--- layout: page title: Staff description: A listing of the MUDE Team. nav_order: 11 --- # Staff <!-- Staff information is stored in the `_staffers` directory and rendered according to the layout file, `_layouts/staffer.html`. --> ## Instructors {% assign instructors = site.staffers | where: 'role', 'Instructor' %} {% for staffer in instructors %} {{ staffer }} {% endfor %} {% assign teaching_assistants = site.staffers | where: 'role', 'Teaching Assistant' %} {% assign num_teaching_assistants = teaching_assistants | size %} {% if num_teaching_assistants != 0 %} ## The Student Army: our Teaching Assistants MUDE wouldn't be possible without our amazing team of teaching assistants! {% for staffer in teaching_assistants %} {{ staffer }} {% endfor %} {% endif %}