From 922429c2b62e0f602bdb908e762b96ce1812e95c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: imcovangent <>
Date: Wed, 23 May 2018 16:46:03 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Updated and extended methods in Added dynamic
 CMDOWS file creation for SSBJ example. Small bug fixes (copy_edge instead of

Former-commit-id: a9a00cbe04a9aa1f3eb09ba87bf84f42479ece83
 doc/KADMOS.html                               |   2 +-
 doc/genindex.html                             |   2 +-
 .../knowledgebases/ssbj/__cmdows__SSBJ.xml    | 240 ++++-
 .../knowledgebases/ssbj/ |  58 ++
 .../tu_delft_knowledge_base_cmdows.xml        |   2 +-
 examples/scripts/                  |   6 +-
 examples/scripts/                  |   2 +-
 kadmos/cmdows/                       | 284 ++++--
 kadmos/cmdows/schemas/0.8/cmdows.xml          | 964 ++++++++++++++++++
 kadmos/cmdows/schemas/0.8/cmdows.xsd          | 108 +-
 kadmos/graph/                    |   2 +-
 kadmos/graph/                  |   7 +-
 kadmos/graph/                 |   2 -
 kadmos/utilities/                      |  14 +
 14 files changed, 1564 insertions(+), 129 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 examples/knowledgebases/ssbj/
 create mode 100644 kadmos/cmdows/schemas/0.8/cmdows.xml

diff --git a/doc/KADMOS.html b/doc/KADMOS.html
index 7780838bd..479cbb152 100644
--- a/doc/KADMOS.html
+++ b/doc/KADMOS.html
@@ -3862,7 +3862,7 @@ provided then the files are stored in a temp directory.</p>
 <dl class="method">
 <dt id="kadmos.cmdows.cmdows.CMDOWS.add_element_to_element_of_uid">
-<code class="descname">add_element_to_element_of_uid</code><span class="sig-paren">(</span><em>uid</em>, <em>element_to_add</em>, <em>expected_tag_uid_el=None</em>, <em>expected_tag_new_el=None</em><span class="sig-paren">)</span><a class="headerlink" href="#kadmos.cmdows.cmdows.CMDOWS.add_element_to_element_of_uid" title="Permalink to this definition">¶</a></dt>
+<code class="descname">append_element_to_uid_element</code><span class="sig-paren">(</span><em>uid</em>, <em>element_to_add</em>, <em>expected_tag_uid_el=None</em>, <em>expected_tag_new_el=None</em><span class="sig-paren">)</span><a class="headerlink" href="#kadmos.cmdows.cmdows.CMDOWS.add_element_to_element_of_uid" title="Permalink to this definition">¶</a></dt>
 <dd><p>Generic method to add a subelement to an element with a certain UID.</p>
 <table class="docutils field-list" frame="void" rules="none">
 <col class="field-name" />
diff --git a/doc/genindex.html b/doc/genindex.html
index b65a1ce98..2b914f7d9 100644
--- a/doc/genindex.html
+++ b/doc/genindex.html
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@
   <td style="width: 33%; vertical-align: top;"><ul>
-      <li><a href="KADMOS.html#kadmos.cmdows.cmdows.CMDOWS.add_element_to_element_of_uid">add_element_to_element_of_uid() (kadmos.cmdows.cmdows.CMDOWS method)</a>
+      <li><a href="KADMOS.html#kadmos.cmdows.cmdows.CMDOWS.add_element_to_element_of_uid">append_element_to_uid_element() (kadmos.cmdows.cmdows.CMDOWS method)</a>
       <li><a href="KADMOS.html#kadmos.graph.mixin_equation.EquationMixin.add_equation">add_equation() (kadmos.graph.mixin_equation.EquationMixin method)</a>
diff --git a/examples/knowledgebases/ssbj/__cmdows__SSBJ.xml b/examples/knowledgebases/ssbj/__cmdows__SSBJ.xml
index 8067f07d4..503ade6a4 100644
--- a/examples/knowledgebases/ssbj/__cmdows__SSBJ.xml
+++ b/examples/knowledgebases/ssbj/__cmdows__SSBJ.xml
@@ -1,41 +1,255 @@
 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
 <cmdows xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">
-    <creator>I. van Gent</creator>
-    <description>CMDOWS file of the SSBJ database.</description>
-    <timestamp>2018-03-07T14:51:56.287006</timestamp>
-    <fileVersion>0.0</fileVersion>
-    <cmdowsVersion>0.7</cmdowsVersion>
+    <timestamp>2018-05-23T11:19:56.287006</timestamp>
+    <cmdowsVersion>0.8</cmdowsVersion>
+    <description>CMDOWS file for the SSBJ database.</description>
+    <fileVersion>1.0</fileVersion>
+    <creator>Imco van Gent</creator>
+    <organization>
+      <contacts>
+        <contact uID="imcovangent">
+          <function>PhD Student</function>
+          <name>Imco van Gent</name>
+          <country>The Netherlands</country>
+          <company>TU Delft</company>
+          <telephone>0031 6 53 89 42 75</telephone>
+          <address>Kluyverweg 1, 2629 HS, Delft</address>
+          <department>Flight Performance and Propulsion</department>
+          <email></email>
+        </contact>
+        <contact uID="remilafage">
+          <name>Remi Lafage</name>
+          <country>France</country>
+          <company>ONERA - French Aerospace Lab</company>
+          <email></email>
+        </contact>
+        <contact uID="sylvaindubreuil">
+          <name>Sylvain Dubreuil</name>
+          <country>France</country>
+          <company>ONERA - French Aerospace Lab</company>
+          <email></email>
+        </contact>
+      </contacts>
+      <organigram>
+        <architects>
+          <architect>
+            <contactUID>imcovangent</contactUID>
+          </architect>
+        </architects>
+        <integrators>
+          <integrator>
+            <contactUID>imcovangent</contactUID>
+          </integrator>
+        </integrators>
+        <toolSpecialists>
+          <toolSpecialist>
+            <contactUID>remilafage</contactUID>
+          </toolSpecialist>
+          <toolSpecialist>
+            <contactUID>sylvaindubreuil</contactUID>
+          </toolSpecialist>
+        </toolSpecialists>
+      </organigram>
+    </organization>
       <designCompetence uID="Structures">
-        <ID>Structures</ID>
-        <modeID>main</modeID>
+        <modeID>main</modeID>
+        <ID>Structures</ID>
+        <metadata>
+          <generalInfo>
+            <status>Available</status>
+            <description>Structures discipline of the SSBJ tool set.</description>
+            <owner>
+              <contactUID>remilafage</contactUID>
+            </owner>
+            <creator>
+              <contactUID>sylvaindubreuil</contactUID>
+            </creator>
+            <operator>
+              <contactUID>imcovangent</contactUID>
+            </operator>
+            <licensing>
+              <licenseType>open-source</licenseType>
+              <licenseInfo></licenseInfo>
+              <licenseSpecification>Apache License 2.0</licenseSpecification>
+            </licensing>
+            <sources>
+              <repositoryLink></repositoryLink>
+              <references>
+                <reference>ONERA SSBJ-OpenMDAO GitHub repository:</reference>
+                <reference>NASA report using SSBJ:</reference>
+              </references>
+              <downloadLink></downloadLink>
+            </sources>
+          </generalInfo>
+          <executionInfo>
+            <localComponentInfo>
+              <executionDetails>
+                <operatingSystem>Windows</operatingSystem>
+                <description>Details for the command line execution of the Structures Python tool in Windows using an Optimus integration.</description>
+                <softwareRequirements>
+                  <softwareRequirement>Python 2.7.11 or higher installed</softwareRequirement>
+                  <softwareRequirement>kadmos Python package version 0.8 or higher installed</softwareRequirement>
+                </softwareRequirements>
+                <command>cd %PROJECTDIR%\SSBJ\n"ssbjkadmos\tools\aerodynamics\"  -i "cpacsInputUpdated.xml" -o "cpacsOutput.xml"\necho doing some analysis\ncopy %PROJECTDIR%\SSBJ\cpacsOutput.xml %METHODDIR%\cpacsOutput.xml</command>
+                <integrationPlatform>Optimus</integrationPlatform>
+              </executionDetails>
+            </localComponentInfo>
+          </executionInfo>
+        </metadata>
       <designCompetence uID="Aerodynamics">
-        <ID>Aerodynamics</ID>
-        <modeID>main</modeID>
+        <modeID>main</modeID>
+        <ID>Aerodynamics</ID>
+        <metadata>
+          <generalInfo>
+            <status>Available</status>
+            <description>Aerodynamics discipline of the SSBJ tool set.</description>
+            <owner>
+              <contactUID>remilafage</contactUID>
+            </owner>
+            <creator>
+              <contactUID>sylvaindubreuil</contactUID>
+            </creator>
+            <operator>
+              <contactUID>imcovangent</contactUID>
+            </operator>
+            <licensing>
+              <licenseType>open-source</licenseType>
+              <licenseInfo></licenseInfo>
+              <licenseSpecification>Apache License 2.0</licenseSpecification>
+            </licensing>
+            <sources>
+              <repositoryLink></repositoryLink>
+              <references>
+                <reference>ONERA SSBJ-OpenMDAO GitHub repository:</reference>
+                <reference>NASA report using SSBJ:</reference>
+              </references>
+              <downloadLink></downloadLink>
+            </sources>
+          </generalInfo>
+          <executionInfo>
+            <localComponentInfo>
+              <executionDetails>
+                <operatingSystem>Windows</operatingSystem>
+                <description>Details for the command line execution of the Aerodynamics Python tool in Windows using an Optimus integration.</description>
+                <softwareRequirements>
+                  <softwareRequirement>Python 2.7.11 or higher installed</softwareRequirement>
+                  <softwareRequirement>kadmos Python package version 0.8 or higher installed</softwareRequirement>
+                </softwareRequirements>
+                <command>cd %PROJECTDIR%\SSBJ\n"ssbjkadmos\tools\aerodynamics\"  -i "cpacsInputUpdated.xml" -o "cpacsOutput.xml"\necho doing some analysis\ncopy %PROJECTDIR%\SSBJ\cpacsOutput.xml %METHODDIR%\cpacsOutput.xml</command>
+                <integrationPlatform>Optimus</integrationPlatform>
+              </executionDetails>
+            </localComponentInfo>
+          </executionInfo>
+        </metadata>
       <designCompetence uID="Propulsion">
-        <ID>Propulsion</ID>
-        <modeID>main</modeID>
+        <modeID>main</modeID>
+        <ID>Propulsion</ID>
+        <metadata>
+          <generalInfo>
+            <status>Available</status>
+            <description>Propulsion discipline of the SSBJ tool set.</description>
+            <owner>
+              <contactUID>remilafage</contactUID>
+            </owner>
+            <creator>
+              <contactUID>sylvaindubreuil</contactUID>
+            </creator>
+            <operator>
+              <contactUID>imcovangent</contactUID>
+            </operator>
+            <licensing>
+              <licenseType>open-source</licenseType>
+              <licenseInfo></licenseInfo>
+              <licenseSpecification>Apache License 2.0</licenseSpecification>
+            </licensing>
+            <sources>
+              <repositoryLink></repositoryLink>
+              <references>
+                <reference>ONERA SSBJ-OpenMDAO GitHub repository:</reference>
+                <reference>NASA report using SSBJ:</reference>
+              </references>
+              <downloadLink></downloadLink>
+            </sources>
+          </generalInfo>
+          <executionInfo>
+            <localComponentInfo>
+              <executionDetails>
+                <operatingSystem>Windows</operatingSystem>
+                <description>Details for the command line execution of the Propulsion Python tool in Windows using an Optimus integration.</description>
+                <softwareRequirements>
+                  <softwareRequirement>Python 2.7.11 or higher installed</softwareRequirement>
+                  <softwareRequirement>kadmos Python package version 0.8 or higher installed</softwareRequirement>
+                </softwareRequirements>
+                <command>cd %PROJECTDIR%\SSBJ\n"ssbjkadmos\tools\aerodynamics\"  -i "cpacsInputUpdated.xml" -o "cpacsOutput.xml"\necho doing some analysis\ncopy %PROJECTDIR%\SSBJ\cpacsOutput.xml %METHODDIR%\cpacsOutput.xml</command>
+                <integrationPlatform>Optimus</integrationPlatform>
+              </executionDetails>
+            </localComponentInfo>
+          </executionInfo>
+        </metadata>
       <designCompetence uID="Performance">
-        <ID>Performance</ID>
-        <modeID>main</modeID>
+        <modeID>main</modeID>
+        <ID>Performance</ID>
+        <metadata>
+          <generalInfo>
+            <status>Available</status>
+            <description>Performance discipline of the SSBJ tool set.</description>
+            <owner>
+              <contactUID>remilafage</contactUID>
+            </owner>
+            <creator>
+              <contactUID>sylvaindubreuil</contactUID>
+            </creator>
+            <operator>
+              <contactUID>imcovangent</contactUID>
+            </operator>
+            <licensing>
+              <licenseType>open-source</licenseType>
+              <licenseInfo></licenseInfo>
+              <licenseSpecification>Apache License 2.0</licenseSpecification>
+            </licensing>
+            <sources>
+              <repositoryLink></repositoryLink>
+              <references>
+                <reference>ONERA SSBJ-OpenMDAO GitHub repository:</reference>
+                <reference>NASA report using SSBJ:</reference>
+              </references>
+              <downloadLink></downloadLink>
+            </sources>
+          </generalInfo>
+          <executionInfo>
+            <localComponentInfo>
+              <executionDetails>
+                <operatingSystem>Windows</operatingSystem>
+                <description>Details for the command line execution of the Performance Python tool in Windows using an Optimus integration.</description>
+                <softwareRequirements>
+                  <softwareRequirement>Python 2.7.11 or higher installed</softwareRequirement>
+                  <softwareRequirement>kadmos Python package version 0.8 or higher installed</softwareRequirement>
+                </softwareRequirements>
+                <command>cd %PROJECTDIR%\SSBJ\n"ssbjkadmos\tools\aerodynamics\"  -i "cpacsInputUpdated.xml" -o "cpacsOutput.xml"\necho doing some analysis\ncopy %PROJECTDIR%\SSBJ\cpacsOutput.xml %METHODDIR%\cpacsOutput.xml</command>
+                <integrationPlatform>Optimus</integrationPlatform>
+              </executionDetails>
+            </localComponentInfo>
+          </executionInfo>
+        </metadata>
diff --git a/examples/knowledgebases/ssbj/ b/examples/knowledgebases/ssbj/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a0baf8cde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/knowledgebases/ssbj/
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+from kadmos.cmdows import CMDOWS
+cmdows = CMDOWS()
+dcs = ['Structures', 'Aerodynamics', 'Propulsion', 'Performance']
+cmdows.add_header('Imco van Gent', 'CMDOWS file for the SSBJ database.', '2018-05-23T11:19:56.287006',
+                  fileVersion='1.0')
+cmdows.add_contact('Imco van Gent', '', 'imcovangent',
+                   company='TU Delft',
+                   department='Flight Performance and Propulsion',
+                   function='PhD Student',
+                   address='Kluyverweg 1, 2629 HS, Delft',
+                   country='The Netherlands',
+                   telephone='0031 6 53 89 42 75',
+                   roles=['architect', 'integrator'])
+cmdows.add_contact('Remi Lafage', '', 'remilafage',
+                   company='ONERA - French Aerospace Lab',
+                   country='France',
+                   roles=['tool_specialist'])
+cmdows.add_contact('Sylvain Dubreuil', '', 'sylvaindubreuil',
+                   company='ONERA - French Aerospace Lab',
+                   country='France',
+                   roles=['tool_specialist'])
+for dc in dcs:
+    cmdows.add_dc(dc, dc, 'main', instance_id=1, version='1.0', label=dc)
+    cmdows.add_dc_general_info(dc,
+                               description='{} discipline of the SSBJ tool set.'.format(dc),
+                               status='Available',
+                               owner_uid='remilafage',
+                               creator_uid='sylvaindubreuil',
+                               operator_uid='imcovangent')
+    cmdows.add_dc_licensing(dc,
+                            license_type='open-source',
+                            license_specification='Apache License 2.0',
+                            license_info='')
+    cmdows.add_dc_sources(dc,
+                          repository_link='',
+                          download_link='',
+                          references=['ONERA SSBJ-OpenMDAO GitHub repository:',
+                                      'NASA report using SSBJ:'])
+    cmdows.add_dc_execution_details(dc,
+                                    operating_system='Windows',
+                                    integration_platform='Optimus',
+                                    command='cd %PROJECTDIR%\SSBJ\\n'
+                                            '"ssbjkadmos\\tools\\aerodynamics\\{}.py"  -i "cpacsInputUpdated.xml" -o "cpacsOutput.xml"\\n'
+                                            'echo doing some analysis\\n'
+                                            'copy %PROJECTDIR%\\SSBJ\\cpacsOutput.xml %METHODDIR%\\cpacsOutput.xml'.format(dc.lower(), dc),
+                                    description='Details for the command line execution of the {} Python tool in Windows using an Optimus integration.'.format(dc),
+                                    software_requirements=['Python 2.7.11 or higher installed',
+                                                           'kadmos Python package version 0.8 or higher installed'],
+                                    hardware_requirements=None)
+'__cmdows__SSBJ.xml', pretty_print=True)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/knowledgebases/tu_delft_wing_design/tu_delft_knowledge_base_cmdows.xml b/examples/knowledgebases/tu_delft_wing_design/tu_delft_knowledge_base_cmdows.xml
index 9db4127c4..3288fc8ff 100644
--- a/examples/knowledgebases/tu_delft_wing_design/tu_delft_knowledge_base_cmdows.xml
+++ b/examples/knowledgebases/tu_delft_wing_design/tu_delft_knowledge_base_cmdows.xml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
     <description>RCG CMDOWS file of the repository of aircraft design tools from Delft University of Technology</description>
-    <cmdowsVersion>0.7</cmdowsVersion>
+    <cmdowsVersion>0.8</cmdowsVersion>
         <modification>KADMOS export of a repository connectivity graph (RCG).</modification>
diff --git a/examples/scripts/ b/examples/scripts/
index 5e4e31bd1..a418973a6 100644
--- a/examples/scripts/
+++ b/examples/scripts/
@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@ mdao_definitions = ['unconverged-MDA-GS',     # 0
 all_graphs = []
 # Settings for scripting
-mdao_definitions_loop_all = True  # Option for looping through all MDAO definitions
-mdao_definition_id = 6            # Option for selecting a MDAO definition (in case mdao_definitions_loop_all=False)
-start_interactive_vistoms = True  # Option to start an interactive VISTOMS at the end
+mdao_definitions_loop_all = True   # Option for looping through all MDAO definitions
+mdao_definition_id = 6             # Option for selecting a MDAO definition (in case mdao_definitions_loop_all=False)
+start_interactive_vistoms = False  # Option to start an interactive VISTOMS at the end
 # Settings for loading and saving
 kb_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), '../knowledgebases')
diff --git a/examples/scripts/ b/examples/scripts/
index 9e0c79512..dd5e0bcc6 100644
--- a/examples/scripts/
+++ b/examples/scripts/
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ all_graphs = []
 # Settings for scripting
 mdao_definitions_loop_all = True  # Option for looping through all MDAO definitions
 mdao_definition_id = 2            # Option for selecting a MDAO definition (in case mdao_definitions_loop_all=False)
-start_interactive_vistoms = True  # Option to start an interactive VISTOMS at the end
+start_interactive_vistoms = False # Option to start an interactive VISTOMS at the end
 # Settings for loading and saving
 kb_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), '../knowledgebases')
diff --git a/kadmos/cmdows/ b/kadmos/cmdows/
index 8cd2f2f27..f23ad7d34 100644
--- a/kadmos/cmdows/
+++ b/kadmos/cmdows/
@@ -188,7 +188,8 @@ class CMDOWS(object):
-    def assert_element_tag(self, el, expected_tag):
+    @staticmethod
+    def assert_element_tag(el, expected_tag):
         """Method to assert that the tag of an element is as expected.
         :param el: element
@@ -259,7 +260,7 @@ class CMDOWS(object):
         :rtype: xpath
-        el = self.get_element_of_uid(uid, expected_tag=None)
+        el = self.get_element_of_uid(uid, expected_tag=expected_tag)
         return el.getroottree().getpath(el)
     def get_executable_blocks_uids(self):
@@ -379,7 +380,7 @@ class CMDOWS(object):
     # ----------------------------------------- #
     #       Add / change file functions         #
     # ----------------------------------------- #
-    def add_header(self, creator, description, timestamp=None, fileVersion="0.0", cmdowsVersion="0.7"):
+    def add_header(self, creator, description, timestamp=None, fileVersion="0.0", cmdowsVersion="0.8"):
         """Method to add a header to a CMDOWS file.
         :param creator: name of creator
@@ -400,11 +401,9 @@ class CMDOWS(object):
         el = self.ensure_abs_xpath('/cmdows/header')
         # Add elements
-        el.add("creator", creator)
-        el.add("description", description)
-        el.add("timestamp", str(' ', 'T') if timestamp is None else timestamp)
-        el.add("fileVersion", fileVersion)
-        el.add("cmdowsVersion", cmdowsVersion)
+        el.add_multiple(creator=creator, description=description,
+                        timestamp=str(' ', 'T') if timestamp is None else timestamp,
+                        fileVersion=fileVersion, cmdowsVersion=cmdowsVersion)
     def add_contact(self, name, email, uid, company=None, department=None, function=None, address=None, telephone=None,
@@ -443,9 +442,6 @@ class CMDOWS(object):
             * 'customer'
-        # Assert that there is a path to the contacts element or add one
-        parent_element = self.ensure_abs_xpath('/cmdows/header/organization/contacts')
         # Assert that there is no existing element with the uid
@@ -454,18 +450,11 @@ class CMDOWS(object):
-        # Add the contact details
-        contact_element = Element('contact', uID=uid)
-        contact_element.add('name', name)
-        contact_element.add('email', email)
-        contact_element.add('company', company, only_add_if_valued=True)
-        contact_element.add('department', department, only_add_if_valued=True)
-        contact_element.add('function', function, only_add_if_valued=True)
-        contact_element.add('address', address, only_add_if_valued=True)
-        contact_element.add('telephone', telephone, only_add_if_valued=True)
-        contact_element.add('country', country, only_add_if_valued=True)
-        parent_element.append(contact_element)
+        # Add the contact element and details
+        contact_element = self.append_element_to_xpath_element('/cmdows/header/organization/contacts', 'contact',
+                                                               attrib={'uID': uid})
+        contact_element.add_multiple(name=name, email=email, company=company, department=department, function=function,
+                                     address=address, telephone=telephone, country=country, only_add_if_valued=True)
         if roles:
             if isinstance(roles, list):
@@ -495,9 +484,6 @@ class CMDOWS(object):
         :rtype: XMLSchema
-        # Assert that there is a path to the designCompetences element or add one
-        parent_element = self.ensure_abs_xpath('/cmdows/executableBlocks/designCompetences')
         # Assert that there is no existing element with the uid
@@ -507,48 +493,12 @@ class CMDOWS(object):
         # Add the design competence details
-        dc_element = Element('designCompetence', uID=uid)
+        dc_element = self.append_element_to_xpath_element('/cmdows/executableBlocks/designCompetences', 'designCompetence',
+                                                          attrib={'uID': uid})
         if instance_id > 1:
-            dc_element.add('instanceID', instance_id)
-            dc_element.add('relatedInstanceUID', "x")  #CHANGE: when instance+1? deploy() in how to relate
+            dc_element.add_multiple(instanceID=instance_id, relatedInstanceUID="x", label=label) # TODO: how to fix this?
-            dc_element.add('ID', id)
-            dc_element.add('modeID', mode_id)
-            dc_element.add('instanceID', instance_id)
-            dc_element.add('version', version)
-        dc_element.add('label', label)
-        parent_element.append(dc_element)
-        return
-    def add_element_to_element_of_uid(self, uid, element_to_add, expected_tag_uid_el=None, expected_tag_new_el=None):
-        """Generic method to add a subelement to an element with a certain UID.
-        :param uid: uID of element to be added to
-        :type uid: basestring
-        :param element_to_add: subelement to be added
-        :type element_to_add: str
-        :param expected_tag_uid_el: expected tag of element
-        :type expected_tag_uid_el: str
-        :param expected_tag_new_el: expected tag of subelement
-        :type expected_tag_new_el: str
-        :return: XML with subelement
-        :rtype: XMLSchema
-        """
-        # Assert that there is a UID element
-        xpath = self.get_xpath_of_uid(uid, expected_tag=expected_tag_uid_el)
-        # Assert that an inputs element is given
-        if expected_tag_new_el:
-            self.assert_element_tag(element_to_add, expected_tag_new_el)
-        # Get element of uid
-        parent_element = self.get_element_of_uid(uid)
-        # Add new element
-        parent_element.append(element_to_add)
+            dc_element.add_multiple(ID=id, modeID=mode_id, instanceID=instance_id, version=version, label=label)
     def add_dc_inputs_element(self, dc_uid, inputs_element):
@@ -561,7 +511,7 @@ class CMDOWS(object):
         :return: XML with input element
         :rtype: XMLSchema
-        self.add_element_to_element_of_uid(dc_uid, inputs_element, 'designCompetence', 'inputs')
+        self.append_element_to_uid_element(dc_uid, inputs_element, 'designCompetence', 'inputs')
     def add_dc_outputs_element(self, dc_uid, outputs_element):
@@ -574,7 +524,7 @@ class CMDOWS(object):
         :return: XML with output element
         :rtype: XMLSchema
-        self.add_element_to_element_of_uid(dc_uid, outputs_element, 'designCompetence', 'outputs')
+        self.append_element_to_uid_element(dc_uid, outputs_element, 'designCompetence', 'outputs')
     def add_dc_general_info(self, dc_uid, description, status=None, creation_date=None, owner_uid=None,
@@ -631,17 +581,12 @@ class CMDOWS(object):
             assert_dict_keys(model_definition, self.MODEL_DEFINITION_ELEMENTS, all_keys_required=False)
             model_definition = dict_to_ord_dict(model_definition, self.MODEL_DEFINITION_ELEMENTS)
-        # Assert that there is no existing general info element or else remove it
-        self.remove_element_based_on_xpath(xpath + '/metadata/generalInfo')
-        # Ensure element to metadata parent
-        parent_element = self.ensure_abs_xpath(xpath + '/metadata')
+        # Refresh generalInfo element
+        general_info_element = self.refresh_element_xpath(xpath + '/metadata/generalInfo')
         # Add the contact details
-        general_info_element = Element('generalInfo')
-        general_info_element.add('description', description)
-        general_info_element.add('status', status, only_add_if_valued=True)
-        general_info_element.add('creation_date', creation_date, only_add_if_valued=True, camel_case_conversion=True)
+        general_info_element.add_multiple(description=description, status=status, creation_date=creation_date,
+                                          only_add_if_valued=True, camel_case_conversion=True)
         if owner_uid:
             if isinstance(owner_uid, basestring):
                 general_info_element.add('owner', {'contactUID': owner_uid})
@@ -662,7 +607,77 @@ class CMDOWS(object):
                     general_info_element.add('operator', {'contactUID': uid}, only_add_if_valued=True)
         general_info_element.add('model_definition', model_definition, camel_case_conversion=True,
-        parent_element.append(general_info_element)
+        return general_info_element
+    def add_dc_licensing(self, dc_uid, license_type=None, license_specification=None, license_info=None):
+        """Method to add a licensing element to the generalInfo element of a DC branch.
+        :param dc_uid: designCompetence uID
+        :type dc_uid: basestring
+        :param license_type: type of license (open-source, commercial, etc)
+        :type license_type: basestring
+        :param license_specification: precise license specification (e.g. Apache License 2.0)
+        :type license_specification: basestring
+        :param license_info: additional info or full license description
+        :type license_info: basestring
+        :return: XML with license info
+        :rtype: ExtendedElement
+        """
+        # TODO: If instance is higher than 1 the metadata should not be added.
+        # Assert that there is a DC element
+        xpath = self.get_xpath_of_uid(dc_uid, expected_tag='designCompetence')
+        # Assert that at least one license element has a value
+        assert (license_type or license_specification or license_specification) is not None, \
+            'Please specify at least one licensing element.'
+        # Refresh licensing element
+        parent_element = self.refresh_element_xpath(xpath + '/metadata/generalInfo/licensing')
+        # Add the licensing details
+        parent_element.add_multiple(license_type=license_type,
+                                    license_specification=license_specification,
+                                    license_info=license_info,
+                                    only_add_if_valued=True, camel_case_conversion=True)
+        return
+    def add_dc_sources(self, dc_uid, repository_link=None, download_link=None, references=None):
+        """Method to add a sources element to the generalInfo element of a DC branch.
+        :param dc_uid: designCompetence uID
+        :type dc_uid: basestring
+        :param repository_link: weblink to repository containing the design competence
+        :type repository_link: basestring
+        :param download_link: weblink for downloading the design competence
+        :type download_link: basestring
+        :param references: list of references about the design competence (papers, websites, etc.)
+        :type references: list
+        :return: XML with license info
+        :rtype: ExtendedElement
+        """
+        # TODO: If instance is higher than 1 the metadata should not be added.
+        # Assert that there is a DC element
+        xpath = self.get_xpath_of_uid(dc_uid, expected_tag='designCompetence')
+        # Assert that at least one license element has a value
+        assert (repository_link or download_link or references) is not None, \
+            'Please specify at least one sources element.'
+        # Check the references input
+        if references:
+            assert isinstance(references, list), 'references should be a list.'
+            for ref in references:
+                assert isinstance(ref, basestring), 'Each reference in the references list should be a string ({}).'.format(ref)
+        # Refresh sources element
+        parent_element = self.refresh_element_xpath(xpath + '/metadata/generalInfo/sources')
+        # Add the licensing details
+        parent_element.add_multiple(repository_link=repository_link,
+                                    download_link=download_link,
+                                    references=references,
+                                    camel_case_conversion=True, only_add_if_valued=True)
     def add_dc_performance_info(self, dc_uid, precision=None, fidelity_level=None, run_time=None, verification=None):
@@ -704,19 +719,10 @@ class CMDOWS(object):
             # Assert the verifier is a contact
-        # Assert that there is no existing general info element or else remove it
-        self.remove_element_based_on_xpath(xpath + '/metadata/performanceInfo')
-        # Ensure elements to metadata parent
-        parent_element = self.ensure_abs_xpath(xpath + '/metadata')
         # Add the contact details
-        performance_info_element = Element('performanceInfo')
-        performance_info_element.add('precision', precision, only_add_if_valued=True)
-        performance_info_element.add('fidelityLevel', fidelity_level, only_add_if_valued=True)
-        performance_info_element.add('run_time', run_time, only_add_if_valued=True, camel_case_conversion=True)
-        parent_element.append(performance_info_element)
+        performance_info_element = self.refresh_element_xpath(xpath + '/metadata/performanceInfo')
+        performance_info_element.add_multiple(precision=precision, fidelity_level=fidelity_level, run_time=run_time,
+                                              only_add_if_valued=True, camel_case_conversion=True)
         if verification:
             self.add_dc_verification(dc_uid, verification['method'], verification['verifier'], verification['result'],
                                      verification['date'], verification['version'])
@@ -747,17 +753,15 @@ class CMDOWS(object):
         self.get_element_of_uid(verifier, expected_tag='contact') if verifier else None
         # Ensure elements to verifications parent
-        parent_element = self.ensure_abs_xpath(xpath + '/metadata/performanceInfo/verifications')
+        verification_element = self.append_element_to_xpath_element(xpath + '/metadata/performanceInfo/verifications',
+                                                                    'verification')
         # Find verifications element
-        verification_element = Element('verification')
         verification_element.add('method', method)
         verification_element.add('verifier', {'contactUID': verifier}, camel_case_conversion=False)
         verification_element.add('result', result)
         verification_element.add('date', date)
         verification_element.add('version', version)
-        parent_element.append(verification_element)
     def add_dc_remote_component_info(self, dc_uid, single_or_multi_execution, job_name, remote_engineer,
@@ -781,11 +785,8 @@ class CMDOWS(object):
             data_exchange_dict = dict_to_ord_dict(data_exchange_dict, self.DATA_EXCHANGE_SETTINGS_ELEMENTS)
         # Assert that there is an execution info element and remove a potential existing remoteComponent element
-        parent_element = self.ensure_abs_xpath(xpath + '/metadata/executionInfo')
-        self.remove_element_based_on_xpath(xpath + '/metadata/executionInfo/remoteComponentInfo')
+        remote_component_element = self.refresh_element_xpath(xpath + '/metadata/executionInfo/remoteComponentInfo')
-        # Add the remote component element
-        remote_component_element = Element('remoteComponentInfo')
                                                        ('job_name', job_name),
@@ -794,9 +795,32 @@ class CMDOWS(object):
         remote_component_element.add('data_exchange_settings', value=data_exchange_dict, only_add_if_valued=True,
-        parent_element.append(remote_component_element)
+    def add_dc_execution_details(self, dc_uid, operating_system=None, integration_platform=None, command=None,
+                                 description=None, software_requirements=None, hardware_requirements=None):
+        """Method to add a local execution info element to a dc branch."""
+        # TODO: If instance is higher than 1 the metadata should not be added.
+        # Assert that there is a DC element
+        xpath = self.get_xpath_of_uid(dc_uid, expected_tag='designCompetence')
+        # Assert at least one element is provided with a value
+        assert (operating_system or integration_platform or command or description or
+                software_requirements or hardware_requirements) is not None, 'At least one element should be valued.'
+        # First ensure a localComponentInfo XPath
+        exec_details_el = self.append_element_to_xpath_element(xpath + '/metadata/executionInfo/localComponentInfo',
+                                                        'executionDetails')
+        exec_details_el.add_multiple(operating_system=operating_system,
+                                     integration_platform=integration_platform,
+                                     command=command, description=description,
+                                     software_requirements=software_requirements,
+                                     hardware_requirements=hardware_requirements,
+                                     camel_case_conversion=True, only_add_if_valued=True)
+        return exec_details_el
     def add_new_parameters_from_element(self, parameters_element):
         """Method to add the new parameters based on a parameters element.
@@ -845,7 +869,7 @@ class CMDOWS(object):
         # Input assertions
         assert isinstance(role, basestring), 'Role should be of type string.'
-        assert role in self.ROLES_OPTIONS, 'Role {} does not exist.'.format(role)
+        assert role in self.ROLES_OPTIONS, 'Role {} does not exist. Choose from: {}'.format(role, self.ROLES_OPTIONS)
         # Assert that there is a path to the roles element or add one
         target_element = make_camel_case(role, make_plural_option=True)
@@ -898,6 +922,66 @@ class CMDOWS(object):
                 self.add_subelement(el_pr[0], eltag)
         return self.root.xpath(local_xpath)[0]
+    def append_element_to_xpath_element(self, xpath, element_tag, attrib=None):
+        """Method to append a new element at an XPath location.
+        :param xpath: unique XPath location where the element should be appended
+        :type xpath: basestring
+        :param element_tag: name of the new element to be appended
+        :type element_tag: basestring
+        :return: appended element
+        :rtype: ExtendedElement
+        """
+        el = self.ensure_abs_xpath(xpath)
+        new_el = el.add(element_tag, attrib=attrib)
+        return new_el
+    def append_element_to_uid_element(self, uid, element_to_add, expected_tag_uid_el=None, expected_tag_new_el=None):
+        """Generic method to add a subelement to an element with a certain UID.
+        :param uid: uID of element to be added to
+        :type uid: basestring
+        :param element_to_add: subelement to be added
+        :type element_to_add: str
+        :param expected_tag_uid_el: expected tag of element
+        :type expected_tag_uid_el: str
+        :param expected_tag_new_el: expected tag of subelement
+        :type expected_tag_new_el: str
+        :return: XML with subelement
+        :rtype: XMLSchema
+        """
+        # Assert that there is a UID element
+        xpath = self.get_xpath_of_uid(uid, expected_tag=expected_tag_uid_el)
+        # Assert that an inputs element is given
+        if expected_tag_new_el:
+            self.assert_element_tag(element_to_add, expected_tag_new_el)
+        # Get element of uid
+        parent_element = self.get_element_of_uid(uid)
+        # Add new element
+        parent_element.append(element_to_add)
+        return
+    def refresh_element_xpath(self, xpath):
+        """Method to refresh an element based on an XPath. This means the element is removed if it exist and a new
+        element is created and returned.
+        :param xpath: XPath of the element to be refreshed.
+        :type xpath: basestring
+        :return: refreshed element
+        :rtype: ExtendedElement
+        """
+        # Assert that there is no existing licensing element or else remove it
+        self.remove_element_based_on_xpath(xpath)
+        # Ensure element to metadata parent
+        parent_element = self.ensure_abs_xpath(xpath)
+        return parent_element
     def resolve_uids(self):
         """Method to rename duplicate uIDs in a CMDOWS file.
diff --git a/kadmos/cmdows/schemas/0.8/cmdows.xml b/kadmos/cmdows/schemas/0.8/cmdows.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2665a4718
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kadmos/cmdows/schemas/0.8/cmdows.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,964 @@
+  <header>
+    <creator>string</creator>
+    <description>string</description>
+    <timestamp>2008-09-29T03:49:45</timestamp>
+    <fileVersion>string</fileVersion>
+    <cmdowsVersion>string</cmdowsVersion>
+    <!--Optional:-->
+    <updates>
+      <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+      <update>
+        <modification>string</modification>
+        <creator>string</creator>
+        <timestamp>2014-09-19T01:18:33</timestamp>
+        <fileVersion>string</fileVersion>
+        <cmdowsVersion>string</cmdowsVersion>
+      </update>
+    </updates>
+    <!--Optional:-->
+    <organization>
+      <contacts>
+        <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+        <contact uID="string">
+          <name>string</name>
+          <!--Optional:-->
+          <email>string</email>
+          <!--Optional:-->
+          <company>anyType</company>
+          <!--Optional:-->
+          <department>anyType</department>
+          <!--Optional:-->
+          <function>string</function>
+          <!--Optional:-->
+          <address>string</address>
+          <!--Optional:-->
+          <telephone>string</telephone>
+          <!--Optional:-->
+          <country>string</country>
+        </contact>
+      </contacts>
+      <!--Optional:-->
+      <organigram>
+        <!--Optional:-->
+        <architects>
+          <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+          <architect>
+            <contactUID>anyType</contactUID>
+          </architect>
+        </architects>
+        <!--Optional:-->
+        <integrators>
+          <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+          <integrator>
+            <contactUID>anyType</contactUID>
+          </integrator>
+        </integrators>
+        <!--Optional:-->
+        <collaborativeEngineers>
+          <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+          <collaborativeEngineer>
+            <contactUID>anyType</contactUID>
+          </collaborativeEngineer>
+        </collaborativeEngineers>
+        <!--Optional:-->
+        <toolSpecialists>
+          <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+          <toolSpecialist>
+            <contactUID>anyType</contactUID>
+          </toolSpecialist>
+        </toolSpecialists>
+        <!--Optional:-->
+        <customers>
+          <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+          <customer>
+            <contactUID>string</contactUID>
+          </customer>
+        </customers>
+        <!--Optional:-->
+        <projectSpecific>anyType</projectSpecific>
+      </organigram>
+    </organization>
+  </header>
+  <executableBlocks>
+    <!--Optional:-->
+    <designCompetences>
+      <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+      <designCompetence uID="string">
+        <label>string</label>
+        <instanceID>string</instanceID>
+        <inputs>
+          <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+          <input>
+            <parameterUID>string</parameterUID>
+            <!--Optional:-->
+            <validRanges>
+              <!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
+              <limitRange>
+                <minimum>1.5E2</minimum>
+                <maximum>1.5E2</maximum>
+              </limitRange>
+              <!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
+              <listRange>
+                <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+                <listRangeItem>string</listRangeItem>
+              </listRange>
+            </validRanges>
+          </input>
+        </inputs>
+        <outputs>
+          <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+          <output>
+            <parameterUID>string</parameterUID>
+          </output>
+        </outputs>
+        <!--You have a CHOICE of the next 2 items at this level-->
+        <!--Optional:-->
+        <relatedInstanceUID>string</relatedInstanceUID>
+        <ID>string</ID>
+        <modeID>string</modeID>
+        <version>string</version>
+        <!--Optional:-->
+        <metadata>
+          <!--Optional:-->
+          <generalInfo>
+            <!--Optional:-->
+            <description>string</description>
+            <!--Optional:-->
+            <status>string</status>
+            <!--Optional:-->
+            <creationDate>2006-08-19+02:00</creationDate>
+            <!--Optional:-->
+            <owner>
+              <!--You have a CHOICE of the next 2 items at this level-->
+              <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+              <contact uID="string">
+                <name>string</name>
+                <!--Optional:-->
+                <email>string</email>
+                <!--Optional:-->
+                <company>anyType</company>
+                <!--Optional:-->
+                <department>anyType</department>
+                <!--Optional:-->
+                <function>string</function>
+                <!--Optional:-->
+                <address>string</address>
+                <!--Optional:-->
+                <telephone>string</telephone>
+                <!--Optional:-->
+                <country>string</country>
+              </contact>
+              <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+              <contactUID>string</contactUID>
+            </owner>
+            <!--Optional:-->
+            <creator>
+              <!--You have a CHOICE of the next 2 items at this level-->
+              <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+              <contact uID="string">
+                <name>string</name>
+                <!--Optional:-->
+                <email>string</email>
+                <!--Optional:-->
+                <company>anyType</company>
+                <!--Optional:-->
+                <department>anyType</department>
+                <!--Optional:-->
+                <function>string</function>
+                <!--Optional:-->
+                <address>string</address>
+                <!--Optional:-->
+                <telephone>string</telephone>
+                <!--Optional:-->
+                <country>string</country>
+              </contact>
+              <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+              <contactUID>string</contactUID>
+            </creator>
+            <!--Optional:-->
+            <operator>
+              <!--You have a CHOICE of the next 2 items at this level-->
+              <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+              <contact uID="string">
+                <name>string</name>
+                <!--Optional:-->
+                <email>string</email>
+                <!--Optional:-->
+                <company>anyType</company>
+                <!--Optional:-->
+                <department>anyType</department>
+                <!--Optional:-->
+                <function>string</function>
+                <!--Optional:-->
+                <address>string</address>
+                <!--Optional:-->
+                <telephone>string</telephone>
+                <!--Optional:-->
+                <country>string</country>
+              </contact>
+              <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+              <contactUID>string</contactUID>
+            </operator>
+            <!--Optional:-->
+            <licensing>
+              <!--Optional:-->
+              <licenseType>string</licenseType>
+              <!--Optional:-->
+              <licenseSpecification>string</licenseSpecification>
+              <!--Optional:-->
+              <licenseInfo>string</licenseInfo>
+            </licensing>
+            <!--Optional:-->
+            <sources>
+              <!--Optional:-->
+              <repositoryLink>string</repositoryLink>
+              <!--Optional:-->
+              <downloadLink>string</downloadLink>
+              <!--Optional:-->
+              <references>
+                <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+                <reference>string</reference>
+              </references>
+            </sources>
+            <!--Optional:-->
+            <modelDefinition>
+              <!--Optional:-->
+              <referenceDataSet>string</referenceDataSet>
+              <!--Optional:-->
+              <analysisMethod>string</analysisMethod>
+              <!--Optional:-->
+              <fittingMethod>string</fittingMethod>
+              <!--Optional:-->
+              <relatedDesignCompetenceID>string</relatedDesignCompetenceID>
+              <!--Optional:-->
+              <relatedDesignCompetenceVersion>string</relatedDesignCompetenceVersion>
+            </modelDefinition>
+          </generalInfo>
+          <!--Optional:-->
+          <performanceInfo>
+            <!--Optional:-->
+            <precision>1000.00</precision>
+            <!--Optional:-->
+            <fidelityLevel>1000.00</fidelityLevel>
+            <!--Optional:-->
+            <runTime>1000.00</runTime>
+            <!--Optional:-->
+            <standardDeviation>1000.00</standardDeviation>
+            <!--Optional:-->
+            <verifications>
+              <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+              <verification>
+                <method>string</method>
+                <verifier>
+                  <!--You have a CHOICE of the next 2 items at this level-->
+                  <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+                  <contact uID="string">
+                    <name>string</name>
+                    <!--Optional:-->
+                    <email>string</email>
+                    <!--Optional:-->
+                    <company>anyType</company>
+                    <!--Optional:-->
+                    <department>anyType</department>
+                    <!--Optional:-->
+                    <function>string</function>
+                    <!--Optional:-->
+                    <address>string</address>
+                    <!--Optional:-->
+                    <telephone>string</telephone>
+                    <!--Optional:-->
+                    <country>string</country>
+                  </contact>
+                  <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+                  <contactUID>string</contactUID>
+                </verifier>
+                <result>string</result>
+                <date>2009-05-16</date>
+                <version>string</version>
+              </verification>
+            </verifications>
+          </performanceInfo>
+          <!--Optional:-->
+          <executionInfo>
+            <!--Optional:-->
+            <availabilityConstraints>
+              <!--Optional:-->
+              <fromDate>2003-08-09+02:00</fromDate>
+              <!--Optional:-->
+              <toDate>2012-09-13+02:00</toDate>
+              <!--Optional:-->
+              <fromOfficeHour>09:16:36</fromOfficeHour>
+              <!--Optional:-->
+              <toOfficeHour>17:05:32</toOfficeHour>
+              <!--Optional:-->
+              <maximumTotalExecutions>3</maximumTotalExecutions>
+              <!--Optional:-->
+              <maximumParallelExecutions>3</maximumParallelExecutions>
+            </availabilityConstraints>
+            <!--Optional:-->
+            <authorizationConstraints>
+              <!--Optional:-->
+              <authorizedUsers>
+                <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+                <authorizedUser>
+                  <!--You have a CHOICE of the next 2 items at this level-->
+                  <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+                  <contact uID="string">
+                    <name>string</name>
+                    <!--Optional:-->
+                    <email>string</email>
+                    <!--Optional:-->
+                    <company>anyType</company>
+                    <!--Optional:-->
+                    <department>anyType</department>
+                    <!--Optional:-->
+                    <function>string</function>
+                    <!--Optional:-->
+                    <address>string</address>
+                    <!--Optional:-->
+                    <telephone>string</telephone>
+                    <!--Optional:-->
+                    <country>string</country>
+                  </contact>
+                  <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+                  <contactUID>string</contactUID>
+                </authorizedUser>
+              </authorizedUsers>
+              <!--Optional:-->
+              <unauthorizedUsers>
+                <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+                <unauthorizedUser>
+                  <!--You have a CHOICE of the next 2 items at this level-->
+                  <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+                  <contact uID="string">
+                    <name>string</name>
+                    <!--Optional:-->
+                    <email>string</email>
+                    <!--Optional:-->
+                    <company>anyType</company>
+                    <!--Optional:-->
+                    <department>anyType</department>
+                    <!--Optional:-->
+                    <function>string</function>
+                    <!--Optional:-->
+                    <address>string</address>
+                    <!--Optional:-->
+                    <telephone>string</telephone>
+                    <!--Optional:-->
+                    <country>string</country>
+                  </contact>
+                  <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+                  <contactUID>string</contactUID>
+                </unauthorizedUser>
+              </unauthorizedUsers>
+            </authorizationConstraints>
+            <!--Optional:-->
+            <remoteComponentInfo>
+              <!--Optional:-->
+              <jobSettings>
+                <!--Optional:-->
+                <singleOrMultiExecution>single</singleOrMultiExecution>
+                <!--Optional:-->
+                <jobName>string</jobName>
+                <!--Optional:-->
+                <remoteEngineer>
+                  <!--You have a CHOICE of the next 2 items at this level-->
+                  <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+                  <contact uID="string">
+                    <name>string</name>
+                    <!--Optional:-->
+                    <email>string</email>
+                    <!--Optional:-->
+                    <company>anyType</company>
+                    <!--Optional:-->
+                    <department>anyType</department>
+                    <!--Optional:-->
+                    <function>string</function>
+                    <!--Optional:-->
+                    <address>string</address>
+                    <!--Optional:-->
+                    <telephone>string</telephone>
+                    <!--Optional:-->
+                    <country>string</country>
+                  </contact>
+                  <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+                  <contactUID>string</contactUID>
+                </remoteEngineer>
+                <!--Optional:-->
+                <notificationMessage>string</notificationMessage>
+              </jobSettings>
+              <!--Optional:-->
+              <dataExchangeSettings>
+                <!--Optional:-->
+                <dataserver>string</dataserver>
+                <!--Optional:-->
+                <urlsite>string</urlsite>
+                <!--Optional:-->
+                <webAuthenticationProtocol>string</webAuthenticationProtocol>
+                <!--Optional:-->
+                <context>string</context>
+                <!--Optional:-->
+                <folder>string</folder>
+                <!--Optional:-->
+                <pollingTime>1.5E2</pollingTime>
+                <!--Optional:-->
+                <maxIterations>3</maxIterations>
+                <!--Optional:-->
+                <timeOut>1.5E2</timeOut>
+                <!--Optional:-->
+                <sharedFilePolicy>string</sharedFilePolicy>
+                <!--Optional:-->
+                <servermutex>string</servermutex>
+              </dataExchangeSettings>
+            </remoteComponentInfo>
+            <!--Optional:-->
+            <localComponentInfo>
+              <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+              <executionDetails>
+                <!--Optional:-->
+                <operatingSystem>string</operatingSystem>
+                <!--Optional:-->
+                <integrationPlatform>string</integrationPlatform>
+                <!--Optional:-->
+                <command>string</command>
+                <!--Optional:-->
+                <description>string</description>
+                <!--Optional:-->
+                <softwareRequirements>
+                  <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+                  <softwareRequirement>string</softwareRequirement>
+                </softwareRequirements>
+                <!--Optional:-->
+                <hardwareRequirements>
+                  <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+                  <hardwareRequirement>string</hardwareRequirement>
+                </hardwareRequirements>
+              </executionDetails>
+            </localComponentInfo>
+          </executionInfo>
+        </metadata>
+        <!--Optional:-->
+        <projectSpecific>anyType</projectSpecific>
+      </designCompetence>
+    </designCompetences>
+    <!--Optional:-->
+    <mathematicalFunctions>
+      <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+      <mathematicalFunction uID="string">
+        <label>string</label>
+        <functionType>regular</functionType>
+        <inputs>
+          <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+          <input>
+            <parameterUID>string</parameterUID>
+            <!--Optional:-->
+            <equationLabel>string string</equationLabel>
+            <!--Optional:-->
+            <validRanges>
+              <!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
+              <limitRange>
+                <minimum>1.5E2</minimum>
+                <maximum>1.5E2</maximum>
+              </limitRange>
+              <!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
+              <listRange>
+                <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+                <listRangeItem>string</listRangeItem>
+              </listRange>
+            </validRanges>
+          </input>
+        </inputs>
+        <outputs>
+          <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+          <output>
+            <parameterUID>string</parameterUID>
+            <!--You have a CHOICE of the next 2 items at this level-->
+            <equations uID="string">
+              <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+              <equation language="string">string</equation>
+            </equations>
+            <equationsUID>string</equationsUID>
+          </output>
+        </outputs>
+      </mathematicalFunction>
+    </mathematicalFunctions>
+  </executableBlocks>
+  <parameters>
+    <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+    <parameter uID="string">
+      <label>string</label>
+      <instanceID>3</instanceID>
+      <!--You have a CHOICE of the next 2 items at this level-->
+      <relatedInstanceUID>string</relatedInstanceUID>
+      <!--Optional:-->
+      <description>string</description>
+      <!--Optional:-->
+      <schemaPath>string</schemaPath>
+      <!--Optional:-->
+      <note>string</note>
+      <!--Optional:-->
+      <defaultValue>string</defaultValue>
+      <!--Optional:-->
+      <unit>string</unit>
+      <!--Optional:-->
+      <dataType>string</dataType>
+    </parameter>
+  </parameters>
+  <!--Optional:-->
+  <problemDefinition uID="string">
+    <problemFormulation>
+      <mdaoArchitecture>string</mdaoArchitecture>
+      <!--Optional:-->
+      <convergerType>string</convergerType>
+      <executableBlocksOrder>
+        <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+        <executableBlock position="3">string</executableBlock>
+      </executableBlocksOrder>
+      <allowUnconvergedCouplings>false</allowUnconvergedCouplings>
+      <!--Optional:-->
+      <doeSettings>
+        <doeMethod>string</doeMethod>
+        <!--Optional:-->
+        <doeSeed>1000.00</doeSeed>
+        <!--Optional:-->
+        <doeRuns>3</doeRuns>
+      </doeSettings>
+    </problemFormulation>
+    <problemRoles>
+      <parameters>
+        <!--Optional:-->
+        <designVariables>
+          <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+          <designVariable uID="string">
+            <parameterUID>string</parameterUID>
+            <!--Optional:-->
+            <nominalValue>1000.00</nominalValue>
+            <!--Optional:-->
+            <validRanges>
+              <!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
+              <limitRange>
+                <minimum>1.5E2</minimum>
+                <maximum>1.5E2</maximum>
+              </limitRange>
+              <!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
+              <listRange>
+                <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+                <listRangeItem>string</listRangeItem>
+              </listRange>
+            </validRanges>
+            <!--Optional:-->
+            <variableType>int</variableType>
+            <!--Optional:-->
+            <samples>
+              <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+              <sample position="string">1000.00</sample>
+            </samples>
+          </designVariable>
+        </designVariables>
+        <!--Optional:-->
+        <objectiveVariables>
+          <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+          <objectiveVariable uID="string">
+            <parameterUID>string</parameterUID>
+          </objectiveVariable>
+        </objectiveVariables>
+        <!--Optional:-->
+        <constraintVariables>
+          <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+          <constraintVariable uID="string">
+            <parameterUID>string</parameterUID>
+            <!--Optional:-->
+            <constraintType>string</constraintType>
+            <!--Optional:-->
+            <constraintOperator>anyType</constraintOperator>
+            <!--Optional:-->
+            <referenceValue>anyType</referenceValue>
+            <!--Optional:-->
+            <requiredEqualityPrecision>1000.00</requiredEqualityPrecision>
+          </constraintVariable>
+        </constraintVariables>
+        <!--Optional:-->
+        <stateVariables>
+          <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+          <stateVariable uID="string">
+            <parameterUID>string</parameterUID>
+          </stateVariable>
+        </stateVariables>
+      </parameters>
+      <executableBlocks>
+        <!--Optional:-->
+        <preCouplingBlocks>
+          <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+          <preCouplingBlock>string</preCouplingBlock>
+        </preCouplingBlocks>
+        <!--Optional:-->
+        <coupledBlocks>
+          <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+          <coupledBlock>string</coupledBlock>
+        </coupledBlocks>
+        <!--Optional:-->
+        <postCouplingBlocks>
+          <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+          <postCouplingBlock>string</postCouplingBlock>
+        </postCouplingBlocks>
+        <!--Optional:-->
+        <preDesvarsBlocks>
+          <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+          <preDesvarsBlock>string</preDesvarsBlock>
+        </preDesvarsBlocks>
+        <!--Optional:-->
+        <postDesvarsBlocks>
+          <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+          <postDesvarBlock>string</postDesvarBlock>
+        </postDesvarsBlocks>
+      </executableBlocks>
+    </problemRoles>
+  </problemDefinition>
+  <!--Optional:-->
+  <workflow>
+    <!--Optional:-->
+    <problemDefinitionUID>string</problemDefinitionUID>
+    <dataGraph>
+      <name>string</name>
+      <edges>
+        <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+        <edge>
+          <!--You have a CHOICE of the next 2 items at this level-->
+          <fromParameterUID>string</fromParameterUID>
+          <fromExecutableBlockUID>string</fromExecutableBlockUID>
+          <!--You have a CHOICE of the next 2 items at this level-->
+          <toParameterUID>anyType</toParameterUID>
+          <toExecutableBlockUID>anyType</toExecutableBlockUID>
+        </edge>
+      </edges>
+      <!--Optional:-->
+      <metadata>anyType</metadata>
+    </dataGraph>
+    <!--Optional:-->
+    <processGraph>
+      <name>string</name>
+      <edges>
+        <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+        <edge>
+          <fromExecutableBlockUID>string</fromExecutableBlockUID>
+          <toExecutableBlockUID>string</toExecutableBlockUID>
+          <processStepNumber>3</processStepNumber>
+        </edge>
+      </edges>
+      <nodes>
+        <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+        <node>
+          <referenceUID>string</referenceUID>
+          <processStepNumber>3</processStepNumber>
+          <!--Optional:-->
+          <convergerStepNumber>3</convergerStepNumber>
+          <diagonalPosition>3</diagonalPosition>
+        </node>
+      </nodes>
+      <!--Optional:-->
+      <metadata>
+        <!--Optional:-->
+        <loopNesting relatedUID="string">
+          <!--Optional:-->
+          <loopElements>
+            <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+            <loopElement/>
+          </loopElements>
+          <!--Optional:-->
+          <functionElements>
+            <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+            <functionElement>string</functionElement>
+          </functionElements>
+        </loopNesting>
+      </metadata>
+    </processGraph>
+  </workflow>
+  <!--Optional:-->
+  <architectureElements>
+    <parameters>
+      <!--Optional:-->
+      <initialGuessCouplingVariables>
+        <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+        <initialGuessCouplingVariable uID="string">
+          <!--You have a CHOICE of the next 2 items at this level-->
+          <relatedParameterUID>string</relatedParameterUID>
+          <relatedInstanceUID>string</relatedInstanceUID>
+          <label>string</label>
+          <instanceID>3</instanceID>
+        </initialGuessCouplingVariable>
+      </initialGuessCouplingVariables>
+      <!--Optional:-->
+      <finalCouplingVariables>
+        <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+        <finalCouplingVariable uID="string">
+          <!--You have a CHOICE of the next 2 items at this level-->
+          <relatedParameterUID>string</relatedParameterUID>
+          <relatedInstanceUID>string</relatedInstanceUID>
+          <label>string</label>
+          <instanceID>3</instanceID>
+        </finalCouplingVariable>
+      </finalCouplingVariables>
+      <!--Optional:-->
+      <couplingCopyVariables>
+        <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+        <couplingCopyVariable uID="string">
+          <!--You have a CHOICE of the next 2 items at this level-->
+          <relatedParameterUID>string</relatedParameterUID>
+          <relatedInstanceUID>string</relatedInstanceUID>
+          <label>string</label>
+          <instanceID>3</instanceID>
+        </couplingCopyVariable>
+      </couplingCopyVariables>
+      <!--Optional:-->
+      <initialGuessDesignVariables>
+        <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+        <initialGuessDesignVariable uID="string">
+          <!--You have a CHOICE of the next 2 items at this level-->
+          <relatedParameterUID>string</relatedParameterUID>
+          <relatedInstanceUID>string</relatedInstanceUID>
+          <label>string</label>
+          <instanceID>3</instanceID>
+        </initialGuessDesignVariable>
+      </initialGuessDesignVariables>
+      <!--Optional:-->
+      <finalDesignVariables>
+        <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+        <finalDesignVariable uID="string">
+          <!--You have a CHOICE of the next 2 items at this level-->
+          <relatedParameterUID>string</relatedParameterUID>
+          <relatedInstanceUID>string</relatedInstanceUID>
+          <label>string</label>
+          <instanceID>3</instanceID>
+        </finalDesignVariable>
+      </finalDesignVariables>
+      <!--Optional:-->
+      <finalOutputVariables>
+        <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+        <finalOutputVariable uID="string">
+          <!--You have a CHOICE of the next 2 items at this level-->
+          <relatedParameterUID>string</relatedParameterUID>
+          <relatedInstanceUID>string</relatedInstanceUID>
+          <label>string</label>
+          <instanceID>3</instanceID>
+        </finalOutputVariable>
+      </finalOutputVariables>
+      <!--Optional:-->
+      <copyDesignVariables>
+        <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+        <copyDesignVariable uID="string">
+          <!--You have a CHOICE of the next 2 items at this level-->
+          <relatedParameterUID>string</relatedParameterUID>
+          <relatedInstanceUID>string</relatedInstanceUID>
+          <label>string</label>
+          <instanceID>3</instanceID>
+        </copyDesignVariable>
+      </copyDesignVariables>
+      <!--Optional:-->
+      <consistencyConstraintVariables>
+        <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+        <consistencyConstraintVariable uID="string">
+          <!--You have a CHOICE of the next 2 items at this level-->
+          <relatedParameterUID>string</relatedParameterUID>
+          <relatedInstanceUID>string</relatedInstanceUID>
+          <label>string</label>
+          <instanceID>3</instanceID>
+        </consistencyConstraintVariable>
+      </consistencyConstraintVariables>
+      <!--Optional:-->
+      <doeInputSampleLists>
+        <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+        <doeInputSampleList uID="string">
+          <!--You have a CHOICE of the next 2 items at this level-->
+          <relatedParameterUID>string</relatedParameterUID>
+          <relatedInstanceUID>string</relatedInstanceUID>
+          <label>string</label>
+          <instanceID>3</instanceID>
+        </doeInputSampleList>
+      </doeInputSampleLists>
+      <!--Optional:-->
+      <doeOutputSampleLists>
+        <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+        <doeOutputSampleList uID="string">
+          <!--You have a CHOICE of the next 2 items at this level-->
+          <relatedParameterUID>string</relatedParameterUID>
+          <relatedInstanceUID>string</relatedInstanceUID>
+          <label>string</label>
+          <instanceID>3</instanceID>
+        </doeOutputSampleList>
+      </doeOutputSampleLists>
+      <!--Optional:-->
+      <surrogateModelApproximates>
+        <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+        <surrogateModelApproximate uID="string">
+          <!--You have a CHOICE of the next 2 items at this level-->
+          <relatedParameterUID>string</relatedParameterUID>
+          <relatedInstanceUID>string</relatedInstanceUID>
+          <label>string</label>
+          <instanceID>3</instanceID>
+        </surrogateModelApproximate>
+      </surrogateModelApproximates>
+      <!--Optional:-->
+      <couplingWeights>
+        <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+        <couplingWeight uID="string">
+          <!--You have a CHOICE of the next 2 items at this level-->
+          <relatedParameterUID>string</relatedParameterUID>
+          <relatedInstanceUID>string</relatedInstanceUID>
+          <label>string</label>
+          <instanceID>3</instanceID>
+        </couplingWeight>
+      </couplingWeights>
+    </parameters>
+    <executableBlocks>
+      <!--Optional:-->
+      <coordinators>
+        <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+        <coordinator uID="string">
+          <label>string</label>
+          <!--Optional:-->
+          <settings>string</settings>
+        </coordinator>
+      </coordinators>
+      <!--Optional:-->
+      <optimizers>
+        <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+        <optimizer uID="string">
+          <!--Optional:-->
+          <label>string</label>
+          <!--Optional:-->
+          <settings>
+            <maximumIterations>1.5E2</maximumIterations>
+            <algorithm>string</algorithm>
+            <applyScaling>false</applyScaling>
+            <maximumFunctionEvaluations>1.5E2</maximumFunctionEvaluations>
+            <constraintTolerance>1.5E2</constraintTolerance>
+            <convergenceTolerance>1.5E2</convergenceTolerance>
+          </settings>
+          <!--Optional:-->
+          <designVariables>
+            <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+            <designVariable>
+              <designVariableUID>string</designVariableUID>
+            </designVariable>
+          </designVariables>
+          <!--Optional:-->
+          <objectiveVariables>
+            <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+            <objectiveVariable>
+              <objectiveVariableUID>string</objectiveVariableUID>
+            </objectiveVariable>
+          </objectiveVariables>
+          <!--Optional:-->
+          <constraintVariables>
+            <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+            <constraintVariable>
+              <constraintVariableUID>string</constraintVariableUID>
+            </constraintVariable>
+          </constraintVariables>
+        </optimizer>
+      </optimizers>
+      <!--Optional:-->
+      <convergers>
+        <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+        <converger uID="string">
+          <!--Optional:-->
+          <label>string</label>
+          <!--Optional:-->
+          <settings>
+            <lastIterationsToConsider>1.5E2</lastIterationsToConsider>
+            <maximumIterations>1.5E2</maximumIterations>
+            <convergenceToleranceRelative>1.5E2</convergenceToleranceRelative>
+            <convergenceToleranceAbsolute>1.5E2</convergenceToleranceAbsolute>
+          </settings>
+        </converger>
+      </convergers>
+      <!--Optional:-->
+      <does>
+        <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+        <doe uID="string">
+          <label>string</label>
+          <settings>
+            <!--Optional:-->
+            <doeTable>
+              <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+              <tableRow relatedParameterUID="string">
+                <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+                <tableElement experimentID="string">1000.00</tableElement>
+              </tableRow>
+            </doeTable>
+            <!--Optional:-->
+            <doeMethod>string</doeMethod>
+            <!--Optional:-->
+            <doeRuns>100</doeRuns>
+            <!--Optional:-->
+            <doeSeed>100</doeSeed>
+          </settings>
+          <!--Optional:-->
+          <designVariables>
+            <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+            <designVariable>
+              <designVariableUID>string</designVariableUID>
+            </designVariable>
+          </designVariables>
+        </doe>
+      </does>
+      <!--Optional:-->
+      <surrogateModels>
+        <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+        <surrogateModel>
+          <relatedExecutableBlockUID>string</relatedExecutableBlockUID>
+        </surrogateModel>
+      </surrogateModels>
+      <!--Optional:-->
+      <boundaryDeterminators>
+        <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+        <boundaryDeterminator>
+          <relatedExecutableBlockUID>string</relatedExecutableBlockUID>
+        </boundaryDeterminator>
+      </boundaryDeterminators>
+      <!--Optional:-->
+      <surrogateModelBuilders>
+        <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+        <surrogateModelBuilder>
+          <relatedExecutableBlockUID>string</relatedExecutableBlockUID>
+        </surrogateModelBuilder>
+      </surrogateModelBuilders>
+      <!--Optional:-->
+      <preCouplingAnalyses>
+        <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+        <preCouplingAnalysis>
+          <relatedExecutableBlockUID>string</relatedExecutableBlockUID>
+        </preCouplingAnalysis>
+      </preCouplingAnalyses>
+      <!--Optional:-->
+      <preIteratorAnalyses>
+        <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+        <preIteratorAnalysis>
+          <relatedExecutableBlockUID>string</relatedExecutableBlockUID>
+        </preIteratorAnalysis>
+      </preIteratorAnalyses>
+      <!--Optional:-->
+      <postIteratorAnalyses>
+        <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+        <postIteratorAnalysis>
+          <relatedExecutableBlockUID>string</relatedExecutableBlockUID>
+        </postIteratorAnalysis>
+      </postIteratorAnalyses>
+      <!--Optional:-->
+      <coupledAnalyses>
+        <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+        <coupledAnalysis>
+          <relatedExecutableBlockUID>string</relatedExecutableBlockUID>
+        </coupledAnalysis>
+      </coupledAnalyses>
+      <!--Optional:-->
+      <postCouplingAnalyses>
+        <!--1 or more repetitions:-->
+        <postCouplingAnalysis>
+          <relatedExecutableBlockUID>string</relatedExecutableBlockUID>
+        </postCouplingAnalysis>
+      </postCouplingAnalyses>
+    </executableBlocks>
+  </architectureElements>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/kadmos/cmdows/schemas/0.8/cmdows.xsd b/kadmos/cmdows/schemas/0.8/cmdows.xsd
index b15d484ae..8e7684d43 100644
--- a/kadmos/cmdows/schemas/0.8/cmdows.xsd
+++ b/kadmos/cmdows/schemas/0.8/cmdows.xsd
@@ -265,6 +265,63 @@
 																							<xs:documentation>Operator(s) of the design competence to be contacted in case of problems</xs:documentation>
+																					<xs:element name="licensing" minOccurs="0">
+																						<xs:annotation>
+																							<xs:documentation>Optional element to specify licensing information.</xs:documentation>
+																						</xs:annotation>
+																						<xs:complexType>
+																							<xs:all>
+																								<xs:element name="licenseType" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
+																									<xs:annotation>
+																										<xs:documentation>License type examples: commercial, open-source, academic.</xs:documentation>
+																									</xs:annotation>
+																								</xs:element>
+																								<xs:element name="licenseSpecification" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
+																									<xs:annotation>
+																										<xs:documentation>License specification using a link or description. E.g.: Apache License 2.0</xs:documentation>
+																									</xs:annotation>
+																								</xs:element>
+																								<xs:element name="licenseInfo" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
+																									<xs:annotation>
+																										<xs:documentation>Additional information concerning the license (e.g. how to receive it if commercial, link to open-source license).</xs:documentation>
+																									</xs:annotation>
+																								</xs:element>
+																							</xs:all>
+																						</xs:complexType>
+																					</xs:element>
+																					<xs:element name="sources" minOccurs="0">
+																						<xs:annotation>
+																							<xs:documentation>Optional element to specify sources for the design competence, such as download link, repository link, papers, websites, etc.</xs:documentation>
+																						</xs:annotation>
+																						<xs:complexType>
+																							<xs:all>
+																								<xs:element name="repositoryLink" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
+																									<xs:annotation>
+																										<xs:documentation>Link to the (open-source) software repository.</xs:documentation>
+																									</xs:annotation>
+																								</xs:element>
+																								<xs:element name="downloadLink" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
+																									<xs:annotation>
+																										<xs:documentation>Link to the download link (for installation files, for example).</xs:documentation>
+																									</xs:annotation>
+																								</xs:element>
+																								<xs:element name="references" minOccurs="0">
+																									<xs:annotation>
+																										<xs:documentation>Additional references, such as websites, papers and others.</xs:documentation>
+																									</xs:annotation>
+																									<xs:complexType>
+																										<xs:sequence>
+																											<xs:element name="reference" type="xs:string" maxOccurs="unbounded">
+																												<xs:annotation>
+																													<xs:documentation>Additional reference, such as website, papers or other.</xs:documentation>
+																												</xs:annotation>
+																											</xs:element>
+																										</xs:sequence>
+																									</xs:complexType>
+																								</xs:element>
+																							</xs:all>
+																						</xs:complexType>
+																					</xs:element>
 																					<xs:element name="modelDefinition" minOccurs="0">
 																							<xs:documentation>Optional element for 'surrogateModel' competence types</xs:documentation>
@@ -383,6 +440,36 @@
+																					<xs:element name="localComponentInfo" minOccurs="0">
+																						<xs:complexType>
+																							<xs:sequence>
+																								<xs:element name="executionDetails" maxOccurs="unbounded">
+																									<xs:complexType>
+																										<xs:all>
+																											<xs:element name="operatingSystem" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
+																											<xs:element name="integrationPlatform" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
+																											<xs:element name="command" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
+																											<xs:element name="description" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
+																											<xs:element name="softwareRequirements" minOccurs="0">
+																												<xs:complexType>
+																													<xs:sequence>
+																														<xs:element name="softwareRequirement" type="xs:string" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+																													</xs:sequence>
+																												</xs:complexType>
+																											</xs:element>
+																											<xs:element name="hardwareRequirements" minOccurs="0">
+																												<xs:complexType>
+																													<xs:sequence>
+																														<xs:element name="hardwareRequirement" type="xs:string" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+																													</xs:sequence>
+																												</xs:complexType>
+																											</xs:element>
+																										</xs:all>
+																									</xs:complexType>
+																								</xs:element>
+																							</xs:sequence>
+																						</xs:complexType>
+																					</xs:element>
@@ -528,8 +615,21 @@
 														<xs:documentation>Any additional note for the parameter</xs:documentation>
-												<xs:element name="unit" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
-												<xs:element name="dataType" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
+												<xs:element name="defaultValue" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
+													<xs:annotation>
+														<xs:documentation>Default value of the parameter</xs:documentation>
+													</xs:annotation>
+												</xs:element>
+												<xs:element name="unit" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
+													<xs:annotation>
+															<xs:documentation>Unit used for the parameter, e.g. m, s, Pa, N, kN, etc.</xs:documentation>
+														</xs:annotation>
+												</xs:element>
+												<xs:element name="dataType" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
+													<xs:annotation>
+															<xs:documentation>Datatype used to store the parameter value, e.g. scalar, vector, matrix</xs:documentation>
+													</xs:annotation>
+												</xs:element>
@@ -1178,7 +1278,7 @@
 	<xs:complexType name="contactType">
-			<xs:element name="contact">
+			<xs:element name="contact" maxOccurs="unbounded">
 						<xs:element name="name" type="xs:string">
@@ -1205,7 +1305,7 @@
-			<xs:element name="contactUID" type="xs:string"/>
+			<xs:element name="contactUID" type="xs:string" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
 	<xs:complexType name="loopElementType">
diff --git a/kadmos/graph/ b/kadmos/graph/
index 308b5b3c2..b4e8b6d34 100644
--- a/kadmos/graph/
+++ b/kadmos/graph/
@@ -1174,7 +1174,7 @@ class DataGraph(KadmosGraph):
                 el = els[0]
                 default_value = el.text
                 if default_value:
-                    self.nodes[var_node]['note'] = default_value
+                    self.nodes[var_node]['default_value'] = default_value
diff --git a/kadmos/graph/ b/kadmos/graph/
index 30c92e925..c9b602913 100644
--- a/kadmos/graph/
+++ b/kadmos/graph/
@@ -1065,6 +1065,7 @@ class KadmosGraph(nx.DiGraph, EquationMixin, VistomsMixin):
                 cmdows_parameter.add('description', self.nodes[graph_parameter].get('description'),
                 cmdows_parameter.add('note', self.nodes[graph_parameter].get('note'), only_add_if_valued=True)
+                cmdows_parameter.add('defaultValue', self.nodes[graph_parameter].get('defaultValue'), only_add_if_valued=True)
                 cmdows_parameter.add('unit', self.nodes[graph_parameter].get('unit'), only_add_if_valued=True)
                 cmdows_parameter.add('dataType', self.nodes[graph_parameter].get('data_type'), only_add_if_valued=True)
@@ -1285,6 +1286,8 @@ class KadmosGraph(nx.DiGraph, EquationMixin, VistomsMixin):
                 self.nodes[uid]['unit'] = related_variable.findtext('unit')
             if related_variable.findtext('dataType') is not None:
                 self.nodes[uid]['data_type'] = related_variable.findtext('dataType')
+            if related_variable.findtext('defaultValue') is not None:
+                self.nodes[uid]['default_value'] = related_variable.findtext('defaultValue')
@@ -4068,7 +4071,7 @@ class KadmosGraph(nx.DiGraph, EquationMixin, VistomsMixin):
                                                   instance=idx, related_to_schema_node=node)
             for func in function_order:
                 if func in target_funcs:
-                    self.add_edge(new_node, func)
+                    self.add_edge((node, func), (new_node, func))
                     self.remove_edge(node, func)
                 if func in source_funcs:
                     if idx == 1 and func not in target_funcs:
@@ -4079,7 +4082,7 @@ class KadmosGraph(nx.DiGraph, EquationMixin, VistomsMixin):
                         new_node = self.copy_node_with_suffix(node, '__i'+str(idx), '^{vi'+str(idx)+'}',
                                                               instance=idx, related_to_schema_node=node)
                         idx += 1
-                    self.add_edge(func, new_node)
+                    self.copy_edge((func, node), (func, new_node))
                     self.remove_edge(func, node)
             # Remove the original node
diff --git a/kadmos/graph/ b/kadmos/graph/
index 4cc521075..1fce7da54 100644
--- a/kadmos/graph/
+++ b/kadmos/graph/
@@ -367,8 +367,6 @@ class VistomsMixin(object):
         :rtype: dict
-        print(xml_file)
         # Start-up
diff --git a/kadmos/utilities/ b/kadmos/utilities/
index 85504a1db..58bd37056 100644
--- a/kadmos/utilities/
+++ b/kadmos/utilities/
@@ -242,6 +242,18 @@ class ExtendedElement(etree.ElementBase):
         return child
+    def add_multiple(self, camel_case_conversion=False, only_add_if_valued=False, **kwargs):
+        """Method to add multiple subelements based on keyword arguments.
+        :param camel_case_conversion: Option for camel case convention
+        :type camel_case_conversion: bool
+        :param only_add_if_valued: Option whether to add elements only when they have a value.
+        :type camel_case_conversion: bool
+        """
+        for key, value in kwargs.iteritems():
+            self.add(key, value, camel_case_conversion=camel_case_conversion, only_add_if_valued=only_add_if_valued)
+        return
     def _add_dictionary(self, tag, dictionary, attrib=None, camel_case_conversion=False, **extra):
         """Method to add a new sub element to the element based on a dictionary.
@@ -295,6 +307,8 @@ class ExtendedElement(etree.ElementBase):
             if type(item) == tuple:
                 child.add(item[0], item[1], camel_case_conversion=camel_case_conversion)
+                if camel_case_conversion:
+                    tag = unmake_camel_case(tag)
                 child.add(make_singular(tag), item, camel_case_conversion=camel_case_conversion)
         return child