diff --git a/kadmos/graph/graph_process.py b/kadmos/graph/graph_process.py
index 9117c6feb34909d806311ae6692190cd9940872d..4e909f18ca37ce9169101c074e830046a4faa7e0 100644
--- a/kadmos/graph/graph_process.py
+++ b/kadmos/graph/graph_process.py
@@ -803,7 +803,7 @@ class MdaoProcessGraph(ProcessGraph):
         cycles = self.get_ordered_cycles()
         # Start process hierarchy object
-        process_hierarchy = get_process_list_iteratively(start_node, cycles)
+        process_hierarchy = self.get_process_list_iteratively(start_node, cycles)
         return process_hierarchy
     def get_ordered_cycles(self):
@@ -840,47 +840,65 @@ class MdaoProcessGraph(ProcessGraph):
         return cycle[idx:] + cycle[:idx]
-def get_process_list_iteratively(cycle_node, cycles):
-    """Method to obtain the process list of a collection of cycles given an iterative cycle_node. The process is
-    iterative, since for every subcycle found the method is called again.
+    def get_process_list_iteratively(self, cycle_node, cycles):
+        """Method to obtain the process list of a collection of cycles given an iterative cycle_node. The process is
+        iterative, since for every subcycle found the method is called again.
-    :param cycle_node: the node that is starting and closing the cycle (e.g. coordinator, optimizer, etc.)
-    :type cycle_node: str
-    :param cycles: collection of cycles found in the graph
-    :type cycles: list
-    :return: the process list
-    :rtype: list
+        :param cycle_node: the node that is starting and closing the cycle (e.g. coordinator, optimizer, etc.)
+        :type cycle_node: str
+        :param cycles: collection of cycles found in the graph
+        :type cycles: list
+        :return: the process list
+        :rtype: list
-    .. note:: Example of a process list:
-        [COOR, A, [OPT, [CONV, D1, D2], F1, G1, G2]]
-    """
-    sub_list = [cycle_node, []]
-    current_cycles = [cycle for cycle in cycles if cycle_node in cycle]
-    other_cycles = [cycle for cycle in cycles if cycle_node not in cycle]
-    subcycle_nodes = []
-    for current_cycle in current_cycles:
-        cycle_nodes = [node for node in current_cycle if node != cycle_node]
-        for node in cycle_nodes:
-            node_in_other_subcycles = False
-            for other_cycle in other_cycles:
-                if node in other_cycle and cycle_node not in other_cycle:
-                    node_in_other_subcycles = True
-            # If node is in other subcycles, perform function iteratively
-            # First filter out all cycles that contain the cycle_node -> filtered_cycles
-            # sublist[1].append(get_process_list_iteratively(node, filtered_cycles)
-            if node_in_other_subcycles:
-                if node not in subcycle_nodes:
-                    filtered_cycles = list(cycles)
-                    for cycle in list(filtered_cycles):
-                        if cycle_node in cycle:
-                            filtered_cycles.remove(cycle)
-                    subcycle_nodes.append(node)
-                    sub_list[1].append(get_process_list_iteratively(node, filtered_cycles))
-            # If node is not in any other cycles, simply add to this one
-            else:
-                if node not in sub_list[1]:
-                    sub_list[1].append(node)
-    return sub_list
+        .. note:: Example of a process list:
+            [COOR, A, [OPT, [CONV, D1, D2], F1, G1, G2]]
+        """
+        sub_list = [cycle_node, []]
+        current_cycles = [cycle for cycle in cycles if cycle_node in cycle]
+        other_cycles = [cycle for cycle in cycles if cycle_node not in cycle]
+        subcycle_nodes = []
+        for current_cycle in current_cycles:
+            cycle_nodes = [node for node in current_cycle if node != cycle_node]
+            for node in cycle_nodes:
+                node_in_other_subcycles = False
+                for other_cycle in other_cycles:
+                    if node in other_cycle and cycle_node not in other_cycle:
+                        node_in_other_subcycles = True
+                # If node is in other subcycles, perform function iteratively
+                # First filter out all cycles that contain the cycle_node -> filtered_cycles
+                # sublist[1].append(get_process_list_iteratively(node, filtered_cycles)
+                if node_in_other_subcycles:
+                    if node not in subcycle_nodes:
+                        filtered_cycles = list(cycles)
+                        for cycle in list(filtered_cycles):
+                            if cycle_node in cycle:
+                                filtered_cycles.remove(cycle)
+                        subcycle_nodes.append(node)
+                        sub_list[1].append(self.get_process_list_iteratively(node, filtered_cycles))
+                # If node is not in any other cycles, simply add to this one (at the right location based on the
+                # process_step number)
+                else:
+                    if node not in sub_list[1]:
+                        if len(sub_list[1]) == 0:  # append if list still empty
+                            sub_list[1].append(node)
+                        elif isinstance(sub_list[1][-1], list):  # append if last entry is a list instance
+                            sub_list[1].append(node)
+                        elif self.nodes[sub_list[1][-1]]['process_step'] <= self.nodes[node]['process_step']:  # append if last entry has equal or lower step number
+                            sub_list[1].append(node)
+                        else:  # insert if last entry has a higher step number
+                            for i in reversed(range(len(sub_list[1]))):
+                                if not isinstance(sub_list[1][i], list):
+                                    if self.nodes[sub_list[1][i]]['process_step'] <= self.nodes[node]['process_step']:
+                                        sub_list[1].insert(i + 1, node)
+                                        break
+                                    elif i == 0:
+                                        sub_list[1].insert(i, node)
+                                else:
+                                    sub_list[1].insert(i + 1, node)
+                                    break
+        return sub_list
 def get_executable_functions(coupling_matrix, sequence):