diff --git a/artifacts/results/images/mnist_eccco.png b/artifacts/results/images/mnist_eccco.png
index 217094c975213d0afc36922c9b9d0d1653d1b7d4..4d91b401d4b88aaeaae8660904fe687f128f74b3 100644
Binary files a/artifacts/results/images/mnist_eccco.png and b/artifacts/results/images/mnist_eccco.png differ
diff --git a/artifacts/results/images/mnist_eccco_benchmark.png b/artifacts/results/images/mnist_eccco_benchmark.png
index 9bf388b70297582d15f3accc2b6da83d46e512f1..49b590bc15223b0bf69a600c0648a91cc578c048 100644
Binary files a/artifacts/results/images/mnist_eccco_benchmark.png and b/artifacts/results/images/mnist_eccco_benchmark.png differ
diff --git a/artifacts/results/mnist_vae.jls b/artifacts/results/mnist_vae.jls
index e571c3f2ac2db78575bfa61439e4da7b817bb3f7..b0e32960a27364c9cf284cd5d8409ec363dd5299 100644
Binary files a/artifacts/results/mnist_vae.jls and b/artifacts/results/mnist_vae.jls differ
diff --git a/artifacts/results/mnist_vae_weak.jls b/artifacts/results/mnist_vae_weak.jls
index 5717d5eeb1a7e905354727a7553c701f328a93be..d3db5f46b841781aeaa993c20653bae898dc0aad 100644
Binary files a/artifacts/results/mnist_vae_weak.jls and b/artifacts/results/mnist_vae_weak.jls differ
diff --git a/notebooks/mnist.qmd b/notebooks/mnist.qmd
index e8b52e2313bb4eed9641ade3ceef39b8925664fb..82d559fddefc8f283e66c3366ec4ff6fb9e9f48b 100644
--- a/notebooks/mnist.qmd
+++ b/notebooks/mnist.qmd
@@ -137,7 +137,6 @@ savefig(plt, joinpath(output_images_path, "surrogate_gone_wrong.png"))
 function pre_process(x; noise::Float32=0.03f0)
     ϵ = Float32.(randn(size(x)) * noise)
-    x = @.(2 * x - 1) 
     x += ϵ
     return x
@@ -149,7 +148,7 @@ _retrain = false
 _regen = false
 # Data:
-n_obs = 10000
+n_obs = 1000
 counterfactual_data = load_mnist(n_obs)
 counterfactual_data.X = pre_process.(counterfactual_data.X)
 X, y = CounterfactualExplanations.DataPreprocessing.unpack_data(counterfactual_data)
@@ -187,7 +186,7 @@ sampler = ConditionalSampler(
-α = [1.0,1.0,1e-2]      # penalty strengths
+α = [1.0,1.0,1e-1]      # penalty strengths
@@ -307,7 +306,6 @@ model_performance = DataFrame()
 for (mod_name, mod) in model_dict
     # Test performance:
     test_data = load_mnist_test()
-    test_data.X = pre_process.(test_data.X, noise=0.0f0)
     _perf = CounterfactualExplanations.Models.model_evaluation(mod, test_data, measure=collect(values(measure)))
     _perf = DataFrame([[p] for p in _perf], collect(keys(measure)))
     _perf.mod_name .= mod_name
@@ -321,58 +319,132 @@ model_performance
 ### Different Models
-plt_order = ["MLP", "MLP Ensemble", "JEM", "JEM Ensemble"]
-# ECCCo:
-# Generate counterfactuals using ECCCo generator:
-eccco_generator = ECCCoGenerator(
-    λ=λ, 
-    temp=temp, 
-    opt=Flux.Optimise.Adam(η),
+function _plot_eccco_mnist(
+    x::Union{AbstractArray, Int}=x_factual, target::Int=target;
+    λ=[0.1,0.1,0.1],
+    temp=0.1,η=0.01,
+    plt_order = ["MLP", "MLP Ensemble", "JEM", "JEM Ensemble"],
+    opt = Flux.Optimise.Adam(η),
+    rng::Union{Int,AbstractRNG}=Random.GLOBAL_RNG,
-ces = Dict()
-for (mod_name, mod) in model_dict
-    ce = generate_counterfactual(
-        x_factual, target, counterfactual_data, mod, eccco_generator; 
-        decision_threshold=γ, max_iter=T,
-        initialization=:identity,
-        converge_when=:generator_conditions,
+    # Setup:
+    Random.seed!(rng)
+    if x isa Int
+        x = reshape(counterfactual_data.X[:,rand(findall(labels.==x))],input_dim,1)
+    end
+    # Generate counterfactuals using ECCCo generator:
+    eccco_generator = ECCCoGenerator(
+        λ=λ, 
+        temp=temp, 
+        opt=opt,
+    )
+    ces = Dict()
+    for (mod_name, mod) in model_dict
+        ce = generate_counterfactual(
+            x, target, counterfactual_data, mod, eccco_generator; 
+            decision_threshold=γ, max_iter=T,
+            initialization=:identity,
+            converge_when=:generator_conditions,
+        )
+        ces[mod_name] = ce
+    end
+    _plt_order = map(x -> findall(collect(keys(model_dict)) .== x)[1], plt_order)
+    # Plot:
+    p1 = Plots.plot(
+        convert2image(MNIST, reshape(x,28,28)),
+        axis=nothing, 
+        size=(img_height, img_height),
+        title="Factual"
-    ces[mod_name] = ce
+    plts = []
+    for (_name,ce) in ces
+        _x = CounterfactualExplanations.counterfactual(ce)
+        _phat = target_probs(ce)
+        _title = "$_name (p̂=$(round(_phat[1]; digits=3)))"
+        plt = Plots.plot(
+            convert2image(MNIST, reshape(_x,28,28)),
+            axis=nothing, 
+            size=(img_height, img_height),
+            title=_title
+        )
+        plts = [plts..., plt]
+    end
+    plts = plts[_plt_order]
+    plts = [p1, plts...]
+    plt = Plots.plot(plts...; size=(img_height*length(plts),img_height), layout=(1,length(plts)))
+    return plt, eccco_generator
-_plt_order = map(x -> findall(collect(keys(model_dict)) .== x)[1], plt_order)
-# Plot:
-p1 = Plots.plot(
-    convert2image(MNIST, reshape(x_factual,28,28)),
-    axis=nothing, 
-    size=(img_height, img_height),
-    title="Factual"
+plt, eccco_generator = _plot_eccco_mnist()
+savefig(plt, joinpath(output_images_path, "mnist_eccco.png"))
+### All digits
+function plot_mnist(
+    factual::Int,target::Int;
+    generator::AbstractGenerator,
+    model::AbstractFittedModel=model_dict["JEM Ensemble"],
+    data::CounterfactualData=counterfactual_data,
+    rng::Union{Int,AbstractRNG}=Random.GLOBAL_RNG,
+    _plot_title::Bool=true,
+    kwargs...,
+    decision_threshold = !isdefined(kwargs, :decision_threshold) ? 0.9 : decision_threshold
+    max_iter = !isdefined(kwargs, :max_iter) ? 100 : max_iter
+    initialization = !isdefined(kwargs, :initialization) ? :identity : initialization
+    converge_when = !isdefined(kwargs, :converge_when) ? :generator_conditions : converge_when
+    x = reshape(data.X[:,rand(findall(predict_label(model, data).==factual))],input_dim,1)
+    ce = generate_counterfactual(
+        x, target, data, model, generator; 
+        decision_threshold=decision_threshold, max_iter=max_iter,
+        initialization=initialization,
+        converge_when=converge_when,
+        kwargs...
+    )
+    _title = _plot_title ? "$(factual) -> $(target)" : ""
-plts = []
-for (_name,ce) in ces
     _x = CounterfactualExplanations.counterfactual(ce)
-    _phat = target_probs(ce)
-    _title = "$_name (p̂=$(round(_phat[1]; digits=3)))"
     plt = Plots.plot(
         convert2image(MNIST, reshape(_x,28,28)),
         size=(img_height, img_height),
-    plts = [plts..., plt]
+    return plt
+if _regen
+    function plot_all_digits(rng=1;verbose=true,kwargs...)
+        plts = []
+        for i in 0:9
+            for j in 0:9
+                @info "Generating counterfactual for $(i) -> $(j)"
+                plt = plot_mnist(i,j;kwargs...,rng=rng)
+                !verbose || display(plt)
+                plts = [plts..., plt]
+            end
+        end
+        plt = Plots.plot(plts...; size=(img_height*10,img_height*10), layout=(10,10))
+        return plt
+    end
+    plt = plot_all_digits(generator=eccco_generator)
+    savefig(plt, joinpath(output_images_path, "mnist_eccco_all_digits.png"))
-plts = plts[_plt_order]
-plts = [p1, plts...]
-plt = Plots.plot(plts...; size=(img_height*length(plts),img_height), layout=(1,length(plts)))
-savefig(plt, joinpath(output_images_path, "mnist_eccco.png"))
 ### Different Generators
@@ -432,21 +504,12 @@ savefig(plt, joinpath(output_images_path, "mnist_eccco_benchmark.png"))
 ## Benchmark
-# Benchmark generators:
-generators = Dict(
-    :wachter => GenericGenerator(opt=opt, λ=l2_λ),
-    :revise => REVISEGenerator(opt=opt, λ=l2_λ),
-    :greedy => GreedyGenerator(),
-# Conformal Models: 
 # Measures:
 measures = [
+    CounterfactualExplanations.redudancy,
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/paper/paper.pdf b/paper/paper.pdf
index 2859dae90c8dc3dd0fa0be53ee9a0557c3ac9354..b7ffb3b71de08967964800dacafa97d294ab1dfa 100644
Binary files a/paper/paper.pdf and b/paper/paper.pdf differ
diff --git a/src/generator.jl b/src/generator.jl
index 72952aa31de89bf7d1a8d297a8337abe97cf9a16..87b1dceff3e45e92075efdfb5a69f614eb15e2af 100644
--- a/src/generator.jl
+++ b/src/generator.jl
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ function ECCCoGenerator(;
     function _set_size_penalty(ce::AbstractCounterfactualExplanation)
         return ECCCo.set_size_penalty(ce; κ=κ, temp=temp)
-    _penalties = [Objectives.distance_l2, _set_size_penalty, ECCCo.distance_from_energy]
+    _penalties = [Objectives.distance_l1, _set_size_penalty, ECCCo.distance_from_energy]
     λ = λ isa AbstractFloat ? [0.0, λ, λ] : λ
     return Generator(; penalty=_penalties, λ=λ, opt=opt, kwargs...)
diff --git a/src/penalties.jl b/src/penalties.jl
index 19f06ae48de244bc691df38268ec92322554b139..92b007d06e219bf2bb3b69952d286619a0c5f8a7 100644
--- a/src/penalties.jl
+++ b/src/penalties.jl
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 using ChainRules: ignore_derivatives
 using Distances
+using Flux
 using LinearAlgebra: norm
 using Statistics: mean
@@ -37,7 +38,7 @@ end
 function distance_from_energy(
-    n::Int=10, niter=250, from_buffer=true, agg=mean, kwargs...
+    n::Int=10, niter=100, from_buffer=true, agg=mean, kwargs...
     conditional_samples = []
     ignore_derivatives() do
@@ -46,7 +47,7 @@ function distance_from_energy(
             _dict[:energy_sampler] = ECCCo.EnergySampler(ce; niter=niter, nsamples=n, kwargs...)
         sampler = _dict[:energy_sampler]
-        push!(conditional_samples, rand(sampler, n; from_buffer=from_buffer))
+        push!(conditional_samples, rand(sampler, 100; from_buffer=from_buffer))
     x′ = CounterfactualExplanations.counterfactual(ce)
     loss = map(eachslice(x′, dims=ndims(x′))) do x