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 # Location & directions
-## Map of the aula building:
-```{figure} ./images/Layout.png
 ## Directions to the Library: Public Transport
 The symposium will take place at the TU Delft Library (Google maps link: [TU Delft Library](https://maps.app.goo.gl/VBJLQnK5dy1wD5LP6))
 ```{figure} ./images/Library.png
@@ -13,20 +8,24 @@ scale: 40%
 align: right
-- Get to the **Delft NS Station**
+- Take the train to **Delft NS Station**
 - Take one of the following buses:
   - **455** (to Zoetermeer Centrum West) to *Stop Christiaan Huygensweg, Delft* - Walk 4 minutes.
   - **174** (to Rotterdam Noord via Berkel) to *Stop Aula TU, Delft* - Walk 3 minutes.
   - **69** (to TU Campus) to *Stop Christiaan Huygensweg, Delft* - Walk 4 minutes.
-  - **40** (to Rotterdam Centraal) to *Stop Jaffalaan, Delft* - Walk 9 minutes (not recommended due to extra walking time).
+  - **40** (to Rotterdam Centraal) to *Stop Jaffalaan, Delft* - Walk 9 minutes.
 ## Directions to the Library: Car
-- Easy to reach by car via the A13 motorway: take exit 10 Delft Zuid/TU-wijk.
+- Follow the A13 motorway. Take exit 10 Delft Zuid/TU-wijk.
 - Parking spot nearest to the library: [P1 Parking Spot](https://www.google.com/maps/dir//Van+der+Waalsweg,+2628+CN+Delft/@52.0014014,4.3730794,437m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m9!4m8!1m0!1m5!1m1!1s0x47c5b58d750a9ec3:0x753a86dd18c9afff!2m2!1d4.3752681!2d52.0013981!3e0)
-- Visitor Parking Rate: **€2 per hour** (maximum of **€10 per day**).
+- Visitor parking rate: **€2 per hour** (maximum of **€10 per day**).
 ```{figure} ./images/ParkingSpace.png
-More information can be found here: [TU Delft Accessibility](https://www.tudelftcampus.nl/accessibility/)
\ No newline at end of file
+More information can be found here: [TU Delft Accessibility](https://www.tudelftcampus.nl/accessibility/)
+## Map of the library building:
+```{figure} ./images/Layout.png
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 # Programme 
-**12.30 – 13.00** walk-in, registration, lunch   
+**12.30 – 13.00** Walk-in, registration, lunch   
 ## Plenary 
-**13.10 - 13.20** Welcome and opening - Irene Haslinger    
+**13.10 - 13.20** Welcome and opening - Irene Haslinger (Library Director)    
 **13.20 - 14.00** Keynote – [Wilma van Wezenbeek](Wilma)   
 **14.00 - 14.20** Project results - [Timon Idema](Timon)   
-**14.20 - 14.50** Panel discussion   
-**14.50 - 15.10** book presentation - [Timon Idema](Timon)     
-**15.10 - 15.30** book presentation - [Robert Lanzafame](Robert)   
-**15.30 - 15.50** break   
+**14.20 - 14.50** Panel discussion: "It adds value for students when books are openly published."  
+**14.50 - 15.10** Book presentation - [Timon Idema](Timon)     
+**15.10 - 15.30** Book presentation - [Robert Lanzafame](Robert)   
+**15.30 - 16.00** Break   
 ## Breakouts 
-**16.00 - 16.45** workshops and presentations on:
+**16.00 - 16.45** Workshops and presentations on:
 - Open education
 - Publication process
 - Use of copyright
@@ -22,5 +22,5 @@
 - Programming interactivity
 ## Plenary 
-**16.50 - 17.00** Closure   
+**16.50 - 17.00** Closing remarks  
 **17.00- 17.30** Drinks  
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-Wilma van Wezenbeek is a seasoned professional renowned for her executive prowess and expertise in digital transformation, scientific publishing, and research library management. Specializing in open access and education, she excels as a networker, leader, and practical solution finder. Since 2023, she leads tshe Transformation Hub for Digital Learning Materials within the NPuls program, collaborating with Lieke Rensink and Menno de Waal to enhance the accessibility and reusability of educational resources. 
+Wilma van Wezenbeek is a seasoned professional renowned for her executive experience and expertise in digital transformation, scientific publishing, and research library management. Specializing in open access and education, she excels as a networker, leader, and practical solution finder. Since 2023, she leads tshe Transformation Hub for Digital Learning Materials within the [NPuls](https://npuls.nl/) program, collaborating with Lieke Rensink and Menno de Waal to enhance the accessibility and reusability of educational resources. 
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ scale: 15%
 align: right
-Timon Idema, associate professor at Delft University of Technology, is a renowned educator and researcher in the field of Bionanoscience. Having earned his PhD in theoretical biophysics from Leiden University, Idema has a distinguished international background, having worked at Institut Curie in Paris and the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. His research group focuses on collective dynamics in biologically motivated systems, exploring scales from nano to macro. As a theorist, Idema collaborates extensively with experimental groups and imparts cutting-edge knowledge to students through various courses. Since fall 2020, he has led the joint-degree MSc Nanobiology program at TU Delft and Erasmus MC Rotterdam, receiving accolades for his educational contributions, including an Open Education Ambassador Award and the SURF Onderwijsaward in 2023. At the symposium he will present his open interactive book titled [Introduction to particle and continuum mechanics](https://interactivetextbooks.tudelft.nl/nb1140/).
+Timon Idema, associate professor at Delft University of Technology, is a renowned educator and researcher in the field of Bionanoscience. Having earned his PhD in theoretical biophysics from Leiden University, Idema has a distinguished international background, having worked at Institut Curie in Paris and the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. His research group focuses on collective dynamics in biologically motivated systems, exploring scales from nano to macro. As a theorist, Idema collaborates extensively with experimental groups and imparts cutting-edge knowledge to students through various courses. Since 2020, he has led the joint-degree MSc Nanobiology program at TU Delft and Erasmus MC Rotterdam, receiving accolades for his educational contributions, including an Open Education Ambassador Award and the [SURF Onderwijsaward](https://www.surf.nl/winnaars-surf-onderwijsawards-2023) in 2023. At the symposium he will present his open interactive book [Introduction to particle and continuum mechanics](https://interactivetextbooks.tudelft.nl/nb1140/).
 ## Robert Lanzafame
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 # Education: open & interactive!
 ## Symposium 4 March
-Join us at the symposium, not only to discover the latest advancements in Jupyter Books but also to connect with the OIT community that has grown within TU Delft and to celebrate the authors who have published [Open Interactive Textbooks](https://textbooks.open.tudelft.nl/textbooks/catalog/category/interactive) over the past year. Read more about the [programme](./content/Programme.md) and [register](https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=TVJuCSlpMECM04q0LeCIe30g6N5KbJdNhA-JRp_LU2NUQzhBSUMzQTQ1NkFDRFpXQTM5U0EzVzAwVS4u).
-The OIT project team eagerly anticipates the 4th of March, excited to reunite with familiar faces and warmly welcome members of our community as well as new faces from both TU Delft and other institutions.
+Join us at the symposium on March 4th. Discover the latest advancements in Jupyter Books, connect with the Open Interactive Textbooks (OIT) community that has grown within TU Delft and celebrate the authors who have published [Open Interactive Textbooks](https://textbooks.open.tudelft.nl/textbooks/catalog/category/interactive) in the past year. The OIT project team is excited to reunite with familiar faces and welcome members of our community, as well as new faces from both TU Delft and other institutions. Read more about the [programme](./content/Programme.md) and [register](https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=TVJuCSlpMECM04q0LeCIe30g6N5KbJdNhA-JRp_LU2NUQzhBSUMzQTQ1NkFDRFpXQTM5U0EzVzAwVS4u).
 Warm regards,