From 5a2ae084b4416432a2ba83d0323d1897662cf8e3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: baigner <>
Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2018 18:02:21 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Fixed some bugs and included some new features on setting an
 mdao architecture. CAUTION: Bliss200 and CO do not work yet!

Former-commit-id: 6fafa11c202ccca6418f6692fc58fdbd9b794740
 kadmos/vistoms/templates/VISTOMS.html | 357 ++++++++++++++++++--------
 kadmos/vistoms/templates/info.html    |   2 +-
 kadmos/vistoms/             |  73 +++---
 3 files changed, 291 insertions(+), 141 deletions(-)

diff --git a/kadmos/vistoms/templates/VISTOMS.html b/kadmos/vistoms/templates/VISTOMS.html
index f9b934807..db076ab0a 100644
--- a/kadmos/vistoms/templates/VISTOMS.html
+++ b/kadmos/vistoms/templates/VISTOMS.html
@@ -592,11 +592,8 @@
                                         closeButton: false,
                                         title: "Please select the visualization type",
                                         inputType: 'select',
+                                        value: 'xdsm',
                                         inputOptions: [
-                                            {
-                                                text: 'Please choose...',
-                                                value: '',
-                                            },
                                                 text: 'XDSM view',
                                                 value: 'xdsm',
@@ -19184,20 +19181,26 @@
 							theVariableData.upperBound = 0.;
 							theVariableData.lowerBound = 0.;
 							theVariableData.nominalValue = 0.;
+							theVariableData.samples = "";
                             closeButton: false,
 							title: 'Marking variable as ' + theVariableData.variableType,
 							message:"<form id='infos' action=''>"
-									+"\Nominal Value: <input type='text' id='nominalValue' name='nominalValue' /><br/>"
-									+"\Upper Bound:   <input type='text' id='upperBound' name='upperBound' /><br/>"
-									+"\Lower Bound:   <input type='text' id='lowerBound' name='lowerBound' />\</form>", 
+									+"\Nominal Value: <input type='number' id='nominalValue' name='nominalValue' value='0' /><br/>"
+									+"\Upper Bound:   <input type='number' id='upperBound' name='upperBound' value='0' /><br/>"
+									+"\Lower Bound:   <input type='number' id='lowerBound' name='lowerBound' value='0' />\</form>"
+									+"\Sample list (optional):   <input type='text' id='samples' name='samples' />\</form>", 
 							callback: function(result){
 										theVariableData.nominalValue = parseFloat($('#nominalValue').submit()[0].value.replace(/,/g, ''));
 										theVariableData.upperBound = parseFloat($('#upperBound').submit()[0].value.replace(/,/g, ''));
 										theVariableData.lowerBound = parseFloat($('#lowerBound').submit()[0].value.replace(/,/g, ''));
+										theVariableData.lowerBound = parseFloat($('#lowerBound').submit()[0].value.replace(/,/g, ''));
+										theVariableData.samples = $('#samples').submit()[0].value;
                                         if (isNaN(parseInt(theVariableData.nominalValue))
                                                 || isNaN(parseInt(theVariableData.lowerBound))
@@ -20055,7 +20058,14 @@
                                           {text:'Collaborative Optimization',value:'CO'},
                 var coupling_decompositions = ['-','Gauss-Seidel','Jacobi']
-                var DOE_methods = ['-','Full factorial design','Latin hypercube design','Monte Carlo Design']
+                var DOE_methods = ['-',
+                                   'Full factorial design',
+                                   'Latin hypercube design',
+                                   'Monte Carlo design',
+                                   'Custom design table',
+                                   'Uniform design',
+                                   'Box-Behnken design']
+                var DOE_settings = []
@@ -21588,8 +21598,8 @@
                           +"                             </li>"
                           +"                              <li><a href='#'>Assign...<span>&#x25B8;</span></a>"
                           +"                                  <ul class='assign'>"
-                          +"                                      <li class='assign_probFunc_roles'><a href='#'>problem function roles</a></li>"
                           +"                                      <li class='assign_parameter_roles'><a href='#'>parameter roles</a></li>"
+                          +"                                      <li class='assign_probFunc_roles'><a href='#'>problem function roles</a></li>"
                           +"                                  </ul>"
                           +"                              </li>"
                           +"                          </ul>"
@@ -21601,7 +21611,6 @@
                           +"                                  <ul class='set'>"
                           +"                                      <li class='set_MDAO_architecture'><a href='#'>MDAO architecture</a></li>"
                           +"                                      <li class='set_coupling_decomposition'><a href='#'>Coupling decomposition</a></li>"
-                          +"                                      <li class='set_DOE_method'><a href='#'>DOE method</a></li>"
                           +"                                  </ul>"
                           +"                              </li>"
                           +"                              <li class='impose_MDAO_architecture'><a href='#'>Impose MDAO architecture</a></li>"
@@ -22941,6 +22950,7 @@
 				var MDAO_architecture = '-';
                 var coupling_decomposition = '-';
                 var DOE_method = '-';
+                var allow_unconverged_couplings = 'True';
                 var set_MDAO_architecture_DOM =".set_MDAO_architecture")
                 set_MDAO_architecture_DOM.on("mousedown", function()
@@ -22950,11 +22960,167 @@
                         closeButton: false,
-						title: "Set MDAO Architecture",
+						title: "<p><b>Set MDAO Architecture</b></p><br>"
+                               +"<p>You can specify the settings for your MDO architecture here.</p>"
+                               +"<p>To actually impose the architecture on your graph, you need to press the button <b>\"Impose MDAO architecture\"</b> afterwards.",
 						inputType: 'select',
 						value: MDAO_architecture,
+						size: "large",
 						inputOptions: theOptions,
-						callback: function (result) {if (result){MDAO_architecture = result;}}
+						callback: function (result) {
+                        if (result)
+                        {
+                            MDAO_architecture = result;
+                            if (!MDAO_architecture.includes("unconverged"))
+                            {
+                                var theOptions = [{text:"yes",value:"True"},{text:"no",value:"False"}]
+                                bootbox.hideAll();
+                                bootbox.prompt(
+                                {
+                                    closeButton: false,
+                                    title: "Allow Unconverged Couplings?",
+                                    value: "True",
+                                    inputType: 'select',
+                                    inputOptions: theOptions,
+                                    callback: function (result) 
+                                    {
+                                        if (result)
+                                        {   
+                                            allow_unconverged_couplings = result;                                    
+                                        }
+                                    }
+                                })
+                            }
+                            if (MDAO_architecture.includes("DOE"))
+                            {
+                                var theOptions = []
+                                for (var i = 0; i<DOE_methods.length; i++){theOptions.push({text:DOE_methods[i], value:DOE_methods[i]})}
+                                bootbox.prompt(
+                                {
+                                    closeButton: false,
+                                    title: "Select DOE Method",
+                                    value: DOE_method,
+                                    inputType: 'select',
+                                    inputOptions: theOptions,
+                                    callback: function (result) 
+                                    {
+                                        if (result)
+                                        {
+                                            DOE_method = result;
+                                            function form_control(text, type, id, form_group)
+                                            {
+                                                form_group.append("label").text(text)
+                                                var input = form_group.append("input")
+                                                    .attr("id",id)
+                                                    .attr("class","form-control")
+                                                    .attr("type",type)
+                                                    .attr("name",text)
+                                            }
+                                            function set_doe_settings(ids)
+                                            {
+                                                var modal = bootbox.dialog(
+                                                {
+                                                    closeButton: false,
+                                                    message: $(".form-content").html(),
+                                                    title: "DOE settings",
+                                                    size: "large",
+                                                    buttons: [
+                                                      {
+                                                        label: "OK",
+                                                        className: "btn btn-primary pull-right",
+                                                        callback: function() {
+                                                            ids.forEach(function(id)
+                                                            {
+                                                                DOE_settings.push({'name': id, 'value': $('form #' + id.split('/').join('_')).val()})
+                                                            })
+                                                            d3.selectAll(".form-content").remove();
+                                                        }
+                                                      },
+                                                      {
+                                                        label: "Cancel",
+                                                        className: "btn btn-default pull-right",
+                                                        callback: function() {
+                                                            d3.selectAll(".form-content").remove();
+                                                            bootbox.hideAll();
+                                                        }
+                                                      }
+                                                    ]
+                                                });   
+                                            }
+                                            var html ="html")
+                                            var form_content = html.append("div").attr("class","form-content").attr("style","display:none")
+                                            var form = form_content.append("form").attr("class","form").attr("role","form")
+                                            var form_group = form.append("div").attr("class","form-group")        
+                                            if (DOE_method=='Full factorial design')
+                                            {
+                                                bootbox.hideAll();
+                                                form_control("Number of levels", "number", "levels", form_group)
+                                                form_control("Number of runs", "number", "runs", form_group)
+                                                set_doe_settings(["levels","runs"]);                                                
+                                            }
+                                            else if (DOE_method=='Latin hypercube design')
+                                            {
+                                                bootbox.hideAll();
+                                                form_control("Seed", "number", "seed", form_group)
+                                                form_control("Number of runs", "number", "runs", form_group)
+                                                set_doe_settings(["seed","runs"]);       
+                                            }
+                                            else if (DOE_method=='Monte Carlo design')
+                                            {
+                                                bootbox.hideAll();
+                                                form_control("Seed", "number", "seed", form_group)
+                                                form_control("Number of runs", "number", "runs", form_group)
+                                                set_doe_settings(["seed","runs"]);  
+                                            }
+                                            else if (DOE_method=='Box-Behnken design')
+                                            {
+                                                bootbox.hideAll();
+                                                form_control("Number of center runs", "number", "center_runs", form_group)
+                                                set_doe_settings(["center_runs"]);  
+                                            }
+                                            else if (DOE_method=='Uniform design')
+                                            {
+                                                bootbox.hideAll();
+                                                form_control("Seed", "number", "seed", form_group)
+                                                form_control("Number of runs", "number", "runs", form_group)
+                                                set_doe_settings(["seed","runs"]);
+                                            }
+                                            else if (DOE_method=='Custom design table')
+                                            {
+                                            }
+                                            else;
+                                        }
+                                        else
+                                        {
+                                            bootbox.hideAll();
+                                        }
+                                    }
+                                })
+                            }
+                            if (MDAO_architecture == "converged-MDA"
+                                || MDAO_architecture == "MDF"
+                                || MDAO_architecture == "converged-DOE")
+                            {
+                                var theOptions = []
+                                for (var i = 0; i<coupling_decompositions.length; i++){theOptions.push({text:coupling_decompositions[i], value:coupling_decompositions[i]})}
+                                bootbox.prompt(
+                                {
+                                    closeButton: false,
+                                    title: "Select Coupling Decomposition",
+                                    value: coupling_decomposition,
+                                    inputType: 'select',
+                                    inputOptions: theOptions,
+                                    callback: function (result) {
+                                        if (result){coupling_decomposition = result;}
+                                        else {bootbox.hideAll()}
+                                    }
+                                })       
+                            }
+                        }}
@@ -22971,96 +23137,84 @@
 						value: coupling_decomposition,
 						inputType: 'select',
 						inputOptions: theOptions,
-						callback: function (result) {if (result){coupling_decomposition = result;}}
-					})
-				})
-				var set_DOE_method_DOM =".set_DOE_method")
-                set_DOE_method_DOM.on("mousedown", function()
-                    {
-                        var theOptions = []
-                        for (var i = 0; i<DOE_methods.length; i++){theOptions.push({text:DOE_methods[i], value:DOE_methods[i]})}
-                        bootbox.hideAll();
-                        bootbox.prompt(
+						callback: function (result) 
-                            closeButton: false,
-                            title: "Select DOE Method",
-                            value: DOE_method,
-                            inputType: 'select',
-                            inputOptions: theOptions,
-                            callback: function (result) {if (result){DOE_method = result;}}
-                        })
-                    })
+                            if (result)
+                            {
+                                coupling_decomposition = result;
+                                var theOptions = [{text:"yes",value:"True"},{text:"no",value:"False"}]
+                                bootbox.hideAll();
+                                bootbox.prompt(
+                                {
+                                    closeButton: false,
+                                    title: "Allow Unconverged Couplings?",
+                                    value: "True",
+                                    inputType: 'select',
+                                    inputOptions: theOptions,
+                                    callback: function (result) 
+                                    {
+                                        if (result)
+                                        {   
+                                            allow_unconverged_couplings = result;                                    
+                                        }
+                                    }
+                                })
+                            }
+                        }
+					})                    
+				})
                 var impose_MDAO_architecture_DOM =".impose_MDAO_architecture")
 				impose_MDAO_architecture_DOM.on("mousedown", function()
-				{
-					var theOptions = [{text:"yes",value:"True"},{text:"no",value:"False"}]
-					bootbox.hideAll();
-					bootbox.prompt(
-					{
-                        closeButton: false,
-						title: "Allow Unconverged Couplings?",
-						value: "True",
-						inputType: 'select',
-						inputOptions: theOptions,
-						callback: function (result) 
-						{
-							if (result)
-							{   
-								var allow_unconverged_couplings = result;                                    
-								var bootboxContent = {title: "Impose MDAO Architecture", message: '<p>Please be patient...</p>'};
-								var xhr = $.ajax(
-								{
-									type: 'POST',
-									url: '/kadmos_impose_MDAO_architecture',
-									data: {'graphID':graphID, 
-										   'currentOrder':nodeOrder,
-										   'mdao_architecture':MDAO_architecture,
-										   'doe_method':DOE_method,
-										   'coupling_decomposition':coupling_decomposition,
-										   'allow_unconverged_couplings':allow_unconverged_couplings,
-										   'sessionId':sessionId},
-									success: function(result)
-									{
-										if (result.includes("ERROR:"))
-										{
-											bootboxContent.message = result
-											kadmosErrorMessage(bootboxContent);
-										}
-										else
-										{
-											var updatedData = {};
-											updatedData = data;
-											var graphData = JSON.parse(result);             
-											for (var i = 0; i < updatedData.graphs.length; i++)
-											{
-												if (graphID == updatedData.graphs[i].id)
-												{
-													updatedData.graphs[i] = graphData.graphs[0];   
-												}
-											}
-											clearView();
-											makeKadmosMenu(updatedData);
-											xdsm_script(updatedData,graphID);
-											bootboxContent.message = "Success!"
-											kadmosSuccessMessage(bootboxContent)
-										}
-									},
-									error: function(result)
-									{
-										bootboxContent.message = result
-										kadmosErrorMessage(bootboxContent);
-									}
-								});
-								kadmosHavePatience(xhr, bootboxContent)
-							}
-						}
-					})
+				{                  
+                    var bootboxContent = {title: "Impose MDAO Architecture", message: '<p>Please be patient...</p>'};
+                    DOE_settings.push({'name': 'method','value':DOE_method})
+                    var xhr = $.ajax(
+                    {
+                        type: 'POST',
+                        url: '/kadmos_impose_MDAO_architecture',
+                        data: {'graphID':graphID, 
+                               'currentOrder':nodeOrder,
+                               'mdao_architecture':MDAO_architecture,
+                               'doe_settings': JSON.stringify(DOE_settings),
+                               'coupling_decomposition':coupling_decomposition,
+                               'allow_unconverged_couplings':allow_unconverged_couplings,
+                               'sessionId':sessionId},
+                        success: function(result)
+                        {
+                            if (result.includes("ERROR:"))
+                            {
+                                bootboxContent.message = result
+                                kadmosErrorMessage(bootboxContent);
+                            }
+                            else
+                            {
+                                var updatedData = {};
+                                updatedData = data;
+                                var graphData = JSON.parse(result);             
+                                for (var i = 0; i < updatedData.graphs.length; i++)
+                                {
+                                    if (graphID == updatedData.graphs[i].id)
+                                    {
+                                        updatedData.graphs[i] = graphData.graphs[0];   
+                                    }
+                                }
+                                clearView();
+                                makeKadmosMenu(updatedData);
+                                xdsm_script(updatedData,graphID);
+                                bootboxContent.message = "Success!"
+                                kadmosSuccessMessage(bootboxContent)
+                            }
+                        },
+                        error: function(result)
+                        {
+                            bootboxContent.message = result
+                            kadmosErrorMessage(bootboxContent);
+                        }
+                    });
+                    kadmosHavePatience(xhr, bootboxContent)
@@ -29350,7 +29504,9 @@
                 //aigner: Switch views between xdsm, edge bundles and sankey diagram
-                var quickMenuDiv =".sankeyDiagramDiv").append("div").attr("class","quickMenuDiv").style("top","-10px")
+                var quickMenuDiv =".sankeyDiagramDiv").append("div").attr("class","quickMenuDiv")
+                    .style("top","-10px")
+                    .style("margin-left","10pt")
                 var changeViewButton = quickMenuDiv.append("button")
                     .attr("class","btn btn-info")
@@ -29598,7 +29754,8 @@
+      ".graph_menu").moveToBack()
diff --git a/kadmos/vistoms/templates/info.html b/kadmos/vistoms/templates/info.html
index 979c6239b..70ca44dd3 100644
--- a/kadmos/vistoms/templates/info.html
+++ b/kadmos/vistoms/templates/info.html
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 <div class="container">
     <p>Please, refer to the following articles for more information on the KADMOS/VISTOMS interface:
-        <br>[1] Aigner, B., van Gent, I., La Rocca, G., Stumpf, E., Veldhuis, L.L.M., Using graph-based algorithms and data-driven documents for formulation and visualization of large MDO systems, CEAS Aeronautical Journal, 2018
+        <br>[1] Aigner, B., van Gent, I., La Rocca, G., Stumpf, E., Veldhuis, L.L.M., Graph-based algorithms and data-driven documents for formulation and visualization of large MDO systems, CEAS Aeronautical Journal, 2018
         <br>[2] van Gent, I., La Rocca, G., Veldhuis, L.L.M., Composing MDAO symphonies: graph-based generation and manipulation of large multidisciplinary systems, 18th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, 2017
         <br>[3] van Gent, I., Hoogreef, M.F.M., La Rocca, G., CMDOWS: A Proposed New Standard to Store and Exchange MDO Systems, CEAS Aeronautical Journal, 2018
         <br>[4] van Gent, I. and Ciampa, P.D. and Aigner, B. and Jepsen, J. and La Rocca, G., Schut, E.J., Knowledge architecture supporting collaborative MDO in the AGILE paradigm, 18th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, 2017
diff --git a/kadmos/vistoms/ b/kadmos/vistoms/
index b81c2046d..14dd325d5 100644
--- a/kadmos/vistoms/
+++ b/kadmos/vistoms/
@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ from copy import deepcopy
 from datetime import datetime
 from shutil import copyfile
+import numpy as np
 import networkx as nx
 from flask import Flask, render_template, request, jsonify, send_from_directory, send_file
 from kadmos.cmdows.cmdows import find_cmdows_file
@@ -730,14 +732,7 @@ def interface(debug=True, tempdir=None):
             path = session_folder
             graphFileName = TEMP_FILE + '_' + graphID + '.kdms'
-            mpgFileName = TEMP_FILE + '_' + graphID + '_mpg.kdms'
-            # TODO Benedikt: mpg is not used in this function, can it be removed, or should it be used?
-            if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, mpgFileName)):
-                graph = load(os.path.join(path, graphFileName), file_check_critical=False)
-                mpg = load(os.path.join(path, mpgFileName), file_check_critical=False)
-            else:
-                graph = load(os.path.join(path, graphFileName), file_check_critical=False)
-                mpg = None
+            graph = load(os.path.join(path, graphFileName), file_check_critical=False)
             check_result = graph._check_category_a()
@@ -767,14 +762,8 @@ def interface(debug=True, tempdir=None):
             path = session_folder
             graphFileName = TEMP_FILE + '_' + graphID + '.kdms'
-            mpgFileName = TEMP_FILE + '_' + graphID + '_mpg.kdms'
-            # TODO Benedikt: mpg is not used in this function, can it be removed, or should it be used?
-            if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, mpgFileName)):
-                graph = load(os.path.join(path, graphFileName), file_check_critical=False)
-                mpg = load(os.path.join(path, mpgFileName), file_check_critical=False)
-            else:
-                graph = load(os.path.join(path, graphFileName), file_check_critical=False)
-                mpg = None
+            graph = load(os.path.join(path, graphFileName), file_check_critical=False)
             check_result = graph._check_category_b()
@@ -804,14 +793,7 @@ def interface(debug=True, tempdir=None):
             path = session_folder
             graphFileName = TEMP_FILE + '_' + graphID + '.kdms'
-            mpgFileName = TEMP_FILE + '_' + graphID + '_mpg.kdms'
-            # TODO Benedikt: mpg is not used in this function, can it be removed, or should it be used?
-            if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, mpgFileName)):
-                graph = load(os.path.join(path, graphFileName), file_check_critical=False)
-                mpg = load(os.path.join(path, mpgFileName), file_check_critical=False)
-            else:
-                graph = load(os.path.join(path, graphFileName), file_check_critical=False)
-                mpg = None
+            graph = load(os.path.join(path, graphFileName), file_check_critical=False)
             check_result = graph._check_category_c()
@@ -1869,9 +1851,11 @@ def interface(debug=True, tempdir=None):
                 fpg = FundamentalProblemGraph(graph)
             for data in variableData_py:
                 if data['variableType'] == 'designVariable':
+                    samples = data['samples'].split('[,;]')
                     fpg.mark_as_design_variable(data['xPath'], nominal_value=float(data['nominalValue']),
-                                                lower_bound=float(data['lowerBound']))
+                                                lower_bound=float(data['lowerBound']),
+                                                samples=samples if samples is not [] else None)
                 elif data['variableType'] == 'objective':
                 elif data['variableType'] == 'constraint':
@@ -1988,7 +1972,9 @@ def interface(debug=True, tempdir=None):
                 # Cleaning of the graph needs to be done in a while loop, to entirely remove all unused elements
                 another_run = True
+                counter = 0
                 while another_run:
+                    counter += 1
                     another_run = False
                     # Delete unused variables
                     output_nodes = fpg.find_all_nodes(subcategory='all outputs')
@@ -2002,7 +1988,6 @@ def interface(debug=True, tempdir=None):
                         for function_node in function_nodes:
                             if not fpg.out_edges(function_node):
-                                function_order.remove(function_node)
                                 another_run = True
                 # Add the function problem roles (pre-coupling, coupled, post-coupling)
@@ -2101,7 +2086,7 @@ def interface(debug=True, tempdir=None):
             if request.form['currentOrder'].split(',') != '':
                 function_order = request.form['currentOrder'].split(',')
             mdao_architecture = request.form['mdao_architecture']
-            doe_method = request.form['doe_method']
+            doe_settings_py = json.loads(request.form['doe_settings'])
             coupling_decomposition = request.form['coupling_decomposition']
             allow_unconverged_couplings_str = request.form['allow_unconverged_couplings']
             if allow_unconverged_couplings_str == 'True':
@@ -2109,6 +2094,23 @@ def interface(debug=True, tempdir=None):
                 allow_unconverged_couplings = False
+            # Check whether the value in each doe setting can be converted to an int, if not leave it a string
+            def is_int(s):
+                try:
+                    float(s)
+                    return True
+                except ValueError:
+                    return False
+            # Convert the doe_settings_py to the correct format for KADMOS graph['problem_formulation']['doe_settings']
+            doe_settings = {}
+            for doe_setting in doe_settings_py:
+                value = doe_setting['value']
+                if is_int(value):
+                    value = int(value)
+                doe_settings[doe_setting['name']] = value
             # First determine session folder
             session_id = request.form['sessionId']
             session_folder = retrieve_session_folder(SESSIONS_CATALOG_FOLDER, session_id)
@@ -2154,26 +2156,17 @@ def interface(debug=True, tempdir=None):
                 fpg.graph['problem_formulation']['convergence_type'] = coupling_decomposition
                 fpg.graph['problem_formulation']['allow_unconverged_couplings'] = allow_unconverged_couplings
-                # TODO Benedikt: Impose MDAO architecture does not always work
+                # TODO Benedikt: Collaborative Optimization and Bliss2000 do not work yet
                 if mdao_architecture in ['converged-DOE', 'unconverged-DOE']:
-                    if doe_method not in fpg.OPTIONS_DOE_METHODS:
+                    if doe_settings['method'] not in fpg.OPTIONS_DOE_METHODS:
                         return "ERROR: Invalid DOE method selected, please select a DOE method from the dropdown list"
-                    fpg.graph['problem_formulation']['doe_settings'] = {'method': doe_method}
-                    if fpg.graph['problem_formulation']['doe_settings']['method'] in ['Latin hypercube design',
-                                                                                          'Monte Carlo design']:
-                        fpg.graph['problem_formulation']['doe_settings']['seed'] = 6
-                        fpg.graph['problem_formulation']['doe_settings']['runs'] = 5
-                    elif fpg.graph['problem_formulation']['doe_settings']['method'] in ['Full factorial design']:
-                        fpg.graph['problem_formulation']['doe_settings']['runs'] = 5
+                    fpg.graph['problem_formulation']['doe_settings'] = doe_settings
                 mdg, mpg = fpg.impose_mdao_architecture()
-                mpg.graph['name'] = 'XDSM - {}'.format(mdao_definition)
-                mpg.graph['description'] = 'Solution strategy to solve the super-sonic business jet test case ' \
-                                           'optimization problem using the strategy: {}.'.format(mdao_definition)
                 # Add the graph with the updated function order to VISTOMS
                 newVistomsData = mdg.vistoms_add_json(graph_id=graphID, mpg=mpg)
                 # Save the graph in temp/tmp.kdms