# Makefile include ../Make_include ######################################################################## # define general include and system library ALLINC = -I. #BLAS libs with Intel compiler #LIBS += -mkl -L$L -lgenfft $(LIBSM) #General BLAS library #LIBS += -L$L -lgenfft $(LIBSM) #General BLAS library #LIBS += $(BLAS) CFLAGS += -I$(MKLROOT)/include #LIBS += -lblas -llapack -L$L -lgenfft $(LIBSM) -lc -lm all: mdd PRG = mdd SRCC = $(PRG).c \ atopkge.c \ docpkge.c \ getpars.c \ readShotData.c \ writeEigen.c \ deconvolve.c \ computeMatrixInverse.c \ getFileInfo.c \ verbosepkg.c \ name_ext.c \ wallclock_time.c OBJC = $(SRCC:%.c=%.o) $(PRG): $(OBJC) $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(OPTC) -o $(PRG) $(OBJC) $(LIBS) install: $(PRG) cp $(PRG) $B clean: rm -f core $(OBJC) $(OBJM) $(PRG) realclean: rm -f core $(OBJC) $(OBJM) $(PRG) $B/$(PRG) print: Makefile $(SRC) $(PRINT) $? @touch print count: @wc $(SRC) tar: @tar cf $(PRG).tar Makefile $(SRC) && compress $(PRG).tar