diff --git a/marchenko_full/marchenko b/marchenko_full/marchenko
index 53bb50f04f67c4ed6e80dec058a734f62a9716df..6266b0c58a7930cb6bf1cab9d8c7c11aef5615c3 100755
Binary files a/marchenko_full/marchenko and b/marchenko_full/marchenko differ
diff --git a/marchenko_full/marchenko.c b/marchenko_full/marchenko.c
index 4e7ed45dba8cfafaae81e46d451c162c54695731..71b0f76d2afdbadfb0b0cfda11b9705443692829 100644
--- a/marchenko_full/marchenko.c
+++ b/marchenko_full/marchenko.c
@@ -307,11 +307,9 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
     ngath = 0; /* setting ngath=0 scans all traces; n2 contains maximum traces/gather */
 	if (file_ray!=NULL && file_tinv==NULL) {
-		vmess("test ray");
 		ret = getFileInfo(file_ray, &n2, &n1, &ngath, &d2, &d1, &f2, &f1, &xmin, &xmax, &scl, &ntraces);
 	else if (file_ray==NULL && file_tinv==NULL) {
-		vmess("test raytime");
 		getParameters(&mod, &rec, &sna, &wav, &src, &shot, &bnd, &ray, verbose);
 		n1 = rec.nt;
 		n2 = rec.n;
@@ -326,14 +324,9 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
 		ntraces = n2*ngath;
 	else {
-		vmess("test tinv");
     	ret = getFileInfo(file_tinv, &n1, &n2, &ngath, &d1, &d2, &f1, &f2, &xmin, &xmax, &scl, &ntraces);
-	vmess("n1:%d n2:%d ngath:%d d1:%.4f d2:%.4f f1:%.4f f2:%.4f",n1,n2,ngath,d1,d2,f1,f2);
-	vmess("xmin:%.4f xmax:%.4f scl:%.4f ntraces:%d",xmin,xmax,scl,ntraces);
     Nsyn = ngath;
     nxs = n2; 
     nts = n1;
diff --git a/raytime/JespersRayTracer.c b/raytime/JespersRayTracer.c
index e757defd634746ce353a2b28f4d8ad50a55bdaa9..67e590a6f979f10e416a9484fb331b214e3c2a02 100644
--- a/raytime/JespersRayTracer.c
+++ b/raytime/JespersRayTracer.c
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ int getWaveParameter(float *slowness, icoord size, float dgrid, fcoord s, fcoord
     ds = lengthRefRay/(nRayTmp-1);
     J = lengthRefRay;
     dQdPhi = 0;
     for (i = 0; i < nRayTmp-1; i++)
         x = 0.5*(rayReference3D[i+1].x + rayReference3D[i].x);
diff --git a/raytime/getParameters.c b/raytime/getParameters.c
index 8f82e3d264bca9e9007c8258088284b53c2d1d2e..265b823d1c1e37d2e9fd9c0252645ff545b6a6f6 100644
--- a/raytime/getParameters.c
+++ b/raytime/getParameters.c
@@ -123,40 +123,50 @@ int getParameters(modPar *mod, recPar *rec, snaPar *sna, wavPar *wav, srcPar *sr
 	if (!getparfloat("zsrc",&zsrc)) zsrc=sub_z0;
 //	if (!getparint("nsrc",&nsrc)) nsrc=1;
-	if (!getparint("nshot",&shot->n)) shot->n=1;
+	//if (!getparint("nshot",&shot->n)) shot->n=1;
+	if (!getparint("nxshot",&shot->nx)) shot->nx=1;
+	if (!getparint("nzshot",&shot->nz)) shot->nz=1;
 	if (!getparfloat("dxshot",&dxshot)) dxshot=dx;
-	if (!getparfloat("dzshot",&dzshot)) dzshot=0.0;
+	if (!getparfloat("dzshot",&dzshot)) dzshot=dz;
-	if (shot->n>1) {
+	shot->n = (shot->nx)*(shot->nz);
+	if (shot->nx>1) {
-		idzshot=MAX(0,NINT(dzshot/dz));
 	else {
-		idzshot=0.0;
+	if (shot->nz>1) {
+        idzshot=MAX(0,NINT(dzshot/dz));
+    }
+    else {
+        idzshot=0.0;
+    }
 	/* calculate the shot positions */
-	srcendx=(shot->n-1)*dxshot+xsrc;
-	srcendz=(shot->n-1)*dzshot+zsrc;
+	srcendx=(shot->nx-1)*dxshot+xsrc;
+	srcendz=(shot->nz-1)*dzshot+zsrc;
-	shot->x = (int *)calloc(shot->n,sizeof(int));
-	shot->z = (int *)calloc(shot->n,sizeof(int));
-	for (is=0; is<shot->n; is++) {
+	shot->x = (int *)calloc(shot->nx,sizeof(int));
+	shot->z = (int *)calloc(shot->nz,sizeof(int));
+	for (is=0; is<shot->nx; is++) {
 		shot->x[is] = src_ix0+is*idxshot;
-		shot->z[is] = src_iz0+is*idzshot;
-		if (shot->x[is] > nx-1) shot->n = is-1;
-		if (shot->z[is] > nz-1) shot->n = is-1;
+		if (shot->x[is] > nx-1) shot->nx = is-1;
+	for (is=0; is<shot->nz; is++) {
+        shot->z[is] = src_iz0+is*idzshot;
+        if (shot->z[is] > nz-1) shot->nz = is-1;
+    }
 	/* check if source array is defined */
diff --git a/raytime/model.scr b/raytime/model.scr
index ad760e5ea328923107f6a18005aa79231ee3dcff..6cf97b84ae5d137521901c2fb2de5238e257d474 100755
--- a/raytime/model.scr
+++ b/raytime/model.scr
@@ -15,12 +15,38 @@ export OMP_NUM_THREADS=2
 ./raytime \
     file_cp=syncl_cp.su  \
-    file_rcv=shot_fd.su \
+    file_rcv=z1.su \
     smoothwindow=15 \
-    verbose=2 \
+    verbose=3 \
     dxrcv=10.0 \
     xrcv1=-2500 xrcv2=2500 \
     zrcv1=0 zrcv2=0 \
-    xsrc=0 zsrc=1100 
+    xsrc=0 zsrc=1100 \
+	nxshot=1 dxshot=10 \
+	nzshot=1 dzshot=10
+./raytime \
+    file_cp=syncl_cp.su  \
+    file_rcv=z2.su \
+    smoothwindow=15 \
+    verbose=3 \
+    dxrcv=10.0 \
+    xrcv1=-2500 xrcv2=2500 \
+    zrcv1=0 zrcv2=0 \
+    xsrc=0 zsrc=1200 \
+    nxshot=1 dxshot=10 \
+    nzshot=1 dzshot=10
+./raytime \
+    file_cp=syncl_cp.su  \
+    file_rcv=z0.su \
+    smoothwindow=15 \
+    verbose=3 \
+    dxrcv=10.0 \
+    xrcv1=-2500 xrcv2=2500 \
+    zrcv1=0 zrcv2=0 \
+    xsrc=0 zsrc=1100 \
+    nxshot=1 dxshot=10 \
+    nzshot=2 dzshot=100
 echo "testJan"
diff --git a/raytime/raytime.c b/raytime/raytime.c
index d4a8c839a511a30647c289c22c3fbd05c845979e..be7fb12b2326875bdbd8b716c368b552412f3d82 100644
--- a/raytime/raytime.c
+++ b/raytime/raytime.c
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
 	float sinkvel;
 	double t0, t1, t2, t3, tt, tinit;
 	size_t size, sizem, nsamp;
-	int n1, ix, iz, ir, ishot, i;
+	int n1, ix, iz, ir, ixshot, izshot, i;
 	int ioPx, ioPz;
 	int it0, it1, its, it, fileno, isam;
 	int ixsrc, izsrc, irec;
@@ -223,11 +223,13 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
 /* sink sources to value different than zero */
-	for (ishot=0; ishot<shot.n; ishot++) {
-		iz = shot.z[ishot];
-		ix = shot.x[ishot];
-		while(velocity[(ix)*n1+iz] == 0.0) iz++;
-		shot.z[ishot]=iz+src.sinkdepth; 
+	for (izshot=0; izshot<shot.nz; izshot++) {
+		for (ixshot=0; ixshot<shot.nx; ixshot++) {
+			iz = shot.z[izshot];
+			ix = shot.x[ixshot];
+			while(velocity[(ix)*n1+iz] == 0.0) iz++;
+			shot.z[izshot]=iz+src.sinkdepth; 
+		}
 	if (verbose>3) writeSrcRecPos(&mod, &rec, &src, &shot);
@@ -254,61 +256,62 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
     hdr.ns     = rec.n;
 	/* Outer loop over number of shots */
-	for (ishot=0; ishot<shot.n; ishot++) {
-        if (verbose) {
-            vmess("Modeling source %d at gridpoints ix=%d iz=%d", ishot, shot.x[ishot], shot.z[ishot]);
-            vmess(" which are actual positions x=%.2f z=%.2f", mod.x0+mod.dx*shot.x[ishot], mod.z0+mod.dz*shot.z[ishot]);
-            vmess("Receivers at gridpoint x-range ix=%d - %d", rec.x[0], rec.x[rec.n-1]);
-            vmess(" which are actual positions x=%.2f - %.2f", mod.x0+rec.xr[0], mod.x0+rec.xr[rec.n-1]);
-            vmess("Receivers at gridpoint z-range iz=%d - %d", rec.z[0], rec.z[rec.n-1]);
-            vmess(" which are actual positions z=%.2f - %.2f", mod.z0+rec.zr[0], mod.z0+rec.zr[rec.n-1]);
-        }
-        coordsx.x = mod.x0+shot.x[ishot]*mod.dx;
-        coordsx.z = mod.z0+shot.z[ishot]*mod.dz;
-        coordsx.y = 0;
-        grid.x = mod.nx;
-        grid.z = mod.nz;
-        grid.y = 1;
-        for (irec=0; irec<rec.n; irec++) {
-            coordgx.x=mod.x0+rec.xr[irec];
-            coordgx.z=mod.z0+rec.zr[irec];
-            coordgx.y = 0;
-            getWaveParameter(slowness, grid, mod.dx, coordsx, coordgx, ray, &Time, &Jr);
-            time[ishot*rec.n + irec] = Time.x + Time.y + Time.z;
-            ampl[ishot*rec.n + irec] = Jr;
-            fprintf(stderr,"shot=%f,%f receiver at %f,%f T0=%f T1=%f T2=%f Jr=%f\n",coordsx.x, coordsx.z, coordgx.x, coordgx.z, Time.x, Time.y, Time.z, Jr); 
-        }
-        hdr.sx     = 1000*(mod.x0+mod.dx*shot.x[ishot]);
-        hdr.sdepth = 1000*(mod.z0+mod.dz*shot.z[ishot]);
-        hdr.selev  = (int)(-1000.0*(mod.z0+mod.dz*shot.z[ishot]));
-        hdr.fldr   = ishot+1;
-        hdr.tracl  = ishot+1;
-        hdr.tracf  = ishot+1;
-        hdr.ntr    = shot.n;
-        hdr.d1     = (rec.x[1]-rec.x[0])*mod.dx;
-        hdr.f1     = mod.x0+rec.x[0]*mod.dx;
-        hdr.d2     = (shot.x[1]-shot.x[0])*mod.dx;
-        hdr.f2     = mod.x0+shot.x[0]*mod.dx;
-        nwrite = fwrite( &hdr, 1, TRCBYTES, fpt);
-        assert(nwrite == TRCBYTES);
-        nwrite = fwrite( &time[ishot*rec.n], sizeof(float), rec.n, fpt);
-        assert(nwrite == rec.n);
-	    fflush(fpt);
-	    if (ray.geomspread) {
-            nwrite = fwrite( &hdr, 1, TRCBYTES, fpa);
-            assert(nwrite == TRCBYTES);
-            nwrite = fwrite( &ampl[ishot*rec.n], sizeof(float), rec.n, fpa);
-            assert(nwrite == rec.n);
-	        fflush(fpa);
-        }
+	for (izshot=0; izshot<shot.nz; izshot++) {
+		for (ixshot=0; ixshot<shot.nx; ixshot++) {
+        	if (verbose) {
+            	vmess("Modeling source %d at gridpoints ix=%d iz=%d", (izshot*shot.n)+ixshot, shot.x[ixshot], shot.z[izshot]);
+            	vmess(" which are actual positions x=%.2f z=%.2f", mod.x0+mod.dx*shot.x[ixshot], mod.z0+mod.dz*shot.z[izshot]);
+            	vmess("Receivers at gridpoint x-range ix=%d - %d", rec.x[0], rec.x[rec.n-1]);
+            	vmess(" which are actual positions x=%.2f - %.2f", mod.x0+rec.xr[0], mod.x0+rec.xr[rec.n-1]);
+            	vmess("Receivers at gridpoint z-range iz=%d - %d", rec.z[0], rec.z[rec.n-1]);
+            	vmess(" which are actual positions z=%.2f - %.2f", mod.z0+rec.zr[0], mod.z0+rec.zr[rec.n-1]);
+        	}
+        	coordsx.x = mod.x0+shot.x[ixshot]*mod.dx;
+        	coordsx.z = mod.z0+shot.z[izshot]*mod.dz;
+        	coordsx.y = 0;
+        	grid.x = mod.nx;
+        	grid.z = mod.nz;
+        	grid.y = 1;
+        	for (irec=0; irec<rec.n; irec++) {
+            	coordgx.x=mod.x0+rec.xr[irec];
+            	coordgx.z=mod.z0+rec.zr[irec];
+            	coordgx.y = 0;
+            	getWaveParameter(slowness, grid, mod.dx, coordsx, coordgx, ray, &Time, &Jr);
+            	time[((izshot*shot.nx)+ixshot)*rec.n + irec] = Time.x + Time.y + Time.z;
+            	ampl[((izshot*shot.nx)+ixshot)*rec.n + irec] = Jr;
+            	fprintf(stderr,"shot=%f,%f receiver at %f,%f T0=%f T1=%f T2=%f Jr=%f\n",coordsx.x, coordsx.z, coordgx.x, coordgx.z, Time.x, Time.y, Time.z, Jr); 
+        	}
+        	hdr.sx     = 1000*(mod.x0+mod.dx*shot.x[ixshot]);
+        	hdr.sdepth = 1000*(mod.z0+mod.dz*shot.z[izshot]);
+        	hdr.selev  = (int)(-1000.0*(mod.z0+mod.dz*shot.z[izshot]));
+        	hdr.fldr   = ((izshot*shot.nx)+ixshot)+1;
+        	hdr.tracl  = ((izshot*shot.nx)+ixshot)+1;
+        	hdr.tracf  = ((izshot*shot.nx)+ixshot)+1;
+        	hdr.ntr    = shot.n;
+        	hdr.d1     = (rec.x[1]-rec.x[0])*mod.dx;
+        	hdr.f1     = mod.x0+rec.x[0]*mod.dx;
+        	hdr.d2     = (shot.x[1]-shot.x[0])*mod.dx;
+        	hdr.f2     = mod.x0+shot.x[0]*mod.dx;
+        	nwrite = fwrite( &hdr, 1, TRCBYTES, fpt);
+        	assert(nwrite == TRCBYTES);
+        	nwrite = fwrite( &time[((izshot*shot.nx)+ixshot)*rec.n], sizeof(float), rec.n, fpt);
+        	assert(nwrite == rec.n);
+	    	fflush(fpt);
+	    	if (ray.geomspread) {
+            	nwrite = fwrite( &hdr, 1, TRCBYTES, fpa);
+            	assert(nwrite == TRCBYTES);
+            	nwrite = fwrite( &ampl[((izshot*shot.nx)+ixshot)*rec.n], sizeof(float), rec.n, fpa);
+            	assert(nwrite == rec.n);
+	        	fflush(fpa);
+        	}
+    	}
 	} /* end of loop over number of shots */
 	if (ray.geomspread) fclose(fpa);
diff --git a/raytime/raytime.h b/raytime/raytime.h
index dea8b1be838096a00a27998b005eea0983230a5f..464553958272a713004412b4cc1afdd8b7fd4d9e 100644
--- a/raytime/raytime.h
+++ b/raytime/raytime.h
@@ -152,6 +152,8 @@ typedef struct _sourcePar { /* Source Array Parameters */
 typedef struct _shotPar { /* Shot Parameters */
 	int n;
+	int nx;
+	int nz;
 	int *z;
 	int *x;
 } shotPar;