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Commit 2ecb1b4a authored by joeri.brackenhoff's avatar joeri.brackenhoff
Browse files


parent f528715e
No related branches found
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No related merge requests found
......@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ OBJJ3 = $(SRCJ3:%.c=%.o)
fmute3D: $(OBJJ3)
$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(OPTC) $(CFLAGS) -o fmute3D $(OBJJ3) $(LIBS)
install: fmute marchenko test fmute3D
install: fmute marchenko marchenko3D fmute3D
cp fmute $B
cp marchenko $B
cp marchenko3D $B
......@@ -7,10 +7,10 @@ export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1
fmute above=-1 shift=-8 verbose=1 check=0 hw=8
#apply the Marchenko algorithm
~/OpenSource/marchenko3D/test nshots=901 verbose=10 \
tap=0 niter=8 hw=8 shift=12 smooth=3 \ \
marchenko nshots=901 verbose=2 \
tap=0 niter=8 hw=8 shift=12 smooth=3 scale=4 \ \
......@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ export PATH=$HOME/src/OpenSource/bin:$PATH:
# Generate the full R matrix for a fixed spread geometry.
dxshot=5000 # with scalco factor of 1000
dxshot=10000 # with scalco factor of 1000
echo $1
......@@ -16,16 +16,15 @@ while (( ishot < nshots ))
(( xsrc = -2250000 + ${ishot}*${dxshot} ))
(( tr1 = 901 - ${ishot} ))
(( tr2 = ${tr1} + 900 ))
(( tr1 = $nshots - ${ishot} ))
(( tr2 = ${tr1} + $nshots - 1 ))
echo xsrc=$xsrc tr1=$tr1 tr2=$tr2
(( ishot = $ishot + 1))
suwind < key=tracl min=$tr1 max=$tr2 | \
suwind < key=tracl min=$tr1 max=$tr2 | \
sushw key=sx,gx,fldr,trwf \
a=$xsrc,-2250000,$ishot,901 b=0,5000,0,0 j=0,901,0,0 | \
a=$xsrc,-2250000,$ishot,$nshots b=0,$dxshot,0,0 j=0,$nshots,0,0 | \
suchw key1=offset key2=gx key3=sx c=-1 d=1000 >>
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ void omp_set_num_threads(int num_threads);
#ifndef MIN
#define MIN(x,y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
#define NINT(x) ((int)((x)>0.0?(x)+0.5:(x)-0.5))
#define NINT(x) ((long)((x)>0.0?(x)+0.5:(x)-0.5))
......@@ -34,36 +34,42 @@ typedef struct _complexStruct { /* complex number */
} complex;
#endif/* complex */
int readShotData3D(char *filename, float *xrcv, float *yrcv, float *xsrc, float *ysrc, float *zsrc, int *xnx, complex *cdata, int nw, int nw_low, int nshots, int nx, int ny, int ntfft, int mode, float scale, int verbose);
int readTinvData3D(char *filename, float *xrcv, float *yrcv, float *xsrc, float *ysrc, float *zsrc, int *xnx, int Nfoc, int nx, int ny, int ntfft, int mode, int *maxval, float *tinv, int hw, int verbose);
int writeDataIter(char *file_iter, float *data, segy *hdrs, int n1, int n2, float d2, float f2, int n2out, int Nfoc, float *xsyn,
float *zsyn, int *ixpos, int npos, int iter);
int unique_elements(float *arr, int len);
long readShotData3D(char *filename, float *xrcv, float *yrcv, float *xsrc, float *ysrc, float *zsrc, long *xnx, complex *cdata,
long nw, long nw_low, long nshots, long nx, long ny, long ntfft, long mode, float scale, long verbose);
long readTinvData3D(char *filename, float *xrcv, float *yrcv, float *xsrc, float *ysrc, float *zsrc,
long *xnx, long Nfoc, long nx, long ny, long ntfft, long mode, long *maxval, float *tinv, long hw, long verbose);
// int writeDataIter(char *file_iter, float *data, segy *hdrs, int n1, int n2, float d2, float f2, int n2out, int Nfoc, float *xsyn,
// float *zsyn, int *ixpos, int npos, int iter);
long unique_elements(float *arr, long len);
void name_ext(char *filename, char *extension);
void applyMute(float *data, int *mute, int smooth, int above, int Nfoc, int nxs, int nt, int *xrcvsyn, int npos, int shift);
void applyMute3D(float *data, long *mute, long smooth, long above, long Nfoc, long nxs, long nt, long *xrcvsyn, long npos, long shift);
int getFileInfo3D(char *filename, int *n1, int *n2, int *n3, int *ngath, float *d1, float *d2, float *d3, float *f1, float *f2, float *f3, float *sclsxgxsygy, int *nxm);
int readData(FILE *fp, float *data, segy *hdrs, int n1);
int writeData(FILE *fp, float *data, segy *hdrs, int n1, int n2);
int disp_fileinfo3D(char *file, int n1, int n2, int n3, float f1, float f2, float f3, float d1, float d2, float d3, segy *hdrs);
long getFileInfo3D(char *filename, long *n1, long *n2, long *n3, long *ngath, float *d1, float *d2, float *d3, float *f1, float *f2, float *f3,
float *sclsxgxsygy, long *nxm);
long readData3D(FILE *fp, float *data, segy *hdrs, long n1);
long writeData3D(FILE *fp, float *data, segy *hdrs, long n1, long n2);
long disp_fileinfo3D(char *file, long n1, long n2, long n3, float f1, float f2, float f3, float d1, float d2, float d3, segy *hdrs);
double wallclock_time(void);
void synthesisPositions3D(int nx, int ny, int nxs, int nys, int Nfoc, float *xrcv, float *yrcv, float *xsrc, float *ysrc, int *xnx, float fxse, float fyse, float fxsb, float fysb, float dxs, float dys, int nshots, int nxsrc, int nysrc, int *ixpos, int *npos, int reci, int verbose);
void synthesis3D(complex *Refl, complex *Fop, float *Top, float *iRN, int nx, int ny, int nt, int nxs, int nys, int nts, float dt, float *xsyn, float *ysyn,
int Nfoc, float *xrcv, float *yrcv, float *xsrc, float *ysrc, int *xnx, float fxse, float fxsb, float fyse, float fysb, float dxs, float dys, float dxsrc,
float dysrc, float dx, float dy, int ntfft, int nw, int nw_low, int nw_high, int mode, int reci, int nshots, int nxsrc, int nysrc,
int *ixpos, int npos, double *tfft, int *isxcount, int *reci_xsrc, int *reci_xrcv, float *ixmask, int verbose);
void synthesisPositions3D(long nx, long ny, long nxs, long nys, long Nfoc, float *xrcv, float *yrcv, float *xsrc, float *ysrc,
long *xnx, float fxse, float fyse, float fxsb, float fysb, float dxs, float dys, long nshots, long nxsrc, long nysrc,
long *ixpos, long *npos, long reci, long verbose);
void synthesis3D(complex *Refl, complex *Fop, float *Top, float *iRN, long nx, long ny, long nt, long nxs, long nys, long nts, float dt,
float *xsyn, float *ysyn, long Nfoc, float *xrcv, float *yrcv, float *xsrc, float *ysrc, long *xnx,
float fxse, float fxsb, float fyse, float fysb, float dxs, float dys, float dxsrc, float dysrc,
float dx, float dy, long ntfft, long nw, long nw_low, long nw_high, long mode, long reci, long nshots, long nxsrc, long nysrc,
long *ixpos, long npos, double *tfft, long *isxcount, long *reci_xsrc, long *reci_xrcv, float *ixmask, long verbose);
int linearsearch(int *array, size_t N, int value);
long linearsearch(long *array, size_t N, long value);
/*********************** self documentation **********************/
char *sdoc[] = {
" ",
" MARCHENKO - Iterative Green's function and focusing functions retrieval",
" MARCHENKO3D - Iterative Green's function and focusing functions retrieval in 3D",
" ",
" marchenko file_tinv= file_shot= [optional parameters]",
" marchenko3D file_tinv= file_shot= [optional parameters]",
" ",
" Required parameters: ",
" ",
......@@ -102,7 +108,8 @@ char *sdoc[] = {
" verbose=0 ................ silent option; >0 displays info",
" ",
" ",
" author : Jan Thorbecke : 2016 (",
" author : Jan Thorbecke : 2016 (",
" author : Joeri Brackenhoff : 2019 (",
" ",
/**************** end self doc ***********************************/
......@@ -111,13 +118,13 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
FILE *fp_out, *fp_f1plus, *fp_f1min;
FILE *fp_gmin, *fp_gplus, *fp_f2, *fp_pmin;
int i, j, l, k, ret, nshots, nxshot, nyshot, Nfoc, nt, nx, ny, nts, nxs, nys, ngath;
int size, n1, n2, n3, ntap, tap, dxi, dyi, ntraces, pad;
int nw, nw_low, nw_high, nfreq, *xnx, *xnxsyn;
int reci, countmin, mode, n2out, n3out, verbose, ntfft;
int iter, niter, tracf, *muteW;
int hw, smooth, above, shift, *ixpos, npos, ix;
int nshots_r, *isxcount, *reci_xsrc, *reci_xrcv;
long i, j, l, k, ret, nshots, nxshot, nyshot, Nfoc, nt, nx, ny, nts, nxs, nys, ngath;
long size, n1, n2, n3, ntap, tap, dxi, dyi, ntraces, pad;
long nw, nw_low, nw_high, nfreq, *xnx, *xnxsyn;
long reci, countmin, mode, n2out, n3out, verbose, ntfft;
long iter, niter, tracf, *muteW;
long hw, smooth, above, shift, *ixpos, npos, ix;
long nshots_r, *isxcount, *reci_xsrc, *reci_xrcv;
float fmin, fmax, *tapersh, *tapersy, fxf, fyf, dxf, dyf, *xsrc, *ysrc, *xrcv, *yrcv, *zsyn, *zsrc, *xrcvsyn, *yrcvsyn;
double t0, t1, t2, t3, tsyn, tread, tfft, tcopy, energyNi, energyN0;
float d1, d2, d3, f1, f2, f3, fxsb, fxse, fysb, fyse, ft, fx, fy, *xsyn, *ysyn, dxsrc, dysrc;
......@@ -146,7 +153,7 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
if (!getparstring("file_f2", &file_f2)) file_f2 = NULL;
if (!getparstring("file_pmin", &file_pmin)) file_pmin = NULL;
if (!getparstring("file_iter", &file_iter)) file_iter = NULL;
if (!getparint("verbose", &verbose)) verbose = 0;
if (!getparlong("verbose", &verbose)) verbose = 0;
if (file_tinv == NULL && file_shot == NULL)
verr("file_tinv and file_shot cannot be both input pipe");
if (!getparstring("file_green", &file_green)) {
......@@ -155,20 +162,20 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
if (!getparfloat("fmin", &fmin)) fmin = 0.0;
if (!getparfloat("fmax", &fmax)) fmax = 70.0;
if (!getparint("reci", &reci)) reci = 0;
if (!getparlong("reci", &reci)) reci = 0;
if (!getparfloat("scale", &scale)) scale = 2.0;
if (!getparfloat("tsq", &tsq)) tsq = 0.0;
if (!getparfloat("Q", &Q)) Q = 0.0;
if (!getparfloat("f0", &f0)) f0 = 0.0;
if (!getparint("tap", &tap)) tap = 0;
if (!getparint("ntap", &ntap)) ntap = 0;
if (!getparint("pad", &pad)) pad = 0;
if (!getparlong("tap", &tap)) tap = 0;
if (!getparlong("ntap", &ntap)) ntap = 0;
if (!getparlong("pad", &pad)) pad = 0;
if(!getparint("niter", &niter)) niter = 10;
if(!getparint("hw", &hw)) hw = 15;
if(!getparint("smooth", &smooth)) smooth = 5;
if(!getparint("above", &above)) above = 0;
if(!getparint("shift", &shift)) shift=12;
if(!getparlong("niter", &niter)) niter = 10;
if(!getparlong("hw", &hw)) hw = 15;
if(!getparlong("smooth", &smooth)) smooth = 5;
if(!getparlong("above", &above)) above = 0;
if(!getparlong("shift", &shift)) shift=12;
if (reci && ntap) vwarn("tapering influences the reciprocal result");
......@@ -194,12 +201,12 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
ntfft = optncr(MAX(nt+pad, nts+pad));
nfreq = ntfft/2+1;
nw_low = (int)MIN((fmin*ntfft*dt), nfreq-1);
nw_low = (long)MIN((fmin*ntfft*dt), nfreq-1);
nw_low = MAX(nw_low, 1);
nw_high = MIN((int)(fmax*ntfft*dt), nfreq-1);
nw_high = MIN((long)(fmax*ntfft*dt), nfreq-1);
nw = nw_high - nw_low + 1;
scl = 1.0/((float)ntfft);
if (!getparint("countmin", &countmin)) countmin = 0.3*nx*ny;
if (!getparlong("countmin", &countmin)) countmin = 0.3*nx*ny;
/*================ Allocating all data arrays ================*/
......@@ -212,7 +219,7 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
iRN = (float *)calloc(Nfoc*nys*nxs*ntfft,sizeof(float));
Ni = (float *)calloc(Nfoc*nys*nxs*ntfft,sizeof(float));
G_d = (float *)calloc(Nfoc*nys*nxs*ntfft,sizeof(float));
muteW = (int *)calloc(Nfoc*nys*nxs,sizeof(int));
muteW = (long *)calloc(Nfoc*nys*nxs,sizeof(long));
trace = (float *)malloc(ntfft*sizeof(float));
tapersy = (float *)malloc(nxs*sizeof(float));
xrcvsyn = (float *)calloc(Nfoc*nys*nxs,sizeof(float)); // x-rcv postions of focal points
......@@ -220,8 +227,8 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
xsyn = (float *)malloc(Nfoc*sizeof(float)); // x-src position of focal points
ysyn = (float *)malloc(Nfoc*sizeof(float)); // x-src position of focal points
zsyn = (float *)malloc(Nfoc*sizeof(float)); // z-src position of focal points
xnxsyn = (int *)calloc(Nfoc,sizeof(int)); // number of traces per focal point
ixpos = (int *)calloc(nys*nxs,sizeof(int)); // x-position of source of shot in G_d domain (nxs*nys with dxs, dys)
xnxsyn = (long *)calloc(Nfoc,sizeof(long)); // number of traces per focal point
ixpos = (long *)calloc(nys*nxs,sizeof(long)); // x-position of source of shot in G_d domain (nxs*nys with dxs, dys)
Refl = (complex *)malloc(nw*ny*nx*nshots*sizeof(complex));
tapersh = (float *)malloc(nx*sizeof(float));
......@@ -230,12 +237,12 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
xsrc = (float *)calloc(nshots,sizeof(float)); //x-src position of shots
ysrc = (float *)calloc(nshots,sizeof(float)); //x-src position of shots
zsrc = (float *)calloc(nshots,sizeof(float)); // z-src position of shots
xnx = (int *)calloc(nshots,sizeof(int)); // number of traces per shot
xnx = (long *)calloc(nshots,sizeof(long)); // number of traces per shot
if (reci!=0) {
reci_xsrc = (int *)malloc((nxs*nxs*nys*nys)*sizeof(int));
reci_xrcv = (int *)malloc((nxs*nxs*nys*nys)*sizeof(int));
isxcount = (int *)calloc(nxs*nys,sizeof(int));
reci_xsrc = (long *)malloc((nxs*nxs*nys*nys)*sizeof(long));
reci_xrcv = (long *)malloc((nxs*nxs*nys*nys)*sizeof(long));
isxcount = (long *)calloc(nxs*nys,sizeof(long));
ixmask = (float *)calloc(nxs*nys,sizeof(float));
......@@ -518,9 +525,9 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
t3 = wallclock_time();
tsyn += t3 - t2;
if (file_iter != NULL) {
writeDataIter(file_iter, iRN, hdrs_out, ntfft, nxs*nys, d2, f2, n2out*n3out, Nfoc, xsyn, zsyn, ixpos, npos, iter);
// if (file_iter != NULL) {
// writeDataIter(file_iter, iRN, hdrs_out, ntfft, nxs*nys, d2, f2, n2out*n3out, Nfoc, xsyn, zsyn, ixpos, npos, iter);
// }
/* N_k(x,t) = -N_(k-1)(x,-t) */
/* p0^-(x,t) += iRN = (R * T_d^inv)(t) */
for (l = 0; l < Nfoc; l++) {
......@@ -604,6 +611,7 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
applyMute(green, muteW, smooth, 4, Nfoc, nxs*nys, nts, ixpos, npos, shift);
/* compute upgoing Green's function G^+,- */
if (file_gmin != NULL) {
......@@ -629,7 +637,7 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
/* Apply mute with window for Gmin */
applyMute(Gmin, muteW, smooth, 1, Nfoc, nxs*nys, nts, ixpos, npos, shift);
applyMute(Gmin, muteW, smooth, 4, Nfoc, nxs*nys, nts, ixpos, npos, shift);
} /* end if Gmin */
/* compute downgoing Green's function G^+,+ */
......@@ -655,6 +663,8 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
/* Apply mute with window for Gplus */
applyMute(Gplus, muteW, smooth, 4, Nfoc, nxs*nys, nts, ixpos, npos, shift);
} /* end if Gplus */
t2 = wallclock_time();
......@@ -122,25 +122,28 @@ int readTinvData3D(char *filename, float *xrcv, float *yrcv, float *xsrc, float
/* alternative find maximum at source position */
dxrcv = (gx1 - gx0)*scl/(float)(nx1-1);
dyrcv = (gy1 - gy0)*scl/(float)(ny1-1);
//imax = NINT(((sx_shot-gx0)*scl)/dxrcv);
if (nx1>1) dxrcv = (gx1 - gx0)*scl/(float)(nx1-1);
else dxrcv = (gx1 - gx0)*scl/(float)(1);
if (dxrcv==0.0) dxrcv=1.0;
ixmax = NINT(((sx_shot-gx0)*scl)/dxrcv);
if (ny1>1) dyrcv = (gy1 - gy0)*scl/(float)(ny1-1);
else dyrcv = (gy1 - gy0)*scl/(float)(1);
if (dyrcv==0.0) dyrcv=1.0;
iymax = NINT(((sy_shot-gy0)*scl)/dyrcv);
if (iymax > ny1-1) {
vmess("source of y is past array, snapping to nearest y");
vmess("source of y (%d) is past array, snapping to nearest y (%d)",iymax,ny1-1);
iymax = ny1-1;
if (iymax < 0) {
vmess("source of y is before array, snapping to nearest y");
vmess("source of y (%d) is before array, snapping to nearest y (%d)",iymax,0);
iymax = 0;
if (ixmax > nx1-1) {
vmess("source of x is past array, snapping to nearest x");
vmess("source of x (%d) is past array, snapping to nearest x (%d)",ixmax,nx1-1);
ixmax = nx1-1;
if (ixmax < 0) {
vmess("source of x is before array, snapping to nearest x");
vmess("source of x (%d) is before array, snapping to nearest x (%d)",ixmax,nx1-1);
ixmax = 0;
......@@ -136,12 +136,21 @@ int *ixpos, int npos, double *tfft, int *isxcount, int *reci_xsrc, int *reci_xr
int nfreq, size, inx;
float scl;
int i, j, l, m, iw, ix, k, isrc, il, ik, nxy, nxys;
float *rtrace, idxs, idys;
float *rtrace, idxs, idys, fxb, fyb, fxe, fye;
complex *sum, *ctrace;
int npe;
static int first=1, *ircv;
static double t0, t1, t;
if (fxsb < 0) fxb = 1.001*fxsb;
else fxb = 0.999*fxsb;
if (fysb < 0) fyb = 1.001*fysb;
else fyb = 0.999*fysb;
if (fxse > 0) fxe = 1.001*fxse;
else fxe = 0.999*fxse;
if (fyse > 0) fye = 1.001*fyse;
else fye = 0.999*fyse;
nxy = nx*ny;
nxys = nxs*nys;
......@@ -149,7 +158,7 @@ int *ixpos, int npos, double *tfft, int *isxcount, int *reci_xsrc, int *reci_xr
nfreq = ntfft/2+1;
/* scale factor 1/N for backward FFT,
* scale dt for correlation/convolution along time,
* scale dx (or dxsrc) for integration over receiver (or shot) coordinates */
* scale dx*dy (or dxsrc*dysrc) for integration over receiver (or shot) coordinates */
scl = 1.0*dt/((float)ntfft);
#ifdef _OPENMP
......@@ -212,7 +221,7 @@ int *ixpos, int npos, double *tfft, int *isxcount, int *reci_xsrc, int *reci_xr
/* Loop over total number of shots */
if (reci == 0 || reci == 1) {
for (k=0; k<nshots; k++) {
if ((xsrc[k] < 0.999*fxsb) || (xsrc[k] > 1.001*fxse) || (ysrc[k] < 0.999*fysb) || (ysrc[k] > 1.001*fyse)) continue;
if ((xsrc[k] < fxb) || (xsrc[k] > fxe) || (ysrc[k] < fyb) || (ysrc[k] > fye)) continue;
isrc = NINT((ysrc[k] - fysb)/dys)*nxs+NINT((xsrc[k] - fxsb)/dxs);
inx = xnx[k]; /* number of traces per shot */
......@@ -234,8 +243,8 @@ int *ixpos, int npos, double *tfft, int *isxcount, int *reci_xsrc, int *reci_xr
/* compute integral over receiver positions */
/* multiply R with Fop and sum over nx */
for (j = nw_low, m = 0; j <= nw_high; j++, m++) {
for (i = 0; i < inx; i++) {
for (i = 0; i < inx; i++) {
for (j = nw_low, m = 0; j <= nw_high; j++, m++) {
ix = ircv[k*nxy+i];
sum[j].r += Refl[k*nw*nxy+m*nxy+i].r*Fop[l*nw*nxys+m*nxys+ix].r -
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ LIBS += -L$L -lgenfft -lm $(LIBSM)
#OPTC += -openmp
#OPTC += -g -O0
ALL: makemod makewave extendModel fconv correigen green basop syn2d mat2su ftr1d
ALL: makemod makewave extendModel fconv correigen green green3D basop syn2d mat2su ftr1d
SRCM = \
makemod.c \
......@@ -84,6 +84,17 @@ SRCG = green.c \
docpkge.c \
SRCG3 = green3D.c \
getFileInfo.c \
getrecpos3D.c \
readData.c \
writeData.c \
wallclock_time.c \
verbosepkg.c \
atopkge.c \
docpkge.c \
SRCB = basop.c \
getFileInfo.c \
kxwfilter.c \
......@@ -152,6 +163,11 @@ OBJG = $(SRCG:%.c=%.o)
green: $(OBJG)
$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(OPTC) $(CFLAGS) -o green $(OBJG) $(LIBS)
OBJG3 = $(SRCG3:%.c=%.o)
green3D: $(OBJG3)
$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(OPTC) $(CFLAGS) -o green3D $(OBJG3) $(LIBS)
OBJB = $(SRCB:%.c=%.o)
basop: $(OBJB)
......@@ -172,23 +188,24 @@ OBJT = $(SRCT:%.c=%.o)
ftr1d: $(OBJT)
$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(OPTC) $(CFLAGS) -o ftr1d $(OBJT) $(LIBS)
install: makemod makewave extendModel fconv correigen green basop syn2d mat2su ftr1d
install: makemod makewave extendModel fconv correigen green green3D basop syn2d mat2su ftr1d
cp makemod $B
cp makewave $B
cp extendModel $B
cp fconv $B
cp correigen $B
cp green $B
cp green3D $B
cp basop $B
cp syn2d $B
cp mat2su $B
cp ftr1d $B
rm -f core $(OBJM) makemod $(OBJW) makewave $(OBJE) extendModel $(OBJF) fconv $(OBJG) $(OBJC) correigen green $(OBJB) basop $(OBJJ) syn2d $(OBJS) mat2su $(OBJA) ftr1d $(OBJT)
rm -f core $(OBJM) makemod $(OBJW) makewave $(OBJE) extendModel $(OBJF) fconv $(OBJG) $(OBJC) correigen green $(OBJG3) green3D $(OBJB) basop $(OBJJ) syn2d $(OBJS) mat2su $(OBJA) ftr1d $(OBJT)
realclean: clean
rm -f $B/makemod $B/makewave $B/extendModel $B/fconv $B/correigen $B/green $B/basop $B/syn2d $B/mat2su $B/ftr1d
rm -f $B/makemod $B/makewave $B/extendModel $B/fconv $B/correigen $B/green $B/green3D $B/basop $B/syn2d $B/mat2su $B/ftr1d
#include "par.h"
#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <assert.h>
* read receiver positions used in green
* Jan Thorbecke (
* The Netherlands
#define NINT(x) ((int)((x)>0.0?(x)+0.5:(x)-0.5))
#ifndef MAX
#define MAX(x,y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
#ifndef MIN
#define MIN(x,y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
#define SGN(x) ((x) < 0 ? -1.0 : 1.0)
#ifndef ABS
#define ABS(x) ((x) < 0 ? -(x) : (x))
void getrecpos3D(float *xi, float *yi, float *zi, int nx, int ny, float *xrcv, float *yrcv, float *zrcv, int verbose)
int nrx, nry, i, j, l, ndeltx, ndelty, np, lint, seed;
long idum;
float xprev, yprev, zprev, deltx, delty, deltz, dxrcv, dyrcv, dzrcv, var, irr, maxirr;
float rrcv, dphi, oxrcv, oyrcv, ozrcv;
nrx = countparval("xrcv");
nry = countparval("yrcv");
if(!getparfloat("dxrcv",&dxrcv)) dxrcv = 15;
if(!getparfloat("dyrcv",&dyrcv)) dyrcv = 15;
if(!getparfloat("var", &var)) var=0;
if(!getparint("lint", &lint)) lint=1;
if(!getparint("seed", &seed)) seed=0;
/* check if receiver positions on a circle are defined */
if (getparfloat("rrcv", &rrcv)) {
if (!getparfloat("dphi",&dphi)) dphi=2.0;
if (!getparfloat("oxrcv",&oxrcv)) oxrcv=0.0;
if (!getparfloat("oyrcv",&oyrcv)) oyrcv=0.0;
if (!getparfloat("ozrcv",&ozrcv)) ozrcv=0.0;
np = 0;
for (i=0; i<ny; i++) {
for (j=0; j<ny; j++) {
xi[np] = oxrcv+rrcv*cos(((i*dphi)/360.0)*(2.0*M_PI));
yi[np] = oyrcv+rrcv*cos(((i*dphi)/360.0)*(2.0*M_PI));
zi[np++] = ozrcv+rrcv*sin(((i*dphi)/360.0)*(2.0*M_PI));
if (verbose>4) fprintf(stderr,"Receiver Circle: xrcv[%d]=%f yrcv=%f zrcv=%f\n", i, xi[i], yi[i], zi[i]);
if (var <= 0) {
if (lint == 1) {
xprev = xrcv[0];
yprev = yrcv[0];
zprev = zrcv[0];
np = 0;
for (i = 1; i < nry; i++) {
for (l = 1; l < nrx; l++) {
deltx = xrcv[i] - xprev;
delty = yrcv[i] - yprev;
deltz = zrcv[i] - zprev;
ndeltx = NINT(ABS(deltx/dxrcv));
ndelty = NINT(ABS(delty/dyrcv));
dzrcv = deltz/ndeltx;
for (j = 0; j < ndeltx; j++) {
zi[np] = zprev + j*dzrcv;
yi[np] = yprev + i*dyrcv;
xi[np++] = xprev + j*dxrcv;
xprev = xrcv[i*nx+l];
yprev = yrcv[i*nx+l];
zprev = zrcv[i*nx+l];
xi[i*nx+nx-1] = xrcv[nrx-1];
yi[i*nx+nx-1] = yrcv[nrx-1];
zi[i*nx+nx-1] = zrcv[nrx-1];
else {
for (i = 0; i < nry; i++) {
for (l = 0; l < nrx; l++) {
xi[i*nx+l] = xrcv[l];
yi[i*nx+l] = yrcv[i];
zi[i*nx+l] = zrcv[l];
else {
xprev = xrcv[0];
yprev = yrcv[0];
zprev = zrcv[0];
np = 0;
maxirr = 0;
idum = (long) seed;
for (i = 1; i < nrx; i++) {
deltx = xrcv[i] - xprev;
deltz = zrcv[i] - zprev;
ndeltx = NINT(ABS(deltx/dxrcv));
dzrcv = deltz/ndeltx;
for (j = 0; j < ndeltx; j++) {
irr = var*((float)drand48());
if (fabs(irr) > maxirr) maxirr = fabs(irr);
zi[np] = zprev + j*dzrcv;
xi[np++] = xprev + j*dxrcv + irr;
if (verbose==13)vmess("xrcv %d = %f (%f)",np-1,xi[np-1], irr);
xprev = xrcv[i];
zprev = zrcv[i];
irr = var*((float)drand48());
if (fabs(irr) > maxirr) maxirr = fabs(irr);
xi[nx-1] = xrcv[nrx-1] + irr;
zi[nx-1] = zrcv[nrx-1];
if (verbose) vmess("maximum error in receiver position %f", maxirr);
if (verbose==13) vmess("xrcv %d = %f (%f)", nx-1, xi[nx-1], irr);
if (verbose) vmess("getrecpos number of receivers = %d", np+1);
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