janthorbecke@gmail.com authoredjanthorbecke@gmail.com authored
-------------------------- Code to reproduce the example in section `Plane-Wave Marchenko algorithm` of the manual. -------------------------- Description of files: 1) ./model.scr computes the gridded velocity/density model 2) ./shots.scr computes 601 shots using slurm arrays: ~100 s runtime for each shot 3) ./direct.scr compute 1 shot that contains direct wave only 4) ./remove_direct.scr removes the direct wave from the data created in 3 and places all shots in one file shots/refl_rp.su Figures of the model and the middle shot are generated by ./epsModel.scr model 5) ./IniFocus.scr compute plane wave responses at 600 m depth with angles -5 0 and 5 degrees. To compute the plane wave respone with the sources all starting at t=0 on a slanted line in the model run ./Ini2Focus.scr To generate 12 snapshot figures based on the results of Ini(2)Focus.scr ./epsModel.scr snapshots *** Steps to generate the Marchenko plane wave results. 6) To generate the Marchenko results for plane wave with angle=0 (horizontal) ./marchenkoPlaneIter.scr plane0 ./epsModel.scr plane0 [ 7) Marchenko with and without time-shifts in a one-D model: requires shift to build in again in marchenko code: does not generate correct results at the moment cd shifts compute 1D model, f_d and marchenko with and without shift ./model.scr ./initialFocus.scr ./marchenko.scr ./eps.scr ] 8) Generating the mute windows for angle 5 and -5 for odd and even iterations ./epsModel.scr mutewindow 9) Generating the Marchenko results for angle 5 and -5 for odd and even iterations ./marchenkoPlaneIter.scr plane5 ./epsModel.scr.scr plane5 optional scripts not needed to reproduce the figures: +) clean: remove all produced files and start with a clean directory