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Book describing how to use interactive textbooks, our extensions and our workflow: https://teachbooks.tudelft.nl/jupyter-book-manual (publish brand). Draft branch is published here: https://teachbooks.tudelft.nl/jupyter-book-manual/draft.
Contribute by creating a merge request. Your branch will also be visible on the mirrored repository on GitHub: https://github.com/TeachBooks/mirror_teachbook_manual/actions
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Seven modules that introduce first year students at Applied Physics Delft to Python & data-analysis
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The stereoid tools for Harmony. The Earth Explorer 10 candidate mission.
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Introductory textbook for first year BSc. Covers course content of NB1140 Physics 1A.
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Demonstration of an open textbook made with Jupyter books
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[EPA122A] Spatial Data Science Course offered at TU Delft
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TU Delft Open: https://doi.org/10.59490/tb.89 Book: https://teachbooks.tudelft.nl/risk-reliability
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Book on optimization using python: https://teachbooks.tudelft.nl/engineering-systems-optimization
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