From 732afdec908e23e5a8779e862563135ea40746fa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: baigner <>
Date: Tue, 15 May 2018 09:55:25 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Right click options for variable lists work. Tool lists still
 to be done!

Former-commit-id: f5ca5e46aafb945b94bfb58fae6ceff0fd42e522
 kadmos/vistoms/templates/VISTOMS.html | 507 ++++++++++++--------------
 1 file changed, 231 insertions(+), 276 deletions(-)

diff --git a/kadmos/vistoms/templates/VISTOMS.html b/kadmos/vistoms/templates/VISTOMS.html
index de4254ed7..8f0b22ab2 100644
--- a/kadmos/vistoms/templates/VISTOMS.html
+++ b/kadmos/vistoms/templates/VISTOMS.html
@@ -18866,20 +18866,14 @@
 				function markVariable(aNode,variableData)
-					function getFullXPath(data,aText)
-					{
-						aText = "/";
-						if (data.parent){return getFullXPath(data.parent,aText)}
-						else{return aText}
-					}
-					var path="";
-					var xPath = getFullXPath(aNode, path);
-'.d3-context-menu').style('display', 'none');                                
+                    var firstFromSchema = currentGraph.variableSchemes["schema"][0].xPath.split("/")[1]
+					var xPath = "/"[1];
+'.d3-context-menu').style('display', 'none');    
 					var bootboxContent = {title: 'Marking variable as ' + variableData.variableType, message: '<p>Please be patient...</p>'};
 					var xhr = $.ajax({
 						type: 'POST',
@@ -18933,17 +18927,8 @@
 				function unmarkVariable(aNode)
-					var firstFromSchema = currentGraph.variableSchemes["schema"].name
-					function getFullXPath(data,aText)
-					{
-						aText = "/";
-						if (data.parent){return getFullXPath(data.parent,aText)}
-						else{return aText}
-					}
-					var path="";
-					var xPath = getFullXPath(aNode, path);
-					var xPath_split = xPath.split(firstFromSchema)[1]
-					xPath = "/"+firstFromSchema+xPath_split;
+					var firstFromSchema = currentGraph.variableSchemes["schema"][0].xPath.split("/")[1]
+					var xPath = "/"[1];
 		'.d3-context-menu').style('display', 'none');                                
@@ -19110,18 +19095,7 @@
 					title: 'Copy x-path to clipboard',
 					onMouseDown: function(elm, d, i) {
-						function copyToClipboard(text) 
-						{
-							window.prompt("Copy to clipboard: Ctrl+C, Enter", text);
-						}
-						function copyXPathToClipboard(data,aText)
-						{
-							aText = "/";
-							if (data.parent){copyXPathToClipboard(data.parent,aText)}
-							else{copyToClipboard(aText);}
-						}
-						var copyText="";
-						copyXPathToClipboard(d,copyText);
+                        window.prompt("Copy to clipboard: Ctrl+C, Enter",;'.d3-context-menu').style('display', 'none');
 					onMouseUp: function(elm, d, i) {
@@ -19130,57 +19104,6 @@
 					childrenItems: []
-				{
-					title: 'Download full tree as XML-file',
-					onMouseDown: function(elm, d, i) {
-						//Begin xml structure with the first element
-						var xmlString = "<"+nodes[0]">"+"</"+nodes[0]">";
-						//Create a new xml document
-						var parser = new DOMParser();
-						var xmlDocument = parser.parseFromString(xmlString, "text/xml"); //important to use "text/xml"
-						//Get initial xPath of the tree and pass it to the function "writeTreeToXML"
-						var initialXPath = "/"+nodes[0];								
-						writeTreeToXML(nodes[0],xmlDocument,initialXPath);
-						//remove all attributes dummyID
-						removeAttributeInAllElements(xmlDocument,'dummyID');
-						//Make the xml document a string
-						var serializer = new XMLSerializer();
-						var xmlString = serializer.serializeToString(xmlDocument);
-						xmlString = vkbeautify.xml(xmlString);														
-						//Download a document with the xml-schema
-						download(aName+'_full.xml',xmlString);						
-					},
-					onMouseUp: function(elm, d, i) {
-					},
-					onMouseOver: function(elm, d, i) {
-					},
-					childrenItems: []
-				},
-				{
-					title: 'Download tree as XML-file from current node',
-					onMouseDown: function(elm, d, i) {
-						var xmlString = putAncestorsInXMLString({ val : '' }, d).val;
-						var initialXPath = putAncestorsInXPath({ val : '' }, d).val;												
-						//Create a new xml document
-						var parser = new DOMParser();
-						var xmlDocument = parser.parseFromString(xmlString, "text/xml"); //important to use "text/xml"
-						//Get initial xPath of the tree and pass it to the function "writeCurrentTreeToXML"
-						writeTreeToXML(d,xmlDocument,initialXPath);
-						//remove all attributes dummyID
-						removeAttributeInAllElements(xmlDocument,'dummyID');
-						//Make the xml document a string
-						var serializer = new XMLSerializer();
-						xmlString = serializer.serializeToString(xmlDocument);
-						xmlString = vkbeautify.xml(xmlString);														
-						//Download a document with the xml-schema
-						download(aName+"_"'.xml',xmlString);						
-					},
-					onMouseUp: function(elm, d, i) {
-					},
-					onMouseOver: function(elm, d, i) {
-					},
-					childrenItems: []
-				},
 					title: 'Mark variable',
 					onMouseDown: function(elm, d, i) {},
@@ -19202,169 +19125,8 @@
 					onMouseOver: function(elm, d, i) {},
 					childrenItems: []
-				]
+				]		
-				//Function writeTreeToXML goes through tree nodes and puts the into an xml document
-				function writeTreeToXML(aNode,anXMLDoc,anXPath)
-				{
-					//Variable "children" 
-					//--> One children variable, no matter whether a node has "_children" (collapsed) or "children" (expanded)
-					var children;
-					if (aNode._children){children = aNode._children;}
-					else if (aNode.children){children = aNode.children;}
-					//Get current xml element with its xPath
-					var element = anXMLDoc.evaluate(anXPath,anXMLDoc, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null ).singleNodeValue;
-					if (element != null) {element.value = '...';}
-					//If a node has children (collapsed or expanded), loop through them
-					if (children)
-					{
-						for (var i=0; i < children.length;i++)
-						{
-							//Name of the new XML element --> childName
-							var child = children[i];
-							var childName =[\[\]]+/);//Split childName at "[]" which is the uID 
-							var cleanChildName = childName[0].split(/[\+\*\^\-\ \#]+/);//Split childName all special characters
-							var newNode = anXMLDoc.createElement(String(cleanChildName[0]));
-							//The children are appended to the xPath --> newXPath
-							var newXPath = anXPath+"/"+cleanChildName[0];
-							//If childName contains a uID, make the uID an attribute
-							if (childName[1])
-							{
-								if (parseInt(childName[1]))
-								{
-									var dummyID = childName[1];
-									newNode.setAttribute("dummyID", dummyID)
-									newXPath = newXPath+"[@dummyID='"+dummyID+"']";
-								}
-								else
-								{
-									var uID = childName[1];
-									newNode.setAttribute("uID", uID)
-									newXPath = newXPath+"[@uID='"+uID+"']";
-								}
-							}
-							if (cleanChildName.length>1) {newNode.setAttribute("elementName", childName[0])};
-							//Append the newNode to the xml structure
-							element.appendChild(newNode);
-							////aigner: Sorting of XML elements according to "uID"
-							// var items = element.children;
-							// var itemsArr = [];
-							// for (var j in items) {
-								// if (items[j].nodeType == 1) { // get rid of the whitespace text nodes
-									// itemsArr.push(items[j]);
-								// }
-							// }
-							// itemsArr.sort(function(a,b){
-								// if (a.getAttribute("uID") < b.getAttribute("uID"))
-									// return -1;
-								// if (a.getAttribute("uID") > b.getAttribute("uID"))
-									// return 1;
-								// return 0;
-								// });
-							// for (j = 0; j < itemsArr.length; ++j) {
-							  // element.appendChild(itemsArr[j]);
-							// }
-							//call function writeTreeToXML recursively for all children
-							writeTreeToXML(child,anXMLDoc,newXPath)
-						}
-					}
-					else
-					{
-						if ({element.innerHTML = String(;}
-						else{element.innerHTML = " ";}
-					}
-					//return the xml document
-					return anXMLDoc;
-				}
-				function removeAttributeInAllElements(aDocument,attribute)
-				{
-				  var matchingElements = [];
-				  var allElements = aDocument.getElementsByTagName('*');
-				  for (var i = 0, n = allElements.length; i < n; i++)
-				  {
-					if (allElements[i].getAttribute(attribute) !== null)
-					{
-						allElements[i].removeAttribute(attribute);
-					}
-				  }
-				  return matchingElements;
-				}
-				function putAncestorsInXMLString(strWrapper, aNode)
-				{
-					//Name of the new XML element
-					var nodeName =[\[\]]+/);//Split name at "[]" which is the uID 
-					var cleanNodeName = nodeName[0].split(/[\+\*\^\-\ \#]+/);//Split nodeName all special characters
-					//If nodeName contains a uID, make the uID an attribute
-					if (nodeName[1])
-					{
-						var uID = nodeName[1];
-						strWrapper.val = "<"+cleanNodeName[0]+" uID='"+ uID +"'>"+strWrapper.val+"</"+cleanNodeName[0]+">";;
-					}
-					else
-					{
-						strWrapper.val = "<"+cleanNodeName[0]+">"+strWrapper.val+"</"+cleanNodeName[0]+">";;
-					}
-					var aParent = aNode.parent;
-					if (aParent)
-					{
-						return putAncestorsInXMLString(strWrapper, aParent);
-					}
-					else 
-					{
-						return strWrapper;
-					}
-				}
-				function putAncestorsInXPath(strWrapper, aNode)
-				{
-					//Name of the new XML element
-					var nodeName =[\[\]]+/);//Split name at "[]" which is the uID 
-					var cleanNodeName = nodeName[0].split(/[\+\*\^\-\ \#]+/);//Split nodeName all special characters
-					//If nodeName contains a uID, make the uID an attribute
-					if (nodeName[1])
-					{
-						var uID = nodeName[1];
-						strWrapper.val = "/"+cleanNodeName[0]+"[@uID='"+uID+"']"+strWrapper.val;
-					}
-					else
-					{
-						strWrapper.val = "/"+cleanNodeName[0]+strWrapper.val;
-					}
-					var aParent = aNode.parent;
-					if (aParent)
-					{
-						return putAncestorsInXPath(strWrapper, aParent);
-					}
-					else 
-					{
-						return strWrapper;
-					}
-				}
 				var graphs, currentGraph, varCategories, entireData;
 				entireData = data;
@@ -20057,6 +19819,13 @@
                                            = variable
                                            = variable.xPath.split("/")[variable.xPath.split("/").length-1]
+                                                //build tree layout for vistoms
+                                                var newTree = {};
+                                                buildTree(newTree, variables)                    
+                                                //variables = newTree
+                                                console.log(newTree)
+                                                console.log(variables)
@@ -20095,12 +19864,12 @@
                                                                 var treeLayoutSVG = treeLayoutdiv.append("svg").attr("class","treeLayoutSVG")
                                                                 var treeLayout = treeLayoutSVG.append("g").attr("class","treeLayout");
                                                                 maketreeLayout(array, treeLayout, treeLayoutSVG, treeLayoutdiv, divClassName, headLine, varCategories[0].description);
-                                                                show_bootBox_listMessage(functions,nodeMenu);
+                                                                show_bootBox_listMessage(functions,toolMenu);
 															if (result.includes("List"))
-																show_bootBox_listMessage(functions,nodeMenu);
+																show_bootBox_listMessage(functions,toolMenu);
@@ -22376,9 +22145,217 @@
                               return d.children || d._children ? "end" : "start";
                           //.text(function(d) { return; });
+                        //Function writeTreeToXML goes through tree nodes and puts the into an xml document
+                        function writeTreeToXML(aNode,anXMLDoc,anXPath)
+                        {
+                            //Variable "children" 
+                            //--> One children variable, no matter whether a node has "_children" (collapsed) or "children" (expanded)
+                            var children;
+                            if (aNode._children){children = aNode._children;}
+                            else if (aNode.children){children = aNode.children;}
+                            //Get current xml element with its xPath
+                            var element = anXMLDoc.evaluate(anXPath,anXMLDoc, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null ).singleNodeValue;
+                            if (element != null) {element.value = '...';}
+                            //If a node has children (collapsed or expanded), loop through them
+                            if (children)
+                            {
+                                for (var i=0; i < children.length;i++)
+                                {
+                                    //Name of the new XML element --> childName
+                                    var child = children[i];
+                                    var childName =[\[\]]+/);//Split childName at "[]" which is the uID 
+                                    var cleanChildName = childName[0].split(/[\+\*\^\-\ \#]+/);//Split childName all special characters
+                                    var newNode = anXMLDoc.createElement(String(cleanChildName[0]));
+                                    //The children are appended to the xPath --> newXPath
+                                    var newXPath = anXPath+"/"+cleanChildName[0];
+                                    //If childName contains a uID, make the uID an attribute
+                                    if (childName[1])
+                                    {
+                                        if (parseInt(childName[1]))
+                                        {
+                                            var dummyID = childName[1];
+                                            newNode.setAttribute("dummyID", dummyID)
+                                            newXPath = newXPath+"[@dummyID='"+dummyID+"']";
+                                        }
+                                        else
+                                        {
+                                            var uID = childName[1];
+                                            newNode.setAttribute("uID", uID)
+                                            newXPath = newXPath+"[@uID='"+uID+"']";
+                                        }
+                                    }
+                                    if (cleanChildName.length>1) {newNode.setAttribute("elementName", childName[0])};
+                                    //Append the newNode to the xml structure
+                                    element.appendChild(newNode);
+                                    ////aigner: Sorting of XML elements according to "uID"
+                                    // var items = element.children;
+                                    // var itemsArr = [];
+                                    // for (var j in items) {
+                                        // if (items[j].nodeType == 1) { // get rid of the whitespace text nodes
+                                            // itemsArr.push(items[j]);
+                                        // }
+                                    // }
+                                    // itemsArr.sort(function(a,b){
+                                        // if (a.getAttribute("uID") < b.getAttribute("uID"))
+                                            // return -1;
+                                        // if (a.getAttribute("uID") > b.getAttribute("uID"))
+                                            // return 1;
+                                        // return 0;
+                                        // });
+                                    // for (j = 0; j < itemsArr.length; ++j) {
+                                      // element.appendChild(itemsArr[j]);
+                                    // }
+                                    //call function writeTreeToXML recursively for all children
+                                    writeTreeToXML(child,anXMLDoc,newXPath)
+                                }
+                            }
+                            else
+                            {
+                                if ({element.innerHTML = String(;}
+                                else{element.innerHTML = " ";}
+                            }
+                            //return the xml document
+                            return anXMLDoc;
+                        }
+                        function removeAttributeInAllElements(aDocument,attribute)
+                        {
+                          var matchingElements = [];
+                          var allElements = aDocument.getElementsByTagName('*');
+                          for (var i = 0, n = allElements.length; i < n; i++)
+                          {
+                            if (allElements[i].getAttribute(attribute) !== null)
+                            {
+                                allElements[i].removeAttribute(attribute);
+                            }
+                          }
+                          return matchingElements;
+                        }
+                        function putAncestorsInXMLString(strWrapper, aNode)
+                        {
+                            //Name of the new XML element
+                            var nodeName =[\[\]]+/);//Split name at "[]" which is the uID 
+                            var cleanNodeName = nodeName[0].split(/[\+\*\^\-\ \#]+/);//Split nodeName all special characters
+                            //If nodeName contains a uID, make the uID an attribute
+                            if (nodeName[1])
+                            {
+                                var uID = nodeName[1];
+                                strWrapper.val = "<"+cleanNodeName[0]+" uID='"+ uID +"'>"+strWrapper.val+"</"+cleanNodeName[0]+">";;
+                            }
+                            else
+                            {
+                                strWrapper.val = "<"+cleanNodeName[0]+">"+strWrapper.val+"</"+cleanNodeName[0]+">";;
+                            }
+                            var aParent = aNode.parent;
+                            if (aParent)
+                            {
+                                return putAncestorsInXMLString(strWrapper, aParent);
+                            }
+                            else 
+                            {
+                                return strWrapper;
+                            }
+                        }
+                        function putAncestorsInXPath(strWrapper, aNode)
+                        {
+                            //Name of the new XML element
+                            var nodeName =[\[\]]+/);//Split name at "[]" which is the uID 
+                            var cleanNodeName = nodeName[0].split(/[\+\*\^\-\ \#]+/);//Split nodeName all special characters
+                            //If nodeName contains a uID, make the uID an attribute
+                            if (nodeName[1])
+                            {
+                                var uID = nodeName[1];
+                                strWrapper.val = "/"+cleanNodeName[0]+"[@uID='"+uID+"']"+strWrapper.val;
+                            }
+                            else
+                            {
+                                strWrapper.val = "/"+cleanNodeName[0]+strWrapper.val;
+                            }
+                            var aParent = aNode.parent;
+                            if (aParent)
+                            {
+                                return putAncestorsInXPath(strWrapper, aParent);
+                            }
+                            else 
+                            {
+                                return strWrapper;
+                            }
+                        }
+                        var nodeTreeMenu = nodeMenu;
+                        var treeMenu = [
+                            {
+                                title: 'Download full tree as XML-file',
+                                onMouseDown: function(elm, d, i) {
+                                    //Begin xml structure with the first element
+                                    var xmlString = "<"+nodes[0]">"+"</"+nodes[0]">";
+                                    //Create a new xml document
+                                    var parser = new DOMParser();
+                                    var xmlDocument = parser.parseFromString(xmlString, "text/xml"); //important to use "text/xml"
+                                    //Get initial xPath of the tree and pass it to the function "writeTreeToXML"
+                                    var initialXPath = "/"+nodes[0];								
+                                    writeTreeToXML(nodes[0],xmlDocument,initialXPath);
+                                    //remove all attributes dummyID
+                                    removeAttributeInAllElements(xmlDocument,'dummyID');
+                                    //Make the xml document a string
+                                    var serializer = new XMLSerializer();
+                                    var xmlString = serializer.serializeToString(xmlDocument);
+                                    xmlString = vkbeautify.xml(xmlString);														
+                                    //Download a document with the xml-schema
+                                    download(aName+'_full.xml',xmlString);						
+                                },
+                                onMouseUp: function(elm, d, i) {
+                                },
+                                onMouseOver: function(elm, d, i) {
+                                },
+                                childrenItems: []
+                            },
+                            {
+                                title: 'Download tree as XML-file from current node',
+                                onMouseDown: function(elm, d, i) {
+                                    var xmlString = putAncestorsInXMLString({ val : '' }, d).val;
+                                    var initialXPath = putAncestorsInXPath({ val : '' }, d).val;												
+                                    //Create a new xml document
+                                    var parser = new DOMParser();
+                                    var xmlDocument = parser.parseFromString(xmlString, "text/xml"); //important to use "text/xml"
+                                    //Get initial xPath of the tree and pass it to the function "writeCurrentTreeToXML"
+                                    writeTreeToXML(d,xmlDocument,initialXPath);
+                                    //remove all attributes dummyID
+                                    removeAttributeInAllElements(xmlDocument,'dummyID');
+                                    //Make the xml document a string
+                                    var serializer = new XMLSerializer();
+                                    xmlString = serializer.serializeToString(xmlDocument);
+                                    xmlString = vkbeautify.xml(xmlString);														
+                                    //Download a document with the xml-schema
+                                    download(aName+"_"'.xml',xmlString);						
+                                },
+                                onMouseUp: function(elm, d, i) {
+                                },
+                                onMouseOver: function(elm, d, i) {
+                                },
+                                childrenItems: []
+                            }
+                        ]
+                        var nodeTreeMenu = nodeMenu.concat(treeMenu);
                         nodeEnter = nodeEnter
-                        .on('contextmenu', d3.contextMenu(nodeMenu));                          
+                        .on('contextmenu', d3.contextMenu(nodeTreeMenu));                          
                         nodeEnter.append("svg:title").text("Click left to expand, click right to inspect")
@@ -24211,18 +24188,7 @@
 						title: 'Copy x-path to clipboard',
 						onMouseDown: function(elm, d, i) {
-							function copyToClipboard(text) 
-							{
-								window.prompt("Copy to clipboard: Ctrl+C, Enter", text);
-							}
-							function copyXPathToClipboard(data,aText)
-							{
-								aText = "/";
-								if (data.parent){copyXPathToClipboard(data.parent,aText)}
-								else{copyToClipboard(aText);}
-							}
-							var copyText="";
-							copyXPathToClipboard(d,copyText);
+                            window.prompt("Copy to clipboard: Ctrl+C, Enter", d.xPath);'.d3-context-menu').style('display', 'none');
 						onMouseUp: function(elm, d, i) {
@@ -26640,18 +26606,7 @@
 						title: 'Copy x-path to clipboard',
 						onMouseDown: function(elm, d, i) {
-							function copyToClipboard(text) 
-							{
-								window.prompt("Copy to clipboard: Ctrl+C, Enter", text);
-							}
-							function copyXPathToClipboard(data,aText)
-							{
-								aText = "/";
-								if (data.parent){copyXPathToClipboard(data.parent,aText)}
-								else{copyToClipboard(aText);}
-							}
-							var copyText="";
-							copyXPathToClipboard(d,copyText);
+                            window.prompt("Copy to clipboard: Ctrl+C, Enter", d.xPath);'.d3-context-menu').style('display', 'none');
 						onMouseUp: function(elm, d, i) {