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Update 2 files

Merged Kwangjin Lee requested to merge main into release
+ 48
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ before_script:
stage: build
# Build logic remains same
# Previous build steps...
- |
if [ "$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH" == "release" ]; then
echo "Building production version"
@@ -34,48 +34,74 @@ build-book:
teachbooks build book/ > >(tee stdout.log) 2> >(tee stderr.log >&2)
# Size debugging
- echo "Initial directory sizes:"
- du -sh book/_build/* | tee build_debug.log
- echo "Files larger than 5MB:"
- find book/_build -type f -size +5M -exec ls -lh {} \; >> build_debug.log
# Size analysis
- echo "=== Size Analysis ===" | tee size_analysis.log
- echo "Directory Sizes:" | tee -a size_analysis.log
- du -sh book/_build/* | tee -a size_analysis.log
- echo -e "\nSize by File Type:" | tee -a size_analysis.log
- echo "HTML files:" | tee -a size_analysis.log
- find book/_build/html -name "*.html" -type f -exec du -ch {} + | grep total$ | tee -a size_analysis.log
- echo "JavaScript files:" | tee -a size_analysis.log
- find book/_build/html -name "*.js" -type f -exec du -ch {} + | grep total$ | tee -a size_analysis.log
- echo "CSS files:" | tee -a size_analysis.log
- find book/_build/html -name "*.css" -type f -exec du -ch {} + | grep total$ | tee -a size_analysis.log
- echo "Map files:" | tee -a size_analysis.log
- find book/_build/html -name "*.map" -type f -exec du -ch {} + | grep total$ | tee -a size_analysis.log
- echo -e "\nLargest Files (>1MB):" | tee -a size_analysis.log
- find book/_build -type f -size +1M -exec ls -lh {} \; | sort -k5 -hr | tee -a size_analysis.log
- echo -e "\nFile counts by type:" | tee -a size_analysis.log
- echo "HTML: $(find book/_build/html -name '*.html' | wc -l)" | tee -a size_analysis.log
- echo "JS: $(find book/_build/html -name '*.js' | wc -l)" | tee -a size_analysis.log
- echo "CSS: $(find book/_build/html -name '*.css' | wc -l)" | tee -a size_analysis.log
- echo "Images: $(find book/_build/html/_images -type f | wc -l)" | tee -a size_analysis.log
- echo "IPython Notebooks: $(find book/_build -name '*.ipynb' | wc -l)" | tee -a size_analysis.log
- echo $CI_JOB_ID > build_job_id.txt
# HTML and static content
- book/_build/html/**/*.html
- book/_build/html/**/*.css
- book/_build/html/**/*.js
# Essential web content
- book/_build/html/**/*.{html,css,js}
- book/_build/html/_images/**
- book/_build/html/_static/**
- book/_build/html/_custom_downloads/**
- book/_build/html/genindex.html
- book/_build/html/search.html
# Keep core JavaScript functionality
- book/_build/html/_static/index.js
- book/_build/html/_static/jquery.js
- book/_build/html/_static/underscore.js
# Required for interactive features
- book/_build/jupyter_execute/**/*.html
- book/_build/html/_static/scripts/**
# Build logs and ID
- book/_build/*.log
# Logs and build info
- build_job_id.txt
- build_debug.log
- stdout.log
- stderr.log
# Large unnecessary files
# Development/build files
- "**/*"
- "**/*.doctree"
- "**/*.ipynb"
- "**/_sources/**"
# Build artifacts
- "**/__pycache__/**"
- "**/*.pyc"
- "**/*.pickle"
- book/_build/.doctrees/**
- book/_build/jupyter_cache/**
- "**/*.pickle"
# Keep notebooks for interactive features
# - "**/*.ipynb"
# # Build artifacts
# - "**/__pycache__/**"
# - "**/*.pyc"
# - book/_build/.doctrees/**
# - book/_build/jupyter_cache/**
# - "**/*.pickle"
expire_in: 1 week