diff --git a/marchenko3D/Makefile b/marchenko3D/Makefile
index 8367a6d18441993c9e2e55ed9c2764dbecad3178..303417a0bd011ab60240be798e91db9ea1732c27 100644
--- a/marchenko3D/Makefile
+++ b/marchenko3D/Makefile
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ SRCT	= marchenko3D.c \
 		imaging3D.c \
 		homogeneousg3D.c \
 		readSnapData3D.c \
-		writeDataIter.c \
+		writeDataIter3D.c \
 		wallclock_time.c \
 		name_ext.c  \
 		verbosepkg.c  \
diff --git a/marchenko3D/homogeneousg3D.c b/marchenko3D/homogeneousg3D.c
index 8a09ecb483f3ce1e1a0bbd0802970c93bcd616f9..e5b2cfd497565f04da3f5d1c7175198febd9385f 100644
--- a/marchenko3D/homogeneousg3D.c
+++ b/marchenko3D/homogeneousg3D.c
@@ -32,7 +32,8 @@ long getFileInfo3D(char *filename, long *n1, long *n2, long *n3, long *ngath, fl
 void timeDiff(float *data, long nsam, long nrec, float dt, float fmin, float fmax, long opt);
 void depthDiff(float *data, long nsam, long nrec, float dt, float dx, float fmin, float fmax, float c, long opt);
-void homogeneousg3D(float *HomG, float *green, float *f2p, float *zsyn, long nx, long ny, long nt, float dx, float dy, float dt, long Nfoc, long verbose)
+void homogeneousg3D(float *HomG, float *green, float *f2p, float *zsyn, long nx, long ny, long nt, float dx, float dy,
+    float dt, long Nfoc, long *sx, long *sy, long *sz, long verbose)
     char    *file_inp;
     long    i, j, k, l, ret, scheme, count=0, n_source;
@@ -73,6 +74,16 @@ void homogeneousg3D(float *HomG, float *green, float *f2p, float *zsyn, long nx,
     readSnapData3D(file_inp, input, hdr_inp, n_source, nx, ny, nt, 0, nx, 0, ny, 0, nt);
     zsrc = labs(hdr_inp[0].selev);
+    for (l = 0; l < nx*ny; l++) {
+        sx[l] = hdr_inp[0].sx;
+        sy[l] = hdr_inp[0].sy;
+        sz[l] = hdr_inp[0].sdepth;
+    }
+    for (l = 0; l < n_source; l++) {
+        sx[l] = hdr_inp[l*nx*ny].sx;
+        sy[l] = hdr_inp[l*nx*ny].sy;
+        sz[l] = hdr_inp[l*nx*ny].sdepth;
+    }
 	if (scheme==1) { // Scale the Green's functions if the classical scheme is used
 		if (verbose) vmess("Classical Homogeneous Green's function retrieval");
diff --git a/marchenko3D/makeWindow3D.c b/marchenko3D/makeWindow3D.c
index 5930c5032ae96c25d81a3f74167d0f4f83e4954d..2809e630aa62d37dd65ed02db0dbcca3f85a35a0 100644
--- a/marchenko3D/makeWindow3D.c
+++ b/marchenko3D/makeWindow3D.c
@@ -73,46 +73,49 @@ void makeWindow3D(char *file_ray, char *file_amp, char *file_wav, float dt, floa
     /* Defining mute window using raytimes */
     vmess("Using raytime for mutewindow");
-    hdrs_mute = (segy *) calloc(Nfoc,sizeof(segy));
+    hdrs_mute = (segy *) calloc(Nfoc*ny,sizeof(segy));
     fp = fopen( file_ray, "r" );
     if ( fp == NULL ) {
         perror("Error opening file containing ray");
-    readSnapData3D(file_ray, timeval, hdrs_mute, Nfoc, 1, 1, nx, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, nx);
-    // for (is=0; is<Nfoc; is++) {
-    //     readData3D(fp, &timeval[is*nx*ny], &hdrs_mute[is], nx);
-    // }
+    readSnapData3D(file_ray, timeval, hdrs_mute, Nfoc, 1, ny, nx, 0, 1, 0, ny, 0, nx);
+    /* Set the scaling for gy */
+    if (hdrs_mute[0].scalel < 0) {
+        scl = 1.0/((float)(labs(hdrs_mute[0].scalel)));
+    }
+    else if (hdrs_mute[0].scalel > 0) {
+        scl = ((float)hdrs_mute[0].scalel);
+    }
+    else {
+        scl = 1.0;
+    }
     /*Check whether the amplitude is also used*/
     if (file_amp != NULL) {
         vmess("Using ray-amplitudes");
-        hdrs_amp = (segy *) calloc(Nfoc,sizeof(segy));
+        hdrs_amp = (segy *) calloc(Nfoc*ny,sizeof(segy));
         fp = fopen( file_amp, "r" );
         if ( fp == NULL ) {
             perror("Error opening file containing ray-amplitude");
-        readSnapData3D(file_amp, amp, hdrs_amp, Nfoc, 1, 1, nx, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, nx);
-        // for (is=0; is<Nfoc; is++) {
-        //     readData3D(fp, &amp[is*nx*ny], &hdrs_amp[is], nx);
-        // }
+        readSnapData3D(file_amp, amp, hdrs_amp, Nfoc, 1, ny, nx, 0, 1, 0, ny, 0, nx);
     /*Define source and receiver locations from the raytime*/
     for (is=0; is<Nfoc; is++) {
         for (iy=0; iy<ny; iy++) {
             for (ix=0; ix<nx; ix++) {
-                xrcv[is*nx*ny+iy*nx+ix] = (hdrs_mute[is].f1 + hdrs_mute[is].d1*((float)ix));
-                yrcv[is*nx*ny+iy*nx+ix] = hdrs_mute[is].gy;
+                xrcv[is*nx*ny+iy*nx+ix] = (hdrs_mute[is*ny].f1 + hdrs_mute[is*ny].d1*((float)ix));
+                yrcv[is*nx*ny+iy*nx+ix] = ((float)hdrs_mute[is*ny].gy)*scl;
-        xnx[is]=hdrs_mute[is].ns;
-        if (hdrs_mute[is].scalco < 0) scl=-1.0/hdrs_mute[is].scalco;
-        else scl=hdrs_mute[is].scalco;
-        xsrc[is] = hdrs_mute[is].sx*scl;
-        ysrc[is] = hdrs_mute[is].sy*scl;
-        zsrc[is] = hdrs_mute[is].sdepth*scl;
+        xnx[is]=hdrs_mute[is*ny].ns;
+        xsrc[is] = ((float)hdrs_mute[is*ny].sx)*scl;
+        ysrc[is] = ((float)hdrs_mute[is*ny].sy)*scl;
+        zsrc[is] = ((float)hdrs_mute[is*ny].sdepth)*scl;
@@ -125,8 +128,8 @@ void makeWindow3D(char *file_ray, char *file_amp, char *file_wav, float dt, floa
                 if (file_wav!=NULL) { /*Apply the wavelet to create a first arrival*/
                     if (file_amp != NULL) {
                         for (ig=0; ig<nfreq; ig++) {
-                            cmute[ig].r = (dt/sqrtf((float)ntfft))*(cwav[ig].r*cos(ig*dw*timeval[j*ny*nx+l*nx+i]-M_PI/4.0)-cwav[ig].i*sin(ig*dw*timeval[j*ny*nx+l*nx+i]-M_PI/4.0))/(amp[j*ny*nx+l*nx+i]*amp[j*ny*nx+l*nx+i]);
-                            cmute[ig].i = (dt/sqrtf((float)ntfft))*(cwav[ig].i*cos(ig*dw*timeval[j*ny*nx+l*nx+i]-M_PI/4.0)+cwav[ig].r*sin(ig*dw*timeval[j*ny*nx+l*nx+i]-M_PI/4.0))/(amp[j*ny*nx+l*nx+i]*amp[j*ny*nx+l*nx+i]);
+                            cmute[ig].r = (dt/sqrtf((float)ntfft))*(cwav[ig].r*cos(ig*dw*timeval[j*ny*nx+l*nx+i]-M_PI/4.0)-cwav[ig].i*sin(ig*dw*timeval[j*ny*nx+l*nx+i]-M_PI/4.0))/(amp[j*ny*nx+l*nx+i]);
+                            cmute[ig].i = (dt/sqrtf((float)ntfft))*(cwav[ig].i*cos(ig*dw*timeval[j*ny*nx+l*nx+i]-M_PI/4.0)+cwav[ig].r*sin(ig*dw*timeval[j*ny*nx+l*nx+i]-M_PI/4.0))/(amp[j*ny*nx+l*nx+i]);
                     else { /*Use the raytime only to determine the mutewindow*/
@@ -146,7 +149,8 @@ void makeWindow3D(char *file_ray, char *file_amp, char *file_wav, float dt, floa
+    free(timeval); free(hdrs_mute);
+    if (file_amp!=NULL) free(amp); free(hdrs_amp);
diff --git a/marchenko3D/marchenko3D.c b/marchenko3D/marchenko3D.c
index 5f892f7f125097761ff727947debb6cafcc2fde4..f9b55d1d953f248556298eeac0ed715176143baf 100644
--- a/marchenko3D/marchenko3D.c
+++ b/marchenko3D/marchenko3D.c
@@ -72,7 +72,8 @@ long writeDataIter3D(char *file_iter, float *data, segy *hdrs, long n1, long n2,
 void imaging3D(float *Image, float *Gmin, float *f1plus, long nx, long ny, long nt, float dx, float dy, float dt, long Nfoc, long verbose);
-void homogeneousg3D(float *HomG, float *green, float *f2p, float *zsyn, long nx, long ny, long nt, float dx, float dy, float dt, long Nfoc, long verbose);
+void homogeneousg3D(float *HomG, float *green, float *f2p, float *zsyn, long nx, long ny, long nt, float dx, float dy,
+    float dt, long Nfoc, long *sx, long *sy, long *sz, long verbose);
 long linearsearch(long *array, size_t N, long value);
@@ -155,7 +156,7 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
     FILE    *fp_out, *fp_f1plus, *fp_f1min, *fp_imag, *fp_homg;
     FILE    *fp_gmin, *fp_gplus, *fp_f2, *fp_pmin, *fp_amp;
     long    i, j, l, k, ret, nshots, nxshot, nyshot, Nfoc, nt, nx, ny, nts, nxs, nys, ngath;
-    long    size, n1, n2, n3, ntap, tap, dxi, dyi, ntraces, pad;
+    long    size, n1, n2, n3, ntap, tap, dxi, dyi, ntraces, pad, *sx, *sy, *sz;
     long    nw, nw_low, nw_high, nfreq, *xnx, *xnxsyn;
     long    reci, countmin, mode, n2out, n3out, verbose, ntfft;
     long    iter, niter, tracf, *muteW, *tsynW, ampest, plane_wave;
@@ -249,7 +250,6 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
         dys  = d3; 
         fxsb = f2;
         fysb = f3;
-        vmess("nxs:%li dxs:%.3f",nxs,dxs);
     else {
         ret = getFileInfo3D(file_tinv, &n1, &n2, &n3, &ngath, &d1, &d2, &d3, &f1, &f2, &f3, &scl, &ntraces);
@@ -534,6 +534,7 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
         if (file_iter != NULL)  vmess("Iterations output file         = %s ", file_iter);
 /*================ initializations ================*/
     if (reci) { 
@@ -751,7 +752,6 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
-    if (ampest < 1) free(G_d);
     /* compute full Green's function G = int R * f2(t) + f2(-t) = Pplus + Pmin */
     for (l = 0; l < Nfoc; l++) {
@@ -945,9 +945,14 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
     /* Determine homogeneous Green's function*/
     if (file_homg!=NULL) {
+        // Allocate the headers for the source info
+        sx = (long *)calloc(nxs*nys,sizeof(long));
+        sy = (long *)calloc(nxs*nys,sizeof(long));
+        sz = (long *)calloc(nxs*nys,sizeof(long));
         // Determine Image
         HomG = (float *)calloc(Nfoc*ntfft,sizeof(float));
-        homogeneousg3D(HomG, green, f2p, zsyn, nxs, nys, ntfft, dxs, dys, dt, Nfoc, verbose);
+        homogeneousg3D(HomG, green, f2p, zsyn, nxs, nys, ntfft, dxs, dys, dt, Nfoc, sx, sy, sz, verbose);
         fp_homg = fopen(file_homg, "w+");
         if (fp_homg==NULL) verr("error on creating output file %s", file_homg);
@@ -964,11 +969,12 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
                     hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].trid    = 2;
                     hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].scalco  = -1000;
                     hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].scalel  = -1000;
-                    hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].sx      = xsyn[l*nxim+j]*(1e3);
-                    hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].sy      = ysyn[l*nxim+j]*(1e3);
+                    hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].sx      = sx[l*nxim+j];
+                    hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].sy      = sy[l*nxim+j];
                     hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].gx      = xsyn[l*nxim+j]*(1e3);
                     hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].gy      = ysyn[l*nxim+j]*(1e3);
-                    hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].sdepth  = zsyn[l*nxim+j]*(1e3);
+                    hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].sdepth  = sz[l*nxim+j];
+                    hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].selev   = -sz[l*nxim+j];
                     hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].f1      = zsyn[0];
                     hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].f2      = xsyn[0];
                     hdrs_Nfoc[l*nxim+j].d1      = dzim;
@@ -1050,8 +1056,8 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
                 hdrs_out[k*n2+i].sy     = NINT(ysyn[l]*1000);
                 hdrs_out[k*n2+i].offset = (long)NINT((f2+i*d2) - xsyn[l]);
                 hdrs_out[k*n2+i].tracf  = tracf++;
-                hdrs_out[k*n2+i].selev  = NINT(zsyn[l]*1000);
-                hdrs_out[k*n2+i].sdepth = NINT(-zsyn[l]*1000);
+                hdrs_out[k*n2+i].selev  = NINT(-zsyn[l]*1000);
+                hdrs_out[k*n2+i].sdepth = NINT(zsyn[l]*1000);
                 hdrs_out[k*n2+i].f1     = f1;
diff --git a/marchenko3D/writeDataIter3D.c b/marchenko3D/writeDataIter3D.c
index 09a7cd83680f07ada4e43cce99cb2f103206c389..8d63f7dd0109fd69661239f7e7a58cceaef464fb 100644
--- a/marchenko3D/writeDataIter3D.c
+++ b/marchenko3D/writeDataIter3D.c
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ long writeDataIter3D(char *file_iter, float *data, segy *hdrs, long n1, long n2,
 	FILE *fp_iter;
 	size_t nwrite;
-	int i, l, j, ip, ret, tracf, size, ix, iy;
+	int i, l, j, ret, tracf, size, ix, iy;
     char number[16], filename[1024];
 	float *trace;
@@ -31,10 +31,11 @@ long writeDataIter3D(char *file_iter, float *data, segy *hdrs, long n1, long n2,
 	fp_iter = fopen(filename, "w+");
 	if (fp_iter==NULL) verr("error on creating output file %s", filename);
+	tracf=1;
 	for (l = 0; l < Nfoc; l++) {
         for (i = 0; i < npos; i++) {
-            ix = ixpos[ip]; /* select proper position */
-            iy = iypos[ip]; 
+            ix = ixpos[i]; /* select proper position */
+            iy = iypos[i]; 
             hdrs[i].fldr   = l+1; 
             hdrs[i].sx     = NINT(xsyn[l]*1000);
             hdrs[i].sy     = NINT(ysyn[l]*1000);
@@ -61,7 +62,6 @@ long writeDataIter3D(char *file_iter, float *data, segy *hdrs, long n1, long n2,
             assert(nwrite == TRCBYTES);
             nwrite = fwrite(trace, sizeof(float), n1, fp_iter);
             assert (nwrite == n1);
-            ip++;
 	ret = fclose(fp_iter);
diff --git a/raytime3d/getParameters3d.c b/raytime3d/getParameters3d.c
index 13fc3737bbdf5393724e44e31f759dccc41fc6ad..24c70664c7b9ed01245e4cf9f2444a431c146397 100644
--- a/raytime3d/getParameters3d.c
+++ b/raytime3d/getParameters3d.c
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ long getParameters3d(modPar *mod, recPar *rec, srcPar *src, shotPar *shot, rayPa
 	float	rsrc, oxsrc, ozsrc, oysrc, dphisrc, ncsrc;
 	size_t	nsamp;
 	long	nxsrc, nzsrc, nysrc;
-	long	is;
+	long	is, shotnxyz, rcvn;
 	char	*src_positions, *file_cp=NULL;
 	if (!getparlong("verbose",&verbose)) verbose=0;
@@ -322,6 +322,26 @@ long getParameters3d(modPar *mod, recPar *rec, srcPar *src, shotPar *shot, rayPa
 	recvPar3D(rec, sub_x0, sub_y0, sub_z0, dx, dy, dz, nx, ny, nz);
+	/* Calculate the maximum radius */
+	shotnxyz 	= shot->nx*shot->ny*shot->nz-1;
+	rcvn 		= rec->n-1;
+	shot->maxrad = labs(rec->x[0]-shot->x[0]);
+	if (shot->maxrad < labs(rec->x[rcvn]-shot->x[0])) 			shot->maxrad = labs(rec->x[rcvn]-shot->x[0]);
+	if (shot->maxrad < labs(rec->x[0]-shot->x[shotnxyz])) 		shot->maxrad = labs(rec->x[0]-shot->x[shotnxyz]);
+	if (shot->maxrad < labs(rec->x[rcvn]-shot->x[shotnxyz])) 	shot->maxrad = labs(rec->x[rcvn]-shot->x[shotnxyz]);
+	if (shot->maxrad < labs(rec->y[0]-shot->y[0])) 				shot->maxrad = labs(rec->y[0]-shot->y[0]);
+	if (shot->maxrad < labs(rec->y[rcvn]-shot->y[0])) 			shot->maxrad = labs(rec->y[rcvn]-shot->y[0]);
+	if (shot->maxrad < labs(rec->y[0]-shot->y[shotnxyz])) 		shot->maxrad = labs(rec->y[0]-shot->y[shotnxyz]);
+	if (shot->maxrad < labs(rec->y[rcvn]-shot->y[shotnxyz])) 	shot->maxrad = labs(rec->y[rcvn]-shot->y[shotnxyz]);
+	if (shot->maxrad < labs(rec->z[0]-shot->z[0])) 				shot->maxrad = labs(rec->z[0]-shot->z[0]);
+	if (shot->maxrad < labs(rec->z[rcvn]-shot->z[0])) 			shot->maxrad = labs(rec->z[rcvn]-shot->z[0]);
+	if (shot->maxrad < labs(rec->z[0]-shot->z[shotnxyz])) 		shot->maxrad = labs(rec->z[0]-shot->z[shotnxyz]);
+	if (shot->maxrad < labs(rec->z[rcvn]-shot->z[shotnxyz])) 	shot->maxrad = labs(rec->z[rcvn]-shot->z[shotnxyz]);
+	shot->maxrad++;
 	if (verbose) {
 		if (rec->n) {
 			dyrcv = rec->yr[rec->nx]-rec->yr[0];
@@ -341,6 +361,7 @@ long getParameters3d(modPar *mod, recPar *rec, srcPar *src, shotPar *shot, rayPa
 			vmess("izmin   = %li izmax   = %li ", rec->z[0], rec->z[rec->n-1]);
 			vmess("ixmin   = %li ixmax   = %li ", rec->x[0], rec->x[rec->n-1]);
 			vmess("iymin   = %li iymax   = %li ", rec->y[0], rec->y[rec->n-1]);
+			vmess("maxrad  = %li",shot->maxrad);
 		else {
diff --git a/raytime3d/raytime3d.c b/raytime3d/raytime3d.c
index 7d5e65a0ead722ade4f4634ffe5bdfe991006eca..f93bb963090d3480524bcd46d24524ae2b5f6f7e 100644
--- a/raytime3d/raytime3d.c
+++ b/raytime3d/raytime3d.c
@@ -189,9 +189,6 @@ void main(int argc, char *argv[])
 		if (slow0 == NULL) verr("Out of memory for slow0 array!");
 		readModel3d(mod.file_cp, slow0, nz, nx, ny, h, verbose);
-		if (verbose) vmess("h = %.2f nx = %li nz = %li ny = %li", h, nx, nz, ny);
 	else {
         if(!getparfloat("c",&c)) verr("c not defined");
@@ -287,8 +284,8 @@ private (is,time0,ampl,nrx,nry,nrz,nr,cp_average,i,j,k,ix,iy,iz,hdrs,tmpdata,nwr
 			#pragma omp flush(writer)
-		if (verbose>2) vmess("Writing src %li of %li sources",is+1,shot.n);
-		if (verbose) vmess("xsrc[%li]=%f ysrc[%li]=%f zsrc[%li]=%f",shot.x[is],shot.xs[is],shot.y[is],shot.ys[is],shot.z[is],shot.zs[is]);
+		if (verbose) vmess("Writing src %li of %li sources",is+1,shot.n);
+		if (verbose>1) vmess("xsrc[%li]=%f ysrc[%li]=%f zsrc[%li]=%f",shot.x[is],shot.xs[is],shot.y[is],shot.ys[is],shot.z[is],shot.zs[is]);
 		hdrs = (segy *) calloc(1,sizeof(segy));
 		tmpdata = (float *)malloc((rec.nx)*sizeof(float));
@@ -303,7 +300,7 @@ private (is,time0,ampl,nrx,nry,nrz,nr,cp_average,i,j,k,ix,iy,iz,hdrs,tmpdata,nwr
 			hdrs[0].sy		= (long)(f3+(shot.y[is]-1)*d3)*1000;
 			hdrs[0].sdepth	= (long)(f1+(shot.z[is]-1)*d1)*1000;
 			hdrs[0].selev	= -(long)(f1+(shot.z[is]-1)*d1)*1000;
-			hdrs[0].gy		= mod.y0+rec.yr[i*rec.nx];
+			hdrs[0].gy		= (long)(mod.y0+rec.yr[i*rec.nx])*1000;
 			hdrs[0].ns 		= rec.nx;
 			hdrs[0].ntr		= rec.ny*shot.n;
 			hdrs[0].trwf	= rec.ny*shot.n;
diff --git a/raytime3d/raytime3d.h b/raytime3d/raytime3d.h
index dbf479ac40df596daebffefb34759c8922b19538..14867d9687f70841a2e460043d533ae31df8757f 100644
--- a/raytime3d/raytime3d.h
+++ b/raytime3d/raytime3d.h
@@ -118,6 +118,7 @@ typedef struct _shotPar { /* Shot Parameters */
 	float *zs;
 	float *xs;
 	float *ys;
+	long maxrad;
 } shotPar;
 typedef struct _raypar { /* ray-tracing parameters */
diff --git a/raytime3d/src3D.c b/raytime3d/src3D.c
index 369cd993233172b3a0adb14fc2bd525394eef535..efdd2f44562368277bd78fd7b79ef08b91418fa8 100644
--- a/raytime3d/src3D.c
+++ b/raytime3d/src3D.c
@@ -78,13 +78,13 @@ void src3D(float *time0, float *slow0, long nz, long nx, long ny, float h, float
 					  dvz = (1/s0(xx,yy,zz)-1/s0(xs,ys,zs))/(zz-zs);
 					dv = fabs(dvz);
 					if (dv == 0.)  {
-					  t0(xx,yy,zz) = s0(xs,ys,zs)*DIST(fxs,fys,fzs,xx,yy,zz);
+					  t0(xx,yy,zz) = s0(xs,ys,zs)*DIST(xs,ys,zs,xx,yy,zz);
 					rzc = -v0/dv;
-					rx = h*(xx - fxs);
-					ry = h*(yy - fys);
-					rz = h*(zz - fzs);
+					rx = h*(xx - xs);
+					ry = h*(yy - ys);
+					rz = h*(zz - zs);
 					rz1 = rz*dvz/dv;
 					rxy1 = sqrt(rx*rx+ry*ry+rz*rz-rz1*rz1);
 					if (rxy1<=h/1.e6)
diff --git a/raytime3d/vidale3d.c b/raytime3d/vidale3d.c
index d7e560baa6810a5c645388facb1b4a2b0724c5b5..c7107bd0cdda9783463a0e9e2104b8a09a06d7ca 100644
--- a/raytime3d/vidale3d.c
+++ b/raytime3d/vidale3d.c
@@ -1264,42 +1264,42 @@ void vidale3d(float *slow0, float *time0, long nz, long nx, long ny, float h, lo
 	else {
 		if (headw[1]>0) {
-			if(verbose) vmess("Head waves found on left: %li",headw[1]);
+			if(verbose>3) vmess("Head waves found on left: %li",headw[1]);
 			if (headw[1]>head)  {
 				head = headw[1];
 				srcwall = 1;
 		if (headw[2]>0) {
-			if(verbose) vmess("Head waves found on right: %li",headw[2]);
+			if(verbose>3) vmess("Head waves found on right: %li",headw[2]);
 			if (headw[2]>head)  {
 				head = headw[2];
 				srcwall = 2;
 		if (headw[3]>0) {
-			if(verbose) vmess("Head waves found on front: %li",headw[3]);
+			if(verbose>3) vmess("Head waves found on front: %li",headw[3]);
 			if (headw[3]>head)  {
 				head = headw[3];
 				srcwall = 3;
 		if (headw[4]>0) {
-			if(verbose) vmess("Head waves found on back: %li",headw[4]);
+			if(verbose>3) vmess("Head waves found on back: %li",headw[4]);
 			if (headw[4]>head)  {
 				head = headw[4];
 				srcwall = 4;
 		if (headw[5]>0) {
-			if(verbose) vmess("Head waves found on top: %li",headw[5]);
+			if(verbose>3) vmess("Head waves found on top: %li",headw[5]);
 			if (headw[5]>head)  {
 				head = headw[5];
 				srcwall = 5;
 		if (headw[6]>0) {
-			if(verbose) vmess("Head waves found on bottom: %li",headw[6]);
+			if(verbose>3) vmess("Head waves found on bottom: %li",headw[6]);
 			if (headw[6]>head)  {
 				head = headw[6];
 				srcwall = 6;
@@ -1332,7 +1332,7 @@ void vidale3d(float *slow0, float *time0, long nz, long nx, long ny, float h, lo
 			vmess("RESTART at bottom side of model");  }
 		else	{  z1= -1;	dz1=0;  }
 		if (reverse == 0)  
-			vwarn("RESTART CANCELLED by choice of input parameter `reverse`");
+			if (verbose>3) vwarn("RESTART CANCELLED by choice of input parameter `reverse`");
diff --git a/utils/combine.c b/utils/combine.c
index 45fb07d4d48698c796390148ed3d064c5da6c6b8..c08792ec069405fce004eaf74471396895c411c6 100755
--- a/utils/combine.c
+++ b/utils/combine.c
@@ -121,7 +121,12 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
 	nt = 1;
-    getFileInfo3D(fin2, &nz, &nx, &ny, &nt, &dz, &dx, &dy, &z0, &x0, &y0, &scl, &ntr);
+    if (transpose==0) {
+		getFileInfo3D(fin2, &nz, &nx, &ny, &nt, &dz, &dx, &dy, &z0, &x0, &y0, &scl, &ntr);
+	}
+	else {
+		getFileInfo3D(fin2, &nx, &nz, &ny, &nt, &dz, &dx, &dy, &z0, &x0, &y0, &scl, &ntr);
+	}
 	nxyz = nx*ny*nzs*nz;
@@ -145,20 +150,34 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
     *   Combine the separate files
 	for (is = 0; is < nzs; is++) {
-		if (verbose) vmess("Combining file %li out of %li",iz+1,nzs);
-		sprintf(fins,"%li",iz*dnumb+numb);
+		if (verbose) vmess("Combining file %li out of %li",is+1,nzs);
+		sprintf(fins,"%li",is*dnumb+numb);
        	fp_in = fopen(fin2, "r");
 		if (fp_in == NULL) {
 			verr("Error opening file");
-		readSnapData3D(fin2, indata, hdr_in, nt, nx, ny, nz, 0, nx, 0, ny, 0, nz);
-		for (it = 0; it < nt; it++) {
-			for (iy = 0; iy < ny; iy++) {
-				for (ix = 0; ix < nx; ix++) {
-					for (iz = 0; iz < nz; iz++) {
-						outdata[it*ny*nx*nz*nzs+iy*nx*nz*nzs+ix*nz*nzs+iz+is] = indata[it*ny*nx*nz+iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz];
+		if (transpose==0) {
+			readSnapData3D(fin2, indata, hdr_in, nt, nx, ny, nz, 0, nx, 0, ny, 0, nz);
+			for (it = 0; it < nt; it++) {
+				for (iy = 0; iy < ny; iy++) {
+					for (ix = 0; ix < nx; ix++) {
+						for (iz = 0; iz < nz; iz++) {
+							outdata[it*ny*nx*nz*nzs+iy*nx*nz*nzs+ix*nz*nzs+iz+is] = indata[it*ny*nx*nz+iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz];
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		else {
+			readSnapData3D(fin2, indata, hdr_in, nt, nz, ny, nx, 0, nz, 0, ny, 0, nx);
+			for (it = 0; it < nt; it++) {
+				for (iy = 0; iy < ny; iy++) {
+					for (ix = 0; ix < nx; ix++) {
+						for (iz = 0; iz < nz; iz++) {
+							outdata[it*ny*nx*nz*nzs+iy*nx*nz*nzs+ix*nz*nzs+iz+is] = indata[it*ny*nz*nx+iy*nz*nx+iz*nx+ix];
+						}
diff --git a/utils/combine_induced.c b/utils/combine_induced.c
index 4b766d3f2c64b2e732e9268443d0e3354633d45b..bdb37148f5f4fe00b96cff1597113798253685bc 100755
--- a/utils/combine_induced.c
+++ b/utils/combine_induced.c
@@ -51,10 +51,10 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
 	FILE    *fp_in, *fp_out;
 	char    *fin, *fout, *ptr, fbegin[100], fend[100], fins[100], fin2[100], numb1[100];
-	float   *indata, *outdata, fz, fy, fx, shift, dtshift, dt_time;
-	float   dt, dy, dx, t0, x0, y0, sclsxgx, dt2, dy2, dx2, t02, x02, y02, sclsxgx2, dxrcv, dyrcv, dzrcv;
-	long    nshots, nt, ny, nx, ntraces, nshots2, nt2, ny2, nx2, ntraces2, ix, iy, it, is, iz, pos, file_det, nxs, nys, nzs;
-	long    numb, dnumb, ret, nzmax, verbose, nshot_out, ishift, nshift;
+	float   *indata, *outdata, shift, dtshift, dt_time;
+	float   dt, dz, dy, dx, t0, x0, y0, z0, scl, dxrcv, dyrcv, dzrcv;
+	long    nt, nz, ny, nx, nxyz, ntr, ix, iy, it, is, iz, pos, file_det, nxs, nys, nzs;
+	long    numb, dnumb, ret, nzmax, verbose, nt_out, ishift, nshift, *sx, *sy, *sz;
 	segy    *hdr_in, *hdr_bin, *hdr_out;
 	initargs(argc, argv);
@@ -123,72 +123,77 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
-	nshots = 0;
-    getFileInfo3D(fin2, &nt, &nx, &ny, &nshots, &dt, &dx, &dy, &t0, &x0, &y0, &sclsxgx, &ntraces);
+	nt = 0;
+    getFileInfo3D(fin2, &nz, &nx, &ny, &nt, &dz, &dx, &dy, &z0, &x0, &y0, &scl, &ntr);
-	sprintf(fins,"%li",numb+dnumb);
-    sprintf(fin2,"%s%s%s",fbegin,fins,fend);
-    nshots = 0;
-    getFileInfo3D(fin2, &nt2, &nx2, &ny2, &nshots2, &dt2, &dx2, &dy2, &t02, &x02, &y02, &sclsxgx2, &ntraces2);
-	dxrcv=dx*1000;
-    dyrcv=dy*1000;
-	dzrcv=t02-t0;
+	nxyz = nx*ny*nz;
-	if (nshots==0) nshots=1;
-	nxs = ntraces;
+	if (verbose) {
+		vmess("number of time samples:      %li", nt);
+		vmess("Number of virtual receivers: %li, x: %li,  y: %li,  z: %li",nxyz,nx,ny,nz);
+		vmess("Starting distance for     x: %.3f, y: %.3f, z: %.3f",x0,y0,z0);
+		vmess("Sampling distance for     x: %.3f, y: %.3f, z: %.3f",dx,dy,dz);
+		vmess("Number of virtual sources:   %li",nzs);
+	}
     *   Read in a single file to determine if the header values match
     *   and allocate the data
-	hdr_bin      = (segy *)calloc(nxs,sizeof(segy));
-    indata    	= (float *)calloc(nxs*nt,sizeof(float));
+	hdr_in      = (segy *)calloc(nx*ny,sizeof(segy));
+    indata    	= (float *)calloc(nxyz*nt,sizeof(float));
+	readSnapData3D(fin2, indata, hdr_in, nt, nx, ny, nz, 0, nx, 0, ny, 0, nz);
-	readSnapData3D(fin2, &indata[0], &hdr_bin[0], nshots, nxs, ny, nt, 0, nxs, 0, ny, 0, nt);
-	nshots 	= hdr_bin[nxs-1].fldr;
-	nxs		= hdr_bin[nxs-1].tracf;
+	dt 		= ((float)hdr_in[0].dt)/1E6;
+    sx    	= (long *)calloc(nx*ny,sizeof(float));
+    sy    	= (long *)calloc(nx*ny,sizeof(float));
+    sz    	= (long *)calloc(nx*ny,sizeof(float));
-	nshot_out = nshots/2;
-	free(indata);
+	for (ix = 0; ix < nx*ny; ix++) {
+		sx[ix] = hdr_in[0].sx;
+		sy[ix] = hdr_in[0].sy;
+		sz[ix] = hdr_in[0].sdepth;
+	}
-	hdr_out     = (segy *)calloc(nshot_out*nxs,sizeof(segy));	
-	outdata		= (float *)calloc(nshot_out*nxs*nt,sizeof(float));
+	nt_out = nt/2+1;
+	free(indata); free(hdr_in);
-    /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*
-    *   Write out the file info in case of verbose
-    *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-    if (verbose) vmess("Number of virtual receivers: %li, nx=%li, ny=%li, nz=%li",nx*ny*nt,nx,ny,nt);
+	hdr_out     = (segy *)calloc(nx*ny,sizeof(segy));	
+	outdata		= (float *)calloc(nt_out*nxyz,sizeof(float));
     *   Parallel loop for reading in and combining the various shots
 #pragma omp parallel default(shared) \
-  private(indata,iz,hdr_in,fins,fin2,fp_in,is,ix,iy,it,ishift)
+  private(indata,hdr_in,fins,fin2,fp_in,is,ix,iy,iz,it,ishift)
-	indata     = (float *)calloc(ntraces*nt,sizeof(float));
-	hdr_in      = (segy *)calloc(ntraces,sizeof(segy));
+	indata     = (float *)calloc(nxyz*nt,sizeof(float));
+	hdr_in      = (segy *)calloc(nx*ny*nt,sizeof(segy));
 #pragma omp for
-	for (iz = 0; iz < nzs; iz++) {
-		if (verbose) vmess("Depth:%li out of %li",iz+1,nzs);
-		sprintf(fins,"%li",iz*dnumb+numb);
+	for (is = 0; is < nzs; is++) {
+		if (verbose) vmess("Depth:%li out of %li",is+1,nzs);
+		sprintf(fins,"%li",is*dnumb+numb);
        	fp_in = fopen(fin2, "r");
 		if (fp_in == NULL) {
 			verr("Error opening file");
-		readSnapData3D(fin2, &indata[0], &hdr_in[0], nshots, nxs, ny, nt, 0, nxs, 0, ny, 0, nt);
-		if (iz==0) fz=hdr_in[0].f1; fx=hdr_in[0].f2;
-		if (iz==1) dzrcv=hdr_in[0].f1-fz;
+		readSnapData3D(fin2, indata, hdr_in, nt, nx, ny, nz, 0, nx, 0, ny, 0, nz);
+		sx[is] = hdr_in[0].sx;
+		sy[is] = hdr_in[0].sy;
+		sz[is] = hdr_in[0].sdepth;
-		ishift = nshift*iz;
+		ishift = nshift*is;
 		if (verbose) vmess("Shifting %li timesteps for a total of %.3f seconds",ishift,shift+(dtshift*((float)iz)));
-		for (is = ishift; is < nshot_out; is++) {
-			for (ix = 0; ix < nxs; ix++) {
-				for (it = 0; it < nt; it++) {
-					outdata[is*nxs*nt+ix*nt+it] += indata[(is-ishift+(nshots/2))*nxs*nt+ix*nt+it];
+		for (it = ishift; it < nt_out; it++) {
+			for (iy = 0; iy < ny; iy++) {
+				for (ix = 0; ix < nx; ix++) {
+					for (iz = 0; iz < nz; iz++) {
+						outdata[it*nxyz+iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz] += indata[(it-ishift+(nt/2))*nxyz+iy*nx*nz+ix*nz+iz];
+					}
@@ -201,26 +206,31 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
 	fp_out = fopen(fout, "w+");
-	for (is = 0; is < nshot_out; is++) {
-		for (ix = 0; ix < nxs; ix++) {
-           	hdr_out[ix].fldr	= is+1;
-           	hdr_out[ix].tracl	= is*nxs+ix+1;
-           	hdr_out[ix].tracf	= ix+1;
-			hdr_out[ix].scalco  = -1000;
-   			hdr_out[ix].scalel	= -1000;
-			hdr_out[ix].sdepth	= hdr_bin[0].sdepth;
-			hdr_out[ix].trid	= 1;
-			hdr_out[ix].ns		= nt;
-			hdr_out[ix].trwf	= nxs;
-			hdr_out[ix].ntr		= hdr_out[ix].fldr*hdr_out[ix].trwf;
-			hdr_out[ix].f1		= fz;
-			hdr_out[ix].f2		= fx;
-			hdr_out[ix].dt      = dt_time*(1E6);
-			hdr_out[ix].d1      = dzrcv;
-           	hdr_out[ix].d2      = dxrcv;
-			hdr_out[ix].sx      = (int)roundf(fx + (ix*hdr_out[ix].d2));
-			hdr_out[ix].gx      = (int)roundf(fx + (ix*hdr_out[ix].d2));
-           	hdr_out[ix].offset	= (hdr_out[ix].gx - hdr_out[ix].sx)/1000.0;
+	for (it = 0; it < nt_out; it++) {
+		for (iy = 0; iy < ny; iy++) {
+			for (ix = 0; ix < nx; ix++) {
+				hdr_out[iy*nx+ix].fldr		= it+1;
+				hdr_out[iy*nx+ix].tracl		= it*ny*nx+iy*nx+ix+1;
+				hdr_out[iy*nx+ix].tracf		= iy*nx+ix+1;
+				hdr_out[iy*nx+ix].scalco	= -1000;
+				hdr_out[iy*nx+ix].scalel	= -1000;
+				hdr_out[iy*nx+ix].sdepth	= sz[iy*nx+ix];
+				hdr_out[iy*nx+ix].selev		= -sz[iy*nx+ix];
+				hdr_out[iy*nx+ix].trid		= 2;
+				hdr_out[iy*nx+ix].ns		= nz;
+				hdr_out[iy*nx+ix].trwf		= nx*ny;
+				hdr_out[iy*nx+ix].ntr		= hdr_out[iy*nx+ix].fldr*hdr_out[iy*nx+ix].trwf;
+				hdr_out[iy*nx+ix].f1		= z0;
+				hdr_out[iy*nx+ix].f2		= x0;
+				hdr_out[iy*nx+ix].dt		= dt*1E6;
+				hdr_out[iy*nx+ix].d1		= dz;
+				hdr_out[iy*nx+ix].d2		= dx;
+				hdr_out[iy*nx+ix].sx		= sx[iy*nx+ix];
+				hdr_out[iy*nx+ix].gx		= (int)roundf(x0 + (ix*dx))*1000;
+				hdr_out[iy*nx+ix].sy		= sy[iy*nx+ix];
+				hdr_out[iy*nx+ix].gy		= (int)roundf(y0 + (iy*dy))*1000;
+				hdr_out[iy*nx+ix].offset	= (hdr_out[iy*nx+ix].gx - hdr_out[iy*nx+ix].sx)/1000.0;
+			}
 		ret = writeData3D(fp_out, &outdata[is*nxs*nt], hdr_out, nt, nxs);
 		if (ret < 0 ) verr("error on writing output file.");