diff --git a/artifacts/results/cal_housing_models.jls b/artifacts/results/cal_housing_models.jls
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d19ece952b9aa0d5ce52367d41e879c597848020
Binary files /dev/null and b/artifacts/results/cal_housing_models.jls differ
diff --git a/notebooks/cal_housing.qmd b/notebooks/cal_housing.qmd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bea1cfa83b1662eda63eab353ccb25f3e081e72e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notebooks/cal_housing.qmd
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+# Real-World Data
+# Hyper:
+_retrain = true
+# Data:
+n_obs = 10000
+counterfactual_data = load_california_housing(n_obs)
+X, y = CounterfactualExplanations.DataPreprocessing.unpack_data(counterfactual_data)
+X = table(permutedims(X))
+labels = counterfactual_data.output_encoder.labels
+input_dim, n_obs = size(counterfactual_data.X)
+output_dim = length(unique(labels))
+First, let's create a couple of image classifier architectures:
+# Model parameters:
+epochs = 100
+batch_size = minimum([Int(round(n_obs/10)), 128])
+n_hidden = 64
+activation = Flux.relu
+builder = MLJFlux.@builder Flux.Chain(
+    Dense(n_in, n_hidden, activation),
+    Dense(n_hidden, n_out),
+n_ens = 5                                   # number of models in ensemble
+_loss = Flux.Losses.logitcrossentropy       # loss function
+_finaliser = x -> x                         # finaliser function
+# JEM parameters:
+𝒟x = Normal()
+𝒟y = Categorical(ones(output_dim) ./ output_dim)
+sampler = ConditionalSampler(
+    𝒟x, 𝒟y, 
+    input_size=(input_dim,), 
+    batch_size=10,
+α = [1.0,1.0,1e-2]      # penalty strengths
+# Simple MLP:
+mlp = NeuralNetworkClassifier(
+    builder=builder, 
+    epochs=epochs,
+    batch_size=batch_size,
+    finaliser=_finaliser,
+    loss=_loss,
+# Deep Ensemble:
+mlp_ens = EnsembleModel(model=mlp, n=n_ens)
+# Joint Energy Model:
+jem = JointEnergyClassifier(
+    sampler;
+    builder=builder,
+    epochs=epochs,
+    batch_size=batch_size,
+    finaliser=_finaliser,
+    loss=_loss,
+    jem_training_params=(
+        α=α,verbosity=10,
+    ),
+    sampling_steps=20,
+# JEM with adversarial training:
+jem_adv = deepcopy(jem)
+# jem_adv.adv_training = true
+# Deep Ensemble of Joint Energy Models:
+jem_ens = EnsembleModel(model=jem, n=n_ens)
+# Deep Ensemble of Joint Energy Models with adversarial training:
+# jem_ens_plus = EnsembleModel(model=jem_adv, n=n_ens)
+# Dictionary of models:
+models = Dict(
+    "MLP" => mlp,
+    "MLP Ensemble" => mlp_ens,
+    "JEM" => jem,
+    "JEM Ensemble" => jem_ens,
+    # "JEM Ensemble+" => jem_ens_plus,
+# Train models:
+function _train(model, X=X, y=labels; cov=.95, method=:simple_inductive, mod_name="model")
+    conf_model = conformal_model(model; method=method, coverage=cov)
+    mach = machine(conf_model, X, y)
+    @info "Begin training $mod_name."
+    fit!(mach)
+    @info "Finished training $mod_name."
+    M = ECCCo.ConformalModel(mach.model, mach.fitresult)
+    return M
+if _retrain
+    model_dict = Dict(mod_name => _train(mod; mod_name=mod_name) for (mod_name, mod) in models)
+    Serialization.serialize(joinpath(output_path,"cal_housing_models.jls"), model_dict)
+    model_dict = Serialization.deserialize(joinpath(output_path,"cal_housing_models.jls"))
+# # Evaluate models:
+# measure = Dict(
+#     :f1score => multiclass_f1score, 
+#     :acc => accuracy, 
+#     :precision => multiclass_precision
+# )
+# model_performance = DataFrame()
+# for (mod_name, mod) in model_dict
+#     # Test performance:
+#     test_data = load_mnist_test()
+#     _perf = CounterfactualExplanations.Models.model_evaluation(mod, test_data, measure=collect(values(measure)))
+#     _perf = DataFrame([[p] for p in _perf], collect(keys(measure)))
+#     _perf.mod_name .= mod_name
+#     model_performance = vcat(model_performance, _perf)
+# end
+# Serialization.serialize(joinpath(output_path,"cal_housing_model_performance.jls"), model_performance)
+# CSV.write(joinpath(output_path, "cal_housing_model_performance.csv"), model_performance)
+# model_performance
+## Benchmark
+# Benchmark generators:
+generator_dict = Dict(
+    :wachter => WachterGenerator(),
+    :revise => REVISEGenerator(),
+    :greedy => GreedyGenerator(),
+    :eccco => ECCCoGenerator(),
+# Measures:
+measures = [
+    CounterfactualExplanations.distance,
+    ECCCo.distance_from_energy,
+    ECCCo.distance_from_targets,
+    CounterfactualExplanations.Evaluation.validity,
+    CounterfactualExplanations.Evaluation.redundancy,
+bmk = benchmark(
+    counterfactual_data; 
+    models=model_dict, 
+    generators=generator_dict, 
+    measure=measures,
+    suppress_training=true, dataname="California Housing",
+    n_individuals=5,
+    factual=0, target=1,
+    initialization=:identity,
+CSV.write(joinpath(output_path, "cal_housing_benchmark.csv"), bmk())
+@chain bmk() begin
+    @group_by(dataname, generator, model, variable)
+    @summarize(mean=mean(value),sd=std(value))
+    @ungroup
+    @filter(variable == "distance_from_energy")
+df = @chain bmk() begin
+    @filter(variable in [
+        "distance_from_energy",
+        "distance_from_targets",
+        "distance",])
+    @mutate(variable = ifelse.(variable .== "distance_from_energy", "Non-Conformity", variable))
+    @mutate(variable = ifelse.(variable .== "distance_from_targets", "Implausibility", variable))
+    @mutate(variable = ifelse.(variable .== "distance", "Cost", variable))
+plt = AlgebraOfGraphics.data(df) * visual(BoxPlot) * 
+    mapping(:generator, :value, row=:variable, col=:model, color=:generator)
+plt = draw(
+    plt, axis=(xlabel="", xticksvisible=false, xticklabelsvisible=false, width=150, height=120), 
+    facet=(; linkyaxes=:minimal)
+save(joinpath(output_images_path, "cal_housing_benchmark.png"), plt, px_per_unit=5)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/notebooks/gmsc.qmd b/notebooks/gmsc.qmd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fa63937a6b0051f1734b6ab2c2cfab5e78099993
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notebooks/gmsc.qmd
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+# Real-World Data
+# Hyper:
+_retrain = true
+# Data:
+n_obs = 10000
+counterfactual_data = load_california_housing(n_obs)
+X, y = CounterfactualExplanations.DataPreprocessing.unpack_data(counterfactual_data)
+X = table(permutedims(X))
+labels = counterfactual_data.output_encoder.labels
+input_dim, n_obs = size(counterfactual_data.X)
+output_dim = length(unique(labels))
+First, let's create a couple of image classifier architectures:
+# Model parameters:
+epochs = 100
+batch_size = minimum([Int(round(n_obs/10)), 128])
+n_hidden = 64
+activation = Flux.relu
+builder = MLJFlux.@builder Flux.Chain(
+    Dense(n_in, n_hidden, activation),
+    Dense(n_hidden, n_out),
+n_ens = 5                                   # number of models in ensemble
+_loss = Flux.Losses.logitcrossentropy       # loss function
+_finaliser = x -> x                         # finaliser function
+# JEM parameters:
+𝒟x = Normal()
+𝒟y = Categorical(ones(output_dim) ./ output_dim)
+sampler = ConditionalSampler(
+    𝒟x, 𝒟y, 
+    input_size=(input_dim,), 
+    batch_size=10,
+α = [1.0,1.0,1e-2]      # penalty strengths
+# Simple MLP:
+mlp = NeuralNetworkClassifier(
+    builder=builder, 
+    epochs=epochs,
+    batch_size=batch_size,
+    finaliser=_finaliser,
+    loss=_loss,
+# Deep Ensemble:
+mlp_ens = EnsembleModel(model=mlp, n=n_ens)
+# Joint Energy Model:
+jem = JointEnergyClassifier(
+    sampler;
+    builder=builder,
+    epochs=epochs,
+    batch_size=batch_size,
+    finaliser=_finaliser,
+    loss=_loss,
+    jem_training_params=(
+        α=α,verbosity=10,
+    ),
+    sampling_steps=20,
+# JEM with adversarial training:
+jem_adv = deepcopy(jem)
+# jem_adv.adv_training = true
+# Deep Ensemble of Joint Energy Models:
+jem_ens = EnsembleModel(model=jem, n=n_ens)
+# Deep Ensemble of Joint Energy Models with adversarial training:
+# jem_ens_plus = EnsembleModel(model=jem_adv, n=n_ens)
+# Dictionary of models:
+models = Dict(
+    "MLP" => mlp,
+    "MLP Ensemble" => mlp_ens,
+    "JEM" => jem,
+    "JEM Ensemble" => jem_ens,
+    # "JEM Ensemble+" => jem_ens_plus,
+# Train models:
+function _train(model, X=X, y=labels; cov=.95, method=:simple_inductive, mod_name="model")
+    conf_model = conformal_model(model; method=method, coverage=cov)
+    mach = machine(conf_model, X, y)
+    @info "Begin training $mod_name."
+    fit!(mach)
+    @info "Finished training $mod_name."
+    M = ECCCo.ConformalModel(mach.model, mach.fitresult)
+    return M
+if _retrain
+    model_dict = Dict(mod_name => _train(mod; mod_name=mod_name) for (mod_name, mod) in models)
+    Serialization.serialize(joinpath(output_path,"gmsc_models.jls"), model_dict)
+    model_dict = Serialization.deserialize(joinpath(output_path,"gmsc_models.jls"))
+# # Evaluate models:
+# measure = Dict(
+#     :f1score => multiclass_f1score, 
+#     :acc => accuracy, 
+#     :precision => multiclass_precision
+# )
+# model_performance = DataFrame()
+# for (mod_name, mod) in model_dict
+#     # Test performance:
+#     test_data = load_mnist_test()
+#     _perf = CounterfactualExplanations.Models.model_evaluation(mod, test_data, measure=collect(values(measure)))
+#     _perf = DataFrame([[p] for p in _perf], collect(keys(measure)))
+#     _perf.mod_name .= mod_name
+#     model_performance = vcat(model_performance, _perf)
+# end
+# Serialization.serialize(joinpath(output_path,"gmsc_model_performance.jls"), model_performance)
+# CSV.write(joinpath(output_path, "gmsc_model_performance.csv"), model_performance)
+# model_performance
+## Benchmark
+# Benchmark generators:
+generator_dict = Dict(
+    :wachter => WachterGenerator(),
+    :revise => REVISEGenerator(),
+    :greedy => GreedyGenerator(),
+    :eccco => ECCCoGenerator(),
+# Measures:
+measures = [
+    CounterfactualExplanations.distance,
+    ECCCo.distance_from_energy,
+    ECCCo.distance_from_targets,
+    CounterfactualExplanations.Evaluation.validity,
+    CounterfactualExplanations.Evaluation.redundancy,
+bmk = benchmark(
+    counterfactual_data; 
+    models=model_dict, 
+    generators=generator_dict, 
+    measure=measures,
+    suppress_training=true, dataname="Californian Housing",
+    n_individuals=5,
+    factual=0, target=1,
+    initialization=:identity,
+CSV.write(joinpath(output_path, "gmsc_benchmark.csv"), bmk())
+@chain bmk() begin
+    @group_by(dataname, generator, model, variable)
+    @summarize(mean=mean(value),sd=std(value))
+    @ungroup
+    @filter(variable == "distance_from_energy")
+df = @chain bmk() begin
+    @filter(variable in [
+        "distance_from_energy",
+        "distance_from_targets",
+        "distance",])
+    @mutate(variable = ifelse.(variable .== "distance_from_energy", "Non-Conformity", variable))
+    @mutate(variable = ifelse.(variable .== "distance_from_targets", "Implausibility", variable))
+    @mutate(variable = ifelse.(variable .== "distance", "Cost", variable))
+plt = AlgebraOfGraphics.data(df) * visual(BoxPlot) * 
+    mapping(:generator, :value, row=:variable, col=:model, color=:generator)
+plt = draw(
+    plt, axis=(xlabel="", xticksvisible=false, xticklabelsvisible=false, width=150, height=120), 
+    facet=(; linkyaxes=:minimal)
+save(joinpath(output_images_path, "gmsc_benchmark.png"), plt, px_per_unit=5)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/notebooks/real_world.qmd b/notebooks/real_world.qmd
deleted file mode 100644
index 465dce5171b9b631413a9d6c027075ada68a04f6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/notebooks/real_world.qmd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,420 +0,0 @@
-# Real-World Data
-# Hyper:
-_retrain = false
-_regen = false
-# Data:
-n_obs = 10000
-datasets = load_tabular_data(n_obs; drop=:credit_default)
-X, y = CounterfactualExplanations.DataPreprocessing.unpack_data(counterfactual_data)
-X = table(permutedims(X))
-x_factual = reshape(pre_process(x_factual, noise=0.0f0), input_dim, 1)
-labels = counterfactual_data.output_encoder.labels
-input_dim, n_obs = size(counterfactual_data.X)
-n_digits = Int(sqrt(input_dim))
-output_dim = length(unique(labels))
-First, let's create a couple of image classifier architectures:
-# Model parameters:
-epochs = 100
-batch_size = minimum([Int(round(n_obs/10)), 128])
-n_hidden = 64
-activation = Flux.relu
-builder = MLJFlux.@builder Flux.Chain(
-    Dense(n_in, n_hidden, activation),
-    Dense(n_hidden, n_out),
-n_ens = 5                                   # number of models in ensemble
-_loss = Flux.Losses.logitcrossentropy       # loss function
-_finaliser = x -> x                         # finaliser function
-# JEM parameters:
-𝒟x = Uniform(0,1)
-𝒟y = Categorical(ones(output_dim) ./ output_dim)
-sampler = ConditionalSampler(
-    𝒟x, 𝒟y, 
-    input_size=(input_dim,), 
-    batch_size=10,
-α = [1.0,1.0,1e-2]      # penalty strengths
-# Simple MLP:
-mlp = NeuralNetworkClassifier(
-    builder=builder, 
-    epochs=epochs,
-    batch_size=batch_size,
-    finaliser=_finaliser,
-    loss=_loss,
-# Deep Ensemble:
-mlp_ens = EnsembleModel(model=mlp, n=n_ens)
-# Joint Energy Model:
-jem = JointEnergyClassifier(
-    sampler;
-    builder=builder,
-    epochs=epochs,
-    batch_size=batch_size,
-    finaliser=_finaliser,
-    loss=_loss,
-    jem_training_params=(
-        α=α,verbosity=10,
-    ),
-    sampling_steps=20,
-# JEM with adversarial training:
-jem_adv = deepcopy(jem)
-# jem_adv.adv_training = true
-# Deep Ensemble of Joint Energy Models:
-jem_ens = EnsembleModel(model=jem, n=n_ens)
-# Deep Ensemble of Joint Energy Models with adversarial training:
-# jem_ens_plus = EnsembleModel(model=jem_adv, n=n_ens)
-# Dictionary of models:
-models = Dict(
-    "MLP" => mlp,
-    "MLP Ensemble" => mlp_ens,
-    "JEM" => jem,
-    "JEM Ensemble" => jem_ens,
-    # "JEM Ensemble+" => jem_ens_plus,
-# Train models:
-function _train(model, X=X, y=labels; cov=.95, method=:simple_inductive, mod_name="model")
-    conf_model = conformal_model(model; method=method, coverage=cov)
-    mach = machine(conf_model, X, y)
-    @info "Begin training $mod_name."
-    fit!(mach)
-    @info "Finished training $mod_name."
-    M = ECCCo.ConformalModel(mach.model, mach.fitresult)
-    return M
-if _retrain
-    model_dict = Dict(mod_name => _train(mod; mod_name=mod_name) for (mod_name, mod) in models)
-    Serialization.serialize(joinpath(output_path,"mnist_models.jls"), model_dict)
-    model_dict = Serialization.deserialize(joinpath(output_path,"mnist_models.jls"))
-# Plot generated samples:
-n_regen = 150
-if _regen 
-    for (mod_name, mod) in model_dict
-        if ECCCo._has_sampler(mod)
-            sampler = ECCCo._get_sampler(mod)
-        else
-            K = length(counterfactual_data.y_levels)
-            input_size = size(selectdim(counterfactual_data.X, ndims(counterfactual_data.X), 1))
-            𝒟x = Uniform(extrema(counterfactual_data.X)...)
-            𝒟y = Categorical(ones(K) ./ K)
-            sampler = ConditionalSampler(𝒟x, 𝒟y; input_size=input_size)
-        end
-        opt = ImproperSGLD()
-        f(x) = logits(mod, x)
-        _w = 1500
-        plts = []
-        neach = 10
-        for i in 1:10
-            x = sampler(f, opt; niter=n_regen, n_samples=neach, y=i)
-            plts_i = []
-            for j in 1:size(x, 2)
-                xj = x[:,j]
-                xj = reshape(xj, (n_digits, n_digits))
-                plts_i = [plts_i..., Plots.heatmap(rotl90(xj), axis=nothing, cb=false)]
-            end
-            plt = Plots.plot(plts_i..., size=(_w,0.10*_w), layout=(1,10))
-            plts = [plts..., plt]
-        end
-        plt = Plots.plot(plts..., size=(_w,_w), layout=(10,1), plot_title=mod_name)
-        savefig(plt, joinpath(output_images_path, "mnist_generated_$(mod_name).png"))
-        display(plt)
-    end
-# Evaluate models:
-measure = Dict(
-    :f1score => multiclass_f1score, 
-    :acc => accuracy, 
-    :precision => multiclass_precision
-model_performance = DataFrame()
-for (mod_name, mod) in model_dict
-    # Test performance:
-    test_data = load_mnist_test()
-    _perf = CounterfactualExplanations.Models.model_evaluation(mod, test_data, measure=collect(values(measure)))
-    _perf = DataFrame([[p] for p in _perf], collect(keys(measure)))
-    _perf.mod_name .= mod_name
-    model_performance = vcat(model_performance, _perf)
-Serialization.serialize(joinpath(output_path,"mnist_model_performance.jls"), model_performance)
-CSV.write(joinpath(output_path, "mnist_model_performance.csv"), model_performance)
-### Different Models
-function _plot_eccco_mnist(
-    x::Union{AbstractArray, Int}=x_factual, target::Int=target;
-    λ=[0.5,0.1,0.5],
-    temp=0.1,η=0.01,
-    plt_order = ["MLP", "MLP Ensemble", "JEM", "JEM Ensemble"],
-    opt = Flux.Optimise.Adam(η),
-    rng::Union{Int,AbstractRNG}=Random.GLOBAL_RNG,
-    # Setup:
-    Random.seed!(rng)
-    if x isa Int
-        x = reshape(counterfactual_data.X[:,rand(findall(labels.==x))],input_dim,1)
-    end
-    # Generate counterfactuals using ECCCo generator:
-    eccco_generator = ECCCoGenerator(
-        λ=λ, 
-        temp=temp, 
-        opt=opt,
-    )
-    ces = Dict()
-    for (mod_name, mod) in model_dict
-        ce = generate_counterfactual(
-            x, target, counterfactual_data, mod, eccco_generator; 
-            decision_threshold=γ, max_iter=T,
-            initialization=:identity,
-            converge_when=:generator_conditions,
-        )
-        ces[mod_name] = ce
-    end
-    _plt_order = map(x -> findall(collect(keys(model_dict)) .== x)[1], plt_order)
-    # Plot:
-    p1 = Plots.plot(
-        convert2image(MNIST, reshape(x,28,28)),
-        axis=nothing, 
-        size=(img_height, img_height),
-        title="Factual"
-    )
-    plts = []
-    for (_name,ce) in ces
-        _x = CounterfactualExplanations.counterfactual(ce)
-        _phat = target_probs(ce)
-        _title = "$_name (p̂=$(round(_phat[1]; digits=3)))"
-        plt = Plots.plot(
-            convert2image(MNIST, reshape(_x,28,28)),
-            axis=nothing, 
-            size=(img_height, img_height),
-            title=_title
-        )
-        plts = [plts..., plt]
-    end
-    plts = plts[_plt_order]
-    plts = [p1, plts...]
-    plt = Plots.plot(plts...; size=(img_height*length(plts),img_height), layout=(1,length(plts)))
-    return plt, eccco_generator
-plt, eccco_generator = _plot_eccco_mnist()
-savefig(plt, joinpath(output_images_path, "mnist_eccco.png"))
-### All digits
-function plot_mnist(
-    factual::Int,target::Int;
-    generator::AbstractGenerator,
-    model::AbstractFittedModel=model_dict["JEM Ensemble"],
-    data::CounterfactualData=counterfactual_data,
-    rng::Union{Int,AbstractRNG}=Random.GLOBAL_RNG,
-    _plot_title::Bool=true,
-    kwargs...,
-    decision_threshold = !isdefined(kwargs, :decision_threshold) ? 0.9 : decision_threshold
-    max_iter = !isdefined(kwargs, :max_iter) ? 100 : max_iter
-    initialization = !isdefined(kwargs, :initialization) ? :identity : initialization
-    converge_when = !isdefined(kwargs, :converge_when) ? :generator_conditions : converge_when
-    x = reshape(data.X[:,rand(findall(predict_label(model, data).==factual))],input_dim,1)
-    ce = generate_counterfactual(
-        x, target, data, model, generator; 
-        decision_threshold=decision_threshold, max_iter=max_iter,
-        initialization=initialization,
-        converge_when=converge_when,
-        kwargs...
-    )
-    _title = _plot_title ? "$(factual) -> $(target)" : ""
-    _x = CounterfactualExplanations.counterfactual(ce)
-    plt = Plots.plot(
-        convert2image(MNIST, reshape(_x,28,28)),
-        axis=nothing, 
-        size=(img_height, img_height),
-        title=_title
-    )
-    return plt
-if _regen
-    function plot_all_digits(rng=1;verbose=true,kwargs...)
-        plts = []
-        for i in 0:9
-            for j in 0:9
-                @info "Generating counterfactual for $(i) -> $(j)"
-                plt = plot_mnist(i,j;kwargs...,rng=rng)
-                !verbose || display(plt)
-                plts = [plts..., plt]
-            end
-        end
-        plt = Plots.plot(plts...; size=(img_height*10,img_height*10), layout=(10,10))
-        return plt
-    end
-    plt = plot_all_digits(generator=eccco_generator)
-    savefig(plt, joinpath(output_images_path, "mnist_eccco_all_digits.png"))
-### Different Generators
-# Setup:
-model = model_dict["JEM Ensemble"]
-# Benchmark generators:
-generator_dict = Dict(
-    :wachter => generic_generator,
-    :revise => revise_generator,
-    :greedy => greedy_generator,
-    :eccco => eccco_generator,
-ces = Dict()
-for (gen_name, gen) in generator_dict
-    ce = generate_counterfactual(
-        x_factual, target, counterfactual_data, model, gen; 
-        decision_threshold=γ, max_iter=T,
-        initialization=:identity,
-        converge_when=:generator_conditions,
-    )
-    ces[gen_name] = ce
-plt_order = sortperm(collect(keys(ces)))
-# Plot:
-p1 = Plots.plot(
-    convert2image(MNIST, reshape(x_factual,28,28)),
-    axis=nothing, 
-    size=(img_height, img_height),
-    title="Factual"
-plts = []
-for (_name,ce) in ces
-    _x = CounterfactualExplanations.counterfactual(ce)
-    _phat = target_probs(ce)
-    _title = "$_name (p̂=$(round(_phat[1]; digits=3)))"
-    plt = Plots.plot(
-        convert2image(MNIST, reshape(_x,28,28)),
-        axis=nothing, 
-        size=(img_height, img_height),
-        title=_title
-    )
-    plts = [plts..., plt]
-plts = plts[plt_order]
-plts = [p1, plts...]
-plt = Plots.plot(plts...; size=(img_height*length(plts),img_height), layout=(1,length(plts)))
-savefig(plt, joinpath(output_images_path, "mnist_all_generators.png"))
-## Benchmark
-# Measures:
-measures = [
-    CounterfactualExplanations.distance,
-    ECCCo.distance_from_energy,
-    ECCCo.distance_from_targets,
-    CounterfactualExplanations.Evaluation.validity,
-    CounterfactualExplanations.Evaluation.redundancy,
-bmk = benchmark(
-    counterfactual_data; 
-    models=model_dict, 
-    generators=generator_dict, 
-    measure=measures,
-    suppress_training=true, dataname="MNIST",
-    n_individuals=5,
-    factual=0, target=1,
-    initialization=:identity,
-CSV.write(joinpath(output_path, "mnist_benchmark.csv"), bmk())
-@chain bmk() begin
-    @group_by(dataname, generator, model, variable)
-    @summarize(mean=mean(value),sd=std(value))
-    @ungroup
-    @filter(variable == "distance_from_energy")
-df = @chain bmk() begin
-    @filter(variable in [
-        "distance_from_energy",
-        "distance_from_targets",
-        "distance",])
-    @mutate(variable = ifelse.(variable .== "distance_from_energy", "Non-Conformity", variable))
-    @mutate(variable = ifelse.(variable .== "distance_from_targets", "Implausibility", variable))
-    @mutate(variable = ifelse.(variable .== "distance", "Cost", variable))
-plt = AlgebraOfGraphics.data(df) * visual(BoxPlot) * 
-    mapping(:generator, :value, row=:variable, col=:model, color=:generator)
-plt = draw(
-    plt, axis=(xlabel="", xticksvisible=false, xticklabelsvisible=false, width=150, height=120), 
-    facet=(; linkyaxes=:minimal)
-save(joinpath(output_images_path, "mnist_benchmark.png"), plt, px_per_unit=5)
\ No newline at end of file