# Table of contents # Learn more at https://jupyterbook.org/customize/toc.html format: jb-book root: index parts: - caption: Particle mechanics numbered: True # Only applies to chapters in Part 1. chapters: - file: content/mechanicsintroduction - file: content/forces - file: content/energy - file: content/momentum - file: content/rotationalmotion - file: content/generalplanarmotion - file: content/generalrotationalmotion - file: content/oscillations - file: content/Lagrangianmechanics - caption: Continuum mechanics numbered: True # Only applies to chapters in Part 1. chapters: - file: content/solidsandfluids - file: content/fluiddynamics - file: content/waves - file: content/thermodynamicsbasics - file: content/entropy - caption: Appendices numbered: True chapters: - file: content/mathappendix sections: - file: content/linearalgebra - file: content/complexnumbers - file: content/multivariatecalculus - file: content/differentialequations - file: content/equationsandconstants - caption: Index & credits chapters: - file: content/credits - file: genindex