From bab232dbb8a167d39305ea19e9e6dd2a2e9ca631 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Anne-Liza <>
Date: Mon, 21 May 2018 11:25:00 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Added runtime - feedback trade-off to partitioning. Fixed
 small bug in sequencing algorithms.

Former-commit-id: 3341b0086223aa911b04a4bbcd00b4603369f5fb
 kadmos/graph/ | 466 +++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 1 file changed, 293 insertions(+), 173 deletions(-)

diff --git a/kadmos/graph/ b/kadmos/graph/
index a2c8e5a18..78aa56874 100644
--- a/kadmos/graph/
+++ b/kadmos/graph/
@@ -594,10 +594,7 @@ class DataGraph(KadmosGraph):
             # Merge the nodes in the partitions into the super node
             for partition in partitions:
                 for function_id in partition:
-                    function_graph = nx.contracted_nodes(function_graph, 'super_node', function_id)
-            # Remove selfloops that arise due to the merging
-            function_graph.remove_edges_from(function_graph.selfloop_edges())
+                    function_graph = nx.contracted_nodes(function_graph, 'super_node', function_id, self_loops=False)
             # Check if all coupled nodes are assigned to a partition
             if not nx.is_directed_acyclic_graph(function_graph):
@@ -622,8 +619,8 @@ class DataGraph(KadmosGraph):
                 for function_id in functions_in_cycle:
                     if function_id != 'super_node':
-                        function_graph = nx.contracted_nodes(function_graph, 'super_node', function_id)
-                        function_graph.remove_edges_from(function_graph.selfloop_edges())
+                        function_graph = nx.contracted_nodes(function_graph, 'super_node', function_id,
+                                                             self_loops=False)
         # Find a topological function order
         function_order = list(nx.topological_sort(function_graph))
@@ -641,10 +638,12 @@ class DataGraph(KadmosGraph):
                 partitions[partition] = nodes
             self.graph['problem_formulation']['coupled_functions_groups'] = partitions
-        else:
+        elif coupled_functions:
             coupled_functions_order = self.minimize_feedback(coupled_functions, method, multi_start=multi_start,
                                                              rcb=rcb, use_runtime_info=use_runtime_info,
+        else:
+            coupled_functions_order = []
         # Get post-coupling functions and sort
         post_coupling_functions = function_order[function_order.index('super_node') + 1:]
@@ -783,8 +782,8 @@ class DataGraph(KadmosGraph):
             coupling_dict = self.get_coupling_dictionary()
         # Get total number of couplings and total runtime
-        total_couplings = sum([coupling_dict[function1][function2] for function1 in nodes for function2 in nodes if
-                               function2 in coupling_dict[function1]])
+        total_couplings = max(sum([coupling_dict[function1][function2] for function1 in nodes for function2 in nodes if
+                                   function2 in coupling_dict[function1]]), 1)
         total_time = sum([self.nodes[node]['performance_info']['run_time'] for node in nodes]) if use_runtime_info else\
@@ -875,8 +874,8 @@ class DataGraph(KadmosGraph):
         # Get total number of couplings and total runtime
-        total_couplings = sum([coupling_dict[function1][function2] for function1 in nodes for function2 in nodes if
-                               function2 in coupling_dict[function1]])
+        total_couplings = max(sum([coupling_dict[function1][function2] for function1 in nodes for function2 in nodes if
+                                   function2 in coupling_dict[function1]]), 1)
         total_time = sum([self.nodes[node]['performance_info']['run_time'] for node in nodes]) if use_runtime_info \
             else len(nodes)
@@ -914,8 +913,8 @@ class DataGraph(KadmosGraph):
         converged = False
         # Get total number of couplings and total runtime
-        total_couplings = sum([coupling_dict[function1][function2] for function1 in nodes for function2 in nodes if
-                               function2 in coupling_dict[function1]])
+        total_couplings = max(sum([coupling_dict[function1][function2] for function1 in nodes for function2 in nodes if
+                                   function2 in coupling_dict[function1]]), 1)
         total_time = sum([self.nodes[node]['performance_info']['run_time'] for node in nodes]) if use_runtime_info \
             else len(nodes)
@@ -985,8 +984,8 @@ class DataGraph(KadmosGraph):
         n_eval = 0
         # Get total number of couplings and total runtime
-        total_couplings = sum([coupling_dict[function1][function2] for function1 in nodes for function2 in nodes if
-                               function2 in coupling_dict[function1]])
+        total_couplings = max(sum([coupling_dict[function1][function2] for function1 in nodes for function2 in nodes if
+                                   function2 in coupling_dict[function1]]), 1)
         total_time = sum([self.nodes[node]['performance_info']['run_time'] for node in nodes]) if use_runtime_info \
             else len(nodes)
@@ -1046,8 +1045,8 @@ class DataGraph(KadmosGraph):
         n_eval = 0
         # Get total number of couplings and maximum runtime of graph
-        total_couplings = sum([coupling_dict[function1][function2] for function1 in nodes for function2 in nodes if
-                               function2 in coupling_dict[function1]])
+        total_couplings = max(sum([coupling_dict[function1][function2] for function1 in nodes for function2 in nodes if
+                                   function2 in coupling_dict[function1]]), 1)
         total_time = sum([self.nodes[node]['performance_info']['run_time'] for node in nodes]) if use_runtime_info \
             else len(nodes)
@@ -1125,7 +1124,10 @@ class DataGraph(KadmosGraph):
         return n_feedback, run_time_branch
-    def _genetic_algorithm(self, nodes, coupling_dict):
+    # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
+    def _genetic_algorithm(self, nodes, coupling_dict, rcb, use_runtime_info):
+        import array
         from deap import base
         from deap import creator
@@ -1133,18 +1135,27 @@ class DataGraph(KadmosGraph):
         from deap import algorithms
         # Settings GA
-        CXPB = 0.63
-        MUTPB = 0.4
-        NGEN = 250
-        INDPB = 0.11
-        pop_size = 300
+        cxpb = 0.5
+        mutpb = 0.65
+        ngen = 750
+        indpb = 0.02
+        pop_size = 250
         # Make mapping of nodes to sequence of integers
         mapping = copy.deepcopy(nodes)
-        # Create fitness and individual class
-        creator.create('FitnessMin', base.Fitness, weights=(-1.0,))
-        creator.create('Individual', list, fitness=creator.FitnessMin)
+        # Get total number of couplings and maximum runtime of graph
+        total_couplings = max(sum([coupling_dict[function1][function2] for function1 in nodes for function2 in nodes if
+                                   function2 in coupling_dict[function1]]), 1)
+        total_time = sum([self.nodes[node]['performance_info']['run_time'] for node in nodes]) if use_runtime_info \
+            else len(nodes)
+        # Create fitness class based on the optimization objective (= rcb value)
+        creator.create('Fitness', base.Fitness, weights=(-0.99, -0.01)) if rcb in [0, 1] else \
+            creator.create('Fitness', base.Fitness, weights=(-1.0,))
+        # Create individual class
+        creator.create('Individual', array.array, typecode='i', fitness=creator.Fitness)
         # Get toolbox
         toolbox = base.Toolbox()
@@ -1154,10 +1165,11 @@ class DataGraph(KadmosGraph):
         toolbox.register('individual', tools.initIterate, creator.Individual, toolbox.indices)
         toolbox.register('population', tools.initRepeat, list, toolbox.individual)
         toolbox.register('mate', tools.cxOrdered)
-        toolbox.register('mutate', tools.mutShuffleIndexes, indpb=INDPB)
-        #toolbox.register('select', tools.selBest)
+        toolbox.register('mutate', tools.mutShuffleIndexes, indpb=indpb)
         toolbox.register('select', tools.selTournament, tournsize=3)
-        toolbox.register('evaluate', self._get_fitness_individual, mapping=mapping, coupling_dict=coupling_dict)
+        toolbox.register('evaluate', self._get_fitness_individual, mapping=mapping, coupling_dict=coupling_dict,
+                         rcb=rcb, use_runtime_info=use_runtime_info, total_couplings=total_couplings,
+                         total_time=total_time)
         population = toolbox.population(pop_size)
         hof = tools.HallOfFame(1)
@@ -1166,24 +1178,35 @@ class DataGraph(KadmosGraph):
         stats.register("std", np.std)
         stats.register("min", np.min)
         stats.register("max", np.max)
-        algorithms.eaSimple(population, toolbox, CXPB, MUTPB, NGEN, halloffame=hof,
-                            verbose=True, stats=stats)
+        pop, logbook = algorithms.eaSimple(population, toolbox, cxpb, mutpb, ngen, halloffame=hof, verbose=True,
+                                           stats=stats)
+        n_eval = sum([logbook[generation]['nevals'] for generation in range(len(logbook))])
+        # Get best results
         function_order = []
         for idx in hof[0]:
-        return function_order
+        return function_order, n_eval
-    def _get_fitness_individual(self, individual, mapping, coupling_dict):
+    def _get_fitness_individual(self, individual, mapping, coupling_dict, rcb, use_runtime_info, total_couplings,
+                                total_time):
         """ Function to evaluate the fitness of an individual. Needed for the genetic algorithm
         function_order = []
         for idx in individual:
-        feedback, time = self.get_feedback_info(function_order, coupling_dict)
+        feedback, time = self.get_feedback_info(function_order, coupling_dict, use_runtime_info)
-        return feedback,
+        f = rcb * (feedback / float(total_couplings)) + (1 - rcb) * (time / float(total_time))
+        if rcb == 1:
+            return f, time
+        elif rcb == 0:
+            return f, feedback
+        else:
+            return f,
     def get_feedback_info(self, function_order, coupling_dict=None, use_runtime_info=False):
         """Function to determine the number of feedback loops and a runtime estimation for a given function order
@@ -1467,8 +1490,11 @@ class RepositoryConnectivityGraph(DataGraph):
             self.add_node('D{0}'.format(discipline + 1), category='function', instance=1, function_type='regular')
             if 'runtime_range' in kwargs:
                 runtime_range = kwargs['runtime_range']
-                self.nodes['D{0}'.format(discipline + 1)]['performance_info'] = {'run_time': random.randint(
-                    runtime_range[0], runtime_range[1])}
+                if runtime_range:
+                    self.nodes['D{0}'.format(discipline + 1)]['performance_info'] = {'run_time': random.randint(
+                        runtime_range[0], runtime_range[1])}
+                else:
+                    self.nodes['D{0}'.format(discipline + 1)]['performance_info'] = {'run_time': 1}
             for local_constraint in range(n_local_constraints[discipline]):  # Local constraints
                 self.add_node('G{0}_{1}'.format(discipline+1, local_constraint+1), category='function', instance=1,
@@ -2760,8 +2786,8 @@ class FundamentalProblemGraph(DataGraph, KeChainMixin):
             if 'doe_runs' in doe_settings:
                 self.graph['problem_formulation']['doe_settings']['doe_runs'] = doe_settings['doe_runs']
-    def partition_graph(self, n_parts, include_run_time=False, tpwgts=None, recursive=True, contig=False,
-                        local_convergers=False):
+    def partition_graph(self, n_parts, use_runtime_info=False, tpwgts=None, recursive=True, contig=False,
+                        local_convergers=False, coupling_dict=None, rcb=1.0, node_selection=None):
         """Partition a graph using the Metis algorithm (
         Note that partitioning can only be performed on undirected graphs. Therefore every graph input is translated
@@ -2769,8 +2795,8 @@ class FundamentalProblemGraph(DataGraph, KeChainMixin):
         :param n_parts: number of partitions requested (algorithm might provide less)
         :type n_parts: int
-        :param include_run_time:
-        :type include_run_time: bool
+        :param use_runtime_info:
+        :type use_runtime_info: bool
         :param tpwgts: list of target partition weights
         :type tpwgts: list
         :param recursive: option to use the recursive bisection or k-way partitioning algorithm
@@ -2784,160 +2810,229 @@ class FundamentalProblemGraph(DataGraph, KeChainMixin):
         import metis
         # Input assertions
-        assert 'function_ordering' in self.graph['problem_formulation'], 'Function ordering is missing'
-        pre_couplings = self.graph['problem_formulation']['function_ordering'][self.FUNCTION_ROLES[0]]
-        coupled_nodes = self.graph['problem_formulation']['function_ordering'][self.FUNCTION_ROLES[1]]
-        post_couplings = self.graph['problem_formulation']['function_ordering'][self.FUNCTION_ROLES[2]]
-        if include_run_time:
-            for node in coupled_nodes:
-                assert 'run_time' in self.nodes[node]['performance_info'], 'Run time missing for function ' \
-                                                                           '{}'.format(node)
+        if not node_selection:
+            assert 'function_ordering' in self.graph['problem_formulation'], 'Function ordering is missing'
-        # Get subgraph
-        if 'system_architecture' in self.graph['problem_formulation'] and \
+        # Get coupling dictionary
+        if not coupling_dict:
+            coupling_dict = self.get_coupling_dictionary()
+        # Get the nodes that need to be partitioned
+        if node_selection:
+            nodes_to_partition = list(node_selection)
+        # For IDF, all functions in the optimizer loop are partitioned except for the objective and constraint functions
+        elif 'system_architecture' in self.graph['problem_formulation'] and \
                 self.graph['problem_formulation']['system_architecture'] == self.OPTIONS_ARCHITECTURES[2]:
+            # Get post-design-variables, coupled and post-coupling functions
+            mg_function_ordering = self.get_mg_function_ordering()
+            post_des_vars = mg_function_ordering[self.FUNCTION_ROLES[4]]
+            post_couplings = mg_function_ordering[self.FUNCTION_ROLES[2]]
+            coupled_nodes = mg_function_ordering[self.FUNCTION_ROLES[1]]
+            # Get objective and constraint functions
             constr_obj_vars = self.find_all_nodes(attr_cond=['problem_role', '==', self.PROBLEM_ROLES_VARS[2]]) + \
-                              self.find_all_nodes(attr_cond=['problem_role', '==', self.PROBLEM_ROLES_VARS[1]])
-            constr_obj_funcs = []
-            for variable in constr_obj_vars:
-                constr_obj_funcs.extend(self.get_sources(variable))
-            post_coupling_disciplines = [node for node in post_couplings if node not in constr_obj_funcs]
-            pre_coupling_disciplines = [node for node in pre_couplings if node not in constr_obj_funcs]
-            subgraph = self.get_subgraph_by_function_nodes(pre_coupling_disciplines + coupled_nodes +
-                                                           post_coupling_disciplines)
+                self.find_all_nodes(attr_cond=['problem_role', '==', self.PROBLEM_ROLES_VARS[1]])
+            constr_obj_funcs = [self.get_sources(variable)[0] for variable in constr_obj_vars]
+            # Get the nodes that need to be partitioned
+            nodes_to_partition = [node for node in post_des_vars if node not in constr_obj_funcs] + coupled_nodes + \
+                                 [node for node in post_couplings if node not in constr_obj_funcs]
+        # When a converger is present or no system architecture selected, only the coupled functions are partitioned
-            subgraph = self.get_subgraph_by_function_nodes(coupled_nodes)
+            function_ordering = self.graph['problem_formulation']['function_ordering']
+            coupled_nodes = function_ordering[self.FUNCTION_ROLES[1]]
+            nodes_to_partition = coupled_nodes
-        graph = subgraph.deepcopy()
-        coupling_dict = graph.get_coupling_dictionary()
+        # Check runtime
+        if use_runtime_info:
+            for node in nodes_to_partition:
+                assert 'run_time' in self.nodes[node]['performance_info'], 'Run time missing for function ' \
+                                                                           '{}'.format(node)
-        best_solution = {'partitions': [], 'variables': float("inf"), 'run_time': float("inf")}
+        # Get initial function graph of the nodes that need to be partitioned
+        subgraph = self.get_subgraph_by_function_nodes(nodes_to_partition)
+        initial_function_graph = subgraph.get_function_graph()
+        # Get total number of couplings and the maximum runtime of the graph
+        total_couplings = sum([coupling_dict[function1][function2] for function1 in nodes_to_partition for function2 in
+                               nodes_to_partition if function2 in coupling_dict[function1]])
+        total_time = sum([self.nodes[node]['performance_info']['run_time'] for node in nodes_to_partition]) if \
+            use_runtime_info else len(nodes_to_partition)
+        # Initialize variables
+        best_partitions = []
+        min_f, min_variables, min_time = float("inf"), float("inf"), float("inf")
         number_of_iterations_not_improved = 0
+        function_graph = initial_function_graph.deepcopy()
         while True:
+            # Combine coupling strengths of feedforward and feedback connections between two nodes to get an undirected
+            # graph with the correct edge weights
+            remove_edges = []
+            for edge in function_graph.edges():
+                if (edge[0], edge[1]) in remove_edges:
+                    continue
+                elif (edge[1], edge[0]) in function_graph.edges():
+                    function_graph.edges[edge[0], edge[1]]['coupling_strength'] += function_graph.edges[
+                        edge[1], edge[0]]['coupling_strength']
+                    remove_edges.append((edge[1], edge[0]))
+            for edge in remove_edges:
+                function_graph.remove_edge(edge[0], edge[1])
             # Get undirected graph
-            g_und = graph.to_undirected()
+            g_und = function_graph.to_undirected()
-            # Add run time to the nodes of the undirected graph
+            # Add runtime to the nodes of the undirected graph for metis
             for node in g_und.nodes():
-                if g_und.nodes[node]['category'] == 'variable':
-                    g_und.nodes[node]['run_time'] = 0
-                elif g_und.nodes[node]['category'] == 'function':
-                    g_und.nodes[node]['run_time'] = g_und.nodes[node]['performance_info']['run_time'] if \
-                        include_run_time else 1
+                g_und.nodes[node]['run_time'] = g_und.nodes[node]['performance_info']['run_time'] if \
+                    use_runtime_info else 1
+            # Set the runtime as node weight and the coupling strength as edge weight for metis
             g_und.graph['node_weight_attr'] = 'run_time'
+            g_und.graph['edge_weight_attr'] = 'coupling_strength'
-            # Partition graph
+            # Partition graph using metis
             (edgecuts, parts) = metis.part_graph(g_und, n_parts, tpwgts=tpwgts, recursive=recursive, contig=contig)
-            # Get partition dict
+            # Create a list with the nodes in each partition
             partitions = []
             for part in range(n_parts):
+                # Get nodes in this partition
                 nodes = []
-                # Get function nodes in partition
                 for idx, node in enumerate(g_und.nodes):
-                    if parts[idx] == part and graph.nodes[node]['category'] == 'function':
+                    if parts[idx] == part:
                         nodes.extend(node.split('--') if '--' in node else [node])
                 # Minimize feedback within the partition
-                graph_partition = self.get_subgraph_by_function_nodes(nodes)
-                if local_convergers and not nx.is_directed_acyclic_graph(graph_partition):
-                    nodes = self.get_possible_function_order('single-swap', node_selection=nodes)
+                if not nodes:
+                    logger.warning('Metis returned less than {} partitions. Some partitions will be empty'.format(
+                        n_parts))
-                    nodes = self.minimize_feedback(nodes, 'single-swap')
-                # Add nodes to the partition dict
-                partitions.append(nodes)
+                    nodes = self.get_possible_function_order('single-swap', node_selection=nodes, rcb=rcb,
+                                                             coupling_dict=coupling_dict,
+                                                             use_runtime_info=use_runtime_info) if local_convergers \
+                        else self.minimize_feedback(nodes, 'single-swap', rcb=rcb, coupling_dict=coupling_dict,
+                                                    use_runtime_info=use_runtime_info)
-            # Reset graph
-            graph = subgraph.deepcopy()
+                # Add nodes to the partition list
+                partitions.append(nodes)
             # Evaluate the properties of the partitioning
-            partition_variables, system_variables, runtime = graph.get_partition_info(partitions,
-                                                                                      include_run_time=include_run_time)
+            partition_variables, system_variables, runtime = subgraph.get_partition_info(
+                partitions, coupling_dict=coupling_dict, use_runtime_info=use_runtime_info,
+                local_convergers=local_convergers)
+            n_variables = system_variables + sum(partition_variables)
-            # Merge nodes that can be merged based on process and calculate runtime of each partition
+            # Decide whether new solution is better than the best solution found so far
+            f = rcb * (n_variables / float(total_couplings)) + (1 - rcb) * (max(runtime) / float(total_time))
+            if (n_variables == min_variables and max(runtime) < min_time) or \
+                    (max(runtime) == min_time and n_variables < min_variables) or (f < min_f):
+                best_partitions, min_f, min_variables, min_time = partitions, f, n_variables, max(runtime)
+                number_of_iterations_not_improved = 0
+            else:
+                number_of_iterations_not_improved += 1
+            # If the third iteration does not give an improvement the iterations are stopped
+            if number_of_iterations_not_improved > 2:
+                break
+            # Merge the nodes that can be merged based on process
+            function_graph = initial_function_graph.deepcopy()
             for partition in partitions:
                 nodes = list(partition)
                 while nodes:
                     merge_nodes, run_times = [], []
                     for idx, node in enumerate(nodes):
+                        # If the nodes before the current node do not supply input to the current node, the nodes can
+                        # be merged
                         if not set(nodes[:idx]).intersection(coupling_dict[node]):
-                            run_times.append(self.nodes[node]['performance_info']['run_time'] if include_run_time else
+                            run_times.append(self.nodes[node]['performance_info']['run_time'] if use_runtime_info else
                     if len(merge_nodes) > 1:
-                        new_node = '--'.join(merge_nodes)
+                        new_node_label = '--'.join(merge_nodes)
-                            graph = graph.merge_parallel_functions(merge_nodes, new_label=new_node)
-                            graph.nodes[new_node]['performance_info'] = {'run_time': max(run_times)}
+                            function_graph = function_graph.merge_parallel_functions(merge_nodes,
+                                                                                     new_label=new_node_label)
+                            function_graph.nodes[new_node_label]['performance_info'] = {'run_time': max(run_times)}
                         except AssertionError:
                     for node in merge_nodes:
-            n_variables = len(system_variables) + sum([len(variables) for variables in partition_variables])
-            # Decide whether new solution is better than the best solution found so far
-            accept_solution = False
-            variable_change = abs((best_solution['variables'] - n_variables)/float(best_solution['variables']))
-            run_time_change = abs((best_solution['run_time'] - max(runtime))/float(best_solution['run_time']))
-            if n_variables <= best_solution['variables']:
-                if max(runtime) < best_solution['run_time']:
-                    accept_solution = True
-                else:
-                    if variable_change*1.5 > run_time_change:
-                        accept_solution = True
-            elif max(runtime) <= best_solution['run_time']:
-                if run_time_change > variable_change*1.5:
-                    accept_solution = True
-            if accept_solution:
-                best_solution = {'partitions': partitions, 'variables': n_variables, 'run_time': max(runtime)}
-                number_of_iterations_not_improved = 0
-            else:
-                number_of_iterations_not_improved += 1
-            # Remember current partition
-            if accept_solution:
-                best_solution['partitions'] = partitions
-                best_solution['variables'] = n_variables
-                best_solution['runtime'] = max(runtime)
-            # If the third iteration does not give an improvement the iterations are stopped
-            if number_of_iterations_not_improved > 2:
-                break
+            # Get correct coupling strengths in case merged nodes exist in the graph
+            for node1 in function_graph.nodes():
+                for node2 in function_graph.nodes():
+                    coupling_strength = 0
+                    source_nodes = node1.split('--') if '--' in node1 else [node1]
+                    target_nodes = node2.split('--') if '--' in node2 else [node2]
+                    for source in source_nodes:
+                        for target in target_nodes:
+                            if (source, target) in initial_function_graph.edges():
+                                coupling_strength += initial_function_graph.edges[source, target][
+                                    'coupling_strength']
+                    if coupling_strength != 0:
+                        function_graph.edges[node1, node2]['coupling_strength'] = coupling_strength
         # Add local convergers if there are feedback loops in the partitions
         convergers = []
         if local_convergers:
-            for part_nr, partition in enumerate(best_solution['partitions']):
-                subgraph = self.get_subgraph_by_function_nodes(partition)
-                if not nx.is_directed_acyclic_graph(subgraph):
+            for part_nr, partition in enumerate(best_partitions):
+                converger = False
+                for idx, node in enumerate(partition):
+                    if not set(partition[idx:]).intersection(coupling_dict[node]):
+                        continue
+                    else:
+                        converger = True
+                if converger:
-        # Update the function order
+        # Update the function order # todo: check whether the non partitioned nodes were already in the right sequence?
+        if node_selection:
+            function_order = [node for partition in partitions for node in partition]
+        elif 'system_architecture' in self.graph['problem_formulation'] and \
+                self.graph['problem_formulation']['system_architecture'] == self.OPTIONS_ARCHITECTURES[2]:
+            # noinspection PyUnboundLocalVariable
+            pre_desvars_order = self.sort_nodes_for_process(mg_function_ordering[self.FUNCTION_ROLES[3]])
+            partitioned_nodes_order = [node for partition in partitions for node in partition]
+            # noinspection PyUnboundLocalVariable
+            constr_obj_order = self.sort_nodes_for_process(constr_obj_funcs)
+            function_order = pre_desvars_order + partitioned_nodes_order + constr_obj_order
+        else:
+            pre_coupled_order = self.sort_nodes_for_process(function_ordering[self.FUNCTION_ROLES[0]])
+            partitioned_nodes_order = [node for partition in partitions for node in partition]
+            post_coupling_order = self.sort_nodes_for_process(function_ordering[self.FUNCTION_ROLES[2]])
+            function_order = pre_coupled_order + partitioned_nodes_order + post_coupling_order
-        function_order = []
+        # Add partition to the input graph
+        if not 'problem_formulation' in self.graph:
+            self.graph['problem_formulation'] = dict()
-        self.graph['problem_formulation']['coupled_functions_groups'] = best_solution['partitions']
+        self.graph['problem_formulation']['coupled_functions_groups'] = best_partitions
         self.graph['problem_formulation']['local_convergers'] = convergers
         self.graph['problem_formulation']['partition_convergence'] = []
         self.graph['problem_formulation']['sequence_partitions'] = []
-        self.graph['problem_formulation']['function_order'] = function_order
+        if not node_selection:
+            self.graph['problem_formulation']['function_order'] = function_order
-    def get_partition_info(self, partitions, include_run_time=False, coupling_dict=None):
+    def get_partition_info(self, partitions, coupling_dict=None, use_runtime_info=False, local_convergers=False):
         """ Function to get the number of feedback variables in the partitions and the number system variables (feedback
         and feedforward variables between partitions)
         :param partitions: list which indicates which nodes are in which partition
         :type partitions: list
-        :param include_run_time:
-        :type include_run_time: bool
+        :param coupling_dict:
+        :type coupling_dict: dict
+        :param use_runtime_info:
+        :type use_runtime_info: bool
+        :param local_convergers:
+        :param local_convergers: bool
         :return partition_variables:
         :rtype partition_variables: list of sets
         :return system_variables:
@@ -2948,7 +3043,7 @@ class FundamentalProblemGraph(DataGraph, KeChainMixin):
         function_order = [func for partition in partitions for func in partition]
         # Input assertions
-        if include_run_time:
+        if use_runtime_info:
             for node in function_order:
                 assert 'run_time' in self.nodes[node]['performance_info'], 'Run time missing for function ' \
@@ -2959,46 +3054,57 @@ class FundamentalProblemGraph(DataGraph, KeChainMixin):
         # For each node in the partitions check whether its input comes from the same partition, another partition or
         # neither
-        partition_variables = [set() for _ in partitions]
-        system_variables = set()
+        system_connections = 0
+        partition_connections = []
         for partition, nodes in enumerate(partitions):
+            partition_feedback = 0
             for idx, target in enumerate(nodes):
                 for source in coupling_dict[target]:
                     if source in nodes[idx+1:]:
-                        paths = nx.all_shortest_paths(self, source, target)
-                        for path in paths:
-                            partition_variables[partition].update([path[1].split('/')[-1]])
+                        partition_feedback += coupling_dict[target][source]
                     elif source in function_order and source not in nodes:
-                        paths = nx.all_shortest_paths(self, source, target)
-                        for path in paths:
-                            system_variables.update([path[1].split('/')[-1]])
+                        system_connections += coupling_dict[target][source]
+            partition_connections.append(partition_feedback)
-        # Calculate run time of each partition
+        # Calculate runtime # todo: can this more simple?
         run_time_partitions = []
-        for partition in partitions:
-            nodes = list(partition)
-            run_time_partition = 0
-            while nodes:
-                parallel_nodes = []
-                run_times = []
+        for partition, nodes in enumerate(partitions):
+            if local_convergers and self.check_for_coupling(nodes, only_feedback=True):
+                # Get runtime pre-coupled nodes
+                pre_coupling_nodes = []
                 for idx, node in enumerate(nodes):
-                    if not set(nodes[:idx]).intersection(coupling_dict[node]):
-                        parallel_nodes.append(node)
-                        if include_run_time:
-                            run_times.append(self.nodes[node]['performance_info']['run_time'])
-                        else:
-                            run_times.append(1)
+                    if not set(nodes[idx + 1:]).intersection(coupling_dict[node]):
+                        pre_coupling_nodes = nodes[:idx + 1]
+                    else:
+                        break
+                # Get runtime post-coupled nodes
+                nodes = [node for node in nodes if node not in pre_coupling_nodes]
+                input_nodes = []
+                post_coupling_nodes = []
+                coupled_nodes = list(nodes)
+                input_nodes.extend([node for node in coupling_dict[node] if node in nodes[idx:]] for idx, node in
+                                   enumerate(nodes))
+                for idx, node in reversed(list(enumerate(nodes))):
+                    if node not in input_nodes:
+                        post_coupling_nodes = nodes[idx:]
+                        coupled_nodes = nodes[:idx]
-                run_time_partition += max(run_times)
-                for node in parallel_nodes:
-                    nodes.pop(nodes.index(node))
+                run_time_partition = self.get_runtime_sequence(pre_coupling_nodes, coupling_dict=coupling_dict,
+                                                               use_runtime_info=use_runtime_info) + \
+                    self.get_runtime_sequence(coupled_nodes, coupling_dict=coupling_dict,
+                                              use_runtime_info=use_runtime_info) + \
+                    self.get_runtime_sequence(post_coupling_nodes, coupling_dict=coupling_dict,
+                                              use_runtime_info=use_runtime_info)
+            else:
+                run_time_partition = self.get_runtime_sequence(nodes, coupling_dict=coupling_dict,
+                                                               use_runtime_info=use_runtime_info)
-        return partition_variables, system_variables, run_time_partitions
+        return partition_connections, system_connections, run_time_partitions
-    def select_number_of_partitions(self, partition_range, include_run_time=False, plot_pareto_front=False,
-                                    local_convergers=False):
+    def select_number_of_partitions(self, partition_range, use_runtime_info=False, plot_pareto_front=False,
+                                    local_convergers=False, coupling_dict=None, rcb=1.0):
         """ Function to evaluate the properties of different number of partitions and to select the best one.
         :param partition_range: range of number of partitions that need to be evaluated
@@ -3013,7 +3119,7 @@ class FundamentalProblemGraph(DataGraph, KeChainMixin):
         # Input assertions
         assert 'function_ordering' in self.graph['problem_formulation'], 'Function ordering is missing'
         coupled_nodes = self.graph['problem_formulation']['function_ordering'][self.FUNCTION_ROLES[1]]
-        if include_run_time:
+        if use_runtime_info:
             for node in coupled_nodes:
                 assert 'run_time' in self.nodes[node]['performance_info'], 'Run time missing for function ' \
@@ -3021,24 +3127,32 @@ class FundamentalProblemGraph(DataGraph, KeChainMixin):
         partition_info = []
         partition_results = dict()
+        if not coupling_dict:
+            coupling_dict = self.get_coupling_dictionary()
         for idx, n_partitions in enumerate(partition_range):
             # Partition graph
             graph = self.deepcopy()
-            partitions, convergers = graph.partition_graph(n_partitions,
-                                                           include_run_time=include_run_time,
-                                                           local_convergers=local_convergers)
+            print 'Number of partitions: ', n_partitions
+            graph.partition_graph(n_partitions, coupling_dict=coupling_dict, use_runtime_info=use_runtime_info,
+                                  local_convergers=local_convergers, rcb=rcb)
+            partitions = graph.graph['problem_formulation']['coupled_functions_groups']
+            local_convergers = graph.graph['problem_formulation']['local_convergers']
             # Evaluate graph
             partition_variables, system_variables, runtime = graph.get_partition_info(partitions,
-                                                                                      include_run_time=include_run_time)
-            total_var = len(system_variables) + sum([len(variables) for variables in partition_variables])
+                                                                                      use_runtime_info=use_runtime_info,
+                                                                                      coupling_dict=coupling_dict,
+                                                                                      local_convergers=local_convergers)
+            total_var = system_variables + sum(partition_variables)
             # Save partition information
-            partition_info.append([idx, n_partitions, [len(variables) for variables in partition_variables],
-                                   len(system_variables), total_var, max(runtime)])
+            partition_info.append([idx, n_partitions, partition_variables, system_variables, total_var, max(runtime)])
             partition_results[n_partitions] = dict()
             partition_results[n_partitions]['partitions'] = partitions
-            partition_results[n_partitions]['convergers'] = convergers
+            partition_results[n_partitions]['local_convergers'] = local_convergers
+            partition_results[n_partitions]['function_order'] = graph.graph['problem_formulation']['function_order']
         # Print partition information in table
         header = ['Option', '# partitions', '# feedback in partitions', '# system variables', 'Total # variables',
@@ -3064,16 +3178,21 @@ class FundamentalProblemGraph(DataGraph, KeChainMixin):
         # Select the number of partitions
-        selmsg = 'Please slect number of partitions:'
+        selmsg = 'Please select number of partitions:'
         sel = prompting.user_prompt_select_options(*partition_range, message=selmsg, allow_empty=False,
         idx = partition_range.index(int(sel[0]))
         # Get result
-        partitions = partition_results[partition_range[idx]]['partitions']
-        convergers = partition_results[partition_range[idx]]['convergers']
+        self.graph['problem_formulation']['coupled_functions_groups'] = partition_results[partition_range[idx]][
+            'partitions']
+        self.graph['problem_formulation']['local_convergers'] = partition_results[partition_range[idx]][
+            'local_convergers']
+        self.graph['problem_formulation']['partition_convergence'] = []
+        self.graph['problem_formulation']['sequence_partitions'] = []
+        self.graph['problem_formulation']['function_order'] = partition_results[partition_range[idx]]['function_order']
-        return partitions, convergers
+        return
     def select_distributed_architecture(self):
         """ Function for easy selection of a distributed architecture for a partitioned graph.
@@ -3093,7 +3212,7 @@ class FundamentalProblemGraph(DataGraph, KeChainMixin):
         partitions = self.graph['problem_formulation']['coupled_functions_groups']
         coupling_dict = self.get_coupling_dictionary()
-        # Select system architecture
+        # Select system architecture # todo: remove? System acrhictecture should be given before graph is partitioned
         system_architectures = ['unconverged-MDA', 'converged-MDA', 'MDF', 'IDF', 'unconverged-OPT']
         options = []
         for idx, arch in enumerate(system_architectures):
@@ -3148,6 +3267,7 @@ class FundamentalProblemGraph(DataGraph, KeChainMixin):
+        # todo: remove or improve
         print 'local converger:', local_convergers
         print 'system architecture:', system_architecture
         print 'jacobi convergence:', jacobi_convergence