diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..922124529625a85b858e016aa4e244474245d13b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+TOPDIR = $(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))
+FILES = pulse_lib/fast_scan/qblox_fast_scans_refactor.py
+all: static
+	@echo === black ===
+	@(cd $(TOPDIR); black --check --diff --color $(FILES))
+	@echo === pylint ===
+	@(cd $(TOPDIR); pylint $(FILES))
+	@echo === flake8 ===
+	@(cd $(TOPDIR); pflake8 $(FILES))
+	@echo === mypy ===
+	@(cd $(TOPDIR); mypy $(FILES))
+static: black flake lint mypy
diff --git a/pulse_lib/fast_scan/qblox_fast_scans_refactor.py b/pulse_lib/fast_scan/qblox_fast_scans_refactor.py
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..eafa10a275db35f8a7cecea86c9edce28b91ab16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pulse_lib/fast_scan/qblox_fast_scans_refactor.py
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+import logging
+from collections.abc import Sequence, Mapping
+from typing import Callable, Any, TypeVar, cast
+from dataclasses import dataclass, field
+import numpy as np
+from qcodes import MultiParameter
+from pulse_lib.base_pulse import pulselib as PulseLib
+from pulse_lib.sequencer import sequencer as Sequencer
+# Some typing stuff
+NDFloatArray = np.ndarray[float, Any]
+DataProcesser = Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray]
+T = TypeVar("T")
+# Module level logger
+_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class FastScan1dDef:
+    """
+    Dataclass for definition of fast 1D scan
+    Attributes:
+        pulse_lib: pulse library object, needed to make the sweep.
+        gate: gate/gates that you want to sweep.
+        swing: swing to apply on the AWG gates. [mV]
+        n_pt: number of points to measure
+        t_step: time in ns to measure per point. [ns]
+        biasT_corr: correct for biasT by taking data in different order.
+        acquisition_delay_ns (float): Time in ns between AWG output change and digitizer acquisition start.
+        line_margin: number of points to add to sweep 1 to mask transition effects due to voltage step.
+            The points are added to begin and end for symmetry (bias-T).
+        acq_channels: digitizer channels to read
+        acq_channel_map: defines new list of derived channels to display. Dictionary entries name: (channel_name, func).
+            E.g. {(ch1-I':(1, np.real), 'ch1-Q':('ch1', np.imag), 'ch3-Amp':('ch3', np.abs),
+            'ch3-Phase':('ch3', np.angle)}
+        enabled_markers: marker channels to enable during scan
+        pulse_gates: Gates to pulse during scan with pulse voltage in mV.
+            E.g. {'vP1': 10.0, 'vB2': -29.1}
+        n_avg: number of times to scan and average data.
+    """
+    pulselib: PulseLib
+    gate: str
+    swing: float
+    n_pt: int
+    t_step: int
+    bias_t_corr: bool = False
+    acquisition_delay_ns: int = 100
+    line_margin: int = 0
+    acq_channels: list[str] = field(default_factory=list)
+    acq_channel_map: dict[str, tuple[str, DataProcesser]] = field(default_factory=dict)
+    enabled_markers: list[str] = field(default_factory=list)
+    pulse_gates: dict[str, float] = field(default_factory=dict)
+    n_avg: int = 1
+    def __post_init__(self) -> None:
+        if self.t_step < 1000:
+            raise ValueError("Measurement time too short. Minimum is 1000")
+def fast_scan1d_param(scan_def: FastScan1dDef) -> MultiParameter:  # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
+    """
+    Creates a parameter to do a 1D fast scan.
+    Args:
+        scan_def: Definition of the scan
+    Returns:
+        Parameter: parameter that can be used as input in a conventional scan function.
+    """
+    _logger.info(f"fast scan 1D: {scan_def.gate}")
+    # timing for the scan
+    acquisition_delay = max(100, scan_def.acquisition_delay_ns)
+    step_eff = scan_def.t_step + acquisition_delay
+    # add margin, if requested
+    line_margin = int(scan_def.line_margin)
+    n_ptx = scan_def.n_pt + 2 * line_margin
+    vp = scan_def.swing / 2
+    vpx = vp * (n_ptx - 1) / (scan_def.n_pt - 1)
+    # calculate setpoints for sweep
+    voltages_sp = np.linspace(-vp, vp, scan_def.n_pt)
+    voltages = np.linspace(-vpx, vpx, n_ptx)
+    if scan_def.bias_t_corr:
+        voltages = _bias_t_shuffle(voltages)
+    # administration for acquistion channels
+    if not scan_def.acq_channel_map:
+        if not scan_def.acq_channels:
+            acq_channels = list(scan_def.pulselib.digitizer_channels.keys())
+        else:
+            acq_channels = scan_def.acq_channels
+        acq_channel_map = {str(name): (str(name), cast(DataProcesser, np.real)) for name in acq_channels}
+    else:
+        acq_channel_map = scan_def.acq_channel_map
+        acq_channels = list(set(v[0] for v in acq_channel_map.values()))  # set to remove duplicates
+    # Construct the pulse sequence
+    seg = scan_def.pulselib.mk_segment()
+    sweep_channel = seg[scan_def.gate]
+    pulse_channels = [(seg[ch], v) for ch, v in scan_def.pulse_gates.items()]
+    for i, voltage in enumerate(voltages):
+        # sweep channel
+        sweep_channel.add_block(0, step_eff, voltage)
+        if 0 <= i - line_margin < scan_def.n_pt:
+            for acq_ch in acq_channels:
+                seg[acq_ch].acquire(0, scan_def.t_step)
+        # DC channels
+        for gp, v in pulse_channels:
+            gp.add_block(0, step_eff, v)
+            if scan_def.bias_t_corr:  # also compensation for DC pulse gates
+                gp.add_block(step_eff, 2 * step_eff, -v)
+        seg.reset_time()
+    # Marker channels
+    end_time = seg.total_time[0]
+    for marker_ch in [seg[m] for m in scan_def.enabled_markers]:
+        marker_ch.reset_time(0)
+        marker_ch.add_marker(0, end_time)
+    # generate the sequence and upload it.
+    my_seq = scan_def.pulselib.mk_sequence([seg])
+    my_seq.n_rep = scan_def.n_avg
+    # Note: uses hardware averaging with Qblox modules
+    my_seq.set_acquisition(t_measure=scan_def.t_step, channels=acq_channels, average_repetitions=True)
+    _logger.info("Upload")
+    my_seq.upload()
+    pdef = _ScanParameterDef(
+        pulselib=scan_def.pulselib,
+        sequencer=my_seq,
+        t_measure=scan_def.t_step,
+        setpoint_names=(scan_def.gate,),
+        setpoint_values=(tuple(voltages_sp),),
+        bias_t_corr=scan_def.bias_t_corr,
+        acq_channel_map=acq_channel_map,
+    )
+    return _ScanParameter(scan_param_def=pdef)
+def _bias_t_shuffle(arr_in: NDFloatArray) -> NDFloatArray:
+    # Shuffle array indices as: 0, N-1, 1, N-2, etc
+    # If the input is a ramp, this avoids bias T loading
+    assert len(arr_in.shape) == 1
+    n_ptx = len(arr_in)
+    m = (n_ptx + 1) // 2
+    arr_out = np.zeros(n_ptx)
+    arr_out[::2] = arr_in[:m]  # Even indices contain first half of the input
+    arr_out[1::2] = arr_in[m:][::-1]  # Odd indices contain reversed second half of the input
+    return arr_out
+class _ScanParameterDef:
+    """
+    Dataclass for definition of scan parameter
+    Attributes:
+        pulselib: pulse library object
+        sequencer: sequence of the 1D scan
+        t_measure: time to measure per step
+        setpoint_names: name of the gate(s) that are measured.
+        setpoint_values: array with the setpoints of the input data
+        bias_t_corr: bias T correction or not -- if enabled -- automatic reshaping of the data.
+        acq_channel_map:
+            defines new list of derived channels to display. Dictionary entries name: (channel_name, func).
+            E.g. {(ch1-I':(1, np.real), 'ch1-Q':('ch1', np.imag), 'ch3-Amp':('ch3', np.abs),
+            'ch3-Phase':('ch3', np.angle)}
+    """
+    pulselib: PulseLib
+    sequencer: Sequencer
+    acq_channel_map: Mapping[str, tuple[str, DataProcesser]]
+    setpoint_names: Sequence[str]
+    setpoint_values: Sequence[Sequence[float]]
+    bias_t_corr: bool
+    t_measure: int
+class _ScanParameter(MultiParameter):  # pylint: disable=abstract-method
+    """
+    Scan parameter for digitizer
+    """
+    def __init__(self, scan_param_def: _ScanParameterDef):
+        self.sequencer = scan_param_def.sequencer
+        self.pulselib = scan_param_def.pulselib
+        self.t_measure = scan_param_def.t_measure
+        self.acq_shape = tuple(len(s) for s in scan_param_def.setpoint_values)
+        self.n_rep = np.prod(self.acq_shape)
+        self.acq_channel_map = dict(scan_param_def.acq_channel_map)
+        self.acq_channel_names = tuple(self.acq_channel_map.keys())
+        self.bias_t_corr = scan_param_def.bias_t_corr
+        n_acq_ch = len(self.acq_channel_names)
+        setpoint_names = tuple(scan_param_def.setpoint_names)  # convert from iterable to sequence type
+        # Helper function to repeat setpoint info for all acquisition channels
+        def _repeated_tuple(obj: T, rep: int = n_acq_ch) -> tuple[T, ...]:
+            return (obj,) * rep
+        super().__init__(
+            name="fastScan",
+            names=self.acq_channel_names,
+            shapes=_repeated_tuple(self.acq_shape),
+            labels=self.acq_channel_names,
+            units=_repeated_tuple("mV"),
+            setpoints=_repeated_tuple(tuple(s for s in scan_param_def.setpoint_values)),
+            setpoint_names=_repeated_tuple(setpoint_names),
+            setpoint_labels=_repeated_tuple(setpoint_names),
+            setpoint_units=_repeated_tuple(_repeated_tuple("mV", len(setpoint_names))),
+            docstring="Scan parameter for digitizer",
+        )
+    def get_raw(self) -> tuple[NDFloatArray, ...]:
+        # play sequence
+        self.sequencer.play(release=False)
+        raw_dict = self.sequencer.get_measurement_data()
+        # get the data, converted to mV
+        data = [func(raw_dict[ch] * 1000.0) for ch, func in self.acq_channel_map.values()]
+        # make sure that data is put in the right order.
+        data_out = []
+        for ch_data in data:
+            out = ch_data.reshape(self.acq_shape)
+            if self.bias_t_corr:
+                out = _bias_t_shuffle(out)
+            data_out.append(out)
+        return tuple(data_out)
+    def stop(self) -> None:
+        if hasattr(self, "sequencer"):
+            _logger.info("stop: release memory")
+            self.sequencer.close()
+            delattr(self, "sequencer")
+            delattr(self, "pulselib")
+    def __del__(self) -> None:
+        if hasattr(self, "sequencer"):
+            _logger.warning("Automatic cleanup in __del__(); Calling stop()")
+            self.stop()
+# Backwards compatibility section
+def fast_scan1D_param(  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+    pulse_lib: PulseLib, gate: str, swing: float, n_pt: int, t_step: int, **kwargs: Any
+) -> MultiParameter:
+    kwargs["pulselib"] = pulse_lib
+    kwargs["gate"] = gate
+    kwargs["swing"] = swing
+    kwargs["n_pt"] = n_pt
+    kwargs["t_step"] = t_step
+    if "biasT_corr" in kwargs:
+        kwargs["bias_t_corr"] = kwargs.pop("biasT_corr")
+    return fast_scan1d_param(FastScan1dDef(**kwargs))
diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6ebf80be6064940054aa9205f276ea806c57a904
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyproject.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+line-length = 120
+max-line-length = 120
+# The following options are set by the --strict command line flag
+# disallow_untyped_calls=true
+# no_implicit_reexport=true
+# End of --strict options
+[tool.pylint.'MESSAGES CONTROL']
+disable = "too-few-public-methods, missing-docstring, logging-fstring-interpolation, enable=useless-suppression"
+defining-attr-methods="__init__, __new__, setUp, __enter__"