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acoustic4_3D.c 7.54 KiB

#define MIN(x,y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))

long applySource(modPar mod, srcPar src, wavPar wav, bndPar bnd, long itime, long ixsrc, long izsrc, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, float **src_nwav, long verbose);

long storeSourceOnSurface(modPar mod, srcPar src, bndPar bnd, long ixsrc, long izsrc, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, long verbose);

long reStoreSourceOnSurface(modPar mod, srcPar src, bndPar bnd, long ixsrc, long izsrc, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, long verbose);

long boundariesP(modPar mod, bndPar bnd, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, float *lam, float *mul, long itime, long verbose);

long boundariesV(modPar mod, bndPar bnd, float *vx, float *vz, float *tzz, float *txx, float *txz, float *rox, float *roz, float *l2m, float *lam, float *mul, long itime, long verbose);

long acoustic4_3D(modPar mod, srcPar src, wavPar wav, bndPar bnd, long itime, long ixsrc, long iysrc, long izsrc, float **src_nwav, float *vx, float *vy, float *vz, float *p, float *rox, float *roy, float *roz, float *l2m, long verbose)

  The captial symbols T (=P) Txz,Vx,Vz represent the actual grid
  The indices ix,iz are related to the T grid, so the capital T 
  symbols represent the actual modelled grid.

  one cel (iz,ix)
       V                              extra column of vx,txz
    -------                                           V
   | txz vz| txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz txz
   |       |      
   | vx  t | vx  t   vx  t   vx  t   vx  t   vx  t  vx
     txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz

     vx  t   vx  T---Vx--T---Vx--T---Vx--T   vx  t   vx
                 |   |   |   |   |   |   | 
     txz vz  txz Vz--Txz-Vz--Txz-Vz  Txz-Vz  txz vz  txz
                 |   |   |   |   |   |   |
     vx  t   vx  T---Vx--T---Vx--T---Vx--T   vx  t   vx
                 |   |   |   |   |   |   |
     txz vz  txz Vz  Txz-Vz  Txz-Vz  Txz-Vz  txz vz  txz
                 |   |   |   |   |   |   |
     vx  t   vx  T---Vx--T---Vx--T---Vx--T   vx  t   vx
                 |   |   |   |   |   |   |
     txz vz  txz Vz  Txz-Vz  Txz-Vz  Txz-Vz  txz vz  txz
                 |   |   |   |   |   |   |
     vx  t   vx  T---Vx--T---Vx--T---Vx--T   vx  t   vx

     txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz

     vx  t   vx  t   vx  t   vx  t   vx  t   vx  t  vx

     txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz vz  txz  <--| 
                                         extra row of txz/vz |

           Jan Thorbecke (
           The Netherlands 


	float   c1, c2;
	long    ix, iy, iz;
	long    n1, n2;
	long    ioXx, ioXy, ioXz, ioYx, ioYy, ioYz, ioZx, ioZy, ioZz, ioPx, ioPy, ioPz;

	c1 = 9.0/8.0; 
	c2 = -1.0/24.0;
	n1  = mod.naz;
    n2  = mod.nay;

	/* calculate vx for all grid points except on the virtual boundary*/
#pragma omp for private (ix, iy, iz) nowait schedule(guided,1)
	for (iy=mod.ioXy; iy<mod.ieXy; iy++) {
#pragma ivdep
        for (ix=mod.ioXx; ix<mod.ieXx; ix++) {
            for (iz=mod.ioXz; iz<mod.ieXz; iz++) {
                vx[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz] -= rox[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz]*(
                    c1*(p[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz]     - p[iy*n2*n1+(ix-1)*n1+iz]) +
                    c2*(p[iy*n2*n1+(ix+1)*n1+iz] - p[iy*n2*n1+(ix-2)*n1+iz]));

	/* calculate vy for all grid points except on the virtual boundary*/
#pragma omp for private (ix, iy, iz) nowait schedule(guided,1)
	for (iy=mod.ioYy; iy<mod.ieYy; iy++) {
#pragma ivdep
        for (ix=mod.ioYx; ix<mod.ieYx; ix++) {
            for (iz=mod.ioYz; iz<mod.ieYz; iz++) {
                vy[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz] -= roy[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz]*(
                    c1*(p[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz]     - p[(iy-1)*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz]) +
                    c2*(p[(iy+1)*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz] - p[(iy-2)*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz]));

	/* calculate vz for all grid points except on the virtual boundary */
#pragma omp for private (ix, iy, iz) schedule(guided,1) 
	for (iy=mod.ioZy; iy<mod.ieZy; iy++) {
#pragma ivdep
        for (ix=mod.ioZx; ix<mod.ieZx; ix++) {
            for (iz=mod.ioZz; iz<mod.ieZz; iz++) {
                vz[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz] -= roz[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz]*(
                    c1*(p[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz]   - p[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz-1]) +
                    c2*(p[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz+1] - p[iy*n2*n1+ix*n1+iz-2]));
	/* boundary condition clears velocities on boundaries */
    boundariesP3D(mod, bnd, vx, vy, vz, p, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, rox, roy, roz, l2m, NULL, NULL, itime, verbose);

	/* Add force source */
	if (src.type > 5) {
         applySource3D(mod, src, wav, bnd, itime, ixsrc, iysrc, izsrc, vx, vy, vz, p, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, rox, roy, roz, l2m, src_nwav, verbose);

	/* this is needed because the P fields are not using tapered boundaries (bnd....=4) */
    if ( mod.ioPz += bnd.npml;
    if ( mod.iePz -= bnd.npml;
    if (bnd.fro==2) mod.ioPy += bnd.npml;
    if (bnd.bac==2) mod.iePy -= bnd.npml;
    if (bnd.lef==2) mod.ioPx += bnd.npml;
    if (bnd.rig==2) mod.iePx -= bnd.npml;

	/* calculate p/tzz for all grid points except on the virtual boundary */
#pragma omp for private (ix, iy, iz) schedule(guided,1) 
//#pragma omp for private (ix, iz) schedule(dynamic) 
#pragma ivdep
	for (ix=mod.ioPx; ix<mod.iePx; ix++) {
#pragma ivdep
		for (iy=mod.ioPy; iy<mod.iePy; iy++) {
            for (iz=mod.ioPz; iz<mod.iePz; iz++) {
                p[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz] -= l2m[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz]*(
                            c1*(vx[iy*n1*n2+(ix+1)*n1+iz] - vx[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz]) +
                            c2*(vx[iy*n1*n2+(ix+2)*n1+iz] - vx[iy*n1*n2+(ix-1)*n1+iz]) +
                            c1*(vy[(iy+1)*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz] - vy[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz]) +
                            c2*(vy[(iy+2)*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz] - vy[(iy-1)*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz]) +
                            c1*(vz[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz+1]   - vz[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz]) +
                            c2*(vz[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz+2]   - vz[iy*n1*n2+ix*n1+iz-1]));
    if ( mod.ioPz -= bnd.npml;
    if ( mod.iePz += bnd.npml;
    if (bnd.fro==2) mod.ioPy -= bnd.npml;
    if (bnd.bac==2) mod.iePy += bnd.npml;
    if (bnd.lef==2) mod.ioPx -= bnd.npml;
    if (bnd.rig==2) mod.iePx += bnd.npml;

	/* Add stress source */
	if (src.type < 6) {
        applySource3D(mod, src, wav, bnd, itime, ixsrc, iysrc, izsrc, vx, vy, vz, p, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, rox, roy, roz, l2m, src_nwav, verbose);
/* Free surface: calculate free surface conditions for stresses */

	/* check if there are sources placed on the free surface */
    storeSourceOnSurface3D(mod, src, bnd, ixsrc, iysrc, izsrc, vx, vy, vz, p, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, verbose);

	/* Free surface: calculate free surface conditions for stresses */
    boundariesV3D(mod, bnd, vx, vy, vz, p, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, rox, roy, roz, l2m, NULL, NULL, itime, verbose);

	/* restore source positions on the edge */
    reStoreSourceOnSurface3D(mod, src, bnd, ixsrc, iysrc, izsrc, vx, vy, vz, p, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, verbose);

	return 0;