From 54ae400bda5e17421366c8997002239827e04b32 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: baigner <>
Date: Tue, 9 Oct 2018 19:02:13 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] VISTOMS update: Added functions to change metadata for
 competences dynamically. Changed menu layout. Fixed some bugs.

Former-commit-id: db27f1f2d909903c87a1e407a16b5e735ebb1c91
 kadmos/vistoms/static/lib/vistoms.css |   58 +-
 kadmos/vistoms/templates/VISTOMS.html | 2971 ++++++++++++++-----------
 kadmos/vistoms/             |  107 +-
 3 files changed, 1803 insertions(+), 1333 deletions(-)

diff --git a/kadmos/vistoms/static/lib/vistoms.css b/kadmos/vistoms/static/lib/vistoms.css
index e7217f42c..5acab2b8e 100644
--- a/kadmos/vistoms/static/lib/vistoms.css
+++ b/kadmos/vistoms/static/lib/vistoms.css
@@ -1,3 +1,59 @@
+.graph_menu {
+	font-family:Arial;
+	font-size:16pt;
+.graph_menu *{margin: 0; padding: 0;}
+.graph_menu {margin-left: 0px}
+.graph_menu nav{margin-left: 0px; margin-top: 10}
+.graph_menu ul{list-style: none;}
+.graph_menu ul li{ width: 250px; background: #555555; float: left; height: 45px; line-height: 45px; text-align: left; margin-right: 2px; position: relative;}
+.graph_menu ul li:hover{ background: #888;}
+.graph_menu ul li a{color: #fff; text-decoration: none; padding-left: 6px; font-family: sans-serif; display: block;}
+.graph_menu ul li ul li{ border-top: 1px solid #fff;}
+.graph_menu ul li ul{display: none;}
+.graph_menu ul li:hover ul{ display: block;}
+.graph_menu ul li ul .data_model_view{position: absolute; left: 248px; top: 0; display: none;}
+.graph_menu ul li ul .data_model_view li{width: 120px}
+.graph_menu ul li ul li:hover .data_model_view{display: block;}
+.graph_menu ul li ul li ul .view_options{position: absolute; left: 118px; top: 0; display: none;}
+.graph_menu ul li ul li ul .view_options li{width: 220px}
+.graph_menu ul li ul li ul li:hover .view_options{display: block;}
+.graph_menu ul li ul .check_graph{position: absolute; left: 248px; top: 0; display: none;}
+.graph_menu ul li ul .check_graph li{width: 300px}
+.graph_menu ul li ul li:hover .check_graph{display: block;}
+.graph_menu ul li ul .fpg_manipulations{position: absolute; left: 248px; top: 0; display: none;}
+.graph_menu ul li ul .fpg_manipulations li{width: 420px}
+.graph_menu ul li ul li:hover .fpg_manipulations{display: block;}
+.graph_menu ul li ul li ul .merge{position: absolute; left: 418px; top: 0; display: none;}
+.graph_menu ul li ul li ul .merge li{width: 300px}
+.graph_menu ul li ul li ul li:hover .merge{display: block;}
+.graph_menu ul li ul li ul .remove{position: absolute; left: 418px; top: 0; display: none;}
+.graph_menu ul li ul li ul .remove li{width: 220px}
+.graph_menu ul li ul li ul li:hover .remove{display: block;}
+.graph_menu ul li ul li ul .assign{position: absolute; left: 418px; top: 0; display: none;}
+.graph_menu ul li ul li ul .assign li{width: 230px}
+.graph_menu ul li ul li ul li:hover .assign{display: block;}
+.graph_menu ul li ul .mdpg_manipulations{position: absolute; left: 248px; top: 0; display: none;}
+.graph_menu ul li ul .mdpg_manipulations li{width: 460px}
+.graph_menu ul li ul li:hover .mdpg_manipulations{display: block;}
+.graph_menu ul li ul li ul .set{position: absolute; left: 458px; top: 0; display: none;}
+.graph_menu ul li ul li ul .set li{width: 250px}
+.graph_menu ul li ul li ul li:hover .set{display: block;}
 #myInput {
@@ -408,7 +464,7 @@ stroke-width: 1.5px;
 	border-radius: 4px;
 	font-family: Arial;
 	font-size: 16pt;
-	width: 300px;
+	width: 350px;
 	border: 1px solid #d4d4d4;
diff --git a/kadmos/vistoms/templates/VISTOMS.html b/kadmos/vistoms/templates/VISTOMS.html
index 535836523..27404cc74 100644
--- a/kadmos/vistoms/templates/VISTOMS.html
+++ b/kadmos/vistoms/templates/VISTOMS.html
@@ -828,6 +828,7 @@
                                         kadmosHavePatience(xhr, bootboxContent)
+                                        d3.selectAll(".form-content").remove();
@@ -19048,6 +19049,11 @@
 				function preMarkVariable(variableData)
+                    bootbox.hideAll();
+                    var bootboxContent = {title: 'Pre-assign parameter role', message: "<p><b>Successfully pre-assigned parameter.</b></p>"
+                    +"<p>To actually assign the parameter role you have to press the <b>'Assign parameter roles'</b> button from the <b>'FPG Manipulations'</b> menu."
+                    +"<p>Note: You can first premark all parameters and the assign them altogether to save time</p>"};
+                    kadmosSuccessMessage(bootboxContent)
                 function markVariable(variableData_arr)
@@ -19380,14 +19386,14 @@
 					childrenItems: []
-					title: 'Mark variable',
+					title: 'Pre-assign parameter',
 					onMouseDown: function(elm, d, i) {},
 					onMouseUp: function(elm, d, i) {},
 					onMouseOver: function(elm, d, i) {},
 					childrenItems: markingOptions
-					title: 'Unmark variable',
+					title: 'Un-assign parameter role',
 				   onMouseDown: function(elm, d, i) {
 						bootbox.confirm("Are you sure you want to do this?", function(sure)
@@ -20116,77 +20122,116 @@
                             if (fileType)
                                 if (fileType.includes("VISTOMS"))
-                                    bootbox.prompt(
-                                    {
-                                        title: "<p>The graph will be saved as new VISTOMS graph</p>"
-                                              +"<p>Please type in the name of the new graph!</p>",
-                                        value:,
-                                        callback: function(newGraphName)
-                                        {
-                                            if (newGraphName!=null)
-                                            {   
-                                                var bootboxContent = {title: "Save as new VISTOMS graph", message: '<p>Please be patient...</p>'};
-                                                var newGraphID = ""
-                                                if (data.graphs.length<100){newGraphID="0"+String(data.graphs.length+1)}
-                                                else {newGraphID=String(data.graphs.length+1)}
-                                                var newGraphID = '01';
-                                                data.graphs.forEach(function(graph) 
-                                                {
-                                                    id_int = parseInt(
-                                                    if (data.graphs.length < 100){newGraphID = "0" + String(id_int+1);}
-                                                    else{newGraphID = String(id_int+1);}
-                                                })
-                                                var xhr = $.ajax(
-                                                {
-                                                    type: 'POST',
-                                                    data: {'graphID': graphID, 'newGraphID': newGraphID, 'newGraphName': newGraphName, 'currentOrder':nodeOrder, 'sessionId': sessionId},
-                                                    url: '/kadmos_save_vistoms_graph',
-                                                    success: function(result)
+                                    bootbox.hideAll();
+                                    var html ="html")
+                                    var form_content = html.append("div").attr("class","form-content").attr("style","display:none")
+                                    var form = form_content.append("form").attr("class","form").attr("role","form")
+                                    var form_group, input;
+                                    //Tool information
+                                    form_group = form.append("div").attr("class","form-group")
+                                    form_group.append("text").text("Name")
+                                    input = form_group.append("input")
+                                        .attr("id","graph_name")
+                                        .attr("class","form-control")
+                                        .attr("name","graph_name")
+                                        .attr("placeholder","Add a graph name here...")
+                                    //Tool information
+                                    form_group = form.append("div").attr("class","form-group")
+                                    form_group.append("text").text("Description")
+                                    input = form_group.append("input")
+                                        .attr("id","graph_description")
+                                        .attr("class","form-control")
+                                        .attr("name","graph_description")
+                                        .attr("placeholder","Add a graph description here...")
+                                    bootbox.dialog({
+                                            message: $(".form-content").html(),
+                                            title: "<p>The graph will be saved as new VISTOMS graph"
+                                                  +"<p>Please type in a new name and description for the graph</p>",
+                                            size: "large",
+                                            buttons: [
+                                              {
+                                                label: "Cancel",
+                                                className: "btn btn-default pull-left",
+                                                callback: function() {
+                                                  d3.selectAll(".form-content").remove();
+                                                }
+                                              },
+                                              {
+                                                label: "OK",
+                                                className: "btn btn-primary pull-left",
+                                                callback: function() {
+                                                    //get form data
+                                                    var graph_name = $('form #graph_name').val();
+                                                    var graph_description = $('form #graph_description').val();
+                                                    var bootboxContent = {title: "Save as new VISTOMS graph", message: '<p>Please be patient...</p>'};
+                                                    var newGraphID = ""
+                                                    if (data.graphs.length<100){newGraphID="0"+String(data.graphs.length+1)}
+                                                    else {newGraphID=String(data.graphs.length+1)}
+                                                    var newGraphID = '01';
+                                                    data.graphs.forEach(function(graph) 
-                                                        if (result.includes("ERROR:"))
-                                                        {
-                                                            bootboxContent.message = result
-                                                            kadmosErrorMessage(bootboxContent);
-                                                        }
-                                                        else
+                                                        id_int = parseInt(
+                                                        if (data.graphs.length < 100){newGraphID = "0" + String(id_int+1);}
+                                                        else{newGraphID = String(id_int+1);}
+                                                    })
+                                                    var xhr = $.ajax(
+                                                    {
+                                                        type: 'POST',
+                                                        data: {'graphID': graphID, 'newGraphID': newGraphID, 'newGraphName': graph_name, 'newGraphDesc': graph_description, 'currentOrder':nodeOrder, 'sessionId': sessionId},
+                                                        url: '/kadmos_save_vistoms_graph',
+                                                        success: function(result)
-                                                            var updatedData = jQuery.extend(true, {}, data);
-                                                            var graphData = JSON.parse(result);
-                                                            for (var i = 0; i < data.graphs.length; i++)
+                                                            if (result.includes("ERROR:"))
+                                                            {
+                                                                bootboxContent.message = result
+                                                                kadmosErrorMessage(bootboxContent);
+                                                            }
+                                                            else
-                                                                if (graphID == data.graphs[i].id)
+                                                                var updatedData = jQuery.extend(true, {}, data);
+                                                                var graphData = JSON.parse(result);
+                                                                for (var i = 0; i < data.graphs.length; i++)
-                                                                    //Insert copied graph behind the original one
-                                                                    updatedData.graphs.splice(i+1, 0, graphData.graphs[0])
+                                                                    if (graphID == data.graphs[i].id)
+                                                                    {
+                                                                        //Insert copied graph behind the original one
+                                                                        updatedData.graphs.splice(i+1, 0, graphData.graphs[0])
+                                                                    }
+                                                                clearView();
+                                                                makeKadmosMenu(updatedData);
+                                                                xdsm_script(updatedData,newGraphID);
+                                                                bootboxContent.message = "Success!"
+                                                                kadmosSuccessMessage(bootboxContent)
-                                                            clearView();
-                                                            makeKadmosMenu(updatedData);
-                                                            xdsm_script(updatedData,newGraphID);
-                                                            bootboxContent.message = "Success!"
-                                                            kadmosSuccessMessage(bootboxContent)
+                                                        },
+                                                        error: function(result)
+                                                        {
+                                                            bootboxContent.message = result
+                                                            kadmosErrorMessage(bootboxContent);
-                                                    },
-                                                    error: function(result)
-                                                    {
-                                                        bootboxContent.message = result
-                                                        kadmosErrorMessage(bootboxContent);
-                                                    }
-                                                });
-                                                kadmosHavePatience(xhr, bootboxContent)
-                                            }
-                                        }
-                                    })
+                                                    });
+                                                    kadmosHavePatience(xhr, bootboxContent)
+                                                    d3.selectAll(".form-content").remove();
+                                                }
+                                              }
+                                            ]
+                                        });
@@ -20478,22 +20523,108 @@
+                //aigner: Function adds or edits a competence's metadata
                 function editDCMetadata(theData, theCurrentGraph, aNode=null)
+                    //aigner: Initialize the metadata element and it's sub components
                     var metadata;
                     if (aNode != null)
-                        metadata = aNode.metadata;
-                    }                    
+                        metadata = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(aNode.metadata));
+                    }
+                    console.log(aNode.metadata)
+                    //aigner: Initialize sub component "general_info"
+                    if (typeof metadata.general_info == "undefined"
+                        || metadata.general_info == null)
+                    {
+                        metadata.general_info = {owner:{},creator:{},operator:{}};
+                        if (typeof metadata.general_info.description == "undefined"){metadata.general_info.description = ""}
+                        if (typeof metadata.general_info.status == "undefined"){metadata.general_info.status = ""}
+                        if (typeof metadata.general_info.owner.contactUID == "undefined"){metadata.general_info.owner.contactUID = ""}
+                        if (typeof metadata.general_info.creator.contactUID == "undefined"){metadata.general_info.creator.contactUID = ""}
+                        if (typeof metadata.general_info.operator.contactUID == "undefined"){metadata.general_info.operator.contactUID = ""}
+                    }
+                    //aigner: Initialize sub component "performance_info"
+                    if (typeof metadata.performance_info == "undefined"
+                        || metadata.performance_info == null)
+                    {
+                        metadata.performance_info = {};
+                        if (typeof metadata.performance_info.precision == "undefined"){metadata.performance_info.precision = ""}
+                        if (typeof metadata.performance_info.fidelity_level == "undefined"){metadata.performance_info.fidelity_level = "-"}
+                        if (typeof metadata.performance_info.run_time == "undefined"){metadata.performance_info.run_time = ""}
+                        if (typeof metadata.performance_info.verification == "undefined"){metadata.performance_info.verification = ""}                        
+                    }
+                    //aigner: Initialize sub component "execution_info"
+                    //This is somewhat more complicated, since it can be either a "local_component" or a "remote_component"
+                    var local_component_info = [[[],[]]]
+                    local_component_info[0][1] = {
+                        command: "",
+                        description: "",
+                        hardware_requirements: "",
+                        software_requirements: "",
+                        integration_platform: ""}
+                    var remote_component_info = {
+                        data_exchange_settings: {folder:"", urlsite:""},
+                        job_settings: {
+                            job_name:"",
+                            notification_message:"",
+                            remote_engineer:{contact_u_i_d:""},
+                            single_or_multi_execution:""
+                        }
+                    }
+                    if (typeof metadata.execution_info == "undefined"
+                        || metadata.execution_info == null)
+                    {
+                        metadata.execution_info = {}
+                    }
+                    //aigner: Set type of component to "none" initially
+                    metadata.execution_info.component_type = "none";
+                    if (typeof metadata.execution_info.remote_component_info == "undefined")
+                    {
+                        metadata.execution_info.remote_component_info = remote_component_info
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        metadata.execution_info.component_type = "remote";
+                    }
+                    if (typeof metadata.execution_info.local_component_info == "undefined")
+                    {
+                        metadata.execution_info.local_component_info = local_component_info
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        metadata.execution_info.component_type = "local";
+                    }
+                    //aigner: Initialize sub component "licensing"
+                    if (typeof metadata.general_info.licensing == "undefined"
+                        || metadata.general_info.licensing == null)
+                    {
+                        metadata.general_info.licensing = {};
+                        if (typeof metadata.general_info.licensing.license_type == "undefined"){metadata.general_info.licensing.license_type = ""}
+                        if (typeof metadata.general_info.licensing.license_specification == "undefined"){metadata.general_info.licensing.license_specification = ""}
+                        if (typeof metadata.general_info.licensing.license_info == "undefined"){metadata.general_info.licensing.license_info = ""}
+                    }
+                    //aigner: Initialize sub component "sources"
+                    if (typeof metadata.general_info.sources == "undefined"
+                        || metadata.general_info.sources == null)
+                    {
+                        metadata.general_info.sources = {};
+                        if (typeof metadata.general_info.sources.repository_link == "undefined"){metadata.general_info.sources.repository_link = ""}
+                        if (typeof metadata.general_info.sources.download_link == "undefined"){metadata.general_info.sources.download_link = ""}
+                        if (typeof metadata.general_info.sources.references == "undefined"){metadata.general_info.sources.references = ""}
+                    }
+                    //aigner. Now make the previously initialized infos visible in the html page with the help of a bootbox pop-up
                     var html ="html")
                     var form_content = html.append("div").attr("class","form-content").attr("style","display:none")
                     var form = form_content.append("form").attr("class","form").attr("role","form")
                     var form_group, input;
-                    //General information
+                    //aigner: Visualize sub component "general_info"
                     form_group = form.append("div").attr("class","form-group")
                     form_group.append("label").text("General information")
                     form_group = form.append("div").attr("class","form-group")
@@ -20503,36 +20634,33 @@
                         .attr("placeholder","Add a description for the DC here")
-                    if (typeof metadata.general_info != "undefined" && metadata.general_info !=null && typeof metadata.general_info.description!="undefined")
-                    {
-                        description.attr("value",metadata.general_info.description)
-                    }
-                    form_group = form.append("div").attr("class","form-group")
-                    form_group.append("text").text("Mode")
-                    var mode = form_group.append("input")
-                        .attr("id","mode")
-                        .attr("class","form-control")
-                        .attr("name","mode")
-                        .attr("placeholder","Mode (e.g. main)")
-                    if (metadata.mode)
-                    {
-                        mode.attr("value",metadata.mode)
-                    }
-                    form_group = form.append("div").attr("class","form-group")
-                    form_group.append("text").text("Version")
-                    var version = form_group.append("input")
-                        .attr("id","version")
-                        .attr("class","form-control")
-                        .attr("name","version")
-                        .attr("placeholder","Version (e.g. 1.0)")
-                    if (metadata.version)
-                    {
-                        version.attr("value",metadata.version)
-                    }
+                    description.text(metadata.general_info.description)
+                    <!-- form_group = form.append("div").attr("class","form-group") -->
+                    <!-- form_group.append("text").text("Mode") -->
+                    <!-- var mode = form_group.append("input") -->
+                        <!-- .attr("id","mode") -->
+                        <!-- .attr("class","form-control") -->
+                        <!-- .attr("name","mode") -->
+                        <!-- .attr("placeholder","Mode (e.g. main)") -->
+                    <!-- if (typeof metadata.general_info != "undefined"  -->
+                        <!-- && metadata.general_info !=null  -->
+                        <!-- && typeof metadata.general_info.mode!="undefined") -->
+                    <!-- { -->
+                        <!-- mode.attr("value",metadata.general_info.mode) -->
+                    <!-- } -->
+                    <!-- form_group = form.append("div").attr("class","form-group") -->
+                    <!-- form_group.append("text").text("Version") -->
+                    <!-- var version = form_group.append("input") -->
+                        <!-- .attr("id","version") -->
+                        <!-- .attr("class","form-control") -->
+                        <!-- .attr("name","version") -->
+                        <!-- .attr("placeholder","Version (e.g. 1.0)") -->
+                    <!-- if (typeof metadata.general_info != "undefined"  -->
+                        <!-- && metadata.general_info !=null  -->
+                        <!-- && typeof metadata.general_info.version!="undefined") -->
+                    <!-- { -->
+                        <!-- version.attr("value",metadata.general_info.version) -->
+                    <!-- } -->
                     form_group = form.append("div").attr("class","form-group")
                     var input = form_group.append("select").attr("id","status").style("margin-left","5px")
@@ -20540,16 +20668,10 @@
                     status.attr("type","select").attr("value","-").text("Please select...")
                     status = input.append("option")
-                    if (typeof metadata.general_info != "undefined" 
-                        && metadata.general_info !=null 
-                        && typeof metadata.general_info.status!="undefined"
-                        && metadata.general_info.status=="Available"){status.attr("selected","true")}
+                    if(metadata.general_info.status=="Available"){status.attr("selected","true")}
                     status = input.append("option")
-                    if (typeof metadata.general_info != "undefined" 
-                        && metadata.general_info !=null 
-                        && typeof metadata.general_info.status!="undefined"
-                        && metadata.general_info.status=="N/A"){status.attr("selected","true")}{status.attr("selected","true")}
+                    if(metadata.general_info.status=="N/A"){status.attr("selected","true")}
                     var contacts = []
                     if (theCurrentGraph.organization.contacts){contacts=theCurrentGraph.organization.contacts};
                     form_group = form.append("div").attr("class","form-group")
@@ -20559,11 +20681,7 @@
                         var owner = input.append("option")
                         owner.attr("type","select").attr("value",contact.attrib.uID).text( + " (" + + ")")
-                        if (typeof metadata.general_info != "undefined" 
-                        && metadata.general_info !=null 
-                        && typeof metadata.general_info.owner!="undefined"
-                        && typeof metadata.general_info.owner!=null
-                        && contact.attrib.uID==metadata.general_info.owner.contactUID){owner.attr("selected","true")}
+                        if (contact.attrib.uID==metadata.general_info.owner.contactUID){owner.attr("selected","true")}
                     form_group = form.append("div").attr("class","form-group")
@@ -20572,11 +20690,7 @@
                         var creator = input.append("option")
                         creator.attr("type","select").attr("value",contact.attrib.uID).text( + " (" + + ")")
-                        if (typeof metadata.general_info != "undefined" 
-                        && metadata.general_info !=null 
-                        && typeof metadata.general_info.creator!="undefined"
-                        && typeof metadata.general_info.creator!=null
-                        && contact.attrib.uID==metadata.general_info.creator.contactUID){creator.attr("selected","true")}
+                        if (contact.attrib.uID==metadata.general_info.creator.contactUID){creator.attr("selected","true")}
                     form_group = form.append("div").attr("class","form-group")
@@ -20585,101 +20699,286 @@
                         var operator = input.append("option")
                         operator.attr("type","select").attr("value",contact.attrib.uID).text( + " (" + + ")")
-                        if (typeof metadata.general_info != "undefined" 
-                        && metadata.general_info !=null 
-                        && typeof metadata.general_info.operator!="undefined"
-                        && typeof metadata.general_info.operator!=null
-                        && contact.attrib.uID==metadata.general_info.operator.contactUID){operator.attr("selected","true")}
+                        if (contact.attrib.uID==metadata.general_info.operator.contactUID){operator.attr("selected","true")}
-                    //Information on tool execution
+                    //aigner: Visualize sub component "performance_info"
                     form_group = form.append("div").attr("class","form-group").style("margin-top","40px")
-                    form_group.append("label").text("Execution information")
-                    form_group = form.append("div").attr("class","form-group")
-                    form_group.append("text").text("Operating System")
-                    input = form_group.append("select").attr("id","operating_system").style("margin-left","5px")
-                    input.append("option").attr("type","select").attr("value","-").text("Please select...")
-                    input.append("option").attr("type","select").attr("value","windows").text("Windows")
-                    input.append("option").attr("type","select").attr("value","linux").text("Linux")
-                    input.append("option").attr("type","select").attr("value","mac").text("Mac OS")
-                    input.append("option").attr("type","select").attr("value","other").text("Other")
+                    form_group.append("label").text("Performance information")
                     form_group = form.append("div").attr("class","form-group")
-                    form_group.append("text").text("Integration platform")
+                    form_group.append("text").text("Precision")
                     input = form_group.append("input")
-                        .attr("id","integration_platform")
-                        .attr("class","form-control")
-                        .attr("name","integration_platform")
-                        .attr("placeholder","Integration platform (e.g. RCE, Optimus)")
-                    form_group = form.append("div").attr("class","form-group")
-                    form_group.append("text").text("Execution command")
-                    input = form_group.append("textarea")
-                        .attr("id","command")
+                        .attr("id","precision")
-                        .attr("cols","40")
-                        .attr("rows","5")
-                        .attr("name","command")
-                        .attr("placeholder","Execution command")
+                        .attr("name","precision")
+                        .attr("placeholder","Precision (range 0 - 1)")
+                        .attr("value",metadata.performance_info.precision)
                     form_group = form.append("div").attr("class","form-group")
-                    input = form_group.append("input")
-                        .attr("id","description_cmd")
-                        .attr("class","form-control")
-                        .attr("name","description_cmd")
-                        .attr("placeholder","Details on the exectuion command (optional)")
+                    form_group.append("text").text("Fidelity level")
+                    input = form_group.append("select").attr("id","fidelity_level").style("margin-left","5px")
+                    input.append("option").attr("type","select").attr("value","-").text("Please select...").attr("selected","true")
+                    for (var count=0; count <= 3; count ++)
+                    {
+                        var fidelity = input.append("option")
+                        fidelity.attr("type","select").attr("value",count).text(String(count))
+                        if (count==metadata.performance_info.fidelity_level){fidelity.attr("selected","true")}
+                    }
                     form_group = form.append("div").attr("class","form-group")
+                    form_group.append("text").text("Run time")
                     input = form_group.append("input")
-                        .attr("id","software_requirements")
+                        .attr("id","run_time")
-                        .attr("name","software_requirements")
-                        .attr("placeholder","Software requirements")
+                        .attr("name","run_time")
+                        .attr("placeholder","Run time in sec")
+                        .attr("value",metadata.performance_info.run_time)
                     form_group = form.append("div").attr("class","form-group")
+                    form_group.append("text").text("Verification")
                     input = form_group.append("input")
-                        .attr("id","hardware_requirements")
+                        .attr("id","verification")
-                        .attr("name","hardware_requirements")
-                        .attr("placeholder","Hardware requirements")
+                        .attr("name","verification")
+                        .attr("placeholder","Verification (optional)")
+                        .attr("value",metadata.performance_info.verification)
                     //Information on tool licensing
                     form_group = form.append("div").attr("class","form-group").style("margin-top","40px")
                     form_group.append("label").text("License information (optional)")
+                    form_group = form.append("div").attr("class","form-group")
+                    form_group.append("text").text("License type")
                     input = form_group.append("input")
                         .attr("placeholder","License type (e.g. open-source, commercial)")
+                        .attr("value",metadata.general_info.licensing.license_type)
                     form_group = form.append("div").attr("class","form-group")
+                    form_group.append("text").text("License specification")
                     input = form_group.append("input")
                         .attr("placeholder","License specification (e.g. Apache License 2.0)")
+                        .attr("value",metadata.general_info.licensing.license_specification)
                     form_group = form.append("div").attr("class","form-group")
+                    form_group.append("text").text("License information")
                     input = form_group.append("input")
                         .attr("placeholder","License information (e.g.")
+                        .attr("value",metadata.general_info.licensing.license_info)
                     //Information on tool sources
                     form_group = form.append("div").attr("class","form-group").style("margin-top","40px")
                     form_group.append("label").text("Source information (optional)")
+                    form_group = form.append("div").attr("class","form-group")
+                    form_group.append("text").text("Repository link")
                     input = form_group.append("input")
                         .attr("placeholder","Repository link")
+                        .attr("value",metadata.general_info.sources.repository_link)
                     form_group = form.append("div").attr("class","form-group")
+                    form_group.append("text").text("Download link")
                     input = form_group.append("input")
                         .attr("placeholder","Download link")
+                        .attr("value",metadata.general_info.sources.download_link)
                     form_group = form.append("div").attr("class","form-group")
+                    form_group.append("text").text("References")
                     input = form_group.append("input")
+                        .attr("value",metadata.general_info.sources.references)
+                    //aigner: Visualize sub component "execution_info"
+                    //Again, this is more complicated...
+                    form_group = form.append("div").attr("class","form-group").style("margin-top","40px")
+                    form_group.append("label").text("Execution information")
+                    form_group = form.append("div").attr("class","form-group")
+                    form_group.append("text").text("Execution type")
+                    input = form_group.append("select")
+                        .attr("id","execution_type")
+                        .attr("class","execution_type")
+                        .style("margin-left","5px")
+                    var option = input.append("option").attr("value","-").text("Please select...").attr("selected","true")
+                    var option_loc = input.append("option").attr("value","local_component").text("Local component")
+                    var option_rem = input.append("option").attr("value","remote_component").text("Remote component")
+                    if(metadata.execution_info.component_type=="local"){option_loc.attr("selected","true")}
+                    else if(metadata.execution_info.component_type=="remote"){option_rem.attr("selected","true")}
+                    //Use a jquery function to toggle between local_component, remote_component, and none 
+                    //depending on the user's dropdown selection of the "execution_type" element
+                    $(function() {
+                        var form = d3.selectAll(".form");
+                        //Information on remote component
+                        var local_component_info = metadata.execution_info.local_component_info[metadata.execution_info.local_component_info.length-1][1];
+                        form_group = form.append("div").attr("class","form-group_lc")
+                        form_group.append("text").text("Operating System")
+                        input = form_group.append("select").attr("id","operating_system").style("margin-left","5px")
+                        var input_list = [{text:"Windows",value:"windows"},
+                                          {text:"Linux",value:"linux"},
+                                          {text:"Mac OS",value:"mac"},
+                                          {text:"Other",value:"other"}];
+                        input.append("option").attr("type","select").attr("value","-").text("Please select...")
+                        input_list.forEach(function(theInput){
+                            var operatingSystem = input.append("option")
+                            operatingSystem.attr("type","select").attr("value",theInput.value).text(theInput.text)
+                            if (theInput.value==local_component_info.operating_system)
+                            {
+                                operatingSystem.attr("selected","true")
+                            }
+                        })
+                        form_group = form.append("div").attr("class","form-group_lc")
+                        form_group.append("text").text("Integration platform")
+                        input = form_group.append("input")
+                            .attr("id","integration_platform")
+                            .attr("class","form-control")
+                            .attr("name","integration_platform")
+                            .attr("placeholder","Integration platform (e.g. RCE, Optimus)")
+                            .attr("value",local_component_info.integration_platform)
+                        form_group = form.append("div").attr("class","form-group_lc")
+                        form_group.append("text").text("Execution command")
+                        input = form_group.append("textarea")
+                            .attr("id","command")
+                            .attr("class","form-control")
+                            .attr("cols","40")
+                            .attr("rows","5")
+                            .attr("name","command")
+                            .attr("placeholder","Execution command")
+                            .text(local_component_info.command)
+                        form_group = form.append("div").attr("class","form-group_lc")
+                        form_group.append("text").text("Details")
+                        input = form_group.append("textarea")
+                            .attr("id","description_cmd")
+                            .attr("class","form-control")
+                            .attr("cols","40")
+                            .attr("rows","1")
+                            .attr("name","description_cmd")
+                            .attr("placeholder","Details on the exectuion command (optional)")
+                            .text(local_component_info.description)
+                        form_group = form.append("div").attr("class","form-group_lc")
+                        form_group.append("text").text("Software requirements")
+                        input = form_group.append("textarea")
+                            .attr("id","software_requirements")
+                            .attr("class","form-control")
+                            .attr("cols","40")
+                            .attr("rows","1")
+                            .attr("name","software_requirements")
+                            .attr("placeholder","Software requirements")
+                            .text(local_component_info.software_requirements)
+                        form_group = form.append("div").attr("class","form-group_lc")
+                        form_group.append("text").text("Hardware requirements")
+                        input = form_group.append("textarea")
+                            .attr("id","hardware_requirements")
+                            .attr("class","form-control")
+                            .attr("cols","40")
+                            .attr("rows","1")
+                            .attr("name","hardware_requirements")
+                            .attr("placeholder","Hardware requirements")
+                            .text(local_component_info.hardware_requirements)
+                        //Information on remote component
+                        var remote_component_info = metadata.execution_info.remote_component_info;
+                        form_group = form.append("div").attr("class","form-group_rc").style("margin-top","40px")
+                        form_group.append("label").text("Remote component information")
+                        form_group = form.append("div").attr("class","form-group_rc")
+                        form_group.append("text").text("Remote engineer")
+                        input = form_group.append("select").attr("id","remote_engineer_uid").style("margin-left","5px")
+                        input.append("option").attr("type","select").attr("value","-").text("Please select...")
+                        contacts.forEach(function(contact){
+                            var owner = input.append("option")
+                            owner.attr("type","select").attr("value",contact.attrib.uID).text( + " (" + + ")")
+                            if (contact.attrib.uID==remote_component_info.job_settings.remote_engineer.contact_u_i_d){owner.attr("selected","true")}
+                        })
+                        form_group = form.append("div").attr("class","form-group_rc")
+                        form_group.append("text").text("URL site")
+                        input = form_group.append("input")
+                            .attr("id","urlsite")
+                            .attr("class","form-control")
+                            .attr("name","urlsite")
+                            .attr("placeholder","URL site")
+                            .attr("value",remote_component_info.data_exchange_settings.urlsite)
+                        form_group = form.append("div").attr("class","form-group_rc")
+                        form_group.append("text").text("Folder")
+                        input = form_group.append("input")
+                            .attr("id","folder")
+                            .attr("class","form-control")
+                            .attr("name","folder")
+                            .attr("placeholder","Folder")
+                            .attr("value",remote_component_info.data_exchange_settings.folder)
+                        form_group = form.append("div").attr("class","form-group_rc")
+                        form_group.append("text").text("Job name")
+                        input = form_group.append("input")
+                            .attr("id","job_name")
+                            .attr("class","form-control")
+                            .attr("name","job_name")
+                            .attr("placeholder","Job name")
+                            .attr("value",remote_component_info.job_settings.job_name)
+                        form_group = form.append("div").attr("class","form-group_rc")
+                        form_group.append("text").text("Single or multi execution")
+                        input = form_group.append("select").attr("id","single_or_multi_execution").style("margin-left","5px")
+                        input.append("option").attr("type","select").attr("value","-").text("Please select...").attr("selected","true")
+                        var single_type = input.append("option").attr("type","select").attr("value","single").text("Single")
+                        var multi_type = input.append("option").attr("type","select").attr("value","multi").text("Multi")
+                        if (metadata.execution_info.remote_component_info.job_settings.single_or_multi_execution=="single")
+                        {
+                            single_type.attr("selected","true")
+                        }
+                        else if (metadata.execution_info.remote_component_info.job_settings.single_or_multi_execution=="multi")
+                        {
+                            multi_type.attr("selected","true")
+                        }
+                        form_group = form.append("div").attr("class","form-group_rc")
+                        form_group.append("text").text("Notification message")
+                        input = form_group.append("textarea")
+                            .attr("id","notification_message")
+                            .attr("class","form-control")
+                            .attr("cols","40")
+                            .attr("rows","1")
+                            .attr("name","notification_message")
+                            .attr("placeholder","Notification message")
+                            .text(remote_component_info.job_settings.notification_message)
+                        //Which of the above visualized block should actually be shown?
+                        //--> The one that the component actually is, namely either a "local_component" or a "remote"
+                        d3.selectAll(".form-group_rc").attr("style","display:none")
+                        d3.selectAll(".form-group_lc").attr("style","display:none")
+                        if      (metadata.execution_info.component_type=="local"){d3.selectAll(".form-group_lc").attr("style","display:block")}
+                        else if (metadata.execution_info.component_type=="remote"){d3.selectAll(".form-group_rc").attr("style","display:block")}
+                        //aigner: Function switches between remote and local component depending on user input
+                        $('.execution_type').on('change', function(e)
+                        {
+                            var execution_type = $('form #execution_type').val();
+                            if (execution_type == "local_component")
+                            {
+                                metadata.execution_info.component_type = "local";
+                                d3.selectAll(".form-group_rc").attr("style","display:none")
+                                d3.selectAll(".form-group_lc").attr("style","display:block")
+                            }
+                            else if (execution_type == "remote_component")
+                            {
+                                metadata.execution_info.component_type = "remote";
+                                d3.selectAll(".form-group_rc").attr("style","display:block")
+                                d3.selectAll(".form-group_lc").attr("style","display:none")
+                            }
+                            else
+                            {
+                                metadata.execution_info.component_type = "none";
+                                d3.selectAll(".form-group_rc").attr("style","display:none")
+                                d3.selectAll(".form-group_lc").attr("style","display:none")
+                            }
+                        });
+                    });
                     var modal = bootbox.dialog({
@@ -20698,22 +20997,85 @@
                             label: "OK",
                             className: "btn btn-primary",
-                            callback: function() {
-                                var metadata = {
-                                    uID: aNode.uID,
-                                    description: $('form #description').val(),
-                                    status: $('form #status').val(),
-                                    owner_uid: $('form #owner_uid').val(),
-                                    creator_uid: $('form #creator_uid').val(),
-                                    operator_uid: $('form #operator_uid').val()
+                            callback: function() {               
+                                var metadata_to_kadmos = {
+                                    general_info: {
+                                        description: $('form #description').val(),
+                                        mode: $('form #mode').val(),
+                                        version: $('form #version').val(),
+                                        status: $('form #status').val(),
+                                        owner_uid: $('form #owner_uid').val(),
+                                        creator_uid: $('form #creator_uid').val(),
+                                        operator_uid: $('form #operator_uid').val()
+                                    },
+                                    performance_info: {
+                                        precision: $('form #precision').val(),
+                                        fidelity_level: $('form #fidelity_level').val(),
+                                        run_time: $('form #run_time').val(),
+                                        verification: $('form #verification').val()
+                                    },
+                                    execution_details: {
+                                        local_component:false,
+                                        operating_system:"",
+                                        integration_platform: "",
+                                        command: "",
+                                        description: "",
+                                        software_requirements: "",
+                                        hardware_requirements: ""
+                                    },
+                                    remote_component_info: {
+                                        remote_component: false,
+                                        remote_engineer_uid: "",
+                                        single_or_multi_execution: "",
+                                        job_name: "",
+                                        urlsite: "",
+                                        folder: ""
+                                    },
+                                    licensing: {
+                                        license_type: $('form #license_type').val(),
+                                        license_specification: $('form #license_specification').val(),
+                                        license_info: $('form #license_info').val()
+                                    },
+                                    sources: {
+                                        repository_link: $('form #repository_link').val(),
+                                        download_link: $('form #download_link').val(),
+                                        references: $('form #references').val()
+                                    }
+                                }
+                                if (metadata.execution_info.component_type=="local")
+                                {
+                                    metadata_to_kadmos.execution_details = {
+                                        local_component: true,
+                                        operating_system: $('form #operating_system').val(),
+                                        integration_platform: $('form #integration_platform').val(),
+                                        command: $('form #command').val(),
+                                        description: $('form #description_cmd').val(),
+                                        software_requirements: $('form #software_requirements').val(),
+                                        hardware_requirements: $('form #hardware_requirements').val()
+                                    }
+                                }
+                                else if (metadata.execution_info.component_type=="remote")
+                                {
+                                    metadata_to_kadmos.remote_component_info = {
+                                        remote_component: true,
+                                        remote_engineer_uid: $('form #remote_engineer_uid').val(),
+                                        single_or_multi_execution: $('form #single_or_multi_execution').val(),
+                                        job_name: $('form #job_name').val(),
+                                        urlsite: $('form #urlsite').val(),
+                                        folder: $('form #folder').val(),
+                                        notification_message: $('form #notification_message').val()
+                                    }
-                                var metadata_str = JSON.stringify(metadata)
+                                var metadata_str = JSON.stringify(metadata_to_kadmos)
                                 var bootboxContent = {title: "Get graph elements", message: '<p>Please be patient...</p>'};
                                 var xhr = $.ajax(
                                     type: 'POST',
                                     url: '/kadmos_add_DC_metadata',
-                                    data: {'graphID':graphID, 'currentOrder':nodeOrder, 'nodeName':metadata.uID, 'metadata_str':metadata_str, 'sessionId': sessionId},
+                                    data: {'graphID':graphID, 'currentOrder':nodeOrder, 'nodeName':aNode.uID, 'metadata_str':metadata_str, 'sessionId': sessionId},
                                     success: function(result)
                                         if (result.includes("ERROR:"))
@@ -21115,6 +21477,80 @@
+				var graph_menu = "      <nav>"
+                          +"          <ul>"
+                          +"             <li><a href='#'>Graph inspection <span>&#x25BE;</span></a>"
+                          +"                  <ul>"                        
+                          +"                      <li class='search_element'><a href='#'>Find graph elements</a></li>"
+                          +"                      <li><a href='#'>Inspect data model<span>&#x25B8;</span></a>"
+                          +"                          <ul class='data_model_view'>"
+                          +"                              <li class='tree_view'><a href='#'>Tree view<span>&#x25B8;</span></a></li>"
+                          +"                              <li class='list_view'><a href='#'>List view<span>&#x25B8;</span></a></li>"
+                          +"                          </ul>"
+                          +"                      </li>"
+                          +"                      <li><a href='#'>Check<span>&#x25B8;</span></a>"
+                          +"                          <ul class='check_graph'>"
+                          +"                              <li class='l1_check'><a href='#'>L1 check: graph</a></li>"
+                          +"                              <li class='l2_check'><a href='#'>L2 check: problem formulation</a></li>"
+                          +"                              <li class='l3_check'><a href='#'>L3 check: graph & problem formulation</a></li>"
+                          +"                          </ul>"
+                          +"                      </li>"
+                          +"                  </ul>"
+                          +"              </li>"
+                          +"              <li><a href='#'>Graph manipulation <span>&#x25BE;</span></a>"
+                          +"                  <ul>"
+                          +"                      <li><a href='#'>FPG manipulation <span>&#x25B8;</span></a>"
+                          +"                          <ul class='fpg_manipulations'>"
+                          +"                              <li class='start_MDO_problem'><a href='#'>Copy graph for MDAO problem definition</a></li>"
+                          +"                              <li class='get_function_order'><a href='#'>Get possible function order</a></li>"
+                          +"                              <li class='make_variables_valid'><a href='#'>Make all variables valid</a></li>"
+                          +"                              <li><a href='#'>Remove...<span>&#x25B8;</span></a>"
+                          +"                                  <ul class='remove'>"
+                          +"                                      <li class='remove_dcs'><a href='#'>design competences</a></li>"
+                          +"                                      <li class='remove_collision_parameters'><a href='#'>collision parameters</a></li>"
+                          +"                                      <li class='remove_unused_outputs'><a href='#'>unused outputs</a></li>"
+                          +"                                  </ul>"
+                          +"                              </li>"
+                          +"                              <li><a href='#'>Merge...<span>&#x25B8;</span></a>"
+                          +"                                  <ul class='merge'>"
+                          +"                                      <li class='merge_seq_competences'><a href='#'>sequential competences</a></li>"
+                          +"                                      <li class='merge_par_competences'><a href='#'>parallel competences</a></li>"
+                          +"                                      <li class='merge_funcMod_competences'><a href='#'>function modes competences</a></li>"
+                          +"                                  </ul>"
+                          +"                             </li>"
+                          +"                              <li><a href='#'>Assign...<span>&#x25B8;</span></a>"
+                          +"                                  <ul class='assign'>"
+                          +"                                      <li class='assign_probFunc_roles'><a href='#'>problem function roles</a></li>"
+                          +"                                      <li class='assign_parameter_roles'><a href='#'>parameter roles</a></li>"
+                          +"                                  </ul>"
+                          +"                              </li>"
+                          +"                          </ul>"
+                          +"                      </li>"
+                          +"                      <li><a href='#'>MDPG manipulation <span>&#x25B8;</span></a>"
+                          +"                          <ul class='mdpg_manipulations'>"
+                          +"                              <li class='start_MDO_architecture'><a href='#'>Copy graph for MDAO architecture definition</a></li>"
+                          +"                              <li><a href='#'>Set...<span>&#x25B8;</span></a>"
+                          +"                                  <ul class='set'>"
+                          +"                                      <li class='set_MDAO_architecture'><a href='#'>MDAO architecture</a></li>"
+                          +"                                      <li class='set_coupling_decomposition'><a href='#'>Coupling decomposition</a></li>"
+                          +"                                      <li class='set_DOE_method'><a href='#'>DOE method</a></li>"
+                          +"                                  </ul>"
+                          +"                              </li>"
+                          +"                              <li class='impose_MDAO_architecture'><a href='#'>Impose MDAO architecture</a></li>"
+                          +"                          </ul>"
+                          +"                      </li>"
+                          +"                      <li class='upload_script'><a href='#'>Upload custom script</a></li>"
+                          +"                  </ul>"
+                          +"              </li>"
+                          +"          </ul>"
+                          +"      </nav>"
                 var inspectionsDiv =".xdsmDiv").append("div").attr("class","dataModelDiv").style("top","-10px")
@@ -21158,22 +21594,15 @@
                     {text:"all problematic functions",value:"all problematic functions"}]
                 var operators = [
-                    {text:"",value:""},
+                    {text:"Operator (please select)",value:"-"},
-                var inspectGraph_ul = inspectionsDiv.append("ul")
-                var inspectGraph_li = inspectGraph_ul.append("li")
-                    .on("mouseover", function(){
-                            .style("cursor", "pointer")
-                    })
-				inspectGraph_li.append("a").text("Search")
-      "left", "0px")
-                inspectGraph_li.on("mousedown", function()
+				var search_element_dom =".search_element")
+				search_element_dom.on("mousedown", function()
@@ -21201,9 +21630,10 @@
                     var maxNumOfAttributes = 3;
-                    var form_group3 = form.append("div").attr("class","form-group")
                     for (var i=0; i<maxNumOfAttributes; i++)
+                        var form_group3 = form.append("div").attr("class","form-group")
                         var input = form_group3.append("div").attr("class","attribute")
                         if (i==0){input.append("label").attr("for","attribute"+String(i)).text("Attribute conditions (max. "+String(maxNumOfAttributes)+")")}
@@ -21211,11 +21641,13 @@
                             .attr("placeholder","attribute "+String(i+1))
-                        input.append("input")
-                            .attr("id","operator"+String(i))
-                            .attr("class","form-control")
-                            .attr("name","operator "+String(i+1))
-                            .attr("placeholder","operator "+String(i+1)+" (<,<=,==,>=,>)")
+                        input = form_group3.append("select").attr("id","operator"+String(i))
+                        operators.forEach(function(operator)
+                        {
+                            input.append("option").attr("type","select").attr("value",operator.value).text(operator.text)
+                        })
+                        input = form_group3.append("div").attr("class","attribute")
@@ -21477,207 +21909,209 @@
                 //aigner: Kadmos functions --> Check graph
-                var checkGraph_ul = inspectionsDiv.append("ul")
-				var checkGraph_li = checkGraph_ul.append("li")
-                    .on("mouseover", function(){
-                            .style("cursor", "default")
-                    })
-                checkGraph_li.append("a").text("Check")
-                var checkGraph = checkGraph_li.append("ul");
-                var xOffset_ul = checkGraph_li._groups[0][0].offsetLeft+checkGraph_li._groups[0][0].offsetWidth-40;
-      "left", String(xOffset_ul)+"px")
-                //aigner: Kadmos function --> graph checks
-                checkGraph.append("li").append("a")
-                    .text("L1 check: graph")
-                    .on("mouseover", function(){"cursor", "pointer")})
-                    .on("mousedown", function()
-                    {
-                        var bootboxContent = {title: "L1 check: graph", message: '<p>Please be patient...</p>'};
-                        var xhr = $.ajax({
-                            type: 'POST',
-                            data: {'graphID': graphID, 'sessionId': sessionId},
-                            url: '/kadmos_L1_check',
-                            success: function(result)
-                            {
-                                if (result.includes("ERROR:"))
-                                {
-                                    bootboxContent.message = result
-                                    kadmosErrorMessage(bootboxContent);
-                                }
-                                else
-                                {
-                                    bootboxContent.message = result
-                                    kadmosSuccessMessage(bootboxContent);
-                                }
-                            },
-                            error: function(result)
-                            {
-                                bootboxContent.message = result
-                                kadmosErrorMessage(bootboxContent);
-                            }
-                        });
-                        kadmosHavePatience(xhr, bootboxContent)
-                    })
+                var l1_check_dom =".l1_check")
+				l1_check_dom.on("mousedown", function()
+				{
+					var bootboxContent = {title: "L1 check: graph", message: '<p>Please be patient...</p>'};
+					var xhr = $.ajax({
+						type: 'POST',
+						data: {'graphID': graphID, 'sessionId': sessionId},
+						url: '/kadmos_L1_check',
+						success: function(result)
+						{
+							if (result.includes("ERROR:"))
+							{
+								bootboxContent.message = result
+								kadmosErrorMessage(bootboxContent);
+							}
+							else
+							{
+								bootboxContent.message = result
+								kadmosSuccessMessage(bootboxContent);
+							}
+						},
+						error: function(result)
+						{
+							bootboxContent.message = result
+							kadmosErrorMessage(bootboxContent);
+						}
+					});
+					kadmosHavePatience(xhr, bootboxContent)
+				})
-                checkGraph.append("li").append("a")
-                    .text("L2 check: problem formulation")
-                    .on("mouseover", function(){"cursor", "pointer")})
-                    .on("mousedown", function()
-                    {
-                        var bootboxContent = {title: "L2 check: problem formulation", message: '<p>Please be patient...</p>'};
-                        var xhr = $.ajax({
-                            type: 'POST',
-                            data: {'graphID': graphID, 'sessionId': sessionId},
-                            url: '/kadmos_L2_check',
-                            success: function(result)
-                            {
-                                if (result.includes("ERROR:"))
-                                {
-                                    bootboxContent.message = result
-                                    kadmosErrorMessage(bootboxContent);
-                                }
-                                else
-                                {
-                                    bootboxContent.message = result
-                                    kadmosSuccessMessage(bootboxContent);
-                                }
-                            },
-                            error: function(result)
-                            {
-                                bootboxContent.message = result
-                                kadmosErrorMessage(bootboxContent);
-                            }
-                        });
-                        kadmosHavePatience(xhr, bootboxContent)
-                    })
+                var l2_check_dom =".l2_check")
+				l2_check_dom.on("mousedown", function()
+				{
+					var bootboxContent = {title: "L2 check: problem formulation", message: '<p>Please be patient...</p>'};
+					var xhr = $.ajax({
+						type: 'POST',
+						data: {'graphID': graphID, 'sessionId': sessionId},
+						url: '/kadmos_L2_check',
+						success: function(result)
+						{
+							if (result.includes("ERROR:"))
+							{
+								bootboxContent.message = result
+								kadmosErrorMessage(bootboxContent);
+							}
+							else
+							{
+								bootboxContent.message = result
+								kadmosSuccessMessage(bootboxContent);
+							}
+						},
+						error: function(result)
+						{
+							bootboxContent.message = result
+							kadmosErrorMessage(bootboxContent);
+						}
+					});
+					kadmosHavePatience(xhr, bootboxContent)
+				})
-                checkGraph.append("li").append("a")
-                    .text("L3 check: graph & problem formulation")
-                    .on("mouseover", function(){"cursor", "pointer")})
-                    .on("mousedown", function()
-                    {
-                        var bootboxContent = {title: "L3 check: graph & problem formulation", message: '<p>Please be patient...</p>'};
-                        var xhr = $.ajax({
-                            type: 'POST',
-                            data: {'graphID': graphID, 'sessionId': sessionId},
-                            url: '/kadmos_L3_check',
-                            success: function(result)
-                            {
-                                if (result.includes("ERROR:"))
-                                {
-                                    bootboxContent.message = result
-                                    kadmosErrorMessage(bootboxContent);
-                                }
-                                else
-                                {
-                                    bootboxContent.message = result
-                                    kadmosSuccessMessage(bootboxContent);
-                                }
-                            },
-                            error: function(result)
-                            {
-                                bootboxContent.message = result
-                                kadmosErrorMessage(bootboxContent);
-                            }
-                        });
-                        kadmosHavePatience(xhr, bootboxContent)
-                    })
+                var l3_check_dom =".l3_check")
+				l3_check_dom.on("mousedown", function()
+				{
+					var bootboxContent = {title: "L3 check: graph & problem formulation", message: '<p>Please be patient...</p>'};
+					var xhr = $.ajax({
+						type: 'POST',
+						data: {'graphID': graphID, 'sessionId': sessionId},
+						url: '/kadmos_L3_check',
+						success: function(result)
+						{
+							if (result.includes("ERROR:"))
+							{
+								bootboxContent.message = result
+								kadmosErrorMessage(bootboxContent);
+							}
+							else
+							{
+								bootboxContent.message = result
+								kadmosSuccessMessage(bootboxContent);
+							}
+						},
+						error: function(result)
+						{
+							bootboxContent.message = result
+							kadmosErrorMessage(bootboxContent);
+						}
+					});
+					kadmosHavePatience(xhr, bootboxContent)
+				})
                 //aigner: Kadmos functions --> Graph manipulation
-                var optionsDiv =".xdsmDiv").append("div").attr("class","dataModelDiv").style("top","-10px")
-                var fpgManipulations_ul = optionsDiv.append("ul")
-				var fpgManipulations_li = fpgManipulations_ul.append("li")
-                    .on("mouseover", function(){
-                            .style("cursor", "default")
-                    })
-                fpgManipulations_li.append("a").text("1. FPG Manipulations")
-                var fpgManipulations = fpgManipulations_li.append("ul");
-                var xOffset_ul = fpgManipulations_li._groups[0][0].offsetLeft+fpgManipulations_li._groups[0][0].offsetWidth-40;
-      "left", String(xOffset_ul)+"px")
-                //aigner: Kadmos function --> Start defining MDO problem
-                fpgManipulations.append("li").append("a")
-                    .text("1.1. Start defining MDO problem")
-                    .on("mouseover", function(){"cursor", "pointer")})
-                    .on("mousedown", function()
-                    {
-                        bootbox.hideAll();
-                        bootbox.prompt(
-                        {
-                            title: "<p>This will create an initial FPG for your MDO problem. After clicking this button, you can go through the \"<b>FPG manipulation</b>\" steps."
-                                  +"<p>Please type in a new name for the graph</p>",
-                            value:,
-                            callback: function(newGraphName)
-                            {
-                                if (newGraphName)
-                                {
-                                    var newGraphID = '01';
-                                    data.graphs.forEach(function(graph) 
-                                    {
-                                        id_int = parseInt(
-                                        if (data.graphs.length < 100){newGraphID = "0" + String(id_int+1);}
-                                        else{newGraphID = String(id_int+1);}
-                                    })
-                                    var bootboxContent = {title: "Start defining MDO problem", message: '<p>Please be patient...</p>'};
-                                    var xhr = $.ajax({
-                                        type: 'POST',
-                                        url: '/kadmos_start_defining_MDO_problem',
-                                        data: {'graphID':graphID, 'currentOrder': nodeOrder, 'newGraphName':newGraphName, 'newGraphID':newGraphID, 'sessionId': sessionId},
-                                        success: function(result)
-                                        {
-                                            if (result.includes("ERROR:"))
-                                            {
-                                                bootboxContent.message = result
-                                                kadmosErrorMessage(bootboxContent);
-                                            }
-                                            else
-                                            {
-                                                var updatedData = jQuery.extend(true, {}, data);
-                                                var graphData = JSON.parse(result);
-                                                for (var i = 0; i < data.graphs.length; i++)
-                                                {
-                                                    if (graphID == data.graphs[i].id)
-                                                    {
-                                                        //Insert copied graph behind the original one
-                                                        updatedData.graphs.splice(i+1, 0, graphData.graphs[0])
-                                                    }
-                                                }
-                                                clearView();
-                                                makeKadmosMenu(updatedData);
-                                                xdsm_script(updatedData,newGraphID);
-                                                bootboxContent.message = "Success!"
-                                                kadmosSuccessMessage(bootboxContent)
-                                            }
-                                        },
-                                        error: function(result)
-                                        {
-                                            bootboxContent.message = result
-                                            kadmosErrorMessage(bootboxContent);
-                                        }
-                                    });
-                                    kadmosHavePatience(xhr, bootboxContent)
-                                }
-                            }
-                        })
-                    })
+				var start_MDO_problem_DOM =".start_MDO_problem")
+				start_MDO_problem_DOM.on("mousedown", function()
+				{
+					bootbox.hideAll();
+					var html ="html")
+					var form_content = html.append("div").attr("class","form-content").attr("style","display:none")
+					var form = form_content.append("form").attr("class","form").attr("role","form")
+					var form_group, input;
+					//Tool information
+					form_group = form.append("div").attr("class","form-group")
+					form_group.append("text").text("Name")
+					input = form_group.append("input")
+						.attr("id","graph_name")
+						.attr("class","form-control")
+						.attr("name","graph_name")
+						.attr("placeholder","Add a graph name here...")
+					//Tool information
+					form_group = form.append("div").attr("class","form-group")
+					form_group.append("text").text("Description")
+					input = form_group.append("input")
+						.attr("id","graph_description")
+						.attr("class","form-control")
+						.attr("name","graph_description")
+						.attr("placeholder","Add a graph description here...")
+				   bootbox.dialog({
+						message: $(".form-content").html(),
+						title: "<p>This will create an initial FPG for your MDO problem. After clicking this button, you can go through the \"<b>FPG manipulation</b>\" steps."
+							  +"<p>Please type in a new name and description for the graph</p>",
+						size: "large",
+						buttons: [
+						  {
+							label: "Cancel",
+							className: "btn btn-default pull-left",
+							callback: function() {
+							  d3.selectAll(".form-content").remove();
+							}
+						  },
+						  {
+							label: "OK",
+							className: "btn btn-primary pull-left",
+							callback: function() {
+								//get form data
+								var graph_name = $('form #graph_name').val();
+								var graph_description = $('form #graph_description').val();
+								var newGraphID = '01';
+								data.graphs.forEach(function(graph) 
+								{
+									id_int = parseInt(
+									if (data.graphs.length < 100){newGraphID = "0" + String(id_int+1);}
+									else{newGraphID = String(id_int+1);}
+								})
+								var bootboxContent = {title: "Copy graph for defining MDO problem", message: '<p>Please be patient...</p>'};
+								var xhr = $.ajax({
+									type: 'POST',
+									url: '/kadmos_start_defining_MDO_problem',
+									data: {'graphID':graphID, 'currentOrder': nodeOrder, 'newGraphName':graph_name, 'newGraphDesc':graph_description, 'newGraphID':newGraphID, 'sessionId': sessionId},
+									success: function(result)
+									{
+										if (result.includes("ERROR:"))
+										{
+											bootboxContent.message = result
+											kadmosErrorMessage(bootboxContent);
+										}
+										else
+										{
+											var updatedData = jQuery.extend(true, {}, data);
+											var graphData = JSON.parse(result);
+											for (var i = 0; i < data.graphs.length; i++)
+											{
+												if (graphID == data.graphs[i].id)
+												{
+													//Insert copied graph behind the original one
+													updatedData.graphs.splice(i+1, 0, graphData.graphs[0])
+												}
+											}
+											clearView();
+											makeKadmosMenu(updatedData);
+											xdsm_script(updatedData,newGraphID);
+											bootboxContent.message = "Success!"
+											kadmosSuccessMessage(bootboxContent)
+										}
+									},
+									error: function(result)
+									{
+										bootboxContent.message = result
+										kadmosErrorMessage(bootboxContent);
+									}
+								});
+								kadmosHavePatience(xhr, bootboxContent)
+								d3.selectAll(".form-content").remove();
+							}
+						  }
+						]
+					});
+				})
-                fpgManipulations.append("li").append("a")
-                    .text("1.2. Exclude Design Competences")
-                    .on("mouseover", function(){"cursor", "pointer")})
-                    .on("mousedown", function()
+                var remove_dcs_DOM =".remove_dcs")
+                remove_dcs_DOM.on("mousedown", function()
@@ -21747,720 +22181,721 @@
-                fpgManipulations.append("li").append("a")
-                    .text("1.3. Merge sequential competences")
-                    .on("mouseover", function(){"cursor", "pointer")})
-                    .on("mousedown", function()
-                    {                        
-                        bootbox.hideAll();
-                        bootbox.prompt(
-                        {
-                            title: "Please select the sequential design competences you would like to merge.",
-                            inputType: 'checkbox',
-                            inputOptions: theInputOptions,
-                            callback: function (nodeList) 
-                            {
-                                if (nodeList)
-                                {
-                                    var nodeStr = '';
-                                    for (var i=0; i< nodeList.length; i++)
-                                    {
-                                        if (i==0){nodeStr += nodeList[i]}
-                                        else{nodeStr += ',' + nodeList[i]}
-                                    }
-                                    bootbox.hideAll();
-                                    bootbox.confirm("Are you sure you want to do this", function(sure)
-                                    {
-                                        if (sure)
-                                        {                       
-                                            var bootboxContent = {title: "Merge sequential design competences", message: '<p>Please be patient...</p>'};
-                                            var xhr = $.ajax({
-                                                type: 'POST',
-                                                url: '/kadmos_merge_seq_DCs',
-                                                data: {'graphID':graphID, 'nodeList':nodeStr, 'currentOrder':nodeOrder, 'sessionId': sessionId},
-                                                success: function(result)
-                                                {
-                                                    if (result.includes("ERROR:"))
-                                                    {
-                                                        bootboxContent.message = result
-                                                        kadmosErrorMessage(bootboxContent);
-                                                    }
-                                                    else
-                                                    {
-                                                        var updatedData = {};
-                                                        updatedData = data;
-                                                        var graphData = JSON.parse(result);             
-                                                        for (var i = 0; i < updatedData.graphs.length; i++)
-                                                        {
-                                                            if (graphID == updatedData.graphs[i].id)
-                                                            {
-                                                                updatedData.graphs[i] = graphData.graphs[0];   
-                                                            }
-                                                        }
-                                                        clearView();
-                                                        makeKadmosMenu(updatedData);
-                                                        xdsm_script(updatedData,graphID);
-                                                        bootboxContent.message = "Success!"
-                                                        kadmosSuccessMessage(bootboxContent)
-                                                    }
-                                                },
-                                                error: function(result)
-                                                {
-                                                    bootboxContent.message = result
-                                                    kadmosErrorMessage(bootboxContent);
-                                                }
-                                            });
-                                            kadmosHavePatience(xhr, bootboxContent)
-                                        }
-                                    })
-                                }
-                            }
-                        });
-                    })
-                fpgManipulations.append("li").append("a")
-                    .text("1.4. Merge parallel competences")
-                    .on("mouseover", function(){"cursor", "pointer")})
-                    .on("mousedown", function()
-                    {
-                        bootbox.hideAll();
-                        bootbox.prompt(
-                        {
-                            title: "Please select the parallel design competences you would like to merge.",
-                            inputType: 'checkbox',
-                            inputOptions: theInputOptions,
-                            callback: function (nodeList) 
-                            {
-                                if (nodeList)
-                                {
-                                    var nodeStr = '';
-                                    for (var i=0; i< nodeList.length; i++)
-                                    {
-                                        if (i==0){nodeStr += nodeList[i]}
-                                        else{nodeStr += ',' + nodeList[i]}
-                                    }
-                                    bootbox.hideAll();
-                                    bootbox.confirm("Are you sure you want to do this", function(sure)
-                                    {
-                                        if (sure)
-                                        {                       
-                                            var bootboxContent = {title: "Merge parallel design competences", message: '<p>Please be patient...</p>'};
-                                            var xhr = $.ajax({
-                                                type: 'POST',
-                                                url: '/kadmos_merge_parallel_DCs',
-                                                data: {'graphID':graphID, 'nodeList':nodeStr, 'currentOrder':nodeOrder, 'sessionId': sessionId},
-                                                success: function(result)
-                                                {
-                                                    if (result.includes("ERROR:"))
-                                                    {
-                                                        bootboxContent.message = result
-                                                        kadmosErrorMessage(bootboxContent);
-                                                    }
-                                                    else
-                                                    {
-                                                        var updatedData = {};
-                                                        updatedData = data;
-                                                        var graphData = JSON.parse(result);             
-                                                        for (var i = 0; i < updatedData.graphs.length; i++)
-                                                        {
-                                                            if (graphID == updatedData.graphs[i].id)
-                                                            {
-                                                                updatedData.graphs[i] = graphData.graphs[0];   
-                                                            }
-                                                        }
-                                                        clearView();
-                                                        makeKadmosMenu(updatedData);
-                                                        xdsm_script(updatedData,graphID);
-                                                        bootboxContent.message = "Success!"
-                                                        kadmosSuccessMessage(bootboxContent)
-                                                    }
-                                                },
-                                                error: function(result)
-                                                {
-                                                    bootboxContent.message = result
-                                                    kadmosErrorMessage(bootboxContent);
-                                                }
-                                            });
-                                            kadmosHavePatience(xhr, bootboxContent)
-                                        }
-                                    })
-                                }
-                            }
-                        });
-                    })
+				var merge_seq_competences_DOM =".merge_seq_competences")
+                merge_seq_competences_DOM.on("mousedown", function()
+				{                        
+					bootbox.hideAll();
+					bootbox.prompt(
+					{
+						title: "Please select the sequential design competences you would like to merge.",
+						inputType: 'checkbox',
+						inputOptions: theInputOptions,
+						callback: function (nodeList) 
+						{
+							if (nodeList)
+							{
+								var nodeStr = '';
+								for (var i=0; i< nodeList.length; i++)
+								{
+									if (i==0){nodeStr += nodeList[i]}
+									else{nodeStr += ',' + nodeList[i]}
+								}
+								bootbox.hideAll();
+								bootbox.confirm("Are you sure you want to do this", function(sure)
+								{
+									if (sure)
+									{                       
+										var bootboxContent = {title: "Merge sequential design competences", message: '<p>Please be patient...</p>'};
+										var xhr = $.ajax({
+											type: 'POST',
+											url: '/kadmos_merge_seq_DCs',
+											data: {'graphID':graphID, 'nodeList':nodeStr, 'currentOrder':nodeOrder, 'sessionId': sessionId},
+											success: function(result)
+											{
+												if (result.includes("ERROR:"))
+												{
+													bootboxContent.message = result
+													kadmosErrorMessage(bootboxContent);
+												}
+												else
+												{
+													var updatedData = {};
+													updatedData = data;
+													var graphData = JSON.parse(result);             
+													for (var i = 0; i < updatedData.graphs.length; i++)
+													{
+														if (graphID == updatedData.graphs[i].id)
+														{
+															updatedData.graphs[i] = graphData.graphs[0];   
+														}
+													}
+													clearView();
+													makeKadmosMenu(updatedData);
+													xdsm_script(updatedData,graphID);
+													bootboxContent.message = "Success!"
+													kadmosSuccessMessage(bootboxContent)
+												}
+											},
+											error: function(result)
+											{
+												bootboxContent.message = result
+												kadmosErrorMessage(bootboxContent);
+											}
+										});
+										kadmosHavePatience(xhr, bootboxContent)
+									}
+								})
+							}
+						}
+					});
+				})
+                var merge_par_competences_DOM =".merge_par_competences")
+                merge_par_competences_DOM.on("mousedown", function()
+				{
+					bootbox.hideAll();
+					bootbox.prompt(
+					{
+						title: "Please select the parallel design competences you would like to merge.",
+						inputType: 'checkbox',
+						inputOptions: theInputOptions,
+						callback: function (nodeList) 
+						{
+							if (nodeList)
+							{
+								var nodeStr = '';
+								for (var i=0; i< nodeList.length; i++)
+								{
+									if (i==0){nodeStr += nodeList[i]}
+									else{nodeStr += ',' + nodeList[i]}
+								}
+								bootbox.hideAll();
+								bootbox.confirm("Are you sure you want to do this", function(sure)
+								{
+									if (sure)
+									{                       
+										var bootboxContent = {title: "Merge parallel design competences", message: '<p>Please be patient...</p>'};
+										var xhr = $.ajax({
+											type: 'POST',
+											url: '/kadmos_merge_parallel_DCs',
+											data: {'graphID':graphID, 'nodeList':nodeStr, 'currentOrder':nodeOrder, 'sessionId': sessionId},
+											success: function(result)
+											{
+												if (result.includes("ERROR:"))
+												{
+													bootboxContent.message = result
+													kadmosErrorMessage(bootboxContent);
+												}
+												else
+												{
+													var updatedData = {};
+													updatedData = data;
+													var graphData = JSON.parse(result);             
+													for (var i = 0; i < updatedData.graphs.length; i++)
+													{
+														if (graphID == updatedData.graphs[i].id)
+														{
+															updatedData.graphs[i] = graphData.graphs[0];   
+														}
+													}
+													clearView();
+													makeKadmosMenu(updatedData);
+													xdsm_script(updatedData,graphID);
+													bootboxContent.message = "Success!"
+													kadmosSuccessMessage(bootboxContent)
+												}
+											},
+											error: function(result)
+											{
+												bootboxContent.message = result
+												kadmosErrorMessage(bootboxContent);
+											}
+										});
+										kadmosHavePatience(xhr, bootboxContent)
+									}
+								})
+							}
+						}
+					});
+				})
-                fpgManipulations.append("li").append("a")
-                    .text("1.5. Merge function modes competences")
-                    .on("mouseover", function(){"cursor", "pointer")})
-                    .on("mousedown", function()
-                    {
-                        bootbox.hideAll();
-                        bootbox.prompt(
-                        {
-                            title: "Please select the design competences you would like to merge.",
-                            inputType: 'checkbox',
-                            inputOptions: theInputOptions,
-                            callback: function (nodeList) 
-                            {
-                                if (nodeList)
-                                {
-                                    var nodeStr = '';
-                                    for (var i=0; i< nodeList.length; i++)
-                                    {
-                                        if (i==0){nodeStr += nodeList[i]}
-                                        else{nodeStr += ',' + nodeList[i]}
-                                    }
-                                    bootbox.hideAll();
-                                    bootbox.confirm("Are you sure you want to do this", function(sure)
-                                    {
-                                        if (sure)
-                                        {                       
-                                            var bootboxContent = {title: "Merge function mode design competences", message: '<p>Please be patient...</p>'};
-                                            var xhr = $.ajax({
-                                                type: 'POST',
-                                                url: '/kadmos_merge_func_mod_DCs',
-                                                data: {'graphID':graphID, 'nodeList':nodeStr, 'currentOrder':nodeOrder, 'sessionId': sessionId},
-                                                success: function(result)
-                                                {
-                                                    if (result.includes("ERROR:"))
-                                                    {
-                                                        bootboxContent.message = result
-                                                        kadmosErrorMessage(bootboxContent);
-                                                    }
-                                                    else
-                                                    {
-                                                        var updatedData = {};
-                                                        updatedData = data;
-                                                        var graphData = JSON.parse(result);             
-                                                        for (var i = 0; i < updatedData.graphs.length; i++)
-                                                        {
-                                                            if (graphID == updatedData.graphs[i].id)
-                                                            {
-                                                                updatedData.graphs[i] = graphData.graphs[0];   
-                                                            }
-                                                        }
-                                                        clearView();
-                                                        makeKadmosMenu(updatedData);
-                                                        xdsm_script(updatedData,graphID);
-                                                        bootboxContent.message = "Success!"
-                                                        kadmosSuccessMessage(bootboxContent)
-                                                    }
-                                                },
-                                                error: function(result)
-                                                {
-                                                    bootboxContent.message = result
-                                                    kadmosErrorMessage(bootboxContent);
-                                                }
-                                            });
-                                            kadmosHavePatience(xhr, bootboxContent)
-                                        }
-                                    })
-                                }
-                            }
-                        });
-                    })
+                var merge_funcMod_competences_DOM =".merge_funcMod_competences")
+                merge_funcMod_competences_DOM.on("mousedown", function()
+				{
+					bootbox.hideAll();
+					bootbox.prompt(
+					{
+						title: "Please select the design competences you would like to merge.",
+						inputType: 'checkbox',
+						inputOptions: theInputOptions,
+						callback: function (nodeList) 
+						{
+							if (nodeList)
+							{
+								var nodeStr = '';
+								for (var i=0; i< nodeList.length; i++)
+								{
+									if (i==0){nodeStr += nodeList[i]}
+									else{nodeStr += ',' + nodeList[i]}
+								}
+								bootbox.hideAll();
+								bootbox.confirm("Are you sure you want to do this", function(sure)
+								{
+									if (sure)
+									{                       
+										var bootboxContent = {title: "Merge function mode design competences", message: '<p>Please be patient...</p>'};
+										var xhr = $.ajax({
+											type: 'POST',
+											url: '/kadmos_merge_func_mod_DCs',
+											data: {'graphID':graphID, 'nodeList':nodeStr, 'currentOrder':nodeOrder, 'sessionId': sessionId},
+											success: function(result)
+											{
+												if (result.includes("ERROR:"))
+												{
+													bootboxContent.message = result
+													kadmosErrorMessage(bootboxContent);
+												}
+												else
+												{
+													var updatedData = {};
+													updatedData = data;
+													var graphData = JSON.parse(result);             
+													for (var i = 0; i < updatedData.graphs.length; i++)
+													{
+														if (graphID == updatedData.graphs[i].id)
+														{
+															updatedData.graphs[i] = graphData.graphs[0];   
+														}
+													}
+													clearView();
+													makeKadmosMenu(updatedData);
+													xdsm_script(updatedData,graphID);
+													bootboxContent.message = "Success!"
+													kadmosSuccessMessage(bootboxContent)
+												}
+											},
+											error: function(result)
+											{
+												bootboxContent.message = result
+												kadmosErrorMessage(bootboxContent);
+											}
+										});
+										kadmosHavePatience(xhr, bootboxContent)
+									}
+								})
+							}
+						}
+					});
+				})
-                fpgManipulations.append("li").append("a")
-                    .text("1.6. Remove collision parameters")
-                    .on("mouseover", function(){"cursor", "pointer")})
-                    .on("mousedown", function()
-                    {
-                        bootbox.hideAll();
-                        bootbox.prompt(
-                        {
-                            title: "Please select the design competences for which you would like to remove collisions.",
-                            inputType: 'checkbox',
-                            inputOptions: theInputOptions,
-                            callback: function (nodeList) 
-                            {
-                                if (nodeList)
-                                {
-                                    var nodeStr = '';
-                                    for (var i=0; i< nodeList.length; i++)
-                                    {
-                                        if (i==0){nodeStr += nodeList[i]}
-                                        else{nodeStr += ',' + nodeList[i]}
-                                    }
-                                    bootbox.hideAll();
-                                    bootbox.confirm("Are you sure you want to do this", function(sure)
-                                    {
-                                        if (sure)
-                                        {                       
-                                            var bootboxContent = {title: "Remove collisions", message: '<p>Please be patient...</p>'};
-                                            var xhr = $.ajax({
-                                                type: 'POST',
-                                                url: '/kadmos_remove_collision',
-                                                data: {'graphID':graphID, 'nodeList':nodeStr, 'currentOrder':nodeOrder, 'sessionId': sessionId},
-                                                success: function(result)
-                                                {
-                                                    if (result.includes("ERROR:"))
-                                                    {
-                                                        bootboxContent.message = result
-                                                        kadmosErrorMessage(bootboxContent);
-                                                    }
-                                                    else
-                                                    {
-                                                        var updatedData = {};
-                                                        updatedData = data;
-                                                        var graphData = JSON.parse(result);             
-                                                        for (var i = 0; i < updatedData.graphs.length; i++)
-                                                        {
-                                                            if (graphID == updatedData.graphs[i].id)
-                                                            {
-                                                                updatedData.graphs[i] = graphData.graphs[0];   
-                                                            }
-                                                        }
-                                                        clearView();
-                                                        makeKadmosMenu(updatedData);
-                                                        xdsm_script(updatedData,graphID);
-                                                        bootboxContent.message = "Success!"
-                                                        kadmosSuccessMessage(bootboxContent)
-                                                    }
-                                                },
-                                                error: function(result)
-                                                {
-                                                    bootboxContent.message = result
-                                                    kadmosErrorMessage(bootboxContent);
-                                                }
-                                            });
-                                            kadmosHavePatience(xhr, bootboxContent)
-                                        }
-                                    })
-                                }
-                            }
-                        });
-                    })
+                var remove_collision_parameters_DOM =".remove_collision_parameters")
+                remove_collision_parameters_DOM.on("mousedown", function()
+				{
+					bootbox.hideAll();
+					bootbox.prompt(
+					{
+						title: "Please select the design competences for which you would like to remove collisions.",
+						inputType: 'checkbox',
+						inputOptions: theInputOptions,
+						callback: function (nodeList) 
+						{
+							if (nodeList)
+							{
+								var nodeStr = '';
+								for (var i=0; i< nodeList.length; i++)
+								{
+									if (i==0){nodeStr += nodeList[i]}
+									else{nodeStr += ',' + nodeList[i]}
+								}
+								bootbox.hideAll();
+								bootbox.confirm("Are you sure you want to do this", function(sure)
+								{
+									if (sure)
+									{                       
+										var bootboxContent = {title: "Remove collisions", message: '<p>Please be patient...</p>'};
+										var xhr = $.ajax({
+											type: 'POST',
+											url: '/kadmos_remove_collision',
+											data: {'graphID':graphID, 'nodeList':nodeStr, 'currentOrder':nodeOrder, 'sessionId': sessionId},
+											success: function(result)
+											{
+												if (result.includes("ERROR:"))
+												{
+													bootboxContent.message = result
+													kadmosErrorMessage(bootboxContent);
+												}
+												else
+												{
+													var updatedData = {};
+													updatedData = data;
+													var graphData = JSON.parse(result);             
+													for (var i = 0; i < updatedData.graphs.length; i++)
+													{
+														if (graphID == updatedData.graphs[i].id)
+														{
+															updatedData.graphs[i] = graphData.graphs[0];   
+														}
+													}
+													clearView();
+													makeKadmosMenu(updatedData);
+													xdsm_script(updatedData,graphID);
+													bootboxContent.message = "Success!"
+													kadmosSuccessMessage(bootboxContent)
+												}
+											},
+											error: function(result)
+											{
+												bootboxContent.message = result
+												kadmosErrorMessage(bootboxContent);
+											}
+										});
+										kadmosHavePatience(xhr, bootboxContent)
+									}
+								})
+							}
+						}
+					});
+				})
-                fpgManipulations.append("li").append("a")
-                    .text("1.7. Make all variables valid")
-                    .on("mouseover", function(){"cursor", "pointer")})
-                    .on("mousedown", function()
-                    {
-                        bootbox.hideAll();
-                        bootbox.confirm("<p>This will automatically remove all collisions from the graph by creating multiple variable instances.</p>" 
-										+"<p>Are you sure you want to do this?</p>", function(sure)
-                        {
-                            if (sure)
-                            {
-                                var bootboxContent = {title: "Create FPG", message: '<p>Please be patient...</p>'};
-                                var xhr = $.ajax({
-                                    type: 'POST',
-                                    url: '/kadmos_make_all_variables_valid',
-                                    data: {'graphID':graphID, 'currentOrder':nodeOrder, 'sessionId': sessionId},
-                                    success: function(result)
-                                    {
-                                        if (result.includes("ERROR:"))
-                                        {
-                                            bootboxContent.message = result
-                                            kadmosErrorMessage(bootboxContent);
-                                        }
-                                        else
-                                        {
-                                            var updatedData = {};
-                                            updatedData = data;
-                                            var graphData = JSON.parse(result);             
-                                            for (var i = 0; i < updatedData.graphs.length; i++)
-                                            {
-                                                if (graphID == updatedData.graphs[i].id)
-                                                {
-                                                    updatedData.graphs[i] = graphData.graphs[0];   
-                                                }
-                                            }
-                                            clearView();
-                                            makeKadmosMenu(updatedData);
-                                            xdsm_script(updatedData,graphID);
-                                            bootboxContent.message = "Success!"
-                                            kadmosSuccessMessage(bootboxContent)
-                                        }
-                                    },
-                                    error: function(result)
-                                    {
-                                        bootboxContent.message = result
-                                        kadmosErrorMessage(bootboxContent);
-                                    }
-                                });
-                                kadmosHavePatience(xhr, bootboxContent)
-                            }
-                        });
-                    })
+                var make_variables_valid_DOM =".make_variables_valid")
+                make_variables_valid_DOM.on("mousedown", function()
+				{
+					bootbox.hideAll();
+					bootbox.confirm("<p>This will automatically remove all collisions from the graph by creating multiple variable instances.</p>" 
+									+"<p>Are you sure you want to do this?</p>", function(sure)
+					{
+						if (sure)
+						{
+							var bootboxContent = {title: "Create FPG", message: '<p>Please be patient...</p>'};
+							var xhr = $.ajax({
+								type: 'POST',
+								url: '/kadmos_make_all_variables_valid',
+								data: {'graphID':graphID, 'currentOrder':nodeOrder, 'sessionId': sessionId},
+								success: function(result)
+								{
+									if (result.includes("ERROR:"))
+									{
+										bootboxContent.message = result
+										kadmosErrorMessage(bootboxContent);
+									}
+									else
+									{
+										var updatedData = {};
+										updatedData = data;
+										var graphData = JSON.parse(result);             
+										for (var i = 0; i < updatedData.graphs.length; i++)
+										{
+											if (graphID == updatedData.graphs[i].id)
+											{
+												updatedData.graphs[i] = graphData.graphs[0];   
+											}
+										}
+										clearView();
+										makeKadmosMenu(updatedData);
+										xdsm_script(updatedData,graphID);
+										bootboxContent.message = "Success!"
+										kadmosSuccessMessage(bootboxContent)
+									}
+								},
+								error: function(result)
+								{
+									bootboxContent.message = result
+									kadmosErrorMessage(bootboxContent);
+								}
+							});
+							kadmosHavePatience(xhr, bootboxContent)
+						}
+					});
+				})
-                fpgManipulations.append("li").append("a")
-                    .text("1.8. Add problem function roles")
-                    .on("mouseover", function(){"cursor", "pointer")})
-                    .on("mousedown", function()
-                    {
-                        bootbox.hideAll();
-                        bootbox.confirm("Are you sure you want to do this?", function(sure)
-                        {
-                            if (sure)
-                            {
-                                var bootboxContent = {title: "Create FPG", message: '<p>Please be patient...</p>'};
-                                var xhr = $.ajax({
-                                    type: 'POST',
-                                    url: '/kadmos_add_function_problem_roles',
-                                    data: {'graphID':graphID, 'currentOrder':nodeOrder, 'sessionId': sessionId},
-                                    success: function(result)
-                                    {
-                                        if (result.includes("ERROR:"))
-                                        {
-                                            bootboxContent.message = result
-                                            kadmosErrorMessage(bootboxContent);
-                                        }
-                                        else
-                                        {
-                                            var updatedData = {};
-                                            updatedData = data;
-                                            var graphData = JSON.parse(result);             
-                                            for (var i = 0; i < updatedData.graphs.length; i++)
-                                            {
-                                                if (graphID == updatedData.graphs[i].id)
-                                                {
-                                                    updatedData.graphs[i] = graphData.graphs[0];   
-                                                }
-                                            }
-                                            clearView();
-                                            makeKadmosMenu(updatedData);
-                                            xdsm_script(updatedData,graphID);
-                                            bootboxContent.message = "Success!"
-                                            kadmosSuccessMessage(bootboxContent)
-                                        }
-                                    },
-                                    error: function(result)
-                                    {
-                                        bootboxContent.message = result
-                                        kadmosErrorMessage(bootboxContent);
-                                    }
-                                });
-                                kadmosHavePatience(xhr, bootboxContent)
-                            }
-                        });
-                    })
+                var assign_probFunc_roles_DOM =".assign_probFunc_roles")
+                assign_probFunc_roles_DOM.on("mousedown", function()
+				{
+					bootbox.hideAll();
+					bootbox.confirm("Are you sure you want to do this?", function(sure)
+					{
+						if (sure)
+						{
+							var bootboxContent = {title: "Create FPG", message: '<p>Please be patient...</p>'};
+							var xhr = $.ajax({
+								type: 'POST',
+								url: '/kadmos_add_function_problem_roles',
+								data: {'graphID':graphID, 'currentOrder':nodeOrder, 'sessionId': sessionId},
+								success: function(result)
+								{
+									if (result.includes("ERROR:"))
+									{
+										bootboxContent.message = result
+										kadmosErrorMessage(bootboxContent);
+									}
+									else
+									{
+										var updatedData = {};
+										updatedData = data;
+										var graphData = JSON.parse(result);             
+										for (var i = 0; i < updatedData.graphs.length; i++)
+										{
+											if (graphID == updatedData.graphs[i].id)
+											{
+												updatedData.graphs[i] = graphData.graphs[0];   
+											}
+										}
+										clearView();
+										makeKadmosMenu(updatedData);
+										xdsm_script(updatedData,graphID);
+										bootboxContent.message = "Success!"
+										kadmosSuccessMessage(bootboxContent)
+									}
+								},
+								error: function(result)
+								{
+									bootboxContent.message = result
+									kadmosErrorMessage(bootboxContent);
+								}
+							});
+							kadmosHavePatience(xhr, bootboxContent)
+						}
+					});
+				})
-                fpgManipulations.append("li").append("a")
-                    .text("1.9. Assign parameter roles")
-                    .on("mouseover", function(){"cursor", "pointer")})
-                    .on("mousedown", function()
-                    {
-                        if (markedVariables.length<1)
-                        {
-                            bootbox.hideAll();
-                            bootbox.alert({
-                                title: "Assign parameter roles",
-                                message: "<p>Please mark all parameters, which are of special interest. The options are:</p>"
-                                         +"<ul><li><b>Design Variable</b></li>"
-                                         +"<li><b>Objective</b></li>"
-                                         +"<li><b>Constraint</b></li>"
-                                         +"<li><b>State Variable</b> (also \"quantity of interest\")</li></ul><br/>"
-                                         +"<p>To \"pre-mark\" special parameters open the <b>Data Model Tree</b> or <b>Data Model List</b>, select the parameters via right-mouse click and use one  if the \"Mark Variable\" options.</p>"
-                                         +"<p><b>IMPORTANT: After all parameters are \"pre-marked\", klick this button again to assign the parameter roles!</b></p>"
-                            })
-                        }
-                        else
-                        {
-                            markVariable(markedVariables)
-                        }
-                    })
-                fpgManipulations.append("li").append("a")
-                    .text("1.10. Get Possible Function Order")
-                    .on("mouseover", function(){"cursor", "pointer")})
-                    .on("mousedown", function()
-                    {
-                        bootbox.hideAll();
-                        bootbox.prompt(
-                        {
-                            title: "Select a sorting method",
-                            inputType: 'select',
-                            value: 'single-swap',
-                            inputOptions: [
-                                        {
-                                    text: 'single-swap',
-                                    value: 'single-swap',
-                                },
-                                {
-                                    text: 'two-swap',
-                                    value: 'two-swap',
-                                },
-                                {
-                                    text: 'hybrid-swap',
-                                    value: 'hybrid-swap',
-                                },
-                                {
-                                    text: 'brute-force',
-                                    value: 'brute-force',
-                                },
-                                {
-                                    text: 'branch-and-bound',
-                                    value: 'branch-and-bound',
-                                }
-                            ],
-                            callback: function (result) {
-                                if (result)
-                                {            
-                                    var method = result;
-                                    var bootboxContent = {title: "Get Possible Function Order", message: '<p>Please be patient...</p>'};
-                                    var xhr = $.ajax({
-                                        type: 'POST',
-                                        url: '/kadmos_get_possible_function_order',
-                                        data: {'graphID':graphID, 'sortingMethod':method, 'currentOrder':nodeOrder, 'sessionId': sessionId},
-                                        success: function(result)
-                                        {
-                                            if (result.includes("ERROR:"))
-                                            {
-                                                bootboxContent.message = result
-                                                kadmosErrorMessage(bootboxContent);
-                                            }
-                                            else
-                                            {
-                                                var updatedData = {};
-                                                updatedData = data;
-                                                var graphData = JSON.parse(result);             
-                                                for (var i = 0; i < updatedData.graphs.length; i++)
-                                                {
-                                                    if (graphID == updatedData.graphs[i].id)
-                                                    {
-                                                        updatedData.graphs[i] = graphData.graphs[0];   
-                                                    }
-                                                }
-                                                clearView();
-                                                makeKadmosMenu(updatedData);
-                                                xdsm_script(updatedData,graphID);
-                                                bootboxContent.message = "Success!"
-                                                kadmosSuccessMessage(bootboxContent)
-                                            }
-                                        },
-                                        error: function(result)
-                                        {
-                                            bootboxContent.message = result
-                                            kadmosErrorMessage(bootboxContent);
-                                        }
-                                    });
-                                    kadmosHavePatience(xhr, bootboxContent)
-                                }
-                            }
-                        });
-                    })
+                var assign_parameter_roles_DOM =".assign_parameter_roles")
+				assign_parameter_roles_DOM.on("mousedown", function()
+				{
+					if (markedVariables.length<1)
+					{
+						bootbox.hideAll();
+						bootbox.alert({
+							title: "Assign parameter roles",
+							message: "<p>Please mark all parameters, which are of special interest. The options are:</p>"
+									 +"<ul><li><b>Design Variable</b></li>"
+									 +"<li><b>Objective</b></li>"
+									 +"<li><b>Constraint</b></li>"
+									 +"<li><b>State Variable</b> (also \"quantity of interest\")</li></ul><br/>"
+									 +"<p>To \"pre-mark\" special parameters open the <b>Data Model Tree</b> or <b>Data Model List</b>, select the parameters via right-mouse click and use one  of the \"Pre-assign parameter\" options.</p>"
+									 +"<p><b>IMPORTANT: After all parameters are \"pre-assigned\", klick this button again to assign the parameter roles!</b></p>"
+						})
+					}
+					else
+					{
+						markVariable(markedVariables)
+					}
+				})
-                fpgManipulations.append("li").append("a")
-                    .text("1.11. Remove unused outputs")
-                    .on("mouseover", function(){"cursor", "pointer")})
-                    .on("mousedown", function()
-                    {
-                        bootbox.hideAll();
-                        bootbox.prompt(
-                        {
-                            title: "<p><b>Remove unused outputs</b></p>" 
-                                  +"<p>Do you want to clean up the graph afterwards?</p>" 
-                                  +"<b>CAUTION:</b> This will remove all unused competences automatically as well!",
-                            inputType: 'select',
-                            value: "True",
-                            inputOptions: [{text:'yes', value:'True'}, {text:'no', value:'False'}],
-                            callback: function (selection) 
-                            {
-                                if (selection)
-                                {
-                                    var bootboxContent = {title: "Enrich FPG", message: '<p>Please be patient...</p>'};
-                                    var xhr = $.ajax({
-                                        type: 'POST',
-                                        url: '/kadmos_remove_unused_outputs',
-                                        data: {'graphID':graphID, 'currentOrder':nodeOrder, 'cleanUp':selection,
-                                            'sessionId': sessionId},
-                                        success: function(result)
-                                        {
-                                            if (result.includes("ERROR:"))
-                                            {
-                                                bootboxContent.message = result
-                                                kadmosErrorMessage(bootboxContent);
-                                            }
-                                            else
-                                            {
-                                                var updatedData = {};
-                                                updatedData = data;
-                                                var graphData = JSON.parse(result);             
-                                                for (var i = 0; i < updatedData.graphs.length; i++)
-                                                {
-                                                    if (graphID == updatedData.graphs[i].id)
-                                                    {
-                                                        updatedData.graphs[i] = graphData.graphs[0];   
-                                                    }
-                                                }
-                                                clearView();
-                                                makeKadmosMenu(updatedData);
-                                                xdsm_script(updatedData,graphID);
-                                                bootboxContent.message = "Success!"
-                                                kadmosSuccessMessage(bootboxContent)
-                                            }
-                                        },
-                                        error: function(result)
-                                        {
-                                            bootboxContent.message = result
-                                            kadmosErrorMessage(bootboxContent);
-                                        }
-                                    });
-                                    kadmosHavePatience(xhr, bootboxContent)
-                                }
-                            }
-                        })
-                    })
+                var get_function_order_DOM =".get_function_order")
+				get_function_order_DOM.on("mousedown", function()
+				{
+					bootbox.hideAll();
+					bootbox.prompt(
+					{
+						title: "Select a sorting method",
+						inputType: 'select',
+						value: 'single-swap',
+						inputOptions: [
+									{
+								text: 'single-swap',
+								value: 'single-swap',
+							},
+							{
+								text: 'two-swap',
+								value: 'two-swap',
+							},
+							{
+								text: 'hybrid-swap',
+								value: 'hybrid-swap',
+							},
+							{
+								text: 'brute-force',
+								value: 'brute-force',
+							},
+							{
+								text: 'branch-and-bound',
+								value: 'branch-and-bound',
+							}
+						],
+						callback: function (result) {
+							if (result)
+							{            
+								var method = result;
+								var bootboxContent = {title: "Get Possible Function Order", message: '<p>Please be patient...</p>'};
+								var xhr = $.ajax({
+									type: 'POST',
+									url: '/kadmos_get_possible_function_order',
+									data: {'graphID':graphID, 'sortingMethod':method, 'currentOrder':nodeOrder, 'sessionId': sessionId},
+									success: function(result)
+									{
+										if (result.includes("ERROR:"))
+										{
+											bootboxContent.message = result
+											kadmosErrorMessage(bootboxContent);
+										}
+										else
+										{
+											var updatedData = {};
+											updatedData = data;
+											var graphData = JSON.parse(result);             
+											for (var i = 0; i < updatedData.graphs.length; i++)
+											{
+												if (graphID == updatedData.graphs[i].id)
+												{
+													updatedData.graphs[i] = graphData.graphs[0];   
+												}
+											}
+											clearView();
+											makeKadmosMenu(updatedData);
+											xdsm_script(updatedData,graphID);
+											bootboxContent.message = "Success!"
+											kadmosSuccessMessage(bootboxContent)
+										}
+									},
+									error: function(result)
+									{
+										bootboxContent.message = result
+										kadmosErrorMessage(bootboxContent);
+									}
+								});
+								kadmosHavePatience(xhr, bootboxContent)
+							}
+						}
+					});
+				})
+                var remove_unused_outputs_DOM =".remove_unused_outputs")
+				remove_unused_outputs_DOM.on("mousedown", function()
+				{
+					bootbox.hideAll();
+					bootbox.prompt(
+					{
+						title: "<p><b>Remove unused outputs</b></p>" 
+							  +"<p>Do you want to clean up the graph afterwards?</p>" 
+							  +"<b>CAUTION:</b> This will remove all unused competences automatically as well!",
+						inputType: 'select',
+						value: "True",
+						inputOptions: [{text:'yes', value:'True'}, {text:'no', value:'False'}],
+						callback: function (selection) 
+						{
+							if (selection)
+							{
+								var bootboxContent = {title: "Enrich FPG", message: '<p>Please be patient...</p>'};
+								var xhr = $.ajax({
+									type: 'POST',
+									url: '/kadmos_remove_unused_outputs',
+									data: {'graphID':graphID, 'currentOrder':nodeOrder, 'cleanUp':selection,
+										'sessionId': sessionId},
+									success: function(result)
+									{
+										if (result.includes("ERROR:"))
+										{
+											bootboxContent.message = result
+											kadmosErrorMessage(bootboxContent);
+										}
+										else
+										{
+											var updatedData = {};
+											updatedData = data;
+											var graphData = JSON.parse(result);             
+											for (var i = 0; i < updatedData.graphs.length; i++)
+											{
+												if (graphID == updatedData.graphs[i].id)
+												{
+													updatedData.graphs[i] = graphData.graphs[0];   
+												}
+											}
+											clearView();
+											makeKadmosMenu(updatedData);
+											xdsm_script(updatedData,graphID);
+											bootboxContent.message = "Success!"
+											kadmosSuccessMessage(bootboxContent)
+										}
+									},
+									error: function(result)
+									{
+										bootboxContent.message = result
+										kadmosErrorMessage(bootboxContent);
+									}
+								});
+								kadmosHavePatience(xhr, bootboxContent)
+							}
+						}
+					})
+				})
                 //aigner: MDPG manipulations
-                var mpgManipulations_ul = optionsDiv.append("ul")
-				var mpgManipulations_li = mpgManipulations_ul.append("li")
-                    .on("mouseover", function(){
-                            .style("cursor", "default")
-                    })
-                mpgManipulations_li.append("a").text("2. MDPG Manipulations")
-                var mpgManipulations = mpgManipulations_li.append("ul");
-                var xOffset_ul = mpgManipulations_li._groups[0][0].offsetLeft+mpgManipulations_li._groups[0][0].offsetWidth-40;
-      "left", String(xOffset_ul)+"px")
-                //aigner: Kadmos function --> Start defining MDO problem
-                mpgManipulations.append("li").append("a")
-                    .text("2.1. Start defining MDAO architecture")
-                    .on("mouseover", function(){"cursor", "pointer")})
-                    .on("mousedown", function()
-                    {
-                        bootbox.hideAll();
-                        bootbox.prompt(
-                        {
-                            title: "<p>This will create an initial MDPG for your MDO problem. After clicking this button, you can go through the \"<b>MDPG manipulation</b>\" steps."
-                                  +"<p>Please type in a new name for the graph</p>",
-                            value:,
-                            callback: function(newGraphName)
-                            {
-                                if (newGraphName)
-                                {
-                                    var newGraphID = '01';
-                                    data.graphs.forEach(function(graph) 
-                                    {
-                                        id_int = parseInt(
-                                        if (data.graphs.length < 100){newGraphID = "0" + String(id_int+1);}
-                                        else{newGraphID = String(id_int+1);}
-                                    })
-                                    var bootboxContent = {title: "Start defining MDAO architecture", message: '<p>Please be patient...</p>'};
-                                    var xhr = $.ajax({
-                                        type: 'POST',
-                                        url: '/kadmos_start_defining_MDAO_architecture',
-                                        data: {'graphID':graphID, 'currentOrder': nodeOrder, 'newGraphName':newGraphName, 'newGraphID':newGraphID, 'sessionId': sessionId},
-                                        success: function(result)
-                                        {
-                                            if (result.includes("ERROR:"))
-                                            {
-                                                bootboxContent.message = result
-                                                kadmosErrorMessage(bootboxContent);
-                                            }
-                                            else
-                                            {
-                                                var updatedData = jQuery.extend(true, {}, data);
-                                                var graphData = JSON.parse(result);
-                                                for (var i = 0; i < data.graphs.length; i++)
-                                                {
-                                                    if (graphID == data.graphs[i].id)
-                                                    {
-                                                        //Insert copied graph behind the original one
-                                                        updatedData.graphs.splice(i+1, 0, graphData.graphs[0])
-                                                    }
-                                                }
-                                                clearView();
-                                                makeKadmosMenu(updatedData);
-                                                xdsm_script(updatedData,newGraphID);
-                                                bootboxContent.message = "Success!"
-                                                kadmosSuccessMessage(bootboxContent)
-                                            }
-                                        },
-                                        error: function(result)
-                                        {
-                                            bootboxContent.message = result
-                                            kadmosErrorMessage(bootboxContent);
-                                        }
-                                    });
-                                    kadmosHavePatience(xhr, bootboxContent)
-                                }
-                            }
-                        })
-                    })
+                //aigner: Kadmos function Start defining MDO problem
+                var start_MDO_architecture_DOM =".start_MDO_architecture")
+				start_MDO_architecture_DOM.on("mousedown", function()
+				{
+					bootbox.hideAll();
+					bootbox.hideAll();
+					var html ="html")
+					var form_content = html.append("div").attr("class","form-content").attr("style","display:none")
+					var form = form_content.append("form").attr("class","form").attr("role","form")
+					var form_group, input;
+					//Tool information
+					form_group = form.append("div").attr("class","form-group")
+					form_group.append("text").text("Name")
+					input = form_group.append("input")
+						.attr("id","graph_name")
+						.attr("class","form-control")
+						.attr("name","graph_name")
+						.attr("placeholder","Add a graph name here...")
+					//Tool information
+					form_group = form.append("div").attr("class","form-group")
+					form_group.append("text").text("Description")
+					input = form_group.append("input")
+						.attr("id","graph_description")
+						.attr("class","form-control")
+						.attr("name","graph_description")
+						.attr("placeholder","Add a graph description here...")
+					bootbox.dialog({
+						message: $(".form-content").html(),
+						title: "<p>This will create an initial MDPG for your MDO problem. After clicking this button, you can go through the \"<b>MDPG manipulation</b>\" steps."
+							  +"<p>Please type in a new name and description for the graph</p>",
+						size: "large",
+						buttons: [
+						  {
+							label: "Cancel",
+							className: "btn btn-default pull-left",
+							callback: function() {
+							  d3.selectAll(".form-content").remove();
+							}
+						  },
+						  {
+							label: "OK",
+							className: "btn btn-primary pull-left",
+							callback: function() {
+								//get form data
+								var graph_name = $('form #graph_name').val();
+								var graph_description = $('form #graph_description').val();
+								var newGraphID = '01';
+								data.graphs.forEach(function(graph) 
+								{
+									id_int = parseInt(
+									if (data.graphs.length < 100){newGraphID = "0" + String(id_int+1);}
+									else{newGraphID = String(id_int+1);}
+								})
+								var bootboxContent = {title: "Copy graph for defining MDAO architecture", message: '<p>Please be patient...</p>'};
+								var xhr = $.ajax({
+									type: 'POST',
+									url: '/kadmos_start_defining_MDAO_architecture',
+									data: {'graphID':graphID, 'currentOrder': nodeOrder, 'newGraphName':graph_name, 'newGraphDesc':graph_description, 'newGraphID':newGraphID, 'sessionId': sessionId},
+									success: function(result)
+									{
+										if (result.includes("ERROR:"))
+										{
+											bootboxContent.message = result
+											kadmosErrorMessage(bootboxContent);
+										}
+										else
+										{
+											var updatedData = jQuery.extend(true, {}, data);
+											var graphData = JSON.parse(result);
+											for (var i = 0; i < data.graphs.length; i++)
+											{
+												if (graphID == data.graphs[i].id)
+												{
+													//Insert copied graph behind the original one
+													updatedData.graphs.splice(i+1, 0, graphData.graphs[0])
+												}
+											}
+											clearView();
+											makeKadmosMenu(updatedData);
+											xdsm_script(updatedData,newGraphID);
+											bootboxContent.message = "Success!"
+											kadmosSuccessMessage(bootboxContent)
+										}
+									},
+									error: function(result)
+									{
+										bootboxContent.message = result
+										kadmosErrorMessage(bootboxContent);
+									}
+								});
+								kadmosHavePatience(xhr, bootboxContent)
+								d3.selectAll(".form-content").remove();
+							}
+						  }
+						]
+					});
+				})
-                var MDAO_architecture = '-';
+				var MDAO_architecture = '-';
                 var coupling_decomposition = '-';
                 var DOE_method = '-';
-                mpgManipulations.append("li").append("a")
-                    .text("2.2. Select MDAO Architecture")
-                    .on("mouseover", function(){"cursor", "pointer")})
-                    .on("mousedown", function()
-                    {
-                        var theOptions = []
-                        for (var i = 0; i<MDAO_architectures.length; i++){theOptions.push({text:MDAO_architectures[i], value:MDAO_architectures[i]})}
-                        bootbox.hideAll();
-                        bootbox.prompt(
-                        {
-                            title: "Select MDAO Architecture",
-                            inputType: 'select',
-                            value: MDAO_architecture,
-                            inputOptions: theOptions,
-                            callback: function (result) {if (result){MDAO_architecture = result;}}
-                        })
-                    })
+                var set_MDAO_architecture_DOM =".set_MDAO_architecture")
+                set_MDAO_architecture_DOM.on("mousedown", function()
+				{
+					var theOptions = []
+					for (var i = 0; i<MDAO_architectures.length; i++){theOptions.push({text:MDAO_architectures[i], value:MDAO_architectures[i]})}
+					bootbox.hideAll();
+					bootbox.prompt(
+					{
+						title: "Set MDAO Architecture",
+						inputType: 'select',
+						value: MDAO_architecture,
+						inputOptions: theOptions,
+						callback: function (result) {if (result){MDAO_architecture = result;}}
+					})
+				})
-                mpgManipulations.append("li").append("a")
-                    .text("2.3. Select Coupling Decomposition")
-                    .on("mouseover", function(){"cursor", "pointer")})
-                    .on("mousedown", function()
-                    {
-                        var theOptions = []
-                        for (var i = 0; i<coupling_decompositions.length; i++){theOptions.push({text:coupling_decompositions[i], value:coupling_decompositions[i]})}
-                        bootbox.hideAll();
-                        bootbox.prompt(
-                        {
-                            title: "Select Coupling Decomposition",
-                            value: coupling_decomposition,
-                            inputType: 'select',
-                            inputOptions: theOptions,
-                            callback: function (result) {if (result){coupling_decomposition = result;}}
-                        })
-                    })
+				var set_coupling_decomposition_DOM =".set_coupling_decomposition")
+                set_coupling_decomposition_DOM.on("mousedown", function()
+				{
+					var theOptions = []
+					for (var i = 0; i<coupling_decompositions.length; i++){theOptions.push({text:coupling_decompositions[i], value:coupling_decompositions[i]})}
+					bootbox.hideAll();
+					bootbox.prompt(
+					{
+						title: "Select Coupling Decomposition",
+						value: coupling_decomposition,
+						inputType: 'select',
+						inputOptions: theOptions,
+						callback: function (result) {if (result){coupling_decomposition = result;}}
+					})
+				})
-                mpgManipulations.append("li").append("a")
-                    .text("2.4. Select DOE Method")
-                    .on("mouseover", function(){"cursor", "pointer")})
-                    .on("mousedown", function()
+				var set_DOE_method_DOM =".set_DOE_method")
+                set_DOE_method_DOM.on("mousedown", function()
                         var theOptions = []
                         for (var i = 0; i<DOE_methods.length; i++){theOptions.push({text:DOE_methods[i], value:DOE_methods[i]})}
@@ -22475,215 +22910,193 @@
-                mpgManipulations.append("li").append("a")
-                    .text("2.5. Impose MDAO Architecture")
-                    .on("mouseover", function(){"cursor", "pointer")})
-                    .on("mousedown", function()
-                    {
-                        var theOptions = [{text:"yes",value:"True"},{text:"no",value:"False"}]
-                        bootbox.hideAll();
-                        bootbox.prompt(
-                        {
-                            title: "Allow Unconverged Couplings?",
-                            value: "True",
-                            inputType: 'select',
-                            inputOptions: theOptions,
-                            callback: function (result) 
-                            {
-                                if (result)
-                                {   
-                                    var allow_unconverged_couplings = result;                                    
-                                    var bootboxContent = {title: "Impose MDAO Architecture", message: '<p>Please be patient...</p>'};
-                                    var xhr = $.ajax(
-                                    {
-                                        type: 'POST',
-                                        url: '/kadmos_impose_MDAO_architecture',
-                                        data: {'graphID':graphID, 
-                                               'currentOrder':nodeOrder,
-                                               'mdao_architecture':MDAO_architecture,
-                                               'doe_method':DOE_method,
-                                               'coupling_decomposition':coupling_decomposition,
-                                               'allow_unconverged_couplings':allow_unconverged_couplings,
-                                               'sessionId':sessionId},
-                                        success: function(result)
-                                        {
-                                            if (result.includes("ERROR:"))
-                                            {
-                                                bootboxContent.message = result
-                                                kadmosErrorMessage(bootboxContent);
-                                            }
-                                            else
-                                            {
-                                                var updatedData = {};
-                                                updatedData = data;
-                                                var graphData = JSON.parse(result);             
-                                                for (var i = 0; i < updatedData.graphs.length; i++)
-                                                {
-                                                    if (graphID == updatedData.graphs[i].id)
-                                                    {
-                                                        updatedData.graphs[i] = graphData.graphs[0];   
-                                                    }
-                                                }
-                                                clearView();
-                                                makeKadmosMenu(updatedData);
-                                                xdsm_script(updatedData,graphID);
-                                                bootboxContent.message = "Success!"
-                                                kadmosSuccessMessage(bootboxContent)
-                                            }
-                                        },
-                                        error: function(result)
-                                        {
-                                            bootboxContent.message = result
-                                            kadmosErrorMessage(bootboxContent);
-                                        }
-                                    });
-                                    kadmosHavePatience(xhr, bootboxContent)
-                                }
-                            }
-                        })
-                    })
+                var impose_MDAO_architecture_DOM =".impose_MDAO_architecture")
+				impose_MDAO_architecture_DOM.on("mousedown", function()
+				{
+					var theOptions = [{text:"yes",value:"True"},{text:"no",value:"False"}]
+					bootbox.hideAll();
+					bootbox.prompt(
+					{
+						title: "Allow Unconverged Couplings?",
+						value: "True",
+						inputType: 'select',
+						inputOptions: theOptions,
+						callback: function (result) 
+						{
+							if (result)
+							{   
+								var allow_unconverged_couplings = result;                                    
+								var bootboxContent = {title: "Impose MDAO Architecture", message: '<p>Please be patient...</p>'};
+								var xhr = $.ajax(
+								{
+									type: 'POST',
+									url: '/kadmos_impose_MDAO_architecture',
+									data: {'graphID':graphID, 
+										   'currentOrder':nodeOrder,
+										   'mdao_architecture':MDAO_architecture,
+										   'doe_method':DOE_method,
+										   'coupling_decomposition':coupling_decomposition,
+										   'allow_unconverged_couplings':allow_unconverged_couplings,
+										   'sessionId':sessionId},
+									success: function(result)
+									{
+										if (result.includes("ERROR:"))
+										{
+											bootboxContent.message = result
+											kadmosErrorMessage(bootboxContent);
+										}
+										else
+										{
+											var updatedData = {};
+											updatedData = data;
+											var graphData = JSON.parse(result);             
+											for (var i = 0; i < updatedData.graphs.length; i++)
+											{
+												if (graphID == updatedData.graphs[i].id)
+												{
+													updatedData.graphs[i] = graphData.graphs[0];   
+												}
+											}
+											clearView();
+											makeKadmosMenu(updatedData);
+											xdsm_script(updatedData,graphID);
+											bootboxContent.message = "Success!"
+											kadmosSuccessMessage(bootboxContent)
+										}
+									},
+									error: function(result)
+									{
+										bootboxContent.message = result
+										kadmosErrorMessage(bootboxContent);
+									}
+								});
+								kadmosHavePatience(xhr, bootboxContent)
+							}
+						}
+					})
+				})
                 //aigner: Upload custom KADMOS script
-                var uploadCustomScript_ul = optionsDiv.append("ul")
-				var uploadCustomScript_li = uploadCustomScript_ul.append("li")
-                    .on("mouseover", function(){
-                            .style("cursor", "pointer")
-                    })
-                    .on("mousedown", function(){
-                            bootbox.dialog({
-                                title: "Upload custom script",
-                                message: "<button id='downloadBtn' class='btn btn-primary'><i class='glyphicon glyphicon-download-alt '></i> Download template script</button>"
-                                        +"<form style='margin-top:20px;' id='scriptForm' method='post' enctype='multipart/form-data'>" 
-                                        +"<label>"
-                                        +"<text>Upload script file:</text>"
-                                        +"<input type='file' name='file[]' />"
-                                        +"<input type='submit' value='Submit'/>"
-                                        +"</label></form>",
-                                buttons : 
-                                { 
-                                    cancel: {
-                                        label: "Cancel",
-                                        className: 'btn-danger'
-                                    }
-                                }                                
-                            });
-                            //aigner: template for custom script that user can download
-                            $('#downloadBtn').on("mousedown", function(){
-                                    var script_template = "import sys\n\n"
-                                    +"from kadmos.graph import *\n\n\n"
-                                    +"def script(graph, mpg):\n"
-                                    +"    \"\"\"\n"
-                                    +"    Script to include manual operations in the KADMOS integration in VISTOMS\n\n"
-                                    +"    :param graph: Any kadmos graph\n"
-                                    +"    :param mpg: A corresponding MDO process graph\n"
-                                    +"    :return: graph, mpg\n"
-                                    +"    \"\"\"\n"
-                                    +"    # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #\n"
-                                    +"    #                                       ADD YOUR SCRIPT BELOW THIS LINE                                           #\n"
-                                    +"    # Example script:\n"
-                                    +"    # graph.remove_node('node_ID')\n"
-                                    +"    # graph.remove_edge('node_ID1', 'node_ID2')\n"
-                                    +"    #                                          END SCRIPT ABOVE THIS LINE                                             #\n"
-                                    +"    # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #\n"
-                                    +"    return graph, mpg\n"
-                                    download('', script_template);
-                            })
-                            //upload of custom script
-                            $('#scriptForm').on('submit',function(event){
-                                event.preventDefault();
-                                var formData = new FormData($('#scriptForm')[0]);
-                                formData.append('graphID', graphID);
-                                formData.append('sessionId', sessionId);
-                                if (typeof currentGraph.xdsm.workflow !== 'undefined' && currentGraph.xdsm.workflow.length > 0) 
-                                {
-                                    // the array is defined and has at least one element
-                                    upload_custom_script()
-                                }
-                                else
-                                {
-                                    upload_custom_script()
-                                }
-                                function upload_custom_script()
-                                {
-                                    var bootboxContent = {title: "Upload custom KADMOS script", message: '<p>Please be patient...</p>'};
-                                    var xhr = $.ajax({
-                                        type: 'POST',
-                                        url: '/kadmos_run_custom_script',
-                                        data: formData,
-                                        processData: false,
-                                        contentType: false,
-                                        success: function(result)
-                                        {
-                                            if (result.includes("ERROR:"))
-                                            {
-                                                bootboxContent.message = result
-                                                kadmosErrorMessage(bootboxContent);
-                                            }
-                                            else
-                                            {
-                                                var updatedData = {};
-                                                updatedData = data;
-                                                var graphData = JSON.parse(result);             
-                                                for (var i = 0; i < updatedData.graphs.length; i++)
-                                                {
-                                                    if (graphID == updatedData.graphs[i].id)
-                                                    {
-                                                        updatedData.graphs[i] = graphData.graphs[0];   
-                                                    }
-                                                }
-                                                clearView();
-                                                makeKadmosMenu(updatedData);
-                                                xdsm_script(updatedData,graphID);
-                                                bootboxContent.message = "Success!"
-                                                kadmosSuccessMessage(bootboxContent)
-                                            }
-                                        },
-                                        error: function(result)
-                                        {
-                                            bootboxContent.message = result
-                                            kadmosErrorMessage(bootboxContent);
-                                        }
-                                    });
-                                    kadmosHavePatience(xhr, bootboxContent)
-                                }
-                            });
-                    })
-                uploadCustomScript_li.append("a").text("Upload Custom Script")
-                //####################################################################################################################
+				var upload_script_DOM =".upload_script")
+				upload_script_DOM.on("mousedown", function(){
+						bootbox.dialog({
+							title: "Upload custom script",
+							message: "<button id='downloadBtn' class='btn btn-primary'><i class='glyphicon glyphicon-download-alt '></i> Download template script</button>"
+									+"<form style='margin-top:20px;' id='scriptForm' method='post' enctype='multipart/form-data'>" 
+									+"<label>"
+									+"<text>Upload script file:</text>"
+									+"<input type='file' name='file[]' />"
+									+"<input type='submit' value='Submit'/>"
+									+"</label></form>",
+							buttons : 
+							{ 
+								cancel: {
+									label: "Cancel",
+									className: 'btn-danger'
+								}
+							}                                
+						});
+						//aigner: template for custom script that user can download
+						$('#downloadBtn').on("mousedown", function(){
+								var script_template = "import sys\n\n"
+								+"from kadmos.graph import *\n\n\n"
+								+"def script(graph, mpg):\n"
+								+"    \"\"\"\n"
+								+"    Script to include manual operations in the KADMOS integration in VISTOMS\n\n"
+								+"    :param graph: Any kadmos graph\n"
+								+"    :param mpg: A corresponding MDO process graph\n"
+								+"    :return: graph, mpg\n"
+								+"    \"\"\"\n"
+								+"    # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #\n"
+								+"    #                                       ADD YOUR SCRIPT BELOW THIS LINE                                           #\n"
+								+"    # Example script:\n"
+								+"    # graph.remove_node('node_ID')\n"
+								+"    # graph.remove_edge('node_ID1', 'node_ID2')\n"
+								+"    #                                          END SCRIPT ABOVE THIS LINE                                             #\n"
+								+"    # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #\n"
+								+"    return graph, mpg\n"
+								download('', script_template);
+						})
+						//upload of custom script
+						$('#scriptForm').on('submit',function(event){
+							event.preventDefault();
+							var formData = new FormData($('#scriptForm')[0]);
+							formData.append('graphID', graphID);
+							formData.append('sessionId', sessionId);
+							if (typeof currentGraph.xdsm.workflow !== 'undefined' && currentGraph.xdsm.workflow.length > 0) 
+							{
+								// the array is defined and has at least one element
+								upload_custom_script()
+							}
+							else
+							{
+								upload_custom_script()
+							}
+							function upload_custom_script()
+							{
+								var bootboxContent = {title: "Upload custom KADMOS script", message: '<p>Please be patient...</p>'};
+								var xhr = $.ajax({
+									type: 'POST',
+									url: '/kadmos_run_custom_script',
+									data: formData,
+									processData: false,
+									contentType: false,
+									success: function(result)
+									{
+										if (result.includes("ERROR:"))
+										{
+											bootboxContent.message = result
+											kadmosErrorMessage(bootboxContent);
+										}
+										else
+										{
+											var updatedData = {};
+											updatedData = data;
+											var graphData = JSON.parse(result);             
+											for (var i = 0; i < updatedData.graphs.length; i++)
+											{
+												if (graphID == updatedData.graphs[i].id)
+												{
+													updatedData.graphs[i] = graphData.graphs[0];   
+												}
+											}
+											clearView();
+											makeKadmosMenu(updatedData);
+											xdsm_script(updatedData,graphID);
+											bootboxContent.message = "Success!"
+											kadmosSuccessMessage(bootboxContent)
+										}
+									},
+									error: function(result)
+									{
+										bootboxContent.message = result
+										kadmosErrorMessage(bootboxContent);
+									}
+								});
+								kadmosHavePatience(xhr, bootboxContent)
+							}
+						});
+				})
+				//####################################################################################################################
 				//aigner: Data Model Tree View Button
-				var dataModelDiv =".xdsmDiv").append("div").attr("class","dataModelDiv").attr("transform","translate(10,0)")
-				var ul = dataModelDiv.append("ul")
-				var dropdown1 = ul.append("li").on("mouseover", function(){"cursor", "default")})
-				dropdown1.append("img").attr("src",fileReference.AGILE_Icon)
-					.attr("align","left")
-					.style("margin-left","6px")
-					.style("margin-right","-10px")
-					.style("margin-top","10px")
-					.style("margin-bottom","0px")
-					.attr("height","20")
-					.attr("width","20")
-				dropdown1.append("a").text("Data Model Tree")
-				var links = dropdown1.append("ul");
-                var xOffset_ul = dropdown1._groups[0][0].offsetLeft+dropdown1._groups[0][0].offsetWidth-40;
-      "left", String(xOffset_ul)+"px")
+				var dropdown1 =".tree_view")
+				var links = dropdown1.append("ul").attr("class","view_options");
 				for (var j=0; j< varCategories.length; j++)
@@ -22746,20 +23159,8 @@
-                var ul_list = dataModelDiv.append("ul")
-				var dropdownList = ul_list.append("li").on("mouseover", function(){"cursor", "default")})
-				dropdownList.append("img").attr("src",fileReference.AGILE_Icon)
-					.attr("align","left")
-					.style("margin-left","6px")
-					.style("margin-right","-10px")
-					.style("margin-top","10px")
-					.style("margin-bottom","0px")
-					.attr("height","20")
-					.attr("width","20")
-				dropdownList.append("a").text("Data Model List")
-				var linksList = dropdownList.append("ul");
-                var xOffset_ul = dropdownList._groups[0][0].offsetLeft+dropdownList._groups[0][0].offsetWidth-40;
-      "left", String(xOffset_ul)+"px")
+				var dropdownList =".list_view")
+				var linksList = dropdownList.append("ul").attr("class","view_options");
 				for (var j=0; j< varCategories.length; j++)
diff --git a/kadmos/vistoms/ b/kadmos/vistoms/
index 7acface84..8a4ac84a7 100644
--- a/kadmos/vistoms/
+++ b/kadmos/vistoms/
@@ -464,6 +464,7 @@ def interface(debug=True, tempdir=None):
             # get request form
             graphID = request.form['graphID']
             newGraphName = request.form['newGraphName']
+            newGraphDesc = request.form['newGraphDesc']
             newGraphID = request.form['newGraphID']
             session_id = request.form['sessionId']
             session_folder = retrieve_session_folder(SESSIONS_CATALOG_FOLDER, session_id)
@@ -484,6 +485,7 @@ def interface(debug=True, tempdir=None):
             newFileName = TEMP_FILE + '_' + newGraphID + '.kdms'
             graph.graph['name'] = newGraphName
+            graph.graph['description'] = newGraphDesc
             graph.graph['id'] = newGraphID
   , newFileName), file_type="kdms", graph_check_critical=False, mpg=mpg)
@@ -929,6 +931,7 @@ def interface(debug=True, tempdir=None):
             functionOrder = request.form['currentOrder'].split(',')
             newGraphID = request.form['newGraphID']
             newGraphName = request.form['newGraphName']
+            newGraphDesc = request.form['newGraphDesc']
             # First determine session folder
             session_id = request.form['sessionId']
@@ -951,8 +954,7 @@ def interface(debug=True, tempdir=None):
                 fpg_initial = graph.deepcopy_as(FundamentalProblemGraph)
                 fpg_initial.graph['name'] = newGraphName
-                fpg_initial.graph['description'] = 'Fundamental problem graph to solve the "' + graph.graph['name'] \
-                                                   + '".'
+                fpg_initial.graph['description'] = newGraphDesc
                 fpg_initial.graph['problem_formulation'] = dict()
                 fpg_initial.graph['problem_formulation']['function_order'] = functionOrder
                 fpg_initial.graph['problem_formulation']['mdao_architecture'] = "None"
@@ -998,45 +1000,54 @@ def interface(debug=True, tempdir=None):
             graphFileName = TEMP_FILE+'_'+graphID+'.kdms'
             mpgFileName = TEMP_FILE+'_'+graphID+'_mpg.kdms'
             if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, mpgFileName)):
-                return "ERROR: You cannot add metadata to a design competence in an MPG! Please go back to the RCG " \
-                       "to do so."
+                graph = load(os.path.join(path, graphFileName), file_check_critical=False)
+                mpg = load(os.path.join(path, mpgFileName), file_check_critical=False)
                 graph = load(os.path.join(path, graphFileName), file_check_critical=False)
                 mpg = None
-                graph.add_dc_general_info(nodeName, description=metadata_py['general_info']['description'],
-                                          status=metadata_py['general_info']['status'],
-                                          owner_uid=metadata_py['general_info']['owner_uid'],
-                                          creator_uid=metadata_py['general_info']['creator_uid'],
-                                          operator_uid=metadata_py['general_info']['operator_uid'])
-                graph.add_dc_performance_info(nodeName, precision=metadata_py['performance_info']['precision'],
-                                              fidelity_level=metadata_py['performance_info']['fidelity_level'],
-                                              run_time=metadata_py['performance_info']['run_time'],
-                                              verification=metadata_py['performance_info']['verification'])
-                graph.add_dc_licensing(nodeName, license_type=metadata_py['licensing']['license_type'],
-                                       license_specification=metadata_py['licensing']['license_specification'],
-                                       license_info=metadata_py['licensing']['license_info'])
-                graph.add_dc_sources(nodeName, repository_link=metadata_py['sources']['repository_link'],
-                                     download_link=metadata_py['sources']['download_link'],
-                                     references=metadata_py['sources']['references'])
-                graph.add_dc_execution_details(nodeName, operating_system="", integration_platform="", command="",
-                                               description="", software_requirements="", hardware_requirements="")
-                remote_component = metadata_py['remote_component_info']['remote_component']
-                if remote_component:
-                    graph.add_dc_remote_component_info(nodeName, single_or_multi_execution="", job_name="",
-                                                       remote_engineer=metadata_py['remote_component_info']['remote_engineer_uid'],
-                                                       notification_message="", data_exchange_dict= {'urlsite': metadata_py['remote_component_info']['urlsite'],
-                                                                                                     'folder': metadata_py['remote_component_info']['folder']})
+            graph.add_dc_general_info(nodeName, description=metadata_py['general_info']['description'],
+                                      status=metadata_py['general_info']['status'],
+                                      owner_uid=metadata_py['general_info']['owner_uid'],
+                                      creator_uid=metadata_py['general_info']['creator_uid'],
+                                      operator_uid=metadata_py['general_info']['operator_uid'])
+            graph.add_dc_performance_info(nodeName, precision=metadata_py['performance_info']['precision'],
+                                          fidelity_level=metadata_py['performance_info']['fidelity_level'],
+                                          run_time=metadata_py['performance_info']['run_time'],
+                                          verification=metadata_py['performance_info']['verification'])
+            graph.add_dc_licensing(nodeName, license_type=metadata_py['licensing']['license_type'],
+                                   license_specification=metadata_py['licensing']['license_specification'],
+                                   license_info=metadata_py['licensing']['license_info'])
+            graph.add_dc_sources(nodeName, repository_link=metadata_py['sources']['repository_link'],
+                                 download_link=metadata_py['sources']['download_link'],
+                                 references=metadata_py['sources']['references'])
+            local_component = metadata_py['execution_details']['local_component']
+            if local_component:
+                graph.add_dc_execution_details(nodeName, operating_system=metadata_py['execution_details']['operating_system'],
+                                               integration_platform=metadata_py['execution_details']['integration_platform'],
+                                               command=metadata_py['execution_details']['command'],
+                                               description=metadata_py['execution_details']['description'],
+                                               software_requirements=metadata_py['execution_details']['software_requirements'],
+                                               hardware_requirements=metadata_py['execution_details']['hardware_requirements'])
+            remote_component = metadata_py['remote_component_info']['remote_component']
+            if remote_component:
+                graph.add_dc_remote_component_info(nodeName, single_or_multi_execution=metadata_py['remote_component_info']['single_or_multi_execution'],
+                                                   job_name=metadata_py['remote_component_info']['job_name'],
+                                                   remote_engineer=metadata_py['remote_component_info']['remote_engineer_uid'],
+                                                   notification_message=metadata_py['remote_component_info']['notification_message'],
+                                                   data_exchange_dict= {'urlsite': metadata_py['remote_component_info']['urlsite'],'folder': metadata_py['remote_component_info']['folder']})
-                # Add the graph with the updated function order to VISTOMS
-                newVistomsData = graph.vistoms_add_json(function_order=function_order, graph_id=graphID, mpg=mpg)
-                # Use function order for VISTOMS if it is available in the graph information
-                if graph.graph_has_nested_attributes('problem_formulation', 'function_order') and mpg is None:
-                    graph.graph['problem_formulation']['function_order'] = function_order
-                # Save the graph in temp/tmp.kdms
-      , TEMP_FILE + '_' + graphID + '.kdms'), file_type='kdms',
-                           graph_check_critical=False, mpg=mpg)
+            # Add the graph with the updated function order to VISTOMS
+            newVistomsData = graph.vistoms_add_json(function_order=function_order, graph_id=graphID, mpg=mpg)
+            # Use function order for VISTOMS if it is available in the graph information
+            if graph.graph_has_nested_attributes('problem_formulation', 'function_order') and mpg is None:
+                graph.graph['problem_formulation']['function_order'] = function_order
+            # Save the graph in temp/tmp.kdms
+  , TEMP_FILE + '_' + graphID + '.kdms'), file_type='kdms',
+                       graph_check_critical=False, mpg=mpg)
-                return newVistomsData
+            return newVistomsData
         except Exception as e:
             return "ERROR: " + e.message
@@ -1223,22 +1234,23 @@ def interface(debug=True, tempdir=None):
             graphFileName = TEMP_FILE+'_'+graphID+'.kdms'
             mpgFileName = TEMP_FILE+'_'+graphID+'_mpg.kdms'
             if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, mpgFileName)):
-                return "ERROR: You cannot change organizational info on an MPG! Please go back to the RCG to do so."
+                graph = load(os.path.join(path, graphFileName), file_check_critical=False)
+                mpg = load(os.path.join(path, mpgFileName), file_check_critical=False)
                 graph = load(os.path.join(path, graphFileName), file_check_critical=False)
                 mpg = None
-                # Set the new organization from VISTOMS request
-                graph.graph['organization'] = organization
+            # Set the new organization from VISTOMS request
+            graph.graph['organization'] = organization
-                # Add the graph with the updated function order to VISTOMS
-                newVistomsData = graph.vistoms_add_json(graph_id=graphID, mpg=mpg, function_order=function_order)
+            # Add the graph with the updated function order to VISTOMS
+            newVistomsData = graph.vistoms_add_json(graph_id=graphID, mpg=mpg, function_order=function_order)
-                # Save the graph in temp/tmp.kdms
-      , TEMP_FILE + '_' + graphID + '.kdms'), file_type='kdms',
-                           graph_check_critical=False, mpg=mpg)
+            # Save the graph in temp/tmp.kdms
+  , TEMP_FILE + '_' + graphID + '.kdms'), file_type='kdms',
+                       graph_check_critical=False, mpg=mpg)
-                return newVistomsData
+            return newVistomsData
         except Exception as e:
             return "ERROR: " + e.message
@@ -2048,6 +2060,7 @@ def interface(debug=True, tempdir=None):
             functionOrder = request.form['currentOrder'].split(',')
             newGraphID = request.form['newGraphID']
             newGraphName = request.form['newGraphName']
+            newGraphDesc = request.form['newGraphDesc']
             # First determine session folder
             session_id = request.form['sessionId']
@@ -2079,7 +2092,7 @@ def interface(debug=True, tempdir=None):
                 mdg = deepcopy(graph)
                 mdg.graph['name'] = newGraphName
-                mdg.graph['description'] = 'MDAO data and process graph to solve the "' + graph.graph['name'] + '".'
+                mdg.graph['description'] = newGraphDesc
                 mdg.graph['problem_formulation'] = dict()
                 mdg.graph['problem_formulation']['function_order'] = functionOrder
                 mdg.graph['problem_formulation']['mdao_architecture'] = "None"
@@ -2241,7 +2254,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
         folder = os.path.join(args[args.index('-folder') + 1],'')
         assert isinstance(folder, basestring), 'Folder should be a string.'
-        folder = None
+        folder = "C:/Users/aigne/Desktop/VISTOMS/vistoms_tmp"
     # Check if open_vistoms is given in args
     if '-open' in args:
         open_vistoms = args[args.index('-open') + 1]