diff --git a/book/_toc.yml b/book/_toc.yml
index ba0344da1f3b9013580bcf9bc970e85e0372fd66..ec162bd51d8c10b49b54a75412618e82f406e5b4 100644
--- a/book/_toc.yml
+++ b/book/_toc.yml
@@ -1,464 +1,464 @@
 format: jb-book
 root: intro
-  - caption: Q1 Topics
-    numbered: 2
-    chapters: 
-    - file: modelling/overview
-      title: Modelling Concepts
-      sections:
-      - file: modelling/classification
-        title: Classification
-      - file: modelling/decisions
-        title: Decisions
-      - file: modelling/validate_verify
-        title: Calibration, Validation & Verification
-      - file: modelling/gof
-        title: Goodness of Fit
-      - file: modelling/sensitivity
-        title: Sensitivity Analysis
+# parts:
+#   - caption: Q1 Topics
+#     numbered: 2
+#     chapters: 
+#     - file: modelling/overview
+#       title: Modelling Concepts
+#       sections:
+#       - file: modelling/classification
+#         title: Classification
+#       - file: modelling/decisions
+#         title: Decisions
+#       - file: modelling/validate_verify
+#         title: Calibration, Validation & Verification
+#       - file: modelling/gof
+#         title: Goodness of Fit
+#       - file: modelling/sensitivity
+#         title: Sensitivity Analysis
-    - file: propagation_uncertainty/overview
-      sections:
-      - file: propagation_uncertainty/00a_CovCorr.md
-      - file: propagation_uncertainty/00b_MultivariateNormal
-      - file: propagation_uncertainty/uncertainty
-      - file: propagation_uncertainty/01_ErrorPropagation.md
-      - file: propagation_uncertainty/02_LinearPropagation.md
-    - file: observation_theory/overview.md
-      sections:
-      - file: observation_theory/01_Introduction.md
-      - file: observation_theory/02_LeastSquares.md  
-        sections:
-        - file: observation_theory/02_LeastSquares_NB.ipynb  
-      - file: observation_theory/03_WeightedLSQ.md
-        sections:
-        - file: observation_theory/03_Notebook_WLS.ipynb 
-      - file: observation_theory/04_BLUE.md
-      - file: observation_theory/05_Precision.md
-        sections:
-        - file: observation_theory/05_Notebook_ConfInt.ipynb 
-      - file: observation_theory/06_MLE.md
-      - file: observation_theory/07_NLSQ.md
-        sections:
-        - file: observation_theory/07_Notebook_NLSQ.ipynb
-      - file: observation_theory/08_Testing.md
-      - file: observation_theory/09_TestingSandM.md
-        sections:
-        - file: observation_theory/09_Notebook_Testing.ipynb
-        - file: observation_theory/09_Notebook_OMT.ipynb
-      - file: observation_theory/99_NotationFormulas
+#     - file: propagation_uncertainty/overview
+#       sections:
+#       - file: propagation_uncertainty/00a_CovCorr.md
+#       - file: propagation_uncertainty/00b_MultivariateNormal
+#       - file: propagation_uncertainty/uncertainty
+#       - file: propagation_uncertainty/01_ErrorPropagation.md
+#       - file: propagation_uncertainty/02_LinearPropagation.md
+#     - file: observation_theory/overview.md
+#       sections:
+#       - file: observation_theory/01_Introduction.md
+#       - file: observation_theory/02_LeastSquares.md  
+#         sections:
+#         - file: observation_theory/02_LeastSquares_NB.ipynb  
+#       - file: observation_theory/03_WeightedLSQ.md
+#         sections:
+#         - file: observation_theory/03_Notebook_WLS.ipynb 
+#       - file: observation_theory/04_BLUE.md
+#       - file: observation_theory/05_Precision.md
+#         sections:
+#         - file: observation_theory/05_Notebook_ConfInt.ipynb 
+#       - file: observation_theory/06_MLE.md
+#       - file: observation_theory/07_NLSQ.md
+#         sections:
+#         - file: observation_theory/07_Notebook_NLSQ.ipynb
+#       - file: observation_theory/08_Testing.md
+#       - file: observation_theory/09_TestingSandM.md
+#         sections:
+#         - file: observation_theory/09_Notebook_Testing.ipynb
+#         - file: observation_theory/09_Notebook_OMT.ipynb
+#       - file: observation_theory/99_NotationFormulas
-    - file: numerical_methods/overview
-      title: Numerical Modelling
-      sections:
-        - file: numerical_methods/1-numerical-solns.ipynb
-        - file: numerical_methods/2-numerical-interp.ipynb
-        - file: numerical_methods/3-taylor-series.ipynb
-          sections:
-          - file: numerical_methods/3-taylor-series-exercise.ipynb
-        - file: numerical_methods/4-FDM-intro.ipynb
-        - file: numerical_methods/5-numerical_derivatives.ipynb
-        - file: numerical_methods/6-simple_solvers_ODE.ipynb
-        - file: numerical_methods/7-solver_2nd_order.ipynb
-        - file: numerical_methods/8-solvers_non-linear.ipynb
-        - file: numerical_methods/9-exercise.ipynb
-        - file: numerical_methods/10-advanced_solvers.ipynb
-    - file: probability/Reminder_intro.md
-      title: Continuous Distributions
-      sections:
-      - file: probability/PDF_CDF
-      - file: probability/empirical
-      - file: probability/Param_distr.md
-        title: Parametric distributions
-        sections: 
-        - file: probability/Gaussian.md
-        - file: probability/other_distr.md
-        - file: probability/Uniform.md
-        - file: probability/Exponential.md
-        - file: probability/Gumbel.md
-        - file: probability/Lognormal.md
-        - file: probability/summary.md
-      - file: probability/fitting.md
-        title: Fitting parametric distributions
-        sections: 
-        - file: probability/moments.md
-        - file: probability/MLE_1.ipynb
-        - file: probability/GOF
-      - file: probability/Loc-scale.ipynb
-    - file: rr/prob-design/overview
-      title: Risk and Reliability Intro
-      sections:
-      - file: rr/prob-design/one-random-variable
-      - file: rr/prob-design/two-random-variables
-      - file: rr/prob-design/exercise
-        sections:
-        - file: rr/prob-design/exercise_solutions
+#     - file: numerical_methods/overview
+#       title: Numerical Modelling
+#       sections:
+#         - file: numerical_methods/1-numerical-solns.ipynb
+#         - file: numerical_methods/2-numerical-interp.ipynb
+#         - file: numerical_methods/3-taylor-series.ipynb
+#           sections:
+#           - file: numerical_methods/3-taylor-series-exercise.ipynb
+#         - file: numerical_methods/4-FDM-intro.ipynb
+#         - file: numerical_methods/5-numerical_derivatives.ipynb
+#         - file: numerical_methods/6-simple_solvers_ODE.ipynb
+#         - file: numerical_methods/7-solver_2nd_order.ipynb
+#         - file: numerical_methods/8-solvers_non-linear.ipynb
+#         - file: numerical_methods/9-exercise.ipynb
+#         - file: numerical_methods/10-advanced_solvers.ipynb
+#     - file: probability/Reminder_intro.md
+#       title: Continuous Distributions
+#       sections:
+#       - file: probability/PDF_CDF
+#       - file: probability/empirical
+#       - file: probability/Param_distr.md
+#         title: Parametric distributions
+#         sections: 
+#         - file: probability/Gaussian.md
+#         - file: probability/other_distr.md
+#         - file: probability/Uniform.md
+#         - file: probability/Exponential.md
+#         - file: probability/Gumbel.md
+#         - file: probability/Lognormal.md
+#         - file: probability/summary.md
+#       - file: probability/fitting.md
+#         title: Fitting parametric distributions
+#         sections: 
+#         - file: probability/moments.md
+#         - file: probability/MLE_1.ipynb
+#         - file: probability/GOF
+#       - file: probability/Loc-scale.ipynb
+#     - file: rr/prob-design/overview
+#       title: Risk and Reliability Intro
+#       sections:
+#       - file: rr/prob-design/one-random-variable
+#       - file: rr/prob-design/two-random-variables
+#       - file: rr/prob-design/exercise
+#         sections:
+#         - file: rr/prob-design/exercise_solutions
-  - caption: Q2 Topics
-    numbered: 2
-    chapters:
-    - file: Q2_overview
-      title: Overview of Q2
-    chapters: 
-    - file: fvm/intro.md
-      title: Finite Volume Method
-      sections:
-      # - file: fvm/overview
-      #   title: Overview
-      #   sections:
-      - file: fvm/getting_started.md
-        title: Getting Started
-      - file: fvm/intro_2.md
-      - file: fvm/gauss.md
-        title: Gauss's Theorem
-      - file: fvm/frames.md
-        title: Reference Frames
-      - file: fvm/advection.md
-        title: Advection
-      # - file: boundaries.md
-      #   title: Boundary Conditions
-      - file: fvm/stability.md
-        title: Stability
-      - file: fvm/exercises.md
-        title: Exercises
-      # - file: fvm/conservation.md
-      #   title: Conservation Laws
-      # - file: fvm/navier.md
-      #   title: Discretization    
-    - file: fem/intro.md
-      title: Finite Element Method
-      sections:
-      - file: fem/strong.md
-        title: Strong form of the problem
-      - file: fem/weak.md
-        title: Weak form
-      - file: fem/discrete.ipynb
-        title: Discrete form
-      - file: fem/matrix.ipynb
-        title: Finite element implementation
-      - file: fem/shape.md
-        title: Elements and shape functions
-      - file: fem/videos.md
-        title: Videos (summary and additional material)
+#   - caption: Q2 Topics
+#     numbered: 2
+#     chapters:
+#     - file: Q2_overview
+#       title: Overview of Q2
+#     chapters: 
+#     - file: fvm/intro.md
+#       title: Finite Volume Method
+#       sections:
+#       # - file: fvm/overview
+#       #   title: Overview
+#       #   sections:
+#       - file: fvm/getting_started.md
+#         title: Getting Started
+#       - file: fvm/intro_2.md
+#       - file: fvm/gauss.md
+#         title: Gauss's Theorem
+#       - file: fvm/frames.md
+#         title: Reference Frames
+#       - file: fvm/advection.md
+#         title: Advection
+#       # - file: boundaries.md
+#       #   title: Boundary Conditions
+#       - file: fvm/stability.md
+#         title: Stability
+#       - file: fvm/exercises.md
+#         title: Exercises
+#       # - file: fvm/conservation.md
+#       #   title: Conservation Laws
+#       # - file: fvm/navier.md
+#       #   title: Discretization    
+#     - file: fem/intro.md
+#       title: Finite Element Method
+#       sections:
+#       - file: fem/strong.md
+#         title: Strong form of the problem
+#       - file: fem/weak.md
+#         title: Weak form
+#       - file: fem/discrete.ipynb
+#         title: Discrete form
+#       - file: fem/matrix.ipynb
+#         title: Finite element implementation
+#       - file: fem/shape.md
+#         title: Elements and shape functions
+#       - file: fem/videos.md
+#         title: Videos (summary and additional material)
-    - file: signal/intro.md
-      title: Signal Processing
-      sections:
-      - file: signal/fourier_real
-        title: Fourier Series
-        sections:
-        - file: signal/fourier_nb
-          title: Square Wave Example
-      - file: signal/fourier_complex
-        title: Complex Fourier Series
-      - file: signal/fourier_transf
-        title: Fourier Transform
-      - file: signal/sampling
-        title: Sampling
-      - file: signal/dft
-        title: Discrete Fourier Transform
-      - file: signal/spectral_est
-        title: Spectral Estimation
-      - file: signal/videos
-        title: Supplementary Videos
-    - file: time_series/intro.md
-      title: Time Series Analysis
-      sections:
-      - file: time_series/components
-        title: "Time Series components"
-        sections:
-        - file: time_series/exercise1.ipynb
-      - file: time_series/types
-        title: "Types of Time Series"
-      - file: time_series/modelling
-        title: "Time Series modelling and estimation"
-        sections:
-        - file: time_series/exercise3.ipynb
-      - file: time_series/stationarity
-        title: "Stationarity"
-        sections:
-        - file: time_series/exercise2.ipynb
-      - file: time_series/acf
-        title: "Autocovariance function (ACF)"
-        sections:
-        - file: time_series/exercise4.ipynb
-      - file: time_series/arma
-        title: "AutoRegressive Moving Average (ARMA) process"
-        sections:
-        - file: time_series/exercise5.ipynb
-      - file: time_series/forecasting
-        title: "Time Series forecasting"
-      - file: time_series/optional
-        title: "Supplementary material"
-      - file: time_series/notebook
-        title: Notebook
-    - file: optimization/overview
-      title: Optimization
-      sections:
-      - file: optimization/origins
-      - file: optimization/general
-      - file: optimization/taxonomy
-      - file: optimization/sand_and_clay
-        sections:
-        - file: optimization/claysand.ipynb
-      - file: optimization/augmented_form
-      - file: optimization/sand_and_clay_simplex
-        sections:
-        - file: optimization/simplex_exercise
-        - file: optimization/airplane_exercise
-          sections:
-          - file: optimization/airplane_original.ipynb
-      - file: optimization/integer_programming
-      - file: optimization/some_constraints
-      - file: optimization/genetic_algorithm
-      - file: optimization/airlines.ipynb
-        title: Airline Exercise (Optional)
-      - file: optimization/project
-        title: Road Network Design Problem (Project 9)
-        sections:
-        - file: optimization/Project_MILP.ipynb
-        - file: optimization/Project_GA.ipynb
-      - file: optimization/performance
-        title: Performance Considerations in LP (Optional)
-        sections:
-        - file: optimization/airlines_performance.ipynb
-        - file: optimization/performance_generic_LP.ipynb
-    - file: ml/overview
-      title: Machine Learning
-      sections:
-      - file: ml/knn_interactive
-      - file: ml/decision_theory_interactive
-      - file: ml/linear_models_interactive
-      - file: ml/ridge_sgd_interactive
-      - file: ml/nn_interactive
-      - file: ml/review
-    - file: eva/intro.md
-      title: Extreme Value Analysis
-      sections:
-      - file: eva/extreme.md
-        title: Concept of Extreme
-        sections:
-        - file: eva/RT.md
-          title: Return period
-        - file: eva/sampling.md
-          title: Sampling extremes
-      - file: eva/BM_GEV.md
-        title: Block Maxima & GEV
-        sections:
-        - file: eva/BM.md
-          title: Block Maxima
-        - file: eva/Asymptotic.md
-          title: Asymptotic theorem
-        - file: eva/GEV.md
-          title: GEV distribution
-        - file: eva/RP_Binomial.md
-          title: RT & Design Life
-      - file: eva/POT_GPD.md
-        title: POT & GPD
-        sections:
-        - file: eva/POT.md
-          title: Peak Over Threshold
-        - file: eva/Poisson.md
-        - file: eva/Threshold.md
-          title: Parameters selection
-        - file: eva/GPD.md
-          title: Intro to GPD
-        - file: eva/GPD2.md
-          title: Practicalities for GPD
-        - file: eva/RP_Poisson.md
-          title: Revisiting RT
-      - file: eva/extra.md
-        title: Supplementary Material
-        sections:
-        - file: eva/Bernoulli.md
-        - file: eva/videos.md
-          title: EVA videos 
-    - file: pd/intro.md
-      title: Risk and Reliability, Part 2
-      # Already in Q1:
-      # - file: pd/prob-design/overview.md
-      #   sections:
-      #   - file: pd/prob-design/01-one-random-variable.md
-      #   - file: pd/prob-design/02-two-random-variables.md
-      #   - file: pd/prob-design/example-river-system.md
-      sections:
-      - file: pd/risk-analysis/overview.md
-        sections:
-        - file: pd/risk-analysis/definition.md
-        - file: pd/risk-analysis/steps.md
-        - file: pd/risk-analysis/risk-curves.md
-      - file: pd/reliability-component/overview.md
-        sections:
-        - file: pd/reliability-component/contamination.ipynb
-        # - file: reliability-component/case-two-loads.md
-        # - file: reliability-component/case-r-s.md
-      - file: pd/reliability-system/overview.md
-        sections:
-        # - file: reliability-system/system-series.md
-        # - file: reliability-system/system-parallel.md
-        - file: pd/reliability-system/exercise-simple-city.md
-      - file: pd/risk-evaluation/overview.md
-        sections:
-        - file: pd/risk-evaluation/decision.md
-        - file: pd/risk-evaluation/cost-benefit.md
-        - file: pd/risk-evaluation/econ-optimization.md
-        - file: pd/risk-evaluation/example-dike-height.md
-        - file: pd/risk-evaluation/safety-standards.md
-      - file: pd/exercises/overview.md
-        sections:
-        - file: pd/exercises/exercise-fn-curve.md
-        - file: pd/exercises/exercise-paint.md
-        - file: pd/exercises/exercise-dam.md
-        - file: pd/exercises/exercise-sample-exam.md
-      - file: pd/videos.md
-      # - file: pd/notebooks/overview.md
-      #   sections:
-      #   - file: pd/notebooks/flood-risk/Exercise_Flood_Risk_Render.ipynb
-      #   - file: pd/notebooks/contamination/Exercise_Contamination_Render.ipynb
-      #   - file: pd/notebooks/traffic/Exercise_Traffic_Render.ipynb
+#     - file: signal/intro.md
+#       title: Signal Processing
+#       sections:
+#       - file: signal/fourier_real
+#         title: Fourier Series
+#         sections:
+#         - file: signal/fourier_nb
+#           title: Square Wave Example
+#       - file: signal/fourier_complex
+#         title: Complex Fourier Series
+#       - file: signal/fourier_transf
+#         title: Fourier Transform
+#       - file: signal/sampling
+#         title: Sampling
+#       - file: signal/dft
+#         title: Discrete Fourier Transform
+#       - file: signal/spectral_est
+#         title: Spectral Estimation
+#       - file: signal/videos
+#         title: Supplementary Videos
+#     - file: time_series/intro.md
+#       title: Time Series Analysis
+#       sections:
+#       - file: time_series/components
+#         title: "Time Series components"
+#         sections:
+#         - file: time_series/exercise1.ipynb
+#       - file: time_series/types
+#         title: "Types of Time Series"
+#       - file: time_series/modelling
+#         title: "Time Series modelling and estimation"
+#         sections:
+#         - file: time_series/exercise3.ipynb
+#       - file: time_series/stationarity
+#         title: "Stationarity"
+#         sections:
+#         - file: time_series/exercise2.ipynb
+#       - file: time_series/acf
+#         title: "Autocovariance function (ACF)"
+#         sections:
+#         - file: time_series/exercise4.ipynb
+#       - file: time_series/arma
+#         title: "AutoRegressive Moving Average (ARMA) process"
+#         sections:
+#         - file: time_series/exercise5.ipynb
+#       - file: time_series/forecasting
+#         title: "Time Series forecasting"
+#       - file: time_series/optional
+#         title: "Supplementary material"
+#       - file: time_series/notebook
+#         title: Notebook
+#     - file: optimization/overview
+#       title: Optimization
+#       sections:
+#       - file: optimization/origins
+#       - file: optimization/general
+#       - file: optimization/taxonomy
+#       - file: optimization/sand_and_clay
+#         sections:
+#         - file: optimization/claysand.ipynb
+#       - file: optimization/augmented_form
+#       - file: optimization/sand_and_clay_simplex
+#         sections:
+#         - file: optimization/simplex_exercise
+#         - file: optimization/airplane_exercise
+#           sections:
+#           - file: optimization/airplane_original.ipynb
+#       - file: optimization/integer_programming
+#       - file: optimization/some_constraints
+#       - file: optimization/genetic_algorithm
+#       - file: optimization/airlines.ipynb
+#         title: Airline Exercise (Optional)
+#       - file: optimization/project
+#         title: Road Network Design Problem (Project 9)
+#         sections:
+#         - file: optimization/Project_MILP.ipynb
+#         - file: optimization/Project_GA.ipynb
+#       - file: optimization/performance
+#         title: Performance Considerations in LP (Optional)
+#         sections:
+#         - file: optimization/airlines_performance.ipynb
+#         - file: optimization/performance_generic_LP.ipynb
+#     - file: ml/overview
+#       title: Machine Learning
+#       sections:
+#       - file: ml/knn_interactive
+#       - file: ml/decision_theory_interactive
+#       - file: ml/linear_models_interactive
+#       - file: ml/ridge_sgd_interactive
+#       - file: ml/nn_interactive
+#       - file: ml/review
+#     - file: eva/intro.md
+#       title: Extreme Value Analysis
+#       sections:
+#       - file: eva/extreme.md
+#         title: Concept of Extreme
+#         sections:
+#         - file: eva/RT.md
+#           title: Return period
+#         - file: eva/sampling.md
+#           title: Sampling extremes
+#       - file: eva/BM_GEV.md
+#         title: Block Maxima & GEV
+#         sections:
+#         - file: eva/BM.md
+#           title: Block Maxima
+#         - file: eva/Asymptotic.md
+#           title: Asymptotic theorem
+#         - file: eva/GEV.md
+#           title: GEV distribution
+#         - file: eva/RP_Binomial.md
+#           title: RT & Design Life
+#       - file: eva/POT_GPD.md
+#         title: POT & GPD
+#         sections:
+#         - file: eva/POT.md
+#           title: Peak Over Threshold
+#         - file: eva/Poisson.md
+#         - file: eva/Threshold.md
+#           title: Parameters selection
+#         - file: eva/GPD.md
+#           title: Intro to GPD
+#         - file: eva/GPD2.md
+#           title: Practicalities for GPD
+#         - file: eva/RP_Poisson.md
+#           title: Revisiting RT
+#       - file: eva/extra.md
+#         title: Supplementary Material
+#         sections:
+#         - file: eva/Bernoulli.md
+#         - file: eva/videos.md
+#           title: EVA videos 
+#     - file: pd/intro.md
+#       title: Risk and Reliability, Part 2
+#       # Already in Q1:
+#       # - file: pd/prob-design/overview.md
+#       #   sections:
+#       #   - file: pd/prob-design/01-one-random-variable.md
+#       #   - file: pd/prob-design/02-two-random-variables.md
+#       #   - file: pd/prob-design/example-river-system.md
+#       sections:
+#       - file: pd/risk-analysis/overview.md
+#         sections:
+#         - file: pd/risk-analysis/definition.md
+#         - file: pd/risk-analysis/steps.md
+#         - file: pd/risk-analysis/risk-curves.md
+#       - file: pd/reliability-component/overview.md
+#         sections:
+#         - file: pd/reliability-component/contamination.ipynb
+#         # - file: reliability-component/case-two-loads.md
+#         # - file: reliability-component/case-r-s.md
+#       - file: pd/reliability-system/overview.md
+#         sections:
+#         # - file: reliability-system/system-series.md
+#         # - file: reliability-system/system-parallel.md
+#         - file: pd/reliability-system/exercise-simple-city.md
+#       - file: pd/risk-evaluation/overview.md
+#         sections:
+#         - file: pd/risk-evaluation/decision.md
+#         - file: pd/risk-evaluation/cost-benefit.md
+#         - file: pd/risk-evaluation/econ-optimization.md
+#         - file: pd/risk-evaluation/example-dike-height.md
+#         - file: pd/risk-evaluation/safety-standards.md
+#       - file: pd/exercises/overview.md
+#         sections:
+#         - file: pd/exercises/exercise-fn-curve.md
+#         - file: pd/exercises/exercise-paint.md
+#         - file: pd/exercises/exercise-dam.md
+#         - file: pd/exercises/exercise-sample-exam.md
+#       - file: pd/videos.md
+#       # - file: pd/notebooks/overview.md
+#       #   sections:
+#       #   - file: pd/notebooks/flood-risk/Exercise_Flood_Risk_Render.ipynb
+#       #   - file: pd/notebooks/contamination/Exercise_Contamination_Render.ipynb
+#       #   - file: pd/notebooks/traffic/Exercise_Traffic_Render.ipynb
-  # - caption: Extreme Value Analysis
-  #   numbered: 2
-  #   chapters:
-  #   - file: EVA_old/00_00_EVA
-  #   - file: EVA_old/01_00_Extreme
-  #     title: Extremes
-  #     sections:
-  #     - file: EVA_old/01_01_Bernoulli
-  #     - file: EVA_old/01_02_RT
-  #     - file: EVA_old/01_03_Sampling
-  #   - file: EVA_old/02_00_BM_GEV
-  #     sections:
-  #     - file: EVA_old/02_01_BM
-  #     - file: EVA_old/02_02_Asymptotic
-  #     - file: EVA_old/02_03_GEV
-  #     - file: EVA_old/02_04_RP_Binomial
-  #   - file: EVA_old/03_00_POT_GPD
-  #     sections:
-  #     - file: EVA_old/03_01_POT
-  #     - file: EVA_old/03_02_GPD
-  #     - file: EVA_old/03_03_GPD2
-  #     - file: EVA_old/03_04_Poisson
-  #     - file: EVA_old/03_05_GPD3
-  #     - file: EVA_old/03_06_RP_Poisson
-  #       title: Return Period
-  #   - file: EVA_old/04_00_Threshold
-  #     sections:
-  #     - file: EVA_old/04_01_Threshold_Poisson
-  #     - file: EVA_old/04_02_Threshold_MRL
-  #     - file: EVA_old/04_03_Threshold_stability
-  #     - file: EVA_old/04_04_Threshold_DI
-  #   - file: EVA_old/MUDE/01_00_MUDE
-  #     title: MUDE Materials
-  #     sections:
-  #     - file: EVA_old/MUDE/01_01_EVA_1
-  #     - file: EVA_old/MUDE/01_02_3-1-Extreme_Value_notebook.ipynb
-  #       title: Assignment 1
-  #     - file: EVA_old/MUDE/01_03_3-1-Extreme_Value_notebook_solved.ipynb
-  #       title: Solution 1
-  #     - file: EVA_old/MUDE/01_04_EVA_2
-  #     - file: EVA_old/MUDE/01_05_4-1-EVA2_student.ipynb
-  #       title: Assignment 2
-  #     - file: EVA_old/MUDE/01_06_4-1-EVA2_teacher.ipynb
-  #       title: Solution 2
-  - caption: Fundamental Concepts
-    numbered: 2
-    chapters: 
-    - file: fundamentals/00_01a_PreMath
-    - file: fundamentals/00_01b_PreMath
-    - file: fundamentals/00_01c_PreMath
-    - file: fundamentals/00_02_PreMath
-    - file: fundamentals/00_03_PreMath
-    - file: fundamentals/prob-background.md   
-    - file: fundamentals/prob-rv.md
-    - file: fundamentals/00_04_MeanVar
-    - file: fundamentals/prob_tables/overview
-      title: Probability Tables
-      sections:
-      - file: fundamentals/prob_tables/normal
-        title: Normal
-      - file: fundamentals/prob_tables/chi2
-        title: Chi-Squared
-    - file: fundamentals/eemc-stuff
-  - caption: Programming
-    numbered: 3
-    chapters:
-    - file: external/learn-programming/book/year2/overview
-      title: Overview
-    - file: external/learn-programming/book/year2/golden_rules.ipynb
-      title: The Golden Rules
-    - file: external/learn-programming/book/year2/programs/overview
-      title: Programs
-      sections:
-      - file: external/learn-programming/book/year2/programs/git/version_control
-      - file: external/learn-programming/book/year2/programs/git/gui/overview
-        title: git and GitLab (GUI)
-        sections:
-        - file: external/learn-programming/book/year2/programs/git/gui/cloning
-          title: Cloning
-        - file: external/learn-programming/book/year2/programs/git/gui/commits_local
-          title: Local Commits
-        - file: external/learn-programming/book/year2/programs/git/gui/commits_remote
-          title: Remote Commits
-        - file: external/learn-programming/book/year2/programs/git/gui/fetch_pull
-          title: Fetch and Pull
-        - file: external/learn-programming/book/year2/programs/git/gui/pushing_problems
-          title: Pushing Problems
-      - file: external/learn-programming/book/year2/programs/git/cli/overview
-        title: git and GitLab (CLI)
-        sections:
-        - file: external/learn-programming/book/year2/programs/git/cli/getting_started
-          title: Getting Started
-        - file: external/learn-programming/book/year2/programs/git/cli/remote
-          title: Remote Repositories
-        - file: external/learn-programming/book/year2/programs/git/cli/branch_merge
-        - file: external/learn-programming/book/year2/programs/git/cli/merge_conflicts
-        - file: external/learn-programming/book/year2/programs/git/cli/git_the_rest
-          title: The Rest
-      - file: external/learn-programming/book/year2/programs/debugging/overview
-        title: Debugging and Testing
-        sections:
-        - file: external/learn-programming/book/year2/programs/debugging/errors
-          title: Error Types
-        - file: external/learn-programming/book/year2/programs/debugging/traceback
-          title: Traceback
-        - file: external/learn-programming/book/year2/programs/debugging/errors_raise_handle
-        - file: external/learn-programming/book/year2/programs/debugging/assertions
-        - file: external/learn-programming/book/year2/programs/debugging/logging
-        - file: external/learn-programming/book/year2/programs/debugging/exercises
-    - file: external/learn-python/other_python_stuff/year2/python_topics/overview
-      sections:
-      - file: external/learn-python/other_python_stuff/year2/python_topics/classes
-        title: Classes
-      - file: external/learn-python/other_python_stuff/year2/python_topics/visualization
-        title: Advanced Visualization
-      - file: external/learn-python/other_python_stuff/year2/sympy/sympy.ipynb
-      - file: external/learn-python/other_python_stuff/year2/python_topics/modules
-        title: Modules
-    # - file: programming/communication/overview
-    #   title: Communication
-    #   sections:
-    #   - file: programming/communication/visualization
-    # - file: programming/code/overview
-    #   title: Computers & Code
-    #   sections:
-    #   - file: programming/code/packages
-    #   - file: programming/code/environments
+#   # - caption: Extreme Value Analysis
+#   #   numbered: 2
+#   #   chapters:
+#   #   - file: EVA_old/00_00_EVA
+#   #   - file: EVA_old/01_00_Extreme
+#   #     title: Extremes
+#   #     sections:
+#   #     - file: EVA_old/01_01_Bernoulli
+#   #     - file: EVA_old/01_02_RT
+#   #     - file: EVA_old/01_03_Sampling
+#   #   - file: EVA_old/02_00_BM_GEV
+#   #     sections:
+#   #     - file: EVA_old/02_01_BM
+#   #     - file: EVA_old/02_02_Asymptotic
+#   #     - file: EVA_old/02_03_GEV
+#   #     - file: EVA_old/02_04_RP_Binomial
+#   #   - file: EVA_old/03_00_POT_GPD
+#   #     sections:
+#   #     - file: EVA_old/03_01_POT
+#   #     - file: EVA_old/03_02_GPD
+#   #     - file: EVA_old/03_03_GPD2
+#   #     - file: EVA_old/03_04_Poisson
+#   #     - file: EVA_old/03_05_GPD3
+#   #     - file: EVA_old/03_06_RP_Poisson
+#   #       title: Return Period
+#   #   - file: EVA_old/04_00_Threshold
+#   #     sections:
+#   #     - file: EVA_old/04_01_Threshold_Poisson
+#   #     - file: EVA_old/04_02_Threshold_MRL
+#   #     - file: EVA_old/04_03_Threshold_stability
+#   #     - file: EVA_old/04_04_Threshold_DI
+#   #   - file: EVA_old/MUDE/01_00_MUDE
+#   #     title: MUDE Materials
+#   #     sections:
+#   #     - file: EVA_old/MUDE/01_01_EVA_1
+#   #     - file: EVA_old/MUDE/01_02_3-1-Extreme_Value_notebook.ipynb
+#   #       title: Assignment 1
+#   #     - file: EVA_old/MUDE/01_03_3-1-Extreme_Value_notebook_solved.ipynb
+#   #       title: Solution 1
+#   #     - file: EVA_old/MUDE/01_04_EVA_2
+#   #     - file: EVA_old/MUDE/01_05_4-1-EVA2_student.ipynb
+#   #       title: Assignment 2
+#   #     - file: EVA_old/MUDE/01_06_4-1-EVA2_teacher.ipynb
+#   #       title: Solution 2
+#   - caption: Fundamental Concepts
+#     numbered: 2
+#     chapters: 
+#     - file: fundamentals/00_01a_PreMath
+#     - file: fundamentals/00_01b_PreMath
+#     - file: fundamentals/00_01c_PreMath
+#     - file: fundamentals/00_02_PreMath
+#     - file: fundamentals/00_03_PreMath
+#     - file: fundamentals/prob-background.md   
+#     - file: fundamentals/prob-rv.md
+#     - file: fundamentals/00_04_MeanVar
+#     - file: fundamentals/prob_tables/overview
+#       title: Probability Tables
+#       sections:
+#       - file: fundamentals/prob_tables/normal
+#         title: Normal
+#       - file: fundamentals/prob_tables/chi2
+#         title: Chi-Squared
+#     - file: fundamentals/eemc-stuff
+#   - caption: Programming
+#     numbered: 3
+#     chapters:
+#     - file: external/learn-programming/book/year2/overview
+#       title: Overview
+#     - file: external/learn-programming/book/year2/golden_rules.ipynb
+#       title: The Golden Rules
+#     - file: external/learn-programming/book/year2/programs/overview
+#       title: Programs
+#       sections:
+#       - file: external/learn-programming/book/year2/programs/git/version_control
+#       - file: external/learn-programming/book/year2/programs/git/gui/overview
+#         title: git and GitLab (GUI)
+#         sections:
+#         - file: external/learn-programming/book/year2/programs/git/gui/cloning
+#           title: Cloning
+#         - file: external/learn-programming/book/year2/programs/git/gui/commits_local
+#           title: Local Commits
+#         - file: external/learn-programming/book/year2/programs/git/gui/commits_remote
+#           title: Remote Commits
+#         - file: external/learn-programming/book/year2/programs/git/gui/fetch_pull
+#           title: Fetch and Pull
+#         - file: external/learn-programming/book/year2/programs/git/gui/pushing_problems
+#           title: Pushing Problems
+#       - file: external/learn-programming/book/year2/programs/git/cli/overview
+#         title: git and GitLab (CLI)
+#         sections:
+#         - file: external/learn-programming/book/year2/programs/git/cli/getting_started
+#           title: Getting Started
+#         - file: external/learn-programming/book/year2/programs/git/cli/remote
+#           title: Remote Repositories
+#         - file: external/learn-programming/book/year2/programs/git/cli/branch_merge
+#         - file: external/learn-programming/book/year2/programs/git/cli/merge_conflicts
+#         - file: external/learn-programming/book/year2/programs/git/cli/git_the_rest
+#           title: The Rest
+#       - file: external/learn-programming/book/year2/programs/debugging/overview
+#         title: Debugging and Testing
+#         sections:
+#         - file: external/learn-programming/book/year2/programs/debugging/errors
+#           title: Error Types
+#         - file: external/learn-programming/book/year2/programs/debugging/traceback
+#           title: Traceback
+#         - file: external/learn-programming/book/year2/programs/debugging/errors_raise_handle
+#         - file: external/learn-programming/book/year2/programs/debugging/assertions
+#         - file: external/learn-programming/book/year2/programs/debugging/logging
+#         - file: external/learn-programming/book/year2/programs/debugging/exercises
+#     - file: external/learn-python/other_python_stuff/year2/python_topics/overview
+#       sections:
+#       - file: external/learn-python/other_python_stuff/year2/python_topics/classes
+#         title: Classes
+#       - file: external/learn-python/other_python_stuff/year2/python_topics/visualization
+#         title: Advanced Visualization
+#       - file: external/learn-python/other_python_stuff/year2/sympy/sympy.ipynb
+#       - file: external/learn-python/other_python_stuff/year2/python_topics/modules
+#         title: Modules
+#     # REMOVED OCTOBER 2023 TO REORGGANIZE IN "Python Topics"
+#     # - file: programming/communication/overview
+#     #   title: Communication
+#     #   sections:
+#     #   - file: programming/communication/visualization
+#     # - file: programming/code/overview
+#     #   title: Computers & Code
+#     #   sections:
+#     #   - file: programming/code/packages
+#     #   - file: programming/code/environments
diff --git a/book/intro.md b/book/intro.md
index d7b923ca1b404e87f5c8a88ce158441e3c58d301..415266950c0dc6d8653d007977ac091ed5b9994e 100644
--- a/book/intro.md
+++ b/book/intro.md
@@ -1,12 +1,23 @@
 # Welcome to the MUDE Textbook
-Welcome to the MUDE textbook for the 2023-24 academic year. This is where assigned reading is located, along with interactive exercises to practice and study the module material.
+````{admonition} Textbook Website Under Construction
+:class: warning
+This website is the home of the MUDE Textbook, which will be published at the beginning of Q1.
-````{admonition} Interactive Pages---Use Python in your Browser!
-This online textbook has a number of pages that are set up to be used interactively. You can use the "Live Code" button under the Rocket Ship icon in the top right to activate the interactive features and use Python interactively!
+For now, you can read the course description [here](https://www.studiegids.tudelft.nl/a101_displayCourse.do?course_id=69347).
-Sometimes the interactivity will involve completing an exercise, wheras on other pages it might simply provide the opportunity to edit the contents of code cells and execute it to explore the page contents interactively. Other pages may provide interactive figures (e.g., widgets).
+Material from last year is also available, but note that this should be used for general information only as **the material can change significantly!**
+- Use these links to visit the [book](https://mude.citg.tudelft.nl/2023/) and [website](https://mude.citg.tudelft.nl/2023/book) from last year.
+- For more information, visit the [MUDE Archive](https://mude.citg.tudelft.nl/archive/).
-This feature is supported by [TeachBooks](http://teachbooks.tudelft.nl/).
\ No newline at end of file
+%Welcome to the MUDE textbook for the 2023-24 academic year. This is where assigned reading is located, along with interactive %exercises to practice and study the module material.
+%````{admonition} Interactive Pages---Use Python in your Browser!
+%This online textbook has a number of pages that are set up to be used interactively. You can use the "Live Code" button under %the Rocket Ship icon in the top right to activate the interactive features and use Python interactively!
+%Sometimes the interactivity will involve completing an exercise, wheras on other pages it might simply provide the %opportunity to edit the contents of code cells and execute it to explore the page contents interactively. Other pages may %provide interactive figures (e.g., widgets).
+%This feature is supported by [TeachBooks](http://teachbooks.tudelft.nl/).
\ No newline at end of file