From 72b4b425775c94ad54df923b048cf0d36a4b2b7f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: TUD278427 <>
Date: Thu, 4 Jun 2020 13:56:45 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] make hardware snapshottable

 core_tools/drivers/ | 256 ++++++++++++++++++----------------
 1 file changed, 137 insertions(+), 119 deletions(-)

diff --git a/core_tools/drivers/ b/core_tools/drivers/
index 7d523612..1a5944cc 100644
--- a/core_tools/drivers/
+++ b/core_tools/drivers/
@@ -2,142 +2,160 @@ from dataclasses import dataclass
 import qcodes as qc
 import numpy as np
 import shelve
+from typing import Sequence
 class virtual_gate:
-	name:str
-	real_gate_names: list
-	virtual_gate_names: list
-	virtual_gate_matrix: np.ndarray
-	def __init__(self, name, real_gate_names, virtual_gate_names=None):
-		'''
-		generate a virtual gate object.
-		Args:
-			real_gate_names (list<str>) : list with the names of real gates
-			virtual_gate_names (list<str>) : (optional) names of the virtual gates set. If not provided a "v" is inserted before the gate name.
-		'''
- = name
-		self.real_gate_names = real_gate_names
-		self.virtual_gate_matrix = np.eye(len(real_gate_names)).data
-		if virtual_gate_names !=  None:
-			self.virtual_gate_names = virtual_gate_names
-		else:
-			self.virtual_gate_names = []
-			for name in real_gate_names:
-				self.virtual_gate_names.append("v" + name)
-		if len(self.real_gate_names) != len(self.virtual_gate_names):
-			raise ValueError("number of real gates and virtual gates is not equal, please fix the input.")
-	def __len__(self):
-		'''
-		get number of gate in the object.
-		'''
-		return len(self.real_gate_names)
-	def __getstate__(self):
-		'''
-		overwrite state methods so object becomes pickable.
-		'''
-		state = self.__dict__.copy()
-		state["virtual_gate_matrix"] = np.asarray(self.virtual_gate_matrix)
-		return state
-	def __setstate__(self, new_state):
-		'''
-		overwrite state methods so object becomes pickable.
-		'''
-		new_state["virtual_gate_matrix"] = np.asarray(new_state["virtual_gate_matrix"]).data
-		self.__dict__.update(new_state)
+    name:str
+    real_gate_names: list
+    virtual_gate_names: list
+    virtual_gate_matrix: np.ndarray
+    def __init__(self, name, real_gate_names, virtual_gate_names=None):
+        '''
+        generate a virtual gate object.
+        Args:
+            real_gate_names (list<str>) : list with the names of real gates
+            virtual_gate_names (list<str>) : (optional) names of the virtual gates set. If not provided a "v" is inserted before the gate name.
+        '''
+ = name
+        self.real_gate_names = real_gate_names
+        self.virtual_gate_matrix = np.eye(len(real_gate_names)).data
+        if virtual_gate_names !=  None:
+            self.virtual_gate_names = virtual_gate_names
+        else:
+            self.virtual_gate_names = []
+            for name in real_gate_names:
+                self.virtual_gate_names.append("v" + name)
+        if len(self.real_gate_names) != len(self.virtual_gate_names):
+            raise ValueError("number of real gates and virtual gates is not equal, please fix the input.")
+    def __len__(self):
+        '''
+        get number of gate in the object.
+        '''
+        return len(self.real_gate_names)
+    def __getstate__(self):
+        '''
+        overwrite state methods so object becomes pickable.
+        '''
+        state = self.__dict__.copy()
+        state["virtual_gate_matrix"] = np.asarray(self.virtual_gate_matrix)
+        return state
+    def __setstate__(self, new_state):
+        '''
+        overwrite state methods so object becomes pickable.
+        '''
+        new_state["virtual_gate_matrix"] = np.asarray(new_state["virtual_gate_matrix"]).data
+        self.__dict__.update(new_state)
 class virtual_gates_mgr(list):
-	def __init__(self, sync_engine, *args):
-		super(virtual_gates_mgr, self).__init__(*args)
+    def __init__(self, sync_engine, *args):
+        super(virtual_gates_mgr, self).__init__(*args)
-		self.sync_engine = sync_engine
+        self.sync_engine = sync_engine
-	def append(self, item):
-		if not isinstance(item, virtual_gate):
-			raise ValueError("please provide the virtual gates with the virtual_gate data type. {} detected".format(type(item)))
+    def append(self, item):
+        if not isinstance(item, virtual_gate):
+            raise ValueError("please provide the virtual gates with the virtual_gate data type. {} detected".format(type(item)))
-		# check for uniqueness of the virtual gate names.
-		virtual_gates = []
-		virtual_gates += item.virtual_gate_names
-		for i in self:
-			virtual_gates += i.virtual_gate_names
+        # check for uniqueness of the virtual gate names.
+        virtual_gates = []
+        virtual_gates += item.virtual_gate_names
+        for i in self:
+            virtual_gates += i.virtual_gate_names
-		if len(np.unique(np.array(virtual_gates))) != len(virtual_gates):
-			raise ValueError("two duplicate names of virtual gates detected. Please fix this.")
+        if len(np.unique(np.array(virtual_gates))) != len(virtual_gates):
+            raise ValueError("two duplicate names of virtual gates detected. Please fix this.")
-		if in list(self.sync_engine.keys()):
-			item_in_ram = self.sync_engine[]
-			if item_in_ram.real_gate_names == item.real_gate_names:
-				np.asarray(item.virtual_gate_matrix)[:] = np.asarray(item_in_ram.virtual_gate_matrix)[:]
+        if in list(self.sync_engine.keys()):
+            item_in_ram = self.sync_engine[]
+            if item_in_ram.real_gate_names == item.real_gate_names:
+                np.asarray(item.virtual_gate_matrix)[:] = np.asarray(item_in_ram.virtual_gate_matrix)[:]
-		self.sync_engine[] =  item
+        self.sync_engine[] =  item
-		return super(virtual_gates_mgr, self).append(item)
+        return super(virtual_gates_mgr, self).append(item)
-	def __getitem__(self, row):
-		if isinstance(row, int):
-			return super(virtual_gates_mgr, self).__getitem__(row)
-		if isinstance(row, str):
-			row = self.index(row)
-			return super(virtual_gates_mgr, self).__getitem__(row)
+    def __getitem__(self, row):
+        if isinstance(row, int):
+            return super(virtual_gates_mgr, self).__getitem__(row)
+        if isinstance(row, str):
+            row = self.index(row)
+            return super(virtual_gates_mgr, self).__getitem__(row)
-		raise ValueError("Invalid key (name) {} provided for the virtual_gate object.")
+        raise ValueError("Invalid key (name) {} provided for the virtual_gate object.")
-	def index(self, name):
-		i = 0
-		options = []
-		for v_gate_item in self:
-			options.append(
-			if  == name:
-				return i
-			i += 1
-		if len(options) == 0:
-			raise ValueError("Trying to get find a virtual gate matrix, but no matrix is defined.")
+    def index(self, name):
+        i = 0
+        options = []
+        for v_gate_item in self:
+            options.append(
+            if  == name:
+                return i
+            i += 1
+        if len(options) == 0:
+            raise ValueError("Trying to get find a virtual gate matrix, but no matrix is defined.")
-		raise ValueError("{} is not defined as a virtual gate. The options are, {}".format(name,options))
+        raise ValueError("{} is not defined as a virtual gate. The options are, {}".format(name,options))
 class harware_parent(qc.Instrument):
-	"""docstring for harware_parent -- init a empy hardware object"""
-	def __init__(self, sample_name, storage_location):
-		super(harware_parent, self).__init__(sample_name)
-		self.storage_location = storage_location
-		self.sync =, flag='c', writeback=True)
-		self.dac_gate_map = dict()
-		self.boundaries = dict()
-		# set this one in the GUI.
-		self._AWG_to_dac_conversion = dict()
-		if 'AWG2DAC' in list(self.sync.keys()):
-			self._AWG_to_dac_conversion = self.sync['AWG2DAC']
-		self._virtual_gates = virtual_gates_mgr(self.sync)
-	@property
-	def virtual_gates(self):
-		return self._virtual_gates
-	@property
-	def AWG_to_dac_conversion(self):
-		return self._AWG_to_dac_conversion
-	@AWG_to_dac_conversion.setter
-	def AWG_to_dac_conversion(self, AWG_to_dac_ratio):
-		if self._AWG_to_dac_conversion.keys() == AWG_to_dac_ratio.keys():
-			AWG_to_dac_ratio = self._AWG_to_dac_conversion
-		else:
-			self._AWG_to_dac_conversion = AWG_to_dac_ratio
-	def sync_data(self):
-		for item in self.virtual_gates:
-			self.sync[] = item
-			self.sync['AWG2DAC'] = self._AWG_to_dac_conversion
-		self.sync.sync()
+    """docstring for harware_parent -- init a empy hardware object"""
+    def __init__(self, sample_name, storage_location):
+        super(harware_parent, self).__init__(sample_name)
+        self.storage_location = storage_location
+        self.sync =, flag='c', writeback=True)
+        self.dac_gate_map = dict()
+        self.boundaries = dict()
+        # set this one in the GUI.
+        self._AWG_to_dac_conversion = dict()
+        if 'AWG2DAC' in list(self.sync.keys()):
+            self._AWG_to_dac_conversion = self.sync['AWG2DAC']
+        self._virtual_gates = virtual_gates_mgr(self.sync)
+    @property
+    def virtual_gates(self):
+        return self._virtual_gates
+    @property
+    def AWG_to_dac_conversion(self):
+        return self._AWG_to_dac_conversion
+    @AWG_to_dac_conversion.setter
+    def AWG_to_dac_conversion(self, AWG_to_dac_ratio):
+        if self._AWG_to_dac_conversion.keys() == AWG_to_dac_ratio.keys():
+            AWG_to_dac_ratio = self._AWG_to_dac_conversion
+        else:
+            self._AWG_to_dac_conversion = AWG_to_dac_ratio
+    def sync_data(self):
+        for item in self.virtual_gates:
+            self.sync[] = item
+            self.sync['AWG2DAC'] = self._AWG_to_dac_conversion
+        self.sync.sync()
+    def snapshot_base(self, update: bool=False,
+                  params_to_skip_update: Sequence[str]=None):
+        vg_snap = {}
+        for vg in self.virtual_gates:
+            vg_mat = np.reshape(np.frombuffer(vg.virtual_gate_matrix, dtype=float),np.shape(vg.virtual_gate_matrix))
+            vg_meta = {}
+            vg_meta['real_gate_names'] = vg.real_gate_names
+            vg_meta['virtual_gate_names'] = vg.virtual_gate_names
+            vg_meta['virtual_gate_matrix'] = vg_mat            
+            vg_snap[] = vg_meta
+        self.snap = {'AWG_to_DAC': self.AWG_to_dac_conversion,
+                 'dac_gate_map': self.dac_gate_map,
+                 'virtual_gates': vg_snap
+                 }
+        return self.snap
 if __name__ == '__main__':
-	from V2_software.drivers.virtual_gates.examples.hardware_example import hardware_example 
-	# example.
-	hw = hardware_example("my_harware_example")
-	print(hw.virtual_gates)
\ No newline at end of file
+    from V2_software.drivers.virtual_gates.examples.hardware_example import hardware_example 
+    # example.
+    hw = hardware_example("my_harware_example")
+    print(hw.virtual_gates)
\ No newline at end of file