diff --git a/flexibleloadtariffs/models.py b/flexibleloadtariffs/models.py
index 32beb2b977f6906f12093d0f66bdef27c68e3d96..d2072958f1425fa22e67bdf67886fad8deef0fd4 100644
--- a/flexibleloadtariffs/models.py
+++ b/flexibleloadtariffs/models.py
@@ -143,8 +143,8 @@ def individual_optimization(household, da_price_ts, time_step, with_bw):
     # EV charge is constrained to the difference of bandwidth and household load if this is positive,
     # and 0 otherwise
     def capacity_constraint(model, time, ev_i):
-        # TODO: here we assume that the tariff is always of the type subscription bandwidth. Make more flexible
-        diff = household.tariff.capacity_rule.capacity_bw - float(household.loadCurve.loc[timestamp_dict[time]])
+        diff = household.tariff.get_capacity_limit(household.loadCurve, timestamp_dict[time]) - \
+               float(household.loadCurve.loc[timestamp_dict[time]])
         if diff > 0:
             return model.charge[time, ev_i] <= diff
         return model.charge[time, ev_i] == 0
@@ -186,20 +186,21 @@ def charge_on_arrival(household, time_step, with_bw=True):
     # make selection for when the EV is home and can be charged:
     home_time = household.loadCurve.between_time(arrival_time, departure_time)
-    for index, row in home_time.iteritems():
+    for time_index, row in home_time.iteritems():
         # clean EV load in case it has been written on previously
-        household.ev_load.loc[index] = 0
+        household.ev_load.loc[time_index] = 0
         # reset required charge every day at arrival time
-        if datetime.time(index) == arrival_time:
+        if datetime.time(time_index) == arrival_time:
             remaining_charge += hh_ev.daily_demand
         # charge at maximum possible (at bandwidth) until remaining charge is below 0
         if remaining_charge > 0:
             if with_bw:
-                # remaining charge is reduced by what's possible to charge within bandwidth
-                ev_load_this_period = household.tariff.capacity_rule.capacity_bw - float(household.loadCurve.loc[index])
+                # remaining charge is reduced by what's possible to charge within capacity limit
+                ev_load_this_period = household.tariff.get_capacity_limit(household.loadCurve, time_index) - \
+                                      float(household.loadCurve.loc[time_index])
                 # remaining charge is reduced based on maximal charge power
                 ev_load_this_period = float(household.ev.max_charge)
-            household.ev_load.loc[index] = ev_load_this_period
+            household.ev_load.loc[time_index] = ev_load_this_period
             remaining_charge -= ev_load_this_period * time_step/60 * hh_ev.charging_efficiency
     return household
diff --git a/flexibleloadtariffs/tariffs.py b/flexibleloadtariffs/tariffs.py
index 13a57356a6f16b4bc7a1be07f7b11e002d81c7f1..1ecfd9850da140bf55ae069e371f8e8166cd0bf9 100644
--- a/flexibleloadtariffs/tariffs.py
+++ b/flexibleloadtariffs/tariffs.py
@@ -110,15 +110,17 @@ class TariffRuleCapacity(TariffRule):
 class TariffRulePersonalPeak(TariffRule):
-    def __init__(self, peak_charge: float, n_peaks_month=1, peak_length=15, peak_percent_month=0.0):
+    def __init__(self, peak_charge: float, min_peak: float, n_peaks_month=1, peak_length=15, peak_percent_month=0.0):
         :param peak_charge: charge in Euro per kW of peak
+        :param min_peak: minimal peak in kW to be applied, even if the household's load is always below this
         :param n_peaks_month: number of peaks considered per month
         :param peak_length: length of considered peaks in minutes, should be multiple of 5 minutes and at most one hour
         :param peak_percent_month: percentage of highest peaks in a month, is an alternative specification to n_peaks
         self.peak_charge = peak_charge
+        self.min_peak = min_peak
         self.n_peaks_month = n_peaks_month
         self.peak_length = peak_length
         self.peak_percent_month = peak_percent_month
@@ -160,6 +162,16 @@ class Tariff:
         return total_tariff_charge
+    def get_capacity_limit(self, hh_loadcurve: Optional[pd.Series] = None, date: Optional[pd.datetime] = None):
+        if self.capacity_rule is not None:
+            return self.capacity_rule.capacity_bw
+        elif self.personal_peak_rule is not None:
+            # in a peak tariff, we assume the maximal capacity to be given by the household's peak in the given month
+            # (or alternatively the minimal peak)
+            return max(hh_loadcurve[hh_loadcurve.index.month == date.month].max(), self.personal_peak_rule.min_peak)
+        else:
+            return float('inf')
 # volumetric tariffs
 def power_to_volume(load_power, timestep):
@@ -227,7 +239,7 @@ bw_tariff_8kW = Tariff(
 personal_peak_tariff = Tariff(
-    personal_peak_rule=TariffRulePersonalPeak(peak_charge=50.0, n_peaks_month=1),
+    personal_peak_rule=TariffRulePersonalPeak(peak_charge=50.0, min_peak=1, n_peaks_month=1),
     name='50 euro per kW, single personal peak'