diff --git a/Make_include b/Make_include
index f92da5ea01fd3e4f86b2b17ec7d6a37a997661b7..34ce59d267a3d978fb8b3443b78b3eb41ec81a62 100644
--- a/Make_include
+++ b/Make_include
@@ -45,12 +45,12 @@ OPTC = -O3 -ffast-math
 #OPTC = -O3 -mssse3 -no-prec-div -vec-report2 -fno-builtin-__sprintf_chk 
-CC = pgcc
-FC = pgf90
-OPTC = -fast  -Minfo=vect -Mvect=simd:256 -Msafeptr
+#CC = pgcc
+#FC = pgf90
+#OPTC = -fast  -Minfo=vect -Mvect=simd:256 -Msafeptr
 #OPTC = -fast  -Minfo=vect -Mvect=simd:256 -Msafeptr -Mprof=lines
-OPTF = -fast
-LDFLAGS = -fast -Minfo=vect -Mvect=simd:256 -Msafeptr 
+#OPTF = -fast
+#LDFLAGS = -fast -Minfo=vect -Mvect=simd:256 -Msafeptr 
 #CC = cc
@@ -59,9 +59,9 @@ LDFLAGS = -fast -Minfo=vect -Mvect=simd:256 -Msafeptr
 #OPTF = -Ofast -OPT:Ofast -fno-math-errno
 #Apple OSX clang/gcc (10.9) llvm
-#CC = clang
-#OPTC = -Ofast
-#LDFLAGS = -Ofast
+CC = clang
+OPTC = -Ofast
+LDFLAGS = -Ofast
 #AMD Open64
 #CC = opencc
diff --git a/fdelmodc/demo/FD_elastic.scr b/fdelmodc/demo/FD_elastic.scr
index 4225985111cd89a63071819194c7617cb47b831f..31ab0ca7be8a5d1af38266c71ce1573a056a8b4c 100755
--- a/fdelmodc/demo/FD_elastic.scr
+++ b/fdelmodc/demo/FD_elastic.scr
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ makemod file_base=model.su \
 	intt=def poly=0 cp=$cp2,$cp2 ro=$ro2,$ro2 cs=$cs2,$cs2 x=0,2000 z=$z2,$z2 \
-#FD Elastic modeling, recording at Ocean bottom
+#FD Acoustic modeling, recording at Ocean bottom
 ../fdelmodc \
 	file_cp=model_cp.su file_den=model_ro.su file_cs=model_cs.su file_src=wav.su \
diff --git a/fdelmodc/demo/decomposition.scr b/fdelmodc/demo/decomposition.scr
index abb782a8bc5597f91f7ebd0a53fd58b867fdb76f..5077fb078cd8beea66ae5dbf18d3c4a040d91e5e 100755
--- a/fdelmodc/demo/decomposition.scr
+++ b/fdelmodc/demo/decomposition.scr
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ makewave fp=20 dt=$dt file_out=wave.su nt=4096 t0=0.1
     file_den=syncl_ro.su \
     file_src=wave.su \
     file_rcv=shot_fd_Fz_zsrc1150.su \
+	nshot=2 dxshot=500 \
     src_type=7 \
 	src_orient=1 \
 	src_injectionrate=1 \
diff --git a/fdelmodc/fwi_xeon.f90 b/fdelmodc/fwi_xeon.f90
deleted file mode 100644
index c11cc53553e7ca53146f0c59be341d99f3f5c21e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/fdelmodc/fwi_xeon.f90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2126 +0,0 @@
-! Module containing different subroutines for Time Domain Full Waveform Inversion.
-! Also include 2-4 stagerred grid finite difference routines of both P and SH modelling
-! where the pml absorbing conditions are modified from Chaiwoot's CSIM code
-! Gradient calculations can be done for different obj functions and also different inversion schemes can
-! be used..
-! Author: Pawan Bharadwaj
-!	  p.b.pisupati@tudelft.nl
-!         Department of Geotechnology
-!         Applied Geophysics and Petrophysics
-!         CiTG - Delft University of Technology
-! Date  : October, 2012
-module fwi_xeon
-use data_global
-use my_func
-integer,public		:: nx,nz,iband
-! nz and nx	--	total size of the model
-! iband		-- 	# freq band which is being inverted
-integer,private 	:: na_pml, na_pad, &
-  na_new, na_store,nx0,nz0
-real, private 		:: dtx
-! dtx		=	dt*dx
-integer, private 	:: ntaper
-integer,PRIVATE 	:: nxm1,nxm2,nzm1,nzm2,nxm10,nxm20,nzm10,nzm20 !model dimensions
-integer, private 	::nzm,nxm
-parameter(ntaper=10) !need not change this one .. 
-parameter(na_pml=40) !grids added for pmls
-parameter(na_pad=2)  !grids added for padding
-! na_new 	--	total number of grids added to the model of PML+padding
-real, dimension(:,:), allocatable, PRIVATE &
-			:: c1,c2,cl,den, &
-			   cl41,cl42, &
-			   exL,exR, &
-			   eyT,eyB 
-! ex* and ey*	--	damping constants for the pml conditions 
-!$OMP THREADPRIVATE(c1,c2,cl,den,cl41,cl42,exL,exR,eyT,eyB)
-! tunneling parameters
-integer, private		:: ntundep,ntunrad,ntungap
-! c41 and c42	--	constants for stagerred 2D stagerred grid kernel
-real, private		:: c41, c42
-real, private,allocatable,dimension(:,:) &
-			:: illu_src,illu_rec
-real, private,allocatable,dimension(:,:,:) &
-			:: illu
-subroutine do_fw_modelling(flag)
-! This subroutine does forward modelling for istage
-! Author : Pawan Bharadwaj
-!	   p.b.pisupati@tudelft.nl
-! Input:
-!	flag	-1  -- uses original velocity and density model for modelling/
-!    	  	 0  -- uses c (velocity) and rho (density) for modelling
-! Output: global variables
-!	csgs_cal    -- common shot gathers if flag.eq.0
-! 	csgs_obs    -- common shot gathers if flag.eq.-1
-use data_global
-use omp_lib
-implicit none
-		integer 			:: is,istg
-		integer,intent(in) 		:: flag
-		character(len=200) 		:: junk
-		real, dimension(nt,ng,ns)	:: csgs_temp	
-		real, dimension(nt)		:: src_temp
-if(my_rank.eq.0) then
-!	write(*,*)'forward modelling ...'
-end if
-do istg=1,nstage/nump
-	istage=1+my_rank+(istg-1)*nstage/nump
-	!$OMP PRIVATE(junk,src_temp)
-	!$OMP DO
-	do is=ns/nstage*(istage-1)+1,ns/nstage*istage
-		if(flag.eq.-1) then
-			write(*,*)'source position(x,z)=',xs(is),'m,',zs(is),'m'
-		end if
-	        if(iband.ne.0.and.flag.eq.0) then
-        		call do_bw_filter1d(src_temp,src_sign,bands_freq(iband,1),bands_freq(iband,2),dt)
-       	 	elseif(flag.eq.-1) then
-			src_temp=src_sign
-		endif
-		call forw(vel_flag=flag,csg=csgs_temp(:,:,is),is=is,source_wav=src_temp)
-	if(flag.eq.-1) then
-		call filename(junk,trim(out_dir)//'/csg',is,'')
-		call makesu2d(csgs_temp(:,:,is),junk,0.0,0.0,dx,dx,ng,nt,OMP_get_thread_num()+10)
-	endif
-	enddo
-call mpi_add_3d(csgs_temp)
-if(flag.eq.-1) then
-	csgs_obs=csgs_temp;
-else if(flag.eq.0) then
-	csgs_cal=csgs_temp
-end subroutine do_fw_modelling
-subroutine vel_den_shot(stage,flag)
-use data_global
-use omp_lib
-implicit none
-!x coordinate position of the source -- x_pos
-!flag= -1  -- uses original velocity and density model for modelling/
-!    =  0  -- uses c (velocity) and rho (density) for modelling
-integer, intent(in) 	:: stage,flag
-integer 		:: ix,iz,izz,ixx
-real 			:: factor_att, const,tmp,alpha,alpha_max0,tmp0
-character(len=200) 	:: junk
-allocate	(c1(nx0,nz0),c2(nx0,nz0),&
-		cl(nx0,nz0),den(nx0,nz0), &
-		cl41(nx0,nz0),cl42(nx0,nz0), &
-		exL(na_pml,nz0),exR(na_pml,nz0), &
-		eyT(nx0,na_pml),eyB(nx0,na_pml))
-if(flag.eq.-1) then
-	c1(na_new+1:nx_in-na_new,na_new+1:nz_in-na_new)=transpose(velocity)
-	den(na_new+1:nx_in-na_new,na_new+1:nz_in-na_new)=transpose(density)
-else if(flag.eq.0) then
-	c1(na_new+1:nx_in-na_new,na_new+1:nz_in-na_new)=transpose(reshape&
-                        (c(nxm*nzm*(stage-1)+1:nxm*nzm*(stage)),(/nz_in,nx_in/)))
-	den(na_new+1:nx_in-na_new,na_new+1:nz_in-na_new)=transpose(reshape&
-                        (rho(nxm*nzm*(stage-1)+1:nxm*nzm*(stage)),(/nz_in,nx_in/)))
-end if
-!padding velocity and density layers
-do ix=1,nx0
-	do iz=1,na_new
-		c1(ix,iz)=c1(ix,na_new+1)
-		c1(ix,nz0-iz+1)=c1(ix,na_new+nz_in)
-		den(ix,iz)=den(ix,na_new+1)
-		den(ix,nz0-iz+1)=den(ix,na_new+nz_in)
-	end do
-end do
-do iz=1,nz0
-	do ix=1,na_new
-		c1(ix,iz)=c1(na_new+1,iz)
-		c1(nx_in+na_new+ix,iz)=c1(na_new+nx_in,iz)
-		den(ix,iz)=den(na_new+1,iz)
-		den(nx_in+na_new+ix,iz)=den(na_new+nx_in,iz)
-	end do
-end do
-if(free.eq.1) then
-	c1(:,1:na_new)=0;
-	den(:,1:na_new)=200; !density of air in kg/m3
-end if
-!inserting the tunnel in actual density and velocity models
-	ntundep=int(tundep/dx)
-	ntunrad=int(tunrad/dx)
-	ntungap=int(tungap/dx)
-if(tundep.ne.0.and.flag.eq.-1) then
-	do ix=1,na_new+nxs(1+ns/nstage*(stage-1))-ntungap
-		do iz=na_new+ntundep,na_new+ntundep+ntunrad
-			c1(ix,iz)=tunvel
-			den(ix,iz)=tunrho
-		end do
-	end do
-end if 
-call makesu2d(transpose(c1)&
-          ,trim(out_dir)//'/velocity_used',0.0,0.0,dx,dx,nx0,nz0,OMP_get_thread_num()+10)
-if(wtd.eq.1) then
-! need to change density - but velocity will be taken as
-! S-wave velocity
-	do ix=1,nx0
-		do iz=1,nz0
-			if(c1(ix,iz).ne.0.and.den(ix,iz).ne.0) then
-				den(ix,iz)=1/c1(ix,iz)/c1(ix,iz)/den(ix,iz) !fake density
-			end if
-		end do
-	end do
-end if
-do ix=1,nx
-	do iz=1,nz
-		cl(ix,iz)=dtx/den(ix,iz)
-		cl41(ix,iz)=cl(ix,iz)*c41
-		cl42(ix,iz)=cl(ix,iz)*c42
-	enddo
-do iz=1,nz
-	do ix=1,nx
-		c2(ix,iz)= (c1(ix,iz)**2)*den(ix,iz)*dtx
-	enddo
-!   exL
-alpha_max0=sqrt(3.0)*vmax*(8.0/15.0-0.03*na_pml &
-             +na_pml*na_pml/1500.0)*dtx
-do ix=1,na_pml
-	tmp=(na_pml+1-ix)/float(na_pml+1)
-	tmp=tmp*tmp
-do iz=1,nz
-	alpha=alpha_max0*tmp
-	exL(ix,iz)=1.0-alpha
-!  exR
-do ix=nxm20+1,nx
-	ixx=nx-ix+1
-	tmp=(na_pml+1-ixx)/float(na_pml+1)
-	tmp=tmp*tmp
-	do iz=1,nz
-		alpha=alpha_max0*tmp
-		exR(ixx,iz)=1.0-alpha
-	enddo
-!  eyT
-do iz=1,na_pml
-	tmp0=(na_pml+1.0-iz)/float(na_pml+1)
-	tmp0=tmp0*tmp0
-	do ix=1,nx
-		alpha=alpha_max0*tmp0
-		eyT(ix,iz)=1.0-alpha
-	enddo
-! ! c  eyB
-do iz=nzm20+1,nz
-	izz=nz-iz+1
-	tmp0=(na_pml+1.0-izz)/float(na_pml+1)
-	tmp0=tmp0*tmp0
-	do ix=1,nx
-		alpha=alpha_max0*tmp0
-		eyB(ix,izz)=1.0-alpha
-	enddo
-end subroutine vel_den_shot
-subroutine forw(vel_flag,csg,is,ig,source_wav,bord_UD,bord_RL,snaps,illu)
-!vel_flag = -1 uses velocity and density
-!vel_flag =  0 uses c and rho for modelling
-! if 'is' is present .. source at nxs(is) and nzs(is)
-! if 'ig' and is are present then source at nxg(ig,is) and nzg(ig,is)
-! if is <0 .. all sources blasted simultaneoulsy - for calculating illumination
-! if ig <0 .. all receivers of is are blasted simultaneoulsy - for calculating illumination
-use data_global
-use omp_lib
-! x_pos and z_pos are coordinate postions of source in the original model
-implicit none
-integer, intent(in)		:: vel_flag
-integer :: it,ix,i
-real, dimension(nt,nx_in,nz_in),intent(out)&
-				::snaps
-real, dimension(nz_in,nx_in),intent(inout) &
-				::illu
-integer,intent(in)		:: is,ig ! index of the source in nxs variable
-real, dimension(nt),intent(in)	::source_wav
-real, dimension(:,:), allocatable&
-				:: p2xL,p2xR,p2yL,p2yR,&
-                            	   p2xT,p2yT,p2xB,p2yB,p2,u1,w1,p2prev
-real, dimension(nt,nz_in,4+nx_in), intent(out) &
-				:: bord_UD
-real, dimension(nt,nx_in,4+nz_in), intent(out) &
-				:: bord_RL
-real, dimension(nt,ng), intent(out)&
-				:: csg
-optional 			:: bord_UD,bord_RL,snaps,csg,ig,is,illu
-integer k
-real, dimension(int(ns/nstage)) :: src_array_taper
-real, dimension(ng) :: rec_array_taper
-call taper(ns/nstage,sample=src_array_taper,percent=10.0);
-call taper(ng,sample=rec_array_taper,percent=10.0);
-          w1(1:nx0,1:nz0),p2xL(1:na_pml,1:nz0),&
-          p2xR(1:na_pml,1:nz0),p2yL(1:na_pml,1:nz0),&
-          p2yR(1:na_pml,1:nz0),p2xT(1:nx0,1:na_pml),&
-          p2yT(1:nx0,1:na_pml),&
-          p2xB(1:nx0,1:na_pml),p2yB(1:nx0,1:na_pml))
-call vel_den_shot(int((is-1)/(ns/nstage))+1,vel_flag)
-!     ----------------------------------------------------------------
-!    Forward modeling to get synthetic seismograms
-!    -----------------------------------------------------------------
- p2(1:nx0,1:nz0)=0.0; p2prev=p2
- u1(1:nx0,1:nz0)=0.0
- w1(1:nx0,1:nz0)=0.0
- p2xL(1:na_pml,1:nz0)=0.0
- p2yL(1:na_pml,1:nz0)=0.0
- p2xR(1:na_pml,1:nz0)=0.0
- p2yR(1:na_pml,1:nz0)=0.0
- p2xT(1:nx0,1:na_pml)=0.0
- p2yT(1:nx0,1:na_pml)=0.0
- p2xB(1:nx0,1:na_pml)=0.0
- p2yB(1:nx0,1:na_pml)=0.0
-!  ! !  Main Loop
- dt_loop:do it=1,nt
- if(maxval(p2).gt.10**6) then
- end if
-!!! adding source at source or receiver position 
-if(present(ig).eqv..false.) then
-        p2(na_new+nxs(is),na_new+nzs(is))=p2(na_new+nxs(is),na_new+nzs(is))+&
-        source_wav(it)!*src_array_taper(is-ns/nstage*(istage-1))
-         p2(na_new+nxg(ig,is),na_new+nzg(ig,is))=p2(na_new+nxg(ig,is),na_new+nzg(ig,is))+&
-        source_wav(it)
-end if
- !boundary conditions for the tunnel wall and free surface (SH WAVE CASE)
- !   u1 --> tauyx
- !   w1 --> tauyz
- !   p  --> vy
- if(tundep.ne.0 .and. wtd.eq.1) then
-   w1(1:int(na_new+nxs(is)-ntungap)+1,int(na_new+ntundep-1))=0
-   w1(1:int(na_new+nxs(is)-ntungap)+1,int(na_new+ntundep+ntunrad))=0
-   u1(int(na_new+nxs(is)-ntungap),&
- int(na_new+ntundep-1):int(na_new+ntundep+ntunrad+1))=0
- end if
- if(free.eq.1 .and. wtd.eq.1) then
- w1(1:nx0,na_new+1)=0
- end if
- !boundary conditions for the free surface (P WAVE CASE)
- if(free.eq.1 .and. wtd.eq.2)then
-          do ix=1,nx
-            p2(ix,na_new+1)=0.0
-          enddo
- endif
- call move(p2,u1,w1, &
-          p2xL, &
-          p2xR, &
-          p2yL, &
-          p2yR, &
-          p2xT, &
-          p2yT, &
-          p2xB, &
-          p2yB)
-if(it.eq.int(nt/3)) then
-call makesu2d(transpose(p2(na_new+1:na_new+nx_in,na_new+1:na_new+nz_in)),&
-             trim(out_dir)//'/snap_forw',0.0,0.0,dx,dx,nx_in,nz_in,OMP_get_thread_num()+10)
-end if
- if(present(snaps))then
- snaps(it,:,:)=p2(na_new+1:nx_in+na_new,na_new+1:na_new+nz_in)
- end if
-if(present(illu)) then
-          -p2prev(na_new+1:nx_in+na_new,na_new+1:na_new+nz_in)/dt)**2))
-end if
-! ! 
-! ! !c
-! !         if(nfree.eq.1)then
-! !           do ix=1,nx
-! !              iz=nsurf(ix)-1
-! !              w1(ix,iz) = w1(ix,nsurf(ix)+1)
-! ! ! c              w1(ix,iz)=w1(ix,iz)+
-! ! ! c     1           cl41(ix,iz)*(-p2(ix,iz))
-! ! ! c     2          +cl42(ix,iz)*(p2(ix,iz+2)+p2(ix,iz+3))
-! !            enddo
-! !         end if
-! !c
-! ! 	if(ispre.ne.1)then
-! !
-! !  output the seismogram (pressure)
-! !
- if(present(csg)) then
- do k=1,ng
- csg(it,k)=p2(na_new+nxg(k,is),na_new+nzg(k,is))!*rec_array_taper(k)
- enddo
- end if
-! ! 	endif
-       if(present(bord_UD).and.present(bord_RL)) then
- !
- !      store records and boundary value
- bord_UD(it,:,1)=p2(na_new+1        ,na_new+1:na_new+nz_in)
- bord_UD(it,:,4)=p2(na_new+nx_in    ,na_new+1:na_new+nz_in)
- bord_UD(it,:,2)=p2(na_new+2        ,na_new+1:na_new+nz_in)
- bord_UD(it,:,3)=p2(na_new+nx_in-1  ,na_new+1:na_new+nz_in)
- if(it.eq.nt-1) then
- do k=1,nx_in
- bord_UD(1,:,4+k)=p2(na_new+k,na_new+1:na_new+nz_in)
- end do
- end if
- bord_RL(it,:,1)=p2(na_new+1:na_new+nx_in  ,      na_new+1)
- bord_RL(it,:,4)=p2(na_new+1:na_new+nx_in  ,  na_new+nz_in)
- bord_RL(it,:,2)=p2(na_new+1:na_new+nx_in  ,      na_new+2)
- bord_RL(it,:,3)=p2(na_new+1:na_new+nx_in  ,na_new+nz_in-1)
- if(it.eq.nt) then
- do k=1,nz_in
- bord_RL(1,:,4+k)=p2(na_new+1:na_new+nx_in,na_new+k)
- end do
- end if
-         endif
- !  End of Main Loop
- end do dt_loop
-deallocate(c1,c2,cl,den, &
-       cl41,cl42,&
-       exL,exR, &
-       eyT,eyB)
-end subroutine forw
-subroutine back(vel_flag,grad,snaps,is1,csg1,is2,csg2,illu)
-!vel_flag = -1 uses velocity and density
-!vel_flag =  0 uses c and rho for modelling
-use data_global
-use omp_lib
-! x_pos and z_pos are coordinate postions of source in the original model
-implicit none
-integer :: ix,iz,it,k
-integer, intent(in) :: vel_flag
-real, dimension(nz_in,nx_in),intent(inout) :: grad
-real, dimension(nz_in,nx_in) :: gradtemp
-integer :: x_pos1,z_pos1,x_pos2,z_pos2
-real, dimension(nt,nx_in,nz_in),intent(in)::snaps
-real, dimension(nt,nx_in,nz_in)              ::dsnaps
-integer,intent(in)::is1,is2 !index number of the sources
-real, dimension(nt,ng),intent(in):: csg1,csg2
-real, dimension(nt,ng)           :: csg
-real, dimension(nz_in,nx_in),intent(inout) &
-				::illu
-! is2 is zero then migrate shot record at is1
-! if is2 is not equal to zero then migrate shotrecord(is1-is2)
-real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: p2xL,p2xR,p2yL,p2yR,&
-                            p2xT,p2yT,p2xB,p2yB,p2,u2,w2 ! for back propagating boundary data
-real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: p1xL,p1xR,p1yL,p1yR,&
-                            p1xT,p1yT,p1xB,p1yB,p1,u1,w1,p1prev ! for back propagating recorded data
-optional :: is2,csg2,snaps,illu,grad
-if(present(is2).and.present(csg2)) then
-end if
-          w1(1:nx0,1:nz0),p1xL(1:na_pml,1:nz0),&
-          p1xR(1:na_pml,1:nz0),p1yL(1:na_pml,1:nz0),&
-          p1yR(1:na_pml,1:nz0),p1xT(1:nx0,1:na_pml),&
-          p1yT(1:nx0,1:na_pml),&
-          p1xB(1:nx0,1:na_pml),p1yB(1:nx0,1:na_pml))
-call vel_den_shot(int((is1-1)/(ns/nstage))+1,vel_flag) ! getting velocity and density models
-!     ----------------------------------------------------------------
-!  Initializing values to zero
-!    -----------------------------------------------------------------
-p1(1:nx0,1:nz0)=0.0; p1prev=p1
-! time differential of the forward propagated wavefield . . .
-if(present(snaps)) then
-	do it=1,nt-1
-		dsnaps(it,:,:)=(snaps(it+1,:,:)-snaps(it,:,:))/dt
-	end do
-end if
-dt_loop:do it=nt,1,-1 ! backward marching
-! input data at the receivers
-do k=1,ng
-	p1(na_new+nxg(k,is1),na_new+nzg(k,is1))= &
-		csg(it,k)+p1(na_new+nxg(k,is1),na_new+nzg(k,is1))
-end do
-if(present(snaps)) then
-	forall(ix=1:nx_in,iz=1:nz_in)
-! the formula derived from Jerry's book after changing slowness derivative to 
-! velocity derivateive.. i.e., glsc from glss
-! glsc		--	Gradient of Leastsquare functional wrt 'c'
-! glsc		--	Gradient of    ''             ''   wrt 's'
-	gradtemp(iz,ix)=-2.0*&!/(c1(na_new+ix,na_new+iz)**3)*&!*den(na_new+ix,na_new+iz))* &
-! derivative in time 
-       		((p1(na_new+ix,na_new+iz)-p1prev(na_new+ix,na_new+iz))/dt)&
-		*dsnaps(it,ix,iz) !gradient result
-	end forall
-if(tundep.ne.0) then
-end if
-! Back propagating data/ data residuals
-if(maxval(p1).gt.10**6) then
-end if
-!boundary conditions for the tunnel wall and free surface (SH WAVE CASE)
-!   u1 --> tauyx
-!   w1 --> tauyz
-!   p  --> vy
-if(tundep.ne.0 .and. wtd.eq.1) then
-	w1(1:int(na_new+x_pos1-ntungap)+1,int(na_new+ntundep-1))=0
-	w1(1:int(na_new+x_pos1-ntungap+1),int(na_new+ntundep+ntunrad))=0
-	u1(int(na_new+x_pos1-ntungap),&
-		int(na_new+ntundep-1):int(na_new+ntundep+ntunrad+1))=0
-end if
-if(free.eq.1 .and. wtd.eq.1) then
-	w1(1:nx0,na_new+1)=0
-end if
-!boundary conditions for the free surface (P WAVE CASE)
-if(free.eq.1 .and. wtd.eq.2)then
-	do ix=1,nx
-		p1(ix,na_new+1)=0.0
-	enddo
-call move(p1,u1,w1, &
-         p1xL, &
-         p1xR, &
-         p1yL, &
-         p1yR, &
-         p1xT, &
-         p1yT, &
-         p1xB, &
-         p1yB)
-if(present(illu)) then
-	illu=illu+(transpose((p1(na_new+1:nx_in+na_new,na_new+1:na_new+nz_in)&
-		-p1prev(na_new+1:nx_in+na_new,na_new+1:na_new+nz_in)/dt)**2))
-if(it.eq.int(nt/3)) then
-call makesu2d(transpose(p1(na_new+1:na_new+nx_in,na_new+1:na_new+nz_in)),&
-              trim(out_dir)//'/snap_back',0.0,0.0,dx,dx,nx_in,nz_in,OMP_get_thread_num()+10)
-end if
-end do dt_loop
-!  End of Main Loop
-deallocate(c1,c2,cl,den, &
-       cl41,cl42,&
-       exL,exR, &
-       eyT,eyB)
-end subroutine back
-subroutine back_testing(vel_flag,image,bordUD,bordRL,is,csg)
-!vel_flag = -1 uses velocity and density
-!vel_flag =  0 uses c and rho for modelling
-use data_global
-use omp_lib
-! x_pos and z_pos are coordinate postions of source in the original model
-implicit none
-integer :: ix,iz,it,k
-integer, intent(in) :: vel_flag
-real, dimension(nz_in,nx_in),intent(inout) :: image
-real, dimension(nz_in,nx_in) :: imagetemp
-integer :: x_pos,z_pos
-integer,intent(in)::is !index number of the sources
-real, dimension(nt,ng),intent(in):: csg
-real, dimension(nt,nz_in,4+nx_in), intent(in) :: bordUD
-real, dimension(nt,nx_in,4+nz_in), intent(in) :: bordRL
-real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: p2xL,p2xR,p2yL,p2yR,&
-                            p2xT,p2yT,p2xB,p2yB,p2,u2,w2,p2prev ! for back propagating boundary data
-real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: p1xL,p1xR,p1yL,p1yR,&
-                            p1xT,p1yT,p1xB,p1yB,p1,u1,w1,p1prev ! for back propagating recorded data
-          w2(1:nx0,1:nz0),p2xL(1:na_pml,1:nz0),&
-          p2xR(1:na_pml,1:nz0),p2yL(1:na_pml,1:nz0),&
-          p2yR(1:na_pml,1:nz0),p2xT(1:nx0,1:na_pml),&
-          p2yT(1:nx0,1:na_pml),&
-          p2xB(1:nx0,1:na_pml),p2yB(1:nx0,1:na_pml))
-          w1(1:nx0,1:nz0),p1xL(1:na_pml,1:nz0),&
-          p1xR(1:na_pml,1:nz0),p1yL(1:na_pml,1:nz0),&
-          p1yR(1:na_pml,1:nz0),p1xT(1:nx0,1:na_pml),&
-          p1yT(1:nx0,1:na_pml),&
-          p1xB(1:nx0,1:na_pml),p1yB(1:nx0,1:na_pml))
-call vel_den_shot(int((is-1)/(ns/nstage))+1,vel_flag) ! getting velocity and density models
-!     ----------------------------------------------------------------
-!  Initializing values to zero
-!    -----------------------------------------------------------------
-p2(1:nx0,1:nz0)=0.0; p2prev=p2
-p1(1:nx0,1:nz0)=0.0; p1prev=p1
-!write(*,*)'Calculating gradient for shot# =',is1
-dt_loop:do it=nt,1,-1 ! backward marching
-imagetemp(iz,ix)=-2.0*&!/(c1(na_new+ix,na_new+iz)**3)*&!*den(na_new+ix,na_new+iz))* &
-! derivative in time 
-       ((p1(na_new+ix,na_new+iz)-p1prev(na_new+ix,na_new+iz))/dt) *&
-!imagetemp(iz,ix)= &!2.0/(c1(na_new+ix,na_new+iz))*&
- !     p1(na_new+ix,na_new+iz)*p2(na_new+ix,na_new+iz) !gradient result
-end forall
- ! ! Back propagating boundary values
-if(maxval(p2).gt.10**6) then
-end if
-!boundary conditions for the tunnel wall and free surface (SH WAVE CASE)
-!   u2 --> tauyx
-!   w2 --> tauyz
-!   p  --> vy
-if(tundep.ne.0 .and. wtd.eq.1) then
-  w2(1:int(na_new+x_pos-ntungap)+1,int(na_new+ntundep))=0
- w2(1:int(na_new+x_pos-ntungap+1),int(na_new+ntundep+ntunrad))=0
- u2(int(na_new+x_pos-ntungap+1),&
-end if
-if(free.eq.1 .and. wtd.eq.1) then
-end if
-!boundary conditions for the free surface (P WAVE CASE)
-if(free.eq.1 .and. wtd.eq.2)then
-         do ix=1,nx
-           p2(ix,na_new+1)=0.0
-         enddo
-!  applying stored snapshots and boundary value
-p2(na_new+1         ,na_new+1:na_new+nz_in)=p2(na_new+1       ,na_new+1:na_new+nz_in)+bordUD(it,:,1)
-p2(na_new+nx_in     ,na_new+1:na_new+nz_in)=p2(na_new+nx_in   ,na_new+1:na_new+nz_in)+bordUD(it,:,4)
-p2(na_new+2         ,na_new+1:na_new+nz_in)=p2(na_new+2       ,na_new+1:na_new+nz_in)+bordUD(it,:,2)
-p2(na_new+nx_in-1   ,na_new+1:na_new+nz_in)=p2(na_new+nx_in-1 ,na_new+1:na_new+nz_in)+bordUD(it,:,3)
-if(it.eq.nt-1) then ! snapshot at nt-1
-do k=1,nx_in
-end do
-end if
-p2(na_new+1:na_new+nx_in,      na_new+1)=p2(na_new+1:na_new+nx_in,        na_new+1)+bordRL(it,:,1)
-p2(na_new+1:na_new+nx_in,  na_new+nz_in)=p2(na_new+1:na_new+nx_in,    na_new+nz_in)+bordRL(it,:,4)
-p2(na_new+1:na_new+nx_in,      na_new+2)=p2(na_new+1:na_new+nx_in,        na_new+2)+bordRL(it,:,2)
-p2(na_new+1:na_new+nx_in,na_new+nz_in-1)=p2(na_new+1:na_new+nx_in,  na_new+nz_in-1)+bordRL(it,:,3)
-if(it.eq.nt) then ! snapshot at nt
-do k=1,nz_in
-p2(na_new+1:na_new+nx_in, na_new+k)=p2(na_new+1:na_new+nx_in, na_new+k)+bordRL(1,:,4+k)
-end do
-end if
-!!! adding source
-        p2(na_new+x_pos,na_new+z_pos)=p2(na_new+x_pos,na_new+z_pos)-&
-        src_sign(it)
-call move(p2,u2,w2, &
-         p2xL, &
-         p2xR, &
-         p2yL, &
-         p2yR, &
-         p2xT, &
-         p2yT, &
-         p2xB, &
-         p2yB)
- ! ! Back propagating data/ data residuals
-if(maxval(p1).gt.10**6) then
-end if
-!boundary conditions for the tunnel wall and free surface (SH WAVE CASE)
-!   u1 --> tauyx
-!   w1 --> tauyz
-!   p  --> vy
- if(tundep.ne.0 .and. wtd.eq.1) then
-   w1(1:int(na_new+x_pos-ntungap)+1,int(na_new+ntundep-1))=0
-   w1(1:int(na_new+x_pos-ntungap+1),int(na_new+ntundep+ntunrad+1))=0
-   u1(int(na_new+x_pos-ntungap),&
- int(na_new+ntundep-1):int(na_new+ntundep+ntunrad+1))=0
- end if
-if(free.eq.1 .and. wtd.eq.1) then
-end if
-!boundary conditions for the free surface (P WAVE CASE)
-if(free.eq.1 .and. wtd.eq.2)then
-         do ix=1,nx
-           p1(ix,na_new+1)=0.0
-         enddo
-!!! input data at the receivers
-do k=1,ng
-p1(na_new+nxg(k,is),na_new+nzg(k,is))= &
-    csg(it,k)+p1(na_new+nxg(k,is),na_new+nzg(k,is))
-end do
-!  applying stored snapshots and boundary value
-!p1(na_new+1         ,na_new+1:na_new+nz_in)=p1(na_new+1       ,na_new+1:na_new+nz_in)+bordUD(it,:,1)
-!p1(na_new+nx_in     ,na_new+1:na_new+nz_in)=p1(na_new+nx_in   ,na_new+1:na_new+nz_in)+bordUD(it,:,4)
-!p1(na_new+2         ,na_new+1:na_new+nz_in)=p1(na_new+2       ,na_new+1:na_new+nz_in)+bordUD(it,:,2)
-!p1(na_new+nx_in-1   ,na_new+1:na_new+nz_in)=p1(na_new+nx_in-1 ,na_new+1:na_new+nz_in)+bordUD(it,:,3)
-if(it.eq.nt-1) then ! snapshot at nt-1
-do k=1,nx_in
-end do
-end if
-!p1(na_new+1:na_new+nx_in,      na_new+1)=p1(na_new+1:na_new+nx_in,        na_new+1)+bordRL(it,:,1)
-!p1(na_new+1:na_new+nx_in,  na_new+nz_in)=p1(na_new+1:na_new+nx_in,    na_new+nz_in)+bordRL(it,:,4)
-!p1(na_new+1:na_new+nx_in,      na_new+2)=p1(na_new+1:na_new+nx_in,        na_new+2)+bordRL(it,:,2)
-!p1(na_new+1:na_new+nx_in,na_new+nz_in-1)=p1(na_new+1:na_new+nx_in,  na_new+nz_in-1)+bordRL(it,:,3)
-if(it.eq.nt) then ! snapshot at nt
-do k=1,nz_in
-!p1(na_new+1:na_new+nx_in, na_new+k)=p1(na_new+1:na_new+nx_in, na_new+k)+bordRL(1,:,4+k)
-end do
-end if
-call move(p1,u1,w1, &
-         p1xL, &
-         p1xR, &
-         p1yL, &
-         p1yR, &
-         p1xT, &
-         p1yT, &
-         p1xB, &
-         p1yB)
-if(it.eq.int(nt/2)) then
-call makesu2d(transpose(p1(na_new+1:na_new+nx_in,na_new+1:na_new+nz_in)),&
-              trim(out_dir)//'/snap_back',0.0,0.0,dx,dx,nx_in,nz_in,OMP_get_thread_num()+10)
-end if
-end do dt_loop
-!  End of Main Loop
-deallocate(c1,c2,cl,den, &
-       cl41,cl42,&
-       exL,exR, &
-       eyT,eyB)
-end subroutine back_testing
-subroutine move(p2,u1,w1,p2xL,p2xR,p2yL,p2yR,p2xT,p2yT,p2xB,p2yB)
-!move/ propagate wavefield in time
-implicit none
-integer :: ix,iz,ixx,izz
- real,dimension(na_pml,nz0), intent(inout)::p2xL,p2xR, &
-       p2yL,p2yR
-  real, dimension(nx0,na_pml), intent(inout) :: p2xT,p2yT, &
-       p2xB,p2yB
-real, dimension(nx0,nz0), intent(inout)::p2,u1,w1
-        do iz=nzm10,nzm20
-          do ix=nxm10,nxm20
-            p2(ix,iz)=p2(ix,iz)+c2(ix,iz)*( &
-             c41*( u1(ix  ,iz)-u1(ix-1,iz)+w1(ix,iz  )-w1(ix,iz-1)) &
-            +c42*( u1(ix+1,iz)-u1(ix-2,iz)+w1(ix,iz+1)-w1(ix,iz-2)))
-          enddo
-        enddo
-! c p2x
-        do iz=na_pml,2,-1
-          do ix=nxm10,nxm20
-            p2xT(ix,iz)=p2xT(ix,iz)+c2(ix,iz)*( &
-            c41*(u1(ix,iz)-u1(ix-1,iz))+c42*(u1(ix+1,iz)-u1(ix-2,iz)))
-          enddo
-        enddo
-        do iz=2,na_pml
-          do ix=na_pml,3,-1
-            p2xL(ix,iz)=p2xL(ix,iz)*exL(ix,iz)+c2(ix,iz)*( &
-            c41*(u1(ix,iz)-u1(ix-1,iz))+c42*(u1(ix+1,iz)-u1(ix-2,iz))) 
-          enddo
-          ix=2
-          p2xL(ix,iz)=p2xL(ix,iz)*exL(ix,iz)+ &
-               c2(ix,iz)*(u1(ix,iz)-u1(ix-1,iz))
-        enddo
-        do ix=nxm20+1,nx-1
-          ixx=nx-ix+1
-          do iz=2,na_pml
-            p2xR(ixx,iz)=p2xR(ixx,iz)*exR(ixx,iz)+c2(ix,iz)*( &
-            c41*(u1(ix,iz)-u1(ix-1,iz))+c42*(u1(ix+1,iz)-u1(ix-2,iz)))
-          enddo
-        enddo
-        do iz=nzm20+1,nz-1
-           izz=nz-iz+1
-	   do ix=nxm10,nxm20
-	      p2xB(ix,izz)=p2xB(ix,izz)+c2(ix,iz)*( &
-     	   c41*(u1(ix,iz)-u1(ix-1,iz))+c42*(u1(ix+1,iz)-u1(ix-2,iz)))
-	   enddo
-	enddo
-	do ix=na_pml,3,-1
-	   do iz=na_pml+1,nz-1
-	      p2xL(ix,iz)=p2xL(ix,iz)*exL(ix,iz)+c2(ix,iz)*( &
-     	   c41*(u1(ix,iz)-u1(ix-1,iz))+c42*(u1(ix+1,iz)-u1(ix-2,iz)))
-	   enddo
-	enddo
-	ix=2
-	do iz=na_pml+1,nz-1
-	   p2xL(ix,iz)=p2xL(ix,iz)*exL(ix,iz)+ &
-     		c2(ix,iz)*(u1(ix,iz)-u1(ix-1,iz))
-	enddo
-	do ix=nxm20+1,nx-1
-	   ixx=nx-ix+1
-	   do iz=na_pml+1,nz-1
-	      p2xR(ixx,iz)=p2xR(ixx,iz)*exR(ixx,iz)+c2(ix,iz)*( &
-     	   c41*(u1(ix,iz)-u1(ix-1,iz))+c42*(u1(ix+1,iz)-u1(ix-2,iz)))
-	   enddo
-	enddo
-! c
-! c p2y
-! c
-	   do iz=na_pml,3,-1
-	   do ix=2,nx-1
-	      p2yT(ix,iz)=p2yT(ix,iz)*eyT(ix,iz)+c2(ix,iz)*( &
-     	   c41*(w1(ix,iz)-w1(ix,iz-1))+c42*(w1(ix,iz+1)-w1(ix,iz-2)))
-	   enddo
-	   enddo
-	   iz=2
-	   do ix=2,nx-1
-	   p2yT(ix,iz)=p2yT(ix,iz)*eyT(ix,iz)+ &
-     		c2(ix,iz)*(w1(ix,iz)-w1(ix,iz-1))
-	   enddo
-	do iz=nzm20+1,nz-1
-	   izz=nz-iz+1
-           do ix=2,nx-1
-              p2yB(ix,izz)=p2yB(ix,izz)*eyB(ix,izz)+c2(ix,iz)*( &
-          c41*(w1(ix,iz)-w1(ix,iz-1))+c42*(w1(ix,iz+1)-w1(ix,iz-2)))
-           enddo
-        enddo
-	do ix=na_pml,2,-1
-	   do iz=nzm10,nzm20
-	      p2yL(ix,iz)=p2yL(ix,iz)+c2(ix,iz)*( &
-     	   c41*(w1(ix,iz)-w1(ix,iz-1))+c42*(w1(ix,iz+1)-w1(ix,iz-2)))
-	   enddo
-	enddo
-        do ix=nxm20+1,nx-1
-	   ixx=nx-ix+1
-           do iz=nzm10,nzm20
-              p2yR(ixx,iz)=p2yR(ixx,iz)+c2(ix,iz)*( &
-          c41*(w1(ix,iz)-w1(ix,iz-1))+c42*(w1(ix,iz+1)-w1(ix,iz-2)))
-           enddo
-        enddo
-! c
-	do iz=2,na_pml
-	   do ix=2,na_pml
-	      p2(ix,iz)=p2xL(ix,iz)+p2yT(ix,iz)
-	   enddo
-	   do ix=nxm10,nxm20
-	      p2(ix,iz)=p2xT(ix,iz)+p2yT(ix,iz)
-	   enddo
-	   do ix=nxm20+1,nx
-	      ixx=nx-ix+1
-	      p2(ix,iz)=p2xR(ixx,iz)+p2yT(ix,iz)
-	   enddo
-	enddo
-	do iz=nzm20+1,nz
-	   izz=nz-iz+1
-           do ix=2,na_pml
-              p2(ix,iz)=p2xL(ix,iz)+p2yB(ix,izz)
-           enddo
-           do ix=nxm10,nxm20
-              p2(ix,iz)=p2xB(ix,izz)+p2yB(ix,izz)
-           enddo
-           do ix=nxm20+1,nx
-              ixx=nx-ix+1
-              p2(ix,iz)=p2xR(ixx,iz)+p2yB(ix,izz)
-           enddo
-        enddo   
-	do iz=nzm10,nzm20
-	   do ix=2,na_pml
-	      p2(ix,iz)=p2xL(ix,iz)+p2yL(ix,iz)
-	   enddo
-	   do ix=nxm20+1,nx
-              ixx=nx-ix+1
-	      p2(ix,iz)=p2xR(ixx,iz)+p2yR(ixx,iz)
-	   enddo
-	enddo
-      do iz=nzm10,nzm20
-      do ix=nxm10,nxm20
-      u1(ix,iz)=u1(ix,iz)+   &
-      cl41(ix,iz)*( p2(ix+1,iz)-p2(ix  ,iz) ) &
-      +cl42(ix,iz)*( p2(ix+2,iz)-p2(ix-1,iz) )
-      end do
-      end do
-      do iz=nzm10,nzm20
-      do ix=nxm10,nxm20
-      w1(ix,iz)=w1(ix,iz)+ &
-      cl41(ix,iz)*( p2(ix,iz+1)-p2(ix,iz  ) ) &
-     +cl42(ix,iz)*( p2(ix,iz+2)-p2(ix,iz-1) )
-      end do
-      end do
-! ! ! c
-! ! c u1
-! c
-	do iz=na_pml,2,-1
-	   do ix=nxm10,nxm20
-	      u1(ix,iz)=u1(ix,iz)+ &
-      cl41(ix,iz)*( p2(ix+1,iz)-p2(ix  ,iz) ) &
-     +cl42(ix,iz)*( p2(ix+2,iz)-p2(ix-1,iz) )  
-	   enddo
-	enddo
-	do iz=nzm20+1,nz-1
-	   do ix=nxm10,nxm20
-	      u1(ix,iz)=u1(ix,iz)+ &
-      cl41(ix,iz)*( p2(ix+1,iz)-p2(ix  ,iz) )&
-     +cl42(ix,iz)*( p2(ix+2,iz)-p2(ix-1,iz) )  
-	   enddo
-	enddo
-	do ix=na_pml,2,-1
-	   do iz=2,na_pml
-	      u1(ix,iz)=u1(ix,iz)*exL(ix,iz)+ &
-      cl41(ix,iz)*( p2(ix+1,iz)-p2(ix  ,iz) ) &
-     +cl42(ix,iz)*( p2(ix+2,iz)-p2(ix-1,iz) )  
-	   enddo
-	   do iz=na_pml+1,nz-1
-	      u1(ix,iz)=u1(ix,iz)*exL(ix,iz)+ &
-      cl41(ix,iz)*( p2(ix+1,iz)-p2(ix  ,iz) ) &
-     +cl42(ix,iz)*( p2(ix+2,iz)-p2(ix-1,iz) )  
-	   enddo
-	enddo
-	do ix=nxm20+1,nx-2
-	   ixx=nx-ix+1
-           do iz=2,na_pml
-              u1(ix,iz)=u1(ix,iz)*exR(ixx,iz)+ &
-      cl41(ix,iz)*( p2(ix+1,iz)-p2(ix  ,iz) ) &
-     +cl42(ix,iz)*( p2(ix+2,iz)-p2(ix-1,iz) )
-           enddo
-           do iz=na_pml+1,nz-1
-              u1(ix,iz)=u1(ix,iz)*exR(ixx,iz)+ &
-      cl41(ix,iz)*( p2(ix+1,iz)-p2(ix  ,iz) ) &
-     +cl42(ix,iz)*( p2(ix+2,iz)-p2(ix-1,iz) )
-           enddo
-        enddo
-	ix=nx-1
-	ixx=nx-ix+1
-	do iz=2,na_pml
-	   u1(ix,iz)=u1(ix,iz)*exR(ixx,iz)+ &
-               cl(ix,iz)*(p2(ix+1,iz)-p2(ix,iz))
-	enddo
-	do iz=na_pml+1,nz-1
-	   u1(ix,iz)=u1(ix,iz)*exR(ixx,iz)+ &
-                 cl(ix,iz)*(p2(ix+1,iz)-p2(ix,iz))
-	enddo
-! c
-! c w1
-! c
-	do iz=na_pml,2,-1
-	   do ix=2,nx-1
-              w1(ix,iz)=w1(ix,iz)*eyT(ix,iz)+ &
-      cl41(ix,iz)*( p2(ix,iz+1)-p2(ix,iz  ) ) &
-     +cl42(ix,iz)*( p2(ix,iz+2)-p2(ix,iz-1) )  
-	   enddo
-	enddo
-	do iz=nzm20+1,nz-2
-	   izz=nz-iz+1
-	   do ix=2,nx-1
-	      w1(ix,iz)=w1(ix,iz)*eyB(ix,izz)+ &
-      cl41(ix,iz)*( p2(ix,iz+1)-p2(ix,iz  ) ) &
-     +cl42(ix,iz)*( p2(ix,iz+2)-p2(ix,iz-1) )
-           enddo
-        enddo
-	iz=nz-1
-	izz=nz-iz+1
-	do ix=2,nx-1
-	   w1(ix,iz)=w1(ix,iz)*eyB(ix,izz)+ &
-      cl(ix,iz)*( p2(ix,iz+1)-p2(ix,iz  ) )
-	enddo
-	do ix=na_pml,2,-1
-	   do iz=nzm10,nzm20
-	      w1(ix,iz)=w1(ix,iz)+ & 
-     cl41(ix,iz)*( p2(ix,iz+1)-p2(ix,iz  ) ) &
-     +cl42(ix,iz)*( p2(ix,iz+2)-p2(ix,iz-1) )
-           enddo
-        enddo
-	do ix=nxm20+1,nx
-	   do iz=nzm10,nzm20
-	      w1(ix,iz)=w1(ix,iz)+ &
-     cl41(ix,iz)*( p2(ix,iz+1)-p2(ix,iz  ) ) &
-     +cl42(ix,iz)*( p2(ix,iz+2)-p2(ix,iz-1) )
-           enddo
-	enddo
-end subroutine move
-subroutine do_fwi(f_tol)
-! this subroutine does inversion based on global variable inversion_type
-! inversion_type	--	'CG' for conjugate gradient
-! inversion_type	--	'LBFGS' for LBFGS
-! inversion_type	--	'SD' for steepest descent
-! in each of the algorithms, the line search is performed by wWolfeLS subroutine
-! initial values must be stored in global variable inv_x
-! Author: Pawan Bharadwaj
-!	  p.b.pisupati@tudelft.nl
-! Input:
-!	f_tol		-- 	functional tolerence
-! 				quits iterations if [(change in functional)/functional].lt.f_tol
-! Output:
-!	Line search function writes veocity model to disk in each iteration
-!	grad_func writes gradient calculated in each iteration
-! Global variables used (they must be allocated before calling this subroutine)
-!	inv_f,inv_g,inv_p,inv_x,inv_xp
-use mpi
-use data_global
-implicit none
-		real, intent(in)		:: f_tol
-		real				:: alpha,beta,beta_fr,&
-                                                   beta_pr,nmgprevsq,gnorm ! CG parameters
-		real, dimension(nx_in*nz_in)	:: y  ! for CG
-		real				:: gtp ! for CG
-		real,allocatable,dimension(:,:) :: Smat,Ymat ! for lbfgs
-		logical				:: go ! when to stop iterations
-		real				:: testp ! for lbfgs
-		integer				:: M ! storing in lbfgs
-! initializing
-call grad_func(inv_x,inv_g,inv_f);
-if(my_rank.eq.0) then
-	write(*,*)''
-	write(*,*)'*** inversion flag:',inv_flag
-	write(*,*)'*** inversion type:',inversion_type
-	write(*,*)'*** functional tolerence:',f_tol
-	write(*,*)'frequency band:',iband,'out of',nband_freq,'(',bands_freq(iband,1),'-',bands_freq(iband,2),'Hz)'
-	write(*,*)'iteration#, alpha, functional=',itr,alpha,inv_f
-call mpi_barrier(mpi_comm_world,ierr)
-SELECT CASE (inversion_type)
-   CASE ('CG') ! conjugate gradient
-       do itr=1,niteration 
-           if(my_rank.eq.0) write(*,*)'===================================================='
-           inv_gp=inv_g;inv_fp=inv_f;
-           if(itr.gt.1) call test_grad
-           gnorm=dot_product(inv_g,inv_g)
-           if(itr.eq.1) then
-               inv_p(:)=-1.0*inv_g(:);
-	       !call update_vel_den(inv_p,alpha) ! first iteration steeest descent 
-	       call wWolfeLS(p=inv_p,f0=inv_f,g0=inv_g,x0=inv_x,f_tol=f_tol)
-               beta=0;
-               if(my_rank.eq.0) write(*,*)'iteration#, alpha, functional=',itr,alpha,inv_f
-           else if(itr.gt.1) then
-!go_cg     !Calculating beta
-           y=inv_g-inv_gp
-           nmgprevsq = dot_product(inv_gp,inv_gp)
-           beta_pr = dot_product(inv_g,y)/nmgprevsq  ! Polak-Ribiere-Polyak
-           beta_fr = dot_product(inv_g,inv_g)/nmgprevsq  ! Fletcher-Reeves  
-           if (beta_pr.lt.-1.0*beta_fr) then
-               beta = -beta_fr;  
-           else if(beta_pr.gt.beta_fr) then
-               beta = beta_fr;
-           else if(.true.) then 
-               beta = beta_pr;
-           end if
-           if(mod(itr,5).eq.0) beta=0 !CG restart once in every 5 iterations
-           inv_p = beta*inv_p - inv_g;
-           gtp = dot_product(inv_g,inv_p);
-           if(gtp.GE.0) then
-	           if(my_rank.eq.0) write(*,*)'not descent direction, quit at iteration',itr;exit
-           end if
-           inv_xp=inv_x;
-	   call wWolfeLS(p=inv_p,f0=inv_f,g0=inv_g,x0=inv_x,f_tol=f_tol)
-	   !call update_vel_den(inv_p,alpha)
-	   if(((inv_fp-inv_f)/inv_fp).lt.f_tol) then
-               if(my_rank.eq.0) write(*,*)'do_fwi: CONVERGED'
-           exit 
-           endif
-	   where(inv_x.gt.vmax) inv_x=vmax
-   	   where(inv_x.lt.vmin) inv_x=vmin
-           if(my_rank.eq.0) write(*,*)'iteration#, alpha, beta, functional=',itr,alpha,beta,inv_f 
-           end if
-       end do
-   CASE ('SD')  !steepest descent
-     do itr=1,niteration
-           write(*,*)'===================================================='
-           inv_gp=inv_g;inv_fp=inv_f;
-           inv_p=-1.0*inv_g
-           inv_xp=inv_x;
-	   call wWolfeLS(p=inv_p,f0=inv_f,g0=inv_g,x0=inv_x,f_tol=f_tol)
-           !call update_vel_den(inv_p,alpha)
-           if(itr.gt.1) then
-           	call test_grad
-	        if(((inv_fp-inv_f)/inv_fp).lt.f_tol) then
-        		write(*,*)'do_fwi: CONVERGED'
-	       		exit	 
-	        end if
-           endif
-           write(*,*)'freq_band#, iteration#, alpha, functional=',iband,itr,alpha,inv_f
-      end do 
-! Simple L-BFGS method 
-! input:
-!   grad_func - function handle to misfit and gradient calculationsof the form [f,g] = fh(x)
-!        where f is the function value, g is the gradient of the same size
-!        as the input vector x. 
-!   x0 - initial guess
-!   options.itermax - max iterations [default 10]
-!   options.tol     - tolerance on 2-norm of gradient [1e-6]
-!   options.M       - history size [5]
-!   options.fid     - file id for output [1]
-!   options.write   - save iterates to disk [0]
-! Author: Pawan Bharadwaj
-!	  p.b.pisupati@tudelft.nl
-! Date: December, 2012
-! You may use this code only under the conditions and terms of the
-! license contained in the file LICENSE provided with this source
-! code. If you do not agree to these terms you may not use this
-! software.
-! parameters ---- need to be change
-	M         = 5; !(maximum storing of Ymat and Smat to lbfgs method)
-Smat(:,:) = 0.0;
-Ymat(:,:) = 0.0;
-! main loop
-lbfgs_iterations:do while(go)
-    itr=itr+1 
-    if(my_rank.eq.0) write(*,*)'===================================================='
-    ! compute search direction (p)
-    call lbfgs_p(g=-1.0*inv_g,S=Smat,Y=Ymat,p=inv_p)
-    ! testing the returned the search direction (reset history if it goes wrong)
-    testp = -1.0*dot_product(inv_p,inv_g)/dot_product(inv_g,inv_g);
-    if(testp.lt.0) then
-	if(my_rank.eq.0) write(*,*)'Loss of descent; reset lbfgs history'
-        Smat(:,:) = 0.0;
-        Ymat(:,:) = 0.0;
-	call lbfgs_p(g=-1.0*inv_g,S=Smat,Y=Ymat,p=inv_p)
-    endif
-    inv_gp=inv_g;inv_fp=inv_f;
-    inv_xp=inv_x;
-    ! linesearch
-    call wWolfeLS(p=inv_p,f0=inv_f,g0=inv_g,x0=inv_x,f_tol=f_tol,alpha_out=alpha,flag=go)
-    ! clipping the velocities if blowing
-     where(inv_x.lt.vmin) inv_x=vmin
-     where(inv_x.gt.vmax) inv_x=vmax
-    ! update Smat and Ymat
-    Smat=cshift(Smat,shift=1,dim=2)
-    Ymat=cshift(Ymat,shift=1,dim=2)
-    Smat(:,M)=inv_x-inv_xp
-    Ymat(:,M)=inv_g-inv_gp
-    write(*,*)'freq_band#, iteration#, alpha, functional=',iband,itr,alpha,inv_f
-    ! check convergence
-    if(itr.gt.niteration) then
-	    go=.false.
-    endif
-enddo lbfgs_iterations
-    !call do_lbfgs()
-      STOP
-end subroutine do_fwi
-subroutine lbfgs_p(g,S,Y,p)
-! apply lbfgs inverse Hessian to vector (g to p; gradient to search direction)
-! Pawan Bharadwaj
-! p.b.pisupati@tudelft.nl
-! input:
-!    g - vector of length n (gradient)
-!    S - history of steps in n x M matrix 
-!    Y - history of gradient differences in n x M matrix 
-! output
-!    p - vector of length n
-		integer			:: k, M  !M is storage size for LBFGS
-		real,intent(in),dimension(:,:)&
-					:: S,Y
-		real(dp), intent(in), dimension(:) &
-					:: g
-		real(dp),intent(out)	:: p(:)
-		real			:: alpha(size(S,2)),rho(size(S,2)),q(size(g))
-		real			:: a,beta,temp
-if(size(S,1).ne.size(Y,1) .or. size(S,1) .ne. size(g)) then
-	write(*,*)'lbfgs_p: size of S and Y (or) g not the same'; stop
-if(size(g).ne.size(p)) then
-	write(*,*)'lbfgs_p: size of g and p should be same'; stop
-if(size(S,2).ne.size(Y,2)) then
-	write(*,*)'lbfgs_p: Y and S should have same length'; stop
-	p(:)=0.0;
-	M = size(S,2);
-	alpha(:)=0.0; rho(:)=0.0;
-	if(maxval(S)*maxval(Y).ne.0) then
-		do k = 1,M
-			temp=dot_product(Y(:,k),S(:,k));
-			if(temp.ne.0) rho(k) = 1.0/temp
-		enddo
-	endif
-	q = g;
-	! first recursion
-	if(maxval(S)*maxval(Y).ne.0) then
-		do k = M,1,-1
-			alpha(k) = rho(k)*dot_product(S(:,k),q);
-			q        = q - alpha(k)*Y(:,k);
-		enddo
-	endif
-	! apply `initial' Hessian
-	if(M.gt.0 .and. maxval(S)*maxval(Y).ne.0) then
-		temp=dot_product(Y(:,M),Y(:,M));
-		if(temp.eq.0) then 
-			write(*,*)'lbfgs_p: division by zero'	
-			stop
-		endif
-		a = (dot_product(Y(:,M),S(:,M))/temp);
-	else
-		a = 1.0/sum(abs(g));
-	endif
-	p = a*q;
-	! second recursion
-	if(maxval(S)*maxval(Y).ne.0) then
-		do k = 1, M
-			beta = rho(k)*(dot_product(Y(:,k),p));
-			p    = p + (alpha(k) - beta)*S(:,k);
-		enddo
-	endif
-end subroutine lbfgs_p
-subroutine grad_func(x,gradient,functional)
-! this subroutine returns gradient and functional value at x.
-! which gradient of which functional ? determined by a global variable called -- inv_flag
-! Author : Pawan Bharadwaj
-!	   p.b.pisupati@tudelft.nl
-! Inputs:
-!		x	-->	inversion variable
-! Outputs:
-!		f	--> 	functional at x (optional)
-!		g	-->	gradient at x (optional)
-real(dp), intent(in), optional		:: x(ninv) ! inversion variable
-real(dp), intent(out), optional		:: gradient(ninv) 
-real(dp), intent(out), optional		:: functional
-real 					:: rtm(nz_in,nx_in),f,ctemp1(nz_in*nx_in),ctemp2(nz_in*nx_in)&
-						,g2(nz_in*nx_in),f2
-character(len=200)			:: junk
-real(dp),allocatable,dimension(:)	:: functionals
-real, dimension(:,:,:),allocatable	:: csgs_obs_AllFreq
-if(present(gradient)) gradient(:)=0.0
-if(present(functional)) functional=0.0
-select case(abs(inv_flag))
-! in this case gradient is the RTM image formed by 
-! which is given by sum(all shots of all stages) 
-! x and f makes no sense
-	allocate(illu(nz_in,nx_in,nstage),illu_rec(nz_in,nx_in),illu_src(nz_in,nx_in))
-	do istg=1,nstage/nump
-		istage=1+my_rank+(istg-1)*ntsage/nump
-		write(*,*)'stage#	',istage
-		call do_rtm(rtm,0)
-		gradient(1:nx_in*nz_in)=gradient(1:nx_in*nz_in)+pack(rtm,.true.)
-	enddo
-! gradient and functional of only iband
-! functional :  least square data residual
-! gradient   :  sum over all individual source gradients of all stages 
-        c=sngl(x)
-	!call put_tunnel(model_out=c,model_in=sngl(x),value=0.0)
-	if(present(gradient)) then
-		allocate(illu(nz_in,nx_in,nstage),illu_rec(nz_in,nx_in),illu_src(nz_in,nx_in))
-		do istg=1,nstage/nump
-			istage=1+my_rank+(istg-1)*ntsage/nump
-			write(*,*)'stage#	',istage
-			call do_rtm(rtm,1)
-			gradient=pack(rtm,.true.)
-		enddo
-		call mpi_add_1ddp(gradient)
-		call mpi_add_3d(csgs_cal)
-		call filename(junk,trim(out_dir)//'/grad_band#',iband,'_itr#',itr)
-		call makesu2d(reshape(sngl(gradient),(/nz_in,nx_in/)),junk,0.0,0.0,dx,dx,nx_in,nz_in,10)
-	call writebin3d(trim(out_dir)//'/csgs_test1.bin',csgs_cal,nt,ng,ns) !saving recorded data
-	endif
-	if(present(functional)) then
-		if(present(gradient).eqv..false.) then
-			call do_fw_modelling(0)
-		endif
-		do istg=1,nstage
-			functional=functional+distance3d(csgs_cal(:,:,ns/nstage*(istg-1)+1:ns/nstage*istg),&
-        	            csgs_obs(:,:,ns/nstage*(istg-1)+1:ns/nstage*istg));
-		enddo
-	call writebin3d(trim(out_dir)//'/csgs_test2.bin',csgs_cal,nt,ng,ns) !saving recorded data
-	endif
-! gradient and functional of only istage
-! functional :  returns least square functional of a particular istage
-! gradient   :  returns gradient of a particular stage (istage)
-	call put_tunnel(model_out=c,model_in=sngl(x),value=0.0)
-	if(present(gradient)) then
-		allocate(illu(nz_in,nx_in,nstage),illu_rec(nz_in,nx_in),illu_src(nz_in,nx_in))
-		write(*,*)'stage#	',istage
-		call do_rtm(rtm,1)
-       		gradient=gradient+pack(rtm,.true.)
-	endif
-	if(present(functional)) then
-		if(present(gradient).eqv..false.) then
-			call do_fw_modelling(0)
-		endif
-		f= distance3d(csgs_cal(:,:,ns/nstage*(istage-1)+1:ns/nstage*istage),&
-                    csgs_obs(:,:,ns/nstage*(istage-1)+1:ns/nstage*istage));
-		functional=f
-	endif
-if(my_rank.eq.0) then
-	call filename(junk,trim(out_dir)//'/csgs_cal_band#',iband,'_itr#',itr)
-	call writebin3d(junk,csgs_cal,nt,ng,ns) !saving recorded data
-call mpi_add_3d(csgs_cal)
-! Wim's idea of multi dimensional problem
-! J(stage) = Jls(stage) + 1/2(c(stage)-c0)^2
-! functional = sum(J(stage))
-	c=sngl(x(nx_in*nz_in+1:nx_in*nz_in*(nstage+1)))
-	if(present(gradient)) then
-	allocate(illu(nz_in,nx_in,nstage),illu_rec(nz_in,nx_in),illu_src(nz_in,nx_in))
-		do istg=1,nstage/nump
-			istage=1+my_rank+(istg-1)*ntsage/nump
-			ctemp1=x(1:nz_in*nx_in)
-			ctemp2=x(nx_in*nz_in*(istage)+1:nx_in*nz_in*(istage+1))
-			write(*,*)'stage#	',istage
-			call do_rtm(rtm,1)
-			gradient(nx_in*nz_in*istage+1:nx_in*nz_in*(istage+1))=pack(rtm,.true.)+&
-                                        eps*(ctemp2-ctemp1)
-		end do
-		call mpi_add_1ddp(gradient)
-		call mpi_add_3d(csgs_cal)
-		if(my_rank.eq.0) then
-			do istg=1,nstage
-				call filename(junk,trim(out_dir)//'/grad_band#',iband,'_stage#',istg,'_itr#',itr)
-				call makesu2d(sngl(gradient&
-				    (nx_in*nz_in*istg+1:nx_in*nz_in*(istg+1))),junk,0.0,0.0,dx,dx,nx_in,nz_in,10)
-			enddo
-		endif
-		do istg=1,nstage
-			ctemp1=x(1:nz_in*nx_in)
-			ctemp2=x(nx_in*nz_in*(istg)+1:nx_in*nz_in*(istg+1))
-                	gradient(1:nx_in*nz_in)=gradient(1:nx_in*nz_in)+eps*(ctemp1-ctemp2)
-		enddo
-		if(my_rank.eq.0) then
-			call filename(junk,trim(out_dir)//'/grad_bkmodel_itr#',itr,'')
-			call makesu2d(sngl(gradient),junk,0.0,0.0,dx,dx,nx_in,nz_in,10)
-		endif
-	endif
-	if(present(functional)) then
-		if(present(gradient).eqv..false.) then
-			call do_fw_modelling(0)
-		endif
-		do istg=1,nstage
-			ctemp1=x(1:nz_in*nx_in)
-			ctemp2=x(nx_in*nz_in*(istg)+1:nx_in*nz_in*(istg+1))
-			f=f+1.0/2.0*(distance3d(csgs_cal(:,:,ns/nstage*(istg-1)+1:ns/nstage*istg),&
-                            csgs_obs(:,:,ns/nstage*(istg-1)+1:ns/nstage*istg)) &
-                            +eps*dot_product((ctemp2-ctemp1),(ctemp2-ctemp1)))
-		enddo
-		functional=f;
-	endif
-! Multi dimensional problem - \sum{stage} [ LS functional of stage ]  + &
-!		1/2 * \sum{stage1} \sum{stage2} ||mstage1-mstage2||2  
-	c=sngl(x)
-	if(present(gradient)) then
-	allocate(illu(nz_in,nx_in,nstage),illu_rec(nz_in,nx_in),illu_src(nz_in,nx_in))
-		do istg=1,nstage/nump
-			istage=1+my_rank+(istg-1)*ntsage/nump
-			g2(:)=0.0;
- 			do k=1,nstage
-				ctemp1=x(nx_in*nz_in*(istage-1)+1:nx_in*nz_in*(istage))
-				ctemp2=x(nx_in*nz_in*(k-1)+1:nx_in*nz_in*(k))
-				call fg_model(m0=ctemp2,mi=ctemp1,g=g2,flag=1)
-			enddo
-			write(*,*)'stage#	',istage
-			call do_rtm(rtm,1)
-			gradient(nx_in*nz_in*(istage-1)+1:nx_in*nz_in*(istage))=pack(rtm,.true.)+&
-                                        eps*g2
-		end do
-		call mpi_add_1ddp(gradient)
-		call mpi_add_3d(csgs_cal)
-		if(my_rank.eq.0) then
-			do istg=1,nstage
-				call filename(junk,trim(out_dir)//'/grad_band#',iband,'_stage#',istg,'_itr#',itr)
-				call makesu2d(sngl(gradient&
-				    (nx_in*nz_in*(istg-1)+1:nx_in*nz_in*(istg))),junk,0.0,0.0,dx,dx,nx_in,nz_in,10)
-			enddo
-		endif
-	endif
-	if(present(functional)) then
-		if(present(gradient).eqv..false.) then
-			call do_fw_modelling(0)
-		endif
-		do istg=1,nstage
-			f2=0.0;
-			do k=1,nstage
-				ctemp1=x(nx_in*nz_in*(istg-1)+1:nx_in*nz_in*(istg))
-				ctemp2=x(nx_in*nz_in*(k-1)+1:nx_in*nz_in*(k))
-				call fg_model(m0=ctemp2,mi=ctemp1,f=f2,flag=1)
-			enddo
-			f=f+1.0/2.0*(distance3d(csgs_cal(:,:,ns/nstage*(istg-1)+1:ns/nstage*istg),&
-                            csgs_obs(:,:,ns/nstage*(istg-1)+1:ns/nstage*istg)))
-		enddo
-		functional=f+eps*f2;
-	endif
-case default
-	stop
-end select
-if(present(gradient)) then
-	deallocate(illu,illu_rec,illu_src)
-end if
-end subroutine grad_func
-subroutine fg_model(m0,mi,g,f,flag)
-! this subroutine can calculate functional and gradient of different 
-! cost functions which measure similarity between two models
-! input:
-! 		flag 		: 1 - ||m0-mi||2
-!				: 2 - need to be added
-!		m0		: reference model
-!		mi		: variable model
-! m0 and mi should have same dimensions
-! output (g and f are modified according to )
-! 		g		: g + gradient of f wrt mi (optional)
-!		f		: f + functional value (optional)
-! if m0 or mi have zeros then gradients of those points are not calculated
-! and also not included while calculating functional
-implicit none
-	real, intent(in)		:: m0(:),mi(:)
-	real, intent(inout), optional	:: f,g(size(m0))
-	integer, intent(in)		:: flag
-	integer				:: n,i
-if(n.ne.size(mi)) then
-	write(*,*)'fg_model: reference and variable model should have same dimension'
-	stop	
-if(present(f)) then
-	do i=1,n
-		if(mi(i).ne.0.0 .and. m0(i).ne.0.0) then
-			f=f+1.0/2.0*(mi(i)-m0(i))**2
-		endif
-	enddo
-if(present(g)) then
-	do i=1,n
-		if(mi(i).ne.0.0 .and. m0(i).ne.0.0) then
-			g(i)=mi(i)-m0(i)
-		endif
-	enddo
-end subroutine fg_model
-subroutine test_grad
-implicit none
-integer ix,iz
-real test(ninv),test2 
-!gradient test, Wim's idea .. testing if (Fn+1-Fn)/2(gn+1+gn)(mn+1-mn) is close to 1
-do ix=1,nx_in*nz_in
-      test(ix)=(inv_g(ix)+inv_gp(ix))/2.0*(inv_x(ix)-inv_xp(ix))
-end do
-!call makesu2d(unpack(test,TRUEMAT,ZEROMAT),'./output/test_grad',0.0,0.0,dx,dx,nx_in,nz_in,10)
-write(*,*)'Testing calculated gradient (value should be close to 1)', test2
-end subroutine test_grad
-subroutine do_rtm(rtm, method)
-! this subroutine calculates the gradient for all shots in a particular stage
-! method	--0 back propagates obsserved data (csgs_obs) -- for rtm
-! method	--1 back propagates csg_obs-csg_calculated 
-!		    and gradients for different source positions 
-!		    simply added (for conventional LS FWI)
-!                   also gradients will be multiplied with inverse of approximate Hessian (illu)
-! method	--2 back propagates csg_obs-csg_calculated 
-!		    and gradients for different source positions 
-!		    added after weighting with respective LS errors (for inversion_flag 3)
-!                   also gradients will be multiplied with inverse of approximate Hessian (illu)
-use data_global
-use omp_lib
-implicit none
-integer				:: is,i,j,it,ix,iz,ig
-integer , intent(in)		:: method
-real,intent(out)		:: rtm(nz_in,nx_in)
-real				:: csg_impulse(nt,ng),src_temp(nt)
-real				:: bord_UD(nt,nz_in,4+nx_in),bord_RL(nt,nx_in,4+nz_in)
-real, dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable &
-				:: snaps
-real,dimension(nz_in,nx_in)	:: rtm_temp,illu_src_temp
-real				:: residual(nt,ng) 
-character(len=200)		:: junk
-do it=1,nt
-	csg_impulse(nt-it+1,:)=src_sign(it)        
-!applying bounds to the velocity values
-where(c.gt.vmax) c=vmax
-where(c.lt.vmin.and.c.ne.0) c=vmin
-if(illu_flag.eq.1) then
-	write(*,*)'calculating receiver illumination ...' 
-	!$OMP PRIVATE(it,ix,iz,src_temp)
-	!$OMP DO
-	do ig=1,ng
-	    if(method.gt.0) then
-	      call do_bw_filter1d(src_temp,src_sign,bands_freq(iband,1),bands_freq(iband,2),dt)
-	      call forw(vel_flag=0,is=ns/nstage*(istage-1)+1,illu=illu_rec,ig=ig,source_wav=src_temp)
-	    else if(method.eq.0) then
-	      call forw(vel_flag=-1,is=ns/nstage*(istage-1)+1,illu=illu_rec,ig=ig,source_wav=src_sign)
-	   endif
-	enddo	
-write(*,*)'calculating gradients for different sources ...'
-!$OMP PRIVATE(it,junk,rtm_temp,ix,iz,illu_src_temp,src_temp)
-do is=ns/nstage*(istage-1)+1,ns/nstage*istage
-    illu_src_temp(:,:)=0
-    rtm_temp(:,:)=0
-    !write(*,*)'source position(x,z)=',xs(is),'m,',zs(is),'m'
-    if(method.gt.0) then
-        if(iband.ne.0) then
-        call do_bw_filter1d(src_temp,src_sign,bands_freq(iband,1),bands_freq(iband,2),dt)
-        endif
-        call forw(vel_flag=0,csg=csgs_cal(:,:,is),illu=illu_src_temp,&
-        is=is,source_wav=src_temp,snaps=snaps(:,:,:,is-ns/nstage*(istage-1)))
-        call back(vel_flag=0,grad=rtm_temp,snaps=snaps(:,:,:,is-ns/nstage*(istage-1))&
-                    ,is1=is,csg1=csgs_cal(:,:,is)-csgs_obs(:,:,is))
-    else if(method.eq.0) then
-        call forw(vel_flag=-1,csg=csgs_cal(:,:,is),illu=illu_src_temp,is=is,source_wav=src_sign,&
-                         snaps=snaps(:,:,:,is-ns/nstage*(istage-1)))
-        call back(vel_flag=-1,grad=rtm_temp,snaps=snaps(:,:,:,is-ns/nstage*(istage-1)),&
-                       is1=is,csg1=csgs_obs(:,:,is))
-    end if
-! illumination compensation
-! call illu_muting(rtm_temp,illu_src_temp*illu_rec,0.01);
-    do ix=1,nx_in
-    do iz=1,nz_in
-        if(illu_src_temp(iz,ix).gt.0) rtm_temp(iz,ix)=rtm_temp(iz,ix)/illu_src_temp(iz,ix)
-        if(illu_rec(iz,ix).gt.0) rtm_temp(iz,ix)=rtm_temp(iz,ix)/illu_rec(iz,ix)
-    enddo
-    enddo
-    call mute_grad(rtm_temp,1,is)
- !   call filename(junk,trim(out_dir)//'/rtm_shot#',is,'')
- !   call makesu2d(rtm_temp,junk,0.0,0.0,dx,dx,nx_in,nz_in,OMP_get_thread_num()+10)
-    if(method.le.1) then
-        rtm=rtm+rtm_temp
-    else if(method.eq.2) then !gradient of method 3 functional
-        rtm=rtm+rtm_temp/(distance2d(csgs_cal(:,:,is),csgs_obs(:,:,is)))
-    endif
-    illu_src=illu_src+illu_src_temp
-end do
-!call makesu2d(illu(:,:,istage),trim(out_dir)//'/illu',0.0,0.0,dx,dx,nx_in,nz_in,10)
-!call makesu2d(illu_src,trim(out_dir)//'/illu_src',0.0,0.0,dx,dx,nx_in,nz_in,10)
-!call makesu2d(illu_rec,trim(out_dir)//'/illu_rec',0.0,0.0,dx,dx,nx_in,nz_in,10)
-!call filename(junk,trim(out_dir)//'/csgs_cal_band#',iband,'_itr#',itr)
-!call writebin3d(junk,csgs_cal,nt,ng,ns) !saving recorded data
-call filename(junk,trim(out_dir)//'/csgs_cal_band#',iband,'_itr#',itr)
-!call writebin3d(junk,csgs_cal,nt,ng,ns) !saving observed data for this band
-call filename(junk,trim(out_dir)//'/residual_band#',iband,'_itr#',itr)
-!call writebin3d(junk,csgs_cal-csgs_obs,nt,ng,ns) !saving residual
-call filename(junk,trim(out_dir)//'/grad_allshot_stage#',istage,'_itr#',itr)
-!call makesu2d(rtm,junk,0.0,0.0,dx,dx,nx_in,nz_in,10)
-if(method.eq.0) then
-end if
-end subroutine do_rtm
-subroutine do_rtm2(rtm)
-use data_global
-use omp_lib
-implicit none
-integer :: is,i,j,it,ix,iz,ig
-real,intent(out) :: rtm(nz_in,nx_in)
-real :: bord_UD(nt,nz_in,4+nx_in,ns),bord_RL(nt,nx_in,4+nz_in,ns)
-real,dimension(nz_in,nx_in) :: rtm_temp
-! illu_src	::	source illumination
-! illu_rec	::	receiver illumination
-character(len=200) :: junk
-!$OMP PRIVATE(it,junk,rtm_temp,ix,iz)
-do is=1,ns
-        rtm_temp(:,:)=0
-        write(*,*)'source position(x,z)=',xs(is),'m,',zs(is),'m'
-        call forw(vel_flag=-1,is=is,illu=illu_src,&
-             source_wav=src_sign,bord_UD=bord_UD(:,:,:,is),bord_RL=bord_RL(:,:,:,is))
-        call back_testing(vel_flag=-1,image=rtm_temp,&
-             bordUD=bord_UD(:,:,:,is),bordRL=bord_RL(:,:,:,is),is=is,csg=csgs_obs(:,:,is))
-        call filename(junk,trim(out_dir)//'/rtm_shot#',is,'')
-        call makesu2d(rtm_temp,junk,0.0,0.0,dx,dx,nx_in,nz_in,OMP_get_thread_num()+10)
-        !call writebin2d(junk,rtm_temp,nz_in,nx_in,OMP_get_thread_num()+10)
-        rtm=rtm+rtm_temp
-end do
-!$OMP PRIVATE(it,ix,iz)
-do ig=1,ng
-       call forw(vel_flag=-1,is=1,illu=illu_rec,ig=ig,source_wav=src_sign)
-rtm=1.0/(illu_src+illu_rec)*rtm !illumination compensation
-call filename(junk,trim(out_dir)//'/grad_allshot_itr#',itr,'')
-call makesu2d(illu_src,trim(out_dir)//'/illu_src',0.0,0.0,dx,dx,nx_in,nz_in,10)
-call makesu2d(illu_rec,trim(out_dir)//'/illu_rec',0.0,0.0,dx,dx,nx_in,nz_in,10)
-call makesu2d(rtm,junk,0.0,0.0,dx,dx,nx_in,nz_in,10)
-end subroutine do_rtm2
-subroutine update_vel_den(pin,alpha)
-! This subroutine updates inv_x which is global variable for inversion
-! if p is present the step_length is calculated by parabolic approximation
-           implicit none
-           real               :: kappa 
-           real(dp), intent(in) &
-                              :: pin(ninv)
-           real,intent(out)   :: alpha
-           real               :: csgs_temp(nt,ng,ns)
-           integer            :: is,istg,nxnz
-           real               :: mu1,res1,mu2,res2
-           character(len=200) :: junk
-           optional           :: pin, alpha
-!pin -- in which direction  should i move
-!calculation of step length using  
-!Pica, A., J. P. Diet, and A. , 1990, Nonlinear inversion of seismic re-
-!flection data in a laterally invariant medium: Geophysics, 55, 284–292
-if(present(pin)) then
-select case(abs(inv_flag))
-   case default   
-   kappa=(vmax)/(maxval(abs(pin))*10)
-   write(*,*)'calculating step length..., kappa=',kappa
-   !go_alpha
-   call put_tunnel(model_out=c,model_in=sngl(inv_x+kappa*pin),value=tunvel)
-   !$OMP PRIVATE(junk)
-   !$OMP DO
-   do is=1,ns
-      call forw(vel_flag=0,csg=csgs_temp(:,:,is),is=is,source_wav=src_sign)
-      if(iband.ne.0) then
-           call do_bw_filter(csgs_temp(:,:,is),csgs_temp(:,:,is),bands_freq(iband,1),bands_freq(iband,2),dt)
-      endif
-   end do
-   !$OMP END DO 
-   res1=dot_product(pack(csgs_temp-csgs_cal,.true.),pack(csgs_temp-csgs_cal,.true.))
-   res1=res1/kappa/kappa
-   mu1=dot_product(pack(csgs_cal-csgs_obs,.true.),pack(csgs_cal-csgs_temp,.true.)/kappa)
-   mu2=0;res2=0;
-   ! mu=dot_product(pin,pin) !testing
-   alpha=(mu1+eps*mu2)/(res1+eps*res2)
-   call put_tunnel(model_out=c,model_in=sngl(inv_x),value=tunvel)
-   inv_x=inv_x+alpha*pin
-   write(*,*)'mu, res',mu1,res1
-   call filename(junk,trim(out_dir)//'/vel_band#',iband,'_itr#',itr)
-   call makesu2d(reshape(sngl(inv_x),(/nz_in,nx_in/))&
-                  ,junk,0.0,0.0,dx,dx,nx_in,nz_in,10)
-   case(4)   
-   kappa=(vmax)/(maxval(abs(pin))*100)
-   write(*,*)'calculating step length..., kappa=',kappa
-   !go_alpha
-   c(1+(istage-1)*nx_in*nz_in:nx_in*nz_in*istage)=inv_x+kappa*pin
-   csgs_temp(:,:,:)=0.0;
-   !$OMP PRIVATE(junk)
-   !$OMP DO
-   do is=ns/nstage*(istage-1)+1,ns/nstage*istage
-      call forw(vel_flag=0,csg=csgs_temp(:,:,is),is=is,source_wav=src_sign)
-      if(iband.ne.0) then
-           call do_bw_filter(csgs_temp(:,:,is),csgs_temp(:,:,is),bands_freq(iband,1),bands_freq(iband,2),dt)
-      endif
-   end do
-   !$OMP END DO 
-   call mpi_add_3d(csgs_temp)
-   res1=dot_product(pack(csgs_temp(:,:,ns/nstage*(istage-1)+1:ns/nstage*istage)-&
-   csgs_cal(:,:,ns/nstage*(istage-1)+1:ns/nstage*istage),.true.),&
-   pack(csgs_temp(:,:,ns/nstage*(istage-1)+1:ns/nstage*istage)-&
-   csgs_cal(:,:,ns/nstage*(istage-1)+1:ns/nstage*istage),.true.))
-   res1=res1/kappa/kappa
-   mu1=dot_product(pack(csgs_cal(:,:,ns/nstage*(istage-1)+1:ns/nstage*istage)-&
-   csgs_obs(:,:,ns/nstage*(istage-1)+1:ns/nstage*istage),.true.),&
-   pack(csgs_cal(:,:,ns/nstage*(istage-1)+1:ns/nstage*istage)-&
-   csgs_temp(:,:,ns/nstage*(istage-1)+1:ns/nstage*istage),.true.)/kappa)
-   mu2=dot_product(inv_x-bkmodel,pin);
-   res2=dot_product(pin,pin)
-   ! mu=dot_product(pin,pin) !testing
-   alpha=(mu1+eps*mu2)/(res1+eps*res2)
-   c(1+(istage-1)*nx_in*nz_in:nx_in*nz_in*istage)=inv_x
-   inv_x=inv_x+alpha*pin
-   write(*,*)'mu, res, alpha',mu1,res1,alpha
-   !call filename(junk,trim(out_dir)//'/vel_band#',iband,'_itr#',itr)
-   !call makesu2d(reshape(sngl(inv_x),(/nz_in,nx_in/))&
-   !               ,junk,0.0,0.0,dx,dx,nx_in,nz_in,10)
-   case(6)
-   nxnz=nx_in*nz_in
-   kappa=(vmax)/(maxval(abs(pin(nxnz+1:nxnz*nstage)))*10)
-   write(*,*)'calculating step length..., kappa=',kappa
-   !go_alpha
-   c=sngl(inv_x(nxnz+1:nxnz*nstage)+kappa*pin(nxnz+1:nxnz*nstage))
-   !$OMP PRIVATE(junk)
-   !$OMP DO
-   do is=1,ns
-      call forw(vel_flag=0,csg=csgs_temp(:,:,is),is=is,source_wav=src_sign)
-      if(iband.ne.0) then
-           call do_bw_filter(csgs_temp(:,:,is),csgs_temp(:,:,is),bands_freq(iband,1),bands_freq(iband,2),dt)
-      endif
-   end do
-   !$OMP END DO 
-   res1=dot_product(pack(csgs_temp-csgs_cal,.true.),pack(csgs_temp-csgs_cal,.true.))
-   res1=res1/kappa/kappa
-   mu1=dot_product(pack(csgs_cal-csgs_obs,.true.),pack(csgs_cal-csgs_temp,.true.)/kappa)
-   mu2=0;res2=0;
-   do istg=1,nstage
-        mu2=mu2+dot_product((inv_x(nxnz*istg+1:nxnz*(istg+1))-inv_x(1:nxnz)),&
-                    (pin(nxnz*istg+1:nxnz*(istg+1))-pin(1:nxnz)))
-        res2=res2+dot_product((pin(nxnz*istg+1:nxnz*(istg+1))-pin(1:nxnz)),&
-                    (pin(nxnz*istg+1:nxnz*(istg+1))-pin(1:nxnz)))
-   enddo
-   alpha=(mu1-eps*mu2)/(res1+eps*res2)
-   inv_x=inv_x+alpha*pin
-   write(*,*)'mu1, res1, mu2, res2',mu1,res1,mu2,res2
-   do istg=0,nstage
-        call filename(junk,trim(out_dir)//'/vel_stage#',istg,'_itr#',itr)
-        call makesu2d(reshape(sngl(inv_x(nxnz*(istg)+1:nxnz*(istg+1))),(/nz_in,nx_in/))&
-                        ,junk,0.0,0.0,dx,dx,nx_in,nz_in,10)
-        call filename(junk,trim(out_dir)//'/grad_stage#',istg,'_itr#',itr)
-        call makesu2d(reshape(sngl(inv_g(nxnz*(istg)+1:nxnz*(istg+1))),(/nz_in,nx_in/))&
-                        ,junk,0.0,0.0,dx,dx,nx_in,nz_in,10)
-   enddo
-end select
-end subroutine update_vel_den
-subroutine mute_grad(g,mode,is)
-! this subroutine preconditions the calculated gradient 
-! input  -- g -- gradient  (nx_in,nz_in)
-! mode 	 	-- 1 mute around sources
-!		-- 2 mute around receivers 
-!		-- 3 both around sources and receivers ..
-!		-- 4 ??
-! is		-- around which source and receivers of which source.. 
-real, intent(inout)		:: g(nz_in,nx_in);
-real				:: grad(nz_in,nx_in)
-integer, intent(in)		:: is,mode
-integer				:: i,ix,iz
-! radius of the circle to be muted .. not in meter.. but in #grid point
-real				:: r
-do ix=1,nx_in
-do iz=1,nz_in
-if((((ix-nxs(is))**2)+(iz-nzs(is))**2).lt.r**2) then
-!do ig=1,ng
-!if((((ix-nxg(ig,is))**2)+(iz-nzg(ig,is))**2).lt.r**2) then
-end subroutine mute_grad
-subroutine put_tunnel(model_out,model_in,value)
-! this subroutine inserts a tunnel in model for a given stage..
-! model is a vector of nx_in*nz_in*nstage
-! value -- value to be put in the tunnel
-         real,intent(inout), dimension(nz_in*nx_in*nstage)&
-                                          :: model_out
-         real, intent(in), dimension(nz_in*nx_in) &
-                                          :: model_in
-         real,intent(in)                  :: value
-         real, dimension(nz_in,nx_in)     :: temp
-         integer                          :: ix,iz,istg
-do istg=1,nstage
-    if(tundep.ne.0) then
-        ntundep=int(tundep/dx)
-        ntunrad=int(tunrad/dx)
-        ntungap=int(tungap/dx)
-        do ix=1,nxs(1+ns/nstage*(istg-1))-ntungap
-                do iz=ntundep,ntundep+ntunrad
-                        temp(iz,ix)=value
-                end do
-        end do
-    endif
-end subroutine
-subroutine wWolfeLS(x0,f0,g0,p,f_tol,alpha_out,flag)
-! Simple Wolfe linesearch, adapted from
-! (http://cs.nyu.edu/overton/mstheses/skajaa/msthesis.pdf, algorihtm 3).
-! Authr : Pawan Bharadwaj
-!	  p.b.pisupati@tudelft.nl
-! Function used for calculation of f and g -- > grad_func
-! Inputs:
-!		x0 --> initial value of variable
-!		f0 --> initial functional
-!		g0 --> gradient at x0
-!		p  --> which direction to move ?
-!		f_tol --> functional tolerence when quit line search.
-! Outputs: (as global variables)
-!		inv_f  --> functional value after line search is complete
-!		inv_g  --> gradient at inv_x
-!		inv_x  --> x0+alpha*p
-!		alpha  --> step length optional
-! 		flag   --> flag =.true. if line search is success
-!			        =.false. if line search fails 
-use data_global
-use mpi
-implicit none
-	integer			::	lsiter,istg ! number of functional evaluations
-	!real			::	c1,c2
-	logical, intent(inout), optional&
-				::      flag
-	logical			::	go
-	real(dp)		::	alpha,mu
-	real			::	f_tol
-	real(dp), intent(in)	::	f0,g0(ninv),p(ninv),x0(ninv)
-	real(dp)		::	ft,gt(ninv),fp
-	character(len=200)	::	junk
-	real, intent(out),optional&
-				::	alpha_out
-! go_line
-lsiter = 0;
-mu = 0;
-alpha=vmin/10/maxval(p); ! initial guess
-do while(go)
-    if(lsiter.lt.40) then
-        call grad_func(x=x0+alpha*p,functional=ft)
-        lsiter = lsiter + 1;
-    else
-        go=.false.
-    endif
-    if(my_rank.eq.0) then
-	write(*,*)'      >lsiter, alpha, f, abs(fp-ft)/fp',lsiter, sngl(alpha), ft,abs(fp-ft)/fp
-    endif
-    if(ft.ge.fp) then
-	if(abs(fp-ft)/fp.lt.f_tol) go=.false.
-        alpha=(alpha+mu)/2;
-    elseif(ft.lt.fp) then
-	if(abs(fp-ft)/fp.lt.f_tol) go=.false.
-        fp=ft;
-        mu=alpha;
-        alpha=2*alpha;
-    endif
-if(ft.gt.fp) then
-	 alpha=mu;
-if(alpha.ne.0) then
-	inv_x=x0+alpha*p;
-	if(my_rank.eq.0) then
-		! saving the updated velocity to disk
-		do istg=1,size(inv_x)/nx_in/nz_in
-			call filename(junk,trim(out_dir)//'/vel_band#',iband,'_stage#',istg,'_itr#',itr)
-			call makesu2d(reshape(sngl(inv_x(nz_in*nx_in*(istg-1)+1:&
-			       nz_in*nx_in*(istg))),(/nz_in,nx_in/))&
-	                              ,junk,0.0,0.0,dx,dx,nx_in,nz_in,10)
-		enddo	
-	endif
-	call grad_func(x=inv_x,gradient=inv_g,functional=inv_f)
-	if(present(flag)) flag=.false.
-if(present(alpha_out)) alpha_out=alpha
-end subroutine wWolfeLS
-end module fwi_xeon
diff --git a/fdelmodc/getParameters.c b/fdelmodc/getParameters.c
index addd2468b1c7528639b23d546fc09842c9dd46d9..29079bd0de37355436cdc7f93f1337b726289427 100644
--- a/fdelmodc/getParameters.c
+++ b/fdelmodc/getParameters.c
@@ -538,33 +538,6 @@ int getParameters(modPar *mod, recPar *rec, snaPar *sna, wavPar *wav, srcPar *sr
 		if (shot->z[is] > nz-1) shot->n = is-1;
-	/* check if shots are defined in tapered areas */
-	if (taptop) {
-		for (is=0; is<shot->n; is++) {
-			if ( shot->z[is] < ntaper ) 
-				verr("Source z-position Z[%d]=%.3f in tapered area !",is,sub_z0+dz*shot->z[is]);
-		}
-	}
-	if (tapbottom) {
-		for (is=0; is<shot->n; is++) {
-			if ( shot->z[is] > nz-ntaper )
-				verr("Source z-position Z[%d]=%.3f in tapered area !",is,sub_z0+dz*shot->z[is]);
-		}
-	}
-	if (tapleft) {
-		for (is=0; is<shot->n; is++) {
-			if ( shot->x[is] < ntaper )
-				verr("Source x-position X[%d]=%.3f in tapered area !",is,sub_x0+dx*shot->x[is]);
-		}
-	}
-	if (tapright) {
-		for (is=0; is<shot->n; is++) {
-			if ( shot->x[is] > nx-ntaper )
-				verr("Source x-position X[%d]=%.3f in tapered area !",is,sub_x0+dx*shot->x[is]);
-		}
-	}
 	/* check if source array is defined */
 	nxsrc = countparval("xsrca");
@@ -1061,33 +1034,6 @@ int getParameters(modPar *mod, recPar *rec, snaPar *sna, wavPar *wav, srcPar *sr
 	recvPar(rec, sub_x0, sub_z0, dx, dz, nx, nz);
-	/* check if receivers are defined in tapered areas */
-	if (taptop) {
-		for (ir=0; ir<rec->n; ir++) {
-			if ( rec->z[ir] < ntaper ) 
-				vwarn("Receiver z-position Z[%d]=%.3f in tapered area !",ir,sub_z0+dz*rec->z[ir]);
-		}
-	}
-	if (tapbottom) {
-		for (ir=0; ir<rec->n; ir++) {
-			if ( rec->z[ir] > nz-ntaper )
-				vwarn("Receiver z-position Z[%d]=%.3f in tapered area !",ir,sub_z0+dz*rec->z[ir]);
-		}
-	}
-	if (tapleft) {
-		for (ir=0; ir<rec->n; ir++) {
-			if ( rec->x[ir] < ntaper )
-				vwarn("Receiver x-position X[%d]=%.3f in tapered area !",ir,sub_x0+dx*rec->x[ir]);
-		}
-	}
-	if (tapright) {
-		for (ir=0; ir<rec->n; ir++) {
-			if ( rec->x[ir] > nx-ntaper )
-				vwarn("Receiver x-position X[%d]=%.3f in tapered area !",ir,sub_x0+dx*rec->x[ir]);
-		}
-	}
 	if (!getparint("rec_type_vz", &rec->type.vz)) rec->type.vz=1;
 	if (!getparint("rec_type_vx", &rec->type.vx)) rec->type.vx=0;
 	if (!getparint("rec_type_ud", &rec->type.ud)) rec->type.ud=0;
@@ -1101,6 +1047,8 @@ int getParameters(modPar *mod, recPar *rec, snaPar *sna, wavPar *wav, srcPar *sr
 		if (!getparint("rec_type_txz", &rec->type.txz)) rec->type.txz=0;
 		if (!getparint("rec_type_pp", &rec->type.pp)) rec->type.pp=0;
 		if (!getparint("rec_type_ss", &rec->type.ss)) rec->type.ss=0;
+		/* for up and downgoing waves store all x-positons for Vz, Vx, Txz, Tzz into an array */
+    	if (rec->type.ud) {rec->type.vz=1; rec->type.p=1; rec->type.tzz=1; rec->type.txz=1; rec->int_vz=2;}
 	else {
 		if (!getparint("rec_type_p", &rec->type.p)) rec->type.p=1;
@@ -1109,8 +1057,8 @@ int getParameters(modPar *mod, recPar *rec, snaPar *sna, wavPar *wav, srcPar *sr
-    	if (rec->type.ud) {rec->type.vz=1; rec->type.p=1; rec->int_vz=2;}
 		/* for up and downgoing waves store all x-positons for P and Vz into an array */
+    	if (rec->type.ud) {rec->type.vz=1; rec->type.p=1; rec->int_vz=2;}
 	/* receivers are on a circle, use default interpolation to receiver position */
diff --git a/utils/fconv.c b/utils/fconv.c
index cb620be386c4dfa447d75e59f2c364cb45619a20..6816fec46ac7b08c2c990ae90ec64bfdd03b33bb 100644
--- a/utils/fconv.c
+++ b/utils/fconv.c
@@ -341,7 +341,6 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
 			if (verbose) vmess("end of file_in1 data reached");
 			if (!autoco && repeat != 1) fclose(fp_in2);
 			if (fp_out!=stdout) {
-				fclose(fp_out);
@@ -411,7 +410,7 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
 	t1 = wallclock_time();
-	if (fp_out!=stdout) {
+	if ((fp_out!=stdout) && (fp_out!=NULL)) {