        } else {
+            r = x/y;
+            w = sqrt(y)*sqrt(0.5*(r+sqrt(1.0+r*r)));
+        }
+        if (z.r>=0.0) {
+            c.r = w;
+            c.i = z.i/(2.0*w);
+        } else {
+            c.i = (z.i>=0.0) ? w : -w;
+            c.r = z.i/(2.0*c.i);
+        }
+        return c;
+    }
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/defineSource.c b/fdelmodc3D/defineSource.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc9059c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/defineSource.c
@@ -0,0 +1,373 @@
+#define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "fdelmodc.h"
+#include "segy.h"
+*  Computes, or read from file, the source signature 
+*   AUTHOR:
+*           Jan Thorbecke (
+*           The Netherlands 
+#ifndef COMPLEX
+typedef struct _complexStruct { /* complex number */
+    float r,i;
+} complex;
+typedef struct _dcomplexStruct { /* complex number */
+    double r,i;
+} dcomplex;
+#endif/* complex */
+int optncr(int n);
+void rc1fft(float *rdata, complex *cdata, int n, int sign);
+void cr1fft(complex *cdata, float *rdata, int n, int sign);
+int writesufile(char *filename, float *data, int n1, int n2, float f1, float f2, float d1, float d2);
+int writesufilesrcnwav(char *filename, float **src_nwav, wavPar wav, int n1, int n2, float f1, float f2, float d1, float d2);
+float gaussGen();
+float normal(double x,double mu,double sigma);
+int comp (const float *a, const float *b);
+void spline3(float x1, float x2, float z1, float z2, float dzdx1, float dzdx2, float *a, float *b, float *c, float *d);
+int randomWavelet(wavPar wav, srcPar src, float *trace, float tbeg, float tend, int verbose);
+/* random number generators */
+double dcmwc4096();
+unsigned long CMWC4096(void);
+unsigned long xorshift(void);
+void seedCMWC4096(void);
+/* #define drand48 dcmwc4096 use for different random number generator */
+#define     MAX(x,y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
+#define     MIN(x,y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
+#define NINT(x) ((int)((x)>0.0?(x)+0.5:(x)-0.5))
+int defineSource(wavPar wav, srcPar src, modPar mod, recPar rec, float **src_nwav, int reverse, int verbose)
+    FILE    *fp;
+    size_t  nread;
+    int optn, nfreq, i, j, k, iwmax, tracesToDo;
+    int iw, n1, namp, optnscale, nfreqscale;
+    float scl, d1, df, deltom, om, tshift;
+    float amp1, amp2, amp3;
+    float *trace, maxampl, scale;
+    complex *ctrace, tmp;
+    segy hdr;
+	scale = 1.0;
+    n1 = wav.ns;
+    if (wav.random) { /* initialize random sequence */
+        srand48(wav.seed+1);
+        seedCMWC4096();
+        for (i=0; i<8192; i++) {
+            amp1 = dcmwc4096();
+        }
+    }
+    else {
+/* read first header and last byte to get file size */
+        fp = fopen( wav.file_src, "r" );
+        assert( fp != NULL);
+        nread = fread( &hdr, 1, TRCBYTES, fp );
+        assert(nread == TRCBYTES);
+/* read all traces */
+        tracesToDo = wav.nx;
+        i = 0;
+        while (tracesToDo) {
+            memset(&src_nwav[i][0],0,wav.nt*sizeof(float));
+            nread = fread(&src_nwav[i][0], sizeof(float), hdr.ns, fp);
+            assert (nread == hdr.ns);
+            nread = fread( &hdr, 1, TRCBYTES, fp );
+            if (nread==0) break;
+            tracesToDo--;
+            i++;
+        }
+        fclose(fp);
+    }
+    optn = optncr(n1);
+    nfreq = optn/2 + 1;
+    if (wav.nt != wav.ns) {
+		vmess("Sampling in wavelet is %e while for modeling is set to %e", wav.ds, mod.dt);
+		vmess("Wavelet sampling will be FFT-interpolated to sampling of modeling");
+		vmess("file_src Nt=%d sampling after interpolation=%d", wav.ns, wav.nt);
+		optnscale  = wav.nt;
+		nfreqscale = optnscale/2 + 1;
+	}
+	else {
+		optnscale  = optn;
+		nfreqscale = optnscale/2 + 1;
+	}
+//	fprintf(stderr,"define S optn=%d ns=%d %e nt=%d %e\n", optn, wav.ns, wav.ds, optnscale, wav.dt);
+    ctrace = (complex *)calloc(nfreqscale,sizeof(complex));
+    trace = (float *)calloc(optnscale,sizeof(float));
+    df     = 1.0/(optn*wav.ds);
+    deltom = 2.*M_PI*df;
+    scl    = 1.0/optn;
+    iwmax = nfreq;
+    for (i=0; i<wav.nx; i++) {
+        if (wav.random) {
+            randomWavelet(wav, src, &src_nwav[i][0], src.tbeg[i], src.tend[i], verbose);
+        }
+        else {
+            memset(&ctrace[0].r,0,nfreqscale*sizeof(complex));
+            memset(&trace[0],0,optnscale*sizeof(float));
+            memcpy(&trace[0],&src_nwav[i][0],n1*sizeof(float));
+            rc1fft(trace,ctrace,optn,-1);
+            /* Scale source from file with -j/w (=1/(jw)) for volume source injections
+                no scaling is applied for volume source injection rates */
+            if (src.injectionrate==0) {
+                for (iw=1;iw<iwmax;iw++) {
+                    om = 1.0/(deltom*iw);
+                    tmp.r = om*ctrace[iw].i;
+                    tmp.i = -om*ctrace[iw].r;
+                    ctrace[iw].r = tmp.r;
+                    ctrace[iw].i = tmp.i;
+                }
+            }
+            if (src.type < 6) { // shift wavelet with +1/2 DeltaT due to staggered in time 
+                tshift=-(0.5*rec.skipdt+1.5)*wav.dt;
+                for (iw=1;iw<iwmax;iw++) {
+                    om = deltom*iw*tshift;
+                    tmp.r = ctrace[iw].r*cos(-om) - ctrace[iw].i*sin(-om);
+                    tmp.i = ctrace[iw].i*cos(-om) + ctrace[iw].r*sin(-om);
+                    ctrace[iw].r = tmp.r;
+                    ctrace[iw].i = tmp.i;
+                }
+            }
+            /* zero frequency iw=0 set to 0 if the next sample has amplitude==0*/
+            amp1 = sqrt(ctrace[1].r*ctrace[1].r+ctrace[1].i*ctrace[1].i);
+            if (amp1 == 0.0) {
+                ctrace[0].r = ctrace[0].i = 0.0;
+            }
+            else { /* stabilization for w=0: extrapolate amplitudes to 0 */
+                amp2 = sqrt(ctrace[2].r*ctrace[2].r+ctrace[2].i*ctrace[2].i);
+                amp3 = sqrt(ctrace[3].r*ctrace[3].r+ctrace[3].i*ctrace[3].i);
+                ctrace[0].r = amp1+(2.0*(amp1-amp2)-(amp2-amp3));
+                ctrace[0].i = 0.0;
+                if (ctrace[1].r < 0.0) {
+                    ctrace[0].r *= -1.0;
+                }
+            }
+            for (iw=iwmax;iw<nfreqscale;iw++) {
+                ctrace[iw].r = 0.0;
+                ctrace[iw].i = 0.0;
+            }
+            memset(&trace[0],0,optnscale*sizeof(float));
+            cr1fft(ctrace,trace,optnscale,1);
+            /* avoid a (small) spike in the last sample 
+               this is done to avoid diffraction from last wavelet sample
+               which will act as a pulse */
+    		maxampl=0.0;
+            if (reverse) {
+                for (j=0; j<wav.nt; j++) {
+					src_nwav[i][j] = scl*(trace[wav.nt-j-1]-trace[0]);
+					maxampl = MAX(maxampl,fabs(src_nwav[i][j]));
+				}
+            }
+            else {
+                for (j=0; j<wav.nt; j++) {
+					src_nwav[i][j] = scl*(trace[j]-trace[wav.nt-1]);
+					maxampl = MAX(maxampl,fabs(src_nwav[i][j]));
+				}
+            }
+			if (verbose > 3) vmess("Wavelet sampling (FFT-interpolated) done for trace %d", i);
+        }
+    }
+	/* set values smaller than 1e-5 maxampl to zero */
+	maxampl *= 1e-5;
+    for (i=0; i<wav.nx; i++) {
+        for (j=0; j<wav.nt; j++) {
+	        if (fabs(src_nwav[i][j]) < maxampl) src_nwav[i][j] = 0.0;
+	    }
+	}
+    free(ctrace);
+    free(trace);
+/* use random amplitude gain factor for each source */
+    if (src.amplitude > 0.0) {
+        namp=wav.nx*10;
+        trace = (float *)calloc(2*namp,sizeof(float));
+        for (i=0; i<wav.nx; i++) {
+            if (src.distribution) {
+                scl = gaussGen()*src.amplitude;
+                k = (int)MAX(MIN(namp*(scl+5*src.amplitude)/(10*src.amplitude),namp-1),0);
+                d1 = 10.0*src.amplitude/(namp-1);
+            }
+            else {
+                scl = (float)(drand48()-0.5)*src.amplitude;
+                k = (int)MAX(MIN(namp*(scl+1*src.amplitude)/(2*src.amplitude),namp-1),0);
+                d1 = 2.0*src.amplitude/(namp-1);
+            }
+            trace[k] += 1.0;
+/*            trace[i] = scl; */
+            if (wav.random) n1 = wav.nsamp[i];
+            else n1 = wav.nt;
+            for (j=0; j<n1; j++) {
+                src_nwav[i][j] *= scl;
+            }
+        }
+        if (verbose>2) writesufile("", trace, namp, 1, -5*src.amplitude, 0.0, d1, 1);
+        qsort(trace,wav.nx,sizeof(float), comp);
+        for (i=0; i<wav.nx; i++) {
+            scl = trace[i];
+            trace[i] = normal(scl, 0.0, src.amplitude);
+        }
+        if (verbose>2) writesufile("", trace, wav.nx, 1, -5*src.amplitude, 0.0, d1, 1);
+        free(trace);
+    }
+    if (verbose>3) writesufilesrcnwav("", src_nwav, wav, wav.nt, wav.nx, 0.0, 0.0, wav.dt, 1);
+/* set maximum amplitude in source file to 1.0 */
+    assert(maxampl != 0.0);
+    scl = wav.dt/(maxampl);
+    scl = 1.0/(maxampl);
+    for (i=0; i<wav.nx; i++) {
+        for (j=0; j<n1; j++) {
+            src_nwav[i*n1+j] *= scl;
+        }
+    }
+    return 0;
+int randomWavelet(wavPar wav, srcPar src, float *trace, float tbeg, float tend, int verbose)
+    int optn, nfreq, j, iwmax;
+    int iw, n1, itbeg, itmax, nsmth;
+    float df, amp1;
+    float *rtrace;
+    float x1, x2, z1, z2, dzdx1, dzdx2, a, b, c, d, t;
+    complex *ctrace;
+    n1 = wav.nt; /* this is set to the maximum length (tlength/dt) */
+    optn = optncr(2*n1);
+    nfreq = optn/2 + 1;
+    ctrace = (complex *)calloc(nfreq,sizeof(complex));
+    rtrace = (float *)calloc(optn,sizeof(float));
+    df     = 1.0/(optn*wav.dt);
+    iwmax = MIN(NINT(wav.fmax/df),nfreq);
+    for (iw=1;iw<iwmax;iw++) {
+        ctrace[iw].r = (float)(drand48()-0.5);
+        ctrace[iw].i = (float)(drand48()-0.5);
+    }
+    for (iw=iwmax;iw<nfreq;iw++) {
+        ctrace[iw].r = 0.0;
+        ctrace[iw].i = 0.0;
+    }
+    cr1fft(ctrace,rtrace,optn,1);
+    /* find first zero crossing in wavelet */
+    amp1 = rtrace[0];
+    j = 1;
+    if (amp1 < 0.0) {
+        while (rtrace[j] < 0.0) j++;
+    }
+    else {
+        while (rtrace[j] > 0.0) j++;
+    }
+    itbeg = j;
+    /* find last zero crossing in wavelet */
+//    itmax = itbeg+MIN(NINT((tend-tbeg)/wav.dt),n1);
+    itmax = MIN(NINT(itbeg+(tend-tbeg)/wav.dt),n1);
+    amp1 = rtrace[itmax-1];
+    j = itmax;
+    if (amp1 < 0.0) {
+        while (rtrace[j] < 0.0 && j>itbeg) j--;
+        }
+    else {
+        while (rtrace[j] > 0.0 && j>itbeg) j--;
+    }
+    itmax = j;
+    /* make smooth transitions to zero aamplitude */
+    nsmth=MIN(10,itmax);
+    x1 = 0.0;
+    z1 = 0.0;
+    dzdx1 = 0.0;
+    x2 = nsmth;
+    z2 = rtrace[itbeg+nsmth];
+//    dzdx2 = (rtrace[itbeg+(nsmth+1)]-rtrace[itbeg+(nsmth-1)])/(2.0);
+    dzdx2 = (rtrace[itbeg+nsmth-2]-8.0*rtrace[itbeg+nsmth-1]+
+             8.0*rtrace[itbeg+nsmth+1]-rtrace[itbeg+nsmth+2])/(12.0);
+    spline3(x1, x2, z1, z2, dzdx1, dzdx2, &a, &b, &c, &d);
+    for (j=0; j<nsmth; j++) {
+        t = j;
+        rtrace[itbeg+j] = a*t*t*t+b*t*t+c*t+d;
+    }
+    x1 = 0.0;
+    z1 = rtrace[itmax-nsmth];
+//    dzdx1 = (rtrace[itmax-(nsmth-1)]-rtrace[itmax-(nsmth+1)])/(2.0);
+    dzdx1 = (rtrace[itmax-nsmth-2]-8.0*rtrace[itmax-nsmth-1]+
+             8.0*rtrace[itmax-nsmth+1]-rtrace[itmax-nsmth+2])/(12.0);
+    x2 = nsmth;
+    z2 = 0.0;
+    dzdx2 = 0.0;
+//    fprintf(stderr,"x1=%f z1=%f d=%f x2=%f, z2=%f d=%f\n",x1,z1,dzdx1,x2,z2,dzdx2);
+    spline3(x1, x2, z1, z2, dzdx1, dzdx2, &a, &b, &c, &d);
+    for (j=0; j<nsmth; j++) {
+        t = j;
+        rtrace[itmax-nsmth+j] = a*t*t*t+b*t*t+c*t+d;
+//        fprintf(stderr,"a=%f b=%f c=%f d=%f rtrace%d=%f \n",a,b,c,d,j,rtrace[itmax-nsmth+j]);
+    }
+    for (j=itbeg; j<itmax; j++) trace[j-itbeg] = rtrace[j];
+    free(ctrace);
+    free(rtrace);
+    return 0;
+float normal(double x,double mu,double sigma)
+    return (float)(1.0/(2.0*M_PI*sigma*sigma))*exp(-1.0*(((x-mu)*(x-mu))/(2.0*sigma*sigma)) );
+int comp (const float *a, const float *b)
+    if (*a==*b)
+        return 0;
+    else
+        if (*a < *b)
+    return -1;
+        else
+    return 1;
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/defineSource3D.c b/fdelmodc3D/defineSource3D.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01cc29b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/defineSource3D.c
@@ -0,0 +1,373 @@
+#define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "fdelmodc3D.h"
+#include "segy.h"
+*  Computes, or read from file, the source signature 
+*   AUTHOR:
+*           Jan Thorbecke (
+*           The Netherlands 
+#ifndef COMPLEX
+typedef struct _complexStruct { /* complex number */
+    float r,i;
+} complex;
+typedef struct _dcomplexStruct { /* complex number */
+    double r,i;
+} dcomplex;
+#endif/* complex */
+int optncr(int n);
+void rc1fft(float *rdata, complex *cdata, int n, int sign);
+void cr1fft(complex *cdata, float *rdata, int n, int sign);
+int writesufile(char *filename, float *data, int n1, int n2, float f1, float f2, float d1, float d2);
+int writesufilesrcnwav(char *filename, float **src_nwav, wavPar wav, int n1, int n2, float f1, float f2, float d1, float d2);
+float gaussGen();
+float normal(double x,double mu,double sigma);
+int comp (const float *a, const float *b);
+void spline3(float x1, float x2, float z1, float z2, float dzdx1, float dzdx2, float *a, float *b, float *c, float *d);
+int randomWavelet(wavPar wav, srcPar src, float *trace, float tbeg, float tend, int verbose);
+/* random number generators */
+double dcmwc4096();
+unsigned long CMWC4096(void);
+unsigned long xorshift(void);
+void seedCMWC4096(void);
+/* #define drand48 dcmwc4096 use for different random number generator */
+#define     MAX(x,y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
+#define     MIN(x,y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
+#define NINT(x) ((int)((x)>0.0?(x)+0.5:(x)-0.5))
+int defineSource(wavPar wav, srcPar src, modPar mod, recPar rec, float **src_nwav, int reverse, int verbose)
+    FILE    *fp;
+    size_t  nread;
+    int optn, nfreq, i, j, k, iwmax, tracesToDo;
+    int iw, n1, namp, optnscale, nfreqscale;
+    float scl, d1, df, deltom, om, tshift;
+    float amp1, amp2, amp3;
+    float *trace, maxampl, scale;
+    complex *ctrace, tmp;
+    segy hdr;
+	scale = 1.0;
+    n1 = wav.ns;
+    if (wav.random) { /* initialize random sequence */
+        srand48(wav.seed+1);
+        seedCMWC4096();
+        for (i=0; i<8192; i++) {
+            amp1 = dcmwc4096();
+        }
+    }
+    else {
+/* read first header and last byte to get file size */
+        fp = fopen( wav.file_src, "r" );
+        assert( fp != NULL);
+        nread = fread( &hdr, 1, TRCBYTES, fp );
+        assert(nread == TRCBYTES);
+/* read all traces */
+        tracesToDo = wav.nx;
+        i = 0;
+        while (tracesToDo) {
+            memset(&src_nwav[i][0],0,wav.nt*sizeof(float));
+            nread = fread(&src_nwav[i][0], sizeof(float), hdr.ns, fp);
+            assert (nread == hdr.ns);
+            nread = fread( &hdr, 1, TRCBYTES, fp );
+            if (nread==0) break;
+            tracesToDo--;
+            i++;
+        }
+        fclose(fp);
+    }
+    optn = optncr(n1);
+    nfreq = optn/2 + 1;
+    if (wav.nt != wav.ns) {
+		vmess("Sampling in wavelet is %e while for modeling is set to %e", wav.ds, mod.dt);
+		vmess("Wavelet sampling will be FFT-interpolated to sampling of modeling");
+		vmess("file_src Nt=%d sampling after interpolation=%d", wav.ns, wav.nt);
+		optnscale  = wav.nt;
+		nfreqscale = optnscale/2 + 1;
+	}
+	else {
+		optnscale  = optn;
+		nfreqscale = optnscale/2 + 1;
+	}
+//	fprintf(stderr,"define S optn=%d ns=%d %e nt=%d %e\n", optn, wav.ns, wav.ds, optnscale, wav.dt);
+    ctrace = (complex *)calloc(nfreqscale,sizeof(complex));
+    trace = (float *)calloc(optnscale,sizeof(float));
+    df     = 1.0/(optn*wav.ds);
+    deltom = 2.*M_PI*df;
+    scl    = 1.0/optn;
+    iwmax = nfreq;
+    for (i=0; i<wav.nx; i++) {
+        if (wav.random) {
+            randomWavelet(wav, src, &src_nwav[i][0], src.tbeg[i], src.tend[i], verbose);
+        }
+        else {
+            memset(&ctrace[0].r,0,nfreqscale*sizeof(complex));
+            memset(&trace[0],0,optnscale*sizeof(float));
+            memcpy(&trace[0],&src_nwav[i][0],n1*sizeof(float));
+            rc1fft(trace,ctrace,optn,-1);
+            /* Scale source from file with -j/w (=1/(jw)) for volume source injections
+                no scaling is applied for volume source injection rates */
+            if (src.injectionrate==0) {
+                for (iw=1;iw<iwmax;iw++) {
+                    om = 1.0/(deltom*iw);
+                    tmp.r = om*ctrace[iw].i;
+                    tmp.i = -om*ctrace[iw].r;
+                    ctrace[iw].r = tmp.r;
+                    ctrace[iw].i = tmp.i;
+                }
+            }
+            if (src.type < 6) { // shift wavelet with +1/2 DeltaT due to staggered in time 
+                tshift=-(0.5*rec.skipdt+1.5)*wav.dt;
+                for (iw=1;iw<iwmax;iw++) {
+                    om = deltom*iw*tshift;
+                    tmp.r = ctrace[iw].r*cos(-om) - ctrace[iw].i*sin(-om);
+                    tmp.i = ctrace[iw].i*cos(-om) + ctrace[iw].r*sin(-om);
+                    ctrace[iw].r = tmp.r;
+                    ctrace[iw].i = tmp.i;
+                }
+            }
+            /* zero frequency iw=0 set to 0 if the next sample has amplitude==0*/
+            amp1 = sqrt(ctrace[1].r*ctrace[1].r+ctrace[1].i*ctrace[1].i);
+            if (amp1 == 0.0) {
+                ctrace[0].r = ctrace[0].i = 0.0;
+            }
+            else { /* stabilization for w=0: extrapolate amplitudes to 0 */
+                amp2 = sqrt(ctrace[2].r*ctrace[2].r+ctrace[2].i*ctrace[2].i);
+                amp3 = sqrt(ctrace[3].r*ctrace[3].r+ctrace[3].i*ctrace[3].i);
+                ctrace[0].r = amp1+(2.0*(amp1-amp2)-(amp2-amp3));
+                ctrace[0].i = 0.0;
+                if (ctrace[1].r < 0.0) {
+                    ctrace[0].r *= -1.0;
+                }
+            }
+            for (iw=iwmax;iw<nfreqscale;iw++) {
+                ctrace[iw].r = 0.0;
+                ctrace[iw].i = 0.0;
+            }
+            memset(&trace[0],0,optnscale*sizeof(float));
+            cr1fft(ctrace,trace,optnscale,1);
+            /* avoid a (small) spike in the last sample 
+               this is done to avoid diffraction from last wavelet sample
+               which will act as a pulse */
+    		maxampl=0.0;
+            if (reverse) {
+                for (j=0; j<wav.nt; j++) {
+					src_nwav[i][j] = scl*(trace[wav.nt-j-1]-trace[0]);
+					maxampl = MAX(maxampl,fabs(src_nwav[i][j]));
+				}
+            }
+            else {
+                for (j=0; j<wav.nt; j++) {
+					src_nwav[i][j] = scl*(trace[j]-trace[wav.nt-1]);
+					maxampl = MAX(maxampl,fabs(src_nwav[i][j]));
+				}
+            }
+			if (verbose > 3) vmess("Wavelet sampling (FFT-interpolated) done for trace %d", i);
+        }
+    }
+	/* set values smaller than 1e-5 maxampl to zero */
+	maxampl *= 1e-5;
+    for (i=0; i<wav.nx; i++) {
+        for (j=0; j<wav.nt; j++) {
+	        if (fabs(src_nwav[i][j]) < maxampl) src_nwav[i][j] = 0.0;
+	    }
+	}
+    free(ctrace);
+    free(trace);
+/* use random amplitude gain factor for each source */
+    if (src.amplitude > 0.0) {
+        namp=wav.nx*10;
+        trace = (float *)calloc(2*namp,sizeof(float));
+        for (i=0; i<wav.nx; i++) {
+            if (src.distribution) {
+                scl = gaussGen()*src.amplitude;
+                k = (int)MAX(MIN(namp*(scl+5*src.amplitude)/(10*src.amplitude),namp-1),0);
+                d1 = 10.0*src.amplitude/(namp-1);
+            }
+            else {
+                scl = (float)(drand48()-0.5)*src.amplitude;
+                k = (int)MAX(MIN(namp*(scl+1*src.amplitude)/(2*src.amplitude),namp-1),0);
+                d1 = 2.0*src.amplitude/(namp-1);
+            }
+            trace[k] += 1.0;
+/*            trace[i] = scl; */
+            if (wav.random) n1 = wav.nsamp[i];
+            else n1 = wav.nt;
+            for (j=0; j<n1; j++) {
+                src_nwav[i][j] *= scl;
+            }
+        }
+        if (verbose>2) writesufile("", trace, namp, 1, -5*src.amplitude, 0.0, d1, 1);
+        qsort(trace,wav.nx,sizeof(float), comp);
+        for (i=0; i<wav.nx; i++) {
+            scl = trace[i];
+            trace[i] = normal(scl, 0.0, src.amplitude);
+        }
+        if (verbose>2) writesufile("", trace, wav.nx, 1, -5*src.amplitude, 0.0, d1, 1);
+        free(trace);
+    }
+    if (verbose>3) writesufilesrcnwav("", src_nwav, wav, wav.nt, wav.nx, 0.0, 0.0, wav.dt, 1);
+/* set maximum amplitude in source file to 1.0 */
+    assert(maxampl != 0.0);
+    scl = wav.dt/(maxampl);
+    scl = 1.0/(maxampl);
+    for (i=0; i<wav.nx; i++) {
+        for (j=0; j<n1; j++) {
+            src_nwav[i*n1+j] *= scl;
+        }
+    }
+    return 0;
+int randomWavelet(wavPar wav, srcPar src, float *trace, float tbeg, float tend, int verbose)
+    int optn, nfreq, j, iwmax;
+    int iw, n1, itbeg, itmax, nsmth;
+    float df, amp1;
+    float *rtrace;
+    float x1, x2, z1, z2, dzdx1, dzdx2, a, b, c, d, t;
+    complex *ctrace;
+    n1 = wav.nt; /* this is set to the maximum length (tlength/dt) */
+    optn = optncr(2*n1);
+    nfreq = optn/2 + 1;
+    ctrace = (complex *)calloc(nfreq,sizeof(complex));
+    rtrace = (float *)calloc(optn,sizeof(float));
+    df     = 1.0/(optn*wav.dt);
+    iwmax = MIN(NINT(wav.fmax/df),nfreq);
+    for (iw=1;iw<iwmax;iw++) {
+        ctrace[iw].r = (float)(drand48()-0.5);
+        ctrace[iw].i = (float)(drand48()-0.5);
+    }
+    for (iw=iwmax;iw<nfreq;iw++) {
+        ctrace[iw].r = 0.0;
+        ctrace[iw].i = 0.0;
+    }
+    cr1fft(ctrace,rtrace,optn,1);
+    /* find first zero crossing in wavelet */
+    amp1 = rtrace[0];
+    j = 1;
+    if (amp1 < 0.0) {
+        while (rtrace[j] < 0.0) j++;
+    }
+    else {
+        while (rtrace[j] > 0.0) j++;
+    }
+    itbeg = j;
+    /* find last zero crossing in wavelet */
+//    itmax = itbeg+MIN(NINT((tend-tbeg)/wav.dt),n1);
+    itmax = MIN(NINT(itbeg+(tend-tbeg)/wav.dt),n1);
+    amp1 = rtrace[itmax-1];
+    j = itmax;
+    if (amp1 < 0.0) {
+        while (rtrace[j] < 0.0 && j>itbeg) j--;
+        }
+    else {
+        while (rtrace[j] > 0.0 && j>itbeg) j--;
+    }
+    itmax = j;
+    /* make smooth transitions to zero aamplitude */
+    nsmth=MIN(10,itmax);
+    x1 = 0.0;
+    z1 = 0.0;
+    dzdx1 = 0.0;
+    x2 = nsmth;
+    z2 = rtrace[itbeg+nsmth];
+//    dzdx2 = (rtrace[itbeg+(nsmth+1)]-rtrace[itbeg+(nsmth-1)])/(2.0);
+    dzdx2 = (rtrace[itbeg+nsmth-2]-8.0*rtrace[itbeg+nsmth-1]+
+             8.0*rtrace[itbeg+nsmth+1]-rtrace[itbeg+nsmth+2])/(12.0);
+    spline3(x1, x2, z1, z2, dzdx1, dzdx2, &a, &b, &c, &d);
+    for (j=0; j<nsmth; j++) {
+        t = j;
+        rtrace[itbeg+j] = a*t*t*t+b*t*t+c*t+d;
+    }
+    x1 = 0.0;
+    z1 = rtrace[itmax-nsmth];
+//    dzdx1 = (rtrace[itmax-(nsmth-1)]-rtrace[itmax-(nsmth+1)])/(2.0);
+    dzdx1 = (rtrace[itmax-nsmth-2]-8.0*rtrace[itmax-nsmth-1]+
+             8.0*rtrace[itmax-nsmth+1]-rtrace[itmax-nsmth+2])/(12.0);
+    x2 = nsmth;
+    z2 = 0.0;
+    dzdx2 = 0.0;
+//    fprintf(stderr,"x1=%f z1=%f d=%f x2=%f, z2=%f d=%f\n",x1,z1,dzdx1,x2,z2,dzdx2);
+    spline3(x1, x2, z1, z2, dzdx1, dzdx2, &a, &b, &c, &d);
+    for (j=0; j<nsmth; j++) {
+        t = j;
+        rtrace[itmax-nsmth+j] = a*t*t*t+b*t*t+c*t+d;
+//        fprintf(stderr,"a=%f b=%f c=%f d=%f rtrace%d=%f \n",a,b,c,d,j,rtrace[itmax-nsmth+j]);
+    }
+    for (j=itbeg; j<itmax; j++) trace[j-itbeg] = rtrace[j];
+    free(ctrace);
+    free(rtrace);
+    return 0;
+float normal(double x,double mu,double sigma)
+    return (float)(1.0/(2.0*M_PI*sigma*sigma))*exp(-1.0*(((x-mu)*(x-mu))/(2.0*sigma*sigma)) );
+int comp (const float *a, const float *b)
+    if (*a==*b)
+        return 0;
+    else
+        if (*a < *b)
+    return -1;
+        else
+    return 1;
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/demo/FD_elastic.scr b/fdelmodc3D/demo/FD_elastic.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..31ab0ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/demo/FD_elastic.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+# Elastic decomposition
+# Source wavelet
+makewave dt=0.0004 nt=1024 w=fw fmin=0 flef=30 frig=30 fmax=$fmax t0=0.1 >
+#suxgraph < style=normal &
+# Subsurface model
+makemod \
+	cp0=$cp0 ro0=$ro0 cs0=$cs0 sizex=2000 sizez=1000 \
+	dx=2 dz=2 orig=0,0 writeint=1 \
+	intt=def poly=0 cp=$cp1,$cp1 ro=$ro1,$ro1 cs=$cs1,$cs1 x=0,2000 z=$z1,$z1 \
+	intt=def poly=0 cp=$cp2,$cp2 ro=$ro2,$ro2 cs=$cs2,$cs2 x=0,2000 z=$z2,$z2 \
+	verbose=1
+#FD Acoustic modeling, recording at Ocean bottom
+../fdelmodc \
+ \
+	ischeme=1 fmax=$fmax tmod=2 \
+ rec_delay=0.1 \
+	xrcv1=0 xrcv2=2000 dxrcv=10 zrcv1=$z1dzu zrcv2=$z1dzu \
+	rec_type_ud=1 rec_type_vz=1 rec_type_vx=1 rec_type_tzz=1 rec_type_txz=1  \
+	rec_int_vx=2 rec_int_vz=2 dtrcv=0.004 \
+	xsrc=1000 zsrc=10 src_type=1 src_orient=2  nshot=1 \
+	ntaper=200 left=4 right=4 bottom=4 top=4 \
+	verbose=1 
+#suximage < wbox=400 hbox=500 perc=99.9 windowtitle=Tzz_OBC title="Total Tzz at OBC" &
+#suximage < wbox=400 hbox=500 perc=99.9 windowtitle=Vz_OBC title="Total Vz at OBC" &
+#suximage < wbox=400 hbox=500 perc=99.9 windowtitle=Vx_OBC title="Total Vx at OBC" &
+#cat | \
+#suwind key=offset min=-400 max=400 tmin=0.20 tmax=2 j=60 | \
+#suxwigb xcur=1 wbox=1000 hbox=500 grid1=dash \
+#   title="Zoom of vx and vz with FD. Elastic Modeling" windowtitle=VX_VZ_FD &
+# Acoustic decomposition above the ocean bottom
+# 1- Downgoing wave field
+#	A) Pressure component
+kxdecom step=1 mode=0 col=1 row=1 cp=$cp0 ro=$ro0 cs=$cs0 nxmax=201 ntmax=501 nxfft=2048 ntfft=2048 alpha=-1 verbose=1
+#	B) Vertical velocity component
+kxdecom step=1 mode=0 col=2 row=1 cp=$cp0 ro=$ro0 cs=$cs0 nxmax=201 ntmax=501 nxfft=2048 ntfft=2048 alpha=-1 verbose=1 
+# 	C) Adding P and Vz to get P_Down, P+= +
+# 2- Upgoing wave field
+# 	A) Pressure component
+kxdecom step=1 mode=0 col=1 row=2 cp=$cp0 ro=$ro0 cs=$cs0 nxmax=201 ntmax=501 nxfft=2048 ntfft=2048 alpha=-1 verbose=1
+#	B) Vertical velocity component
+kxdecom step=1 mode=0 col=2 row=2 cp=$cp0 ro=$ro0 cs=$cs0 nxmax=201 ntmax=501 nxfft=2048 ntfft=2048 alpha=-1 verbose=1
+# 	C) Subtracting Vz from P to get P_up, P-= -
+addmul < > verbose=1
+#suximage < wbox=400 hbox=500 perc=99.9 windowtitle=P_Down_OBC title="Downgoing P at OBC" &
+#suximage < wbox=400 hbox=500 perc=99.9 windowtitle=P_Up_OBC title="Upugoing P at OBC" &
+#sleep 4
+#echo " " 1>&2
+#echo " " 1>&2
+#echo "Hit return to continue" 1>&2
+#read cont
+#FD Elastic modeling, recording just Ocean bottom
+fdelmodc \
+ \
+	ischeme=3 fmax=$fmax tmod=2 \
+ rec_delay=0.1 \
+	xrcv1=0 xrcv2=2000 dxrcv=10 zrcv1=$z1dzd zrcv2=$z1dzd rec_type_vz=1 rec_type_vx=1 rec_type_tzz=1 rec_type_txz=1  \
+	rec_int_vx=2 rec_int_vz=2 dtrcv=0.004 \
+	xsrc=1000 zsrc=10 src_type=1 src_orient=2  nshot=1 \
+	ntaper=200 left=4 right=4 bottom=4 top=4 \
+	verbose=1 
+# Elastic decomposition below the ocean bottom
+#|P+|       |Vx|       | 0|
+#|S+| = N1+ |Vz| + N2+ |-P|
+# 1- Downgoing P- wave
+#	A) Pressure component
+kxdecom step=1 mode=2 col=2 row=1 cp=$cp1 ro=$ro1 cs=$cs1 fmax=$fmax nxmax=201 ntmax=501 nxfft=2048 ntfft=2048 alpha=-1 verbose=1
+#	B) Horizontal velocity component
+kxdecom step=1 mode=1 col=1 row=1 cp=$cp1 ro=$ro1 cs=$cs1 fmax=$fmax nxmax=201 ntmax=501 nxfft=2048 ntfft=2048 alpha=-1 verbose=1
+#	C) Vertical velocity component
+kxdecom step=1 mode=1 col=2 row=1 cp=$cp1 ro=$ro1 cs=$cs1 fmax=$fmax nxmax=201 ntmax=501 nxfft=2048 ntfft=2048 alpha=-1 verbose=1
+# 	D) Adding -P and Vx first, then adding Vz to get Phi_Down,
+addmul < a=-1 | addmul > verbose=1
+# 2- Upgoing P- wave
+#	A) Pressure component
+kxdecom step=1 mode=-2 col=2 row=1 cp=$cp1 ro=$ro1 cs=$cs1 fmax=$fmax nxmax=201 ntmax=501 nxfft=2048 ntfft=2048 alpha=-1 verbose=1
+#	B) Horizontal velocity component
+kxdecom step=1 mode=-1 col=1 row=1 cp=$cp1 ro=$ro1 cs=$cs1 fmax=$fmax nxmax=201 ntmax=501 nxfft=2048 ntfft=2048 alpha=-1 verbose=1
+#	C) Vertical velocity component
+kxdecom step=1 mode=-1 col=2 row=1 cp=$cp1 ro=$ro1 cs=$cs1 fmax=$fmax nxmax=201 ntmax=501 nxfft=2048 ntfft=2048 alpha=-1 verbose=1
+# 	D) Adding -P and Vx first, then adding Vz to get Phi_Up,
+addmul < a=-1 | addmul > verbose=1
+suximage < wbox=400 hbox=500 perc=99.9 windowtitle=P_Wave_Down_obc title="Downgoing P-wave at OBC" &
+suximage < wbox=400 hbox=500 perc=99.9 windowtitle=P_Wave_Up_obc title="Upugoing P-wave at OBC" &
+sleep 4
+echo " " 1>&2
+echo " " 1>&2
+echo "Hit return to continue" 1>&2
+read cont
+#|P+|       |Vx|       | 0|
+#|S+| = N1+ |Vz| + N2+ |-P|
+# 3- Downgoing S- wave
+#	A) Pressure component
+kxdecom step=1 mode=2 col=2 row=2 cp=$cp1 ro=$ro1 cs=$cs1 fmax=$fmax nxmax=201 ntmax=501 nxfft=2048 ntfft=2048 alpha=-1 verbose=1
+#	B) Horizontal velocity component
+kxdecom step=1 mode=1 col=1 row=2 cp=$cp1 ro=$ro1 cs=$cs1 fmax=$fmax nxmax=201 ntmax=501 nxfft=2048 ntfft=2048 alpha=-1 verbose=1
+#	C) Vertical velocity component
+kxdecom step=1 mode=1 col=2 row=2 cp=$cp1 ro=$ro1 cs=$cs1 fmax=$fmax nxmax=201 ntmax=501 nxfft=2048 ntfft=2048 alpha=-1 verbose=1
+# 	D) Adding -P and Vx first, then adding Vz to get Psi_Down,
+addmul < a=-1 | addmul > verbose=1
+# 4- Upgoing S- wave
+#	A) Pressure component
+kxdecom step=1 mode=-2 col=2 row=2 cp=$cp1 ro=$ro1 cs=$cs1 fmax=$fmax nxmax=201 ntmax=501 nxfft=2048 ntfft=2048 alpha=-1 verbose=1
+#	B) Horizontal velocity component
+kxdecom step=1 mode=-1 col=1 row=2 cp=$cp1 ro=$ro1 cs=$cs1 fmax=$fmax nxmax=201 ntmax=501 nxfft=2048 ntfft=2048 alpha=-1 verbose=1 
+#	C) Vertical velocity component
+kxdecom step=1 mode=-1 col=2 row=2 cp=$cp1 ro=$ro1 cs=$cs1 fmax=$fmax nxmax=201 ntmax=501 nxfft=2048 ntfft=2048 alpha=-1 verbose=1
+# 	D) Adding -P and Vx first, then adding Vz to get Psi_Up,
+addmul < a=-1 | addmul > verbose=1
+suximage < wbox=400 hbox=500 perc=99.9 windowtitle=S_Wave_Down_obc title="Downgoing S-wave at OBC" &
+suximage < wbox=400 hbox=500 perc=99.9 windowtitle=S_Wave_Up_obc title="Upugoing S-wave at OBC" &
+sleep 5
+echo " " 1>&2
+echo " " 1>&2
+echo "Hit return to close the program" 1>&2
+read cont
+kill 0
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/demo/README b/fdelmodc3D/demo/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99732f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/demo/README
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+The scripts in this directory reproduce most of the pictures used in the manual. The Figure numbers below refer to the Figures in the manual
+All scripts use some commands from Seismic Unix (SU) to plot results or post-process the data. 
+==> Please make sure that SU is compiled without XDR (In $CWPROOT/Makefile.config make sure that XDRFLAG is NOT set). The SU output files of fdelmodc are base on local IEEE data. 
+clean: removes all *.su *.bin *.txt *.eps in the current directory 
+eps_for_manual.scr: the results of fdelmodc rand.scr in eps, used in Figure 6, 7, 8 
+fdelmodcrand.scr: generation of random source signatures placed at random positions 
+fdelmodc_srcrec.scr illustrates source and receiver positions, used in Figure 12 
+fdelmodc_taper.scr: the effect of (absorbing) tapering of the edges, used in Figure 5 
+fdelmodc_visco.scr wave propagation in visco-elastic medium, used in Figure 16 
+fdelmodc_circ.scr receivers placed on a circle, used in Figure18
+fdelmodc sourcepos.scr: different source distributions, used in Figure 17
+fdelmodc_plane.scr: plane wave at depth to receivers at the surface, including snapshots, used in Figure 14 
+fdelmodc_stab.scr illustrates dispersion and instability in snapshots, used in Figure 2 
+fdelmodc_topography.scr: source and receivers on topography, used in Figure19 
+model_flank.scr: builds a steep flank model, used in fdelmodc_srcrec.scr
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/demo/RcvTextInput.scr b/fdelmodc3D/demo/RcvTextInput.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..84a66f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/demo/RcvTextInput.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+#example from Max Holicki who implemented the rcv_txt= option
+# Make Wavelet & Model Files
+makewave verbose=2 dt=${dt} nt=1024 fp=5 shift=1 w=g2;
+makemod verbose=2 cp0=100 cs0=1 ro0=1 sizex=100 sizez=100 dx=1 dz=1 orig=0,0;
+# Test File Load 1
+printf "%s %s\n%s %s\n %s %s" 25 75 35 55 12 37.5 > RcvCoord1.txt;
+../fdelmodc \
+	ischeme=1 \
+	rcv_txt=RcvCoord1.txt rec_int_p=0 dtrcv=${dt} tmod=2.0 \
+	rec_type_pp=1 rec_type_vx=1 rec_type_vz=1 \
+	xsrc=50 zsrc=50 nshot=1 src_type=1 \
+	ntaper=50 verbose=5
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/demo/back_injrate_planes.scr b/fdelmodc3D/demo/back_injrate_planes.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a6411e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/demo/back_injrate_planes.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+export PATH=:$HOME/src/OpenSource/bin:$HOME/bin64:$PATH:
+makemod sizex=6000 sizez=1250 dx=$dx dz=$dx cp0=1500  ro0=1000 \
+        orig=-3000,0 file_base=tutodel${fast}.su verbose=2 \
+        intt=def x=-3000,-2000,-1000,0,1000,2000,3000 z=240,130,250,300,350,380,320 poly=2 cp=1950 ro=4500 grad=0 \
+        intt=def x=-3000,-2200,-1500,0,1300,2100,3000 z=620,640,590,600,740,700,600 poly=2 cp=2000 ro=1400 grad=0 \
+        intt=def x=-3000,-1800,0,2200,3000 z=920,1000,900,1000,1010 poly=2 cp=2300 ro=1600 grad=0
+#        intt=def x=-3000,-1800,0,2200,3000 z=920,1000,900,1000,1010 poly=2 cp=1500 ro=1000 grad=0
+makewave fp=30 dt=$dt file_out=wave${fast}.su nt=4096 t0=0.1 scale=1
+../fdelmodc \
+    file_cp=$file_cp ischeme=1 iorder=4 \
+    file_den=$file_ro \
+    file_src=wave${fast}.su \
+ \
+    src_type=1 \
+    src_injectionrate=1 \
+    rec_type_vz=1 \
+    rec_type_vx=1 \
+    rec_type_p=0 \
+    rec_int_vz=2 \
+    rec_int_vx=2 \
+    dtrcv=$dt \
+    rec_delay=0.1 \
+    verbose=4 \
+    tmod=4.4000 \
+    xrcv1=-3000,-3000,-3000,3000 xrcv2=3000,3000,-3000,3000 zrcv1=0,1200,0,0 zrcv2=0,1200,1200,1200 \
+    dxrcv=2.5,2.5,0,0 dzrcv=0,0,2.5,2.5 \
+    xsrc=0 zsrc=800  \
+    ntaper=35 \
+    left=2 right=2 top=2 bottom=2
+#    xrcv1=-3000,-3000,-3000,3000 xrcv2=3000,3000,-3000,3000 zrcv1=0,1200,0,0 zrcv2=0,1200,1200,1200 \
+#    dxrcv=2.5,2.5,0,0 dzrcv=0,0,2.5,2.5 \
+# 1500/2300
+suwind key=tracl min=1 max=2401 < >
+suwind key=tracl min=2402 max=4802 < | sugain scale=$scale >>
+suwind key=tracl min=1 max=2401 < | sutaper tr1=100 tr2=100 ntr=2401 >
+suwind key=tracl min=2402 max=4802 < | sutaper tr1=100 tr2=100 ntr=2401 | sugain scale=$scale >>
+suwind key=tracl min=1 max=2401 < >
+suwind key=tracl min=2402 max=4802 < | sugain scale=$scale >>
+suwind < key=tracl min=4803 max=5283 | sugain scale=$scale >
+suwind < key=tracl min=5284 max=5764 >>
+#good results with scaled Vz src_type=1 src_injectionrate=0 and Vz snapshots
+# suxmovie < loop=1 clip=30
+#good results with scaled Vz src_type=1 src_injectionrate=1 and Vz snapshots
+# suxmovie < loop=1 clip=4000
+# at 3.2000 seconds the focus is at t=0 
+../fdelmodc \
+    file_cp=$file_cp ischeme=1 iorder=4 \
+    file_den=$file_ro \
+ \
+ \
+    grid_dir=1 \
+    src_type=1 \
+    src_injectionrate=1 \
+    rec_type_vz=0 \
+    rec_type_p=1 \
+    rec_int_p=0 \
+    dtrcv=$dt \
+    rec_delay=0.0 \
+    verbose=4 \
+    tmod=5.0000 \
+    tsnap1=3.000 tsnap2=5.00 dtsnap=0.05 \
+    xsnap1=-1000 xsnap2=1000 \
+    ntaper=35 \
+    left=2 right=2 top=2 bottom=2
+#    tsnap1=4.200 tsnap2=4.50 dtsnap=0.004 \
+../fdelmodc \
+    file_cp=$file_cp ischeme=1 iorder=4 \
+    file_den=$file_ro \
+ \
+ \
+    grid_dir=1 \
+    src_type=1 \
+    src_injectionrate=1 \
+    rec_type_vz=0 \
+    rec_type_p=1 \
+    rec_int_p=0 \
+    dtrcv=$dt \
+    rec_delay=0.0 \
+    verbose=4 \
+    tmod=5.0000 \
+    tsnap1=3.000 tsnap2=5.00 dtsnap=0.05 \
+    xsnap1=-1000 xsnap2=1000 \
+    ntaper=35 \
+    left=2 right=2 top=2 bottom=2
+#    tsnap1=4.200 tsnap2=4.50 dtsnap=0.004 \
+suop2 op=sum w1=1 w2=-1 >
+#    tsnap1=3.200 tsnap2=3.50 dtsnap=0.004 \
+#    tsnap1=3.290 tsnap2=3.31 dtsnap=0.0005 \
+suop2 tutodel${fast} op=sum w1=1 w2=2000 | \
+    supsimage hbox=4 wbox=6 labelsize=10 \
+        x1beg=0 x1end=1250.0 legend=0 threecolor=1  \
+        d1s=1.0 d2s=1.0 \
+        wrgb=1.0,.5,0 grgb=0,.7,1.0 brgb=0,1.0,0 \
+        bps=24  bclip=2400 wclip=1500 \
+        n1tic=5 x2beg=-3000 f2num=-3000 d2num=1000 x2end=3000 > tutodelBackacq_cp.eps
+#sumax < mode=abs outpar=nep
+#clip=`cat nep | awk '{print $1/3}'`
+#sugain epow=1.2 < | \
+#        supsimage hbox=4 wbox=8 labelsize=10 linewidth=0.0 \
+#        n1tic=2 d2=2.5 f1=0.0 x1beg=0 x1end=3.004 \
+#        f2=0 f2num=0 d2num=1000 clip=$clip > inj_rate_rvz.eps
+sumax < ${file_snap} mode=abs outpar=nep
+clip=`cat nep | awk '{print $1/10}'`
+echo $clip
+for fldr in 27 32 22 17 12 7
+suwind key=fldr min=$fldr max=$fldr < ${file_snap} | \
+    supsimage hbox=4 wbox=6 labelsize=10 \
+    x1beg=0 x1end=1200.0 clip=$clip \
+    n1tic=5 x2beg=-1000 f2num=-1000 d2num=500 x2end=1000 > snapinj_rate_$fldr.eps
+suwind key=fldr min=27 max=27 < ${file_snap} | \
+	suwind key=gx min=0 max=0 | \
+    supsgraph hbox=6 wbox=2 labelsize=10 style=seismic \
+    x1beg=0 d1=2.5 f1=0 > snapinj_rate_27_trace0_t0.eps
+suwind key=fldr min=27 max=27 < ${file_snap} | \
+	suwind key=gx itmin=321 itmax=321 | sustrip > trace.bin 
+    suaddhead < trace.bin n1=801 dt=25 | supsgraph hbox=2 wbox=6 labelsize=10 \
+    f1=-1000 d1=$dx f1num=-1000 d1num=500 style=normal > snapinj_rate_27_z800_t0.eps
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/demo/back_injrate_planes_1D.scr b/fdelmodc3D/demo/back_injrate_planes_1D.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8b27f35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/demo/back_injrate_planes_1D.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+export PATH=:$HOME/src/OpenSource/bin:$HOME/bin64:$PATH:
+makemod sizex=6000 sizez=1250 dx=$dx dz=$dx cp0=1500  ro0=1000 \
+        orig=-3000,0 file_base=tutodel${fast}.su verbose=2 \
+        intt=def x=-3000,3000 z=240,240 cp=1950 ro=4500 grad=0 \
+        intt=def x=-3000,3000 z=620,620 cp=1500 ro=1000 grad=0 
+makewave w=fw fmin=0 flef=5 frig=80 fmax=100  dt=$dt nt=4096 t0=0.4 scale=0 scfft=1
+makewave fp=30 dt=$dt file_out=wave${fast}.su nt=4096 t0=0.1 scale=1
+fdelmodc \
+    file_cp=$file_cp ischeme=1 iorder=4 \
+    file_den=$file_ro \
+    file_src=wave${fast}.su \
+ \
+    src_type=1 \
+    src_injectionrate=1 \
+    rec_type_vz=1 \
+    rec_type_p=1 \
+    rec_int_vz=2 \
+    rec_int_vx=2 \
+    dtrcv=$dt \
+    rec_delay=0.0 \
+    verbose=1 \
+    tmod=4.4000 \
+    xrcv1=-3000,-3000 xrcv2=3000,3000 zrcv1=0,1200 zrcv2=0,1200 \
+    dxrcv=2.5,2.5 dzrcv=0,0 \
+    xsrc=0 zsrc=800  \
+    ntaper=400 \
+    left=4 right=4 top=4 bottom=4
+#    xrcv1=-3000,-3000,-3000,3000 xrcv2=3000,3000,-3000,3000 zrcv1=0,1200,0,0 zrcv2=0,1200,1200,1200 \
+#    dxrcv=2.5,2.5,0,0 dzrcv=0,0,2.5,2.5 \
+suwind key=tracl min=1 max=2401 < >
+suwind key=tracl min=2402 max=4802 < | sugain scale=$scale >>
+suwind key=tracl min=1 max=2401 < >
+suwind key=tracl min=2402 max=4802 < | sugain scale=$scale >>
+#suwind key=tracl min=2402 max=4802 < | sugain scale=$scale >
+#good results with scaled Vz src_type=1 src_injectionrate=0 and Vz snapshots
+# suxmovie < loop=1 clip=30
+#good results with scaled Vz src_type=1 src_injectionrate=1 and Vz snapshots
+# suxmovie < loop=1 clip=4000
+fdelmodc \
+    file_cp=$file_cp ischeme=1 iorder=4 \
+    file_den=$file_ro \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+    grid_dir=1 \
+    src_type=1 \
+    src_injectionrate=1 \
+    rec_type_vz=0 \
+    rec_type_p=1 \
+    rec_int_p=0 \
+    dtrcv=$dt \
+    rec_delay=0.0 \
+    verbose=1 \
+    tmod=5.0000 \
+    tsnap1=4.200 tsnap2=4.50 dtsnap=0.004 \
+	xsnap1=-1000 xsnap2=1000 \
+    ntaper=400 \
+    left=4 right=4 top=4 bottom=4
+fdelmodc \
+    file_cp=$file_cp ischeme=1 iorder=4 \
+    file_den=$file_ro \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+    grid_dir=1 \
+    src_type=1 \
+    src_injectionrate=0 \
+    rec_type_vz=0 \
+    rec_type_p=1 \
+    rec_int_p=0 \
+    dtrcv=$dt \
+    rec_delay=0.0 \
+    verbose=4 \
+    tmod=4.0000 \
+    tsnap1=3.200 tsnap2=3.50 dtsnap=0.004 \
+    ntaper=400 \
+    left=4 right=4 top=4 bottom=4
+suop2 op=sum w1=1 w2=1 >
+sumax < mode=abs outpar=nep
+clip=`cat nep | awk '{print $1/3}'`
+echo $clip
+sugain epow=1.2 < | \
+        supsimage hbox=4 wbox=8 labelsize=10 linewidth=0.0 \
+        n1tic=2 d2=2.5 f1=0.0 x1beg=0 x1end=3.004 \
+        f2=0 f2num=0 d2num=1000 clip=$clip > inj_rate_rvz.eps
+for fldr in 27 32 22 17 12 7
+suwind key=fldr min=$fldr max=$fldr < | \
+    supsimage hbox=4 wbox=6 labelsize=10 \
+    x1beg=0 x1end=1200.0 clip=30 \
+    n1tic=5 x2beg=-3000 f2num=-3000 d2num=1000 x2end=3000 > snapinj_rate_$fldr.eps
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/demo/back_injrate_planes_1Dlong.scr b/fdelmodc3D/demo/back_injrate_planes_1Dlong.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a0d7341
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/demo/back_injrate_planes_1Dlong.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+export PATH=:$HOME/src/OpenSource/bin:$HOME/bin64:$PATH:
+makemod sizex=12000 sizez=1250 dx=$dx dz=$dx cp0=1500  ro0=1000 \
+        orig=-6000,0 verbose=2 \
+        intt=def x=-6000,6000 z=240,240 cp=1950 ro=4500 grad=0 \
+        intt=def x=-6000,6000 z=620,620 cp=1500 ro=1000 grad=0 
+makewave w=fw fmin=0 flef=5 frig=80 fmax=100  dt=$dt nt=4096 t0=0.4 scale=0 scfft=1
+makewave fp=30 dt=$dt file_out=wave${fast}.su nt=4096 t0=0.1 scale=1
+fdelmodc \
+    file_cp=$file_cp ischeme=1 iorder=4 \
+    file_den=$file_ro \
+    file_src=wave${fast}.su \
+ \
+    src_type=1 \
+    src_injectionrate=1 \
+    rec_type_vz=1 \
+    rec_type_p=1 \
+    rec_int_vz=2 \
+    rec_int_vx=2 \
+    dtrcv=$dt \
+    rec_delay=0.0 \
+    verbose=4 \
+    tmod=5.4000 \
+    xrcv1=-6000,-6000 xrcv2=6000,6000 zrcv1=0,1200 zrcv2=0,1200 \
+    dxrcv=2.5,2.5 dzrcv=0,0 \
+    xsrc=0 zsrc=800  \
+    ntaper=400 \
+    left=4 right=4 top=4 bottom=4
+#    xrcv1=-3000,-3000,-3000,3000 xrcv2=3000,3000,-3000,3000 zrcv1=0,1200,0,0 zrcv2=0,1200,1200,1200 \
+#    dxrcv=2.5,2.5,0,0 dzrcv=0,0,2.5,2.5 \
+suwind key=tracl min=1 max=4801 < >
+suwind key=tracl min=4802 max=9602 < | sugain scale=$scale >>
+suwind key=tracl min=1 max=4801 < >
+suwind key=tracl min=4802 max=9602 < | sugain scale=$scale >>
+suwind key=tracl min=4802 max=9602 < | sugain scale=$scale >
+#good results with scaled Vz src_type=1 src_injectionrate=0 and Vz snapshots
+# suxmovie < loop=1 clip=30
+#good results with scaled Vz src_type=1 src_injectionrate=1 and Vz snapshots
+# suxmovie < loop=1 clip=4000
+fdelmodc \
+    file_cp=$file_cp ischeme=1 iorder=4 \
+    file_den=$file_ro \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+    grid_dir=1 \
+    src_type=1 \
+    src_injectionrate=1 \
+    rec_type_vz=0 \
+    rec_type_p=1 \
+    rec_int_p=0 \
+	fmax=120 \
+    dtrcv=$dt \
+    rec_delay=0.0 \
+    verbose=4 \
+    tmod=5.5000 \
+    tsnap1=5.200 tsnap2=5.50 dtsnap=0.004 \
+	xsnap1=-1000 xsnap2=1000 \
+    ntaper=400 \
+    left=4 right=4 top=4 bottom=4
+fdelmodc \
+    file_cp=$file_cp ischeme=1 iorder=4 \
+    file_den=$file_ro \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+    grid_dir=1 \
+    src_type=1 \
+    src_injectionrate=1 \
+    rec_type_vz=0 \
+    rec_type_p=1 \
+    rec_int_p=0 \
+    dtrcv=$dt \
+    rec_delay=0.0 \
+    verbose=4 \
+    tmod=5.5000 \
+    tsnap1=5.200 tsnap2=5.50 dtsnap=0.004 \
+	xsnap1=-1000 xsnap2=1000 \
+    ntaper=400 \
+    left=4 right=4 top=4 bottom=4
+#    tsnap1=3.200 tsnap2=3.50 dtsnap=0.004 \
+suop2 op=sum w1=1 w2=1 >
+sumax < mode=abs outpar=nep
+clip=`cat nep | awk '{print $1/3}'`
+echo $clip
+sugain epow=1.2 < | \
+        supsimage hbox=4 wbox=8 labelsize=10 linewidth=0.0 \
+        n1tic=2 d2=2.5 f1=0.0 x1beg=0 x1end=3.004 \
+        f2=0 f2num=0 d2num=1000 clip=$clip > inj_rate_rvz.eps
+for fldr in 27 32 22 17 12 7
+suwind key=fldr min=$fldr max=$fldr < | \
+    supsimage hbox=4 wbox=6 labelsize=10 \
+    x1beg=0 x1end=1200.0 clip=30 \
+    n1tic=5 x2beg=-3000 f2num=-3000 d2num=1000 x2end=3000 > snapinj_rate_$fldr.eps
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/demo/benchmark.scr b/fdelmodc3D/demo/benchmark.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e176dfc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/demo/benchmark.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+makemod sizex=6000 sizez=4000 dx=$dx dz=$dx cp0=$cp cs0=$cs ro0=$rho \
+    orig=-3000,-1000 \
+    intt=def x=-3000,0,3000 z=250,250,250 poly=0 cp=2300 ro=5000 \
+    intt=def x=-3000,-2000,-1000,-800,0,800,3000 z=650,650,700,750,900,750,600 poly=2 cp=2600 ro=1000 \
+    intt=def x=-3000,0,3000 z=1390,1390,1390 poly=0 cp=2000 ro=5000
+makewave fp=20 dt=$dt nt=4096 t0=0.1
+set -x
+../fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+ \
+    file_rcv=shot_xsrc${xsrc}.su \
+    src_type=7 \
+    src_orient=1 \
+    src_injectionrate=1 \
+    rec_type_vz=0 \
+    rec_type_p=1 \
+    rec_int_vz=2 \
+    dtrcv=0.004 \
+    rec_delay=0.1 \
+    verbose=2 \
+    tmod=4.10 \
+    dxrcv=10.0 \
+    xrcv1=-2250 xrcv2=2250 \
+    zrcv1=0 zrcv2=0 \
+    xsrc=0 zsrc=1150 \
+    ntaper=200 \
+    left=2 right=2 top=1 bottom=2
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/demo/boundaries.scr b/fdelmodc3D/demo/boundaries.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e478661
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/demo/boundaries.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+#PBS -N fdelmodc
+#PBS -k eo
+#PBS -j eo
+# Models plane wave at depth to receivers at the surface, including snapshots
+ set -vx
+export PATH=../../utils:$PATH:
+makewave dt=0.001 nt=1024 fp=13 t0=0.1 w=g2 verbose=1
+makemod \
+       cp0=1500 ro0=1000 cs0=600 sizex=1200 sizez=1200 \
+        dx=3 dz=3 orig=0,0
+../fdelmodc \
+	file_cp=$filecp file_cs=$filecs file_den=$filero \
+	ischeme=3 \
+	src_type=1 src_orient=1 tmod=2.0  \
+ verbose=2 \
+ \
+ \
+	xrcv1=0 xrcv2=2100 dxrcv=15 \
+	zrcv1=400 zrcv2=400 \
+	rec_type_vx=1 rec_type_pp=1 rec_type_ss=1 rec_int_vx=1 \
+	dtrcv=0.004 \
+	xsrc=600 zsrc=600 \
+	tapfact=0.20 \
+	top=1 left=1 right=1 bottom=1 \
+	tsnap1=0.1 tsnap2=3.0 dtsnap=0.1 \
+	sna_type_ss=1 sna_type_p=1 sna_type_txz=1 sna_type_tzz=1
+../fdelmodc \
+	file_cp=$filecp file_cs=$filecs file_den=$filero \
+	ischeme=3 \
+ verbose=4 \
+ \
+ \
+	xrcv1=0 xrcv2=2100 dxrcv=15 \
+	zrcv1=400 zrcv2=400 \
+	rec_type_vx=1 rec_type_pp=1 rec_type_ss=1 rec_int_vx=1 \
+	dtrcv=0.004 \
+	xsrc=1000 zsrc=1700 \
+	src_type=8 src_orient=1 tmod=2.0  \
+	top=4 left=4 right=4 bottom=4 \
+	tsnap1=0.1 tsnap2=3.0 dtsnap=0.1 \
+	sna_type_ss=1 sna_type_pp=1
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/demo/clean b/fdelmodc3D/demo/clean
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..085f055
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/demo/clean
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+rm *.su *.bin *.txt *.eps nep
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/demo/compare_green_dtxd_invariant.scr b/fdelmodc3D/demo/compare_green_dtxd_invariant.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2433c40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/demo/compare_green_dtxd_invariant.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=2
+#PBS -N InterfModeling
+#PBS -V
+# source construction shown in Figure A2-A3-A4, 150 s.
+halfdt=`perl -e "print 0.5*$dt;"`
+export PATH=../../bin:$PATH
+######### MONOPOLE ACOUSTIC #######
+for dx in 2.5 5
+for dt in 0.0001 0.0005
+makemod sizex=2000 sizez=2000 dx=$dx dz=$dx cp0=$cp ro0=$rho orig=-1000,0
+makewave fp=15 dt=$dt nt=4096 t0=0.1
+../fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+    src_type=1 \
+    rec_type_p=1 \
+    rec_int_vz=2 \
+    dtrcv=0.005 \
+    src_injectionrate=1 \
+    verbose=2 \
+    tmod=0.5115 \
+    dxrcv=5.0 \
+    xrcv1=-500 xrcv2=500 \
+    zrcv1=500 zrcv2=500 \
+    xsrc=0 zsrc=1000 \
+    ntaper=80 \
+	left=4 right=4 bottom=4 top=4
+suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < > trace3_fd${dx}_${dt}.su
+(suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < | basop choice=shift shift=$halfdt; suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < ) | basop choice=shift shift=-0.1 | suxgraph 
+# rvz
+(suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < ; suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < ) | basop choice=shift shift=-0.1 | supsgraph style=normal labelsize=10 wbox=4 hbox=2 label1='time in seconds' label2="Amplitude" linewidth=0.1 d2num=2e-8 f2num=-4e-8 x2end=4e-8 x2beg=-2.7e-8 > mon_rvz.eps
+(suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < ; suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < ) | basop choice=shift shift=-0.1 | supsgraph style=normal labelsize=10 wbox=2 hbox=2 label1='time in seconds' label2="Amplitude" linewidth=0.1 linecolor=red,green d2num=2e-10 f2num=3.86e-8 x2end=3.96e-8 x2beg=3.86e-8 x1beg=0.255 x1end=0.258 > mon_zoom_rvz.eps
+suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < >
+suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < >
+sumax < outpar=nep
+Mmax=`cat nep | awk '{print $1}'`
+a=`perl -e "print 100.0/$Mmax;"`
+echo $a
+sudiff | basop choice=shift shift=-0.1 | sugain scale=$a | suop op=abs | supsgraph style=normal labelsize=12 wbox=4 hbox=2 label1='time in seconds' label2="Relative error in percentage of peak" linewidth=0.1 linecolor=red  x2beg=0.0 x2end=1.0 f2num=0.0 d2num=0.5   > mon_diff_dx${dx}_rvz.eps
+(suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < ; suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < | basop choice=shift shift=-0.1 | suxgraph
+######### DIPOLE ACOUSTIC #######
+makewave fp=15 dt=$dt nt=4096 t0=0.1
+../fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+    src_type=1 \
+    src_orient=2 \
+    rec_type_p=1 \
+    rec_int_vz=2 \
+    dtrcv=0.0005 \
+    verbose=2 \
+    tmod=0.5115 \
+    dxrcv=5.0 \
+    xrcv1=-500 xrcv2=500 \
+    zrcv1=500 zrcv2=500 \
+    xsrc=0 zsrc=1000 \
+    ntaper=80 \
+	left=4 right=4 bottom=4 top=4
+makewave fp=15 dt=0.0005 nt=4096 t0=0.1
+green c=$cp rho=$rho zsrc1=500 xrcv=-500,500 dxrcv=5 nt=4096 dip=1 verbose=1 | suwind nt=1024 >  
+green c=$cp rho=$rho zsrc1=500 xrcv=-500,500 dxrcv=5 nt=4096 p_vz=1 dip=1 verbose=1  | suwind nt=1024 > 
+shift=`perl -e "print 0.5*$dx/$cp;"`
+# rp
+(suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < | basop choice=shift shift=-$shift; suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < ) | basop choice=shift shift=-0.1 | supsgraph style=normal titlesize=-1 labelsize=10 wbox=4 hbox=2 label1='time in seconds' label2="Amplitude" linewidth=0.1 linecolor=red,green d2num=0.5 xend=2.0 f2num=-1.5> dip_rp.eps 
+(suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < | basop choice=shift shift=-$shift; suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < ) | basop choice=shift shift=-0.1 | supsgraph style=normal labelsize=10 wbox=2 hbox=2 label1='time in seconds' label2="Amplitude" linewidth=0.1 linecolor=red,green  x2beg=1.8 x1beg=0.2430 x1end=0.24601 f1num=0.243 d1num=0.002 > dip_zoom_rp.eps
+suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < | basop choice=shift shift=-$shift >
+suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 <  >
+sumax < outpar=nep
+Mmax=`cat nep | awk '{print $1}'`
+a=`perl -e "print 100.0/$Mmax;"`
+echo $a
+sudiff | basop choice=shift shift=-0.1 | sugain scale=$a | suop op=abs | supsgraph style=normal labelsize=12 wbox=4 hbox=2 label1='time in seconds' label2="Relative error in percentage of peak" linewidth=0.1 linecolor=red  x2beg=0.0 x2end=1.0 f2num=0.0 d2num=0.5 > dip_diff_dx${dx}_rp.eps
+(suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < | basop choice=shift shift=-$shift ; suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < ) |  basop choice=shift shift=-0.1 | suxgraph
+# rvz
+(suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < | basop choice=shift shift=-$shift; suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < ) | basop choice=shift shift=-0.1 | supsgraph style=normal labelsize=10 wbox=4 hbox=2 label1='time in seconds' label2="Amplitude" linewidth=0.1 linecolor=red,green d2num=6e-10 f2num=-1.2e-9 x2end=2e-9 x2beg=-1.3e-9 > dip_rvz.eps
+(suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < | basop choice=shift shift=-$shift; suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < ) | basop choice=shift shift=-0.1 | supsgraph style=normal labelsize=10 wbox=2 hbox=2 label1='time in seconds' label2="Amplitude" linewidth=0.1 linecolor=red,green d2num=2e-11 f2num=1.85e-9 x2end=1.944e-9 x2beg=1.85e-9 x1beg=0.2430 x1end=0.24601 f1num=0.243 d1num=0.002 > dip_zoom_rvz.eps
+suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < | basop choice=shift shift=-$shift >
+suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < >
+sumax < outpar=nep
+Mmax=`cat nep | awk '{print $1}'`
+a=`perl -e "print 100.0/$Mmax;"`
+echo $a
+sudiff | basop choice=shift shift=-0.1 | sugain scale=$a | suop op=abs | supsgraph style=normal labelsize=12 wbox=4 hbox=2 label1='time in seconds' label2="Relative error in percentage of peak" linewidth=0.1 linecolor=red  x2beg=0.0 x2end=1.0 f2num=0.0 d2num=0.5  > dip_diff_dx${dx}_rvz.eps
+(suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < | basop choice=shift shift=-$shift; suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < ) | basop choice=shift shift=-0.1 | suxgraph
+######### ELASTIC #######
+makemod sizex=2000 sizez=2000 dx=$dx dz=$dx cp0=$cp cs0=$cs ro0=$rho orig=-1000,0
+makewave fp=15 dt=$dt nt=4096 t0=0.1
+../fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=3 \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+    src_type=6 \
+    rec_type_vz=1 \
+    rec_int_vz=2 \
+    dtrcv=0.0005 \
+    verbose=2 \
+    tmod=0.5115 \
+    dxrcv=5.0 \
+    xrcv1=-500 xrcv2=500 \
+    zrcv1=500 zrcv2=500 \
+    xsrc=0 zsrc=1000 \
+    ntaper=80 \
+	left=4 right=4 bottom=4 top=4
+makewave fp=15 dt=0.0005 nt=4096 t0=0.1
+green c=$cp cs=$cs rho=$rho zsrc1=500 xrcv=-500,500 dxrcv=5 nt=4096 Fx=1 | suwind nt=1024 >
+ (suwind key=tracl min=51 max=51 < ; suwind key=tracl min=51 max=51 < | basop choice=shift shift=-0.1 | suxgraph
+../fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=3 \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+    src_type=7 \
+    rec_type_vz=1 \
+    rec_int_vz=0 \
+    dtrcv=0.0005 \
+    verbose=2 \
+    tmod=0.5115 \
+    dxrcv=5.0 \
+    xrcv1=-500 xrcv2=500 \
+    zrcv1=500 zrcv2=500 \
+    xsrc=0 zsrc=1000 \
+    ntaper=80 \
+	left=4 right=4 bottom=4 top=4
+green c=$cp cs=$cs rho=$rho zsrc1=500 xrcv=-500,500 dxrcv=5 nt=4096 Fz=1 | suwind nt=1024 >
+ (suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < ; suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < | basop choice=shift shift=-0.1 | suxgraph
+######### DIPOLE ELASTIC #######
+######### SURFACE WAVES #######
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/demo/compare_green_inmanual.scr b/fdelmodc3D/demo/compare_green_inmanual.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..aeb0d2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/demo/compare_green_inmanual.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=2
+#PBS -N InterfModeling
+#PBS -V
+# source construction shown in Figure A2-A3-A4, 150 s.
+export PATH=../../bin:$PATH
+makemod sizex=2000 sizez=2000 dx=$dx dz=$dx cp0=$cp ro0=$rho orig=-1000,0
+makewave fp=15 dt=$dt nt=4096 t0=0.1
+######### MONOPOLE ACOUSTIC #######
+../fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+    src_type=1 \
+    rec_type_p=1 \
+    rec_int_vz=2 \
+    dtrcv=0.0005 \
+    verbose=2 \
+    tmod=0.5115 \
+    dxrcv=5.0 \
+    xrcv1=-500 xrcv2=500 \
+    zrcv1=500 zrcv2=500 \
+    xsrc=0 zsrc=1000 \
+    ntaper=80 \
+    left=4 right=4 bottom=4 top=4
+makewave fp=15 dt=0.0005 nt=4096 t0=0.1
+green c=$cp rho=$rho zsrc1=500 xrcv=-500,500 dxrcv=5 nt=4096 dip=0 verbose=1 | suwind nt=1024 >  
+green c=$cp rho=$rho zsrc1=500 xrcv=-500,500 dxrcv=5 nt=4096 dip=0 p_vz=1 verbose=1  | suwind nt=1024 >
+# rp
+(suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < ; suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < ) | basop choice=shift shift=-0.1 | supsgraph style=normal  labelsize=10 wbox=4 hbox=2 label1='time in seconds' label2="Amplitude" linewidth=0.1 linecolor=red,green d2num=10 x2end=40 f2num=-40 > mon_rp.eps
+(suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < ; suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 <;) | basop choice=shift shift=-0.1 | supsgraph style=normal labelsize=10 wbox=2 hbox=2 label1='time in seconds' label2="Amplitude" linewidth=0.1 linecolor=red,green x1beg=0.255 x1end=0.258 x2beg=39.5 > mon_zoom_rp.eps
+suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 <  >
+suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < >
+sumax < outpar=nep
+Mmax=`cat nep | awk '{print $1}'`
+a=`perl -e "print 100.0/$Mmax;"`
+echo $a
+sudiff | basop choice=shift shift=-0.1 | sugain scale=$a | suop op=abs | supsgraph style=normal labelsize=12 wbox=4 hbox=2 label1='time in seconds' label2="Relative error in percentage of peak" linewidth=0.1 linecolor=red x2beg=0.0 x2end=1.0 f2num=0.0 d2num=0.5  > mon_diff_dx${dx}_rp.eps
+(suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 <; suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < ) | basop choice=shift shift=-0.1 | suxgraph 
+# rvz
+(suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < ; suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < ) | basop choice=shift shift=-0.1 | supsgraph style=normal labelsize=10 wbox=4 hbox=2 label1='time in seconds' label2="Amplitude" linewidth=0.1 linecolor=red,green d2num=1e-5 f2num=-2e-5 x2end=1.5e-5 x2beg=-2e-5 > mon_rvz.eps
+(suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < ; suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < ) | basop choice=shift shift=-0.1 | sugain scale=-1 | supsgraph style=normal labelsize=10 wbox=2 hbox=2 label1='time in seconds' label2="Amplitude" linewidth=0.1 linecolor=red,green d2num=5e-8 f2num=1.96e-5 x2end=1.98e-5 x2beg=1.96e-5 f1=0 x1beg=0.255 x1end=0.258 > mon_zoom_rvz.eps
+suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < >
+suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < >
+sumax < outpar=nep
+Mmax=`cat nep | awk '{print $1}'`
+a=`perl -e "print 100.0/$Mmax;"`
+echo $a
+sudiff | basop choice=shift shift=-0.1 | sugain scale=$a | suop op=abs | supsgraph style=normal labelsize=12 wbox=4 hbox=2 label1='time in seconds' label2="Relative error in percentage of peak" linewidth=0.1 linecolor=red  x2beg=0.0 x2end=1.0 f2num=0.0 d2num=0.5   > mon_diff_dx${dx}_rvz.eps
+(suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < ; suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < | basop choice=shift shift=-0.1 | suxgraph
+######### DIPOLE ACOUSTIC #######
+makewave fp=15 dt=$dt nt=4096 t0=0.1
+../fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+    src_type=1 \
+    src_orient=2 \
+    rec_type_p=1 \
+    rec_int_vz=2 \
+    dtrcv=0.0005 \
+    verbose=2 \
+    tmod=0.5115 \
+    dxrcv=5.0 \
+    xrcv1=-500 xrcv2=500 \
+    zrcv1=500 zrcv2=500 \
+    xsrc=0 zsrc=1000 \
+    ntaper=80 \
+	left=4 right=4 bottom=4 top=4
+makewave fp=15 dt=0.0005 nt=4096 t0=0.1
+green c=$cp rho=$rho zsrc1=500 xrcv=-500,500 dxrcv=5 nt=4096 dip=1 verbose=1 | suwind nt=1024 >  
+green c=$cp rho=$rho zsrc1=500 xrcv=-500,500 dxrcv=5 nt=4096 p_vz=1 dip=1 verbose=1  | suwind nt=1024 > 
+shift=`perl -e "print 0.5*$dx/$cp;"`
+# rp
+(suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < | basop choice=shift shift=-$shift; suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < ) | basop choice=shift shift=-0.1 | supsgraph style=normal titlesize=-1 labelsize=10 wbox=4 hbox=2 label1='time in seconds' label2="Amplitude" linewidth=0.1 linecolor=red,green d2num=0.5 xend=2.0 f2num=-1.5> dip_rp.eps 
+(suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < | basop choice=shift shift=-$shift; suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < ) | basop choice=shift shift=-0.1 | supsgraph style=normal labelsize=10 wbox=2 hbox=2 label1='time in seconds' label2="Amplitude" linewidth=0.1 linecolor=red,green  x2beg=1.8 x1beg=0.2430 x1end=0.24601 f1num=0.243 d1num=0.002 > dip_zoom_rp.eps
+suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < | basop choice=shift shift=-$shift >
+suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 <  >
+sumax < outpar=nep
+Mmax=`cat nep | awk '{print $1}'`
+a=`perl -e "print 100.0/$Mmax;"`
+echo $a
+sudiff | basop choice=shift shift=-0.1 | sugain scale=$a | suop op=abs | supsgraph style=normal labelsize=12 wbox=4 hbox=2 label1='time in seconds' label2="Relative error in percentage of peak" linewidth=0.1 linecolor=red  x2beg=0.0 x2end=1.0 f2num=0.0 d2num=0.5 > dip_diff_dx${dx}_rp.eps
+(suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < | basop choice=shift shift=-$shift ; suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < ) |  basop choice=shift shift=-0.1 | suxgraph
+# rvz
+(suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < | basop choice=shift shift=-$shift; suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < ) | basop choice=shift shift=-0.1 | supsgraph style=normal labelsize=10 wbox=4 hbox=2 label1='time in seconds' label2="Amplitude" linewidth=0.1 linecolor=red,green d2num=6e-10 f2num=-1.2e-9 x2end=2e-9 x2beg=-1.3e-9 > dip_rvz.eps
+(suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < | basop choice=shift shift=-$shift; suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < ) | basop choice=shift shift=-0.1 | sugain scale=-1 | supsgraph style=normal labelsize=10 wbox=2 hbox=2 label1='time in seconds' label2="Amplitude" linewidth=0.1 linecolor=red,green d2num=5e-9 f2num=9.5e-7 x2end=9.78e-7 x2beg=9.5e-7 x1beg=0.2430 x1end=0.24601 f1=0 f1num=0.243 d1num=0.002 > dip_zoom_rvz.eps
+suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < | basop choice=shift shift=-$shift >
+suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < >
+sumax < outpar=nep
+Mmax=`cat nep | awk '{print $1}'`
+a=`perl -e "print 100.0/$Mmax;"`
+echo $a
+sudiff | basop choice=shift shift=-0.1 | sugain scale=$a | suop op=abs | supsgraph style=normal labelsize=12 wbox=4 hbox=2 label1='time in seconds' label2="Relative error in percentage of peak" linewidth=0.1 linecolor=red  x2beg=0.0 x2end=1.0 f2num=0.0 d2num=0.5  > dip_diff_dx${dx}_rvz.eps
+(suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < | basop choice=shift shift=-$shift; suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < ) | basop choice=shift shift=-0.1 | suxgraph
+######### ELASTIC #######
+makemod sizex=2000 sizez=2000 dx=$dx dz=$dx cp0=$cp cs0=$cs ro0=$rho orig=-1000,0
+makewave fp=15 dt=$dt nt=4096 t0=0.1
+../fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=3 \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+    src_type=6 \
+    rec_type_vz=1 \
+    rec_int_vz=2 \
+    dtrcv=0.0005 \
+    verbose=2 \
+    tmod=0.5115 \
+    dxrcv=5.0 \
+    xrcv1=-500 xrcv2=500 \
+    zrcv1=500 zrcv2=500 \
+    xsrc=0 zsrc=1000 \
+    ntaper=80 \
+	left=4 right=4 bottom=4 top=4
+makewave fp=15 dt=0.0005 nt=4096 t0=0.1
+green c=$cp cs=$cs rho=$rho zsrc1=500 xrcv=-500,500 dxrcv=5 nt=4096 Fx=1 | suwind nt=1024 >
+ (suwind key=tracl min=51 max=51 < ; suwind key=tracl min=51 max=51 < | basop choice=shift shift=-0.1 | suxgraph
+../fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=3 \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+    src_type=7 \
+    rec_type_vz=1 \
+    rec_int_vz=0 \
+    dtrcv=0.0005 \
+    verbose=2 \
+    tmod=0.5115 \
+    dxrcv=5.0 \
+    xrcv1=-500 xrcv2=500 \
+    zrcv1=500 zrcv2=500 \
+    xsrc=0 zsrc=1000 \
+    ntaper=80 \
+	left=4 right=4 bottom=4 top=4
+green c=$cp cs=$cs rho=$rho zsrc1=500 xrcv=-500,500 dxrcv=5 nt=4096 Fz=1 | suwind nt=1024 >
+ (suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < ; suwind key=tracl min=101 max=101 < | basop choice=shift shift=-0.1 | suxgraph
+######### DIPOLE ELASTIC #######
+######### SURFACE WAVES #######
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/demo/decompfree.scr b/fdelmodc3D/demo/decompfree.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..070c3fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/demo/decompfree.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+#PBS -N fdelmod
+#PBS -q verylong
+#PBS -l nodes=7
+#PBS -k eo
+#PBS -j eo
+which makewave
+which makemod
+makemod sizex=3000 sizez=1000 dx=$dx dz=$dx cp0=$cp ro0=$rho cs0=0 \
+	orig=-1500,0 \
+	intt=def x=-1500,0,1500 z=200,200,200 poly=0 cp=2300 ro=2000 cs=0 \
+	intt=def x=-1500,0,1500 z=500,500,500 poly=0 cp=2100 ro=1400 cs=0
+    verbose=1 
+makewave fp=20 dt=$dt nt=4096 t0=0.1 
+../fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+    src_type=7 \
+    verbose=4 \
+	src_orient=2 \
+	src_injectionrate=1 \
+    nshot=2 \
+    dxshot=50 \
+    rec_type_ud=1 \
+    rec_int_vz=3 \
+    dtrcv=0.0010 \
+	rec_delay=0.1 \
+    tmod=1.10 \
+    dxrcv=8.0 \
+    xrcv1=-1500 xrcv2=1500 \
+    zrcv1=0 zrcv2=0 \
+    xsrc=100 zsrc=0 \
+    ntaper=300 \
+    left=4 right=4 top=1 bottom=4
+#sfsuread < tfile=tfile.rsf endian=0>model.rsf
+#sfsuread < tfile=tfile.rsf endian=0>wave.rsf
+#sfsuread < tfile=tfile.rsf endian=0>shotu.rsf
+#sfsuread < tfile=tfile.rsf endian=0>shotp.rsf
+#sfsuread < tfile=tfile.rsf endian=0>shotd.rsf
+#sfsuread < tfile=tfile.rsf endian=0>shotv.rsf
+#sfgrey<shotu.rsf title="data">shots.vpl
+#sfgrey<shotp.rsf title="data">shotp.vpl
+#sfgrey<shotv.rsf title="data">shotv.vpl
+#xtpen shots.vpl
+#xtpen shotp.vpl
+#xtpen shotv.vpl
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/demo/decomposition.scr b/fdelmodc3D/demo/decomposition.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..384422d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/demo/decomposition.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+#PBS -N fdelmod
+#PBS -q verylong
+#PBS -l nodes=1
+#PBS -k eo
+#PBS -j eo
+which makewave
+which makemod
+cd /Users/jan/src/OpenSource/fdelmodc/demo
+#makewave fp=20 dt=$dt nt=4096 t0=0.1
+#makewave w=fw fmin=0 flef=5 frig=80 fmax=100  dt=$dt nt=4096 t0=0.3
+makemod sizex=6000 sizez=4000 dx=$dx dz=$dx cp0=$cp cs0=$cs ro0=$rho \
+	orig=-3000,-1000 \
+	intt=def x=-3000,0,3000 z=250,250,250 poly=0 cp=2300 ro=5000 \
+	intt=def x=-3000,-2000,-1000,-800,0,800,3000 z=650,650,700,750,900,750,600 poly=2 cp=2600 ro=1000 \
+	intt=def x=-3000,0,3000 z=1390,1390,1390 poly=0 cp=2000 ro=5000 \
+	intt=def x=-3000,0,3000 z=1490,1490,1490 poly=0 cp=2400 ro=2000 
+makewave fp=20 dt=$dt nt=4096 t0=0.1
+# pressure Normalised decompostion 
+../fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+	nshot=1 dxshot=500 \
+    src_type=7 \
+	src_orient=1 \
+	src_injectionrate=1 \
+    rec_type_ud=1 \
+    dtrcv=0.0040 \
+	rec_delay=0.1 \
+    verbose=2 \
+    tmod=3.10 \
+    dxrcv=10 \
+    xrcv1=-2250 xrcv2=2250 \
+    zrcv1=1150 zrcv2=1150 \
+    xsrc=0 zsrc=0 \
+    ntaper=50 \
+    left=2 right=2 top=2 bottom=2
+supsgraph < hbox=2 wbox=4 style=normal \
+	labelsize=10 label2='energy' label1='angle in degrees' \
+	titlesize=-1 f1=0 d1=1 d1num=10.0 x1beg=1 > anglerp.eps
+supsimage < \
+    wbox=2 hbox=4 titlesize=-1 labelsize=10 verbose=1 \
+    label1="time [s]" label2="lateral position [m]" > shot_fd_Fz_zsrc1150_rvz.eps
+supsimage < \
+    wbox=2 hbox=4 titlesize=-1 labelsize=10 verbose=1 \
+    label1="time [s]" label2="lateral position [m]" > shot_fd_Fz_zsrc1150_rp.eps
+supsimage < \
+    wbox=2 hbox=4 titlesize=-1 labelsize=10 verbose=1 \
+    label1="time [s]" label2="lateral position [m]" > shot_fd_Fz_zsrc1150_ru.eps
+supsimage < \
+    wbox=2 hbox=4 titlesize=-1 labelsize=10 verbose=1 \
+    label1="time [s]" label2="lateral position [m]" > shot_fd_Fz_zsrc1150_rd.eps
+# Particle Velocity Normalised decompostion 
+../fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+	nshot=1 dxshot=500 \
+    src_type=7 \
+	src_orient=1 \
+	src_injectionrate=1 \
+    rec_type_ud=2 \
+    dtrcv=0.0040 \
+	rec_delay=0.1 \
+    verbose=2 \
+    tmod=3.10 \
+    dxrcv=10 \
+    xrcv1=-2250 xrcv2=2250 \
+    zrcv1=1150 zrcv2=1150 \
+    xsrc=0 zsrc=0 \
+    ntaper=50 \
+    left=2 right=2 top=2 bottom=2
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/demo/demoStaircase.scr b/fdelmodc3D/demo/demoStaircase.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4fd328a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/demo/demoStaircase.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+#export PATH=$HOME/bin:$HOME/src/OpenSource/utils:$PATH:
+makemod sizex=5000 sizez=2500 dx=$dx dz=$dx cp0=$cp ro0=$rho \
+	orig=-2500,0 \
+	intt=def x=-2500,0,2500 z=2000,1200,400 cp=2500 ro=5500 
+makemod sizex=5000 sizez=2500 dx=$dx dz=$dx cp0=$cp ro0=$rho \
+	orig=-2500,0
+makewave w=g1 fp=20 dt=$dt nt=4096 t0=0.1
+../fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 iorder=4 \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+    src_type=7 \
+	src_orient=1 \
+	src_injectionrate=0 \
+    rec_type_vz=1 \
+    rec_type_p=1 \
+    rec_int_vz=2 \
+    dtrcv=0.004 \
+	rec_delay=0.1 \
+    verbose=2 \
+    tmod=2.01 \
+    dxrcv=10.0 \
+    xrcv1=-2250 xrcv2=2250 \
+    zrcv1=0 zrcv2=0 \
+    xsrc=0 zsrc=$zsrc \
+	file_snap=snapF_$zsrc \
+	tsnap1=0.1 tsnap2=2.0 dtsnap=0.05 dxsnap=5 dzsnap=5 \
+    ntaper=101 \
+	snapwithbnd=1 \
+    left=2 right=2 top=2 bottom=2
+#suxmovie < snapF_${zsrc} loop=1 clip=1e-13
+sugain scale=-1 < | sustrip > snapF_0_dx${dx}_svz.bin
+../fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 iorder=4 \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+    src_type=7 \
+    src_orient=1 \
+    src_injectionrate=0 \
+    rec_type_vz=1 \
+    rec_type_p=1 \
+    rec_int_vz=2 \
+    dtrcv=0.004 \
+    rec_delay=0.1 \
+    verbose=2 \
+    tmod=2.01 \
+    dxrcv=10.0 \
+    xrcv1=-2250 xrcv2=2250 \
+    zrcv1=0 zrcv2=0 \
+    xsrc=0 zsrc=$zsrc \
+    file_snap=snapH_$zsrc \
+    tsnap1=0.1 tsnap2=2.0 dtsnap=0.05 dxsnap=5 dzsnap=5 \
+    ntaper=101 \
+    snapwithbnd=1 \
+    left=2 right=2 top=2 bottom=2
+sudiff snapF_${zsrc} snapH_${zsrc} >
+sugain scale=-1 < | sustrip > snap_svz.bin
+suxmovie < loop=1 clip=1e-13
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/demo/demo_dissipative.scr b/fdelmodc3D/demo/demo_dissipative.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f26bca9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/demo/demo_dissipative.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+export PATH=:$HOME/src/OpenSource/bin:$HOME/bin64:$PATH:
+makemod sizex=6000 sizez=1250 dx=$dx dz=$dx cp0=1500  ro0=1000 \
+        orig=-3000,0 verbose=2  \
+        intt=def x=-3000,-2000,-1000,0,1000,2000,3000 z=240,130,250,300,350,380,320 poly=2 cp=1950 ro=4500 grad=0 \
+        intt=def x=-3000,-2200,-1500,0,1300,2100,3000 z=620,640,590,600,740,700,600 poly=2 cp=2000 ro=1400 grad=0 \
+        intt=def x=-3000,-1800,0,2200,3000 z=920,1000,900,1000,1010 poly=2 cp=2300 ro=1600 grad=0
+makewave fp=30 dt=$dt nt=4096 t0=0.1 scale=1
+../fdelmodc \
+    file_cp=$file_cp ischeme=-1 iorder=4 \
+    file_den=$file_ro \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+    src_type=1 \
+    src_injectionrate=1 \
+	qr=0.0010 \
+    dtrcv=$dt \
+    rec_delay=0.1 \
+    verbose=4 \
+    tmod=2.1000 \
+	xrcva=0,0,0 zrcva=100,500,900 \
+	xrcv1=-3000 xrcv2=3000 zrcv1=0 zrcv2=0 dxrcv=10 \
+    tsnap1=0.100 tsnap2=0.00 dtsnap=0.01 \
+    xsnap1=-2000 xsnap2=2000 dxsnap=5 dzsnap=5 \
+    xsrc=0 zsrc=0  \
+    ntaper=500 \
+    left=4 right=4 top=4 bottom=4
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/demo/demo_multiwave.scr b/fdelmodc3D/demo/demo_multiwave.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ca04548
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/demo/demo_multiwave.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=2
+#PBS -N InterfModeling
+#PBS -V
+#demo for sources with different wavelets for each source postions
+export PATH=../../bin:$PATH
+makemod sizex=2000 sizez=2000 dx=$dx dz=$dx cp0=$cp ro0=$rho orig=-1000,0
+times=(0.101 0.11 0.2 0.3)
+ampl=(1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0)
+xpos=(-500 0 700 900)
+zpos=(700 800 900 950)
+for (( i=0; i < $n; i++ ));
+(( gx = ${xpos[i]}*1000 ))
+(( gelev = ${zpos[i]}*-1000 ))
+echo $gx $gelev ${times[i]} ${ampl[i]}
+makewave fp=15 dt=$dt nt=4096 t0=${times[i]} | \
+  sugain scale=${ampl[i]} | \
+  sushw key=gx,gelev,scalco,scalel a=$gx,$gelev,-1000,-1000 >> 
+#suxgraph < 
+######### MONOPOLE ACOUSTIC #######
+fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+ \
+    src_multiwav=1 \
+ \
+    src_type=1 \
+    rec_type_p=1 \
+    rec_type_vz=0 \
+    rec_int_vz=2 \
+    dtrcv=0.004 \
+    verbose=4 \
+    tmod=4.000 \
+    dxrcv=5.0 \
+    xrcv1=-1000 xrcv2=1000 \
+    zrcv1=0 zrcv2=0 \
+    ntaper=100 \
+    tsnap1=0.0 tsnap2=0.4 dtsnap=0.05 \
+    left=4 right=4 bottom=4 top=4
+suximage <
+suxmovie < loop=1 clip=100 
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/demo/demo_reciprocity.scr b/fdelmodc3D/demo/demo_reciprocity.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..071fe4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/demo/demo_reciprocity.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=2
+#PBS -N InterfModeling
+#PBS -V
+# source construction shown in Figure A2-A3-A4, 150 s.
+set -x
+if [ $injectionrate == 1 ];
+  scalep=0.02
+  scalev=0.01
+  scalep=0.0004
+  scalev=0.0002
+makemod sizex=3000 sizez=3000 dx=$dx dz=$dx cp0=$cp ro0=$rho orig=-1500,-1500 \
+		intt=def poly=0 x=-1500,1500 z=250,250 cp=2000 ro=3000
+makewave fp=15 dt=$dt nt=4096 t0=0.1 scale=0 scfft=1
+sumax <
+######### Pressure source #######
+../fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+    src_type=1 \
+    src_orient=1 \
+    src_injectionrate=$injectionrate \
+    rec_type_p=1 \
+    rec_int_vz=2 \
+    dtrcv=0.001 \
+    verbose=2 \
+    rec_delay=0.1 \
+    tmod=0.5 \
+    dxrcv=10.0 \
+    xrcv1=-1000 xrcv2=1000 \
+    zrcv1=0 zrcv2=0 \
+    xsrc=0 zsrc=600 \
+    ntaper=100 \
+    left=4 right=4 bottom=4 top=4
+../fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+    src_type=1 \
+    src_orient=1 \
+    src_injectionrate=$injectionrate \
+    rec_type_p=1 \
+    rec_int_vz=2 \
+    dtrcv=0.001 \
+    verbose=2 \
+    rec_delay=0.1 \
+    tmod=0.5 \
+    dxrcv=10.0 \
+    xrcv1=-1000 xrcv2=1000 \
+    zrcv1=600 zrcv2=600 \
+    xsrc=0 zsrc=0 \
+    ntaper=100 \
+    left=4 right=4 bottom=4 top=4
+######### Force Source #######
+../fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+    src_type=7 \
+    src_orient=1 \
+    src_injectionrate=$injectionrate \
+    rec_type_p=1 \
+    rec_int_vz=2 \
+    dtrcv=0.001 \
+    verbose=2 \
+    rec_delay=0.1 \
+    tmod=0.5 \
+    dxrcv=10.0 \
+    xrcv1=-1000 xrcv2=1000 \
+    zrcv1=0 zrcv2=0 \
+    xsrc=0 zsrc=600 \
+    ntaper=100 \
+    left=4 right=4 bottom=4 top=4
+../fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+    src_type=7 \
+    src_orient=1 \
+    src_injectionrate=$injectionrate \
+    rec_type_p=1 \
+    rec_int_vz=2 \
+    dtrcv=0.001 \
+    verbose=2 \
+	rec_delay=0.1 \
+    tmod=0.5 \
+    dxrcv=10.0 \
+    xrcv1=-1000 xrcv2=1000 \
+    zrcv1=600 zrcv2=600 \
+    xsrc=0 zsrc=0 \
+    ntaper=100 \
+	left=4 right=4 bottom=4 top=4
+susum > 
+suximage < title="" clip=$scalev
+suximage < clip=$scalev title="difference"
+sumax <; sumax <
+susum >
+suximage < title="" clip=$scalep
+suximage < clip=$scalep title="difference"
+sumax <; sumax <
+# use different dx and dt to test independence of sampling on the amplitudes
+makemod sizex=3000 sizez=3000 dx=$dx dz=$dx cp0=$cp ro0=$rho orig=-1500,-1500 \
+		intt=def poly=0 x=-1500,1500 z=250,250 cp=2000 ro=3000
+makewave fp=15 dt=$dt nt=4096 t0=0.1 scale=0 scfft=1
+sumax <
+######### MONOPOLE #######
+../fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+    src_type=1 \
+    src_orient=1 \
+    src_injectionrate=$injectionrate \
+    rec_type_p=1 \
+    rec_int_vz=2 \
+    dtrcv=0.001 \
+    verbose=2 \
+	rec_delay=0.1 \
+    tmod=0.5 \
+    dxrcv=10.0 \
+    xrcv1=-1000 xrcv2=1000 \
+    zrcv1=0 zrcv2=0 \
+    xsrc=0 zsrc=600 \
+    ntaper=100 \
+	left=4 right=4 bottom=4 top=4
+../fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+    src_type=1 \
+    src_orient=1 \
+    src_injectionrate=$injectionrate \
+    rec_type_p=1 \
+    rec_int_vz=2 \
+    dtrcv=0.001 \
+    verbose=2 \
+	rec_delay=0.1 \
+    tmod=0.5 \
+    dxrcv=10.0 \
+    xrcv1=-1000 xrcv2=1000 \
+    zrcv1=600 zrcv2=600 \
+    xsrc=0 zsrc=0 \
+    ntaper=100 \
+	left=4 right=4 bottom=4 top=4
+######### DIPOLE #######
+../fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+    src_type=7 \
+    src_orient=1 \
+    src_injectionrate=$injectionrate \
+    rec_type_p=1 \
+    rec_int_vz=2 \
+    dtrcv=0.001 \
+    verbose=2 \
+	rec_delay=0.1 \
+    tmod=0.5 \
+    dxrcv=10.0 \
+    xrcv1=-1000 xrcv2=1000 \
+    zrcv1=0 zrcv2=0 \
+    xsrc=0 zsrc=600 \
+    ntaper=100 \
+	left=4 right=4 bottom=4 top=4
+../fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+    src_type=7 \
+    src_orient=1 \
+    src_injectionrate=$injectionrate \
+    rec_type_p=1 \
+    rec_int_vz=2 \
+    dtrcv=0.001 \
+    verbose=2 \
+	rec_delay=0.1 \
+    tmod=0.5 \
+    dxrcv=10.0 \
+    xrcv1=-1000 xrcv2=1000 \
+    zrcv1=600 zrcv2=600 \
+    xsrc=0 zsrc=0 \
+    ntaper=100 \
+	left=4 right=4 bottom=4 top=4
+set -x
+echo "maximum with dx=$dx dt=$dt"
+sumax <; sumax <
+echo "maximum with dx=$dx dt=$dt"
+sumax <; sumax <
+echo "maximum with dx=$dx dt=$dt"
+sumax <; sumax <
+echo "maximum with dx=$dx dt=$dt"
+sumax <; sumax <
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/demo/demo_snapshots.scr b/fdelmodc3D/demo/demo_snapshots.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5045197
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/demo/demo_snapshots.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+export PATH=:$HOME/src/OpenSource/bin:$HOME/bin64:$PATH:
+makemod sizex=6000 sizez=1250 dx=$dx dz=$dx cp0=1500  ro0=1000 \
+        orig=-3000,0 verbose=2 \
+        intt=def x=-3000,-2000,-1000,0,1000,2000,3000 z=240,130,250,300,350,380,320 poly=2 cp=1950 ro=4500 grad=0 \
+        intt=def x=-3000,-2200,-1500,0,1300,2100,3000 z=620,640,590,600,740,700,600 poly=2 cp=2000 ro=1400 grad=0 \
+        intt=def x=-3000,-1800,0,2200,3000 z=920,1000,900,1000,1010 poly=2 cp=2300 ro=1600 grad=0
+makewave fp=30 dt=$dt nt=4096 t0=0.1 scale=1
+fdelmodc \
+    file_cp=$file_cp ischeme=1 iorder=4 \
+    file_den=$file_ro \
+ \
+ \
+    src_type=1 \
+    src_injectionrate=1 \
+    dtrcv=$dt \
+    rec_delay=0.1 \
+    verbose=2 \
+    tmod=1.1000 \
+    tsnap1=0.100 tsnap2=1.10 dtsnap=0.01 \
+    xsnap1=-2000 xsnap2=2000 dxsnap=5 dzsnap=5 \
+    xsrc=0 zsrc=800  \
+    ntaper=500 \
+    left=4 right=4 top=4 bottom=4
+suwind key=gx min=-2000000 max=2000000 < | convert saminc=5 trinc=5 | sustrip > tutodel_cp.bin
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/demo/eps_for_manual.scr b/fdelmodc3D/demo/eps_for_manual.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7dde0dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/demo/eps_for_manual.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+#first run this script to generate the output which contains the source signatures
+#generate the pictures used in the manual
+supsgraph < hbox=2 wbox=4 style=normal \
+	labelsize=10 label2='amplitude' label1='time' \
+	titlesize=-1 d1num=1 d1num=0.05 x1end=0.2 > G2_time.eps
+sufft < | suamp| supsgraph hbox=2 wbox=4 style=normal \
+	labelsize=10 label2='amplitude' label1='frequency' x1end=100 \
+	titlesize=-1 x2end=40 d1num=10 > G2_ampl.eps
+supswigp < \
+	labelsize=10 label1='time' label2='source number' x1end=6 \
+	d2=1 d2num=1 hbox=4 wbox=6 fill=0 \
+	titlesize=-1 > src_nwav.eps
+suwind < key=tracl min=11 max=11 | \
+	supsgraph hbox=2 wbox=4 style=normal \
+	labelsize=10 label2='amplitude' label1='time' \
+	titlesize=-1 d1num=1.0 > src11_wiggle.eps
+suwind < key=tracl min=11 max=11 | \
+	supsgraph hbox=2 wbox=4 style=normal \
+	labelsize=10 label2='amplitude' label1='time' \
+	titlesize=-1 x1end=0.05 > src11_wiggle_zbeg.eps
+suwind < key=tracl min=11 max=11 | \
+	supsgraph hbox=2 wbox=4 style=normal \
+	labelsize=10 label2='amplitude' label1='time' \
+	titlesize=-1 x1beg=3.65 x1end=3.70 > src11_wiggle_zend.eps
+suwind < key=tracl min=11 max=11 | \
+	sufft | suamp| supsgraph hbox=2 wbox=4 style=normal \
+	labelsize=10 label2='amplitude' label1='frequency' \
+	titlesize=-1 x1end=100 d1num=10 > src11_ampl.eps
+fconv auto=1 shift=1 mode=cor1 | \
+	sugain qbal=1 | \
+	supswigp x1beg=-1 x1end=1 d2num=1 hbox=4 wbox=6 \
+	labelsize=10 label2='source number' label1='time (s)' \
+	titlesize=-1 fill=0 > src_nwav_autoCorr_Norm.eps
+#type of tapers 
+supsgraph < hbox=2 wbox=4 style=normal \
+	labelsize=10 label2='amplitude' label1='grid points' \
+	 d1=1 f1=1 f1num=1 x2beg=0.0 \
+	linecolor=blue,red,green,yellow,voilet,maroon,brown,sepia,limegreen,skyblue,blueviolet,orangered,goldenrod,orchid,wildstrawberry,royalpurple,pinegreen,bluegreen,magenta,redorange > tapers_0.1.eps
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/demo/ b/fdelmodc3D/demo/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..57e02bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/demo/
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+#PBS -N fdelmod
+#PBS -q verylong
+#PBS -l nodes=1
+#PBS -k eo
+#PBS -j eo
+set -x
+# Modeling of acoustic response of marine-type acquisition
+# where a horizontal and a slanted cable is modeled simultaneously
+# Author: Eric Verschuur, Delft University of Technology
+# Date  : July 2013
+# define the grid size of the modeling
+# based on the grid, the other parameters can be define
+# define the source wavelet:
+# for gridsize 10 m use fp=9.7 (such that fmax<30)
+# for gridsize 5 m use fp=22 (such that fmax<60) and
+if [ $grid -eq 10 ]; then
+   dt=0.00020
+   fp=9.7
+   vmax=3000
+if [ $grid -eq 5 ]; then
+   dt=0.00010
+   fp=22
+   vmax=3000
+makewave dt=$dt nt=1024 fp=$fp shift=1 w=g2 verbose=1
+# define the velocity model; in this case a flat water bottom and
+# a curved reflector below the water bottom
+makemod \
+   cp0=1500 ro0=1400 sizex=5000 sizez=1200 \
+   dx=$grid dz=$grid orig=0,0 \
+   \
+   x=0,5000 z=500,500 \
+   intt=def poly=2 cp=2000 ro=1800 \
+   \
+   x=0,2000,5000 z=1000,800,1000 \
+   intt=def poly=2 cp=$vmax ro=2300 \
+   \
+   verbose=1
+# display the models (velocity and density)
+suximage < $filecp wbox=800 hbox=300 title="Vp model" xbox=0 legend=1 &
+suximage < $filero wbox=800 hbox=300 title="Rho model" xbox=800 legend=1 &
+sleep 1
+# define the source location and make receivers dependent on the source
+# define length of cable and the vertical slant of the cable, which
+# is defined as the relative depth at the end of the cable
+# the receiver spacing is taken as twice the FD grid size
+xrcv1=`dadd $xsrc 103`
+xrcv2=`dadd $xrcv1 $cable`
+zrcv1=`dadd $grid 3`
+zrcv2=`dadd $zrcv1 $slant`
+zrcv2=`dnint $zrcv2`
+dxrcv=`dmul $grid 2`
+xrcv1=`dnint $xrcv1`
+xrcv2=`dnint $xrcv2`
+dxrcv=`dnint $dxrcv`
+# generate a list of coorindates for the slanted cable
+# finally, these coordinates are stored in the file rcv.par
+dzrcv=`echo $xrcv1 $xrcv2 $dxrcv $slant | awk '{nx=int(1.5+($2-$1)/$3);print ($4/(nx-1))}'`
+/bin/rm rcv.list
+while [ $xrcv -le $xrcv2 ]
+   echo "$xrcv $zrcv" >> rcv.list
+   xrcv=`expr $xrcv + $dxrcv`
+   zrcv=`dadd $zrcv $dzrcv`
+mkparfile < rcv.list string1=xrcva string2=zrcva > rcv.par
+/bin/rm rcv.list
+# now do the actual modeling with free surface and monopole src/rcv
+# we use both the regular rcv defintions for a horizontal cable and the
+# extended option with xrcva,zrcva for the slanted cable locations
+../fdelmodc \
+	file_cp=$filecp file_den=$filero \
+	ischeme=1 \
+ verbose=4 \
+ \
+ \
+	xrcv1=$xrcv1 xrcv2=$xrcv2 dxrcv=$dxrcv \
+	zrcv1=$zrcv1 zrcv2=$zrcv1 \
+	par=rcv.par \
+	sinkdepth=0 \
+	rec_type_p=1 rec_type_vz=1 rec_int_vz=3 \
+	dtrcv=0.004 \
+        src_type=1 src_orient=1 xsrc=$xsrc zsrc=$grid nshot=1 \
+	tsnap1=0.1 tsnap2=3.0 dtsnap=0.1 \
+	sna_type_p=1 sna_type_vz=0 \
+	top=1 bottom=4 left=4 right=4 ntaper=100 tapfact=0.3 \
+	tmod=4.0 nzmax=300 nxmax=300
+# show a movie of the wavefield snapshots
+suxmovie < clip=10 width=800 height=300 loop=1 \
+   title="Shot at x=$xsrc - P comp. - snapshot at t=%f s." sleep=200000 fframe=0.1 dframe=0.1 &
+# the 1st part of the receivers is the slanted cable, the 2nd part the flat one
+nxtot=`surange < | head -1 | awk '{print $1}'`
+nx=`ddiv $nxtot 2`
+nx=`dnint $nx`
+# split into two files; on-the-fly repair dt from 3999 to 4000 us
+sushw key=fldr < a=1 c=1 j=$nx | \
+suchw key1=dt key2=dt a=1 d=10 | \
+suchw key1=dt key2=dt b=10 | \
+sushw key=ntr a=0 | \
+file_distribute file_base=shot verbose=1
+suximage < wbox=800 hbox=600 xbox=0 ybox=500 perc=99 \
+   title="Shot record xsrc=$xsrc - slanted (x1,z1)=$xrcv1,$zrcv1 (x2,z2)=$xrcv2,$zrcv2" &
+suximage < wbox=800 hbox=600 xbox=800 ybox=500 perc=99 \
+   title="Shot record xsrc=$xsrc - flat cable  (x1,z1)=$xrcv1,$zrcv1 (x2,z2)=$xrcv2,$zrcv1" &
+# end of demo, remove some tmp files
+sleep 1
+#/bin/rm rcv.par
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_circ.scr b/fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_circ.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8cecff0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_circ.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+#PBS -N fdelmod
+#PBS -q verylong
+#PBS -l nodes=1
+#PBS -k eo
+#PBS -j eo
+# receivers are placed on a circle 
+export PATH=../../utils:$PATH:
+makewave dt=0.0020 nt=1024 fp=13 shift=1 w=g2 verbose=1
+makemod \
+        cp0=2500 ro0=1000 sizex=7000 sizez=7000 dx=10 dz=10 orig=-3500,-3500 \
+        intt=elipse var=50,50 x=0 z=0 cp=1955 ro=500 verbose=1
+#makemod \
+#       cp0=1500 ro0=1000 sizex=5000 sizez=5000 dx=2 dz=2 orig=0,0 \
+#       intt=def x=2490,2494,2498,2502,2506,2510 z=2500,2498,2494,2498,2492,2500 cp=400 ro=20 \
+#       intt=def x=2490,2492,2496,2500,2504,2510 z=2500,2506,2504,2508,2502,2500 cp=1500 ro=1000 \
+#       verbose=1
+set -x
+../fdelmodc \
+        file_cp=$filecp file_den=$filero \
+        ischeme=1 \
+ verbose=5 \
+        file_rcv=$file_rcv \
+ \
+        arcv=1200 rrcv=2800 oxrcv=0 ozrcv=0 dphi=2.0 \
+        rec_type_vx=1 rec_type_p=1 rec_int_vx=3 \
+        dtrcv=0.004 \
+        xsrc=-1600 zsrc=0 nshot=1 nsrc=1 \
+        src_type=1 tmod=3.0 \
+        ntaper=190 \
+        left=4 right=4 bottom=4 top=4
+#for exptype in circle square doodle ;
+for exptype in circle ;
+for rectype in rvx rvz rp ;
+   file_rcv=${exptype}_$
+   echo $file_rcv
+   supsimage < ${exptype}_$ hbox=4 wbox=3 titlesize=-1 labelsize=10 titlesize=-1 \
+   perc=99 label1="time [s]" f2=0 d2=2 label2="rotation in degrees" > ${exptype}_$rectype.eps
+supsimage < \
+        wbox=4 hbox=4 titlesize=-1 labelsize=10 verbose=1 \
+supsimage < \
+        wbox=4 hbox=4 titlesize=-1 labelsize=10 verbose=1 \
+        d2=3 f2=0 wclip=-1 bclip=1 \
+        gabel1="depth [m]" label2="lateral position [m]" > SrcRecCircle.eps
+suop2 w1=1 w2=2000 op=sum | \
+        supsimage  wclip=1400 bclip=2000 \
+        wbox=4 hbox=4 titlesize=-1 labelsize=10 verbose=1 \
+        d2=3 f2=0 wrgb=1.0,0,0 grgb=0,1.0,0 brgb=0,0,1.0 bps=24 \
+        label1="depth [m]" label2="lateral position [m]" > model_plane_src.eps
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_circ_medium.scr b/fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_circ_medium.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..390e4d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_circ_medium.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+#PBS -N fdelmod
+#PBS -q verylong
+#PBS -l nodes=1
+#PBS -k eo
+#PBS -j eo
+# receivers are placed on a circle 
+export PATH=../../bin:$PATH:
+makewave dt=$dt nt=1024 fp=25 shift=1 w=g2 verbose=1
+#makewave w=fw fmin=0 flef=6 frig=89 fmax=95  dt=$dt nt=16384 t0=0.3 scale=0 scfft=1
+#sufft < | suamp | sugain scale=0.0001 | suxgraph style=normal
+makemod \
+	cp0=1500 ro0=1000 sizex=4000 sizez=4000 dx=2 dz=2 orig=-2000,-2000 \
+	intt=elipse var=1000,1000 x=0 z=0 cp=2000 ro=1000 verbose=1
+makemod \
+	cp0=1500 ro0=1000 sizex=4000 sizez=4000 dx=2 dz=2 orig=-2000,-2000 verbose=1
+set -x
+#../fdelmodc \
+	file_cp=$filecp file_den=$filero \
+	ischeme=1 \
+ verbose=2 \
+	file_rcv=$file_rcv \
+	rec_type_vz=0 rec_type_p=1 \
+    xrcv1=-2000 xrcv2=2000 zrcv1=-2000 zrcv2=-2000 \
+    dxrcv=10 \
+	dtrcv=0.004 \
+	xsrc=0 zsrc=-2000 nshot=1 nsrc=1 \
+	src_type=1 tmod=1.020 \
+	ntaper=100 \
+	left=2 right=2 bottom=2 top=2
+fdelmodc \
+	file_cp=$filecp file_den=$filero \
+	ischeme=1 \
+	src_type=7 \
+ verbose=2 \
+	file_rcv=$file_rcv \
+	rec_type_vz=1 rec_type_p=1 \
+	rrcv=500 dphi=1 \
+	dtrcv=0.004 \
+	xsrc=0 zsrc=0 nshot=1 nsrc=1 \
+	tmod=1.020 \
+	ntaper=100 \
+	left=2 right=2 bottom=2 top=2
+#for exptype in circle square doodle ;
+for exptype in circle ;
+for rectype in rvx rvz rp ;
+   file_rcv=${exptype}_$
+   echo $file_rcv
+   supsimage < ${exptype}_$ hbox=4 wbox=3 titlesize=-1 labelsize=10 titlesize=-1 \
+   perc=99 label1="time [s]" f2=0 d2=2 label2="rotation in degrees" > ${exptype}_$rectype.eps
+supsimage < \
+	wbox=4 hbox=4 titlesize=-1 labelsize=10 verbose=1 \
+	d2=3 f2=0 wrgb=1.0,0,0 grgb=0,1.0,0 brgb=0,0,1.0 bps=24 \
+	label1="depth [m]" label2="lateral position [m]" > model_plane.eps
+supsimage < \
+	wbox=4 hbox=4 titlesize=-1 labelsize=10 verbose=1 \
+	d2=3 f2=0 wclip=-1 bclip=1 \
+	gabel1="depth [m]" label2="lateral position [m]" > SrcRecCircle.eps
+suop2 w1=1 w2=2000 op=sum | \
+	supsimage  wclip=1400 bclip=2000 \
+	wbox=4 hbox=4 titlesize=-1 labelsize=10 verbose=1 \
+	d2=3 f2=0 wrgb=1.0,0,0 grgb=0,1.0,0 brgb=0,0,1.0 bps=24 \
+	label1="depth [m]" label2="lateral position [m]" > model_plane_src.eps
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_doublecouple.scr b/fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_doublecouple.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ffea7d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_doublecouple.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+#PBS -N fdelmodc
+#PBS -k eo
+#PBS -j eo
+# Models plane wave at depth to receivers at the surface, including snapshots
+export PATH=../../utils:$PATH:
+makewave dt=0.001 nt=1024 fp=13 shift=1 w=g2 verbose=1
+makemod \
+       cp0=1500 ro0=1000 cs0=0 sizex=2100 sizez=2100 \
+        dx=3 dz=3 orig=0,0 \
+		verbose=4
+../fdelmodc \
+	file_cp=$filecp file_den=$filero \
+	ischeme=5 \
+	src_type=9 dip=0  tmod=2.0  \
+ verbose=2 \
+ \
+ \
+	xrcv1=0 xrcv2=2100 dxrcv=15 \
+	zrcv1=400 zrcv2=400 \
+	rec_type_vx=1 rec_int_vx=1 \
+	dtrcv=0.004 \
+	xsrc=1050 zsrc=1050 \
+	ntaper=120 sna_type_pp=1 sna_type_ss=1 sna_type_p=1 sna_type_txx=1 sna_type_tzz=1 \
+	left=4 right=4 bottom=4 top=4 \
+	tsnap1=0.1 tsnap2=3.0 dtsnap=0.01 
+../fdelmodc \
+	file_cp=$filecp file_cs=$filecs file_den=$filero \
+	ischeme=3 \
+ verbose=4 \
+ \
+ \
+	xrcv1=0 xrcv2=2100 dxrcv=15 \
+	zrcv1=400 zrcv2=400 \
+	rec_type_vx=1 rec_type_pp=1 rec_type_ss=1 rec_int_vx=1 \
+	dtrcv=0.004 \
+	xsrc=1000 zsrc=1700 \
+	src_type=8 src_orient=1 tmod=2.0  \
+	ntaper=120 \
+	left=4 right=4 bottom=4 top=4 \
+	tsnap1=0.1 tsnap2=3.0 dtsnap=0.1 \
+	sna_type_ss=1 sna_type_pp=1
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_elastic_potentialS.scr b/fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_elastic_potentialS.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4c7bb8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_elastic_potentialS.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+#PBS -N fdelmodc
+#PBS -k eo
+#PBS -j eo
+# Models plane wave at depth to receivers at the surface, including snapshots
+export PATH=../../utils:$PATH:
+makewave dt=0.001 nt=1024 fp=13 shift=1 w=g2 verbose=1
+makemod \
+       cp0=1500 ro0=1000 cs0=600 sizex=2100 sizez=2100 \
+        dx=3 dz=3 orig=0,0 \
+        intt=def poly=0 cp=1650 ro=2000 cs=1000 \
+        x=0,2100 z=500,500 gradcp=0.5 grad=100 \
+        intt=def poly=1 cp=1800 ro=2500 cs=1200 \
+        x=0,800,1200,2100 z=900,1400,1400,1200 gradcp=0 grad=0 \
+		verbose=4
+../fdelmodc \
+	file_cp=$filecp file_cs=$filecs file_den=$filero \
+	ischeme=1 \
+	src_type=1 src_orient=1 tmod=2.0  \
+ verbose=2 \
+ \
+ \
+	xrcv1=0 xrcv2=2100 dxrcv=15 \
+	zrcv1=400 zrcv2=400 \
+	rec_type_vx=1 rec_type_pp=1 rec_type_ss=1 rec_int_vx=1 \
+	dtrcv=0.004 \
+	xsrc=1000 zsrc=1700 \
+	ntaper=120 \
+	left=4 right=4 bottom=4 top=4 \
+	tsnap1=0.1 tsnap2=3.0 dtsnap=0.1 \
+	sna_type_ss=1 sna_type_pp=1
+../fdelmodc \
+	file_cp=$filecp file_cs=$filecs file_den=$filero \
+	ischeme=3 \
+ verbose=4 \
+ \
+ \
+	xrcv1=0 xrcv2=2100 dxrcv=15 \
+	zrcv1=400 zrcv2=400 \
+	rec_type_vx=1 rec_type_pp=1 rec_type_ss=1 rec_int_vx=1 \
+	dtrcv=0.004 \
+	xsrc=1000 zsrc=1700 \
+	src_type=8 src_orient=1 tmod=2.0  \
+	ntaper=120 \
+	left=4 right=4 bottom=4 top=4 \
+	tsnap1=0.1 tsnap2=3.0 dtsnap=0.1 \
+	sna_type_ss=1 sna_type_pp=1
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_fault.scr b/fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_fault.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e2d0641
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_fault.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+#PBS -l nodes=1
+#PBS -N InterfModeling
+#PBS -q fourweeks
+#PBS -V
+export PATH=$HOME/../thorbcke/src/OpenSource/bin:$PATH
+makemod sizex=6000 sizez=2000 dx=5 dz=5 cp0=$cp ro0=1000 orig=0,0  \
+    intt=def poly=2 x=0,600,1000,2000,4000,5000 \
+        z=550,550,550,300,300,500 cp=$cp ro=2000 \
+    intt=def poly=0 x=5000,6000 z=300,200 cp=$cp ro=1500 \
+    intt=def poly=0 x=0,2500 z=900,900 cp=$cp ro=2200 \
+    intt=def poly=0 x=2000,5000 z=1000,300 cp=$cp ro=1500 \
+    intt=def poly=0 x=2000,3000,6000 z=1000,770,770 cp=$cp ro=1800 \
+    intt=def poly=0 x=2000,6000 z=1000,1000 cp=$cp ro=2200 \
+    intt=def poly=0 x=0,6000 z=1400,1400 cp=$cp ro=2400 \
+suximage cmap=hsv4 < &
+makewave w=g2 fmax=45 t0=0.10 dt=$dt nt=4096 db=-40 verbose=1
+../fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+    src_type=1 \
+    dtrcv=0.003 \
+    verbose=1 \
+    tmod=3.104 \
+	nshot=101 \
+	dxshot=60 \
+	rec_delay=0.1 \
+	rec_type_vz=0 \
+    dxrcv=60.0 \
+    xsrc=0 \
+    zsrc=0 \
+    ntaper=101 \
+    left=2 right=2 top=2 bottom=2
+suwind key=offset min=0 max=0 < | suzero itmax=30 | suximage x1end=2 
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_glacier.scr b/fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_glacier.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..04e3158
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_glacier.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+makewave dt=$dt nt=1024 fp=100 shift=1 w=g2 verbose=1
+makemod \
+       cp0=$cp ro0=1000 sizex=250 sizez=125 \
+       dx=$dx dz=$dx orig=-25,-25 \
+makemod \
+       cp0=$cp ro0=1000 sizex=250 sizez=125 \
+	   intt=def x=60,90 z=-25,-25 cp=1500 ro=1000 \
+       dx=$dx dz=$dx orig=-25,-25 \
+export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/intel/Compiler/11.1/046/Frameworks/mkl/lib/universal/:$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/cuda/lib:
+which smooth
+smooth nxsm=7 niter=5 < >
+for model in _
+export filecp=model${model}
+export filero=model${model}
+../fdelmodc \
+        file_cp=$filecp file_den=$filero \
+        ischeme=1 \
+ verbose=1 \
+        file_rcv=shot${model}x${xsrc}_z${zsrc}.su \
+        xrcv1=50,100,150 xrcv2=50,100,150 dzrcv=5,1.5,5 dxrcv=0,0,0 \
+        zrcv1=0,37,0 zrcv2=75,40,75 \
+        rec_type_vz=1 rec_type_vx=0 rec_int_vz=2 \
+        dtrcv=0.0005 \
+        xsrc=$xsrc zsrc=$zsrc nshot=76 dzshot=1 dxshot=0 \
+        src_type=1 tmod=0.3  \
+		npml=100 \
+	    left=2 right=2 bottom=2 top=2 \
+../fdelmodc \
+        file_cp=$filecp file_den=$filero \
+        ischeme=1 \
+ verbose=1 \
+        file_rcv=shot${model}x${xsrc}_z${zsrc}.su \
+        xrcv1=50,100,150 xrcv2=50,100,150 dzrcv=5,1.5,5 dxrcv=0,0,0 \
+        zrcv1=0,37,0 zrcv2=75,40,75 \
+        rec_type_vz=1 rec_type_vx=0 rec_int_vz=2 \
+        dtrcv=0.0005 \
+        xsrc=$xsrc zsrc=$zsrc nshot=76 dzshot=1 dxshot=0 \
+        src_type=1 tmod=0.3  \
+		npml=100 \
+	    left=2 right=2 bottom=2 top=2 \
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_jurg.scr b/fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_jurg.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5373537
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_jurg.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+#PBS -l nodes=1
+#PBS -N InterfModeling
+#PBS -q fourweeks
+#PBS -V
+# same as fdelmodc_topography, but with source and receivers on topography of sea-bottom
+export PATH=../../bin:$PATH
+makemod sizex=160 sizez=10 dx=0.1 dz=0.1 cp0=1000 ro0=1000 cs0=200 \
+    orig=0,0  verbose=1 \
+    intt=def x=0,160 z=2,2 cp=1000 cs=300 ro=1000 \
+    intt=def x=0,160 z=5,5 cp=1000 cs=400 ro=1000 
+makewave w=g2 fmax=230 t0=0.10 dt=$dt nt=4096 db=-40 verbose=1
+#extendModel nafter=$ntap nbefore=$ntap nabove=0 nbelow=$ntap >
+#extendModel nafter=$ntap nbefore=$ntap nabove=0 nbelow=$ntap >
+#extendModel nafter=$ntap nbefore=$ntap nabove=0 nbelow=$ntap >
+../fdelmodc \
+    ischeme=3 \
+    src_type=2 \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+    dtrcv=0.0005 \
+	rec_type_vx=1 \
+	rec_type_vz=0 \
+	rec_type_tzz=0 \
+	rec_type_p=0 \
+	xsrc=80 \
+	zsrc=0 \
+    verbose=4 \
+    tmod=0.60 \
+    dxrcv=0.5 \
+    zrcv1=0 \
+    zrcv2=0 \
+    xrcv1=0 \
+    xrcv2=160 \
+    rec_delay=0.1 \
+    src_random=0 \
+    wav_random=0 \
+	dipsrc=1 \
+    ntaper=$ntap \
+	left=4 right=4 bottom=4 top=1
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_multishot.scr b/fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_multishot.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f569c47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_multishot.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+#PBS -N fdelmod
+#PBS -q verylong
+#PBS -l nodes=1
+#PBS -k eo
+#PBS -j eo
+# illustrates source and receiver positions, used in Figure 10 of the manual
+export PATH=../../utils:$PATH:
+makewave dt=$dt nt=1024 shift=1 fmax=10 verbose=1
+# build a model with a steep salt-like flank of the side
+#model 50 shots for sources on a horizontal line left from the flank
+../fdelmodc \
+        file_cp=$filecp file_den=$filero \
+        ischeme=1 \
+ verbose=4 \
+ \
+        xrcv1=6000 xrcv2=6000 dxrcv=0 \
+        zrcv1=100 zrcv2=6000 dzrcv=100 \
+        rec_type_vz=0 rec_int_vx=1 \
+        dtrcv=0.004 \
+        xsrc=500 zsrc=100 nshot=50 dxshot=100 dzshot=0 \
+        src_type=1 tmod=0.001  \
+        ntaper=$ntaper \
+	    left=4 right=4 bottom=4 top=1 \
+        fmax=10
+sugain < scale=5000 > 
+susum > 
+supsimage < bclip=5000 wclip=0 \
+    wbox=4 hbox=4 titlesize=-1 labelsize=10 verbose=1 \
+    label1="depth [m]" label2="lateral position [m]" blockinterp=1 \
+	> salt_mod_srcrec.eps
+#alternative ways of plotting src and receiver positions
+supsimage < \
+	grgb=1.0,1.0,1.0 brgb=1.0,0.0,0.0 wrgb=0.0,1.0,0.0 \
+	ghls=1.0,1.0,0.0 bhls=1.0,1.0,0.0 whls=1.0,1.0,0.0 \
+    wbox=4 hbox=4 titlesize=-1 labelsize=10 verbose=1 \
+        label1="time [s]" label2="lateral position [m]" blockinterp=1 \
+	> salt_mod_srcrec.eps
+supsimage < \
+        wbox=4 hbox=4 titlesize=-1 labelsize=10 verbose=1 \
+        label1="time [s]" label2="lateral position [m]" > salt.eps
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_obc.scr b/fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_obc.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..057d5b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_obc.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+#PBS -l nodes=1
+#PBS -N InterfModeling
+#PBS -q fourweeks
+#PBS -V
+# same as fdelmodc_topography, but with source and receivers on topography of sea-bottom
+export PATH=../../bin:$PATH
+makemod sizex=10000 sizez=4100 dx=5 dz=5 cp0=1500 ro0=1000 cs0=0 \
+    orig=0,-800 gradunit=0 verbose=1 \
+    intt=def poly=2 cp=2450 ro=1000 cs=1600 gradcp=14 gradcs=9 grad=0 \
+    	x=0,1000,1700,1800,2000,3000,4000,4500,6000,6800,7000,7500,8100,8800,10000 \
+    	z=-100,-200,-250,-200,-200,-120,-300,-600,-650,-500,-350,-200,-200,-150,-200  \
+    intt=def poly=2 cp=2450 ro=1000 cs=1600 gradcp=14 gradcs=9 grad=40 \
+    	x=0,1000,1700,1800,2000,3000,4000,4500,6000,6800,7000,7500,8100,8800,10000 \
+    	z=-100,-200,-250,-200,-200,-120,-300,-600,-650,-500,-350,-200,-200,-150,-200  \
+    intt=rough var=200,3.2,1 poly=2 x=0,3000,8000,10000 \
+		z=400,250,300,500 cp=4500,4200,4800,4500 cs=3000,2900,3100,3000 ro=1400 gradcp=5 gradcs=2 grad=0 \
+    intt=def poly=2 x=0,2000,3000,5000,7000,8000,10000 \
+        z=1100,1100,1100,1600,1100,1100,1100 cp=4000 cs=2800 ro=2000 gradcp=8 gradcs=8 grad=0 \
+    intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=1750,2050 cp=4500,5100 cs=3000,3300 ro=1500 gradcp=13 gradcs=7 grad=0 \
+    intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=1850,2150 cp=6000,4200 cs=4000,2900 ro=1500 gradcp=14 gradcs=8 grad=0 \
+    intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=1950,2250 cp=4800,4800 cs=3100,3100 ro=1500 gradcp=5 gradcs=4 grad=0 \
+    intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=2000,2300 cp=6100,5000 cs=3100,3300 ro=1500 gradcp=13 gradcs=9 grad=0 \
+    intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=2100,2400 cp=3800,5000 cs=1400,3300 ro=1500 gradcp=20 gradcs=12 grad=0 \
+    intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=2150,2450 cp=5000 cs=3300 ro=1500 gradcp=14 gradcs=10 grad=0 \
+    intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=2350,2650 cp=5800 cs=3300 ro=1500 gradcp=5 gradcs=5 grad=0 \
+    intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=2600,2600 cp=5500 cs=3300 ro=2200 gradcp=5 gradcs=5 grad=0
+#sushw key=f1 a=0 < | \
+#    sushw key=f1 a=0 | \
+#    supsimage hbox=6 wbox=8 labelsize=10 f2num=-5000 d2num=1000 \
+#    wrgb=0,0,1.0 grgb=0,1.0,0 brgb=1.0,0,0 \
+#    bclip=7053.02 wclip=0 label1="depth [m]" label2="lateral position [m]" \
+#    > model2_cp.eps
+makewave w=g2 fmax=45 t0=0.10 dt=$dt nt=4096 db=-40 verbose=1
+#extendModel nafter=$ntap nbefore=$ntap nabove=0 nbelow=$ntap >
+#extendModel nafter=$ntap nbefore=$ntap nabove=0 nbelow=$ntap >
+#extendModel nafter=$ntap nbefore=$ntap nabove=0 nbelow=$ntap >
+../fdelmodc \
+	ischeme=3 \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+    dtrcv=0.004 \
+	rec_type_vx=1 \
+	rec_type_vz=1 \
+	rec_type_tzz=1 \
+	xsrc=5000 \
+	zsrc=-795 \
+    verbose=4 \
+    tmod=3.004 \
+    dxrcv=20.0 \
+    zrcv1=-800 \
+    zrcv2=-800 \
+    xrcv1=0 \
+    xrcv2=10000 \
+    sinkdepth=2 \
+    sinkvel=1 \
+    src_random=0 \
+    wav_random=0 \
+    dipsrc=1 \
+    ntaper=$ntap \
+    left=4 right=4 top=1 bottom=4
+sushw key=f1,delrt a=0.0,0.0 < | \
+    basop choice=1 shift=-0.1 | \
+    supsimage clip=2e-12 f1=0 f2=-5000 x1end=3.004 hbox=8 wbox=6 \
+    label1="time (s)" label2="lateral position (m)" \
+    labelsize=10 f2num=-5000 d2num=1000 d1num=0.5 > shot_real2_x5000_topo.eps
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_obc_deltares.scr b/fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_obc_deltares.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ef67ce4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_obc_deltares.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+#PBS -l nodes=1
+#PBS -N InterfModeling
+#PBS -q fourweeks
+#PBS -V
+# same as fdelmodc_topography, but with source and receivers on topography of sea-bottom
+export PATH=../../bin:$PATH
+makemod sizex=1118 sizez=50 dx=0.1 dz=0.1 cs0=0 cp0=1500 ro0=1000 orig=0,0 \
+	verbose=1 intt=def poly=0 \
+x=0,4.989278785,9.978557567,14.96783635,19.95711513,24.94639392,29.9356727,34.92495149,39.91423027,44.90350905,49.89278784,54.88206662,59.8713454,64.86062418,69.84990297,74.83918175,79.82846053,84.81773932,89.8070181,94.79629688,99.78557567,104.7748544,109.7641332,114.753412,119.7426908,124.7319696,129.7212484,134.7105272,139.6998059,144.6890847,149.6783635,154.6676423,159.6569211,164.6461998,169.6354786,174.6247574,179.6140362,184.603315,189.5925938,194.5818725,199.5711513,204.5604301,209.5497089,214.5389877,219.5282665,224.5175452,229.506824,234.4961028,239.4853816,244.4746604,249.4639392,254.4532179,259.4424967,264.4317755,269.4210543,274.4103331,279.3996119,284.3888907,289.3781694,294.3674482,299.356727,304.3460058,309.3352846,314.3245633,319.3138421,324.3031209,329.2923997,334.2816785,339.2709573,344.260236,349.2495148,354.2387936,359.2280724,364.2173512,369.20663,374.1959087,379.1851875,384.1744663,389.1637451,394.1530239,399.1423027,404.1315814,409.1208602,414.110139,419.0994178,424.0886966,429.0779754,434.0672541,439.0565329,444.0458117,449.0350905,454.0243693,459.0136481,464.0029268,468.9922056,473.9814844,478.9707632,483.960042,488.9493208,493.9385995,498.9278783,503.9171571,508.9064359,513.8957147,518.8849935,523.8742722,528.863551,533.8528298,538.8421086,543.8313874,548.8206662,553.8099449,558.7992237,563.7885025,568.7777813,573.7670601,578.7563389,583.7456176,588.7348964,593.7241752,598.713454,603.7027328,608.6920116,613.6812903,618.6705691,623.6598479,628.6491267,633.6384055,638.6276843,643.616963,648.6062418,653.5955206,658.5847994,663.5740782,668.563357,673.5526357,678.5419145,683.5311933,688.5204721,693.5097509,698.4990297,703.4883084,708.4775872,713.466866,718.4561448,723.4454236,728.4347024,733.4239811,738.4132599,743.4025387,748.3918175,753.3810963,758.3703751,763.3596538,768.3489326,773.3382114,778.3274902,783.316769,788.3060478,793.2953265,798.2846053,803.2738841,808.2631629,813.2524417,818.2417205,823.2309992,828.220278,833.2095568,838.1988356,843.1881144,848.1773932,853.1666719,858.1559507,863.1452295,868.1345083,873.1237871,878.1130659,883.1023446,888.0916234,893.0809022,898.070181,903.0594598,908.0487386,913.0380173,918.0272961,923.0165749,928.0058537,932.9951325,937.9844113,942.97369,947.9629688,952.9522476,957.9415264,962.9308052,967.920084,972.9093627,977.8986415,982.8879203,987.8771991,992.8664779,997.8557567,1002.845035,1007.834314,1012.823593,1017.812872,1022.802151,1027.791429,1032.780708,1037.769987,1042.759266,1047.748544,1052.737823,1057.727102,1062.716381,1067.70566,1072.694938,1077.684217,1082.673496,1087.662775,1092.652054,1097.641332,1102.630611,1107.61989,1112.609169,1118 \
+z=29.3824,29.3588,29.3176,29.252,29.1942,29.1445,29.1022,29.0754,29.0633,29.024,28.9744,28.9188,28.8637,28.8216,28.7949,28.7335,28.6521,28.612,28.5514,28.5014,28.4718,28.4137,28.3281,28.252,28.1901,28.1005,28.0643,28.0058,27.8679,27.8262,27.7721,27.674,27.5649,27.4764,27.3647,27.276,27.221,27.1218,27.0147,26.9272,26.8145,26.764,26.8204,27.1333,27.586,28.0833,28.6328,29.0162,29.2111,29.4167,29.6366,29.7805,29.8626,29.9578,30.0481,30.0327,30.0169,30.0378,29.9736,29.9087,29.858,29.762,29.6985,29.5942,29.5022,29.4256,29.3452,29.2426,29.1809,29.1029,28.952,28.8904,28.7907,28.6837,28.5855,28.481,28.3696,28.2818,28.1881,28.0854,28.0425,27.9827,27.8543,27.7555,27.6597,27.5591,27.4323,27.2993,27.2294,27.1636,27.0862,27.0065,26.9591,26.8628,26.7604,26.7147,26.7983,27.2001,27.7855,28.3254,28.8055,29.1561,29.4988,29.6726,29.8463,29.9967,30.0654,30.1303,30.1931,30.2603,30.3239,30.314,30.2709,30.2152,30.1697,30.1097,30.0521,29.9975,29.9129,29.8553,29.8362,29.7413,29.6596,29.587,29.5253,29.4601,29.3847,29.3043,29.2461,29.1701,29.0959,29.0147,28.941,28.8566,28.7724,28.7032,28.6491,28.585,28.5201,28.4252,28.3344,28.2789,28.2004,28.1163,28.0728,28.0122,27.9259,27.8606,27.7929,27.7139,27.6539,27.6084,27.5292,27.4676,27.3796,27.2755,27.1434,27.0777,27.0211,26.9787,26.9362,26.8472,26.8677,27.0764,27.4351,27.8719,28.4272,28.8629,29.16,29.3875,29.5391,29.6389,29.7532,29.8745,29.9364,29.9736,30.0274,29.9687,29.9057,29.8955,29.85,29.7563,29.7003,29.6253,29.5333,29.4688,29.317,29.2253,29.1851,29.0555,28.9646,28.8427,28.7373,28.6687,28.5522,28.4677,28.3907,28.2464,28.1628,28.0732,27.9337,27.8505,27.7818,27.6664,27.5443,27.4945,27.4253,27.4398,27.5949,28.0526,28.6129,29.0875,29.4419,29.6561,29.8852,30.0617,30.2174,30.3048,30.361,30.3477,30.3687,30.3881,30.3108,30.2617,30.2483 \
+ cp=1700 ro=1000 cs=333 \
+intt=def poly=0 x=0,1118 z=32,32 cp=1800 ro=1200 cs=300 \
+intt=def poly=0 x=0,1118 z=35,35 cp=2200 ro=1200 cs=50 \
+intt=def poly=0 x=0,1118 z=36,36 cp=2500 ro=1200 cs=600 \
+intt=def poly=0 x=350,650 z=32,32 cp=2000 ro=1200 cs=700 \
+intt=def poly=1 x=350,400,450,500,550,600,650 z=32,42,43,43,43,42,32 cp=2500 ro=1200 cs=800 
+#z=9.3824,9.3588,9.3176,9.252,9.1942,9.1445,9.1022,9.0754,9.0633,9.024,8.9744,8.9188,8.8637,8.8216,8.7949,8.7335,8.6521,8.612,8.5514,8.5014,8.4718,8.4137,8.3281,8.252,8.1901,8.1005,8.0643,8.0058,7.8679,7.8262,7.7721,7.674,7.5649,7.4764,7.3647,7.276,7.221,7.1218,7.0147,6.9272,6.8145,6.764,6.8204,7.1333,7.586,8.0833,8.6328,9.0162,9.2111,9.4167,9.6366,9.7805,9.8626,9.9578,10.0481,10.0327,10.0169,10.0378,9.9736,9.9087,9.858,9.762,9.6985,9.5942,9.5022,9.4256,9.3452,9.2426,9.1809,9.1029,8.952,8.8904,8.7907,8.6837,8.5855,8.481,8.3696,8.2818,8.1881,8.0854,8.0425,7.9827,7.8543,7.7555,7.6597,7.5591,7.4323,7.2993,7.2294,7.1636,7.0862,7.0065,6.9591,6.8628,6.7604,6.7147,6.7983,7.2001,7.7855,8.3254,8.8055,9.1561,9.4988,9.6726,9.8463,9.9967,10.0654,10.1303,10.1931,10.2603,10.3239,10.314,10.2709,10.2152,10.1697,10.1097,10.0521,9.9975,9.9129,9.8553,9.8362,9.7413,9.6596,9.587,9.5253,9.4601,9.3847,9.3043,9.2461,9.1701,9.0959,9.0147,8.941,8.8566,8.7724,8.7032,8.6491,8.585,8.5201,8.4252,8.3344,8.2789,8.2004,8.1163,8.0728,8.0122,7.9259,7.8606,7.7929,7.7139,7.6539,7.6084,7.5292,7.4676,7.3796,7.2755,7.1434,7.0777,7.0211,6.9787,6.9362,6.8472,6.8677,7.0764,7.4351,7.8719,8.4272,8.8629,9.16,9.3875,9.5391,9.6389,9.7532,9.8745,9.9364,9.9736,10.0274,9.9687,9.9057,9.8955,9.85,9.7563,9.7003,9.6253,9.5333,9.4688,9.317,9.2253,9.1851,9.0555,8.9646,8.8427,8.7373,8.6687,8.5522,8.4677,8.3907,8.2464,8.1628,8.0732,7.9337,7.8505,7.7818,7.6664,7.5443,7.4945,7.4253,7.4398,7.5949,8.0526,8.6129,9.0875,9.4419,9.6561,9.8852,10.0617,10.2174,10.3048,10.361,10.3477,10.3687,10.3881,10.3108,10.2617,10.2483 \
+makewave w=g2 fp=14 t0=0.10 dt=$dt nt=4096 verbose=1
+../fdelmodc \
+	ischeme=3 \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+    dtrcv=0.001 \
+	rec_type_vx=1 \
+	rec_type_vz=1 \
+	rec_type_tzz=1 \
+	xsrc=550 \
+	zsrc=25 \
+    verbose=4 \
+    tmod=3.004 \
+    dxrcv=1.0 \
+    zrcv1=25 \
+    zrcv2=25 \
+    xrcv1=0 \
+    xrcv2=1118 \
+	tsnap1=0.1 tsnap2=3.0 dtsnap=0.2 dxsnap=10 dzsnap=10 \
+    ntaper=$ntap \
+    left=4 right=4 top=1 bottom=4
+suxmovie < loop=1  clip=1e-5
+sushw key=f1,delrt a=0.0,0.0 < | \
+    basop choice=1 shift=-0.1 | \
+    supsimage clip=2e-12 f1=0 f2=-5000 x1end=3.004 hbox=8 wbox=6 \
+    label1="time (s)" label2="lateral position (m)" \
+    labelsize=10 f2num=-5000 d2num=1000 d1num=0.5 > shot_real2_x5000_topo.eps
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_plane.scr b/fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_plane.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..cf4f133
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_plane.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+#PBS -N fdelmodc
+#PBS -k eo
+#PBS -j eo
+# Models plane wave at depth to receivers at the surface, including snapshots
+export PATH=../../utils:$PATH:
+makewave dt=0.001 nt=1024 fp=13 shift=1 w=g2 verbose=1
+makemod \
+       cp0=1500 ro0=1000 cs0=600 sizex=2100 sizez=2100 \
+        dx=3 dz=3 orig=0,0 \
+        intt=def poly=0 cp=1650 ro=2000 cs=1000 \
+        x=0,2100 z=500,500 gradcp=0.5 grad=100 \
+        intt=def poly=1 cp=1800 ro=2500 cs=1200 \
+        x=0,800,1200,2100 z=900,1400,1400,1200 gradcp=0 grad=0 \
+		verbose=4
+time ../fdelmodc \
+	file_cp=$filecp file_cs=$filecs file_den=$filero \
+	ischeme=3 \
+ verbose=4 \
+ \
+ \
+	xrcv1=0 xrcv2=2100 dxrcv=15 \
+	zrcv1=400 zrcv2=400 \
+	rec_type_vx=1 rec_type_pp=1 rec_type_ss=1 rec_int_vx=1 \
+	dtrcv=0.004 \
+	xsrc=1000 zsrc=1700 nshot=1 plane_wave=1 nsrc=301 \
+	src_type=1 tmod=3.0 src_velo=1800 src_angle=5  \
+	ntaper=21 src_window=101 \
+	left=4 right=4 bottom=4 top=4 \
+	tsnap1=0.1 tsnap2=3.0 dtsnap=0.1 \
+	sna_type_ss=1 sna_type_pp=1
+# to show a movie of the snapshots 
+#suxmovie < perc=99 loop=1
+# to reproduce the images in the manual use:
+supsimage < \
+	wbox=4 hbox=4 titlesize=-1 labelsize=10 verbose=1 \
+	d2=3 f2=0 wrgb=1.0,0,0 grgb=0,1.0,0 brgb=0,0,1.0 bps=24 \
+	label1="depth [m]" label2="lateral position [m]" > model_plane.eps
+supsimage < \
+	wbox=4 hbox=4 titlesize=-1 labelsize=10 verbose=1 \
+	d2=3 f2=0 wclip=-1 bclip=1 \
+	gabel1="depth [m]" label2="lateral position [m]" > SrcRecPositions.eps
+suop2 w1=1 w2=2000 op=sum | \
+	supsimage  wclip=1400 bclip=2000 \
+	wbox=4 hbox=4 titlesize=-1 labelsize=10 verbose=1 \
+	d2=3 f2=0 wrgb=1.0,0,0 grgb=0,1.0,0 brgb=0,0,1.0 bps=24 \
+	label1="depth [m]" label2="lateral position [m]" > model_plane_src.eps
+supsimage < \
+	wbox=3 hbox=4 titlesize=-1 labelsize=10 clip=1e-10 verbose=1 \
+	label1="time [s]" label2="lateral position [m]" > rec_plane_rvz.eps
+supsimage < \
+	wbox=3 hbox=4 titlesize=-1 labelsize=10 clip=1e-11 verbose=1 \
+	label1="time [s]" label2="lateral position [m]" > rec_plane_rpp.eps
+supsimage < \
+	wbox=3 hbox=4 titlesize=-1 labelsize=10 clip=1e-11 verbose=1 \
+	label1="time [s]" label2="lateral position [m]" > rec_plane_rss.eps
+for file in snap_svz snap_spp snap_sss; do
+suwind < $ key=fldr min=$ifldr max=$ifldr > 
+while (( ifldr < 12 )) 
+(( ifldr += 4 ))
+echo $ifldr
+suwind < $ key=fldr min=$ifldr max=$ifldr > 
+susum >
+supsimage < \
+	wbox=4 hbox=4 titlesize=-1 labelsize=10 verbose=1 \
+	d2=3 f2=0 perc=99 \
+	label1="depth [m]" label2="lateral position [m]" > ${file}_snap.eps
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_plane_txt.scr b/fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_plane_txt.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d2d687b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_plane_txt.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+#PBS -N fdelmodc
+#PBS -k eo
+#PBS -j eo
+# Models plane wave at depth to receivers at the surface, including snapshots
+export PATH=../../utils:$PATH:
+makewave dt=0.001 nt=1024 fp=13 shift=1 w=g2 verbose=1
+makemod \
+       cp0=1500 ro0=1000 sizex=2100 sizez=2100 \
+        dx=3 dz=3 orig=0,0 \
+        intt=def poly=0 cp=1650 ro=2000 \
+        x=0,2100 z=500,500 gradcp=0.5 grad=100 \
+        intt=def poly=1 cp=1800 ro=2500 \
+        x=0,800,1200,2100 z=900,1400,1400,1200 gradcp=0 grad=0 \
+		verbose=4
+rm Src.txt
+for i in `seq 1 700 `; do (( x = i*3 )); (( z = i*3 )); echo $x $z >> Src.txt ; done
+time ../fdelmodc \
+	file_cp=$filecp file_den=$filero \
+	ischeme=1 \
+ verbose=4 \
+ \
+ \
+	xrcv1=0 xrcv2=2100 dxrcv=15 \
+	zrcv1=400 zrcv2=400 \
+	rec_type_vx=1 rec_type_pp=1 rec_type_ss=1 rec_int_vx=1 \
+	dtrcv=0.004 \
+	src_txt=Src.txt \
+	src_type=1 tmod=3.0 src_velo=1800 src_angle=5  \
+	ntaper=21 src_window=11 \
+	left=4 right=4 bottom=4 top=4 \
+	tsnap1=0.1 tsnap2=3.0 dtsnap=0.1 \
+	sna_type_ss=1 sna_type_pp=1
+# to show a movie of the snapshots 
+#suxmovie < perc=99 loop=1
+# to reproduce the images in the manual use:
+supsimage < \
+	wbox=4 hbox=4 titlesize=-1 labelsize=10 verbose=1 \
+	d2=3 f2=0 wrgb=1.0,0,0 grgb=0,1.0,0 brgb=0,0,1.0 bps=24 \
+	label1="depth [m]" label2="lateral position [m]" > model_plane.eps
+supsimage < \
+	wbox=4 hbox=4 titlesize=-1 labelsize=10 verbose=1 \
+	d2=3 f2=0 wclip=-1 bclip=1 \
+	gabel1="depth [m]" label2="lateral position [m]" > SrcRecPositions.eps
+suop2 w1=1 w2=2000 op=sum | \
+	supsimage  wclip=1400 bclip=2000 \
+	wbox=4 hbox=4 titlesize=-1 labelsize=10 verbose=1 \
+	d2=3 f2=0 wrgb=1.0,0,0 grgb=0,1.0,0 brgb=0,0,1.0 bps=24 \
+	label1="depth [m]" label2="lateral position [m]" > model_plane_src.eps
+supsimage < \
+	wbox=3 hbox=4 titlesize=-1 labelsize=10 clip=1e-10 verbose=1 \
+	label1="time [s]" label2="lateral position [m]" > rec_plane_rvz.eps
+supsimage < \
+	wbox=3 hbox=4 titlesize=-1 labelsize=10 clip=1e-11 verbose=1 \
+	label1="time [s]" label2="lateral position [m]" > rec_plane_rpp.eps
+supsimage < \
+	wbox=3 hbox=4 titlesize=-1 labelsize=10 clip=1e-11 verbose=1 \
+	label1="time [s]" label2="lateral position [m]" > rec_plane_rss.eps
+for file in snap_svz snap_spp snap_sss; do
+suwind < $ key=fldr min=$ifldr max=$ifldr > 
+while (( ifldr < 12 )) 
+(( ifldr += 4 ))
+echo $ifldr
+suwind < $ key=fldr min=$ifldr max=$ifldr > 
+susum >
+supsimage < \
+	wbox=4 hbox=4 titlesize=-1 labelsize=10 verbose=1 \
+	d2=3 f2=0 perc=99 \
+	label1="depth [m]" label2="lateral position [m]" > ${file}_snap.eps
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_pml.scr b/fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_pml.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..50c3d96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_pml.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+#PBS -N fdelmod
+#PBS -q verylong
+#PBS -l nodes=1
+#PBS -k eo
+#PBS -j eo
+# Illustrates the effect of (absorbing) tapering of the edges, used in Figure 4 of the manual.
+makewave dt=$dt nt=1024 fp=85 shift=1 w=g2 verbose=1
+makemod \
+       cp0=$cp ro0=1000 cs0=600 sizex=1000 sizez=1000 \
+       dx=$dx dz=$dx orig=0,0 \
+../fdelmodc \
+        file_cp=$filecp file_cs=$filecs file_den=$filero \
+        ischeme=1 \
+ verbose=4 \
+ \
+ \
+        xrcv1=0 xrcv2=1000 dxrcv=5 \
+        zrcv1=300 zrcv2=300 \
+        rec_type_vx=1 rec_type_pp=1 rec_type_ss=1 rec_int_vx=1 \
+        dtrcv=0.004 \
+        xsrc=500 zsrc=500 nshot=1 \
+        src_type=1 tmod=1.0  \
+	    left=1 right=1 bottom=1 top=1 \
+        tsnap1=0.2 tsnap2=1.0 dtsnap=0.1 \
+        sna_type_ss=1 sna_type_pp=1 fmax=25
+suwind key=fldr min=3 max=3 < | \
+        supsimage \
+        wbox=4 hbox=4 titlesize=-1 labelsize=10 verbose=1 \
+        d2=$dx f2=0 clip=0.003 \
+        label1="depth [m]" label2="lateral position [m]" > snap_tap${ntaper}.eps
+supsimage < \
+        wbox=3 hbox=4 titlesize=-1 labelsize=10 clip=0.003 verbose=1 \
+        label1="time [s]" label2="lateral position [m]" > rec_tap${ntaper}_rp.eps
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_pmltest.scr b/fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_pmltest.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3e42882
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_pmltest.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+export PATH=:$HOME/src/OpenSource/bin:$HOME/bin:$PATH:
+makemod sizex=6000 sizez=1250 dx=$dx dz=$dx cp0=1500  ro0=1000 \
+        orig=-3000,0 verbose=2  \
+        intt=def x=-3000,-2000,-1000,0,1000,2000,3000 z=240,130,250,300,350,380,320 poly=2 cp=1950 ro=4500 grad=0 \
+        intt=def x=-3000,-2200,-1500,0,1300,2100,3000 z=620,640,590,600,740,700,600 poly=2 cp=2000 ro=1400 grad=0 \
+        intt=def x=-3000,-1800,0,2200,3000 z=920,1000,900,1000,1010 poly=2 cp=2300 ro=1600 grad=0
+makemod sizex=600 sizez=1250 dx=$dx dz=$dx cp0=1500  ro0=1000 \
+        orig=-300,0 verbose=2  \
+        intt=def x=-300,-200,-100,0,100,200,300 z=240,130,250,300,350,380,320 poly=2 cp=1950 ro=4500 grad=0 \
+        intt=def x=-300,-220,-150,0,130,210,300 z=620,640,590,600,740,700,600 poly=2 cp=2000 ro=1400 grad=0 \
+        intt=def x=-300,-180,0,220,300 z=920,1000,900,1000,1010 poly=2 cp=2300 ro=1600 grad=0
+makewave fp=30 dt=$dt nt=4096 t0=0.1 scale=1
+../fdelmodc \
+    file_cp=$file_cp ischeme=1 iorder=4 \
+    file_den=$file_ro \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+    src_type=1 \
+    src_injectionrate=0 \
+    dtrcv=$dt \
+    rec_delay=0.1 \
+    verbose=4 \
+    tmod=0.9000 \
+	dxrcv=15 \
+    tsnap1=0.000 tsnap2=0.9 dtsnap=0.005 \
+    xsnap1=-300 xsnap2=300 dxsnap=5 dzsnap=5 \
+    zsnap1=0 zsnap2=300 dxsnap=5 dzsnap=5 \
+	sna_type_vx=1 snapwithbnd=1 \
+    xsrc=-100 zsrc=150  \
+    npml=35 \
+	m=2 \
+	R=1e-5 \
+    left=2 right=2 top=2 bottom=2
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_rand.scr b/fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_rand.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..97df961
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_rand.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+#PBS -l nodes=1
+#PBS -N InterfModeling
+#PBS -q fourweeks
+#PBS -V
+# demo for generation of random source signature at random positions
+export PATH=../../bin:$PATH
+makewave w=g2 fmax=45 t0=0.10 dt=0.001 nt=4096 db=-40 verbose=1
+makemod sizex=10000 sizez=4100 dx=10 dz=10 cp0=1500 ro0=1000 \
+	intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=400,400 cp=2000 ro=1400 \
+	intt=def poly=2 x=0,2000,3000,5000,7000,8000,10000 \
+	z=1100,1100,1100,1600,1100,1100,1100 cp=4000 ro=2000 \
+	intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=2100,2100 cp=3000 ro=1500 \
+	intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=2600,2600 cp=5500 ro=2200
+../fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+	file_rcv=$file_shot \
+	dtrcv=0.008 \
+	dt=0.0010 \
+	verbose=4 \
+	tmod=10.000 \
+	dxrcv=20.0 \
+	zrcv1=10 \
+	zrcv2=10 \
+	xrcv1=0 \
+	xrcv2=10000 \
+	src_random=1 \
+	wav_random=1 \
+	fmax=30 \
+	xsrc1=$xsrc1 \
+	xsrc2=$xsrc2 \
+	zsrc1=$zsrc1 \
+	zsrc2=$zsrc2 \
+	tsrc1=0.0 \
+	tsrc2=5.0 \
+	nsrc=20 \
+	dipsrc=0 \
+	ntaper=45 \
+	tsnap1=0.1 tsnap2=6.0 dtsnap=0.2 \
+	left=4 right=4 bottom=4 top=1 \
+    nxmax=2500 nzmax=1400 ntmax=10000
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_sourcepos.scr b/fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_sourcepos.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..37b6a90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_sourcepos.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=2
+#PBS -N InterfModeling
+#PBS -q long
+#PBS -V
+# shows how different source distributions are defined 
+set -x
+export PATH=../../bin:$PATH
+makewave w=g2 fp=10 t0=0.15 dt=0.0010 nt=4096 verbose=1
+makemod sizex=10000 sizez=4100 dx=10 dz=10 cp0=1500 ro0=1000 \
+	intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=400,400 cp=2000 ro=1400 \
+	intt=def poly=2 x=0,2000,3000,5000,7000,8000,10000 z=1100,1100,1100,1600,1100,1100,1100 cp=4000 ro=2000 \
+	intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=2100,2100 cp=3000 ro=1500 \
+	intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=2600,2600 cp=5500 ro=2200
+for wav_random in 0 1;
+echo $file_shot
+fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+ \
+	file_rcv=$file_shot \
+	rec_type_p=0 \
+	dtrcv=0.008 \
+	rec_ntsam=16384 \
+	dt=0.0010 \
+	verbose=1 \
+	tmod=$tmod \
+	dxrcv=10.0 \
+	plane_wave=0 \
+	xrcv1=0 xrcv2=10000 zrcv1=0 zrcv2=0 dxrcv=50 \
+	src_random=1 \
+	wav_random=${wav_random} \
+	fmax=$fmax \
+	xsrc1=$xsrc1 \
+	xsrc2=$xsrc2 \
+	zsrc1=$zsrc1 \
+	zsrc2=$zsrc2 \
+	tsrc1=0.0 \
+	tsrc2=$tsrc2 \
+	tlength=$tlength \
+	nsrc=$nsrc \
+	dipsrc=0 \
+	ntaper=45 \
+    left=4 right=4 top=1 bottom=4
+    base=`echo $file_shot | awk 'BEGIN { FS = "." } ; { print $1 }'`
+    echo $base
+    shot=${base}
+    suwind s=1 j=1 tmax=4 f1=0.0 < $shot | \
+    sushw key=f1,delrt,d2 a=0.0,0.0,$dxrcv | \
+    supsimage perc=99 f1=0 f2=-5000 hbox=4 wbox=3 \
+    label1='time (s)' label2='lateral position (m)' \
+    labelsize=10 f2num=-5000 d2num=2500 > ${base}.eps
+fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+ \
+	file_rcv=$file_shot \
+	rec_type_p=0 \
+	dtrcv=0.008 \
+	rec_ntsam=16384 \
+	dt=0.0010 \
+	verbose=1 \
+	tmod=$tmod \
+	dxrcv=10.0 \
+	plane_wave=0 \
+	xrcv1=0 xrcv2=10000 zrcv1=0 zrcv2=0 dxrcv=50 \
+	src_random=1 \
+	wav_random=${wav_random} \
+	fmax=$fmax \
+	xsrc1=$xsrc1 \
+	xsrc2=$xsrc2 \
+	zsrc1=$zsrc1 \
+	zsrc2=$zsrc2 \
+	tsrc1=0.0 \
+	tsrc2=$tsrc2 \
+	tlength=$tlength \
+	nsrc=$nsrc \
+	dipsrc=0 \
+	ntaper=45 \
+    left=4 right=4 top=1 bottom=4
+    base=`echo $file_shot | awk 'BEGIN { FS = "." } ; { print $1 }'`
+    echo $base
+    shot=${base}
+    suwind s=1 j=1 tmax=4 f1=0.0 < $shot | \
+    sushw key=f1,delrt,d2 a=0.0,0.0,$dxrcv | \
+    supsimage perc=99 f1=0 f2=-5000 hbox=4 wbox=3 \
+    label1='time (s)' label2='lateral position (m)' \
+    labelsize=10 f2num=-5000 d2num=2500 > ${base}.eps
+fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+ \
+	file_rcv=$file_shot \
+	rec_type_p=0 \
+	dtrcv=0.008 \
+	rec_ntsam=16384 \
+	dt=0.0010 \
+	verbose=1 \
+	tmod=$tmod \
+	dxrcv=10.0 \
+	plane_wave=1 \
+	xrcv1=0 xrcv2=10000 zrcv1=0 zrcv2=0 dxrcv=50 \
+	xsrc=5000 zsrc=2700 \
+	src_random=0 \
+	wav_random=${wav_random} \
+	fmax=$fmax \
+	tsrc1=0.0 \
+	tsrc2=$tsrc2 \
+	tlength=$tlength \
+	nsrc=$nsrc \
+	dipsrc=0 \
+	ntaper=45 \
+    left=4 right=4 top=1 bottom=4
+    base=`echo $file_shot | awk 'BEGIN { FS = "." } ; { print $1 }'`
+    echo $base
+    shot=${base}
+    suwind s=1 j=1 tmax=4 f1=0.0 < $shot | \
+    sushw key=f1,delrt,d2 a=0.0,0.0,$dxrcv | \
+    supsimage perc=99 f1=0 f2=-5000 hbox=4 wbox=3 \
+    label1='time (s)' label2='lateral position (m)' \
+    labelsize=10 f2num=-5000 d2num=2500 > ${base}.eps
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_srcrec.scr b/fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_srcrec.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9412842
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_srcrec.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+#PBS -N fdelmod
+#PBS -q verylong
+#PBS -l nodes=1
+#PBS -k eo
+#PBS -j eo
+# illustrates source and receiver positions, used in Figure 10 of the manual
+export PATH=../../utils:$PATH:
+makewave dt=$dt nt=1024 shift=1 fmax=10 verbose=1
+# build a model with a steep salt-like flank of the side
+#model sources on an array following the edges of the flank
+../fdelmodc \
+ \
+        ischeme=1 \
+ verbose=4 \
+ \
+        xsrca=5900,5950,6000,6100,6200,6300,6350,6300,6200,6100,6000,5950,5900 \
+        zsrca=2000,2100,2200,2300,2400,2500,2650,2800,2900,3000,3100,3200,3300 \
+        rec_type_vz=1 rec_int_vx=1 \
+        dtrcv=0.004 \
+        xrcv1=4000 zrcv1=1000 xrcv2=4000 zrcv2=6000 dzrcv=100 dxrcv=0 \
+        src_type=1 tmod=0.001  \
+        ntaper=10 \
+	    left=4 right=4 bottom=4 top=1 \
+        fmax=10
+sugain < scale=5000 > 
+susum > 
+supsimage < bclip=5000 wclip=0 \
+	wbox=4 hbox=4 titlesize=-1 labelsize=10 verbose=1 \
+	label1="depth [m]" label2="lateral position [m]" blockinterp=1 \
+	> salt_mod_srcrec3.eps
+#model sources on random positions in layers below the flank
+../fdelmodc \
+        file_cp=$filecp file_den=$filero \
+        ischeme=1 \
+ verbose=4 \
+ \
+        xrcv1=6000,500 xrcv2=6000,7500 dxrcv=0,500 \
+        zrcv1=100,500 zrcv2=6000,500 dzrcv=100,0 \
+        rec_type_vz=1 rec_int_vx=1 \
+        dtrcv=0.004 \
+	src_random=1 nsrc=150 \
+        xsrc1=500 xsrc2=7500 zsrc1=6000 zsrc2=7500 \
+        src_type=1 tmod=0.001  \
+        ntaper=$ntaper \
+	    left=4 right=4 bottom=4 top=1 \
+        fmax=10
+sugain < scale=5000 > 
+susum > 
+supsimage < bclip=5000 wclip=0 \
+    wbox=4 hbox=4 titlesize=-1 labelsize=10 verbose=1 \
+    label1="depth [m]" label2="lateral position [m]" blockinterp=1 \
+	> salt_mod_srcrec2.eps
+#model 50 shots for sources on a horizontal line left from the flank
+../fdelmodc \
+        file_cp=$filecp file_den=$filero \
+        ischeme=1 \
+ verbose=4 \
+ \
+        xrcv1=6000 xrcv2=6000 dxrcv=0 \
+        zrcv1=100 zrcv2=6000 dzrcv=100 \
+        rec_type_vz=0 rec_int_vx=1 \
+        dtrcv=0.004 \
+        xsrc=500 zsrc=100 nshot=50 dxshot=100 dzshot=0 \
+        src_type=1 tmod=0.001  \
+        ntaper=$ntaper \
+	    left=4 right=4 bottom=4 top=1 \
+        fmax=10
+sugain < scale=5000 > 
+susum > 
+supsimage < bclip=5000 wclip=0 \
+    wbox=4 hbox=4 titlesize=-1 labelsize=10 verbose=1 \
+    label1="depth [m]" label2="lateral position [m]" blockinterp=1 \
+	> salt_mod_srcrec.eps
+#alternative ways of plotting src and receiver positions
+supsimage < \
+	grgb=1.0,1.0,1.0 brgb=1.0,0.0,0.0 wrgb=0.0,1.0,0.0 \
+	ghls=1.0,1.0,0.0 bhls=1.0,1.0,0.0 whls=1.0,1.0,0.0 \
+    wbox=4 hbox=4 titlesize=-1 labelsize=10 verbose=1 \
+        label1="time [s]" label2="lateral position [m]" blockinterp=1 \
+	> salt_mod_srcrec.eps
+supsimage < \
+        wbox=4 hbox=4 titlesize=-1 labelsize=10 verbose=1 \
+        label1="time [s]" label2="lateral position [m]" > salt.eps
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_stab.scr b/fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_stab.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d43c57e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_stab.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+#PBS -N fdelmod
+#PBS -q verylong
+#PBS -l nodes=1
+#PBS -k eo
+#PBS -j eo
+# Illustrates how dispersion and instability is presented in snapshots, used in Figure 1 of the manual
+export PATH=../../bin:$PATH
+#OK: no taper
+#OK: no dispersion and stable
+makewave dt=$dt nt=1024 fp=85 shift=1 w=g2 verbose=1
+makemod \
+       cp0=$cp ro0=1000 cs0=600 sizex=2100 sizez=2100 \
+       dx=$dx dz=$dx orig=0,0 \
+../fdelmodc \
+	file_cp=$filecp file_cs=$filecs file_den=$filero \
+	ischeme=1 \
+ verbose=2 \
+ \
+ \
+	xrcv1=0 xrcv2=2100 dxrcv=15 \
+	zrcv1=400 zrcv2=400 \
+	dtrcv=0.004 \
+	xsrc=1000 zsrc=1700 nshot=1 \
+	src_type=1 tmod=1.0  \
+	ntaper=$ntaper \
+	left=4 right=4 bottom=4 top=4 \
+	tsnap1=0.1 tsnap2=1.0 dtsnap=0.4 \
+	sna_type_ss=1 sna_type_pp=1 fmax=25
+suwind < key=fldr min=2 max=2 | \
+    convert trinc=3 saminc=3 | \
+    supsimage labelsize=10 hbox=4 wbox=4 clip=1e-5 \
+    label1="z [m]" label2="x [m]" f1=0 f2=0 d1=3 d2=3 > snap_nodisp_sp.eps
+#Dispersion 1:
+makewave dt=$dt nt=1024 fp=85 shift=1 w=g2 verbose=1
+makemod \
+       cp0=$cp ro0=1000 cs0=600 sizex=2100 sizez=2100 \
+       dx=$dx dz=$dx orig=0,0 \
+../fdelmodc \
+	file_cp=$filecp file_cs=$filecs file_den=$filero \
+	ischeme=1 \
+ verbose=2 \
+ \
+ \
+	xrcv1=0 xrcv2=2100 dxrcv=15 \
+	zrcv1=400 zrcv2=400 \
+	dtrcv=0.004 \
+	xsrc=1000 zsrc=1700 nshot=1 \
+	src_type=1 tmod=1.0  \
+	ntaper=$ntaper \
+	left=4 right=4 bottom=4 top=4 \
+	tsnap1=0.1 tsnap2=1.0 dtsnap=0.4 \
+	sna_type_ss=1 sna_type_pp=1 fmax=25
+suwind < key=fldr min=2 max=2 | \
+    supsimage labelsize=10 hbox=4 wbox=4 clip=1e-5 \
+    label1="z [m]" label2="x [m]" f1=0 f2=0 > snap_disp_sp.eps
+#Dispersion 2:
+makewave dt=$dt nt=1024 fp=85 shift=1 w=g2 verbose=1
+makemod \
+	   cp0=$cp ro0=1000 cs0=600 sizex=2100 sizez=2100 \
+	   dx=$dx dz=$dx orig=0,0 \
+../fdelmodc \
+	file_cp=$filecp file_cs=$filecs file_den=$filero \
+	ischeme=1 \
+ verbose=2 \
+ \
+ \
+	xrcv1=0 xrcv2=2100 dxrcv=15 \
+	zrcv1=400 zrcv2=400 \
+	dtrcv=0.004 \
+	xsrc=1000 zsrc=1700 nshot=1 \
+	src_type=1 tmod=1.0  \
+	ntaper=$ntaper \
+	left=4 right=4 bottom=4 top=4 \
+	tsnap1=0.1 tsnap2=1.0 dtsnap=0.4 \
+	sna_type_ss=1 sna_type_pp=1 fmax=25
+suwind < key=fldr min=2 max=2 | \
+    supsimage labelsize=10 hbox=4 wbox=4 clip=2e-4 \
+    x1beg=1400 x1end=2000 x2beg=700 x2end=1300 \
+    label1="z [m]" label2="x [m]" f1=0 f2=0 > snap_disp2_sp.eps
+# To run this model one has to disable the error message in ../getParameters.c
+# this can be done with an undocumented parameter disable_check=1.
+# Noramly the program checks stability and then aborts the program using verr().
+makewave dt=$dt nt=1024 fp=85 shift=1 w=g2 verbose=1
+makemod \
+       cp0=$cp ro0=1000 cs0=600 sizex=2100 sizez=2100 \
+       dx=$dx dz=$dx orig=0,0 \
+../fdelmodc \
+	file_cp=$filecp file_cs=$filecs file_den=$filero \
+	ischeme=1 \
+ verbose=2 \
+ \
+ \
+	xrcv1=0 xrcv2=2100 dxrcv=15 \
+	zrcv1=400 zrcv2=400 \
+	dtrcv=0.004 \
+	xsrc=1000 zsrc=1700 nshot=1 \
+	src_type=1 tmod=1.0  \
+	ntaper=$ntaper \
+	left=4 right=4 bottom=4 top=4 \
+	tsnap1=0.1 tsnap2=1.0 dtsnap=0.4 \
+	disable_check=1 \
+	sna_type_ss=1 sna_type_pp=1 fmax=25
+suwind < key=fldr min=1 max=1 | \
+    supsimage labelsize=10 hbox=4 wbox=4 clip=2e+16 \
+    label1="z [m]" label2="x [m]" f1=0 f2=0 > snap_stab_sp.eps
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_taper.scr b/fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_taper.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..cdb8aed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_taper.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+#PBS -N fdelmod
+#PBS -q verylong
+#PBS -l nodes=1
+#PBS -k eo
+#PBS -j eo
+# Illustrates the effect of (absorbing) tapering of the edges, used in Figure 4 of the manual.
+makewave dt=$dt nt=1024 fp=85 shift=1 w=g2 verbose=1
+makemod \
+       cp0=$cp ro0=1000 cs0=600 sizex=1000 sizez=1000 \
+       dx=$dx dz=$dx orig=0,0 \
+../fdelmodc \
+        file_cp=$filecp file_cs=$filecs file_den=$filero \
+        ischeme=1 \
+ verbose=4 \
+ \
+ \
+        xrcv1=0 xrcv2=1000 dxrcv=5 \
+        zrcv1=300 zrcv2=300 \
+        rec_type_vx=1 rec_type_pp=1 rec_type_ss=1 rec_int_vx=1 \
+        dtrcv=0.004 \
+        xsrc=500 zsrc=500 nshot=1 \
+        src_type=1 tmod=1.0  \
+		ntaper=$ntaper \
+		left=3 right=3 bottom=3 top=3 \
+        tsnap1=0.2 tsnap2=1.0 dtsnap=0.1 \
+        sna_type_ss=1 sna_type_pp=1 fmax=25
+suwind key=fldr min=3 max=3 < | \
+        supsimage \
+        wbox=4 hbox=4 titlesize=-1 labelsize=10 verbose=1 \
+        d2=$dx f2=0 clip=$clip \
+        label1="depth [m]" label2="lateral position [m]" > snap_tap${ntaper}.eps
+supsimage < \
+        wbox=3 hbox=4 titlesize=-1 labelsize=10 clip=$clip verbose=1 \
+        label1="time [s]" label2="lateral position [m]" > rec_tap${ntaper}_rp.eps
+for ntaper in 50 100;
+../fdelmodc \
+        file_cp=$filecp file_cs=$filecs file_den=$filero \
+        ischeme=1 \
+ verbose=4 \
+ \
+ \
+        xrcv1=0 xrcv2=1000 dxrcv=5 \
+        zrcv1=300 zrcv2=300 \
+        rec_type_vx=1 rec_type_pp=1 rec_type_ss=1 rec_int_vx=1 \
+        dtrcv=0.004 \
+        xsrc=500 zsrc=500 nshot=1 \
+        src_type=1 tmod=1.0  \
+		ntaper=$ntaper \
+		left=4 right=4 bottom=4 top=4 \
+        tsnap1=0.2 tsnap2=1.0 dtsnap=0.1 \
+        sna_type_ss=1 sna_type_pp=1 fmax=25
+suwind key=fldr min=3 max=3 < | \
+        supsimage \
+        wbox=4 hbox=4 titlesize=-1 labelsize=10 verbose=1 \
+        d2=$dx f2=0 clip=$clip \
+        label1="depth [m]" label2="lateral position [m]" > snap_tap${ntaper}.eps
+supsimage < \
+        wbox=3 hbox=4 titlesize=-1 labelsize=10 clip=$clip verbose=1 \
+        label1="time [s]" label2="lateral position [m]" > rec_tap${ntaper}_rp.eps
+for npml in 5 10 20;
+../fdelmodc \
+        file_cp=$filecp file_cs=$filecs file_den=$filero \
+        ischeme=1 \
+ verbose=4 \
+ \
+ \
+        xrcv1=0 xrcv2=1000 dxrcv=5 \
+        zrcv1=300 zrcv2=300 \
+        rec_type_vx=1 rec_type_pp=1 rec_type_ss=1 rec_int_vx=1 \
+        dtrcv=0.004 \
+        xsrc=500 zsrc=500 nshot=1 \
+        src_type=1 tmod=1.0  \
+		npml=$npml \
+		left=2 right=2 bottom=2 top=2 \
+        tsnap1=0.2 tsnap2=1.0 dtsnap=0.1 \
+        sna_type_ss=1 sna_type_pp=1 fmax=25
+suwind key=fldr min=3 max=3 < | \
+        supsimage \
+        wbox=4 hbox=4 titlesize=-1 labelsize=10 verbose=1 \
+        d2=$dx f2=0 clip=$clip \
+        label1="depth [m]" label2="lateral position [m]" > snap_pml${npml}.eps
+supsimage < \
+        wbox=3 hbox=4 titlesize=-1 labelsize=10 clip=$clip verbose=1 \
+        label1="time [s]" label2="lateral position [m]" > rec_pml${npml}_rp.eps
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_topography.scr b/fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_topography.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..55d289e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_topography.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+#PBS -l nodes=1
+#PBS -N InterfModeling
+#PBS -q fourweeks
+#PBS -V
+# Illustrates how to place source and receivers on topography
+export PATH=../../bin:$PATH
+makemod sizex=10000 sizez=4100 dx=5 dz=5 cp0=0 cs0=0 ro0=1000 \
+    orig=0,-800 gradunit=0 \
+    intt=def poly=2 cp=2450 ro=1000 gradcp=14 grad=0 cs=2000 \
+    x=0,1000,1700,1800,2000,3000,4000,4500,6000,6800,7000,7500,8100,8800,10000 \
+    z=-100,-200,-250,-200,-200,-120,-300,-600,-650,-500,-350,-200,-200,-150,-200  \
+    intt=rough var=200,3.2,1 poly=2 x=0,3000,8000,10000 \
+		z=400,250,300,500 cp=4500,4200,4800,4500 ro=1400 gradcp=5 grad=0 cs=3800,3200,4000,3800 \
+    intt=def poly=2 x=0,2000,3000,5000,7000,8000,10000 \
+        z=1100,1100,1100,1600,1100,1100,1100 cp=4000 cs=3000 ro=2000 gradcp=8 grad=0 \
+    intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=1750,2050 cp=4500,5100 cs=3800,4200 ro=1500 gradcp=13 grad=0 \
+    intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=1850,2150 cp=6000,4200 cs=5000 ro=1500 gradcp=14 grad=0 \
+    intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=1950,2250 cp=4800,4800 cs=4000 ro=1500 gradcp=5 grad=0 \
+    intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=2000,2300 cp=6100,5000 cs=4400 ro=1500 gradcp=13 grad=0 \
+    intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=2100,2400 cp=3800,5000 cs=3000,3600 ro=1500 gradcp=20 grad=0 \
+    intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=2150,2450 cp=5000 cs=4000 ro=1500 gradcp=14 grad=0 \
+    intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=2350,2650 cp=5800 cs=4200 ro=1500 gradcp=5 grad=0 \
+    intt=def poly=0 x=0,10000 z=2600,2600 cp=5500 cs=4100 ro=2200 gradcp=5 grad=0
+sushw key=f1 a=0 < | \
+    sushw key=f1 a=0 | \
+    supsimage hbox=6 wbox=8 labelsize=10 f2num=-5000 d2num=1000 \
+    wrgb=0,0,1.0 grgb=0,1.0,0 brgb=1.0,0,0 \
+    bclip=7053.02 wclip=0 label1="depth [m]" label2="lateral position [m]" \
+    > model2_cp.eps
+makewave w=g2 fmax=45 t0=0.10 dt=$dt nt=4096 db=-40 verbose=1
+#in new FD code extendmodel is done in FD 
+#extendModel nafter=$ntap nbefore=$ntap nabove=0 nbelow=$ntap >
+#extendModel nafter=$ntap nbefore=$ntap nabove=0 nbelow=$ntap >
+../fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=3 \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+    src_type=7 \
+    dtrcv=0.004 \
+    verbose=4 \
+    tmod=3.104 \
+	rec_delay=0.1 \
+    dxrcv=20.0 \
+    zrcv1=-800 \
+    zrcv2=-800 \
+    xrcv1=0 \
+    xrcv2=10000 \
+    sinkdepth=1 \
+    sinkdepth_src=1 \
+    src_random=0 \
+    wav_random=0 \
+    xsrc=5000 \
+    zsrc=-500 \
+    ntaper=$ntap \
+    tsnap1=0.1 tsnap2=2.0 dtsnap=0.04 dxsnap=20 dzsnap=20 \
+    sna_type_txx=1 sna_type_tzz=1 \
+    left=4 right=4 top=1 bottom=4
+    supsimage perc=99 f1=0 f2=-5000 x1end=3.004 hbox=8 wbox=6 < \
+    label1="time (s)" label2="lateral position (m)" \
+    labelsize=10 f2num=-5000 d2num=1000 d1num=0.5 > shot_real2_x5000_topo.eps
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_visco.scr b/fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_visco.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ecdcbb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/demo/fdelmodc_visco.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+#PBS -N fdelmod
+#PBS -q verylong
+#PBS -l nodes=1
+#PBS -k eo
+#PBS -j eo
+# wave propagation in visco-elastic medium
+export PATH=.:/home/thorbcke/bin:$PATH
+makewave dt=0.001 nt=1024 fp=13 shift=1 w=g2 verbose=1
+makemod \
+        cp0=1500 ro0=1000 cs0=600 sizex=2700 sizez=2700 orig=0,-300\
+        dx=3 dz=3 \
+        intt=def poly=0 cp=1550 ro=2000 cs=1200 \
+        x=0,2700 z=500,500 \
+        intt=def poly=0 cp=1700 ro=2500 cs=1500 \
+        x=1100,1500 z=900,900 \
+		verbose=1
+#viscoelastic Q-values
+makemod \
+        cp0=20 cs0=17 ro0=1 sizex=2700 sizez=2700 orig=0,-300 \
+        dx=3 dz=3 \
+        intt=def poly=0 cp=18 cs=21 ro=1 \
+        x=0,2700 z=500,500 \
+        intt=def poly=0 cp=25 cs=26 ro=1 \
+        x=1100,1500 z=900,900 \
+		verbose=1
+../fdelmodc \
+	file_cp=$filecp file_cs=$filecs file_den=$filero \
+	ischeme=4 \
+	file_qp=$fileqp file_qs=$fileqs \
+ verbose=1 \
+ \
+	fmax=40 \
+	xrcv1=600 xrcv2=2100 dxrcv=15 \
+	rec_type_vx=1 rec_type_vz=1 rec_type_ss=1 rec_type_pp=1 rec_int_vx=0 \
+	zrcv1=300 zrcv2=300 \
+	dtrcv=0.004 xsrc=1000 zsrc=300 nshot=1 \
+	src_type=1 \
+	ntaper=100 \
+	left=2 right=2 bottom=2 top=2 \
+	tmod=1.5 dt=0.001 
+#    tsnap1=0 tsnap2=1.5 dtsnap=0.05 \
+#model direct field to subtract from total field
+makemod \
+        cp0=1500 ro0=1000 cs0=600 sizex=2700 sizez=2700 orig=0,-300\
+        dx=3 dz=3 \
+		verbose=1
+#viscoelastic Q-values
+makemod \
+        cp0=20 cs0=17 ro0=1 sizex=2700 sizez=2700 orig=0,-300\
+        dx=3 dz=3 \
+		verbose=1
+../fdelmodc \
+	file_cp=$filecp file_cs=$filecs file_den=$filero \
+	ischeme=4 \
+	file_qp=$fileqp file_qs=$fileqs \
+ verbose=1 \
+ \
+	fmax=40 \
+	xrcv1=600 xrcv2=2100 dxrcv=15 \
+	rec_type_vx=1 rec_type_vz=1 rec_type_ss=1 rec_type_pp=1 rec_int_vx=0 \
+	zrcv1=300 zrcv2=300 \
+	dtrcv=0.004 xsrc=1000 zsrc=300 nshot=1 ntaper=100 \
+	src_type=1 \
+	ntaper=100 \
+	left=2 right=2 bottom=2 top=2 \
+	tmod=1.5 dt=0.001 
+# substract mean and plot in eps
+for rectype in rvx rvz rpp rss ;
+   file_rcv=rec_$
+   sudiff $file_rcv d$file_rcv >
+   supsimage < hbox=4 wbox=3 titlesize=-1 labelsize=10 titlesize=-1 \
+   perc=99 label1="time [s]" f2=300 d2=15 label2="receiver position in m" > viscodemo_$rectype.eps
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/demo/freesurfaceP.scr b/fdelmodc3D/demo/freesurfaceP.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..bbe902a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/demo/freesurfaceP.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+makemod sizex=500 sizez=600 dx=$dx dz=$dx cp0=$cp ro0=$rho \
+	orig=-250,0 \
+	intt=def x=-250,250 z=200,200 poly=0 cp=2300 ro=2000 \
+    verbose=1 
+makewave fp=20 dt=$dt nt=4096 t0=0.1 
+../fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+    src_type=1 \
+    verbose=2 \
+	src_injectionrate=1 \
+    rec_int_vz=0 \
+    dtrcv=$dt \
+	rec_delay=0.1 \
+    tmod=1.10 \
+    dxrcv=$dx \
+    xrcv1=-250 xrcv2=250 \
+    zrcv1=0 zrcv2=0 \
+    xsrc=0 zsrc=0 \
+    npml=51 \
+    left=2 right=2 top=1 bottom=2
+fdacmod \
+ tmod=1.10 tapleft=1 tapright=1 tapbottom=1 \
+	xsrc=0 zsrc=0
+makemod sizex=500 sizez=600 dx=$dx dz=$dx cp0=$cp ro0=$rho \
+	orig=-250,-100 \
+	intt=def x=-250,250 z=200,200 poly=0 cp=2300 ro=2000 \
+    verbose=1 
+../fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+    src_type=1 \
+    verbose=2 \
+	src_injectionrate=1 \
+    rec_int_vz=0 \
+    dtrcv=$dt \
+	rec_delay=0.1 \
+    tmod=1.10 \
+    dxrcv=$dx \
+    xrcv1=-250 xrcv2=250 \
+    zrcv1=0 zrcv2=0 \
+    xsrc=0 zsrc=$dx \
+    npml=51 \
+    left=2 right=2 top=2 bottom=2
+../fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+    src_type=1 \
+    verbose=2 \
+	src_injectionrate=1 \
+    rec_int_vz=0 \
+    dtrcv=$dt \
+	rec_delay=0.1 \
+    tmod=1.10 \
+    dxrcv=$dx \
+    xrcv1=-250 xrcv2=250 \
+    zrcv1=0 zrcv2=0 \
+    xsrc=0 zsrc=-$dx \
+    npml=51 \
+    left=2 right=2 top=2 bottom=2
+suop2 op=diff >
+suop2 op=diff w1=1 w2=2 >
+(suwind key=gx min=0 max=0 < | sugain scale=2; suwind key=gx min=0 max=0 <  | suxgraph title "with and without Free-surface "
+(suwind key=gx min=0 max=0 < | sugain scale=2 ; suwind key=gx min=0 max=0 <  | suxgraph 
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/demo/freesurfaceVz.scr b/fdelmodc3D/demo/freesurfaceVz.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..41e8ab4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/demo/freesurfaceVz.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+#PBS -N fdelmod
+#PBS -q verylong
+#PBS -l nodes=7
+#PBS -k eo
+#PBS -j eo
+makemod sizex=500 sizez=600 dx=$dx dz=$dx cp0=$cp ro0=$rho \
+	orig=-250,0 \
+	intt=def x=-250,250 z=200,200 poly=0 cp=2300 ro=2000 \
+    verbose=1 
+makewave fp=20 dt=$dt nt=4096 t0=0.1 
+../fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+    src_type=1 \
+    verbose=2 \
+	src_injectionrate=1 \
+    rec_int_vz=0 \
+    dtrcv=$dt \
+	rec_delay=0.1 \
+    tmod=1.10 \
+    dxrcv=$dx \
+    xrcv1=-250 xrcv2=250 \
+    zrcv1=0 zrcv2=0 \
+    xsrc=0 zsrc=$dx \
+    npml=51 \
+    left=2 right=2 top=1 bottom=2
+makemod sizex=500 sizez=600 dx=$dx dz=$dx cp0=$cp ro0=$rho \
+	orig=-250,-100 \
+	intt=def x=-250,250 z=200,200 poly=0 cp=2300 ro=2000 \
+    verbose=1 
+../fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+    src_type=1 \
+    verbose=2 \
+	src_injectionrate=1 \
+    rec_int_vz=0 \
+    dtrcv=$dt \
+	rec_delay=0.1 \
+    tmod=1.10 \
+    dxrcv=$dx \
+    xrcv1=-250 xrcv2=250 \
+    zrcv1=0 zrcv2=0 \
+    xsrc=0 zsrc=$dx \
+    npml=51 \
+    left=2 right=2 top=2 bottom=2
+../fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+    src_type=1 \
+    verbose=2 \
+	src_injectionrate=1 \
+    rec_int_vz=0 \
+    dtrcv=$dt \
+	rec_delay=0.1 \
+    tmod=1.10 \
+    dxrcv=$dx \
+    xrcv1=-250 xrcv2=250 \
+    zrcv1=0 zrcv2=0 \
+    xsrc=0 zsrc=-$dx \
+    npml=51 \
+    left=2 right=2 top=2 bottom=2
+suop2 op=diff >
+suop2 op=diff w1=1 w2=2 >
+(suwind key=gx min=0 max=0 < | sugain scale=2; suwind key=gx min=0 max=0 <  | suxgraph title "with and without Free-surface "
+(suwind key=gx min=0 max=0 < | sugain scale=2 ; suwind key=gx min=0 max=0 <  | suxgraph 
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/demo/green_multiwave.scr b/fdelmodc3D/demo/green_multiwave.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..52b21ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/demo/green_multiwave.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=2
+#PBS -N InterfModeling
+#PBS -V
+export PATH=../../bin:$PATH
+makemod sizex=2000 sizez=2000 dx=$dx dz=$dx cp0=$cp ro0=$rho orig=-1000,0
+makewave fp=15 dt=$dt nt=4096 t0=0.1
+green c=$cp rho=$rho zsrc1=500 xrcv=-1000,1000 dxrcv=$dx nt=4096 dip=0 >  
+basop  choice=5
+######### MONOPOLE ACOUSTIC #######
+../fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+	grid_dir=0 \
+    src_type=1 \
+    rec_type_p=1 \
+    rec_type_vz=0 \
+    rec_int_vz=2 \
+    dtrcv=0.004 \
+    verbose=2 \
+    tmod=4.000 \
+    dxrcv=5.0 \
+    xrcv1=-100 xrcv2=1000 \
+    zrcv1=500 zrcv2=500 \
+    ntaper=100 \
+    sna_type_vz=0 \
+ tsnap1=0 dtsnap=0.05 tsnap2=4.0 dxsnap=5 dzsnap=5 zsnap1=0 zsnap2=2000 xsnap1=-1000 xsnap2=1000 \
+	left=4 right=4 bottom=4 top=4
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/demo/interpolate_wave.scr b/fdelmodc3D/demo/interpolate_wave.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6112429
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/demo/interpolate_wave.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+makemod sizex=6000 sizez=2000 dx=$dx dz=$dx cp0=$cp cs0=$cs ro0=$rho \
+	orig=-3000,0 \
+	intt=def x=-3000,0,3000 z=400,400,400 poly=0 cp=1500 ro=1500 \
+	intt=def x=-3000,-2000,-1000,-800,0,800,3000 z=650,650,700,750,900,750,600 poly=2 cp=1500 ro=2000 \
+	intt=def x=-3000,3000 z=1250,1250 poly=0 cp=1500 ro=1800 \
+makewave fp=20 dt=0.004 nt=4096 t0=0.1
+../fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+    src_type=7 \
+	src_orient=1 \
+	src_injectionrate=1 \
+    rec_type_vz=1 \
+    rec_type_p=1 \
+    dtrcv=0.0010 \
+	rec_delay=0.1 \
+    verbose=4 \
+    tmod=4.10 \
+	dt=$dt \
+    dxrcv=10.0 \
+    xrcv1=-2500 xrcv2=2500 \
+    zrcv1=0 zrcv2=0 \
+    xsrc=0 zsrc=0 \
+    ntaper=101 \
+    left=2 right=2 bottom=2 top=1 
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/demo/matlab/FD_matlab_interface.m b/fdelmodc3D/demo/matlab/FD_matlab_interface.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da2ff4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/demo/matlab/FD_matlab_interface.m
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+function [ P, Vz] = FD_mod( xS, xR, tmod, dtrcv, dx, cgrid, rhogrid, orig)
+%Summary of this function goes here
+%   Detailed explanation goes here
+% save Velocity and density grid
+dims = size(cgrid);
+fileID =fopen('mod_cp.bin','w+','l');
+fileID =fopen('mod_ro.bin','w+','l');
+% Compute sizes for makemod
+%write receiver arrays to file
+dlmwrite('rcv.txt',xR, ' ');
+%compute dt for modeling dt < 0.606*dx/Cmax
+fmax=0.8/(2*dtrcv); % fmax is 80% of Nyquist frequency
+fileID = fopen('run.scr','w+');
+fprintf(fileID,'export PATH=$HOME/src/OpenSource/bin:/opt/CWP/bin/:.:$PATH\n');
+fprintf(fileID,'which fdelmodc\n');
+%fprintf(fileID,'set -x\n');
+fprintf(fileID,'suaddhead < mod_ro.bin ntrpr=%d ns=%d | \\\n',dims(2), dims(1));
+fprintf(fileID,'sushw key=f1,f2,d1,d2,gx,scalco a=%f,%f,%f,%f,%d,-1000 b=0,0,0,0,%d,0 >\n',origz, origx, dx, dx, int32(origx*1000), int32(dx*1000));
+fprintf(fileID,'suaddhead < mod_cp.bin ntrpr=%d ns=%d | \\\n',dims(2), dims(1));
+fprintf(fileID,'sushw key=f1,f2,d1,d2,gx,scalco a=%f,%f,%f,%f,%d,-1000 b=0,0,0,0,%d,0 >\n',origz, origx, dx, dx, int32(origx*1000), int32(dx*1000));
+fprintf(fileID,'makewave w=fw fmin=0 flef=%f frig=%f fmax=%f dt=$dt nt=%d shift=1 scale=0 scfft=1 verbose=1 >& nep\n', flef, frig, fmax, ntwave);
+fprintf(fileID,'t0=`grep shift nep | awk ''{print $6}''`\n');
+fprintf(fileID,'echo rec_delay for shift in wavelet: t0=$t0\n');
+fprintf(fileID,'tmod=$(echo "scale=4; %f+${t0}" | bc -l)\n',tmod);
+fprintf(fileID,'export OMP_NUM_THREADS=4\n');
+fprintf(fileID,'fdelmodc \\\n');
+fprintf(fileID,'file_cp=$filecp file_den=$filero \\\n');
+fprintf(fileID,'ischeme=1 \\\n');
+fprintf(fileID,' verbose=1 \\\n');
+fprintf(fileID,'dt=$dt \\\n');
+fprintf(fileID,' \\\n');
+fprintf(fileID,'rec_type_vz=1 rec_type_p=1 rec_int_vz=2 \\\n');
+fprintf(fileID,'rcv_txt=rcv.txt \\\n');
+fprintf(fileID,'dtrcv=%e \\\n', dtrcv);
+fprintf(fileID,'xsrc=%f zsrc=%f \\\n', xsrc, zsrc);
+fprintf(fileID,'src_type=1 tmod=$tmod rec_delay=$t0 \\\n');
+fprintf(fileID,'ntaper=100 \\\n');
+fprintf(fileID,'left=2 right=2 bottom=2 top=2 \n\n');
+fprintf(fileID,'sustrip < > recv_rp.bin\n');
+fprintf(fileID,'sustrip < > recv_rvz.bin\n');
+fprintf(fileID,'surange < | grep ns | awk ''{print $2}'' > samples\n');
+fprintf(fileID,'surange < | grep traces | awk ''{print $1}'' > traces\n');
+!chmod +x run.scr
+path = getenv('PATH');
+path = [path ':$HOME/src/OpenSource/bin:/opt/CWP/bin/:.:'];
+setenv('PATH', path);
+% get number of samples and traces
+% Pressure field  
+% Particle velocity field  
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/demo/matlab/FD_mod_grid.m b/fdelmodc3D/demo/matlab/FD_mod_grid.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fcc86b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/demo/matlab/FD_mod_grid.m
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+function [ Ptsct, Pfinc, Pfsct, f_out] = FD_mod_grid( xS, xR, ntrcv, dtrcv, dx, cgrid, rhogrid, f )
+%Summary of this function goes here
+%   Detailed explanation goes here
+% save Velocity and density grid
+dims = size(cgrid);
+fileID =fopen('mod_cp.bin','w+','l');
+fileID =fopen('mod_ro.bin','w+','l');
+% Compute sizes for makemod
+%compute dt for modeling dt < 0.606*dx/Cmax
+fileID = fopen('run.scr','w+');
+fprintf(fileID,'export PATH=$HOME/src/OpenSource/bin:/opt/CWP/bin/:.:$PATH\n');
+fprintf(fileID,'which fdelmodc\n');
+fprintf(fileID,'which surange\n');
+fprintf(fileID,'set -x\n');
+fprintf(fileID,'suaddhead < mod_ro.bin ntrpr=%d ns=%d | \\\n',dims(2), dims(1));
+fprintf(fileID,'sushw key=d1,d2,gx,scalco a=%f,%f,%d,-1000 b=0,0,%d,0 >\n',dx, dx, int32(xrcv1*1000), int32(dx*1000));
+fprintf(fileID,'suaddhead < mod_cp.bin ntrpr=%d ns=%d | \\\n',dims(2), dims(1));
+fprintf(fileID,'sushw key=d1,d2,gx,scalco a=%f,%f,%d,-1000 b=0,0,%d,0 >\n',dx, dx, int32(xrcv1*1000), int32(dx*1000));
+fprintf(fileID,'makewave w=fw fmin=0 flef=6 frig=94 fmax=100 dt=$dt nt=%d t0=0.4 scale=0 scfft=1 verbose=1\n', ntwave);
+fprintf(fileID,'makewave w=fw fmin=0 flef=6 frig=94 fmax=100 dt=%f nt=%d t0=0.4 scale=0 scfft=1 verbose=1\n', dtrcv, ntfft);
+fprintf(fileID,'export OMP_NUM_THREADS=2\n');
+fprintf(fileID,'fdelmodc \\\n');
+fprintf(fileID,'file_cp=$filecp file_den=$filero \\\n');
+fprintf(fileID,'ischeme=1 \\\n');
+fprintf(fileID,' verbose=1 \\\n');
+fprintf(fileID,' \\\n');
+fprintf(fileID,'rec_type_vz=0 rec_type_p=1 rec_int_vz=2 \\\n');
+fprintf(fileID,'xrcv1=%d xrcv2=%d zrcv1=%d zrcv2=%d \\\n',xrcv1,xrcv2,zrcv1,zrcv2);
+fprintf(fileID,'dxrcv=%d \\\n', dx);
+fprintf(fileID,'dtrcv=%e \\\n', dtrcv);
+fprintf(fileID,'xsrc=%d zsrc=%d\\\n', xsrc, zsrc);
+fprintf(fileID,'src_type=1 tmod=%e \\\n', tmod);
+fprintf(fileID,'ntaper=100 \\\n');
+fprintf(fileID,'left=2 right=2 bottom=2 top=2\n\n');
+fprintf(fileID,'makemod \\\n');
+fprintf(fileID,'cp0=1500 ro0=3000 sizex=%d sizez=%d dx=%.1f dz=%.1f orig=0,0 verbose=1\n', sizex,sizez, dxmod,dxmod);
+fprintf(fileID,'fdelmodc \\\n');
+fprintf(fileID,'file_cp=$filecp file_den=$filero \\\n');
+fprintf(fileID,'ischeme=1 \\\n');
+fprintf(fileID,' verbose=1 \\\n');
+fprintf(fileID,' \\\n');
+fprintf(fileID,'rec_type_vz=0 rec_type_p=1 \\\n');
+fprintf(fileID,'xrcv1=%d xrcv2=%d zrcv1=%d zrcv2=%d \\\n',xrcv1,xrcv2,zrcv1,zrcv2);
+fprintf(fileID,'dxrcv=%d \\\n', dx);
+fprintf(fileID,'dtrcv=%e \\\n', dtrcv);
+fprintf(fileID,'xsrc=%d zsrc=%d\\\n', xsrc, zsrc);
+fprintf(fileID,'src_type=1 tmod=%e \\\n', tmod);
+fprintf(fileID,'ntaper=100 \\\n');
+fprintf(fileID,'left=2 right=2 bottom=2 top=2\n\n');
+fprintf(fileID,'suop2 op=diff >\n');
+fprintf(fileID,'sustrip < > recv_rp.bin\n');
+fprintf(fileID,'sustrip < > recvhom_rp.bin\n');
+fprintf(fileID,'sustrip < > wavefwdt.bin\n');
+!chmod +x run.scr
+path = getenv('PATH');
+path = [path ':$HOME/src/OpenSource/bin:/opt/CWP/bin/:.:'];
+setenv('PATH', path);
+% Scattered field  
+% Direct field  
+fprintf('selected discrete frequency P %f\n', (a-1)*df)
+% f2=a*df %these are the selected discrete frequencies
+c=round(f/df)+1; % select frequencies as close as the one's in Pf
+fprintf('selected discrete frequency W %f\n', (c-1)*df)
+Pfsct = (Pfsct)./(1.0*Wf); % deconvolve for the wavelet
+Pfinc = (Pfinc)./(1.0*Wf); % deconvolve for the wavelet
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/demo/matlab/ForwardCircle.m b/fdelmodc3D/demo/matlab/ForwardCircle.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd67cc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/demo/matlab/ForwardCircle.m
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+function [P_inc,P_sct,xR] = ForwardCircle( xS, xR, gsize, dxR, c_0, c_s, rho_0, rho_s, f )
+% xS    = source position
+% dxR   = receiver grid size
+% c_0   = wave speed in embedding
+% c_s   = wave speed of scattering object
+% rho_0 = mass density in embedding
+% rho_s = mass density of scattering object
+% f     = temporal frequency;
+wavelength = c_0 / f;                   % wavelength
+s          = 1e-16 + 1i*2*pi*f;         % LaPlace parameter
+gam_0      = s/c_0;                     % propagation coefficient 0
+gam_s      = s/c_s;                     % propagation coefficient s
+a          = 40;                        % radius circle cylinder 
+depth      = 20;                        % distance betwen circle and origin
+disp(['wavelength = ' num2str(wavelength)]);
+% Thorbecke coordinates 
+   xSource1   = xS(1);                   % source position
+   xSource2   = xS(2);
+   xReceiver1 = xR(1);                     % receiver positions
+   nr=(gsize(2)-1)/2;
+   xReceiver2 = (-nr:nr) * dxR;        
+   NR         = size(xReceiver2,2); 
+% Van den Berg coordinates 
+   xS(1) = xSource1;                          
+   xS(2) = xSource2; 
+   xR(1,1:NR) = xReceiver1;
+   xR(2,1:NR) = xReceiver2(1:NR);
+% Compute 2D incident field ---------------------------------------------              
+  DIS   = sqrt( (xR(1,:)-xS(1)).^2 + (xR(2,:)-xS(2)).^2 );    
+  p_inc =  1/(2*pi).* besselk(0,gam_0*DIS);
+  % multiply by  rho_0 and plot
+  P_inc = rho_0 * p_inc ;                % Take care of factor \rho
+ % Make grid
+   N1 = gsize(1);                              % number of samples in x_1  
+   N2 = gsize(2);                              % number of samples in x_2 
+   dx = dxR;                                % with meshsize dx
+   x1 = -(N1+1)*dx/2 + (1:N1)*dx;   
+   x2 = -(N2+1)*dx/2 + (1:N2)*dx;
+   [X1,X2] = ndgrid(x1,x2);
+   % Now array subscripts are equivalent with Cartesian coordinates
+   % x1 axis points downwards and x2 axis is in horizontal direction
+   % x1 = X1(:,1) is a column vector in vertical direction
+   % x2 = X2(1,:) is a row vector in horizontal direction
+   R = sqrt(X1.^2 + X2.^2);
+   cgrid  = c_s * (R < a) + c_0 * (R >= a);  
+   rhogrid  = rho_s * (R < a) + rho_0 * (R >= a); 
+   x1 = X1(:,1);   x2 = X2(1,:);
+    set(figure(8),'Units','centimeters','Position',[5 5 18 12]); 
+    subplot(1,2,1)
+       imagesc(x2,x1,cgrid); 
+       title('\fontsize{13} c-grid');
+       xlabel('x_1 \rightarrow'); 
+       ylabel('\leftarrow x_3'); 
+       axis('equal','tight');  
+       colorbar('hor'); colormap jet;
+    subplot(1,2,2)
+       imagesc(x2,x1,rhogrid); 
+       title('\fontsize{13} \rho-grid');
+       xlabel('x_1 \rightarrow'); 
+       ylabel('\leftarrow x_3'); 
+       axis('equal','tight');  
+       colorbar('hor'); colormap jet;
+% Transform Cartesian coordinates to polar ccordinates   
+  rS = sqrt(xS(1)^2+xS(2)^2);     phiS = atan2(xS(2),xS(1)); 
+  r  = a;                         phi  = 0:.01:2*pi; 
+% (1) Compute incident wave in closed form --------------------------------
+   DIS         = sqrt(rS^2 + r.^2 - 2*rS*r.*cos(phiS-phi));
+   p_inc_exact =           1/(2*pi) .* besselk(0,gam_0*DIS);
+  dp_inc_exact = - gam_0 *(r-rS*cos(phiS-phi))./DIS ...
+                        .* 1/(2*pi) .* besselk(1,gam_0*DIS);
+% (2) Compute incident wave as Bessel series with M+1terms --------------
+   M = 100;                                 % increase M for more accuracy
+   p_inc =         besselk(0,gam_0*rS) .* besseli(0,gam_0*r);       
+  dp_inc = gam_0 * besselk(0,gam_0*rS) .* besseli(1,gam_0*r); 
+  for m = 1 : M;  
+       Ib0 = besseli(m,gam_0*r); 
+      dIb0 =  gam_0 * (besseli(m+1,gam_0*r) + m/(gam_0*r) * Ib0);
+     p_inc =  p_inc + 2 * besselk(m,gam_0*rS)  *  Ib0 .* cos(m*(phiS-phi));                   
+    dp_inc = dp_inc + 2 * besselk(m,gam_0*rS) .* dIb0 .* cos(m*(phiS-phi));
+  end % m_loop
+   p_inc = 1/(2*pi) *  p_inc;
+  dp_inc = 1/(2*pi) * dp_inc;
+% (3) Determine mean error and plot error in domain -----------------------   
+  Error_p = p_inc - p_inc_exact;
+  disp(['normalized norm of error = '  ...
+                  num2str(norm(Error_p(:),1)/norm(p_inc_exact(:),1))]);
+  Error_dp = dp_inc - dp_inc_exact;
+  disp(['normalized norm of error = '  ...
+                  num2str(norm(Error_dp(:),1)/norm(dp_inc_exact(:),1))]);             
+  set(figure(9),'Units','centimeters','Position',[5 5 18 14]); 
+  subplot(2,1,1)
+    angle = phi * 180 / pi;
+    semilogy(angle,abs(Error_p)./abs(p_inc_exact));     axis tight;
+    xlabel('observation angle in degrees \rightarrow');
+    ylabel('abs(p_{inc}-p_{inc}^{exact}) / abs(p_{inc}^{exact}) \rightarrow'); 
+  subplot(2,1,2)
+    semilogy(angle,abs(Error_dp)./abs(dp_inc_exact));    axis tight;
+    title('\fontsize{12} relative error on circle boundary');   
+    xlabel('observation angle in degrees \rightarrow');
+    ylabel('abs(dp_{inc}-dp_{inc}^{exact}) / abs(dp_{inc}^{exact}) \rightarrow'); 
+% (4) Compute coefficients of series expansion ----------------------------
+  Z_0  = c_0 * rho_0;   Z_s  = c_s * rho_s;
+  arg0 = gam_0 * a;     args = gam_s *a; 
+  A = zeros(1,M+1); 
+  for m = 0 : M;                      
+    Ib0 = besseli(m,arg0);     dIb0 =  besseli(m+1,arg0) + m/arg0 * Ib0; 
+    Ibs = besseli(m,args);     dIbs =  besseli(m+1,args) + m/args * Ibs; 
+    Kb0 = besselk(m,arg0);     dKb0 = -besselk(m+1,arg0) + m/arg0 * Kb0;
+    A(m+1) = - ((1/Z_s) * dIbs*Ib0 - (1/Z_0) * dIb0*Ibs) ...
+              /((1/Z_s) * dIbs*Kb0 - (1/Z_0) * dKb0*Ibs);
+  end
+% (5) Compute scattered field at receivers (data) -------------------------
+  rR = sqrt(xR(1,:).^2 + xR(2,:).^2);   phiR = atan2(xR(2,:),xR(1,:));  
+  rS = sqrt(xS(1)^2 + xS(2)^2);          phiS = atan2(xS(2),xS(1));
+  p_sct = A(1) * besselk(0,gam_0*rS).* besselk(0,gam_0*rR);
+  for m = 1 : M;
+    factor = 2 * besselk(m,gam_0*rS) .* cos(m*(phiS-phiR));
+    p_sct = p_sct + A(m+1) * factor .* besselk(m,gam_0*rR);
+  end % m_loop
+  p_sct = 1/(2*pi) * p_sct;    
+  P_sct = rho_0    * p_sct;                  % Take care of factor \rho
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/demo/matlab/comparison.m b/fdelmodc3D/demo/matlab/comparison.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..796e681
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/demo/matlab/comparison.m
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+clear all;  close all;  clc;
+display('Running test');
+xS    = [-100,0];  % source position: 100 m above center 
+xR    = [-60,0];   % central point of receiver array (-50*dxR:50*dxR)
+c_0   = 1500;      % wave speed in embedding
+c_s   = 3000;      % wave speed in scattering object
+rho_0 = 3000;      % mass density of enbedding
+rho_s = 1500;      % mass density of scattering object
+dxR   = 0.5;       % receiver grid size
+gsize = [1+240/dxR,1+200/dxR]; % gridsize in [z,x], center of model at coordinate (0,0)
+f_in  = 50;        % selected frequency to compare, returned in Pf
+ntrcv = 256;       % number of time samples in FD modeling
+dtrcv = 0.004;     % dt in receivers
+% Make grid
+a  = 40;                               % radius circle cylinder 
+N1 = gsize(1);                         % number of samples in x_1  
+N2 = gsize(2);                         % number of samples in x_2 
+dx = dxR;                              % with meshsize dx
+x1 = -(N1+1)*dx/2 + (1:N1)*dx;
+x2 = -(N2+1)*dx/2 + (1:N2)*dx;
+[X1,X2] = ndgrid(x1,x2);
+% Now array subscripts are equivalent with Cartesian coordinates
+% x1 axis points downwards and x2 axis is in horizontal direction
+% x1 = X1(:,1) is a column vector in vertical direction
+% x2 = X2(1,:) is a row vector in horizontal direction
+R = sqrt(X1.^2 + X2.^2);
+cgrid  = c_s * (R < a) + c_0 * (R >= a);  
+rhogrid  = rho_s * (R < a) + rho_0 * (R >= a); 
+% DATA from Thorbecke's finite difference code
+[Ptsct, Pfinc, Pfsct, f_out]=FD_mod_grid( xS, xR, ntrcv, dtrcv, dxR, cgrid, rhogrid, f_in );
+f=f_out           % nearest computed discrete frequency
+% Compare with analytical solution ---------------------------------------
+[P_inc,P_sct,xR] = ForwardCircle( xS, xR, gsize, dxR, c_0, c_s, rho_0, rho_s, f );
+set(figure(1),'Units','centimeters','Position',[1 1 30 10]);
+  plot(xR(2,:),real(Pfinc),'LineWidth',1.2); 
+  title('Real part of P^{inc}'); axis tight; hold on;
+  plot(xR(2,:),real(P_inc),'--r','LineWidth',1.2); 
+  axis tight; hold off;
+  plot(xR(2,:),imag(Pfinc),'LineWidth',1.2); 
+  title('Imaginary part of P^{inc}'); axis tight; hold on;
+  plot(xR(2,:),imag(P_inc),'--r','LineWidth',1.2);
+  axis tight; hold off;
+  plot(xR(2,:), abs(Pfinc),'LineWidth',1.2); 
+  title('Absolute value of P^{inc}'); axis tight; hold on; 
+  plot(xR(2,:), abs(P_inc),'--r','LineWidth',1.2); 
+  axis tight; hold off
+legendtitle1 = sprintf('f=%.2fHz FiniteDiff', f);
+legendtitle2 = sprintf('f=%.2fHz Analytic  ', f);
+set(figure(2),'Units','centimeters','Position',[9 12 10 10]);
+error = abs(P_sct(:)-Pfsct(:))./abs(Pfsct(:));
+plot(error,'LineWidth',1.2); title('Relative error'); axis tight;
+set(figure(3),'Units','centimeters','Position',[1 1 30 10]);
+  plot(xR(2,:),real(Pfsct),'LineWidth',1.2); 
+  title('Real part of P_{sct}'); axis tight; hold on;
+  plot(xR(2,:),real(P_sct),'LineWidth',1.2); 
+  plot(xR(2,:),imag(Pfsct),'LineWidth',1.2); 
+  title('Imaginary part of P^{sct}'); axis tight; hold on;
+    plot(xR(2,:),imag(P_sct),'LineWidth',1.2); 
+  plot(xR(2,:), abs(Pfsct),'LineWidth',1.2); 
+  title('Absolute value of P^{sct}'); axis tight; hold on;
+  plot(xR(2,:), abs(P_sct),'LineWidth',1.2); 
+  axis tight; hold off
+legendtitle1 = sprintf('f=%.2fHz FiniteDiff', f);
+legendtitle2 = sprintf('f=%.2fHz Analytic  ', f);
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/demo/matlab/test_matlab_interface.m b/fdelmodc3D/demo/matlab/test_matlab_interface.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7046233
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/demo/matlab/test_matlab_interface.m
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+clear all; clc; close all; clear workspace
+% set number of dimensions
+global nDIM; nDIM = 2; % set dimension of space
+    % set up spatial grid
+    N1fd = 1280; N2fd = 1280; dxfd =2.13313822/5;
+    x1fd = -(N1fd+1)*dxfd/2 + (1:N1fd)*dxfd;   
+    x2fd = -(N2fd+1)*dxfd/2 + (1:N2fd)*dxfd;
+    orig = [-(N1fd+1)*dxfd/2,-(N2fd+1)*dxfd/2];
+    [X1fd,X2fd] = ndgrid(x1fd,x2fd);   
+    % load model
+%     filn=sprintf('sos_fidmod.bin'); fid = fopen(filn,'r'); sos_fd = fread(fid,[N1fd*N2fd],'float32'); fclose('all');   
+%     filn=sprintf('rho_fidmod.bin'); fid = fopen(filn,'r'); rho_fd = fread(fid,[N1fd*N2fd],'float32'); fclose('all');   
+%     sos_fd = reshape(sos_fd,[N1fd,N2fd]);
+%     rho_fd = reshape(rho_fd,[N1fd,N2fd]);
+    sos_fd = ones(N1fd,N2fd)*1500; % speed of sound
+    rho_fd = ones(N1fd,N2fd)*1500; % density
+    % time parameters
+    Ntdf = 1024; dtdf = 10^(-3);
+    % set up acquisition grid
+    r_rec = 200; % radius of circle
+    Nr = 250; % number of receivers
+    rcvr_phi(1:Nr) = (1:Nr) * 2*pi/Nr; % angles
+    xR = zeros(2,Nr);
+    xR(1,1:Nr) = r_rec * cos(rcvr_phi); 
+    xR(2,1:Nr) = r_rec * sin(rcvr_phi);
+    xS = xR(:,1) % choose source at first position
+    % plot the impedance and acquisition geometry
+    figure; imagesc(x1fd,x2fd,sos_fd.*rho_fd);
+    hold on; scatter(xR(1,:),xR(2,:),'*b');
+    hold on; scatter(xS(1,:),xS(2,:),'*r');
+    xlabel('x (m)');
+    ylabel('y (m)');
+    % Call finite difference code
+    [P, Vz]=FD_mod( xS.', xR.', 0.5, dtdf, dxfd, sos_fd, rho_fd, orig);
+    % make a plot
+    figure;imagesc(P);
+    xlabel('angle (degrees)');
+    ylabel('time (t)');
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/demo/migrFundamentals.scr b/fdelmodc3D/demo/migrFundamentals.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8d3d377
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/demo/migrFundamentals.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+#PBS -N fdelmod
+#PBS -q verylong
+#PBS -l nodes=1
+#PBS -k eo
+#PBS -j eo
+which makewave
+which makemod
+cd /Users/jan/src/OpenSource/fdelmodc/demo
+makemod sizex=6000 sizez=4000 dx=$dx dz=$dx cp0=$cp cs0=$cs ro0=$rho \
+	orig=-3000,-1000 \
+	intt=def x=-3000,0,3000 z=250,250,250 poly=0 cp=2300 ro=5000 \
+	intt=def x=-3000,-2000,-1000,-800,0,800,3000 z=650,650,700,750,900,750,600 poly=2 cp=2600 ro=1000 \
+	intt=def x=-3000,0,3000 z=1390,1390,1390 poly=0 cp=2000 ro=5000 
+makemod sizex=5000 sizez=2500 dx=$dx dz=$dx cp0=$cp cs0=$cs ro0=$rho \
+	orig=-2500,-500 \
+	intt=def x=-2500,0,2500 z=1000,1000,1000 poly=0 cp=2000 ro=5000 cs=1200 
+#	intt=def x=-2500,0,2500 z=500,500,500 poly=0 cp=2300 ro=5000 
+makewave fp=20 dt=$dt nt=4096 t0=0.1
+../fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+    src_type=1 \
+	src_orient=1 \
+	src_injectionrate=1 \
+    rec_type_vz=0 \
+    rec_type_p=1 \
+    rec_int_vz=2 \
+    dtrcv=0.0010 \
+	rec_delay=0.1 \
+    verbose=2 \
+    tmod=2.10 \
+    dxrcv=5.0 \
+    xrcv1=-2250 xrcv2=2250 \
+    zrcv1=0 zrcv2=0 \
+    xsrc=0 zsrc=0 \
+    ntaper=100 \
+    sna_type_p=0 \
+    sna_type_vz=1 \
+    xsnap1=-2250 xsnap2=2250 zsnap1=0 zsnap2=2000 \
+    dxsnap=10 dzsnap=10 tsnap1=0.1 tsnap2=2.1 dtsnap=0.005 \
+    left=4 right=4 top=4 bottom=4
+makemod sizex=5000 sizez=2500 dx=$dx dz=$dx cp0=$cp cs0=$cs ro0=$rho \
+	orig=-2500,-500
+../fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+    src_type=1 \
+	src_orient=1 \
+	src_injectionrate=1 \
+    rec_type_vz=0 \
+    rec_type_p=1 \
+    rec_int_vz=2 \
+    dtrcv=0.0010 \
+	rec_delay=0.1 \
+    verbose=2 \
+    tmod=2.10 \
+    dxrcv=5.0 \
+    xrcv1=-2250 xrcv2=2250 \
+    zrcv1=0 zrcv2=0 \
+    xsrc=0 zsrc=0 \
+    ntaper=100 \
+    sna_type_p=0 \
+    sna_type_vz=1 \
+    xsnap1=-2250 xsnap2=2250 zsnap1=0 zsnap2=2000 \
+    dxsnap=10 dzsnap=10 tsnap1=0.1 tsnap2=2.1 dtsnap=0.005 \
+    left=4 right=4 top=4 bottom=4
+sudiff >
+sudiff >
+#sudiff >
+../fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+    grid_dir=1 \
+    src_type=1 \
+	src_orient=1 \
+	src_injectionrate=1 \
+    rec_type_vz=0 \
+    rec_type_p=1 \
+    rec_int_vz=2 \
+    dtrcv=0.0010 \
+	rec_delay=0.0 \
+    verbose=2 \
+    tmod=2.0 \
+    dxrcv=5.0 \
+    xrcv1=-2250 xrcv2=2250 \
+    zrcv1=0 zrcv2=0 \
+    xsrc=0 zsrc=0 \
+    ntaper=100 \
+    sna_type_p=0 \
+    sna_type_vz=1 \
+    xsnap1=-2250 xsnap2=2250 zsnap1=0 zsnap2=2000 \
+    dxsnap=10 dzsnap=10 tsnap1=0.0 tsnap2=2.0 dtsnap=0.005 \
+    left=4 right=4 top=4 bottom=4
+susort < -fldr +tracf >
+#suxmovie < n2=451 loop=1 n3=401 clip=100 title=%g
+#fconv mode=cor2 shift=0  > verbose=1
+#fconv mode=cor2 shift=0  > verbose=1
+sustrip < > snap_svz.bin
+sustrip < > snaphom_svz.bin
+sustrip < > snap_reverse_svz.bin
+sustrip < > snap_reverse_svz_swap.bin
+transp3d < snap_reverse_svz_swap.bin > snap_reverse_svz_swap_321.bin n1=201 n2=451 n3=401 verbose=1 nbpe=4 scratchdir="/tmp" perm=321
+transp3d < snaphom_svz.bin > snaphom_321.bin n1=201 n2=451 n3=401 verbose=1 nbpe=4 scratchdir="/tmp" perm=321
+suaddhead ns=401 ntrpr=451 < snap_reverse_svz_swap_321.bin | sushw key=fldr a=1 j=451 c=1 | \
+	sushw key=dt a=1 >
+#transpose verbose=3 < > 
+suaddhead ns=401 ntrpr=451 < snaphom_321.bin | sushw key=fldr a=1 j=451 c=1 | \
+	sushw key=dt a=1 >
+#transpose verbose=3 < > 
+fconv mode=cor2 shift=0  > verbose=1
+#suxmovie < n2=451 loop=1 n3=201 clip=1 title=%g
+sustrip < > image_snap.bin
+transp3d < image_snap.bin > image_snap_123.bin n3=201 n2=451 n1=401 verbose=1 nbpe=4 scratchdir="/tmp" perm=321
+suaddhead < image_snap_123.bin ns=201 ntrpr=451 | suwind key=tracl min=1 max=451 dt=1 >
+while (( i <= 200 )) 
+suwind dt=1 itmin=0 itmax=$i <| \
+suwind itmax=200 dt=1 >>
+	(( i = $i + 1 ))
+sustrip < > build_image.bin
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/demo/migrFundamentalsl2.scr b/fdelmodc3D/demo/migrFundamentalsl2.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..77493c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/demo/migrFundamentalsl2.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+#PBS -N fdelmod
+#PBS -q verylong
+#PBS -l nodes=1
+#PBS -k eo
+#PBS -j eo
+which makewave
+which makemod
+cd /Users/jan/src/OpenSource/fdelmodc/demo
+makemod sizex=6000 sizez=4000 dx=$dx dz=$dx cp0=$cp cs0=$cs ro0=$rho \
+	orig=-3000,-1000 \
+	intt=def x=-3000,0,3000 z=250,250,250 poly=0 cp=2300 ro=5000 \
+	intt=def x=-3000,-2000,-1000,-800,0,800,3000 z=650,650,700,750,900,750,600 poly=2 cp=2600 ro=1000 \
+	intt=def x=-3000,0,3000 z=1390,1390,1390 poly=0 cp=2000 ro=5000 
+makemod sizex=5000 sizez=2500 dx=$dx dz=$dx cp0=$cp cs0=$cs ro0=$rho \
+	orig=-2500,-500 \
+	intt=def x=-2500,0,2500 z=750,750,750 poly=0 cp=2000 ro=5000 cs=1200 \
+	intt=def x=-2500,0,2500 z=1000,1000,1000 poly=0 cp=2000 ro=1000 cs=1200 
+#	intt=def x=-2500,0,2500 z=500,500,500 poly=0 cp=2300 ro=5000 
+makewave fp=20 dt=$dt nt=4096 t0=0.1
+../fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+    src_type=1 \
+	src_orient=1 \
+	src_injectionrate=1 \
+    rec_type_vz=0 \
+    rec_type_p=1 \
+    rec_int_vz=2 \
+    dtrcv=0.0010 \
+	rec_delay=0.1 \
+    verbose=2 \
+    tmod=2.10 \
+    dxrcv=5.0 \
+    xrcv1=-2250 xrcv2=2250 \
+    zrcv1=0 zrcv2=0 \
+    xsrc=0 zsrc=0 \
+    ntaper=100 \
+    sna_type_p=0 \
+    sna_type_vz=1 \
+    xsnap1=-2250 xsnap2=2250 zsnap1=0 zsnap2=2000 \
+    dxsnap=10 dzsnap=10 tsnap1=0.1 tsnap2=2.1 dtsnap=0.005 \
+    left=4 right=4 top=4 bottom=4
+makemod sizex=5000 sizez=2500 dx=$dx dz=$dx cp0=$cp cs0=$cs ro0=$rho \
+	orig=-2500,-500
+../fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+    src_type=1 \
+	src_orient=1 \
+	src_injectionrate=1 \
+    rec_type_vz=0 \
+    rec_type_p=1 \
+    rec_int_vz=2 \
+    dtrcv=0.0010 \
+	rec_delay=0.1 \
+    verbose=2 \
+    tmod=2.10 \
+    dxrcv=5.0 \
+    xrcv1=-2250 xrcv2=2250 \
+    zrcv1=0 zrcv2=0 \
+    xsrc=0 zsrc=0 \
+    ntaper=100 \
+    sna_type_p=0 \
+    sna_type_vz=1 \
+    xsnap1=-2250 xsnap2=2250 zsnap1=0 zsnap2=2000 \
+    dxsnap=10 dzsnap=10 tsnap1=0.1 tsnap2=2.1 dtsnap=0.005 \
+    left=4 right=4 top=4 bottom=4
+sudiff >
+../fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+    grid_dir=1 \
+    src_type=1 \
+	src_orient=1 \
+	src_injectionrate=1 \
+    rec_type_vz=0 \
+    rec_type_p=1 \
+    rec_int_vz=2 \
+    dtrcv=0.0010 \
+	rec_delay=0.0 \
+    verbose=2 \
+    tmod=2.0 \
+    dxrcv=5.0 \
+    xrcv1=-2250 xrcv2=2250 \
+    zrcv1=0 zrcv2=0 \
+    xsrc=0 zsrc=0 \
+    ntaper=100 \
+    sna_type_p=0 \
+    sna_type_vz=1 \
+    xsnap1=-2250 xsnap2=2250 zsnap1=0 zsnap2=2000 \
+    dxsnap=10 dzsnap=10 tsnap1=0.0 tsnap2=2.0 dtsnap=0.005 \
+    left=4 right=4 top=4 bottom=4
+susort < -fldr +tracf >
+#suxmovie < n2=451 loop=1 n3=401 clip=100 title=%g
+#fconv mode=cor2 shift=0  > verbose=1
+#fconv mode=cor2 shift=0  > verbose=1
+#sustrip < > snap_l2_svz.bin
+sustrip < > snaphom_l2_svz.bin
+#sustrip < > snap_reverse_l2_svz.bin
+sustrip < > snap_reverse_l2_svz_swap.bin
+transp3d < snap_reverse_l2_svz_swap.bin > snap_reverse_l2_svz_swap_321.bin n1=201 n2=451 n3=401 verbose=1 nbpe=4 scratchdir="/tmp" perm=321
+transp3d < snaphom_l2_svz.bin > snaphom_l2_321.bin n1=201 n2=451 n3=401 verbose=1 nbpe=4 scratchdir="/tmp" perm=321
+suaddhead ns=401 ntrpr=451 < snap_reverse_l2_svz_swap_321.bin | sushw key=fldr a=1 j=451 c=1 | \
+	sushw key=dt a=1 >
+suaddhead ns=401 ntrpr=451 < snaphom_l2_321.bin | sushw key=fldr a=1 j=451 c=1 | \
+	sushw key=dt a=1 >
+fconv mode=cor2 shift=1  > verbose=1
+sustrip < > image_l2_snap.bin
+fconv mode=cor2 shift=0  > verbose=1
+transp3d < image_l2_snap.bin > image_l2_snap_123.bin n3=201 n2=451 n1=401 verbose=1 nbpe=4 scratchdir="/tmp" perm=321
+suaddhead < image_l2_snap_123.bin ns=201 ntrpr=451 | suwind key=tracl min=1 max=451 dt=1 >
+while (( i <= 200 )) 
+suwind dt=1 itmin=0 itmax=$i <| \
+suwind itmax=200 dt=1 >>
+    (( i = $i + 1 ))
+sustrip < > build_l2_image.bin
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/demo/model.scr b/fdelmodc3D/demo/model.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e7702dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/demo/model.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+#SBATCH -J OpenMP-test
+#SBATCH --nodes=1
+#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=40
+#SBATCH --time=0:15:00
+makemod sizex=6000 sizez=2000 dx=$dx dz=$dx cp0=$cp cs0=$cs ro0=$rho \
+	orig=-3000,0 \
+	intt=def x=-3000,0,3000 z=400,400,400 poly=0 cp=2050 ro=1500 \
+	intt=def x=-3000,-2000,-1000,-800,0,800,3000 z=650,650,700,750,900,750,600 poly=2 cp=2100 ro=2000 \
+	intt=def x=-3000,3000 z=1250,1250 poly=0 cp=2400 ro=1800 \
+makewave fp=20 dt=$dt nt=4096 t0=0.1
+export KMP_AFFINITY=verbose,granularity=fine,compact,1,0
+for threads in 2 4 8 12 16 20 24
+export OMP_NUM_THREADS=$threads
+echo "number of threads=$threads"
+time ../fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+    src_type=7 \
+	src_orient=1 \
+	src_injectionrate=1 \
+    rec_type_vz=1 \
+    rec_type_p=1 \
+    dtrcv=0.0010 \
+	rec_delay=0.1 \
+    verbose=2 \
+    tmod=4.10 \
+    dxrcv=10.0 \
+    xrcv1=-2500 xrcv2=2500 \
+    zrcv1=0 zrcv2=0 \
+    xsrc=0 zsrc=0 \
+    ntaper=101 \
+    left=2 right=2 bottom=2 top=1 
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/demo/modelOilGas.scr b/fdelmodc3D/demo/modelOilGas.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5fa2690
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/demo/modelOilGas.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+export PATH=$HOME/bin:$HOME/src/OpenSource/utils:$PATH:
+makemod sizex=5000 sizez=2500 dx=$dx dz=$dx cp0=$cp ro0=$rho \
+	orig=-2500,0 \
+	intt=def x=-2500,0,2500 z=250,250,250 poly=0 cp=2300 ro=2000 \
+	intt=def x=-2500,-2000,-1000,-800,0,800,2500 z=650,650,700,750,900,750,600 poly=2 cp=2600 ro=2500 \
+	intt=def x=-2500,0,2500 z=1390,1390,1390 poly=0 cp=2000 ro=2000 
+makewave w=g1 fp=20 dt=$dt nt=4096 t0=0.1
+which fdelmodc
+fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 iorder=4 \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+    src_type=7 \
+	src_orient=1 \
+	src_injectionrate=0 \
+    rec_type_vz=1 \
+    rec_type_p=1 \
+    rec_int_vz=2 \
+    dtrcv=0.004 \
+	rec_delay=0.1 \
+    verbose=2 \
+    tmod=2.01 \
+    dxrcv=10.0 \
+    xrcv1=-2250 xrcv2=2250 \
+    zrcv1=0 zrcv2=0 \
+    xsrc=0 zsrc=$zsrc \
+	file_snap=snapF_$zsrc \
+	tsnap1=0.1 tsnap2=2.0 dtsnap=0.05 dxsnap=$dx dzsnap=$dx \
+    ntaper=101 \
+	snapwithbnd=1 \
+    left=2 right=2 top=2 bottom=2
+#suxmovie < snapF_${zsrc} loop=1 clip=1e-13
+makemod sizex=5000 sizez=2500 dx=$dx dz=$dx cp0=$cp ro0=$rho \
+	orig=-2500,0 
+fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 iorder=4 \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+    src_type=7 \
+	src_orient=1 \
+	src_injectionrate=1 \
+    rec_type_vz=1 \
+    rec_type_p=1 \
+    rec_int_vz=2 \
+    dtrcv=0.004 \
+	rec_delay=0.1 \
+    verbose=2 \
+    tmod=4.195 \
+    dxrcv=10.0 \
+    xrcv1=-2250 xrcv2=2250 \
+    zrcv1=0 zrcv2=0 \
+    xsrc=0 zsrc=0 \
+    ntaper=250 \
+    left=4 right=4 top=1 bottom=4 
+makemod sizex=5000 sizez=2500 dx=$dx dz=2.5 cp0=$cp ro0=$rho \
+	orig=-2500,0 \
+	intt=def x=-2500,0,2500 z=250,250,250 poly=0 cp=2300 ro=5000 \
+	intt=def x=-2500,-2000,-1000,-800,0,800,2500 z=650,650,700,750,900,750,600 poly=2 cp=2600 ro=1000 \
+	intt=def x=-2500,0,2500 z=1390,1390,1390 poly=0 cp=2000 ro=5000 
+sudiff >
+makewave fp=20 dt=0.004 nt=1024 t0=0.0
+migr nshots=1 \
+ verbose=3 imc=0
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/demo/modelOilGas.scr.ok b/fdelmodc3D/demo/modelOilGas.scr.ok
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..89907c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/demo/modelOilGas.scr.ok
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+#export PATH=$HOME/bin:$HOME/src/OpenSource/utils:$PATH:
+makemod sizex=5000 sizez=2500 dx=$dx dz=$dx cp0=$cp ro0=$rho \
+	orig=-2500,0 \
+	intt=def x=-2500,0,2500 z=250,250,250 poly=0 cp=2300 ro=2000 \
+	intt=def x=-2500,-2000,-1000,-800,0,800,2500 z=650,650,700,750,900,750,600 poly=2 cp=2600 ro=2500 \
+	intt=def x=-2500,0,2500 z=1390,1390,1390 poly=0 cp=2000 ro=2000 
+makewave w=g1 fp=20 dt=$dt nt=4096 t0=0.1
+../fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 iorder=4 \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+    src_type=7 \
+	src_orient=1 \
+	src_injectionrate=0 \
+    rec_type_vz=1 \
+    rec_type_p=1 \
+    rec_int_vz=2 \
+    dtrcv=0.004 \
+	rec_delay=0.1 \
+    verbose=2 \
+    tmod=2.01 \
+    dxrcv=10.0 \
+    xrcv1=-2250 xrcv2=2250 \
+    zrcv1=0 zrcv2=0 \
+    xsrc=0 zsrc=$zsrc \
+	file_snap=snapF_$zsrc \
+	tsnap1=0.1 tsnap2=2.0 dtsnap=0.05 dxsnap=$dx dzsnap=$dx \
+    ntaper=101 \
+	snapwithbnd=1 \
+    left=2 right=2 top=2 bottom=2
+suxmovie < snapF_${zsrc} loop=1 clip=1e-13
+makemod sizex=5000 sizez=2500 dx=$dx dz=$dx cp0=$cp ro0=$rho \
+	orig=-2500,0 
+fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 iorder=4 \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+    src_type=7 \
+	src_orient=1 \
+	src_injectionrate=1 \
+    rec_type_vz=1 \
+    rec_type_p=1 \
+    rec_int_vz=2 \
+    dtrcv=0.004 \
+	rec_delay=0.1 \
+    verbose=2 \
+    tmod=4.195 \
+    dxrcv=10.0 \
+    xrcv1=-2250 xrcv2=2250 \
+    zrcv1=0 zrcv2=0 \
+    xsrc=0 zsrc=0 \
+    ntaper=250 \
+    left=4 right=4 top=1 bottom=4 
+makemod sizex=5000 sizez=2500 dx=$dx dz=2.5 cp0=$cp ro0=$rho \
+	orig=-2500,0 \
+	intt=def x=-2500,0,2500 z=250,250,250 poly=0 cp=2300 ro=5000 \
+	intt=def x=-2500,-2000,-1000,-800,0,800,2500 z=650,650,700,750,900,750,600 poly=2 cp=2600 ro=1000 \
+	intt=def x=-2500,0,2500 z=1390,1390,1390 poly=0 cp=2000 ro=5000 
+sudiff >
+makewave fp=20 dt=0.004 nt=1024 t0=0.0
+migr nshots=1 \
+ verbose=3 imc=0
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/demo/model_flank.scr b/fdelmodc3D/demo/model_flank.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..82ebafc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/demo/model_flank.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# builds a model which has a steep flank on the side, used in fdelmodc_srcrec.scr
+makemod sizex=$sizex sizez=8000 dx=$dx dz=$dz cp0=1500 ro0=1500 \
+	intt=def grad=6000 cp=3900,3900 ro=1500,1500 x=0,$sizex z=0,0\
+makemod makemod sizex=8000 sizez=8000 dx=$dx dz=$dz cp0=0 ro0=1500 intt=def poly=1 cp=4500,4500 ro=1500 x=1000,1500,2000,5000 z=6500,7200,7500,7000 intt=def poly=1 cp=4500 ro=1500 x=750,1000,1250 z=8000,6500,8000 
+suflip flip=0 < >
+suop2 op=diff >
+suop op=posonly < >
+suop2 op=sum >
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/demo/modelall.scr b/fdelmodc3D/demo/modelall.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b8678a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/demo/modelall.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+makemod sizex=6000 sizez=4000 dx=$dx dz=$dx cp0=$cp cs0=$cs ro0=$rho \
+    orig=-3000,-1000 \
+    intt=def x=-3000,0,3000 z=250,250,250 poly=0 cp=2300 ro=5000 \
+    intt=def x=-3000,-2000,-1000,-800,0,800,3000 z=650,650,700,750,900,750,600 poly=2 cp=2600 ro=1000 \
+    intt=def x=-3000,0,3000 z=1390,1390,1390 poly=0 cp=2000 ro=5000
+makewave fp=20 dt=$dt nt=4096 t0=0.1
+mkdir jobs 
+mkdir shots 
+while (( fldr < 5 )) 
+echo $fldr $xsrc
+cat << EOF > jobs/pbs_$fldr.job 
+#PBS -N model
+#PBS -j eo 
+#PBS -l nodes=1
+#PBS -V
+../fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+ \
+    file_rcv=shots/shot_fd_xsrc${xsrc}.su \
+    src_type=7 \
+    src_orient=1 \
+    src_injectionrate=1 \
+    rec_type_vz=0 \
+    rec_type_p=1 \
+    rec_int_vz=2 \
+    dtrcv=0.0040 \
+    rec_delay=0.1 \
+    verbose=2 \
+    tmod=3.10 \
+    dxrcv=10.0 \
+    xrcv1=-2250 xrcv2=2250 \
+    zrcv1=0 zrcv2=0 \
+    xsrc=0 zsrc=1150 \
+    ntaper=200 \
+    left=4 right=4 top=4 bottom=4
+exit 0
+(( xsrc += 100 ))
+qsub pbs_$fldr.job
+(( fldr += 1 ))
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/demo/modelfast1d.scr b/fdelmodc3D/demo/modelfast1d.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..29ffc91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/demo/modelfast1d.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+export PATH=$HOME/bin:$HOME/src/OpenSource/utils:$PATH:
+export PATH=$HOME/src/OpenSource/bin:$PATH:
+which fdelmodc
+makemod sizex=12000 sizez=1250 dx=$dx dz=$dx cp0=1500  ro0=1000 \
+        orig=-6000,0 verbose=2 \
+        intt=def x=-6000,6000 z=300,300 poly=0 cp=1950 ro=4500 grad=0 \
+        intt=def x=-6000,6000 z=600,600 poly=0 cp=2000 ro=1400 grad=0 \
+        intt=def x=-6000,6000 z=900,900 poly=0 cp=2300 ro=1600 grad=0
+#suwind key=gx min=0 max=0 < >
+makewave w=fw fmin=0 flef=5 frig=80 fmax=100  dt=$dt file_out=wavefw${fast}.su nt=8192 t0=0.4 scale=0 scfft=1
+../fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=-1 iorder=4 \
+ \
+    file_src=wavefw${fast}.su \
+    file_rcv=shot1dE${fast}.su \
+    src_type=7 \
+	qr=0.0005 \
+    src_orient=1 \
+    src_injectionrate=1 \
+    rec_type_vz=1 \
+    rec_type_p=1 \
+    rec_int_vz=2 \
+    rec_delay=0.4 \
+    dtrcv=0.004 \
+    verbose=2 \
+    tmod=4.494 \
+    dxrcv=10.0 \
+    xrcv1=-6000 xrcv2=6000 \
+    zrcv1=0 zrcv2=0 \
+    xsrc=0 zsrc=0 \
+	tsnap2=4.4 dtsnap=0.1 dxsnap=10 dzsnap=10 \
+    ntaper=400 \
+    left=4 right=4 top=4 bottom=4
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/demo/modelhom.scr b/fdelmodc3D/demo/modelhom.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4d6585f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/demo/modelhom.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+#PBS -q medium
+#PBS -N mod_hom
+#PBS -j eo 
+#PBS -m n 
+#PBS -l nodes=1
+#PBS -V
+export PATH=:$HOME/src/OpenSource/bin:$HOME/bin64:$PATH:
+cd /vardim/home/thorbcke/src/OpenSource/fdelmodc/demo
+makemod sizex=6000 sizez=900 dx=$dx dz=$dx cp0=1900  ro0=1200 \
+        orig=-3000,-50 verbose=2 \
+makewave w=fw fmin=0 flef=5 frig=80 fmax=100  dt=$dt nt=4096 t0=0.3 scale=0 scfft=1
+makewave fp=20 dt=$dt nt=4096 t0=0.1 scale=1
+../fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 iorder=4 \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+    src_type=7 \
+    src_orient=1 \
+    src_injectionrate=1 \
+    rec_type_vz=0 \
+    rec_type_p=1 \
+    rec_int_vz=2 \
+    dtrcv=0.004 \
+    rec_delay=0.3 \
+    verbose=3 \
+    tmod=4.394 \
+    dxrcv=10.0 \
+    xrcv1=-3000 xrcv2=3000 \
+    zrcv1=800 zrcv2=800 \
+    xsrc=0 zsrc=0 \
+    ntaper=400 \
+	tsnap1=0.1 tsnap2=4.0 dtsnap=0.5 \
+    left=4 right=4 top=4 bottom=4 
+ftr2d n2=901 key=dt verbose=1
+#sushw key=trid a=111 < | sugain scale=1 | suamp >
+#multiply with dx*dt of receivers
+sushw key=trid a=111 < | sugain scale=0.04 | suamp >
+suwind key=tracl s=10 j=25 itmax=227 < | \
+    supsgraph d1=1 f1=1 x1beg=1 linecolor=red label1="wave number" \
+    wbox=6 hbox=4 style=normal labelsize=10 n2tic=2 > Hkxw_traces.eps
+makemod sizex=6000 sizez=2000 dx=$dx dz=$dx cp0=1900  ro0=1200 \
+        orig=-3000,-1000 
+#~/bin64/fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 iorder=4 \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+    src_type=1 \
+        src_orient=1 \
+        src_injectionrate=1 \
+    rec_type_vz=0 \
+    rec_type_p=1 \
+    rec_int_vz=2 \
+    dtrcv=0.0010 \
+        rec_delay=0.1 \
+    verbose=2 \
+    tmod=4.195 \
+    dxrcv=10.0 \
+    xrcv1=-2250 xrcv2=2250 \
+    zrcv1=0 zrcv2=0 \
+    xsrc=0 zsrc=0 \
+    ntaper=400 \
+    left=4 right=4 top=4 bottom=4 
+sudiff >
+migr imc=0 verbose=1
+makemod sizex=6000 sizez=4000 dx=$dx dz=$dx cp0=$cp cs0=$cs ro0=$rho \
+        orig=-3000,-1000 \
+        intt=def x=-3000,0,3000 z=200,200,200 poly=0 cp=1800 ro=5000 \
+    intt=def x=-3000,-2000,-1000,-400,0,200,900,1800,3000 z=520,520,560,670,950,790,600,520,500 poly=2 cp=2300 ro=1800 \
+~/bin64/fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 iorder=4 \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+    src_type=7 \
+        src_orient=1 \
+        src_injectionrate=1 \
+    rec_type_vz=0 \
+    rec_type_p=1 \
+    rec_int_vz=2 \
+    dtrcv=0.0010 \
+        rec_delay=0.1 \
+    verbose=2 \
+    tmod=2.100 \
+    dxrcv=10.0 \
+    xrcv1=-2250 xrcv2=2250 \
+    zrcv1=0 zrcv2=0 \
+    xsrc=0 zsrc=1100 \
+    ntaper=300 \
+    left=4 right=4 top=4 bottom=4 &
+~/bin64/fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 iorder=4 \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+    src_type=7 \
+        src_orient=1 \
+        src_injectionrate=1 \
+    rec_type_vz=0 \
+    rec_type_p=1 \
+    rec_int_vz=2 \
+    dtrcv=0.0010 \
+        rec_delay=0.1 \
+    verbose=2 \
+    tmod=4.195 \
+    dxrcv=10.0 \
+    xrcv1=-2250 xrcv2=2250 \
+    zrcv1=0 zrcv2=0 \
+    xsrc=0 zsrc=0 \
+    ntaper=300 \
+    left=4 right=4 top=4 bottom=4 &
+makemod sizex=6000 sizez=4000 dx=$dx dz=$dx cp0=2300 ro0=1800 \
+        orig=-3000,-1000 \
+    intt=def x=-3000,0,3000 z=1310,1310,1310 poly=0 cp=2450 ro=1950 \
+    intt=def x=-3000,3000 z=1380,1380 poly=0 cp=2460 ro=1820 \
+    intt=def x=-3000,0,3000 z=1490,1490,1570 poly=0 cp=2470 ro=2100 \
+    intt=def x=-3000,3000 z=1580,1580 poly=0 cp=2480 ro=2000 \
+    intt=def x=-3000,3000 z=1680,1680 poly=0 cp=2490 ro=1850
+~/bin64/fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 iorder=4 \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+    src_type=7 \
+        src_orient=1 \
+        src_injectionrate=1 \
+    rec_type_vz=0 \
+    rec_type_p=1 \
+    rec_int_vz=2 \
+    dtrcv=0.0010 \
+        rec_delay=0.1 \
+    verbose=2 \
+    tmod=2.100 \
+    dxrcv=10.0 \
+    xrcv1=-2250 xrcv2=2250 \
+    zrcv1=1100 zrcv2=1100 \
+    xsrc=0 zsrc=1100 \
+    ntaper=300 \
+    left=4 right=4 top=4 bottom=4 &
+makemod sizex=6000 sizez=4000 dx=$dx dz=$dx cp0=2300 ro0=1800 \
+        orig=-3000,-1000 
+~/bin64/fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 iorder=4 \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+    src_type=7 \
+        src_orient=1 \
+        src_injectionrate=1 \
+    rec_type_vz=0 \
+    rec_type_p=1 \
+    rec_int_vz=2 \
+    dtrcv=0.0010 \
+        rec_delay=0.1 \
+    verbose=2 \
+    tmod=2.100 \
+    dxrcv=10.0 \
+    xrcv1=-2250 xrcv2=2250 \
+    zrcv1=1100 zrcv2=1100 \
+    xsrc=0 zsrc=1100 \
+    ntaper=300 \
+    left=4 right=4 top=4 bottom=4 &
+sudiff >
+sudiff >
+sudiff >
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/demo/modelling b/fdelmodc3D/demo/modelling
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ec8e999
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/demo/modelling
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+#PBS -l nodes=1
+#PBS -N InterfModeling
+#PBS -q fourweeks
+#PBS -V
+# demo for generation of random source signature at random positions
+#export PATH=../../bin:$PATH
+#                               My COMMENTS
+#define the parameters
+# the wavelet paremeters
+# the model parameters
+# plot parameters
+label11="time [s]"
+label13="frequency [hz]"
+label21="depth [m]"
+label22="lateral position [m]"
+label31="time [s]"
+label32="lateral position [m]"
+#make the wavelet
+makewave w=g2 fp=$fp t0=$t0 dt=$dt nt=$nt db=$db file_out=${file_src} verbose=${verbose} \
+# plot the source wavelet and it's amplitude
+supsgraph < style=normal \
+	labelsize=${labelsize} label2="${label12}" label1="${label11}" \
+	titlesize=${titlesize} d1num=0.05 x1end=0.2 > wavelet.eps
+sufft < | suamp | supsgraph style=normal \
+	labelsize=${labelsize} label2="${label12}" label1="${label13}" \
+	titlesize=${titlesize} d2num=20 x2end=100 d1num=10 x1end=200 > wavelet_ampl.eps
+#make the velocity and desity model
+makemod file_base=$ verbose=${verbose} \
+        cp0=2500 ro0=1900 cs0=1700 sizex=$sizex sizez=$sizez \
+        dx=$dx dz=$dz orig=0,0 \
+        intt=def poly=0 cp=2900 ro=2400 cs=2000 \
+        x=0,2000 z=600,600 gradcp=0 gradcs=0 grad=0 \
+# extend model for absorbing boundaries
+extendModel file_in=${modelname} nafter=$ntap nbefore=$ntap nbelow=$ntap > ${modelname}
+extendModel file_in=${modelname} nafter=$ntap nbefore=$ntap nbelow=$ntap > ${modelname}
+extendModel file_in=${modelname} nafter=$ntap nbefore=$ntap nbelow=$ntap > ${modelname}
+# plot the velocity and desity model
+supsimage < ${modelname} \
+	labelsize=${labelsize} titlesize=${titlesize} verbose=${verbose} \
+	label1="${label21}" label2="${label22}" blockinterp=${blockinterp} legend=${legend} units="${units1}" \
+	> ${modelname}_cp.eps
+supsimage < ${modelname} \
+	labelsize=${labelsize} titlesize=${titlesize} verbose=${verbose}  \
+	label1="${label21}" label2="${label22}" blockinterp=${blockinterp} legend=${legend} units="${units2}" \
+	> ${modelname}_ro.eps
+supsimage < ${modelname} \
+	labelsize=${labelsize} titlesize=${titlesize} verbose=${verbose} \
+        label1="${label21}" label2="${label22}" blockinterp=${blockinterp} legend=${legend} units="${units1}" \
+	> ${modelname}_cs.eps
+# Do the forword modeling
+fdelmodc \
+    ischeme=3 \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+    src_type=1 \
+    src_orient=1 \
+    xsrc=1000 \
+    zsrc=0 \
+    nshot=1 \
+    dxshot=40 \
+    wav_random=0 \
+    xrcv1=0 \
+    xrcv2=2000 \
+    dxrcv=20 \
+    zrcv1=0 \
+    zrcv2=0 \
+    dzrcv=0 \
+    dtrcv=0.002 \
+    rec_type_tzz=1 \
+    rec_type_vz=1 \
+    rec_type_vx=1 \
+    rec_int_vz=2 \
+    rec_int_vx=2 \
+    tsnap1=0.1 \
+    tsnap2=1.0 \
+    dtsnap=0.1 \
+    xsnap1=0\
+    xsnap2=2000 \
+    zsnap1=0 \
+    zsnap2=1200 \
+    sna_type_tzz=1 \
+    sna_type_vz=1 \
+    sna_type_vx=1 \
+    tmod=1 \
+    cfree=1 \
+    boundary=2 \
+    ntaper=400 \
+    taptop=0 \
+    tapleft=1 \
+    tapright=1 \
+    tapbottom=1 \
+    verbose=${verbose}
+# Plot the src_rec positions, seismograms and snapshots
+# Seismograms of P/Tzz, vz, vx.
+supsimage < perc=${perc} \
+        labelsize=${labelsize} titlesize=${titlesize} verbose=${verbose} \
+        label1="${label31}" label2="${label32}" > recv_rtzz.eps
+supsimage < perc=${perc} \
+        labelsize=${labelsize} titlesize=${titlesize} verbose=${verbose} \
+        label1="${label31}" label2="${label32}" > recv_rvz.eps
+supsimage < perc=${perc} \
+        labelsize=${labelsize} titlesize=${titlesize} verbose=${verbose} \
+        label1="${label31}" label2="${label32}" > recv_rvx.eps
+# Make the image of snapshots of P/Tzz, vz, vx
+supsmovie < perc=${perc} labelsize=${labelsize} titlesize=${titlesize} verbose=${verbose} \
+      title="Wavefield of P (dt=${dtsnap} s; source at x=${xsrc} m, z=${zsrc} m)" \
+      label1="${label21}" label2="${label22}" title2="Frame" \
+      n1=${n1} n2=${n2} n3=${n3} f1=${f1} f2=${f2} \
+      > snap_stzz.eps
+supsmovie < perc=${perc} labelsize=${labelsize} titlesize=${titlesize} verbose=${verbose} \
+      title="Wavefield of Svz (dt=${dtsnap} s; source at x=${xsrc} m, z=${zsrc} m)" \
+      label1="${label21}" label2="${label22}" title2="Frame" \
+      n1=${n1} n2=${n2} n3=${n3} f1=${f1} f2=${f2} \
+      > snap_svz.eps
+supsmovie < perc=${perc} labelsize=${labelsize} titlesize=${titlesize} verbose=${verbose} \
+      title="Wavefield of Svx (dt=${dtsnap} s; source at x=${xsrc} m, z=${zsrc} m)" \
+      label1="${label21}" label2="${label22}" title2="Frame" \
+      n1=${n1} n2=${n2} n3=${n3} f1=${f1} f2=${f2} \
+      > snap_svx.eps
+# Shift the record wavefield by wavelet delay "-${t0}"
+basop choice=shift shift=-${t0} nxmax=${nxmax} ntmax=${ntmax} dx=${dxrcv} >
+basop choice=shift shift=-${t0} nxmax=${nxmax} ntmax=${ntmax} dx=${dxrcv} >
+basop choice=shift shift=-${t0} nxmax=${nxmax} ntmax=${ntmax} dx=${dxrcv} >
+# To show a movie of the P snapshots 
+suxmovie < clip=${clip} loop=${loop} \
+         -geometry ${WIDTH}x${HEIGHT}+${WIDTHOFF1}+${HEIGHTOFF1}
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/demo/staal.scr b/fdelmodc3D/demo/staal.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a99d0a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/demo/staal.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+makemod cp0=3700 ro0=2400 cs0=3400 verbose=1 sizex=5000 sizez=300 dx=5.0 dz=5.0
+makewave dt=1.0e-4 nt=10000 w=g2 shift=1 fp=6 verbose=1
+../fdelmodc \ \ \
+ischeme=3 tmod=5 \
+top=1 left=4 right=1 bottom=1 \
+src_type=3 xsrc=2500 zsrc=0.0 \
+tsnap1=1.0e-2 tsnap2=5 dtsnap=1.0e-2 dxsnap=5.0 dzsnap=5.0 \
+dtrcv=1.0e-2 verbose=1
+!sufrac power=1 < >
+!sustrip < | b2a n1=2051 > Sufrac_betonplaat3_Tzz.txt
+!suximage< title="FDM shot record Concrete Slab Sourcetype=Tzz [Left=4 Right=1]" label2="Lateral Position [mm]"
+label1="Time [ms]" wbox=2500 hbox=500 cmap=hsv2 legend=1
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/demo/test2.scr b/fdelmodc3D/demo/test2.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6694fae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/demo/test2.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+# Modeling of acoustic response of multiple source acquisition
+# Horizontal model 
+# Author: Abdulmohsen AlAli, Delft University of Technology
+# Date  : March 2014
+dx=4 #max(dx,dz)<v_min/(5*f_max)
+dt=0.0005 #dt<(0.606*min(dx,dz))/v_max
+# Making a wavelet
+makewave w=g2 t0=0.05 fp=20 dt=$dt nt=$nt file_out=$w_z
+### end of making of wavelet ###
+# Making a model
+makemod file_base=model_3lay_base_${script}.su sizex=8000 sizez=2000 \
+dx=$dx dz=$dx cp0=1850 ro0=2000 \
+intt=def poly=0 x=0,8000 z=1000,1000 cp=2800 ro=2200 \
+intt=def poly=0 x=0,8000 z=1600,1600 cp=3600 ro=2600 \
+### end of making of model ###
+# fdelmodc a model
+### the fdacmod loop for creating the transmission panels ###
+    xsrc=4000
+    file_out=5_refl_3lay_base_active_multSRC_${xsrc}.su
+    echo $xsrc
+    ../fdelmodc file_cp=$file_in_cp file_den=$file_in_ro file_src=$w_z \
+    ischeme=1 tmod=$tmod ntaper=200 left=4 right=4 \
+    bottom=4 top=1 src_type=7 xsrc=$xsrc zsrc=0 \
+    xrcv1=3232 xrcv2=4756 dxrcv=12 zrcv1=90 zrcv2=90 rec_type_p=1 \
+    rec_type_vz=1 file_rcv=$file_out dtrcv=0.004 verbose=4 \
+	src_injectionrate=0
+    #tsnap1=0.1 tsnap2=1.1 dtsnap=0.25 sna_type_vz=0 verbose=1
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/demo/testFreeSurface.scr b/fdelmodc3D/demo/testFreeSurface.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d459131
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/demo/testFreeSurface.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+#PBS -N fdelmod
+#PBS -q verylong
+#PBS -l nodes=1
+#PBS -k eo
+#PBS -j eo
+which makewave
+which makemod
+cd /Users/jan/src/OpenSource/fdelmodc/demo
+makemod sizex=3000 sizez=1000 dx=$dx dz=$dx cp0=$cp ro0=$rho cs0=1500 \
+	orig=-1500,0 \
+	intt=def x=-1500,0,1500 z=20,20,20 poly=0 cp=2300 ro=2000 cs=1600 \
+	intt=def x=-1500,0,1500 z=50,50,50 poly=0 cp=2100 ro=1400 cs=1300
+makewave fp=20 dt=$dt nt=4096 t0=0.1
+../fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=3 \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+    src_type=7 \
+	src_orient=1 \
+	src_injectionrate=1 \
+    rec_type_vz=1 \
+    rec_type_p=1 \
+    rec_type_tzz=0 \
+    rec_int_vz=2 \
+    dtrcv=0.0010 \
+	rec_delay=0.1 \
+    verbose=1 \
+    tmod=1.10 \
+    dxrcv=8.0 \
+    xrcv1=-1500 xrcv2=1500 \
+    zrcv1=0 zrcv2=0 \
+    xsrc=0 zsrc=0 \
+    ntaper=300 \
+    left=4 right=4 top=1 bottom=4
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/demo/test_free_elastic.scr b/fdelmodc3D/demo/test_free_elastic.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6e72ed5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/demo/test_free_elastic.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+#PBS -N fdelmodc
+#PBS -k eo
+#PBS -j eo
+# Models plane wave at depth to receivers at the surface, including snapshots
+export PATH=../../utils:$PATH:
+makewave dt=0.001 nt=1024 fp=13 shift=1 w=g2 verbose=1
+makemod \
+       cp0=1500 ro0=1000 cs0=600 sizex=2100 sizez=2100 \
+        dx=3 dz=3 orig=0,0 \
+        intt=def poly=0 cp=1650 ro=2000 cs=1000 \
+        x=0,2100 z=500,500 gradcp=0.5 grad=100 \
+        intt=def poly=1 cp=1800 ro=2500 cs=1200 \
+        x=0,800,1200,2100 z=900,1400,1400,1200 gradcp=0 grad=0 \
+		verbose=4
+../fdelmodc \
+	file_cp=$filecp file_cs=$filecs file_den=$filero \
+	ischeme=1 \
+ verbose=4 \
+ \
+ \
+	xrcv1=0 xrcv2=2100 dxrcv=15 \
+	zrcv1=400 zrcv2=400 \
+	rec_type_vx=1 rec_type_pp=1 rec_type_ss=1 rec_int_vx=1 \
+	dtrcv=0.004 \
+	xsrc=1000 zsrc=1700 nshot=1 plane_wave=1 nsrc=301 \
+	src_type=1 tmod=3.0 src_velo=1800 src_angle=5  \
+	ntaper=120 \
+	left=4 right=4 bottom=4 top=4 \
+	tsnap1=0.1 tsnap2=3.0 dtsnap=0.1 \
+	sna_type_ss=1 sna_type_pp=1
+# to show a movie of the snapshots 
+#suxmovie < perc=99 loop=1
+# to reproduce the images in the manual use:
+supsimage < \
+	wbox=4 hbox=4 titlesize=-1 labelsize=10 verbose=1 \
+	d2=3 f2=0 wrgb=1.0,0,0 grgb=0,1.0,0 brgb=0,0,1.0 bps=24 \
+	label1="depth [m]" label2="lateral position [m]" > model_plane.eps
+supsimage < \
+	wbox=4 hbox=4 titlesize=-1 labelsize=10 verbose=1 \
+	d2=3 f2=0 wclip=-1 bclip=1 \
+	gabel1="depth [m]" label2="lateral position [m]" > SrcRecPositions.eps
+suop2 w1=1 w2=2000 op=sum | \
+	supsimage  wclip=1400 bclip=2000 \
+	wbox=4 hbox=4 titlesize=-1 labelsize=10 verbose=1 \
+	d2=3 f2=0 wrgb=1.0,0,0 grgb=0,1.0,0 brgb=0,0,1.0 bps=24 \
+	label1="depth [m]" label2="lateral position [m]" > model_plane_src.eps
+supsimage < \
+	wbox=3 hbox=4 titlesize=-1 labelsize=10 clip=1e-10 verbose=1 \
+	label1="time [s]" label2="lateral position [m]" > rec_plane_rvz.eps
+supsimage < \
+	wbox=3 hbox=4 titlesize=-1 labelsize=10 clip=1e-11 verbose=1 \
+	label1="time [s]" label2="lateral position [m]" > rec_plane_rpp.eps
+supsimage < \
+	wbox=3 hbox=4 titlesize=-1 labelsize=10 clip=1e-11 verbose=1 \
+	label1="time [s]" label2="lateral position [m]" > rec_plane_rss.eps
+for file in snap_svz snap_spp snap_sss; do
+suwind < $ key=fldr min=$ifldr max=$ifldr > 
+while (( ifldr < 12 )) 
+(( ifldr += 4 ))
+echo $ifldr
+suwind < $ key=fldr min=$ifldr max=$ifldr > 
+susum >
+supsimage < \
+	wbox=4 hbox=4 titlesize=-1 labelsize=10 verbose=1 \
+	d2=3 f2=0 perc=99 \
+	label1="depth [m]" label2="lateral position [m]" > ${file}_snap.eps
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/demo/virtualshot.scr b/fdelmodc3D/demo/virtualshot.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1e89a56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/demo/virtualshot.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+#PBS -N fdelmod
+#PBS -q verylong
+#PBS -l nodes=1
+#PBS -k eo
+#PBS -j eo
+which makewave
+which makemod
+cd /Users/jan/src/OpenSource/fdelmodc/demo
+#makewave fp=20 dt=$dt nt=4096 t0=0.1
+#makewave w=fw fmin=0 flef=5 frig=80 fmax=100  dt=$dt nt=4096 t0=0.3
+makemod sizex=6000 sizez=4000 dx=$dx dz=$dx cp0=$cp cs0=$cs ro0=$rho \
+	orig=-3000,-1000 \
+	intt=def x=-3000,0,3000 z=250,250,250 poly=0 cp=2300 ro=5000 \
+	intt=def x=-3000,-2000,-1000,-800,0,800,3000 z=650,650,700,750,900,750,600 poly=2 cp=2600 ro=1000 \
+	intt=def x=-3000,0,3000 z=1390,1390,1390 poly=0 cp=2000 ro=5000 
+makewave fp=20 dt=$dt nt=4096 t0=0.1
+../fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+    src_type=7 \
+	src_orient=1 \
+	src_injectionrate=1 \
+    rec_type_vz=0 \
+    rec_type_p=1 \
+    rec_int_vz=2 \
+    dtrcv=0.0040 \
+	rec_delay=0.1 \
+    verbose=2 \
+    tmod=0.30 \
+    dxrcv=10.0 \
+    xrcv1=-2250 xrcv2=2250 \
+    zrcv1=0 zrcv2=0 \
+    xsrc=0 zsrc=1150 \
+    ntaper=200 \
+    left=4 right=4 top=4 bottom=4
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/demo/vsp.scr b/fdelmodc3D/demo/vsp.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4e4c793
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/demo/vsp.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+#PBS -N fdelmod
+#PBS -q verylong
+#PBS -l nodes=1
+#PBS -k eo
+#PBS -j eo
+which makewave
+which makemod
+cd /Users/jan/src/OpenSource/fdelmodc/demo
+#makewave fp=20 dt=$dt nt=4096 t0=0.1
+#makewave w=fw fmin=0 flef=5 frig=80 fmax=100  dt=$dt nt=4096 t0=0.3
+makemod sizex=6000 sizez=4000 dx=$dx dz=$dx cp0=$cp cs0=$cs ro0=$rho \
+	orig=-3000,-1000 \
+	intt=def x=-3000,0,3000 z=250,250,250 poly=0 cp=2300 ro=5000 \
+	intt=def x=-3000,-2000,-1000,-800,0,800,3000 z=650,650,700,750,900,750,600 poly=2 cp=2600 ro=1000 \
+	intt=def x=-3000,0,3000 z=1390,1390,1390 poly=0 cp=2000 ro=5000 
+makewave fp=20 dt=$dt nt=4096 t0=0.1
+#receivers in a vertical line
+#../fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+    src_type=1 \
+	src_orient=1 \
+	src_injectionrate=1 \
+    rec_type_vx=1 \
+    rec_type_vz=1 \
+    rec_type_p=1 \
+    rec_int_vz=2 \
+    dtrcv=0.0040 \
+	rec_delay=0.1 \
+    verbose=2 \
+    tmod=3.10 \
+    dxrcv=0.0 \
+    dzrcv=5.0 \
+    xrcv1=0 xrcv2=0 \
+    zrcv1=0 zrcv2=2000 \
+    xsrc=150 zsrc=10 \
+    ntaper=200 \
+    left=4 right=4 top=4 bottom=4
+#shots in a vertical line
+../fdelmodc \
+ ischeme=1 \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+    src_type=1 \
+	src_orient=1 \
+	src_injectionrate=1 \
+    rec_type_vx=1 \
+    rec_type_vz=1 \
+    rec_type_p=1 \
+    rec_int_vz=2 \
+    dtrcv=0.0040 \
+	rec_delay=0.1 \
+    verbose=2 \
+    tmod=1.10 \
+    dxrcv=10.0 \
+    dzrcv=0.0 \
+    xrcv1=-3000 xrcv2=3000 \
+    zrcv1=0 zrcv2=0 \
+    xsrc=0 zsrc=0 \
+	dzshot=10 dxshot=0 nshot=10 \
+    ntaper=200 \
+    left=4 right=4 top=4 bottom=4
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/depthDiff.c b/fdelmodc3D/depthDiff.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9c181c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/depthDiff.c
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+#include "par.h"
+#include "segy.h"
+#include <time.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <genfft.h>
+#ifndef MAX
+#define MAX(x,y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
+#ifndef MIN
+#define MIN(x,y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
+#define NINT(x) ((int)((x)>0.0?(x)+0.5:(x)-0.5))
+#ifndef COMPLEX
+typedef struct _complexStruct { /* complex number */
+    float r,i;
+} complex;
+#endif/* complex */
+double wallclock_time(void);
+void pad_data(float *data, int nsam, int nrec, int nsamout, float *datout);
+void scl_data(float *data, int nsam, int nrec, float scl, float *datout, int nsamout);
+void pad2d_data(float *data, int nsam, int nrec, int nsamout, int nrecout, float *datout);
+float rcabs(complex z);
+complex froot(float x);
+void depthDiff(float *data, int nsam, int nrec, float dt, float dx, float fmin, float fmax, float c, int opt)
+	int 	optn, iom, iomin, iomax, nfreq, j, ix, ikx, diff, nkx, ikxmax;
+	float	omin, omax, deltom, df, dkx, *rdata, kx, scl;
+	float	kx2, kz2, kp2, kp;
+	complex *cdata, *cdatascl, kz, kzinv;
+	optn  = optncr(nsam);
+	nfreq = optncr(nsam)/2+1;
+	df    = 1.0/(optn*dt);
+	nkx   = optncc(nrec);
+	dkx   = 2.0*PI/(nkx*dx);
+	diff  = (nkx-nrec)/2;
+	cdata = (complex *)malloc(nfreq*nkx*sizeof(complex));
+	if (cdata == NULL) verr("memory allocation error for cdata");
+	rdata = (float *)malloc(optn*nkx*sizeof(float));
+	if (rdata == NULL) verr("memory allocation error for rdata");
+	/* pad zeroes in 2 directions to reach FFT lengths */
+	pad2d_data(data,nsam,nrec,optn,nkx,rdata);
+	/* double forward FFT */
+	xt2wkx(&rdata[0], &cdata[0], optn, nkx, optn, nkx, 0);
+	deltom = 2.*PI*df;
+	omin   = 2.*PI*fmin;
+	omax   = 2.*PI*fmax;
+	iomin  = (int)MIN((omin/deltom), nfreq);
+	iomin  = MAX(iomin, 0);
+	iomax  = MIN((int)(omax/deltom), nfreq);
+	cdatascl = (complex *)malloc(nfreq*nkx*sizeof(complex));
+	if (cdatascl == NULL) verr("memory allocation error for cdatascl");
+	for (iom = 0; iom < iomin; iom++) {
+		for (ix = 0; ix < nkx; ix++) {
+			cdatascl[iom*nkx+ix].r = 0.0;
+			cdatascl[iom*nkx+ix].i = 0.0;
+		}
+	}
+	for (iom = iomax; iom < nfreq; iom++) {
+		for (ix = 0; ix < nkx; ix++) {
+			cdatascl[iom*nkx+ix].r = 0.0;
+			cdatascl[iom*nkx+ix].i = 0.0;
+		}
+	}
+	if (opt > 0) {
+		for (iom = iomin ; iom <= iomax ; iom++) {
+			kp = (iom*deltom)/c;
+			kp2 = kp*kp;
+			ikxmax = MIN((int)(kp/dkx), nkx/2);
+			for (ikx = 0; ikx < ikxmax; ikx++) {
+				kx  = ikx*dkx;
+				kx2 = kx*kx;
+				kz2 = kp2 - kx2;
+				kz.r  = 0.0;
+				kz.i  = sqrt(kz2);
+				cdatascl[iom*nkx+ikx].r = cdata[iom*nkx+ikx].r*kz.r-cdata[iom*nkx+ikx].i*kz.i;
+				cdatascl[iom*nkx+ikx].i = cdata[iom*nkx+ikx].i*kz.r+cdata[iom*nkx+ikx].r*kz.i;
+			}
+			for (ikx = ikxmax; ikx <= nkx-ikxmax+1; ikx++) {
+				cdatascl[iom*nkx+ikx].r = 0.0;
+				cdatascl[iom*nkx+ikx].i = 0.0;
+			}
+			for (ikx = nkx-ikxmax+1; ikx < nkx; ikx++) {
+				kx  = (ikx-nkx)*dkx;
+				kx2 = kx*kx;
+				kz2 = kp2 - kx2;
+				kz.r  = 0.0;
+				kz.i  = sqrt(kz2);
+				cdatascl[iom*nkx+ikx].r = cdata[iom*nkx+ikx].r*kz.r-cdata[iom*nkx+ikx].i*kz.i;
+				cdatascl[iom*nkx+ikx].i = cdata[iom*nkx+ikx].i*kz.r+cdata[iom*nkx+ikx].r*kz.i;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	else if (opt < 0) {
+		for (iom = iomin ; iom < iomax ; iom++) {
+			kp = iom*deltom/c;
+			kp2 = kp*kp;
+			ikxmax = MIN((int)(kp/dkx), nkx/2);
+			for (ikx = 0; ikx < ikxmax; ikx++) {
+				kx = ikx*dkx;
+				kx2  = kx*kx;
+				kz2 = kp2 - kx2;
+				kzinv.r  = 0.0;
+				kzinv.i  = -sqrt(kz2)/kz2;
+				cdatascl[iom*nkx+ikx].r = cdata[iom*nkx+ikx].r*kzinv.r-cdata[iom*nkx+ikx].i*kzinv.i;
+				cdatascl[iom*nkx+ikx].i = cdata[iom*nkx+ikx].i*kzinv.r+cdata[iom*nkx+ikx].r*kzinv.i;
+			}
+			for (ikx = ikxmax; ikx <= nkx-ikxmax+1; ikx++) {
+				cdatascl[iom*nkx+ikx].r = 0.0;
+				cdatascl[iom*nkx+ikx].i = 0.0;
+			}
+			for (ikx = nkx-ikxmax+1; ikx < nkx; ikx++) {
+				kx = (ikx-nkx)*dkx;
+				kx2  = kx*kx;
+				kz2 = kp2 - kx2;
+				kzinv.r  = 0.0;
+				kzinv.i  = -sqrt(kz2)/kz2;
+				cdatascl[iom*nkx+ikx].r = cdata[iom*nkx+ikx].r*kzinv.r-cdata[iom*nkx+ikx].i*kzinv.i;
+				cdatascl[iom*nkx+ikx].i = cdata[iom*nkx+ikx].i*kzinv.r+cdata[iom*nkx+ikx].r*kzinv.i;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	free(cdata);
+	/* inverse double FFT */
+	wkx2xt(&cdatascl[0], &rdata[0], optn, nkx, nkx, optn, 0);
+	/* select original samples and traces */
+	scl = 1.0;
+	scl_data(rdata,optn,nrec,scl,data,nsam);
+	free(cdatascl);
+	free(rdata);
+	return;
+void decompAcoustic(float *data, int nsam, int nrec, float dt, float dx, float fmin, float fmax, float c, float rho, int opt)
+	int 	optn, iom, iomin, iomax, nfreq, j, ix, ikx, diff, nkx, ikxmax;
+	float	omin, omax, deltom, df, dkx, *rdata, kx, scl, om;
+	float	kx2, kz2, kp2, kp;
+	complex *cdata, *cdatascl, kz, kzinv, deca;
+	optn  = optncr(nsam);
+	nfreq = optncr(nsam)/2+1;
+	df    = 1.0/(optn*dt);
+	nkx   = optncc(nrec);
+	dkx   = 2.0*PI/(nkx*dx);
+	diff  = (nkx-nrec)/2;
+	cdata = (complex *)malloc(nfreq*nkx*sizeof(complex));
+	if (cdata == NULL) verr("memory allocation error for cdata");
+	rdata = (float *)malloc(optn*nkx*sizeof(float));
+	if (rdata == NULL) verr("memory allocation error for rdata");
+	/* pad zeroes in 2 directions to reach FFT lengths */
+	pad2d_data(data,nsam,nrec,optn,nkx,rdata);
+	/* double forward FFT */
+	xt2wkx(&rdata[0], &cdata[0], optn, nkx, optn, nkx, 0);
+	deltom = 2.*PI*df;
+	omin   = 2.*PI*fmin;
+	omax   = 2.*PI*fmax;
+	iomin  = (int)MIN((omin/deltom), nfreq);
+	iomin  = MAX(iomin, 0);
+	iomax  = MIN((int)(omax/deltom), nfreq);
+	cdatascl = (complex *)malloc(nfreq*nkx*sizeof(complex));
+	if (cdatascl == NULL) verr("memory allocation error for cdatascl");
+	for (iom = 0; iom < iomin; iom++) {
+		for (ix = 0; ix < nkx; ix++) {
+			cdatascl[iom*nkx+ix].r = 0.0;
+			cdatascl[iom*nkx+ix].i = 0.0;
+		}
+	}
+	for (iom = iomax; iom < nfreq; iom++) {
+		for (ix = 0; ix < nkx; ix++) {
+			cdatascl[iom*nkx+ix].r = 0.0;
+			cdatascl[iom*nkx+ix].i = 0.0;
+		}
+	}
+	if (opt==1) {
+		for (iom = iomin ; iom <= iomax ; iom++) {
+			om = iom*deltom;
+			kp = om/c;
+			kp2 = kp*kp;
+			ikxmax = MIN((int)(kp/dkx), nkx/2);
+			for (ikx = 0; ikx < nkx/2+1; ikx++) {
+				kx  = ikx*dkx;
+				kx2 = kx*kx;
+				kz2 = 2*(kp2 - kx2)/(om*rho);
+				deca = froot(kz2);
+				cdatascl[iom*nkx+ikx].r = cdata[iom*nkx+ikx].r*deca.r-cdata[iom*nkx+ikx].i*deca.i;
+				cdatascl[iom*nkx+ikx].i = cdata[iom*nkx+ikx].i*deca.r+cdata[iom*nkx+ikx].r*deca.i;
+			}
+			for (ikx = nkx-1; ikx < nkx/2+2; ikx++) {
+				cdatascl[iom*nkx+ikx] = cdatascl[iom*nkx+(nkx-ikx)];
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	else if (opt==2) {
+		for (iom = iomin ; iom < iomax ; iom++) {
+			kp = iom*deltom/c;
+			kp2 = kp*kp;
+			ikxmax = MIN((int)(kp/dkx), nkx/2);
+			for (ikx = 0; ikx < ikxmax; ikx++) {
+				kx = ikx*dkx;
+				kx2  = kx*kx;
+				kz  = froot(kp2 - kx2);
+				if (kz.r>0.0) {
+					deca.r = sqrt(2*om*rho)/(kz.r);
+					deca.i = 0.0;
+				}
+				else if (kz.i<0.0) {
+					deca.i = sqrt(2*om*rho)/(kz.i);
+					deca.r = 0.0;
+				}
+				else { /* small values */
+					deca.r = 1.0;
+					deca.i = 0.0;
+				}
+				kz2 = (2*om*rho)/(kp2 - kx2);
+				cdatascl[iom*nkx+ikx].r = cdata[iom*nkx+ikx].r*deca.r-cdata[iom*nkx+ikx].i*deca.i;
+				cdatascl[iom*nkx+ikx].i = cdata[iom*nkx+ikx].i*deca.r+cdata[iom*nkx+ikx].r*deca.i;
+			}
+			for (ikx = nkx-1; ikx < nkx/2+2; ikx++) {
+				cdatascl[iom*nkx+ikx] = cdatascl[iom*nkx+(nkx-ikx)];
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	free(cdata);
+	/* inverse double FFT */
+	wkx2xt(&cdatascl[0], &rdata[0], optn, nkx, nkx, optn, 0);
+	/* select original samples and traces */
+	scl = 1.0;
+	scl_data(rdata,optn,nrec,scl,data,nsam);
+	free(cdatascl);
+	free(rdata);
+	return;
+complex froot(float x)
+	complex z;
+	if (x >= 0.0) {
+		z.r = sqrt(x);
+		z.i = 0.0;
+		return z;
+	}
+	else {
+		z.r = 0.0;
+		z.i = -sqrt(-x);
+		return z;
+	}
+void scl_data(float *data, int nsam, int nrec, float scl, float *datout, int nsamout)
+	int it,ix;
+	for (ix = 0; ix < nrec; ix++) {
+		for (it = 0 ; it < nsamout ; it++)
+			datout[ix*nsamout+it] = scl*data[ix*nsam+it];
+	}
+void pad2d_data(float *data, int nsam, int nrec, int nsamout, int nrecout, float *datout)
+	int it,ix;
+	for (ix=0;ix<nrec;ix++) {
+		for (it=0;it<nsam;it++)
+			datout[ix*nsam+it]=data[ix*nsam+it];
+		for (it=nsam;it<nsamout;it++)
+			datout[ix*nsam+it]=0.0;
+	}
+	for (ix=nrec;ix<nrecout;ix++) {
+		for (it=0;it<nsamout;it++)
+			datout[ix*nsam+it]=0.0;
+	}
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/docpkge.c b/fdelmodc3D/docpkge.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a74b4c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/docpkge.c
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+ This file is property of the Colorado School of Mines.
+ Copyright (C) 2007, Colorado School of Mines,
+ All rights reserved.
+ Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or 
+ without modification, are permitted provided that the following 
+ conditions are met:
+ *  Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 
+ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ *  Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above 
+ copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following 
+ disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided 
+ with the distribution.
+ *  Neither the name of the Colorado School of Mines nor the names of
+ its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products 
+ derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+ Warranty Disclaimer:
+ Export Restriction Disclaimer:
+ We believe that CWP/SU: Seismic Un*x is a low technology product that does
+ not appear on the Department of Commerce CCL list of restricted exports.
+ Accordingly, we believe that our product meets the qualifications of
+ an ECCN (export control classification number) of EAR99 and we believe
+ it fits the qualifications of NRR (no restrictions required), and
+ is thus not subject to export restrictions of any variety.
+ Approved Reference Format:
+ In publications, please refer to SU as per the following example:
+ Cohen, J. K. and Stockwell, Jr. J. W., (200_), CWP/SU: Seismic Un*x 
+ Release No. __: an open source software  package for seismic 
+ research and processing, 
+ Center for Wave Phenomena, Colorado School of Mines.
+ Articles about SU in peer-reviewed journals:
+ Saeki, T., (1999), A guide to Seismic Un*x (SU)(2)---examples of data processing (part 1), data input and preparation of headers, Butsuri-Tansa (Geophysical Exploration), vol. 52, no. 5, 465-477.
+ Stockwell, Jr. J. W. (1999), The CWP/SU: Seismic Un*x Package, Computers and Geosciences, May 1999.
+ Stockwell, Jr. J. W. (1997), Free Software in Education: A case study of CWP/SU: Seismic Un*x, The Leading Edge, July 1997.
+ Templeton, M. E., Gough, C.A., (1998), Web Seismic Un*x: Making seismic reflection processing more accessible, Computers and Geosciences.
+ Acknowledgements:
+ SU stands for CWP/SU:Seismic Un*x, a processing line developed at Colorado 
+ School of Mines, partially based on Stanford Exploration Project (SEP) 
+ software.
+ */
+/*********************** self documentation **********************/
+DOCPKGE - Function to implement the CWP self-documentation facility
+requestdoc	give selfdoc on user request (i.e. when name of main is typed)
+pagedoc		print self documentation string
+Function Prototypes:
+void requestdoc(flag);
+void pagedoc();
+flag		integer specifying i.o. cases
+Returns:	the self-documentation, an array of strings
+In the usual case, stdin is used to pass in data.  However,
+some programs (eg. synthetic data generators) don't use stdin
+to pass in data and some programs require two or more arguments
+besides the command itself (eg. sudiff) and don't use stdin.
+In this last case, we give selfdoc whenever too few arguments
+are given, since these usages violate the usual SU syntax.
+In all cases, selfdoc can be requested by giving only the
+program name.
+The flag argument distinguishes these cases:
+            flag = 0; fully defaulted, no stdin
+            flag = 1; usual case
+            flag = n > 1; no stdin and n extra args required
+Intended to be called by requesdoc(), but conceivably could be
+used directly as in:
+      if (xargc != 3) selfdoc();
+Based on earlier versions by:
+SEP: Einar Kjartansson, Stew Levin CWP: Jack Cohen, Shuki Ronen
+HRC: Lyle
+Author: Jack K. Cohen, Center for Wave Phenomena
+/**************** end self doc ********************************/
+#include "par.h"
+#define EXIT_FAILURE (1)
+#define EXIT_SUCCESS (0)
+/*  definitions of global variables */
+int xargc; char **xargv;
+void requestdoc(int flag)
+print selfdocumentation as directed by the user-specified flag
+In the usual case, stdin is used to pass in data.  However,
+some programs (eg. synthetic data generators) don't use stdin
+to pass in data and some programs require two or more arguments
+besides the command itself (eg. sudiff) and don't use stdin.
+In this last case, we give selfdoc whenever too few arguments
+are given, since these usages violate the usual SU syntax.
+In all cases, selfdoc can be requested by giving only the
+program name.
+The flag argument distinguishes these cases:
+            flag = 0; fully defaulted, no stdin
+            flag = 1; usual case
+            flag = n > 1; no stdin and n extra args required
+Intended to be called by pagedoc(), but conceivably could be
+used directly as in:
+      if (xargc != 3) selfdoc();
+Authors: Jack Cohen, Center for Wave Phenomena, 1993, based on on earlier
+versions by:
+SEP: Einar Kjartansson, Stew Levin CWP: Jack Cohen, Shuki Ronen
+HRC: Lyle
+        switch(flag) {
+        case 1:
+                if (xargc == 1 && isatty(STDIN)) pagedoc();
+        break;
+        case 0:
+                if (xargc == 1 && isatty(STDIN) && isatty(STDOUT)) pagedoc();
+        break;
+        default:
+                if (xargc <= flag) pagedoc();
+        break;
+        }
+        return;
+void pagedoc(void)
+        extern char *sdoc[];
+	char **p = sdoc;
+        FILE *fp;
+        fflush(stdout);
+        fp = popen("more -22 1>&2", "w");
+	while(*p) (void)fprintf(fp, "%s\n", *p++);
+        pclose(fp);
+        exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
+/*----------------------End of Package--------------------------------*/
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/elastic4.c b/fdelmodc3D/elastic4.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bfaee6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/elastic4.c
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+#define MAX(x,y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
+int applySource(modPar mod, srcPar src, wavPar wav, bndPar bnd, int itime, int ixsrc, int izsrc, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz,
+float *txx, float *txz, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, float **src_nwav, int verbose);
+int storeSourceOnSurface(modPar mod, srcPar src, bndPar bnd, int ixsrc, int izsrc, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, int verbose);
+int reStoreSourceOnSurface(modPar mod, srcPar src, bndPar bnd, int ixsrc, int izsrc, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, int verbose);
+int boundariesP(modPar mod, bndPar bnd, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, float *lam, float *mul, int itime, int verbose);
+int boundariesV(modPar mod, bndPar bnd, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, float *lam, float *mul, int itime, int verbose);
+int elastic4(modPar mod, srcPar src, wavPar wav, bndPar bnd, int itime, int ixsrc, int izsrc, float **src_nwav, float *vx,
+float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, float *rox, float *roz, float
+*l2m, float *lam, float *mul, int verbose)
+  The captial symbols T (=Txx,Tzz) Txz,Vx,Vz represent the actual grid
+  The indices ix,iz are related to the T grid, so the capital T 
+  symbols represent the actual modelled grid.
+  one cel (iz,ix)
+       |
+       V                              extra column of vx,txz
+                                                      |
+    -------                                           V
+   | txz vz| txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz txz
+   |       |      
+   | vx  t | vx  t   vx  t   vx  t   vx  t   vx  t  vx
+    -------
+     txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz
+     vx  t   vx  T---Vx--T---Vx--T---Vx--T   vx  t   vx
+                 |   |   |   |   |   |   | 
+     txz vz  txz Vz--Txz-Vz--Txz-Vz  Txz-Vz  txz vz  txz
+                 |   |   |   |   |   |   |
+     vx  t   vx  T---Vx--T---Vx--T---Vx--T   vx  t   vx
+                 |   |   |   |   |   |   |
+     txz vz  txz Vz  Txz-Vz  Txz-Vz  Txz-Vz  txz vz  txz
+                 |   |   |   |   |   |   |
+     vx  t   vx  T---Vx--T---Vx--T---Vx--T   vx  t   vx
+                 |   |   |   |   |   |   |
+     txz vz  txz Vz  Txz-Vz  Txz-Vz  Txz-Vz  txz vz  txz
+                 |   |   |   |   |   |   |
+     vx  t   vx  T---Vx--T---Vx--T---Vx--T   vx  t   vx
+     txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz
+     vx  t   vx  t   vx  t   vx  t   vx  t   vx  t  vx
+     txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz  <--| 
+                                                             |
+                                         extra row of txz/vz |
+           Jan Thorbecke (
+           The Netherlands 
+	float c1, c2;
+	float dvx, dvz;
+	int   ix, iz;
+	int   n1;
+	c1 = 9.0/8.0; 
+	c2 = -1.0/24.0;
+	n1  = mod.naz;
+	/* calculate vx for all grid points except on the virtual boundary*/
+#pragma omp for private (ix, iz) nowait schedule(guided,1)
+	for (ix=mod.ioXx; ix<mod.ieXx; ix++) {
+#pragma ivdep
+		for (iz=mod.ioXz; iz<mod.ieXz; iz++) {
+			vx[ix*n1+iz] -= rox[ix*n1+iz]*(
+						c1*(txx[ix*n1+iz]     - txx[(ix-1)*n1+iz] +
+							txz[ix*n1+iz+1]   - txz[ix*n1+iz])    +
+						c2*(txx[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - txx[(ix-2)*n1+iz] +
+							txz[ix*n1+iz+2]   - txz[ix*n1+iz-1])  );
+		}
+	}
+	/* calculate vz for all grid points except on the virtual boundary */
+#pragma omp for private (ix, iz)  schedule(guided,1)
+	for (ix=mod.ioZx; ix<mod.ieZx; ix++) {
+#pragma ivdep
+		for (iz=mod.ioZz; iz<mod.ieZz; iz++) {
+			vz[ix*n1+iz] -= roz[ix*n1+iz]*(
+						c1*(tzz[ix*n1+iz]     - tzz[ix*n1+iz-1] +
+							txz[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - txz[ix*n1+iz])  +
+						c2*(tzz[ix*n1+iz+1]   - tzz[ix*n1+iz-2] +
+							txz[(ix+2)*n1+iz] - txz[(ix-1)*n1+iz])  );
+		}
+	}
+	/* Add force source */
+	if (src.type > 5) {
+		 applySource(mod, src, wav, bnd, itime, ixsrc, izsrc, vx, vz, tzz, txx, txz, rox, roz, l2m, src_nwav, verbose);
+	}
+	/* boundary condition clears velocities on boundaries */
+	boundariesP(mod, bnd, vx, vz, tzz, txx, txz, rox, roz, l2m, lam, mul, itime, verbose);
+	/* calculate Txx/tzz for all grid points except on the virtual boundary */
+#pragma omp	for private (ix, iz, dvx, dvz) nowait schedule(guided,1)
+	for (ix=mod.ioPx; ix<mod.iePx; ix++) {
+#pragma ivdep
+		for (iz=mod.ioPz; iz<mod.iePz; iz++) {
+			dvx = c1*(vx[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - vx[ix*n1+iz]) +
+			      c2*(vx[(ix+2)*n1+iz] - vx[(ix-1)*n1+iz]);
+			dvz = c1*(vz[ix*n1+iz+1]   - vz[ix*n1+iz]) +
+			      c2*(vz[ix*n1+iz+2]   - vz[ix*n1+iz-1]);
+			txx[ix*n1+iz] -= l2m[ix*n1+iz]*dvx + lam[ix*n1+iz]*dvz;
+			tzz[ix*n1+iz] -= l2m[ix*n1+iz]*dvz + lam[ix*n1+iz]*dvx;
+		}
+	}
+	/* calculate Txz for all grid points except on the virtual boundary */
+#pragma omp	for private (ix, iz)  schedule(guided,1)
+	for (ix=mod.ioTx; ix<mod.ieTx; ix++) {
+#pragma ivdep
+		for (iz=mod.ioTz; iz<mod.ieTz; iz++) {
+			txz[ix*n1+iz] -= mul[ix*n1+iz]*(
+					c1*(vx[ix*n1+iz]     - vx[ix*n1+iz-1] +
+						vz[ix*n1+iz]     - vz[(ix-1)*n1+iz]) +
+					c2*(vx[ix*n1+iz+1]   - vx[ix*n1+iz-2] +
+						vz[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - vz[(ix-2)*n1+iz]) );
+		}
+	}
+	/* Add stress source */
+	if (src.type < 6) {
+		 applySource(mod, src, wav, bnd, itime, ixsrc, izsrc, vx, vz, tzz, txx, txz, rox, roz, l2m, src_nwav, verbose);
+	}
+	/* check if there are sources placed on the boundaries */
+    storeSourceOnSurface(mod, src, bnd, ixsrc, izsrc, vx, vz, tzz, txx, txz, verbose);
+    /* Free surface: calculate free surface conditions for stresses */
+    boundariesV(mod, bnd, vx, vz, tzz, txx, txz, rox, roz, l2m, lam, mul, itime, verbose);
+	/* restore source positions on the edge */
+	reStoreSourceOnSurface(mod, src, bnd, ixsrc, izsrc, vx, vz, tzz, txx, txz, verbose);
+    return 0;
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/elastic4dc.c b/fdelmodc3D/elastic4dc.c
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index 0000000..d119cfb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/elastic4dc.c
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+#define MAX(x,y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
+int applySource(modPar mod, srcPar src, wavPar wav, bndPar bnd, int itime, int ixsrc, int izsrc, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz,
+float *txx, float *txz, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, float **src_nwav, int verbose);
+int storeSourceOnSurface(modPar mod, srcPar src, bndPar bnd, int ixsrc, int izsrc, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, int verbose);
+int reStoreSourceOnSurface(modPar mod, srcPar src, bndPar bnd, int ixsrc, int izsrc, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, int verbose);
+int boundariesP(modPar mod, bndPar bnd, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, float *lam, float *mul, int itime, int verbose);
+int boundariesV(modPar mod, bndPar bnd, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, float *lam, float *mul, int itime, int verbose);
+int elastic4dc(modPar mod, srcPar src, wavPar wav, bndPar bnd, int itime, int ixsrc, int izsrc, float **src_nwav, float *vx,
+float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, float *rox, float *roz, float
+*l2m, float *lam, float *mul, int verbose)
+  The captial symbols T (=Txx,Tzz) Txz,Vx,Vz represent the actual grid
+  The indices ix,iz are related to the T grid, so the capital T 
+  symbols represent the actual modelled grid.
+  one cel (iz,ix)
+       |
+       V                              extra column of vx,txz
+                                                      |
+    -------                                           V
+   | txz vz| txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz txz
+   |       |      
+   | vx  t | vx  t   vx  t   vx  t   vx  t   vx  t  vx
+    -------
+     txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz
+     vx  t   vx  T---Vx--T---Vx--T---Vx--T   vx  t   vx
+                 |   |   |   |   |   |   | 
+     txz vz  txz Vz--Txz-Vz--Txz-Vz  Txz-Vz  txz vz  txz
+                 |   |   |   |   |   |   |
+     vx  t   vx  T---Vx--T---Vx--T---Vx--T   vx  t   vx
+                 |   |   |   |   |   |   |
+     txz vz  txz Vz  Txz-Vz  Txz-Vz  Txz-Vz  txz vz  txz
+                 |   |   |   |   |   |   |
+     vx  t   vx  T---Vx--T---Vx--T---Vx--T   vx  t   vx
+                 |   |   |   |   |   |   |
+     txz vz  txz Vz  Txz-Vz  Txz-Vz  Txz-Vz  txz vz  txz
+                 |   |   |   |   |   |   |
+     vx  t   vx  T---Vx--T---Vx--T---Vx--T   vx  t   vx
+     txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz
+     vx  t   vx  t   vx  t   vx  t   vx  t   vx  t  vx
+     txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz  <--| 
+                                                             |
+                                         extra row of txz/vz |
+           Jan Thorbecke (
+           The Netherlands 
+	float c1, c2;
+	float dvx, dvz;
+	int   ix, iz;
+	int   n1;
+	c1 = 9.0/8.0; 
+	c2 = -1.0/24.0;
+	n1  = mod.naz;
+	/* calculate vx for all grid points except on the virtual boundary*/
+#pragma omp for private (ix, iz) nowait schedule(guided,1)
+	for (ix=mod.ioXx; ix<mod.ieXx; ix++) {
+#pragma ivdep
+		for (iz=mod.ioXz; iz<mod.ieXz; iz++) {
+			vx[ix*n1+iz] -= rox[ix*n1+iz]*(
+						c1*(txx[ix*n1+iz]     - txx[(ix-1)*n1+iz] +
+							txz[ix*n1+iz+1]   - txz[ix*n1+iz])    +
+						c2*(txx[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - txx[(ix-2)*n1+iz] +
+							txz[ix*n1+iz+2]   - txz[ix*n1+iz-1])  );
+		}
+	}
+	/* calculate vz for all grid points except on the virtual boundary */
+#pragma omp for private (ix, iz)  schedule(guided,1)
+	for (ix=mod.ioZx; ix<mod.ieZx; ix++) {
+#pragma ivdep
+		for (iz=mod.ioZz; iz<mod.ieZz; iz++) {
+			vz[ix*n1+iz] -= roz[ix*n1+iz]*(
+						c1*(tzz[ix*n1+iz]     - tzz[ix*n1+iz-1] +
+							txz[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - txz[ix*n1+iz])  +
+						c2*(tzz[ix*n1+iz+1]   - tzz[ix*n1+iz-2] +
+							txz[(ix+2)*n1+iz] - txz[(ix-1)*n1+iz])  );
+		}
+	}
+	/* Add force source */
+	if (src.type > 5) {
+		 applySource(mod, src, wav, bnd, itime, ixsrc, izsrc, vx, vz, tzz, txx, txz, rox, roz, l2m, src_nwav, verbose);
+	}
+	/* boundary condition clears velocities on boundaries */
+	boundariesP(mod, bnd, vx, vz, tzz, txx, txz, rox, roz, l2m, lam, mul, itime, verbose);
+	/* calculate Txx/tzz for all grid points except on the virtual boundary */
+#pragma omp	for private (ix, iz, dvx, dvz) nowait schedule(guided,1)
+	for (ix=mod.ioPx; ix<mod.iePx; ix++) {
+#pragma ivdep
+		for (iz=mod.ioPz; iz<mod.iePz; iz++) {
+			dvx = c1*(vx[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - vx[ix*n1+iz]) +
+			      c2*(vx[(ix+2)*n1+iz] - vx[(ix-1)*n1+iz]);
+			dvz = c1*(vz[ix*n1+iz+1]   - vz[ix*n1+iz]) +
+			      c2*(vz[ix*n1+iz+2]   - vz[ix*n1+iz-1]);
+			txx[ix*n1+iz] -= l2m[ix*n1+iz]*dvx + l2m[ix*n1+iz]*dvz;
+			tzz[ix*n1+iz] -= l2m[ix*n1+iz]*dvz + l2m[ix*n1+iz]*dvx;
+		}
+	}
+	/* calculate Txz for all grid points except on the virtual boundary */
+#pragma omp	for private (ix, iz)  schedule(guided,1)
+	for (ix=mod.ioTx; ix<mod.ieTx; ix++) {
+#pragma ivdep
+		for (iz=mod.ioTz; iz<mod.ieTz; iz++) {
+			txz[ix*n1+iz] -= mul[ix*n1+iz]*(
+					c1*(vx[ix*n1+iz]     - vx[ix*n1+iz-1] +
+						vz[ix*n1+iz]     - vz[(ix-1)*n1+iz]) +
+					c2*(vx[ix*n1+iz+1]   - vx[ix*n1+iz-2] +
+						vz[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - vz[(ix-2)*n1+iz]) );
+		}
+	}
+	/* Add stress source */
+	if (src.type < 6) {
+		 applySource(mod, src, wav, bnd, itime, ixsrc, izsrc, vx, vz, tzz, txx, txz, rox, roz, l2m, src_nwav, verbose);
+	}
+	/* check if there are sources placed on the boundaries */
+    storeSourceOnSurface(mod, src, bnd, ixsrc, izsrc, vx, vz, tzz, txx, txz, verbose);
+    /* Free surface: calculate free surface conditions for stresses */
+    boundariesV(mod, bnd, vx, vz, tzz, txx, txz, rox, roz, l2m, lam, mul, itime, verbose);
+	/* restore source positions on the edge */
+	reStoreSourceOnSurface(mod, src, bnd, ixsrc, izsrc, vx, vz, tzz, txx, txz, verbose);
+    return 0;
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/elastic6.c b/fdelmodc3D/elastic6.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00aaf56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/elastic6.c
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+#define MAX(x,y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
+int applySource(modPar mod, srcPar src, wavPar wav, bndPar bnd, int itime, int ixsrc, int izsrc, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz,
+float *txx, float *txz, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, float **src_nwav, int verbose);
+int storeSourceOnSurface(modPar mod, srcPar src, bndPar bnd, int ixsrc, int izsrc, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, int verbose);
+int reStoreSourceOnSurface(modPar mod, srcPar src, bndPar bnd, int ixsrc, int izsrc, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, int verbose);
+int boundariesP(modPar mod, bndPar bnd, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, float *lam, float *mul, int itime, int verbose);
+int boundariesV(modPar mod, bndPar bnd, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, float *lam, float *mul, int itime, int verbose);
+int elastic6(modPar mod, srcPar src, wavPar wav, bndPar bnd, int itime, int ixsrc, int izsrc, float **src_nwav, float *vx,
+float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, float *rox, float *roz, float
+*l2m, float *lam, float *mul, int verbose)
+  The captial symbols T (=Txx,Tzz) Txz,Vx,Vz represent the actual grid
+  The indices ix,iz are related to the T grid, so the capital T 
+  symbols represent the actual modelled grid.
+  one cel (iz,ix)
+       |
+       V                              extra column of vx,txz
+                                                      |
+    -------                                           V
+   | txz vz| txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz txz
+   |       |      
+   | vx  t | vx  t   vx  t   vx  t   vx  t   vx  t  vx
+    -------
+     txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz
+     vx  t   vx  T---Vx--T---Vx--T---Vx--T   vx  t   vx
+                 |   |   |   |   |   |   | 
+     txz vz  txz Vz--Txz-Vz--Txz-Vz  Txz-Vz  txz vz  txz
+                 |   |   |   |   |   |   |
+     vx  t   vx  T---Vx--T---Vx--T---Vx--T   vx  t   vx
+                 |   |   |   |   |   |   |
+     txz vz  txz Vz  Txz-Vz  Txz-Vz  Txz-Vz  txz vz  txz
+                 |   |   |   |   |   |   |
+     vx  t   vx  T---Vx--T---Vx--T---Vx--T   vx  t   vx
+                 |   |   |   |   |   |   |
+     txz vz  txz Vz  Txz-Vz  Txz-Vz  Txz-Vz  txz vz  txz
+                 |   |   |   |   |   |   |
+     vx  t   vx  T---Vx--T---Vx--T---Vx--T   vx  t   vx
+     txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz
+     vx  t   vx  t   vx  t   vx  t   vx  t   vx  t  vx
+     txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz  <--| 
+                                                             |
+                                         extra row of txz/vz |
+           Jan Thorbecke (
+           The Netherlands 
+	float c1, c2, c3;
+	float dvx, dvz;
+	int   ix, iz;
+	int   n1;
+	int   ioXx, ioXz, ioZz, ioZx, ioPx, ioPz, ioTx, ioTz;
+	c1 = 75.0/64.0;
+	c2 = -25.0/384.0;
+	c3 = 3.0/640.0;
+	n1  = mod.naz;
+	/* Vx: rox */
+	ioXx=mod.iorder/2;
+	ioXz=ioXx-1;
+	/* Vz: roz */
+	ioZz=mod.iorder/2;
+	ioZx=ioZz-1;
+	/* P, Txx, Tzz: lam, l2m */
+	ioPx=mod.iorder/2-1;
+	ioPz=ioPx;
+	/* Txz: muu */
+	ioTx=mod.iorder/2;
+	ioTz=ioTx;
+	/* calculate vx for all grid points except on the virtual boundary*/
+#pragma omp for private (ix, iz) nowait
+	for (ix=mod.ioXx; ix<mod.ieXx; ix++) {
+#pragma ivdep
+		for (iz=mod.ioXz; iz<mod.ieXz; iz++) {
+			vx[ix*n1+iz] -= rox[ix*n1+iz]*(
+						c1*(txx[ix*n1+iz]     - txx[(ix-1)*n1+iz] +
+							txz[ix*n1+iz+1]   - txz[ix*n1+iz])    +
+						c2*(txx[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - txx[(ix-2)*n1+iz] +
+							txz[ix*n1+iz+2]   - txz[ix*n1+iz-1])  +
+                        c3*(txx[(ix+2)*n1+iz] - txx[(ix-3)*n1+iz] +
+                            txz[ix*n1+iz+3]   - txz[ix*n1+iz-2])  );
+		}
+	}
+	/* calculate vz for all grid points except on the virtual boundary */
+#pragma omp for private (ix, iz) 
+	for (ix=mod.ioZx; ix<mod.ieZx; ix++) {
+#pragma ivdep
+		for (iz=mod.ioZz; iz<mod.ieZz; iz++) {
+			vz[ix*n1+iz] -= roz[ix*n1+iz]*(
+						c1*(tzz[ix*n1+iz]     - tzz[ix*n1+iz-1]    +
+							txz[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - txz[ix*n1+iz])     +
+						c2*(tzz[ix*n1+iz+1]   - tzz[ix*n1+iz-2]    +
+							txz[(ix+2)*n1+iz] - txz[(ix-1)*n1+iz]) +
+                        c3*(tzz[ix*n1+iz+2]   - tzz[ix*n1+iz-3]    +
+                            txz[(ix+3)*n1+iz] - txz[(ix-2)*n1+iz])  );
+		}
+	}
+	/* Add force source */
+	if (src.type > 5) {
+		 applySource(mod, src, wav, bnd, itime, ixsrc, izsrc, vx, vz, tzz, txx, txz, rox, roz, l2m, src_nwav, verbose);
+	}
+    /* boundary condition clears velocities on boundaries */
+	boundariesP(mod, bnd, vx, vz, tzz, txx, txz, rox, roz, l2m, lam, mul, itime, verbose);
+	/* calculate Txx/tzz for all grid points except on the virtual boundary */
+#pragma omp	for private (ix, iz, dvx, dvz) nowait
+	for (ix=mod.ioPx; ix<mod.iePx; ix++) {
+#pragma ivdep
+		for (iz=mod.ioPz; iz<mod.iePz; iz++) {
+			dvx = c1*(vx[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - vx[ix*n1+iz]) +
+			      c2*(vx[(ix+2)*n1+iz] - vx[(ix-1)*n1+iz]) +
+                  c3*(vx[(ix+3)*n1+iz] - vx[(ix-2)*n1+iz]);  
+			dvz = c1*(vz[ix*n1+iz+1]   - vz[ix*n1+iz]) +
+			      c2*(vz[ix*n1+iz+2]   - vz[ix*n1+iz-1]) +
+                  c3*(vz[ix*n1+iz+3]   - vz[ix*n1+iz-2]);
+			txx[ix*n1+iz] -= l2m[ix*n1+iz]*dvx + lam[ix*n1+iz]*dvz;
+			tzz[ix*n1+iz] -= l2m[ix*n1+iz]*dvz + lam[ix*n1+iz]*dvx;
+		}
+	}
+	/* calculate Txz for all grid points except on the virtual boundary */
+#pragma omp	for private (ix, iz) 
+	for (ix=mod.ioTx; ix<mod.ieTx; ix++) {
+#pragma ivdep
+		for (iz=mod.ioTz; iz<mod.ieTz; iz++) {
+			txz[ix*n1+iz] -= mul[ix*n1+iz]*(
+					c1*(vx[ix*n1+iz]     - vx[ix*n1+iz-1] +
+						vz[ix*n1+iz]     - vz[(ix-1)*n1+iz]) +
+					c2*(vx[ix*n1+iz+1]   - vx[ix*n1+iz-2] +
+						vz[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - vz[(ix-2)*n1+iz]) +
+                    c3*(vx[ix*n1+iz+2]   - vx[ix*n1+iz-3] +
+                        vz[(ix+2)*n1+iz] - vz[(ix-3)*n1+iz]) );
+		}
+	}
+	/* Add stress source */
+	if (src.type < 6) {
+		 applySource(mod, src, wav, bnd, itime, ixsrc, izsrc, vx, vz, tzz, txx, txz, rox, roz, l2m, src_nwav, verbose);
+	}
+	/* check if there are sources placed on the free surface */
+    storeSourceOnSurface(mod, src, bnd, ixsrc, izsrc, vx, vz, tzz, txx, txz, verbose);
+    /* Free surface: calculate free surface conditions for stresses */
+    boundariesV(mod, bnd, vx, vz, tzz, txx, txz, rox, roz, l2m, lam, mul, itime, verbose);
+	/* restore source positions on the edge */
+	reStoreSourceOnSurface(mod, src, bnd, ixsrc, izsrc, vx, vz, tzz, txx, txz, verbose);
+      return 0;
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/fdelmodc.c b/fdelmodc3D/fdelmodc.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17fcb9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/fdelmodc.c
@@ -0,0 +1,743 @@
+#ifdef MPI
+#include <mpi.h>
+#define MAX(x,y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
+#define MIN(x,y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
+#define NINT(x) ((int)((x)>0.0?(x)+0.5:(x)-0.5))
+double wallclock_time(void);
+void threadAffinity(void);
+int getParameters(modPar *mod, recPar *rec, snaPar *sna, wavPar *wav, srcPar *src, shotPar *shot, bndPar *bnd, int verbose);
+int readModel(modPar mod, bndPar bnd, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, float *lam, float *muu, float *tss, float *tes, float *tep);
+int defineSource(wavPar wav, srcPar src, modPar mod, recPar rec, float **src_nwav, int reverse, int verbose);
+int writeSrcRecPos(modPar *mod, recPar *rec, srcPar *src, shotPar *shot);
+int acoustic6(modPar mod, srcPar src, wavPar wav, bndPar bnd, int itime, int ixsrc, int izsrc, float **src_nwav, float *vx, float *vz, float *p, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, int verbose);
+int acoustic4(modPar mod, srcPar src, wavPar wav, bndPar bnd, int itime, int ixsrc, int izsrc, float **src_nwav, float *vx, float *vz, float *p, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, int verbose);
+int acoustic4pml(modPar mod, srcPar src, wavPar wav, bndPar bnd, int itime, int ixsrc, int izsrc, float **src_nwav, float *vx, float *vz, float *p, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, int verbose);
+int acousticSH4(modPar mod, srcPar src, wavPar wav, bndPar bnd, int itime, int ixsrc, int izsrc, float **src_nwav, float *tx, float *tz, float *vz, float *rox, float *roz, float *mul, int verbose);
+int acoustic4_qr(modPar mod, srcPar src, wavPar wav, bndPar bnd, int itime, int ixsrc, int izsrc, float **src_nwav, float *vx, float *vz, float *p, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, int verbose);
+int acoustic2(modPar mod, srcPar src, wavPar wav, bndPar bnd, int itime, int ixsrc, int izsrc, float **src_nwav, float *vx, float *vz, float *p, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, int verbose);
+int acoustic4Block(modPar mod, srcPar src, wavPar wav, bndPar bnd, int itime, int ixsrc, int izsrc, float **src_nwav, float *vx,
+float *vz, float *p, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, int verbose);
+int viscoacoustic4(modPar mod, srcPar src, wavPar wav, bndPar bnd, int itime, int ixsrc, int izsrc, float **src_nwav, float *vx, float *vz, float *p, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, float *tss, float *tep, float *q, int verbose);
+int elastic4(modPar mod, srcPar src, wavPar wav, bndPar bnd, int itime, int ixsrc, int izsrc, float **src_nwav, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, float *lam, float *mul, int verbose);
+int elastic4dc(modPar mod, srcPar src, wavPar wav, bndPar bnd, int itime, int ixsrc, int izsrc, float **src_nwav, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, float *lam, float *mul, int verbose);
+int viscoelastic4(modPar mod, srcPar src, wavPar wav, bndPar bnd, int itime, int ixsrc, int izsrc, float **src_nwav, float *vx, float
+*vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, float *lam, float *mul, float *ts, float *tep, float
+*tes, float *r, float *q, float *p, int verbose);
+int elastic6(modPar mod, srcPar src, wavPar wav, bndPar bnd, int itime, int ixsrc, int izsrc, 
+    float **src_nwav, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, float *rox, 
+    float *roz, float *l2m, float *lam, float *mul, int verbose);
+int getRecTimes(modPar mod, recPar rec, bndPar bnd, int itime, int isam, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, 
+	float *txz, float *l2m, float *rox, float *roz,
+	float *rec_vx, float *rec_vz, float *rec_txx, float *rec_tzz, float *rec_txz, 
+	float *rec_p, float *rec_pp, float *rec_ss, float *rec_udp, float *rec_udvz, int verbose);
+int writeRec(recPar rec, modPar mod, bndPar bnd, wavPar wav, int ixsrc, int izsrc, int nsam, int ishot, int fileno, 
+			 float *rec_vx, float *rec_vz, float *rec_txx, float *rec_tzz, float *rec_txz, 
+			 float *rec_p, float *rec_pp, float *rec_ss, float *rec_udp, float *rec_udvz, int verbose);
+int writeSnapTimes(modPar mod, snaPar sna, bndPar bnd, wavPar wav,int ixsrc, int izsrc, int itime, 
+				   float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, int verbose);
+int getBeamTimes(modPar mod, snaPar sna, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, 
+				 float *beam_vx, float *beam_vz, float *beam_txx, float *beam_tzz, float *beam_txz, 
+				 float *beam_p, float *beam_pp, float *beam_ss, int verbose);
+int writeBeams(modPar mod, snaPar sna, int ixsrc, int izsrc, int ishot, int fileno, 
+			   float *beam_vx, float *beam_vz, float *beam_txx, float *beam_tzz, float *beam_txz, 
+			   float *beam_p, float *beam_pp, float *beam_ss, int verbose);
+int allocStoreSourceOnSurface(srcPar src);
+int freeStoreSourceOnSurface(void);
+/* Self documentation */
+char *sdoc[] = {
+" ",
+" fdelmodc - elastic acoustic finite difference wavefield modeling ",
+" ",
+"   file_cp= .......... P (cp) velocity file",
+"   file_cs= .......... S (cs) velocity file",
+"   file_den= ......... density (ro) file",
+"   file_src= ......... file with source signature",
+" .. base name for receiver files",
+" . base name for snapshot files",
+" . base name for beam fields ",
+"   dx= ............... read from model file: if dx==0 then dx= can be used to set it",
+"   dz= ............... read from model file: if dz==0 then dz= can be used to set it",
+"   dt= ............... read from file_src: if dt is set it will interpolate file_src to dt sampling",
+"" ,
+"   ischeme=3 ......... 1=acoustic, 2=visco-acoustic 3=elastic, 4=visco-elastic, 5=double-couple",
+"   tmod=(nt-1)*dt .... total modeling time (nt from file_src)",
+"   ntaper=0 .......... length of taper in points at edges of model",
+"   npml=35 ........... length of PML layer in points at edges of model",
+"   R=1e-4 ............ the theoretical reflection coefficient at PML boundary",
+"   m=2.0 ............. scaling order of the PML sigma function ",
+"   tapfact=0.30 ...... taper strength: larger value gets stronger taper",
+"   For the 4 boundaries the options are:  1=free 2=pml 3=rigid 4=taper",
+"   top=1 ............. type of boundary on top edge of model",
+"   left=4 ............ type of boundary on left edge of model",
+"   right=4 ........... type of boundary on right edge of model",
+"   bottom=4 .......... type of boundary on bottom edge of model",
+//"   tapleft=0 ......... =1: taper left edge of model",
+//"   tapright=0 ........ =1: taper right edge of model",
+//"   taptop=0 .......... =1: taper top edge of model",
+//"   tapbottom=0 ....... =1: taper bottom edge of model",
+//"   cfree=0 ........... 1=free surface",
+"   grid_dir=0 ........ direction of time modeling (1=reverse time)",
+"   Qp=15 ............. global Q-value for P-waves in visco-elastic (ischeme=2,4)",
+"   file_qp= .......... model file Qp values as function of depth",
+"   Qs=Qp ............. global Q-value for S-waves in visco-elastic (ischeme=4)",
+"   file_qs= .......... model file Qs values as function of depth",
+"   fw=0.5*fmax ....... central frequency for which the Q's are used",
+"   sinkdepth=0 ....... receiver grid points below topography (defined bij cp=0.0)",
+"   sinkdepth_src=0 ... source grid points below topography (defined bij cp=0.0)",
+"   sinkvel=0 ......... use velocity of first receiver to sink through to next layer",
+"   beam=0 ............ calculate energy beam of wavefield in model",
+"   disable_check=0 ... disable stabilty and dispersion check and continue modeling",
+"   verbose=0 ......... silent mode; =1: display info",
+" ",
+"   src_type=1 ........ 1=P 2=Txz 3=Tzz 4=Txx 5=S-pot 6=Fx 7=Fz 8=P-pot 9=double-couple",
+"   src_orient=1 ...... orientation of the source",
+"                     - 1=monopole",
+"                     - 2=dipole +/- vertical oriented",
+"                     - 3=dipole - + horizontal oriented",
+//"                     - 4=dipole +/0/-",
+//"                     - 5=dipole + -",
+"   dip=0 ............. dip for double-couple source",
+"   strike=0 .......... strike for double-couple source",
+"   xsrc=middle ....... x-position of (first) shot ",
+"   zsrc=zmin ......... z-position of (first) shot ",
+"   nshot=1 ........... number of shots to model",
+"   dxshot=dx ......... if nshot > 1: x-shift in shot locations",
+"   dzshot=0 .......... if nshot > 1: z-shift in shot locations",
+"   xsrca= ............ defines source array x-positions",
+"   zsrca= ............ defines source array z-positions",
+"   src_txt=........... text file with source coordinates. Col 1: x, Col. 2: z",
+"   wav_random=1 ...... 1 generates (band limited by fmax) noise signatures ",
+"   fmax=from_src ..... maximum frequency in wavelet",
+"   src_multiwav=0 .... use traces in file_src as areal source",
+"   src_at_rcv=1 ...... inject wavefield at receiver coordinates (1), inject at source (0)",
+"   src_injectionrate=0 set to 1 to use injection rate source",
+"" ,
+"   plane_wave=0 ...... model plane wave with nsrc= sources",
+"   nsrc=1 ............ number of sources per (plane-wave) shot ",
+"   src_angle=0 ....... angle of plane source array",
+"   src_velo=1500 ..... velocity to use in src_angle definition",
+"   src_window=0 ...... length of taper at edges of source array",
+"   src_random=0 ...... 1 enables nsrc random sources positions in one modeling",
+"   nsrc=1 ............ number of sources to use for one shot",
+"   xsrc1=0 ........... left bound for x-position of sources",
+"   xsrc2=0 ........... right bound for x-position of sources",
+"   zsrc1=0 ........... left bound for z-position of sources",
+"   zsrc2=0 ........... right bound for z-position of sources",
+"   tsrc1=0.0 ......... begin time interval for random sources being triggered",
+"   tsrc2=tmod ........ end time interval for random sources being triggered",
+"   tactive=tsrc2 ..... end time for random sources being active",
+"   tlength=tsrc2-tsrc1 average duration of random source signal",
+"   length_random=1 ... duration of source is rand*tlength",
+"   amplitude=0 ....... distribution of source amplitudes",
+"   distribution=0 .... random function for amplitude and tlength 0=flat 1=Gaussian ",
+"   seed=10 ........... seed for start of random sequence ",
+"" ,
+"   tsnap1=0.1 ........ first snapshot time (s)",
+"   tsnap2=0.0 ........ last snapshot time (s)",
+"   dtsnap=0.1 ........ snapshot time interval (s)",
+"   dxsnap=dx ......... sampling in snapshot in x-direction",
+"   xsnap1=0 .......... first x-position for snapshots area",
+"   xsnap2=0 .......... last x-position for snapshot area",
+"   dzsnap=dz ......... sampling in snapshot in z-direction",
+"   zsnap1=0 .......... first z-position for snapshots area",
+"   zsnap2=0 .......... last z-position for snapshot area",
+"   snapwithbnd=0 ..... write snapshots with absorbing boundaries",
+"   sna_type_p=1 ...... p registration _sp",
+"   sna_type_vz=1 ..... Vz registration _svz",
+"   sna_type_vx=0 ..... Vx registration _svx",
+"   sna_type_txx=0 .... Txx registration _stxx",
+"   sna_type_tzz=0 .... Tzz registration _stzz",
+"   sna_type_txz=0 .... Txz registration _stxz",
+"   sna_type_pp=0 ..... P (divergence) registration _sP",
+"   sna_type_ss=0 ..... S (curl) registration _sS",
+"   sna_vxvztime=0 .... registration of vx/vx times",
+"                       The fd scheme is also staggered in time.",
+"                       Time at which vx/vz snapshots are written:",
+"                     - 0=previous vx/vz relative to txx/tzz/txz at time t",
+"                     - 1=next     vx/vz relative to txx/tzz/txz at time t",
+"" ,
+"   xrcv1=xmin ........ first x-position of linear receiver array(s)",
+"   xrcv2=xmax ........ last x-position of linear receiver array(s)",
+"   dxrcv=dx .......... x-position increment of receivers in linear array(s)",
+"   zrcv1=zmin ........ first z-position of linear receiver array(s)",
+"   zrcv2=zrcv1 ....... last z-position of linear receiver array(s)",
+"   dzrcv=0.0 ......... z-position increment of receivers in linear array(s)",
+"   dtrcv=.004 ........ desired sampling in receiver data (seconds)",
+//"   max_nrec=15000 .... maximum number of receivers", not needed anymore 
+"   xrcva= ............ defines receiver array x-positions",
+"   zrcva= ............ defines receiver array z-positions",
+"   rrcv= ............. radius for receivers on a circle ",
+"   arcv= ............. vertical arc-lenght for receivers on a ellipse (rrcv=horizontal)",
+"   oxrcv=0.0 ......... x-center position of circle",
+"   ozrcv=0.0 ......... z-center position of circle",
+"   dphi=2 ............ angle between receivers on circle ",
+"   rcv_txt=........... text file with receiver coordinates. Col 1: x, Col. 2: z",
+//"   largeSUfile=0 ..... writing large SU file (nt > 64000)",
+"   rec_ntsam=nt ...... maximum number of time samples in file_rcv files",
+"   rec_delay=0 ....... time in seconds to start recording: recorded time = tmod - rec_delay",
+//"   dxspread=0 ........ if nshot > 1: x-shift of rcv spread",
+//"   dzspread=0 ........ if nshot > 1: z-shift of rcv spread",
+"   rec_type_p=1 ...... p registration _rp",
+"   rec_type_vz=1 ..... Vz registration _rvz",
+"   rec_type_vx=0 ..... Vx registration _rvx",
+"   rec_type_txx=0 .... Txx registration _rtxx",
+"   rec_type_tzz=0 .... Tzz registration _rtzz",
+"   rec_type_txz=0 .... Txz registration _rtxz",
+"   rec_type_pp=0 ..... P (divergence) registration _rP",
+"   rec_type_ss=0 ..... S (curl) registration _rS",
+"   rec_type_ud=0 ..... 1:pressure normalized decomposition in up and downgoing waves _ru, _rd",
+"   ................... 2:particle velocity normalized decomposition in up and downgoing waves _ru, _rd",
+"   kangle= ........... maximum wavenumber angle for decomposition",
+"   rec_int_vx=0  ..... interpolation of Vx receivers",
+"                     - 0=Vx->Vx (no interpolation)",
+"                     - 1=Vx->Vz",
+"                     - 2=Vx->Txx/Tzz(P)",
+"                     - 3=Vx->receiver position",
+"   rec_int_vz=0 ...... interpolation of Vz receivers",
+"                     - 0=Vz->Vz (no interpolation)",
+"                     - 1=Vz->Vx",
+"                     - 2=Vz->Txx/Tzz(P)",
+"                     - 3=Vz->receiver position",
+"   rec_int_p=0  ...... interpolation of P/Tzz receivers",
+"                     - 0=P->P (no interpolation)",
+"                     - 1=P->Vz",
+"                     - 2=P->Vx",
+"                     - 3=P->receiver position",
+"" ,
+" NOTES: For viscoelastic media dispersion and stability are not always",
+" guaranteed by the calculated criteria, especially for Q values smaller than 13",
+"      Jan Thorbecke 2011",
+"      TU Delft",
+"      E-mail: ",
+"      2015  Contributions from Max Holicki",
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+	modPar mod;
+	recPar rec;
+	snaPar sna;
+	wavPar wav;
+	srcPar src;
+	bndPar bnd;
+	shotPar shot;
+	float **src_nwav;
+	float *rox, *roz, *l2m, *lam, *mul;
+	float *tss, *tes, *tep, *p, *q, *r;
+	float *vx, *vz, *tzz, *txz, *txx;
+	float *rec_vx, *rec_vz, *rec_p;
+	float *rec_txx, *rec_tzz, *rec_txz;
+	float *rec_pp, *rec_ss;
+	float *rec_udp, *rec_udvz;
+	float *beam_vx, *beam_vz, *beam_p;
+	float *beam_txx, *beam_tzz, *beam_txz;
+	float *beam_pp, *beam_ss;	
+	float sinkvel, npeshot;
+	double t0, t1, t2, t3, tt, tinit;
+	size_t size, sizem, nsamp;
+	int n1, ix, iz, ir, ishot, i;
+	int ioPx, ioPz;
+	int it0, it1, its, it, fileno, isam;
+	int ixsrc, izsrc, is0, is1;
+	int verbose;
+#ifdef MPI
+	int     npes, pe;
+	MPI_Init( &argc, &argv );
+	MPI_Comm_size( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &npes );
+	MPI_Comm_rank( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &pe );
+	int     npes, pe;
+	npes = 1;
+	pe   = 0;
+	t0= wallclock_time();
+	initargs(argc,argv);
+	requestdoc(0);
+	if (!getparint("verbose",&verbose)) verbose=0;
+	getParameters(&mod, &rec, &sna, &wav, &src, &shot, &bnd, verbose);
+	/* allocate arrays for model parameters: the different schemes use different arrays */
+	n1 = mod.naz;
+	sizem=mod.nax*mod.naz;
+	rox = (float *)calloc(sizem,sizeof(float));
+	roz = (float *)calloc(sizem,sizeof(float));
+	l2m = (float *)calloc(sizem,sizeof(float));
+	if (mod.ischeme==2) {
+		tss = (float *)calloc(sizem,sizeof(float));
+		tep = (float *)calloc(sizem,sizeof(float));
+		q = (float *)calloc(sizem,sizeof(float));
+	}
+	if (mod.ischeme>2) {
+		lam = (float *)calloc(sizem,sizeof(float));
+		mul = (float *)calloc(sizem,sizeof(float));
+	}
+	if (mod.ischeme==4) {
+		tss = (float *)calloc(sizem,sizeof(float));
+		tes = (float *)calloc(sizem,sizeof(float));
+		tep = (float *)calloc(sizem,sizeof(float));
+		r = (float *)calloc(sizem,sizeof(float));
+		p = (float *)calloc(sizem,sizeof(float));
+		q = (float *)calloc(sizem,sizeof(float));
+	}
+	allocStoreSourceOnSurface(src);
+	/* read velocity and density files */
+	readModel(mod, bnd, rox, roz, l2m, lam, mul, tss, tes, tep);
+	/* read and/or define source wavelet(s) */
+	/* Using a random source, which can have a random length 
+	   for each source position, a pointer array with variable 
+	   length (wav.nsamp[i]) is used.
+	   The total length of all the source lengths together is wav.nst */
+	if (wav.random) {
+		src_nwav = (float **)calloc(wav.nx,sizeof(float *));
+		src_nwav[0] = (float *)calloc(wav.nst,sizeof(float));
+		assert(src_nwav[0] != NULL);
+		nsamp = 0;
+		for (i=0; i<wav.nx; i++) {
+			src_nwav[i] = (float *)(src_nwav[0] + nsamp);
+			nsamp += wav.nsamp[i];
+		}
+	}
+	else {
+		src_nwav = (float **)calloc(wav.nx,sizeof(float *));
+		src_nwav[0] = (float *)calloc(wav.nt*wav.nx,sizeof(float));
+		assert(src_nwav[0] != NULL);
+		for (i=0; i<wav.nx; i++) {
+			src_nwav[i] = (float *)(src_nwav[0] + wav.nt*i);
+		}
+	}
+	defineSource(wav, src, mod, rec, src_nwav, mod.grid_dir, verbose);
+	/* allocate arrays for wavefield and receiver arrays */
+	vx  = (float *)calloc(sizem,sizeof(float));
+	vz  = (float *)calloc(sizem,sizeof(float));
+	tzz = (float *)calloc(sizem,sizeof(float)); /* =P field for acoustic */
+	if (mod.ischeme>2) {
+		txz = (float *)calloc(sizem,sizeof(float));
+		txx = (float *)calloc(sizem,sizeof(float));
+	}
+	size = rec.n*rec.nt;
+	if (rec.type.vz)  rec_vz  = (float *)calloc(size,sizeof(float));
+	if (rec.type.vx)  rec_vx  = (float *)calloc(size,sizeof(float));
+	if (rec.type.p)   rec_p   = (float *)calloc(size,sizeof(float));
+	if (rec.type.txx) rec_txx = (float *)calloc(size,sizeof(float));
+	if (rec.type.tzz) rec_tzz = (float *)calloc(size,sizeof(float));
+	if (rec.type.txz) rec_txz = (float *)calloc(size,sizeof(float));
+	if (rec.type.pp)  rec_pp  = (float *)calloc(size,sizeof(float));
+	if (  rec_ss  = (float *)calloc(size,sizeof(float));
+    if (rec.type.ud) { 
+		rec_udvz  = (float *)calloc(mod.nax*rec.nt,sizeof(float));
+		rec_udp   = (float *)calloc(mod.nax*rec.nt,sizeof(float));
+	}
+	/* get velcity and density at first receiver location */
+	ir = mod.ioZz + rec.z[0]+(rec.x[0]+mod.ioZx)*n1;
+	rec.rho = mod.dt/(mod.dx*roz[ir]);
+	rec.cp  = sqrt(l2m[ir]*(roz[ir]))*mod.dx/mod.dt;
+	if(sna.beam) {
+		size =*sna.nx;
+		if (sna.type.vz)  beam_vz  = (float *)calloc(size,sizeof(float));
+		if (sna.type.vx)  beam_vx  = (float *)calloc(size,sizeof(float));
+		if (sna.type.p)   beam_p   = (float *)calloc(size,sizeof(float));
+		if (sna.type.txx) beam_txx = (float *)calloc(size,sizeof(float));
+		if (sna.type.tzz) beam_tzz = (float *)calloc(size,sizeof(float));
+		if (sna.type.txz) beam_txz = (float *)calloc(size,sizeof(float));
+		if (sna.type.pp)  beam_pp  = (float *)calloc(size,sizeof(float));
+		if (  beam_ss  = (float *)calloc(size,sizeof(float));
+	}
+	t1= wallclock_time();
+	if (verbose) {
+		tinit = t1-t0;
+		vmess("*******************************************");
+		vmess("************* runtime info ****************");
+		vmess("*******************************************");
+		vmess("CPU time for intializing arrays and model = %f", tinit);
+	}
+	/* Sinking source and receiver arrays: 
+	   If P-velocity==0 the source and receiver 
+	   postions are placed deeper until the P-velocity changes. 
+	   The free-surface position is stored in bnd.surface[ix].
+	   Setting the option rec.sinkvel only sinks the receiver position 
+       (not the source) and uses the velocity 
+	   of the first receiver to sink through to the next layer. */
+    ioPx=mod.ioPx;
+    ioPz=mod.ioPz;
+    if (bnd.lef==4 || bnd.lef==2) ioPx += bnd.ntap;
+    if ( || ioPz += bnd.ntap;
+	if (rec.sinkvel) sinkvel=l2m[(rec.x[0]+ioPx)*n1+rec.z[0]+ioPz];
+	else sinkvel = 0.0;
+/* sink receivers to value different than sinkvel */
+	for (ir=0; ir<rec.n; ir++) {
+		iz = rec.z[ir];
+		ix = rec.x[ir];
+		while(l2m[(ix+ioPx)*n1+iz+ioPz] == sinkvel) iz++;
+		rec.z[ir]=iz+rec.sinkdepth;
+		rec.zr[ir]=rec.zr[ir]+(rec.z[ir]-iz)*;
+//		rec.zr[ir]=rec.z[ir]*;
+		if (verbose>3) vmess("receiver position %d at grid[ix=%d, iz=%d] = (x=%f z=%f)", ir, ix+ioPx, rec.z[ir]+ioPz, rec.xr[ir]+mod.x0, rec.zr[ir]+mod.z0);
+	}
+/* sink sources to value different than zero */
+	for (ishot=0; ishot<shot.n; ishot++) {
+		iz = shot.z[ishot];
+		ix = shot.x[ishot];
+		while(l2m[(ix+ioPx)*n1+iz+ioPz] == 0.0) iz++;
+		shot.z[ishot]=iz+src.sinkdepth; 
+	}
+	/* scan for free surface boundary in case it has a topography */
+	for (ix=0; ix<mod.nx; ix++) {
+		iz = ioPz;
+		while(l2m[(ix+ioPx)*n1+iz] == 0.0) iz++;
+		bnd.surface[ix+ioPx] = iz;
+		if ((verbose>3) && (iz != ioPz)) vmess("Topgraphy surface x=%.2f z=%.2f", mod.x0+mod.dx*ix,*(iz-ioPz));
+	}
+	for (ix=0; ix<ioPx; ix++) {
+		bnd.surface[ix] = bnd.surface[ioPx];
+	}
+	for (ix=ioPx+mod.nx; ix<mod.iePx; ix++) {
+		bnd.surface[ix] = bnd.surface[mod.iePx-1];
+	}
+	if (verbose>3) writeSrcRecPos(&mod, &rec, &src, &shot);
+	/* Outer loop over number of shots */
+#ifdef MPI
+    npeshot = MAX((((float)shot.n)/((float)npes)), 1.0);
+    is0=ceil(pe*npeshot);
+    is1=MIN(ceil((pe+1)*npeshot), shot.n);
+    if (verbose>1) vmess("MPI: pe=%d does shots is0 %d - is1 %d\n", pe, is0, is1);
+	is0=0;
+	is1=shot.n;
+	for (ishot=is0; ishot<is1; ishot++) {
+		izsrc = shot.z[ishot];
+		ixsrc = shot.x[ishot];
+		fileno= 0;
+		memset(vx,0,sizem*sizeof(float));
+		memset(vz,0,sizem*sizeof(float));
+		memset(tzz,0,sizem*sizeof(float));
+		if (mod.ischeme==2) {
+			memset(q,0,sizem*sizeof(float));
+		}
+		if (mod.ischeme>2) {
+			memset(txz,0,sizem*sizeof(float));
+			memset(txx,0,sizem*sizeof(float));
+		}
+		if (mod.ischeme==4) {
+			memset(r,0,sizem*sizeof(float));
+			memset(p,0,sizem*sizeof(float));
+			memset(q,0,sizem*sizeof(float));
+		}
+		if (verbose) {
+			if (!src.random) {
+				vmess("Modeling source %d at gridpoints ix=%d iz=%d", ishot, shot.x[ishot], shot.z[ishot]);
+				vmess(" which are actual positions x=%.2f z=%.2f", mod.x0+mod.dx*shot.x[ishot],*shot.z[ishot]);
+			}
+			vmess("Receivers at gridpoint x-range ix=%d - %d", rec.x[0], rec.x[rec.n-1]);
+			vmess(" which are actual positions x=%.2f - %.2f", mod.x0+rec.xr[0], mod.x0+rec.xr[rec.n-1]);
+			vmess("Receivers at gridpoint z-range iz=%d - %d", rec.z[0], rec.z[rec.n-1]);
+			vmess(" which are actual positions z=%.2f - %.2f", mod.z0+rec.zr[0], mod.z0+rec.zr[rec.n-1]);
+		}
+		if (mod.grid_dir) { /* reverse time modeling */
+			it0=-mod.nt+1;
+			it1=0;
+			its=-1;
+			it0=0;
+			it1=mod.nt;
+			its=1;
+		}
+		else {
+			it0=0;
+			it1=mod.nt;
+			its=1;
+		}
+		/* Main loop over the number of time steps */
+		for (it=it0; it<it1; it++) {
+#pragma omp parallel default (shared) \
+shared (rox, roz, l2m, lam, mul, txx, txz, tzz, vx, vz) \
+shared (tss, tep, tes, r, q, p) \
+shared (tinit, it0, it1, its) \
+shared(beam_vx, beam_vz, beam_txx, beam_tzz, beam_txz, beam_p, beam_pp, beam_ss) \
+shared(rec_vx, rec_vz, rec_txx, rec_tzz, rec_txz, rec_p, rec_pp, rec_ss) \
+shared (tt, t2, t3) \
+shared (shot, bnd, mod, src, wav, rec, ixsrc, izsrc, it, src_nwav, verbose)
+			if (it==it0) {
+				threadAffinity();
+			}
+			switch ( mod.ischeme ) {
+//				case -2 : /* test code for PML */
+//					acoustic4_test(mod, src, wav, bnd, it, ixsrc, izsrc, src_nwav, 
+//						vx, vz, tzz, rox, roz, l2m, verbose);
+//					break;
+				case -1 : /* Acoustic dissipative media FD kernel */
+					acoustic4_qr(mod, src, wav, bnd, it, ixsrc, izsrc, src_nwav, 
+						vx, vz, tzz, rox, roz, l2m, verbose);
+					break;
+				case 1 : /* Acoustic FD kernel */
+					if (mod.iorder==2) {
+						acoustic2(mod, src, wav, bnd, it, ixsrc, izsrc, src_nwav, 
+							vx, vz, tzz, rox, roz, l2m, verbose);
+					}
+					else if (mod.iorder==4) {
+                        if ( {
+                            acousticSH4(mod, src, wav, bnd, it, ixsrc, izsrc, src_nwav, 
+                                  vx, vz, tzz, rox, roz, l2m, verbose);
+                        }
+                        else {
+                            acoustic4(mod, src, wav, bnd, it, ixsrc, izsrc, src_nwav, 
+                                      vx, vz, tzz, rox, roz, l2m, verbose);
+                        }
+					}
+					else if (mod.iorder==6) {
+						acoustic6(mod, src, wav, bnd, it, ixsrc, izsrc, src_nwav, 
+							vx, vz, tzz, rox, roz, l2m, verbose);
+					}
+					break;
+				case 2 : /* Visco-Acoustic FD kernel */
+					viscoacoustic4(mod, src, wav, bnd, it, ixsrc, izsrc, src_nwav, 
+							vx, vz, tzz, rox, roz, l2m, tss, tep, q, verbose);
+					break;
+				case 3 : /* Elastic FD kernel */
+                    if (mod.iorder==4) {
+                        elastic4(mod, src, wav, bnd, it, ixsrc, izsrc, src_nwav, 
+                            vx, vz, tzz, txx, txz, rox, roz, l2m, lam, mul, verbose);
+					}
+					else if (mod.iorder==6) {
+                        elastic6(mod, src, wav, bnd, it, ixsrc, izsrc, src_nwav, 
+							vx, vz, tzz, txx, txz, rox, roz, l2m, lam, mul, verbose);
+                    }
+					break;
+				case 4 : /* Visco-Elastic FD kernel */
+					viscoelastic4(mod, src, wav, bnd, it, ixsrc, izsrc, src_nwav, 
+						vx, vz, tzz, txx, txz, rox, roz, l2m, lam, mul, 
+						tss, tep, tes, r, q, p, verbose);
+					break;
+				case 5 : /* Elastic FD kernel with S-velocity set to zero*/
+                     elastic4dc(mod, src, wav, bnd, it, ixsrc, izsrc, src_nwav, 
+                            vx, vz, tzz, txx, txz, rox, roz, l2m, lam, mul, verbose);
+					break;
+			}
+			/* write samples to file if rec.nt samples are calculated */
+#pragma omp master
+			if ( (((it-rec.delay) % rec.skipdt)==0) && (it >= rec.delay) ) {
+				int writeToFile, itwritten;
+				writeToFile = ! ( (((it-rec.delay)/rec.skipdt)+1)%rec.nt );
+				itwritten   = fileno*(rec.nt)*rec.skipdt;
+                /* Note that time step it=0 (t=0 for t**-fields t=-1/2 dt for v*-field) is not recorded */
+				isam        = (it-rec.delay-itwritten)/rec.skipdt+1;
+				/* store time at receiver positions */
+				getRecTimes(mod, rec, bnd, it, isam, vx, vz, tzz, txx, txz, 
+					l2m, rox, roz, 
+					rec_vx, rec_vz, rec_txx, rec_tzz, rec_txz, 
+					rec_p, rec_pp, rec_ss, rec_udp, rec_udvz, verbose);
+				/* at the end of modeling a shot, write receiver array to output file(s) */
+				if (writeToFile && (it+rec.skipdt <= it1-1) ) {
+					fileno = ( ((it-rec.delay)/rec.skipdt)+1)/rec.nt;
+					writeRec(rec, mod, bnd, wav, ixsrc, izsrc, isam+1, ishot, fileno,
+						rec_vx, rec_vz, rec_txx, rec_tzz, rec_txz, 
+						rec_p, rec_pp, rec_ss, rec_udp, rec_udvz, verbose);
+				}
+			}
+			/* write snapshots to output file(s) */
+			if (sna.nsnap) {
+				writeSnapTimes(mod, sna, bnd, wav, ixsrc, izsrc, it, vx, vz, tzz, txx, txz, verbose);
+			}
+			/* calculate beams */
+			if(sna.beam) {
+				getBeamTimes(mod, sna, vx, vz, tzz, txx,  txz, 
+					beam_vx, beam_vz, beam_txx, beam_tzz, beam_txz, 
+					beam_p, beam_pp, beam_ss, verbose);
+			}
+#pragma omp master
+			if (verbose) {
+				if (it==(it0+100*its)) t2=wallclock_time();
+				if (it==(it0+500*its)) {
+					t3=wallclock_time();
+					tt=(t3-t2)*(((it1-it0)*its)/400.0);
+					vmess("Estimated compute time = %.2f s. per shot.",tt);
+					vmess("Estimated total compute time = %.2f s.",tinit+shot.n*tt);
+				}
+			}
+} /* end of OpenMP parallel section */
+		} /* end of loop over time steps it */
+		/* write output files: receivers and or beams */
+		if (fileno) fileno++;
+		if (rec.scale==1) { /* scale receiver with distance src-rcv */
+			float xsrc, zsrc, Rrec, rdx, rdz;
+			int irec;
+			xsrc=mod.x0+mod.dx*ixsrc;
+			for (irec=0; irec<rec.n; irec++) {
+				rdx=mod.x0+rec.xr[irec]-xsrc;
+				rdz=mod.z0+rec.zr[irec]-zsrc;
+				Rrec = sqrt(rdx*rdx+rdz*rdz);
+				fprintf(stderr,"Rec %d is scaled with distance %f R=%.2f,%.2f S=%.2f,%.2f\n", irec, Rrec,rdx,rdz,xsrc,zsrc);
+				for (it=0; it<rec.nt; it++) {
+					rec_p[irec*rec.nt+it] *= sqrt(Rrec);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		writeRec(rec, mod, bnd, wav, ixsrc, izsrc, isam+1, ishot, fileno,
+			rec_vx, rec_vz, rec_txx, rec_tzz, rec_txz, 
+			rec_p, rec_pp, rec_ss, rec_udp, rec_udvz, verbose);
+		writeBeams(mod, sna, ixsrc, izsrc, ishot, fileno, 
+				   beam_vx, beam_vz, beam_txx, beam_tzz, beam_txz, 
+				   beam_p, beam_pp, beam_ss, verbose);
+	} /* end of loop over number of shots */
+	t1= wallclock_time();
+	if (verbose) {
+		vmess("Total compute time FD modelling = %.2f s.", t1-t0);
+	}
+	/* free arrays */
+	initargs(argc,argv); /* this will free the arg arrays declared */
+	free(rox);
+	free(roz);
+	free(l2m);
+	free(src_nwav[0]);
+	free(src_nwav);
+	free(vx);
+	free(vz);
+	free(tzz);
+	freeStoreSourceOnSurface();
+	if (rec.type.vz)  free(rec_vz);
+	if (rec.type.vx)  free(rec_vx);
+	if (rec.type.p)   free(rec_p);
+	if (rec.type.txx) free(rec_txx);
+	if (rec.type.tzz) free(rec_tzz);
+	if (rec.type.txz) free(rec_txz);
+	if (rec.type.pp)  free(rec_pp);
+	if (  free(rec_ss);
+	if (rec.type.ud)  {
+		free(rec_udvz);
+		free(rec_udp);
+	}
+	if(sna.beam) {
+		if (sna.type.vz)  free(beam_vz);
+		if (sna.type.vx)  free(beam_vx);
+		if (sna.type.p)   free(beam_p);
+		if (sna.type.txx) free(beam_txx);
+		if (sna.type.tzz) free(beam_tzz);
+		if (sna.type.txz) free(beam_txz);
+		if (sna.type.pp)  free(beam_pp);
+		if (  free(beam_ss);
+	}
+	if (mod.ischeme==2) {
+		free(tss);
+		free(tep);
+		free(q);
+	}
+	if (mod.ischeme>2) {
+		free(lam);
+		free(mul);
+		free(txz);
+		free(txx);
+	}
+	if (mod.ischeme==4) {
+		free(tss);
+		free(tes);
+		free(tep);
+		free(r);
+		free(p);
+		free(q);
+	}
+#ifdef MPI  
+    MPI_Finalize();
+	return 0;
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/fdelmodc.h b/fdelmodc3D/fdelmodc.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed07c68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/fdelmodc.h
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+typedef struct _compType { /* Receiver Type */
+	int vz;
+	int vx;
+	int p;
+	int txx;
+	int tzz;
+	int txz;
+	int pp;
+	int ss;
+	int ud;
+} compType;
+typedef struct _receiverPar { /* Receiver Parameters */
+	char *file_rcv;
+	compType type;
+	int n;
+	int nt;
+	int delay;
+	int skipdt;
+	int max_nrec;
+	int *z;
+	int *x;
+	float *zr;
+	float *xr;
+	int int_p;
+	int int_vx;
+	int int_vz;
+	int scale;
+	int sinkdepth;
+	int sinkvel;
+	float cp;
+	float rho;
+} recPar;
+typedef struct _snapshotPar { /* Snapshot Parameters */
+	char *file_snap;
+	char *file_beam;
+	compType type;
+	int nsnap;
+	int delay;
+	int skipdt;
+	int skipdz;
+	int skipdx;
+	int nz;
+	int nx;
+	int z1;
+	int z2;
+	int x1;
+	int x2;
+	int vxvztime;
+	int beam;
+	int withbnd;
+} snaPar;
+typedef struct _modelPar { /* Model Parameters */
+	int iorder;
+	int ischeme;
+	int grid_dir;
+	int sh;
+	char *file_cp;
+	char *file_ro;
+	char *file_cs;
+	char *file_qp;
+	char *file_qs;
+	float dz;
+	float dx;
+	float dt;
+	float tmod;
+	int nt;
+	float z0;
+	float x0;
+	/* medium max/min values */
+	float cp_min;
+	float cp_max;
+	float cs_min;
+	float cs_max;
+	float ro_min;
+	float ro_max;
+	int nz;
+	int nx;
+	int naz;
+	int nax;
+	/* Vx: rox */
+	int ioXx;
+	int ioXz;
+	int ieXx;
+	int ieXz;
+	/* Vz: roz */
+	int ioZx;
+	int ioZz;
+	int ieZx;
+	int ieZz;
+	/* P, Txx, Tzz: lam, l2m */
+	int ioPx;
+	int ioPz;
+	int iePx;
+	int iePz;
+	/* Txz: muu */
+	int ioTx;
+	int ioTz;
+	int ieTx;
+	int ieTz;
+	/* attenuation / dissipative medium */
+	float Qp;
+	float Qs;
+	float fw;
+	float qr;
+} modPar;
+typedef struct _waveletPar { /* Wavelet Parameters */
+	char *file_src; /* general source */
+	int nsrcf;
+	int nt;
+	int ns;
+	int nx;
+	float dt;
+	float ds;
+	float fmax;
+	int random;
+	int seed;
+	int nst;
+	size_t *nsamp;
+} wavPar;
+typedef struct _sourcePar { /* Source Array Parameters */
+	int n;
+	int type;
+	int orient;
+	int *z;
+	int *x;
+	int single;	
+	int plane;
+	int circle;
+	int array;
+	int random;
+	float *tbeg;
+	float *tend;
+	int multiwav;
+	float angle;
+	float velo;
+	float amplitude;
+	float dip;
+	float strike;
+	int distribution;
+	int window;
+    int injectionrate;
+	int sinkdepth;
+	int src_at_rcv; /* Indicates that wavefield should be injected at receivers */
+} srcPar;
+typedef struct _shotPar { /* Shot Parameters */
+	int n;
+	int *z;
+	int *x;
+} shotPar;
+typedef struct _boundPar { /* Boundary Parameters */
+	int top;
+	int bot;
+	int lef;
+	int rig;
+	float *tapz;
+	float *tapx;
+	float *tapxz;
+	int cfree;
+	int ntap;
+	int *surface;
+    int npml;
+    float R; /* reflection at side of model */
+    float m; /* scaling order */
+    float *pml_Vx;
+    float *pml_nzVx;
+    float *pml_nxVz;
+    float *pml_nzVz;
+    float *pml_nxP;
+    float *pml_nzP;
+} bndPar;
+#if __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L
+  /* "restrict" is a keyword */
+#define restrict 
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/fdelmodc3D.c b/fdelmodc3D/fdelmodc3D.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5598498
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/fdelmodc3D.c
@@ -0,0 +1,766 @@
+#ifdef MPI
+#include <mpi.h>
+#define MAX(x,y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
+#define MIN(x,y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
+#define NINT(x) ((long)((x)>0.0?(x)+0.5:(x)-0.5))
+double wallclock_time(void);
+void threadAffinity(void);
+long getParameters3D(modPar *mod, recPar *rec, snaPar *sna, wavPar *wav, srcPar *src, shotPar *shot, bndPar *bnd, long verbose);
+long readModel3D(modPar mod, bndPar bnd, float *rox, float *roy, float *roz, float *l2m, float *lam, float *muu, float *tss, float *tes, float *tep);
+long defineSource(wavPar wav, srcPar src, modPar mod, recPar rec, float **src_nwav, long reverse, long verbose);
+long writeSrcRecPos(modPar *mod, recPar *rec, srcPar *src, shotPar *shot);
+long acoustic6(modPar mod, srcPar src, wavPar wav, bndPar bnd, long itime, long ixsrc, long izsrc, float **src_nwav, float *vx, float *vz, float *p, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, long verbose);
+long acoustic4(modPar mod, srcPar src, wavPar wav, bndPar bnd, long itime, long ixsrc, long izsrc, float **src_nwav, float *vx, float *vz, float *p, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, long verbose);
+long acoustic4pml(modPar mod, srcPar src, wavPar wav, bndPar bnd, long itime, long ixsrc, long izsrc, float **src_nwav, float *vx, float *vz, float *p, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, long verbose);
+long acousticSH4(modPar mod, srcPar src, wavPar wav, bndPar bnd, long itime, long ixsrc, long izsrc, float **src_nwav, float *tx, float *tz, float *vz, float *rox, float *roz, float *mul, long verbose);
+long acoustic4_qr(modPar mod, srcPar src, wavPar wav, bndPar bnd, long itime, long ixsrc, long izsrc, float **src_nwav, float *vx, float *vz, float *p, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, long verbose);
+long acoustic2(modPar mod, srcPar src, wavPar wav, bndPar bnd, long itime, long ixsrc, long izsrc, float **src_nwav, float *vx, float *vz, float *p, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, long verbose);
+long acoustic4Block(modPar mod, srcPar src, wavPar wav, bndPar bnd, long itime, long ixsrc, long izsrc, float **src_nwav, float *vx,
+float *vz, float *p, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, long verbose);
+long viscoacoustic4(modPar mod, srcPar src, wavPar wav, bndPar bnd, long itime, long ixsrc, long izsrc, float **src_nwav, float *vx, float *vz, float *p, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, float *tss, float *tep, float *q, long verbose);
+long elastic4(modPar mod, srcPar src, wavPar wav, bndPar bnd, long itime, long ixsrc, long izsrc, float **src_nwav, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, float *lam, float *mul, long verbose);
+long elastic4dc(modPar mod, srcPar src, wavPar wav, bndPar bnd, long itime, long ixsrc, long izsrc, float **src_nwav, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, float *lam, float *mul, long verbose);
+long viscoelastic4(modPar mod, srcPar src, wavPar wav, bndPar bnd, long itime, long ixsrc, long izsrc, float **src_nwav, float *vx, float
+*vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, float *lam, float *mul, float *ts, float *tep, float
+*tes, float *r, float *q, float *p, long verbose);
+long elastic6(modPar mod, srcPar src, wavPar wav, bndPar bnd, long itime, long ixsrc, long izsrc, 
+    float **src_nwav, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, float *rox, 
+    float *roz, float *l2m, float *lam, float *mul, long verbose);
+long getRecTimes(modPar mod, recPar rec, bndPar bnd, long itime, long isam, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, 
+	float *txz, float *l2m, float *rox, float *roz,
+	float *rec_vx, float *rec_vz, float *rec_txx, float *rec_tzz, float *rec_txz, 
+	float *rec_p, float *rec_pp, float *rec_ss, float *rec_udp, float *rec_udvz, long verbose);
+long writeRec(recPar rec, modPar mod, bndPar bnd, wavPar wav, long ixsrc, long izsrc, long nsam, long ishot, long fileno, 
+			 float *rec_vx, float *rec_vz, float *rec_txx, float *rec_tzz, float *rec_txz, 
+			 float *rec_p, float *rec_pp, float *rec_ss, float *rec_udp, float *rec_udvz, long verbose);
+long writeSnapTimes(modPar mod, snaPar sna, bndPar bnd, wavPar wav,long ixsrc, long izsrc, long itime, 
+				   float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, long verbose);
+long getBeamTimes(modPar mod, snaPar sna, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, 
+				 float *beam_vx, float *beam_vz, float *beam_txx, float *beam_tzz, float *beam_txz, 
+				 float *beam_p, float *beam_pp, float *beam_ss, long verbose);
+long writeBeams(modPar mod, snaPar sna, long ixsrc, long izsrc, long ishot, long fileno, 
+			   float *beam_vx, float *beam_vz, float *beam_txx, float *beam_tzz, float *beam_txz, 
+			   float *beam_p, float *beam_pp, float *beam_ss, long verbose);
+long allocStoreSourceOnSurface(srcPar src);
+long freeStoreSourceOnSurface(void);
+/* Self documentation */
+char *sdoc[] = {
+" ",
+" fdelmodc - elastic acoustic finite difference wavefield modeling in 3D",
+" ",
+"   file_cp= .......... P (cp) velocity file",
+"   file_cs= .......... S (cs) velocity file",
+"   file_den= ......... density (ro) file",
+"   file_src= ......... file with source signature",
+" .. base name for receiver files",
+" . base name for snapshot files",
+" . base name for beam fields ",
+"   dx= ............... read from model file: if dx==0 then dx= can be used to set it",
+"   dy= ............... read from model file: if dy==0 then dy= can be used to set it",
+"   dz= ............... read from model file: if dz==0 then dz= can be used to set it",
+"   dt= ............... read from file_src: if dt is set it will interpolate file_src to dt sampling",
+"" ,
+"   ischeme=3 ......... 1=acoustic, 2=visco-acoustic 3=elastic, 4=visco-elastic, 5=double-couple",
+"   tmod=(nt-1)*dt .... total modeling time (nt from file_src)",
+"   ntaper=0 .......... length of taper in points at edges of model",
+"   npml=35 ........... length of PML layer in points at edges of model",
+"   R=1e-4 ............ the theoretical reflection coefficient at PML boundary",
+"   m=2.0 ............. scaling order of the PML sigma function ",
+"   tapfact=0.30 ...... taper strength: larger value gets stronger taper",
+"   For the 4 boundaries the options are:  1=free 2=pml 3=rigid 4=taper",
+"   top=1 ............. type of boundary on top edge of model",
+"   left=4 ............ type of boundary on left edge of model",
+"   right=4 ........... type of boundary on right edge of model",
+"   bottom=4 .......... type of boundary on bottom edge of model",
+"   front=4 ........... type of boundary on front edge of model",
+"   back=4 ............ type of boundary on back edge of model",
+//"   tapleft=0 ......... =1: taper left edge of model",
+//"   tapright=0 ........ =1: taper right edge of model",
+//"   taptop=0 .......... =1: taper top edge of model",
+//"   tapbottom=0 ....... =1: taper bottom edge of model",
+//"   cfree=0 ........... 1=free surface",
+"   grid_dir=0 ........ direction of time modeling (1=reverse time)",
+"   Qp=15 ............. global Q-value for P-waves in visco-elastic (ischeme=2,4)",
+"   file_qp= .......... model file Qp values as function of depth",
+"   Qs=Qp ............. global Q-value for S-waves in visco-elastic (ischeme=4)",
+"   file_qs= .......... model file Qs values as function of depth",
+"   fw=0.5*fmax ....... central frequency for which the Q's are used",
+"   sinkdepth=0 ....... receiver grid points below topography (defined bij cp=0.0)",
+"   sinkdepth_src=0 ... source grid points below topography (defined bij cp=0.0)",
+"   sinkvel=0 ......... use velocity of first receiver to sink through to next layer",
+"   beam=0 ............ calculate energy beam of wavefield in model",
+"   disable_check=0 ... disable stabilty and dispersion check and continue modeling",
+"   verbose=0 ......... silent mode; =1: display info",
+" ",
+"   src_type=1 ........ 1=P 2=Txz 3=Tzz 4=Txx 5=S-pot 6=Fx 7=Fz 8=P-pot 9=double-couple",
+"   src_orient=1 ...... orientation of the source",
+"                     - 1=monopole",
+"                     - 2=dipole +/- vertical oriented",
+"                     - 3=dipole - + horizontal oriented",
+//"                     - 4=dipole +/0/-",
+//"                     - 5=dipole + -",
+"   dip=0 ............. dip for double-couple source",
+"   strike=0 .......... strike for double-couple source",
+"   xsrc=middle ....... x-position of (first) shot ",
+"   ysrc=middle ....... y-position of (first) shot ",
+"   zsrc=zmin ......... z-position of (first) shot ",
+"   nshot=1 ........... number of shots to model",
+"   dxshot=dx ......... if nshot > 1: x-shift in shot locations",
+"   dyshot=0 .......... if nshot > 1: y-shift in shot locations",
+"   dzshot=0 .......... if nshot > 1: z-shift in shot locations",
+"   xsrca= ............ defines source array x-positions",
+"   ysrca= ............ defines source array y-positions",
+"   zsrca= ............ defines source array z-positions",
+"   src_txt=........... text file with source coordinates. Col 1: x, Col. 2: z",
+"   wav_random=1 ...... 1 generates (band limited by fmax) noise signatures ",
+"   fmax=from_src ..... maximum frequency in wavelet",
+"   src_multiwav=0 .... use traces in file_src as areal source",
+"   src_at_rcv=1 ...... inject wavefield at receiver coordinates (1), inject at source (0)",
+"   src_injectionrate=0 set to 1 to use injection rate source",
+"" ,
+"   plane_wave=0 ...... model plane wave with nsrc= sources",
+"   nsrc=1 ............ number of sources per (plane-wave) shot ",
+"   src_angle=0 ....... angle of plane source array",
+"   src_velo=1500 ..... velocity to use in src_angle definition",
+"   src_window=0 ...... length of taper at edges of source array",
+"   src_random=0 ...... 1 enables nsrc random sources positions in one modeling",
+"   nsrc=1 ............ number of sources to use for one shot",
+"   xsrc1=0 ........... left bound for x-position of sources",
+"   xsrc2=0 ........... right bound for x-position of sources",
+"   ysrc1=0 ........... left bound for y-position of sources",
+"   ysrc2=0 ........... right bound for y-position of sources",
+"   zsrc1=0 ........... left bound for z-position of sources",
+"   zsrc2=0 ........... right bound for z-position of sources",
+"   tsrc1=0.0 ......... begin time interval for random sources being triggered",
+"   tsrc2=tmod ........ end time interval for random sources being triggered",
+"   tactive=tsrc2 ..... end time for random sources being active",
+"   tlength=tsrc2-tsrc1 average duration of random source signal",
+"   length_random=1 ... duration of source is rand*tlength",
+"   amplitude=0 ....... distribution of source amplitudes",
+"   distribution=0 .... random function for amplitude and tlength 0=flat 1=Gaussian ",
+"   seed=10 ........... seed for start of random sequence ",
+"" ,
+"   tsnap1=0.1 ........ first snapshot time (s)",
+"   tsnap2=0.0 ........ last snapshot time (s)",
+"   dtsnap=0.1 ........ snapshot time interval (s)",
+"   dxsnap=dx ......... sampling in snapshot in x-direction",
+"   xsnap1=0 .......... first x-position for snapshots area",
+"   xsnap2=0 .......... last x-position for snapshot area",
+"   dysnap=dy ......... sampling in snapshot in y-direction",
+"   ysnap1=0 .......... first y-position for snapshots area",
+"   ysnap2=0 .......... last y-position for snapshot area",
+"   dzsnap=dz ......... sampling in snapshot in z-direction",
+"   zsnap1=0 .......... first z-position for snapshots area",
+"   zsnap2=0 .......... last z-position for snapshot area",
+"   snapwithbnd=0 ..... write snapshots with absorbing boundaries",
+"   sna_type_p=1 ...... p registration _sp",
+"   sna_type_vz=1 ..... Vz registration _svz",
+"   sna_type_vy=0 ..... Vy registration _svy",
+"   sna_type_vx=0 ..... Vx registration _svx",
+"   sna_type_txx=0 .... Txx registration _stxx",
+"   sna_type_tzz=0 .... Tzz registration _stzz",
+"   sna_type_txz=0 .... Txz registration _stxz",
+"   sna_type_pp=0 ..... P (divergence) registration _sP",
+"   sna_type_ss=0 ..... S (curl) registration _sS",
+"   sna_vxvztime=0 .... registration of vx/vx times",
+"                       The fd scheme is also staggered in time.",
+"                       Time at which vx/vz snapshots are written:",
+"                     - 0=previous vx/vz relative to txx/tzz/txz at time t",
+"                     - 1=next     vx/vz relative to txx/tzz/txz at time t",
+"" ,
+"   xrcv1=xmin ........ first x-position of linear receiver array(s)",
+"   xrcv2=xmax ........ last x-position of linear receiver array(s)",
+"   dxrcv=dx .......... x-position increment of receivers in linear array(s)",
+"   yrcv1=ymin ........ first y-position of linear receiver array(s)",
+"   yrcv2=ymax ........ last y-position of linear receiver array(s)",
+"   dyrcv=dy .......... y-position increment of receivers in linear array(s)",
+"   zrcv1=zmin ........ first z-position of linear receiver array(s)",
+"   zrcv2=zrcv1 ....... last z-position of linear receiver array(s)",
+"   dzrcv=0.0 ......... z-position increment of receivers in linear array(s)",
+"   dtrcv=.004 ........ desired sampling in receiver data (seconds)",
+//"   max_nrec=15000 .... maximum number of receivers", not needed anymore 
+"   xrcva= ............ defines receiver array x-positions",
+"   yrcva= ............ defines receiver array y-positions",
+"   zrcva= ............ defines receiver array z-positions",
+"   rrcv= ............. radius for receivers on a circle ",
+"   arcv= ............. vertical arc-lenght for receivers on a ellipse (rrcv=horizontal)",
+"   oxrcv=0.0 ......... x-center position of circle",
+"   ozrcv=0.0 ......... z-center position of circle",
+"   dphi=2 ............ angle between receivers on circle ",
+"   rcv_txt=........... text file with receiver coordinates. Col 1: x, Col. 2: z",
+//"   largeSUfile=0 ..... writing large SU file (nt > 64000)",
+"   rec_ntsam=nt ...... maximum number of time samples in file_rcv files",
+"   rec_delay=0 ....... time in seconds to start recording: recorded time = tmod - rec_delay",
+//"   dxspread=0 ........ if nshot > 1: x-shift of rcv spread",
+//"   dzspread=0 ........ if nshot > 1: z-shift of rcv spread",
+"   rec_type_p=1 ...... p registration _rp",
+"   rec_type_vz=1 ..... Vz registration _rvz",
+"   rec_type_vy=0 ..... Vy registration _rvy",
+"   rec_type_vx=0 ..... Vx registration _rvx",
+"   rec_type_txx=0 .... Txx registration _rtxx",
+"   rec_type_tzz=0 .... Tzz registration _rtzz",
+"   rec_type_txz=0 .... Txz registration _rtxz",
+"   rec_type_pp=0 ..... P (divergence) registration _rP",
+"   rec_type_ss=0 ..... S (curl) registration _rS",
+"   rec_type_ud=0 ..... 1:pressure normalized decomposition in up and downgoing waves _ru, _rd",
+"   ................... 2:particle velocity normalized decomposition in up and downgoing waves _ru, _rd",
+"   kangle= ........... maximum wavenumber angle for decomposition",
+"   rec_int_vx=0  ..... interpolation of Vx receivers",
+"                     - 0=Vx->Vx (no interpolation)",
+"                     - 1=Vx->Vz",
+"                     - 2=Vx->Txx/Tzz(P)",
+"                     - 3=Vx->receiver position",
+"   rec_int_vy=0  ..... interpolation of Vy receivers",
+"                     - 0=Vy->Vy (no interpolation)",
+"                     - 1=Vy->Vz",
+"                     - 2=Vy->Tyy/Tzz(P)",
+"                     - 3=Vy->receiver position",
+"   rec_int_vz=0 ...... interpolation of Vz receivers",
+"                     - 0=Vz->Vz (no interpolation)",
+"                     - 1=Vz->Vx",
+"                     - 2=Vz->Txx/Tzz(P)",
+"                     - 3=Vz->receiver position",
+"   rec_int_p=0  ...... interpolation of P/Tzz receivers",
+"                     - 0=P->P (no interpolation)",
+"                     - 1=P->Vz",
+"                     - 2=P->Vx",
+"                     - 3=P->receiver position",
+"" ,
+" NOTES: For viscoelastic media dispersion and stability are not always",
+" guaranteed by the calculated criteria, especially for Q values smaller than 13",
+"      Jan Thorbecke 2011",
+"      TU Delft",
+"      E-mail: ",
+"      2015  Contributions from Max Holicki",
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+	modPar mod;
+	recPar rec;
+	snaPar sna;
+	wavPar wav;
+	srcPar src;
+	bndPar bnd;
+	shotPar shot;
+	float **src_nwav;
+	float *rox, *roy, *roz, *l2m, *lam, *mul;
+	float *tss, *tes, *tep, *p, *q, *r;
+	float *vx, *vy, *vz, *tzz, *tyy, *txz, *txy, *tyz, *txx;
+	float *rec_vx, *rec_vy, *rec_vz, *rec_p;
+	float *rec_txx, *rec_tyy, *rec_tzz, *rec_txz, *rec_txy, *rec_tyz;
+	float *rec_pp, *rec_ss;
+	float *rec_udp, *rec_udvz;
+	float *beam_vx, *beam_vy, *beam_vz, *beam_p;
+	float *beam_txx, *beam_tyy, *beam_tzz, *beam_txz, *beam_txy, *beam_tyz;
+	float *beam_pp, *beam_ss;	
+	float sinkvel, npeshot;
+	double t0, t1, t2, t3, tt, tinit;
+	size_t size, sizem, nsamp;
+	long n1, ix, iy, iz, ir, ishot, i;
+	long ioPx, ioPy, ioPz;
+	long it0, it1, its, it, fileno, isam;
+	long ixsrc, iysrc, izsrc, is0, is1;
+	long verbose;
+#ifdef MPI
+	long     npes, pe;
+	MPI_Init( &argc, &argv );
+	MPI_Comm_size( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &npes );
+	MPI_Comm_rank( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &pe );
+	long     npes, pe;
+	npes = 1;
+	pe   = 0;
+	t0= wallclock_time();
+	initargs(argc,argv);
+	requestdoc(0);
+	if (!getparlong("verbose",&verbose)) verbose=0;
+	getParameters3D(&mod, &rec, &sna, &wav, &src, &shot, &bnd, verbose);
+	/* allocate arrays for model parameters: the different schemes use different arrays */
+	n1 = mod.naz;
+	sizem=mod.nax*mod.naz*mod.nay;
+	rox = (float *)calloc(sizem,sizeof(float));
+	roy = (float *)calloc(sizem,sizeof(float));
+	roz = (float *)calloc(sizem,sizeof(float));
+	l2m = (float *)calloc(sizem,sizeof(float));
+	if (mod.ischeme==2) {
+		tss = (float *)calloc(sizem,sizeof(float));
+		tep = (float *)calloc(sizem,sizeof(float));
+		q = (float *)calloc(sizem,sizeof(float));
+	}
+	if (mod.ischeme>2) {
+		lam = (float *)calloc(sizem,sizeof(float));
+		mul = (float *)calloc(sizem,sizeof(float));
+	}
+	if (mod.ischeme==4) {
+		tss = (float *)calloc(sizem,sizeof(float));
+		tes = (float *)calloc(sizem,sizeof(float));
+		tep = (float *)calloc(sizem,sizeof(float));
+		r = (float *)calloc(sizem,sizeof(float));
+		p = (float *)calloc(sizem,sizeof(float));
+		q = (float *)calloc(sizem,sizeof(float));
+	}
+	allocStoreSourceOnSurface3D(src);
+	/* read velocity and density files */
+	readModel3D(mod, bnd, rox, roy, roz, l2m, lam, mul, tss, tes, tep);
+	/* read and/or define source wavelet(s) */
+	/* Using a random source, which can have a random length 
+	   for each source position, a pointer array with variable 
+	   length (wav.nsamp[i]) is used.
+	   The total length of all the source lengths together is wav.nst */
+	if (wav.random) {
+		src_nwav = (float **)calloc(wav.nx,sizeof(float *));
+		src_nwav[0] = (float *)calloc(wav.nst,sizeof(float));
+		assert(src_nwav[0] != NULL);
+		nsamp = 0;
+		for (i=0; i<wav.nx; i++) {
+			src_nwav[i] = (float *)(src_nwav[0] + nsamp);
+			nsamp += wav.nsamp[i];
+		}
+	}
+	else {
+		src_nwav = (float **)calloc(wav.nx,sizeof(float *));
+		src_nwav[0] = (float *)calloc(wav.nt*wav.nx,sizeof(float));
+		assert(src_nwav[0] != NULL);
+		for (i=0; i<wav.nx; i++) {
+			src_nwav[i] = (float *)(src_nwav[0] + wav.nt*i);
+		}
+	}
+	defineSource(wav, src, mod, rec, src_nwav, mod.grid_dir, verbose);
+	/* allocate arrays for wavefield and receiver arrays */
+	vx  = (float *)calloc(sizem,sizeof(float));
+	vz  = (float *)calloc(sizem,sizeof(float));
+	tzz = (float *)calloc(sizem,sizeof(float)); /* =P field for acoustic */
+	if (mod.ischeme>2) {
+		txz = (float *)calloc(sizem,sizeof(float));
+		txx = (float *)calloc(sizem,sizeof(float));
+	}
+	size = rec.n*rec.nt;
+	if (rec.type.vz)  rec_vz  = (float *)calloc(size,sizeof(float));
+	if (rec.type.vx)  rec_vx  = (float *)calloc(size,sizeof(float));
+	if (rec.type.p)   rec_p   = (float *)calloc(size,sizeof(float));
+	if (rec.type.txx) rec_txx = (float *)calloc(size,sizeof(float));
+	if (rec.type.tzz) rec_tzz = (float *)calloc(size,sizeof(float));
+	if (rec.type.txz) rec_txz = (float *)calloc(size,sizeof(float));
+	if (rec.type.pp)  rec_pp  = (float *)calloc(size,sizeof(float));
+	if (  rec_ss  = (float *)calloc(size,sizeof(float));
+    if (rec.type.ud) { 
+		rec_udvz  = (float *)calloc(mod.nax*rec.nt,sizeof(float));
+		rec_udp   = (float *)calloc(mod.nax*rec.nt,sizeof(float));
+	}
+	/* get velcity and density at first receiver location */
+	ir = mod.ioZz + rec.z[0]+(rec.x[0]+mod.ioZx)*n1;
+	rec.rho = mod.dt/(mod.dx*roz[ir]);
+	rec.cp  = sqrt(l2m[ir]*(roz[ir]))*mod.dx/mod.dt;
+	if(sna.beam) {
+		size =*sna.nx;
+		if (sna.type.vz)  beam_vz  = (float *)calloc(size,sizeof(float));
+		if (sna.type.vx)  beam_vx  = (float *)calloc(size,sizeof(float));
+		if (sna.type.p)   beam_p   = (float *)calloc(size,sizeof(float));
+		if (sna.type.txx) beam_txx = (float *)calloc(size,sizeof(float));
+		if (sna.type.tzz) beam_tzz = (float *)calloc(size,sizeof(float));
+		if (sna.type.txz) beam_txz = (float *)calloc(size,sizeof(float));
+		if (sna.type.pp)  beam_pp  = (float *)calloc(size,sizeof(float));
+		if (  beam_ss  = (float *)calloc(size,sizeof(float));
+	}
+	t1= wallclock_time();
+	if (verbose) {
+		tinit = t1-t0;
+		vmess("*******************************************");
+		vmess("************* runtime info ****************");
+		vmess("*******************************************");
+		vmess("CPU time for intializing arrays and model = %f", tinit);
+	}
+	/* Sinking source and receiver arrays: 
+	   If P-velocity==0 the source and receiver 
+	   postions are placed deeper until the P-velocity changes. 
+	   The free-surface position is stored in bnd.surface[ix].
+	   Setting the option rec.sinkvel only sinks the receiver position 
+       (not the source) and uses the velocity 
+	   of the first receiver to sink through to the next layer. */
+    ioPx=mod.ioPx;
+    ioPz=mod.ioPz;
+    if (bnd.lef==4 || bnd.lef==2) ioPx += bnd.ntap;
+    if ( || ioPz += bnd.ntap;
+	if (rec.sinkvel) sinkvel=l2m[(rec.x[0]+ioPx)*n1+rec.z[0]+ioPz];
+	else sinkvel = 0.0;
+/* sink receivers to value different than sinkvel */
+	for (ir=0; ir<rec.n; ir++) {
+		iz = rec.z[ir];
+		ix = rec.x[ir];
+		while(l2m[(ix+ioPx)*n1+iz+ioPz] == sinkvel) iz++;
+		rec.z[ir]=iz+rec.sinkdepth;
+		rec.zr[ir]=rec.zr[ir]+(rec.z[ir]-iz)*;
+//		rec.zr[ir]=rec.z[ir]*;
+		if (verbose>3) vmess("receiver position %d at grid[ix=%d, iz=%d] = (x=%f z=%f)", ir, ix+ioPx, rec.z[ir]+ioPz, rec.xr[ir]+mod.x0, rec.zr[ir]+mod.z0);
+	}
+/* sink sources to value different than zero */
+	for (ishot=0; ishot<shot.n; ishot++) {
+		iz = shot.z[ishot];
+		ix = shot.x[ishot];
+		while(l2m[(ix+ioPx)*n1+iz+ioPz] == 0.0) iz++;
+		shot.z[ishot]=iz+src.sinkdepth; 
+	}
+	/* scan for free surface boundary in case it has a topography */
+	for (ix=0; ix<mod.nx; ix++) {
+		iz = ioPz;
+		while(l2m[(ix+ioPx)*n1+iz] == 0.0) iz++;
+		bnd.surface[ix+ioPx] = iz;
+		if ((verbose>3) && (iz != ioPz)) vmess("Topgraphy surface x=%.2f z=%.2f", mod.x0+mod.dx*ix,*(iz-ioPz));
+	}
+	for (ix=0; ix<ioPx; ix++) {
+		bnd.surface[ix] = bnd.surface[ioPx];
+	}
+	for (ix=ioPx+mod.nx; ix<mod.iePx; ix++) {
+		bnd.surface[ix] = bnd.surface[mod.iePx-1];
+	}
+	if (verbose>3) writeSrcRecPos(&mod, &rec, &src, &shot);
+	/* Outer loop over number of shots */
+#ifdef MPI
+    npeshot = MAX((((float)shot.n)/((float)npes)), 1.0);
+    is0=ceil(pe*npeshot);
+    is1=MIN(ceil((pe+1)*npeshot), shot.n);
+    if (verbose>1) vmess("MPI: pe=%d does shots is0 %d - is1 %d\n", pe, is0, is1);
+	is0=0;
+	is1=shot.n;
+	for (ishot=is0; ishot<is1; ishot++) {
+		izsrc = shot.z[ishot];
+		ixsrc = shot.x[ishot];
+		fileno= 0;
+		memset(vx,0,sizem*sizeof(float));
+		memset(vz,0,sizem*sizeof(float));
+		memset(tzz,0,sizem*sizeof(float));
+		if (mod.ischeme==2) {
+			memset(q,0,sizem*sizeof(float));
+		}
+		if (mod.ischeme>2) {
+			memset(txz,0,sizem*sizeof(float));
+			memset(txx,0,sizem*sizeof(float));
+		}
+		if (mod.ischeme==4) {
+			memset(r,0,sizem*sizeof(float));
+			memset(p,0,sizem*sizeof(float));
+			memset(q,0,sizem*sizeof(float));
+		}
+		if (verbose) {
+			if (!src.random) {
+				vmess("Modeling source %d at gridpoints ix=%d iz=%d", ishot, shot.x[ishot], shot.z[ishot]);
+				vmess(" which are actual positions x=%.2f z=%.2f", mod.x0+mod.dx*shot.x[ishot],*shot.z[ishot]);
+			}
+			vmess("Receivers at gridpoint x-range ix=%d - %d", rec.x[0], rec.x[rec.n-1]);
+			vmess(" which are actual positions x=%.2f - %.2f", mod.x0+rec.xr[0], mod.x0+rec.xr[rec.n-1]);
+			vmess("Receivers at gridpoint z-range iz=%d - %d", rec.z[0], rec.z[rec.n-1]);
+			vmess(" which are actual positions z=%.2f - %.2f", mod.z0+rec.zr[0], mod.z0+rec.zr[rec.n-1]);
+		}
+		if (mod.grid_dir) { /* reverse time modeling */
+			it0=-mod.nt+1;
+			it1=0;
+			its=-1;
+			it0=0;
+			it1=mod.nt;
+			its=1;
+		}
+		else {
+			it0=0;
+			it1=mod.nt;
+			its=1;
+		}
+		/* Main loop over the number of time steps */
+		for (it=it0; it<it1; it++) {
+#pragma omp parallel default (shared) \
+shared (rox, roz, l2m, lam, mul, txx, txz, tzz, vx, vz) \
+shared (tss, tep, tes, r, q, p) \
+shared (tinit, it0, it1, its) \
+shared(beam_vx, beam_vz, beam_txx, beam_tzz, beam_txz, beam_p, beam_pp, beam_ss) \
+shared(rec_vx, rec_vz, rec_txx, rec_tzz, rec_txz, rec_p, rec_pp, rec_ss) \
+shared (tt, t2, t3) \
+shared (shot, bnd, mod, src, wav, rec, ixsrc, izsrc, it, src_nwav, verbose)
+			if (it==it0) {
+				threadAffinity();
+			}
+			switch ( mod.ischeme ) {
+//				case -2 : /* test code for PML */
+//					acoustic4_test(mod, src, wav, bnd, it, ixsrc, izsrc, src_nwav, 
+//						vx, vz, tzz, rox, roz, l2m, verbose);
+//					break;
+				case -1 : /* Acoustic dissipative media FD kernel */
+					acoustic4_qr(mod, src, wav, bnd, it, ixsrc, izsrc, src_nwav, 
+						vx, vz, tzz, rox, roz, l2m, verbose);
+					break;
+				case 1 : /* Acoustic FD kernel */
+					if (mod.iorder==2) {
+						acoustic2(mod, src, wav, bnd, it, ixsrc, izsrc, src_nwav, 
+							vx, vz, tzz, rox, roz, l2m, verbose);
+					}
+					else if (mod.iorder==4) {
+                        if ( {
+                            acousticSH4(mod, src, wav, bnd, it, ixsrc, izsrc, src_nwav, 
+                                  vx, vz, tzz, rox, roz, l2m, verbose);
+                        }
+                        else {
+                            acoustic4(mod, src, wav, bnd, it, ixsrc, izsrc, src_nwav, 
+                                      vx, vz, tzz, rox, roz, l2m, verbose);
+                        }
+					}
+					else if (mod.iorder==6) {
+						acoustic6(mod, src, wav, bnd, it, ixsrc, izsrc, src_nwav, 
+							vx, vz, tzz, rox, roz, l2m, verbose);
+					}
+					break;
+				case 2 : /* Visco-Acoustic FD kernel */
+					viscoacoustic4(mod, src, wav, bnd, it, ixsrc, izsrc, src_nwav, 
+							vx, vz, tzz, rox, roz, l2m, tss, tep, q, verbose);
+					break;
+				case 3 : /* Elastic FD kernel */
+                    if (mod.iorder==4) {
+                        elastic4(mod, src, wav, bnd, it, ixsrc, izsrc, src_nwav, 
+                            vx, vz, tzz, txx, txz, rox, roz, l2m, lam, mul, verbose);
+					}
+					else if (mod.iorder==6) {
+                        elastic6(mod, src, wav, bnd, it, ixsrc, izsrc, src_nwav, 
+							vx, vz, tzz, txx, txz, rox, roz, l2m, lam, mul, verbose);
+                    }
+					break;
+				case 4 : /* Visco-Elastic FD kernel */
+					viscoelastic4(mod, src, wav, bnd, it, ixsrc, izsrc, src_nwav, 
+						vx, vz, tzz, txx, txz, rox, roz, l2m, lam, mul, 
+						tss, tep, tes, r, q, p, verbose);
+					break;
+				case 5 : /* Elastic FD kernel with S-velocity set to zero*/
+                     elastic4dc(mod, src, wav, bnd, it, ixsrc, izsrc, src_nwav, 
+                            vx, vz, tzz, txx, txz, rox, roz, l2m, lam, mul, verbose);
+					break;
+			}
+			/* write samples to file if rec.nt samples are calculated */
+#pragma omp master
+			if ( (((it-rec.delay) % rec.skipdt)==0) && (it >= rec.delay) ) {
+				int writeToFile, itwritten;
+				writeToFile = ! ( (((it-rec.delay)/rec.skipdt)+1)%rec.nt );
+				itwritten   = fileno*(rec.nt)*rec.skipdt;
+                /* Note that time step it=0 (t=0 for t**-fields t=-1/2 dt for v*-field) is not recorded */
+				isam        = (it-rec.delay-itwritten)/rec.skipdt+1;
+				/* store time at receiver positions */
+				getRecTimes(mod, rec, bnd, it, isam, vx, vz, tzz, txx, txz, 
+					l2m, rox, roz, 
+					rec_vx, rec_vz, rec_txx, rec_tzz, rec_txz, 
+					rec_p, rec_pp, rec_ss, rec_udp, rec_udvz, verbose);
+				/* at the end of modeling a shot, write receiver array to output file(s) */
+				if (writeToFile && (it+rec.skipdt <= it1-1) ) {
+					fileno = ( ((it-rec.delay)/rec.skipdt)+1)/rec.nt;
+					writeRec(rec, mod, bnd, wav, ixsrc, izsrc, isam+1, ishot, fileno,
+						rec_vx, rec_vz, rec_txx, rec_tzz, rec_txz, 
+						rec_p, rec_pp, rec_ss, rec_udp, rec_udvz, verbose);
+				}
+			}
+			/* write snapshots to output file(s) */
+			if (sna.nsnap) {
+				writeSnapTimes(mod, sna, bnd, wav, ixsrc, izsrc, it, vx, vz, tzz, txx, txz, verbose);
+			}
+			/* calculate beams */
+			if(sna.beam) {
+				getBeamTimes(mod, sna, vx, vz, tzz, txx,  txz, 
+					beam_vx, beam_vz, beam_txx, beam_tzz, beam_txz, 
+					beam_p, beam_pp, beam_ss, verbose);
+			}
+#pragma omp master
+			if (verbose) {
+				if (it==(it0+100*its)) t2=wallclock_time();
+				if (it==(it0+500*its)) {
+					t3=wallclock_time();
+					tt=(t3-t2)*(((it1-it0)*its)/400.0);
+					vmess("Estimated compute time = %.2f s. per shot.",tt);
+					vmess("Estimated total compute time = %.2f s.",tinit+shot.n*tt);
+				}
+			}
+} /* end of OpenMP parallel section */
+		} /* end of loop over time steps it */
+		/* write output files: receivers and or beams */
+		if (fileno) fileno++;
+		if (rec.scale==1) { /* scale receiver with distance src-rcv */
+			float xsrc, zsrc, Rrec, rdx, rdz;
+			int irec;
+			xsrc=mod.x0+mod.dx*ixsrc;
+			for (irec=0; irec<rec.n; irec++) {
+				rdx=mod.x0+rec.xr[irec]-xsrc;
+				rdz=mod.z0+rec.zr[irec]-zsrc;
+				Rrec = sqrt(rdx*rdx+rdz*rdz);
+				fprintf(stderr,"Rec %d is scaled with distance %f R=%.2f,%.2f S=%.2f,%.2f\n", irec, Rrec,rdx,rdz,xsrc,zsrc);
+				for (it=0; it<rec.nt; it++) {
+					rec_p[irec*rec.nt+it] *= sqrt(Rrec);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		writeRec(rec, mod, bnd, wav, ixsrc, izsrc, isam+1, ishot, fileno,
+			rec_vx, rec_vz, rec_txx, rec_tzz, rec_txz, 
+			rec_p, rec_pp, rec_ss, rec_udp, rec_udvz, verbose);
+		writeBeams(mod, sna, ixsrc, izsrc, ishot, fileno, 
+				   beam_vx, beam_vz, beam_txx, beam_tzz, beam_txz, 
+				   beam_p, beam_pp, beam_ss, verbose);
+	} /* end of loop over number of shots */
+	t1= wallclock_time();
+	if (verbose) {
+		vmess("Total compute time FD modelling = %.2f s.", t1-t0);
+	}
+	/* free arrays */
+	initargs(argc,argv); /* this will free the arg arrays declared */
+	free(rox);
+	free(roz);
+	free(l2m);
+	free(src_nwav[0]);
+	free(src_nwav);
+	free(vx);
+	free(vz);
+	free(tzz);
+	freeStoreSourceOnSurface();
+	if (rec.type.vz)  free(rec_vz);
+	if (rec.type.vx)  free(rec_vx);
+	if (rec.type.p)   free(rec_p);
+	if (rec.type.txx) free(rec_txx);
+	if (rec.type.tzz) free(rec_tzz);
+	if (rec.type.txz) free(rec_txz);
+	if (rec.type.pp)  free(rec_pp);
+	if (  free(rec_ss);
+	if (rec.type.ud)  {
+		free(rec_udvz);
+		free(rec_udp);
+	}
+	if(sna.beam) {
+		if (sna.type.vz)  free(beam_vz);
+		if (sna.type.vx)  free(beam_vx);
+		if (sna.type.p)   free(beam_p);
+		if (sna.type.txx) free(beam_txx);
+		if (sna.type.tzz) free(beam_tzz);
+		if (sna.type.txz) free(beam_txz);
+		if (sna.type.pp)  free(beam_pp);
+		if (  free(beam_ss);
+	}
+	if (mod.ischeme==2) {
+		free(tss);
+		free(tep);
+		free(q);
+	}
+	if (mod.ischeme>2) {
+		free(lam);
+		free(mul);
+		free(txz);
+		free(txx);
+	}
+	if (mod.ischeme==4) {
+		free(tss);
+		free(tes);
+		free(tep);
+		free(r);
+		free(p);
+		free(q);
+	}
+#ifdef MPI  
+    MPI_Finalize();
+	return 0;
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/fdelmodc3D.h b/fdelmodc3D/fdelmodc3D.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76b0501
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/fdelmodc3D.h
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+typedef struct _compType { /* Receiver Type */
+	long vz;
+	long vx;
+	long vy;
+	long p;
+	long txx;
+	long tyy;
+	long tzz;
+	long txz;
+	long tyz;
+	long txy;
+	long pp;
+	long ss;
+	long ud;
+} compType;
+typedef struct _receiverPar { /* Receiver Parameters */
+	char *file_rcv;
+	compType type;
+	long n;
+	long nt;
+	long delay;
+	long skipdt;
+	long max_nrec;
+	long *z;
+	long *y;
+	long *x;
+	float *zr;
+	float *yr;
+	float *xr;
+	long int_p;
+	long int_vx;
+	long int_vy;
+	long int_vz;
+	long scale;
+	long sinkdepth;
+	long sinkvel;
+	float cp;
+	float rho;
+} recPar;
+typedef struct _snapshotPar { /* Snapshot Parameters */
+	char *file_snap;
+	char *file_beam;
+	compType type;
+	long nsnap;
+	long delay;
+	long skipdt;
+	long skipdz;
+	long skipdy;
+	long skipdx;
+	long nz;
+	long ny;
+	long nx;
+	long z1;
+	long z2;
+	long x1;
+	long x2;
+	long y1;
+	long y2;
+	long vxvztime;
+	long beam;
+	long withbnd;
+} snaPar;
+typedef struct _modelPar { /* Model Parameters */
+	long iorder;
+	long ischeme;
+	long grid_dir;
+	long sh;
+	char *file_cp;
+	char *file_ro;
+	char *file_cs;
+	char *file_qp;
+	char *file_qs;
+	float dz;
+	float dy;
+	float dx;
+	float dt;
+	float tmod;
+	long nt;
+	float z0;
+	float y0;
+	float x0;
+	/* medium max/min values */
+	float cp_min;
+	float cp_max;
+	float cs_min;
+	float cs_max;
+	float ro_min;
+	float ro_max;
+	long nz;
+	long ny;
+	long nx;
+	long naz;
+	long nay;
+	long nax;
+	/* Vx: rox */
+	long ioXx;
+	long ioXy;
+	long ioXz;
+	long ieXx;
+	long ieXy;
+	long ieXz;
+	/* Vy: roy */
+	long ioYx;
+	long ioYy;
+	long ioYz;
+	long ieYx;
+	long ieYy;
+	long ieYz;
+	/* Vz: roz */
+	long ioZx;
+	long ioZy;
+	long ioZz;
+	long ieZx;
+	long ieZy;
+	long ieZz;
+	/* P, Txx, Tyy, Tzz: lam, l2m */
+	long ioPx;
+	long ioPy;
+	long ioPz;
+	long iePx;
+	long iePy;
+	long iePz;
+	/* Txz, Txy, Tyz: muu */
+	long ioTx;
+	long ioTy;
+	long ioTz;
+	long ieTx;
+	long ieTy;
+	long ieTz;
+	/* attenuation / dissipative medium */
+	float Qp;
+	float Qs;
+	float fw;
+	float qr;
+} modPar;
+typedef struct _waveletPar { /* Wavelet Parameters */
+	char *file_src; /* general source */
+	long nsrcf;
+	long nt;
+	long ns;
+	long nx;
+	float dt;
+	float ds;
+	float fmax;
+	long random;
+	long seed;
+	long nst;
+	size_t *nsamp;
+} wavPar;
+typedef struct _sourcePar { /* Source Array Parameters */
+	long n;
+	long type;
+	long orient;
+	long *z;
+	long *y;
+	long *x;
+	long single;	
+	long plane;
+	long circle;
+	long array;
+	long random;
+	float *tbeg;
+	float *tend;
+	long multiwav;
+	float angle;
+	float velo;
+	float amplitude;
+	float dip;
+	float strike;
+	long distribution;
+	long window;
+    long injectionrate;
+	long sinkdepth;
+	long src_at_rcv; /* Indicates that wavefield should be injected at receivers */
+} srcPar;
+typedef struct _shotPar { /* Shot Parameters */
+	long n;
+	long *z;
+	long *y;
+	long *x;
+} shotPar;
+typedef struct _boundPar { /* Boundary Parameters */
+	long top;
+	long bot;
+	long lef;
+	long rig;
+	long fro;
+	long bac;
+	float *tapz;
+	float *tapy;
+	float *tapx;
+	float *tapxz;
+	long cfree;
+	long ntap;
+	long *surface;
+    long npml;
+    float R; /* reflection at side of model */
+    float m; /* scaling order */
+    float *pml_Vx;
+		float *pml_Vy;
+    float *pml_nzVx;
+    float *pml_nxVz;
+    float *pml_nzVz;
+    float *pml_nxP;
+    float *pml_nzP;
+} bndPar;
+#if __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L
+  /* "restrict" is a keyword */
+#define restrict 
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/fileOpen.c b/fdelmodc3D/fileOpen.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0ff806
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/fileOpen.c
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+#define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "segy.h"
+*  File handling routines 
+*   AUTHOR:
+*           Jan Thorbecke (
+*           The Netherlands 
+void name_ext(char *filename, char *extension);
+FILE *fileOpen(char *file, char *ext, int append)
+	FILE *fp;
+	char filename[1024];
+	strcpy(filename, file);
+	name_ext(filename, ext);
+	if (append) fp = fopen(filename, "a");
+   	else fp = fopen(filename, "w");
+   	assert(fp != NULL);
+	return fp;
+int traceWrite(segy *hdr, float *data, int n, FILE *fp) 
+    size_t  nwrite;
+    nwrite = fwrite( hdr, 1, TRCBYTES, fp);
+    assert(nwrite == TRCBYTES);
+    nwrite = fwrite( data, sizeof(float), n, fp);
+    assert(nwrite == n);
+	return 0;
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/gaussGen.c b/fdelmodc3D/gaussGen.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3082202
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/gaussGen.c
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+*  generate a Gaussian distribution of random numbers
+*   AUTHOR:
+*           Jan Thorbecke (
+*           The Netherlands 
+float gaussGen()
+	double x1, x2, w, y1;
+	do {
+		x1 = 2.0 * drand48() - 1.0;
+		x2 = 2.0 * drand48() - 1.0;
+		w = x1 * x1 + x2 * x2;
+	} while ( w >= 1.0 );
+	w = sqrt( (-2.0 * log( w ) ) / w );
+	y1 = x1 * w;
+	return (float) y1;
+/* using sigma != 1 (standard deviation) */
+float gaussian(const float sigma)
+  double x, y, r2;
+  do
+    {
+      x = -1.0 + 2.0 * drand48();
+      y = -1.0 + 2.0 * drand48();
+      r2 = x * x + y * y;
+    }
+  while (r2 > 1.0 || r2 == 0);
+  return (float) (sigma * y * sqrt (-2.0 * log (r2) / r2));
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/getBeamTimes.c b/fdelmodc3D/getBeamTimes.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae5cff4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/getBeamTimes.c
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+#define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "segy.h"
+#include "fdelmodc.h"
+*  getBeamTimes: stores energy fields (beams) in arrays at certain time steps 
+*  writeBeams: writes the stored fields to output file(s) 
+*   AUTHOR:
+*           Jan Thorbecke (
+*           The Netherlands 
+FILE *fileOpen(char *file, char *ext, int append);
+int traceWrite(segy *hdr, float *data, int n, FILE *fp);
+void name_ext(char *filename, char *extension);
+void vmess(char *fmt, ...);
+#define MAX(x,y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
+#define MIN(x,y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
+#define NINT(x) ((int)((x)>0.0?(x)+0.5:(x)-0.5))
+int getBeamTimes(modPar mod, snaPar sna, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, 
+				 float *beam_vx, float *beam_vz, float *beam_txx, float *beam_tzz, float *beam_txz, 
+				 float *beam_p, float *beam_pp, float *beam_ss, int verbose)
+	int n1, ibndx, ibndz, ixs, izs, ize, i, j;
+	int ix, iz, ix2, iz2;
+	float sdx, s, p;
+    ibndx = mod.ioPx;
+    ibndz = mod.ioPz;
+	n1   = mod.naz;
+	sdx  = 1.0/mod.dx;
+	izs = sna.z1+ibndx;
+	ize = sna.z2+ibndz;
+	for (ixs=sna.x1, i=0; ixs<=sna.x2; ixs+=sna.skipdx, i++) {
+		ix  = ixs+ibndx;
+		ix2 = ix+1;
+		if (sna.type.vx) {
+			for (iz=izs, j=0; iz<=ize; iz+=sna.skipdz, j++) {
+				beam_vx[i*] += sqrt(vx[ix2*n1+iz]*vx[ix2*n1+iz]);
+			}
+		}
+		if (sna.type.vz) {
+			for (iz=izs, j=0; iz<=ize; iz+=sna.skipdz, j++) {
+				beam_vz[i*] += sqrt(vz[ix*n1+iz+1]*vz[ix*n1+iz+1]);
+			}
+		}
+		if (sna.type.p) {
+			for (iz=izs, j=0; iz<=ize; iz+=sna.skipdz, j++) {
+				beam_p[i*] += sqrt(tzz[ix*n1+iz]*tzz[ix*n1+iz]);
+			}
+		}
+		if (sna.type.tzz) {
+			for (iz=izs, j=0; iz<=ize; iz+=sna.skipdz, j++) {
+				beam_tzz[i*] += sqrt(tzz[ix*n1+iz]*tzz[ix*n1+iz]);
+			}
+		}
+		if (sna.type.txx) {
+			for (iz=izs, j=0; iz<=ize; iz+=sna.skipdz, j++) {
+				beam_txx[i*] += sqrt(txx[ix*n1+iz]*txx[ix*n1+iz]);
+			}
+		}
+		if (sna.type.txz) {
+			for (iz=izs, j=0; iz<=ize; iz+=sna.skipdz, j++) {
+				beam_txz[i*] += sqrt(txz[ix2*n1+iz+1]*txz[ix2*n1+iz+1]);
+			}
+		}
+		/* calculate divergence of velocity field */
+		if (sna.type.pp) {
+			for (iz=izs, j=0; iz<=ize; iz+=sna.skipdz, j++) {
+				iz2 = iz+1;
+				p = sdx*((vx[ix2*n1+iz]-vx[ix*n1+iz])+
+							   (vz[ix*n1+iz2]-vz[ix*n1+iz]));
+				beam_pp[i*] += sqrt(p*p);
+			}
+		}
+		/* calculate rotation of velocity field */
+		if ( {
+			for (iz=izs, j=0; iz<=ize; iz+=sna.skipdz, j++) {
+				iz2 = iz+1;
+				s = sdx*((vx[ix2*n1+iz2]-vx[ix2*n1+iz])-
+							   (vz[ix2*n1+iz2]-vz[ix*n1+iz2]));
+				beam_ss[i*] += sqrt(s*s);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return 0;
+int writeBeams(modPar mod, snaPar sna, int ixsrc, int izsrc, int ishot, int fileno, 
+			   float *beam_vx, float *beam_vz, float *beam_txx, float *beam_tzz, float *beam_txz, 
+			   float *beam_p, float *beam_pp, float *beam_ss, int verbose)
+	FILE    *fpvx, *fpvz, *fptxx, *fptzz, *fptxz, *fpp, *fppp, *fpss;
+	int append;
+	int ix;
+	char number[16], filename[1024];
+	segy hdr;
+	if (sna.beam==0) return 0;
+	/* all beam snapshots are written to the same output file(s) */
+	if (ishot) append=1;
+	else append=0;
+	strcpy(filename, sna.file_beam);
+	if (fileno) {
+		sprintf(number,"_%03d",fileno);
+		name_ext(filename, number);
+	}
+	if (verbose>2) vmess("Writing beam data to file %s", filename);
+	if (sna.type.vx)  fpvx  = fileOpen(filename, "_bvx", append);
+	if (sna.type.vz)  fpvz  = fileOpen(filename, "_bvz", append);
+	if (sna.type.p)   fpp   = fileOpen(filename, "_bp", append);
+	if (sna.type.txx) fptxx = fileOpen(filename, "_btxx", append);
+	if (sna.type.tzz) fptzz = fileOpen(filename, "_btzz", append);
+	if (sna.type.txz) fptxz = fileOpen(filename, "_btxz", append);
+	if (sna.type.pp)  fppp  = fileOpen(filename, "_bpp", append);
+	if (  fpss  = fileOpen(filename, "_bss", append);
+	memset(&hdr,0,TRCBYTES);
+	hdr.dt     = 1000000*(mod.dt);
+	hdr.scalco = -1000;
+	hdr.scalel = -1000;
+     = 1000*(mod.x0+ixsrc*mod.dx);
+	hdr.sdepth = 1000*(mod.z0+izsrc*;
+	hdr.fldr   = ishot+1;
+	hdr.trid   = 1;
+	hdr.ns     =;
+	hdr.trwf   = sna.nx;
+	hdr.ntr    = sna.nx;
+	hdr.f1     = sna.z1*;
+	hdr.f2     = sna.x1*mod.dx+mod.x0;
+	hdr.d1     =*sna.skipdz;
+	hdr.d2     = mod.dx*sna.skipdx;
+	for (ix=0; ix<sna.nx; ix++) {
+		hdr.tracf  = ix+1;
+		hdr.tracl  = ix+1;
+		hdr.gx     = 1000*(mod.x0+(sna.x1+ix)*mod.dx);
+		if (sna.type.vx) {
+			traceWrite( &hdr, &beam_vx[ix*],, fpvx) ;
+		}
+		if (sna.type.vz) {
+			traceWrite( &hdr, &beam_vz[ix*],, fpvz) ;
+		}
+		if (sna.type.p) {
+			traceWrite( &hdr, &beam_p[ix*],, fpp) ;
+		}
+		if (sna.type.tzz) {
+			traceWrite( &hdr, &beam_tzz[ix*],, fptzz) ;
+		}
+		if (sna.type.txx) {
+			traceWrite( &hdr, &beam_txx[ix*],, fptxx) ;
+		}
+		if (sna.type.txz) {
+			traceWrite( &hdr, &beam_txz[ix*],, fptxz) ;
+		}
+		if (sna.type.pp) {
+			traceWrite( &hdr, &beam_pp[ix*],, fppp) ;
+		}
+		if ( {
+			traceWrite( &hdr, &beam_ss[ix*],, fpss) ;
+		}
+	}
+	if (sna.type.vx) fclose(fpvx);
+	if (sna.type.vz) fclose(fpvz);
+	if (sna.type.p) fclose(fpp);
+	if (sna.type.txx) fclose(fptxx);
+	if (sna.type.tzz) fclose(fptzz);
+	if (sna.type.txz) fclose(fptxz);
+	if (sna.type.pp) fclose(fppp);
+	if ( fclose(fpss);
+	return 0;
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/getModelInfo.c b/fdelmodc3D/getModelInfo.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..378a1b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/getModelInfo.c
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+#define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "par.h"
+#include "segy.h"
+#define MAX(x,y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
+#define MIN(x,y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
+#define NINT(x) ((int)((x)>0.0?(x)+0.5:(x)-0.5))
+*  reads gridded model file to compute minimum and maximum values and sampling intervals
+*   AUTHOR:
+*           Jan Thorbecke (
+*           The Netherlands 
+int getModelInfo(char *file_name, int *n1, int *n2, float *d1, float *d2, float *f1, float *f2, float *min, float *max, int *axis, int zeroch, int verbose)
+    FILE    *fp;
+    size_t  nread, trace_sz;
+    off_t   bytes;
+    int     ret, i, one_shot, ntraces;
+    float   *trace, cmin;
+    segy    hdr;
+    fp = fopen( file_name, "r" );
+    assert( fp != NULL);
+    nread = fread( &hdr, 1, TRCBYTES, fp );
+    assert(nread == TRCBYTES);
+    ret = fseeko( fp, 0, SEEK_END );
+    if (ret<0) perror("fseeko");
+    bytes = ftello( fp );
+    *n1 = hdr.ns;
+    *d1 = hdr.d1;
+    *d2 = hdr.d2;
+    *f1 = hdr.f1;
+    *f2 = hdr.f2;
+    if ( NINT(100.0*((*d1)/(*d2)))!=100 ) {
+        verr("dx and dz are different in the model !");
+    }
+    if ( NINT(1000.0*(*d1))==0 ) {
+        if(!getparfloat("dx",d1)) {
+            verr("dx is equal to zero use parameter dx= to set value");
+        }
+        *d2 = *d1;
+    }
+    trace_sz = sizeof(float)*(*n1)+TRCBYTES;
+    ntraces  = (int) (bytes/trace_sz);
+    *n2 = ntraces;
+    /* check to find out min and max values gather */
+    one_shot = 1;
+    trace = (float *)malloc(trace_sz);
+    fseeko( fp, TRCBYTES, SEEK_SET );
+    nread = fread( trace, sizeof(float), hdr.ns, fp );
+    assert (nread == hdr.ns);
+    fseeko( fp, TRCBYTES, SEEK_SET );
+    if (hdr.trid == TRID_DEPTH)  *axis = 1; /* samples are z-axis */
+    else *axis = 0; /* sample direction respresents the x-axis */
+    i=0; cmin=trace[0];
+    while ( ( (cmin==0.0) && zeroch) && (i<hdr.ns) ) cmin=trace[i++];
+    *max = cmin;
+    *min = cmin;
+    /* keep on reading traces until there are no more traces (nread==0) */
+    while (one_shot) {
+        nread = fread( trace, sizeof(float), hdr.ns, fp );
+        assert (nread == hdr.ns);
+        for (i=0;i<(*n1);i++) {
+            *max = MAX(trace[i],*max);
+            cmin = MIN(trace[i],*min);
+            if (zeroch) {
+                if (cmin!=0.0) *min = MIN(*min, cmin);
+            }
+            else {
+                *min = cmin;
+            }
+        }
+        nread = fread( &hdr, 1, TRCBYTES, fp );
+        if (nread==0) break;
+    }
+    fclose(fp);
+    free(trace);
+    if (verbose>2) {
+        vmess("For file %s", file_name);
+        vmess("nz=%d nx=%d", *n1, *n2);
+        vmess("dz=%f dx=%f", *d1, *d2);
+        vmess("min=%f max=%f", *min, *max);
+        vmess("zstart=%f xstart=%f", *f1, *f2);
+        if (*axis) vmess("sample represent z-axis\n");
+        else vmess("sample represent x-axis\n");
+    }
+    return 0;
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/getModelInfo3D.c b/fdelmodc3D/getModelInfo3D.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..894223c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/getModelInfo3D.c
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+#define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "par.h"
+#include "segy.h"
+#define MAX(x,y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
+#define MIN(x,y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
+#define NINT(x) ((long)((x)>0.0?(x)+0.5:(x)-0.5))
+*  reads gridded model file to compute minimum and maximum values and sampling intervals
+*   AUTHOR:
+*           Jan Thorbecke (
+*           The Netherlands 
+long getModelInfo3D(char *file_name, long *n1, long *n2, long *n3, float *d1, float *d2, float *d3, float *f1, float *f2, float *f3, float *min, float *max, long *axis, long zeroch, long verbose)
+    FILE    *fp;
+    size_t  nread, trace_sz;
+    off_t   bytes;
+    long     ret, i, one_shot, ntraces, gy, gy0, ny;
+    float   *trace, cmin;
+    segy    hdr;
+    fp = fopen( file_name, "r" );
+    assert( fp != NULL);
+    nread = fread( &hdr, 1, TRCBYTES, fp );
+    assert(nread == TRCBYTES);
+    ret = fseeko( fp, 0, SEEK_END );
+    if (ret<0) perror("fseeko");
+    bytes = ftello( fp );
+    *n1 = hdr.ns;
+    *d1 = hdr.d1;
+    *d2 = hdr.d2;
+    *d3 = 0.0;
+    *f1 = hdr.f1;
+    *f2 = hdr.f2;
+    gy0 =;
+    *f3 = gy0;
+    ny = 1;
+    gy =;
+    if ( NINT(100.0*((*d1)/(*d2)))!=100 ) {
+        verr("dx and dz are different in the model !");
+    }
+    if ( NINT(1000.0*(*d1))==0 ) {
+        if(!getparfloat("dx",d1)) {
+            verr("dx is equal to zero use parameter dx= to set value");
+        }
+        *d2 = *d1;
+    }
+    trace_sz = sizeof(float)*(*n1)+TRCBYTES;
+    ntraces  = (long) (bytes/trace_sz);
+    *n2 = ntraces;
+    /* check to find out min and max values gather */
+    one_shot = 1;
+    trace = (float *)malloc(trace_sz);
+    fseeko( fp, TRCBYTES, SEEK_SET );
+    nread = fread( trace, sizeof(float), hdr.ns, fp );
+    assert (nread == hdr.ns);
+    fseeko( fp, TRCBYTES, SEEK_SET );
+    if (hdr.trid == TRID_DEPTH)  *axis = 1; /* samples are z-axis */
+    else *axis = 0; /* sample direction respresents the x-axis */
+    i=0; cmin=trace[0];
+    while ( ( (cmin==0.0) && zeroch) && (i<hdr.ns) ) cmin=trace[i++];
+    *max = cmin;
+    *min = cmin;
+    /* keep on reading traces until there are no more traces (nread==0) */
+    while (one_shot) {
+        nread = fread( trace, sizeof(float), hdr.ns, fp );
+        assert (nread == hdr.ns);
+        for (i=0;i<(*n1);i++) {
+            *max = MAX(trace[i],*max);
+            cmin = MIN(trace[i],*min);
+            if (zeroch) {
+                if (cmin!=0.0) *min = MIN(*min, cmin);
+            }
+            else {
+                *min = cmin;
+            }
+        }
+        nread = fread( &hdr, 1, TRCBYTES, fp );
+        if (nread==0) break;
+        if ( != gy) {
+            gy =;
+            ny++;
+        }
+    }
+    fclose(fp);
+    free(trace);
+    *n3 = ny;
+    *n2 = ntraces/ny;
+    *d3 = ((float)(gy-gy0))/((float)ny);
+    if ( NINT(100.0*((*d1)/(*d3)))!=100 ) {
+        verr("dx and dy are different in the model !");
+    }
+    if (verbose>2) {
+        vmess("For file %s", file_name);
+        vmess("nz=%li nx=%li ny=%li", *n1, *n2, *n3);
+        vmess("dz=%f dx=%f dy=%li", *d1, *d2, *d3);
+        vmess("min=%f max=%f", *min, *max);
+        vmess("zstart=%f xstart=%f ystart=%f", *f1, *f2, *f3);
+        if (*axis) vmess("sample represent z-axis\n");
+        else vmess("sample represent x-axis\n");
+    }
+    return 0;
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/getParameters.c b/fdelmodc3D/getParameters.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5cec11b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/getParameters.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1247 @@
+#define MAX(x,y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
+#define MIN(x,y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
+#define NINT(x) ((long)((x)>0.0?(x)+0.5:(x)-0.5))
+*  The routine getParameters reads in all parameters to set up a FD modeling.
+*  Model and source parameters are used to calculate stability and dispersion relations
+*  Source and receiver positions are calculated and checked if they fit into the model.
+*   AUTHOR:
+*           Jan Thorbecke (
+*           The Netherlands
+float gaussGen();
+long loptncr(long n);
+int getModelInfo(char *file_name, int *n1, int *n2, float *d1, float *d2, float *f1, float *f2, float *min, float *max, int *axis, int zeroch, int verbose);
+int getWaveletInfo(char *file_src, int *n1, int *n2, float *d1, float *d2, float *f1, float *f2, float *fmax, int *nxm, int verbose);
+int getWaveletHeaders(char *file_src, int n1, int n2, float *gx, float *sx, float *gelev, float *selev, int verbose);
+int recvPar(recPar *rec, float sub_x0, float sub_z0, float dx, float dz, int nx, int nz);
+int writesufile(char *filename, float *data, int n1, int n2, float f1, float f2, float d1, float d2);
+int getParameters(modPar *mod, recPar *rec, snaPar *sna, wavPar *wav, srcPar *src, shotPar *shot, bndPar *bnd, int verbose)
+	int isnapmax1, isnapmax2, isnapmax, sna_nrsna;
+	int n1, n2, nx, nz, nsrc, ix, axis, ioPz, is0, optn;
+	int idzshot, idxshot, nsrctext;
+	int src_ix0, src_iz0, src_ix1, src_iz1;
+	int disable_check;
+	float cp_min, cp_max, cs_min, cs_max, ro_min, ro_max;
+	float stabfactor,dispfactor, cmin, dt, fmax, scl, wfct, tapfact;
+	float zstart, xstart,d1,d2,f1,f2,sub_x0,sub_z0;
+	float srcendx, srcendz, dx, dz;
+	float xsrc, zsrc, dxshot, dzshot, dtshot;
+	float dxrcv,dzrcv,dxspread,dzspread;
+	float tsnap1, tsnap2, dtsnap, dxsnap, dzsnap, dtrcv;
+	float xsnap1, xsnap2, zsnap1, zsnap2, xmax, zmax;
+	float xsrc1, xsrc2, zsrc1, zsrc2, tsrc1, tsrc2, tlength, tactive;
+	float src_angle, src_velo, p, grad2rad, rdelay, scaledt;
+	float *xsrca, *zsrca, rrcv;
+	float rsrc, oxsrc, ozsrc, dphisrc, ncsrc;
+	size_t nsamp;
+	int i, j;
+	int cfree;
+	int tapleft,tapright,taptop,tapbottom;
+	int nxsrc, nzsrc;
+	int largeSUfile;
+	int is,ntraces,length_random;
+	float rand;
+	char *src_positions, tmpname[1024];
+	char* src_txt;
+	FILE *fp;
+	if (!getparint("verbose",&verbose)) verbose=0;
+	if (!getparint("disable_check",&disable_check)) disable_check=0;
+	if (!getparint("iorder",&mod->iorder)) mod->iorder=4;
+	if (!getparint("ischeme",&mod->ischeme)) mod->ischeme=3;
+    if (!getparint("sh",&mod->sh)) mod->sh=0;
+	if (!getparstring("file_cp",&mod->file_cp)) {
+		verr("parameter file_cp required!");
+	}
+	if (!getparstring("file_den",&mod->file_ro)) {
+		verr("parameter file_den required!");
+	}
+	if (mod->ischeme>2 && mod->ischeme!=5) {
+		if (!getparstring("file_cs",&mod->file_cs)) {
+			verr("parameter file_cs required!");
+		}
+	}
+	if (!getparstring("file_src",&wav->file_src)) wav->file_src=NULL;
+//	if (!getparstring("file_Fx",&wav->file_Fx)) wav->file_Fx=NULL;
+//	if (!getparstring("file_Fz",&wav->file_Fz)) wav->file_Fz=NULL;
+	if (!getparstring("file_snap",&sna->file_snap)) sna->file_snap="";
+	if (!getparstring("file_beam",&sna->file_beam)) sna->file_beam="";
+	if (!getparstring("file_rcv",&rec->file_rcv)) rec->file_rcv="";
+	if (!getparint("grid_dir",&mod->grid_dir)) mod->grid_dir=0;
+	if (!getparint("src_at_rcv",&src->src_at_rcv)) src->src_at_rcv=1;
+	/* read model parameters, which are used to set up source and receivers and check stability */
+	getModelInfo(mod->file_cp, &nz, &nx, &dz, &dx, &sub_z0, &sub_x0, &cp_min, &cp_max, &axis, 1, verbose);
+	getModelInfo(mod->file_ro, &n1, &n2, &d1, &d2, &zstart, &xstart, &ro_min, &ro_max, &axis, 0, verbose);
+	mod->cp_max = cp_max;
+	mod->cp_min = cp_min;
+	mod->ro_max = ro_max;
+	mod->ro_min = ro_min;
+	assert( (ro_min != 0.0) );
+	if (NINT(100*(dx/d2)) != 100) 
+		vwarn("dx differs for file_cp and file_den!");
+	if (NINT(100*(dz/d1)) != 100) 
+		vwarn("dz differs for file_cp and file_den!");
+	if (nx != n2) 
+		vwarn("nx differs for file_cp and file_den!");
+	if (nz != n1) 
+		vwarn("nz differs for file_cp and file_den!");
+	if (mod->ischeme>2 && mod->ischeme!=5) {
+		getModelInfo(mod->file_cs, &n1, &n2, &d1, &d2, &zstart, &xstart, &cs_min, &cs_max, &axis, 1, verbose);
+		mod->cs_max = cs_max;
+		mod->cs_min = cs_min;
+		if (NINT(100*(dx/d2)) != 100) 
+			vwarn("dx differs for file_cp and file_cs!");
+		if (NINT(100*(dz/d1)) != 100) 
+			vwarn("dz differs for file_cp and file_cs!");
+		if (nx != n2) 
+			vwarn("nx differs for file_cp and file_cs!");
+		if (nz != n1) 
+			vwarn("nz differs for file_cp and file_cs!");
+	}
+	if (mod->ischeme==5) {
+		cs_max=0.0; cs_min=0.0;
+		mod->cs_max = cs_max;
+		mod->cs_min = cs_min;
+	}
+	mod->dz = dz;
+	mod->dx = dx;
+	mod->nz = nz;
+	mod->nx = nx;
+	/* define wavelet(s), modeling time and wavelet maximum frequency */
+	if (wav->file_src!=NULL) {
+		getWaveletInfo(wav->file_src, &wav->ns, &wav->nx, &wav->ds, &d2, &f1, &f2, &fmax, &ntraces, verbose);
+		if (wav->ds <= 0.0) {
+			vwarn("dt in wavelet (file_src) equal to 0.0 or negative.");
+			vwarn("Use parameter dt= to overule dt from file_src.");
+		}
+        wav->nt = wav->ns;
+		wav->dt = wav->ds;
+		if(!getparfloat("tmod",&mod->tmod)) mod->tmod = (wav->nt-1)*wav->dt;
+		if(!getparfloat("dt",&mod->dt)) mod->dt=wav->dt;
+        if (NINT(wav->ds*1000000) != NINT(mod->dt*1000000)) {
+			if (wav->dt > mod->dt) {
+				scaledt = wav->dt/mod->dt;
+				scaledt = floorf(wav->dt/mod->dt);
+    			optn = optncr(wav->ns);
+				wav->nt  = floorf(scaledt*optn);
+				vmess("file_src dt-scalefactor=%f : wav.dt=%e ==interpolated==> mod.dt=%e", scaledt, wav->dt, mod->dt);
+				wav->dt = mod->dt;
+			}
+			else {
+				wav->dt = mod->dt; /* in case if wav.dt is smaller than 1e-7 and can not be read by SU-getpar */
+			}
+		}
+		if(!getparfloat("fmax",&wav->fmax)) wav->fmax=fmax;
+	}
+	else {
+		fmax = 50;
+		if(!getparfloat("dt",&mod->dt)) verr("dt must be given or use file_src=");
+		if(!getparfloat("tmod",&mod->tmod)) verr("tmod must be given");
+		if(!getparfloat("fmax",&wav->fmax)) wav->fmax=fmax;
+		fmax = wav->fmax;
+		wav->dt=mod->dt;
+	}
+	assert(mod->dt!=0.0);
+	/* check if receiver delays is defined; option inactive: add delay time to total modeling time */
+	if (!getparfloat("rec_delay",&rdelay)) rdelay=0.0;
+	rec->delay=NINT(rdelay/mod->dt);
+//	mod->tmod += rdelay;
+	mod->nt = NINT(mod->tmod/mod->dt);
+	dt = mod->dt;
+	if (!getparint("src_type",&src->type)) src->type=1;
+	if (!getparint("src_orient",&src->orient)) {
+		src->orient=1;
+		if (getparint("dipsrc",&src->orient)) src->orient=2; // for compatability with DELPHI's fdacmod
+	}
+	if (mod->ischeme<=2) {
+		if (src->type>1 && src->type<6)
+			verr("Invalid src_type for acoustic scheme!");
+	}
+	if (mod->ischeme==2 || mod->ischeme==4) {
+		if (!getparstring("file_qp",&mod->file_qp)) mod->file_qp=NULL;
+		if (!getparstring("file_qs",&mod->file_qs)) mod->file_qs=NULL;
+		if (!getparfloat("Qp",&mod->Qp)) mod->Qp=1;
+		if (!getparfloat("Qs",&mod->Qs)) mod->Qs=mod->Qp;
+		if (!getparfloat("fw",&mod->fw)) mod->fw=0.5*wav->fmax;
+	}
+	/* dissipative medium option for Evert */
+	if (mod->ischeme==-1) {
+		if (!getparfloat("qr",&mod->qr)) mod->qr=0.1;
+	}
+	assert(src->type > 0);
+/* dispersion factor to 10 points per wavelength (2nd order)
+   or 5 points per wavelength (4th order) */
+	if (mod->iorder == 2) {
+		dispfactor=10;
+		stabfactor = 1.0/sqrt(2.0);
+	}
+	else {
+		dispfactor = 5;
+		stabfactor = 0.606; /* courant number */
+	}
+    /* origin of model in real (non-grid) coordinates */
+	mod->x0 = sub_x0;
+	mod->z0 = sub_z0;
+	xmax = sub_x0+(nx-1)*dx;
+	zmax = sub_z0+(nz-1)*dz;
+	if (verbose) {
+		vmess("*******************************************");
+		vmess("************** general info ***************");
+		vmess("*******************************************");
+		vmess("tmod    = %f",mod->tmod);
+		vmess("ntsam   = %d   dt      = %f(%e)",mod->nt, mod->dt, mod->dt);
+		if (mod->ischeme == 1) vmess("Acoustic staggered grid, pressure/velocity");
+		if (mod->ischeme == 2) vmess("Visco-Acoustic staggered grid, pressure/velocity");
+		if (mod->ischeme == 3) vmess("Elastic staggered grid, stress/velocity");
+		if (mod->ischeme == 4) vmess("Visco-Elastic staggered grid, stress/velocity");
+		if (mod->ischeme == 5) vmess("Acoustic staggered grid, Txx/Tzz/velocity");
+		if (mod->grid_dir) vmess("Time reversed modelling");
+		else vmess("Forward modelling");
+		vmess("*******************************************");
+		vmess("*************** model info ****************");
+		vmess("*******************************************");
+		vmess("nz      = %8d   nx      = %8d", nz, nx);
+		vmess("dz      = %8.4f   dx      = %8.4f", dz, dx);
+		vmess("zmin    = %8.4f   zmax    = %8.4f", sub_z0, zmax);
+		vmess("xmin    = %8.4f   xmax    = %8.4f", sub_x0, xmax);
+		vmess("min(cp) = %9.3f  max(cp) = %9.3f", cp_min, cp_max);
+		if (mod->ischeme>2 && mod->ischeme!=5) vmess("min(cs) = %9.3f  max(cs) = %9.3f", cs_min, cs_max);
+		vmess("min(ro) = %9.3f  max(ro) = %9.3f", ro_min, ro_max);
+		if (mod->ischeme==2 || mod->ischeme==4) {
+			if (mod->file_qp!=NULL) vmess("Qp from file %s   ", mod->file_qp);
+			else vmess("Qp      = %9.3f   ", mod->Qp);
+			vmess("at freq = %5.3f", mod->fw);
+		}
+		if (mod->ischeme==4) {
+			if (mod->file_qs!=NULL) vmess("Qs from file %s   ", mod->file_qs);
+			else vmess("Qs      = %9.3f ", mod->Qs);
+			vmess("at freq = %5.3f", mod->fw);
+		}
+	}
+	if (mod->ischeme <= 2) {
+		cmin = cp_min;
+	}
+	else {
+		cmin = cs_min; 
+		if ( (cmin<1e-20) || (cp_min<cs_min) ) cmin=cp_min;
+	}
+	if (verbose) {
+		vmess("*******************************************");
+		vmess("******** dispersion and stability *********");
+		vmess("*******************************************");
+		vmess("Dispersion criterion is %3d points per wavelength: ", NINT(dispfactor));
+		vmess(" ====> wavelength > %f m [dx*disp]", dx*dispfactor);
+//		vmess("The minimum velocity in the model is %f",cmin);
+//		vmess("Hence, for acceptable grid-dispersion the maximum");
+		vmess("The maximum frequency in source wavelet must be:");
+		vmess(" ====> frequency < %f Hz. [Cmin/dx*disp]", cmin/(dx*dispfactor));
+		vmess("Stability criterion for current settings: ");
+		vmess(" ====> Cp < %f m/s [dx*disp/dt]", dx*stabfactor/dt);
+//		vmess("With dt = %f  maximum velocity = %f",dt, dx*stabfactor/dt);
+		if (wav->file_src != NULL) vmess(" For wavelet(s) in file_src fmax = %f", fmax);
+		vmess("Optimal discretisation for current model:");
+		vmess(" With maximum velocity  = %f dt <= %e", cp_max,dx*stabfactor/cp_max);
+		vmess(" With maximum frequency = %f dx <= %e", wav->fmax, cmin/(wav->fmax*dispfactor));
+	}
+	/* Check stability and dispersion setting */
+	if (cp_max > dx*stabfactor/dt) {
+		vwarn("************ ! Stability ! ****************");
+		vwarn("From the input file maximum P-wave velocity");
+		vwarn("in the current model is %f !!", cp_max);
+		vwarn("Hence, adjust dx >= %.4f,",cp_max*dt/stabfactor);
+		vwarn("    or adjust dt <= %f,",dx*stabfactor/cp_max);
+		vwarn("    or lower the maximum velocity below %.3f m/s.",dx*stabfactor/dt);
+		vwarn("***************** !!! *********************");
+		if (!disable_check) verr("********* leaving program *********");
+	}
+	if (wav->fmax > cmin/(dx*dispfactor)) {
+		vwarn("*********** ! Dispersion ! ****************");
+		vwarn("The maximum frequency in the source wavelet is");
+		vwarn("%.3f for stable modeling fmax < %.3f ", wav->fmax, cmin/(dx*dispfactor));
+		vwarn("Hence, adjust dx <= %.4f",cmin/(wav->fmax*dispfactor));
+		vwarn("  or adjust fmax <= %f (overruled with parameter fmax=),",cmin/(dx*dispfactor));
+		vwarn("  or increase the minimum velocity above %.3f m/s.",dx*dispfactor*wav->fmax);
+		vwarn("***************** !!! *********************");
+		if (!disable_check) verr("********* leaving program *********");
+	}
+	/* to support old parameter interface */
+	if (!getparint("cfree",&cfree)) taptop=1;
+	if (!getparint("tapleft",&tapleft)) tapleft=0;
+	if (!getparint("tapright",&tapright)) tapright=0;
+	if (!getparint("taptop",&taptop)) taptop=0;
+	if (!getparint("tapbottom",&tapbottom)) tapbottom=0;
+	if (tapleft) bnd->lef=4;
+    else bnd->lef=1;
+	if (tapright) bnd->rig=4;
+    else bnd->rig=1;
+	if (taptop) bnd->top=4;
+    else bnd->top=1;
+	if (tapbottom) bnd->bot=4;
+    else bnd->bot=1;
+	/* define the type of boundaries */
+	/* 1=free 2=pml 3=rigid 4=taper */
+	if (!getparint("left",&bnd->lef) && !tapleft) bnd->lef=4;
+	if (!getparint("right",&bnd->rig)&& !tapright) bnd->rig=4;
+	if (!getparint("top",&bnd->top) && !taptop) bnd->top=1;
+	if (!getparint("bottom",&bnd->bot) && !tapbottom) bnd->bot=4;
+    /* calculate default taper length to be three wavelenghts */
+	if (!getparint("ntaper",&bnd->ntap)) bnd->ntap=0; // bnd->ntap=3*NINT((cp_max/wav->fmax)/dx);
+	if (!bnd->ntap) if (!getparint("npml",&bnd->ntap)) bnd->ntap=3*NINT((cp_max/wav->fmax)/dx);
+	if (!getparfloat("R",&bnd->R)) bnd->R=1e-5;
+	if (!getparfloat("m",&bnd->m)) bnd->m=2.0;
+	bnd->npml=bnd->ntap;
+	if (!getparint("boundary",&boundary)) boundary=1;
+	for (ibnd=0;ibnd<4;ibnd++) {
+		if (boundary == 1) {
+			bnd->free[ibnd]=1;
+			bnd->rig[ibnd]=0;
+			bnd->tap[ibnd]=0;
+		}
+		else if (boundary == 3) {
+			bnd->free[ibnd]=0;
+			bnd->rig[ibnd]=1;
+			bnd->tap[ibnd]=0;
+		}
+		else if (boundary == 4) {
+			bnd->free[ibnd]=0;
+			bnd->rig[ibnd]=0;
+			bnd->tap[ibnd]=bnd->ntap;
+		}
+	}
+	if (!getparint("tapleft",&tapleft)) tapleft=0;
+	if (!getparint("tapright",&tapright)) tapright=0;
+	if (!getparint("taptop",&taptop)) taptop=0;
+	if (!getparint("tapbottom",&tapbottom)) tapbottom=0;
+	if (tapleft) {
+		bnd->free[3]=0;
+		bnd->rig[3]=0;
+		bnd->tap[3]=bnd->ntap;
+	}
+	else {
+		bnd->tap[3]=0;
+		bnd->free[3]=1;
+	}
+	if (tapright) {
+		bnd->free[1]=0;
+		bnd->rig[1]=0;
+		bnd->tap[1]=bnd->ntap;
+	}
+	else {
+		bnd->tap[1]=0;
+		bnd->free[1]=1;
+	}
+	if (taptop) {
+		bnd->free[0]=0;
+		bnd->rig[0]=0;
+		bnd->tap[0]=bnd->ntap;
+	}
+	else {
+		bnd->tap[0]=0;
+		bnd->free[0]=1;
+	}
+	if (tapbottom) {
+		bnd->free[2]=0;
+		bnd->rig[2]=0;
+		bnd->tap[2]=bnd->ntap;
+	}
+	else {
+		bnd->tap[2]=0;
+		bnd->free[2]=1;
+	}
+	if (cfree) {
+		bnd->free[0]=1;
+		bnd->rig[0]=0;
+		bnd->tap[0]=0;
+	}
+	if (bnd->ntap) {
+		bnd->tapx  = (float *)malloc(bnd->ntap*sizeof(float));
+		bnd->tapz  = (float *)malloc(bnd->ntap*sizeof(float));
+		bnd->tapxz = (float *)malloc(bnd->ntap*bnd->ntap*sizeof(float));
+        if(!getparfloat("tapfact",&tapfact)) tapfact=0.30;
+		scl = tapfact/((float)bnd->ntap);
+		for (i=0; i<bnd->ntap; i++) {
+			wfct = (scl*i);
+			bnd->tapx[i] = exp(-(wfct*wfct));
+			wfct = (scl*(i+0.5));
+			bnd->tapz[i] = exp(-(wfct*wfct));
+		}
+		for (j=0; j<bnd->ntap; j++) {
+			for (i=0; i<bnd->ntap; i++) {
+				wfct = (scl*sqrt(i*i+j*j));
+				bnd->tapxz[j*bnd->ntap+i] = exp(-(wfct*wfct));
+			}
+		}
+	}
+/* To write tapers for in manual 
+    free(bnd->tapx);
+    bnd->tapx  = (float *)malloc(20*bnd->ntap*sizeof(float));
+    for (j=0; j<20; j++) {
+        tapfact = j*0.1;
+        scl = tapfact/((float)bnd->ntap);
+        for (i=0; i<bnd->ntap; i++) {
+            wfct = (scl*i);
+            bnd->tapx[j*bnd->ntap+i] = exp(-(wfct*wfct));
+        }
+    }
+    writesufile("", bnd->tapx, bnd->ntap, 20, 0.0, 0.0, 1, 1);
+    /* Vx: rox */
+	mod->ioXx=mod->iorder/2;
+	mod->ioXz=mod->iorder/2-1;
+	/* Vz: roz */
+    mod->ioZx=mod->iorder/2-1;
+	mod->ioZz=mod->iorder/2;
+	/* P, Txx, Tzz: lam, l2m */
+	mod->ioPx=mod->iorder/2-1;
+	mod->ioPz=mod->ioPx;
+	/* Txz: mul */
+	mod->ioTx=mod->iorder/2;
+	mod->ioTz=mod->ioTx;
+    /* end loop iteration in FD kernels */
+    /* Vx: rox */
+	mod->ieXx=nx+mod->ioXx;
+	mod->ieXz=nz+mod->ioXz;
+	/* Vz: roz */
+	mod->ieZx=nx+mod->ioZx;
+    mod->ieZz=nz+mod->ioZz;
+	/* P, Txx, Tzz: lam, l2m */
+	mod->iePx=nx+mod->ioPx;
+	mod->iePz=nz+mod->ioPz;
+	/* Txz: muu */
+	mod->ieTx=nx+mod->ioTx;
+	mod->ieTz=nz+mod->ioTz;
+    mod->naz = mod->nz+mod->iorder;
+    mod->nax = mod->nx+mod->iorder;
+    /* for tapered and PML extra points are needed at the boundaries of the model */
+    if (bnd->top==4 || bnd->top==2) {
+        mod->naz  += bnd->ntap; 
+        mod->ioXz += bnd->ntap;
+        mod->ioZz += bnd->ntap;
+        mod->ieXz += bnd->ntap;
+        mod->ieZz += bnd->ntap;
+        /* For P/Tzz, Txx and Txz fields the tapered boundaries are calculated in the main kernels */
+        //mod->ioPz += bnd->ntap;
+//        mod->ioTz += bnd->ntap;
+        mod->iePz += bnd->ntap;
+        mod->ieTz += bnd->ntap;
+    }
+    if (bnd->bot==4 || bnd->bot==2) {
+        mod->naz += bnd->ntap;
+        /* For P/Tzz, Txx and Txz fields the tapered boundaries are calculated in the main kernels */
+        mod->iePz += bnd->ntap;
+        mod->ieTz += bnd->ntap;
+    }
+    if (bnd->lef==4 || bnd->lef==2) {
+        mod->nax += bnd->ntap;
+        mod->ioXx += bnd->ntap;
+        mod->ioZx += bnd->ntap;
+        mod->ieXx += bnd->ntap;
+        mod->ieZx += bnd->ntap;
+        /* For Tzz, Txx and Txz fields the tapered boundaries are calculated in the main kernels */
+//        mod->ioPx += bnd->ntap;
+//        mod->ioTx += bnd->ntap;
+        mod->iePx += bnd->ntap;
+        mod->ieTx += bnd->ntap;
+    }
+    if (bnd->rig==4 || bnd->rig==2) {
+        mod->nax += bnd->ntap;
+        /* For P/Tzz, Txx and Txz fields the tapered boundaries are calculated in the main kernels */
+        mod->iePx += bnd->ntap;
+        mod->ieTx += bnd->ntap;
+    }    
+     fprintf(stderr,"ioXx=%d ieXx=%d\n", mod->ioXx, mod->ieXx);
+     fprintf(stderr,"ioZx=%d ieZx=%d\n", mod->ioZx, mod->ieZx);
+     fprintf(stderr,"ioPx=%d iePx=%d\n", mod->ioPx, mod->iePx);
+     fprintf(stderr,"ioTx=%d ieTx=%d\n", mod->ioTx, mod->ieTx);
+     fprintf(stderr,"ioXz=%d ieXz=%d\n", mod->ioXz, mod->ieXz);
+     fprintf(stderr,"ioZz=%d ieZz=%d\n", mod->ioZz, mod->ieZz);
+     fprintf(stderr,"ioPz=%d iePz=%d\n", mod->ioPz, mod->iePz);
+     fprintf(stderr,"ioTz=%d ieTz=%d\n", mod->ioTz, mod->ieTz);
+	/* Intialize the array which contains the topography surface */
+    if (bnd->top==4 || bnd->top==2) ioPz=mod->ioPz - bnd->ntap;
+	else ioPz=mod->ioPz;
+	ioPz=mod->ioPz;
+	bnd->surface = (int *)malloc((mod->nax+mod->naz)*sizeof(int));
+	for (ix=0; ix<mod->nax+mod->naz; ix++) {
+		bnd->surface[ix] = ioPz;
+	}
+	if (verbose) {
+		vmess("*******************************************");
+		vmess("************* boundary info ***************");
+		vmess("*******************************************");
+		vmess("***  1=free 2=pml 3=rigid 4=tapered     ***");
+		vmess("Top boundary    : %d",bnd->top);
+		vmess("Left boundary   : %d",bnd->lef);
+		vmess("Right boundary  : %d",bnd->rig);
+		vmess("Bottom boundary : %d",bnd->bot);
+        vmess("taper lenght = %d points",bnd->ntap);
+	}
+	/* define the number and type of shots to model */
+	/* each shot can have multiple sources arranged in different ways */
+	if (!getparfloat("xsrc",&xsrc)) xsrc=sub_x0+((nx-1)*dx)/2.0;
+	if (!getparfloat("zsrc",&zsrc)) zsrc=sub_z0;
+//	if (!getparint("nsrc",&nsrc)) nsrc=1;
+	if (!getparint("nshot",&shot->n)) shot->n=1;
+	if (!getparfloat("dxshot",&dxshot)) dxshot=dx;
+	if (!getparfloat("dzshot",&dzshot)) dzshot=0.0;
+	if (!getparfloat("dip",&src->dip)) src->dip=0.0;
+	if (!getparfloat("strike",&src->strike)) src->strike=1.0;
+	if (src->strike>=0) src->strike=0.5*M_PI;
+	else src->strike = -0.5*M_PI;
+	src->dip = M_PI*(src->dip/180.0);
+	if (shot->n>1) {
+		idxshot=MAX(0,NINT(dxshot/dx));
+		idzshot=MAX(0,NINT(dzshot/dz));
+	}
+	else {
+		idxshot=0.0;
+		idzshot=0.0;
+	}
+	/* calculate the shot positions */
+	src_ix0=MAX(0,NINT((xsrc-sub_x0)/dx));
+	src_ix0=MIN(src_ix0,nx);
+	src_iz0=MAX(0,NINT((zsrc-sub_z0)/dz));
+	src_iz0=MIN(src_iz0,nz);
+	srcendx=(shot->n-1)*dxshot+xsrc;
+	srcendz=(shot->n-1)*dzshot+zsrc;
+	src_ix1=MAX(0,NINT((srcendx-sub_x0)/dx));
+	src_ix1=MIN(src_ix1,nx);
+	src_iz1=MAX(0,NINT((srcendz-sub_z0)/dz));
+	src_iz1=MIN(src_iz1,nz);
+	shot->x = (int *)calloc(shot->n,sizeof(int));
+	shot->z = (int *)calloc(shot->n,sizeof(int));
+	for (is=0; is<shot->n; is++) {
+		shot->x[is] = src_ix0+is*idxshot;
+		shot->z[is] = src_iz0+is*idzshot;
+		if (shot->x[is] > nx-1) shot->n = is-1;
+		if (shot->z[is] > nz-1) shot->n = is-1;
+	}
+	/* check if source array is defined */
+	nxsrc = countparval("xsrca");
+	nzsrc = countparval("zsrca");
+	if (nxsrc != nzsrc) {
+		verr("Number of sources in array xsrca (%d), zsrca(%d) are not equal",nxsrc, nzsrc);
+	}
+	/* source positions defined through txt file */
+   	if (!getparstring("src_txt",&src_txt)) src_txt=NULL;
+	/* check if sources on a circle are defined */
+	if (getparfloat("rsrc", &rsrc)) {
+		if (!getparfloat("dphisrc",&dphisrc)) dphisrc=2.0;
+		if (!getparfloat("oxsrc",&oxsrc)) oxsrc=0.0;
+		if (!getparfloat("ozsrc",&ozsrc)) ozsrc=0.0;
+		ncsrc = NINT(360.0/dphisrc);
+        src->n = nsrc;
+		src->x = (int *)malloc(ncsrc*sizeof(int));
+		src->z = (int *)malloc(ncsrc*sizeof(int));
+		for (ix=0; ix<ncsrc; ix++) {
+			src->x[ix] = NINT((oxsrc-sub_x0+rsrc*cos(((ix*dphisrc)/360.0)*(2.0*M_PI)))/dx);
+			src->z[ix] = NINT((ozsrc-sub_z0+rsrc*sin(((ix*dphisrc)/360.0)*(2.0*M_PI)))/dz);
+			if (verbose>4) fprintf(stderr,"Source on Circle: xsrc[%d]=%d zsrc=%d\n", ix, src->x[ix], src->z[ix]);
+		}
+	}
+    /* TO DO propagate src_positions parameter and structure through code */
+	if (!getparstring("src_positions",&src_positions)) src_positions="single";
+	wav->random=0;
+	src->random=0;
+	src->plane=0;
+	src->array=0;
+	src->single=0;
+	if (strstr(src_positions, "single")) src->single=1;
+	else if (strstr(src_positions, "array")) src->array=1;
+	else if (strstr(src_positions, "random")) src->random=1;
+	else if (strstr(src_positions, "plane")) src->plane=1;
+	else src->single=1;
+	/* to maintain functionality of older parameters usage */
+	if (!getparint("src_random",&src->random)) src->random=0;
+	if (!getparint("plane_wave",&src->plane)) src->plane=0;
+	if (src->random) {
+		if (!getparint("wav_random",&wav->random)) wav->random=1;
+		src->plane=0;
+		src->array=0;
+		src->single=0;
+	}
+	else {
+		if (!getparint("wav_random",&wav->random)) wav->random=0;
+	}
+	if (src->plane) {
+		src->random=0;
+		src->array=0;
+		src->single=0;
+	}
+	if (!wav->random) assert (wav->file_src != NULL);
+	if (wav->random) {
+		wav->nt=mod->nt;
+		wav->dt=mod->dt;
+		wav->nx=1;
+	}
+	/* number of sources per shot modeling */
+	if (!getparint("src_window",&src->window)) src->window=0;
+	if (!getparfloat("src_angle",&src_angle)) src_angle=0.;
+	if (!getparfloat("src_velo",&src_velo)) src_velo=1500.;
+	if (!getparint("distribution",&src->distribution)) src->distribution=0;
+	if (!getparint("src_multiwav",&src->multiwav)) src->multiwav=0;
+	if (!getparfloat("amplitude", &src->amplitude)) src->amplitude=0.0;
+	if (!getparfloat("tlength", &tlength)) tlength=mod->dt*(mod->nt-1);
+    if (!getparint("src_injectionrate", &src->injectionrate)) src->injectionrate=0;
+	if (src->random && nxsrc==0) {
+		if (!getparint("nsrc",&nsrc)) nsrc=1;
+		if (!getparint("seed",&wav->seed)) wav->seed=10;
+		if (!getparfloat("xsrc1", &xsrc1)) xsrc1=sub_x0;
+		if (!getparfloat("xsrc2", &xsrc2)) xsrc2=xmax;
+		if (!getparfloat("zsrc1", &zsrc1)) zsrc1=sub_z0;
+		if (!getparfloat("zsrc2", &zsrc2)) zsrc2=zmax;
+		if (!getparfloat("tsrc1", &tsrc1)) tsrc1=0.0;
+		if (!getparfloat("tsrc2", &tsrc2)) tsrc2=mod->tmod;
+		if (!getparfloat("tactive", &tactive)) tactive=tsrc2;
+		tsrc2  = MIN(tsrc2, mod->tmod);
+		if (!getparfloat("tlength", &tlength)) tlength=tsrc2-tsrc1;
+		if (!getparint("length_random", &length_random)) length_random=1;
+		dxshot = xsrc2-xsrc1;
+		dzshot = zsrc2-zsrc1;
+		dtshot = tsrc2-tsrc1;
+		if (wav->random) {
+			if (!getparint("src_multiwav",&src->multiwav)) src->multiwav=1;
+			if (src->multiwav) wav->nx = nsrc;
+			else wav->nx = 1;
+		}
+		if (wav->random) wav->nt = NINT(tlength/mod->dt)+1;
+		src->tbeg = (float *)malloc(nsrc*sizeof(float));
+		src->tend = (float *)malloc(nsrc*sizeof(float));
+		wav->nsamp = (size_t *)malloc((nsrc+1)*sizeof(size_t));
+		src->x = (int *)malloc(nsrc*sizeof(int));
+		src->z = (int *)malloc(nsrc*sizeof(int));
+		nsamp = 0;
+		srand48(wav->seed);
+		for (is=0; is<nsrc; is++) {
+			rand = (float)drand48();
+			src->x[is] = NINT((xsrc1+rand*dxshot-sub_x0)/dx);
+			rand = (float)drand48();
+			src->z[is] = NINT((zsrc1+rand*dzshot-sub_z0)/dz);
+			if (length_random) rand = (float)drand48();
+			else rand = 0.0;
+			src->tbeg[is] = tsrc1+rand*(dtshot);
+			if (wav->random) {
+				if (src->distribution) rand = fabsf(tlength+gaussGen()*tlength);
+				else rand = (float)drand48()*tlength;
+				if (length_random!=1) rand = tlength;
+				src->tend[is] = MIN(src->tbeg[is]+rand, tactive);
+				wav->nsamp[is] = (size_t)(NINT((src->tend[is]-src->tbeg[is])/mod->dt)+1);
+			}
+			else {
+				src->tend[is] = MIN(src->tbeg[is]+(wav->nt-1)*wav->dt,mod->tmod);
+				wav->nsamp[is] = wav->nt;
+			}
+			nsamp += wav->nsamp[is];
+			if (verbose>3) {
+				vmess("Random xsrc=%f zsrc=%f src_tbeg=%f src_tend=%f nsamp=%ld",src->x[is]*dx, src->z[is]*dz, src->tbeg[is], src->tend[is], wav->nsamp[is]);
+			}
+		}
+		wav->nsamp[nsrc] = nsamp; /* put total number of samples in last position */
+		wav->nst = nsamp; /* put total number of samples in nst part */
+/* write time and length of source signals */
+		if (verbose>3) {
+			float *dum;
+			dum = (float *)calloc(mod->nt, sizeof(float));
+			for (is=0; is<nsrc; is++) {
+				dum[(int)floor(src->tbeg[is]/mod->dt)] = src->tend[is]-src->tbeg[is];
+			}
+			FILE *fp;
+			sprintf(tmpname,"srcTimeLengthN=%d.bin",mod->nt);
+			fp = fopen(tmpname, "w+");
+			fwrite(dum, sizeof(float), mod->nt, fp);
+			fclose(fp);
+			free(dum);
+		}
+	}
+	else if ( (nxsrc != 0) || (src_txt != NULL) ) {
+		/* source array is defined */
+	    if (src_txt!=NULL) {
+    	    /* Sources from a Text File */
+            /* Open text file */
+		    nsrctext=0;
+            fp=fopen(src_txt,"r");
+            assert(fp!=NULL);
+            /* Get number of lines */
+            while (!feof(fp)) if (fgetc(fp)=='\n') nsrctext++;
+            fseek(fp,-1,SEEK_CUR);
+            if (fgetc(fp)!='\n') nsrctext++; /* Checks if last line terminated by /n */
+            if (verbose) vmess("Number of sources in src_txt file: %d",nsrctext);
+            rewind(fp);
+		    nsrc=nsrctext;
+        }
+        else {
+		    nsrc=nxsrc;
+        }
+		/* Allocate arrays */
+		src->x = (int *)malloc(nsrc*sizeof(int));
+		src->z = (int *)malloc(nsrc*sizeof(int));
+		src->tbeg = (float *)malloc(nsrc*sizeof(float));
+		src->tend = (float *)malloc(nsrc*sizeof(float));
+		xsrca = (float *)malloc(nsrc*sizeof(float));
+		zsrca = (float *)malloc(nsrc*sizeof(float));
+	    if (src_txt!=NULL) {
+			/* Read in source coordinates */
+			for (i=0;i<nsrc;i++) {
+				if (fscanf(fp,"%e %e\n",&xsrca[i],&zsrca[i])!=2) vmess("Source Text File: Can not parse coordinates on line %d.",i);
+			}
+			/* Close file */
+			fclose(fp);
+        }
+		else {
+			getparfloat("xsrca", xsrca);
+			getparfloat("zsrca", zsrca);
+        }
+		/* Process coordinates */
+		for (is=0; is<nsrc; is++) {
+			src->x[is] = NINT((xsrca[is]-sub_x0)/dx);
+			src->z[is] = NINT((zsrca[is]-sub_z0)/dz);
+			src->tbeg[is] = 0.0;
+			src->tend[is] = (wav->nt-1)*wav->dt;
+			if (verbose>3) fprintf(stderr,"Source Array: xsrc[%d]=%f zsrc=%f\n", is, xsrca[is], zsrca[is]);
+		}
+		src->random = 1;
+		wav->nsamp = (size_t *)malloc((nsrc+1)*sizeof(size_t));
+		if (wav->random) {
+			if (!getparint("src_multiwav",&src->multiwav)) src->multiwav=1;
+			if (src->multiwav) wav->nx = nsrc;
+			else wav->nx = 1;
+			wav->nt = NINT(tlength/mod->dt)+1;
+			nsamp=0;
+			for (is=0; is<nsrc; is++) {
+				rand = (float)drand48()*tlength;
+				src->tend[is] = MIN(src->tbeg[is]+rand, mod->tmod);
+				wav->nsamp[is] = (size_t)(NINT((src->tend[is]-src->tbeg[is])/mod->dt)+1);
+				nsamp += wav->nsamp[is];
+			}
+			wav->nsamp[nsrc] = nsamp; /* put total number of samples in last position */
+			wav->nst = nsamp; /* put total number of samples in nst part */
+		}
+		else {
+			nsamp=0;
+			for (is=0; is<nsrc; is++) {
+				wav->nsamp[is] = wav->nt;
+				nsamp += wav->nsamp[is];
+			}
+			wav->nsamp[nsrc] = nsamp; /* put total number of samples in last position */
+			wav->nst = nsamp; /* put total number of samples in nst part */
+		}
+		free(xsrca);
+		free(zsrca);
+	}
+	else if (wav->nx > 1) {
+		/* read file_src for number of sources and receiver positions */
+		if (!getparint("src_multiwav",&src->multiwav)) src->multiwav=1;
+		float *gx, *sx, *gelev, *selev;
+		gx = (float *)malloc(wav->nx*sizeof(float));
+		sx = (float *)malloc(wav->nx*sizeof(float));
+		gelev = (float *)malloc(wav->nx*sizeof(float));
+		selev = (float *)malloc(wav->nx*sizeof(float));
+		getWaveletHeaders(wav->file_src, wav->ns, wav->nx, gx, sx, gelev, selev, verbose);
+		nsrc = wav->nx;
+		src->x = (int *)malloc(nsrc*sizeof(int));
+		src->z = (int *)malloc(nsrc*sizeof(int));
+		src->tbeg = (float *)malloc(nsrc*sizeof(float));
+		src->tend = (float *)malloc(nsrc*sizeof(float));
+		wav->nsamp = (size_t *)malloc((nsrc+1)*sizeof(size_t));
+		nsamp=0;
+		for (is=0; is<nsrc; is++) {
+			if (src->src_at_rcv>0){
+				src->x[is] = NINT((gx[is]-sub_x0)/dx);
+				src->z[is] = NINT((gelev[is]-sub_z0)/dz);
+				if (verbose>3) fprintf(stderr,"Source Array: xsrc[%d]=%f %d zsrc=%f %d\n", is, gx[is], src->x[is], gelev[is], src->z[is]);
+			}
+			else {
+                src->x[is]=NINT((sx[is]-sub_x0)/dx);
+                src->z[is]=NINT((selev[is]-sub_z0)/dz);
+				if (verbose>3) fprintf(stderr,"Source Array: xsrc[%d]=%f %d zsrc=%f %d\n", is, sx[is], src->x[is], selev[is], src->z[is]);
+			}
+			src->tbeg[is] = 0.0;
+			src->tend[is] = (wav->nt-1)*wav->dt;
+			wav->nsamp[is] = (size_t)(NINT((src->tend[is]-src->tbeg[is])/mod->dt)+1);
+			nsamp += wav->nsamp[is];
+		}
+		wav->nsamp[nsrc] = nsamp; /* put total number of samples in last position */
+		free(gx);
+		free(sx);
+		free(gelev);
+		free(selev);
+	}
+	else {
+		if (src->plane) { if (!getparint("nsrc",&nsrc)) nsrc=1;}
+		else nsrc=1;
+		if (nsrc > nx) {
+			vwarn("Number of sources used in plane wave is larger than ");
+			vwarn("number of gridpoints in X. Plane wave will be clipped to the edges of the model");
+			nsrc = mod->nx;
+		}
+	/* for a source defined on mutliple gridpoint calculate p delay factor */
+		src->x = (int *)malloc(nsrc*sizeof(int));
+		src->z = (int *)malloc(nsrc*sizeof(int));
+		src->tbeg = (float *)malloc(nsrc*sizeof(float));
+		src->tend = (float *)malloc(nsrc*sizeof(float));
+		grad2rad = 17.453292e-3;
+		p = sin(src_angle*grad2rad)/src_velo;
+		if (p < 0.0) {
+			for (is=0; is<nsrc; is++) {
+				src->tbeg[is] = fabsf((nsrc-is-1)*dx*p);
+			}
+		}
+		else {
+			for (is=0; is<nsrc; is++) {
+				src->tbeg[is] = is*dx*p;
+			}
+		}
+		for (is=0; is<nsrc; is++) {
+			src->tend[is] = src->tbeg[is] + (wav->nt-1)*wav->dt;
+		}
+		is0 = -1*floor((nsrc-1)/2);
+		for (is=0; is<nsrc; is++) {
+			src->x[is] = is0 + is;
+			src->z[is] = 0;
+		}
+		if (wav->random) {
+			if (!getparint("src_multiwav",&src->multiwav)) src->multiwav=1;
+			if (src->multiwav) wav->nx = nsrc;
+			else wav->nx = 1;
+			wav->nt = NINT(tlength/mod->dt)+1;
+			wav->nsamp = (size_t *)malloc((wav->nx+1)*sizeof(size_t));
+			nsamp=0;
+			for (is=0; is<wav->nx; is++) {
+				rand = (float)drand48()*tlength;
+				src->tend[is] = MIN(src->tbeg[is]+rand, mod->tmod);
+				wav->nsamp[is] = (size_t)(NINT((src->tend[is]-src->tbeg[is])/mod->dt)+1);
+				nsamp += wav->nsamp[is];
+			}
+			wav->nsamp[nsrc] = nsamp; /* put total number of samples in last position */
+			wav->nst = nsamp; /* put total number of samples in nst part */
+		}
+		else {
+			wav->nsamp = (size_t *)malloc((nsrc+1)*sizeof(size_t));
+			nsamp=0;
+			for (is=0; is<nsrc; is++) {
+				wav->nsamp[is] = wav->nt;
+				nsamp += wav->nsamp[is];
+			}
+			wav->nsamp[nsrc] = nsamp; /* put total number of samples in last position */
+			wav->nst = nsamp; /* put total number of samples in nst part */
+		}
+	}
+	if (src->multiwav) {
+		if (wav->nx != nsrc) {
+			vwarn("src_multiwav has been defined but number of traces in");
+			vwarn("file_src = %d is not equal to nsrc = %d", wav->nx, nsrc);
+			vwarn("last trace in file_src will be repeated.");
+		}
+		else {
+			if (wav->file_src != NULL) vmess("Using all traces in file_src for areal shot");
+		}
+	}
+	src->n=nsrc;
+	if (verbose) {
+		vmess("*******************************************");
+		vmess("************* wavelet info ****************");
+		vmess("*******************************************");
+		vmess("wav_nt   = %6d   wav_nx      = %d", wav->ns, wav->nx);
+		vmess("src_type = %6d   src_orient  = %d", src->type, src->orient);
+		vmess("fmax     = %8.2f", fmax);
+		fprintf(stderr,"    %s: Source type         : ",xargv[0]);
+		switch ( src->type ) {
+			case 1 : fprintf(stderr,"P "); break;
+			case 2 : fprintf(stderr,"Txz "); break;
+			case 3 : fprintf(stderr,"Tzz "); break;
+			case 4 : fprintf(stderr,"Txx "); break;
+			case 5 : fprintf(stderr,"S-potential"); break;
+			case 6 : fprintf(stderr,"Fx "); break;
+			case 7 : fprintf(stderr,"Fz "); break;
+			case 8 : fprintf(stderr,"P-potential"); break;
+		}
+		fprintf(stderr,"\n");
+		if (wav->random) vmess("Wavelet has a random signature with fmax=%.2f", wav->fmax);
+		if (src->n>1) {
+			vmess("*******************************************");
+			vmess("*********** source array info *************");
+			vmess("*******************************************");
+			vmess("Areal source array is defined with %d sources.",nsrc);
+/*			vmess("Memory requirement for sources = %.2f MB.",sizeof(float)*(wav->nx*(wav->nt/(1024.0*1024.0))));*/
+			vmess("Memory requirement for sources = %.2f MB.",sizeof(float)*(nsamp/(1024.0*1024.0)));
+			if (src->plane) vmess("Computed p-value = %f.",p);
+		}
+		if (src->random) {
+		vmess("Sources are placed at random locations in domain: ");
+		vmess(" x[%.2f : %.2f]  z[%.2f : %.2f] ", xsrc1, xsrc2, zsrc1, zsrc2);
+		vmess(" and all start in time window  t[%.3f : %.3f].", tsrc1, tsrc2);
+		vmess(" after time %.3f the sources will not be active anymore.", tactive);
+		}
+	}
+	/* define snapshots and beams */
+	if (!getparfloat("tsnap1", &tsnap1)) tsnap1=0.1;
+	if (!getparfloat("tsnap2", &tsnap2)) tsnap2=0.0;
+	if (!getparfloat("dtsnap", &dtsnap)) dtsnap=0.1;
+	if (!getparfloat("dxsnap", &dxsnap)) dxsnap=dx;
+	if (!getparfloat("dzsnap", &dzsnap)) dzsnap=dz;
+	if (!getparfloat("xsnap1", &xsnap1)) xsnap1=sub_x0;
+	if (!getparfloat("xsnap2", &xsnap2)) xsnap2=xmax;
+	if (!getparfloat("zsnap1", &zsnap1)) zsnap1=sub_z0;
+	if (!getparfloat("zsnap2", &zsnap2)) zsnap2=zmax;
+	if (!getparint("sna_vxvztime", &sna->vxvztime)) sna->vxvztime=0;
+	if (!getparint("beam", &sna->beam)) sna->beam=0;
+	if (!getparint("snapwithbnd", &sna->withbnd)) sna->withbnd=0;
+	if (!getparint("sna_type_vz", &sna->type.vz)) sna->type.vz=1;
+	if (!getparint("sna_type_vx", &sna->type.vx)) sna->type.vx=0;
+	if (mod->ischeme>2) {
+		sna->type.p=0;
+		if (!getparint("sna_type_txx", &sna->type.txx)) sna->type.txx=0;
+		if (!getparint("sna_type_tzz", &sna->type.tzz)) sna->type.tzz=0;
+		if (!getparint("sna_type_txz", &sna->type.txz)) sna->type.txz=0;
+		if (!getparint("sna_type_pp", &sna->type.pp)) sna->type.pp=0;
+		if (!getparint("sna_type_ss", &sna-> sna->;
+	}
+	else {
+		if (!getparint("sna_type_p", &sna->type.p)) sna->type.p=1;
+		sna->type.txx=0;
+		sna->type.tzz=0;
+		sna->type.txz=0;
+		sna->type.pp=0;
+		sna->;
+	}
+	sna->nsnap = 0;
+	if (tsnap2 >= tsnap1) {
+		sna_nrsna   = 1+NINT((tsnap2-tsnap1)/dtsnap);
+		sna->skipdt = MAX(1,NINT(dtsnap/dt));
+		sna->skipdx = MAX(1,NINT(dxsnap/dx));
+		sna->skipdz = MAX(1,NINT(dzsnap/dz));
+		sna->delay  = NINT(tsnap1/dt);
+		isnapmax1   = (sna_nrsna-1)*sna->skipdt;
+		isnapmax2   = floor( (mod->nt-(sna->delay + 1))/sna->skipdt) * sna->skipdt;
+		isnapmax    = (sna->delay + 1) + MIN(isnapmax1,isnapmax2);
+		sna->nsnap  = floor((isnapmax-(sna->delay + 1))/sna->skipdt) + 1;
+		sna->x1=NINT((MIN(MAX(sub_x0,xsnap1),xmax)-sub_x0)/dx);
+		sna->x2=NINT((MIN(MAX(sub_x0,xsnap2),xmax)-sub_x0)/dx);
+		sna->z1=NINT((MIN(MAX(sub_z0,zsnap1),zmax)-sub_z0)/dz);
+		sna->z2=NINT((MIN(MAX(sub_z0,zsnap2),zmax)-sub_z0)/dz);
+		dxsnap=dx*sna->skipdx;
+		dzsnap=dz*sna->skipdz;
+		sna->nx=1+(((sna->x2-sna->x1))/sna->skipdx);
+		sna->nz=1+(((sna->z2-sna->z1))/sna->skipdz);
+		if (verbose) {
+			vmess("*******************************************");
+			vmess("************* snap shot info **************");
+			vmess("*******************************************");
+			vmess("tsnap1  = %f tsnap2  = %f ", tsnap1, tsnap2);
+			vmess("dtsnap  = %f Nsnap   = %d ", dtsnap, sna->nsnap);
+			vmess("nzsnap  = %d nxsnap  = %d ", sna->nz, sna->nx);
+			vmess("dzsnap  = %f dxsnap  = %f ", dzsnap, dxsnap);
+			vmess("zmin    = %f zmax    = %f ", sub_z0+dz*sna->z1, sub_z0+dz*sna->z2);
+			vmess("xmin    = %f xmax    = %f ", sub_x0+dx*sna->x1, sub_x0+dx*sna->x2);
+			if (sna->vxvztime) vmess("vx/vz snapshot time  : t+0.5*dt ");
+			else vmess("vx/vz snapshot time  : t-0.5*dt ");
+			fprintf(stderr,"    %s: Snapshot types        : ",xargv[0]);
+			if (sna->type.vz) fprintf(stderr,"Vz ");
+			if (sna->type.vx) fprintf(stderr,"Vx ");
+			if (sna->type.p) fprintf(stderr,"p ");
+			if (mod->ischeme>2) {
+				if (sna->type.txx) fprintf(stderr,"Txx ");
+				if (sna->type.tzz) fprintf(stderr,"Tzz ");
+				if (sna->type.txz) fprintf(stderr,"Txz ");
+				if (sna->type.pp) fprintf(stderr,"P ");
+				if (sna-> fprintf(stderr,"S ");
+			}
+			fprintf(stderr,"\n");
+		}
+	}
+	else {
+		sna->nsnap = 0;
+		if (verbose) vmess("*************** no snapshots **************");
+	}
+	if (sna->beam) {
+		sna->skipdx = MAX(1,NINT(dxsnap/dx));
+		sna->skipdz = MAX(1,NINT(dzsnap/dz));
+		sna->x1=NINT((MIN(MAX(sub_x0,xsnap1),xmax)-sub_x0)/dx);
+		sna->x2=NINT((MIN(MAX(sub_x0,xsnap2),xmax)-sub_x0)/dx);
+		sna->z1=NINT((MIN(MAX(sub_z0,zsnap1),zmax)-sub_z0)/dz);
+		sna->z2=NINT((MIN(MAX(sub_z0,zsnap2),zmax)-sub_z0)/dz);
+		dxsnap=dx*sna->skipdx;
+		dzsnap=dz*sna->skipdz;
+		sna->nx=1+(((sna->x2-sna->x1))/sna->skipdx);
+		sna->nz=1+(((sna->z2-sna->z1))/sna->skipdz);
+		if (verbose) {
+			vmess("*******************************************");
+			vmess("**************** beam info ****************");
+			vmess("*******************************************");
+			vmess("nzsnap  = %d nxsnap  = %d ", sna->nz, sna->nx);
+			vmess("dzsnap  = %f dxsnap  = %f ", dzsnap, dxsnap);
+			vmess("zmin    = %f zmax    = %f ", sub_z0+dz*sna->z1, sub_z0+dz*sna->z2);
+			vmess("xmin    = %f xmax    = %f ", sub_x0+dx*sna->x1, sub_x0+dx*sna->x2);
+			fprintf(stderr,"    %s: Beam types            : ",xargv[0]);
+			if (sna->type.vz) fprintf(stderr,"Vz ");
+			if (sna->type.vx) fprintf(stderr,"Vx ");
+			if (sna->type.p) fprintf(stderr,"p ");
+			if (mod->ischeme>2) {
+				if (sna->type.txx) fprintf(stderr,"Txx ");
+				if (sna->type.tzz) fprintf(stderr,"Tzz ");
+				if (sna->type.txz) fprintf(stderr,"Txz ");
+				if (sna->type.pp) fprintf(stderr,"P ");
+				if (sna-> fprintf(stderr,"S ");
+			}
+			fprintf(stderr,"\n");
+		}
+	}
+	else {
+		if (verbose) vmess("**************** no beams *****************");
+	}
+	/* define receivers */
+	if (!getparint("largeSUfile",&largeSUfile)) largeSUfile=0;
+	if (!getparint("sinkdepth",&rec->sinkdepth)) rec->sinkdepth=0;
+	if (!getparint("sinkdepth_src",&src->sinkdepth)) src->sinkdepth=0;
+	if (!getparint("sinkvel",&rec->sinkvel)) rec->sinkvel=0;
+	if (!getparfloat("dtrcv",&dtrcv)) dtrcv=0.004;
+	/* TODO check if dtrcv is integer multiple of dt */
+	rec->skipdt=NINT(dtrcv/dt);
+	dtrcv = mod->dt*rec->skipdt;
+	if (!getparfloat("rec_delay",&rdelay)) rdelay=0.0;
+	if (!getparint("rec_ntsam",&rec->nt)) rec->nt=NINT((mod->tmod-rdelay)/dtrcv)+1;
+	if (!getparint("rec_int_p",&rec->int_p)) rec->int_p=0;
+	if (!getparint("rec_int_vx",&rec->int_vx)) rec->int_vx=0;
+	if (!getparint("rec_int_vz",&rec->int_vz)) rec->int_vz=0;
+	if (!getparint("max_nrec",&rec->max_nrec)) rec->max_nrec=15000;
+	if (!getparint("scale",&rec->scale)) rec->scale=0;
+	if (!getparfloat("dxspread",&dxspread)) dxspread=0;
+	if (!getparfloat("dzspread",&dzspread)) dzspread=0;
+	rec->nt=MIN(rec->nt, NINT((mod->tmod-rdelay)/dtrcv)+1);
+/* allocation of receiver arrays is done in recvPar */
+	rec->max_nrec += rec->max_nrec+1;
+	rec->x  = (int *)calloc(rec->max_nrec,sizeof(int));
+	rec->z  = (int *)calloc(rec->max_nrec,sizeof(int));
+	rec->xr = (float *)calloc(rec->max_nrec,sizeof(float));
+	rec->zr = (float *)calloc(rec->max_nrec,sizeof(float));
+	/* calculates the receiver coordinates */
+	recvPar(rec, sub_x0, sub_z0, dx, dz, nx, nz);
+	if (!getparint("rec_type_vz", &rec->type.vz)) rec->type.vz=1;
+	if (!getparint("rec_type_vx", &rec->type.vx)) rec->type.vx=0;
+	if (!getparint("rec_type_ud", &rec->type.ud)) rec->type.ud=0;
+	if (mod->ischeme!=1 &&  rec->type.ud==1) {
+		warn("Receiver decomposition only implemented for acoustis scheme (1)");
+	}
+	if (mod->ischeme>2) {
+		rec->type.p=0;
+		if (!getparint("rec_type_txx", &rec->type.txx)) rec->type.txx=0;
+		if (!getparint("rec_type_tzz", &rec->type.tzz)) rec->type.tzz=0;
+		if (!getparint("rec_type_txz", &rec->type.txz)) rec->type.txz=0;
+		if (!getparint("rec_type_pp", &rec->type.pp)) rec->type.pp=0;
+		if (!getparint("rec_type_ss", &rec-> rec->;
+		/* for up and downgoing waves store all x-positons for Vz, Vx, Txz, Tzz into an array */
+	}
+	else {
+		if (!getparint("rec_type_p", &rec->type.p)) rec->type.p=1;
+		rec->type.txx=0;
+		rec->type.tzz=0;
+		rec->type.txz=0;
+		rec->type.pp=0;
+		rec->;
+		/* for up and downgoing waves store all x-positons for P and Vz into an array */
+	}
+	/* receivers are on a circle, use default interpolation to real (not on a grid-point) receiver position */
+	if (getparfloat("rrcv", &rrcv)) { 
+		if (!getparint("rec_int_p",&rec->int_p)) rec->int_p=3;
+		if (!getparint("rec_int_vx",&rec->int_vx)) rec->int_vx=3;
+		if (!getparint("rec_int_vz",&rec->int_vz)) rec->int_vz=3;
+	}
+	if (rec->int_p==3) {
+		rec->int_vx=3;
+		rec->int_vz=3;
+	}
+	if (verbose) {
+		if (rec->n) {
+			dxrcv = rec->xr[MIN(1,rec->n-1)]-rec->xr[0];
+			dzrcv = rec->zr[MIN(1,rec->n-1)]-rec->zr[0];
+			vmess("*******************************************");
+			vmess("************* receiver info ***************");
+			vmess("*******************************************");
+			vmess("ntrcv   = %d nrcv    = %d ", rec->nt, rec->n);
+			vmess("dtrcv   = %f              ", dtrcv );
+			vmess("dzrcv   = %f dxrcv   = %f ", dzrcv, dxrcv);
+			vmess("time-delay = %f = points = %d",  rdelay, rec->delay);
+			if ( fmax > (1.0/(2.0*dtrcv)) ) {
+				vwarn("Receiver time sampling (dtrcv) is aliased.");
+				vwarn("time sampling should be < %.6f", 1.0/(2.0*fmax) );
+			}
+			vmess("Receiver sampling can be => %.6e", 1.0/(2.0*fmax));
+			vmess("Receiver array at coordinates: ");
+			vmess("zmin    = %f zmax    = %f ", rec->zr[0]+sub_z0, rec->zr[rec->n-1]+sub_z0);
+			vmess("xmin    = %f xmax    = %f ", rec->xr[0]+sub_x0, rec->xr[rec->n-1]+sub_x0);
+			vmess("which are gridpoints: ");
+			vmess("izmin   = %d izmax   = %d ", rec->z[0], rec->z[rec->n-1]);
+			vmess("ixmin   = %d ixmax   = %d ", rec->x[0], rec->x[rec->n-1]);
+			if (rec->type.p) {
+				fprintf(stderr,"    %s: Receiver interpolation for P: ",xargv[0]);
+				if(rec->int_p==0) fprintf(stderr,"p->p\n");
+				if(rec->int_p==1) fprintf(stderr,"p->vz\n");
+				if(rec->int_p==2) fprintf(stderr,"p->vx\n");
+				if(rec->int_p==3) fprintf(stderr,"interpolate to actual (no-grid) position of receiver\n");
+			}
+			if (rec->type.vx) {
+				fprintf(stderr,"    %s: Receiver interpolation for Vx: ",xargv[0]);
+				if(rec->int_vx==0) fprintf(stderr,"vx->vx\n");
+				if(rec->int_vx==1) fprintf(stderr,"vx->vz\n");
+				if(rec->int_vx==2) fprintf(stderr,"vx->txx/tzz\n");
+				if(rec->int_vx==3) fprintf(stderr,"interpolate to real(no-grid) position of receiver\n");
+			}
+			if (rec->type.vz) {
+				fprintf(stderr,"    %s: Receiver interpolation for Vz: ",xargv[0]);
+				if(rec->int_vz==0) fprintf(stderr,"vz->vz\n");
+				if(rec->int_vz==1) fprintf(stderr,"vz->vx\n");
+				if(rec->int_vz==2) fprintf(stderr,"vz->txx/tzz(P)\n");
+				if(rec->int_vz==3) fprintf(stderr,"interpolate to real(no-grid) position of receiver\n");
+			}
+            fprintf(stderr,"    %s: Receiver types        : ",xargv[0]);
+			if (rec->type.vz) fprintf(stderr,"Vz ");
+			if (rec->type.vx) fprintf(stderr,"Vx ");
+			if (rec->type.p) fprintf(stderr,"p ");
+    		if (rec->type.ud) fprintf(stderr,"P+ P- ");
+			if (mod->ischeme>2) {
+				if (rec->type.txx) fprintf(stderr,"Txx ");
+				if (rec->type.tzz) fprintf(stderr,"Tzz ");
+				if (rec->type.txz) fprintf(stderr,"Txz ");
+				if (rec->type.pp) fprintf(stderr,"P ");
+				if (rec-> fprintf(stderr,"S ");
+			}
+			fprintf(stderr,"\n");
+			if ( ( ((mod->nt*mod->dt-rec->delay)/rec->skipdt)+1) > 16384) {
+				vwarn("Number of samples in receiver file is larger that SU can handle ");
+				vwarn("use the paramater rec_ntsam=nt (with nt < 16384) to avoid this");
+			}
+			if ((mod->nt-rec->delay)*mod->dt > rec->nt*dtrcv) {
+				int nfiles = ceil((mod->nt*mod->dt)/(rec->nt*dtrcv));
+				int lastn = floor((mod->nt)%(rec->nt*rec->skipdt)/rec->skipdt)+1;
+				vmess("Receiver recordings will be written to %d files",nfiles);
+				vmess("Last file will contain %d samples",lastn);
+			}
+		}
+		else {
+		 	vmess("*************** no receivers **************");
+		}
+	}
+	return 0;
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/getParameters3D.c b/fdelmodc3D/getParameters3D.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..701269b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/getParameters3D.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1275 @@
+#define MAX(x,y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
+#define MIN(x,y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
+#define NINT(x) ((long)((x)>0.0?(x)+0.5:(x)-0.5))
+*  The routine getParameters reads in all parameters to set up a FD modeling.
+*  Model and source parameters are used to calculate stability and dispersion relations
+*  Source and receiver positions are calculated and checked if they fit into the model.
+*   AUTHOR:
+*           Jan Thorbecke (
+*           The Netherlands
+float gaussGen();
+long loptncr(long n);
+long getModelInfo3D(char *file_name, long *n1, long *n2, long *n3, float *d1, float *d2, float *d3, float *f1, float *f2, float *f3, float *min, float *max, long *axis, long zeroch, long verbose);
+long getWaveletInfo3D(char *file_src, long *n1, long *n2, float *d1, float *d2, float *f1, float *f2, float *fmax, long *nxm, long verbose);
+long getWaveletHeaders3D(char *file_src, long n1, long n2, float *gx, float *sx, float *gy, float *sy, float *gelev, float *selev, long verbose);
+long recvPar3D(recPar *rec, float sub_x0, float sub_y0, float sub_z0, float dx, float dy, float dz, long nx, long ny, long nz);
+long getParameters3D(modPar *mod, recPar *rec, snaPar *sna, wavPar *wav, srcPar *src, shotPar *shot, bndPar *bnd, long verbose)
+	long isnapmax1, isnapmax2, isnapmax, sna_nrsna;
+	long n1, n2, n3, nx, ny, nz, nsrc, ix, axis, ioPz, is0, optn;
+	long idzshot, idxshot, idyshot, nsrctext;
+	long src_ix0, src_iy0, src_iz0, src_ix1, src_iy1, src_iz1;
+	long disable_check;
+	float cp_min, cp_max, cs_min, cs_max, ro_min, ro_max;
+	float stabfactor,dispfactor, cmin, dt, fmax, scl, wfct, tapfact;
+	float zstart, xstart, ystart, d1, d2, d3, f1, f2, f3, sub_x0, sub_y0, sub_z0;
+	float srcendx, srcendy, srcendz, dx, dy, dz;
+	float xsrc, ysrc, zsrc, dxshot, dyshot, dzshot, dtshot;
+	float dxrcv, dyrcv, dzrcv, dxspread, dyspread, dzspread;
+	float tsnap1, tsnap2, dtsnap, dxsnap, dysnap, dzsnap, dtrcv;
+	float xsnap1, xsnap2, ysnap1, ysnap2, zsnap1, zsnap2, xmax, ymax, zmax;
+	float xsrc1, xsrc2, ysrc1, ysrc2, zsrc1, zsrc2, tsrc1, tsrc2, tlength, tactive;
+	float src_angle, src_velo, p, grad2rad, rdelay, scaledt;
+	float *xsrca, *ysrca, *zsrca, rrcv;
+	float rsrc, oxsrc, oysrc, ozsrc, dphisrc, ncsrc;
+	size_t nsamp;
+	long i, j;
+	long cfree;
+	long tapleft,tapright,taptop,tapbottom,tapfront, tapback;
+	long nxsrc, nysrc, nzsrc;
+	long largeSUfile;
+	long is,ntraces,length_random;
+	float rand;
+	char *src_positions, tmpname[1024];
+	char* src_txt;
+	FILE *fp;
+	if (!getparlong("verbose",&verbose)) verbose=0;
+	if (!getparlong("disable_check",&disable_check)) disable_check=0;
+	if (!getparlong("iorder",&mod->iorder)) mod->iorder=4;
+	if (!getparlong("ischeme",&mod->ischeme)) mod->ischeme=1;
+    if (!getparlong("sh",&mod->sh)) mod->sh=0;
+	if (!getparstring("file_cp",&mod->file_cp)) {
+		verr("parameter file_cp required!");
+	}
+	if (!getparstring("file_den",&mod->file_ro)) {
+		verr("parameter file_den required!");
+	}
+	if (mod->ischeme>2 && mod->ischeme!=5) {
+		if (!getparstring("file_cs",&mod->file_cs)) {
+			verr("parameter file_cs required!");
+		}
+	}
+	if (!getparstring("file_src",&wav->file_src)) wav->file_src=NULL;
+	if (!getparstring("file_snap",&sna->file_snap)) sna->file_snap="";
+	if (!getparstring("file_beam",&sna->file_beam)) sna->file_beam="";
+	if (!getparstring("file_rcv",&rec->file_rcv)) rec->file_rcv="";
+	if (!getparlong("grid_dir",&mod->grid_dir)) mod->grid_dir=0;
+	if (!getparlong("src_at_rcv",&src->src_at_rcv)) src->src_at_rcv=1;
+	/* read model parameters, which are used to set up source and receivers and check stability */
+	getModelInfo3D(mod->file_cp, &nz, &nx, &ny, &dz, &dx, &dy, &sub_z0, &sub_x0, &sub_y0, &cp_min, &cp_max, &axis, 1, verbose);
+	getModelInfo3D(mod->file_ro, &n1, &n2, &n3, &d1, &d2, &d3, &zstart, &xstart, &ystart, &ro_min, &ro_max, &axis, 0, verbose);
+	mod->cp_max = cp_max;
+	mod->cp_min = cp_min;
+	mod->ro_max = ro_max;
+	mod->ro_min = ro_min;
+	assert( (ro_min != 0.0) );
+	if (NINT(100*(dx/d2)) != 100) 
+		vwarn("dx differs for file_cp and file_den!");
+    if (NINT(100*(dy/d3)) != 100) 
+		vwarn("dy differs for file_cp and file_den!");
+	if (NINT(100*(dz/d1)) != 100) 
+		vwarn("dz differs for file_cp and file_den!");
+	if (nx != n2) 
+		vwarn("nx differs for file_cp and file_den!");
+    if (ny != n3) 
+		vwarn("nx differs for file_cp and file_den!");
+	if (nz != n1) 
+		vwarn("nz differs for file_cp and file_den!");
+	if (mod->ischeme>2 && mod->ischeme!=5) {
+		getModelInfo3D(mod->file_cs, &n1, &n2, &n3, &d1, &d2, &d3, &zstart, &xstart, &ystart, &cs_min, &cs_max, &axis, 1, verbose);
+		mod->cs_max = cs_max;
+		mod->cs_min = cs_min;
+		if (NINT(100*(dx/d2)) != 100) 
+			vwarn("dx differs for file_cp and file_cs!");
+        if (NINT(100*(dy/d3)) != 100) 
+			vwarn("dy differs for file_cp and file_cs!");
+		if (NINT(100*(dz/d1)) != 100) 
+			vwarn("dz differs for file_cp and file_cs!");
+		if (nx != n2) 
+			vwarn("nx differs for file_cp and file_cs!");
+        if (ny != n3) 
+			vwarn("ny differs for file_cp and file_cs!");
+		if (nz != n1) 
+			vwarn("nz differs for file_cp and file_cs!");
+	}
+	if (mod->ischeme==5) {
+		cs_max=0.0; cs_min=0.0;
+		mod->cs_max = cs_max;
+		mod->cs_min = cs_min;
+	}
+	mod->dz = dz;
+	mod->dx = dx;
+	mod->dy = dy;
+	mod->nz = nz;
+	mod->nx = nx;
+	mod->ny = ny;
+	/* define wavelet(s), modeling time and wavelet maximum frequency */
+	if (wav->file_src!=NULL) {
+		getWaveletInfo3D(wav->file_src, &wav->ns, &wav->nx, &wav->ds, &d2, &f1, &f2, &fmax, &ntraces, verbose);
+		if (wav->ds <= 0.0) {
+			vwarn("dt in wavelet (file_src) equal to 0.0 or negative.");
+			vwarn("Use parameter dt= to overule dt from file_src.");
+		}
+        wav->nt = wav->ns;
+		wav->dt = wav->ds;
+		if(!getparfloat("tmod",&mod->tmod)) mod->tmod = (wav->nt-1)*wav->dt;
+		if(!getparfloat("dt",&mod->dt)) mod->dt=wav->dt;
+        if (NINT(wav->ds*1000000) != NINT(mod->dt*1000000)) {
+			if (wav->dt > mod->dt) {
+				scaledt = wav->dt/mod->dt;
+				scaledt = floorf(wav->dt/mod->dt);
+    			optn = loptncr(wav->ns);
+				wav->nt  = floorf(scaledt*optn);
+				vmess("file_src dt-scalefactor=%f : wav.dt=%e ==interpolated==> mod.dt=%e", scaledt, wav->dt, mod->dt);
+				wav->dt = mod->dt;
+			}
+			else {
+				wav->dt = mod->dt; /* in case if wav.dt is smaller than 1e-7 and can not be read by SU-getpar */
+			}
+		}
+		if(!getparfloat("fmax",&wav->fmax)) wav->fmax=fmax;
+	}
+	else {
+		fmax = 50;
+		if(!getparfloat("dt",&mod->dt)) verr("dt must be given or use file_src=");
+		if(!getparfloat("tmod",&mod->tmod)) verr("tmod must be given");
+		if(!getparfloat("fmax",&wav->fmax)) wav->fmax=fmax;
+		fmax = wav->fmax;
+		wav->dt=mod->dt;
+	}
+	assert(mod->dt!=0.0);
+	/* check if receiver delays is defined; option inactive: add delay time to total modeling time */
+	if (!getparfloat("rec_delay",&rdelay)) rdelay=0.0;
+	rec->delay=NINT(rdelay/mod->dt);
+	mod->nt = NINT(mod->tmod/mod->dt);
+	dt = mod->dt;
+	if (!getparlong("src_type",&src->type)) src->type=1;
+	if (!getparlong("src_orient",&src->orient)) {
+		src->orient=1;
+		if (getparlong("dipsrc",&src->orient)) src->orient=2; // for compatability with DELPHI's fdacmod
+	}
+	if (mod->ischeme<=2) {
+		if (src->type>1 && src->type<6)
+			verr("Invalid src_type for acoustic scheme!");
+	}
+	if (mod->ischeme==2 || mod->ischeme==4) {
+		if (!getparstring("file_qp",&mod->file_qp)) mod->file_qp=NULL;
+		if (!getparstring("file_qs",&mod->file_qs)) mod->file_qs=NULL;
+		if (!getparfloat("Qp",&mod->Qp)) mod->Qp=1;
+		if (!getparfloat("Qs",&mod->Qs)) mod->Qs=mod->Qp;
+		if (!getparfloat("fw",&mod->fw)) mod->fw=0.5*wav->fmax;
+	}
+	/* dissipative medium option for Evert */
+	if (mod->ischeme==-1) {
+		if (!getparfloat("qr",&mod->qr)) mod->qr=0.1;
+	}
+	assert(src->type > 0);
+/* dispersion factor to 10 points per wavelength (2nd order)
+   or 5 points per wavelength (4th order) */
+	if (mod->iorder == 2) {
+		dispfactor=10;
+		stabfactor = 1.0/sqrt(2.0);
+	}
+	else {
+		dispfactor = 5;
+		stabfactor = 0.606; /* courant number */
+	}
+    /* origin of model in real (non-grid) coordinates */
+	mod->x0 = sub_x0;
+    mod->y0 = sub_y0;
+	mod->z0 = sub_z0;
+	xmax = sub_x0+(nx-1)*dx;
+	ymax = sub_y0+(ny-1)*dy;
+	zmax = sub_z0+(nz-1)*dz;
+	if (verbose) {
+		vmess("*******************************************");
+		vmess("************** general info ***************");
+		vmess("*******************************************");
+		vmess("tmod    = %f",mod->tmod);
+		vmess("ntsam   = %li   dt      = %f(%e)",mod->nt, mod->dt, mod->dt);
+		if (mod->ischeme == 1) vmess("Acoustic staggered grid, pressure/velocity");
+		if (mod->ischeme == 2) vmess("Visco-Acoustic staggered grid, pressure/velocity");
+		if (mod->ischeme == 3) vmess("Elastic staggered grid, stress/velocity");
+		if (mod->ischeme == 4) vmess("Visco-Elastic staggered grid, stress/velocity");
+		if (mod->ischeme == 5) vmess("Acoustic staggered grid, Txx/Tzz/velocity");
+		if (mod->grid_dir) vmess("Time reversed modelling");
+		else vmess("Forward modelling");
+		vmess("*******************************************");
+		vmess("*************** model info ****************");
+		vmess("*******************************************");
+		vmess("nz      = %li    ny      = %li nx      = %li", nz, ny, nx);
+		vmess("dz      = %8.4f  dy      = %li dx      = %8.4f", dz, dy, dx);
+		vmess("zmin    = %8.4f  zmax    = %8.4f", sub_z0, zmax);
+		vmess("ymin    = %8.4f  ymax    = %8.4f", sub_y0, ymax);
+		vmess("xmin    = %8.4f  xmax    = %8.4f", sub_x0, xmax);
+		vmess("min(cp) = %9.3f  max(cp) = %9.3f", cp_min, cp_max);
+		if (mod->ischeme>2 && mod->ischeme!=5) vmess("min(cs) = %9.3f  max(cs) = %9.3f", cs_min, cs_max);
+		vmess("min(ro) = %9.3f  max(ro) = %9.3f", ro_min, ro_max);
+		if (mod->ischeme==2 || mod->ischeme==4) {
+			if (mod->file_qp!=NULL) vmess("Qp from file %s   ", mod->file_qp);
+			else vmess("Qp      = %9.3f   ", mod->Qp);
+			vmess("at freq = %5.3f", mod->fw);
+		}
+		if (mod->ischeme==4) {
+			if (mod->file_qs!=NULL) vmess("Qs from file %s   ", mod->file_qs);
+			else vmess("Qs      = %9.3f ", mod->Qs);
+			vmess("at freq = %5.3f", mod->fw);
+		}
+	}
+	if (mod->ischeme <= 2) {
+		cmin = cp_min;
+	}
+	else {
+		cmin = cs_min; 
+		if ( (cmin<1e-20) || (cp_min<cs_min) ) cmin=cp_min;
+	}
+	if (verbose) {
+		vmess("*******************************************");
+		vmess("******** dispersion and stability *********");
+		vmess("*******************************************");
+		vmess("Dispersion criterion is %3d points per wavelength: ", NINT(dispfactor));
+		vmess(" ====> wavelength > %f m [dx*disp]", dx*dispfactor);
+		vmess("The maximum frequency in source wavelet must be:");
+		vmess(" ====> frequency < %f Hz. [Cmin/dx*disp]", cmin/(dx*dispfactor));
+		vmess("Stability criterion for current settings: ");
+		vmess(" ====> Cp < %f m/s [dx*disp/dt]", dx*stabfactor/dt);
+		if (wav->file_src != NULL) vmess(" For wavelet(s) in file_src fmax = %f", fmax);
+		vmess("Optimal discretisation for current model:");
+		vmess(" With maximum velocity  = %f dt <= %e", cp_max,dx*stabfactor/cp_max);
+		vmess(" With maximum frequency = %f dx <= %e", wav->fmax, cmin/(wav->fmax*dispfactor));
+	}
+	/* Check stability and dispersion setting */
+	if (cp_max > dx*stabfactor/dt) {
+		vwarn("************ ! Stability ! ****************");
+		vwarn("From the input file maximum P-wave velocity");
+		vwarn("in the current model is %f !!", cp_max);
+		vwarn("Hence, adjust dx >= %.4f,",cp_max*dt/stabfactor);
+		vwarn("    or adjust dt <= %f,",dx*stabfactor/cp_max);
+		vwarn("    or lower the maximum velocity below %.3f m/s.",dx*stabfactor/dt);
+		vwarn("***************** !!! *********************");
+		if (!disable_check) verr("********* leaving program *********");
+	}
+	if (wav->fmax > cmin/(dx*dispfactor)) {
+		vwarn("*********** ! Dispersion ! ****************");
+		vwarn("The maximum frequency in the source wavelet is");
+		vwarn("%.3f for stable modeling fmax < %.3f ", wav->fmax, cmin/(dx*dispfactor));
+		vwarn("Hence, adjust dx <= %.4f",cmin/(wav->fmax*dispfactor));
+		vwarn("  or adjust fmax <= %f (overruled with parameter fmax=),",cmin/(dx*dispfactor));
+		vwarn("  or increase the minimum velocity above %.3f m/s.",dx*dispfactor*wav->fmax);
+		vwarn("***************** !!! *********************");
+		if (!disable_check) verr("********* leaving program *********");
+	}
+	/* to support old parameter interface */
+	if (!getparlong("cfree",&cfree)) taptop=1;
+	if (!getparlong("tapleft",&tapleft)) tapleft=0;
+	if (!getparlong("tapright",&tapright)) tapright=0;
+	if (!getparlong("taptop",&taptop)) taptop=0;
+	if (!getparlong("tapbottom",&tapbottom)) tapbottom=0;
+	if (!getparlong("tapfront",&tapfront)) tapfront=0;
+	if (!getparlong("tapback",&tapback)) tapback=0;
+	if (tapleft) bnd->lef=4;
+    else bnd->lef=1;
+	if (tapright) bnd->rig=4;
+    else bnd->rig=1;
+	if (taptop) bnd->top=4;
+    else bnd->top=1;
+	if (tapbottom) bnd->bot=4;
+    else bnd->bot=1;
+	if (tapfront) bnd->fro=4;
+    else bnd->fro=1;
+	if (tapback) bnd->bac=4;
+    else bnd->bac=1;
+	/* define the type of boundaries */
+	/* 1=free 2=pml 3=rigid 4=taper */
+	if (!getparlong("left",&bnd->lef) && !tapleft) bnd->lef=4;
+	if (!getparlong("right",&bnd->rig)&& !tapright) bnd->rig=4;
+	if (!getparlong("top",&bnd->top) && !taptop) bnd->top=1;
+	if (!getparlong("bottom",&bnd->bot) && !tapbottom) bnd->bot=4;
+	if (!getparlong("front",&bnd->fro) && !tapfront) bnd->fro=4;
+	if (!getparlong("back",&bnd->bac) && !tapback) bnd->bac=4;
+    /* calculate default taper length to be three wavelenghts */
+	if (!getparlong("ntaper",&bnd->ntap)) bnd->ntap=0; // bnd->ntap=3*NINT((cp_max/wav->fmax)/dx);
+	if (!bnd->ntap) if (!getparlong("npml",&bnd->ntap)) bnd->ntap=3*NINT((cp_max/wav->fmax)/dx);
+	if (!getparfloat("R",&bnd->R)) bnd->R=1e-5;
+	if (!getparfloat("m",&bnd->m)) bnd->m=2.0;
+	bnd->npml=bnd->ntap;
+	if (bnd->ntap) {
+		bnd->tapx  = (float *)malloc(bnd->ntap*sizeof(float));
+        bnd->tapy  = (float *)malloc(bnd->ntap*sizeof(float));
+		bnd->tapz  = (float *)malloc(bnd->ntap*sizeof(float));
+		bnd->tapxz = (float *)malloc(bnd->ntap*bnd->ntap*sizeof(float));
+        if(!getparfloat("tapfact",&tapfact)) tapfact=0.30;
+		scl = tapfact/((float)bnd->ntap);
+		for (i=0; i<bnd->ntap; i++) {
+			wfct = (scl*i);
+			bnd->tapx[i] = exp(-(wfct*wfct));
+            bnd->tapy[i] = exp(-(wfct*wfct));
+			wfct = (scl*(i+0.5));
+			bnd->tapz[i] = exp(-(wfct*wfct));
+		}
+		for (j=0; j<bnd->ntap; j++) {
+			for (i=0; i<bnd->ntap; i++) {
+				wfct = (scl*sqrt(i*i+j*j));
+				bnd->tapxz[j*bnd->ntap+i] = exp(-(wfct*wfct));
+			}
+		}
+	}
+    /* Vx: rox */
+	mod->ioXx=mod->iorder/2;
+    mod->ioXy=mod->iorder/2-1;
+	mod->ioXz=mod->iorder/2-1;
+    /* Vy: roy */
+	mod->ioYx=mod->iorder/2-1;
+    mod->ioYy=mod->iorder/2;
+	mod->ioYz=mod->iorder/2-1;
+	/* Vz: roz */
+    mod->ioZx=mod->iorder/2-1;
+    mod->ioZy=mod->iorder/2-1;
+	mod->ioZz=mod->iorder/2;
+	/* P, Txx, Tzz: lam, l2m */
+	mod->ioPx=mod->iorder/2-1;
+    mod->ioPy=mod->ioPx;
+	mod->ioPz=mod->ioPx;
+	/* Txz: mul */
+	mod->ioTx=mod->iorder/2;
+    mod->ioTy=mod->ioTx;
+	mod->ioTz=mod->ioTx;
+    /* end loop iteration in FD kernels */
+    /* Vx: rox */
+	mod->ieXx=nx+mod->ioXx;
+	mod->ieXy=ny+mod->ioXy;
+	mod->ieXz=nz+mod->ioXz;
+    /* Vy: roy */
+	mod->ieYx=nx+mod->ioYx;
+	mod->ieYy=ny+mod->ioYy;
+	mod->ieYz=nz+mod->ioYz;
+	/* Vz: roz */
+	mod->ieZx=nx+mod->ioZx;
+    mod->ieZy=ny+mod->ioZy;
+    mod->ieZz=nz+mod->ioZz;
+	/* P, Txx, Tzz: lam, l2m */
+	mod->iePx=nx+mod->ioPx;
+	mod->iePy=ny+mod->ioPy;
+	mod->iePz=nz+mod->ioPz;
+	/* Txz: muu */
+	mod->ieTx=nx+mod->ioTx;
+	mod->ieTy=ny+mod->ioTy;
+	mod->ieTz=nz+mod->ioTz;
+    mod->naz = mod->nz+mod->iorder;
+    mod->nay = mod->ny+mod->iorder;
+    mod->nax = mod->nx+mod->iorder;
+    /* for tapered and PML extra points are needed at the boundaries of the model */    
+    if (bnd->top==4 || bnd->top==2) {
+        mod->naz  += bnd->ntap; 
+        mod->ioXz += bnd->ntap; 
+        mod->ioYz += bnd->ntap;
+        mod->ioZz += bnd->ntap;
+        mod->ieXz += bnd->ntap;
+        mod->ieYz += bnd->ntap;
+        mod->ieZz += bnd->ntap;
+        /* For P/Tzz, Txx and Txz fields the tapered boundaries are calculated in the main kernels */
+        mod->iePz += bnd->ntap;
+        mod->ieTz += bnd->ntap;
+    }
+    if (bnd->bot==4 || bnd->bot==2) {
+        mod->naz += bnd->ntap;
+        /* For P/Tzz, Txx and Txz fields the tapered boundaries are calculated in the main kernels */
+        mod->iePz += bnd->ntap;
+        mod->ieTz += bnd->ntap;
+    }
+    if (bnd->lef==4 || bnd->lef==2) {
+        mod->nax += bnd->ntap;
+        mod->ioXx += bnd->ntap;
+        mod->ioYx += bnd->ntap;
+        mod->ioZx += bnd->ntap;
+        mod->ieXx += bnd->ntap;
+        mod->ieYx += bnd->ntap;
+        mod->ieZx += bnd->ntap;
+        /* For Tzz, Txx and Txz fields the tapered boundaries are calculated in the main kernels */
+        mod->iePx += bnd->ntap;
+        mod->ieTx += bnd->ntap;
+    }
+    if (bnd->rig==4 || bnd->rig==2) {
+        mod->nax += bnd->ntap;
+        /* For P/Tzz, Txx and Txz fields the tapered boundaries are calculated in the main kernels */
+        mod->iePx += bnd->ntap;
+        mod->ieTx += bnd->ntap;
+    }
+	if (bnd->fro==4 || bnd->fro==2) {
+        mod->nay += bnd->ntap;
+        mod->ioXy += bnd->ntap;
+        mod->ioYy += bnd->ntap;
+        mod->ioZy += bnd->ntap;
+        mod->ieXy += bnd->ntap;
+        mod->ieYy += bnd->ntap;
+        mod->ieZy += bnd->ntap;
+        /* For Tzz, Txx and Txz fields the tapered boundaries are calculated in the main kernels */
+        mod->iePy += bnd->ntap;
+        mod->ieTy += bnd->ntap;
+    }
+    if (bnd->bac==4 || bnd->bac==2) {
+        mod->nay += bnd->ntap;
+        /* For P/Tzz, Txx and Txz fields the tapered boundaries are calculated in the main kernels */
+        mod->iePy += bnd->ntap;
+        mod->ieTy += bnd->ntap;
+    } 
+	/* Intialize the array which contains the topography surface */
+    if (bnd->top==4 || bnd->top==2) ioPz=mod->ioPz - bnd->ntap;
+	else ioPz=mod->ioPz;
+	ioPz=mod->ioPz;
+	bnd->surface = (long *)malloc((mod->nax+mod->nay+mod->naz)*sizeof(long));
+	for (ix=0; ix<mod->nax+mod->nay+mod->naz; ix++) {
+		bnd->surface[ix] = ioPz;
+	}
+	if (verbose) {
+		vmess("*******************************************");
+		vmess("************* boundary info ***************");
+		vmess("*******************************************");
+		vmess("***  1=free 2=pml 3=rigid 4=tapered     ***");
+		vmess("Top boundary    : %li",bnd->top);
+		vmess("Left boundary   : %li",bnd->lef);
+		vmess("Right boundary  : %li",bnd->rig);
+		vmess("Bottom boundary : %li",bnd->bot);
+		vmess("Front boundary  : %li",bnd->fro);
+		vmess("Back boundary   : %li",bnd->bac);
+        vmess("taper lenght = %li points",bnd->ntap);
+	}
+	/* define the number and type of shots to model */
+	/* each shot can have multiple sources arranged in different ways */
+	if (!getparfloat("xsrc",&xsrc)) xsrc=sub_x0+((nx-1)*dx)/2.0;
+	if (!getparfloat("ysrc",&xsrc)) ysrc=sub_y0+((ny-1)*dy)/2.0;
+	if (!getparfloat("zsrc",&zsrc)) zsrc=sub_z0;
+	if (!getparlong("nshot",&shot->n)) shot->n=1;
+	if (!getparfloat("dxshot",&dxshot)) dxshot=dx;
+	if (!getparfloat("dyshot",&dyshot)) dyshot=dy;
+	if (!getparfloat("dzshot",&dzshot)) dzshot=0.0;
+	if (!getparfloat("dip",&src->dip)) src->dip=0.0;
+	if (!getparfloat("strike",&src->strike)) src->strike=1.0;
+	if (src->strike>=0) src->strike=0.5*M_PI;
+	else src->strike = -0.5*M_PI;
+	src->dip = M_PI*(src->dip/180.0);
+	if (shot->n>1) {
+		idxshot=MAX(0,NINT(dxshot/dx));
+		idyshot=MAX(0,NINT(dyshot/dy));
+		idzshot=MAX(0,NINT(dzshot/dz));
+	}
+	else {
+		idxshot=0.0;
+		idyshot=0.0;
+		idzshot=0.0;
+	}
+	/* calculate the shot positions */	
+	src_ix0=MAX(0,NINT((xsrc-sub_x0)/dx));
+	src_ix0=MIN(src_ix0,nx);
+	src_iy0=MAX(0,NINT((ysrc-sub_y0)/dy));
+	src_iy0=MIN(src_iy0,ny);
+	src_iz0=MAX(0,NINT((zsrc-sub_z0)/dz));
+	src_iz0=MIN(src_iz0,nz);
+	srcendx=(shot->n-1)*dxshot+xsrc;
+	srcendy=(shot->n-1)*dyshot+ysrc;
+	srcendz=(shot->n-1)*dzshot+zsrc;
+	src_ix1=MAX(0,NINT((srcendx-sub_x0)/dx));
+	src_ix1=MIN(src_ix1,nx);
+	src_iy1=MAX(0,NINT((srcendy-sub_y0)/dy));
+	src_iy1=MIN(src_iy1,ny);
+	src_iz1=MAX(0,NINT((srcendz-sub_z0)/dz));
+	src_iz1=MIN(src_iz1,nz);
+	shot->x = (long *)calloc(shot->n,sizeof(long));
+	shot->y = (long *)calloc(shot->n,sizeof(long));
+	shot->z = (long *)calloc(shot->n,sizeof(long));
+	for (is=0; is<shot->n; is++) {
+		shot->x[is] = src_ix0+is*idxshot;
+		shot->y[is] = src_iy0+is*idyshot;
+		shot->z[is] = src_iz0+is*idzshot;
+		if (shot->x[is] > nx-1) shot->n = is-1;
+		if (shot->y[is] > nz-1) shot->n = is-1;
+		if (shot->z[is] > nz-1) shot->n = is-1;
+	}
+	/* check if source array is defined */
+	nxsrc = countparval("xsrca");
+	nysrc = countparval("ysrca");
+	nzsrc = countparval("zsrca");
+	if (nxsrc != nzsrc) {
+		verr("Number of sources in array xsrca (%li), ysrca (%li), zsrca (%li) are not equal",nxsrc, nysrc, nzsrc);
+	}
+	/* source positions defined through txt file */
+   	if (!getparstring("src_txt",&src_txt)) src_txt=NULL;
+	/* check if sources on a circle are defined */
+	if (getparfloat("rsrc", &rsrc)) {
+		if (!getparfloat("dphisrc",&dphisrc)) dphisrc=2.0;
+		if (!getparfloat("oxsrc",&oxsrc)) oxsrc=0.0;
+		if (!getparfloat("oysrc",&oysrc)) oysrc=0.0;
+		if (!getparfloat("ozsrc",&ozsrc)) ozsrc=0.0;
+		ncsrc = NINT(360.0/dphisrc);
+        src->n = nsrc;
+		src->x = (long *)malloc(ncsrc*sizeof(long));
+		src->y = (long *)malloc(ncsrc*sizeof(long));
+		src->z = (long *)malloc(ncsrc*sizeof(long));
+		for (ix=0; ix<ncsrc; ix++) {
+			src->x[ix] = NINT((oxsrc-sub_x0+rsrc*cos(((ix*dphisrc)/360.0)*(2.0*M_PI)))/dx);
+			src->y[ix] = NINT((oysrc-sub_y0+rsrc*sin(((ix*dphisrc)/360.0)*(2.0*M_PI)))/dy);
+			src->z[ix] = NINT((ozsrc-sub_z0+rsrc*sin(((ix*dphisrc)/360.0)*(2.0*M_PI)))/dz);
+			if (verbose>4) fprintf(stderr,"Source on Circle: xsrc[%li]=%li ysrc=%li zsrc=%li\n", ix, src->x[ix], src->y[ix], src->z[ix]);
+		}	
+	}
+    /* TO DO propagate src_positions parameter and structure through code */
+	if (!getparstring("src_positions",&src_positions)) src_positions="single";
+	wav->random=0;
+	src->random=0;
+	src->plane=0;
+	src->array=0;
+	src->single=0;
+	if (strstr(src_positions, "single")) src->single=1;
+	else if (strstr(src_positions, "array")) src->array=1;
+	else if (strstr(src_positions, "random")) src->random=1;
+	else if (strstr(src_positions, "plane")) src->plane=1;
+	else src->single=1;
+	/* to maintain functionality of older parameters usage */
+	if (!getparlong("src_random",&src->random)) src->random=0;
+	if (!getparlong("plane_wave",&src->plane)) src->plane=0;
+	if (src->random) {
+		if (!getparlong("wav_random",&wav->random)) wav->random=1;
+		src->plane=0;
+		src->array=0;
+		src->single=0;
+	}
+	else {
+		if (!getparlong("wav_random",&wav->random)) wav->random=0;
+	}
+	if (src->plane) {
+		src->random=0;
+		src->array=0;
+		src->single=0;
+	}
+	if (!wav->random) assert (wav->file_src != NULL);
+	if (wav->random) {
+		wav->nt=mod->nt;
+		wav->dt=mod->dt;
+		wav->nx=1;
+	}
+	/* number of sources per shot modeling */
+	if (!getparlong("src_window",&src->window)) src->window=0;
+	if (!getparfloat("src_angle",&src_angle)) src_angle=0.;
+	if (!getparfloat("src_velo",&src_velo)) src_velo=1500.;
+	if (!getparlong("distribution",&src->distribution)) src->distribution=0;
+	if (!getparlong("src_multiwav",&src->multiwav)) src->multiwav=0;
+	if (!getparfloat("amplitude", &src->amplitude)) src->amplitude=0.0;
+	if (!getparfloat("tlength", &tlength)) tlength=mod->dt*(mod->nt-1);
+    if (!getparlong("src_injectionrate", &src->injectionrate)) src->injectionrate=0;
+	if (src->random && nxsrc==0) {
+		if (!getparlong("nsrc",&nsrc)) nsrc=1;
+		if (!getparlong("seed",&wav->seed)) wav->seed=10;
+		if (!getparfloat("xsrc1", &xsrc1)) xsrc1=sub_x0;
+		if (!getparfloat("xsrc2", &xsrc2)) xsrc2=xmax;
+		if (!getparfloat("ysrc1", &ysrc1)) ysrc1=sub_y0;
+		if (!getparfloat("ysrc2", &ysrc2)) ysrc2=ymax;
+		if (!getparfloat("zsrc1", &zsrc1)) zsrc1=sub_z0;
+		if (!getparfloat("zsrc2", &zsrc2)) zsrc2=zmax;
+		if (!getparfloat("tsrc1", &tsrc1)) tsrc1=0.0;
+		if (!getparfloat("tsrc2", &tsrc2)) tsrc2=mod->tmod;
+		if (!getparfloat("tactive", &tactive)) tactive=tsrc2;
+		tsrc2  = MIN(tsrc2, mod->tmod);
+		if (!getparfloat("tlength", &tlength)) tlength=tsrc2-tsrc1;
+		if (!getparlong("length_random", &length_random)) length_random=1;
+		dxshot = xsrc2-xsrc1;
+		dyshot = ysrc2-ysrc1;
+		dzshot = zsrc2-zsrc1;
+		dtshot = tsrc2-tsrc1;
+		if (wav->random) {
+			if (!getparlong("src_multiwav",&src->multiwav)) src->multiwav=1;
+			if (src->multiwav) wav->nx = nsrc;
+			else wav->nx = 1;
+		}
+		if (wav->random) wav->nt = NINT(tlength/mod->dt)+1;
+		src->tbeg = (float *)malloc(nsrc*sizeof(float));
+		src->tend = (float *)malloc(nsrc*sizeof(float));
+		wav->nsamp = (size_t *)malloc((nsrc+1)*sizeof(size_t));
+		src->x = (long *)malloc(nsrc*sizeof(long));
+		src->y = (long *)malloc(nsrc*sizeof(long));
+		src->z = (long *)malloc(nsrc*sizeof(long));
+		nsamp = 0;
+		srand48(wav->seed);
+		for (is=0; is<nsrc; is++) {
+			rand = (float)drand48();
+			src->x[is] = NINT((xsrc1+rand*dxshot-sub_x0)/dx);
+			rand = (float)drand48();
+			src->y[is] = NINT((ysrc1+rand*dyshot-sub_y0)/dy);
+			rand = (float)drand48();
+			src->z[is] = NINT((zsrc1+rand*dzshot-sub_z0)/dz);
+			if (length_random) rand = (float)drand48();
+			else rand = 0.0;
+			src->tbeg[is] = tsrc1+rand*(dtshot);
+			if (wav->random) {
+				if (src->distribution) rand = fabsf(tlength+gaussGen()*tlength);
+				else rand = (float)drand48()*tlength;
+				if (length_random!=1) rand = tlength;
+				src->tend[is] = MIN(src->tbeg[is]+rand, tactive);
+				wav->nsamp[is] = (size_t)(NINT((src->tend[is]-src->tbeg[is])/mod->dt)+1);
+			}
+			else {
+				src->tend[is] = MIN(src->tbeg[is]+(wav->nt-1)*wav->dt,mod->tmod);
+				wav->nsamp[is] = wav->nt;
+			}
+			nsamp += wav->nsamp[is];
+			if (verbose>3) {
+				vmess("Random xsrc=%f ysrc=%f zsrc=%f src_tbeg=%f src_tend=%f nsamp=%ld",src->x[is]*dx, src->y[is]*dy, src->z[is]*dz, src->tbeg[is], src->tend[is], wav->nsamp[is]);
+			}
+		}
+		wav->nsamp[nsrc] = nsamp; /* put total number of samples in last position */
+		wav->nst = nsamp; /* put total number of samples in nst part */
+/* write time and length of source signals */
+		if (verbose>3) {
+			float *dum;
+			dum = (float *)calloc(mod->nt, sizeof(float));
+			for (is=0; is<nsrc; is++) {
+				dum[(long)floor(src->tbeg[is]/mod->dt)] = src->tend[is]-src->tbeg[is];
+			}
+			FILE *fp;
+			sprintf(tmpname,"srcTimeLengthN=%li.bin",mod->nt);
+			fp = fopen(tmpname, "w+");
+			fwrite(dum, sizeof(float), mod->nt, fp);
+			fclose(fp);
+			free(dum);
+		}
+	}
+	else if ( (nxsrc != 0) || (src_txt != NULL) ) {
+		/* source array is defined */
+	    if (src_txt!=NULL) {
+    	    /* Sources from a Text File */
+            /* Open text file */
+		    nsrctext=0;
+            fp=fopen(src_txt,"r");
+            assert(fp!=NULL);
+            /* Get number of lines */
+            while (!feof(fp)) if (fgetc(fp)=='\n') nsrctext++;
+            fseek(fp,-1,SEEK_CUR);
+            if (fgetc(fp)!='\n') nsrctext++; /* Checks if last line terminated by /n */
+            if (verbose) vmess("Number of sources in src_txt file: %li",nsrctext);
+            rewind(fp);
+		    nsrc=nsrctext;
+        }
+        else {
+		    nsrc=nxsrc;
+        }
+		/* Allocate arrays */
+		src->x = (long *)malloc(nsrc*sizeof(long));
+		src->y = (long *)malloc(nsrc*sizeof(long));
+		src->z = (long *)malloc(nsrc*sizeof(long));
+		src->tbeg = (float *)malloc(nsrc*sizeof(float));
+		src->tend = (float *)malloc(nsrc*sizeof(float));
+		xsrca = (float *)malloc(nsrc*sizeof(float));
+		ysrca = (float *)malloc(nsrc*sizeof(float));
+		zsrca = (float *)malloc(nsrc*sizeof(float));
+	    if (src_txt!=NULL) {
+			/* Read in source coordinates */
+			for (i=0;i<nsrc;i++) {
+				if (fscanf(fp,"%e %e %e\n",&xsrca[i],&ysrca[i],&zsrca[i])!=3) vmess("Source Text File: Can not parse coordinates on line %li.",i);
+			}
+			/* Close file */
+			fclose(fp);
+        }
+		else {
+			getparfloat("xsrca", xsrca);
+			getparfloat("ysrca", ysrca);
+			getparfloat("zsrca", zsrca);
+        }
+		/* Process coordinates */
+		for (is=0; is<nsrc; is++) {
+			src->x[is] = NINT((xsrca[is]-sub_x0)/dx);
+			src->y[is] = NINT((ysrca[is]-sub_y0)/dy);
+			src->z[is] = NINT((zsrca[is]-sub_z0)/dz);
+			src->tbeg[is] = 0.0;
+			src->tend[is] = (wav->nt-1)*wav->dt;
+			if (verbose>3) fprintf(stderr,"Source Array: xsrc[%li]=%f ysrc=%f zsrc=%f\n", is, xsrca[is], ysrca[is], zsrca[is]);
+		}
+		src->random = 1;
+		wav->nsamp = (size_t *)malloc((nsrc+1)*sizeof(size_t));
+		if (wav->random) {
+			if (!getparlong("src_multiwav",&src->multiwav)) src->multiwav=1;
+			if (src->multiwav) wav->nx = nsrc;
+			else wav->nx = 1;
+			wav->nt = NINT(tlength/mod->dt)+1;
+			nsamp=0;
+			for (is=0; is<nsrc; is++) {
+				rand = (float)drand48()*tlength;
+				src->tend[is] = MIN(src->tbeg[is]+rand, mod->tmod);
+				wav->nsamp[is] = (size_t)(NINT((src->tend[is]-src->tbeg[is])/mod->dt)+1);
+				nsamp += wav->nsamp[is];
+			}
+			wav->nsamp[nsrc] = nsamp; /* put total number of samples in last position */
+			wav->nst = nsamp; /* put total number of samples in nst part */
+		}
+		else {
+			nsamp=0;
+			for (is=0; is<nsrc; is++) {
+				wav->nsamp[is] = wav->nt;
+				nsamp += wav->nsamp[is];
+			}
+			wav->nsamp[nsrc] = nsamp; /* put total number of samples in last position */
+			wav->nst = nsamp; /* put total number of samples in nst part */
+		}
+		free(xsrca);
+		free(ysrca);
+		free(zsrca);
+	}
+	else if (wav->nx > 1) {
+		/* read file_src for number of sources and receiver positions */
+		if (!getparlong("src_multiwav",&src->multiwav)) src->multiwav=1;
+		float *gx, *sx, *gy, *sy, *gelev, *selev;
+		gx = (float *)malloc(wav->nx*sizeof(float));
+		sx = (float *)malloc(wav->nx*sizeof(float));
+		gy = (float *)malloc(wav->nx*sizeof(float));
+		sy = (float *)malloc(wav->nx*sizeof(float));
+		gelev = (float *)malloc(wav->nx*sizeof(float));
+		selev = (float *)malloc(wav->nx*sizeof(float));
+		getWaveletHeaders3D(wav->file_src, wav->ns, wav->nx, gx, sx, gy, sy, gelev, selev, verbose);
+		nsrc = wav->nx;
+		src->x = (long *)malloc(nsrc*sizeof(long));
+		src->y = (long *)malloc(nsrc*sizeof(long));
+		src->z = (long *)malloc(nsrc*sizeof(long));
+		src->tbeg = (float *)malloc(nsrc*sizeof(float));
+		src->tend = (float *)malloc(nsrc*sizeof(float));
+		wav->nsamp = (size_t *)malloc((nsrc+1)*sizeof(size_t));
+		nsamp=0;
+		for (is=0; is<nsrc; is++) {
+			if (src->src_at_rcv>0){
+				src->x[is] = NINT((gx[is]-sub_x0)/dx);
+				src->y[is] = NINT((gy[is]-sub_y0)/dy);
+				src->z[is] = NINT((gelev[is]-sub_z0)/dz);
+				if (verbose>3) fprintf(stderr,"Source Array: xsrc[%li]=%f %li ysrc=%f %li zsrc=%f %li\n", is, gx[is], src->x[is], gy[is], src->y[is], gelev[is], src->z[is]);
+			}
+			else {
+                src->x[is]=NINT((sx[is]-sub_x0)/dx);
+                src->y[is]=NINT((sy[is]-sub_y0)/dy);
+                src->z[is]=NINT((selev[is]-sub_z0)/dz);
+				if (verbose>3) fprintf(stderr,"Source Array: xsrc[%li]=%f %li ysrc=%f %li zsrc=%f %li\n", is, sx[is], src->x[is], sy[is], src->y[is], selev[is], src->z[is]);
+			}
+			src->tbeg[is] = 0.0;
+			src->tend[is] = (wav->nt-1)*wav->dt;
+			wav->nsamp[is] = (size_t)(NINT((src->tend[is]-src->tbeg[is])/mod->dt)+1);
+			nsamp += wav->nsamp[is];
+		}
+		wav->nsamp[nsrc] = nsamp; /* put total number of samples in last position */
+		free(gx);
+		free(sx);
+		free(gy);
+		free(sy);
+		free(gelev);
+		free(selev);
+	}
+	else {
+		if (src->plane) { if (!getparlong("nsrc",&nsrc)) nsrc=1;}
+		else nsrc=1;
+		if (nsrc > nx) {
+			vwarn("Number of sources used in plane wave is larger than ");
+			vwarn("number of gridpoints in X. Plane wave will be clipped to the edges of the model");
+			nsrc = mod->nx;
+		}
+	/* for a source defined on mutliple gridpoint calculate p delay factor */
+		src->x = (long *)malloc(nsrc*sizeof(long));
+		src->y = (long *)malloc(nsrc*sizeof(long));
+		src->z = (long *)malloc(nsrc*sizeof(long));
+		src->tbeg = (float *)malloc(nsrc*sizeof(float));
+		src->tend = (float *)malloc(nsrc*sizeof(float));
+		grad2rad = 17.453292e-3;
+		p = sin(src_angle*grad2rad)/src_velo;
+		if (p < 0.0) {
+			for (is=0; is<nsrc; is++) {
+				src->tbeg[is] = fabsf((nsrc-is-1)*dx*p);
+			}
+		}
+		else {
+			for (is=0; is<nsrc; is++) {
+				src->tbeg[is] = is*dx*p;
+			}
+		}
+		for (is=0; is<nsrc; is++) {
+			src->tend[is] = src->tbeg[is] + (wav->nt-1)*wav->dt;
+		}		
+		is0 = -1*floor((nsrc-1)/2);
+		for (is=0; is<nsrc; is++) {
+			src->x[is] = is0 + is;
+			src->y[is] = 0;
+			src->z[is] = 0;
+		}
+		if (wav->random) {
+			if (!getparlong("src_multiwav",&src->multiwav)) src->multiwav=1;
+			if (src->multiwav) wav->nx = nsrc;
+			else wav->nx = 1;
+			wav->nt = NINT(tlength/mod->dt)+1;
+			wav->nsamp = (size_t *)malloc((wav->nx+1)*sizeof(size_t));
+			nsamp=0;
+			for (is=0; is<wav->nx; is++) {
+				rand = (float)drand48()*tlength;
+				src->tend[is] = MIN(src->tbeg[is]+rand, mod->tmod);
+				wav->nsamp[is] = (size_t)(NINT((src->tend[is]-src->tbeg[is])/mod->dt)+1);
+				nsamp += wav->nsamp[is];
+			}
+			wav->nsamp[nsrc] = nsamp; /* put total number of samples in last position */
+			wav->nst = nsamp; /* put total number of samples in nst part */
+		}
+		else {
+			wav->nsamp = (size_t *)malloc((nsrc+1)*sizeof(size_t));
+			nsamp=0;
+			for (is=0; is<nsrc; is++) {
+				wav->nsamp[is] = wav->nt;
+				nsamp += wav->nsamp[is];
+			}
+			wav->nsamp[nsrc] = nsamp; /* put total number of samples in last position */
+			wav->nst = nsamp; /* put total number of samples in nst part */
+		}
+	}
+	if (src->multiwav) {
+		if (wav->nx != nsrc) {
+			vwarn("src_multiwav has been defined but number of traces in");
+			vwarn("file_src = %li is not equal to nsrc = %li", wav->nx, nsrc);
+			vwarn("last trace in file_src will be repeated.");
+		}
+		else {
+			if (wav->file_src != NULL) vmess("Using all traces in file_src for a real shot");
+		}
+	}
+	src->n=nsrc;
+	if (verbose) {
+		vmess("*******************************************");
+		vmess("************* wavelet info ****************");
+		vmess("*******************************************");
+		vmess("wav_nt   = %6li   wav_nx      = %li", wav->ns, wav->nx);
+		vmess("src_type = %6li   src_orient  = %li", src->type, src->orient);
+		vmess("fmax     = %8.2f", fmax);
+		fprintf(stderr,"    %s: Source type         : ",xargv[0]);
+		switch ( src->type ) {
+			case 1 : fprintf(stderr,"P "); break;
+			case 2 : fprintf(stderr,"Txz "); break;
+			case 3 : fprintf(stderr,"Tzz "); break;
+			case 4 : fprintf(stderr,"Txx "); break;
+			case 5 : fprintf(stderr,"S-potential"); break;
+			case 6 : fprintf(stderr,"Fx "); break;
+			case 7 : fprintf(stderr,"Fz "); break;
+			case 8 : fprintf(stderr,"P-potential"); break;
+		}
+		fprintf(stderr,"\n");
+		if (wav->random) vmess("Wavelet has a random signature with fmax=%.2f", wav->fmax);
+		if (src->n>1) {
+			vmess("*******************************************");
+			vmess("*********** source array info *************");
+			vmess("*******************************************");
+			vmess("Areal source array is defined with %li sources.",nsrc);
+			vmess("Memory requirement for sources = %.2f MB.",sizeof(float)*(nsamp/(1024.0*1024.0)));
+			if (src->plane) vmess("Computed p-value = %f.",p);
+		}
+		if (src->random) {
+		vmess("Sources are placed at random locations in domain: ");
+		vmess(" x[%.2f : %.2f]  y[%.2f : %.2f]  z[%.2f : %.2f] ", xsrc1, xsrc2, ysrc1, ysrc2, zsrc1, zsrc2);
+		vmess(" and all start in time window  t[%.3f : %.3f].", tsrc1, tsrc2);
+		vmess(" after time %.3f the sources will not be active anymore.", tactive);
+		}
+	}
+	/* define snapshots and beams */
+	if (!getparfloat("tsnap1", &tsnap1)) tsnap1=0.1;
+	if (!getparfloat("tsnap2", &tsnap2)) tsnap2=0.0;
+	if (!getparfloat("dtsnap", &dtsnap)) dtsnap=0.1;
+	if (!getparfloat("dxsnap", &dxsnap)) dxsnap=dx;
+	if (!getparfloat("dysnap", &dysnap)) dysnap=dy;
+	if (!getparfloat("dzsnap", &dzsnap)) dzsnap=dz;
+	if (!getparfloat("xsnap1", &xsnap1)) xsnap1=sub_x0;
+	if (!getparfloat("xsnap2", &xsnap2)) xsnap2=xmax;
+	if (!getparfloat("ysnap1", &ysnap1)) ysnap1=sub_y0;
+	if (!getparfloat("ysnap2", &ysnap2)) ysnap2=ymax;
+	if (!getparfloat("zsnap1", &zsnap1)) zsnap1=sub_z0;
+	if (!getparfloat("zsnap2", &zsnap2)) zsnap2=zmax;
+	if (!getparlong("sna_vxvztime", &sna->vxvztime)) sna->vxvztime=0;
+	if (!getparlong("beam", &sna->beam)) sna->beam=0;
+	if (!getparlong("snapwithbnd", &sna->withbnd)) sna->withbnd=0;
+	if (!getparlong("sna_type_vz", &sna->type.vz)) sna->type.vz=1;
+	if (!getparlong("sna_type_vy", &sna->type.vy)) sna->type.vy=0;
+	if (!getparlong("sna_type_vx", &sna->type.vx)) sna->type.vx=0;
+	if (mod->ischeme>2) {
+		sna->type.p=0;
+		if (!getparlong("sna_type_txx", &sna->type.txx)) sna->type.txx=0;
+		if (!getparlong("sna_type_tyy", &sna->type.tyy)) sna->type.tyy=0;
+		if (!getparlong("sna_type_tzz", &sna->type.tzz)) sna->type.tzz=0;
+		if (!getparlong("sna_type_txz", &sna->type.txz)) sna->type.txz=0;
+		if (!getparlong("sna_type_txy", &sna->type.txy)) sna->type.txy=0;
+		if (!getparlong("sna_type_tyz", &sna->type.tyz)) sna->type.tyz=0;
+		if (!getparlong("sna_type_pp", &sna->type.pp)) sna->type.pp=0;
+		if (!getparlong("sna_type_ss", &sna-> sna->;
+	}
+	else {
+		if (!getparlong("sna_type_p", &sna->type.p)) sna->type.p=1;
+		sna->type.txx=0;
+		sna->type.tyy=0;
+		sna->type.tzz=0;
+		sna->type.txz=0;
+		sna->type.txy=0;
+		sna->type.tyz=0;
+		sna->type.pp=0;
+		sna->;
+	}
+	sna->nsnap = 0;
+	if (tsnap2 >= tsnap1) {
+		sna_nrsna   = 1+NINT((tsnap2-tsnap1)/dtsnap);
+		sna->skipdt = MAX(1,NINT(dtsnap/dt));
+		sna->skipdx = MAX(1,NINT(dxsnap/dx));
+		sna->skipdy = MAX(1,NINT(dysnap/dy));
+		sna->skipdz = MAX(1,NINT(dzsnap/dz));
+		sna->delay  = NINT(tsnap1/dt);
+		isnapmax1   = (sna_nrsna-1)*sna->skipdt;
+		isnapmax2   = floor( (mod->nt-(sna->delay + 1))/sna->skipdt) * sna->skipdt;
+		isnapmax    = (sna->delay + 1) + MIN(isnapmax1,isnapmax2);
+		sna->nsnap  = floor((isnapmax-(sna->delay + 1))/sna->skipdt) + 1;
+		sna->x1=NINT((MIN(MAX(sub_x0,xsnap1),xmax)-sub_x0)/dx);
+		sna->x2=NINT((MIN(MAX(sub_x0,xsnap2),xmax)-sub_x0)/dx);
+		sna->y1=NINT((MIN(MAX(sub_y0,ysnap1),ymax)-sub_y0)/dy);
+		sna->y2=NINT((MIN(MAX(sub_y0,ysnap2),ymax)-sub_y0)/dy);
+		sna->z1=NINT((MIN(MAX(sub_z0,zsnap1),zmax)-sub_z0)/dz);
+		sna->z2=NINT((MIN(MAX(sub_z0,zsnap2),zmax)-sub_z0)/dz);
+		dxsnap=dx*sna->skipdx;
+		dysnap=dy*sna->skipdy;
+		dzsnap=dz*sna->skipdz;
+		sna->nx=1+(((sna->x2-sna->x1))/sna->skipdx);
+		sna->ny=1+(((sna->y2-sna->y1))/sna->skipdy);
+		sna->nz=1+(((sna->z2-sna->z1))/sna->skipdz);
+		if (verbose) {
+			vmess("*******************************************");
+			vmess("************* snap shot info **************");
+			vmess("*******************************************");
+			vmess("tsnap1  = %f tsnap2  = %f ", tsnap1, tsnap2);
+			vmess("dtsnap  = %f Nsnap   = %li ", dtsnap, sna->nsnap);
+			vmess("nzsnap  = %li nysnap  = %li nxsnap  = %li ", sna->nz, sna->nz, sna->nx);
+			vmess("dzsnap  = %f dysnap  = %f dxsnap  = %f ", dzsnap, dysnap, dxsnap);
+			vmess("zmin    = %f zmax    = %f ", sub_z0+dz*sna->z1, sub_z0+dz*sna->z2);
+			vmess("ymin    = %f ymax    = %f ", sub_y0+dy*sna->y1, sub_y0+dy*sna->y2);
+			vmess("xmin    = %f xmax    = %f ", sub_x0+dx*sna->x1, sub_x0+dx*sna->x2);
+			if (sna->vxvztime) vmess("vx/vy/vz snapshot time  : t+0.5*dt ");
+			else vmess("vx/vy/vz snapshot time  : t-0.5*dt ");
+			fprintf(stderr,"    %s: Snapshot types        : ",xargv[0]);
+			if (sna->type.vz) fprintf(stderr,"Vz ");
+			if (sna->type.vy) fprintf(stderr,"Vy ");
+			if (sna->type.vx) fprintf(stderr,"Vx ");
+			if (sna->type.p) fprintf(stderr,"p ");
+			if (mod->ischeme>2) {
+				if (sna->type.txx) fprintf(stderr,"Txx ");
+				if (sna->type.tyy) fprintf(stderr,"Tyy ");
+				if (sna->type.tzz) fprintf(stderr,"Tzz ");
+				if (sna->type.txz) fprintf(stderr,"Txz ");
+				if (sna->type.txy) fprintf(stderr,"Txy ");
+				if (sna->type.tyz) fprintf(stderr,"Tyz ");
+				if (sna->type.pp) fprintf(stderr,"P ");
+				if (sna-> fprintf(stderr,"S ");
+			}
+			fprintf(stderr,"\n");
+		}
+	}
+	else {
+		sna->nsnap = 0;
+		if (verbose) vmess("*************** no snapshots **************");
+	}
+	if (sna->beam) {
+		sna->skipdx = MAX(1,NINT(dxsnap/dx));
+		sna->skipdy = MAX(1,NINT(dysnap/dy));
+		sna->skipdz = MAX(1,NINT(dzsnap/dz));
+		sna->x1=NINT((MIN(MAX(sub_x0,xsnap1),xmax)-sub_x0)/dx);
+		sna->x2=NINT((MIN(MAX(sub_x0,xsnap2),xmax)-sub_x0)/dx);
+		sna->y1=NINT((MIN(MAX(sub_y0,ysnap1),ymax)-sub_y0)/dy);
+		sna->y2=NINT((MIN(MAX(sub_y0,ysnap2),ymax)-sub_y0)/dy);
+		sna->z1=NINT((MIN(MAX(sub_z0,zsnap1),zmax)-sub_z0)/dz);
+		sna->z2=NINT((MIN(MAX(sub_z0,zsnap2),zmax)-sub_z0)/dz);
+		dxsnap=dx*sna->skipdx;
+		dysnap=dy*sna->skipdy;
+		dzsnap=dz*sna->skipdz;
+		sna->nx=1+(((sna->x2-sna->x1))/sna->skipdx);
+		sna->ny=1+(((sna->y2-sna->y1))/sna->skipdy);
+		sna->nz=1+(((sna->z2-sna->z1))/sna->skipdz);
+		if (verbose) {
+			vmess("*******************************************");
+			vmess("**************** beam info ****************");
+			vmess("*******************************************");
+			vmess("nzsnap  = %li nysnap  =%li nxsnap  = %li ", sna->nz, sna->ny, sna->nx);
+			vmess("dzsnap  = %f dysnap  = %f dxsnap  = %f ", dzsnap, dysnap, dxsnap);
+			vmess("zmin    = %f zmax    = %f ", sub_z0+dz*sna->z1, sub_z0+dz*sna->z2);
+			vmess("ymin    = %f ymax    = %f ", sub_y0+dy*sna->y1, sub_y0+dy*sna->y2);
+			vmess("xmin    = %f xmax    = %f ", sub_x0+dx*sna->x1, sub_x0+dx*sna->x2);
+			fprintf(stderr,"    %s: Beam types            : ",xargv[0]);
+			if (sna->type.vz) fprintf(stderr,"Vz ");
+			if (sna->type.vy) fprintf(stderr,"Vy ");
+			if (sna->type.vx) fprintf(stderr,"Vx ");
+			if (sna->type.p) fprintf(stderr,"p ");
+			if (mod->ischeme>2) {
+				if (sna->type.txx) fprintf(stderr,"Txx ");
+				if (sna->type.tyy) fprintf(stderr,"Tyy ");
+				if (sna->type.tzz) fprintf(stderr,"Tzz ");
+				if (sna->type.txz) fprintf(stderr,"Txz ");
+				if (sna->type.txy) fprintf(stderr,"Txy ");
+				if (sna->type.tyz) fprintf(stderr,"Tyz ");
+				if (sna->type.pp) fprintf(stderr,"P ");
+				if (sna-> fprintf(stderr,"S ");
+			}
+			fprintf(stderr,"\n");
+		}
+	}
+	else {
+		if (verbose) vmess("**************** no beams *****************");
+	}
+	/* define receivers */
+	if (!getparlong("largeSUfile",&largeSUfile)) largeSUfile=0;
+	if (!getparlong("sinkdepth",&rec->sinkdepth)) rec->sinkdepth=0;
+	if (!getparlong("sinkdepth_src",&src->sinkdepth)) src->sinkdepth=0;
+	if (!getparlong("sinkvel",&rec->sinkvel)) rec->sinkvel=0;
+	if (!getparfloat("dtrcv",&dtrcv)) dtrcv=0.004;
+	/* TODO check if dtrcv is integer multiple of dt */
+	rec->skipdt=NINT(dtrcv/dt);
+	dtrcv = mod->dt*rec->skipdt;
+	if (!getparfloat("rec_delay",&rdelay)) rdelay=0.0;
+	if (!getparlong("rec_ntsam",&rec->nt)) rec->nt=NINT((mod->tmod-rdelay)/dtrcv)+1;
+	if (!getparlong("rec_int_p",&rec->int_p)) rec->int_p=0;
+	if (!getparlong("rec_int_vx",&rec->int_vx)) rec->int_vx=0;
+	if (!getparlong("rec_int_vy",&rec->int_vy)) rec->int_vy=0;
+	if (!getparlong("rec_int_vz",&rec->int_vz)) rec->int_vz=0;
+	if (!getparlong("max_nrec",&rec->max_nrec)) rec->max_nrec=15000;
+	if (!getparlong("scale",&rec->scale)) rec->scale=0;
+	if (!getparfloat("dxspread",&dxspread)) dxspread=0;
+	if (!getparfloat("dyspread",&dyspread)) dyspread=0;
+	if (!getparfloat("dzspread",&dzspread)) dzspread=0;
+	rec->nt=MIN(rec->nt, NINT((mod->tmod-rdelay)/dtrcv)+1);
+/* allocation of receiver arrays is done in recvPar */
+	/* calculates the receiver coordinates */
+	recvPar(rec, sub_x0, sub_y0, sub_z0, dx, dy, dz, nx, ny, nz);
+	if (!getparlong("rec_type_vz", &rec->type.vz)) rec->type.vz=1;
+	if (!getparlong("rec_type_vy", &rec->type.vy)) rec->type.vy=0;
+	if (!getparlong("rec_type_vx", &rec->type.vx)) rec->type.vx=0;
+	if (!getparlong("rec_type_ud", &rec->type.ud)) rec->type.ud=0;
+	if (mod->ischeme!=1 &&  rec->type.ud==1) {
+		warn("Receiver decomposition only implemented for acoustis scheme (1)");
+	}
+	if (mod->ischeme>2) {
+		rec->type.p=0;
+		if (!getparlong("rec_type_txx", &rec->type.txx)) rec->type.txx=0;
+		if (!getparlong("rec_type_tyy", &rec->type.tyy)) rec->type.tyy=0;
+		if (!getparlong("rec_type_tzz", &rec->type.tzz)) rec->type.tzz=0;
+		if (!getparlong("rec_type_txz", &rec->type.txz)) rec->type.txz=0;
+		if (!getparlong("rec_type_txy", &rec->type.txy)) rec->type.txy=0;
+		if (!getparlong("rec_type_tyz", &rec->type.tyz)) rec->type.tyz=0;
+		if (!getparlong("rec_type_pp", &rec->type.pp)) rec->type.pp=0;
+		if (!getparlong("rec_type_ss", &rec-> rec->;
+		/* for up and downgoing waves store all x-positons for Vz, Vx, Txz, Tzz into an array */
+	}
+	else {
+		if (!getparlong("rec_type_p", &rec->type.p)) rec->type.p=1;
+		rec->type.txx=0;
+		rec->type.tyy=0;
+		rec->type.tzz=0;
+		rec->type.txz=0;
+		rec->type.txy=0;
+		rec->type.tyz=0;
+		rec->type.pp=0;
+		rec->;
+		/* for up and downgoing waves store all x-positons for P and Vz into an array */
+	}
+	/* receivers are on a circle, use default interpolation to real (not on a grid-point) receiver position */
+	if (getparfloat("rrcv", &rrcv)) { 
+		if (!getparlong("rec_int_p",&rec->int_p)) rec->int_p=3;
+		if (!getparlong("rec_int_vx",&rec->int_vx)) rec->int_vx=3;
+		if (!getparlong("rec_int_vy",&rec->int_vy)) rec->int_vy=3;
+		if (!getparlong("rec_int_vz",&rec->int_vz)) rec->int_vz=3;
+	}
+	if (rec->int_p==3) {
+		rec->int_vx=3;
+		rec->int_vy=3;
+		rec->int_vz=3;
+	}
+	if (verbose) {
+		if (rec->n) {
+			dxrcv = rec->xr[MIN(1,rec->n-1)]-rec->xr[0];
+			dyrcv = rec->yr[MIN(1,rec->n-1)]-rec->yr[0];
+			dzrcv = rec->zr[MIN(1,rec->n-1)]-rec->zr[0];
+			vmess("*******************************************");
+			vmess("************* receiver info ***************");
+			vmess("*******************************************");
+			vmess("ntrcv   = %li nrcv    = %li ", rec->nt, rec->n);
+			vmess("dtrcv   = %f              ", dtrcv );
+			vmess("dzrcv   = %f dyrcv   = %f dxrcv   = %f ", dzrcv, dyrcv, dxrcv);
+			vmess("time-delay = %f = points = %li",  rdelay, rec->delay);
+			if ( fmax > (1.0/(2.0*dtrcv)) ) {
+				vwarn("Receiver time sampling (dtrcv) is aliased.");
+				vwarn("time sampling should be < %.6f", 1.0/(2.0*fmax) );
+			}
+			vmess("Receiver sampling can be => %.6e", 1.0/(2.0*fmax));
+			vmess("Receiver array at coordinates: ");
+			vmess("zmin    = %f zmax    = %f ", rec->zr[0]+sub_z0, rec->zr[rec->n-1]+sub_z0);
+			vmess("ymin    = %f ymax    = %f ", rec->yr[0]+sub_y0, rec->yr[rec->n-1]+sub_y0);
+			vmess("xmin    = %f xmax    = %f ", rec->xr[0]+sub_x0, rec->xr[rec->n-1]+sub_x0);
+			vmess("which are gridpoints: ");
+			vmess("izmin   = %li izmax   = %li ", rec->z[0], rec->z[rec->n-1]);
+			vmess("iymin   = %li iymax   = %li ", rec->y[0], rec->y[rec->n-1]);
+			vmess("ixmin   = %li ixmax   = %li ", rec->x[0], rec->x[rec->n-1]);
+			if (rec->type.p) {
+				fprintf(stderr,"    %s: Receiver interpolation for P: ",xargv[0]);
+				if(rec->int_p==0) fprintf(stderr,"p->p\n");
+				if(rec->int_p==1) fprintf(stderr,"p->vz\n");
+				if(rec->int_p==2) fprintf(stderr,"p->vx\n");
+				if(rec->int_p==3) fprintf(stderr,"interpolate to actual (no-grid) position of receiver\n");
+			}
+			if (rec->type.vx) {
+				fprintf(stderr,"    %s: Receiver interpolation for Vx: ",xargv[0]);
+				if(rec->int_vx==0) fprintf(stderr,"vx->vx\n");
+				if(rec->int_vx==1) fprintf(stderr,"vx->vz\n");
+				if(rec->int_vx==2) fprintf(stderr,"vx->txx/tzz\n");
+				if(rec->int_vx==3) fprintf(stderr,"interpolate to real(no-grid) position of receiver\n");
+			}
+			if (rec->type.vy) {
+				fprintf(stderr,"    %s: Receiver interpolation for Vx: ",xargv[0]);
+				if(rec->int_vy==0) fprintf(stderr,"vy->vy\n");
+				if(rec->int_vy==1) fprintf(stderr,"vy->vz\n");
+				if(rec->int_vy==2) fprintf(stderr,"vy->tyy/tzz\n");
+				if(rec->int_vy==3) fprintf(stderr,"interpolate to real(no-grid) position of receiver\n");
+			}
+			if (rec->type.vz) {
+				fprintf(stderr,"    %s: Receiver interpolation for Vz: ",xargv[0]);
+				if(rec->int_vz==0) fprintf(stderr,"vz->vz\n");
+				if(rec->int_vz==1) fprintf(stderr,"vz->vx\n");
+				if(rec->int_vz==2) fprintf(stderr,"vz->txx/tzz(P)\n");
+				if(rec->int_vz==3) fprintf(stderr,"interpolate to real(no-grid) position of receiver\n");
+			}
+            fprintf(stderr,"    %s: Receiver types        : ",xargv[0]);
+			if (rec->type.vz) fprintf(stderr,"Vz ");
+			if (rec->type.vy) fprintf(stderr,"Vy ");
+			if (rec->type.vx) fprintf(stderr,"Vx ");
+			if (rec->type.p) fprintf(stderr,"p ");
+    		if (rec->type.ud) fprintf(stderr,"P+ P- ");
+			if (mod->ischeme>2) {
+				if (rec->type.txx) fprintf(stderr,"Txx ");
+				if (rec->type.tyy) fprintf(stderr,"Tyy ");
+				if (rec->type.tzz) fprintf(stderr,"Tzz ");
+				if (rec->type.txz) fprintf(stderr,"Txz ");
+				if (rec->type.txy) fprintf(stderr,"Txy ");
+				if (rec->type.tyz) fprintf(stderr,"Tyz ");
+				if (rec->type.pp) fprintf(stderr,"P ");
+				if (rec-> fprintf(stderr,"S ");
+			}
+			fprintf(stderr,"\n");
+			if ( ( ((mod->nt*mod->dt-rec->delay)/rec->skipdt)+1) > 16384) {
+				vwarn("Number of samples in receiver file is larger that SU can handle ");
+				vwarn("use the paramater rec_ntsam=nt (with nt < 16384) to avoid this");
+			}
+			if ((mod->nt-rec->delay)*mod->dt > rec->nt*dtrcv) {
+				long nfiles = ceil((mod->nt*mod->dt)/(rec->nt*dtrcv));
+				long lastn = floor((mod->nt)%(rec->nt*rec->skipdt)/rec->skipdt)+1;
+				vmess("Receiver recordings will be written to %li files",nfiles);
+				vmess("Last file will contain %li samples",lastn);
+			}
+		}
+		else {
+		 	vmess("*************** no receivers **************");
+		}
+	}
+	return 0;
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/getRecTimes.c b/fdelmodc3D/getRecTimes.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13947e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/getRecTimes.c
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+*  Stores the wavefield at the receiver positions.
+*  On a staggered grid the fields are all on different positions, 
+*  to compensate for that the rec.int_vx and rec.int_vz options
+*  can be set.
+*   AUTHOR:
+*           Jan Thorbecke (
+*           The Netherlands 
+int getRecTimes(modPar mod, recPar rec, bndPar bnd, int itime, int isam, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, float *l2m, float *rox, float *roz, float *rec_vx, float *rec_vz, float *rec_txx, float *rec_tzz, float *rec_txz, float *rec_p, float *rec_pp, float *rec_ss, float *rec_udp, float *rec_udvz, int verbose)
+	int n1, ibndx, ibndz;
+	int irec, ix, iz, ix2, iz2, ix1, iz1;
+	float dvx, dvz, rdz, rdx, C00, C10, C01, C11;
+	float *vz_t, c1, c2, lroz, field;
+    ibndx = mod.ioPx;
+    ibndz = mod.ioPz;
+    if (bnd.lef==4 || bnd.lef==2) ibndx += bnd.ntap;
+    if ( || ibndz += bnd.ntap;
+	n1    = mod.naz;
+	c1 = 9.0/8.0;
+	c2 = -1.0/24.0;
+	if (!rec.n) return 0;
+* velocity or txz or potential registrations issues:
+* rec_x and rec_z are related to actual txx/tzz/p positions.
+* offsets from virtual boundaries must be taken into account.
+* vx velocities have one sample less in x-direction
+* vz velocities have one sample less in z-direction
+* txz stresses have one sample less in z-direction and x-direction
+* Note, in the acoustic scheme P is stored in the Tzz array.
+	for (irec=0; irec<rec.n; irec++) {
+		iz = rec.z[irec]+ibndz;
+		ix = rec.x[irec]+ibndx;
+		iz1 = iz-1;
+		ix1 = ix-1;
+		iz2 = iz+1;
+		ix2 = ix+1;
+		/* interpolation to precise (not necessary on a grid point) position */
+		if ( rec.int_p==3 ) {
+			iz = (int)floorf(rec.zr[irec]/;
+			ix = (int)floorf(rec.xr[irec]/mod.dx)+ibndx;
+			rdz = (rec.zr[irec] - (iz-ibndz)*;
+			rdx = (rec.xr[irec] - (ix-ibndx)*mod.dx)/mod.dx;
+			iz1 = iz-1;
+			ix1 = ix-1;
+			iz2 = iz+1;
+			ix2 = ix+1;
+			/*
+			 // Interpolate according to Dirk Kraaijpool's scheme 
+			 // Reference:  "Seismic ray fields and ray field maps : theory and algorithms" , 
+			 // PhD thesis Utrecht University,Faculty of Geosciences, 2003) 
+			 C00 = tzz[ix*n1+iz]      + 0.5*((tzz[(ix+1)*n1+iz]   +tzz[(ix-1)*n1+iz]+ 
+			 tzz[(ix  )*n1+iz+1] +tzz[(ix  )*n1+iz-1])/(2.0*mod.dx));
+			 C10 = tzz[(ix+1)*n1+iz]  + 0.5*((tzz[(ix+2)*n1+iz]   +tzz[(ix  )*n1+iz]+
+			 tzz[(ix+1)*n1+iz+1] +tzz[(ix+1)*n1+iz-1])/(2.0*;
+			 C01 = tzz[ix*n1+iz+1]    + 0.5*((tzz[(ix+1)*n1+iz+1] +tzz[(ix-1)*n1+iz+1]+
+			 tzz[(ix)*n1+iz+2]   +tzz[(ix  )*n1+iz])/(2.0*mod.dx));
+			 C11 = tzz[(ix+1)*n1+iz+1]+ 0.5*((tzz[(ix+2)*n1+iz+1] +tzz[(ix  )*n1+iz+1]+
+			 tzz[(ix+1)*n1+iz+2] +tzz[(ix+1)*n1+iz])/(2.0*;
+			 */
+			if (rec.type.p){
+				/* bi-linear interpolation */
+				C00 = tzz[ix*n1+iz];
+				C10 = tzz[(ix+1)*n1+iz];
+				C01 = tzz[ix*n1+iz+1];
+				C11 = tzz[(ix+1)*n1+iz+1];
+				rec_p[irec*rec.nt+isam] = C00*(1.0-rdx)*(1.0-rdz) + C10*rdx*(1.0-rdz) +
+										  C01*(1.0-rdx)*rdz       + C11*rdx*rdz;
+			}
+			if (rec.type.txx) {
+				C00 = txx[ix*n1+iz];
+				C10 = txx[(ix+1)*n1+iz];
+				C01 = txx[ix*n1+iz+1];
+				C11 = txx[(ix+1)*n1+iz+1];
+				rec_txx[irec*rec.nt+isam] = C00*(1.0-rdx)*(1.0-rdz) + C10*rdx*(1.0-rdz) +
+											C01*(1.0-rdx)*rdz       + C11*rdx*rdz;
+			}
+			if (rec.type.tzz) {
+				C00 = tzz[ix*n1+iz];
+				C10 = tzz[(ix+1)*n1+iz];
+				C01 = tzz[ix*n1+iz+1];
+				C11 = tzz[(ix+1)*n1+iz+1];
+				rec_tzz[irec*rec.nt+isam] = C00*(1.0-rdx)*(1.0-rdz) + C10*rdx*(1.0-rdz) +
+											C01*(1.0-rdx)*rdz       + C11*rdx*rdz;
+			}
+			if (rec.type.txz) {
+				C00 = txz[ix2*n1+iz2];
+				C10 = txz[(ix2+1)*n1+iz2];
+				C01 = txz[ix2*n1+iz2+1];
+				C11 = txz[(ix2+1)*n1+iz2+1];
+				rec_txz[irec*rec.nt+isam] = C00*(1.0-rdx)*(1.0-rdz) + C10*rdx*(1.0-rdz) +
+											C01*(1.0-rdx)*rdz       + C11*rdx*rdz;
+			}
+			if (rec.type.pp) {
+				C00 = (vx[ix2*n1+iz]-vx[ix*n1+iz] +
+					   vz[ix*n1+iz2]-vz[ix*n1+iz])/mod.dx;
+				C10 = (vx[(ix2+1)*n1+iz]-vx[(ix+1)*n1+iz] +
+					   vz[(ix+1)*n1+iz2]-vz[(ix+1)*n1+iz])/mod.dx;
+				C01 = (vx[ix2*n1+iz+1]-vx[ix*n1+iz+1] +
+					   vz[ix*n1+iz2+1]-vz[ix*n1+iz+1])/mod.dx;
+				C11 = (vx[(ix2+1)*n1+iz+1]-vx[(ix+1)*n1+iz+1] +
+					   vz[(ix+1)*n1+iz2+1]-vz[(ix+1)*n1+iz+1])/mod.dx;
+				rec_pp[irec*rec.nt+isam] = C00*(1.0-rdx)*(1.0-rdz) + C10*rdx*(1.0-rdz) +
+										   C01*(1.0-rdx)*rdz       + C11*rdx*rdz;
+			}
+			if ( {
+				C00 = (vx[ix2*n1+iz2]-vx[ix2*n1+iz] -
+					   (vz[ix2*n1+iz2]-vz[ix*n1+iz2]))/mod.dx;
+				C10 = (vx[(ix2+1)*n1+iz2]-vx[(ix2+1)*n1+iz] -
+						(vz[(ix2+1)*n1+iz2]-vz[(ix+1)*n1+iz2]))/mod.dx;
+				C01 = (vx[ix2*n1+iz2+1]-vx[ix2*n1+iz+1] -
+						(vz[ix2*n1+iz2+1]-vz[ix*n1+iz2+1]))/mod.dx;;
+				C11 = (vx[(ix2+1)*n1+iz2+1]-vx[(ix2+1)*n1+iz+1] -
+						(vz[(ix2+1)*n1+iz2+1]-vz[(ix+1)*n1+iz2+1]))/mod.dx;
+				rec_ss[irec*rec.nt+isam] = C00*(1.0-rdx)*(1.0-rdz) + C10*rdx*(1.0-rdz) +
+										   C01*(1.0-rdx)*rdz       + C11*rdx*rdz;
+			}
+			if (rec.type.vz) {
+				C00 = vz[ix*n1+iz2];
+				C10 = vz[(ix+1)*n1+iz2];
+				C01 = vz[ix*n1+iz2+1];
+				C11 = vz[(ix+1)*n1+iz2+1];
+				rec_vz[irec*rec.nt+isam] = C00*(1.0-rdx)*(1.0-rdz) + C10*rdx*(1.0-rdz) +
+										   C01*(1.0-rdx)*rdz       + C11*rdx*rdz;
+			}
+			if (rec.type.vx) {
+				C00 = vx[ix2*n1+iz];
+				C10 = vx[(ix2+1)*n1+iz];
+				C01 = vx[ix2*n1+iz+1];
+				C11 = vx[(ix2+1)*n1+iz+1];
+				rec_vx[irec*rec.nt+isam] = C00*(1.0-rdx)*(1.0-rdz) + C10*rdx*(1.0-rdz) +
+										   C01*(1.0-rdx)*rdz       + C11*rdx*rdz;
+			}
+		}
+		else { /* read values directly from the grid points */
+			if (verbose>=4 && isam==0) {
+				vmess("Receiver %d read at gridpoint ix=%d iz=%d",irec, ix, iz);
+			}
+			/* interpolation of receivers to same time step is only done for acoustic scheme */
+			if (rec.type.p) {
+				if (rec.int_p == 1) {
+					if (mod.ischeme == 1) { /* interpolate Tzz times -1/2 Dt backward to Vz times */
+                        dvx = c1*(vx[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - vx[ix*n1+iz]) +
+                              c2*(vx[(ix+2)*n1+iz] - vx[(ix-1)*n1+iz]);
+                        dvz = c1*(vz[ix*n1+iz+1]   - vz[ix*n1+iz]) +
+                              c2*(vz[ix*n1+iz+2]   - vz[ix*n1+iz-1]);
+                        field = tzz[ix*n1+iz] + 0.5*l2m[ix*n1+iz]*(dvx+dvz);
+                        dvx = c1*(vx[(ix+1)*n1+iz1] - vx[ix*n1+iz1]) +
+                              c2*(vx[(ix+2)*n1+iz1] - vx[(ix-1)*n1+iz1]);
+                        dvz = c1*(vz[ix*n1+iz1+1]   - vz[ix*n1+iz1]) +
+                              c2*(vz[ix*n1+iz1+2]   - vz[ix*n1+iz1-1]);
+                        field += tzz[ix*n1+iz1] + 0.5*l2m[ix*n1+iz1]*(dvx+dvz);
+						rec_p[irec*rec.nt+isam] = 0.5*field;
+					}
+					else {
+						rec_p[irec*rec.nt+isam] = 0.5*(tzz[ix*n1+iz1]+tzz[ix*n1+iz]);
+					}
+				}
+				else if (rec.int_p == 2) {
+					if (mod.ischeme == 1) { /* interpolate Tzz times -1/2 Dt backward to Vx times */
+                        dvx = c1*(vx[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - vx[ix*n1+iz]) +
+                              c2*(vx[(ix+2)*n1+iz] - vx[(ix-1)*n1+iz]);
+                        dvz = c1*(vz[ix*n1+iz+1]   - vz[ix*n1+iz]) +
+                              c2*(vz[ix*n1+iz+2]   - vz[ix*n1+iz-1]);
+                        field = tzz[ix*n1+iz] + 0.5*l2m[ix*n1+iz]*(dvx+dvz);
+                        dvx = c1*(vx[(ix1+1)*n1+iz] - vx[ix1*n1+iz]) +
+                              c2*(vx[(ix+2)*n1+iz] - vx[(ix1-1)*n1+iz]);
+                        dvz = c1*(vz[ix1*n1+iz+1]   - vz[ix1*n1+iz]) +
+                              c2*(vz[ix1*n1+iz+2]   - vz[ix1*n1+iz-1]);
+                        field += tzz[ix1*n1+iz] + 0.5*l2m[ix1*n1+iz]*(dvx+dvz);
+						rec_p[irec*rec.nt+isam] = 0.5*field;
+					}
+					else {
+						rec_p[irec*rec.nt+isam] = 0.5*(tzz[ix1*n1+iz]+tzz[ix*n1+iz]);
+					}
+				}
+				else {
+					rec_p[irec*rec.nt+isam] = tzz[ix*n1+iz];
+				}
+			}
+			if (rec.type.txx) rec_txx[irec*rec.nt+isam] = txx[ix*n1+iz];
+			if (rec.type.tzz) rec_tzz[irec*rec.nt+isam] = tzz[ix*n1+iz];
+			if (rec.type.txz) { /* time interpolation to be done */
+				if (rec.int_vz == 2 || rec.int_vx == 2) {
+					rec_txz[irec*rec.nt+isam] = 0.25*(
+							txz[ix*n1+iz2]+txz[ix2*n1+iz2]+
+							txz[ix*n1+iz]+txz[ix2*n1+iz]);
+				}
+				else {
+					rec_txz[irec*rec.nt+isam] = txz[ix2*n1+iz2];
+				}
+			}
+			if (rec.type.pp) {
+				rec_pp[irec*rec.nt+isam] = (vx[ix2*n1+iz]-vx[ix*n1+iz] +
+											vz[ix*n1+iz2]-vz[ix*n1+iz])/mod.dx;
+			}
+			if ( {
+				rec_ss[irec*rec.nt+isam] = (vx[ix2*n1+iz2]-vx[ix2*n1+iz] -
+										   (vz[ix2*n1+iz2]-vz[ix*n1+iz2]))/mod.dx;
+			}
+			if (rec.type.vz) {
+/* interpolate vz to vx position to the right and above of vz */
+				if (rec.int_vz == 1) {
+					rec_vz[irec*rec.nt+isam] = 0.25*(
+							vz[ix*n1+iz2]+vz[ix1*n1+iz2]+
+							vz[ix*n1+iz] +vz[ix1*n1+iz]);
+				}
+/* interpolate vz to Txx/Tzz position by taking the mean of 2 values */
+				else if (rec.int_vz == 2) {
+					if (mod.ischeme == 1) { /* interpolate Vz times +1/2 Dt forward to P times */
+                        field = vz[ix*n1+iz] - 0.5*roz[ix*n1+iz]*(
+                        	c1*(tzz[ix*n1+iz]   - tzz[ix*n1+iz-1]) +
+                        	c2*(tzz[ix*n1+iz+1] - tzz[ix*n1+iz-2]));
+                        field += vz[ix*n1+iz2] - 0.5*roz[ix*n1+iz2]*(
+                        	c1*(tzz[ix*n1+iz2]   - tzz[ix*n1+iz2-1]) +
+                        	c2*(tzz[ix*n1+iz2+1] - tzz[ix*n1+iz2-2]));
+						rec_vz[irec*rec.nt+isam] = 0.5*field;
+					}
+					else {
+						rec_vz[irec*rec.nt+isam] = 0.5*(vz[ix*n1+iz2]+vz[ix*n1+iz]);
+					}
+				}
+				else {
+					rec_vz[irec*rec.nt+isam] = vz[ix*n1+iz2];
+					//rec_vz[irec*rec.nt+isam] = vz[ix*n1+iz];
+					//fprintf(stderr,"isam=%d vz[%d]=%e vz[%d]=%e vz[%d]=%e \n",isam, iz-1,vz[ix*n1+iz-1],iz,vz[ix*n1+iz], iz+1, vz[ix*n1+iz+1]);
+				}
+			}
+			if (rec.type.vx) {
+/* interpolate vx to vz position to the left and below of vx */
+				if (rec.int_vx == 1) {
+					rec_vx[irec*rec.nt+isam] = 0.25*(
+							vx[ix2*n1+iz]+vx[ix2*n1+iz1]+
+							vx[ix*n1+iz]+vx[ix*n1+iz1]);
+				}
+/* interpolate vx to Txx/Tzz position by taking the mean of 2 values */
+				else if (rec.int_vx == 2) {
+					if (mod.ischeme == 1) { /* interpolate Vx times +1/2 Dt forward to P times */
+            			field = vx[ix*n1+iz] - 0.5*rox[ix*n1+iz]*(
+                			c1*(tzz[ix*n1+iz]     - tzz[(ix-1)*n1+iz]) +
+                			c2*(tzz[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - tzz[(ix-2)*n1+iz]));
+            			field += vx[ix2*n1+iz] - 0.5*rox[ix2*n1+iz]*(
+                			c1*(tzz[ix2*n1+iz]     - tzz[(ix2-1)*n1+iz]) +
+                			c2*(tzz[(ix2+1)*n1+iz] - tzz[(ix2-2)*n1+iz]));
+						rec_vx[irec*rec.nt+isam] = 0.5*field;
+					}
+					else {
+						rec_vx[irec*rec.nt+isam] = 0.5*(vx[ix2*n1+iz]+vx[ix*n1+iz]);
+					}
+				}
+				else {
+					rec_vx[irec*rec.nt+isam] = vx[ix2*n1+iz];
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	} /* end of irec loop */
+	/* store all x-values on z-level for P Vz for up-down decomposition */
+	if (rec.type.ud) {
+		iz = rec.z[0]+ibndz;
+		iz2 = iz+1;
+		vz_t = (float *)calloc(2*mod.nax,sizeof(float));
+		/* P and Vz are staggered in time and need to correct for this */
+		/* -1- compute Vz at next time step and average with current time step */
+		lroz = mod.dt/(mod.dx*rec.rho);
+    	for (ix=mod.ioZx; ix<mod.ieZx; ix++) {
+           	vz_t[ix] = vz[ix*n1+iz] - lroz*(
+                       	c1*(tzz[ix*n1+iz]   - tzz[ix*n1+iz-1]) +
+                       	c2*(tzz[ix*n1+iz+1] - tzz[ix*n1+iz-2]));
+           	vz_t[mod.nax+ix] = vz[ix*n1+iz2] - lroz*(
+                       	c1*(tzz[ix*n1+iz2]   - tzz[ix*n1+iz2-1]) +
+                       	c2*(tzz[ix*n1+iz2+1] - tzz[ix*n1+iz2-2]));
+       	}
+		for (ix=0; ix<mod.nax; ix++) {
+			/* -2- compute average in time and depth to get Vz at same depth and time as P */
+			rec_udvz[ix*rec.nt+isam] = 0.25*(vz[ix*n1+iz2]+vz[ix*n1+iz]+vz_t[mod.nax+ix]+vz_t[ix]);
+			rec_udp[ix*rec.nt+isam]  = tzz[ix*n1+iz];
+		}
+		free(vz_t);
+	}
+	return 0;
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/getWaveletHeaders.c b/fdelmodc3D/getWaveletHeaders.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5bff375
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/getWaveletHeaders.c
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "segy.h"
+*  reads file which contain the source wavelets and reads receiver positions  
+*   AUTHOR:
+*           Jan Thorbecke (
+*           The Netherlands 
+int getWaveletHeaders(char *file_src, int n1, int n2, float *gx, float *sx, float *gelev, float *selev, int verbose)
+    FILE   *fp;
+    size_t nread;
+    int   ix;
+	size_t trace_sz;
+	off_t offset;
+	float scl, scll;
+    segy hdr;
+    if (file_src == NULL) return 0; /* Input pipe can not be handled */
+    else fp = fopen( file_src, "r" );
+    assert( fp != NULL);
+    nread = fread( &hdr, 1, TRCBYTES, fp );
+    assert(nread == TRCBYTES);
+	if (hdr.scalco < 0) scl = 1.0/fabs(hdr.scalco);
+	else if (hdr.scalco == 0) scl = 1.0;
+	else scl = hdr.scalco;
+	if (hdr.scalel < 0) scll = 1.0/fabs(hdr.scalel);
+	else if (hdr.scalel == 0) scll = 1.0;
+	else scll = hdr.scalel;
+	trace_sz = (size_t)sizeof(float)*(n1)+TRCBYTES;
+	for (ix=0; ix<n2; ix++) {
+		offset = ix*trace_sz;
+    	fseeko( fp, offset, SEEK_SET );
+    	nread = fread( &hdr, 1, TRCBYTES, fp );
+    	assert(nread == TRCBYTES);
+		gx[ix] = hdr.gx*scl;
+        sx[ix] =*scl;
+        gelev[ix] = -1.0*hdr.gelev*scll;
+		selev[ix] = -1.0*hdr.selev*scll;
+	}
+    fclose(fp);
+    return 0;
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/getWaveletHeaders3D.c b/fdelmodc3D/getWaveletHeaders3D.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e62faa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/getWaveletHeaders3D.c
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "segy.h"
+*  reads file which contain the source wavelets and reads receiver positions  
+*   AUTHOR:
+*           Jan Thorbecke (
+*           The Netherlands 
+long getWaveletHeaders3D(char *file_src, long n1, long n2, float *gx, float *sx, float *gy, float *sy, float *gelev, float *selev, long verbose)
+    FILE   *fp;
+    size_t nread;
+    long   ix;
+	size_t trace_sz;
+	off_t offset;
+	float scl, scll;
+    segy hdr;
+    if (file_src == NULL) return 0; /* Input pipe can not be handled */
+    else fp = fopen( file_src, "r" );
+    assert( fp != NULL);
+    nread = fread( &hdr, 1, TRCBYTES, fp );
+    assert(nread == TRCBYTES);
+	if (hdr.scalco < 0) scl = 1.0/fabs(hdr.scalco);
+	else if (hdr.scalco == 0) scl = 1.0;
+	else scl = hdr.scalco;
+	if (hdr.scalel < 0) scll = 1.0/fabs(hdr.scalel);
+	else if (hdr.scalel == 0) scll = 1.0;
+	else scll = hdr.scalel;
+	trace_sz = (size_t)sizeof(float)*(n1)+TRCBYTES;
+	for (ix=0; ix<n2; ix++) {
+		offset = ix*trace_sz;
+    	fseeko( fp, offset, SEEK_SET );
+    	nread = fread( &hdr, 1, TRCBYTES, fp );
+    	assert(nread == TRCBYTES);
+		gx[ix] = hdr.gx*scl;
+        sx[ix] =*scl;
+		gy[ix] =*scl;
+        sy[ix] =*scl;
+        gelev[ix] = -1.0*hdr.gelev*scll;
+		selev[ix] = -1.0*hdr.selev*scll;
+	}
+    fclose(fp);
+    return 0;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/getWaveletInfo.c b/fdelmodc3D/getWaveletInfo.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f3734a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/getWaveletInfo.c
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+#define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "segy.h"
+*  reads file which contain the source wavelets and computes sampling interval
+*  and tries to estimate the maximum frequency content.
+*   AUTHOR:
+*           Jan Thorbecke (
+*           The Netherlands 
+#ifndef COMPLEX
+typedef struct _complexStruct { /* complex number */
+    float r,i;
+} complex;
+typedef struct _dcomplexStruct { /* complex number */
+    double r,i;
+} dcomplex;
+#endif/* complex */
+int optncr(int n);
+void rc1fft(float *rdata, complex *cdata, int n, int sign);
+#define     MAX(x,y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
+#define     MIN(x,y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
+#define NINT(x) ((int)((x)>0.0?(x)+0.5:(x)-0.5))
+int getWaveletInfo(char *file_src, int *n1, int *n2, float *d1, float *d2, float *f1, float *f2, float *fmax, int *nxm, int verbose)
+    FILE    *fp;
+    size_t  nread, trace_sz;
+    off_t   bytes;
+    int     ret, one_shot, ntraces;
+    int     optn, nfreq, i, iwmax;
+    float   *trace;
+	float   ampl, amplmax, tampl, tamplmax; 
+    complex *ctrace;
+    segy hdr;
+    if (file_src == NULL) return 0; /* Input pipe can not be handled */
+    else fp = fopen( file_src, "r" );
+    assert( fp != NULL);
+    nread = fread( &hdr, 1, TRCBYTES, fp );
+    assert(nread == TRCBYTES);
+    ret = fseeko( fp, 0, SEEK_END );
+	if (ret<0) perror("fseeko");
+    bytes = ftello( fp );
+    *n1 = hdr.ns;
+    if (hdr.trid == 1 || hdr.dt != 0) {
+        *d1 = ((float) hdr.dt)*1.e-6;
+        *f1 = ((float) hdr.delrt)/1000.;
+		if (*d1 == 0.0) *d1 = hdr.d1;
+    }
+    else {
+        *d1 = hdr.d1;
+        *f1 = hdr.f1;
+    }
+    *f2 = hdr.f2;
+    trace_sz = (size_t)(sizeof(float)*(*n1)+TRCBYTES);
+    ntraces  = (int) (bytes/trace_sz);
+	*n2 = ntraces;
+    /* check to find out number of traces in shot gather */
+	optn = optncr(*n1);
+	nfreq = optn/2 + 1;
+	ctrace = (complex *)malloc(nfreq*sizeof(complex));
+    one_shot = 1;
+    trace = (float *)malloc(optn*sizeof(float));
+    fseeko( fp, TRCBYTES, SEEK_SET );
+    while (one_shot) {
+		memset(trace,0,optn*sizeof(float));
+        nread = fread( trace, sizeof(float), *n1, fp );
+        assert (nread == *n1);
+		tamplmax = 0.0;
+		for (i=0;i<(*n1);i++) {
+			tampl = fabsf(trace[i]);
+			if (tampl > tamplmax) tamplmax = tampl;
+		}
+		if (trace[0]*1e-3 > tamplmax) {
+			fprintf(stderr,"WARNING: file_src has a large amplitude %f at t=0\n", trace[0]);
+			fprintf(stderr,"This will introduce high frequencies and can cause dispersion.\n");
+		}
+		/* estimate maximum frequency assuming amplitude spectrum is smooth */
+		rc1fft(trace,ctrace,optn,1);
+		/* find maximum amplitude */
+		amplmax = 0.0;
+		iwmax = 0;
+		for (i=0;i<nfreq;i++) {
+			ampl = sqrt(ctrace[i].r*ctrace[i].r+ctrace[i].i*ctrace[i].i);
+			if (ampl > amplmax) {
+				amplmax = ampl;
+				iwmax = i;
+			}
+		}
+		/* from the maximum amplitude position look for the largest frequency
+         * which has an amplitude 400 times weaker than the maximum amplitude */
+		for (i=iwmax;i<nfreq;i++) {
+			ampl = sqrt(ctrace[i].r*ctrace[i].r+ctrace[i].i*ctrace[i].i);
+			if (400*ampl < amplmax) {
+				*fmax = (i-1)*(1.0/(optn*(*d1)));
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+        nread = fread( &hdr, 1, TRCBYTES, fp );
+        if (nread==0) break;
+    }
+	*nxm = (int)ntraces;
+	if (verbose>2) {
+		vmess("For file %s", file_src);
+		vmess("nt=%d nx=%d", *n1, *n2);
+		vmess("dt=%f dx=%f", *d1, *d2);
+		vmess("fmax=%f", *fmax);
+		vmess("tstart=%f", *f1);
+	}
+    fclose(fp);
+    free(trace);
+    free(ctrace);
+    return 0;
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/getWaveletInfo3D.c b/fdelmodc3D/getWaveletInfo3D.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17e66d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/getWaveletInfo3D.c
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+#define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "segy.h"
+*  reads file which contain the source wavelets and computes sampling interval
+*  and tries to estimate the maximum frequency content.
+*   AUTHOR:
+*           Jan Thorbecke (
+*           The Netherlands 
+#ifndef COMPLEX
+typedef struct _complexStruct { /* complex number */
+    float r,i;
+} complex;
+typedef struct _dcomplexStruct { /* complex number */
+    double r,i;
+} dcomplex;
+#endif/* complex */
+long loptncr(long n);
+void rc1fft(float *rdata, complex *cdata, int n, int sign);
+#define     MAX(x,y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
+#define     MIN(x,y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
+#define NINT(x) ((long)((x)>0.0?(x)+0.5:(x)-0.5))
+long getWaveletInfo3D(char *file_src, long *n1, long *n2, float *d1, float *d2, float *f1, float *f2, float *fmax, long *nxm, long verbose)
+    FILE    *fp;
+    size_t  nread, trace_sz;
+    off_t   bytes;
+    long     ret, one_shot, ntraces;
+    long     optn, nfreq, i, iwmax;
+    float   *trace;
+	float   ampl, amplmax, tampl, tamplmax; 
+    complex *ctrace;
+    segy hdr;
+    if (file_src == NULL) return 0; /* Input pipe can not be handled */
+    else fp = fopen( file_src, "r" );
+    assert( fp != NULL);
+    nread = fread( &hdr, 1, TRCBYTES, fp );
+    assert(nread == TRCBYTES);
+    ret = fseeko( fp, 0, SEEK_END );
+	if (ret<0) perror("fseeko");
+    bytes = ftello( fp );
+    *n1 = hdr.ns;
+    if (hdr.trid == 1 || hdr.dt != 0) {
+        *d1 = ((float) hdr.dt)*1.e-6;
+        *f1 = ((float) hdr.delrt)/1000.;
+		if (*d1 == 0.0) *d1 = hdr.d1;
+    }
+    else {
+        *d1 = hdr.d1;
+        *f1 = hdr.f1;
+    }
+    *f2 = hdr.f2;
+    trace_sz = (size_t)(sizeof(float)*(*n1)+TRCBYTES);
+    ntraces  = (long) (bytes/trace_sz);
+	*n2 = ntraces;
+    /* check to find out number of traces in shot gather */
+	optn = loptncr(*n1);
+	nfreq = optn/2 + 1;
+	ctrace = (complex *)malloc(nfreq*sizeof(complex));
+    one_shot = 1;
+    trace = (float *)malloc(optn*sizeof(float));
+    fseeko( fp, TRCBYTES, SEEK_SET );
+    while (one_shot) {
+		memset(trace,0,optn*sizeof(float));
+        nread = fread( trace, sizeof(float), *n1, fp );
+        assert (nread == *n1);
+		tamplmax = 0.0;
+		for (i=0;i<(*n1);i++) {
+			tampl = fabsf(trace[i]);
+			if (tampl > tamplmax) tamplmax = tampl;
+		}
+		if (trace[0]*1e-3 > tamplmax) {
+			fprintf(stderr,"WARNING: file_src has a large amplitude %f at t=0\n", trace[0]);
+			fprintf(stderr,"This will introduce high frequencies and can cause dispersion.\n");
+		}
+		/* estimate maximum frequency assuming amplitude spectrum is smooth */
+		rc1fft(trace,ctrace,(int)optn,1);
+		/* find maximum amplitude */
+		amplmax = 0.0;
+		iwmax = 0;
+		for (i=0;i<nfreq;i++) {
+			ampl = sqrt(ctrace[i].r*ctrace[i].r+ctrace[i].i*ctrace[i].i);
+			if (ampl > amplmax) {
+				amplmax = ampl;
+				iwmax = i;
+			}
+		}
+		/* from the maximum amplitude position look for the largest frequency
+         * which has an amplitude 400 times weaker than the maximum amplitude */
+		for (i=iwmax;i<nfreq;i++) {
+			ampl = sqrt(ctrace[i].r*ctrace[i].r+ctrace[i].i*ctrace[i].i);
+			if (400*ampl < amplmax) {
+				*fmax = (i-1)*(1.0/(optn*(*d1)));
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+        nread = fread( &hdr, 1, TRCBYTES, fp );
+        if (nread==0) break;
+    }
+	*nxm = (long)ntraces;
+	if (verbose>2) {
+		vmess("For file %s", file_src);
+		vmess("nt=%li nx=%li", *n1, *n2);
+		vmess("dt=%f dx=%f", *d1, *d2);
+		vmess("fmax=%f", *fmax);
+		vmess("tstart=%f", *f1);
+	}
+    fclose(fp);
+    free(trace);
+    free(ctrace);
+    return 0;
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/getpars.c b/fdelmodc3D/getpars.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5099c58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/getpars.c
@@ -0,0 +1,732 @@
+/* This file is property of the Colorado School of Mines.
+ Copyright (C) 2007, Colorado School of Mines,
+ All rights reserved.
+ Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or 
+ without modification, are permitted provided that the following 
+ conditions are met:
+ *  Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 
+ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ *  Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above 
+ copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following 
+ disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided 
+ with the distribution.
+ *  Neither the name of the Colorado School of Mines nor the names of
+ its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products 
+ derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+ Warranty Disclaimer:
+ Export Restriction Disclaimer:
+ We believe that CWP/SU: Seismic Un*x is a low technology product that does
+ not appear on the Department of Commerce CCL list of restricted exports.
+ Accordingly, we believe that our product meets the qualifications of
+ an ECCN (export control classification number) of EAR99 and we believe
+ it fits the qualifications of NRR (no restrictions required), and
+ is thus not subject to export restrictions of any variety.
+ Approved Reference Format:
+ In publications, please refer to SU as per the following example:
+ Cohen, J. K. and Stockwell, Jr. J. W., (200_), CWP/SU: Seismic Un*x 
+ Release No. __: an open source software  package for seismic 
+ research and processing, 
+ Center for Wave Phenomena, Colorado School of Mines.
+ Articles about SU in peer-reviewed journals:
+ Saeki, T., (1999), A guide to Seismic Un*x (SU)(2)---examples of data processing (part 1), data input and preparation of headers, Butsuri-Tansa (Geophysical Exploration), vol. 52, no. 5, 465-477.
+ Stockwell, Jr. J. W. (1999), The CWP/SU: Seismic Un*x Package, Computers and Geosciences, May 1999.
+ Stockwell, Jr. J. W. (1997), Free Software in Education: A case study of CWP/SU: Seismic Un*x, The Leading Edge, July 1997.
+ Templeton, M. E., Gough, C.A., (1998), Web Seismic Un*x: Making seismic reflection processing more accessible, Computers and Geosciences.
+ Acknowledgements:
+ SU stands for CWP/SU:Seismic Un*x, a processing line developed at Colorado 
+ School of Mines, partially based on Stanford Exploration Project (SEP) 
+ software.
+ */
+/*********************** self documentation **********************/
+GETPARS - Functions to GET PARameterS from the command line. Numeric
+	parameters may be single values or arrays of int, uint,
+	short, ushort, long, ulong, float, or double.  Single character
+	strings (type string or char *) may also be gotten. 
+	Arrays of strings, delimited by, but not containing
+        commas are permitted.
+The functions are:
+initargs 	Makes command line args available to subroutines (re-entrant).
+		Every par program starts with this call!
+getparint		get integers
+getparuint		get unsigned integers
+getparshort		get short integers
+getparushort		get unsigned short integers
+getparlong		get long integers 
+getparulong		get unsigned long integers
+getparfloat		get float
+getpardouble		get double
+getparstring		get a single string
+getparstringarray	get string array (fields delimited by commas) 
+getpar			get parameter by type
+getnparint		get n'th occurrence of integer
+getnparuint		get n'th occurrence of unsigned int
+getnparshort		get n'th occurrence of short integer
+getnparushort		get n'th occurrence of unsigned short int
+getnparlong		get n'th occurrence of long integer
+getnparulong		get n'th occurrence of unsigned long int
+getnparfloat		get n'th occurrence of float integer
+getnpardouble		get n'th occurrence of double integer
+getnparstring		get n'th occurrence of string integer
+getnparstringarray	get n'th occurrence of string integer array
+getnpar			get n'th occurrence by type
+countparname		return the number of times a parameter names is used
+countparval		return the number of values in the last occurrence
+				of a parameter
+countnparval		return the number of values in the n'th occurrence
+				of a parameter
+getPar			Promax compatible version of getpar
+Function Prototypes:
+void initargs (int argc, char **argv);
+int getparint (char *name, int *p);
+int getparuint (char *name, unsigned int *p);
+int getparshort (char *name, short *p);
+int getparushort (char *name, unsigned short *p);
+int getparlong (char *name, long *p);
+int getparulong (char *name, unsigned long *p);
+int getparfloat (char *name, float *p);
+int getpardouble (char *name, double *p);
+int getparstring (char *name, char **p);
+int getparstringarray (char *name, char **p);
+int getnparint (int n, char *name, int *p);
+int getnparuint (int n, char *name, unsigned int *p);
+int getnparshort (int n, char *name, short *p);
+int getnparushort (int n, char *name, unsigned short *p);
+int getnparlong (int n, char *name, long *p);
+int getnparulong (int n, char *name, unsigned long *p);
+int getnparfloat (int n, char *name, float *p);
+int getnpardouble (int n, char *name, double *p);
+int getnparstring (int n, char *name, char **p);
+int getnparstringarray (int n, char *name, char **p);
+int getnpar (int n, char *name, char *type, void *ptr);
+int countparname (char *name);
+int countparval (char *name);
+int countnparval (int n, char *name);
+void getPar(char *name, char *type, void *ptr);
+Here are some usage examples:
+	... if integer n not specified, then default to zero. 
+	if (!getparint("n", &n)) n = 0;
+	... if array of floats vx is specified, then
+	if (nx=countparval("vx")) {
+		... allocate space for array
+		vx = (float *)malloc(nx*sizeof(float));
+		... and get the floats
+		getparfloat("vx",vx);
+	}
+The command line for the above examples might look like:
+	progname n=35 vx=3.21,4,9.5
+	Every par program starts with this call!
+More examples are provided in the DTEST code at the end of this file.
+The functions: eatoh, eatou, eatol, eatov, eatoi, eatop used
+below are versions of atoi that check for overflow.  The source
+file for these functions is atopkge.c.
+Rob Clayton & Jon Claerbout, Stanford University, 1979-1985
+Shuki Ronen & Jack Cohen, Colorado School of Mines, 1985-1990
+Dave Hale, Colorado School of Mines, 05/29/90
+Credit to John E. Anderson for re-entrant initargs 03/03/94
+/**************** end self doc ********************************/
+#include "par.h"
+#ifndef TRUE
+#define TRUE (1)
+#ifndef FALSE
+#define FALSE (0)
+/* parameter table */
+typedef struct {
+	char *name;		/* external name of parameter	*/
+	char *asciival;		/* ascii value of parameter	*/
+} pointer_table;
+/* global variables declared and used internally */
+static pointer_table *argtbl;	/* parameter table		*/
+static int nargs;		/* number of args that parse	*/
+static int tabled = FALSE;	/* true when parameters tabled 	*/
+static int targc;		/* total number of args		*/
+static char **targv;		/* pointer to arg strings	*/
+static char *argstr;		/* storage for command line	*/
+/* functions declared and used internally */
+static int getparindex (int n, char *name);
+static void getparinit(void);
+static void tabulate (int argc, char **argv);
+static char *getpfname (void);
+static int white2null (char *str, int len);
+static int ccount (char c, char *s);
+static void strchop(char *s, char *t);
+/* make command line args available to subroutines -- re-entrant version */
+void initargs(int argc, char **argv)
+	xargc = argc; xargv = argv;
+	if(tabled==TRUE){
+		free(argstr);
+		free(targv);
+		free(argtbl);
+	}
+	tabled =  FALSE;
+	return;
+/* functions to get values for the last occurrence of a parameter name */
+int getparint (char *name, int *ptr)
+	return getnpar(0,name,"i",ptr);
+int getparuint (char *name, unsigned int *ptr)
+	return getnpar(0,name,"p",ptr);
+int getparshort (char *name, short *ptr)
+	return getnpar(0,name,"h",ptr);
+int getparushort (char *name, unsigned short *ptr)
+	return getnpar(0,name,"u",ptr);
+int getparlong (char *name, long *ptr)
+	return getnpar(0,name,"l",ptr);
+int getparulong (char *name, unsigned long *ptr)
+	return getnpar(0,name,"v",ptr);
+int getparfloat (char *name, float *ptr)
+	return getnpar(0,name,"f",ptr);
+int getpardouble (char *name, double *ptr)
+	return getnpar(0,name,"d",ptr);
+int getparstring (char *name, char **ptr)
+	return getnpar(0,name,"s",ptr);
+int getparstringarray (char *name, char **ptr)
+	return getnpar(0,name,"a",ptr);
+int getpar (char *name, char *type, void *ptr)
+	return getnpar(0,name,type,ptr);
+/* functions to get values for the n'th occurrence of a parameter name */
+int getnparint (int n, char *name, int *ptr)
+	return getnpar(n,name,"i",ptr);
+int getnparuint (int n, char *name, unsigned int *ptr)
+	return getnpar(n,name,"p",ptr);
+int getnparshort (int n, char *name, short *ptr)
+	return getnpar(n,name,"h",ptr);
+int getnparushort (int n, char *name, unsigned short *ptr)
+	return getnpar(n,name,"u",ptr);
+int getnparlong (int n, char *name, long *ptr)
+	return getnpar(n,name,"l",ptr);
+int getnparulong (int n, char *name, unsigned long *ptr)
+	return getnpar(n,name,"v",ptr);
+int getnparfloat (int n, char *name, float *ptr)
+	return getnpar(n,name,"f",ptr);
+int getnpardouble (int n, char *name, double *ptr)
+	return getnpar(n,name,"d",ptr);
+int getnparstring (int n, char *name, char **ptr)
+	return getnpar(n,name,"s",ptr);
+int getnparstringarray (int n, char *name, char **ptr)
+	return getnpar(n,name,"a",ptr);
+int getnpar (int n, char *name, char *type, void *ptr)
+	int i;			/* index of name in symbol table	*/
+	int nval;		/* number of parameter values found	*/
+	char *aval;		/* ascii field of symbol		*/
+	if (xargc == 1) return 0;
+	if (!tabled) getparinit();/* Tabulate command line and parfile */
+	i = getparindex(n,name);/* Get parameter index */
+	if (i < 0) return 0;	/* Not there */
+	/* 
+	 * handle string type as a special case, since a string 
+	 * may contain commas. 
+	 */
+	if (type[0]=='s') {
+		*((char**)ptr) = argtbl[i].asciival;
+		return 1;
+	} 
+	/* convert vector of ascii values to numeric values */
+	for (nval=0,aval=argtbl[i].asciival; *aval; nval++) {
+		switch (type[0]) {
+			case 'i':
+				*(int*)ptr = eatoi(aval);
+				ptr = (int*)ptr+1;
+				break;
+			case 'p':
+				*(unsigned int*)ptr = eatop(aval);
+				ptr = (unsigned int*)ptr+1;
+				break;
+			case 'h':
+				*(short*)ptr = eatoh(aval);
+				ptr = (short*)ptr+1;
+				break;
+			case 'u':
+				*(unsigned short*)ptr = eatou(aval);
+				ptr = (unsigned short*)ptr+1;
+				break;
+			case 'l':
+				*(long*)ptr = eatol(aval);
+				ptr = (long*)ptr+1;
+				break;
+			case 'v':
+				*(unsigned long*)ptr = eatov(aval);
+				ptr = (unsigned long*)ptr+1;
+				break;
+			case 'f':
+				*(float*)ptr = eatof(aval);
+				ptr = (float*)ptr+1;
+				break;
+			case 'd':
+				*(double*)ptr = eatod(aval);
+				ptr = (double*)ptr+1;
+				break;
+			case 'a':
+				{ char *tmpstr="";
+				   tmpstr = (char *)calloc(strlen(aval)+1,1);
+				   strchop(aval,tmpstr);
+				   *(char**)ptr = tmpstr;
+				   ptr=(char **)ptr + 1;
+				}
+				   break;
+			default:
+				err("%s: invalid parameter type = %s",
+					__FILE__,type);
+		}
+		while (*aval++ != ',') {
+			if (!*aval) break;
+		}
+	}
+	return nval;
+/* Promax compatible version of getnpar */
+void getPar(char *name, char *type, void *ptr)
+	(void) getnpar(0,name,type,ptr);
+	return;
+/* return number of occurrences of parameter name */
+int countparname (char *name)
+	int i,nname;
+	if (xargc == 1) return 0;
+	if (!tabled) getparinit();
+	for (i=0,nname=0; i<nargs; ++i)
+		if (!strcmp(name,argtbl[i].name)) ++nname;
+	return nname;
+/* return number of values in n'th occurrence of parameter name */
+int countnparval (int n, char *name)
+	int i;
+	if (xargc == 1) return 0;
+	if (!tabled) getparinit();
+	i = getparindex(n,name);
+	if (i>=0) 
+		return ccount(',',argtbl[i].asciival) + 1;
+	else
+		return 0;
+/* return number of values in last occurrence of parameter name */
+int countparval (char *name)
+	return countnparval(0,name);
+ * Return the index of the n'th occurrence of a parameter name, 
+ * except if n==0, return the index of the last occurrence.
+ * Return -1 if the specified occurrence does not exist.
+ */
+static int getparindex (int n, char *name)
+	int i;
+	if (n==0) {
+		for (i=nargs-1; i>=0; --i)
+			if (!strcmp(name,argtbl[i].name)) break;
+		return i;
+	} else {
+		for (i=0; i<nargs; ++i)
+			if (!strcmp(name,argtbl[i].name))
+				if (--n==0) break;
+		if (i<nargs)
+			return i;
+		else
+			return -1;
+	}
+/* Initialize getpar */
+static void getparinit (void)
+	static char *pfname;	/* name of parameter file		*/
+	FILE *pffd=NULL;	/* file id of parameter file		*/
+	int pflen;		/* length of parameter file in bytes	*/ 
+	static int pfargc;	/* arg count from parameter file	*/
+	int parfile;		/* parfile existence flag		*/
+	int argstrlen;
+	char *pargstr;		/* storage for parameter file args	*/
+	int nread;		/* bytes fread				*/
+	int i, j;		/* counters				*/
+	tabled = TRUE;		/* remember table is built		*/
+	/* Check if xargc was initiated */
+	if(!xargc)
+		err("%s: xargc=%d -- not initiated in main", __FILE__, xargc);
+	/* Space needed for command lines */
+	for (i = 1, argstrlen = 0; i < xargc; i++) {
+		argstrlen += strlen(xargv[i]) + 1;
+	}
+	/* Get parfile name if there is one */
+	/* parfile = (pfname = getpfname()) ? TRUE : FALSE; */
+	if ((pfname = getpfname())) {
+		parfile = TRUE;
+	} else {
+		parfile = FALSE;
+	}
+	if (parfile) {
+	 	pffd = fopen(pfname, "r");
+		/* Get the length */
+		fseek(pffd, 0, SEEK_END);
+		pflen = ftell(pffd);
+		rewind(pffd);
+		argstrlen += pflen;
+	} else {
+		pflen = 0;
+	}
+	/* Allocate space for command line and parameter file
+		plus nulls at the ends to help with parsing. */
+	/* argstr = (char *) calloc((size_t) (1+argstrlen+1), 1); */
+	/*argstr = (char *) ealloc1(1+argstrlen+1, 1);*/
+	argstr = (char *) calloc((size_t) (1+argstrlen+1), 1);
+	if (parfile) {
+		/* Read the parfile */
+		nread = fread(argstr + 1, 1, pflen, pffd);
+  		if (nread != pflen) {
+  	 	    err("%s: fread only %d bytes out of %d from %s",
+  					__FILE__,  nread, pflen, pfname);
+		}
+		fclose(pffd);
+		/* Zap whites in parfile to help in parsing */
+		pfargc = white2null(argstr, pflen);
+	} else {
+		pfargc = 0;
+	}
+	/* Total arg count */
+	targc = pfargc + xargc - 1;
+	/* Allocate space for total arg pointers */
+	targv = (char **) calloc(targc, sizeof(char*));
+	if (parfile) {
+		/* Parse the parfile.  Skip over multiple NULLs */
+		for (j = 1, i = 0; j < pflen; j++) {
+			if (argstr[j] && !argstr[j-1]) {
+			       targv[i++] = argstr + j;
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		i = 0;
+	}
+	/* Copy command line arguments */
+	for (j = 1, pargstr = argstr + pflen + 2; j < xargc; j++) {
+		strcpy(pargstr,xargv[j]);
+		targv[i++] = pargstr;
+		pargstr += strlen(xargv[j]) + 1;
+	}
+	/* Allocate space for the pointer table */
+	argtbl = (pointer_table*) calloc(targc, sizeof(pointer_table));
+	/* Tabulate targv */
+	tabulate(targc, targv);
+	return;
+#define PFNAME "par="
+/* Get name of parameter file */
+static char *getpfname (void)
+	int i;
+	int pfnamelen;
+	pfnamelen = strlen(PFNAME);
+	for (i = xargc-1 ; i > 0 ; i--) {
+		if(!strncmp(PFNAME, xargv[i], pfnamelen)
+		    && strlen(xargv[i]) != pfnamelen) {
+			return xargv[i] + pfnamelen;
+		}	
+	}
+	return NULL;
+#define iswhite(c)	((c) == ' ' || (c) == '\t' || (c) == '\n')
+ * Replace the whites by (possibly multiple) nulls.  If we see a non-white
+ * and the previous char is a null, this signals the start of a string
+ * and we bump the count.  This routine returns a count of the strings.
+ */
+static int white2null (char *str, int len)
+	int i;
+	int count;
+	int inquote = FALSE;
+	str[0] = '\0'; /* This line added by Dave Hale, 1/30/96. */
+	for (i = 1, count = 0; i < len; i++) {
+		if (str[i]=='"') inquote=(inquote==TRUE)?FALSE:TRUE;
+		if (!inquote) {
+			if (iswhite(str[i])) { /* Is this a new word ? */
+				str[i] = '\0';
+			} else if (!str[i-1]) { /* multiple whites */
+				count++;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	for (i = 1, inquote=FALSE; i < len; i++) {
+		if (str[i]=='"') inquote=(inquote==TRUE)?FALSE:TRUE;
+		if (inquote) {
+			if (str[i+1]!='"') {
+				str[i] = str[i+1];
+			} else {
+				str[i] = '\0';
+				str[i+1] = '\0';
+				inquote = FALSE;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	str[len] = '\0';
+	return count;
+/* Install symbol table */
+static void tabulate (int argc, char **argv)
+	int i;
+	char *eqptr;
+	for (i = 0, nargs = 0 ; i < argc; i++) {
+		eqptr = (char *)strchr(argv[i], '=');
+		if (eqptr) {
+			argtbl[nargs].name = argv[i];
+			argtbl[nargs].asciival = eqptr + 1;
+			*eqptr = (char)0;
+			/* Debugging dump */
+/* 			fprintf(stderr, */
+/* 			"argtbl[%d]: name=%s asciival=%s\n", */
+/* 			nargs,argtbl[nargs].name,argtbl[nargs].asciival); */
+			nargs++;
+		}
+	}
+	return;
+/* Count characters in a string */
+static int ccount (char c, char *s)
+	int i, count;
+	for (i = 0, count = 0; s[i] != 0; i++)
+		if(s[i] == c) count++;
+	return count;
+static void strchop(char *s, char *t)
+strchop - chop off the tail end of a string "s" after a "," returning
+          the front part of "s" as "t".
+Based on strcpy in Kernighan and Ritchie's C [ANSI C] book, p. 106.
+Author: CWP: John Stockwell and Jack K. Cohen, July 1995
+	while ( (*s != ',') && (*s != '\0') ) {
+		 *t++ = *s++;
+	}
+	*t='\0';
+#ifdef TEST
+#define N 100
+main(int argc, char **argv)
+	char *s;
+	short h, vh[N];
+	unsigned short u, vu[N];
+	long l, vl[N];
+	unsigned long v, vv[N];
+	int i, vi[N], ipar, npar, nval;
+	unsigned int p, vp[N];
+	float f, vf[N];
+	double d, vd[N];
+	initargs(argc, argv);
+	/* int parameters */
+	npar = countparname("i");
+	printf("\nnumber of i pars = %d\n",npar);
+	for (ipar=1; ipar<=npar; ++ipar) {
+		getnparint(ipar,"i",&i);
+		printf("occurrence %d of i=%d\n",ipar,i);
+	}
+	if (getparint("i", &i))	
+		printf("last occurrence of i=%d\n",i);
+	npar = countparname("vi");
+	printf("number of vi pars = %d\n",npar);
+	for (ipar=1; ipar<=npar; ++ipar) {
+		nval = countnparval(ipar,"vi");
+		printf("occurrence %d has %d values\n",ipar,nval);
+		nval = getnparint(ipar,"vi",vi);
+		printf("vi=");
+		for (i=0; i<nval; i++)
+			printf("%d%c",vi[i],i==nval-1?'\n':',');
+	}
+	if (npar>0) {
+		nval = countparval("vi");
+		printf("last occurrence has %d values\n",nval);
+		getparint("vi",vi);
+		printf("vi=");
+		for (i=0; i<nval; i++)
+			printf("%d%c",vi[i],i==nval-1?'\n':',');
+	}
+	/* float parameters */
+	npar = countparname("f");
+	printf("\nnumber of f pars = %d\n",npar);
+	for (ipar=1; ipar<=npar; ++ipar) {
+		getnparfloat(ipar,"f",&f);
+		printf("occurrence %d of f=%g\n",ipar,f);
+	}
+	if (getparfloat("f", &f))	
+		printf("last occurrence of f=%g\n",f);
+	npar = countparname("vf");
+	printf("number of vf pars = %d\n",npar);
+	for (ipar=1; ipar<=npar; ++ipar) {
+		nval = countnparval(ipar,"vf");
+		printf("occurrence %d has %d values\n",ipar,nval);
+		nval = getnparfloat(ipar,"vf",vf);
+		printf("vf=");
+		for (i=0; i<nval; i++)
+			printf("%g%c",vf[i],i==nval-1?'\n':',');
+	}
+	if (npar>0) {
+		nval = countparval("vf");
+		printf("last occurrence has %d values\n",nval);
+		getparfloat("vf",vf);
+		printf("vf=");
+		for (i=0; i<nval; i++)
+			printf("%g%c",vf[i],i==nval-1?'\n':',');
+	}
+	/* string parameters */
+	npar = countparname("s");
+	printf("\nnumber of s pars = %d\n",npar);
+	for (ipar=1; ipar<=npar; ++ipar) {
+		getnparstring(ipar,"s",&s);
+		printf("occurrence %d of s=%s\n",ipar,s);
+	}
+	if (getparstring("s", &s))	
+		printf("last occurrence of s=%s\n",s);
+	return EXIT_SUCCESS;
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/name_ext.c b/fdelmodc3D/name_ext.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8fa1e09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/name_ext.c
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+*  inserts a character string after the filename, before the extension
+*   AUTHOR:
+*           Jan Thorbecke (
+*           The Netherlands 
+void name_ext(char *filename, char *extension)
+	char ext[100];
+	if (strstr(filename, ".su") != NULL) {
+		sprintf(ext,"", extension);
+		strcpy(strstr(filename, ".su"), ext);
+	}
+	else if (strstr(filename, ".segy") != NULL) {
+		sprintf(ext,"%s.segy", extension);
+		strcpy(strstr(filename, ".segy"), ext);
+	}
+	else if (strstr(filename, ".mat") != NULL) {
+		sprintf(ext,"%s.mat", extension);
+		strcpy(strstr(filename, ".mat"), ext);
+	}
+	else if (strstr(filename, ".hdf") != NULL) {
+		sprintf(ext,"%s.hdf", extension);
+		strcpy(strstr(filename, ".hdf"), ext);
+	}
+	else if (strrchr(filename, '.') != NULL) {
+		sprintf(ext,"", extension);
+		strcpy(strrchr(filename, '.'), ext);
+	}
+	else {
+		sprintf(ext,"", extension);
+		strcat(filename, ext);
+	}
+	return;
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/par.h b/fdelmodc3D/par.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fce76ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/par.h
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+/* This file is property of the Colorado School of Mines.
+ Copyright © 2007, Colorado School of Mines,
+ All rights reserved.
+ Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or 
+ without modification, are permitted provided that the following 
+ conditions are met:
+ *  Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 
+ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ *  Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above 
+ copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following 
+ disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided 
+ with the distribution.
+ *  Neither the name of the Colorado School of Mines nor the names of
+ its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products 
+ derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+ Warranty Disclaimer:
+ Export Restriction Disclaimer:
+ We believe that CWP/SU: Seismic Un*x is a low technology product that does
+ not appear on the Department of Commerce CCL list of restricted exports.
+ Accordingly, we believe that our product meets the qualifications of
+ an ECCN (export control classification number) of EAR99 and we believe
+ it fits the qualifications of NRR (no restrictions required), and
+ is thus not subject to export restrictions of any variety.
+ Approved Reference Format:
+ In publications, please refer to SU as per the following example:
+ Cohen, J. K. and Stockwell, Jr. J. W., (200_), CWP/SU: Seismic Un*x 
+ Release No. __: an open source software  package for seismic 
+ research and processing, 
+ Center for Wave Phenomena, Colorado School of Mines.
+ Articles about SU in peer-reviewed journals:
+ Saeki, T., (1999), A guide to Seismic Un*x (SU)(2)---examples of data processing (part 1), data input and preparation of headers, Butsuri-Tansa (Geophysical Exploration), vol. 52, no. 5, 465-477.
+ Stockwell, Jr. J. W. (1999), The CWP/SU: Seismic Un*x Package, Computers and Geosciences, May 1999.
+ Stockwell, Jr. J. W. (1997), Free Software in Education: A case study of CWP/SU: Seismic Un*x, The Leading Edge, July 1997.
+ Templeton, M. E., Gough, C.A., (1998), Web Seismic Un*x: Making seismic reflection processing more accessible, Computers and Geosciences.
+ Acknowledgements:
+ SU stands for CWP/SU:Seismic Un*x, a processing line developed at Colorado 
+ School of Mines, partially based on Stanford Exploration Project (SEP) 
+ software.
+ .                       */
+/* par.h - include file for getpar, selfdoc, and error handling functions */
+#ifndef PAR_H
+#define PAR_H
+void verr(char *fmt, ...);
+void vmess(char *fmt, ...);
+void vwarn(char *fmt, ...);
+void vsyserr(char *fmt, ...);
+typedef union { /* storage for arbitrary type */
+    char s[8];
+    short h;
+    unsigned short u;
+    long l;
+    unsigned long v;
+    int i;
+    unsigned int p;
+    float f;
+    double d;
+    unsigned int U:16;
+    unsigned int P:32;
+} Value;
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>	/* non-ANSI */
+#include <unistd.h>	/* non-ANSI */
+#include <sys/types.h>	/* non-ANSI */
+extern int xargc; extern char **xargv;
+typedef char *cwp_String;
+typedef enum {BADFILETYPE = -1,
+/* DEFINES */
+/* getpar macros */
+#define MUSTGETPARINT(x,y) if(!getparint(x,y)) err("must specify %s=",x)
+#define MUSTGETPARFLOAT(x,y) if(!getparfloat(x,y)) err("must specify %s=",x)
+#define MUSTGETPARSTRING(x,y) if(!getparstring(x,y)) err("must specify %s=",x)
+#define STDIN (0)
+#define STDOUT (1)
+#define STDERR (2)
+#ifdef __cplusplus  /* if C++, specify external C linkage */
+extern "C" {
+/* getpar parameter parsing */
+void initargs (int argc, char **argv);
+int getparint (char *name, int *p);
+int getparuint (char *name, unsigned int *p);
+int getparshort (char *name, short *p);
+int getparushort (char *name, unsigned short *p);
+int getparlong (char *name, long *p);
+int getparulong (char *name, unsigned long *p);
+int getparfloat (char *name, float *p);
+int getpardouble (char *name, double *p);
+int getparstring (char *name, char **p);
+int getparstringarray (char *name, char **p);
+int getnparint (int n, char *name, int *p);
+int getnparuint (int n, char *name, unsigned int *p);
+int getnparshort (int n, char *name, short *p);
+int getnparushort (int n, char *name, unsigned short *p);
+int getnparlong (int n, char *name, long *p);
+int getnparulong (int n, char *name, unsigned long *p);
+int getnparfloat (int n, char *name, float *p);
+int getnpardouble (int n, char *name, double *p);
+int getnparstring (int n, char *name, char **p);
+int getnparstringarray (int n, char *name, char **p);
+int getnpar (int n, char *name, char *type, void *ptr);
+int countparname (char *name);
+int countparval (char *name);
+int countnparval (int n, char *name);
+/* For ProMAX */
+void getPar(char *name, char *type, void *ptr);
+/* errors and warnings */
+void err (char *fmt, ...);
+void syserr (char *fmt, ...);
+void warn (char *fmt, ...);
+/* self documentation */
+void pagedoc (void);
+void requestdoc (int i);
+/* system calls with error trapping */
+int ecreat(char *path, int perms);
+int efork(void);
+int eopen(char *path, int flags, int perms);
+int eclose(int fd);
+int eunlink(char *path);
+long elseek(int fd, long offset, int origin);
+int epipe(int fd[2]);
+int eread(int fd, char *buf, int nbytes);
+int ewrite(int fd, char *buf, int nbytes);
+/* system subroutine calls with error trapping */
+FILE *efopen(const char *file, const char *mode);
+FILE *efreopen(const char *file, const char *mode, FILE *stream1);
+FILE *efdopen(int fd, const char *mode);
+FILE *epopen(char *command, char *type);
+int efclose(FILE *stream);
+int epclose(FILE *stream);
+int efflush(FILE *stream);
+int eremove(const char *file);
+int erename(const char *oldfile, const char* newfile);
+int efseek(FILE *stream, long offset, int origin);
+void erewind(FILE *stream);
+long eftell(FILE *stream);
+FILE *etmpfile(void);
+char *etmpnam(char *namebuffer);
+void *emalloc(size_t size);
+void *erealloc(void *memptr, size_t size);
+void *ecalloc(size_t count, size_t size);
+size_t efread(void *bufptr, size_t size, size_t count, FILE *stream);
+size_t efwrite(void *bufptr, size_t size, size_t count, FILE *stream);
+#ifndef SUN_A
+int efgetpos(FILE *stream, fpos_t *position);
+int efsetpos(FILE *stream, const fpos_t *position);
+/* string to numeric conversion with error checking */
+short eatoh(char *s);
+unsigned short eatou(char *s);
+int eatoi(char *s);
+unsigned int eatop(char *s);
+long eatol(char *s);
+unsigned long eatov(char *s);
+float eatof(char *s);
+double eatod(char *s);
+/* file type checking */
+FileType filestat(int fd);
+char *printstat(int fd);
+#ifdef __cplusplus  /* if C++ (external C linkage is being specified) */
+#endif /* PAR_H */
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/readModel.c b/fdelmodc3D/readModel.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3975ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/readModel.c
@@ -0,0 +1,792 @@
+#define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "segy.h"
+#include "par.h"
+#include "fdelmodc.h"
+#define     MAX(x,y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
+#define     MIN(x,y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
+#define NINT(x) ((int)((x)>0.0?(x)+0.5:(x)-0.5))
+int writesufile(char *filename, float *data, int n1, int n2, float f1, float f2, float d1, float d2);
+*  Reads gridded model files and compute from them medium parameters used in the FD kernels.
+*  The files read in contain the P (and S) wave velocity and density.
+*  The medium parameters calculated are lambda, mu, lambda+2mu, and 1/ro.
+*   AUTHOR:
+*           Jan Thorbecke (
+*           The Netherlands 
+int readModel(modPar mod, bndPar bnd, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, float *lam, float *muu, float *tss, float *tes, float *tep)
+    FILE    *fpcp, *fpcs, *fpro;
+	FILE    *fpqp=NULL, *fpqs=NULL;
+    size_t  nread;
+    int i, tracesToDo;
+	int n1, ix, iz, nz, nx;
+    int ixo, izo, ixe, ize;
+	int ioXx, ioXz, ioZz, ioZx, ioPx, ioPz, ioTx, ioTz;
+	float cp2, cs2, cs11, cs12, cs21, cs22, mul, mu, lamda2mu, lamda;
+	float cs2c, cs2b, cs2a, cpx, cpz, bx, bz, fac;
+	float *cp, *cs, *ro, *qp, *qs;
+	float a, b;
+    segy hdr;
+	/* grid size and start positions for the components */
+	nz =;
+	nx = mod.nx;
+	n1 = mod.naz;
+	fac = mod.dt/mod.dx;
+	/* Vx: rox */
+	ioXx=mod.ioXx;
+	ioXz=mod.ioXz;
+	/* Vz: roz */
+	ioZz=mod.ioZz;
+	ioZx=mod.ioZx;
+	/* P, Txx, Tzz: lam, l2m */
+	ioPx=mod.ioPx;
+	ioPz=mod.ioPz;
+	/* Txz: muu */
+	ioTx=mod.ioTx;
+	ioTz=mod.ioTz;
+    if (bnd.lef==4 || bnd.lef==2) {
+		ioPx += bnd.ntap;
+		ioTx += bnd.ntap;
+	}
+    if ( || {
+		ioPz += bnd.ntap;
+		ioTz += bnd.ntap;
+	}
+/* open files and read first header */
+	cp = (float *)malloc(nz*nx*sizeof(float));
+   	fpcp = fopen( mod.file_cp, "r" );
+   	assert( fpcp != NULL);
+   	nread = fread(&hdr, 1, TRCBYTES, fpcp);
+   	assert(nread == TRCBYTES);
+	ro = (float *)malloc(nz*nx*sizeof(float));
+   	fpro = fopen( mod.file_ro, "r" );
+   	assert( fpro != NULL);
+   	nread = fread(&hdr, 1, TRCBYTES, fpro);
+   	assert(nread == TRCBYTES);
+	cs = (float *)calloc(nz*nx,sizeof(float));
+	if (mod.ischeme>2 && mod.ischeme!=5) {
+		fpcs = fopen( mod.file_cs, "r" );
+   		assert( fpcs != NULL);
+   		nread = fread(&hdr, 1, TRCBYTES, fpcs);
+   		assert(nread == TRCBYTES);
+	}
+/* for visco acoustic/elastic media open Q file(s) if given as parameter */
+	if (mod.file_qp != NULL && (mod.ischeme==2 || mod.ischeme==4)) {
+		qp = (float *)malloc(nz*sizeof(float));
+		fpqp = fopen( mod.file_qp, "r" );
+   		assert( fpqp != NULL);
+   		nread = fread(&hdr, 1, TRCBYTES, fpqp);
+   		assert(nread == TRCBYTES);
+	}
+	if (mod.file_qs != NULL && mod.ischeme==4) {
+		qs = (float *)malloc(nz*sizeof(float));
+		fpqs = fopen( mod.file_qs, "r" );
+   		assert( fpqs != NULL);
+   		nread = fread(&hdr, 1, TRCBYTES, fpqs);
+   		assert(nread == TRCBYTES);
+	}
+/* read all traces */
+	tracesToDo = mod.nx;
+	i = 0;
+	while (tracesToDo) {
+       	nread = fread(&cp[i*nz], sizeof(float), hdr.ns, fpcp);
+       	assert (nread == hdr.ns);
+       	nread = fread(&ro[i*nz], sizeof(float), hdr.ns, fpro);
+       	assert (nread == hdr.ns);
+		if (mod.ischeme>2 && mod.ischeme!=5) {
+       		nread = fread(&cs[i*nz], sizeof(float), hdr.ns, fpcs);
+       		assert (nread == hdr.ns);
+		}
+	Converts the Qp,Qs-value to tau-epsilon and tau-sigma
+      tau-sigma    = (sqrt(1.0+(1.0/Qp**2))-(1.0/Qp))/w
+      tau-epsilonP = 1.0/(w*w*tau-sigma)
+      tau-epsilonS = (1.0+(w*Qs*tau-sigma))/(w*Qs-(w*w*tau-sigma));
+		/* visco-acoustic */
+		if (mod.ischeme==2 || mod.ischeme==4) {
+			if (mod.file_qp != NULL) {
+       			nread = fread(&qp[0], sizeof(float), nz, fpqp);
+       			assert (nread == hdr.ns);
+				for (iz=0; iz<nz; iz++) {
+//                    a = sqrt(1.0+(1.0/(qp[iz]*qp[iz]))-(1.0/qp[iz]))/mod.fw;
+					a = (sqrt(1.0+(1.0/(qp[iz]*qp[iz])))-(1.0/qp[iz]))/mod.fw;
+					b = 1.0/(mod.fw*mod.fw*a);
+					tss[(i+ioPx)*n1+iz+ioPz] = 1.0/a;
+					tep[(i+ioPx)*n1+iz+ioPz] = b;
+				}
+			}
+			else {
+				for (iz=0; iz<nz; iz++) {
+//                    a = sqrt(1.0+(1.0/(mod.Qp*mod.Qp))-(1.0/mod.Qp))/mod.fw;
+					a = (sqrt(1.0+(1.0/(mod.Qp*mod.Qp)))-(1.0/mod.Qp))/mod.fw;
+					b = 1.0/(mod.fw*mod.fw*a);
+					tss[(i+ioPx)*n1+iz+ioPz] = 1.0/a;
+					tep[(i+ioPx)*n1+iz+ioPz] = b;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		/* visco-elastic */
+		if (mod.ischeme==4) {
+			if (mod.file_qs != NULL) {
+       			nread = fread(&qs[0], sizeof(float), hdr.ns, fpqs);
+       			assert (nread == hdr.ns);
+				for (iz=0; iz<nz; iz++) {
+					a = 1.0/tss[(i+ioPx)*n1+iz+ioPz];
+					tes[(i+ioPx)*n1+iz+ioPz] = (1.0+(mod.fw*qs[iz]*a))/(mod.fw*qs[iz]-(mod.fw*mod.fw*a));
+				}
+			}
+			else {
+				for (iz=0; iz<nz; iz++) {
+					a = 1.0/tss[(i+ioPx)*n1+iz+ioPz];
+					tes[(i+ioPx)*n1+iz+ioPz] = (1.0+(mod.fw*mod.Qs*a))/(mod.fw*mod.Qs-(mod.fw*mod.fw*a));
+				}
+			}
+		}
+       	nread = fread(&hdr, 1, TRCBYTES, fpcp);
+       	if (nread==0) break;
+       	nread = fread(&hdr, 1, TRCBYTES, fpro);
+       	if (nread==0) break;
+		if (mod.ischeme>2 && mod.ischeme!=5) {
+       		nread = fread(&hdr, 1, TRCBYTES, fpcs);
+       		if (nread==0) break;
+		}
+		if (mod.file_qp != NULL && (mod.ischeme==2 || mod.ischeme==4)) {
+       		nread = fread(&hdr, 1, TRCBYTES, fpqp);
+       		if (nread==0) break;
+		}
+		if (mod.file_qs != NULL && mod.ischeme==4) {
+       		nread = fread(&hdr, 1, TRCBYTES, fpqs);
+       		if (nread==0) break;
+		}
+		i++;
+	}
+   	fclose(fpcp);
+   	fclose(fpro);
+   	if (mod.ischeme>2 && mod.ischeme!=5) fclose(fpcs);
+	if (fpqp != NULL) fclose(fpqp);
+	if (fpqs != NULL) fclose(fpqs);
+/* check for zero densities */
+	for (i=0;i<nz*nx;i++) {
+		if (ro[i]==0.0) {
+			vwarn("Zero density for trace=%d sample=%d", i/nz, i%nz);
+			verr("ERROR zero density is not a valid value, program exit");
+		}
+	}
+/* calculate the medium parameter grids needed for the FD scheme */
+/* the edges of the model */
+	if (mod.ischeme>2) { /* Elastic Scheme */
+		iz = nz-1;
+		for (ix=0;ix<nx-1;ix++) {
+			cp2  = cp[ix*nz+iz]*cp[ix*nz+iz];
+			cs2  = cs[ix*nz+iz]*cs[ix*nz+iz];
+			cs2a = cs[(ix+1)*nz+iz]*cs[(ix+1)*nz+iz];
+			cs11 = cs2*ro[ix*nz+iz];
+			cs12 = cs2*ro[ix*nz+iz];
+			cs21 = cs2a*ro[(ix+1)*nz+iz];
+			cs22 = cs2a*ro[(ix+1)*nz+iz];
+//			cpx  = 0.5*(cp[ix*nz+iz]+cp[(ix+1)*nz+iz])
+//			cpz  = cp[ix*nz+iz];
+			if (cs11 > 0.0) {
+				mul  = 4.0/(1.0/cs11+1.0/cs12+1.0/cs21+1.0/cs22);
+			}
+			else {
+				mul = 0.0;
+			}
+			mu   = cs2*ro[ix*nz+iz];
+			lamda2mu = cp2*ro[ix*nz+iz];
+			lamda    = lamda2mu - 2*mu;
+			bx = 0.5*(ro[ix*nz+iz]+ro[(ix+1)*nz+iz]);
+			bz = ro[ix*nz+iz];
+			rox[(ix+ioXx)*n1+iz+ioXz]=fac/bx;
+			roz[(ix+ioZx)*n1+iz+ioZz]=fac/bz;
+			l2m[(ix+ioPx)*n1+iz+ioPz]=fac*lamda2mu;
+			lam[(ix+ioPx)*n1+iz+ioPz]=fac*lamda;
+			muu[(ix+ioTx)*n1+iz+ioTz]=fac*mul;
+		}
+		ix = nx-1;
+		for (iz=0;iz<nz-1;iz++) {
+			cp2  = cp[ix*nz+iz]*cp[ix*nz+iz];
+			cs2  = cs[ix*nz+iz]*cs[ix*nz+iz];
+			cs2b = cs[ix*nz+iz+1]*cs[ix*nz+iz+1];
+			cs11 = cs2*ro[ix*nz+iz];
+			cs12 = cs2b*ro[ix*nz+iz+1];
+			cs21 = cs2*ro[ix*nz+iz];
+			cs22 = cs2b*ro[ix*nz+iz+1];
+//			cpx  = cp[ix*nz+iz];
+//			cpz  = 0.5*(cp[ix*nz+iz]+cp[ix*nz+iz+1]);
+			if (cs11 > 0.0) {
+				mul  = 4.0/(1.0/cs11+1.0/cs12+1.0/cs21+1.0/cs22);
+			}
+			else {
+				mul = 0.0;
+			}
+			mu   = cs2*ro[ix*nz+iz];
+			lamda2mu = cp2*ro[ix*nz+iz];
+			lamda    = lamda2mu - 2*mu;
+			bx = ro[ix*nz+iz];
+			bz = 0.5*(ro[ix*nz+iz]+ro[ix*nz+iz+1]);
+			rox[(ix+ioXx)*n1+iz+ioXz]=fac/bx;
+			roz[(ix+ioZx)*n1+iz+ioZz]=fac/bz;
+			l2m[(ix+ioPx)*n1+iz+ioPz]=fac*lamda2mu;
+			lam[(ix+ioPx)*n1+iz+ioPz]=fac*lamda;
+			muu[(ix+ioTx)*n1+iz+ioTz]=fac*mul;
+		}
+		ix=nx-1;
+		iz=nz-1;
+		cp2  = cp[ix*nz+iz]*cp[ix*nz+iz];
+		cs2  = cs[ix*nz+iz]*cs[ix*nz+iz];
+		mu   = cs2*ro[ix*nz+iz];
+		lamda2mu = cp2*ro[ix*nz+iz];
+		lamda    = lamda2mu - 2*mu;
+		bx = ro[ix*nz+iz];
+		bz = ro[ix*nz+iz];
+		rox[(ix+ioXx)*n1+iz+ioXz]=fac/bx;
+		roz[(ix+ioZx)*n1+iz+ioZz]=fac/bz;
+		l2m[(ix+ioPx)*n1+iz+ioPz]=fac*lamda2mu;
+		lam[(ix+ioPx)*n1+iz+ioPz]=fac*lamda;
+		muu[(ix+ioTx)*n1+iz+ioTz]=fac*mu;
+		for (ix=0;ix<nx-1;ix++) {
+			for (iz=0;iz<nz-1;iz++) {
+				cp2  = cp[ix*nz+iz]*cp[ix*nz+iz];
+				cs2  = cs[ix*nz+iz]*cs[ix*nz+iz];
+				cs2a = cs[(ix+1)*nz+iz]*cs[(ix+1)*nz+iz];
+				cs2b = cs[ix*nz+iz+1]*cs[ix*nz+iz+1];
+				cs2c = cs[(ix+1)*nz+iz+1]*cs[(ix+1)*nz+iz+1];
+Compute harmonic average of mul for accurate and stable fluid-solid interface
+see Finite-difference modeling of wave propagation in a fluid-solid configuration 
+Robbert van Vossen, Johan O. A. Robertsson, and Chris H. Chapman
+				cs11 = cs2*ro[ix*nz+iz];
+				cs12 = cs2b*ro[ix*nz+iz+1];
+				cs21 = cs2a*ro[ix*nz+iz];
+				cs22 = cs2c*ro[ix*nz+iz+1];
+//				cpx  = 0.5*(cp[ix*nz+iz]+cp[(ix+1)*nz+iz])
+//				cpz  = 0.5*(cp[ix*nz+iz]+cp[ix*nz+iz+1])
+				if (cs11 > 0.0) {
+					mul  = 4.0/(1.0/cs11+1.0/cs12+1.0/cs21+1.0/cs22);
+				}
+				else {
+					mul = 0.0;
+				}
+				mu   = cs2*ro[ix*nz+iz];
+				lamda2mu = cp2*ro[ix*nz+iz];
+				lamda    = lamda2mu - 2*mu; /* could also use mul to calculate lambda, but that might not be correct: question from Chaoshun Hu. Note use mu or mul as well on boundaries */
+				bx = 0.5*(ro[ix*nz+iz]+ro[(ix+1)*nz+iz]);
+				bz = 0.5*(ro[ix*nz+iz]+ro[ix*nz+iz+1]);
+				rox[(ix+ioXx)*n1+iz+ioXz]=fac/bx;
+				roz[(ix+ioZx)*n1+iz+ioZz]=fac/bz;
+				l2m[(ix+ioPx)*n1+iz+ioPz]=fac*lamda2mu;
+				lam[(ix+ioPx)*n1+iz+ioPz]=fac*lamda;
+				muu[(ix+ioTx)*n1+iz+ioTz]=fac*mul;
+			}
+		}
+		/* for the tapered/PML boundaries */
+		for (ix=mod.ioXx-bnd.ntap;ix<mod.ioXx;ix++) {
+			for (iz=mod.ioXz-bnd.ntap;ix<mod.naz;ix++) {
+				rox[ix*n1+iz]=rox[ioXx*n1+ioXz]
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	else { /* Acoustic Scheme */
+		iz = nz-1;
+		for (ix=0;ix<nx-1;ix++) {
+			cp2  = cp[ix*nz+iz]*cp[ix*nz+iz];
+//			cpx  = 0.5*(cp[ix*nz+iz]+cp[(ix+1)*nz+iz])
+//			cpz  = cp[ix*nz+iz];
+			lamda2mu = cp2*ro[ix*nz+iz];
+			bx = 0.5*(ro[ix*nz+iz]+ro[(ix+1)*nz+iz]);
+			bz = ro[ix*nz+iz];
+			rox[(ix+ioXx)*n1+iz+ioXz]=fac/bx;
+			roz[(ix+ioZx)*n1+iz+ioZz]=fac/bz;
+			l2m[(ix+ioPx)*n1+iz+ioPz]=fac*lamda2mu;
+		}
+		ix = nx-1;
+		for (iz=0;iz<nz-1;iz++) {
+			cp2  = cp[ix*nz+iz]*cp[ix*nz+iz];
+//			cpx  = cp[ix*nz+iz];
+//			cpz  = 0.5*(cp[ix*nz+iz]+cp[ix*nz+iz+1])
+			lamda2mu = cp2*ro[ix*nz+iz];
+			bx = ro[ix*nz+iz];
+			bz = 0.5*(ro[ix*nz+iz]+ro[ix*nz+iz+1]);
+			rox[(ix+ioXx)*n1+iz+ioXz]=fac/bx;
+			roz[(ix+ioZx)*n1+iz+ioZz]=fac/bz;
+			l2m[(ix+ioPx)*n1+iz+ioPz]=fac*lamda2mu;
+		}
+		ix=nx-1;
+		iz=nz-1;
+		cp2  = cp[ix*nz+iz]*cp[ix*nz+iz];
+		lamda2mu = cp2*ro[ix*nz+iz];
+		bx = ro[ix*nz+iz];
+		bz = ro[ix*nz+iz];
+		rox[(ix+ioXx)*n1+iz+ioXz]=fac/bx;
+		roz[(ix+ioZx)*n1+iz+ioZz]=fac/bz;
+		l2m[(ix+ioPx)*n1+iz+ioPz]=fac*lamda2mu;
+		for (ix=0;ix<nx-1;ix++) {
+			for (iz=0;iz<nz-1;iz++) {
+				cp2  = cp[ix*nz+iz]*cp[ix*nz+iz];
+//				cpx  = 0.5*(cp[ix*nz+iz]+cp[(ix+1)*nz+iz])
+//				cpz  = 0.5*(cp[ix*nz+iz]+cp[ix*nz+iz+1])
+				lamda2mu = cp2*ro[ix*nz+iz];
+				bx = 0.5*(ro[ix*nz+iz]+ro[(ix+1)*nz+iz]);
+				bz = 0.5*(ro[ix*nz+iz]+ro[ix*nz+iz+1]);
+				rox[(ix+ioXx)*n1+iz+ioXz]=fac/bx;
+				roz[(ix+ioZx)*n1+iz+ioZz]=fac/bz;
+				l2m[(ix+ioPx)*n1+iz+ioPz]=fac*lamda2mu;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/* For topography free surface check for zero-velocity and set rox and roz also to zero */
+	for (ix=0;ix<nx;ix++) {
+		for (iz=0;iz<nz;iz++) {
+			if (l2m[(ix+ioPx)*n1+iz+ioPz]==0.0) {
+				rox[(ix+ioXx)*n1+iz+ioXz]=0.0;
+				roz[(ix+ioZx)*n1+iz+ioZz]=0.0;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+    /*****************************************************/
+    /* In case of tapered or PML boundaries extend model */
+    /*****************************************************/
+    /* Left  */
+    if (bnd.lef==4 || bnd.lef==2) {
+        /* rox field */
+        ixo = mod.ioXx-bnd.ntap;
+        ixe = mod.ioXx;
+        izo = mod.ioXz;
+        ize = mod.ieXz;
+        for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+            for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+                rox[ix*n1+iz] = rox[ixe*n1+iz];
+            }
+        }
+        /* roz field */
+        ixo = mod.ioZx-bnd.ntap;
+        ixe = mod.ioZx;
+        izo = mod.ioZz;
+        ize = mod.ieZz;
+        for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+            for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+                roz[ix*n1+iz] = roz[ixe*n1+iz];
+            }
+        }
+        /* l2m field */
+        ixo = mod.ioPx;
+        ixe = mod.ioPx+bnd.ntap;
+        izo = mod.ioPz;
+        ize = mod.iePz;
+        for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+            for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+                l2m[ix*n1+iz] = l2m[ixe*n1+iz];
+            }
+        }
+        if (mod.ischeme>2) { /* Elastic Scheme */
+        	/* lam field */
+        	ixo = mod.ioPx;
+        	ixe = mod.ioPx+bnd.ntap;
+        	izo = mod.ioPz;
+        	ize = mod.iePz;
+        	for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+            	for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+                	lam[ix*n1+iz] = lam[ixe*n1+iz];
+            	}
+        	}
+            /* muu field */
+            ixo = mod.ioTx;
+            ixe = mod.ioTx+bnd.ntap;
+            izo = mod.ioTz;
+            ize = mod.ieTz;
+            for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+                for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+                    muu[ix*n1+iz] = muu[ixe*n1+iz];
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if (mod.ischeme==2 || mod.ischeme==4) {
+            /* tss and tep field */
+        	ixo = mod.ioPx;
+        	ixe = mod.ioPx+bnd.ntap;
+        	izo = mod.ioPz;
+        	ize = mod.iePz;
+        	for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+            	for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+                	tss[ix*n1+iz] = tss[ixe*n1+iz];
+                    tep[ix*n1+iz] = tep[ixe*n1+iz];
+            	}
+        	}
+        }
+        if (mod.ischeme==4) {
+            /* tes field */
+        	ixo = mod.ioPx;
+        	ixe = mod.ioPx+bnd.ntap;
+        	izo = mod.ioPz;
+        	ize = mod.iePz;
+        	for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+            	for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+                    tes[ix*n1+iz] = tes[ixe*n1+iz];
+            	}
+        	}
+        }
+    }
+    /* Right  */
+    if (bnd.rig==4 || bnd.rig==2) {
+        /* rox field */
+        ixo = mod.ieXx;
+        ixe = mod.ieXx+bnd.ntap;
+        izo = mod.ioXz;
+        ize = mod.ieXz;
+        for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+            for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+                rox[ix*n1+iz] = rox[(ixo-1)*n1+iz];
+            }
+        }
+        /* roz field */
+        ixo = mod.ieZx;
+        ixe = mod.ieZx+bnd.ntap;
+        izo = mod.ioZz;
+        ize = mod.ieZz;
+        for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+            for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+                roz[ix*n1+iz] = roz[(ixo-1)*n1+iz];
+            }
+        }
+        /* l2m field */
+        ixo = mod.iePx-bnd.ntap;
+        ixe = mod.iePx;
+        izo = mod.ioPz;
+        ize = mod.iePz;
+        for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+            for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+                l2m[ix*n1+iz] = l2m[(ixo-1)*n1+iz];
+            }
+        }
+        if (mod.ischeme>2) { /* Elastic Scheme */
+        	/* lam field */
+        	ixo = mod.iePx-bnd.ntap;
+        	ixe = mod.iePx;
+        	izo = mod.ioPz;
+        	ize = mod.iePz;
+        	for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+            	for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+                	lam[ix*n1+iz] = lam[(ixo-1)*n1+iz];
+            	}
+        	}
+            /* muu field */
+            ixo = mod.ieTx-bnd.ntap;
+            ixe = mod.ieTx;
+            izo = mod.ioTz;
+            ize = mod.ieTz;
+            for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+                for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+                    muu[ix*n1+iz] = muu[(ixo-1)*n1+iz];
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if (mod.ischeme==2 || mod.ischeme==4) {
+            /* tss and tep field */
+        	ixo = mod.iePx-bnd.ntap;
+        	ixe = mod.iePx;
+        	izo = mod.ioPz;
+        	ize = mod.iePz;
+        	for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+            	for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+                	tss[ix*n1+iz] = tss[(ixo-1)*n1+iz];
+                    tep[ix*n1+iz] = tep[(ixo-1)*n1+iz];
+            	}
+        	}
+        }
+        if (mod.ischeme==4) {
+            /* tes field */
+        	ixo = mod.iePx-bnd.ntap;
+        	ixe = mod.iePx;
+        	izo = mod.ioPz;
+        	ize = mod.iePz;
+        	for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+            	for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+                    tes[ix*n1+iz] = tes[(ixo-1)*n1+iz];
+            	}
+        	}
+        }
+    }
+	/* Top */
+    if ( || {
+        /* Rox field */
+        ixo = mod.ioXx;
+        ixe = mod.ieXx;
+        if (bnd.lef==4 || bnd.lef==2) ixo -= bnd.ntap;
+        if (bnd.rig==4 || bnd.rig==2) ixe += bnd.ntap;
+        izo = mod.ioXz-bnd.ntap;
+        ize = mod.ioXz;
+        for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+            for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+                rox[ix*n1+iz] = rox[ix*n1+ize];
+            }
+        }
+        /* roz field */
+        ixo = mod.ioZx;
+        ixe = mod.ieZx;
+        if (bnd.lef==4 || bnd.lef==2) ixo -= bnd.ntap;
+        if (bnd.rig==4 || bnd.rig==2) ixe += bnd.ntap;
+        izo = mod.ioZz-bnd.ntap;
+        ize = mod.ioZz;
+        for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+            for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+                roz[ix*n1+iz] = roz[ix*n1+ize];
+            }
+        }
+        /* l2m field */
+        ixo = mod.ioPx;
+        ixe = mod.iePx;
+        izo = mod.ioPz;
+        ize = mod.ioPz+bnd.ntap;
+        for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+            for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+                l2m[ix*n1+iz] = l2m[ix*n1+ize];
+            }
+        }
+        if (mod.ischeme>2) { /* Elastic Scheme */
+        	/* lam field */
+        	ixo = mod.ioPx;
+        	ixe = mod.iePx;
+        	izo = mod.ioPz;
+        	ize = mod.ioPz+bnd.ntap;
+        	for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+            	for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+                	lam[ix*n1+iz] = lam[ix*n1+ize];
+            	}
+        	}
+            /* muu field */
+            ixo = mod.ioTx;
+            ixe = mod.ieTx;
+            izo = mod.ioTz;
+            ize = mod.ioTz+bnd.ntap;
+            for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+                for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+                    muu[ix*n1+iz] = muu[ix*n1+ize];
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if (mod.ischeme==2 || mod.ischeme==4) {
+            /* tss and tep field */
+        	ixo = mod.ioPx;
+        	ixe = mod.iePx;
+        	izo = mod.ioPz;
+        	ize = mod.ioPz+bnd.ntap;
+        	for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+            	for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+                	tss[ix*n1+iz] = tss[ix*n1+ize];
+                    tep[ix*n1+iz] = tep[ix*n1+ize];
+            	}
+        	}
+        }
+        if (mod.ischeme==4) {
+            /* tes field */
+        	ixo = mod.ioPx;
+        	ixe = mod.iePx;
+        	izo = mod.ioPz;
+        	ize = mod.ioPz+bnd.ntap;
+        	for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+            	for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+                    tes[ix*n1+iz] = tes[ix*n1+ize];
+            	}
+        	}
+        }
+    }
+	/* Bottom */
+    if ( || {
+        /* Rox field */
+        ixo = mod.ioXx;
+        ixe = mod.ieXx;
+        if (bnd.lef==4 || bnd.lef==2) ixo -= bnd.ntap;
+        if (bnd.rig==4 || bnd.rig==2) ixe += bnd.ntap;
+        izo = mod.ieXz;
+        ize = mod.ieXz+bnd.ntap;
+        for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+            for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+                rox[ix*n1+iz] = rox[ix*n1+izo-1];
+            }
+        }
+        /* roz field */
+        ixo = mod.ioZx;
+        ixe = mod.ieZx;
+        if (bnd.lef==4 || bnd.lef==2) ixo -= bnd.ntap;
+        if (bnd.rig==4 || bnd.rig==2) ixe += bnd.ntap;
+        izo = mod.ieZz;
+        ize = mod.ieZz+bnd.ntap;
+        for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+            for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+                roz[ix*n1+iz] = roz[ix*n1+izo-1];
+            }
+        }
+        /* l2m field */
+        ixo = mod.ioPx;
+        ixe = mod.iePx;
+        izo = mod.iePz-bnd.ntap;
+        ize = mod.iePz;
+        for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+            for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+                l2m[ix*n1+iz] = l2m[ix*n1+izo-1];
+            }
+        }
+        if (mod.ischeme>2) { /* Elastic Scheme */
+        	/* lam field */
+        	ixo = mod.ioPx;
+        	ixe = mod.iePx;
+        	izo = mod.iePz-bnd.ntap;
+        	ize = mod.iePz;
+        	for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+            	for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+                	lam[ix*n1+iz] = lam[ix*n1+izo-1];
+            	}
+        	}
+            /* muu */
+            ixo = mod.ioTx;
+            ixe = mod.ieTx;
+            izo = mod.ieTz-bnd.ntap;
+            ize = mod.ieTz;
+            for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+                for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+                    muu[ix*n1+iz] = muu[ix*n1+izo-1];
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if (mod.ischeme==2 || mod.ischeme==4) {
+            /* tss and tep field */
+        	ixo = mod.ioPx;
+        	ixe = mod.iePx;
+        	izo = mod.iePz-bnd.ntap;
+        	ize = mod.iePz;
+        	for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+            	for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+                	tss[ix*n1+iz] = tss[ix*n1+izo-1];
+                    tep[ix*n1+iz] = tep[ix*n1+izo-1];
+            	}
+        	}
+        }
+        if (mod.ischeme==4) {
+            /* tes field */
+        	ixo = mod.ioPx;
+        	ixe = mod.iePx;
+        	izo = mod.iePz-bnd.ntap;
+        	ize = mod.iePz;
+        	for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+            	for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+                    tes[ix*n1+iz] = tes[ix*n1+izo-1];
+            	}
+        	}
+        }
+    }
+    writesufile("", rox, mod.naz, mod.nax, 0.0, 0.0, 1, 1);
+    writesufile("", roz, mod.naz, mod.nax, 0.0, 0.0, 1, 1);
+    writesufile("", l2m, mod.naz, mod.nax, 0.0, 0.0, 1, 1);
+    writesufile("", lam, mod.naz, mod.nax, 0.0, 0.0, 1, 1);
+    writesufile("", muu, mod.naz, mod.nax, 0.0, 0.0, 1, 1);
+    for (ix=0; ix<mod.nax; ix++) {
+        for (iz=0; iz<mod.naz; iz++) {
+            rox[ix*n1+iz] = rox[10*n1+10];
+            roz[ix*n1+iz] = roz[10*n1+10];
+            l2m[ix*n1+iz] = l2m[10*n1+10];
+            muu[ix*n1+iz] = muu[10*n1+10];
+            lam[ix*n1+iz] = lam[10*n1+10];
+        }
+    }
+	free(cp);
+	free(ro);
+   	free(cs);
+    return 0;
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/readModel3D.c b/fdelmodc3D/readModel3D.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd3ce58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/readModel3D.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1283 @@
+#define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "segy.h"
+#include "par.h"
+#include "fdelmodc3D.h"
+#define     MAX(x,y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
+#define     MIN(x,y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
+#define NINT(x) ((long)((x)>0.0?(x)+0.5:(x)-0.5))
+*  Reads gridded model files and compute from them medium parameters used in the FD kernels.
+*  The files read in contain the P (and S) wave velocity and density.
+*  The medium parameters calculated are lambda, mu, lambda+2mu, and 1/ro.
+*   AUTHOR:
+*           Jan Thorbecke (
+*           The Netherlands 
+long readModel3D(modPar mod, bndPar bnd, float *rox, float *roy, float *roz, float *l2m, float *lam, float *muu, float *tss, float *tes, float *tep)
+    FILE    *fpcp, *fpcs, *fpro;
+	FILE    *fpqp=NULL, *fpqs=NULL;
+    size_t  nread;
+    long i, j, l, tracesToDo;
+	long n1, n2, n3, ix, iy, iz, nz, ny, nx;
+    long ixo, iyo, izo, ixe, iye, ize;
+	long ioXx, ioXy, ioXz, ioYx, ioYy, ioYz, ioZz, ioZy, ioZx, ioPx, ioPy, ioPz, ioTx, ioTy, ioTz;
+	float cp2, cs2, cs11, cs12, cs21, cs22, mul, mu, lamda2mu, lamda;
+	float cs2c, cs2b, cs2a, cpx, cpy, cpz, bx, by, bz, fac;
+	float *cp, *cs, *ro, *qp, *qs;
+	float a, b;
+    segy hdr;
+	/* grid size and start positions for the components */
+	nz =;
+	ny = mod.ny;
+	nx = mod.nx;
+	n1 = mod.naz;
+	n2 = mod.nax;
+	n3 = mod.nay;
+	fac = mod.dt/mod.dx;
+	/* Vx: rox */
+	ioXx=mod.ioXx;
+	ioXy=mod.ioXy;
+	ioXz=mod.ioXz;
+	/* Vy: roy */
+	ioYx=mod.ioYx;
+	ioYy=mod.ioYy;
+	ioYz=mod.ioYz;
+	/* Vz: roz */
+	ioZz=mod.ioZz;
+	ioZy=mod.ioZy;
+	ioZx=mod.ioZx;
+	/* P, Txx, Tyy, Tzz: lam, l2m */
+	ioPx=mod.ioPx;
+	ioPy=mod.ioPy;
+	ioPz=mod.ioPz;
+	/* Txz, Txy, Tyz,: muu */
+	ioTx=mod.ioTx;
+	ioTy=mod.ioTy;
+	ioTz=mod.ioTz;
+    if (bnd.lef==4 || bnd.lef==2) {
+		ioPx += bnd.ntap;
+		ioTx += bnd.ntap;
+	}
+    if (bnd.fro==4 || bnd.fro==2) {
+		ioPy += bnd.ntap;
+		ioTy += bnd.ntap;
+	}
+    if ( || {
+		ioPz += bnd.ntap;
+		ioTz += bnd.ntap;
+	}
+/* open files and read first header */
+	cp = (float *)malloc(nz*ny*nx*sizeof(float));
+   	fpcp = fopen( mod.file_cp, "r" );
+   	assert( fpcp != NULL);
+   	nread = fread(&hdr, 1, TRCBYTES, fpcp);
+   	assert(nread == TRCBYTES);
+	ro = (float *)malloc(nz*ny*nx*sizeof(float));
+   	fpro = fopen( mod.file_ro, "r" );
+   	assert( fpro != NULL);
+   	nread = fread(&hdr, 1, TRCBYTES, fpro);
+   	assert(nread == TRCBYTES);
+	cs = (float *)calloc(nz*ny*nx,sizeof(float));
+	if (mod.ischeme>2 && mod.ischeme!=5) {
+		fpcs = fopen( mod.file_cs, "r" );
+   		assert( fpcs != NULL);
+   		nread = fread(&hdr, 1, TRCBYTES, fpcs);
+   		assert(nread == TRCBYTES);
+	}
+/* for visco acoustic/elastic media open Q file(s) if given as parameter */
+	if (mod.file_qp != NULL && (mod.ischeme==2 || mod.ischeme==4)) {
+		qp = (float *)malloc(nz*sizeof(float));
+		fpqp = fopen( mod.file_qp, "r" );
+   		assert( fpqp != NULL);
+   		nread = fread(&hdr, 1, TRCBYTES, fpqp);
+   		assert(nread == TRCBYTES);
+	}
+	if (mod.file_qs != NULL && mod.ischeme==4) {
+		qs = (float *)malloc(nz*sizeof(float));
+		fpqs = fopen( mod.file_qs, "r" );
+   		assert( fpqs != NULL);
+   		nread = fread(&hdr, 1, TRCBYTES, fpqs);
+   		assert(nread == TRCBYTES);
+	}
+/* read all traces */
+	tracesToDo = mod.nx*mod.ny;
+	for (iy=0; iy<ny; iy++) {
+        for (ix=0; ix<nx; ix++ ) {
+            i = iy*nx+ix;
+            nread = fread(&cp[i*nz], sizeof(float), hdr.ns, fpcp);
+            assert (nread == hdr.ns);
+            nread = fread(&ro[i*nz], sizeof(float), hdr.ns, fpro);
+            assert (nread == hdr.ns);
+            if (mod.ischeme>2 && mod.ischeme!=5) {
+                nread = fread(&cs[i*nz], sizeof(float), hdr.ns, fpcs);
+                assert (nread == hdr.ns);
+            }
+    /*************************************************************
+        Converts the Qp,Qs-value to tau-epsilon and tau-sigma
+        tau-sigma    = (sqrt(1.0+(1.0/Qp**2))-(1.0/Qp))/w
+        tau-epsilonP = 1.0/(w*w*tau-sigma)
+        tau-epsilonS = (1.0+(w*Qs*tau-sigma))/(w*Qs-(w*w*tau-sigma));
+    *************************************************************/
+            /* visco-acoustic */
+            if (mod.ischeme==2 || mod.ischeme==4) {
+                if (mod.file_qp != NULL) {
+                    nread = fread(&qp[0], sizeof(float), nz, fpqp);
+                    assert (nread == hdr.ns);
+                    for (iz=0; iz<nz; iz++) {
+                        a = (sqrt(1.0+(1.0/(qp[iz]*qp[iz])))-(1.0/qp[iz]))/mod.fw;
+                        b = 1.0/(mod.fw*mod.fw*a);
+                        tss[(iy+ioPy)*n1*n2+(ix+ioPx)*n1+iz+ioPz] = 1.0/a;
+                        tep[(iy+ioPy)*n1*n2+(ix+ioPx)*n1+iz+ioPz] = b;
+                    }
+                }
+                else {
+                    for (iz=0; iz<nz; iz++) {
+                        a = (sqrt(1.0+(1.0/(mod.Qp*mod.Qp)))-(1.0/mod.Qp))/mod.fw;
+                        b = 1.0/(mod.fw*mod.fw*a);
+                        tss[(iy+ioPy)*n1*n2+(ix+ioPx)*n1+iz+ioPz] = 1.0/a;
+                        tep[(iy+ioPy)*n1*n2+(ix+ioPx)*n1+iz+ioPz] = b;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            /* visco-elastic */
+            if (mod.ischeme==4) {
+                if (mod.file_qs != NULL) {
+                    nread = fread(&qs[0], sizeof(float), hdr.ns, fpqs);
+                    assert (nread == hdr.ns);
+                    for (iz=0; iz<nz; iz++) {
+                        a = 1.0/tss[(iy+ioPy)*n1*n2+(ix+ioPx)*n1+iz+ioPz];
+                        tes[(iy+ioPy)*n1*n2+(ix+ioPx)*n1+iz+ioPz] = (1.0+(mod.fw*qs[iz]*a))/(mod.fw*qs[iz]-(mod.fw*mod.fw*a));
+                    }
+                }
+                else {
+                    for (iz=0; iz<nz; iz++) {
+                        a = 1.0/tss[(iy+ioPy)*n1*n2+(ix+ioPx)*n1+iz+ioPz];
+                        tes[(iy+ioPy)*n1*n2+(ix+ioPx)*n1+iz+ioPz] = (1.0+(mod.fw*mod.Qs*a))/(mod.fw*mod.Qs-(mod.fw*mod.fw*a));
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            nread = fread(&hdr, 1, TRCBYTES, fpcp);
+            if (nread==0) break;
+            nread = fread(&hdr, 1, TRCBYTES, fpro);
+            if (nread==0) break;
+            if (mod.ischeme>2 && mod.ischeme!=5) {
+                nread = fread(&hdr, 1, TRCBYTES, fpcs);
+                if (nread==0) break;
+            }
+            if (mod.file_qp != NULL && (mod.ischeme==2 || mod.ischeme==4)) {
+                nread = fread(&hdr, 1, TRCBYTES, fpqp);
+                if (nread==0) break;
+            }
+            if (mod.file_qs != NULL && mod.ischeme==4) {
+                nread = fread(&hdr, 1, TRCBYTES, fpqs);
+                if (nread==0) break;
+            }
+        }
+	}
+   	fclose(fpcp);
+   	fclose(fpro);
+   	if (mod.ischeme>2 && mod.ischeme!=5) fclose(fpcs);
+	if (fpqp != NULL) fclose(fpqp);
+	if (fpqs != NULL) fclose(fpqs);
+/* check for zero densities */
+	for (i=0;i<nz*nx*ny;i++) {
+		if (ro[i]==0.0) {
+			vwarn("Zero density for trace=%li sample=%li", i/nz, i%nz);
+			verr("ERROR zero density is not a valid value, program exit");
+		}
+	}
+/* calculate the medium parameter grids needed for the FD scheme */
+/* the edges of the model */
+	if (mod.ischeme>2) { /* Elastic Scheme */
+		iz = nz-1;
+        iy = ny-1;
+		for (ix=0;ix<nx-1;ix++) {
+			cp2  = cp[iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz]*cp[iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz];
+			cs2  = cs[iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz]*cs[iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz];
+			cs2a = cs[iy*nx*nz+(ix+1)*nz+iz]*cs[iy*nx*nz+(ix+1)*nz+iz];
+			cs11 = cs2*ro[iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz];
+			cs12 = cs2*ro[iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz];
+			cs21 = cs2a*ro[iy*nx*nz+(ix+1)*nz+iz];
+			cs22 = cs2a*ro[iy*nx*nz+(ix+1)*nz+iz];
+			if (cs11 > 0.0) {
+				mul  = 4.0/(1.0/cs11+1.0/cs12+1.0/cs21+1.0/cs22);
+			}
+			else {
+				mul = 0.0;
+			}
+			mu   = cs2*ro[iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz];
+			lamda2mu = cp2*ro[iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz];
+			lamda    = lamda2mu - 2*mu;
+			bx = 0.5*(ro[iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz]+ro[iy*nx*nz+(ix+1)*nz+iz]);
+			by = ro[iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz];
+			bz = ro[iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz];
+			rox[(iy+ioXy)*n2*n1+(ix+ioXx)*n1+iz+ioXz]=fac/bx;
+			roy[(iy+ioYy)*n2*n1+(ix+ioYx)*n1+iz+ioYz]=fac/by;
+			roz[(iy+ioZy)*n2*n1+(ix+ioZx)*n1+iz+ioZz]=fac/bz;
+			l2m[(iy+ioPy)*n2*n1+(ix+ioPx)*n1+iz+ioPz]=fac*lamda2mu;
+			lam[(iy+ioPy)*n2*n1+(ix+ioPx)*n1+iz+ioPz]=fac*lamda;
+			muu[(iy+ioTy)*n2*n1+(ix+ioTx)*n1+iz+ioTz]=fac*mul;
+		}
+		ix = nx-1;
+        iz = nz-1;
+		for (iy=0;iy<ny-1;iy++) {
+			cp2  = cp[iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz]*cp[iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz];
+			cs2  = cs[iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz]*cs[iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz];
+			cs2b = cs[(iy+1)*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz]*cs[(iy+1)*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz];
+			cs11 = cs2*ro[iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz];
+			cs12 = cs2b*ro[iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz];
+			cs21 = cs2*ro[iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz];
+			cs22 = cs2b*ro[iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz];
+			if (cs11 > 0.0) {
+				mul  = 4.0/(1.0/cs11+1.0/cs12+1.0/cs21+1.0/cs22);
+			}
+			else {
+				mul = 0.0;
+			}
+			mu   = cs2*ro[iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz];
+			lamda2mu = cp2*ro[iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz];
+			lamda    = lamda2mu - 2*mu;
+			bx = ro[iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz];
+			by = ro[iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz];
+			bz = 0.5*(ro[iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz]+ro[iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz+1]);
+			rox[(iy+ioXy)*n2*n1+(ix+ioXx)*n1+iz+ioXz]=fac/bx;
+			roy[(iy+ioYy)*n2*n1+(ix+ioYx)*n1+iz+ioYz]=fac/bx;
+			roz[(iy+ioZy)*n2*n1+(ix+ioZx)*n1+iz+ioZz]=fac/bz;
+			l2m[(iy+ioPy)*n2*n1+(ix+ioPx)*n1+iz+ioPz]=fac*lamda2mu;
+			lam[(iy+ioPy)*n2*n1+(ix+ioPx)*n1+iz+ioPz]=fac*lamda;
+			muu[(iy+ioTy)*n2*n1+(ix+ioTx)*n1+iz+ioTz]=fac*mul;
+		}
+        ix = nx-1;
+        iy = ny-1;
+		for (iz=0;iz<nz-1;iz++) {
+			cp2  = cp[iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz]*cp[iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz];
+			cs2  = cs[iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz]*cs[iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz];
+			cs2b = cs[iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz+1]*cs[iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz+1];
+			cs11 = cs2*ro[iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz];
+			cs12 = cs2b*ro[iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz+1];
+			cs21 = cs2*ro[iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz];
+			cs22 = cs2b*ro[iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz+1];
+			if (cs11 > 0.0) {
+				mul  = 4.0/(1.0/cs11+1.0/cs12+1.0/cs21+1.0/cs22);
+			}
+			else {
+				mul = 0.0;
+			}
+			mu   = cs2*ro[iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz];
+			lamda2mu = cp2*ro[iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz];
+			lamda    = lamda2mu - 2*mu;
+			bx = ro[iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz];
+			by = ro[iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz];
+			bz = 0.5*(ro[iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz]+ro[iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz+1]);
+			rox[(iy+ioXy)*n2*n1+(ix+ioXx)*n1+iz+ioXz]=fac/bx;
+			roy[(iy+ioYy)*n2*n1+(ix+ioYx)*n1+iz+ioYz]=fac/bx;
+			roz[(iy+ioZy)*n2*n1+(ix+ioZx)*n1+iz+ioZz]=fac/bz;
+			l2m[(iy+ioPy)*n2*n1+(ix+ioPx)*n1+iz+ioPz]=fac*lamda2mu;
+			lam[(iy+ioPy)*n2*n1+(ix+ioPx)*n1+iz+ioPz]=fac*lamda;
+			muu[(iy+ioTy)*n2*n1+(ix+ioTx)*n1+iz+ioTz]=fac*mul;
+		}
+		ix=nx-1;
+		iz=nz-1;
+		cp2  = cp[ix*nz+iz]*cp[ix*nz+iz];
+		cs2  = cs[ix*nz+iz]*cs[ix*nz+iz];
+		mu   = cs2*ro[ix*nz+iz];
+		lamda2mu = cp2*ro[ix*nz+iz];
+		lamda    = lamda2mu - 2*mu;
+		bx = ro[ix*nz+iz];
+		bz = ro[ix*nz+iz];
+		rox[(ix+ioXx)*n1+iz+ioXz]=fac/bx;
+		roz[(ix+ioZx)*n1+iz+ioZz]=fac/bz;
+		l2m[(ix+ioPx)*n1+iz+ioPz]=fac*lamda2mu;
+		lam[(ix+ioPx)*n1+iz+ioPz]=fac*lamda;
+		muu[(ix+ioTx)*n1+iz+ioTz]=fac*mu;
+		for (ix=0;ix<nx-1;ix++) {
+			for (iz=0;iz<nz-1;iz++) {
+				cp2  = cp[ix*nz+iz]*cp[ix*nz+iz];
+				cs2  = cs[ix*nz+iz]*cs[ix*nz+iz];
+				cs2a = cs[(ix+1)*nz+iz]*cs[(ix+1)*nz+iz];
+				cs2b = cs[ix*nz+iz+1]*cs[ix*nz+iz+1];
+				cs2c = cs[(ix+1)*nz+iz+1]*cs[(ix+1)*nz+iz+1];
+Compute harmonic average of mul for accurate and stable fluid-solid interface
+see Finite-difference modeling of wave propagation in a fluid-solid configuration 
+Robbert van Vossen, Johan O. A. Robertsson, and Chris H. Chapman
+				cs11 = cs2*ro[ix*nz+iz];
+				cs12 = cs2b*ro[ix*nz+iz+1];
+				cs21 = cs2a*ro[ix*nz+iz];
+				cs22 = cs2c*ro[ix*nz+iz+1];
+//				cpx  = 0.5*(cp[ix*nz+iz]+cp[(ix+1)*nz+iz])
+//				cpz  = 0.5*(cp[ix*nz+iz]+cp[ix*nz+iz+1])
+				if (cs11 > 0.0) {
+					mul  = 4.0/(1.0/cs11+1.0/cs12+1.0/cs21+1.0/cs22);
+				}
+				else {
+					mul = 0.0;
+				}
+				mu   = cs2*ro[ix*nz+iz];
+				lamda2mu = cp2*ro[ix*nz+iz];
+				lamda    = lamda2mu - 2*mu; /* could also use mul to calculate lambda, but that might not be correct: question from Chaoshun Hu. Note use mu or mul as well on boundaries */
+				bx = 0.5*(ro[ix*nz+iz]+ro[(ix+1)*nz+iz]);
+				bz = 0.5*(ro[ix*nz+iz]+ro[ix*nz+iz+1]);
+				rox[(ix+ioXx)*n1+iz+ioXz]=fac/bx;
+				roz[(ix+ioZx)*n1+iz+ioZz]=fac/bz;
+				l2m[(ix+ioPx)*n1+iz+ioPz]=fac*lamda2mu;
+				lam[(ix+ioPx)*n1+iz+ioPz]=fac*lamda;
+				muu[(ix+ioTx)*n1+iz+ioTz]=fac*mul;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	else { /* Acoustic Scheme */
+		iz = nz-1;
+        iy = ny-1;
+		for (ix=0;ix<nx-1;ix++) {
+			cp2  = cp[iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz]*cp[iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz];
+			lamda2mu = cp2*ro[iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz];
+			bx = 0.5*(ro[iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz]+ro[iy*nx*nz+(ix+1)*nz+iz]);
+			by = ro[iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz];
+			bz = ro[iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz];
+			rox[(iy+ioXy)*n2*n1+(ix+ioXx)*n1+iz+ioXz]=fac/bx;
+			roy[(iy+ioYy)*n2*n1+(ix+ioYx)*n1+iz+ioYz]=fac/by;
+			roz[(iy+ioZy)*n2*n1+(ix+ioZx)*n1+iz+ioZz]=fac/bz;
+			l2m[(iy+ioPy)*n2*n1+(ix+ioPx)*n1+iz+ioPz]=fac*lamda2mu;
+		}
+		iz = nz-1;
+        ix = nx-1;
+		for (iy=0;iy<ny-1;iy++) {
+			cp2  = cp[iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz]*cp[iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz];
+			lamda2mu = cp2*ro[iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz];
+			bx = ro[iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz];
+			by = 0.5*(ro[iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz]+ro[(iy+1)*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz]);
+			bz = ro[iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz];
+			rox[(iy+ioXy)*n2*n1+(ix+ioXx)*n1+iz+ioXz]=fac/bx;
+			roy[(iy+ioYy)*n2*n1+(ix+ioYx)*n1+iz+ioYz]=fac/by;
+			roz[(iy+ioZy)*n2*n1+(ix+ioZx)*n1+iz+ioZz]=fac/bz;
+			l2m[(iy+ioPy)*n2*n1+(ix+ioPx)*n1+iz+ioPz]=fac*lamda2mu;
+		}
+		ix = nx-1;
+        iy = ny-1;
+		for (iz=0;iz<nz-1;iz++) {
+			cp2  = cp[iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz]*cp[iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz];
+			lamda2mu = cp2*ro[iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz];
+			bx = ro[iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz];
+			by = ro[iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz];
+			bz = 0.5*(ro[iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz]+ro[iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz+1]);
+			rox[(iy+ioXy)*n2*n1+(ix+ioXx)*n1+iz+ioXz]=fac/bx;
+			roy[(iy+ioYy)*n2*n1+(ix+ioYx)*n1+iz+ioYz]=fac/by;
+			roz[(iy+ioZy)*n2*n1+(ix+ioZx)*n1+iz+ioZz]=fac/bz;
+			l2m[(iy+ioPy)*n2*n1+(ix+ioPx)*n1+iz+ioPz]=fac*lamda2mu;
+		}
+		ix=nx-1;
+        iy=ny-1;
+		iz=nz-1;
+		cp2  = cp[iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz]*cp[iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz];
+		lamda2mu = cp2*ro[iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz];
+		bx = ro[iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz];
+		bz = ro[iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz];
+		rox[(iy+ioXy)*n2*n1+(ix+ioXx)*n1+iz+ioXz]=fac/bx;
+		roy[(iy+ioYy)*n2*n1+(ix+ioYx)*n1+iz+ioYz]=fac/by;
+		roz[(iy+ioZy)*n2*n1+(ix+ioZx)*n1+iz+ioZz]=fac/bz;
+		l2m[(iy+ioPy)*n2*n1+(ix+ioPx)*n1+iz+ioPz]=fac*lamda2mu;
+        for (iy=0; iy<ny-1; iy++) {
+            for (ix=0; ix<nx-1; ix++) {
+                for (iz=0; iz<nz-1; iz++) {
+                    cp2  = cp[iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz]*cp[iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz];
+                    lamda2mu = cp2*ro[iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz];
+                    bx = 0.5*(ro[iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz]+ro[iy*nx*nz+(ix+1)*nz+iz]);
+                    by = 0.5*(ro[iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz]+ro[(iy+1)*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz]);
+                    bz = 0.5*(ro[iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz]+ro[iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz+1]);
+                    rox[(iy+ioXy)*n2*n1+(ix+ioXx)*n1+iz+ioXz]=fac/bx;
+                    roy[(iy+ioYy)*n2*n1+(ix+ioYx)*n1+iz+ioYz]=fac/by;
+                    roz[(iy+ioZy)*n2*n1+(ix+ioZx)*n1+iz+ioZz]=fac/bz;
+                    l2m[(iy+ioPy)*n2*n1+(ix+ioPx)*n1+iz+ioPz]=fac*lamda2mu;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+	}
+	/* For topography free surface check for zero-velocity and set rox and roz also to zero */
+    for (iy=0; iy<ny; iy++) {
+        for (ix=0; ix<nx; ix++) {
+            for (iz=0; iz<nz; iz++) {
+                if (l2m[(ix+ioPy)*n2*n1+(ix+ioPx)*n1+iz+ioPz]==0.0) {
+                    rox[(ix+ioXy)*n2*n1+(ix+ioXx)*n1+iz+ioXz]=0.0;
+                    roz[(ix+ioYy)*n2*n1+(ix+ioYx)*n1+iz+ioYz]=0.0;
+                    roz[(ix+ioZy)*n2*n1+(ix+ioZx)*n1+iz+ioZz]=0.0;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /*****************************************************/
+    /* In case of tapered or PML boundaries extend model */
+    /*****************************************************/
+    /* Left  */
+    if (bnd.lef==4 || bnd.lef==2) {
+        /* rox field */
+        ixo = mod.ioXx-bnd.ntap;
+        ixe = mod.ioXx;
+        iyo = mod.ioXy;
+        iye = mod.ieXy;
+        izo = mod.ioXz;
+        ize = mod.ieXz;
+        for (iy=iyo; iy<iye; iy++) {
+            for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+                for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+                    rox[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz] = rox[iy*n2*n1+ixe*n1+iz];
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        /* roy field */
+        ixo = mod.ioYx-bnd.ntap;
+        ixe = mod.ioYx;
+        iyo = mod.ioYy;
+        iye = mod.ieYy;
+        izo = mod.ioYz;
+        ize = mod.ieYz;
+        for (iy=iyo; iy<iye; iy++) {
+            for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+                for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+                    roy[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz] = rox[iy*n2*n1+ixe*n1+iz];
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        /* roz field */
+        ixo = mod.ioZx-bnd.ntap;
+        ixe = mod.ioZx;
+        iyo = mod.ioZy;
+        iye = mod.ieZy;
+        izo = mod.ioZz;
+        ize = mod.ieZz;
+        for (iy=iyo; iy<iye; iy++) {
+            for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+                for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+                    roz[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz] = roz[iy*n2*n1+ixe*n1+iz];
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        /* l2m field */
+        ixo = mod.ioPx;
+        ixe = mod.ioPx+bnd.ntap;
+        iyo = mod.ioPy;
+        iye = mod.iePy;
+        izo = mod.ioPz;
+        ize = mod.iePz;
+        for (iy=iyo; iy<iye; iy++) {
+            for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+                for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+                    l2m[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz] = l2m[iy*n2*n1+ixe*n1+iz];
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if (mod.ischeme>2) { /* Elastic Scheme */
+        	/* lam field */
+        	ixo = mod.ioPx;
+        	ixe = mod.ioPx+bnd.ntap;
+        	iyo = mod.ioPy;
+        	iye = mod.iePy;
+        	izo = mod.ioPz;
+        	ize = mod.iePz;
+            for (iy=iyo; iy<iye; iy++) {
+        	    for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+            	    for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+                	    lam[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz] = lam[iy*n2*n1+ixe*n1+iz];
+                    }
+            	}
+        	}
+            /* muu field */
+            ixo = mod.ioTx;
+            ixe = mod.ioTx+bnd.ntap;
+            iyo = mod.ioTy;
+            iye = mod.ieTy;
+            izo = mod.ioTz;
+            ize = mod.ieTz;
+            for (iy=iyo; iy<iye; iy++) {
+                for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+                    for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+                        muu[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz] = muu[iy*n2*n1+ixe*n1+iz];
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if (mod.ischeme==2 || mod.ischeme==4) {
+            /* tss and tep field */
+        	ixo = mod.ioPx;
+        	ixe = mod.ioPx+bnd.ntap;
+        	iyo = mod.ioPy;
+        	iye = mod.iePy;
+        	izo = mod.ioPz;
+        	ize = mod.iePz;
+            for (iy=iyo; iy<iye; iy++) {
+                for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+                    for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+                        tss[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz] = tss[iy*n2*n1+ixe*n1+iz];
+                        tep[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz] = tep[iy*n2*n1+ixe*n1+iz];
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if (mod.ischeme==4) {
+            /* tes field */
+        	ixo = mod.ioPx;
+        	ixe = mod.ioPx+bnd.ntap;
+        	iyo = mod.ioPy;
+        	iye = mod.iePy;
+        	izo = mod.ioPz;
+        	ize = mod.iePz;
+            for (iy=iyo; iy<iye; iy++) {
+                for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+                    for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+                        tes[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz] = tes[iy*n2*n1+ixe*n1+iz];
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /* Right  */
+    if (bnd.rig==4 || bnd.rig==2) {
+        /* rox field */
+        ixo = mod.ieXx;
+        ixe = mod.ieXx+bnd.ntap;
+        iyo = mod.ioXy;
+        iye = mod.ieXy;
+        izo = mod.ioXz;
+        ize = mod.ieXz;
+        for (iy=iyo; iy<iye; iy++) {
+            for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+                for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+                    rox[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz] = rox[iy*n2*n1+(ixo-1)*n1+iz];
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        /* roy field */
+        ixo = mod.ieYx;
+        ixe = mod.ieYx+bnd.ntap;
+        iyo = mod.ioYy;
+        iye = mod.ieYy;
+        izo = mod.ioYz;
+        ize = mod.ieYz;
+        for (iy=iyo; iy<iye; iy++) {
+            for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+                for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+                    roy[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz] = roy[iy*n2*n1+(ixo-1)*n1+iz];
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        /* roz field */
+        ixo = mod.ieZx;
+        ixe = mod.ieZx+bnd.ntap;
+        iyo = mod.ioZy;
+        iye = mod.ieZy;
+        izo = mod.ioZz;
+        ize = mod.ieZz;
+        for (iy=iyo; iy<iye; iy++) {
+            for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+                for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+                    roz[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz] = roz[iy*n2*n1+(ixo-1)*n1+iz];
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        /* l2m field */
+        ixo = mod.iePx-bnd.ntap;
+        ixe = mod.iePx;
+        iyo = mod.ioPy;
+        iye = mod.iePy;
+        izo = mod.ioPz;
+        ize = mod.iePz;
+        for (iy=iyo; iy<iye; iy++) {
+            for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+                for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+                    l2m[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz] = l2m[iy*n2*n1+(ixo-1)*n1+iz];
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if (mod.ischeme>2) { /* Elastic Scheme */
+        	/* lam field */
+        	ixo = mod.iePx-bnd.ntap;
+        	ixe = mod.iePx;
+        	iyo = mod.ioPy;
+        	iye = mod.iePy;
+        	izo = mod.ioPz;
+        	ize = mod.iePz;
+            for (iy=iyo; iy<iye; iy++) {
+                for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+                    for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+                        lam[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz] = lam[iy*n2*n1+(ixo-1)*n1+iz];
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            /* muu field */
+            ixo = mod.ieTx-bnd.ntap;
+            ixe = mod.ieTx;
+        	iyo = mod.ioTy;
+        	iye = mod.ieTy;
+            izo = mod.ioTz;
+            ize = mod.ieTz;
+            for (iy=iyo; iy<iye; iy++) {
+                for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+                    for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+                        muu[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz] = muu[iy*n2*n1+(ixo-1)*n1+iz];
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if (mod.ischeme==2 || mod.ischeme==4) {
+            /* tss and tep field */
+        	ixo = mod.iePx-bnd.ntap;
+        	ixe = mod.iePx;
+        	iyo = mod.ioPy;
+        	iye = mod.iePy;
+        	izo = mod.ioPz;
+        	ize = mod.iePz;
+            for (iy=iyo; iy<iye; iy++) {
+                for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+                    for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+                        tss[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz] = tss[iy*n2*n1+(ixo-1)*n1+iz];
+                        tep[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz] = tep[iy*n2*n1+(ixo-1)*n1+iz];
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if (mod.ischeme==4) {
+            /* tes field */
+        	ixo = mod.iePx-bnd.ntap;
+        	ixe = mod.iePx;
+        	iyo = mod.ioPy;
+        	iye = mod.iePy;
+        	izo = mod.ioPz;
+        	ize = mod.iePz;
+            for (iy=iyo; iy<iye; iy++) {
+                for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+                    for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+                        tes[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz] = tes[iy*n2*n1+(ixo-1)*n1+iz];
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /* Front  */
+    if (bnd.lef==4 || bnd.lef==2) {
+        /* rox field */
+        ixo = mod.ioXx;
+        ixe = mod.ioXx;
+        iyo = mod.ioXy-bnd.ntap;
+        iye = mod.ieXy;
+        izo = mod.ioXz;
+        ize = mod.ieXz;
+        for (iy=iyo; iy<iye; iy++) {
+            for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+                for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+                    rox[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz] = rox[iye*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz];
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        /* roy field */
+        ixo = mod.ioYx;
+        ixe = mod.ioYx;
+        iyo = mod.ioYy-bnd.ntap;
+        iye = mod.ieYy;
+        izo = mod.ioYz;
+        ize = mod.ieYz;
+        for (iy=iyo; iy<iye; iy++) {
+            for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+                for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+                    roy[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz] = rox[iye*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz];
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        /* roz field */
+        ixo = mod.ioZx;
+        ixe = mod.ioZx;
+        iyo = mod.ioZy-bnd.ntap;
+        iye = mod.ieZy;
+        izo = mod.ioZz;
+        ize = mod.ieZz;
+        for (iy=iyo; iy<iye; iy++) {
+            for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+                for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+                    roz[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz] = roz[iye*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz];
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        /* l2m field */
+        ixo = mod.ioPx;
+        ixe = mod.ioPx;
+        iyo = mod.ioPy;
+        iye = mod.iePy+bnd.ntap;
+        izo = mod.ioPz;
+        ize = mod.iePz;
+        for (iy=iyo; iy<iye; iy++) {
+            for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+                for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+                    l2m[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz] = l2m[iye*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz];
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if (mod.ischeme>2) { /* Elastic Scheme */
+        	/* lam field */
+        	ixo = mod.ioPx;
+        	ixe = mod.ioPx;
+        	iyo = mod.ioPy;
+        	iye = mod.iePy+bnd.ntap;
+        	izo = mod.ioPz;
+        	ize = mod.iePz;
+            for (iy=iyo; iy<iye; iy++) {
+        	    for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+            	    for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+                	    lam[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz] = lam[iye*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz];
+                    }
+            	}
+        	}
+            /* muu field */
+            ixo = mod.ioTx;
+            ixe = mod.ioTx;
+            iyo = mod.ioTy;
+            iye = mod.ieTy+bnd.ntap;
+            izo = mod.ioTz;
+            ize = mod.ieTz;
+            for (iy=iyo; iy<iye; iy++) {
+                for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+                    for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+                        muu[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz] = muu[iye*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz];
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if (mod.ischeme==2 || mod.ischeme==4) {
+            /* tss and tep field */
+        	ixo = mod.ioPx;
+        	ixe = mod.ioPx;
+        	iyo = mod.ioPy;
+        	iye = mod.iePy+bnd.ntap;
+        	izo = mod.ioPz;
+        	ize = mod.iePz;
+            for (iy=iyo; iy<iye; iy++) {
+                for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+                    for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+                        tss[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz] = tss[iye*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz];
+                        tep[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz] = tep[iye*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz];
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if (mod.ischeme==4) {
+            /* tes field */
+        	ixo = mod.ioPx;
+        	ixe = mod.ioPx;
+        	iyo = mod.ioPy;
+        	iye = mod.iePy+bnd.ntap;
+        	izo = mod.ioPz;
+        	ize = mod.iePz;
+            for (iy=iyo; iy<iye; iy++) {
+                for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+                    for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+                        tes[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz] = tes[iye*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz];
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /* Back  */
+    if (bnd.rig==4 || bnd.rig==2) {
+        /* rox field */
+        ixo = mod.ieXx;
+        ixe = mod.ieXx;
+        iyo = mod.ioXy;
+        iye = mod.ieXy+bnd.ntap;
+        izo = mod.ioXz;
+        ize = mod.ieXz;
+        for (iy=iyo; iy<iye; iy++) {
+            for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+                for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+                    rox[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz] = rox[(iyo-1)*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz];
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        /* roy field */
+        ixo = mod.ieYx;
+        ixe = mod.ieYx;
+        iyo = mod.ioYy;
+        iye = mod.ieYy+bnd.ntap;
+        izo = mod.ioYz;
+        ize = mod.ieYz;
+        for (iy=iyo; iy<iye; iy++) {
+            for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+                for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+                    roy[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz] = roy[(iyo-1)*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz];
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        /* roz field */
+        ixo = mod.ieZx;
+        ixe = mod.ieZx;
+        iyo = mod.ioZy;
+        iye = mod.ieZy+bnd.ntap;
+        izo = mod.ioZz;
+        ize = mod.ieZz;
+        for (iy=iyo; iy<iye; iy++) {
+            for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+                for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+                    roz[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz] = roz[(iyo-1)*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz];
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        /* l2m field */
+        ixo = mod.iePx;
+        ixe = mod.iePx;
+        iyo = mod.ioPy-bnd.ntap;
+        iye = mod.iePy;
+        izo = mod.ioPz;
+        ize = mod.iePz;
+        for (iy=iyo; iy<iye; iy++) {
+            for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+                for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+                    l2m[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz] = l2m[(iyo-1)*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz];
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if (mod.ischeme>2) { /* Elastic Scheme */
+        	/* lam field */
+        	ixo = mod.iePx;
+        	ixe = mod.iePx;
+        	iyo = mod.ioPy-bnd.ntap;
+        	iye = mod.iePy;
+        	izo = mod.ioPz;
+        	ize = mod.iePz;
+            for (iy=iyo; iy<iye; iy++) {
+                for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+                    for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+                        lam[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz] = lam[(iyo-1)*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz];
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            /* muu field */
+            ixo = mod.ieTx;
+            ixe = mod.ieTx;
+        	iyo = mod.ioTy-bnd.ntap;
+        	iye = mod.ieTy;
+            izo = mod.ioTz;
+            ize = mod.ieTz;
+            for (iy=iyo; iy<iye; iy++) {
+                for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+                    for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+                        muu[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz] = muu[(iyo-1)*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz];
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if (mod.ischeme==2 || mod.ischeme==4) {
+            /* tss and tep field */
+        	ixo = mod.iePx;
+        	ixe = mod.iePx;
+        	iyo = mod.ioPy-bnd.ntap;
+        	iye = mod.iePy;
+        	izo = mod.ioPz;
+        	ize = mod.iePz;
+            for (iy=iyo; iy<iye; iy++) {
+                for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+                    for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+                        tss[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz] = tss[(iyo-1)*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz];
+                        tep[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz] = tep[(iyo-1)*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz];
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if (mod.ischeme==4) {
+            /* tes field */
+        	ixo = mod.iePx;
+        	ixe = mod.iePx;
+        	iyo = mod.ioPy-bnd.ntap;
+        	iye = mod.iePy;
+        	izo = mod.ioPz;
+        	ize = mod.iePz;
+            for (iy=iyo; iy<iye; iy++) {
+                for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+                    for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+                        tes[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz] = tes[(iyo-1)*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz];
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+	/* Top */
+    if ( || {
+        /* rox field */
+        ixo = mod.ioXx;
+        ixe = mod.ieXx;
+        if (bnd.lef==4 || bnd.lef==2) ixo -= bnd.ntap;
+        if (bnd.rig==4 || bnd.rig==2) ixe += bnd.ntap;
+        iyo = mod.ioXy;
+        iye = mod.ieXy;
+        if (bnd.fro==4 || bnd.fro==2) iyo -= bnd.ntap;
+        if (bnd.bac==4 || bnd.bac==2) iye += bnd.ntap;
+        izo = mod.ioXz-bnd.ntap;
+        ize = mod.ioXz;      
+        for (iy=iyo; iy<iye; iy++) {
+            for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+                for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+                    rox[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz] = rox[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+ize];
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        /* roy field */
+        ixo = mod.ioYx;
+        ixe = mod.ieYx;
+        if (bnd.lef==4 || bnd.lef==2) ixo -= bnd.ntap;
+        if (bnd.rig==4 || bnd.rig==2) ixe += bnd.ntap;
+        iyo = mod.ioYy;
+        iye = mod.ieYy;
+        if (bnd.fro==4 || bnd.fro==2) iyo -= bnd.ntap;
+        if (bnd.bac==4 || bnd.bac==2) iye += bnd.ntap;
+        izo = mod.ioYz-bnd.ntap;
+        ize = mod.ioYz;      
+        for (iy=iyo; iy<iye; iy++) {
+            for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+                for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+                    roy[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz] = roy[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+ize];
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        /* roz field */
+        ixo = mod.ioZx;
+        ixe = mod.ieZx;
+        if (bnd.lef==4 || bnd.lef==2) ixo -= bnd.ntap;
+        if (bnd.rig==4 || bnd.rig==2) ixe += bnd.ntap;
+        iyo = mod.ioZy;
+        iye = mod.ieZy;
+        if (bnd.fro==4 || bnd.fro==2) iyo -= bnd.ntap;
+        if (bnd.bac==4 || bnd.bac==2) iye += bnd.ntap;
+        izo = mod.ioZz-bnd.ntap;
+        ize = mod.ioZz;
+        for (iy=iyo; iy<iye; iy++) {
+            for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+                for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+                    roz[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz] = roz[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+ize];
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        /* l2m field */
+        ixo = mod.ioPx;
+        ixe = mod.iePx;
+        iyo = mod.ioPy;
+        iye = mod.iePy;
+        izo = mod.ioPz;
+        ize = mod.ioPz+bnd.ntap;
+        for (iy=iyo; iy<iye; iy++) {
+            for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+                for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+                    l2m[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz] = l2m[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+ize];
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if (mod.ischeme>2) { /* Elastic Scheme */
+        	/* lam field */
+        	ixo = mod.ioPx;
+        	ixe = mod.iePx;
+            iyo = mod.ioPy;
+            iye = mod.iePy;
+        	izo = mod.ioPz;
+        	ize = mod.ioPz+bnd.ntap;
+            for (iy=iyo; iy<iye; iy++) {
+                for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+                    for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+                        lam[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz] = lam[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+ize];
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            /* muu field */
+            ixo = mod.ioTx;
+            ixe = mod.ieTx;
+            iyo = mod.ioTy;
+            iye = mod.ieTy;
+            izo = mod.ioTz;
+            ize = mod.ioTz+bnd.ntap;
+            for (iy=iyo; iy<iye; iy++) {
+                for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+                    for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+                        muu[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz] = muu[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+ize];
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if (mod.ischeme==2 || mod.ischeme==4) {
+            /* tss and tep field */
+        	ixo = mod.ioPx;
+        	ixe = mod.iePx;
+            iyo = mod.ioPy;
+            iye = mod.iePy;
+        	izo = mod.ioPz;
+        	ize = mod.ioPz+bnd.ntap;
+            for (iy=iyo; iy<iye; iy++) {
+                for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+                    for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+                        tss[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz] = tss[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+ize];
+                        tep[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz] = tep[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+ize];
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if (mod.ischeme==4) {
+            /* tes field */
+        	ixo = mod.ioPx;
+        	ixe = mod.iePx;
+            iyo = mod.ioPy;
+            iye = mod.iePy;
+        	izo = mod.ioPz;
+        	ize = mod.ioPz+bnd.ntap;
+            for (iy=iyo; iy<iye; iy++) {
+                for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+                    for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+                        tes[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz] = tes[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+ize];
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+	/* Bottom */
+    if ( || {
+        /* rox field */
+        ixo = mod.ioXx;
+        ixe = mod.ieXx;
+        if (bnd.lef==4 || bnd.lef==2) ixo -= bnd.ntap;
+        if (bnd.rig==4 || bnd.rig==2) ixe += bnd.ntap;
+        iyo = mod.ioXy;
+        iye = mod.ieXy;
+        if (bnd.fro==4 || bnd.fro==2) iyo -= bnd.ntap;
+        if (bnd.bac==4 || bnd.bac==2) iye += bnd.ntap;
+        izo = mod.ieXz;
+        ize = mod.ieXz+bnd.ntap;
+        for (iy=iyo; iy<iye; iy++) {
+            for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+                for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+                    rox[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz] = rox[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+izo-1];
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        /* roy field */
+        ixo = mod.ioYx;
+        ixe = mod.ieYx;
+        if (bnd.lef==4 || bnd.lef==2) ixo -= bnd.ntap;
+        if (bnd.rig==4 || bnd.rig==2) ixe += bnd.ntap;
+        iyo = mod.ioYy;
+        iye = mod.ieYy;
+        if (bnd.fro==4 || bnd.fro==2) iyo -= bnd.ntap;
+        if (bnd.bac==4 || bnd.bac==2) iye += bnd.ntap;
+        izo = mod.ieYz;
+        ize = mod.ieYz+bnd.ntap;
+        for (iy=iyo; iy<iye; iy++) {
+            for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+                for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+                    roy[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz] = roy[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+izo-1];
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        /* roz field */
+        ixo = mod.ioZx;
+        ixe = mod.ieZx;
+        if (bnd.lef==4 || bnd.lef==2) ixo -= bnd.ntap;
+        if (bnd.rig==4 || bnd.rig==2) ixe += bnd.ntap;
+        iyo = mod.ioXy;
+        iye = mod.ieXy;
+        if (bnd.fro==4 || bnd.fro==2) iyo -= bnd.ntap;
+        if (bnd.bac==4 || bnd.bac==2) iye += bnd.ntap;
+        izo = mod.ieZz;
+        ize = mod.ieZz+bnd.ntap;
+        for (iy=iyo; iy<iye; iy++) {
+            for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+                for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+                    roz[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz] = roz[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+izo-1];
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        /* l2m field */
+        ixo = mod.ioPx;
+        ixe = mod.iePx;
+        iyo = mod.ioPy;
+        iye = mod.iePy;
+        izo = mod.iePz-bnd.ntap;
+        ize = mod.iePz;
+        for (iy=iyo; iy<iye; iy++) {
+            for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+                for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+                    l2m[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz] = l2m[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+izo-1];
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if (mod.ischeme>2) { /* Elastic Scheme */
+        	/* lam field */
+        	ixo = mod.ioPx;
+        	ixe = mod.iePx;
+            iyo = mod.ioPy;
+            iye = mod.iePy;
+        	izo = mod.iePz-bnd.ntap;
+        	ize = mod.iePz;
+            for (iy=iyo; iy<iye; iy++) {
+                for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+                    for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+                        lam[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz] = lam[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+izo-1];
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            /* muu */
+            ixo = mod.ioTx;
+            ixe = mod.ieTx;
+            iyo = mod.ioTy;
+            iye = mod.ieTy;
+            izo = mod.ieTz-bnd.ntap;
+            ize = mod.ieTz;
+            for (iy=iyo; iy<iye; iy++) {
+                for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+                    for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+                        muu[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz] = muu[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+izo-1];
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if (mod.ischeme==2 || mod.ischeme==4) {
+            /* tss and tep field */
+        	ixo = mod.ioPx;
+        	ixe = mod.iePx;
+            iyo = mod.ioPy;
+            iye = mod.iePy;
+        	izo = mod.iePz-bnd.ntap;
+        	ize = mod.iePz;
+            for (iy=iyo; iy<iye; iy++) {
+                for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+                    for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+                        tss[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz] = tss[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+izo-1];
+                        tep[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz] = tep[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+izo-1];
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if (mod.ischeme==4) {
+            /* tes field */
+        	ixo = mod.ioPx;
+        	ixe = mod.iePx;
+            iyo = mod.ioPy;
+            iye = mod.iePy;
+        	izo = mod.iePz-bnd.ntap;
+        	ize = mod.iePz;
+            for (iy=iyo; iy<iye; iy++) {
+                for (ix=ixo; ix<ixe; ix++) {
+                    for (iz=izo; iz<ize; iz++) {
+                        tes[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz] = tes[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+izo-1];
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+	free(cp);
+	free(ro);
+   	free(cs);
+    return 0;
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/recvPar.c b/fdelmodc3D/recvPar.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7509bf6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/recvPar.c
@@ -0,0 +1,519 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "fdelmodc.h"
+#include "par.h"
+#define MIN(x,y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
+#define MAX(x,y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
+#define NINT(x) ((int)((x)>0.0?(x)+0.5:(x)-0.5))
+*  Calculates the receiver positions based on the input parameters
+*   AUTHOR:
+*           Jan Thorbecke (
+*   Ammendments:
+*           Max Holicki changing the allocation receiver array (2-2016)
+*           The Netherlands 
+void name_ext(char *filename, char *extension);
+int recvPar(recPar *rec, float sub_x0, float sub_z0, float dx, float dz, int nx, int nz)
+	float *xrcv1, *xrcv2, *zrcv1, *zrcv2;
+	int   i, ix, ir, verbose;
+	float dxrcv, dzrcv, *dxr, *dzr;
+	float rrcv, dphi, oxrcv, ozrcv, arcv;
+	double circ, h, a, b, e, s, xr, zr, dr, srun, phase;
+	float xrange, zrange, sub_x1, sub_z1;
+	int Nx1, Nx2, Nz1, Nz2, Ndx, Ndz, iarray, nrec, nh;
+	int nxrcv, nzrcv, ncrcv, nrcv, ntrcv, *nlrcv;
+	float *xrcva, *zrcva;
+	char* rcv_txt;
+	FILE *fp;
+	if (!getparint("verbose", &verbose)) verbose = 0;
+    /* Calculate Model Dimensions */
+    sub_x1=sub_x0+(nx-1)*dx;
+    sub_z1=sub_z0+(nz-1)*dz;
+/* Compute how many receivers are defined and then allocate the receiver arrays */
+    /* Receivers on a Circle */
+    if (getparfloat("rrcv",&rrcv)) {
+        if (!getparfloat("dphi",&dphi)) dphi=2.0;
+        ncrcv=NINT(360.0/dphi);
+        if (verbose) vmess("Total number of receivers on a circle: %d",ncrcv);
+    } 
+	else {
+		ncrcv=0;
+	}
+    /* Receivers from a File */
+    ntrcv=0;
+    if (!getparstring("rcv_txt",&rcv_txt)) rcv_txt=NULL;
+    if (rcv_txt!=NULL) {
+        /* Open text file */
+        fp=fopen(rcv_txt,"r");
+        assert(fp!=NULL);
+        /* Get number of lines */
+        while (!feof(fp)) if (fgetc(fp)=='\n') ntrcv++;
+        fseek(fp,-1,SEEK_CUR);
+        if (fgetc(fp)!='\n') ntrcv++; /* Checks if last line terminated by /n */
+        if (verbose) vmess("Number of receivers in rcv_txt file: %d",ntrcv);
+        rewind(fp);
+    }
+    /* Receiver Array */
+    nxrcv=countparval("xrcva");
+    nzrcv=countparval("zrcva");
+    if (nxrcv!=nzrcv) verr("Number of receivers in array xrcva (%d), zrcva(%d) are not equal",nxrcv,nzrcv);
+    if (verbose&&nxrcv) vmess("Total number of array receivers: %d",nxrcv);
+    /* Linear Receiver Arrays */
+	Nx1 = countparval("xrcv1");
+	Nx2 = countparval("xrcv2");
+	Nz1 = countparval("zrcv1");
+	Nz2 = countparval("zrcv2");
+    if (Nx1!=Nx2) verr("Number of receivers starting points in 'xrcv1' (%d) and number of endpoint in 'xrcv2' (%d) are not equal",Nx1,Nx2);
+    if (Nz1!=Nz2) verr("Number of receivers starting points in 'zrcv1' (%d) and number of endpoint in 'zrcv2' (%d) are not equal",Nz1,Nz2);
+    if (Nx1!=Nz2) verr("Number of receivers starting points in 'xrcv1' (%d) and number of endpoint in 'zrcv2' (%d) are not equal",Nx1,Nz2);
+    rec->max_nrec=ncrcv+ntrcv+nxrcv;
+	/* no receivers are defined use default linear array of receivers on top of model */
+    if (!rec->max_nrec && Nx1==0) Nx1=1; // Default is to use top of model to record data
+    if (Nx1) {
+        /* Allocate Start & End Points of Linear Arrays */
+        xrcv1=(float *)malloc(Nx1*sizeof(float));
+        xrcv2=(float *)malloc(Nx1*sizeof(float));
+        zrcv1=(float *)malloc(Nx1*sizeof(float));
+        zrcv2=(float *)malloc(Nx1*sizeof(float));
+        if (!getparfloat("xrcv1",xrcv1)) xrcv1[0]=sub_x0;
+        if (!getparfloat("xrcv2",xrcv2)) xrcv2[0]=sub_x1;
+        if (!getparfloat("zrcv1",zrcv1)) zrcv1[0]=sub_z0;
+        if (!getparfloat("zrcv2",zrcv2)) zrcv2[0]=zrcv1[0];
+		/* check if receiver arrays fit into model */
+		for (iarray=0; iarray<Nx1; iarray++) {
+			xrcv1[iarray] = MAX(sub_x0,      xrcv1[iarray]);
+			xrcv1[iarray] = MIN(sub_x0+nx*dx,xrcv1[iarray]);
+			xrcv2[iarray] = MAX(sub_x0,      xrcv2[iarray]);
+			xrcv2[iarray] = MIN(sub_x0+nx*dx,xrcv2[iarray]);
+			zrcv1[iarray] = MAX(sub_z0,      zrcv1[iarray]);
+			zrcv1[iarray] = MIN(sub_z0+nz*dz,zrcv1[iarray]);
+			zrcv2[iarray] = MAX(sub_z0,      zrcv2[iarray]);
+			zrcv2[iarray] = MIN(sub_z0+nz*dz,zrcv2[iarray]);
+		}
+        /* Crop to Fit Model */
+/* Max's addtion still have to check if it has the same fucntionality */
+        for (iarray=0;iarray<Nx1;iarray++) {
+            if (xrcv1[iarray]<sub_x0) {
+                if (xrcv2[iarray]<sub_x0) {
+                    verr("Linear array %d outside model bounds",iarray);
+                }
+				else {
+                    vwarn("Cropping element %d of 'xrcv1' (%f) to model bounds (%f)",iarray,xrcv1[iarray],sub_x0);
+                    xrcv1[iarray]=sub_x0;
+                }
+            } 
+			else if (xrcv1[iarray] > sub_x1) {
+                verr("Linear array %d outside model bounds",iarray);
+            }
+            if ( (xrcv2[iarray] < xrcv1[iarray]) ) {
+                verr("Ill defined linear array %d, 'xrcv1' (%f) greater than 'xrcv2' (%f)",iarray,xrcv1[iarray],xrcv2[iarray]);
+            }
+			else if (xrcv2[iarray]>sub_x1) {
+                vwarn("Cropping element %d of 'xrcv2' (%f) to model bounds (%f)",iarray,xrcv2[iarray],sub_x1);
+                xrcv2[iarray]=sub_x1;
+            }
+            if (zrcv1[iarray] < sub_z0) {
+                if (zrcv2[iarray] < sub_z0) {
+                    verr("Linear array %d outside model bounds",iarray);
+                }
+				else {
+               		vwarn("Cropping element %d of 'zrcv1' (%f) to model bounds (%f)",iarray,zrcv1[iarray],sub_z0);
+                	zrcv1[iarray]=sub_z0;
+                }
+            }
+			else if (zrcv1[iarray] > sub_z1) {
+                verr("Linear array %d outside model bounds",iarray);
+            }
+            if ( (zrcv2[iarray] < zrcv1[iarray]) ) {
+                verr("Ill defined linear array %d, 'zrcv1' (%f) greater than 'zrcv2' (%f)",iarray,zrcv1[iarray],zrcv2[iarray]);
+            }
+			else if (zrcv2[iarray]>sub_z1) {
+                vwarn("Cropping element %d of 'xrcv2' (%f) to model bounds (%f)",iarray,zrcv2[iarray],sub_z1);
+                zrcv2[iarray]=sub_z1;
+            }
+        }
+        /* Get Sampling Rates */
+		Ndx = countparval("dxrcv");
+		Ndz = countparval("dzrcv");
+		dxr = (float *)malloc(Nx1*sizeof(float));
+		dzr = (float *)malloc(Nx1*sizeof(float));
+		if(!getparfloat("dxrcv", dxr)) dxr[0]=dx;
+		if(!getparfloat("dzrcv", dzr)) dzr[0]=0.0;
+		if ( (Ndx<=1) && (Ndz==0) ){ /* default values are set */
+			for (i=1; i<Nx1; i++) {
+				dxr[i] = dxr[0];
+				dzr[i] = dzr[0];
+			}
+			Ndx=1;
+			Ndz=1;
+		}
+		else if ( (Ndz==1) && (Ndx==0) ){ /* default values are set */
+			for (i=1; i<Nx1; i++) {
+				dxr[i] = dxr[0];
+				dzr[i] = dzr[0];
+			}
+			Ndz=1;
+			Ndx=1;
+		}
+		else { /* make sure that each array has dzrcv or dxrcv defined for each line or receivers */
+			if (Ndx!=Ndz) {
+				verr("Number of 'dxrcv' (%d) is not equal to number of 'dzrcv' (%d) or 1",Ndx,Ndz);
+			}
+			if (Ndx!=Nx1 && Ndx!=1) {
+				verr("Number of 'dxrcv' (%d) is not equal to number of starting points in 'xrcv1' (%d) or 1",Ndx,Nx1);
+			}
+		}
+		/* check consistency of receiver steps */
+        for (iarray=0; iarray<Ndx; iarray++) {
+            if (dxr[iarray]<0) {
+				dxr[i]=dx;
+				vwarn("'dxrcv' element %d (%f) is less than zero, changing it to %f'",iarray,dxr[iarray],dx);
+			}
+        }
+        for (iarray=0;iarray<Ndz;iarray++) {
+            if (dzr[iarray]<0) {
+				dzr[iarray]=dz;
+				vwarn("'dzrcv' element %d (%f) is less than zero, changing it to %f'",iarray,dzr[iarray],dz);
+			}
+        }
+        for (iarray=0;iarray<Ndx;iarray++){
+            if (dxr[iarray]==0 && dzr[iarray]==0) {
+                xrcv2[iarray]=xrcv1[iarray];
+				dxr[iarray]=1.;
+                vwarn("'dxrcv' element %d & 'dzrcv' element 1 are both 0.",iarray+1);
+                vmess("Placing 1 receiver at (%d,%d)",xrcv1[iarray],zrcv1[iarray]);
+            }
+        }
+        for (iarray=0;iarray<Ndx;iarray++){
+            if (xrcv1[iarray]==xrcv2[iarray] && dxr[iarray]!=0) {
+                dxr[iarray]=0.;
+                vwarn("Linear array %d: 'xrcv1'='xrcv2' and 'dxrcv' is not 0. Setting 'dxrcv'=0",iarray+1);
+            }
+        }
+        for (iarray=0;iarray<Ndx;iarray++){
+            if (zrcv1[iarray]==zrcv2[iarray] && dzr[iarray]!=0.){
+                dzr[iarray]=0.;
+                vwarn("Linear array %d: 'zrcv1'='zrcv2' and 'dzrcv' is not 0. Setting 'dzrcv'=0",iarray+1);
+            }
+        }
+        /* Calculate Number of Receivers */
+		nrcv = 0;
+        nlrcv=(int *)malloc(Nx1*sizeof(int));
+		for (iarray=0; iarray<Nx1; iarray++) {
+			xrange = (xrcv2[iarray]-xrcv1[iarray]); 
+			zrange = (zrcv2[iarray]-zrcv1[iarray]); 
+			if (dxr[iarray] != 0.0) {
+				nlrcv[iarray] = NINT(fabs(xrange/dxr[iarray]))+1;
+			}
+			else {
+				if (dzr[iarray] == 0) {
+					verr("For receiver array %d: receiver distance dzrcv is not given", iarray);
+				}
+				nlrcv[iarray] = NINT(fabs(zrange/dzr[iarray]))+1;
+			}
+            nrcv+=nlrcv[iarray];
+		}
+        /* Calculate Number of Receivers */
+        nlrcv=(int *)malloc(Nx1*sizeof(int));
+        if (!isnan(*xrcv1)) *nlrcv=MIN(NINT((*xrcv2-*xrcv1)/(*dxr)),NINT((*zrcv2-*zrcv1)/(*dzr)))+1;
+        else *nlrcv=0;
+        nrcv=*nlrcv;
+        if (verbose>4 && nlrcv[iarray]!=0) vmess("Linear receiver array 1 has final bounds: (X: %f -> %f,Z: %f ->
+        if (Ndx>1) {
+            for (iarray=1;iarray<Nx1;iarray++) {
+                if (!isnan(xrcv1[iarray])) {
+					nlrcv[iarray]=MIN(NINT((xrcv2[iarray]-xrcv1[iarray])/dxr[iarray]),NINT((zrcv2[iarray]-zrcv1[iarray])/dzr[iarray]))+1;
+				}
+                else {
+					nlrcv[iarray]=0;
+				}
+                nrcv+=nlrcv[iarray];
+                if (verbose>4&&nlrcv[iarray]!=0) vmess("Linear receiver array %d has final bounds: (X: %f -> %f,Z: %f ->
+            }
+        }
+		 else {
+            for (iarray=1;iarray<Nx1;iarray++) {
+                if (!isnan(xrcv1[iarray])) nlrcv[iarray]=MIN(NINT((xrcv2[iarray]-xrcv1[iarray])/(*dxr)),NINT((zrcv2[iarray]-zrcv1[iarray])/(*dzr)))+1;
+                else nlrcv[iarray]=0;
+                nrcv+=nlrcv[iarray];
+                if (verbose>4&&nlrcv[iarray]!=0) vmess("Linear receiver array %d has final bounds: (X: %f -> %f,Z: %f ->
+            }
+        }
+        if (verbose) vmess("Total number of linear array receivers: %d",nrcv);
+        if (!nrcv) {
+            free(xrcv1);
+            free(xrcv2);
+            free(zrcv1);
+            free(zrcv2);
+            free(dxr);
+            free(dzr);
+            free(nlrcv);
+        }
+        rec->max_nrec+=nrcv;
+    } 
+	else {
+		nrcv=0;
+	}
+/* allocate the receiver arrays */
+    /* Total Number of Receivers */
+    if (verbose) vmess("Total number of receivers: %d",rec->max_nrec);
+    /* Allocate Arrays */
+    rec->x  = (int *)calloc(rec->max_nrec,sizeof(int));
+    rec->z  = (int *)calloc(rec->max_nrec,sizeof(int));
+    rec->xr = (float *)calloc(rec->max_nrec,sizeof(float));
+    rec->zr = (float *)calloc(rec->max_nrec,sizeof(float));
+/* read in the receiver postions */
+	nrec=0;
+    /* Receivers on a Circle */
+    if (ncrcv) {
+		if (!getparfloat("oxrcv",&oxrcv)) oxrcv=0.0;
+		if (!getparfloat("ozrcv",&ozrcv)) ozrcv=0.0;
+		if (!getparfloat("arcv",&arcv)) {
+			arcv=rrcv; 
+			for (ix=0; ix<ncrcv; ix++) {
+				rec->xr[ix] = oxrcv-sub_x0+rrcv*cos(((ix*dphi)/360.0)*(2.0*M_PI));
+				rec->zr[ix] = ozrcv-sub_z0+arcv*sin(((ix*dphi)/360.0)*(2.0*M_PI));
+				rec->x[ix] = NINT(rec->xr[ix]/dx);
+				rec->z[ix] = NINT(rec->zr[ix]/dz);
+				//rec->x[ix] = NINT((oxrcv-sub_x0+rrcv*cos(((ix*dphi)/360.0)*(2.0*M_PI)))/dx);
+				//rec->z[ix] = NINT((ozrcv-sub_z0+arcv*sin(((ix*dphi)/360.0)*(2.0*M_PI)))/dz);
+				if (verbose>4) fprintf(stderr,"Receiver Circle: xrcv[%d]=%f zrcv=%f\n", ix, rec->xr[ix]+sub_x0, rec->zr[ix]+sub_z0);
+			}
+		}
+		else { /* an ellipse */
+			/* simple numerical solution to find equidistant points on an ellipse */
+			nh  = (ncrcv)*1000; /* should be fine enough for most configurations */
+			h = 2.0*M_PI/nh;
+			a = MAX(rrcv, arcv);
+			b = MIN(rrcv, arcv);
+			e = sqrt(a*a-b*b)/a;
+			//fprintf(stderr,"a=%f b=%f e=%f\n", a, b, e);
+			circ = 0.0;
+			for (ir=0; ir<nh; ir++) {
+				s = sin(ir*h);
+				circ += sqrt(1.0-e*e*s*s);
+			}
+			circ = a*h*circ;
+			//fprintf(stderr,"circ = %f circle=%f\n", circ, 2.0*M_PI*rrcv);
+			/* define distance between receivers on ellipse */
+			dr = circ/ncrcv;
+			ix = 0;
+			srun = 0.0;
+			if (arcv >= rrcv) phase=0.0;
+			else phase=0.5*M_PI;
+			for (ir=0; ir<nh; ir++) {
+				s = sin(ir*h);
+				srun += sqrt(1.0-e*e*s*s);
+				if (a*h*srun >= ix*dr ) {
+					xr = rrcv*cos(ir*h+phase);
+					zr = arcv*sin(ir*h+phase);
+					rec->xr[ix] = oxrcv-sub_x0+xr;
+					rec->zr[ix] = ozrcv-sub_z0+zr;
+					rec->x[ix] = NINT(rec->xr[ix]/dx);
+					rec->z[ix] = NINT(rec->zr[ix]/dz);
+					if (verbose>4) fprintf(stderr,"Receiver Ellipse: xrcv[%d]=%f zrcv=%f\n", ix, rec->xr[ix]+sub_x0, rec->zr[ix]+sub_z0);
+					ix++;
+				}
+				if (ix == ncrcv) break;
+			}
+		}
+		/* check if receivers fit into the model otherwise clip to edges */
+		for (ix=0; ix<ncrcv; ix++) {
+			rec->x[ix] = MIN(nx-1, MAX(rec->x[ix], 0));
+			rec->z[ix] = MIN(nz-1, MAX(rec->z[ix], 0));
+		}
+		nrec += ncrcv;
+	}
+    /* Receiver Text File */
+    if (ntrcv) {
+		/* Allocate arrays */
+		xrcva = (float *)malloc(ntrcv*sizeof(float));
+		zrcva = (float *)malloc(ntrcv*sizeof(float));
+		/* Read in receiver coordinates */
+		for (i=0;i<ntrcv;i++) {
+			if (fscanf(fp,"%e %e\n",&xrcva[i],&zrcva[i])!=2) vmess("Receiver Text File: Can not parse coordinates on line %d.",i);
+		}
+		/* Close file */
+		fclose(fp);
+		/* Process coordinates */
+		for (ix=0; ix<ntrcv; ix++) {
+			rec->xr[nrec+ix] = xrcva[ix]-sub_x0;
+			rec->zr[nrec+ix] = zrcva[ix]-sub_z0;
+			rec->x[nrec+ix] = NINT((xrcva[ix]-sub_x0)/dx);
+			rec->z[nrec+ix] = NINT((zrcva[ix]-sub_z0)/dz);
+			if (verbose>4) vmess("Receiver Text Array: xrcv[%d]=%f zrcv=%f", ix, rec->xr[nrec+ix]+sub_x0, rec->zr[nrec+ix]+sub_z0);
+		}
+		free(xrcva);
+		free(zrcva);
+		nrec += ntrcv;
+	}
+    /* Receiver Array */
+	if (nxrcv != 0) {
+		/* receiver array is defined */
+		xrcva = (float *)malloc(nxrcv*sizeof(float));
+		zrcva = (float *)malloc(nxrcv*sizeof(float));
+		getparfloat("xrcva", xrcva);
+		getparfloat("zrcva", zrcva);
+		for (ix=0; ix<nxrcv; ix++) {
+			rec->xr[nrec+ix] = xrcva[ix]-sub_x0;
+			rec->zr[nrec+ix] = zrcva[ix]-sub_z0;
+			rec->x[nrec+ix] = NINT((xrcva[ix]-sub_x0)/dx);
+			rec->z[nrec+ix] = NINT((zrcva[ix]-sub_z0)/dz);
+			if (verbose>4) fprintf(stderr,"Receiver Array: xrcv[%d]=%f zrcv=%f\n", ix, rec->xr[nrec+ix]+sub_x0, rec->zr[nrec+ix]+sub_z0);
+		}
+		free(xrcva);
+		free(zrcva);
+		nrec += nxrcv;
+	}
+    /* Linear Receiver Arrays */
+    if (nrcv!=0) {
+		xrcv1 = (float *)malloc(Nx1*sizeof(float));
+		xrcv2 = (float *)malloc(Nx1*sizeof(float));
+		zrcv1 = (float *)malloc(Nx1*sizeof(float));
+		zrcv2 = (float *)malloc(Nx1*sizeof(float));
+		if(!getparfloat("xrcv1", xrcv1)) xrcv1[0]=sub_x0;
+		if(!getparfloat("xrcv2", xrcv2)) xrcv2[0]=(nx-1)*dx+sub_x0;
+		if(!getparfloat("zrcv1", zrcv1)) zrcv1[0]=sub_z0;
+		if(!getparfloat("zrcv2", zrcv2)) zrcv2[0]=zrcv1[0];		
+		Ndx = countparval("dxrcv");
+		Ndz = countparval("dzrcv");
+		dxr = (float *)malloc(Nx1*sizeof(float));
+		dzr = (float *)malloc(Nx1*sizeof(float));
+		if(!getparfloat("dxrcv", dxr)) dxr[0]=dx;
+		if(!getparfloat("dzrcv", dzr)) dzr[0]=0.0;
+		if ( (Ndx<=1) && (Ndz==0) ){ /* default values are set */
+			for (i=1; i<Nx1; i++) {
+				dxr[i] = dxr[0];
+				dzr[i] = dzr[0];
+			}
+			Ndx=1;
+		}
+		else if ( (Ndz==1) && (Ndx==0) ){ /* default values are set */
+			for (i=1; i<Nx1; i++) {
+				dxr[i] = dxr[0];
+				dzr[i] = dzr[0];
+			}
+			Ndz=1;
+		}
+		else { /* make sure that each array has dzrcv or dxrcv defined for each line or receivers */
+			if (Ndx>1) assert(Ndx==Nx1);
+			if (Ndz>1) assert(Ndz==Nx1);
+		}
+		if ( (Ndx!=0) && (Ndz!=0) ) {
+			vwarn("Both dzrcv and dxrcv are set: dxrcv value is used");
+			Ndz=0;
+			for (i=0; i<Nx1; i++) dzr[i] = 0.0;
+		}
+		/* check if receiver arrays fit into model */
+		for (iarray=0; iarray<Nx1; iarray++) {
+			xrcv1[iarray] = MAX(sub_x0,      xrcv1[iarray]);
+			xrcv1[iarray] = MIN(sub_x0+nx*dx,xrcv1[iarray]);
+			xrcv2[iarray] = MAX(sub_x0,      xrcv2[iarray]);
+			xrcv2[iarray] = MIN(sub_x0+nx*dx,xrcv2[iarray]);
+			zrcv1[iarray] = MAX(sub_z0,      zrcv1[iarray]);
+			zrcv1[iarray] = MIN(sub_z0+nz*dz,zrcv1[iarray]);
+			zrcv2[iarray] = MAX(sub_z0,      zrcv2[iarray]);
+			zrcv2[iarray] = MIN(sub_z0+nz*dz,zrcv2[iarray]);
+		}
+		/* calculate receiver array and store into rec->x,z */
+		for (iarray=0; iarray<Nx1; iarray++) {
+			xrange = (xrcv2[iarray]-xrcv1[iarray]); 
+			zrange = (zrcv2[iarray]-zrcv1[iarray]); 
+			if (dxr[iarray] != 0.0) {
+				nrcv = nlrcv[iarray];
+				dxrcv=dxr[iarray];
+				dzrcv = zrange/(nrcv-1);
+				if (dzrcv != dzr[iarray]) {
+					vwarn("For receiver array %d: calculated dzrcv=%f given=%f", iarray, dzrcv, dzr[iarray]);
+					vwarn("The calculated receiver distance %f is used", dzrcv);
+				}
+			}
+			else {
+				if (dzr[iarray] == 0) {
+					verr("For receiver array %d: receiver distance dzrcv is not given", iarray);
+				}
+				nrcv = nlrcv[iarray];
+				dxrcv = xrange/(nrcv-1);
+				dzrcv = dzr[iarray];
+				if (dxrcv != dxr[iarray]) {
+					vwarn("For receiver array %d: calculated dxrcv=%f given=%f", iarray, dxrcv, dxr[iarray]);
+					vwarn("The calculated receiver distance %f is used", dxrcv);
+				}
+			}
+			// calculate coordinates
+			for (ir=0; ir<nrcv; ir++) {
+				rec->xr[nrec]=xrcv1[iarray]-sub_x0+ir*dxrcv;
+				rec->zr[nrec]=zrcv1[iarray]-sub_z0+ir*dzrcv;
+				rec->x[nrec]=NINT((rec->xr[nrec])/dx);
+				rec->z[nrec]=NINT((rec->zr[nrec])/dz);
+				nrec++;
+			}
+		}
+		free(xrcv1);
+		free(xrcv2);
+		free(zrcv1);
+		free(zrcv2);
+		free(dxr);
+		free(dzr);
+        free(nlrcv);
+	}
+    rec->n=rec->max_nrec;
+	return 0;
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/recvPar3D.c b/fdelmodc3D/recvPar3D.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f4e91a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/recvPar3D.c
@@ -0,0 +1,626 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "fdelmodc3D.h"
+#include "par.h"
+#define MIN(x,y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
+#define MAX(x,y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
+#define NINT(x) ((long)((x)>0.0?(x)+0.5:(x)-0.5))
+*  Calculates the receiver positions based on the input parameters
+*   AUTHOR:
+*           Jan Thorbecke (
+*   Ammendments:
+*           Max Holicki changing the allocation receiver array (2-2016)
+*           Joeri Brackenhoff adding the 3D extension
+*           The Netherlands 
+void name_ext(char *filename, char *extension);
+long recvPar3D(recPar *rec, float sub_x0, float sub_y0, float sub_z0, float dx, float dy, float dz, long nx, long ny, long nz)
+	float   *xrcv1, *xrcv2, *yrcv1, *yrcv2, *zrcv1, *zrcv2;
+	long    i, ix, ir, verbose;
+	float   dxrcv, dyrcv, dzrcv, *dxr, *dyr, *dzr;
+	float   rrcv, dphi, oxrcv, oyrcv, ozrcv, arcv;
+	double  circ, h, a, b, e, s, xr, yr, zr, dr, srun, phase;
+	float   xrange, yrange, zrange, sub_x1, sub_y1, sub_z1;
+	long    Nx1, Nx2, Ny1, Ny2, Nz1, Nz2, Ndx, Ndy, Ndz, iarray, nrec, nh;
+	long    nxrcv, nyrcv, nzrcv, ncrcv, nrcv, ntrcv, *nlrcv;
+	float   *xrcva, *yrcva, *zrcva;
+	char*   rcv_txt;
+	FILE    *fp;
+	if (!getparlong("verbose", &verbose)) verbose = 0;
+    /* Calculate Model Dimensions */
+    sub_x1=sub_x0+(nx-1)*dx;
+    sub_y1=sub_y0+(ny-1)*dy;
+    sub_z1=sub_z0+(nz-1)*dz;
+/* Compute how many receivers are defined and then allocate the receiver arrays */
+    /* Receivers on a Circle */
+    if (getparfloat("rrcv",&rrcv)) {
+        if (!getparfloat("dphi",&dphi)) dphi=2.0;
+        ncrcv=NINT(360.0/dphi);
+        if (verbose) vmess("Total number of receivers on a circle: %li",ncrcv);
+    } 
+	else {
+		ncrcv=0;
+	}
+    /* Receivers from a File */
+    ntrcv=0;
+    if (!getparstring("rcv_txt",&rcv_txt)) rcv_txt=NULL;
+    if (rcv_txt!=NULL) {
+        /* Open text file */
+        fp=fopen(rcv_txt,"r");
+        assert(fp!=NULL);
+        /* Get number of lines */
+        while (!feof(fp)) if (fgetc(fp)=='\n') ntrcv++;
+        fseek(fp,-1,SEEK_CUR);
+        if (fgetc(fp)!='\n') ntrcv++; /* Checks if last line terminated by /n */
+        if (verbose) vmess("Number of receivers in rcv_txt file: %li",ntrcv);
+        rewind(fp);
+    }
+    /* Receiver Array */
+    nxrcv=countparval("xrcva");
+    nyrcv=countparval("yrcva");
+    nzrcv=countparval("zrcva");
+    if (nxrcv!=nzrcv) verr("Number of receivers in array xrcva (%li), yrcva (%li), zrcva(%li) are not equal",nxrcv,nyrcv,nzrcv);
+    if (verbose&&nxrcv) vmess("Total number of array receivers: %li",nxrcv);
+    /* Linear Receiver Arrays */
+	Nx1 = countparval("xrcv1");
+	Nx2 = countparval("xrcv2");
+	Ny1 = countparval("yrcv1");
+	Ny2 = countparval("yrcv2");
+	Nz1 = countparval("zrcv1");
+	Nz2 = countparval("zrcv2");
+    if (Nx1!=Nx2) verr("Number of receivers starting points in 'xrcv1' (%li) and number of endpoint in 'xrcv2' (%li) are not equal",Nx1,Nx2);
+    if (Ny1!=Ny2) verr("Number of receivers starting points in 'yrcv1' (%li) and number of endpoint in 'yrcv2' (%li) are not equal",Ny1,Ny2);
+    if (Nz1!=Nz2) verr("Number of receivers starting points in 'zrcv1' (%li) and number of endpoint in 'zrcv2' (%li) are not equal",Nz1,Nz2);
+    if (Nx1!=Ny2) verr("Number of receivers starting points in 'xrcv1' (%li) and number of endpoint in 'yrcv2' (%li) are not equal",Nx1,Ny2);
+    if (Nx1!=Nz2) verr("Number of receivers starting points in 'xrcv1' (%li) and number of endpoint in 'zrcv2' (%li) are not equal",Nx1,Nz2);
+    rec->max_nrec=ncrcv+ntrcv+nxrcv;
+	/* no receivers are defined use default linear array of receivers on top of model */
+    if (!rec->max_nrec && Nx1==0) Nx1=1; // Default is to use top of model to record data
+    if (Nx1) {
+        /* Allocate Start & End Points of Linear Arrays */
+        xrcv1=(float *)malloc(Nx1*sizeof(float));
+        xrcv2=(float *)malloc(Nx1*sizeof(float));
+        yrcv1=(float *)malloc(Nx1*sizeof(float));
+        yrcv2=(float *)malloc(Nx1*sizeof(float));
+        zrcv1=(float *)malloc(Nx1*sizeof(float));
+        zrcv2=(float *)malloc(Nx1*sizeof(float));
+        if (!getparfloat("xrcv1",xrcv1)) xrcv1[0]=sub_x0;
+        if (!getparfloat("xrcv2",xrcv2)) xrcv2[0]=sub_x1;
+        if (!getparfloat("yrcv1",yrcv1)) yrcv1[0]=sub_y0;
+        if (!getparfloat("yrcv2",yrcv2)) yrcv2[0]=sub_y1;
+        if (!getparfloat("zrcv1",zrcv1)) zrcv1[0]=sub_z0;
+        if (!getparfloat("zrcv2",zrcv2)) zrcv2[0]=zrcv1[0];
+		/* check if receiver arrays fit into model */
+		for (iarray=0; iarray<Nx1; iarray++) {
+			xrcv1[iarray] = MAX(sub_x0,      xrcv1[iarray]);
+			xrcv1[iarray] = MIN(sub_x0+nx*dx,xrcv1[iarray]);
+			xrcv2[iarray] = MAX(sub_x0,      xrcv2[iarray]);
+			xrcv2[iarray] = MIN(sub_x0+nx*dx,xrcv2[iarray]);
+			yrcv1[iarray] = MAX(sub_y0,      yrcv1[iarray]);
+			yrcv1[iarray] = MIN(sub_y0+ny*dy,yrcv1[iarray]);
+			yrcv2[iarray] = MAX(sub_y0,      yrcv2[iarray]);
+			yrcv2[iarray] = MIN(sub_y0+ny*dy,yrcv2[iarray]);
+			zrcv1[iarray] = MAX(sub_z0,      zrcv1[iarray]);
+			zrcv1[iarray] = MIN(sub_z0+nz*dz,zrcv1[iarray]);
+			zrcv2[iarray] = MAX(sub_z0,      zrcv2[iarray]);
+			zrcv2[iarray] = MIN(sub_z0+nz*dz,zrcv2[iarray]);
+		}
+        /* Crop to Fit Model */
+/* Max's addtion still have to check if it has the same fucntionality */
+        for (iarray=0;iarray<Nx1;iarray++) {
+            if (xrcv1[iarray]<sub_x0) {
+                if (xrcv2[iarray]<sub_x0) {
+                    verr("Linear array %li outside model bounds",iarray);
+                }
+				else {
+                    vwarn("Cropping element %li of 'xrcv1' (%f) to model bounds (%f)",iarray,xrcv1[iarray],sub_x0);
+                    xrcv1[iarray]=sub_x0;
+                }
+            } 
+			else if (xrcv1[iarray] > sub_x1) {
+                verr("Linear array %li outside model bounds",iarray);
+            }
+            if ( (xrcv2[iarray] < xrcv1[iarray]) ) {
+                verr("Ill defined linear array %li, 'xrcv1' (%f) greater than 'xrcv2' (%f)",iarray,xrcv1[iarray],xrcv2[iarray]);
+            }
+			else if (xrcv2[iarray]>sub_x1) {
+                vwarn("Cropping element %li of 'xrcv2' (%f) to model bounds (%f)",iarray,xrcv2[iarray],sub_x1);
+                xrcv2[iarray]=sub_x1;
+            }
+            if (yrcv1[iarray]<sub_y0) {
+                if (yrcv2[iarray]<sub_y0) {
+                    verr("Linear array %li outside model bounds",iarray);
+                }
+				else {
+                    vwarn("Cropping element %li of 'yrcv1' (%f) to model bounds (%f)",iarray,yrcv1[iarray],sub_y0);
+                    yrcv1[iarray]=sub_y0;
+                }
+            } 
+			else if (yrcv1[iarray] > sub_y1) {
+                verr("Linear array %li outside model bounds",iarray);
+            }
+            if ( (yrcv2[iarray] < yrcv1[iarray]) ) {
+                verr("Ill defined linear array %li, 'yrcv1' (%f) greater than 'yrcv2' (%f)",iarray,yrcv1[iarray],yrcv2[iarray]);
+            }
+			else if (yrcv2[iarray]>sub_y1) {
+                vwarn("Cropping element %li of 'yrcv2' (%f) to model bounds (%f)",iarray,yrcv2[iarray],sub_y1);
+                yrcv2[iarray]=sub_y1;
+            }
+            if (zrcv1[iarray] < sub_z0) {
+                if (zrcv2[iarray] < sub_z0) {
+                    verr("Linear array %li outside model bounds",iarray);
+                }
+				else {
+               		vwarn("Cropping element %li of 'zrcv1' (%f) to model bounds (%f)",iarray,zrcv1[iarray],sub_z0);
+                	zrcv1[iarray]=sub_z0;
+                }
+            }
+			else if (zrcv1[iarray] > sub_z1) {
+                verr("Linear array %li outside model bounds",iarray);
+            }
+            if ( (zrcv2[iarray] < zrcv1[iarray]) ) {
+                verr("Ill defined linear array %li, 'zrcv1' (%f) greater than 'zrcv2' (%f)",iarray,zrcv1[iarray],zrcv2[iarray]);
+            }
+			else if (zrcv2[iarray]>sub_z1) {
+                vwarn("Cropping element %li of 'xrcv2' (%f) to model bounds (%f)",iarray,zrcv2[iarray],sub_z1);
+                zrcv2[iarray]=sub_z1;
+            }
+        }
+        /* Get Sampling Rates */
+		Ndx = countparval("dxrcv");
+		Ndy = countparval("dyrcv");
+		Ndz = countparval("dzrcv");
+		dxr = (float *)malloc(Nx1*sizeof(float));
+		dyr = (float *)malloc(Nx1*sizeof(float));
+		dzr = (float *)malloc(Nx1*sizeof(float));
+		if(!getparfloat("dxrcv", dxr)) dxr[0]=dx;
+		if(!getparfloat("dyrcv", dyr)) dyr[0]=dy;
+		if(!getparfloat("dzrcv", dzr)) dzr[0]=0.0;
+		if ( (Ndx<=1) && (Ndy<=1) && (Ndz==0) ){ /* default values are set */
+			for (i=1; i<Nx1; i++) {
+				dxr[i] = dxr[0];
+				dyr[i] = dyr[0];
+				dzr[i] = dzr[0];
+			}
+			Ndx=1;
+            Ndy=1;
+			Ndz=1;
+		}
+		else if ( (Ndz==1) && (Ndx==0) && (Ndy==0) ){ /* default values are set */
+			for (i=1; i<Nx1; i++) {
+				dxr[i] = dxr[0];
+				dyr[i] = dyr[0];
+				dzr[i] = dzr[0];
+			}
+			Ndz=1;
+            Ndy=1;
+			Ndx=1;
+		}
+		else { /* make sure that each array has dzrcv or dxrcv defined for each line or receivers */
+			if (Ndx!=Ndz) {
+				verr("Number of 'dxrcv' (%li) is not equal to number of 'dzrcv' (%li) or 1",Ndx,Ndz);
+			}
+			if (Ndx!=Ndy) {
+				verr("Number of 'dxrcv' (%li) is not equal to number of 'dyrcv' (%li) or 1",Ndx,Ndy);
+			}
+			if (Ndx!=Nx1 && Ndx!=1) {
+				verr("Number of 'dxrcv' (%li) is not equal to number of starting points in 'xrcv1' (%li) or 1",Ndx,Nx1);
+			}
+			if (Ndy!=Ny1 && Ndy!=1) {
+				verr("Number of 'dyrcv' (%li) is not equal to number of starting points in 'yrcv1' (%li) or 1",Ndy,Ny1);
+			}
+		}
+		/* check consistency of receiver steps */
+        for (iarray=0; iarray<Ndx; iarray++) {
+            if (dxr[iarray]<0) {
+				dxr[i]=dx;
+				vwarn("'dxrcv' element %li (%f) is less than zero, changing it to %f'",iarray,dxr[iarray],dx);
+			}
+        }
+        for (iarray=0; iarray<Ndy; iarray++) {
+            if (dyr[iarray]<0) {
+				dyr[i]=dx;
+				vwarn("'dyrcv' element %li (%f) is less than zero, changing it to %f'",iarray,dyr[iarray],dy);
+			}
+        }
+        for (iarray=0;iarray<Ndz;iarray++) {
+            if (dzr[iarray]<0) {
+				dzr[iarray]=dz;
+				vwarn("'dzrcv' element %li (%f) is less than zero, changing it to %f'",iarray,dzr[iarray],dz);
+			}
+        }
+        for (iarray=0;iarray<Ndx;iarray++){
+            if (dxr[iarray]==0 && dzr[iarray]==0) {
+                xrcv2[iarray]=xrcv1[iarray];
+				dxr[iarray]=1.;
+                vwarn("'dxrcv' element %li & 'dzrcv' element 1 are both 0.",iarray+1);
+                vmess("Placing 1 receiver at (%li,%li)",xrcv1[iarray],zrcv1[iarray]);
+            }
+        }
+        for (iarray=0;iarray<Ndx;iarray++){
+            if (xrcv1[iarray]==xrcv2[iarray] && dxr[iarray]!=0) {
+                dxr[iarray]=0.;
+                vwarn("Linear array %li: 'xrcv1'='xrcv2' and 'dxrcv' is not 0. Setting 'dxrcv'=0",iarray+1);
+            }
+        }
+        for (iarray=0;iarray<Ndx;iarray++){
+            if (yrcv1[iarray]==yrcv2[iarray] && dyr[iarray]!=0) {
+                dyr[iarray]=0.;
+                vwarn("Linear array %li: 'yrcv1'='yrcv2' and 'dyrcv' is not 0. Setting 'dyrcv'=0",iarray+1);
+            }
+        }
+        for (iarray=0;iarray<Ndx;iarray++){
+            if (zrcv1[iarray]==zrcv2[iarray] && dzr[iarray]!=0.){
+                dzr[iarray]=0.;
+                vwarn("Linear array %li: 'zrcv1'='zrcv2' and 'dzrcv' is not 0. Setting 'dzrcv'=0",iarray+1);
+            }
+        }
+        /* Calculate Number of Receivers */
+		nrcv = 0;
+        nlrcv=(long *)malloc(Nx1*sizeof(long));
+		for (iarray=0; iarray<Nx1; iarray++) {
+			xrange = (xrcv2[iarray]-xrcv1[iarray]); 
+			yrange = (yrcv2[iarray]-yrcv1[iarray]); 
+			zrange = (zrcv2[iarray]-zrcv1[iarray]); 
+			if (dxr[iarray] != 0.0) {
+				nlrcv[iarray] = NINT(fabs(xrange/dxr[iarray]))+1;
+			}
+			else if (dyr[iarray] != 0.0) {
+				nlrcv[iarray] = NINT(fabs(yrange/dyr[iarray]))+1;
+			}
+			else {
+				if (dzr[iarray] == 0) {
+					verr("For receiver array %li: receiver distance dzrcv is not given", iarray);
+				}
+				nlrcv[iarray] = NINT(fabs(zrange/dzr[iarray]))+1;
+			}
+            nrcv+=nlrcv[iarray];
+		}
+        /* Calculate Number of Receivers */
+        if (verbose) vmess("Total number of linear array receivers: %li",nrcv);
+        if (!nrcv) {
+            free(xrcv1);
+            free(xrcv2);
+            free(yrcv1);
+            free(yrcv2);
+            free(zrcv1);
+            free(zrcv2);
+            free(dxr);
+            free(dyr);
+            free(dzr);
+            free(nlrcv);
+        }
+        rec->max_nrec+=nrcv;
+    } 
+	else {
+		nrcv=0;
+	}
+/* allocate the receiver arrays */
+    /* Total Number of Receivers */
+    if (verbose) vmess("Total number of receivers: %li",rec->max_nrec);
+    /* Allocate Arrays */
+    rec->x  = (long *)calloc(rec->max_nrec,sizeof(long));
+    rec->y  = (long *)calloc(rec->max_nrec,sizeof(long));
+    rec->z  = (long *)calloc(rec->max_nrec,sizeof(long));
+    rec->xr = (float *)calloc(rec->max_nrec,sizeof(float));
+    rec->yr = (float *)calloc(rec->max_nrec,sizeof(float));
+    rec->zr = (float *)calloc(rec->max_nrec,sizeof(float));
+/* read in the receiver postions */
+	nrec=0;
+    /* Receivers on a Circle */
+    if (ncrcv) {
+		if (!getparfloat("oxrcv",&oxrcv)) oxrcv=0.0;
+		if (!getparfloat("oyrcv",&oyrcv)) oyrcv=0.0;
+		if (!getparfloat("ozrcv",&ozrcv)) ozrcv=0.0;
+		if (!getparfloat("arcv",&arcv)) {
+			arcv=rrcv; 
+			for (ix=0; ix<ncrcv; ix++) {
+				rec->xr[ix] = oxrcv-sub_x0+rrcv*cos(((ix*dphi)/360.0)*(2.0*M_PI));
+				rec->yr[ix] = oyrcv-sub_y0+arcv*cos(((ix*dphi)/360.0)*(2.0*M_PI));
+				rec->zr[ix] = ozrcv-sub_z0+arcv*sin(((ix*dphi)/360.0)*(2.0*M_PI));
+				rec->x[ix] = NINT(rec->xr[ix]/dx);
+				rec->y[ix] = NINT(rec->yr[ix]/dy);
+				rec->z[ix] = NINT(rec->zr[ix]/dz);
+				if (verbose>4) fprintf(stderr,"Receiver Circle: xrcv[%li]=%f yrcv=%f zrcv=%f\n", ix, rec->xr[ix]+sub_x0, rec->yr[ix]+sub_y0, rec->zr[ix]+sub_z0);
+			}
+		}
+		else { /* an ellipse */
+			/* simple numerical solution to find equidistant points on an ellipse */
+			nh  = (ncrcv)*1000; /* should be fine enough for most configurations */
+			h = 2.0*M_PI/nh;
+			a = MAX(rrcv, arcv);
+			b = MIN(rrcv, arcv);
+			e = sqrt(a*a-b*b)/a;
+			circ = 0.0;
+			for (ir=0; ir<nh; ir++) {
+				s = sin(ir*h);
+				circ += sqrt(1.0-e*e*s*s);
+			}
+			circ = a*h*circ;
+			/* define distance between receivers on ellipse */
+			dr = circ/ncrcv;
+			ix = 0;
+			srun = 0.0;
+			if (arcv >= rrcv) phase=0.0;
+			else phase=0.5*M_PI;
+			for (ir=0; ir<nh; ir++) {
+				s = sin(ir*h);
+				srun += sqrt(1.0-e*e*s*s);
+				if (a*h*srun >= ix*dr ) {
+					xr = rrcv*cos(ir*h+phase);
+					yr = rrcv*cos(ir*h+phase);
+					zr = arcv*sin(ir*h+phase);
+					rec->xr[ix] = oxrcv-sub_x0+xr;
+					rec->yr[ix] = oyrcv-sub_y0+yr;
+					rec->zr[ix] = ozrcv-sub_z0+zr;
+					rec->x[ix] = NINT(rec->xr[ix]/dx);
+					rec->y[ix] = NINT(rec->yr[ix]/dy);
+					rec->z[ix] = NINT(rec->zr[ix]/dz);
+					if (verbose>4) fprintf(stderr,"Receiver Ellipse: xrcv[%li]=%f yrcv=%f zrcv=%f\n", ix, rec->xr[ix]+sub_x0, rec->yr[ix]+sub_y0, rec->zr[ix]+sub_z0);
+					ix++;
+				}
+				if (ix == ncrcv) break;
+			}
+		}
+		/* check if receivers fit into the model otherwise clip to edges */
+		for (ix=0; ix<ncrcv; ix++) {
+			rec->x[ix] = MIN(nx-1, MAX(rec->x[ix], 0));
+			rec->y[ix] = MIN(ny-1, MAX(rec->y[ix], 0));
+			rec->z[ix] = MIN(nz-1, MAX(rec->z[ix], 0));
+		}
+		nrec += ncrcv;
+	}
+    /* Receiver Text File */
+    if (ntrcv) {
+		/* Allocate arrays */
+		xrcva = (float *)malloc(ntrcv*sizeof(float));
+		yrcva = (float *)malloc(ntrcv*sizeof(float));
+		zrcva = (float *)malloc(ntrcv*sizeof(float));
+		/* Read in receiver coordinates */
+		for (i=0;i<ntrcv;i++) {
+			if (fscanf(fp,"%e %e %e\n",&xrcva[i],&yrcva[i],&zrcva[i])!=3) vmess("Receiver Text File: Can not parse coordinates on line %li.",i);
+		}
+		/* Close file */
+		fclose(fp);
+		/* Process coordinates */
+		for (ix=0; ix<ntrcv; ix++) {
+			rec->xr[nrec+ix] = xrcva[ix]-sub_x0;
+			rec->yr[nrec+ix] = yrcva[ix]-sub_y0;
+			rec->zr[nrec+ix] = zrcva[ix]-sub_z0;
+			rec->x[nrec+ix] = NINT((xrcva[ix]-sub_x0)/dx);
+			rec->y[nrec+ix] = NINT((yrcva[ix]-sub_y0)/dy);
+			rec->z[nrec+ix] = NINT((zrcva[ix]-sub_z0)/dz);
+			if (verbose>4) vmess("Receiver Text Array: xrcv[%li]=%f yrcv=%f zrcv=%f", ix, rec->xr[nrec+ix]+sub_x0, rec->yr[nrec+ix]+sub_y0, rec->zr[nrec+ix]+sub_z0);
+		}
+		free(xrcva);
+		free(yrcva);
+		free(zrcva);
+		nrec += ntrcv;
+	}
+    /* Receiver Array */
+	if (nxrcv != 0) {
+		/* receiver array is defined */
+		xrcva = (float *)malloc(nxrcv*sizeof(float));
+		yrcva = (float *)malloc(nxrcv*sizeof(float));
+		zrcva = (float *)malloc(nxrcv*sizeof(float));
+		getparfloat("xrcva", xrcva);
+		getparfloat("yrcva", yrcva);
+		getparfloat("zrcva", zrcva);
+		for (ix=0; ix<nxrcv; ix++) {
+			rec->xr[nrec+ix] = xrcva[ix]-sub_x0;
+			rec->yr[nrec+ix] = yrcva[ix]-sub_y0;
+			rec->zr[nrec+ix] = zrcva[ix]-sub_z0;
+			rec->x[nrec+ix] = NINT((xrcva[ix]-sub_x0)/dx);
+			rec->y[nrec+ix] = NINT((yrcva[ix]-sub_y0)/dy);
+			rec->z[nrec+ix] = NINT((zrcva[ix]-sub_z0)/dz);
+			if (verbose>4) fprintf(stderr,"Receiver Array: xrcv[%li]=%f yrcv=%f zrcv=%f\n", ix, rec->xr[nrec+ix]+sub_x0, rec->yr[nrec+ix]+sub_y0, rec->zr[nrec+ix]+sub_z0);
+		}
+		free(xrcva);
+		free(yrcva);
+		free(zrcva);
+		nrec += nxrcv;
+	}
+    /* Linear Receiver Arrays */
+    if (nrcv!=0) {
+		xrcv1 = (float *)malloc(Nx1*sizeof(float));
+		xrcv2 = (float *)malloc(Nx1*sizeof(float));
+		yrcv1 = (float *)malloc(Nx1*sizeof(float));
+		yrcv2 = (float *)malloc(Nx1*sizeof(float));
+		zrcv1 = (float *)malloc(Nx1*sizeof(float));
+		zrcv2 = (float *)malloc(Nx1*sizeof(float));
+		if(!getparfloat("xrcv1", xrcv1)) xrcv1[0]=sub_x0;
+		if(!getparfloat("xrcv2", xrcv2)) xrcv2[0]=(nx-1)*dx+sub_x0;
+		if(!getparfloat("yrcv1", yrcv1)) yrcv1[0]=sub_y0;
+		if(!getparfloat("yrcv2", yrcv2)) yrcv2[0]=(ny-1)*dy+sub_y0;
+		if(!getparfloat("zrcv1", zrcv1)) zrcv1[0]=sub_z0;
+		if(!getparfloat("zrcv2", zrcv2)) zrcv2[0]=zrcv1[0];		
+		Ndx = countparval("dxrcv");
+		Ndy = countparval("dyrcv");
+		Ndz = countparval("dzrcv");
+		dxr = (float *)malloc(Nx1*sizeof(float));
+		dyr = (float *)malloc(Nx1*sizeof(float));
+		dzr = (float *)malloc(Nx1*sizeof(float));
+		if(!getparfloat("dxrcv", dxr)) dxr[0]=dx;
+		if(!getparfloat("dyrcv", dyr)) dyr[0]=dy;
+		if(!getparfloat("dzrcv", dzr)) dzr[0]=0.0;
+		if ( (Ndx<=1) && (Ndy<=1) && (Ndz==0) ){ /* default values are set */
+			for (i=1; i<Nx1; i++) {
+				dxr[i] = dxr[0];
+				dyr[i] = dyr[0];
+				dzr[i] = dzr[0];
+			}
+			Ndx=1;
+            Ndy=1;
+		}
+        else if ( (Ndx<=1) && (Ndy==0) && (Ndz==0) ){ /* default values are set */
+			for (i=1; i<Nx1; i++) {
+				dxr[i] = dxr[0];
+				dyr[i] = dyr[0];
+				dzr[i] = dzr[0];
+			}
+			Ndx=1;
+		}
+        else if ( (Ndy<=1) && (Ndx==0) && (Ndz==0) ){ /* default values are set */
+			for (i=1; i<Nx1; i++) {
+				dxr[i] = dxr[0];
+				dyr[i] = dyr[0];
+				dzr[i] = dzr[0];
+			}
+			Ndy=1;
+		}
+		else if ( (Ndz==1) && (Ndy==0) && (Ndx==0) ){ /* default values are set */
+			for (i=1; i<Nx1; i++) {
+				dxr[i] = dxr[0];
+				dyr[i] = dyr[0];
+				dzr[i] = dzr[0];
+			}
+			Ndz=1;
+		}
+		else { /* make sure that each array has dzrcv or dxrcv defined for each line or receivers */
+			if (Ndx>1) assert(Ndx==Nx1);
+			if (Ndy>1) assert(Ndy==Ny1);
+			if (Ndz>1) assert(Ndz==Nx1);
+		}
+		/* check if receiver arrays fit into model */
+		for (iarray=0; iarray<Nx1; iarray++) {
+			xrcv1[iarray] = MAX(sub_x0,      xrcv1[iarray]);
+			xrcv1[iarray] = MIN(sub_x0+nx*dx,xrcv1[iarray]);
+			xrcv2[iarray] = MAX(sub_x0,      xrcv2[iarray]);
+			xrcv2[iarray] = MIN(sub_x0+nx*dx,xrcv2[iarray]);
+			yrcv1[iarray] = MAX(sub_y0,      yrcv1[iarray]);
+			yrcv1[iarray] = MIN(sub_y0+ny*dy,yrcv1[iarray]);
+			yrcv2[iarray] = MAX(sub_y0,      yrcv2[iarray]);
+			yrcv2[iarray] = MIN(sub_y0+ny*dy,yrcv2[iarray]);
+			zrcv1[iarray] = MAX(sub_z0,      zrcv1[iarray]);
+			zrcv1[iarray] = MIN(sub_z0+nz*dz,zrcv1[iarray]);
+			zrcv2[iarray] = MAX(sub_z0,      zrcv2[iarray]);
+			zrcv2[iarray] = MIN(sub_z0+nz*dz,zrcv2[iarray]);
+		}
+		/* calculate receiver array and store into rec->x,y,z */
+		for (iarray=0; iarray<Nx1; iarray++) {
+			xrange = (xrcv2[iarray]-xrcv1[iarray]); 
+			yrange = (yrcv2[iarray]-yrcv1[iarray]); 
+			zrange = (zrcv2[iarray]-zrcv1[iarray]); 
+			if (dxr[iarray] != 0.0) {
+				nrcv = nlrcv[iarray];
+				dxrcv = dxr[iarray];
+				dyrcv = yrange/(nrcv-1);
+				dzrcv = zrange/(nrcv-1);
+				if (dyrcv != dyr[iarray]) {
+					vwarn("For receiver array %li: calculated dyrcv=%f given=%f", iarray, dyrcv, dyr[iarray]);
+					vwarn("The calculated receiver distance %f is used", dyrcv);
+				}
+				if (dzrcv != dzr[iarray]) {
+					vwarn("For receiver array %li: calculated dzrcv=%f given=%f", iarray, dzrcv, dzr[iarray]);
+					vwarn("The calculated receiver distance %f is used", dzrcv);
+				}
+			}
+            else if (dyr[iarray] != 0.0) {
+				nrcv = nlrcv[iarray];
+				dxrcv = xrange/(nrcv-1);
+				dyrcv = dyr[iarray];
+				dzrcv = zrange/(nrcv-1);
+				if (dxrcv != dxr[iarray]) {
+					vwarn("For receiver array %li: calculated dxrcv=%f given=%f", iarray, dxrcv, dxr[iarray]);
+					vwarn("The calculated receiver distance %f is used", dxrcv);
+				}
+				if (dzrcv != dzr[iarray]) {
+					vwarn("For receiver array %li: calculated dzrcv=%f given=%f", iarray, dzrcv, dzr[iarray]);
+					vwarn("The calculated receiver distance %f is used", dzrcv);
+				}
+			}
+			else {
+				if (dzr[iarray] == 0) {
+					verr("For receiver array %li: receiver distance dzrcv is not given", iarray);
+				}
+				nrcv = nlrcv[iarray];
+				dxrcv = xrange/(nrcv-1);
+				dyrcv = yrange/(nrcv-1);
+				dzrcv = dzr[iarray];
+				if (dxrcv != dxr[iarray]) {
+					vwarn("For receiver array %li: calculated dxrcv=%f given=%f", iarray, dxrcv, dxr[iarray]);
+					vwarn("The calculated receiver distance %f is used", dxrcv);
+				}
+				if (dyrcv != dyr[iarray]) {
+					vwarn("For receiver array %li: calculated dyrcv=%f given=%f", iarray, dyrcv, dyr[iarray]);
+					vwarn("The calculated receiver distance %f is used", dyrcv);
+				}
+			}
+			// calculate coordinates
+			for (ir=0; ir<nrcv; ir++) {
+				rec->xr[nrec]=xrcv1[iarray]-sub_x0+ir*dxrcv;
+				rec->yr[nrec]=yrcv1[iarray]-sub_y0+ir*dyrcv;
+				rec->zr[nrec]=zrcv1[iarray]-sub_z0+ir*dzrcv;
+				rec->x[nrec]=NINT((rec->xr[nrec])/dx);
+				rec->y[nrec]=NINT((rec->yr[nrec])/dy);
+				rec->z[nrec]=NINT((rec->zr[nrec])/dz);
+				nrec++;
+			}
+		}
+		free(xrcv1);
+		free(xrcv2);
+		free(yrcv1);
+		free(yrcv2);
+		free(zrcv1);
+		free(zrcv2);
+		free(dxr);
+		free(dyr);
+		free(dzr);
+        free(nlrcv);
+	}
+    rec->n=rec->max_nrec;
+	return 0;
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/replacetab.scr b/fdelmodc3D/replacetab.scr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..48fc0b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/replacetab.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+sed  's/	/    /g' $1 > nep
+mv nep $1
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/segy.h b/fdelmodc3D/segy.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d0a0d76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/segy.h
@@ -0,0 +1,849 @@
+/* Copyright (c) Colorado School of Mines, 2011.*/
+/* All rights reserved.                       */
+/* segy.h - include file for SEGY traces
+ *
+ * declarations for:
+ *	typedef struct {} segy - the trace identification header
+ *	typedef struct {} bhed - binary header
+ *
+ * Note:
+ *	If header words are added, run the makefile in this directory
+ *	to recreate hdr.h.
+ *
+ * Reference:
+ *	K. M. Barry, D. A. Cavers and C. W. Kneale, "Special Report:
+ *		Recommended Standards for Digital Tape Formats",
+ *		Geophysics, vol. 40, no. 2 (April 1975), P. 344-352.
+ *	
+ * $Author: john $
+ * $Source: /usr/local/cwp/src/su/include/RCS/segy.h,v $
+ * $Revision: 1.33 $ ; $Date: 2011/11/11 23:56:14 $
+ */ 
+#include <limits.h>
+#include "par.h"
+#ifndef SEGY_H
+#define SEGY_H
+#define TRCBYTES		240
+#define SU_NFLTS	32767	/* Arbitrary limit on data array size	*/
+typedef struct {	/* segy - trace identification header */
+	int tracl;	/* Trace sequence number within line
+			   --numbers continue to increase if the
+			   same line continues across multiple
+			   SEG Y files.
+			   byte# 1-4
+			 */
+	int tracr;	/* Trace sequence number within SEG Y file
+			   ---each file starts with trace sequence
+			   one
+			   byte# 5-8
+			 */
+	int fldr;	/* Original field record number
+			   byte# 9-12 
+			*/
+	int tracf;	/* Trace number within original field record 
+			   byte# 13-16
+			*/
+	int ep;		/* energy source point number
+			   ---Used when more than one record occurs
+			   at the same effective surface location.
+			   byte# 17-20
+			 */
+	int cdp;	/* Ensemble number (i.e. CDP, CMP, CRP,...) 
+			   byte# 21-24
+			*/
+	int cdpt;	/* trace number within the ensemble
+			   ---each ensemble starts with trace number one.
+			   byte# 25-28
+			 */
+	short trid;	/* trace identification code:
+			-1 = Other
+		         0 = Unknown
+			 1 = Seismic data
+			 2 = Dead
+			 3 = Dummy
+			 4 = Time break
+			 5 = Uphole
+			 6 = Sweep
+			 7 = Timing
+			 8 = Water break
+			 9 = Near-field gun signature
+			10 = Far-field gun signature
+			11 = Seismic pressure sensor
+			12 = Multicomponent seismic sensor
+				- Vertical component
+			13 = Multicomponent seismic sensor
+				- Cross-line component 
+			14 = Multicomponent seismic sensor
+				- in-line component 
+			15 = Rotated multicomponent seismic sensor
+				- Vertical component
+			16 = Rotated multicomponent seismic sensor
+				- Transverse component
+			17 = Rotated multicomponent seismic sensor
+				- Radial component
+			18 = Vibrator reaction mass
+			19 = Vibrator baseplate
+			20 = Vibrator estimated ground force
+			21 = Vibrator reference
+			22 = Time-velocity pairs
+			23 ... N = optional use 
+				(maximum N = 32,767)
+			Following are CWP id flags:
+			109 = autocorrelation
+			110 = Fourier transformed - no packing
+			     xr[0],xi[0], ..., xr[N-1],xi[N-1]
+			111 = Fourier transformed - unpacked Nyquist
+			     xr[0],xi[0],...,xr[N/2],xi[N/2]
+			112 = Fourier transformed - packed Nyquist
+	 		     even N:
+			     xr[0],xr[N/2],xr[1],xi[1], ...,
+				xr[N/2 -1],xi[N/2 -1]
+				(note the exceptional second entry)
+			     odd N:
+			     xr[0],xr[(N-1)/2],xr[1],xi[1], ...,
+				xr[(N-1)/2 -1],xi[(N-1)/2 -1],xi[(N-1)/2]
+				(note the exceptional second & last entries)
+			113 = Complex signal in the time domain
+			     xr[0],xi[0], ..., xr[N-1],xi[N-1]
+			114 = Fourier transformed - amplitude/phase
+			     a[0],p[0], ..., a[N-1],p[N-1]
+			115 = Complex time signal - amplitude/phase
+			     a[0],p[0], ..., a[N-1],p[N-1]
+			116 = Real part of complex trace from 0 to Nyquist
+			117 = Imag part of complex trace from 0 to Nyquist
+			118 = Amplitude of complex trace from 0 to Nyquist
+			119 = Phase of complex trace from 0 to Nyquist
+			121 = Wavenumber time domain (k-t)
+			122 = Wavenumber frequency (k-omega)
+			123 = Envelope of the complex time trace
+			124 = Phase of the complex time trace
+			125 = Frequency of the complex time trace
+			130 = Depth-Range (z-x) traces
+			201 = Seismic data packed to bytes (by supack1)
+			202 = Seismic data packed to 2 bytes (by supack2)
+			   byte# 29-30
+			*/
+	short nvs;	/* Number of vertically summed traces yielding
+			   this trace. (1 is one trace, 
+			   2 is two summed traces, etc.)
+			   byte# 31-32
+			 */
+	short nhs;	/* Number of horizontally summed traces yielding
+			   this trace. (1 is one trace
+			   2 is two summed traces, etc.)
+			   byte# 33-34
+			 */
+	short duse;	/* Data use:
+				1 = Production
+				2 = Test
+			   byte# 35-36
+			 */
+	int offset;	/* Distance from the center of the source point 
+			   to the center of the receiver group 
+			   (negative if opposite to direction in which 
+			   the line was shot).
+			   byte# 37-40
+			 */
+	int gelev;	/* Receiver group elevation from sea level
+			   (all elevations above the Vertical datum are 
+			   positive and below are negative).
+			   byte# 41-44
+			 */
+	int selev;	/* Surface elevation at source.
+			   byte# 45-48
+			 */
+	int sdepth;	/* Source depth below surface (a positive number).
+			   byte# 49-52
+			 */
+	int gdel;	/* Datum elevation at receiver group.
+			   byte# 53-56
+			*/
+	int sdel;	/* Datum elevation at source.
+			   byte# 57-60
+			*/
+	int swdep;	/* Water depth at source.
+			   byte# 61-64
+			*/
+	int gwdep;	/* Water depth at receiver group.
+			   byte# 65-68
+			*/
+	short scalel;	/* Scalar to be applied to the previous 7 entries
+			   to give the real value. 
+			   Scalar = 1, +10, +100, +1000, +10000.
+			   If positive, scalar is used as a multiplier,
+			   if negative, scalar is used as a divisor.
+			   byte# 69-70
+			 */
+	short scalco;	/* Scalar to be applied to the next 4 entries
+			   to give the real value. 
+			   Scalar = 1, +10, +100, +1000, +10000.
+			   If positive, scalar is used as a multiplier,
+			   if negative, scalar is used as a divisor.
+			   byte# 71-72
+			 */
+	int  sx;	/* Source coordinate - X 
+			   byte# 73-76
+			*/
+	int  sy;	/* Source coordinate - Y 
+			   byte# 77-80
+			*/
+	int  gx;	/* Group coordinate - X 
+			   byte# 81-84
+			*/
+	int  gy;	/* Group coordinate - Y 
+			   byte# 85-88
+			*/
+	short counit;	/* Coordinate units: (for previous 4 entries and
+				for the 7 entries before scalel)
+			   1 = Length (meters or feet)
+			   2 = Seconds of arc
+			   3 = Decimal degrees
+			   4 = Degrees, minutes, seconds (DMS)
+			In case 2, the X values are longitude and 
+			the Y values are latitude, a positive value designates
+			the number of seconds east of Greenwich
+				or north of the equator
+			In case 4, to encode +-DDDMMSS
+			counit = +-DDD*10^4 + MM*10^2 + SS,
+			with scalco = 1. To encode
+			counit = +-DDD*10^6 + MM*10^4 + SS*10^2 
+			with scalco = -100.
+			   byte# 89-90
+			*/
+	short wevel;	/* Weathering velocity. 
+			   byte# 91-92
+			*/
+	short swevel;	/* Subweathering velocity. 
+			   byte# 93-94
+			*/
+	short sut;	/* Uphole time at source in milliseconds. 
+			   byte# 95-96
+			*/
+	short gut;	/* Uphole time at receiver group in milliseconds. 
+			   byte# 97-98
+			*/
+	short sstat;	/* Source static correction in milliseconds. 
+			   byte# 99-100
+			*/
+	short gstat;	/* Group static correction  in milliseconds.
+			   byte# 101-102
+			*/
+	short tstat;	/* Total static applied  in milliseconds.
+			   (Zero if no static has been applied.)
+			   byte# 103-104
+			*/
+	short laga;	/* Lag time A, time in ms between end of 240-
+			   byte trace identification header and time
+			   break, positive if time break occurs after
+			   end of header, time break is defined as
+			   the initiation pulse which maybe recorded
+			   on an auxiliary trace or as otherwise
+			   specified by the recording system 
+			   byte# 105-106
+			*/
+	short lagb;	/* lag time B, time in ms between the time break
+			   and the initiation time of the energy source,
+			   may be positive or negative 
+			   byte# 107-108
+			*/
+	short delrt;	/* delay recording time, time in ms between
+			   initiation time of energy source and time
+			   when recording of data samples begins
+			   (for deep water work if recording does not
+			   start at zero time) 
+			   byte# 109-110
+			*/
+	short muts;	/* mute time--start 
+			   byte# 111-112
+			*/
+	short mute;	/* mute time--end 
+			   byte# 113-114
+			*/
+	unsigned short ns;	/* number of samples in this trace 
+			   byte# 115-116
+			*/
+	unsigned short dt;	/* sample interval; in micro-seconds
+			   byte# 117-118
+			*/
+	short gain;	/* gain type of field instruments code:
+				1 = fixed
+				2 = binary
+				3 = floating point
+				4 ---- N = optional use 
+			   byte# 119-120
+			*/
+	short igc;	/* instrument gain constant 
+			   byte# 121-122
+			*/
+	short igi;	/* instrument early or initial gain 
+			   byte# 123-124
+			*/
+	short corr;	/* correlated:
+				1 = no
+				2 = yes 
+			   byte# 125-126
+			*/
+	short sfs;	/* sweep frequency at start 
+			   byte# 127-128
+			*/
+	short sfe;	/* sweep frequency at end
+			   byte# 129-130
+			*/
+	short slen;	/* sweep length in ms 
+			   byte# 131-132
+			*/
+	short styp;	/* sweep type code:
+				1 = linear
+				2 = cos-squared
+				3 = other
+			   byte# 133-134
+			*/
+	short stas;	/* sweep trace length at start in ms
+			   byte# 135-136
+			*/
+	short stae;	/* sweep trace length at end in ms 
+			   byte# 137-138
+			*/
+	short tatyp;	/* taper type: 1=linear, 2=cos^2, 3=other 
+			   byte# 139-140
+			*/
+	short afilf;	/* alias filter frequency if used 
+			   byte# 141-142
+			*/
+	short afils;	/* alias filter slope
+			   byte# 143-144
+			*/
+	short nofilf;	/* notch filter frequency if used
+			   byte# 145-146
+			*/
+	short nofils;	/* notch filter slope
+			   byte# 147-148
+			*/
+	short lcf;	/* low cut frequency if used
+			   byte# 149-150
+			*/
+	short hcf;	/* high cut frequncy if used
+			   byte# 151-152
+			*/
+	short lcs;	/* low cut slope
+			   byte# 153-154
+			*/
+	short hcs;	/* high cut slope
+			   byte# 155-156
+			*/
+	short year;	/* year data recorded
+			   byte# 157-158
+			*/
+	short day;	/* day of year
+			   byte# 159-160
+			*/
+	short hour;	/* hour of day (24 hour clock) 
+			   byte# 161-162
+			*/
+	short minute;	/* minute of hour
+			   byte# 163-164
+			*/
+	short sec;	/* second of minute
+			   byte# 165-166
+			*/
+	short timbas;	/* time basis code:
+				1 = local
+				2 = GMT
+				3 = other
+			   byte# 167-168
+			*/
+	short trwf;	/* trace weighting factor, defined as 1/2^N
+			   volts for the least sigificant bit
+			   byte# 169-170
+			*/
+	short grnors;	/* geophone group number of roll switch
+			   position one
+			   byte# 171-172
+			*/
+	short grnofr;	/* geophone group number of trace one within
+			   original field record
+			   byte# 173-174
+			*/
+	short grnlof;	/* geophone group number of last trace within
+			   original field record
+			   byte# 175-176
+			*/
+	short gaps;	/* gap size (total number of groups dropped)
+			   byte# 177-178
+			*/
+	short otrav;	/* overtravel taper code:
+				1 = down (or behind)
+				2 = up (or ahead)
+			   byte# 179-180
+			*/
+#ifdef SLTSU_SEGY_H  /* begin Unocal SU segy.h differences */
+	/* cwp local assignments */
+	float d1;	/* sample spacing for non-seismic data
+			   byte# 181-184
+			*/
+	float f1;	/* first sample location for non-seismic data
+			   byte# 185-188
+			*/
+	float d2;	/* sample spacing between traces
+			   byte# 189-192
+			*/
+	float f2;	/* first trace location
+			   byte# 193-196
+			*/
+	float ungpow;	/* negative of power used for dynamic
+			   range compression
+			   byte# 197-200
+			*/
+	float unscale;	/* reciprocal of scaling factor to normalize
+			   range
+			   byte# 201-204
+			*/
+	short mark;	/* mark selected traces
+			   byte# 205-206
+			*/
+	/* SLTSU local assignments */ 
+	short mutb;	/* mute time at bottom (start time)
+			   bottom mute ends at last sample
+			   byte# 207-208
+			*/
+	float dz;	/* depth sampling interval in (m or ft)
+			if =0.0, input are time samples
+			   byte# 209-212
+			*/
+	float fz;	/* depth of first sample in (m or ft)
+			   byte# 213-116
+			*/
+	short n2;	/* number of traces per cdp or per shot
+			   byte# 217-218
+			*/
+        short shortpad; /* alignment padding
+			   byte# 219-220
+			*/
+	int ntr; 	/* number of traces
+			   byte# 221-224
+			*/
+	/* SLTSU local assignments end */ 
+	short unass[8];	/* unassigned
+			   byte# 225-240
+			*/
+	/* cwp local assignments */
+	float d1;	/* sample spacing for non-seismic data
+			   byte# 181-184
+			*/
+	float f1;	/* first sample location for non-seismic data
+			   byte# 185-188
+			*/
+	float d2;	/* sample spacing between traces
+			   byte# 189-192
+			*/
+	float f2;	/* first trace location
+			   byte# 193-196
+			*/
+	float ungpow;	/* negative of power used for dynamic
+			   range compression
+			   byte# 197-200
+			*/
+	float unscale;	/* reciprocal of scaling factor to normalize
+			   range
+			   byte# 201-204
+			*/
+	int ntr; 	/* number of traces
+			   byte# 205-208
+			*/
+	short mark;	/* mark selected traces
+			   byte# 209-210
+			*/
+        short shortpad; /* alignment padding
+			   byte# 211-212
+			*/
+	short unass[14];	/* unassigned--NOTE: last entry causes 
+			   a break in the word alignment, if we REALLY
+			   want to maintain 240 bytes, the following
+			   entry should be an odd number of short/UINT2
+			   OR do the insertion above the "mark" keyword
+			   entry
+			   byte# 213-240
+			*/
+} segy;
+typedef struct {	/* bhed - binary header */
+	int jobid;	/* job identification number */
+	int lino;	/* line number (only one line per reel) */
+	int reno;	/* reel number */
+	short ntrpr;	/* number of data traces per record */
+        short nart;	/* number of auxiliary traces per record */
+	unsigned short hdt; /* sample interval in micro secs for this reel */
+	unsigned short dto; /* same for original field recording */
+	unsigned short hns; /* number of samples per trace for this reel */
+	unsigned short nso; /* same for original field recording */
+	short format;	/* data sample format code:
+				1 = floating point, 4 byte (32 bits)
+				2 = fixed point, 4 byte (32 bits)
+				3 = fixed point, 2 byte (16 bits)
+				4 = fixed point w/gain code, 4 byte (32 bits)
+				5 = IEEE floating point, 4 byte (32 bits)
+				8 = two's complement integer, 1 byte (8 bits)
+			*/
+	short fold;	/* CDP fold expected per CDP ensemble */
+	short tsort;	/* trace sorting code: 
+				1 = as recorded (no sorting)
+				2 = CDP ensemble
+				3 = single fold continuous profile
+				4 = horizontally stacked */
+	short vscode;	/* vertical sum code:
+				1 = no sum
+				2 = two sum ...
+				N = N sum (N = 32,767) */
+	short hsfs;	/* sweep frequency at start */
+	short hsfe;	/* sweep frequency at end */
+	short hslen;	/* sweep length (ms) */
+	short hstyp;	/* sweep type code:
+				1 = linear
+				2 = parabolic
+				3 = exponential
+				4 = other */
+	short schn;	/* trace number of sweep channel */
+	short hstas;	/* sweep trace taper length at start if
+			   tapered (the taper starts at zero time
+			   and is effective for this length) */
+	short hstae;	/* sweep trace taper length at end (the ending
+			   taper starts at sweep length minus the taper
+			   length at end) */
+	short htatyp;	/* sweep trace taper type code:
+				1 = linear
+				2 = cos-squared
+				3 = other */
+	short hcorr;	/* correlated data traces code:
+				1 = no
+				2 = yes */
+	short bgrcv;	/* binary gain recovered code:
+				1 = yes
+				2 = no */
+	short rcvm;	/* amplitude recovery method code:
+				1 = none
+				2 = spherical divergence
+				3 = AGC
+				4 = other */
+	short mfeet;	/* measurement system code:
+				1 = meters
+				2 = feet */
+	short polyt;	/* impulse signal polarity code:
+				1 = increase in pressure or upward
+				    geophone case movement gives
+				    negative number on tape
+				2 = increase in pressure or upward
+				    geophone case movement gives
+				    positive number on tape */
+	short vpol;	/* vibratory polarity code:
+				code	seismic signal lags pilot by
+				1	337.5 to  22.5 degrees
+				2	 22.5 to  67.5 degrees
+				3	 67.5 to 112.5 degrees
+				4	112.5 to 157.5 degrees
+				5	157.5 to 202.5 degrees
+				6	202.5 to 247.5 degrees
+				7	247.5 to 292.5 degrees
+				8	293.5 to 337.5 degrees */
+	short hunass[170];	/* unassigned */
+} bhed;
+/* DEFINES */
+#define gettr(x)	fgettr(stdin, (x))
+#define vgettr(x)	fvgettr(stdin, (x))
+#define puttr(x)	fputtr(stdout, (x))
+#define vputtr(x)	fvputtr(stdout, (x))
+#define gettra(x, y)    fgettra(stdin, (x), (y))
+/* TOTHER represents "other"					*/
+#define		TOTHER		-1	
+/* TUNK represents time traces of an unknown type		*/
+#define		TUNK		0
+/* TREAL represents real time traces 				*/
+#define		TREAL		1
+/* TDEAD represents dead time traces 				*/
+#define		TDEAD		2
+/* TDUMMY represents dummy time traces 				*/
+#define		TDUMMY		3
+/* TBREAK represents time break traces 				*/
+#define		TBREAK		4
+/* UPHOLE represents uphole traces 				*/
+#define		UPHOLE		5
+/* SWEEP represents sweep traces 				*/
+#define		SWEEP		6
+/* TIMING represents timing traces 				*/
+#define		TIMING		7
+/* WBREAK represents timing traces 				*/
+#define		WBREAK		8
+/* NFGUNSIG represents near field gun signature 		*/
+#define		NFGUNSIG	9	
+/* FFGUNSIG represents far field gun signature	 		*/
+#define		FFGUNSIG	10
+/* SPSENSOR represents seismic pressure sensor	 		*/
+#define		SPSENSOR	11
+/* TVERT represents multicomponent seismic sensor 
+	- vertical component */
+#define		TVERT		12
+/* TXLIN represents multicomponent seismic sensor 
+	- cross-line component */
+#define		TXLIN		13
+/* TINLIN represents multicomponent seismic sensor 
+	- in-line component */
+#define		TINLIN	14
+/* ROTVERT represents rotated multicomponent seismic sensor 
+	- vertical component */
+#define		ROTVERT		15
+/* TTRANS represents rotated multicomponent seismic sensor 
+	- transverse component */
+#define		TTRANS		16
+/* TRADIAL represents rotated multicomponent seismic sensor 
+	- radial component */
+#define		TRADIAL		17
+/* VRMASS represents vibrator reaction mass */
+#define		VRMASS		18
+/* VBASS represents vibrator baseplate */
+#define		VBASS		19
+/* VEGF represents vibrator estimated ground force */
+#define		VEGF		20
+/* VREF represents vibrator reference */
+#define		VREF		21
+/*** CWP trid assignments ***/
+/* ACOR represents autocorrelation  */
+#define		ACOR		109
+/* FCMPLX represents fourier transformed - no packing 
+   xr[0],xi[0], ..., xr[N-1],xi[N-1] */
+#define		FCMPLX		110
+/* FUNPACKNYQ represents fourier transformed - unpacked Nyquist
+   xr[0],xi[0],...,xr[N/2],xi[N/2] */
+#define		FUNPACKNYQ	111
+/* FTPACK represents fourier transformed - packed Nyquist
+   even N: xr[0],xr[N/2],xr[1],xi[1], ...,
+	xr[N/2 -1],xi[N/2 -1]
+   (note the exceptional second entry)
+    odd N:
+     xr[0],xr[(N-1)/2],xr[1],xi[1], ...,
+     xr[(N-1)/2 -1],xi[(N-1)/2 -1],xi[(N-1)/2]
+   (note the exceptional second & last entries)
+#define		FTPACK		112
+/* TCMPLX represents complex time traces 			*/
+#define		TCMPLX		113
+/* FAMPH represents freq domain data in amplitude/phase form	*/
+#define		FAMPH		114
+/* TAMPH represents time domain data in amplitude/phase form	*/
+#define		TAMPH		115
+/* REALPART represents the real part of a trace to Nyquist	*/
+#define		REALPART	116
+/* IMAGPART represents the real part of a trace to Nyquist	*/
+#define		IMAGPART	117
+/* AMPLITUDE represents the amplitude of a trace to Nyquist	*/
+#define		AMPLITUDE	118
+/* PHASE represents the phase of a trace to Nyquist		*/
+#define		PHASE		119
+/* KT represents wavenumber-time domain data 			*/
+#define		KT		121
+/* KOMEGA represents wavenumber-frequency domain data		*/
+#define		KOMEGA		122
+/* ENVELOPE represents the envelope of the complex time trace	*/
+#define		ENVELOPE	123
+/* INSTPHASE represents the phase of the complex time trace	*/
+#define		INSTPHASE	124
+/* INSTFREQ represents the frequency of the complex time trace	*/
+#define		INSTFREQ	125
+/* DEPTH represents traces in depth-range (z-x)			*/
+#define		TRID_DEPTH	130
+/* 3C data...  v,h1,h2=(11,12,13)+32 so a bitmask will convert  */
+/* between conventions */
+/* CHARPACK represents byte packed seismic data from supack1	*/
+#define		CHARPACK	201
+/* SHORTPACK represents 2 byte packed seismic data from supack2	*/
+#define		SHORTPACK	202
+#define ISSEISMIC(id) (( (id)==TUNK || (id)==TREAL || (id)==TDEAD || (id)==TDUMMY || (id)==TBREAK || (id)==UPHOLE || (id)==SWEEP || (id)==TIMING || (id)==WBREAK || (id)==NFGUNSIG || (id)==FFGUNSIG || (id)==SPSENSOR || (id)==TVERT || (id)==TXLIN || (id)==TINLIN || (id)==ROTVERT || (id)==TTRANS || (id)==TRADIAL || (id)==ACOR ) ? cwp_true : cwp_false ) 
+#ifdef __cplusplus /* if C++, specify external linkage to C functions */
+extern "C" {
+/* get trace and put trace */
+int fgettr(FILE *fp, segy *tp);
+int fvgettr(FILE *fp, segy *tp);
+void fputtr(FILE *fp, segy *tp);
+void fvputtr(FILE *fp, segy *tp);
+int fgettra(FILE *fp, segy *tp, int itr);
+/* get gather and put gather */
+segy **fget_gather(FILE *fp, cwp_String *key,cwp_String *type,Value *n_val,
+                        int *nt,int *ntr, float *dt,int *first);
+segy **get_gather(cwp_String *key, cwp_String *type, Value *n_val,
+			int *nt, int *ntr, float *dt, int *first);
+segy **fput_gather(FILE *fp, segy **rec,int *nt, int *ntr);
+segy **put_gather(segy **rec,int *nt, int *ntr);
+/* hdrpkge */
+void gethval(const segy *tp, int index, Value *valp);
+void puthval(segy *tp, int index, Value *valp);
+void getbhval(const bhed *bhp, int index, Value *valp);
+void putbhval(bhed *bhp, int index, Value *valp);
+void gethdval(const segy *tp, char *key, Value *valp);
+void puthdval(segy *tp, char *key, Value *valp);
+char *hdtype(const char *key);
+char *getkey(const int index);
+int getindex(const char *key);
+void swaphval(segy *tp, int index);
+void swapbhval(bhed *bhp, int index);
+void printheader(const segy *tp);
+void tabplot(segy *tp, int itmin, int itmax);
+#ifdef __cplusplus /* if C++, end external linkage specification */
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/sourceOnSurface.c b/fdelmodc3D/sourceOnSurface.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a2062dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/sourceOnSurface.c
@@ -0,0 +1,498 @@
+#define ISODD(n) ((n) & 01)
+static float *src1x, *src1z, *src2x, *src2z;
+static int first=1;
+void vmess(char *fmt, ...);
+int allocStoreSourceOnSurface(srcPar src)
+    /* allocated 2x size for dipole Potential sources */
+    src1x = (float *)calloc(2*src.n, sizeof(float));
+    src1z = (float *)calloc(2*src.n, sizeof(float));
+    src2x = (float *)calloc(2*src.n, sizeof(float));
+    src2z = (float *)calloc(2*src.n, sizeof(float));
+    first = 0;
+    return 0;
+int freeStoreSourceOnSurface(void)
+    free(src1x);
+    free(src1z);
+    free(src2x);
+    free(src2z);
+    first = 1;
+    return 0;
+int storeSourceOnSurface(modPar mod, srcPar src, bndPar bnd, int ixsrc, int izsrc, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, int verbose)
+           Jan Thorbecke (
+           The Netherlands 
+	int   ixs, izs, isrc, is0;
+    int   ibndz, ibndx, store;
+	int   nx, nz, n1;
+	nx  = mod.nx;
+	nz  =;
+	n1  = mod.naz;
+	if (src.type==6) {
+    	ibndz = mod.ioXz;
+    	ibndx = mod.ioXx;
+	}
+	else if (src.type==7) {
+    	ibndz = mod.ioZz;
+    	ibndx = mod.ioZx;
+	}
+	else if (src.type==2) {
+    	ibndz = mod.ioTz;
+    	ibndx = mod.ioTx;
+    	if (bnd.lef==4 || bnd.lef==2) ibndx += bnd.ntap;
+	}
+	else {	
+    	ibndz = mod.ioPz;
+    	ibndx = mod.ioPx;
+    	if (bnd.lef==4 || bnd.lef==2) ibndx += bnd.ntap;
+	}
+/* check if there are sources placed on the boundaries */
+	is0 = -1*floor((src.n-1)/2);
+#pragma omp	for private (isrc, ixs, izs, store) 
+	for (isrc=0; isrc<src.n; isrc++) {
+		/* calculate the source position */
+		if (src.random || src.multiwav) {
+			ixs = src.x[isrc] + ibndx;
+			izs = src.z[isrc] + ibndz;
+		}
+		else { /* plane wave and point sources */
+			ixs = ixsrc + ibndx + is0 + isrc;
+			izs = izsrc + ibndz;
+		}
+//        vmess("source at x=%d bounds at %d %d : %d %d ", ixs, ibndx+1, nx+ibndx, mod.ioXz, mod.ieXz);
+//        vmess("source at z=%d bounds at %d %d : %d %d ", izs, ibndz+1, nz+ibndz, mod.ioXx, mod.ieXx);
+/* check if there are source positions placed on the boundaries. 
+ * In that case store them and reapply them after the boundary
+ * conditions have been set */
+        store=0;
+		if ( (ixs <= ibndx+1)  && ISODD(bnd.lef)) store=1;
+		if ( (ixs >= nx+ibndx) && ISODD(bnd.rig)) store=1;
+		if ( (izs <= ibndz+1)  && ISODD( store=1;
+		if ( (izs >= nz+ibndz) && ISODD( store=1;
+		if (mod.ischeme <= 2) { /* Acoustic scheme */
+            if (store) {
+                if (verbose>=5) vmess("source at x=%d z=%d stored before free surface", ixs, izs);
+                /* Compressional source */
+                if (src.type == 1) {
+                    if (src.orient==1) { /* monopole */
+                        src1z[isrc] = tzz[ixs*n1+izs];
+                    }
+                    else if (src.orient==2) { /* dipole +/- */
+                        src1z[isrc] = tzz[ixs*n1+izs];
+                        src2z[isrc] = tzz[ixs*n1+izs+1];
+                    }
+                    else if (src.orient==3) { /* dipole - + */
+                        src1z[isrc] = tzz[ixs*n1+izs];
+                        src2z[isrc] = tzz[(ixs-1)*n1+izs];
+                    }
+                    else if (src.orient==4) { /* dipole +/0/- */
+                        if (izs > ibndz) 
+                            src1z[isrc] = tzz[ixs*n1+izs-1];
+                        if (izs < 
+                            src2z[isrc] = tzz[ixs*n1+izs+1];
+                    }
+                    else if (src.orient==5) { /* dipole + - */
+                        src1z[isrc] = tzz[ixs*n1+izs];
+                        src2z[isrc] = tzz[(ixs+1)*n1+izs];
+                    }
+                }
+                else if (src.type==6) {
+                    src1x[isrc] = vx[ixs*n1+izs];
+                }
+                else if (src.type==7) {
+                    src1z[isrc] = vz[ixs*n1+izs];
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        else { /* Elastic scheme */
+          	if (store) {
+                if (verbose>=5) vmess("source at x=%d z=%d stored before free surface", ixs, izs);
+              	if (src.type==1) {
+                    if (src.orient==1) { /* monopole */
+                        src1x[isrc] = txx[ixs*n1+izs];
+                        src1z[isrc] = tzz[ixs*n1+izs];
+                    }
+                    else if (src.orient==2) { /* dipole +/- */
+                        src1x[isrc] = txx[ixs*n1+izs];
+                        src1z[isrc] = tzz[ixs*n1+izs];
+                        src2x[isrc] = txx[ixs*n1+izs+1];
+                        src2z[isrc] = tzz[ixs*n1+izs+1];
+                    }
+                    else if (src.orient==3) { /* dipole - + */
+                        src1x[isrc] = txx[ixs*n1+izs];
+                        src1z[isrc] = tzz[ixs*n1+izs];
+                        src2x[isrc] = txx[(ixs-1)*n1+izs];
+                        src2z[isrc] = tzz[(ixs-1)*n1+izs];
+                    }
+                    else if (src.orient==4) { /* dipole +/0/- */
+                        if (izs > ibndz) {
+                            src1x[isrc] = txx[ixs*n1+izs-1];
+                            src1z[isrc] = tzz[ixs*n1+izs-1];
+                        }
+                        if (izs < {
+                            src1x[isrc] = txx[ixs*n1+izs+1];
+                            src1z[isrc] = tzz[ixs*n1+izs+1];
+                        }
+                    }
+                    else if (src.orient==5) { /* dipole + - */
+                        src1x[isrc] = txx[ixs*n1+izs];
+                        src1z[isrc] = tzz[ixs*n1+izs];
+                        src2x[isrc] = txx[(ixs+1)*n1+izs];
+                        src2z[isrc] = tzz[(ixs+1)*n1+izs];
+                    }
+              	}
+              	else if (src.type==2) {
+                    /* Txz source */
+                    if ((izs == ibndz) && {
+                        src1x[isrc] = txz[(ixs-1)*n1+izs-1];
+                        src2x[isrc] = txz[ixs*n1+izs-1];
+                    }
+                    else {
+                        src1x[isrc] = txz[ixs*n1+izs];
+                    }
+                    /* possible dipole orientations for a txz source */
+                    if (src.orient == 2) { /* dipole +/- */
+                        src2x[isrc] = txz[ixs*n1+izs+1];
+                    }
+                    else if (src.orient == 3) { /* dipole - + */
+                        src2x[isrc] = txz[(ixs-1)*n1+izs];
+                    }
+                    else if (src.orient == 4) { /*  dipole +/O/- */
+                        /* correction: subtrace previous value to prevent z-1 values. */
+                        src1x[isrc] = txz[ixs*n1+izs];
+                        src2x[isrc] = txz[ixs*n1+izs+1];
+                    }
+                    else if (src.orient == 5) { /* dipole + - */
+                        src2x[isrc] = txz[(ixs+1)*n1+izs];
+                    }
+              	}
+               	else if (src.type==3) {
+                   	src1z[isrc] = tzz[ixs*n1+izs];
+               	}
+               	else if (src.type==4) {
+                   	src1x[isrc] = txx[ixs*n1+izs];
+               	}
+               	else if (src.type==5) {
+                    src1x[isrc] = vx[ixs*n1+izs];
+                    src1z[isrc] = vz[ixs*n1+izs];
+                    src2x[isrc] = vx[ixs*n1+izs-1];
+                    src2z[isrc] = vz[(ixs-1)*n1+izs];
+                    /* determine second position of dipole */
+                    if (src.orient == 2) { /* dipole +/- vertical */
+                        izs += 1;
+                        src1x[isrc+src.n] = vx[ixs*n1+izs];
+                        src1z[isrc+src.n] = vz[ixs*n1+izs];
+                        src2x[isrc+src.n] = vx[ixs*n1+izs-1];
+                        src2z[isrc+src.n] = vz[(ixs-1)*n1+izs];
+                    }
+                    else if (src.orient == 3) { /* dipole - + horizontal */
+                        ixs += 1;
+                        src1x[isrc+src.n] = vx[ixs*n1+izs];
+                        src1z[isrc+src.n] = vz[ixs*n1+izs];
+                        src2x[isrc+src.n] = vx[ixs*n1+izs-1];
+                        src2z[isrc+src.n] = vz[(ixs-1)*n1+izs];
+                    }
+				}
+               	else if (src.type==6) {
+                   	src1x[isrc] = vx[ixs*n1+izs];
+               	}
+               	else if (src.type==7) {
+                   	src1z[isrc] = vz[ixs*n1+izs];
+               	}
+               	else if (src.type==8) {
+                    src1x[isrc] = vx[(ixs+1)*n1+izs];
+                    src1z[isrc] = vz[ixs*n1+izs+1];
+                    src2x[isrc] = vx[ixs*n1+izs];
+                    src2z[isrc] = vz[ixs*n1+izs];
+                    /* determine second position of dipole */
+                    if (src.orient == 2) { /* dipole +/- vertical */
+                        izs += 1;
+                        src1x[isrc+src.n] = vx[(ixs+1)*n1+izs];
+                        src1z[isrc+src.n] = vz[ixs*n1+izs+1];
+                        src2x[isrc+src.n] = vx[ixs*n1+izs];
+                        src2z[isrc+src.n] = vz[ixs*n1+izs];
+                    }
+                    else if (src.orient == 3) { /* dipole - + horizontal */
+                        ixs += 1;
+                        src1x[isrc+src.n] = vx[(ixs+1)*n1+izs];
+                        src1z[isrc+src.n] = vz[ixs*n1+izs+1];
+                        src2x[isrc+src.n] = vx[ixs*n1+izs];
+                        src2z[isrc+src.n] = vz[ixs*n1+izs];
+                    }
+               	} /* end of source.type */
+           	}
+		}
+    }
+    return 0;
+int reStoreSourceOnSurface(modPar mod, srcPar src, bndPar bnd, int ixsrc, int izsrc, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, int verbose)
+    /**********************************************************************
+     AUTHOR:
+     Jan Thorbecke (
+     The Netherlands 
+     ***********************************************************************/
+	int   ixs, izs, isrc, is0;
+    int   ibndz, ibndx, store;
+	int   nx, nz, n1;
+	nx  = mod.nx;
+	nz  =;
+	n1  = mod.naz;
+	if (src.type==6) {
+    	ibndz = mod.ioXz;
+    	ibndx = mod.ioXx;
+	}
+	else if (src.type==7) {
+    	ibndz = mod.ioZz;
+    	ibndx = mod.ioZx;
+	}
+	else if (src.type==2) {
+    	ibndz = mod.ioTz;
+    	ibndx = mod.ioTx;
+    	if (bnd.lef==4 || bnd.lef==2) ibndx += bnd.ntap;
+	}
+	else {	
+    	ibndz = mod.ioPz;
+    	ibndx = mod.ioPx;
+    	if (bnd.lef==4 || bnd.lef==2) ibndx += bnd.ntap;
+	}
+	/* restore source positions on the edge */
+	is0 = -1*floor((src.n-1)/2);
+#pragma omp	for private (isrc, ixs, izs, store) 
+	for (isrc=0; isrc<src.n; isrc++) {
+		/* calculate the source position */
+		if (src.random || src.multiwav) {
+			ixs = src.x[isrc] + ibndx;
+			izs = src.z[isrc] + ibndz;
+		}
+		else { /* plane wave and point sources */
+			ixs = ixsrc + ibndx + is0 + isrc;
+			izs = izsrc + ibndz;
+		}
+        store=0;
+		if ( (ixs <= ibndx+1)  && ISODD(bnd.lef)) store=1;
+		if ( (ixs >= nx+ibndx) && ISODD(bnd.rig)) store=1;
+		if ( (izs <= ibndz+1)  && ISODD( store=1;
+		if ( (izs >= nz+ibndz) && ISODD( store=1;
+		if (mod.ischeme <= 2) { /* Acoustic scheme */
+            if (store) {
+                if (verbose>=5) vmess("source at x=%d z=%d restored at free surface", ixs, izs);
+                /* Compressional source */
+                if (src.type == 1) {
+                    if (src.orient==1) { /* monopole */
+                        tzz[ixs*n1+izs]= src1z[isrc];
+                    }
+                    else if (src.orient==2) { /* dipole +/- */
+                        tzz[ixs*n1+izs] = src1z[isrc];
+                        tzz[ixs*n1+izs+1] = src2z[isrc];
+                    }
+                    else if (src.orient==3) { /* dipole - + */
+                        tzz[ixs*n1+izs] = src1z[isrc];
+                        tzz[(ixs-1)*n1+izs] = src2z[isrc];
+                    }
+                    else if (src.orient==4) { /* dipole +/0/- */
+                        if (izs > ibndz) 
+                            tzz[ixs*n1+izs-1] = src1z[isrc];
+                        if (izs < 
+                            tzz[ixs*n1+izs+1] = src2z[isrc];
+                    }
+                    else if (src.orient==5) { /* dipole + - */
+                        tzz[ixs*n1+izs] = src1z[isrc];
+                        tzz[(ixs+1)*n1+izs] = src2z[isrc];
+                    }
+                }
+                else if (src.type==6) {
+                    vx[ixs*n1+izs] = src1x[isrc];
+                }
+                else if (src.type==7) {
+                    vz[ixs*n1+izs] = src1z[isrc];
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        else { /* Elastic scheme */
+          	if (store) {
+                if (verbose>=5) vmess("source at x=%d z=%d restored at free surface", ixs, izs);
+              	if (src.type==1) {
+                    if (src.orient==1) { /* monopole */
+                        txx[ixs*n1+izs] = src1x[isrc];
+                        tzz[ixs*n1+izs] = src1z[isrc];
+                    }
+                    else if (src.orient==2) { /* dipole +/- */
+                        txx[ixs*n1+izs] = src1x[isrc];
+                        tzz[ixs*n1+izs] = src1z[isrc];
+                        txx[ixs*n1+izs+1] = src2x[isrc];
+                        tzz[ixs*n1+izs+1] = src2z[isrc];
+                    }
+                    else if (src.orient==3) { /* dipole - + */
+                        txx[ixs*n1+izs] = src1x[isrc];
+                        tzz[ixs*n1+izs] = src1z[isrc];
+                        txx[(ixs-1)*n1+izs] = src2x[isrc];
+                        tzz[(ixs-1)*n1+izs] = src2z[isrc];
+                    }
+                    else if (src.orient==4) { /* dipole +/0/- */
+                        if (izs > ibndz) {
+                            txx[ixs*n1+izs-1] = src1x[isrc];
+                            tzz[ixs*n1+izs-1] = src1z[isrc];
+                        }
+                        if (izs < {
+                            txx[ixs*n1+izs+1] = src1x[isrc];
+                            tzz[ixs*n1+izs+1] = src1z[isrc];
+                        }
+                    }
+                    else if (src.orient==5) { /* dipole + - */
+                        txx[ixs*n1+izs] = src1x[isrc];
+                        tzz[ixs*n1+izs] = src1z[isrc];
+                        txx[(ixs+1)*n1+izs] = src2x[isrc];
+                        tzz[(ixs+1)*n1+izs] = src2z[isrc];
+                    }
+              	}
+              	else if (src.type==2) {
+                    /* Txz source */
+                    if ((izs == ibndz) && {
+                        txz[(ixs-1)*n1+izs-1] = src1x[isrc];
+                        txz[ixs*n1+izs-1] = src2x[isrc];
+                    }
+                    else {
+                        txz[ixs*n1+izs] = src1x[isrc];
+                    }
+                    /* possible dipole orientations for a txz source */
+                    if (src.orient == 2) { /* dipole +/- */
+                        txz[ixs*n1+izs+1] = src2x[isrc];
+                    }
+                    else if (src.orient == 3) { /* dipole - + */
+                        txz[(ixs-1)*n1+izs] = src2x[isrc];
+                    }
+                    else if (src.orient == 4) { /*  dipole +/O/- */
+                        /* correction: subtrace previous value to prevent z-1 values. */
+                        txz[ixs*n1+izs] = src1x[isrc];
+                        txz[ixs*n1+izs+1] = src2x[isrc];
+                    }
+                    else if (src.orient == 5) { /* dipole + - */
+                        txz[(ixs+1)*n1+izs] = src2x[isrc];
+                    }
+              	}
+               	else if (src.type==3) {
+                   	tzz[ixs*n1+izs] = src1z[isrc];
+               	}
+               	else if (src.type==4) {
+                   	txx[ixs*n1+izs] = src1x[isrc];
+               	}
+               	else if (src.type==5) {
+                    vx[ixs*n1+izs]= src1x[isrc];
+                    vz[ixs*n1+izs] = src1z[isrc];
+                    vx[ixs*n1+izs-1] = src2x[isrc];
+                    vz[(ixs-1)*n1+izs] = src2z[isrc];
+                    /* determine second position of dipole */
+                    if (src.orient == 2) { /* dipole +/- vertical */
+                        izs += 1;
+                        vx[ixs*n1+izs] = src1x[isrc+src.n];
+                        vz[ixs*n1+izs] = src1z[isrc+src.n];
+                        vx[ixs*n1+izs-1] = src2x[isrc+src.n];
+                        vz[(ixs-1)*n1+izs] = src2z[isrc+src.n];
+                    }
+                    else if (src.orient == 3) { /* dipole - + horizontal */
+                        ixs += 1;
+                        vx[ixs*n1+izs] = src1x[isrc+src.n];
+                        vz[ixs*n1+izs] = src1z[isrc+src.n];
+                        vx[ixs*n1+izs-1] = src2x[isrc+src.n];
+                        vz[(ixs-1)*n1+izs] = src2z[isrc+src.n];
+                    }
+				}
+               	else if (src.type==6) {
+                   	vx[ixs*n1+izs] = src1x[isrc];
+               	}
+               	else if (src.type==7) {
+                   	vz[ixs*n1+izs] = src1z[isrc];
+               	}
+               	else if (src.type==8) {
+                    vx[(ixs+1)*n1+izs] = src1x[isrc];
+                    vz[ixs*n1+izs+1] = src1z[isrc];
+                    vx[ixs*n1+izs] = src2x[isrc];
+                    vz[ixs*n1+izs] = src2z[isrc];
+                    /* determine second position of dipole */
+                    if (src.orient == 2) { /* dipole +/- vertical */
+                        izs += 1;
+                        vx[(ixs+1)*n1+izs] = src1x[isrc+src.n];
+                        vz[ixs*n1+izs+1] = src1z[isrc+src.n];
+                        vx[ixs*n1+izs] = src2x[isrc+src.n];
+                        vz[ixs*n1+izs] = src2z[isrc+src.n];
+                    }
+                    else if (src.orient == 3) { /* dipole - + horizontal */
+                        ixs += 1;
+                        vx[(ixs+1)*n1+izs] = src1x[isrc+src.n];
+                        vz[ixs*n1+izs+1] = src1z[isrc+src.n];
+                        vx[ixs*n1+izs] = src2x[isrc+src.n];
+                        vz[ixs*n1+izs] = src2z[isrc+src.n];
+                    }
+               	}
+           	}
+		}
+    }
+      return 0;
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/sourceOnSurface3D.c b/fdelmodc3D/sourceOnSurface3D.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ddefd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/sourceOnSurface3D.c
@@ -0,0 +1,565 @@
+#define ISODD(n) ((n) & 01)
+static float *src1x, *src1y, *src1z, *src2x, *src2y, *src2z;
+static long first=1;
+void vmess(char *fmt, ...);
+long allocStoreSourceOnSurface3D(srcPar src)
+    /* allocated 2x size for dipole Potential sources */
+    src1x = (float *)calloc(2*src.n, sizeof(float));
+    src1y = (float *)calloc(2*src.n, sizeof(float));
+    src1z = (float *)calloc(2*src.n, sizeof(float));
+    src2x = (float *)calloc(2*src.n, sizeof(float));
+    src2y = (float *)calloc(2*src.n, sizeof(float));
+    src2z = (float *)calloc(2*src.n, sizeof(float));
+    first = 0;
+    return 0;
+long freeStoreSourceOnSurface3D(void)
+    free(src1x);
+    free(src1y);
+    free(src1z);
+    free(src2x);
+    free(src2y);
+    free(src2z);
+    first = 1;
+    return 0;
+long storeSourceOnSurface3D(modPar mod, srcPar src, bndPar bnd, long ixsrc, long iysrc, long izsrc, float *vx, float *vy, float *vz, float *tzz, float *tyy, float *txx, float *txz, float *txy, float *tyz, long verbose)
+           Jan Thorbecke (
+           The Netherlands 
+	long   ixs, iys, izs, isrc, is0;
+    long   ibndz, ibndy, ibndx, store;
+	long   nx, ny, nz, n1, n2;
+	nx  = mod.nx;
+	ny  = mod.ny;
+	nz  =;
+	n1  = mod.naz;
+    n2  = mod.nax;
+	if (src.type==6) {
+    	ibndz = mod.ioXz;
+    	ibndy = mod.ioXy;
+    	ibndx = mod.ioXx;
+	}
+	else if (src.type==7) {
+    	ibndz = mod.ioZz;
+    	ibndy = mod.ioZy;
+    	ibndx = mod.ioZx;
+	}
+	else if (src.type==2) {
+    	ibndz = mod.ioTz;
+    	ibndy = mod.ioTy;
+    	ibndx = mod.ioTx;
+    	if (bnd.lef==4 || bnd.lef==2) ibndx += bnd.ntap;
+        if (bnd.fro==4 || bnd.fro==2) ibndy += bnd.ntap;
+	}
+	else {	
+    	ibndz = mod.ioPz;
+    	ibndy = mod.ioPy;
+    	ibndx = mod.ioPx;
+    	if (bnd.lef==4 || bnd.lef==2) ibndx += bnd.ntap;
+    	if (bnd.fro==4 || bnd.fro==2) ibndy += bnd.ntap;
+	}
+/* check if there are sources placed on the boundaries */
+	is0 = -1*floor((src.n-1)/2);
+#pragma omp	for private (isrc, ixs, iys, izs, store) 
+	for (isrc=0; isrc<src.n; isrc++) {
+		/* calculate the source position */
+		if (src.random || src.multiwav) {
+			ixs = src.x[isrc] + ibndx;
+			iys = src.y[isrc] + ibndy;
+			izs = src.z[isrc] + ibndz;
+		}
+		else { /* plane wave and point sources */
+			ixs = ixsrc + ibndx + is0 + isrc;
+			iys = iysrc + ibndy + is0 + isrc;
+			izs = izsrc + ibndz;
+		}
+/* check if there are source positions placed on the boundaries. 
+ * In that case store them and reapply them after the boundary
+ * conditions have been set */
+        store=0;
+		if ( (ixs <= ibndx+1)  && ISODD(bnd.lef)) store=1;
+		if ( (ixs >= nx+ibndx) && ISODD(bnd.rig)) store=1;
+		if ( (iys <= ibndy+1)  && ISODD(bnd.fro)) store=1;
+		if ( (iys >= ny+ibndy) && ISODD(bnd.bac)) store=1;
+		if ( (izs <= ibndz+1)  && ISODD( store=1;
+		if ( (izs >= nz+ibndz) && ISODD( store=1;
+		if (mod.ischeme <= 2) { /* Acoustic scheme */
+            if (store) {
+                if (verbose>=5) vmess("source at x=%li y=%li z=%li stored before free surface", ixs, iys, izs);
+                /* Compressional source */
+                if (src.type == 1) {
+                    if (src.orient==1) { /* monopole */
+                        src1z[isrc] = tzz[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs];
+                    }
+                    else if (src.orient==2) { /* dipole +/- */
+                        src1z[isrc] = tzz[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs];
+                        src2z[isrc] = tzz[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs+1];
+                    }
+                    else if (src.orient==3) { /* dipole - + */
+                        src1z[isrc] = tzz[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs];
+                        src2z[isrc] = tzz[iys*n1*n2+(ixs-1)*n1+izs];
+                    }
+                    else if (src.orient==4) { /* dipole +/0/- */
+                        if (izs > ibndz) 
+                            src1z[isrc] = tzz[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs-1];
+                        if (izs < 
+                            src2z[isrc] = tzz[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs+1];
+                    }
+                    else if (src.orient==5) { /* dipole + - */
+                        src1z[isrc] = tzz[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs];
+                        src2z[isrc] = tzz[iys*n1*n2+(ixs+1)*n1+izs];
+                    }
+                }
+                else if (src.type==6) {
+                    src1x[isrc] = vx[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs];
+                }
+                else if (src.type==7) {
+                    src1z[isrc] = vz[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs];
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        else { /* Elastic scheme */
+          	if (store) {
+                if (verbose>=5) vmess("source at x=%li y=%li z=%li stored before free surface", ixs, iys, izs);
+              	if (src.type==1) {
+                    if (src.orient==1) { /* monopole */
+                        src1x[isrc] = txx[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs];
+                        src1y[isrc] = tyy[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs];
+                        src1z[isrc] = tzz[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs];
+                    }
+                    else if (src.orient==2) { /* dipole +/- */
+                        src1x[isrc] = txx[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs];
+                        src1y[isrc] = tyy[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs];
+                        src1z[isrc] = tzz[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs];
+                        src2x[isrc] = txx[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs+1];
+                        src2y[isrc] = tyy[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs+1];
+                        src2z[isrc] = tzz[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs+1];
+                    }
+                    else if (src.orient==3) { /* dipole - + */
+                        src1x[isrc] = txx[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs];
+                        src1y[isrc] = tyy[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs];
+                        src1z[isrc] = tzz[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs];
+                        src2x[isrc] = txx[iys*n1*n2+(ixs-1)*n1+izs];
+                        src2y[isrc] = tyy[iys*n1*n2+(ixs-1)*n1+izs];
+                        src2z[isrc] = tzz[iys*n1*n2+(ixs-1)*n1+izs];
+                    }
+                    else if (src.orient==4) { /* dipole +/0/- */
+                        if (izs > ibndz) {
+                            src1x[isrc] = txx[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs-1];
+                            src1y[isrc] = tyy[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs-1];
+                            src1z[isrc] = tzz[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs-1];
+                        }
+                        if (izs < {
+                            src1x[isrc] = txx[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs+1];
+                            src1y[isrc] = tyy[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs+1];
+                            src1z[isrc] = tzz[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs+1];
+                        }
+                    }
+                    else if (src.orient==5) { /* dipole + - */
+                        src1x[isrc] = txx[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs];
+                        src1y[isrc] = tyy[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs];
+                        src1z[isrc] = tzz[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs];
+                        src2x[isrc] = txx[iys*n1*n2+(ixs+1)*n1+izs];
+                        src2y[isrc] = tyy[iys*n1*n2+(ixs+1)*n1+izs];
+                        src2z[isrc] = tzz[iys*n1*n2+(ixs+1)*n1+izs];
+                    }
+              	}
+              	else if (src.type==2) {
+                    /* Txz source */
+                    if ((izs == ibndz) && {
+                        src1x[isrc] = txz[iys*n1*n2+(ixs-1)*n1+izs-1];
+                        src2x[isrc] = txz[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs-1];
+                    }
+                    else {
+                        src1x[isrc] = txz[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs];
+                    }
+                    /* possible dipole orientations for a txz source */
+                    if (src.orient == 2) { /* dipole +/- */
+                        src2x[isrc] = txz[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs+1];
+                    }
+                    else if (src.orient == 3) { /* dipole - + */
+                        src2x[isrc] = txz[iys*n1*n2+(ixs-1)*n1+izs];
+                    }
+                    else if (src.orient == 4) { /*  dipole +/O/- */
+                        /* correction: subtrace previous value to prevent z-1 values. */
+                        src1x[isrc] = txz[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs];
+                        src2x[isrc] = txz[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs+1];
+                    }
+                    else if (src.orient == 5) { /* dipole + - */
+                        src2x[isrc] = txz[iys*n1*n2+(ixs+1)*n1+izs];
+                    }
+              	}
+               	else if (src.type==3) {
+                   	src1z[isrc] = tzz[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs];
+               	}
+               	else if (src.type==4) {
+                   	src1x[isrc] = txx[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs];
+               	}
+               	else if (src.type==5) {
+                    src1x[isrc] = vx[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs];
+                    src1y[isrc] = vy[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs];
+                    src1z[isrc] = vz[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs];
+                    src2x[isrc] = vx[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs-1];
+                    src2y[isrc] = vy[(iys-1)*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs];
+                    src2z[isrc] = vz[iys*n1*n2+(ixs-1)*n1+izs];
+                    /* determine second position of dipole */
+                    if (src.orient == 2) { /* dipole +/- vertical */
+                        izs += 1;
+                        src1x[isrc+src.n] = vx[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs];
+                        src1y[isrc+src.n] = vy[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs];
+                        src1z[isrc+src.n] = vz[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs];
+                        src2x[isrc+src.n] = vx[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs-1];
+                        src2y[isrc+src.n] = vz[(iys-1)*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs];
+                        src2z[isrc+src.n] = vz[iys*n1*n2+(ixs-1)*n1+izs];
+                    }
+                    else if (src.orient == 3) { /* dipole - + horizontal */
+                        ixs += 1;
+                        src1x[isrc+src.n] = vx[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs];
+                        src1y[isrc+src.n] = vy[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs];
+                        src1z[isrc+src.n] = vz[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs];
+                        src2x[isrc+src.n] = vx[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs-1];
+                        src2y[isrc+src.n] = vz[(iys-1)*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs];
+                        src2z[isrc+src.n] = vz[iys*n1*n2+(ixs-1)*n1+izs];
+                    }
+				}
+               	else if (src.type==6) {
+                   	src1x[isrc] = vx[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs];
+               	}
+               	else if (src.type==7) {
+                   	src1z[isrc] = vz[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs];
+               	}
+               	else if (src.type==8) {
+                    src1x[isrc] = vx[iys*n1*n2+(ixs+1)*n1+izs];
+                    src1y[isrc] = vy[(iys+1)*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs];
+                    src1z[isrc] = vz[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs+1];
+                    src2x[isrc] = vx[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs];
+                    src2y[isrc] = vy[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs];
+                    src2z[isrc] = vz[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs];
+                    /* determine second position of dipole */
+                    if (src.orient == 2) { /* dipole +/- vertical */
+                        izs += 1;
+                        src1x[isrc+src.n] = vx[iys*n1*n2+(ixs+1)*n1+izs];
+                        src1y[isrc]       = vy[(iys+1)*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs];
+                        src1z[isrc+src.n] = vz[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs+1];
+                        src2x[isrc+src.n] = vx[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs];
+                        src2y[isrc]       = vy[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs];
+                        src2z[isrc+src.n] = vz[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs];
+                    }
+                    else if (src.orient == 3) { /* dipole - + horizontal */
+                        ixs += 1;
+                        src1x[isrc+src.n] = vx[iys*n1*n2+(ixs+1)*n1+izs];
+                        src1y[isrc]       = vy[(iys+1)*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs];
+                        src1z[isrc+src.n] = vz[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs+1];
+                        src2x[isrc+src.n] = vx[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs];
+                        src2y[isrc]       = vy[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs];
+                        src2z[isrc+src.n] = vz[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs];
+                    }
+               	} /* end of source.type */
+           	}
+		}
+    }
+    return 0;
+long reStoreSourceOnSurface3D(modPar mod, srcPar src, bndPar bnd, long ixsrc, long iysrc, long izsrc, float *vx, float *vy, float *vz, float *tzz, float *tyy, float *txx, float *txz, float *txy, float *tyz, long verbose)
+    /**********************************************************************
+     AUTHOR:
+     Jan Thorbecke (
+     The Netherlands 
+     ***********************************************************************/
+	long   ixs, iys, izs, isrc, is0;
+    long   ibndz, ibndy, ibndx, store;
+	long   nx, ny, nz, n1, n2;
+	nx  = mod.nx;
+    ny  = mod.ny;
+	nz  =;
+	n1  = mod.naz;
+    n2  = mod.nax;
+	if (src.type==6) {
+    	ibndz = mod.ioXz;
+    	ibndy = mod.ioXy;
+    	ibndx = mod.ioXx;
+	}
+	else if (src.type==7) {
+    	ibndz = mod.ioZz;
+    	ibndy = mod.ioZy;
+    	ibndx = mod.ioZx;
+	}
+	else if (src.type==2) {
+    	ibndz = mod.ioTz;
+    	ibndy = mod.ioTy;
+    	ibndx = mod.ioTx;
+    	if (bnd.lef==4 || bnd.lef==2) ibndx += bnd.ntap;
+        if (bnd.fro==4 || bnd.fro==2) ibndy += bnd.ntap;
+	}
+	else {	
+    	ibndz = mod.ioPz;
+    	ibndy = mod.ioPy;
+    	ibndx = mod.ioPx;
+    	if (bnd.lef==4 || bnd.lef==2) ibndx += bnd.ntap;
+        if (bnd.fro==4 || bnd.fro==2) ibndy += bnd.ntap;
+	}
+	/* restore source positions on the edge */
+	is0 = -1*floor((src.n-1)/2);
+#pragma omp	for private (isrc, ixs, iys, izs, store) 
+	for (isrc=0; isrc<src.n; isrc++) {
+		/* calculate the source position */
+		if (src.random || src.multiwav) {
+			ixs = src.x[isrc] + ibndx;
+			iys = src.y[isrc] + ibndy;
+			izs = src.z[isrc] + ibndz;
+		}
+		else { /* plane wave and point sources */
+			ixs = ixsrc + ibndx + is0 + isrc;
+			iys = iysrc + ibndy + is0 + isrc;
+			izs = izsrc + ibndz;
+		}
+        store=0;
+		if ( (ixs <= ibndx+1)  && ISODD(bnd.lef)) store=1;
+		if ( (ixs >= nx+ibndx) && ISODD(bnd.rig)) store=1;
+		if ( (iys <= ibndy+1)  && ISODD(bnd.fro)) store=1;
+		if ( (iys >= ny+ibndy) && ISODD(bnd.bac)) store=1;
+		if ( (izs <= ibndz+1)  && ISODD( store=1;
+		if ( (izs >= nz+ibndz) && ISODD( store=1;
+		if (mod.ischeme <= 2) { /* Acoustic scheme */
+            if (store) {
+                if (verbose>=5) vmess("source at x=%li y=%li z=%li restored at free surface", ixs, iys, izs);
+                /* Compressional source */
+                if (src.type == 1) {
+                    if (src.orient==1) { /* monopole */
+                        tzz[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs]= src1z[isrc];
+                    }
+                    else if (src.orient==2) { /* dipole +/- */
+                        tzz[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs] = src1z[isrc];
+                        tzz[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs+1] = src2z[isrc];
+                    }
+                    else if (src.orient==3) { /* dipole - + */
+                        tzz[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs] = src1z[isrc];
+                        tzz[iys*n1*n2+(ixs-1)*n1+izs] = src2z[isrc];
+                    }
+                    else if (src.orient==4) { /* dipole +/0/- */
+                        if (izs > ibndz) 
+                            tzz[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs-1] = src1z[isrc];
+                        if (izs < 
+                            tzz[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs+1] = src2z[isrc];
+                    }
+                    else if (src.orient==5) { /* dipole + - */
+                        tzz[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs] = src1z[isrc];
+                        tzz[iys*n1*n2+(ixs+1)*n1+izs] = src2z[isrc];
+                    }
+                }
+                else if (src.type==6) {
+                    vx[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs] = src1x[isrc];
+                }
+                else if (src.type==7) {
+                    vz[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs] = src1z[isrc];
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        else { /* Elastic scheme */
+          	if (store) {
+                if (verbose>=5) vmess("source at x=%li y=%li z=%li restored at free surface", ixs, iys, izs);
+              	if (src.type==1) {
+                    if (src.orient==1) { /* monopole */
+                        txx[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs] = src1x[isrc];
+                        tyy[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs] = src1y[isrc];
+                        tzz[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs] = src1z[isrc];
+                    }
+                    else if (src.orient==2) { /* dipole +/- */
+                        txx[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs] = src1x[isrc];
+                        tyy[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs] = src1y[isrc];
+                        tzz[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs] = src1z[isrc];
+                        txx[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs+1] = src2x[isrc];
+                        tyy[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs+1] = src2y[isrc];
+                        tzz[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs+1] = src2z[isrc];
+                    }
+                    else if (src.orient==3) { /* dipole - + */
+                        txx[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs] = src1x[isrc];
+                        tyy[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs] = src1y[isrc];
+                        tzz[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs] = src1z[isrc];
+                        txx[iys*n1*n2+(ixs-1)*n1+izs] = src2x[isrc];
+                        tyy[iys*n1*n2+(ixs-1)*n1+izs] = src2y[isrc];
+                        tzz[iys*n1*n2+(ixs-1)*n1+izs] = src2z[isrc];
+                    }
+                    else if (src.orient==4) { /* dipole +/0/- */
+                        if (izs > ibndz) {
+                            txx[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs-1] = src1x[isrc];
+                            tyy[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs-1] = src1y[isrc];
+                            tzz[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs-1] = src1z[isrc];
+                        }
+                        if (izs < {
+                            txx[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs+1] = src1x[isrc];
+                            tyy[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs+1] = src1y[isrc];
+                            tzz[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs+1] = src1z[isrc];
+                        }
+                    }
+                    else if (src.orient==5) { /* dipole + - */
+                        txx[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs] = src1x[isrc];
+                        tyy[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs] = src1y[isrc];
+                        tzz[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs] = src1z[isrc];
+                        txx[iys*n1*n2+(ixs+1)*n1+izs] = src2x[isrc];
+                        tyy[iys*n1*n2+(ixs+1)*n1+izs] = src2y[isrc];
+                        tzz[iys*n1*n2+(ixs+1)*n1+izs] = src2z[isrc];
+                    }
+              	}
+              	else if (src.type==2) {
+                    /* Txz source */
+                    if ((izs == ibndz) && {
+                        txz[iys*n1*n2+(ixs-1)*n1+izs-1] = src1x[isrc];
+                        txz[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs-1] = src2x[isrc];
+                    }
+                    else {
+                        txz[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs] = src1x[isrc];
+                    }
+                    /* possible dipole orientations for a txz source */
+                    if (src.orient == 2) { /* dipole +/- */
+                        txz[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs+1] = src2x[isrc];
+                    }
+                    else if (src.orient == 3) { /* dipole - + */
+                        txz[iys*n1*n2+(ixs-1)*n1+izs] = src2x[isrc];
+                    }
+                    else if (src.orient == 4) { /*  dipole +/O/- */
+                        /* correction: subtrace previous value to prevent z-1 values. */
+                        txz[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs] = src1x[isrc];
+                        txz[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs+1] = src2x[isrc];
+                    }
+                    else if (src.orient == 5) { /* dipole + - */
+                        txz[iys*n1*n2+(ixs+1)*n1+izs] = src2x[isrc];
+                    }
+              	}
+               	else if (src.type==3) {
+                   	tzz[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs] = src1z[isrc];
+               	}
+               	else if (src.type==4) {
+                   	txx[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs] = src1x[isrc];
+               	}
+               	else if (src.type==5) {
+                    vx[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs]= src1x[isrc];
+                    vy[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs] = src1y[isrc];
+                    vz[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs] = src1z[isrc];
+                    vx[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs-1] = src2x[isrc];
+                    vy[(iys-1)*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs] = src2y[isrc];
+                    vz[iys*n1*n2+(ixs-1)*n1+izs] = src2z[isrc];
+                    /* determine second position of dipole */
+                    if (src.orient == 2) { /* dipole +/- vertical */
+                        izs += 1;
+                        vx[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs] = src1x[isrc+src.n];
+                        vy[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs] = src1y[isrc+src.n];
+                        vz[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs] = src1z[isrc+src.n];
+                        vx[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs-1] = src2x[isrc+src.n];
+                        vy[(iys-1)*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs] = src2y[isrc+src.n];
+                        vz[iys*n1*n2+(ixs-1)*n1+izs] = src2z[isrc+src.n];
+                    }
+                    else if (src.orient == 3) { /* dipole - + horizontal */
+                        ixs += 1;
+                        vx[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs] = src1x[isrc+src.n];
+                        vy[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs] = src1y[isrc+src.n];
+                        vz[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs] = src1z[isrc+src.n];
+                        vx[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs-1] = src2x[isrc+src.n];
+                        vy[(iys-1)*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs] = src2y[isrc+src.n];
+                        vz[iys*n1*n2+(ixs-1)*n1+izs] = src2z[isrc+src.n];
+                    }
+				}
+               	else if (src.type==6) {
+                   	vx[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs] = src1x[isrc];
+               	}
+               	else if (src.type==7) {
+                   	vz[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs] = src1z[isrc];
+               	}
+               	else if (src.type==8) {
+                    vx[iys*n1*n2+(ixs+1)*n1+izs] = src1x[isrc];
+                    vy[(iys+1)*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs] = src1z[isrc];
+                    vz[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs+1] = src1z[isrc];
+                    vx[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs] = src2x[isrc];
+                    vy[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs] = src2y[isrc];
+                    vz[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs] = src2z[isrc];
+                    /* determine second position of dipole */
+                    if (src.orient == 2) { /* dipole +/- vertical */
+                        izs += 1;
+                        vx[iys*n1*n2+(ixs+1)*n1+izs] = src1x[isrc+src.n];
+                        vy[(iys+1)*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs] = src1y[isrc+src.n];
+                        vz[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs+1] = src1z[isrc+src.n];
+                        vx[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs] = src2x[isrc+src.n];
+                        vy[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs] = src2y[isrc+src.n];
+                        vz[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs] = src2z[isrc+src.n];
+                    }
+                    else if (src.orient == 3) { /* dipole - + horizontal */
+                        ixs += 1;
+                        vx[iys*n1*n2+(ixs+1)*n1+izs] = src1x[isrc+src.n];
+                        vy[(iys+1)*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs] = src1y[isrc+src.n];
+                        vz[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs+1] = src1z[isrc+src.n];
+                        vx[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs] = src2x[isrc+src.n];
+                        vy[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs] = src2y[isrc+src.n];
+                        vz[iys*n1*n2+ixs*n1+izs] = src2z[isrc+src.n];
+                    }
+               	}
+           	}
+		}
+    }
+    return 0;
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/spline3.c b/fdelmodc3D/spline3.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2457bf1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/spline3.c
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+#include <math.h>
+*  Computes interpolation based on third order splines
+*   AUTHOR:
+*           Jan Thorbecke (
+*           The Netherlands 
+void spline3(float x1, float x2, float z1, float z2, float dzdx1,
+	     float dzdx2, float *a, float *b, float *c, float *d)
+	if (x1 == x2 ) {
+		if ((z1 == z2) && (dzdx1 == dzdx2)) {
+			*a = 0.0;
+			*b = 0.0;
+			*c = dzdx1;
+			*d = (z1 - *c*x1);
+		}
+		else {
+			return;
+		}
+		return;
+	}
+	*a = (dzdx1 + dzdx2 - 2.0*(z1-z2)/(x1-x2))/((x1-x2)*(x1-x2));
+	*b = 0.5*(dzdx1 - dzdx2)/(x1-x2) - 1.5**a*(x1+x2);
+	*c = (z1 - z2 - *a*(x1*x1*x1-x2*x2*x2) - *b*(x1*x1-x2*x2))/(x1-x2);
+	*d = z1 - *a*x1*x1*x1 - *b*x1*x1 - *c*x1;
+	return;
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/threadAffinity.c b/fdelmodc3D/threadAffinity.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd9913c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/threadAffinity.c
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+#define _GNU_SOURCE
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#ifdef __USE_GNU
+#include <omp.h>
+#include <sched.h>
+#else /* for OSX */
+#include <sched.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/sysctl.h>
+#define CPU_SETSIZE	1024
+#define SYSCTL_CORE_COUNT   "machdep.cpu.core_count"
+void vmess(char *fmt, ...);
+typedef struct cpu_set {
+  uint32_t    count;
+} cpu_set_t;
+static inline void
+CPU_ZERO(cpu_set_t *cs) { cs->count = 0; }
+static inline void
+CPU_SET(int num, cpu_set_t *cs) { cs->count |= (1 << num); }
+static inline int
+CPU_ISSET(int num, cpu_set_t *cs) { return (cs->count & (1 << num)); }
+int sched_getaffinity(pid_t pid, size_t cpu_size, cpu_set_t *cpu_set)
+  int32_t core_count = 0;
+  size_t  len = sizeof(core_count);
+  int ret = sysctlbyname(SYSCTL_CORE_COUNT, &core_count, &len, 0, 0);
+  if (ret) {
+    printf("error while get core count %d\n", ret);
+    return -1;
+  }
+  cpu_set->count = 0;
+  for (int i = 0; i < core_count; i++) {
+    cpu_set->count |= (1 << i);
+  }
+  return 0;
+/* Borrowed from util-linux-2.13-pre7/schedutils/taskset.c */
+static char *cpuset_to_cstr(cpu_set_t *mask, char *str)
+  char *ptr = str;
+  int i, j, entry_made = 0;
+  for (i = 0; i < CPU_SETSIZE; i++) {
+    if (CPU_ISSET(i, mask)) {
+      int run = 0;
+      entry_made = 1;
+      for (j = i + 1; j < CPU_SETSIZE; j++) {
+        if (CPU_ISSET(j, mask)) run++;
+        else break;
+      }
+      if (!run)
+        sprintf(ptr, "%d,", i);
+      else if (run == 1) {
+        sprintf(ptr, "%d,%d,", i, i + 1);
+        i++;
+      } else {
+        sprintf(ptr, "%d-%d,", i, i + run);
+        i += run;
+      }
+      while (*ptr != 0) ptr++;
+    }
+  }
+  ptr -= entry_made;
+  *ptr = 0;
+  return(str);
+void threadAffinity(void)
+  int thread;
+  cpu_set_t coremask;
+  char clbuf[7 * CPU_SETSIZE], hnbuf[64];
+  char prefix[200];
+  memset(clbuf, 0, sizeof(clbuf));
+  memset(hnbuf, 0, sizeof(hnbuf));
+  (void)gethostname(hnbuf, sizeof(hnbuf));
+  strcpy(prefix,"Hello world from");
+//  #pragma omp parallel private(thread, coremask, clbuf)
+/* for use inside parallel region */
+  #pragma omp critical
+  {
+#ifdef _OPENMP
+    thread = omp_get_thread_num();
+    thread = 1;
+    (void)sched_getaffinity(0, sizeof(coremask), &coremask);
+    cpuset_to_cstr(&coremask, clbuf);
+    vmess("%s thread %d, on %s. (core affinity = %s)", prefix, thread, hnbuf, clbuf);
+  }
+  return;
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/verbosepkg.c b/fdelmodc3D/verbosepkg.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..483e5f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/verbosepkg.c
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include "par.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#ifdef _CRAYMPP
+#include <intrinsics.h>
+*  functions to print out verbose, error and warning messages to stderr.
+*   AUTHOR:
+*           Jan Thorbecke (
+*           The Netherlands 
+void verr(char *fmt, ...)
+	va_list args;
+	if (EOF == fflush(stderr)) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "\nverr: fflush failed on stderr");
+	}
+	fprintf(stderr, "    Error in %s: ", xargv[0]);
+#ifdef _CRAYMPP
+        fprintf(stderr, "PE %d: ", _my_pe());
+#elif defined(SGI)
+        fprintf(stderr, "PE %d: ", mp_my_threadnum());
+	va_start(args,fmt);
+	vfprintf(stderr, fmt, args);
+	va_end(args);
+	fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+void vwarn(char *fmt, ...)
+	va_list args;
+	if (EOF == fflush(stderr)) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "\nvwarn: fflush failed on stderr");
+	}
+	fprintf(stderr, "    Warning in %s: ", xargv[0]);
+#ifdef _CRAYMPP
+        fprintf(stderr, "PE %d: ", _my_pe());
+#elif defined(SGI)
+        fprintf(stderr, "PE %d: ", mp_my_threadnum());
+	va_start(args,fmt);
+	vfprintf(stderr, fmt, args);
+	va_end(args);
+	fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+	return;
+void vmess(char *fmt, ...)
+	va_list args;
+	if (EOF == fflush(stderr)) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "\nvmess: fflush failed on stderr");
+	}
+	fprintf(stderr, "    %s: ", xargv[0]);
+#ifdef _CRAYMPP
+        fprintf(stderr, "PE %d: ", _my_pe());
+#elif defined(SGI)
+        fprintf(stderr, "PE %d: ", mp_my_threadnum());
+	va_start(args,fmt);
+	vfprintf(stderr, fmt, args);
+	va_end(args);
+	fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+	return;
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/viscoacoustic4.c b/fdelmodc3D/viscoacoustic4.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..63207c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/viscoacoustic4.c
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+int applySource(modPar mod, srcPar src, wavPar wav, bndPar bnd, int itime, int ixsrc, int izsrc, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz,
+float *txx, float *txz, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, float **src_nwav, int verbose);
+int storeSourceOnSurface(modPar mod, srcPar src, bndPar bnd, int ixsrc, int izsrc, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, int verbose);
+int reStoreSourceOnSurface(modPar mod, srcPar src, bndPar bnd, int ixsrc, int izsrc, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, int verbose);
+int boundariesP(modPar mod, bndPar bnd, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, float *lam, float *mul, int itime, int verbose);
+int boundariesV(modPar mod, bndPar bnd, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, float *lam, float *mul, int itime, int verbose);
+int viscoacoustic4(modPar mod, srcPar src, wavPar wav, bndPar bnd, int itime, int ixsrc, int izsrc, float **src_nwav, float *vx, float *vz, float *p, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, float *tss, float *tep, float *q, int verbose)
+  The captial symbols T (=Txx,Tzz) Txz,Vx,Vz represent the actual grid
+  The indices ix,iz are related to the T grid, so the capital T 
+  symbols represent the actual modelled grid.
+  one cel (iz,ix)
+       |
+       V                              extra column of vx,txz
+                                                      |
+    -------                                           V
+   | txz vz| txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz txz
+   |       |      
+   | vx  t | vx  t   vx  t   vx  t   vx  t   vx  t  vx
+    -------
+     txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz
+     vx  t   vx  T---Vx--T---Vx--T---Vx--T   vx  t   vx
+                 |   |   |   |   |   |   | 
+     txz vz  txz Vz--Txz-Vz--Txz-Vz  Txz-Vz  txz vz  txz
+                 |   |   |   |   |   |   |
+     vx  t   vx  T---Vx--T---Vx--T---Vx--T   vx  t   vx
+                 |   |   |   |   |   |   |
+     txz vz  txz Vz  Txz-Vz  Txz-Vz  Txz-Vz  txz vz  txz
+                 |   |   |   |   |   |   |
+     vx  t   vx  T---Vx--T---Vx--T---Vx--T   vx  t   vx
+                 |   |   |   |   |   |   |
+     txz vz  txz Vz  Txz-Vz  Txz-Vz  Txz-Vz  txz vz  txz
+                 |   |   |   |   |   |   |
+     vx  t   vx  T---Vx--T---Vx--T---Vx--T   vx  t   vx
+     txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz
+     vx  t   vx  t   vx  t   vx  t   vx  t   vx  t  vx
+     txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz  <--| 
+                                                             |
+                                         extra row of txz/vz |
+           Jan Thorbecke (
+           The Netherlands 
+	float c1, c2;
+	int   ix, iz;
+	int   n1;
+	float ddt, Tpp, *Tlm, *Tlp, *Tt1, *Tt2, *dxvx, *dzvz;
+	c1 = 9.0/8.0; 
+	c2 = -1.0/24.0;
+	n1  = mod.naz;
+	ddt = 1.0/mod.dt;
+	dxvx = (float *)malloc(n1*sizeof(float));
+	dzvz = (float *)malloc(n1*sizeof(float));
+	Tlm = (float *)malloc(n1*sizeof(float));
+	Tlp = (float *)malloc(n1*sizeof(float));
+	Tt1 = (float *)malloc(n1*sizeof(float));
+	Tt2 = (float *)malloc(n1*sizeof(float));
+	/* calculate vx for all grid points except on the virtual boundary*/
+#pragma omp for private (ix, iz) nowait schedule(guided,1)
+	for (ix=mod.ioXx; ix<mod.ieXx; ix++) {
+#pragma ivdep
+		for (iz=mod.ioXz; iz<mod.ieXz; iz++) {
+			vx[ix*n1+iz] -= rox[ix*n1+iz]*(
+						c1*(p[ix*n1+iz]     - p[(ix-1)*n1+iz]) +
+						c2*(p[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - p[(ix-2)*n1+iz]));
+		}
+	}
+	/* calculate vz for all grid points except on the virtual boundary */
+#pragma omp for private (ix, iz)  schedule(guided,1)
+	for (ix=mod.ioZx; ix<mod.ieZx; ix++) {
+#pragma ivdep
+		for (iz=mod.ioZz; iz<mod.ieZz; iz++) {
+			vz[ix*n1+iz] -= roz[ix*n1+iz]*(
+						c1*(p[ix*n1+iz]   - p[ix*n1+iz-1]) +
+						c2*(p[ix*n1+iz+1] - p[ix*n1+iz-2]));
+		}
+	}
+	/* Add force source */
+	if (src.type > 5) {
+		 applySource(mod, src, wav, bnd, itime, ixsrc, izsrc, vx, vz, p, NULL, NULL, rox, roz, l2m, src_nwav, verbose);
+	}
+	/* boundary condition clears velocities on boundaries */
+	boundariesP(mod, bnd, vx, vz, p, NULL, NULL, rox, roz, l2m, NULL, NULL, itime, verbose);
+	/* calculate p/tzz for all grid points except on the virtual boundary */
+#pragma omp	for private (iz,ix, Tpp) nowait schedule(guided,1)
+	for (ix=mod.ioPx; ix<mod.iePx; ix++) {
+#pragma ivdep
+		for (iz=mod.ioPz; iz<mod.iePz; iz++) {
+			dxvx[iz] = c1*(vx[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - vx[ix*n1+iz]) +
+					   c2*(vx[(ix+2)*n1+iz] - vx[(ix-1)*n1+iz]);
+		}
+#pragma ivdep
+		for (iz=mod.ioPz; iz<mod.iePz; iz++) {
+			dzvz[iz] = c1*(vz[ix*n1+iz+1]   - vz[ix*n1+iz]) +
+					   c2*(vz[ix*n1+iz+2]   - vz[ix*n1+iz-1]);
+		}
+		/* help variables to let the compiler vectorize the loops */
+#pragma ivdep
+		for (iz=mod.ioPz; iz<mod.iePz; iz++) {
+			Tpp     = tep[ix*n1+iz]*tss[ix*n1+iz];
+			Tlm[iz] = (1.0-Tpp)*tss[ix*n1+iz]*l2m[ix*n1+iz]*0.5;
+			Tlp[iz] = l2m[ix*n1+iz]*Tpp;
+		}   
+#pragma ivdep
+		for (iz=mod.ioPz; iz<mod.iePz; iz++) {
+			Tt1[iz] = 1.0/(ddt+0.5*tss[ix*n1+iz]);
+			Tt2[iz] = ddt-0.5*tss[ix*n1+iz];
+		}   
+		/* the update with the relaxation correction */
+#pragma ivdep
+		for (iz=mod.ioPz; iz<mod.iePz; iz++) {
+			p[ix*n1+iz] -= Tlp[iz]*(dzvz[iz]+dxvx[iz]) + q[ix*n1+iz];
+		}
+#pragma ivdep
+		for (iz=mod.ioPz; iz<mod.iePz; iz++) {
+			q[ix*n1+iz] = (Tt2[iz]*q[ix*n1+iz] + Tlm[iz]*(dxvx[iz]+dzvz[iz]))*Tt1[iz];
+			p[ix*n1+iz] -= q[ix*n1+iz];
+		}
+	}
+	/* Add stress source */
+	if (src.type < 6) {
+		 applySource(mod, src, wav, bnd, itime, ixsrc, izsrc, vx, vz, p, NULL, NULL, rox, roz, l2m, src_nwav, verbose);
+	}
+	/* check if there are sources placed on the free surface */
+    storeSourceOnSurface(mod, src, bnd, ixsrc, izsrc, vx, vz, p, NULL, NULL, verbose);
+	/* Free surface: calculate free surface conditions for stresses */
+	boundariesV(mod, bnd, vx, vz, p, NULL, NULL, rox, roz, l2m, NULL, NULL, itime, verbose);
+	/* restore source positions on the edge */
+	reStoreSourceOnSurface(mod, src, bnd, ixsrc, izsrc, vx, vz, p, NULL, NULL, verbose);
+	free(dxvx);
+	free(dzvz);
+	free(Tlm);
+	free(Tlp);
+	free(Tt1);
+	free(Tt2);
+	return 0;
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/viscoelastic4.c b/fdelmodc3D/viscoelastic4.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..865aa12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/viscoelastic4.c
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+#define MAX(x,y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
+int applySource(modPar mod, srcPar src, wavPar wav, bndPar bnd, int itime, int ixsrc, int izsrc, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz,
+float *txx, float *txz, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, float **src_nwav, int verbose);
+int storeSourceOnSurface(modPar mod, srcPar src, bndPar bnd, int ixsrc, int izsrc, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, int verbose);
+int reStoreSourceOnSurface(modPar mod, srcPar src, bndPar bnd, int ixsrc, int izsrc, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, int verbose);
+int boundariesP(modPar mod, bndPar bnd, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, float *lam, float *mul, int itime, int verbose);
+int boundariesV(modPar mod, bndPar bnd, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, float *lam, float *mul, int itime, int verbose);
+int viscoelastic4(modPar mod, srcPar src, wavPar wav, bndPar bnd, int itime, int ixsrc, int izsrc, float **src_nwav, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, float *lam, float *mul, float *tss, float *tep, float *tes, float *r, float *q, float *p, int verbose)
+  The captial symbols T (=Txx,Tzz) Txz,Vx,Vz represent the actual grid
+  The indices ix,iz are related to the T grid, so the capital T 
+  symbols represent the actual modelled grid.
+  one cel (iz,ix)
+       |
+       V                              extra column of vx,txz
+                                                      |
+    -------                                           V
+   | txz vz| txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz txz
+   |       |      
+   | vx  t | vx  t   vx  t   vx  t   vx  t   vx  t  vx
+    -------
+     txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz
+     vx  t   vx  T---Vx--T---Vx--T---Vx--T   vx  t   vx
+                 |   |   |   |   |   |   | 
+     txz vz  txz Vz--Txz-Vz--Txz-Vz  Txz-Vz  txz vz  txz
+                 |   |   |   |   |   |   |
+     vx  t   vx  T---Vx--T---Vx--T---Vx--T   vx  t   vx
+                 |   |   |   |   |   |   |
+     txz vz  txz Vz  Txz-Vz  Txz-Vz  Txz-Vz  txz vz  txz
+                 |   |   |   |   |   |   |
+     vx  t   vx  T---Vx--T---Vx--T---Vx--T   vx  t   vx
+                 |   |   |   |   |   |   |
+     txz vz  txz Vz  Txz-Vz  Txz-Vz  Txz-Vz  txz vz  txz
+                 |   |   |   |   |   |   |
+     vx  t   vx  T---Vx--T---Vx--T---Vx--T   vx  t   vx
+     txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz
+     vx  t   vx  t   vx  t   vx  t   vx  t   vx  t  vx
+     txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz  <--| 
+                                                             |
+                                         extra row of txz/vz |
+  Implementation as described in:
+Viscoelastic finite-difference modeling 
+Johan 0. A. Robertsson, Joakim 0. Blanch, and William W. Symes
+GEOPHYSICS, VOL. 59, NO. 9 (SEPTEMBER 1994); P. 1444-1456
+           Jan Thorbecke (
+           The Netherlands 
+	float c1, c2;
+	float ddt;
+	float *dxvx, *dzvz, *dxvz, *dzvx;
+	float *Tpp, *Tss, *Tmu, *Tlm, *Tlp, *Tus, *Tt1, *Tt2;
+	int   ix, iz;
+	int   n1;
+//	int   ioXx, ioXz, ioZz, ioZx, ioPx, ioPz, ioTx, ioTz;
+	c1 = 9.0/8.0; 
+	c2 = -1.0/24.0;
+	n1  = mod.naz;
+	ddt = 1.0/mod.dt;
+	dxvx = (float *)malloc(n1*sizeof(float));
+	dzvz = (float *)malloc(n1*sizeof(float));
+	dxvz = (float *)malloc(n1*sizeof(float));
+	dzvx = (float *)malloc(n1*sizeof(float));
+	Tpp = (float *)malloc(n1*sizeof(float));
+	Tss = (float *)malloc(n1*sizeof(float));
+	Tmu = (float *)malloc(n1*sizeof(float));
+	Tlm = (float *)malloc(n1*sizeof(float));
+	Tlp = (float *)malloc(n1*sizeof(float));
+	Tus = (float *)malloc(n1*sizeof(float));
+	Tt1 = (float *)malloc(n1*sizeof(float));
+	Tt2 = (float *)malloc(n1*sizeof(float));
+	/* Vx: rox */
+//	ioXx=mod.iorder/2;
+//	ioXz=ioXx-1;
+	/* Vz: roz */
+//	ioZz=mod.iorder/2;
+//	ioZx=ioZz-1;
+	/* P, Txx, Tzz: lam, l2m */
+//	ioPx=mod.iorder/2-1;
+//	ioPz=ioPx;
+	/* Txz: muu */
+//	ioTx=mod.iorder/2;
+//	ioTz=ioTx;
+	/* calculate vx for all grid points except on the virtual boundary*/
+#pragma omp for private (ix, iz) nowait schedule(guided,1)
+	for (ix=mod.ioXx; ix<mod.ieXx; ix++) {
+#pragma ivdep
+		for (iz=mod.ioXz; iz<mod.ieXz; iz++) {
+			vx[ix*n1+iz] -= rox[ix*n1+iz]*(
+						c1*(txx[ix*n1+iz]     - txx[(ix-1)*n1+iz] +
+							txz[ix*n1+iz+1]   - txz[ix*n1+iz])    +
+						c2*(txx[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - txx[(ix-2)*n1+iz] +
+							txz[ix*n1+iz+2]   - txz[ix*n1+iz-1])  );
+		}
+	}
+	/* calculate vz for all grid points except on the virtual boundary */
+#pragma omp for private (ix, iz)  schedule(guided,1)
+	for (ix=mod.ioZx; ix<mod.ieZx; ix++) {
+#pragma ivdep
+		for (iz=mod.ioZz; iz<mod.ieZz; iz++) {
+			vz[ix*n1+iz] -= roz[ix*n1+iz]*(
+						c1*(tzz[ix*n1+iz]     - tzz[ix*n1+iz-1] +
+							txz[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - txz[ix*n1+iz])  +
+						c2*(tzz[ix*n1+iz+1]   - tzz[ix*n1+iz-2] +
+							txz[(ix+2)*n1+iz] - txz[(ix-1)*n1+iz])  );
+		}
+	}
+	/* Add force source */
+	if (src.type > 5) {
+		 applySource(mod, src, wav, bnd, itime, ixsrc, izsrc, vx, vz, tzz, txx, txz, rox, roz, l2m, src_nwav, verbose);
+	}
+	/* boundary condition clears velocities on boundaries */
+	boundariesP(mod, bnd, vx, vz, tzz, txx, txz, rox, roz, l2m, lam, mul, itime, verbose);
+	/* calculate Txx/Tzz for all grid points except on the virtual boundary */
+#pragma omp	for private (ix, iz) nowait schedule(guided,1)
+	for (ix=mod.ioPx; ix<mod.iePx; ix++) {
+#pragma ivdep
+		for (iz=mod.ioPz; iz<mod.iePz; iz++) {
+			dxvx[iz] = c1*(vx[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - vx[ix*n1+iz]) +
+					   c2*(vx[(ix+2)*n1+iz] - vx[(ix-1)*n1+iz]);
+		}
+#pragma ivdep
+		for (iz=mod.ioPz; iz<mod.iePz; iz++) {
+			dzvz[iz] = c1*(vz[ix*n1+iz+1]   - vz[ix*n1+iz]) +
+					   c2*(vz[ix*n1+iz+2]   - vz[ix*n1+iz-1]);
+		}
+		/* help variables to let the compiler vectorize the loops */
+#pragma ivdep
+		for (iz=mod.ioPz; iz<mod.iePz; iz++) {
+			Tpp[iz] = tep[ix*n1+iz]*tss[ix*n1+iz];
+			Tss[iz] = tes[ix*n1+iz]*tss[ix*n1+iz];
+			Tmu[iz] = (1.0-Tss[iz])*tss[ix*n1+iz]*mul[ix*n1+iz];
+			Tlm[iz] = (1.0-Tpp[iz])*tss[ix*n1+iz]*l2m[ix*n1+iz]*0.5;
+			Tlp[iz] = l2m[ix*n1+iz]*Tpp[iz];
+			Tus[iz] = mul[ix*n1+iz]*Tss[iz];
+		}
+#pragma ivdep
+		for (iz=mod.ioPz; iz<mod.iePz; iz++) {
+			Tt1[iz] = 1.0/(ddt+0.5*tss[ix*n1+iz]);
+			Tt2[iz] = ddt-0.5*tss[ix*n1+iz];
+		}
+		/* the update with the relaxation correction */
+#pragma ivdep
+		for (iz=mod.ioPz; iz<mod.iePz; iz++) {
+			txx[ix*n1+iz] -= Tlp[iz]*dxvx[iz] + (Tlp[iz]-2.0*Tus[iz])*dzvz[iz] + q[ix*n1+iz];
+			tzz[ix*n1+iz] -= Tlp[iz]*dzvz[iz] + (Tlp[iz]-2.0*Tus[iz])*dxvx[iz] + p[ix*n1+iz];
+		}
+#pragma ivdep
+		for (iz=mod.ioPz; iz<mod.iePz; iz++) {
+			q[ix*n1+iz] = (Tt2[iz]*q[ix*n1+iz] - Tmu[iz]*dzvz[iz] + Tlm[iz]*(dxvx[iz]+dzvz[iz]))*Tt1[iz];
+			txx[ix*n1+iz] -= q[ix*n1+iz];
+		}
+#pragma ivdep
+		for (iz=mod.ioPz; iz<mod.iePz; iz++) {
+			p[ix*n1+iz] = (Tt2[iz]*p[ix*n1+iz] - Tmu[iz]*dxvx[iz] + Tlm[iz]*(dxvx[iz]+dzvz[iz]))*Tt1[iz];
+			tzz[ix*n1+iz] -= p[ix*n1+iz];
+		}
+		/* calculate Txz for all grid points except on the virtual boundary */
+		if (ix >= mod.ioTx) {
+#pragma ivdep
+            for (iz=mod.ioTz; iz<mod.ieTz; iz++) {
+				dzvx[iz] = c1*(vx[ix*n1+iz]     - vx[ix*n1+iz-1]) +
+						   c2*(vx[ix*n1+iz+1]   - vx[ix*n1+iz-2]);
+			}
+#pragma ivdep
+            for (iz=mod.ioTz; iz<mod.ieTz; iz++) {
+				dxvz[iz] = c1*(vz[ix*n1+iz]     - vz[(ix-1)*n1+iz]) +
+						   c2*(vz[(ix+1)*n1+iz] - vz[(ix-2)*n1+iz]);
+			}
+#pragma ivdep
+            for (iz=mod.ioTz; iz<mod.ieTz; iz++) {
+				txz[ix*n1+iz] -= Tus[iz]*(dzvx[iz]+dxvz[iz]) + r[ix*n1+iz];
+				r[ix*n1+iz] = (Tt2[iz]*r[ix*n1+iz] + 0.5*Tmu[iz]*(dzvx[iz]+dxvz[iz]))*Tt1[iz];
+				txz[ix*n1+iz] -= r[ix*n1+iz];
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/* Add stress source */
+	if (src.type < 6) {
+		 applySource(mod, src, wav, bnd, itime, ixsrc, izsrc, vx, vz, tzz, txx, txz, rox, roz, l2m, src_nwav, verbose);
+	}
+	/* check if there are sources placed on the free surface */
+    storeSourceOnSurface(mod, src, bnd, ixsrc, izsrc, vx, vz, tzz, txx, txz, verbose);
+    /* Free surface: calculate free surface conditions for stresses */
+    boundariesV(mod, bnd, vx, vz, tzz, txx, txz, rox, roz, l2m, lam, mul, itime, verbose);
+	/* restore source positions on the edge */
+	reStoreSourceOnSurface(mod, src, bnd, ixsrc, izsrc, vx, vz, tzz, txx, txz, verbose);
+	free(dxvx);
+	free(dzvz);
+	free(dzvx);
+	free(dxvz);
+	free(Tpp);
+	free(Tss);
+	free(Tmu);
+	free(Tlm);
+	free(Tlp);
+	free(Tus);
+	free(Tt1);
+	free(Tt2);
+	return 0;
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/wallclock_time.c b/fdelmodc3D/wallclock_time.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e75530
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/wallclock_time.c
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+#include <time.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+*  function used to calculate wallclock times
+*   AUTHOR:
+*           Jan Thorbecke (
+*           The Netherlands 
+double wallclock_time(void)
+	struct timeval s_val;
+	static struct timeval b_val;
+	double time;
+	static int base=0;
+	gettimeofday(&s_val,0);
+	if (!base) {
+		b_val = s_val;
+		base = 1;
+		return 0.0;
+	}
+	time = (double)(s_val.tv_sec-b_val.tv_sec) + 
+		   (double)(1e-6*((double)s_val.tv_usec-(double)b_val.tv_usec));
+	return (double)time;
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/writeRec.c b/fdelmodc3D/writeRec.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..982cc6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/writeRec.c
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+#define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "segy.h"
+#include "fdelmodc.h"
+#include <genfft.h>
+#ifndef COMPLEX
+typedef struct _complexStruct { /* complex number */
+    float r,i;
+} complex;
+typedef struct _dcomplexStruct { /* complex number */
+    double r,i;
+} dcomplex;
+#endif/* complex */
+*  Writes the receiver array(s) to output file(s)
+*   AUTHOR:
+*           Jan Thorbecke (
+*           The Netherlands 
+FILE *fileOpen(char *file, char *ext, int append);
+int traceWrite(segy *hdr, float *data, int n, FILE *fp) ;
+void name_ext(char *filename, char *extension);
+void kxwdecomp(complex *rp, complex *rvz, complex *up, complex *down,
+               int nkx, float dx, int nt, float dt, float fmin, float fmax,
+               float cp, float rho, int vznorm, int verbose);
+#define MAX(x,y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
+#define MIN(x,y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
+#define NINT(x) ((int)((x)>0.0?(x)+0.5:(x)-0.5))
+int writeRec(recPar rec, modPar mod, bndPar bnd, wavPar wav, int ixsrc, int izsrc, int nsam, int ishot, int fileno, 
+             float *rec_vx, float *rec_vz, float *rec_txx, float *rec_tzz, float *rec_txz, 
+             float *rec_p, float *rec_pp, float *rec_ss, float *rec_udp, float *rec_udvz, int verbose)
+    FILE    *fpvx, *fpvz, *fptxx, *fptzz, *fptxz, *fpp, *fppp, *fpss, *fpup, *fpdown;
+    float *rec_up, *rec_down, *trace, *rec_vze, *rec_pe;
+    float dx, dt, cp, rho, fmin, fmax;
+    complex *crec_vz, *crec_p, *crec_up, *crec_dw;
+    int irec, ntfft, nfreq, nkx, xorig, ix, iz, it, ibndx;
+    int append, vznorm, sx;
+    double ddt;
+    char number[16], filename[1024];
+    segy hdr;
+    if (!rec.n) return 0;
+    if (ishot) append=1;
+    else append=0;
+    /* if the total number of samples exceeds rec_ntsam then a new (numbered) file is opened */
+    /* fileno has a non-zero value (from fdelmodc.c) if the number of samples exceeds rec_ntsam. */
+    strcpy(filename, rec.file_rcv);
+    if (fileno) {
+        sprintf(number,"_%03d",fileno);
+        name_ext(filename, number);
+    }
+#ifdef MPI
+    sx = (int)mod.x0+ixsrc*mod.dx;
+    sprintf(number,"_%06d",sx);
+    name_ext(filename, number);
+    if (verbose>2) vmess("Writing receiver data to file %s", filename);
+    if (nsam != rec.nt && verbose) vmess("Number of samples written to last file = %d",nsam);
+    memset(&hdr,0,TRCBYTES);
+    ddt = (double)mod.dt;/* to avoid rounding in 32 bit precision */
+    dt  = (float)ddt*rec.skipdt;
+    dx  = (rec.x[1]-rec.x[0])*mod.dx;
+    hdr.dt     = (unsigned short)lround((((double)1.0e6*ddt*rec.skipdt)));
+    hdr.scalco = -1000;
+    hdr.scalel = -1000;
+     = 1000*(mod.x0+ixsrc*mod.dx);
+    hdr.sdepth = 1000*(mod.z0+izsrc*;
+    hdr.selev  = (int)(-1000.0*(mod.z0+izsrc*;
+    hdr.fldr   = ishot+1;
+    hdr.trid   = 1;
+    hdr.ns     = nsam;
+    hdr.trwf   = rec.n;
+    hdr.ntr    = rec.n;
+    if (mod.grid_dir) { /* reverse time modeling */
+        hdr.f1 = (-mod.nt+1)*mod.dt;
+    }
+    else {
+        hdr.f1 = 0.0;
+    }
+    hdr.d1     = mod.dt*rec.skipdt;
+    hdr.d2     = (rec.x[1]-rec.x[0])*mod.dx;
+    hdr.f2     = mod.x0+rec.x[0]*mod.dx;
+    if (rec.type.vx)  fpvx  = fileOpen(filename, "_rvx", append);
+    if (rec.type.vz)  fpvz  = fileOpen(filename, "_rvz", append);
+    if (rec.type.p)   fpp   = fileOpen(filename, "_rp", append);
+    if (rec.type.txx) fptxx = fileOpen(filename, "_rtxx", append);
+    if (rec.type.tzz) fptzz = fileOpen(filename, "_rtzz", append);
+    if (rec.type.txz) fptxz = fileOpen(filename, "_rtxz", append);
+    if (rec.type.pp)  fppp  = fileOpen(filename, "_rpp", append);
+    if (  fpss  = fileOpen(filename, "_rss", append);
+    /* decomposed wavefield */
+    if (rec.type.ud && (mod.ischeme==1 || mod.ischeme==2) )  {
+        fpup   = fileOpen(filename, "_ru", append);
+        fpdown = fileOpen(filename, "_rd", append);
+        ntfft = optncr(nsam);
+        nfreq = ntfft/2+1;
+        fmin = 0.0;
+        fmax = wav.fmax;
+        nkx = optncc(2*mod.nax);
+        ibndx = mod.ioPx;
+        if (bnd.lef==4 || bnd.lef==2) ibndx += bnd.ntap;
+        cp  = rec.cp;
+        rho = rec.rho;
+		if (rec.type.ud==2) vznorm=1;
+		else vznorm=0;
+        if (verbose) vmess("Decomposition array at z=%.2f with cp=%.2f rho=%.2f", rec.zr[0]+mod.z0, cp, rho);
+        rec_up  = (float *)calloc(ntfft*nkx,sizeof(float));
+        rec_down= (float *)calloc(ntfft*nkx,sizeof(float));
+        crec_vz = (complex *)malloc(nfreq*nkx*sizeof(complex));
+        crec_p  = (complex *)malloc(nfreq*nkx*sizeof(complex));
+        crec_up = (complex *)malloc(nfreq*nkx*sizeof(complex));
+        crec_dw = (complex *)malloc(nfreq*nkx*sizeof(complex));
+        rec_vze = rec_up;
+        rec_pe  = rec_down;
+        /* copy input data into extended arrays with padded zeroes */
+        for (ix=0; ix<mod.nax; ix++) {
+            memcpy(&rec_vze[ix*ntfft],&rec_udvz[ix*rec.nt],nsam*sizeof(float));
+            memcpy(&rec_pe[ix*ntfft], &rec_udp[ix*rec.nt], nsam*sizeof(float));
+        }
+        /* transform from t-x to kx-w */
+        xorig = ixsrc+ibndx;
+        xt2wkx(rec_vze, crec_vz, ntfft, nkx, ntfft, nkx, xorig);
+        xt2wkx(rec_pe, crec_p, ntfft, nkx, ntfft, nkx, xorig);
+        /* apply decomposition operators */
+        kxwdecomp(crec_p, crec_vz, crec_up, crec_dw,
+               nkx, mod.dx, nsam, dt, fmin, fmax, cp, rho, vznorm, verbose);
+        /* transform back to t-x */
+        wkx2xt(crec_up, rec_up, ntfft, nkx, nkx, ntfft, xorig);
+        wkx2xt(crec_dw, rec_down, ntfft, nkx, nkx, ntfft, xorig);
+        /* reduce array to rec.nt samples rec.n traces */
+        for (irec=0; irec<rec.n; irec++) {
+            ix = rec.x[irec]+ibndx;
+            for (it=0; it<rec.nt; it++) {
+                rec_up[irec*rec.nt+it]   = rec_up[ix*ntfft+it];
+                rec_down[irec*rec.nt+it] = rec_down[ix*ntfft+it];
+            }
+        }
+        free(crec_vz);
+        free(crec_p);
+        free(crec_up);
+        free(crec_dw);
+    }
+    if (rec.type.ud && (mod.ischeme==3 || mod.ischeme==4) )  {
+    }
+    for (irec=0; irec<rec.n; irec++) {
+        hdr.tracf  = irec+1;
+        hdr.tracl  = ishot*rec.n+irec+1;
+        hdr.gx     = 1000*(mod.x0+rec.x[irec]*mod.dx);
+        hdr.offset = (rec.x[irec]-ixsrc)*mod.dx;
+        hdr.gelev  = (int)(-1000*(mod.z0+rec.z[irec]*;
+        if (rec.type.vx) {
+            traceWrite( &hdr, &rec_vx[irec*rec.nt], nsam, fpvx) ;
+        }
+        if (rec.type.vz) {
+            traceWrite( &hdr, &rec_vz[irec*rec.nt], nsam, fpvz) ;
+        }
+        if (rec.type.p) {
+            traceWrite( &hdr, &rec_p[irec*rec.nt], nsam, fpp) ;
+        }
+        if (rec.type.txx) {
+            traceWrite( &hdr, &rec_txx[irec*rec.nt], nsam, fptxx) ;
+        }
+        if (rec.type.tzz) {
+            traceWrite( &hdr, &rec_tzz[irec*rec.nt], nsam, fptzz) ;
+        }
+        if (rec.type.txz) {
+            traceWrite( &hdr, &rec_txz[irec*rec.nt], nsam, fptxz) ;
+        }
+        if (rec.type.pp) {
+            traceWrite( &hdr, &rec_pp[irec*rec.nt], nsam, fppp) ;
+        }
+        if ( {
+            traceWrite( &hdr, &rec_ss[irec*rec.nt], nsam, fpss) ;
+        }
+        if (rec.type.ud && mod.ischeme==1)  {
+            traceWrite( &hdr, &rec_up[irec*rec.nt], nsam, fpup) ;
+            traceWrite( &hdr, &rec_down[irec*rec.nt], nsam, fpdown) ;
+        }
+    }
+    if (rec.type.vx) fclose(fpvx);
+    if (rec.type.vz) fclose(fpvz);
+    if (rec.type.p) fclose(fpp);
+    if (rec.type.txx) fclose(fptxx);
+    if (rec.type.tzz) fclose(fptzz);
+    if (rec.type.txz) fclose(fptxz);
+    if (rec.type.pp) fclose(fppp);
+    if ( fclose(fpss);
+    if (rec.type.ud) {
+        fclose(fpup);
+        fclose(fpdown);
+        free(rec_up);
+        free(rec_down);
+    }
+    return 0;
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/writeSnapTimes.c b/fdelmodc3D/writeSnapTimes.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc05bea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/writeSnapTimes.c
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+#define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64
+#define ISODD(n) ((n) & 01)
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "par.h"
+#include "segy.h"
+#include "fdelmodc.h"
+*  Writes gridded wavefield(s) at a desired time to output file(s) 
+*   AUTHOR:
+*           Jan Thorbecke (
+*           The Netherlands 
+FILE *fileOpen(char *file, char *ext, int append);
+int traceWrite(segy *hdr, float *data, int n, FILE *fp);
+#define MAX(x,y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
+#define MIN(x,y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
+#define NINT(x) ((int)((x)>0.0?(x)+0.5:(x)-0.5))
+int writeSnapTimes(modPar mod, snaPar sna, bndPar bnd, wavPar wav, int ixsrc, int izsrc, int itime, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, int verbose)
+	FILE    *fpvx, *fpvz, *fptxx, *fptzz, *fptxz, *fpp, *fppp, *fpss;
+	int append, isnap;
+	static int first=1;
+	int n1, ibndx, ibndz, ixs, izs, ize, i, j;
+	int ix, iz, ix2;
+	float *snap, sdx, stime;
+	segy hdr;
+	if (sna.nsnap==0) return 0;
+    ibndx = mod.ioXx;
+    ibndz = mod.ioXz;
+	n1    = mod.naz;
+	sdx   = 1.0/mod.dx;
+	if (sna.withbnd) {
+		sna.z1=0;
+		sna.z2=mod.naz-1;
+		sna.skipdz=1;
+		sna.nx=mod.nax;
+		sna.x1=0;
+		sna.x2=mod.nax-1;
+		sna.skipdx=1;
+	}
+	/* check if this itime is a desired snapshot time */
+	if ( (((itime-sna.delay) % sna.skipdt)==0) && 
+		  (itime >= sna.delay) &&
+		  (itime <= sna.delay+(sna.nsnap-1)*sna.skipdt) ) {
+		isnap = NINT((itime-sna.delay)/sna.skipdt);
+        if (mod.grid_dir) stime = (-wav.nt+1+itime+1)*mod.dt;  /* reverse time modeling */
+        else  stime = itime*mod.dt;
+		if (verbose) vmess("Writing snapshot(%d) at time=%.4f", isnap+1, stime);
+		if (first) {
+			append=0;
+			first=0;
+		}
+		else {
+			append=1;
+		}
+		if (sna.type.vx)  fpvx  = fileOpen(sna.file_snap, "_svx", append);
+		if (sna.type.vz)  fpvz  = fileOpen(sna.file_snap, "_svz", append);
+		if (sna.type.p)   fpp   = fileOpen(sna.file_snap, "_sp", append);
+		if (sna.type.txx) fptxx = fileOpen(sna.file_snap, "_stxx", append);
+		if (sna.type.tzz) fptzz = fileOpen(sna.file_snap, "_stzz", append);
+		if (sna.type.txz) fptxz = fileOpen(sna.file_snap, "_stxz", append);
+		if (sna.type.pp)  fppp  = fileOpen(sna.file_snap, "_spp", append);
+		if (  fpss  = fileOpen(sna.file_snap, "_sss", append);
+		memset(&hdr,0,TRCBYTES);
+		hdr.dt     = 1000000*(sna.skipdt*mod.dt);
+		hdr.ungpow  = (sna.delay*mod.dt);
+		hdr.scalco = -1000;
+		hdr.scalel = -1000;
+     = 1000*(mod.x0+ixsrc*mod.dx);
+		hdr.sdepth = 1000*(mod.z0+izsrc*;
+		hdr.fldr   = isnap+1;
+		hdr.trid   = 1;
+		hdr.ns     =;
+		hdr.trwf   = sna.nx;
+		hdr.ntr    = (isnap+1)*sna.nx;
+		hdr.f1     = sna.z1*;
+		hdr.f2     = sna.x1*mod.dx+mod.x0;
+		hdr.d1     =*sna.skipdz;
+		hdr.d2     = mod.dx*sna.skipdx;
+		if (sna.withbnd) {
+        	if ( !ISODD( hdr.f1 = mod.z0 - bnd.ntap*;
+        	if ( !ISODD(bnd.lef)) hdr.f2 = mod.x0 - bnd.ntap*mod.dx;
+        	//if ( !ISODD(bnd.rig)) ;
+        	//if ( !ISODD( store=1;
+		}
+* vx velocities have one sample less in x-direction
+* vz velocities have one sample less in z-direction
+* txz stresses have one sample less in z-direction and x-direction
+		snap = (float *)malloc(*sizeof(float));
+		/* Decimate, with skipdx and skipdz, the number of gridpoints written to file 
+		   and write to file. */
+		for (ixs=sna.x1, i=0; ixs<=sna.x2; ixs+=sna.skipdx, i++) {
+			hdr.tracf  = i+1;
+			hdr.tracl  = isnap*sna.nx+i+1;
+			hdr.gx     = 1000*(mod.x0+ixs*mod.dx);
+			ix = ixs+ibndx;
+			ix2 = ix+1;
+			izs = sna.z1+ibndz;
+			ize = sna.z2+ibndz;
+			if (sna.withbnd) {
+				izs = 0;
+				ize = sna.z2;
+				ix = ixs;
+				ix2 = ix;
+				if (sna.type.vz || sna.type.txz) izs = -1;
+        		if ( !ISODD(bnd.lef)) hdr.gx = 1000*(mod.x0 - bnd.ntap*mod.dx);
+			}
+			if (sna.type.vx) {
+				for (iz=izs, j=0; iz<=ize; iz+=sna.skipdz, j++) {
+					snap[j] = vx[ix2*n1+iz];
+				}
+				traceWrite(&hdr, snap,, fpvx);
+			}
+			if (sna.type.vz) {
+				for (iz=izs, j=0; iz<=ize; iz+=sna.skipdz, j++) {
+					snap[j] = vz[ix*n1+iz+1];
+				}
+				traceWrite(&hdr, snap,, fpvz);
+			}
+			if (sna.type.p) {
+				for (iz=izs, j=0; iz<=ize; iz+=sna.skipdz, j++) {
+					snap[j] = tzz[ix*n1+iz];
+				}
+				traceWrite(&hdr, snap,, fpp);
+			}
+			if (sna.type.tzz) {
+				for (iz=izs, j=0; iz<=ize; iz+=sna.skipdz, j++) {
+					snap[j] = tzz[ix*n1+iz];
+				}
+				traceWrite(&hdr, snap,, fptzz);
+			}
+			if (sna.type.txx) {
+				for (iz=izs, j=0; iz<=ize; iz+=sna.skipdz, j++) {
+					snap[j] = txx[ix*n1+iz];
+				}
+				traceWrite(&hdr, snap,, fptxx);
+			}
+			if (sna.type.txz) {
+				for (iz=izs, j=0; iz<=ize; iz+=sna.skipdz, j++) {
+					snap[j] = txz[ix2*n1+iz+1];
+				}
+				traceWrite(&hdr, snap,, fptxz);
+			}
+			/* calculate divergence of velocity field */
+			if (sna.type.pp) {
+				for (iz=izs, j=0; iz<=ize; iz+=sna.skipdz, j++) {
+					snap[j] = sdx*((vx[(ix+1)*n1+iz]-vx[ix*n1+iz])+
+									(vz[ix*n1+iz+1]-vz[ix*n1+iz]));
+				}
+				traceWrite(&hdr, snap,, fppp);
+			}
+			/* calculate rotation of velocity field */
+			if ( {
+				for (iz=izs, j=0; iz<=ize; iz+=sna.skipdz, j++) {
+					snap[j] = sdx*((vx[ix*n1+iz]-vx[ix*n1+iz-1])-
+									(vz[ix*n1+iz]-vz[(ix-1)*n1+iz]));
+				}
+				traceWrite(&hdr, snap,, fpss);
+			}
+		}
+		if (sna.type.vx) fclose(fpvx);
+		if (sna.type.vz) fclose(fpvz);
+		if (sna.type.p) fclose(fpp);
+		if (sna.type.txx) fclose(fptxx);
+		if (sna.type.tzz) fclose(fptzz);
+		if (sna.type.txz) fclose(fptxz);
+		if (sna.type.pp) fclose(fppp);
+		if ( fclose(fpss);
+		free(snap);
+	}
+	return 0;
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/writeSrcRecPos.c b/fdelmodc3D/writeSrcRecPos.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9cec66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/writeSrcRecPos.c
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+#define MAX(x,y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
+#define MIN(x,y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
+#define NINT(x) ((int)((x)>0.0?(x)+0.5:(x)-0.5))
+* Writes the source and receiver positions into a gridded file,
+* which has the same size as the input gridded model files. 
+* Source positions have a value +1 and receivers -1.
+*   AUTHOR:
+*           Jan Thorbecke (
+*           The Netherlands 
+int writesufile(char *filename, float *data, int n1, int n2, float f1, float f2, float d1, float d2);
+int writeSrcRecPos(modPar *mod, recPar *rec, srcPar *src, shotPar *shot)
+	FILE *fp;
+	float *dum, sub_x0, sub_z0, dx, dz;
+	int is, nx, nz, is0, ish, ix, iz, ndot, idx, idz;
+	char tmpname[1024];
+ 	ndot = 2;
+	nx = mod->nx;
+	nz = mod->nz;
+	dx = mod->dx;
+	dz = mod->dz;
+	sub_x0 = mod->x0;
+	sub_z0 = mod->z0;
+//    ibndx = mod.ioPx;
+//    ibndz = mod.ioPz;
+//    if (bnd.lef==4 || bnd.lef==2) ibndx += bnd.ntap;
+//    if ( || ibndz += bnd.ntap;
+	/* write velocity field with positions of the sources */
+	dum = (float *)calloc(nx*nz, sizeof(float));
+	vmess("Positions: shot=%d src=%d rec=%d", shot->n, src->n, rec->n);
+	/* source positions for random shots */
+	if (src->random) {
+		sprintf(tmpname,"SrcPositions%d.txt",src->n);
+		fp = fopen(tmpname, "w+");
+		for (is=0; is<src->n; is++) {
+			for (idx=0; idx<=ndot; idx++) {
+				for (idz=0; idz<=ndot; idz++) {
+					dum[(MAX(0,src->x[is]-idx))*nz+MAX(0,src->z[is]-idz)] = 1.0;
+					dum[(MAX(0,src->x[is]-idx))*nz+MIN(nz-1,src->z[is]+idz)] = 1.0;
+					dum[(MIN(nx-1,src->x[is]+idx))*nz+MIN(nz-1,src->z[is]+idz)] = 1.0;
+					dum[(MIN(nx-1,src->x[is]+idx))*nz+MAX(0,src->z[is]-idz)] = 1.0;
+				}
+			}
+			fprintf(fp, "%f %f\n", src->z[is]*dz+sub_z0, src->x[is]*dx+sub_x0);
+		}
+		fclose(fp);
+	}
+	/* source positions for single shot sources with plane waves */
+	else if (src->plane) {
+    	is0 = -1*floor((src->n-1)/2);
+		sprintf(tmpname,"SrcPositions%d.txt",shot->n);
+		fp = fopen(tmpname, "w+");
+		for (ish=0; ish<shot->n; ish++) {
+			for (is=0; is<src->n; is++) {
+				ix = shot->x[ish] + 1 + is0 + is;
+				iz = shot->z[ish] + 1;
+				dum[ix*nz+iz] = 1.0;
+				dum[(MAX(0,ix-1))*nz+iz] = 1.0;
+				dum[(MIN(nx-1,ix+1))*nz+iz] = 1.0;
+				dum[ix*nz+MAX(0,iz-1)] = 1.0;
+				dum[ix*nz+MIN(nz-1,iz+1)] = 1.0;
+				fprintf(fp, "(%f, %f)\n", ix*dx+sub_x0, iz*dz+sub_z0);
+			}
+		}
+		fclose(fp);
+	}
+	else if (src->multiwav) {
+	/* source positions for single shot sources with multiple wavelets */
+		sprintf(tmpname,"SrcPositions%d.txt",shot->n);
+		fp = fopen(tmpname, "w+");
+		for (ish=0; ish<shot->n; ish++) {
+			for (is=0; is<src->n; is++) {
+				ix = src->x[is];
+				iz = src->z[is];
+				dum[ix*nz+iz] = 1.0;
+				dum[(MAX(0,ix-1))*nz+iz] = 1.0;
+				dum[(MIN(nx-1,ix+1))*nz+iz] = 1.0;
+				dum[ix*nz+MAX(0,iz-1)] = 1.0;
+				dum[ix*nz+MIN(nz-1,iz+1)] = 1.0;
+				fprintf(fp, "(%f, %f)\n", ix*dx+sub_x0, iz*dz+sub_z0);
+			}
+		}
+		fclose(fp);
+	}
+	else {
+		sprintf(tmpname,"SrcPositions%d.txt",shot->n);
+		fp = fopen(tmpname, "w+");
+		for (is=0; is<shot->n; is++) {
+			for (idx=0; idx<=ndot; idx++) {
+				for (idz=0; idz<=ndot; idz++) {
+					dum[(MAX(0,shot->x[is]-idx))*nz+MAX(0,shot->z[is]-idz)] = 1.0;
+					dum[(MAX(0,shot->x[is]-idx))*nz+MIN(nz-1,shot->z[is]+idz)] = 1.0;
+					dum[(MIN(nx-1,shot->x[is]+idx))*nz+MIN(nz-1,shot->z[is]+idz)] = 1.0;
+					dum[(MIN(nx-1,shot->x[is]+idx))*nz+MAX(0,shot->z[is]-idz)] = 1.0;
+				}
+			}
+			fprintf(fp, "%f %f\n", shot->z[is]*dz+sub_z0, shot->x[is]*dx+sub_x0);
+		}
+		fclose(fp);
+	}
+	/* receiver positions */
+	sprintf(tmpname,"RcvPositions%d.txt",rec->n);
+	fp = fopen(tmpname, "w+");
+	for (is=0; is<rec->n; is++) {
+		dum[rec->x[is]*nz+rec->z[is]] = -1.0;
+		dum[(MAX(0,rec->x[is]-1))*nz+rec->z[is]] = -1.0;
+		dum[(MIN(nx-1,rec->x[is]+1))*nz+rec->z[is]] = -1.0;
+		dum[rec->x[is]*nz+MAX(0,rec->z[is]-1)] = -1.0;
+		dum[rec->x[is]*nz+MIN(nz-1,rec->z[is]+1)] = -1.0;
+//		vmess("receiver position %d at grid[ix=%d, iz=%d] = (x=%f z=%f)", ir, ix+ioPx, rec.z[ir]+ioPz, rec.xr[ir]+mod.x0, rec.zr[ir]+mod.z0);
+		if (rec->int_vx==3) {
+			fprintf(fp, "(%f, %f)\n", rec->xr[is]*dx+sub_x0, rec->zr[is]*dz+sub_z0);
+		}
+		else {
+			fprintf(fp, "(%f, %f)\n", rec->x[is]*dx+sub_x0, rec->z[is]*dz+sub_z0);
+		}
+	}
+	fclose(fp);
+	writesufile("", dum, nz, nx, sub_z0, sub_x0, dz, dx);
+	free(dum);
+	return 0;
diff --git a/fdelmodc3D/writesufile.c b/fdelmodc3D/writesufile.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71f7f3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc3D/writesufile.c
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "par.h"
+#include "fdelmodc.h"
+#include "SUsegy.h"
+#include "segy.h"
+*  Writes an 2D array to a SU file
+*   AUTHOR:
+*           Jan Thorbecke (
+*           The Netherlands 
+#define TRCBYTES 240
+#define MAX(x,y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
+#define MIN(x,y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
+#define ISODD(n) ((n) & 01)
+#define NINT(x) ((int)((x)>0.0?(x)+0.5:(x)-0.5))
+int writesufile(char *filename, float *data, int n1, int n2, float f1, float f2, float d1, float d2)
+	FILE    *file_out;
+	size_t  nwrite, itrace;
+	int     ns;
+	segy    *hdr;
+//	char    *ptr;
+/* Read in parameters */
+//    ptr = strstr(filename, " ");
+//    *ptr = '\0';
+	if (n1 > USHRT_MAX) {
+		vwarn("Output file %s: number of samples is truncated from %d to USHRT_MAX.", filename, n1);
+	}
+	ns = MIN(n1,USHRT_MAX);
+	file_out = fopen( filename, "w+" );
+	assert( file_out );
+	hdr = (segy *)calloc(1,TRCBYTES);
+	hdr->ns = ns;
+	hdr->dt = NINT(1000000*(d1));
+	hdr->d1 = d1;
+	hdr->d2 = d2;
+	hdr->f1 = f1;
+	hdr->f2 = f2;
+	hdr->fldr = 1;
+	hdr->trwf = n2;
+	for (itrace=0; itrace<n2; itrace++) {
+		hdr->tracl = itrace+1;
+		nwrite = fwrite( hdr, 1, TRCBYTES, file_out );
+		assert (nwrite == TRCBYTES);
+		nwrite = fwrite( &data[itrace*n1], sizeof(float), ns, file_out );
+		assert (nwrite == ns);
+	} 
+	fclose(file_out);
+	free(hdr);
+	return 0;
+*  Writes an 2D array to a SU file
+*  special routine for src_nwav array which has a different number of samples for each shot 
+int writesufilesrcnwav(char *filename, float **src_nwav, wavPar wav, int n1, int n2, float f1, float f2, float d1, float d2)
+	FILE    *file_out;
+	size_t  nwrite, itrace;
+	float   *trace;
+	int     ns;
+	segy    *hdr;
+//	char    *ptr;
+/* Read in parameters */
+//    ptr = strstr(filename, " ");
+//    *ptr = '\0';
+	if (n1 > USHRT_MAX) {
+		vwarn("Output file %s: number of samples is truncated from %d to USHRT_MAX.", filename, n1);
+	}
+	ns = MIN(n1,USHRT_MAX);
+	file_out = fopen( filename, "w+" );
+	assert( file_out );
+	trace = (float *)malloc(n1*sizeof(float));
+	hdr = (segy *)calloc(1,TRCBYTES);
+	hdr->ns = ns;
+	hdr->dt = NINT(1000000*(d1));
+	hdr->d1 = d1;
+	hdr->d2 = d2;
+	hdr->f1 = f1;
+	hdr->f2 = f2;
+	hdr->fldr = 1;
+	hdr->trwf = n2;
+	for (itrace=0; itrace<n2; itrace++) {
+		hdr->tracl = itrace+1;
+		nwrite = fwrite( hdr, 1, TRCBYTES, file_out );
+		assert (nwrite == TRCBYTES);
+		memset(trace, 0, n1*sizeof(float));
+		memcpy(trace, &src_nwav[itrace][0], wav.nsamp[itrace]*sizeof(float));
+		nwrite = fwrite( &trace[0], sizeof(float), ns, file_out );
+		assert (nwrite == ns);
+	} 
+	fclose(file_out);
+	free(hdr);
+	free(trace);
+	return 0;
+*  Writes an 2D array to a SU file
+*  special routine which used segyhdrs which have ns defined as integer (32 bit)
+*  to handle more than 2^16 samples per trace.
+int writeSUfile(char *filename, float *data, int n1, int n2, float f1, float f2, float d1, float d2)
+	FILE    *file_out;
+	size_t  nwrite, itrace;
+	SUsegy  *SUhdr;
+	char    *ptr;
+/* Read in parameters */
+    ptr = strstr(filename, " ");
+    *ptr = '\0';
+	file_out = fopen( filename, "w+" );
+	assert( file_out );
+	SUhdr = (SUsegy *)calloc(1,TRCBYTES);
+	SUhdr->ns = n1;
+	SUhdr->dt = NINT(1000000*(d1));
+	SUhdr->d1 = d1;
+	SUhdr->d2 = d2;
+	SUhdr->f1 = f1;
+	SUhdr->f2 = f2;
+	SUhdr->fldr = 1;
+	SUhdr->trwf = n2;
+	for (itrace=0; itrace<n2; itrace++) {
+		SUhdr->tracl = itrace+1;
+		nwrite = fwrite( SUhdr, 1, TRCBYTES, file_out );
+		assert (nwrite == TRCBYTES);
+		nwrite = fwrite( &data[itrace*n1], sizeof(float), n1, file_out );
+		assert (nwrite == n1);
+	} 
+	fclose(file_out);
+	free(SUhdr);
+	return 0;
diff --git a/marchenko3D/ampest3D.c b/marchenko3D/ampest3D.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..820c720
--- /dev/null
+++ b/marchenko3D/ampest3D.c
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "segy.h"
+#include <assert.h>
+#include "par.h"
+#include <genfft.h>
+#ifndef COMPLEX
+typedef struct _complexStruct { /* complex number */
+    float r,i;
+} complex;
+#endif/* complex */
+#define NINT(x) ((long)((x)>0.0?(x)+0.5:(x)-0.5))
+long loptncr(long n);
+long maxest3D(float *data, long nt);
+long readData3D(FILE *fp, float *data, segy *hdrs, long n1);
+void scl_data(float *data, long nsam, long nrec, float scl, float *datout, long nsamout);
+void pad_data(float *data, long nsam, long nrec, long nsamout, float *datout);
+void corr(float *data1, float *data2, float *cov, long nrec, long nsam, float dt, long shift);
+void convol(float *data1, float *data2, float *con, long nrec, long nsam, float dt, long shift);
+void AmpEst3D(float *f1d, float *Gd, float *ampest, long Nfoc, long nxs, long nys, long ntfft, long *ixpos, long npos,
+    char *file_wav, float dx, float dy, float dt)
+	long 	l, i, ix, iw, nfreq;
+	float 	scl, sclt, *wavelet, *scaled, *conv, *f1dsamp;
+	float   dtm, dxm, cpm, rom, *trace;
+	FILE 	*fp_wav;
+	segy 	*hdrs_wav;
+	scl = dx*dy;
+    sclt = 1.0*dt/((float)ntfft);
+	conv	= (float *)calloc(nys*nxs*ntfft,sizeof(float));
+	wavelet	= (float *)calloc(ntfft,sizeof(float));
+	scaled	= (float *)calloc(ntfft,sizeof(float));
+	f1dsamp	= (float *)calloc(nys*nxs*ntfft,sizeof(float));
+	for (i=0; i<npos; i++) {
+		ix = ixpos[i];
+		for (iw=0; iw<ntfft; iw++) {
+			f1dsamp[i*ntfft+iw] = f1d[l*nxs*nys*ntfft+ix*ntfft+iw];
+		}
+	}
+	if (file_wav==NULL){
+		corr(f1dsamp, f1dsamp, conv,  nxs*nys, ntfft, dt, 0);
+		for (i=0; i<nxs*nys; i++) {
+			for (iw=0; iw<ntfft; iw++) {
+				wavelet[iw] += scl*conv[i*ntfft+iw];
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	else {
+		trace	= (float *)calloc(ntfft,sizeof(float));
+		hdrs_wav = (segy *)calloc(1, sizeof(segy));
+    	fp_wav = fopen(file_wav, "r");
+    	readData3D(fp_wav, trace, hdrs_wav, 0);
+    	fclose(fp_wav);
+		corr(trace, trace, wavelet,  1, ntfft, dt, 0);
+		free(hdrs_wav); free(trace);
+		if (!getparfloat("dtm", &dtm)) dtm = 0.004;
+		if (!getparfloat("dxm", &dxm)) dxm = 1.0;
+		if (!getparfloat("cpm", &cpm)) cpm = 1000.0;
+		if (!getparfloat("rom", &rom)) rom = 1000.0;
+		vmess("dtm:%f dxm:%f cpm:%f rom:%f",dtm,dxm,cpm,rom);
+		/* For a monopole source the scaling is (2.0*dt*cp*cp*rho)/(dx*dx) */
+		for (iw=0; iw<ntfft; iw++){
+			wavelet[iw] *= dt*(2.0*dtm*cpm*cpm*rom)/(dx*dx);
+		}
+	}
+	for (l=0; l<Nfoc; l++) {
+		memset(&conv[0],0.0, sizeof(float)*ntfft*nxs*nys);
+		convol(f1dsamp, &Gd[l*nxs*nys*ntfft], conv, nxs*nys, ntfft, dt, 0);
+		for (i=0; i<nxs*nys; i++) {
+			for (iw=0; iw<ntfft; iw++) {
+				scaled[iw] += dt*scl*conv[i*ntfft+iw];
+			}
+		}
+		ampest[l] = (wavelet[0]/scaled[0]);
+		vmess("wavelet[0]=%f scaled[0]=%f",wavelet[0],scaled[0]);
+		memset(&conv[0],0.0,    sizeof(float)*ntfft*nxs*nys);
+		memset(&wavelet[0],0.0, sizeof(float)*ntfft);
+		memset(&scaled[0],0.0,  sizeof(float)*ntfft);
+	}
+	free(wavelet);free(scaled);free(conv);free(f1dsamp);
+	return;
+long maxest3D(float *data, long nt)
+	float maxt;
+	long it;
+	maxt = data[0];
+	for (it = 0; it < nt; it++) {
+		if (fabs(data[it]) > fabs(maxt)) maxt=data[it];
+	}
+	return maxt;
+* Calculates the time convolution of two arrays by 
+* transforming the arrayis to frequency domain,
+* multiplies the arrays and transform back to time.
+void convol(float *data1, float *data2, float *con, long nrec, long nsam, float dt, long shift)
+	long 	i, j, n, optn, nfreq, sign;
+	float  	df, dw, om, tau, scl;
+	float 	*qr, *qi, *p1r, *p1i, *p2r, *p2i, *rdata1, *rdata2;
+	complex *cdata1, *cdata2, *ccon, tmp;
+	optn = loptncr(nsam);
+	nfreq = optn/2+1;
+	cdata1 = (complex *)malloc(nfreq*nrec*sizeof(complex));
+	if (cdata1 == NULL) verr("memory allocation error for cdata1");
+	cdata2 = (complex *)malloc(nfreq*nrec*sizeof(complex));
+	if (cdata2 == NULL) verr("memory allocation error for cdata2");
+	ccon = (complex *)malloc(nfreq*nrec*sizeof(complex));
+	if (ccon == NULL) verr("memory allocation error for ccov");
+	rdata1 = (float *)malloc(optn*nrec*sizeof(float));
+	if (rdata1 == NULL) verr("memory allocation error for rdata1");
+	rdata2 = (float *)malloc(optn*nrec*sizeof(float));
+	if (rdata2 == NULL) verr("memory allocation error for rdata2");
+	/* pad zeroes until Fourier length is reached */
+	pad_data(data1, nsam, nrec, optn, rdata1);
+	pad_data(data2, nsam, nrec, optn, rdata2);
+	/* forward time-frequency FFT */
+	sign = -1;
+	rcmfft(&rdata1[0], &cdata1[0], (int)optn, (int)nrec, (int)optn, (int)nfreq, (int)sign);
+	rcmfft(&rdata2[0], &cdata2[0], (int)optn, (int)nrec, (int)optn, (int)nfreq, (int)sign);
+	/* apply convolution */
+	p1r = (float *) &cdata1[0];
+	p2r = (float *) &cdata2[0];
+	qr = (float *) &ccon[0].r;
+	p1i = p1r + 1;
+	p2i = p2r + 1;
+	qi = qr + 1;
+	n = nrec*nfreq;
+	for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
+		*qr = (*p2r**p1r-*p2i**p1i);
+		*qi = (*p2r**p1i+*p2i**p1r);
+		qr += 2;
+		qi += 2;
+		p1r += 2;
+		p1i += 2;
+		p2r += 2;
+		p2i += 2;
+	}
+	free(cdata1);
+	free(cdata2);
+	if (shift) {
+		df = 1.0/(dt*optn);
+		dw = 2*PI*df;
+//		tau = 1.0/(2.0*df);
+		tau = dt*(nsam/2);
+		for (j = 0; j < nrec; j++) {
+			om = 0.0;
+			for (i = 0; i < nfreq; i++) {
+				tmp.r = ccon[j*nfreq+i].r*cos(om*tau) + ccon[j*nfreq+i].i*sin(om*tau);
+				tmp.i = ccon[j*nfreq+i].i*cos(om*tau) - ccon[j*nfreq+i].r*sin(om*tau);
+				ccon[j*nfreq+i] = tmp;
+				om += dw;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+        /* inverse frequency-time FFT and scale result */
+	sign = 1;
+	scl = 1.0/((float)(optn));
+	crmfft(&ccon[0], &rdata1[0], (int)optn, (int)nrec, (int)nfreq, (int)optn, (int)sign);
+	scl_data(rdata1,optn,nrec,scl,con,nsam);
+	free(ccon);
+	free(rdata1);
+	free(rdata2);
+	return;
+* Calculates the time correlation of two arrays by 
+* transforming the arrayis to frequency domain,
+* multiply the arrays and transform back to time.
+void corr(float *data1, float *data2, float *cov, long nrec, long nsam, float dt, long shift)
+	long 	i, j, n, optn, nfreq, sign;
+	float  	df, dw, om, tau, scl;
+	float 	*qr, *qi, *p1r, *p1i, *p2r, *p2i, *rdata1, *rdata2;
+	complex *cdata1, *cdata2, *ccov, tmp;
+	optn = loptncr(nsam);
+	nfreq = optn/2+1;
+	cdata1 = (complex *)malloc(nfreq*nrec*sizeof(complex));
+	if (cdata1 == NULL) verr("memory allocation error for cdata1");
+	cdata2 = (complex *)malloc(nfreq*nrec*sizeof(complex));
+	if (cdata2 == NULL) verr("memory allocation error for cdata2");
+	ccov = (complex *)malloc(nfreq*nrec*sizeof(complex));
+	if (ccov == NULL) verr("memory allocation error for ccov");
+	rdata1 = (float *)malloc(optn*nrec*sizeof(float));
+	if (rdata1 == NULL) verr("memory allocation error for rdata1");
+	rdata2 = (float *)malloc(optn*nrec*sizeof(float));
+	if (rdata2 == NULL) verr("memory allocation error for rdata2");
+	/* pad zeroes until Fourier length is reached */
+	pad_data(data1, nsam, nrec, optn, rdata1);
+	pad_data(data2, nsam, nrec, optn, rdata2);
+	/* forward time-frequency FFT */
+	sign = -1;
+	rcmfft(&rdata1[0], &cdata1[0], (int)optn, (int)nrec, (int)optn, (int)nfreq, (int)sign);
+	rcmfft(&rdata2[0], &cdata2[0], (int)optn, (int)nrec, (int)optn, (int)nfreq, (int)sign);
+	/* apply correlation */
+	p1r = (float *) &cdata1[0];
+	p2r = (float *) &cdata2[0];
+	qr  = (float *) &ccov[0].r;
+	p1i = p1r + 1;
+	p2i = p2r + 1;
+	qi = qr + 1;
+	n = nrec*nfreq;
+	for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
+		*qr = (*p1r * *p2r + *p1i * *p2i);
+		*qi = (*p1i * *p2r - *p1r * *p2i);
+		qr += 2;
+		qi += 2;
+		p1r += 2;
+		p1i += 2;
+		p2r += 2;
+		p2i += 2;
+	}
+	free(cdata1);
+	free(cdata2);
+	/* shift t=0 to middle of time window (nsam/2)*/
+	if (shift) {
+		df = 1.0/(dt*optn);
+		dw = 2*PI*df;
+		tau = dt*(nsam/2);
+		for (j = 0; j < nrec; j++) {
+			om = 0.0;
+			for (i = 0; i < nfreq; i++) {
+				tmp.r = ccov[j*nfreq+i].r*cos(om*tau) + ccov[j*nfreq+i].i*sin(om*tau);
+				tmp.i = ccov[j*nfreq+i].i*cos(om*tau) - ccov[j*nfreq+i].r*sin(om*tau);
+				ccov[j*nfreq+i] = tmp;
+				om += dw;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/* inverse frequency-time FFT and scale result */
+	sign = 1;
+	scl = 1.0/(float)optn;
+	crmfft(&ccov[0], &rdata1[0], (int)optn, (int)nrec, (int)nfreq, (int)optn, (int)sign);
+	scl_data(rdata1,optn,nrec,scl,cov,nsam);
+	free(ccov);
+	free(rdata1);
+	free(rdata2);
+	return;
+void pad_data(float *data, long nsam, long nrec, long nsamout, float *datout)
+	long it,ix;
+	for (ix=0;ix<nrec;ix++) {
+	   for (it=0;it<nsam;it++)
+		datout[ix*nsamout+it]=data[ix*nsam+it];
+	   for (it=nsam;it<nsamout;it++)
+		datout[ix*nsamout+it]=0.0;
+	}
+void scl_data(float *data, long nsam, long nrec, float scl, float *datout, long nsamout)
+	long it,ix;
+	for (ix = 0; ix < nrec; ix++) {
+		for (it = 0 ; it < nsamout ; it++)
+			datout[ix*nsamout+it] = scl*data[ix*nsam+it];
+	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/marchenko3D/ampest3D2.c b/marchenko3D/ampest3D2.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db7dbac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/marchenko3D/ampest3D2.c
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "segy.h"
+#include <assert.h>
+#include "par.h"
+#include <genfft.h>
+#ifndef COMPLEX
+typedef struct _complexStruct { /* complex number */
+    float r,i;
+} complex;
+#endif/* complex */
+#define NINT(x) ((long)((x)>0.0?(x)+0.5:(x)-0.5))
+long loptncr(long n);
+long maxest3D(float *data, long nt);
+long readData3D(FILE *fp, float *data, segy *hdrs, long n1);
+void AmpEst3D(float *f1d, float *Gd, float *ampest, long Nfoc, long nxs, long nys, long ntfft, long *ixpos, long npos,
+    char *file_wav, float dx, float dy, float dt)
+	long 	l, i, ix, iw, nfreq;
+	float 	Wmax, Amax, *wavelet, *At, scl, sclt;
+	FILE 	*fp_wav;
+	complex	*Gdf, *f1df, *Af, *cwav, tmp;
+	segy 	*hdrs_wav;
+	nfreq = ntfft/2+1;
+    scl = dx*dy;
+    sclt = 1.0*dt/((float)ntfft);
+	Gdf		= (complex *)malloc(nfreq*sizeof(complex));
+	f1df	= (complex *)malloc(nfreq*sizeof(complex));
+	Af		= (complex *)calloc(nfreq,sizeof(complex));
+	At		= (float *)malloc(ntfft*sizeof(complex));
+	wavelet	= (float *)calloc(ntfft,sizeof(complex));
+	if (file_wav == NULL) {
+		Wmax = 1.0;
+	}
+	else {
+		hdrs_wav = (segy *)calloc(1, sizeof(segy));
+    	fp_wav = fopen(file_wav, "r");
+    	readData3D(fp_wav, wavelet, hdrs_wav, 0);
+    	fclose(fp_wav);
+        cwav = (complex *)calloc(nfreq,sizeof(complex));
+        rc1fft(wavelet,cwav,(int)ntfft,-1);
+        for (i=0; i<nfreq; i++) {
+            tmp.r = cwav[i].r*cwav[i].r - cwav[i].i*cwav[i].i;
+            tmp.i = 2*cwav[i].r*cwav[i].i;
+            cwav[i].r = tmp.r*sclt;
+            cwav[i].i = tmp.i*sclt;
+        }
+        cr1fft(cwav,wavelet,(int)ntfft,1);
+		Wmax = maxest3D(wavelet,ntfft);
+        vmess("Wmax: %.3e",Wmax);
+	}
+	for (l = 0; l < Nfoc; l++) {
+    	for (i = 0; i < npos; i++) {
+        	ix = ixpos[i];
+            rc1fft(&Gd[l*nxs*nys*ntfft+i*ntfft],Gdf,(int)ntfft,-1);
+            rc1fft(&f1d[l*nxs*nys*ntfft+ix*ntfft],f1df,(int)ntfft,-1);
+            for (iw=0; iw<nfreq; iw++) {
+				Af[iw].r += scl*sclt*(f1df[iw].r*Gdf[iw].r-f1df[iw].i*Gdf[iw].i);
+                Af[iw].i += scl*sclt*(f1df[iw].r*Gdf[iw].i+f1df[iw].i*Gdf[iw].r);
+            }
+        }
+		cr1fft(&Af[0],At,(int)ntfft,1);
+		Amax = maxest3D(At,ntfft);
+		ampest[l] = sqrtf(Wmax/Amax);
+		memset(&Af[0],0.0, sizeof(float)*2*nfreq);
+    }
+	free(Gdf);free(f1df);free(Af);free(At);free(cwav); free(wavelet);
+	return;
+long maxest3D(float *data, long nt)
+	float maxt;
+	long it;
+	maxt = data[0];
+	for (it = 0; it < nt; it++) {
+		if (fabs(data[it]) > fabs(maxt)) maxt=data[it];
+	}
+	return maxt;
diff --git a/marchenko3D/synthesis3Dotavia.c b/marchenko3D/synthesis3Dotavia.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e4812e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/marchenko3D/synthesis3Dotavia.c
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+#include "par.h"
+#include "segy.h"
+#include <time.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <genfft.h>
+//External functions
+int omp_get_max_threads(void);
+int omp_get_num_threads(void);
+void omp_set_num_threads(int num_threads);
+void setup_fops();
+#ifndef MAX
+#define MAX(x,y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
+#ifndef MIN
+#define MIN(x,y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
+#define NINT(x) ((int)((x)>0.0?(x)+0.5:(x)-0.5))
+int compareInt(const void *a, const void *b) 
+{ return (*(int *)a-*(int *)b); }
+#ifndef COMPLEX
+typedef struct _complexStruct { /* complex number */
+    float r,i;
+} complex;
+#endif/* complex */
+void synthesisPositions3D(int nx, int ny, int nxs, int nys, int Nfoc, float *xrcv, float *yrcv,
+float *xsrc, float *ysrc, int *xnx, float fxse, float fyse, float fxsb, float fysb, float dxs, float dys,
+int nshots, int nxsrc, int nysrc, int *ixpos, int *npos, int reci, int verbose)
+    int     j, l, ixsrc, iysrc, isrc, k, *count, nxy;
+    float   fxb, fxe, fyb, fye;
+    if (fxsb < 0) fxb = 1.001*fxsb;
+    else          fxb = 0.999*fxsb;
+    if (fysb < 0) fyb = 1.001*fysb;
+    else          fyb = 0.999*fysb;
+    if (fxse > 0) fxe = 1.001*fxse;
+    else          fxe = 0.999*fxse;
+    if (fyse > 0) fye = 1.001*fyse;
+    else          fye = 0.999*fyse;
+    nxy = nx*ny;
+    count   = (int *)calloc(nxs*nys,sizeof(int)); // number of traces that contribute to the integration over x
+/*================ SYNTHESIS ================*/
+    for (l = 0; l < 1; l++) { /* assuming all focal operators cover the same lateral area */
+//    for (l = 0; l < Nfoc; l++) {
+        *npos=0;
+        if (reci == 0 || reci == 1) {
+            for (k=0; k<nshots; k++) {
+                ixsrc = NINT((xsrc[k] - fxsb)/dxs);
+                iysrc = NINT((ysrc[k] - fysb)/dys);
+                isrc  = iysrc*nxs + ixsrc;
+                if (verbose>=3) {
+                    vmess("source position:         x=%.2f y=%.2f in operator x=%d y=%d pos=%d", xsrc[k], ysrc[k], ixsrc, iysrc, isrc);
+                    vmess("receiver positions:      x:%.2f <--> %.2f y:%.2f <--> %.2f", xrcv[k*nxy+0], xrcv[k*nxy+nxy-1], yrcv[k*nxy+0], yrcv[k*nxy+nxy-1]);
+                    vmess("focal point positions:   x:%.2f <--> %.2f y:%.2f <--> %.2f", fxsb, fxse, fysb, fyse);
+                }
+                if ((NINT(xsrc[k]-fxse) > 0)           || (NINT(xrcv[k*nxy+nxy-1]-fxse) > 0) ||
+                    (NINT(xrcv[k*nxy+nxy-1]-fxsb) < 0) || (NINT(xsrc[k]-fxsb) < 0)           || 
+                    (NINT(xrcv[k*nxy+0]-fxsb) < 0)     || (NINT(xrcv[k*nxy+0]-fxse) > 0)     || 
+                    (NINT(ysrc[k]-fyse) > 0)           || (NINT(yrcv[k*nxy+nxy-1]-fyse) > 0) ||
+                    (NINT(yrcv[k*nxy+nxy-1]-fysb) < 0) || (NINT(ysrc[k]-fysb) < 0)           || 
+                    (NINT(yrcv[k*nxy+0]-fysb) < 0)     || (NINT(yrcv[k*nxy+0]-fyse) > 0)       ) {
+                    vwarn("source/receiver positions are outside synthesis aperture");
+                    vmess("xsrc = %.2f xrcv_1 = %.2f xrvc_N = %.2f", xsrc[k], xrcv[k*nxy+0], xrcv[k*nxy+nxy-1]);
+                    vmess("ysrc = %.2f yrcv_1 = %.2f yrvc_N = %.2f", ysrc[k], yrcv[k*nxy+0], yrcv[k*nxy+nxy-1]);
+                    vmess("source position x:       %.2f in operator %d", xsrc[k], ixsrc);
+                    vmess("source position y:       %.2f in operator %d", ysrc[k], iysrc);
+                    vmess("receiver positions x:    %.2f <--> %.2f", xrcv[k*nxy+0], xrcv[k*nxy+nxy-1]);
+                    vmess("receiver positions y:    %.2f <--> %.2f", yrcv[k*nxy+0], yrcv[k*nxy+nxy-1]);
+                    vmess("focal point positions x: %.2f <--> %.2f", fxsb, fxse);
+                    vmess("focal point positions y: %.2f <--> %.2f", fysb, fyse);
+                }
+                if ( (xsrc[k] >= fxb) && (xsrc[k] <= fxe) &&
+                     (ysrc[k] >= fyb) && (ysrc[k] <= fye) ) {
+				    j = linearsearch(ixpos, *npos, isrc);
+				    if (j < *npos) { /* the position (at j) is already included */
+					    count[j] += xnx[k];
+				    }
+				    else { /* add new postion */
+            		    ixpos[*npos] =  isrc;
+					    count[*npos] += xnx[k];
+                   	    *npos += 1;
+				    }
+    //                vmess("source position %d is inside synthesis model %f *npos=%d count=%d", k, xsrc[k], *npos, count[*npos]);
+			    }
+    	    } /* end of nshots (k) loop */
+   	    } /* end of reci branch */
+    } /* end of Nfoc loop */
+    if (verbose>=4) {
+	    for (j=0; j < *npos; j++) { 
+            vmess("ixpos[%d] = %d count=%d", j, ixpos[j], count[j]);
+		}
+    }
+    free(count);
+/* sort ixpos into increasing values */
+    qsort(ixpos, *npos, sizeof(int), compareInt);
+    return;
+int linearsearch(int *array, size_t N, int value)
+	int j;
+/* Check is position is already in array */
+    j = 0;
+    while (j < N && value != array[j]) {
+        j++;
+    }
+	return j;
+/*================ Convolution and Integration ================*/
+void synthesis3D(complex *Refl, complex *Fop, float *Top, float *iRN, int nx, int ny, int nt, int nxs, int nys, int nts, float dt, float *xsyn, float *ysyn, 
+int Nfoc, float *xrcv, float *yrcv, float *xsrc, float *ysrc, int *xnx, float fxse, float fxsb, float fyse, float fysb, float dxs, float dys, float dxsrc, 
+float dysrc, float dx, float dy, int ntfft, int nw, int nw_low, int nw_high,  int mode, int reci, int nshots, int nxsrc, int nysrc, 
+int *ixpos, int npos, double *tfft, int *isxcount, int *reci_xsrc,  int *reci_xrcv, float *ixmask, int verbose)
+    int     nfreq, size, inx;
+    float   scl;
+    int     i, j, l, m, iw, ix, k, isrc, il, ik, nxy, nxys;
+    float   *rtrace, idxs, idys;
+    complex *sum, *ctrace;
+    int     npe;
+    static int first=1, *ircv;
+    static double t0, t1, t;
+    nxy     = nx*ny;
+    nxys    = nxs*nys;
+    size  = nxys*nts;
+    nfreq = ntfft/2+1;
+    /* scale factor 1/N for backward FFT,
+     * scale dt for correlation/convolution along time, 
+     * scale dx (or dxsrc) for integration over receiver (or shot) coordinates */
+    scl   = 1.0*dt/((float)ntfft);
+#ifdef _OPENMP
+    npe   = omp_get_max_threads();
+    /* parallelisation is over number of virtual source positions (Nfoc) */
+    if (npe > Nfoc) {
+        vmess("Number of OpenMP threads set to %d (was %d)", Nfoc, npe);
+        omp_set_num_threads(Nfoc);
+    }
+    t0 = wallclock_time();
+    /* reset output data to zero */
+    memset(&iRN[0], 0, Nfoc*nxys*nts*sizeof(float));
+    ctrace = (complex *)calloc(ntfft,sizeof(complex));
+    if (!first) {
+    /* transform muted Ni (Top) to frequency domain, input for next iteration  */
+        //TODO: create a FFT kernel
+        for (l = 0; l < Nfoc; l++) {
+            /* set Fop to zero, so new operator can be defined within ixpos points */
+            memset(&Fop[l*nxys*nw].r, 0, nxys*nw*2*sizeof(float));
+            for (i = 0; i < npos; i++) {
+                   rc1fft(&Top[l*size+i*nts],ctrace,ntfft,-1);
+                   ix = ixpos[i];
+                   for (iw=0; iw<nw; iw++) {
+                       Fop[l*nxys*nw+iw*nxys+ix].r = ctrace[nw_low+iw].r;
+                       Fop[l*nxys*nw+iw*nxys+ix].i = mode*ctrace[nw_low+iw].i;
+                   }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    else { /* only for first call to synthesis using all nxs traces in G_d */
+    /* transform G_d to frequency domain, over all nxs traces */
+        first=0;
+        for (l = 0; l < Nfoc; l++) {
+            /* set Fop to zero, so new operator can be defined within all ix points */
+            memset(&Fop[l*nxys*nw].r, 0, nxys*nw*2*sizeof(float));
+            for (i = 0; i < nxys; i++) {
+                   rc1fft(&Top[l*size+i*nts],ctrace,ntfft,-1);
+                   for (iw=0; iw<nw; iw++) {
+                       Fop[l*nxys*nw+iw*nxys+i].r = ctrace[nw_low+iw].r;
+                       Fop[l*nxys*nw+iw*nxys+i].i = mode*ctrace[nw_low+iw].i;
+                   }
+            }
+        }
+        idxs = 1.0/dxs;
+        idys = 1.0/dys;
+        ircv = (int *)malloc(nshots*nxy*sizeof(int));
+        for (k=0; k<nshots; k++) {
+            for (i = 0; i < nxy; i++) {
+                ircv[k*nxy+i] = NINT((yrcv[k*nxy+i]-fysb)*idys)*nx+NINT((xrcv[k*nxy+i]-fxsb)*idxs);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    free(ctrace);
+    t1 = wallclock_time();
+    *tfft += t1 - t0;
+/* Loop over total number of shots */
+    if (reci == 0 || reci == 1) {
+        for (k=0; k<nshots; k++) {
+            if ((xsrc[k] < 0.999*fxsb) || (xsrc[k] > 1.001*fxse) || (ysrc[k] < 0.999*fysb) || (ysrc[k] > 1.001*fyse)) continue;
+            isrc = NINT((ysrc[k] - fysb)/dys)*nxs+NINT((xsrc[k] - fxsb)/dxs);
+            inx = xnx[k]; /* number of traces per shot */
+/*================ SYNTHESIS ================*/
+#pragma omp parallel default(none) \
+ shared(iRN, dx, dy, npe, nw, verbose) \
+ shared(Refl, Nfoc, reci, xrcv, xsrc, yrcv, ysrc, xsyn, ysyn) \
+ shared(fxsb, fxse, fysb, fyse, nxs, nys, nxys, dxs, dys) \
+ shared(nx, ny, nxy, dysrc, dxsrc, inx, k, nfreq, nw_low, nw_high) \
+ shared(Fop, size, nts, ntfft, scl, ircv, isrc) \
+ private(l, ix, j, m, i, sum, rtrace)
+{ /* start of parallel region */
+            sum   = (complex *)malloc(nfreq*sizeof(complex));
+            rtrace = (float *)calloc(ntfft,sizeof(float));
+#pragma omp for schedule(guided,1)
+            for (l = 0; l < Nfoc; l++) {
+		        /* compute integral over receiver positions */
+                /* multiply R with Fop and sum over nx */
+                memset(&sum[0].r,0,nfreq*2*sizeof(float));
+                for (i = 0; i < inx; i++) {
+                    for (j = nw_low, m = 0; j <= nw_high; j++, m++) {
+                        ix = ircv[k*nxy+i];
+                        sum[j].r += Refl[k*nw*nxy+m*nxy+i].r*Fop[l*nw*nxys+m*nxys+ix].r -
+                                    Refl[k*nw*nxy+m*nxy+i].i*Fop[l*nw*nxys+m*nxys+ix].i;
+                        sum[j].i += Refl[k*nw*nxy+m*nxy+i].i*Fop[l*nw*nxys+m*nxys+ix].r +
+                                    Refl[k*nw*nxy+m*nxy+i].r*Fop[l*nw*nxys+m*nxys+ix].i;
+                    }
+                }
+                /* transfrom result back to time domain */
+                cr1fft(sum, rtrace, ntfft, 1);
+                /* place result at source position ixsrc; dx = receiver distance */
+                for (j = 0; j < nts; j++) 
+                    iRN[l*size+isrc*nts+j] += rtrace[j]*scl*dx*dy;
+            } /* end of parallel Nfoc loop */
+            free(sum);
+            free(rtrace);
+#ifdef _OPENMP
+#pragma omp single 
+            npe   = omp_get_num_threads();
+} /* end of parallel region */
+        if (verbose>4) vmess("*** Shot gather %d processed ***", k);
+        } /* end of nshots (k) loop */
+    }     /* end of if reci */
+    t = wallclock_time() - t0;
+    if (verbose) {
+        vmess("OMP: parallel region = %f seconds (%d threads)", t, npe);
+    }
+    return;
+void setup_fops(complex *Fop, float *Top, int nxys, int Nfoc, int nw, int npos, int ntfft, int *ixpos, int *first, float dxs, float dys, int nshots, int nxy, int nw_low, int *ircv, float *yrcv, float *xrcv, float fxsb, float fysb){
+    int ix, idxs, idys, iloop, iw, k, i, l;
+    complex *ctrace;
+    ctrace = (complex *)calloc(ntfft,sizeof(complex));
+    iloop = (*first ? npos : nxys)
+    memset(&Fop[Nfoc*nxys*nw].r, 0, nxys*nw*2*sizeof(float));
+    /* transform muted Ni (Top) to frequency domain, input for next iteration  */
+        //TODO: create a FFT kernel
+        for (i = 0; i < iloop; i++) {
+            /* set Fop to zero, so new operator can be defined within ixpos points */
+            for (l = 0; l < Nfoc; l++) {
+                   rc1fft(&Top[l*size+i*nts],ctrace,ntfft,-1);
+                   ix = (*first ? i : ixpos[i]);
+                   for (iw=0; iw<nw; iw++) {
+                        Fop[l*nxys*nw+iw*nxys+ix].r = ctrace[nw_low+iw].r;
+                        Fop[l*nxys*nw+iw*nxys+ix].i = mode*ctrace[nw_low+iw].i;
+                   }
+            }
+        }
+        if (*first) {
+            idxs = 1.0/dxs;
+            idys = 1.0/dys;
+            ircv = (int *)malloc(nshots*nxy*sizeof(int));
+            for (i = 0; i < nxy; i++) {
+                for (k=0; k<nshots; k++) {
+                    ircv[k*nxy+i] = NINT((yrcv[k*nxy+i]-fysb)*idys)*nx+NINT((xrcv[k*nxy+i]-fxsb)*idxs);
+                }
+            }
+            *first = 0;
+        }
+    free(ctrace);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/marchenko3D/writeData3D.c b/marchenko3D/writeData3D.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8c3e47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/marchenko3D/writeData3D.c
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "segy.h"
+* writes an 2D array to a SU file
+*   AUTHOR:
+*           Jan Thorbecke (
+*           The Netherlands 
+int writeData3D(FILE *fp, float *data, segy *hdrs, long n1, long n2)
+	size_t nwrite;
+	long i;
+	for (i=0; i<n2; i++) {
+		nwrite = fwrite(&hdrs[i], 1, TRCBYTES, fp);
+		assert(nwrite == TRCBYTES);
+		nwrite = fwrite(&data[i*n1], sizeof(float), n1, fp);
+		assert (nwrite == n1);
+	}
+	return 0;