# Teacher This repository will contain a website for `mude.citg.tudelft.nl/teacher/`. It will include: - instructions, policies, information for MUDE teachers - links to key files (Yes, Teams links, which will have restricted access) - perhaps a simple password (preferably not) ## Future items for page ### License for materials Need to decide which one...CC BY preferable by default, but should consult others to confirm. WWJD? Once license is decided, standard policy for teachers is: - cannot decide on using a different license, but - can decide to withhold material from public part of website (e.g., partial solutions) - however, keep in mind the following position of MUDE #### Why should MUDE share materials openly? Default position of MUDE is founded in accessibility and equity for _all_ students: - it is impossible to prevent digital materials from being shared outside our websites (regardless of Brighstpace or custom site) - it is therefore possible that at least some small group of students have access to old material, which can give them an advantage relative to other students - we should avoid the situation where small groups of students have an unfair advantage - we suspect it is more likely that groups of Dutch students would have access to these files, which is especially unfair for international students - by providing a majority of materials publicly, there is no need for sharing of files in closed circles - therefore, MUDE should provide as much material as possible openly MUDE has also benefited from using open resources from others. We should strive to do the same. ### Links and websites Every year when setting up the new website, book and files, we will need to do the following: - links to website: update all links from 202X to 202X+1 - links to book: check that page or chapter locations have not changed (should be very stable long term, but needs thorough checking next couple years) - links to files: for assignments that do not change week or scope, could be as simple as updating links from 202X to 202X+1, but should recognize that this is unreliable and everything should be checked individually #### Rules for links - Website: - internal links must be relative (need instructions) such that a link `./to_this_page.html` will remain valid regardless of whether it is the 2023 or 2024 website - Book: - internal links must be relative (need instructions) such that a link `./to_this_page.html` will remain valid regardless of whether it is the 2023 or 2024 book - external links to files and website must include year - special treatment for "our" external books? - other links: use at own risk - Files: - always use year when linking to book or website - Exams: depends on where final storage location is (TBD) ### Creating assignments Regardless of new assignment, or revising an old one, key things are: - formatting check (header, task box style, footer, fonts, colors, etc) - programming check: Golden Rules and PEP-8, software installation, environments, packages, etc - links, links, links! Check them all! Thoroughly! - use mudlisher to check execution of solution notebooks with specific environments