JanThorbecke authoredJanThorbecke authored
README.2 1.08 KiB
Marchenko demo/twoD: reproduce the figures from the paper, but with a 2D model.
cd /lus/scratch/$USER/OpenSource/marchenko/demo/twoD
# Copy pre-computed shots
cp -rp /lus/scratch/jan/OpenSource/marchenko/demo/twoD/shots .
cp /lus/scratch/$USER/OpenSource/marchenko/demo/WS15/job.pbs .
Adapt job.pbs to
Compute the intial focusing operator placed at a depth of 1100 m by running
To compare the Green's function computed by marchenko generate the reference output
adapt job.pbs to run referenceShot.scr
run the marchenko program interactively (no need to submit job to queue);
Compare the Green's function computed by marchenko with the reference (adapt job.pbs to run referenceShot.scr)
The script eps.scr generate .eps files and .png files that can be copied back to your local laptop for display.
You can experiment with
-amplitude of R: scale with a constant ampltiude
-investigate the wavelet that is used to model R
-number of iterations,
-intial focusing position,
-investigate at intermediate results (see ../oneD/marchenkoIter.scr as an example).