joeri.brackenhoff authoredjoeri.brackenhoff authored
3dfd.c 35.31 KiB
#define MAX(x,y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
#define MIN(x,y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
#define NINT(x) ((int)((x)>0.0?(x)+0.5:(x)-0.5))
#define STRIPE_COUNT "4" /* must be an ascii string */
#define STRIPE_SIZE "1048576" /* 1 MB must be an ascii string */
//#define STRIPE_SIZE "268435456" /* 256 MB must be an ascii string */
#define C1 (9.0/8.0)
#define C2 (1.0/24.0)
#define Dx(f,ix,iy,iz,nz) C1*(f[iy+ix*nz+iz] - f[iy+(ix-1)*nz+iz]) - C2*(f[iy+(ix+1)*nz+iz] - f[iy+(ix-2)*nz+iz])
#define Dy(f,ix,iy,iz,nxz) C1*(f[iy*nxz+ix+iz] - f[(iy-1)*nxz+ix+iz]) - C2*(f[(iy+1)*nxz+ix+iz] - f[(iy-2)*nxz+ix+iz])
#define Dz(f,ix,iy,iz) C1*(f[iy+ix+iz] - f[iy+ix+iz-1]) - C2*(f[iy+ix+iz+1] - f[iy+ix+iz-2])
#define Dv(vx,vz,ix,iy,iz,nz,nxz) C1*((vx[iy*nxz+(ix+1)*nz+iz] - vx[iy*nxz+ix*nz+iz]) + \
(vy[(iy+1)*nxz+ix*nz+iz] - vy[iy*nxz+ix*nz+iz]) + \
(vz[iy*nxz+ix*nz+iz+1] - vz[iy*nxz+ix*nz+iz])) - \
C2*((vx[iy*nxz+(ix+2)*nz+iz] - vx[iy*nxz+(ix-1)*nz+iz]) + \
(vy[(iy+2)*nxz+ix*nz+iz] - vy[(iy-1)*nxz+ix*nz+iz]) + \
(vz[iy*nxz+ix*nz+iz+2] - vz[iy*nxz+ix*nz+iz-1]))
int getParameters3D(modPar *mod, recPar *rec, snaPar *sna, wavPar *wav, srcPar *src, shotPar *shot, bndPar *bnd, int verbose);
int readModel3D(modPar mod, bndPar bnd, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m);
void vinit();
int updateVelocitiesHalo(float *vx, float *vy, float *vz, float *p, float *ro, int halo, int npx, int npy, int npz);
int updateVelocities(float *vx, float *vy, float *vz, float *p, float *ro, int halo, int npx, int npy, int npz);
int updatePressureHalo(float *vx, float *vy, float *vz, float *p, float *l2m, int halo, int npx, int npy, int npz);
int updatePressure(float *vx, float *vy, float *vz, float *p, float *l2m, int halo, int npx, int npy, int npz);
int exchangeHalo(float *leftRecv, float *leftSend, float *rightRecv, float *rightSend, int size, int leftrank, int rightrank, MPI_Request *reqRecv, MPI_Request *reqSend, int tag);
int newHaloVxVz(float *vx, float *vz, int npx, int npy, int npz, int halo, float *leftRecv, float *rightRecv, float *frontRecv, float *backRecv, float *topRecv, float *bottomRecv);
int newHaloP(float *p, int npx, int npy, int npz, int halo, float *leftRecv, float *rightRecv, float *frontRecv, float *backRecv, float *topRecv, float *bottomRecv);
int copyHaloVxVz(float *vx, float *vz, int npx, int npy, int npz, int halo, float *leftSend, float *rightSend, float *frontSend, float *backSend, float *topSend, float *bottomSend);
int copyHaloP(float *p, int npx, int npy, int npz, int halo, float *leftSend, float *rightSend, float *frontSend, float *backSend, float *topSend, float *bottomSend);
int waitForHalo(MPI_Request *reqRecv, MPI_Request *reqSend);
float gauss2time(float t, float f, float t0);
double wallclock_time(void);
void name_ext(char *filename, char *extension);
/* Self documentation */
char *sdoc[] = {
" ",
" file_rcv=recv.su .. base name for receiver files",
" file_snap=snap.su . base name for snapshot files",
" nx=256 ............ number of samples in x-direction",
" ny=nx ............. number of samples in y-direction",
" nz=nx ............. number of samples in z-direction",
" dx=5 .............. spatial sampling in x-direction",
" dy=5 .............. spatial sampling in y-direction",
" dz=5 .............. spatial sampling in z-direction",
"" ,
" verbose=0 ......... silent mode; =1: display info",
" ",
" Jan Thorbecke 2016",
" Cray / TU Delft",
" E-mail: janth@xs4all.nl ",