PositionControl: skip controller only if adjusted thrust setpoint are not finite
PositionControl: update comment about the order of thrust and position mc_pos_control: reset setpoints to NAN if required MulticopterLandDetector: consider to be landed if vehicle is not armed mc_pos_control: initialize landing struct with landed mc-pos-ctrl: adjust thrust-setpoint and yaw during ground-contact/maybe-landed without capturing that information within vehicle-local-position-setpoint topic because that information does not belong to user intention PositionControl: set local position/velocity setpoint to NAN if not used in the control pipeline mc-pos-ctrl: Fill vehicle_local_position_setpoint_s structure as follow: The message contains setpoints where each type of setpoint is either the input to the PositionController or was generated by the PositionController and therefore corresponds to the PositioControl internal states (states that were generated by P-PID). Example: If the desired setpoint is position-setpoint, _local_pos_sp will contain position-, velocity- and thrust-setpoint where the velocity- and thrust-setpoint were generated by the PositionControlller. If the desired setpoint has a velocity-setpoint only, then _local_pos_sp will contain valid velocity- and thrust-setpoint, but the position-setpoint will remain NAN. Given that the PositionController cannot generate a position-setpoint, this type of setpoint is always equal to the input to the PositionController. mc_pos_control: switch to designated initializer for landed It's less error prone because it produces an error on every discrepancy.
- src/modules/land_detector/MulticopterLandDetector.cpp 7 additions, 2 deletionssrc/modules/land_detector/MulticopterLandDetector.cpp
- src/modules/mc_pos_control/PositionControl.cpp 24 additions, 3 deletionssrc/modules/mc_pos_control/PositionControl.cpp
- src/modules/mc_pos_control/PositionControl.hpp 38 additions, 4 deletionssrc/modules/mc_pos_control/PositionControl.hpp
- src/modules/mc_pos_control/mc_pos_control_main.cpp 73 additions, 51 deletionssrc/modules/mc_pos_control/mc_pos_control_main.cpp
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