diff --git a/fdelmodc/applySource.c b/fdelmodc/applySource.c
index 74d19650569cef760b5b5c1649195cbdba25c69e..8e4574f299c49a15ad172dee6e9273edd1de81ae 100644
--- a/fdelmodc/applySource.c
+++ b/fdelmodc/applySource.c
@@ -114,6 +114,7 @@ int applySource(modPar mod, srcPar src, wavPar wav, bndPar bnd, int itime, int i
 		if (verbose>=4 && itime==0) {
 			vmess("Source %d positioned at grid ix=%d iz=%d",isrc, ix, iz);
 		/* cosine squared windowing to reduce edge effects on shot arrays */
 		if ( (src.n>1) && src.window) {
             scl = 1.0;
@@ -139,7 +140,6 @@ int applySource(modPar mod, srcPar src, wavPar wav, bndPar bnd, int itime, int i
 			vmess("Source %d at grid [ix=%d,iz=%d] at itime %d has value %e",isrc, ix,iz, itime, src_ampl);
 		/* Force source */
 		if (src.type == 6) {
diff --git a/fdelmodc/demo/matlab/FD_mod_grid.m b/fdelmodc/demo/matlab/FD_mod_grid.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fcc86b9cc11f109aa05c9c5a5ae4f0c63a378c45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc/demo/matlab/FD_mod_grid.m
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+function [ Ptsct, Pfinc, Pfsct, f_out] = FD_mod_grid( xS, xR, ntrcv, dtrcv, dx, cgrid, rhogrid, f )
+%Summary of this function goes here
+%   Detailed explanation goes here
+% save Velocity and density grid
+dims = size(cgrid);
+fileID =fopen('mod_cp.bin','w+','l');
+fileID =fopen('mod_ro.bin','w+','l');
+% Compute sizes for makemod
+%compute dt for modeling dt < 0.606*dx/Cmax
+fileID = fopen('run.scr','w+');
+fprintf(fileID,'export PATH=$HOME/src/OpenSource/bin:/opt/CWP/bin/:.:$PATH\n');
+fprintf(fileID,'which fdelmodc\n');
+fprintf(fileID,'which surange\n');
+fprintf(fileID,'set -x\n');
+fprintf(fileID,'suaddhead < mod_ro.bin ntrpr=%d ns=%d | \\\n',dims(2), dims(1));
+fprintf(fileID,'sushw key=d1,d2,gx,scalco a=%f,%f,%d,-1000 b=0,0,%d,0 > mod_ro.su\n',dx, dx, int32(xrcv1*1000), int32(dx*1000));
+fprintf(fileID,'suaddhead < mod_cp.bin ntrpr=%d ns=%d | \\\n',dims(2), dims(1));
+fprintf(fileID,'sushw key=d1,d2,gx,scalco a=%f,%f,%d,-1000 b=0,0,%d,0 > mod_cp.su\n',dx, dx, int32(xrcv1*1000), int32(dx*1000));
+fprintf(fileID,'makewave w=fw fmin=0 flef=6 frig=94 fmax=100 dt=$dt file_out=wavefw.su nt=%d t0=0.4 scale=0 scfft=1 verbose=1\n', ntwave);
+fprintf(fileID,'makewave w=fw fmin=0 flef=6 frig=94 fmax=100 dt=%f file_out=wavefwdt.su nt=%d t0=0.4 scale=0 scfft=1 verbose=1\n', dtrcv, ntfft);
+fprintf(fileID,'export filecp=mod_cp.su\n');
+fprintf(fileID,'export filero=mod_ro.su\n');
+fprintf(fileID,'export OMP_NUM_THREADS=2\n');
+fprintf(fileID,'fdelmodc \\\n');
+fprintf(fileID,'file_cp=$filecp file_den=$filero \\\n');
+fprintf(fileID,'ischeme=1 \\\n');
+fprintf(fileID,'file_src=wavefw.su verbose=1 \\\n');
+fprintf(fileID,'file_rcv=recvgrid.su \\\n');
+fprintf(fileID,'rec_type_vz=0 rec_type_p=1 rec_int_vz=2 \\\n');
+fprintf(fileID,'xrcv1=%d xrcv2=%d zrcv1=%d zrcv2=%d \\\n',xrcv1,xrcv2,zrcv1,zrcv2);
+fprintf(fileID,'dxrcv=%d \\\n', dx);
+fprintf(fileID,'dtrcv=%e \\\n', dtrcv);
+fprintf(fileID,'xsrc=%d zsrc=%d\\\n', xsrc, zsrc);
+fprintf(fileID,'src_type=1 tmod=%e \\\n', tmod);
+fprintf(fileID,'ntaper=100 \\\n');
+fprintf(fileID,'left=2 right=2 bottom=2 top=2\n\n');
+fprintf(fileID,'makemod file_base=hom.su \\\n');
+fprintf(fileID,'cp0=1500 ro0=3000 sizex=%d sizez=%d dx=%.1f dz=%.1f orig=0,0 verbose=1\n', sizex,sizez, dxmod,dxmod);
+fprintf(fileID,'export filecp=hom_cp.su\n');
+fprintf(fileID,'export filero=hom_ro.su\n');
+fprintf(fileID,'fdelmodc \\\n');
+fprintf(fileID,'file_cp=$filecp file_den=$filero \\\n');
+fprintf(fileID,'ischeme=1 \\\n');
+fprintf(fileID,'file_src=wavefw.su verbose=1 \\\n');
+fprintf(fileID,'file_rcv=recvhom.su \\\n');
+fprintf(fileID,'rec_type_vz=0 rec_type_p=1 \\\n');
+fprintf(fileID,'xrcv1=%d xrcv2=%d zrcv1=%d zrcv2=%d \\\n',xrcv1,xrcv2,zrcv1,zrcv2);
+fprintf(fileID,'dxrcv=%d \\\n', dx);
+fprintf(fileID,'dtrcv=%e \\\n', dtrcv);
+fprintf(fileID,'xsrc=%d zsrc=%d\\\n', xsrc, zsrc);
+fprintf(fileID,'src_type=1 tmod=%e \\\n', tmod);
+fprintf(fileID,'ntaper=100 \\\n');
+fprintf(fileID,'left=2 right=2 bottom=2 top=2\n\n');
+fprintf(fileID,'suop2 recvgrid_rp.su recvhom_rp.su op=diff > recv_rp.su\n');
+fprintf(fileID,'sustrip < recv_rp.su > recv_rp.bin\n');
+fprintf(fileID,'sustrip < recvhom_rp.su > recvhom_rp.bin\n');
+fprintf(fileID,'sustrip < wavefwdt.su > wavefwdt.bin\n');
+!chmod +x run.scr
+path = getenv('PATH');
+path = [path ':$HOME/src/OpenSource/bin:/opt/CWP/bin/:.:'];
+setenv('PATH', path);
+% Scattered field  
+% Direct field  
+fprintf('selected discrete frequency P %f\n', (a-1)*df)
+% f2=a*df %these are the selected discrete frequencies
+c=round(f/df)+1; % select frequencies as close as the one's in Pf
+fprintf('selected discrete frequency W %f\n', (c-1)*df)
+Pfsct = (Pfsct)./(1.0*Wf); % deconvolve for the wavelet
+Pfinc = (Pfinc)./(1.0*Wf); % deconvolve for the wavelet
diff --git a/fdelmodc/demo/matlab/ForwardCircle.m b/fdelmodc/demo/matlab/ForwardCircle.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dd67cc7d51751acbcfebbc2e76f102e621a2a4c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc/demo/matlab/ForwardCircle.m
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+function [P_inc,P_sct,xR] = ForwardCircle( xS, xR, gsize, dxR, c_0, c_s, rho_0, rho_s, f )
+% xS    = source position
+% dxR   = receiver grid size
+% c_0   = wave speed in embedding
+% c_s   = wave speed of scattering object
+% rho_0 = mass density in embedding
+% rho_s = mass density of scattering object
+% f     = temporal frequency;
+wavelength = c_0 / f;                   % wavelength
+s          = 1e-16 + 1i*2*pi*f;         % LaPlace parameter
+gam_0      = s/c_0;                     % propagation coefficient 0
+gam_s      = s/c_s;                     % propagation coefficient s
+a          = 40;                        % radius circle cylinder 
+depth      = 20;                        % distance betwen circle and origin
+disp(['wavelength = ' num2str(wavelength)]);
+% Thorbecke coordinates 
+   xSource1   = xS(1);                   % source position
+   xSource2   = xS(2);
+   xReceiver1 = xR(1);                     % receiver positions
+   nr=(gsize(2)-1)/2;
+   xReceiver2 = (-nr:nr) * dxR;        
+   NR         = size(xReceiver2,2); 
+% Van den Berg coordinates 
+   xS(1) = xSource1;                          
+   xS(2) = xSource2; 
+   xR(1,1:NR) = xReceiver1;
+   xR(2,1:NR) = xReceiver2(1:NR);
+% Compute 2D incident field ---------------------------------------------              
+  DIS   = sqrt( (xR(1,:)-xS(1)).^2 + (xR(2,:)-xS(2)).^2 );    
+  p_inc =  1/(2*pi).* besselk(0,gam_0*DIS);
+  % multiply by  rho_0 and plot
+  P_inc = rho_0 * p_inc ;                % Take care of factor \rho
+ % Make grid
+   N1 = gsize(1);                              % number of samples in x_1  
+   N2 = gsize(2);                              % number of samples in x_2 
+   dx = dxR;                                % with meshsize dx
+   x1 = -(N1+1)*dx/2 + (1:N1)*dx;   
+   x2 = -(N2+1)*dx/2 + (1:N2)*dx;
+   [X1,X2] = ndgrid(x1,x2);
+   % Now array subscripts are equivalent with Cartesian coordinates
+   % x1 axis points downwards and x2 axis is in horizontal direction
+   % x1 = X1(:,1) is a column vector in vertical direction
+   % x2 = X2(1,:) is a row vector in horizontal direction
+   R = sqrt(X1.^2 + X2.^2);
+   cgrid  = c_s * (R < a) + c_0 * (R >= a);  
+   rhogrid  = rho_s * (R < a) + rho_0 * (R >= a); 
+   x1 = X1(:,1);   x2 = X2(1,:);
+    set(figure(8),'Units','centimeters','Position',[5 5 18 12]); 
+    subplot(1,2,1)
+       imagesc(x2,x1,cgrid); 
+       title('\fontsize{13} c-grid');
+       xlabel('x_1 \rightarrow'); 
+       ylabel('\leftarrow x_3'); 
+       axis('equal','tight');  
+       colorbar('hor'); colormap jet;
+    subplot(1,2,2)
+       imagesc(x2,x1,rhogrid); 
+       title('\fontsize{13} \rho-grid');
+       xlabel('x_1 \rightarrow'); 
+       ylabel('\leftarrow x_3'); 
+       axis('equal','tight');  
+       colorbar('hor'); colormap jet;
+% Transform Cartesian coordinates to polar ccordinates   
+  rS = sqrt(xS(1)^2+xS(2)^2);     phiS = atan2(xS(2),xS(1)); 
+  r  = a;                         phi  = 0:.01:2*pi; 
+% (1) Compute incident wave in closed form --------------------------------
+   DIS         = sqrt(rS^2 + r.^2 - 2*rS*r.*cos(phiS-phi));
+   p_inc_exact =           1/(2*pi) .* besselk(0,gam_0*DIS);
+  dp_inc_exact = - gam_0 *(r-rS*cos(phiS-phi))./DIS ...
+                        .* 1/(2*pi) .* besselk(1,gam_0*DIS);
+% (2) Compute incident wave as Bessel series with M+1terms --------------
+   M = 100;                                 % increase M for more accuracy
+   p_inc =         besselk(0,gam_0*rS) .* besseli(0,gam_0*r);       
+  dp_inc = gam_0 * besselk(0,gam_0*rS) .* besseli(1,gam_0*r); 
+  for m = 1 : M;  
+       Ib0 = besseli(m,gam_0*r); 
+      dIb0 =  gam_0 * (besseli(m+1,gam_0*r) + m/(gam_0*r) * Ib0);
+     p_inc =  p_inc + 2 * besselk(m,gam_0*rS)  *  Ib0 .* cos(m*(phiS-phi));                   
+    dp_inc = dp_inc + 2 * besselk(m,gam_0*rS) .* dIb0 .* cos(m*(phiS-phi));
+  end % m_loop
+   p_inc = 1/(2*pi) *  p_inc;
+  dp_inc = 1/(2*pi) * dp_inc;
+% (3) Determine mean error and plot error in domain -----------------------   
+  Error_p = p_inc - p_inc_exact;
+  disp(['normalized norm of error = '  ...
+                  num2str(norm(Error_p(:),1)/norm(p_inc_exact(:),1))]);
+  Error_dp = dp_inc - dp_inc_exact;
+  disp(['normalized norm of error = '  ...
+                  num2str(norm(Error_dp(:),1)/norm(dp_inc_exact(:),1))]);             
+  set(figure(9),'Units','centimeters','Position',[5 5 18 14]); 
+  subplot(2,1,1)
+    angle = phi * 180 / pi;
+    semilogy(angle,abs(Error_p)./abs(p_inc_exact));     axis tight;
+    xlabel('observation angle in degrees \rightarrow');
+    ylabel('abs(p_{inc}-p_{inc}^{exact}) / abs(p_{inc}^{exact}) \rightarrow'); 
+  subplot(2,1,2)
+    semilogy(angle,abs(Error_dp)./abs(dp_inc_exact));    axis tight;
+    title('\fontsize{12} relative error on circle boundary');   
+    xlabel('observation angle in degrees \rightarrow');
+    ylabel('abs(dp_{inc}-dp_{inc}^{exact}) / abs(dp_{inc}^{exact}) \rightarrow'); 
+% (4) Compute coefficients of series expansion ----------------------------
+  Z_0  = c_0 * rho_0;   Z_s  = c_s * rho_s;
+  arg0 = gam_0 * a;     args = gam_s *a; 
+  A = zeros(1,M+1); 
+  for m = 0 : M;                      
+    Ib0 = besseli(m,arg0);     dIb0 =  besseli(m+1,arg0) + m/arg0 * Ib0; 
+    Ibs = besseli(m,args);     dIbs =  besseli(m+1,args) + m/args * Ibs; 
+    Kb0 = besselk(m,arg0);     dKb0 = -besselk(m+1,arg0) + m/arg0 * Kb0;
+    A(m+1) = - ((1/Z_s) * dIbs*Ib0 - (1/Z_0) * dIb0*Ibs) ...
+              /((1/Z_s) * dIbs*Kb0 - (1/Z_0) * dKb0*Ibs);
+  end
+% (5) Compute scattered field at receivers (data) -------------------------
+  rR = sqrt(xR(1,:).^2 + xR(2,:).^2);   phiR = atan2(xR(2,:),xR(1,:));  
+  rS = sqrt(xS(1)^2 + xS(2)^2);          phiS = atan2(xS(2),xS(1));
+  p_sct = A(1) * besselk(0,gam_0*rS).* besselk(0,gam_0*rR);
+  for m = 1 : M;
+    factor = 2 * besselk(m,gam_0*rS) .* cos(m*(phiS-phiR));
+    p_sct = p_sct + A(m+1) * factor .* besselk(m,gam_0*rR);
+  end % m_loop
+  p_sct = 1/(2*pi) * p_sct;    
+  P_sct = rho_0    * p_sct;                  % Take care of factor \rho
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fdelmodc/demo/matlab/comparison.m b/fdelmodc/demo/matlab/comparison.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..796e68149c957dade92e5c00dc3dce0f20e6e361
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fdelmodc/demo/matlab/comparison.m
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+clear all;  close all;  clc;
+display('Running test');
+xS    = [-100,0];  % source position: 100 m above center 
+xR    = [-60,0];   % central point of receiver array (-50*dxR:50*dxR)
+c_0   = 1500;      % wave speed in embedding
+c_s   = 3000;      % wave speed in scattering object
+rho_0 = 3000;      % mass density of enbedding
+rho_s = 1500;      % mass density of scattering object
+dxR   = 0.5;       % receiver grid size
+gsize = [1+240/dxR,1+200/dxR]; % gridsize in [z,x], center of model at coordinate (0,0)
+f_in  = 50;        % selected frequency to compare, returned in Pf
+ntrcv = 256;       % number of time samples in FD modeling
+dtrcv = 0.004;     % dt in receivers
+% Make grid
+a  = 40;                               % radius circle cylinder 
+N1 = gsize(1);                         % number of samples in x_1  
+N2 = gsize(2);                         % number of samples in x_2 
+dx = dxR;                              % with meshsize dx
+x1 = -(N1+1)*dx/2 + (1:N1)*dx;
+x2 = -(N2+1)*dx/2 + (1:N2)*dx;
+[X1,X2] = ndgrid(x1,x2);
+% Now array subscripts are equivalent with Cartesian coordinates
+% x1 axis points downwards and x2 axis is in horizontal direction
+% x1 = X1(:,1) is a column vector in vertical direction
+% x2 = X2(1,:) is a row vector in horizontal direction
+R = sqrt(X1.^2 + X2.^2);
+cgrid  = c_s * (R < a) + c_0 * (R >= a);  
+rhogrid  = rho_s * (R < a) + rho_0 * (R >= a); 
+% DATA from Thorbecke's finite difference code
+[Ptsct, Pfinc, Pfsct, f_out]=FD_mod_grid( xS, xR, ntrcv, dtrcv, dxR, cgrid, rhogrid, f_in );
+f=f_out           % nearest computed discrete frequency
+% Compare with analytical solution ---------------------------------------
+[P_inc,P_sct,xR] = ForwardCircle( xS, xR, gsize, dxR, c_0, c_s, rho_0, rho_s, f );
+set(figure(1),'Units','centimeters','Position',[1 1 30 10]);
+  plot(xR(2,:),real(Pfinc),'LineWidth',1.2); 
+  title('Real part of P^{inc}'); axis tight; hold on;
+  plot(xR(2,:),real(P_inc),'--r','LineWidth',1.2); 
+  axis tight; hold off;
+  plot(xR(2,:),imag(Pfinc),'LineWidth',1.2); 
+  title('Imaginary part of P^{inc}'); axis tight; hold on;
+  plot(xR(2,:),imag(P_inc),'--r','LineWidth',1.2);
+  axis tight; hold off;
+  plot(xR(2,:), abs(Pfinc),'LineWidth',1.2); 
+  title('Absolute value of P^{inc}'); axis tight; hold on; 
+  plot(xR(2,:), abs(P_inc),'--r','LineWidth',1.2); 
+  axis tight; hold off
+legendtitle1 = sprintf('f=%.2fHz FiniteDiff', f);
+legendtitle2 = sprintf('f=%.2fHz Analytic  ', f);
+set(figure(2),'Units','centimeters','Position',[9 12 10 10]);
+error = abs(P_sct(:)-Pfsct(:))./abs(Pfsct(:));
+plot(error,'LineWidth',1.2); title('Relative error'); axis tight;
+set(figure(3),'Units','centimeters','Position',[1 1 30 10]);
+  plot(xR(2,:),real(Pfsct),'LineWidth',1.2); 
+  title('Real part of P_{sct}'); axis tight; hold on;
+  plot(xR(2,:),real(P_sct),'LineWidth',1.2); 
+  plot(xR(2,:),imag(Pfsct),'LineWidth',1.2); 
+  title('Imaginary part of P^{sct}'); axis tight; hold on;
+    plot(xR(2,:),imag(P_sct),'LineWidth',1.2); 
+  plot(xR(2,:), abs(Pfsct),'LineWidth',1.2); 
+  title('Absolute value of P^{sct}'); axis tight; hold on;
+  plot(xR(2,:), abs(P_sct),'LineWidth',1.2); 
+  axis tight; hold off
+legendtitle1 = sprintf('f=%.2fHz FiniteDiff', f);
+legendtitle2 = sprintf('f=%.2fHz Analytic  ', f);