diff --git a/kadmos/vistoms/templates/VISTOMS.html b/kadmos/vistoms/templates/VISTOMS.html
index 1f6ec9120948ca876da40dbea7d9ce162f33184f..47d2c4c08c6d95f65540cbf5297c087c3c0a6088 100644
--- a/kadmos/vistoms/templates/VISTOMS.html
+++ b/kadmos/vistoms/templates/VISTOMS.html
@@ -18754,8 +18754,6 @@
 				//Highlight function, that shows usage of a node in the XDSM
 				function highlight(data,aText)
-                    console.log(data)
-                    console.log(aText)
 					aText = "/"+data.data.name+aText;
 					if (data.parent){highlight(data.parent,aText)}
@@ -19070,8 +19068,6 @@
 					title: 'Show node information',
 					onMouseDown: function(elm, d, i) {
-						console.log(elm)
-						console.log(d)
 					onMouseUp: function(elm, d, i) {},
@@ -20971,42 +20967,6 @@
-				//aigner: Data Model Tree View Button
-				//####################################################################################################################
-				var dataModelDiv = d3.select(".xdsmDiv").append("div").attr("class","dataModelDiv").attr("transform","translate(10,0)")
-				var ul = dataModelDiv.append("ul")
-				var dropdown1 = ul.append("li").on("mouseover", function(){d3.select(this).style("cursor", "default")})
-				dropdown1.append("img").attr("src",fileReference.AGILE_Icon)
-					.attr("align","left")
-					.style("margin-left","6px")
-					.style("margin-right","-10px")
-					.style("margin-top","10px")
-					.style("margin-bottom","0px")
-					.attr("height","20")
-					.attr("width","20")
-				dropdown1.append("a").text("Data Model Tree")
-				var links = dropdown1.append("ul");
-                var xOffset_ul = dropdown1._groups[0][0].offsetLeft+dropdown1._groups[0][0].offsetWidth-40;
-                links.style("left", String(xOffset_ul)+"px")
-				for (var j=0; j< varCategories.length; j++)
-				{
-					//console.log(varCategories[j])
-					var linkLi = links.append("li");
-					var linkA = linkLi.append("a")
-						.attr("id",j)
-						.text(varCategories[j].description)
-						.on("mouseover", function(){d3.select(this).style("cursor", "pointer")})
-						.on("click", function()
-						{		
-							showFullTree(varCategories[this.id].name,varCategories[this.id].description)
-						})
-				}
-				//aigner: Set width of the div, so the VISTOMS dropdown (in the top of the page) still works
-				//dataModelDiv.style("width", String(dropdown1.node().getBoundingClientRect().width+20)+"px")
-				//####################################################################################################################
                 function showList(aTitle,aList,aMenu)
                     if (aList.length != 0)
@@ -21050,6 +21010,41 @@
+				//aigner: Data Model Tree View Button
+				//####################################################################################################################
+				var dataModelDiv = d3.select(".xdsmDiv").append("div").attr("class","dataModelDiv").attr("transform","translate(10,0)")
+				var ul = dataModelDiv.append("ul")
+				var dropdown1 = ul.append("li").on("mouseover", function(){d3.select(this).style("cursor", "default")})
+				dropdown1.append("img").attr("src",fileReference.AGILE_Icon)
+					.attr("align","left")
+					.style("margin-left","6px")
+					.style("margin-right","-10px")
+					.style("margin-top","10px")
+					.style("margin-bottom","0px")
+					.attr("height","20")
+					.attr("width","20")
+				dropdown1.append("a").text("Data Model Tree")
+				var links = dropdown1.append("ul");
+                var xOffset_ul = dropdown1._groups[0][0].offsetLeft+dropdown1._groups[0][0].offsetWidth-40;
+                links.style("left", String(xOffset_ul)+"px")
+				for (var j=0; j< varCategories.length; j++)
+				{
+					//console.log(varCategories[j])
+					var linkLi = links.append("li");
+					var linkA = linkLi.append("a")
+						.attr("id",j)
+						.text(varCategories[j].description)
+						.on("mouseover", function(){d3.select(this).style("cursor", "pointer")})
+						.on("click", function()
+						{		
+							showFullTree(varCategories[this.id].name,varCategories[this.id].description)
+						})
+				}
+				//aigner: Set width of the div, so the VISTOMS dropdown (in the top of the page) still works
+				//dataModelDiv.style("width", String(dropdown1.node().getBoundingClientRect().width+20)+"px")
+				//####################################################################################################################
                 //aigner: Data Model List View Button
 				var ul_list = dataModelDiv.append("ul")
@@ -21799,25 +21794,25 @@
 						for (var j=0; j< varCategories.length; j++)
 							edgeChildrenItemsList.push({title: 'according to ' + varCategories[j].description,
-													varCategory: varCategories[j].name,
-													description: varCategories[j].description,
-													onMouseClick: function(elm, data, i) {
-                                                        var variables = [];
-                                                        var pipeData = edge.name;
-                                                        var title = "Here is a list"
-                                                        variables = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(currentGraph.variableSchemes[data.varCategory]))
-                                                        prune_tree(pipeData,variables)
-                                                        variables.forEach(function(variable)
-                                                        {
-                                                            variable.name = variable.xPath
-                                                            //work around because nodeMenu expexts the data, to have a "data" object inside
-                                                            variable.data = variable
-                                                            variable.data.name = variable.xPath.split("/")[variable.xPath.split("/").length-1]
-                                                        })
-                                                        showList(title,variables,nodeMenu);
-                                                    },
-													onMouseOver: function(elm,data,i){}});
+                                varCategory: varCategories[j].name,
+                                description: varCategories[j].description,
+                                onMouseClick: function(elm, data, i) {
+                                    var variables = [];
+                                    var pipeData = edge.name;
+                                    var title = "Here is a list"
+                                    variables = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(currentGraph.variableSchemes[data.varCategory]))
+                                    prune_tree(pipeData,variables)
+                                    variables.forEach(function(variable)
+                                    {
+                                        variable.name = variable.xPath
+                                        //work around because nodeMenu expexts the data, to have a "data" object inside
+                                        variable.data = variable
+                                        variable.data.name = variable.xPath.split("/")[variable.xPath.split("/").length-1]
+                                    })
+                                    showList(title,variables,nodeMenu);
+                                },
+                                onMouseOver: function(elm,data,i){}});
 						var theEdge = this;
 						var edgeMenu = [
@@ -22829,7 +22824,317 @@
 				varCategories =  entireData.categories;
 				var classes = currentGraph.edgeBundles;
+				//Highlight function, that shows usage of a node in the XDSM
+                function highlight(data,aText)
+                {
+                    aText = "/"+data.name+aText;
+                    if (data.parent){highlight(data.parent,aText)}
+                    else
+                    {
+                        var allLinks = d3.selectAll(".edgeBundlesLink");
+                        allLinks[0].forEach(function(aLink)
+                        {
+                            aLink.__data__.pipeData_in = aLink.__data__.source.pipeline_data[aLink.__data__.target.name];
+                            aLink.__data__.pipeData_out = aLink.__data__.target.pipeline_data[aLink.__data__.source.name];
+                            aLink.__data__.pipeDataName_in = "";
+                            aLink.__data__.pipeDataName_out = "";
+                            aLink.__data__.name = "";
+                            if (aLink.__data__.pipeData_in)
+                            {
+                                for (var i=0; i<aLink.__data__.pipeData_in.length; i++)
+                                {
+                                    if (i==0){aLink.__data__.pipeDataName_in += aLink.__data__.pipeData_in[i];}
+                                    else{aLink.__data__.pipeDataName_in += "," + aLink.__data__.pipeData_in[i];}
+                                }
+                                aLink.__data__.name += aLink.__data__.pipeDataName_in
+                            }
+                            if (aLink.__data__.pipeData_out)
+                            {
+                                for (var i=0; i<aLink.__data__.pipeData_out.length; i++)
+                                {
+                                    if (i==0){aLink.__data__.pipeDataName_out += aLink.__data__.pipeData_out[i];}
+                                    else{aLink.__data__.pipeDataName_out += "," + aLink.__data__.pipeData_out[i];}
+                                }
+                                aLink.__data__.name += aLink.__data__.pipeDataName_out
+                            }
+                        })
+                        //var allLinks_tmp = allLinks[0];
+                        allLinks[0].forEach(function(p) {
+                            var firstElement_tmp = p.__data__.name.split("/")[1]
+                            var text_fromFirst = "/"+firstElement_tmp+aText.split(firstElement_tmp)[1]
+                            if (include(p.__data__.name,text_fromFirst))
+                            {
+                                d3.select(p)
+                                    .style("stroke-opacity", 1.0)
+                            }
+                            else
+                            {
+                                d3.select(p).style("stroke-opacity", 0);			
+                            }
+                        });
+                    }
+                }
+                //Function writeTreeToXML goes through tree nodes and puts the into an xml document
+                function writeTreeToXML(aNode,anXMLDoc,anXPath)
+                {
+                    //Variable "children" 
+                    //--> One children variable, no matter whether a node has "_children" (collapsed) or "children" (expanded)
+                    var children;
+                    if (aNode._children){children = aNode._children;}
+                    else if (aNode.children){children = aNode.children;}
+                    //Get current xml element with its xPath
+                    var element = anXMLDoc.evaluate(anXPath,anXMLDoc, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null ).singleNodeValue;
+                    if (element != null) {element.value = '...';}
+                    //If a node has children (collapsed or expanded), loop through them
+                    if (children)
+                    {
+                        for (var i=0; i < children.length;i++)
+                        {
+                            //Name of the new XML element --> childName
+                            var child = children[i];
+                            var childName = child.name.split(/[\[\]]+/);//Split childName at "[]" which is the uID 
+                            var cleanChildName = childName[0].split(/[\+\*\^\-\ \#]+/);//Split childName all special characters
+                            var newNode = anXMLDoc.createElement(String(cleanChildName[0]));
+                            //The children are appended to the xPath --> newXPath
+                            var newXPath = anXPath+"/"+cleanChildName[0];
+                            //If childName contains a uID, make the uID an attribute
+                            if (childName[1])
+                            {
+                                if (parseInt(childName[1]))
+                                {
+                                    var dummyID = childName[1];
+                                    newNode.setAttribute("dummyID", dummyID)
+                                    newXPath = newXPath+"[@dummyID='"+dummyID+"']";
+                                }
+                                else
+                                {
+                                    var uID = childName[1];
+                                    newNode.setAttribute("uID", uID)
+                                    newXPath = newXPath+"[@uID='"+uID+"']";
+                                }
+                            }
+                            if (cleanChildName.length>1) {newNode.setAttribute("elementName", childName[0])};
+                            //Append the newNode to the xml structure
+                            element.appendChild(newNode);
+                            ////aigner: Sorting of XML elements according to "uID"
+                            // var items = element.children;
+                            // var itemsArr = [];
+                            // for (var j in items) {
+                                // if (items[j].nodeType == 1) { // get rid of the whitespace text nodes
+                                    // itemsArr.push(items[j]);
+                                // }
+                            // }
+                            // itemsArr.sort(function(a,b){
+                                // if (a.getAttribute("uID") < b.getAttribute("uID"))
+                                    // return -1;
+                                // if (a.getAttribute("uID") > b.getAttribute("uID"))
+                                    // return 1;
+                                // return 0;
+                                // });
+                            // for (j = 0; j < itemsArr.length; ++j) {
+                              // element.appendChild(itemsArr[j]);
+                            // }
+                            //call function writeTreeToXML recursively for all children
+                            writeTreeToXML(child,anXMLDoc,newXPath)
+                        }
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        if (aNode.value){element.innerHTML = String(aNode.value);}
+                        else{element.innerHTML = " ";}
+                    }
+                    //return the xml document
+                    return anXMLDoc;
+                }
+                function removeAttributeInAllElements(aDocument,attribute)
+                {
+                  var matchingElements = [];
+                  var allElements = aDocument.getElementsByTagName('*');
+                  for (var i = 0, n = allElements.length; i < n; i++)
+                  {
+                    if (allElements[i].getAttribute(attribute) !== null)
+                    {
+                        allElements[i].removeAttribute(attribute);
+                    }
+                  }
+                  return matchingElements;
+                }
+                function putAncestorsInXMLString(strWrapper, aNode)
+                {
+                    //Name of the new XML element
+                    var nodeName = aNode.name.split(/[\[\]]+/);//Split name at "[]" which is the uID 
+                    var cleanNodeName = nodeName[0].split(/[\+\*\^\-\ \#]+/);//Split nodeName all special characters
+                    //If nodeName contains a uID, make the uID an attribute
+                    if (nodeName[1])
+                    {
+                        var uID = nodeName[1];
+                        strWrapper.val = "<"+cleanNodeName[0]+" uID='"+ uID +"'>"+strWrapper.val+"</"+cleanNodeName[0]+">";;
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        strWrapper.val = "<"+cleanNodeName[0]+">"+strWrapper.val+"</"+cleanNodeName[0]+">";;
+                    }
+                    var aParent = aNode.parent;
+                    if (aParent)
+                    {
+                        return putAncestorsInXMLString(strWrapper, aParent);
+                    }
+                    else 
+                    {
+                        return strWrapper;
+                    }
+                }
+                function putAncestorsInXPath(strWrapper, aNode)
+                {
+                    //Name of the new XML element
+                    var nodeName = aNode.name.split(/[\[\]]+/);//Split name at "[]" which is the uID 
+                    var cleanNodeName = nodeName[0].split(/[\+\*\^\-\ \#]+/);//Split nodeName all special characters
+                    //If nodeName contains a uID, make the uID an attribute
+                    if (nodeName[1])
+                    {
+                        var uID = nodeName[1];
+                        strWrapper.val = "/"+cleanNodeName[0]+"[@uID='"+uID+"']"+strWrapper.val;
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        strWrapper.val = "/"+cleanNodeName[0]+strWrapper.val;
+                    }
+                    var aParent = aNode.parent;
+                    if (aParent)
+                    {
+                        return putAncestorsInXPath(strWrapper, aParent);
+                    }
+                    else 
+                    {
+                        return strWrapper;
+                    }
+                }
+                // Function to download data to a file
+                function download(filename, text) {
+                    var element = document.createElement('a');
+                    element.setAttribute('href', 'data:text/plain;charset=utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent(text));
+                    element.setAttribute('download', filename);
+                    element.style.display = 'none';
+                    document.body.appendChild(element);
+                    element.click();
+                    document.body.removeChild(element);
+                }
+                function showVariableTable(aVariable)
+                {						
+                    var headLine = "Node Information (" + aVariable.name + ")";
+                    var data = [];
+                    // render the table(s)
+                    data.push({ "name" : "Name", "value" : "\""+aVariable.name+"\"" })
+                    data.push({ "name" : "xPath", "value" : aVariable.xPath })
+                    if (aVariable.type){data.push({ "name" : "Type", "value" : aVariable.type })}
+                    if (aVariable.level){data.push({ "name" : "Level", "value" : aVariable.level })}
+                    if (aVariable.children || aVariable._children)
+                    {
+                        var childrenNum=0;
+                        if (aVariable.children){childrenNum=childrenNum+aVariable.children.length}
+                        if (aVariable._children){childrenNum=childrenNum+aVariable._children.length}
+                        data.push({ "name" : "Number of children", "value" : childrenNum })
+                    }
+                    if (aVariable.dimension){data.push({ "name" : "Dimension", "value" : aVariable.dimension })}
+                    else if(aVariable.dimension===null){data.push({ "name" : "Dimension", "value" : "undefined" })}
+                    if (aVariable.value){data.push({ "name" : "Value(s)", "value" : aVariable.value })}
+                    var d3_body = d3.select("body");
+                    var panel_div = d3_body.append("div").attr("class", "myPanel panel-default")
+                    panel_div.append("div").attr("class","panel-heading")
+                        .append("div").attr("class","panel_title").append("h4").text(headLine)
+                    var listGroup = panel_div.append("div").attr("class","panel-body")
+                        .append("table").attr("id","myTable")
+                        .append("tbody")
+                    data.forEach(function(listElement)
+                    {
+                        var row = listGroup.append("tr")
+                        row.append("td").text(listElement.name)
+                        row.append("td").text(listElement.value)
+                    })
+                    $('.myPanel').lobiPanel({
+                        reload: false,
+                        editTitle: false,
+                        expand: false,
+                        unpin: false,
+                        resize: "none",
+                        minWidth: 200,
+                        minHeight: 200,
+                        maxWidth: 1100,
+                        maxHeight: 1200,
+                    });
+                    $('.myPanel').lobiPanel('unpin');
+                }
+                //menu --> functions for right click options
+                var nodeMenu = [
+                {
+                    title: 'Show node information',
+                    onMouseDown: function(elm, d, i) {
+                        showVariableTable(d);
+                    },
+                    onMouseUp: function(elm, d, i) {},
+                    onMouseOver: function(elm, d, i) {},
+                    childrenItems: []
+                },
+                {
+                    title: 'Show usage of node in diagram',
+                    onMouseDown: function(elm, d, i) {
+                        d3.selectAll(".treeFrame").attr("fill-opacity", .5);
+                        d3.selectAll(".nodeText").style("fill-opacity", 0.5);					
+                        var theText="";
+                        highlight(d,theText);
+                    },
+                    onMouseUp: function(elm, d, i) {				
+                        d3.selectAll(".edgeBundlesLink")
+                            .style("stroke-opacity",.4)
+                        d3.selectAll(".treeFrame").attr("fill-opacity", .8);
+                        d3.selectAll(".nodeText").style("fill-opacity", 1);					
+                    },
+                    onMouseOver: function(elm, d, i) {
+                    },
+                    childrenItems: []
+                },
+                {
+                    title: 'Copy x-path to clipboard',
+                    onMouseDown: function(elm, d, i) {
+                        window.prompt("Copy to clipboard: Ctrl+C, Enter", d.xPath);
+                        d3.select('.d3-context-menu').style('display', 'none');
+                    },
+                    onMouseUp: function(elm, d, i) {
+                    },
+                    onMouseOver: function(elm, d, i) {
+                    },
+                    childrenItems: []
+                }
+                ]
 				var headerDiv =  d3.select(".edgeBundlesDiv").append("div").attr("class","panel panel-primary")
 				headerDiv.append("div").attr("class","panel-heading text-center")
@@ -22859,7 +23164,7 @@
 					var emptyArray="";
 					var allLinks = d3.selectAll(".edgeBundlesLink");
 					var theSchema = currentGraph.variableSchemes[categoryID];
-					createTreeLayout(name_tmp,theSchema,emptyArray,allLinks);
+					createTreeLayout(name_tmp,theSchema,emptyArray,allLinks,nodeMenu);
 				var childrenItems = [];
@@ -22883,44 +23188,128 @@
 					childrenItems: childrenItems
-				//#####################################################################//
-				//aigner: treeLayout in the bottom
-				//################################################################################################//		
-				//aigner: Data Model Expand Button
-				//##########################################################
-				var dataModelDiv = d3.select(".edgeBundlesDiv").append("div").attr("class","dataModelDiv").attr("transform","translate(10,0)")
-					dataModelDiv.append("svg:title").text("Click right to inspect")
-				var ul = dataModelDiv.append("ul")
-				var dropdown1 = ul.append("li").on("mouseover", function(){d3.select(this).style("cursor", "default")})
-				dropdown1.append("img").attr("src",fileReference.AGILE_Icon)
-					.attr("align","left")
-					.style("margin-left","6px")
-					.style("margin-right","-10px")
-					.style("margin-top","10px")
-					.style("margin-bottom","0px")
-					.attr("height","20")
-					.attr("width","20")
-				dropdown1.append("a").text("Data Model")
-				var links = dropdown1.append("ul");
-				for (var j=0; j< varCategories.length; j++)
-				{
-					//console.log(varCategories[j])
-					var linkLi = links.append("li");
-					var linkA = linkLi.append("a")
-						.attr("id",j)
-						.text(varCategories[j].description)
-						.on("mouseover", function(){d3.select(this).style("cursor", "pointer")})
-						.on("click", function()
-						{		
-							showFullTree(varCategories[this.id].name,varCategories[this.id].description)
-						})
-				}
-				//aigner: Set width of the div, so the VISTOMS dropdown (in the top of the page) still works
-				dataModelDiv.style("width", String(dropdown1.node().getBoundingClientRect().width+20)+"px")
-				//##########################################################
-				//################################################################################################//
+                function showList(aTitle,aList,aMenu)
+                {
+                    if (aList.length != 0)
+                    {
+                        var d3_body = d3.select("body");
+                        var panel_div = d3_body.append("div").attr("class", "myPanel panel-default")
+                        panel_div.append("div").attr("class","panel-heading")
+                            .append("div").attr("class","panel_title").append("h4").text(aTitle)
+                        panel_div.append("input")
+                            .attr("id","myInput")
+                            .attr("placeholder","Filter search...")
+                            .attr("title","Type in a name")
+                            .attr("onkeyup","filterSearch()")
+                        var listGroup = panel_div.append("div").attr("class","panel-body")
+                            .append("table").attr("id","myTable")
+                            .append("tbody")
+                        var tr = listGroup
+                            .selectAll('tr')
+                            .data(aList).enter()
+                                .append('tr')
+                        var td = tr.append("td").html(function(d) { 
+                            if (d.xPath){return d.xPath;} 
+                            else {return d.name;} 
+                        })
+                        tr.on('contextmenu', d3.contextMenu(aMenu));
+                        $('.myPanel').lobiPanel({
+                            reload: false,
+                            editTitle: false,
+                            expand: false,
+                            unpin: false,
+                            resize: "none",
+                            minWidth: 200,
+                            minHeight: 200,
+                            maxWidth: 1100,
+                            maxHeight: 1200,
+                        });
+                        $('.myPanel').lobiPanel('unpin');
+                        $('.myPanel').lobiPanel('height','5000');
+                    }
+                }
+                //aigner: Data Model Tree View Button
+				//####################################################################################################################
+				var dataModelDiv = d3.select(".edgeBundlesDiv").append("div").attr("class","dataModelDiv").attr("transform","translate(10,0)")
+				var ul = dataModelDiv.append("ul")
+				var dropdown1 = ul.append("li").on("mouseover", function(){d3.select(this).style("cursor", "default")})
+				dropdown1.append("img").attr("src",fileReference.AGILE_Icon)
+					.attr("align","left")
+					.style("margin-left","6px")
+					.style("margin-right","-10px")
+					.style("margin-top","10px")
+					.style("margin-bottom","0px")
+					.attr("height","20")
+					.attr("width","20")
+				dropdown1.append("a").text("Data Model Tree")
+				var links = dropdown1.append("ul");
+                var xOffset_ul = dropdown1[0][0].offsetLeft+dropdown1[0][0].offsetWidth-40;
+                links.style("left", String(xOffset_ul)+"px")
+				for (var j=0; j< varCategories.length; j++)
+				{
+					//console.log(varCategories[j])
+					var linkLi = links.append("li");
+					var linkA = linkLi.append("a")
+						.attr("id",j)
+						.text(varCategories[j].description)
+						.on("mouseover", function(){d3.select(this).style("cursor", "pointer")})
+						.on("click", function()
+						{		
+							showFullTree(varCategories[this.id].name,varCategories[this.id].description)
+						})
+				}
+				//aigner: Set width of the div, so the VISTOMS dropdown (in the top of the page) still works
+				//dataModelDiv.style("width", String(dropdown1.node().getBoundingClientRect().width+20)+"px")
+				//####################################################################################################################
+                //aigner: Data Model List View Button
+				//####################################################################################################################
+				var ul_list = dataModelDiv.append("ul")
+				var dropdownList = ul_list.append("li").on("mouseover", function(){d3.select(this).style("cursor", "default")})
+				dropdownList.append("img").attr("src",fileReference.AGILE_Icon)
+					.attr("align","left")
+					.style("margin-left","6px")
+					.style("margin-right","-10px")
+					.style("margin-top","10px")
+					.style("margin-bottom","0px")
+					.attr("height","20")
+					.attr("width","20")
+				dropdownList.append("a").text("Data Model List")
+				var linksList = dropdownList.append("ul");
+                var xOffset_ul = dropdownList[0][0].offsetLeft+dropdownList[0][0].offsetWidth-40;
+                linksList.style("left", String(xOffset_ul)+"px")
+				for (var j=0; j< varCategories.length; j++)
+				{
+					//console.log(varCategories[j])
+					var linkLi = linksList.append("li");
+					var linkA = linkLi.append("a")
+						.attr("id",j)
+						.text(varCategories[j].description)
+						.on("mouseover", function(){d3.select(this).style("cursor", "pointer")})
+						.on("click", function()
+						{	
+                            var variables = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(currentGraph.variableSchemes[varCategories[this.id].name]));
+                            //aigner: HIER WEITER! evtl. treeData aufbauen (buildTree) um nodeMenu einfacher zu machen
+                            variables.forEach(function(variable)
+                            {
+                                variable.name = variable.xPath
+                                //work around because nodeMenu expexts the data, to have a "data" object inside
+                                variable.data = variable
+                                variable.data.name = variable.xPath.split("/")[variable.xPath.split("/").length-1]
+                            })
+                            var title = "Here is a list"
+                            showList(title,variables,nodeMenu)
+						})
+				}
+				//aigner: Set width of the div, so the VISTOMS dropdown (in the top of the page) still works
+				//####################################################################################################################
 				//aigner: legend
@@ -23033,7 +23422,7 @@
 					var theSchema = currentGraph.variableSchemes[aVarCategory];
 					var name_tmp = "Variable flow: " + aLink.__data__.source.name +  "  →  " + aLink.__data__.target.name + "; Categorization: " + aCategoryDescr;
-					createTreeLayout(name_tmp,theSchema,aLink.__data__,link);
+					createTreeLayout(name_tmp,theSchema,aLink.__data__,link,nodeMenu);
 				function showEdgeTable(aLink)
@@ -23149,15 +23538,37 @@
 				//linkMenu --> functions for right click options
-				var linkChildrenItems = [];
+				var linkChildrenItemsTree = [];
 				for (var j=0; j< varCategories.length; j++)
-					linkChildrenItems.push({title: 'according to ' + varCategories[j].description,
+					linkChildrenItemsTree.push({title: 'according to ' + varCategories[j].description,
 											varCategory: varCategories[j].name,
 											description: varCategories[j].description,
 											onMouseClick: function(elm, data, i) {showLinkTree(elm,data.varCategory,data.description)},
 											onMouseOver: function(elm,data,i){}});
+                var linkChildrenItemsList = [];
+                for (var j=0; j< varCategories.length; j++)
+                {
+                    linkChildrenItemsList.push({title: 'according to ' + varCategories[j].description,
+                        varCategory: varCategories[j].name,
+                        description: varCategories[j].description,
+                        onMouseClick: function(elm, data, i) {                           
+                            var title = "Here is a list"
+                            var variables = prepareTreeData(currentGraph.variableSchemes[data.varCategory],elm.__data__)
+                            variables.forEach(function(variable)
+                            {
+                                variable.name = variable.xPath
+                                //work around because nodeMenu expexts the data, to have a "data" object inside
+                                variable.data = variable
+                                variable.data.name = variable.xPath.split("/")[variable.xPath.split("/").length-1]
+                            })
+                            showList(title,variables,nodeMenu);
+                        },
+                        onMouseOver: function(elm,data,i){}});
+                }
 				var linkMenu = [
 					title: 'Show edge info',
@@ -23178,7 +23589,17 @@
 					onMouseOver: function(elm, d, i) {
-					childrenItems: linkChildrenItems
+					childrenItems: linkChildrenItemsTree
+				},
+				{
+					title: 'Show variable list...',
+					onMouseDown: function(elm, k, i) {
+					},
+					onMouseUp: function(elm, k, i) {
+					},
+					onMouseOver: function(elm, d, i) {
+					},
+					childrenItems: linkChildrenItemsList
 				invisibleLink.append("svg:title").text("Click right to inspect")
@@ -23381,27 +23802,130 @@
 					var theSchema = currentGraph.variableSchemes[categoryName]		
-					createTreeLayout(name_tmp,theSchema,array,link)
+					createTreeLayout(name_tmp,theSchema,array,link,nodeMenu)
+				}
+				//############################################################
+                //aigner: Creation of input/output list
+				//############################################################
+				function prepareIOList(theNode, io)
+				{	
+					var links = d3.selectAll(".edgeBundlesLink")[0];
+					var array={name_in:"",name_out:"",name:""};
+					links.forEach(function(d)
+					{	
+						var theLink = d.__data__;
+						var pipeData_in = theLink.source.pipeline_data[theLink.target.name];
+						var pipeData_out = theLink.target.pipeline_data[theLink.source.name];
+						if (!pipeData_in){pipeData_in = [];}
+						if (!pipeData_out){pipeData_out = [];}
+						theLink.pipeData_in = theLink.source.pipeline_data[theLink.target.name];
+						theLink.pipeData_out = theLink.target.pipeline_data[theLink.source.name];
+						theLink.name_in = "";
+						theLink.name_out = "";
+						theLink.name = "";
+						if (theLink.pipeData_in)
+						{
+							for (var i=0; i<theLink.pipeData_in.length; i++)
+							{
+								if (i==0){theLink.name_in += theLink.pipeData_in[i];}
+								else{theLink.name_in += "," + theLink.pipeData_in[i];}
+							}
+							theLink.name += theLink.name_in
+						}
+						if (theLink.pipeData_out)
+						{
+							for (var i=0; i<theLink.pipeData_out.length; i++)
+							{
+								if (i==0){theLink.name_out += theLink.pipeData_out[i];}
+								else{theLink.name_out += "," + theLink.pipeData_out[i];}
+							}
+							theLink.name += theLink.name_out
+						}
+						if (io=="in")
+						{
+							if (theLink.target == theNode)
+							{
+								if (array.name_in == ""){array.name_in +=theLink.name_out;}
+								else{array.name_in += "," + theLink.name_out;}
+								array.name_out = "";
+								array.name = array.name_in;
+							}
+							if (theLink.source == theNode)
+							{
+								if (array.name_in == ""){array.name_in +=theLink.name_in;}
+								else{array.name_in += "," + theLink.name_in;}
+								array.name_out = "";
+								array.name = array.name_in;
+							}
+						}
+						else if (io=="out")
+						{
+							if (theLink.source == theNode)
+							{
+								if (array.name_out == ""){array.name_out +=theLink.name_out;}
+								else{array.name_out += "," + theLink.name_out;}
+								array.name_in = "";
+								array.name = array.name_out;
+							}
+							if (theLink.target == theNode)
+							{
+								if (array.name_out == ""){array.name_out +=theLink.name_in;}
+								else{array.name_out += "," + theLink.name_in;}
+								array.name_in = "";
+								array.name = array.name_out;
+							}
+						}
+					})		
+					return array;
-				var inputChildrenitems = [];
-				var outputChildrenitems = [];
-				var inputChildrenitems = [];
-				var outputChildrenitems = [];
+				var inputChildrenitemsTree = [];
+				var outputChildrenitemsTree = [];
 				for (var j=0; j< varCategories.length; j++)
-					inputChildrenitems.push({title: 'according to ' + varCategories[j].description,
+					inputChildrenitemsTree.push({title: 'according to ' + varCategories[j].description,
 											 varCategory: varCategories[j].name,
 											 description: varCategories[j].description,
 											 onMouseClick: function(elm, data, i) {showIOTree(data.varCategory,data.description,elm.__data__,"in")},
 											 onMouseOver: function(elm,data,i){}});
-					outputChildrenitems.push({title: 'according to ' + varCategories[j].description,
+					outputChildrenitemsTree.push({title: 'according to ' + varCategories[j].description,
 											 varCategory: varCategories[j].name,
 											 description: varCategories[j].description,
 											 onMouseClick: function(elm, data, i) {showIOTree(data.varCategory,data.description,elm.__data__,"out")},
 											 onMouseOver: function(elm,data,i){}});
+                var inputChildrenitemsList = [];
+				var outputChildrenitemsList = [];
+				for (var j=0; j< varCategories.length; j++)
+				{
+					inputChildrenitemsList.push({title: 'according to ' + varCategories[j].description,
+											 varCategory: varCategories[j].name,
+											 description: varCategories[j].description,
+											 onMouseClick: function(elm, data, i) {
+                                                 var array = prepareIOList(elm.__data__,"in")
+                                                 var variables = prepareTreeData(currentGraph.variableSchemes[data.varCategory],array)
+                                                 var title = "Here is a list"
+                                                 showList(title,variables,nodeMenu)
+                                             },
+											 onMouseOver: function(elm,data,i){}});
+					outputChildrenitemsList.push({title: 'according to ' + varCategories[j].description,
+											 varCategory: varCategories[j].name,
+											 description: varCategories[j].description,
+											 onMouseClick: function(elm, data, i) {
+                                                var array = prepareIOList(elm.__data__,"out")
+                                                var variables = prepareTreeData(currentGraph.variableSchemes[data.varCategory],array)
+                                                var title = "Here is a list"
+                                                showList(title,variables,nodeMenu)
+                                             },
+											 onMouseOver: function(elm,data,i){}});
+				}
 				//menu --> functions for right click options
 				var toolMenu = [
@@ -23423,7 +23947,7 @@
 					onMouseOver: function(elm, d, i) {
-					childrenItems: inputChildrenitems
+					childrenItems: inputChildrenitemsTree
 					title: 'Show output variable tree...',
@@ -23433,7 +23957,27 @@
 					onMouseOver: function(elm, d, i) {
-					childrenItems: outputChildrenitems
+					childrenItems: outputChildrenitemsTree
+				},
+				{
+					title: 'Show input variable list...',
+					onMouseDown: function(elm, k, i) {
+					},
+					onMouseUp: function(elm, k, i) {
+					},
+					onMouseOver: function(elm, d, i) {
+					},
+					childrenItems: inputChildrenitemsList
+				},
+				{
+					title: 'Show output variable list...',
+					onMouseDown: function(elm, k, i) {
+					},
+					onMouseUp: function(elm, k, i) {
+					},
+					onMouseOver: function(elm, d, i) {
+					},
+					childrenItems: outputChildrenitemsList
@@ -23533,12 +24077,9 @@
-			function createTreeLayout(theName, schema,aLink,theAllLinks)
-			{
-                //aigner: Build the tree layout
-                //######################################################################
-				var theLink = aLink;
+            function prepareTreeData(aSchema,aLink)
+            {
+                var theLink = aLink;
 				if (aLink.source && aLink.target)
 					var pipeData_in = theLink.source.pipeline_data[theLink.target.name];
@@ -23571,8 +24112,8 @@
-                var treeData_in = (JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(schema)));				
-                var treeData_out = (JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(schema)));				
+                var treeData_in = (JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(aSchema)));				
+                var treeData_out = (JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(aSchema)));				
                 //aigner: Here, the minimalized tree is created!                    
                 //The tree will only be pruned if there is pipeData, such as in an edge or for the input of a tool
                 if (theLink)
@@ -23591,6 +24132,15 @@
                 //build tree layout for vistoms
                 var treeData = treeData_in.concat(treeData_out)
+                return treeData;
+            }
+			function createTreeLayout(theName, schema,aLink,theAllLinks,nodeMenu)
+			{
+                //aigner: Build the tree layout
+                //######################################################################
+				var treeData = prepareTreeData(schema, aLink)
                 var newTree = {};
                 buildTree(newTree, treeData)                    
                 treeData = newTree
@@ -24012,316 +24562,9 @@
 							else{return "#fff";}
-					function showVariableTable(aVariable)
-					{						
-                        var headLine = "Node Information (" + aVariable.name + ")";
-						var data = [];
-						// render the table(s)
-                        data.push({ "name" : "Name", "value" : "\""+aVariable.name+"\"" })
-                        data.push({ "name" : "xPath", "value" : aVariable.xPath })
-						if (aVariable.type){data.push({ "name" : "Type", "value" : aVariable.type })}
-						if (aVariable.level){data.push({ "name" : "Level", "value" : aVariable.level })}
-						if (aVariable.children || aVariable._children)
-						{
-							var childrenNum=0;
-							if (aVariable.children){childrenNum=childrenNum+aVariable.children.length}
-							if (aVariable._children){childrenNum=childrenNum+aVariable._children.length}
-							data.push({ "name" : "Number of children", "value" : childrenNum })
-						}
-						if (aVariable.dimension){data.push({ "name" : "Dimension", "value" : aVariable.dimension })}
-						else if(aVariable.dimension===null){data.push({ "name" : "Dimension", "value" : "undefined" })}
-						if (aVariable.value){data.push({ "name" : "Value(s)", "value" : aVariable.value })}
-                        var d3_body = d3.select("body");
-                        var panel_div = d3_body.append("div").attr("class", "myPanel panel-default")
-                        panel_div.append("div").attr("class","panel-heading")
-                            .append("div").attr("class","panel_title").append("h4").text(headLine)
-                        var listGroup = panel_div.append("div").attr("class","panel-body")
-                            .append("table").attr("id","myTable")
-                            .append("tbody")
-                        data.forEach(function(listElement)
-                        {
-                            var row = listGroup.append("tr")
-                            row.append("td").text(listElement.name)
-                            row.append("td").text(listElement.value)
-                        })
-                        $('.myPanel').lobiPanel({
-                            reload: false,
-                            editTitle: false,
-                            expand: false,
-                            unpin: false,
-                            resize: "none",
-                            minWidth: 200,
-                            minHeight: 200,
-                            maxWidth: 1100,
-                            maxHeight: 1200,
-                        });
-                        $('.myPanel').lobiPanel('unpin');
-					}
-					//Highlight function, that shows usage of a node in the XDSM
-					function highlight(data,aText)
-					{
-						aText = "/"+data.name+aText;
-						if (data.parent){highlight(data.parent,aText)}
-						else
-						{
-							allLinks[0].forEach(function(aLink)
-							{
-								aLink.__data__.pipeData_in = aLink.__data__.source.pipeline_data[aLink.__data__.target.name];
-								aLink.__data__.pipeData_out = aLink.__data__.target.pipeline_data[aLink.__data__.source.name];
-								aLink.__data__.pipeDataName_in = "";
-								aLink.__data__.pipeDataName_out = "";
-								aLink.__data__.name = "";
-								if (aLink.__data__.pipeData_in)
-								{
-									for (var i=0; i<aLink.__data__.pipeData_in.length; i++)
-									{
-										if (i==0){aLink.__data__.pipeDataName_in += aLink.__data__.pipeData_in[i];}
-										else{aLink.__data__.pipeDataName_in += "," + aLink.__data__.pipeData_in[i];}
-									}
-									aLink.__data__.name += aLink.__data__.pipeDataName_in
-								}
-								if (aLink.__data__.pipeData_out)
-								{
-									for (var i=0; i<aLink.__data__.pipeData_out.length; i++)
-									{
-										if (i==0){aLink.__data__.pipeDataName_out += aLink.__data__.pipeData_out[i];}
-										else{aLink.__data__.pipeDataName_out += "," + aLink.__data__.pipeData_out[i];}
-									}
-									aLink.__data__.name += aLink.__data__.pipeDataName_out
-								}
-							})
-							//var allLinks_tmp = allLinks[0];
-							allLinks[0].forEach(function(p) {
-								var firstElement_tmp = p.__data__.name.split("/")[1]
-								var text_fromFirst = "/"+firstElement_tmp+aText.split(firstElement_tmp)[1]
-								if (include(p.__data__.name,text_fromFirst))
-								{
-									d3.select(p)
-										.style("stroke-opacity", 1.0)
-								}
-								else
-								{
-									d3.select(p).style("stroke-opacity", 0);			
-								}
-							});
-						}
-					}
-					//Function writeTreeToXML goes through tree nodes and puts the into an xml document
-					function writeTreeToXML(aNode,anXMLDoc,anXPath)
-					{
-						//Variable "children" 
-						//--> One children variable, no matter whether a node has "_children" (collapsed) or "children" (expanded)
-						var children;
-						if (aNode._children){children = aNode._children;}
-						else if (aNode.children){children = aNode.children;}
-						//Get current xml element with its xPath
-						var element = anXMLDoc.evaluate(anXPath,anXMLDoc, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null ).singleNodeValue;
-						if (element != null) {element.value = '...';}
-						//If a node has children (collapsed or expanded), loop through them
-						if (children)
-						{
-							for (var i=0; i < children.length;i++)
-							{
-								//Name of the new XML element --> childName
-								var child = children[i];
-								var childName = child.name.split(/[\[\]]+/);//Split childName at "[]" which is the uID 
-								var cleanChildName = childName[0].split(/[\+\*\^\-\ \#]+/);//Split childName all special characters
-								var newNode = anXMLDoc.createElement(String(cleanChildName[0]));
-								//The children are appended to the xPath --> newXPath
-								var newXPath = anXPath+"/"+cleanChildName[0];
-								//If childName contains a uID, make the uID an attribute
-								if (childName[1])
-								{
-									if (parseInt(childName[1]))
-									{
-										var dummyID = childName[1];
-										newNode.setAttribute("dummyID", dummyID)
-										newXPath = newXPath+"[@dummyID='"+dummyID+"']";
-									}
-									else
-									{
-										var uID = childName[1];
-										newNode.setAttribute("uID", uID)
-										newXPath = newXPath+"[@uID='"+uID+"']";
-									}
-								}
-								if (cleanChildName.length>1) {newNode.setAttribute("elementName", childName[0])};
-								//Append the newNode to the xml structure
-								element.appendChild(newNode);
-								////aigner: Sorting of XML elements according to "uID"
-								// var items = element.children;
-								// var itemsArr = [];
-								// for (var j in items) {
-									// if (items[j].nodeType == 1) { // get rid of the whitespace text nodes
-										// itemsArr.push(items[j]);
-									// }
-								// }
-								// itemsArr.sort(function(a,b){
-									// if (a.getAttribute("uID") < b.getAttribute("uID"))
-										// return -1;
-									// if (a.getAttribute("uID") > b.getAttribute("uID"))
-										// return 1;
-									// return 0;
-									// });
-								// for (j = 0; j < itemsArr.length; ++j) {
-								  // element.appendChild(itemsArr[j]);
-								// }
-								//call function writeTreeToXML recursively for all children
-								writeTreeToXML(child,anXMLDoc,newXPath)
-							}
-						}
-						else
-						{
-							if (aNode.value){element.innerHTML = String(aNode.value);}
-							else{element.innerHTML = " ";}
-						}
-						//return the xml document
-						return anXMLDoc;
-					}
-					function removeAttributeInAllElements(aDocument,attribute)
-					{
-					  var matchingElements = [];
-					  var allElements = aDocument.getElementsByTagName('*');
-					  for (var i = 0, n = allElements.length; i < n; i++)
-					  {
-						if (allElements[i].getAttribute(attribute) !== null)
-						{
-							allElements[i].removeAttribute(attribute);
-						}
-					  }
-					  return matchingElements;
-					}
-					function putAncestorsInXMLString(strWrapper, aNode)
-					{
-						//Name of the new XML element
-						var nodeName = aNode.name.split(/[\[\]]+/);//Split name at "[]" which is the uID 
-						var cleanNodeName = nodeName[0].split(/[\+\*\^\-\ \#]+/);//Split nodeName all special characters
-						//If nodeName contains a uID, make the uID an attribute
-						if (nodeName[1])
-						{
-							var uID = nodeName[1];
-							strWrapper.val = "<"+cleanNodeName[0]+" uID='"+ uID +"'>"+strWrapper.val+"</"+cleanNodeName[0]+">";;
-						}
-						else
-						{
-							strWrapper.val = "<"+cleanNodeName[0]+">"+strWrapper.val+"</"+cleanNodeName[0]+">";;
-						}
-						var aParent = aNode.parent;
-						if (aParent)
-						{
-							return putAncestorsInXMLString(strWrapper, aParent);
-						}
-						else 
-						{
-							return strWrapper;
-						}
-					}
-					function putAncestorsInXPath(strWrapper, aNode)
-					{
-						//Name of the new XML element
-						var nodeName = aNode.name.split(/[\[\]]+/);//Split name at "[]" which is the uID 
-						var cleanNodeName = nodeName[0].split(/[\+\*\^\-\ \#]+/);//Split nodeName all special characters
-						//If nodeName contains a uID, make the uID an attribute
-						if (nodeName[1])
-						{
-							var uID = nodeName[1];
-							strWrapper.val = "/"+cleanNodeName[0]+"[@uID='"+uID+"']"+strWrapper.val;
-						}
-						else
-						{
-							strWrapper.val = "/"+cleanNodeName[0]+strWrapper.val;
-						}
-						var aParent = aNode.parent;
-						if (aParent)
-						{
-							return putAncestorsInXPath(strWrapper, aParent);
-						}
-						else 
-						{
-							return strWrapper;
-						}
-					}
-					// Function to download data to a file
-					function download(filename, text) {
-						var element = document.createElement('a');
-						element.setAttribute('href', 'data:text/plain;charset=utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent(text));
-						element.setAttribute('download', filename);
-						element.style.display = 'none';
-						document.body.appendChild(element);
-						element.click();
-						document.body.removeChild(element);
-					}
-					//menu --> functions for right click options
-					var nodeMenu = [
-					{
-						title: 'Show node information',
-						onMouseDown: function(elm, d, i) {
-							showVariableTable(d);
-						},
-						onMouseUp: function(elm, d, i) {},
-						onMouseOver: function(elm, d, i) {},
-						childrenItems: []
-					},
-					{
-						title: 'Show usage of node in diagram',
-						onMouseDown: function(elm, d, i) {
-							d3.selectAll(".treeFrame").attr("fill-opacity", .5);
-							d3.selectAll(".nodeText").style("fill-opacity", 0.5);					
-							var theText="";
-							highlight(d,theText);
-						},
-						onMouseUp: function(elm, d, i) {				
-							d3.selectAll(".edgeBundlesLink")
-								.style("stroke-opacity",.4)
-							d3.selectAll(".treeFrame").attr("fill-opacity", .8);
-							d3.selectAll(".nodeText").style("fill-opacity", 1);					
-						},
-						onMouseOver: function(elm, d, i) {
-						},
-						childrenItems: []
-					},
-					{
-						title: 'Copy x-path to clipboard',
-						onMouseDown: function(elm, d, i) {
-                            window.prompt("Copy to clipboard: Ctrl+C, Enter", d.xPath);
-							d3.select('.d3-context-menu').style('display', 'none');
-						},
-						onMouseUp: function(elm, d, i) {
-						},
-						onMouseOver: function(elm, d, i) {
-						},
-						childrenItems: []
-					},
-					{
+                    var nodeTreeMenu = nodeMenu;
+                    var treeMenu = [
+                    {
 						title: 'Download full tree as XML-file',
 						onMouseDown: function(elm, d, i) {
 							//Begin xml structure with the first element
@@ -24373,10 +24616,11 @@
 						childrenItems: []
+                    var nodeTreeMenu = nodeMenu.concat(treeMenu)
 					nodeEnter.append("svg:title").text("Click left to expand, click right to inspect")
-					nodeEnter = nodeEnter.on('contextmenu', d3.contextMenu(nodeMenu));
+					nodeEnter = nodeEnter.on('contextmenu', d3.contextMenu(nodeTreeMenu));
 					// UPDATE		
 					// Transition nodes to their new position.
@@ -25652,16 +25896,176 @@
-				function showLinkTree(aLink,aVarCategory)
-				{
-					var name_tmp = "Variable flow: " + aLink.__data__.source.name +  "  →  " + aLink.__data__.target.name
-					var theSchema = currentGraph.variableSchemes[aVarCategory];
-					createTreeLayout(name_tmp,theSchema,aLink.__data__.name,link);
-				}
-				function showEdgeTable(aLink)
-				{						
+                //Highlight function, that shows usage of a node in the XDSM
+                function highlight(data,aText)
+                {
+                    aText = "/"+data.name+aText;
+                    if (data.parent){highlight(data.parent,aText)}
+                    else
+                    {
+                        var allLinks = d3.selectAll(".link");
+                        var allLinks_tmp = allLinks[0];
+                        allLinks_tmp.forEach(function(p) {
+                            var firstElement_tmp = p.__data__.name.split("/")[1]
+                            var text_fromFirst = "/"+firstElement_tmp+aText.split(firstElement_tmp)[1]
+                            if (include(p.__data__.name,text_fromFirst))
+                            {
+                                d3.select(p).style("opacity", .8);			
+                            }
+                            else
+                            {
+                                d3.select(p).style("opacity", 0);			
+                            }
+                        });
+                    }
+                }
+                function showVariableTable(aVariable)
+                {											
+                    var headLine = "Node Information (" + aVariable.name + ")";
+                    var data = [];
+                    // render the table(s)
+                    data.push({ "name" : "Name", "value" : "\""+aVariable.name+"\"" })
+                    data.push({ "name" : "xPath", "value" : aVariable.xPath })
+                    if (aVariable.type){data.push({ "name" : "Type", "value" : aVariable.type })}
+                    if (aVariable.level){data.push({ "name" : "Level", "value" : aVariable.level })}
+                    if (aVariable.children || aVariable._children)
+                    {
+                        var childrenNum=0;
+                        if (aVariable.children){childrenNum=childrenNum+aVariable.children.length}
+                        if (aVariable._children){childrenNum=childrenNum+aVariable._children.length}
+                        data.push({ "name" : "Number of children", "value" : childrenNum })
+                    }
+                    if (aVariable.dimension){data.push({ "name" : "Dimension", "value" : aVariable.dimension })}
+                    else if(aVariable.dimension===null){data.push({ "name" : "Dimension", "value" : "undefined" })}
+                    if (aVariable.value){data.push({ "name" : "Value(s)", "value" : aVariable.value })}
+                    var d3_body = d3.select("body");
+                    var panel_div = d3_body.append("div").attr("class", "myPanel panel-default")
+                    panel_div.append("div").attr("class","panel-heading")
+                        .append("div").attr("class","panel_title").append("h4").text(headLine)
+                    var listGroup = panel_div.append("div").attr("class","panel-body")
+                        .append("table").attr("id","myTable")
+                        .append("tbody")
+                    data.forEach(function(listElement)
+                    {
+                        var row = listGroup.append("tr")
+                        row.append("td").text(listElement.name)
+                        row.append("td").text(listElement.value)
+                    })
+                    $('.myPanel').lobiPanel({
+                        reload: false,
+                        editTitle: false,
+                        expand: false,
+                        unpin: false,
+                        resize: "none",
+                        minWidth: 200,
+                        minHeight: 200,
+                        maxWidth: 1100,
+                        maxHeight: 1200,
+                    });
+                    $('.myPanel').lobiPanel('unpin');
+                }
+                //menu --> functions for right click options
+                var nodeMenu = [
+                {
+                    title: 'Show node information',
+                    onMouseDown: function(elm, d, i) {
+                        showVariableTable(d);
+                    },
+                    onMouseUp: function(elm, d, i) {},
+                    onMouseOver: function(elm, d, i) {},
+                    childrenItems: []
+                },
+                {
+                    title: 'Show usage of node in diagram',
+                    onMouseDown: function(elm, d, i) {
+                        d3.selectAll(".treeFrame").attr("fill-opacity", .5);
+                        d3.selectAll(".nodeText").style("fill-opacity", 0.5);					
+                        var theText="";
+                        highlight(d,theText);
+                    },
+                    onMouseUp: function(elm, d, i) {				
+                        d3.selectAll(".link").style("opacity",.6)
+                        d3.selectAll(".treeFrame").attr("fill-opacity", .8);
+                        d3.selectAll(".nodeText").style("fill-opacity", 1);					
+                    },
+                    onMouseOver: function(elm, d, i) {
+                    },
+                    childrenItems: []
+                },
+                {
+                    title: 'Copy x-path to clipboard',
+                    onMouseDown: function(elm, d, i) {
+                        window.prompt("Copy to clipboard: Ctrl+C, Enter", d.xPath);
+                        d3.select('.d3-context-menu').style('display', 'none');
+                    },
+                    onMouseUp: function(elm, d, i) {
+                    },
+                    onMouseOver: function(elm, d, i) {
+                    },
+                    childrenItems: []
+                }
+                ]
+                function showList(aTitle,aList,aMenu)
+                {
+                    if (aList.length != 0)
+                    {
+                        var d3_body = d3.select("body");
+                        var panel_div = d3_body.append("div").attr("class", "myPanel panel-default")
+                        panel_div.append("div").attr("class","panel-heading")
+                            .append("div").attr("class","panel_title").append("h4").text(aTitle)
+                        panel_div.append("input")
+                            .attr("id","myInput")
+                            .attr("placeholder","Filter search...")
+                            .attr("title","Type in a name")
+                            .attr("onkeyup","filterSearch()")
+                        var listGroup = panel_div.append("div").attr("class","panel-body")
+                            .append("table").attr("id","myTable")
+                            .append("tbody")
+                        var tr = listGroup
+                            .selectAll('tr')
+                            .data(aList).enter()
+                                .append('tr')
+                        var td = tr.append("td").html(function(d) { 
+                            if (d.xPath){return d.xPath;} 
+                            else {return d.name;} 
+                        })
+                        tr.on('contextmenu', d3.contextMenu(aMenu));
+                        $('.myPanel').lobiPanel({
+                            reload: false,
+                            editTitle: false,
+                            expand: false,
+                            unpin: false,
+                            resize: "none",
+                            minWidth: 200,
+                            minHeight: 200,
+                            maxWidth: 1100,
+                            maxHeight: 1200,
+                        });
+                        $('.myPanel').lobiPanel('unpin');
+                        $('.myPanel').lobiPanel('height','5000');
+                    }
+                }
+				function showLinkTree(aLink,aVarCategory)
+				{
+					var name_tmp = "Variable flow: " + aLink.__data__.source.name +  "  →  " + aLink.__data__.target.name
+					var theSchema = currentGraph.variableSchemes[aVarCategory];
+					createTreeLayout(name_tmp,theSchema,aLink.__data__.name,link,nodeMenu);
+				}
+				function showEdgeTable(aLink)
+				{						
                     var headLine = "Edge Information (" + aLink.from + " - " + aLink.to + ")";
 					var anEdgeNameSplit = aLink.name.split(',')
@@ -25732,14 +26136,37 @@
 				//linkMenu --> functions for right click options
-				var linkChildrenItems = [];
+				var linkChildrenItemsTree = [];
 				for (var j=0; j< varCategories.length; j++)
-					linkChildrenItems.push({title: 'according to ' + varCategories[j].description,
+					linkChildrenItemsTree.push({title: 'according to ' + varCategories[j].description,
 											varCategory: varCategories[j].name,
 											onMouseClick: function(elm, data, i) {showLinkTree(elm,data.varCategory)},
 											onMouseOver: function(elm,data,i){}});
+                var linkChildrenItemsList = [];
+				for (var j=0; j< varCategories.length; j++)
+				{
+					linkChildrenItemsList.push({title: 'according to ' + varCategories[j].description,
+											varCategory: varCategories[j].name,
+											onMouseClick: function(elm, data, i) {
+                                                var variables = [];
+                                                var pipeData = elm.__data__.name;
+                                                var title = "Here is a list"
+                                                variables = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(currentGraph.variableSchemes[data.varCategory]))
+                                                prune_tree(pipeData,variables)
+                                                variables.forEach(function(variable)
+                                                {
+                                                    variable.name = variable.xPath
+                                                    //work around because nodeMenu expexts the data, to have a "data" object inside
+                                                    variable.data = variable
+                                                    variable.data.name = variable.xPath.split("/")[variable.xPath.split("/").length-1]
+                                                })
+                                                showList(title,variables,nodeMenu);
+                                            },
+											onMouseOver: function(elm,data,i){}});
+				}
 				var linkMenu = [
 					title: 'Show edge info',
@@ -25760,7 +26187,17 @@
 					onMouseOver: function(elm, d, i) {
-					childrenItems: linkChildrenItems
+					childrenItems: linkChildrenItemsTree
+				},
+				{
+					title: 'Show variable list...',
+					onMouseDown: function(elm, k, i) {
+					},
+					onMouseUp: function(elm, k, i) {
+					},
+					onMouseOver: function(elm, d, i) {
+					},
+					childrenItems: linkChildrenItemsList
@@ -25980,27 +26417,89 @@
 					var theSchema = currentGraph.variableSchemes[categoryID];
-					createTreeLayout(name_tmp,theSchema,array,link)
+					createTreeLayout(name_tmp,theSchema,array,link,nodeMenu)
-				var inputChildrenitems = [];
-				var outputChildrenitems = [];
-				var inputChildrenitems = [];
-				var outputChildrenitems = [];
+				var inputChildrenitemsTree = [];
+				var outputChildrenitemsTree = [];
 				for (var j=0; j< varCategories.length; j++)
-					inputChildrenitems.push({title: 'according to ' + varCategories[j].description,
+					inputChildrenitemsTree.push({title: 'according to ' + varCategories[j].description,
 											 varCategory: varCategories[j].name,
 											 description: varCategories[j].description,
 											 onMouseClick: function(elm, data, i) {showIOTree(data.varCategory,data.description,elm.__data__,"in")},
 											 onMouseOver: function(elm,data,i){}});
-					outputChildrenitems.push({title: 'according to ' + varCategories[j].description,
+					outputChildrenitemsTree.push({title: 'according to ' + varCategories[j].description,
 											 varCategory: varCategories[j].name,
 											 description: varCategories[j].description,
 											 onMouseClick: function(elm, data, i) {showIOTree(data.varCategory,data.description,elm.__data__,"out")},
 											 onMouseOver: function(elm,data,i){}});
+                var inputChildrenitemsList = [];
+				var outputChildrenitemsList = [];
+				for (var j=0; j< varCategories.length; j++)
+				{
+					inputChildrenitemsList.push({title: 'according to ' + varCategories[j].description,
+											 varCategory: varCategories[j].name,
+											 description: varCategories[j].description,
+											 onMouseClick: function(elm, data, i) {
+                                                var links = d3.selectAll(".link");
+                                                    var pipeData="";
+                                                    var name_tmp = "";
+                                                    links.each(function(theLink)
+                                                    {		
+                                                        if (theLink.to == elm.__data__.id)
+                                                        {
+                                                            pipeData = pipeData + ", " + theLink.name;
+                                                        }
+                                                    })
+                                                    var title = "Here is a list"
+                                                    var variables = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(currentGraph.variableSchemes[data.varCategory]))
+                                                    prune_tree(pipeData,variables)
+                                                    variables.forEach(function(variable)
+                                                    {
+                                                        variable.name = variable.xPath
+                                                        //work around because nodeMenu expexts the data, to have a "data" object inside
+                                                        variable.data = variable
+                                                        variable.data.name = variable.xPath.split("/")[variable.xPath.split("/").length-1]
+                                                    })
+                                                    showList(title,variables,nodeMenu);
+                                             },
+											 onMouseOver: function(elm,data,i){}});
+					outputChildrenitemsList.push({title: 'according to ' + varCategories[j].description,
+											 varCategory: varCategories[j].name,
+											 description: varCategories[j].description,
+											 onMouseClick: function(elm, data, i) {
+                                                    var links = d3.selectAll(".link");
+                                                    var pipeData="";
+                                                    var name_tmp = "";
+                                                    links.each(function(theLink)
+                                                    {		
+                                                        if (theLink.from == elm.__data__.id)
+                                                        {
+                                                            pipeData = pipeData + ", " + theLink.name;
+                                                        }
+                                                    })
+                                                    var title = "Here is a list"
+                                                    var variables = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(currentGraph.variableSchemes[data.varCategory]))
+                                                    prune_tree(pipeData,variables)
+                                                    variables.forEach(function(variable)
+                                                    {
+                                                        variable.name = variable.xPath
+                                                        //work around because nodeMenu expexts the data, to have a "data" object inside
+                                                        variable.data = variable
+                                                        variable.data.name = variable.xPath.split("/")[variable.xPath.split("/").length-1]
+                                                    })
+                                                    showList(title,variables,nodeMenu);
+                                             },
+											 onMouseOver: function(elm,data,i){}});
+				}
 				//menu --> functions for right click options
 				var toolMenu = [
@@ -26022,7 +26521,7 @@
 					onMouseOver: function(elm, d, i) {
-					childrenItems: inputChildrenitems
+					childrenItems: inputChildrenitemsTree
 					title: 'Show output variable tree...',
@@ -26032,7 +26531,27 @@
 					onMouseOver: function(elm, d, i) {
-					childrenItems: outputChildrenitems
+					childrenItems: outputChildrenitemsTree
+				},
+				{
+					title: 'Show input variable list...',
+					onMouseDown: function(elm, k, i) {
+					},
+					onMouseUp: function(elm, k, i) {
+					},
+					onMouseOver: function(elm, d, i) {
+					},
+					childrenItems: inputChildrenitemsList
+				},
+				{
+					title: 'Show output variable list...',
+					onMouseDown: function(elm, k, i) {
+					},
+					onMouseUp: function(elm, k, i) {
+					},
+					onMouseOver: function(elm, d, i) {
+					},
+					childrenItems: outputChildrenitemsList
@@ -26137,7 +26656,7 @@
-			function createTreeLayout(theName,schema,theLinks,theAllLinks)
+			function createTreeLayout(theName,schema,theLinks,theAllLinks,nodeMenu)
                 //aigner: Build the tree layout
@@ -26462,79 +26981,6 @@
 					frame = frame.attr("height", newHeight + margin.top + margin.bottom)
 					frame = frame.attr("width", newWidth + margin.top + margin.bottom+300+maxLabelLength*15)
-					function showVariableTable(aVariable)
-					{											
-                        var headLine = "Node Information (" + aVariable.name + ")";
-						var data = [];
-						// render the table(s)
-                        data.push({ "name" : "Name", "value" : "\""+aVariable.name+"\"" })
-                        data.push({ "name" : "xPath", "value" : aVariable.xPath })
-						if (aVariable.type){data.push({ "name" : "Type", "value" : aVariable.type })}
-						if (aVariable.level){data.push({ "name" : "Level", "value" : aVariable.level })}
-						if (aVariable.children || aVariable._children)
-						{
-							var childrenNum=0;
-							if (aVariable.children){childrenNum=childrenNum+aVariable.children.length}
-							if (aVariable._children){childrenNum=childrenNum+aVariable._children.length}
-							data.push({ "name" : "Number of children", "value" : childrenNum })
-						}
-						if (aVariable.dimension){data.push({ "name" : "Dimension", "value" : aVariable.dimension })}
-						else if(aVariable.dimension===null){data.push({ "name" : "Dimension", "value" : "undefined" })}
-						if (aVariable.value){data.push({ "name" : "Value(s)", "value" : aVariable.value })}
-                        var d3_body = d3.select("body");
-                        var panel_div = d3_body.append("div").attr("class", "myPanel panel-default")
-                        panel_div.append("div").attr("class","panel-heading")
-                            .append("div").attr("class","panel_title").append("h4").text(headLine)
-                        var listGroup = panel_div.append("div").attr("class","panel-body")
-                            .append("table").attr("id","myTable")
-                            .append("tbody")
-                        data.forEach(function(listElement)
-                        {
-                            var row = listGroup.append("tr")
-                            row.append("td").text(listElement.name)
-                            row.append("td").text(listElement.value)
-                        })
-                        $('.myPanel').lobiPanel({
-                            reload: false,
-                            editTitle: false,
-                            expand: false,
-                            unpin: false,
-                            resize: "none",
-                            minWidth: 200,
-                            minHeight: 200,
-                            maxWidth: 1100,
-                            maxHeight: 1200,
-                        });
-                        $('.myPanel').lobiPanel('unpin');
-					}
-					//Highlight function, that shows usage of a node in the XDSM
-					function highlight(data,aText)
-					{
-						aText = "/"+data.name+aText;
-						if (data.parent){highlight(data.parent,aText)}
-						else
-						{
-							var allLinks_tmp = allLinks[0];
-							allLinks_tmp.forEach(function(p) {
-								var firstElement_tmp = p.__data__.name.split("/")[1]
-								var text_fromFirst = "/"+firstElement_tmp+aText.split(firstElement_tmp)[1]
-								if (include(p.__data__.name,text_fromFirst))
-								{
-									d3.select(p).style("opacity", .8);			
-								}
-								else
-								{
-									d3.select(p).style("opacity", 0);			
-								}
-							});
-						}
-					}
 					//Function writeTreeToXML goes through tree nodes and puts the into an xml document
 					function writeTreeToXML(aNode,anXMLDoc,anXPath)
@@ -26699,47 +27145,10 @@
-					//menu --> functions for right click options
-					var nodeMenu = [
-					{
-						title: 'Show node information',
-						onMouseDown: function(elm, d, i) {
-							showVariableTable(d);
-						},
-						onMouseUp: function(elm, d, i) {},
-						onMouseOver: function(elm, d, i) {},
-						childrenItems: []
-					},
-					{
-						title: 'Show usage of node in diagram',
-						onMouseDown: function(elm, d, i) {
-							d3.selectAll(".treeFrame").attr("fill-opacity", .5);
-							d3.selectAll(".nodeText").style("fill-opacity", 0.5);					
-							var theText="";
-							highlight(d,theText);
-						},
-						onMouseUp: function(elm, d, i) {				
-							d3.selectAll(".link").style("opacity",.6)
-							d3.selectAll(".treeFrame").attr("fill-opacity", .8);
-							d3.selectAll(".nodeText").style("fill-opacity", 1);					
-						},
-						onMouseOver: function(elm, d, i) {
-						},
-						childrenItems: []
-					},
-					{
-						title: 'Copy x-path to clipboard',
-						onMouseDown: function(elm, d, i) {
-                            window.prompt("Copy to clipboard: Ctrl+C, Enter", d.xPath);
-							d3.select('.d3-context-menu').style('display', 'none');
-						},
-						onMouseUp: function(elm, d, i) {
-						},
-						onMouseOver: function(elm, d, i) {
-						},
-						childrenItems: []
-					},
-					{
+					var treeNodeMenu = nodeMenu;
+                    var treeMenu = [
+                    {
 						title: 'Download full tree as XML-file',
 						onMouseDown: function(elm, d, i) {
 							//Begin xml structure with the first element
@@ -26790,10 +27199,8 @@
 						childrenItems: []
-					]
+                    ]
+					treeNodeMenu = nodeMenu.concat(treeMenu)
 					// Update the nodes…
@@ -26809,7 +27216,7 @@
 					  .attr("transform", function(d) {
 						return "translate(" + source.y0 + "," + source.x0 + ")";
-					.on('contextmenu', d3.contextMenu(nodeMenu))
+					.on('contextmenu', d3.contextMenu(treeNodeMenu))
 					.on("mousedown", function(d) {
 						if (d3.event.which != 3)
@@ -26970,7 +27377,8 @@
-			//aigner: Here the data is read and the sankey diagram is created
+            //aigner: Here the data is read and the sankey diagram is created
 			var graphs,	currentGraph, varCategories, entireData;
 			function startSankeyDiagram(data, graphID) 
@@ -26986,6 +27394,121 @@
 				varCategories =  entireData.categories;
+                //Highlight function, that shows usage of a node in the XDSM
+                function highlight(data,aText)
+                {
+                    aText = "/"+data.name+aText;
+                    if (data.parent){highlight(data.parent,aText)}
+                    else
+                    {
+                        var allLinks = d3.selectAll(".link");
+                        var allLinks_tmp = allLinks[0];
+                        allLinks_tmp.forEach(function(p) {
+                            var firstElement_tmp = p.__data__.name.split("/")[1]
+                            var text_fromFirst = "/"+firstElement_tmp+aText.split(firstElement_tmp)[1]
+                            if (include(p.__data__.name,text_fromFirst))
+                            {
+                                d3.select(p).style("opacity", .8);			
+                            }
+                            else
+                            {
+                                d3.select(p).style("opacity", 0);			
+                            }
+                        });
+                    }
+                }
+                function showVariableTable(aVariable)
+                {											
+                    var headLine = "Node Information (" + aVariable.name + ")";
+                    var data = [];
+                    // render the table(s)
+                    data.push({ "name" : "Name", "value" : "\""+aVariable.name+"\"" })
+                    data.push({ "name" : "xPath", "value" : aVariable.xPath })
+                    if (aVariable.type){data.push({ "name" : "Type", "value" : aVariable.type })}
+                    if (aVariable.level){data.push({ "name" : "Level", "value" : aVariable.level })}
+                    if (aVariable.children || aVariable._children)
+                    {
+                        var childrenNum=0;
+                        if (aVariable.children){childrenNum=childrenNum+aVariable.children.length}
+                        if (aVariable._children){childrenNum=childrenNum+aVariable._children.length}
+                        data.push({ "name" : "Number of children", "value" : childrenNum })
+                    }
+                    if (aVariable.dimension){data.push({ "name" : "Dimension", "value" : aVariable.dimension })}
+                    else if(aVariable.dimension===null){data.push({ "name" : "Dimension", "value" : "undefined" })}
+                    if (aVariable.value){data.push({ "name" : "Value(s)", "value" : aVariable.value })}
+                    var d3_body = d3.select("body");
+                    var panel_div = d3_body.append("div").attr("class", "myPanel panel-default")
+                    panel_div.append("div").attr("class","panel-heading")
+                        .append("div").attr("class","panel_title").append("h4").text(headLine)
+                    var listGroup = panel_div.append("div").attr("class","panel-body")
+                        .append("table").attr("id","myTable")
+                        .append("tbody")
+                    data.forEach(function(listElement)
+                    {
+                        var row = listGroup.append("tr")
+                        row.append("td").text(listElement.name)
+                        row.append("td").text(listElement.value)
+                    })
+                    $('.myPanel').lobiPanel({
+                        reload: false,
+                        editTitle: false,
+                        expand: false,
+                        unpin: false,
+                        resize: "none",
+                        minWidth: 200,
+                        minHeight: 200,
+                        maxWidth: 1100,
+                        maxHeight: 1200,
+                    });
+                    $('.myPanel').lobiPanel('unpin');
+                }
+                //menu --> functions for right click options
+                var nodeMenu = [
+                {
+                    title: 'Show node information',
+                    onMouseDown: function(elm, d, i) {
+                        showVariableTable(d);
+                    },
+                    onMouseUp: function(elm, d, i) {},
+                    onMouseOver: function(elm, d, i) {},
+                    childrenItems: []
+                },
+                {
+                    title: 'Show usage of node in diagram',
+                    onMouseDown: function(elm, d, i) {
+                        d3.selectAll(".treeFrame").attr("fill-opacity", .5);
+                        d3.selectAll(".nodeText").style("fill-opacity", 0.5);					
+                        var theText="";
+                        highlight(d,theText);
+                    },
+                    onMouseUp: function(elm, d, i) {				
+                        d3.selectAll(".link").style("opacity",.6)
+                        d3.selectAll(".treeFrame").attr("fill-opacity", .8);
+                        d3.selectAll(".nodeText").style("fill-opacity", 1);					
+                    },
+                    onMouseOver: function(elm, d, i) {
+                    },
+                    childrenItems: []
+                },
+                {
+                    title: 'Copy x-path to clipboard',
+                    onMouseDown: function(elm, d, i) {
+                        window.prompt("Copy to clipboard: Ctrl+C, Enter", d.xPath);
+                        d3.select('.d3-context-menu').style('display', 'none');
+                    },
+                    onMouseUp: function(elm, d, i) {
+                    },
+                    onMouseOver: function(elm, d, i) {
+                    },
+                    childrenItems: []
+                }
+                ]
 				var graph = currentGraph.xdsm;
 				var theNodes = graph.nodes
@@ -26995,6 +27518,7 @@
 				  link.target = link.to;
 				  link.value = link.name.split(",").length
 				var headerDiv = sankeyDiagramDiv.append("div").attr("class","panel panel-primary")
@@ -27025,7 +27549,7 @@
 					var emptyArray="";
 					var allLinks = d3.selectAll(".link");
 					var theSchema = currentGraph.variableSchemes[categoryID];
-					createTreeLayout(name_tmp,theSchema,emptyArray,allLinks);
+					createTreeLayout(name_tmp,theSchema,emptyArray,allLinks,nodeMenu);
 				var childrenItems = [];
@@ -27049,13 +27573,53 @@
 					childrenItems: childrenItems
-				//#####################################################################//
+				//#####################################################################//                
+                function showList(aTitle,aList,aMenu)
+                {
+                    if (aList.length != 0)
+                    {
+                        var d3_body = d3.select("body");
+                        var panel_div = d3_body.append("div").attr("class", "myPanel panel-default")
+                        panel_div.append("div").attr("class","panel-heading")
+                            .append("div").attr("class","panel_title").append("h4").text(aTitle)
+                        panel_div.append("input")
+                            .attr("id","myInput")
+                            .attr("placeholder","Filter search...")
+                            .attr("title","Type in a name")
+                            .attr("onkeyup","filterSearch()")
+                        var listGroup = panel_div.append("div").attr("class","panel-body")
+                            .append("table").attr("id","myTable")
+                            .append("tbody")
+                        var tr = listGroup
+                            .selectAll('tr')
+                            .data(aList).enter()
+                                .append('tr')
+                        var td = tr.append("td").html(function(d) { 
+                            if (d.xPath){return d.xPath;} 
+                            else {return d.name;} 
+                        })
+                        tr.on('contextmenu', d3.contextMenu(aMenu));
+                        $('.myPanel').lobiPanel({
+                            reload: false,
+                            editTitle: false,
+                            expand: false,
+                            unpin: false,
+                            resize: "none",
+                            minWidth: 200,
+                            minHeight: 200,
+                            maxWidth: 1100,
+                            maxHeight: 1200,
+                        });
+                        $('.myPanel').lobiPanel('unpin');
+                        $('.myPanel').lobiPanel('height','5000');
+                    }
+                }
-				//aigner: treeLayout in the bottom
-				//################################################################################################//		
-				//aigner: Data Model Expand Button
-				//##########################################################
+				//aigner: Data Model Tree View Button
+				//####################################################################################################################
 				var dataModelDiv = d3.select(".sankeyDiagramDiv").append("div").attr("class","dataModelDiv").attr("transform","translate(10,0)")
 				var ul = dataModelDiv.append("ul")
 				var dropdown1 = ul.append("li").on("mouseover", function(){d3.select(this).style("cursor", "default")})
@@ -27067,8 +27631,10 @@
-				dropdown1.append("a").text("Data Model")
+				dropdown1.append("a").text("Data Model Tree")
 				var links = dropdown1.append("ul");
+                var xOffset_ul = dropdown1[0][0].offsetLeft+dropdown1[0][0].offsetWidth-40;
+                links.style("left", String(xOffset_ul)+"px")
 				for (var j=0; j< varCategories.length; j++)
@@ -27083,9 +27649,51 @@
 				//aigner: Set width of the div, so the VISTOMS dropdown (in the top of the page) still works
-				dataModelDiv.style("width", String(dropdown1.node().getBoundingClientRect().width+20)+"px")
-				//##########################################################
-				//################################################################################################//
+				//dataModelDiv.style("width", String(dropdown1.node().getBoundingClientRect().width+20)+"px")
+				//####################################################################################################################
+                //aigner: Data Model List View Button
+				//####################################################################################################################
+				var ul_list = dataModelDiv.append("ul")
+				var dropdownList = ul_list.append("li").on("mouseover", function(){d3.select(this).style("cursor", "default")})
+				dropdownList.append("img").attr("src",fileReference.AGILE_Icon)
+					.attr("align","left")
+					.style("margin-left","6px")
+					.style("margin-right","-10px")
+					.style("margin-top","10px")
+					.style("margin-bottom","0px")
+					.attr("height","20")
+					.attr("width","20")
+				dropdownList.append("a").text("Data Model List")
+				var linksList = dropdownList.append("ul");
+                var xOffset_ul = dropdownList[0][0].offsetLeft+dropdownList[0][0].offsetWidth-40;
+                linksList.style("left", String(xOffset_ul)+"px")
+				for (var j=0; j< varCategories.length; j++)
+				{
+					//console.log(varCategories[j])
+					var linkLi = linksList.append("li");
+					var linkA = linkLi.append("a")
+						.attr("id",j)
+						.text(varCategories[j].description)
+						.on("mouseover", function(){d3.select(this).style("cursor", "pointer")})
+						.on("click", function()
+						{	
+                            var variables = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(currentGraph.variableSchemes[varCategories[this.id].name]));
+                            //aigner: HIER WEITER! evtl. treeData aufbauen (buildTree) um nodeMenu einfacher zu machen
+                            variables.forEach(function(variable)
+                            {
+                                variable.name = variable.xPath
+                                //work around because nodeMenu expexts the data, to have a "data" object inside
+                                variable.data = variable
+                                variable.data.name = variable.xPath.split("/")[variable.xPath.split("/").length-1]
+                            })
+                            var title = "Here is a list"
+                            showList(title,variables,nodeMenu)
+						})
+				}
+				//aigner: Set width of the div, so the VISTOMS dropdown (in the top of the page) still works
+				//####################################################################################################################