From a350dc87c86ff844962f2a1f69be53dbe8f7b0b7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: imcovangent <>
Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2018 18:30:10 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Added automatic isolation of surrogate models for BLISS-2000
 for TUD wing design case study. Adjusted create_dsm() method w.r.t.
 determination of the node_style (separate method used now). Further
 improvements for BLISS-2000 architecture.

Former-commit-id: 64eac2ce7bdd73c838a569e20f720836afaf709b
 kadmos/graph/    | 377 +++++++++++++++++++---------------
 kadmos/graph/  | 175 +++++++++-------
 kadmos/graph/ |  30 +--
 3 files changed, 320 insertions(+), 262 deletions(-)

diff --git a/kadmos/graph/ b/kadmos/graph/
index 49ca52487..a23074c9c 100644
--- a/kadmos/graph/
+++ b/kadmos/graph/
@@ -4396,6 +4396,128 @@ class FundamentalProblemGraph(DataGraph, KeChainMixin):
                 'functions_dicts': [sys_functions_dict, subsys_functions_dicts],
                 'functions_lists': functions_lists}
+    def _isolate_surrogate_models(self, sa):
+        """Method to isolate surrogate models and determine where certain functions belong within a distributed
+        system."""
+        # For each subgroup (SM) determine which pre-desvar functions are between the group and the design variables
+        # to be used for the surrogate model. Add these to the subgroup.
+        n_groups = len(sa['functions_dicts'][1])
+        # Get the design variables of the group
+        for g in range(n_groups):
+            group_uncoupled_functions = set()
+            group_des_vars = [des_var for des_var, groups in sa['des_vars']['groups'].items() if g in groups]
+            des_vars_funs = set()
+            for g_des_var in group_des_vars:
+                des_var_targets = self.get_targets(g_des_var)
+                des_var_targets = [t for t in des_var_targets if self.nodes[t]['problem_role'] != self.FUNCTION_ROLES[1]]
+                des_vars_funs.update(des_var_targets)
+            subgraph = self.get_subgraph_by_function_nodes(sa['functions_dicts'][0][self.FUNCTION_ROLES[4]]+sa['functions_lists'][1][g])
+            subgraph = subgraph.merge_functions(sa['functions_lists'][1][g], new_label='__merged_node__')
+            for des_vars_fun in des_vars_funs:
+                simple_paths = [p for p in nx.all_simple_paths(subgraph, des_vars_fun, '__merged_node__')]
+                for path in simple_paths:
+                    for node in path:
+                        if subgraph.nodes[node]['category'] == 'function' and node != '__merged_node__':
+                            group_uncoupled_functions.add(node)
+            group_postdesvar_functions = [f for f in sa['functions_dicts'][0][self.FUNCTION_ROLES[4]] if f in group_uncoupled_functions]
+            sa['functions_dicts'][1][g][self.FUNCTION_ROLES[4]] = group_postdesvar_functions + sa['functions_dicts'][1][g][self.FUNCTION_ROLES[4]]
+        # For extended couplings from uncoupled-DVD to post-coupling determine whether they should come from one of the
+        # surrogate models.
+        if sa['functions_dicts'][0][self.FUNCTION_ROLES[4]]:
+            subgraph1 = self.get_subgraph_by_function_nodes(sa['functions_dicts'][0][self.FUNCTION_ROLES[4]] +
+                                                           sa['functions_dicts'][0][self.FUNCTION_ROLES[2]])
+            subgraph2 = subgraph1.merge_functions(sa['functions_dicts'][0][self.FUNCTION_ROLES[4]], new_label='__merged_node__')
+            additional_couplings = set([n[2] for n in subgraph2.get_direct_coupling_nodes(['__merged_node__'] + sa['functions_dicts'][0][self.FUNCTION_ROLES[2]])])
+        else:
+            additional_couplings = set()
+            subgraph1 = None
+        # First check upon which design variables the additional coupling depends
+        for add_coup in additional_couplings:
+            depends_on = set()
+            # Check whether there is a dependency between the
+            for des_var, gs in sa['des_vars']['groups'].items():
+                if subgraph1.has_node(des_var):
+                    if nx.has_path(subgraph1, des_var, add_coup):
+                        depends_on.add(des_var)
+            # Extract the common groups from the dependencies
+            common_groups = set()
+            for dependency in depends_on:
+                dg = set(sa['des_vars']['groups'][dependency])
+                if not common_groups:
+                    common_groups.update(dg)
+                else:
+                    common_groups.intersection(dg)
+            # Raise error if there are no common groups
+            if not common_groups:
+                raise NotImplementedError('An extended coupling from post-desvars functions without any common groups '
+                                          'has not been implemented (yet).')
+            elif len(common_groups) == 1:
+                # Else if there is one common group, then check if all required functions are already part of that group
+                # and add them, if they are not.
+                add_coup_group = list(common_groups)[0]
+                add_coup_source = self.get_source(add_coup)
+                group_des_vars = [des_var for des_var, groups in sa['des_vars']['groups'].items() if add_coup_group in groups]
+                des_vars_funs = set()
+                for g_des_var in group_des_vars:
+                    des_var_targets = self.get_targets(g_des_var)
+                    des_var_targets = [t for t in des_var_targets if
+                                       self.nodes[t]['problem_role'] != self.FUNCTION_ROLES[1]]
+                    des_vars_funs.update(des_var_targets)
+                required_functions = []
+                for des_vars_fun in des_vars_funs:
+                    simple_paths = [p for p in nx.all_simple_paths(subgraph1, des_vars_fun, add_coup_source)]
+                    for path in simple_paths:
+                        for node in path:
+                            if subgraph1.nodes[node]['category'] == 'function':
+                                if node not in required_functions:
+                                    required_functions.append(node)
+                for fun in required_functions:
+                    if fun not in sa['functions_dicts'][1][add_coup_group][self.FUNCTION_ROLES[4]]:
+                        sa['functions_dicts'][1][add_coup_group][self.FUNCTION_ROLES[4]].append(fun)
+            else:  # multiple common groups
+                # If there are multiple common groups, then check if the function is already part of one of them.
+                # Raise error if the function is part of multiple (not implemented, but can be)
+                add_coup_source = self.get_source(add_coup)
+                found_groups = set()
+                for common_group in common_groups:
+                    group_funs = sa['functions_dicts'][1][common_group][self.FUNCTION_ROLES[4]]
+                    if add_coup_source in group_funs:
+                        found_groups.add(common_group)
+                if len(found_groups) != 1:
+                    raise NotImplementedError('For multiple common groups the function has to be used in one of them at the moment.')
+                else:
+                    add_coup_group = list(found_groups)[0]
+            # Adjust the system analysis dictionary
+            sa['couplings']['extended'].append(add_coup)
+            sa['couplings']['groups'][add_coup] = add_coup_group
+        # Remove the uncoupled-DVD functions from the global level
+        sa['functions_dicts'][0][self.FUNCTION_ROLES[4]] = []
+        # Create/update also list with all functions at a certain level
+        # TODO: this function is a repeat of an earlier function in analyze_distributed_system
+        functions_lists = []
+        functions_list = []
+        sys_functions_dict = sa['functions_dicts'][0]
+        subsys_functions_dicts = sa['functions_dicts'][1]
+        for key, item in sys_functions_dict.items():
+            functions_list.extend(item)
+        functions_lists.append(functions_list)
+        for function_dict in subsys_functions_dicts:
+            functions_list = []
+            for key, item in function_dict.items():
+                functions_list.extend(item)
+            if len(functions_lists) == 1:
+                functions_lists.append([functions_list])
+            else:
+                functions_lists[1].append(functions_list)
+        sa['functions_lists'] = functions_lists
+        return sa
     def get_objective_node(self):
         """Method to get the single (or non-existent) objective node from a graph.
@@ -4680,13 +4802,15 @@ class FundamentalProblemGraph(DataGraph, KeChainMixin):
         elif mdao_arch == graph.OPTIONS_ARCHITECTURES[8]:  # BLISS-2000
             coupled_functions_groups = graph.graph['problem_formulation']['coupled_functions_groups']
             n_groups = len(coupled_functions_groups)
-            sys_opt, sys_conv, sys_sms, sub_smbds, sub_does, sub_opts, sub_smbs = \
+            sys_opt, sys_conv, sys_sms, sub_does, sub_opts, sub_convs = \
                 self.get_architecture_node_ids(mdao_arch, number_of_groups=n_groups)
-            sys_opt_label, sys_conv_label, sys_sms_labels, sub_smbds_labels, sub_does_labels, sub_opts_labels, \
-            sub_smbs_labels = self.get_architecture_node_labels(mdao_arch, number_of_groups=n_groups)
+            sys_opt_label, sys_conv_label, sys_sms_labels, sub_does_labels, sub_opts_labels, sub_convs_labels = \
+                self.get_architecture_node_labels(mdao_arch, number_of_groups=n_groups)
             sa = self._analyze_distributed_system(des_var_nodes, objective_node, constraint_nodes, mg_function_ordering)
+            sa = self._isolate_surrogate_models(sa)
             # Determine any required function instances, add them and adjust subsys_functions_dict accordingly
             sa = mdg._split_functions(sa)
@@ -4701,6 +4825,7 @@ class FundamentalProblemGraph(DataGraph, KeChainMixin):
             sms_ins = []
             weight_nodes2 = []
             sm_inps_lists = []
+            doe_inps_list = []
             for idx, subsys_functions_dict in enumerate(sa['functions_dicts'][1]):
                 # Get global and local design nodes and local constraint nodes involved in the group
@@ -4719,13 +4844,33 @@ class FundamentalProblemGraph(DataGraph, KeChainMixin):
                 # Add the weighted couplings objective function according to BLISS-2000
                 group_wcf_node, group_wcf_obj_node, weight_nodes = \
-                    mdg.connect_weighted_couplings_objective_function(idx, local_group_couplings_group)
+                    mdg.connect_weighted_couplings_objective_function(idx, [f for f in local_group_couplings_group if f in sa['couplings']['basic']])
                 # Add and connect the sub-level optimizer
                 fin_des_vars, _, _, _ = mdg.connect_optimizer(sub_opts[idx], local_des_vars_group, group_wcf_obj_node,
                                                               local_cnstrnt_vars_group, label=sub_opts_labels[idx])
+                # (optionally) add a converger or check for the removal of feedback?
+                coupled_funs = sa['functions_dicts'][1][idx][mdg.FUNCTION_ROLES[1]]
+                coupled_subgraph = mdg.get_subgraph_by_function_nodes(coupled_funs)
+                try:
+                    cycles = nx.find_cycle(coupled_subgraph)
+                except NetworkXNoCycle:
+                    cycles = []
+                if cycles:
+                    # TODO: temp fix since coupled_functions_groups now also indicates partitions
+                    del coupled_subgraph.graph['problem_formulation']['coupled_functions_groups']
+                    best_order = coupled_subgraph.get_possible_function_order(method='single-swap')
+                    sa['functions_dicts'][1][idx][mdg.FUNCTION_ROLES[1]] = best_order
+                    mdg.connect_converger(sub_convs[idx], 'Gauss-Seidel', best_order, False, label=sub_convs_labels[idx])
+                else:
+                    for f in sa['functions_dicts'][1][idx][mdg.FUNCTION_ROLES[1]]:
+                        mdg.nodes[f]['architecture_role'] = self.ARCHITECTURE_ROLES_FUNS[6]
+                    for f in sa['functions_dicts'][1][idx][mdg.FUNCTION_ROLES[2]]:
+                        mdg.nodes[f]['architecture_role'] = self.ARCHITECTURE_ROLES_FUNS[6]
                 # Add local coupling nodes as final output in the graph
                 lgcg_finals = []
                 for node in local_group_couplings_group:
@@ -4740,14 +4885,9 @@ class FundamentalProblemGraph(DataGraph, KeChainMixin):
                 doe_inps, doe_outs = mdg.connect_doe_block(sub_does[idx],
                                                            external_group_couplings_copies_group +
-                                                           lgcg_finals+fin_des_vars)
-                # Add and connect the surrogate model boundary determinator
-                mdg.connect_boundary_determinator(sub_smbds[idx], [], doe_inps, label=sub_smbds_labels[idx])
-                # Add and connect the surrogate model builder
-                sm_def_node = mdg.connect_surrogate_model_builder(sub_smbs[idx], doe_inps, doe_outs,
-                                                                  label=sub_smbs_labels[idx])
+                                                           lgcg_finals+fin_des_vars, label=sub_does_labels[idx])
+                # Keep track of DOE inputs for convergence check
+                doe_inps_list.extend(doe_inps)
                 # Add and connect the surrogate model itself
                 sm_inps = []
@@ -4768,7 +4908,7 @@ class FundamentalProblemGraph(DataGraph, KeChainMixin):
                     mdg.mark_as_design_variable(node2, ignore_outdegree=True)
                 sm_out_originals = [mdg.nodes[node]['related_to_schema_node'] for node in lgcg_finals+fin_des_vars]
-                sm_outs = mdg.connect_surrogate_model(sys_sms[idx], sm_def_node, sm_inps, sm_out_originals,
+                sm_outs = mdg.connect_surrogate_model(sys_sms[idx], doe_inps, doe_outs, sm_inps, sm_out_originals,
@@ -4781,13 +4921,13 @@ class FundamentalProblemGraph(DataGraph, KeChainMixin):
             sms_outs_related = [mdg.nodes[node]['related_to_schema_node'] for node in sms_outs]
             for func in sa['functions_dicts'][0][self.FUNCTION_ROLES[2]]:
                 sources = mdg.get_sources(func)
+                mdg.nodes[func]['architecture_role'] = mdg.ARCHITECTURE_ROLES_FUNS[6]
                 for source in sources:
                     if 'related_to_schema_node' in mdg.nodes[source]:
                         rel_node = mdg.nodes[source]['related_to_schema_node']
                         if rel_node in sms_outs_related:
                             sm_node = sms_outs[sms_outs_related.index(rel_node)]
                             # Reconnect the source to the SM node
-                            assert mdg.in_degree(source) == 0, 'This node is supposed to be an input.'
                             mdg.remove_edge(source, func)
                             mdg.add_edge(sm_node, func)
@@ -4806,52 +4946,22 @@ class FundamentalProblemGraph(DataGraph, KeChainMixin):
                     ccf_mapping[sms_out] = map_node
                     raise NotImplementedError('Could not find the right map node somehow...')
-            ccf_node, cc_nodes = mdg.connect_consistency_constraint_function(ccf_mapping)
+            ccf_node, cc_nodes = mdg.connect_consistency_constraint_function(ccf_mapping,
+                                                                             architecture_role=self.ARCHITECTURE_ROLES_FUNS[6])
             # Connect the system-level optimizer
-            fin_des_vars, _, _, ini_guess_nodes = mdg.connect_optimizer(sys_opt,
+            fin_des_vars, fin_obj, _, ini_guess_nodes = mdg.connect_optimizer(sys_opt,
                                                                         list(sys_lev_des_vars)+weight_nodes2 +
                                                                         objective_node, list(sys_lev_cnstrnts)+cc_nodes,
-            # Connect converger check
+            # Connect distributed system converger
             fin_sys_lev_des_vars = [node for node in fin_des_vars if
                                     mdg.nodes[node]['related_to_schema_node'] in sys_lev_des_vars]
-            ini_guess_nodes_filt = [node for node in ini_guess_nodes if
-                                    mdg.nodes[node]['related_to_schema_node'] in sys_lev_des_vars]
-            mdg.connect_convergence_check(sys_conv, fin_sys_lev_des_vars+ini_guess_nodes_filt, label=sys_conv_label)
-            # Connect the initial guesses and final values to the surrogate model boundary determinator
-            ini_guess_nodes_related = [mdg.nodes[node]['related_to_schema_node'] for node in ini_guess_nodes]
-            fin_val_nodes_related = [mdg.nodes[node]['related_to_schema_node'] for node in fin_des_vars]
-            for idx, smbo in enumerate(sub_smbds):
-                smbo_sources = sm_inps_lists[idx]
-                for smbo_source in smbo_sources:
-                    # First the initial guesses
-                    if 'related_to_schema_node' in mdg.nodes[smbo_source]:
-                        if mdg.nodes[smbo_source]['related_to_schema_node'] in ini_guess_nodes_related:
-                            ini_inp = ini_guess_nodes[ini_guess_nodes_related.index(mdg.nodes[smbo_source]
-                                                                                    ['related_to_schema_node'])]
-                        else:
-                            raise NotImplementedError('Could not find related node.')
-                    else:
-                        ini_inp = ini_guess_nodes[ini_guess_nodes_related.index(smbo_source)]
-                    assert ini_inp, 'Could not find the right node.'
-                    mdg.add_edge(ini_inp, smbo)
-                    # Then the final values
-                    if 'related_to_schema_node' in mdg.nodes[smbo_source]:
-                        if mdg.nodes[smbo_source]['related_to_schema_node'] in fin_val_nodes_related:
-                            fin_inp = fin_des_vars[fin_val_nodes_related.index(mdg.nodes[smbo_source]
-                                                                               ['related_to_schema_node'])]
-                        else:
-                            raise NotImplementedError('Could not find related node.')
-                    else:
-                        fin_inp = fin_des_vars[fin_val_nodes_related.index(smbo_source)]
-                    assert fin_inp, 'Could not find the right node.'
-                    mdg.add_edge(fin_inp, smbo)
+            mdg.connect_distributed_system_converger(sys_conv, fin_des_vars + [fin_obj],
+                                                     doe_inps_list + ini_guess_nodes, label=sys_conv_label)
             # Finally, connect the coordinator
@@ -5264,6 +5374,7 @@ class MdaoDataGraph(DataGraph, MdaoMixin):
         sub_funs = sa_fun_lists[1]
         function_instances = dict()
+        # First function instances between system level and sub-level
         for idx in range(len(sub_funs)):
             for sub_fun in sub_funs[idx]:
                 if sub_fun in sys_funs:
@@ -5271,6 +5382,16 @@ class MdaoDataGraph(DataGraph, MdaoMixin):
                                                    'serving': [fun for fun in sub_funs[idx] if
+        # Then function instances between sub-levels
+        # TODO: Now the instance creation is limited to one instance for a certain function while this could be more...
+        for idx in range(len(sub_funs)-1):
+            for idy in range(1, len(sub_funs)):
+                for sub_funx in sub_funs[idx]:
+                    if sub_funx in sub_funs[idy]:
+                        function_instances[sub_funx] = {'group_idx': idy,
+                                                       'serving': [fun for fun in sub_funs[idy] if
+                                                                   set(self.get_targets(sub_funx))
+                                                                       .intersection(set(self.get_sources(fun)))]}
         for f_ins, f_det in function_instances.items():
             new_instance = self.add_function_instance(f_ins, serves=f_det['serving'])
@@ -5486,6 +5607,7 @@ class MdaoDataGraph(DataGraph, MdaoMixin):
                           label=var2.split('/')[-1] + '_' + var1.split('/')[-1],
+                          problem_role=self.PROBLEM_ROLES_VARS[0],
             eq_lab1 = 'y{}'.format(idx)
@@ -5507,7 +5629,7 @@ class MdaoDataGraph(DataGraph, MdaoMixin):
         self.add_equation((new_function_node, new_obj_node), math_expression, 'Python')
         return new_function_node, new_obj_node, weight_nodes
-    def connect_consistency_constraint_function(self, ccv_mappings):
+    def connect_consistency_constraint_function(self, ccv_mappings, architecture_role=None):
         """Method to add a consistency constraint function to an MDG.
         :param ccv_mappings: mapping between nodes that should be made consistent
@@ -5526,7 +5648,7 @@ class MdaoDataGraph(DataGraph, MdaoMixin):
                       problem_role=self.FUNCTION_ROLES[2],  # post-coupling
-                      architecture_role=self.ARCHITECTURE_ROLES_FUNS[8],  # post-coupling analysis
+                      architecture_role=self.ARCHITECTURE_ROLES_FUNS[8] if architecture_role is None else architecture_role,
         # Connect the variable inputs for the function
         new_con_nodes = []
@@ -5715,13 +5837,15 @@ class MdaoDataGraph(DataGraph, MdaoMixin):
-    def connect_convergence_check(self, converger, inputs, label='SYS-CONV'):
+    def connect_distributed_system_converger(self, converger, inputs, outputs, label='SYS-CONV'):
         """Method to add a convergence check in the MDG.
         :param converger: node ID of the converger block
         :type converger: basestring
         :param inputs: input nodes to be connected for convergence check
         :type inputs: list
+        :param outputs: output nodes to be connected for convergence check
+        :type outputs: list
         :param label: label for the converger block
         :type label: basestring
         :return: the convergence check node
@@ -5733,7 +5857,7 @@ class MdaoDataGraph(DataGraph, MdaoMixin):
         if not self.has_node(converger):
-                          architecture_role=self.ARCHITECTURE_ROLES_FUNS[2],
+                          architecture_role=self.ARCHITECTURE_ROLES_FUNS[10],  # distributed system converger
         assert isinstance(inputs, list)
@@ -5743,13 +5867,10 @@ class MdaoDataGraph(DataGraph, MdaoMixin):
         for input in inputs:
             self.add_edge(input, converger)
-        # Add convergence check output
-        conv_check_node = '/{}/mdoData/systemConvergenceCheck'.format(self.get_schema_root_name(input))
-        self.assert_node_exists_not(conv_check_node)
-        self.add_node(conv_check_node, category='variable', instance=1, label='conv_check')
-        self.add_edge(converger, conv_check_node)
+        for output in outputs:
+            self.add_edge(converger, output)
-        return conv_check_node
+        return
     def connect_converger(self, converger, conv_type, coupling_functions, include_couplings_as_final_output,
                           system_converger=False, label='CONV', conv_is_optimizer=False):
@@ -5934,9 +6055,10 @@ class MdaoDataGraph(DataGraph, MdaoMixin):
             self.add_edge(var, optimizer)
             # Create a final value copy and connect it as output of the associated functions
             fin_value_node = self.copy_node_as(var, architecture_role=self.ARCHITECTURE_ROLES_VARS[5])
-            if fin_obj is not None:
+            if fin_obj is None:
+                fin_obj = fin_value_node
+            else:
-            fin_obj = fin_value_node
             self.copy_edge([self.get_sources(var)[0], var], [self.get_sources(var)[0], fin_value_node])
         # If the graph contains consistency constraint variables, then connect these to the optimizer as well
         consconcs_nodes = self.find_all_nodes(category='variable',
@@ -6058,56 +6180,7 @@ class MdaoDataGraph(DataGraph, MdaoMixin):
         return inps, outs
-    def connect_surrogate_model_builder(self, sm_builder, input_x_data, input_y_data, label=None):
-        """Method to connect a surrogate model builder node in the MDG. The surrogate model builder takes input data
-        (generally from a DOE) and gives the definition of a surrogate model as output.
-        :param sm_builder: new function node
-        :type sm_builder: basestring
-        :param input_x_data: list of nodes for which results were obtained (x-axis)
-        :type input_x_data: list
-        :param input_y_data: list of nodes with analysis results (y-axis)
-        :type input_y_data: list
-        :param label: label of the new function node
-        :type label: basestring
-        :return: output node with surrogate model definition
-        :rtype: basestring
-        """
-        # Input assertions
-        self.assert_node_exists_not(sm_builder)
-        self.assert_node_exists(input_x_data)
-        self.assert_node_exists(input_y_data)
-        # Set label
-        if label is None:
-            label = str(sm_builder)
-        # Add the surrogate model builder
-        self.add_node(sm_builder,
-                      category='function',
-                      architecture_role=self.ARCHITECTURE_ROLES_FUNS[11],  # Surrogate model builder
-                      label=label,
-                      instance=1,
-                      metadata=dict(input_x_data=[], input_y_data=[]))
-        # Add the data for building as input to the builder
-        for input_x_entry in input_x_data:
-            self.add_edge(input_x_entry, sm_builder)
-            self.nodes[sm_builder]['metadata']['input_x_data'].append(input_x_entry)
-        for input_y_entry in input_y_data:
-            self.add_edge(input_y_entry, sm_builder)
-            self.nodes[sm_builder]['metadata']['input_y_data'].append(input_y_entry)
-        # Add the surrogate model definition as output of the block
-        output_node = '/{}/surrogateModels/{}/definition'.format(self.get_schema_root_name(input_x_entry[0]),
-                                                                 label.replace('-', ''))
-        assert not self.has_node(output_node), 'The node {} already exists.'.format(output_node)
-        self.add_node(output_node, category='variable', instance=1, label='def{}'.format(label.replace('-', '')))
-        self.add_edge(sm_builder, output_node)
-        return output_node
-    def connect_surrogate_model(self, sm, def_node, sm_inputs, sm_out_originals, label=None):
+    def connect_surrogate_model(self, sm, train_inputs, train_outputs, sm_inputs, sm_out_originals, label=None):
         """Method to connect a surrogate to the right nodes in the MDG.
         :param sm: new function node of surrogate model
@@ -6126,7 +6199,6 @@ class MdaoDataGraph(DataGraph, MdaoMixin):
         # Input assertions
         assert not self.has_node(sm), 'Node {} already exists in the graph.'.format(sm)
-        assert self.has_node(def_node), 'Node {} is missing in the graph.'.format(def_node)
         # Set label
         if label is None:
@@ -6135,13 +6207,16 @@ class MdaoDataGraph(DataGraph, MdaoMixin):
         # Add the surrogate model
-                      architecture_role=self.ARCHITECTURE_ROLES_FUNS[12],  # Surrogate model
+                      architecture_role=self.ARCHITECTURE_ROLES_FUNS[9],  # Surrogate model
         # Connect the surrogate model
-        # Connect model definition as input
-        self.add_edge(def_node, sm)
+        # Connect train data as input
+        for train_input in train_inputs:
+            self.add_edge(train_input, sm)
+        for train_output in train_outputs:
+            self.add_edge(train_output, sm)
         # Connect the model inputs
         for sm_input in sm_inputs:
@@ -6156,47 +6231,6 @@ class MdaoDataGraph(DataGraph, MdaoMixin):
         return node_apprs
-    def connect_boundary_determinator(self, bd, inputs, bounds, label=None):
-        """Method to connect a boundary determinator method for building surrogate models. This boundary determinator is
-        used in architectures like BLISS-2000 to adjust bounds for different cycles.
-        :param bd: new function node
-        :type bd: basestring
-        :param inputs: inputs of the function
-        :type inputs: list
-        :param bounds: bounds output of the function
-        :type bounds: list
-        :param label: label of the new function node
-        :type label: basestring
-        :return:
-        :rtype:
-        """
-        # Input assertions
-        self.assert_node_exists_not(bd)
-        self.assert_node_exists(bounds)
-        # Set label
-        if label is None:
-            label = str(bd)
-        # Add the surrogate model
-        self.add_node(bd,
-                      category='function',
-                      architecture_role=self.ARCHITECTURE_ROLES_FUNS[10],  # Surrogate model boundary determinator
-                      label=label,
-                      instance=1)
-        # Connect boundary determination inputs
-        for input in inputs:
-            self.add_edge(input, bd)
-        # Connect the surrogate model boundary determinator output
-        for bound in bounds:
-            self.add_edge(bd, bound)
-        return
     def connect_partitions(self, mdao_arch, sub_func_orderings, coup_functions):
         """Method to connect partitions in a data graph of a monolithic architecture
@@ -6619,19 +6653,32 @@ class MdaoDataGraph(DataGraph, MdaoMixin):
         elif mdao_arch == mdg.OPTIONS_ARCHITECTURES[8]:  # BLISS-2000
             distr_function_ordering = mdg.graph['distr_function_ordering']
             n_groups = len(distr_function_ordering[1])
-            sys_opt, sys_conv, _, sub_smbds, sub_does, sub_opts, sub_smbs = \
+            sys_opt, sys_conv, _, sub_does, sub_opts, sub_convs = \
                 self.get_architecture_node_ids(mdao_arch, number_of_groups=n_groups)
             sequence1 = [coor] + distr_function_ordering[0][self.FUNCTION_ROLES[3]] + [sys_conv]
-            mpg.add_process(sequence1, 0, mdg)
+            sub_does_cs = []
             for idx, subgroup in enumerate(distr_function_ordering[1]):
-                sequence2 = [sys_conv] + subgroup[self.FUNCTION_ROLES[3]] + [sub_smbds[idx]] + [sub_does[idx]] + \
-                            [sub_opts[idx]] + subgroup[self.FUNCTION_ROLES[4]] + subgroup[self.FUNCTION_ROLES[1]] + \
-                            subgroup[self.FUNCTION_ROLES[2]]
-                mpg.add_process(sequence2, mpg.nodes[sequence1[-1]]['process_step'], mdg,
-                                end_in_iterative_node=sub_opts[idx])
+                if not mpg.has_node(sub_convs[idx]):
+                    sequence2 = sequence1 + subgroup[self.FUNCTION_ROLES[3]] + [sub_does[idx]] + \
+                                [sub_opts[idx]] + subgroup[self.FUNCTION_ROLES[4]] + subgroup[self.FUNCTION_ROLES[1]] + \
+                                subgroup[self.FUNCTION_ROLES[2]]
+                    mpg.add_process(sequence2, 0, mdg,
+                                    end_in_iterative_node=sub_opts[idx])
+                else:
+                    sequence2a = sequence1 + subgroup[self.FUNCTION_ROLES[3]] + [sub_does[idx]] + \
+                                 [sub_opts[idx]] + subgroup[self.FUNCTION_ROLES[4]] + [sub_convs[idx]]
+                    mpg.add_process(sequence2a, 0, mdg)
+                    sequence2b = [sub_convs[idx]] + subgroup[self.FUNCTION_ROLES[1]]
+                    mpg.add_process(sequence2b, mpg.nodes[sequence2a[-1]]['process_step'], mdg,
+                                    end_in_iterative_node=sub_convs[idx])
+                    sequence2c = [sub_convs[idx]] + subgroup[self.FUNCTION_ROLES[2]]
+                    mpg.add_process(sequence2c, mpg.nodes[sequence2b[-1]]['process_step'], mdg,
+                                    end_in_iterative_node=sub_opts[idx])
                 mpg.connect_nested_iterators(sub_does[idx], sub_opts[idx])
-                sequence3 = [sub_does[idx]] + [sub_smbs[idx]] + [sys_opt]
+                sequence3 = [sub_does[idx]] + [sys_opt]
                 mpg.add_process(sequence3, mpg.nodes[sub_does[idx]]['converger_step'], mdg)
+                sub_does_cs.append(mpg.nodes[sub_does[idx]]['converger_step'])
+            mpg.nodes[sys_opt]['process_step'] = max(sub_does_cs) + 1
             sequence4 = [sys_opt] + distr_function_ordering[0][self.FUNCTION_ROLES[4]] + \
                         distr_function_ordering[0][self.FUNCTION_ROLES[1]] + \
diff --git a/kadmos/graph/ b/kadmos/graph/
index 84291fac6..d1dc1d790 100644
--- a/kadmos/graph/
+++ b/kadmos/graph/
@@ -68,6 +68,11 @@ class KadmosGraph(nx.DiGraph, EquationMixin, VistomsMixin):
                            'Box-Behnken design']      # 5
     OPTIONS_CONVERGERS = ['Jacobi', 'Gauss-Seidel', None]
     FUNCTION_ROLES = ['pre-coupling', 'coupled', 'post-coupling', 'pre-desvars', 'post-desvars']
+    FUNCTION_ROLES_NODESTYLES = ['PreAnalysisDVI',   # 0
+                                 'CoupledAnalysis',  # 1
+                                 'PostAnalysis',     # 2
+                                 'PreAnalysisDVI',   # 3
+                                 'PreAnalysisDVD']   # 4
     CMDOWS_VERSION = '0.9'
     CMDOWS_ATTRIBUTES = ['nominal_value', 'valid_ranges', 'constraint_type', 'constraint_operator',
                          'reference_value', 'required_equality_precision', 'samples', 'variable_type']
@@ -110,10 +115,8 @@ class KadmosGraph(nx.DiGraph, EquationMixin, VistomsMixin):
                                'post-iterator analysis',           # 6
                                'coupled analysis',                 # 7
                                'post-coupling analysis',           # 8
-                               'consistency constraint function',  # 9
-                               'boundary determinator',            # 10
-                               'surrogate model builder',          # 11
-                               'surrogate model']                  # 12
+                               'surrogate model',                  # 9
+                               'distributed system converger']     # 10
     ARCHITECTURE_ROLES_NODESTYLES = ['Coordinator',                # 0
                                      'Optimization',               # 1
                                      'Converger',                  # 2
@@ -123,11 +126,9 @@ class KadmosGraph(nx.DiGraph, EquationMixin, VistomsMixin):
                                      'PreAnalysisDVD',             # 6
                                      'CoupledAnalysis',            # 7
                                      'PostAnalysis',               # 8
-                                     'PostAnalysis',               # 9
-                                     'Metamodel',                  # 10
-                                     'Metamodel',                  # 11
-                                     'Metamodel']                  # 12
+                                     'Metamodel',                  # 9
+                                     'Converger']                  # 10
     SYS_PREFIX = 'Sys-'
     SUBSYS_PREFIX = 'Sub-'
     SUBSYS_SUFFIX = '-'
@@ -648,7 +649,7 @@ class KadmosGraph(nx.DiGraph, EquationMixin, VistomsMixin):
     # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
     def create_dsm(self, file_name, destination_folder=None, open_pdf=False, mpg=None, include_system_vars=True,
                    summarize_vars=False, function_order=None, keep_tex_file=False, abbreviate_keywords=False,
-                   compile_pdf=True, colors_based_on='problem_roles'):
+                   compile_pdf=True, colors_based_on='function_roles'):
         """Method to create a (X)DSM PDF file
         :param file_name: name of the file to be saved
@@ -684,7 +685,12 @@ class KadmosGraph(nx.DiGraph, EquationMixin, VistomsMixin):
         assert keep_tex_file or compile_pdf, 'The settings do not make sense, set either keep_tex_file or compile_pdf' \
                                              ' to True, or both!'
         if colors_based_on == 'partitions':
-            assert 'coupled_functions_groups' in self.graph['problem_formulation'], 'Graph is not partitioned'
+            assert 'coupled_functions_groups' in self.graph['problem_formulation'], 'Graph is not partitioned.'
+        if colors_based_on == 'function_roles':
+            if isinstance(self, MdaoDataGraph):
+                colors_based_on = 'architecture_roles'
+            else:
+                colors_based_on = 'problem_roles'
         # Check if MPG is applicable
         if mpg is not None:
@@ -767,42 +773,7 @@ class KadmosGraph(nx.DiGraph, EquationMixin, VistomsMixin):
             # Add analysis blocks
             for idx, item in enumerate(diagonal_nodes):
                 node = diagonal_nodes[idx]
-                if isinstance(graph, FundamentalProblemGraph):
-                    if colors_based_on == 'partitions' and node in [node1 for nodes in self.graph[
-                            'problem_formulation']['coupled_functions_groups'] for node1 in nodes]:
-                        partitions = self.graph['problem_formulation']['coupled_functions_groups']
-                        part_id = [i for i in range(len(partitions)) if node in partitions[i]]
-                        node_style = 'EvenPartitions' if part_id[0] % 2 == 0 else 'OddPartitions'
-                    elif 'problem_role' in graph.node[node]:
-                        if graph.node[node]['problem_role'] == graph.FUNCTION_ROLES[0]:
-                            node_style = 'PreAnalysis'
-                        elif graph.nodes[node]['problem_role'] == graph.FUNCTION_ROLES[1]:
-                            node_style = 'CoupledAnalysis'
-                        elif graph.nodes[node]['problem_role'] == graph.FUNCTION_ROLES[2]:
-                            node_style = 'PostAnalysis'
-                    else:
-                        logger.warning('An invalid FPG has been provided: problem_role missing for: %s.' % node)
-                        node_style = 'RcgAnalysis'
-                elif isinstance(graph, MdaoDataGraph):
-                    if 'architecture_role' in graph.nodes[node]:
-                        try:
-                            role_index = self.ARCHITECTURE_ROLES_FUNS.index(graph.nodes[node]['architecture_role'])
-                        except ValueError:
-                            raise AssertionError('Architecture role %s is not supported for creation of XDSMs.'
-                                                 % graph.nodes[node]['architecture_role'])
-                        if colors_based_on == 'partitions' and node in [node1 for nodes in self.graph[
-                                'problem_formulation']['coupled_functions_groups'] for node1 in nodes]:
-                            partitions = self.graph['problem_formulation']['coupled_functions_groups']
-                            part_id = [i for i in range(len(partitions)) if node in partitions[i]]
-                            node_style = 'EvenPartitions' if part_id[0] % 2 == 0 else 'OddPartitions'
-                        else:
-                            node_style = self.ARCHITECTURE_ROLES_NODESTYLES[role_index]
-                    else:
-                        logger.warning('An invalid MDG has been provided: architecture_role missing for: %s.' % node)
-                        node_style = 'RcgAnalysis'
-                else:
-                    node_style = 'RcgAnalysis'
+                node_style = self._get_node_style(node, colors_based_on)
                 node_text = graph.nodes[node].get('label', str(node))
                 if '^{' in node_text:
                     node_text = node_text.replace('^{', '$^{').replace('}', '}$')
@@ -817,18 +788,7 @@ class KadmosGraph(nx.DiGraph, EquationMixin, VistomsMixin):
                 assert len(node_list) == 1, 'Somehow, a unique diagonal position {} could not be found in the MDG.'\
                 node = node_list[0]
-                try:
-                    role_index = self.ARCHITECTURE_ROLES_FUNS.index(graph_mpg.nodes[node]['architecture_role'])
-                except ValueError:
-                    raise AssertionError('Architecture role %s is not supported for creation of XDSMs.'
-                                         % graph_mpg.nodes[node]['architecture_role'])
-                if colors_based_on == 'partitions' and node in [node1 for nodes in self.graph['problem_formulation'][
-                        'coupled_functions_groups'] for node1 in nodes]:
-                    partitions = self.graph['problem_formulation']['coupled_functions_groups']
-                    part_id = [i for i in range(len(partitions)) if node in partitions[i]]
-                    node_style = 'EvenPartitions' if part_id[0] % 2 == 0 else 'OddPartitions'
-                else:
-                    node_style = self.ARCHITECTURE_ROLES_NODESTYLES[role_index]
+                node_style = self._get_node_style(node, colors_based_on)
                 # Determine node text
                 node_text = graph_mpg.get_node_text(node)
                 if '^{' in node_text:
@@ -949,6 +909,53 @@ class KadmosGraph(nx.DiGraph, EquationMixin, VistomsMixin):
         # Return
+    def _get_node_style(self, node, colors_based_on):
+        """Method to retrieve the right node style of a given node.
+        :param node: Node from graph
+        :type node: str
+        :param colors_based_on: setting to assess on which node property the color should be based
+        :type colors_based_on: str
+        :return: node_style
+        :rtype: str
+        """
+        from graph_data import FundamentalProblemGraph, MdaoDataGraph
+        if colors_based_on == 'partitions':
+            if node in [node1 for nodes in self.graph['problem_formulation']['coupled_functions_groups'] for node1 in
+                        nodes]:
+                partitions = self.graph['problem_formulation']['coupled_functions_groups']
+                part_id = [i for i in range(len(partitions)) if node in partitions[i]]
+                node_style = 'EvenPartitions' if part_id[0] % 2 == 0 else 'OddPartitions'
+            else:
+                if isinstance(self, FundamentalProblemGraph) and 'problem_role' in self.nodes[node]:
+                    role_index = self.FUNCTION_ROLES.index(self.nodes[node]['problem_role'])
+                    node_style = self.FUNCTION_ROLES_NODESTYLES[role_index]
+                elif isinstance(self, MdaoDataGraph) and 'architecture_role' in self.nodes[node]:
+                    role_index = self.ARCHITECTURE_ROLES_FUNS.index(self.nodes[node]['architecture_role'])
+                    node_style = self.ARCHITECTURE_ROLES_NODESTYLES[role_index]
+                else:
+                    if isinstance(self, (FundamentalProblemGraph, MdaoDataGraph)):
+                        logger.warning('An invalid graph has been provided, expected role missing for: %s.' % node)
+                    node_style = 'RcgAnalysis'
+        elif colors_based_on == 'problem_roles':
+            if 'problem_role' in self.nodes[node]:
+                role_index = self.FUNCTION_ROLES.index(self.nodes[node]['problem_role'])
+                node_style = self.FUNCTION_ROLES_NODESTYLES[role_index]
+            else:
+                logger.warning('An incomplete graph has been provided: problem_role missing for: %s.' % node)
+                node_style = 'RcgAnalysis'
+        elif colors_based_on == 'architecture_roles':
+            if 'architecture_role' in self.nodes[node]:
+                role_index = self.ARCHITECTURE_ROLES_FUNS.index(self.nodes[node]['architecture_role'])
+                node_style = self.ARCHITECTURE_ROLES_NODESTYLES[role_index]
+            else:
+                logger.warning('An incomplete graph has been provided: architecture_role missing for: %s.' % node)
+                node_style = 'RcgAnalysis'
+        else:
+            node_style = 'RcgAnalysis'
+        return node_style
     def _create_cmdows_header(self, description, modification, creator, version, cmdows_version,
@@ -2723,6 +2730,24 @@ class KadmosGraph(nx.DiGraph, EquationMixin, VistomsMixin):
         return subgraph
+    def get_source(self, node):
+        """Function to determine the single source of a given node. Throws error if node has multiple sources.
+        :param node: node for which source should be found
+        :type node: str
+        :return: source
+        :rtype: str
+        """
+        self.assert_node_exists(node)
+        sources = [edge[0] for edge in self.in_edges(node)]
+        if len(sources) > 1:
+            raise AssertionError('Node has multiple sources, use get_sources() method instead.')
+        elif len(sources) == 1:
+            return sources[0]
+        else:
+            return None
     def get_sources(self, node):
         """Function to determine the sources of a given node.
@@ -2737,6 +2762,24 @@ class KadmosGraph(nx.DiGraph, EquationMixin, VistomsMixin):
         return sources
+    def get_target(self, node):
+        """Function to determine the single target of a given node. Throws error if node has multiple targets.
+        :param node: node for which target should be found
+        :type node: str
+        :return: target
+        :rtype: str
+        """
+        self.assert_node_exists(node)
+        targets = [edge[1] for edge in self.out_edges(node)]
+        if len(targets) > 1:
+            raise AssertionError('Node has multiple targets, use get_targets() method instead.')
+        elif len(targets) == 1:
+            return targets[0]
+        else:
+            return None
     def get_targets(self, node):
         """Function to determine the targets of a given node.
@@ -3213,15 +3256,13 @@ class KadmosGraph(nx.DiGraph, EquationMixin, VistomsMixin):
             sys_conv = '{}{}'.format(self.SYS_PREFIX, self.CONVERGER_STRING)
             sys_sms = ['{}{}{}{}'.format(self.SUBSYS_PREFIX, self.SM_STRING, self.SUBSYS_SUFFIX, item) for
                        item in range(number_of_groups)]
-            sub_smbds = ['{}{}{}{}'.format(self.SUBSYS_PREFIX, self.SMBD_STRING, self.SUBSYS_SUFFIX, item) for
-                         item in range(number_of_groups)]
             sub_does = ['{}{}{}{}'.format(self.SUBSYS_PREFIX, self.DOE_STRING, self.SUBSYS_SUFFIX, item) for
                         item in range(number_of_groups)]
             sub_opts = ['{}{}{}{}'.format(self.SUBSYS_PREFIX, self.OPTIMIZER_STRING, self.SUBSYS_SUFFIX, item) for
                         item in range(number_of_groups)]
-            sub_smbs = ['{}{}{}{}'.format(self.SUBSYS_PREFIX, self.SMB_STRING, self.SUBSYS_SUFFIX, item) for
+            sub_convs = ['{}{}{}{}'.format(self.SUBSYS_PREFIX, self.CONVERGER_STRING, self.SUBSYS_SUFFIX, item) for
                         item in range(number_of_groups)]
-            return sys_opt, sys_conv, sys_sms, sub_smbds, sub_does, sub_opts, sub_smbs
+            return sys_opt, sys_conv, sys_sms, sub_does, sub_opts, sub_convs
     def get_architecture_node_labels(self, mdao_architecture, number_of_groups=None):
         """Method to get the labels of architecture nodes specific for a certain MDAO architecture.
@@ -3259,16 +3300,13 @@ class KadmosGraph(nx.DiGraph, EquationMixin, VistomsMixin):
             sys_conv_label = '{}{}'.format(self.SYS_PREFIX, self.CONVERGER_LABEL)
             sys_sms_labels = ['{}{}{}{}'.format(self.SUBSYS_PREFIX, self.SM_LABEL, self.SUBSYS_SUFFIX, item)
                              for item in range(number_of_groups)]
-            sub_smbds_labels = ['{}{}{}{}'.format(self.SUBSYS_PREFIX, self.SMBD_LABEL, self.SUBSYS_SUFFIX, item)
-                               for item in range(number_of_groups)]
             sub_does_labels = ['{}{}{}{}'.format(self.SUBSYS_PREFIX, self.DOE_LABEL, self.SUBSYS_SUFFIX, item) for
                                item in range(number_of_groups)]
             sub_opts_labels = ['{}{}{}{}'.format(self.SUBSYS_PREFIX, self.OPTIMIZER_LABEL, self.SUBSYS_SUFFIX, item)
                                for item in range(number_of_groups)]
-            sub_smbs_labels = ['{}{}{}{}'.format(self.SUBSYS_PREFIX, self.SMB_LABEL, self.SUBSYS_SUFFIX, item)
+            sub_convs_labels = ['{}{}{}{}'.format(self.SUBSYS_PREFIX, self.CONVERGER_LABEL, self.SUBSYS_SUFFIX, item)
                                for item in range(number_of_groups)]
-            return sys_opt_label, sys_conv_label, sys_sms_labels, sub_smbds_labels, sub_does_labels, sub_opts_labels, \
-                   sub_smbs_labels
+            return sys_opt_label, sys_conv_label, sys_sms_labels, sub_does_labels, sub_opts_labels, sub_convs_labels
     def add_objective_function_by_nodes(self, *args, **kwargs):
         """This function adds objective functions to the graph using lists of variable nodes.
@@ -3962,7 +4000,6 @@ class KadmosGraph(nx.DiGraph, EquationMixin, VistomsMixin):
             args = list(args[0])
         # Input assertions
-        assert len(args) > 1, 'More than 1 input is required for this function.'
         for arg in args:
             assert isinstance(arg, basestring)
diff --git a/kadmos/graph/ b/kadmos/graph/
index 0246a1c15..5cd609a8b 100644
--- a/kadmos/graph/
+++ b/kadmos/graph/
@@ -294,9 +294,8 @@ class MdaoProcessGraph(ProcessGraph):
             # BLISS-2000: Append system-level convergence check
             if bliss2000:
-                convs = self.find_all_nodes(attr_cond=['architecture_role', '==', self.ARCHITECTURE_ROLES_FUNS[2]])
-                sys_conv = [item for item in convs if self.SYS_PREFIX in item]
-                assert len(sys_conv) == 1, '{} system convergers found, one expected.'.format(len(sys_conv))
+                sys_conv = self.find_all_nodes(attr_cond=['architecture_role', '==', self.ARCHITECTURE_ROLES_FUNS[10]])
+                assert len(sys_conv) == 1, '{} distributed system convergers found, one expected.'.format(len(sys_conv))
             # Append system level optimizer and/or DOE block
@@ -345,19 +344,6 @@ class MdaoProcessGraph(ProcessGraph):
             # Append sublevel functions here
             for idx, subsyslevel_ord in enumerate(subsyslevel_orderings):
-                # BLISS-2000: add surrogate model boundary determinator
-                if bliss2000:
-                    smbds = self.find_all_nodes(
-                        attr_cond=['architecture_role', '==',
-                                   self.ARCHITECTURE_ROLES_FUNS[10]])  # boundary determinator
-                    if len(smbds) > 1:
-                        sub_smbd = [item for item in smbds if
-                                    self.SUBSYS_SUFFIX in item and self.SUBSYS_SUFFIX + str(idx) in item]
-                        assert len(sub_smbd) == 1, '{} subsystem boundary determinators found, one expected.'.format(
-                            len(sub_smbd))
-                        smbds = sub_smbd
-                    diagonal_order.extend(smbds)
                 # Append subsystem-level pre-coupling functions
                 if self.FUNCTION_ROLES[0] in subsyslevel_ord:
@@ -406,18 +392,6 @@ class MdaoProcessGraph(ProcessGraph):
                 if self.FUNCTION_ROLES[2] in subsyslevel_ord:
-                # Append subsystem-level surrogate model builder
-                if bliss2000:
-                    smbs = self.find_all_nodes(
-                        attr_cond=['architecture_role', '==', self.ARCHITECTURE_ROLES_FUNS[11]])  # SM builder
-                    if len(smbs) > 1:
-                        sub_smb = [item for item in smbs if
-                                   self.SUBSYS_SUFFIX in item and self.SUBSYS_SUFFIX + str(idx) in item]
-                        assert len(sub_smb) == 1, '{} subsystem boundary determinators found, one expected.'.format(
-                            len(sub_smb))
-                        smbs = sub_smb
-                    diagonal_order.extend(smbs)
             # Append system-level post-coupling functions
             if distr_conv:
                 if self.FUNCTION_ROLES[2] in syslevel_ordering: